Sateen Worsted Ruffle Cuffed Shrug - Cascade Yarns© 2016 ascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved....

© 2016 Cascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved. Sateen Worsted Ruffle Cuffed Shrug W623 Designed by Jill Ramos

Transcript of Sateen Worsted Ruffle Cuffed Shrug - Cascade Yarns© 2016 ascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved....

  • © 2016 Cascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved.

    Sateen Worsted Ruffle Cuffed Shrug


    Designed by

    Jill Ramos

  • © 2016 Cascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved.

    Sateen Worsted Ruffle Cuffed Shrug

    Designed By Jill Ramos

    Skill Level: Intermediate

    Size: Child's 4 (6, 8, 10, 12)

    Finished Measurements: 8 (9, 9, 10, 11)” wide x 25 (28, 30, 32, 34)” long

    Materials: Cascade Yarns® Sateen Worsted 100% Acrylic 100 g (3.5 oz) / 225 yds (206 m) 2 skeins of color #49 (Peach) US 7 (4.5mm) Knitting Needles Stitch Markers Waste yarn Crochet Hook Yarn Needle

    Gauge: 20 sts x 24 rows = 4” over Stockinette stitch

    Abbreviations: BO = Bind Off CO = Cast On K = Knit K2tog = Knit 2 stitches together P = Purl RS = Right Side St(s) = Stitch(es) SSK = Slip, Slip, Knit WS = Wrong Side

    Note: Since this shrug is knit from the center back out, it's easy to modify the width and length. Simply cast on more stitches to increase the width, or knit more rows to increase the length.

    Pattern Stitches: Garter Stitch: Knit every row. Stockinette Stitch: Knit on RS rows, P on RS rows. Seed Stitch (over an odd # sts): All rows: K1, P1, K1; repeat from * across # of sts in seed stitch sections. Provisional Cast On: Using your crochet hook and your waste yarn, work a chain of sts a little longer than the # of sts you need to CO. Insert your knitting needle into the “bump” on the back of the chain, wrap your working yarn around the

  • © 2016 Cascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved.

    needle and pull a loop through. Continue in this matter until you have the proper # of sts on your needle. Kitchener Stitch: Place the live sts from the provisional CO onto 2 separate needles. Thread a tapestry needle. Hold the 2 pieces parallel to each other with the WS facing. The needle closest to you is your front needle. The other is your back needle. The following set of instructions will setup your work before you actually begin the Kitchener process: Insert your tapestry needle into the first st on the front needle as if to P. Pull it through and leave the st on the needle. Insert your tapestry needle into the first st on the back needle as if to K. Pull it through and leave the st on the needle. The next set of instructions are the actual Kitchener process and will be performed on all the sts across the row: Insert your tapestry needle into the first st on the front needle as if to K. Pull it through and slip the st off the needle. Insert your tapestry needle into the next st on the front needle as if to P. Pull it through and leave the st on the needle. Insert your tapestry needle into the first st on the back needle as if to P. Pull it through and slip the st off the needle. Insert your tapestry needle into the next st on the back needle as if to K. Pull it through and leave the st on the needle.

    Note: After working a few sts, take a look at what you've done and if necessary, tighten up the yarn that has been pulled through the sts so it resembles your knitting. Repeat these instructions until all the sts have been worked.

    Pattern: Provisionally CO 40 (44, 48, 52, 56) sts. Row 1 (WS): Work in Seed Stitch over the first 3 sts, P across to the last 3 sts, work in Seed Stitch over the last 3 sts. Row 2: Work in Seed Stitch over the first 3 sts, K across to the last 3 sts, work in Seed Stitch over the last 3 sts. Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until work measures 5½ (6, 6, 6½, 7)” or desired length from beginning, ending after a WS row. Sleeve Decrease: Note: For the rest of the piece, you will no longer work the first and last 3 sts in Seed st. All rows will be worked in Stockinette stitch. If you want to increase the sleeve length, multiply the # of inches you want to add by your row gauge and divide that # by 2. Add that # of rows to this section and to the section after all sleeve decrease have been completed. Example: You want to add 1” to the sleeve length. Multiply 1 by the row gauge (6) which gives you 6. Divide 6 by 2 which gives you 3. Since this is an odd #, round up to the next even # so the decrease work on correctly. You would then knit an additional 4 rows to the beginning and ending of the Sleeve Decrease section. Work in Stockinette stitch for 1”. Decrease Row (RS): K1, SSK, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. You will have 38 (42, 46, 50 54) sts remaining. Continue to work in Stockinette stitch while working Decrease row above every 6th row 4 (5, 5, 6, 6) more times. You will have 30 (32, 34, 38, 42) sts remaining. Work in Stockinette stitch for ½ (½, ½, ½, 1)”, ending after a RS row. Work 3 rows in garter st. Ruffled Edge: Next row (RS): K1, K into the front and back of every st to the last st, K1. -58 (62, 82, 82) sts. Work in Stockinette Stitch for 1 (1, 1, 1¼, 1¼)”, ending after a WS row. Work in Seed st for 3 rows. BO purlwise. Make another piece exactly like the first. Finishing: Kitchener the 2 pieces together. Block to finished measurements. Weave in ends

  • © 2016 Cascade Yarns® - All Rights Reserved.
