SATAN’S FINAL ATTACK - Revival · secrets of man’s hearts, cut loose the chains, liberated and...


Transcript of SATAN’S FINAL ATTACK - Revival · secrets of man’s hearts, cut loose the chains, liberated and...



by Pastor Steven L. Shelley


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Satan’s Final Attack Pastor Steven L. Shelley | New Hope Revival Ministries

The Year of Jubilee had been a very promising one for our local assem-

bly. Month after month, revelation had come forth in a great measure.

We saw Jesus raised up from the pages of history. He visited us, testified

to us by the Spirit of prophecy. He stood in our midst and revealed the

secrets of man’s hearts, cut loose the chains, liberated and set captives


Then in February of 1996, the Lord showed me a vision of Satan’s final

attack. It spoke of war, such terrible war. I saw that little woman, the

Bride of Christ, dressed in her wedding gown, struggling to get to the

threshold. I saw Satan. He was angry. It’s the last fight, it’s his last battle

to prevent her from stepping through the door. He knows what lies be-

hind the door, he has stood in that Presence before. So he has lied, made

her think she could not go in, that it was not for her. He thought she

would stop short because of his lies, but he was not counting on this


Satan was a massive force. He projected a shadow that was bigger than

he was. He had backed us in a corner. It looked like we would be

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squeezed and destroyed. Each time we would start towards that door,

he would grab us, pull us back. In the vision I saw the very demon pow-

ers of hell grab my clothes and try to drag me away from the door as I

approached the threshold. They knew there is something beyond that

door. Peace!

I was afraid, and Jesus told me to call his bluff. Every time we would

draw closer, Satan would come and pull us back because we were really

afraid to stand our ground and call his bluff. I was trembling, full of

fear. Finally, when the Angel of the Lord saw I had no strength, only

fear, He opened the door. He let me see inside. I saw what was waiting

for us. Beyond that door, I saw the Glory of His perfection. It was per-

fection so pure, so holy and full of power. I knew it was waiting for us

and it gave me courage to stand my ground. Do you understand? It is

not heaven. No, it is something closer than heaven. It is the Capstone

Ministry, the manifested sons of God in their full adoption, just inside

the door.

There was no way to win. The little woman in the wedding gown was

so defeated, trying to get in the door, and he was big, so hideous. I could

see it in the spirit, I felt it in the physical. The demon powers were so

oppressive, they filled every part of the room. Have you ever felt that


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When I saw what was waiting for us, I planted my feet, I stood firm and

looked at him. Suddenly the power of God came down. It was the most

powerful anointing and authority of God I have ever experienced. That’s

when I saw the real devil. I followed him with my eyes, and he turned

around to face me. He, whose image was so invading, whose presence

so oppressive, when he was rebuked, his shadow went one way and he

went the other. To my surprise, my greatest enemy was in disguise. To

my amazement, this overpowering demon of destruction that had come

to destroy us and keep us out of the door, to keep us from crossing the

threshold, he who had threatened us, caused our hearts to race, our

bodies to twitch with fear, he was about the size of an overgrown mouse

with funny little ears. Before my very eyes he shriveled, wilted like a

flower. God was showing me that, compared to the authority His Bride

has, the devil is no more than a little-bitty rat.

God was showing me the real devil. He came with hideous masks, he

put on a big show, but he is only a created angel that fell.

I reminded him of where he came from. It didn’t bother him too much.

But when I told him where he was headed, you should have seen him

squirm. He is under our feet. We must stop giving him power, power to

hinder, power to divide, power to touch our bodies. You say, “How do

we give him power?” We give him power by not resisting him, by not

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speaking God’s Word. I promise you, he cannot touch us unless we let

him, or unless God allows him to touch us as He did with Job.

She pressed in, put her foot on the threshold and Satan ran for cover.

He will try to stop her, but she is standing at the door, her foot is on the

threshold. He knew that the victory had been won, the door was open.

No more lies, no more attacks, no more fronts can stop her.

Our church moved forward. The ‘Year of Jubilee’ took us from revela-

tion to revelation. The Word of God went forth in power and demon-

stration. But the vision had said, “War, such war!” As the year pro-

gressed, God spoke to us very plainly and told us that, as a congregation

He was going to give us the opportunity to find freedom and deliverance

in the Year of Jubilee, but that there were also those among us, if they

didn’t seek for that deliverance and went into the next year without it,

it would be too late for them. That is serious, for the Lord to say, “For-

evermore, you will remain the way you are right now.”

We as a local body of believers have spent much time together in the

altars, searching our hearts, fasting and praying. We have sought the

face of God, and the Lord has heard us, has seen our repentance.

He showed me another vision during one of our services at year-end.

There had been visions before, that had shed light upon the things the

prophet had spoken of. Several times I had seen Mount Zion. I had seen

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the Bride, as she was climbing higher and higher on those rough, jagged

rocks of Mount Zion. I saw the gentle Dove of the Holy Ghost come

sweeping around Mount Zion, circling, encouraging them to climb

higher, higher, to the final capping of the pyramid. I saw how the true

sealing of the Holy Ghost was above their heads. The prophet had spo-

ken of a ‘White Eagle Message’ on the tape ‘On the Wings of a Snow-

White Dove,’ and in vision, the Lord let me see that ’white eagle’, that

busy bird, screaming to the saints, “I will bear you to the top of Mount

Zion.” In this vision I saw the Angel of the Lord. He had been talking to

me, His back turned. He turned so I could see Him, “Haven’t you heard

of this white eagle?”“I know I have heard, but I don’t really remember.

I don’t understand.”He smiled as if to say, “You don’t have to under-

stand, as long as you see Him and hear Him.” “Sir, please tell me! What

is this mighty white eagle following the dove around the world for?”

“The White Eagle is the Word made flesh.” He told me, “People have

their own idea about this White Eagle. White Eagle means, “The Word

becoming flesh in this day. His perfection in His body, His Bride. It is

Deity expressed in bodies, God living in flesh.” The dove circling Mount

Zion is the Holy Ghost leading the White Eagle. It is not a man. The

White Eagle ministry is God robed in flesh. God’s perfection on display.

Jesus living in His Bride.” It is not just feeling His Spirit, it is more than

that. It is Jesus in His people. I saw him coming. The White Eagle is a

beautiful bird. He represents something wonderful happening.

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In the vision of December of 1996, there was something strangely dif-

ferent about Mount Zion. As I stood at the bottom and looked up, I saw

a stream that started at the top of the Mount. Mount Zion, when we see

it symbolically in vision, is flat on top because of its pyramid shape.

This is where the Capstone would stand. I had seen Mount Zion moving,

convulsing back and forth, in birth pains. There is a kingdom coming

forth. Not a kingdom made with hands, but it is the kingdom of God

being established in the Bride of Christ. It is not a city, it is not a place,

nor a country, it is the kingdom of God established in the hearts of men

and women.

Mount Zion was different this time. It’s the same mountain still having

birth pains. I could still see it moving, but this time it was red. There

came a stream from the top of that plateau, that started as a trickle. As

it came down the mountain, it got wider and wider until, at the bottom,

the whole mountain was covered in blood. I saw myself covered in

blood. It wasn’t scary , it didn’t made me feel weak.

This is no new doctrine, there is no new blood coming. God showed me,

it is the blood of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit gave this to me. I saw my people, my church people

climbing Mount Zion with more strength, more zeal, more determina-

tion because of this blood bath. This is the time to get all the leaven out

of our lives, our homes, our hearts.

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“Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.

Who art thou, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel thou shalt become

a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings,

crying, Grace, grace unto it.” Zechariah 4:6b-7

God gave us an opportunity. It is only God’s mercy that would bring us

to the place that everything, our past, our sins, our hurts, our personal-

ity flaws, jealousies and attitudes, everything about us to be covered.

Mount Zion covered in blood. I’m not only talking about our soul’s sal-

vation, I’m talking about anything that troubles, torments or bothers us,

all can come under that blood.

Dear brother, sister, I believe God did not show these things for our

local church only. This is for the Bride of Christ around the world. We

need to go back to Calvary, find that blood bath at Mount Zion. The

prophet said, “Mount Calvary and Mount Zion is the same mountain

anyway.” I want to encourage you, “Come clean before the Lord. Come

clean!” Don’t let the devil contaminate your spirit now. Don’t let him

discourage you now. Don’t let him cause you to fight to defend yourself


Don’t miss the glorious transformation that God wants to pour out in

your life.

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Instead of being jealous and resentful, be thankful to the Lord, for He

has given us a promise, “I will bear you to the top of Mount Zion.” His

Bride will make it to the top. You won’t be left.

He said, “I didn’t bring you this far to leave you now. I will take you all

the way.”

He told me to tell the Bride not to give up and she would surely reach

the top. Climbing Mount Zion is a real journey, but He said, “I will make

her feet like hind’s feet. I will give her climbing gear to reach the top.

There is deliverance, real deliverance coming forth from the Throne of

God for His Bride now. I saw the Bride of Jesus Christ, dressed in white

linen, moving deeper and deeper into the River of Revelation. There is

coming such great deliverance, great glory, great anointing, such Reve-

lation. He told me, “Now she can come to perfect love,”

Great white eagle, come and carry us on Your wings!

Pastor Steven L. Shelley Senior Pastor of New Hope Revival Ministries

Pastor Steven L. Shelley’s life of ministry was prophesied before he was

even born. His grandmother received a word that “the child your daugh-

ter-in-law is carrying right now is chosen. He will carry the Gospel and

many souls will be won to the kingdom of God, and he’ll start at a very

early age.”

Just like it was spoken, Pastor Shelley was filled with Holy Ghost and

began preaching in 1975 at the age of seven years old and was pastoring

full time by the age of seventeen. People were astounded by the revela-

tion and conviction coming from this very young man. But it wasn’t only

the wisdom of the Word that touched them but the evidence of the su-

pernatural power of God that operated in his life.

His first experience with the supernatural was at the age of three when

the Lord appeared in his room one night and told him things that were

to come. He was told that his mother and father would separate (they

divorced less than two years later) and that he would preach the Gospel

and his life would not be ordinary. His life has been marked by the

supernatural since that time and he has had countless visions, dreams,

visitations and revelatory experiences.

Although his childhood was not an easy one God kept him through

every hardship and gave him the grace not to be pulled into a lot of the

traps that young people commonly face. As a result of that he was able

to lead many of his fellow grade school students and even teachers to

the Lord.

His Pentecostal grandmother, Mildred Shelley, who had a great spiritual

impact on him, pastored a church in Columbus Georgia and he would

frequently be invited to preach for her. He also began traveling all over

the United States holding tent revivals where he would preach and pray

for the sick. Tremendous outstanding miracles and deliverances would

take place and revivals would last for weeks on end.

His grandmother passed away in 1990, leaving him in charge of the

church, New Hope Prayer Center. In 1993, God opened the doors for 60

acres of land to be purchased in Smiths Station, Alabama and instructed

him to name the property Eagle’s Refuge Holiness Campground. By di-

vine direction, the church in Columbus Georgia was sold in 2003 and a

new building was constructed and dedicated in 2004. We are currently

worshipping in this building in Alabama.

Pastor Shelley has ministered in 65 countries and seen an outstanding

harvest for the Kingdom in every one. There is one foreign country that

he feels identified with more than any other and that is the nation of

Israel. When he was 11 years old his grandmother took him on tour to

Israel where he met a part of his destiny. While visiting Yad Vashem he

had a vision where he saw himself speaking to dry bones, as the prophet

Ezekiel did and saw them come to life. At that young age he knew that

he would one day return to Israel and see that vision come to pass. He

didn’t visit Israel again until 2002 at which time the Lord opened a door

for ministry in the Land. In 2003 the Lord opened a door for our minis-

try to rent two apartments in Jerusalem where prophetic prayer and

praise ushers daily. (For more information about Jerusalem Revival

Center please visit us at

Serving the Lord with him is his lovely wife, Stacey Ryan, who fre-

quently travels with him in ministry. They have four beautiful children:

Benjamin Judah (1998), Joshua River (2001), Olivia Zion (2003), and

Moriah Destiny (2006). His mother Jane Shelley was radically saved in

1985 and is an active part of his life and ministry.

So many wonderful promises and prophecies have been given to Pastor

Shelley and the New Hope Revival Ministries. We thank God for the

great foundation that has been laid by the prayers and tears of saints

who have gone on before us. We look forward to the future knowing

that the best is yet to come!

New Hope Revival Ministries Pastor Steven L. Shelley

3668 Lee Road 379 Smiths Station, AL 36877 USA

TEL: 334.732.0050 FAX: 844.272.5845

[email protected] REVIVAL.ORG

ã 2016 New Hope Revival Ministries. All Rights Reserved.


New“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8