Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is...

NSW Police Force Police, mental health and security in the Hospital setting Senior Sergeant Matt Ireland MHIT Coordinator


Sergeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force, Mental Health Intervention Team delivered this presentation at the 2013 Safe and Secure Hospital Conference. The comprehensive program addressed the following issues: Early intervention via early reporting of disruptive, aggressive, and bullying behaviour to minimise work place violence An innovative training model to help clinicians, security and policy makers respond to the problems of challenging behaviours Therapeutic sedation in the Emergency Department: Best practice in managing the highly agitated patient A systems approach to the prevention of Occupational Violence and Aggression (OVA) Contract management security: The change from in-house security to contract security Role of the Risk Based Approach throughout the design process Preventing and managing clinical aggression in the paediatric and youth health setting The roles, functions and training provided by the Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT), New South Wales Police Force Interactions between Police, Health staff, Ambulance and Hospital Security and future directions A Legal Perspective: Prevention and management of violence in hospitals Code Grey responses - Are they legal? For more information about the annual event, please visit the conference website:

Transcript of Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is...

Page 1: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

NSW Police Force

Police, mental health and security in the

Hospital setting

Senior Sergeant Matt Ireland

MHIT Coordinator

Page 2: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force


1. Roles, functions and training provided by the


2. The context in which police engage in the

Hospital setting

3. Police powers under the Mental Health Act


4. Interactions with NSW Health, Ambulance and

Hospital Security

5. Future directions

Page 3: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

Roles, functions and

training provided by

the MHIT

Page 4: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

COPS Mental Health Incidents

Mental Health incidents











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Page 6: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force


• MHIT established in NSW in 2007

• Fulltime unit in NSW Police Force from 2009

• Responsible for mental health strategy, policy,

program delivery and training for NSWPF

• NSWPF attends over 38,500 mental health

incidents annually

• Network of Mental Health Contact Officers

(MHCO’s) across the state

• Trained 1,375 Officers in the MHIT Course

Page 7: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

MHIT Objectives

•Reduce the risk of injury to police and mental health

consumers during mental health crisis events,

•Improved awareness by front line police of risks involved

in dealing with mental health consumers and strategies to

reduce injuries to police and consumers,

•Improved collaboration with other government and non-

government agencies in the response to and management

of mental health crisis events, and

•Reduce the time consumed by police in the handover of

mental health consumers into the health care system.

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MHIT Training

• Comprehensive four day training program

• Police are trained in signs and symptoms of mental illness, Ambulance procedures, risk assessment, child and adolescent disorders, medications, personality disorders, substance abuse, legislation and communication techniques

• 2 Consumers and a carer also speak about their lives and what it is like to live with and care for someone with a mental illness

• Role play scenarios are used to allow police to put into practice the information they have learnt – role players are clinical health workers

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The context in which

police engage in

the Hospital setting

Page 10: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

How are police involved

1. Police detain and take a person under

Section 22 or other MHA provisions

2. Assist Ambulance in Section 20


3. Called by Hospital to assist with above

persons or those who self present

4. Public safety incidents at hospitals

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Police powers under

the Mental Health Act


Page 12: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

Section 22 NSW MHA (2007)

Allows for a Police officer to apprehend a person who is either

mentally ill or mentally disturbed (in any place) and either

1. IS committing or has RECENTLY committed an offence OR

2. Has RECENTLY attempted to kill him or herself or someone

else or it is PROBABLE that the person will kill him or herself or

someone else OR

3. Attempt to cause SERIOUS injury to him or herself or someone

else AND

• It is better to deal with them under this act rather than in

accordance with the law THEN

• Police may take them to a declared mental health facility or other

health facility and be empowered under Section 81.

Page 13: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

Section 22 Continued

• The threshold, then, is very high to detain someone under

this Act

• There will be many occasions where someone is clearly

mentally ill, however Section 22 does not allow us to

detain them.

• All NSW Police Officers can exercise powers under this

Act, if the criteria are met and it is appropriate to detain


• Police can also use Section 6 of the Police Act (1990)

(“the protection of persons from injury or death, and

property from damage, whether arising from criminal acts

or in any other way”)

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Interactions with NSW Health,

Ambulance and Hospital


Page 15: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

Hospital Security – Feedback from Senior Police

• Broad perception of lack of security

• Assistance at non-declared facilities

• This is a state-wide issue

• Dealt with best through LPC’s and stakeholder


• Develop a stakeholder meeting in your LAC with

Hospital Security to develop local protocols

• Police over use is a waste of resources

Page 16: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

Police Role

• Police main function is public safety

• Police can assist other agencies where public safety is at risk or imminent

• Police are empowered to assist with transport, sedation of patients and to search (as are other authorised persons)

• Police have no power under the MHA (2007) to perform a security function within the hospital setting – public safety yes, security no.

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Working with other agencies

• Police work with agencies to ensure a persons safety and to

arrive at a better outcome

• What do police need?

– Information, information and more information

– Ascertain the history

– Ascertain the best way to communicate with the person

– Look for least restrictive ways to deal with the situation

– Speak with a supervisor if necessary

– Remember our actions are predicated upon risk

– Are there alternative ways of dealing with this situation?

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Future directions

Page 19: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

Future Directions

•Continue 4 day Mental Health Training

•Roll out the one day training package

•Strengthen local relationships between Hospitals

and NSWPF through LPC’s (Security to attend)

•Provide frontline police and their managers with

clear direction/information relating to roles and


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•The NSWPF is taking an active role in how we as

an organisation deal with mental health


•We are achieving this through training, policy and

engaging with other involved agencies

•We are looking to destigmatise and decriminalise

mental health through a significant cultural shift

•Thanks for listening and we look forward to

working with you.

Page 21: Sargeant Matt Ireland, New South Wales Police Force: The Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) is an award winning Unit within the New South Wales Police Force

Any Questions?

•Contact details:

Senior Sergeant Matt Ireland

[email protected]

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