SAT Tone Attitude Words

1. accusatory charging of wrong doing 2. admonishing to warn or ca ution; to re mind 3. ambivalent uncertain 4. analytical  judging wi tout emot ion or feeling 5. apathetic indiffere nt due to lack of energy or con cern 6. apathetic showing no emot ion; not caring 7. apprehensive uneasy 8. awe solemn wonder 9. baffled confused 10. bewildered confused 11. bitter exhibiting strong animosity as a result of pain 12. callous unfeeling; insensitive to feelings 13. capricious quick to change; without clear reason 14. caustic intense use of sarcasm; stinging, biting 15. cavalier unconcerned with the felings of others 16. choleric hot-tempered; easily angered 17. circumspect cautious or watchful 18. condescending looking down on 19. condescending a feeling of superiorit y 20. confiding  with trust or faith 21. contemplative studying, thinking 22. contemptuous showing or fee ling that something is  worthless 23. contemptuous  with strong disli ke; hatred 24. conventional lacking spontaneity 25. critical finding fault 26. cynical seeing the negative; pessimistic 27. cynical questions the basic sincerity and goodness of people 28. defiant re sisting or cha llenging 29. derisive mocking; mean-s pirite d 30. derisive ridiculing, mocking 31. despondent  ver y up set or sad 32. detatched  without em otion 33. didactic intended to teach 34. didactic author attempts to educate or instruct the reader 35. diffident shy 36. disdainful  with strong disl ike; hatred 37. disdainful scornful 38. disillusioned feeling l ost or betraye d 39. disingenuous in a fals e manner 40. earnest a sincere state of mind 41. earnest serious; sincere 42. ecstatic extremely happy 43. elitist snobbish 44. erudite learned, polished 45. evasive tending to avoid; vague 46. facetious not serious; intended to be funny 47. fanciful using the imagination 48. flippant not serious; overly casual 49. forthright direct ly frank w ithout hesitation 50. gloomy darkness or sadness 51. haughty prou d and vain to point of arroga nce 52. hostile  with an ger 53. indifferent not caring 54. indignant marked by anger aroused by injustice 55. indignant feeling offended or wronged 56. indulgent lenient or easygoing 57. inquisitive eager for knowl edge; qu estioning and curious 58. intimate  ver y familiar 59. intrigued interested 60. irate  ver y angry 61. ironic unexpected 62. jocular in a joking manner 63. jovial happy 64. judgmental authoritative and ofte n critical opinion 65. lamenting regretful or grieving 66. lyrical expressing a poet's inner feelings; emotional 67. malicious purposely h urtfu l 68. matter-of-fact accepting of conditions 69. mocking treating with contemp t or ridicule 70. morose gloomy, sullen 71. nonchalant carefree; w ithout concern 72. nostalgic looking back w ith fondness 73. objective an unbiased view Emeritus SAT Tone & Attit ude Words Study online at

Transcript of SAT Tone Attitude Words

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