Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT, IFRS, BASEL II, · PDF fileSarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT,...

to Compliance Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT, IFRS, BASEL II, OMB A-123, ASX 10, OECD Principles, Turnbull Guidance, Best Practices, and Case Studies ANTHONY TARANTINO John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Manager’s Guide

Transcript of Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT, IFRS, BASEL II, · PDF fileSarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT,...

  • to ComplianceSarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT,IFRS, BASEL II, OMB A-123, ASX 10,OECD Principles, Turnbull Guidance,

    Best Practices, and Case Studies


    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    Managers Guide

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  • to ComplianceManagers Guide

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  • to ComplianceSarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT,IFRS, BASEL II, OMB A-123, ASX 10,OECD Principles, Turnbull Guidance,

    Best Practices, and Case Studies


    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    Managers Guide

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataTarantino, Anthony, 1949-Managers guide to compliance : Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, ERM, COBIT, IFRS, BASEL

    II, OMB A-123, ASX 10, OECD principles, Turnbull guidance, best practices, and casestudies / Anthony Tarantino.

    p. cm.Includes index.ISBN-13: 978-0-471-79257-4 (cloth)ISBN-10: 0-471-79257-8 (cloth)1. AccountingLaw and legislationUnited States. 2. Auditing, InternalLaw andlegislationUnited States. 3. Disclosure of informationLaw and legislationUnitedStates. 4. AccountingStandards. 5. Auditing, InternalStandards. I. Title. KF1357.T37 2006346.73'06648--dc22


    Printed in the United States of America

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  • Dedicatedto

    Ted and Allie

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    In providing the information contained in this book, the author andcontributors are not engaged in rendering legal or other professionaladvice and services. As such, this text should not be used as a substi-tute for consultation with professional, legal, or other competentadvisers. All information is provided herein as is.

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    CHAPTER 1U.S. SOX Section 401: Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements 1

    CHAPTER 2U.S. SOX Section 404: Internal Controls 21

    CHAPTER 3U.S. SOX Section 406: Code of Ethics 32

    CHAPTER 4U.S. SOX Section 409: Real-Time Reporting of Material Changes 35

    CHAPTER 5U.S. SOX Impact on Privately Held Companies and Nonprofits 39

    CHAPTER 6U.S. SOX Impact on Small U.S. Companies 44

    CHAPTER 7U.S. SOX Impact on Foreign Companies 49

    CHAPTER 8U.S. Governments Version of U.S. SOX: OMB Circular A-123 53

    CHAPTER 9U.S. Healthcare Efforts to Improve Internal Controls: U.S. HIPAA 69

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  • CHAPTER 10Bankers and Insurers Efforts to Improve Internal Controls 71

    CHAPTER 11Australia, Canada, and UK Efforts to Improve Internal Controls 79

    CHAPTER 12EU Efforts to Improve Internal Controls: OECD Principles 91

    CHAPTER 13Global GAAP (IFRS) and Global Reporting Language (XBRL) 96

    CHAPTER 14Compliance and Internal Controls Impact on Outsourcing 106

    CHAPTER 15Civil and Criminal Penalties for Noncompliance 108

    CHAPTER 16Business Penalties for Noncompliance: A Material Weakness 121

    CHAPTER 17Revenue Recognition Requirements: U.S. SAB 101 and 104 125

    CHAPTER 18Data Retention Requirements 135

    CHAPTER 19Compliance and Internal Control Software 139

    CHAPTER 20Auditing Internal Controls 147

    CHAPTER 21Best Practices in Internal Controls: Enterprise Risk Management 178


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  • CHAPTER 22Best Practices in Internal Controls: IT Risk Management & SDLC (NIST 800-30) 185

    CHAPTER 23Best Practices in Internal Controls: Mapping COBIT to COSO I, COSO II, & PCAOB 190

    CHAPTER 24Best Practices in Internal Controls: COBIT IT Control Objectives 194

    CHAPTER 25Best Practices in Compliance and Internal Controls: ASX 10 Principles 200

    CHAPTER 26Best Practices in Internal Controls: Segregation of Duties (SOD) 228

    CHAPTER 27Best Practices in Internal Controls: Case Studies 242

    CHAPTER 28Best Practices in Compliance Project Management 254

    CHAPTER 29Best Practices in Governance and Ethics 261

    CHAPTER 30Costs versus Benefits and the Business Reaction 266

    APPENDIX A Frequently Asked P2P Questions 278

    APPENDIX B Links to Referenced Organizations and Documents 290

    GLOSSARY 292

    INDEX 304

    Contents ix

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    The massive U.S. corporate scandals of the last several years have ledto a huge change in the way organizations are governed. At its heartwas a failure of leadership, ethics, and morality on several levels,which led to a breakdown in investor confidence. The failuresoccurred among corporate executives, boards of directors, regulatoryagencies, rating agencies, and the press. One could argue this wascaused by a lack of virtue and a breaking of a social contract betweenorganizations (public and private) and those who invest in and relyon them. These are age-old concepts. In his Analects, the greatChinese sage Confucius (551479 B.C.) argued virtue was the keycharacteristic of superior leadership. Virtue provides a moral powerthat allows one to win a following without resorting to physical forceand enables a leader to maintain good order. Mencius (372289 B.C.),is often referred to as the second great Chinese sage, and he devel-oped the notion of a social contract in which one rules by a mandateof heaven. If a leader broke the social contract, then his followerswould be absolved of all loyalty and might be required to overthrowhim. Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat, Ahold, and others broke the man-date of heaven in corporate America and Europe and exposed thelack of virtue in those entrusted with good corporate governance.

    These events have spawned a move toward more robust compli-ance on a global level, which will require much improved internalcontrols and will change the nature of business in fundamental ways.The struggle for improved compliance is nothing new. Investors havealways sought greater transparency as organizations have sought tolimit transparency to protect competitive information. Scandals havealways acted as a catalyst to force improved corporate governanceand transparency. The South Sea Bubble scandal in the early 1700sfostered improved accounting standards in British companies. U.S.states began enacting blue-sky laws in the early 1900s as the result ofshady stock promotions. Of course, the greatest reforms came as a

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  • result of the great stock market crash of 1929 and depression duringthe 1930s. This led to the passage of federal security legislation in1933 and 1934 and the creation of the Securities and ExchangeCommission (SEC).1 Reforms have continued, but were greatly accel-erated by scandals of the late 1990s. So there is little chance for a sig-nificant rollback in compliance requirements, especially when mostinvestors do not place much faith in corporate boards to provideviable oversight. A Wall Street Journal/Harris poll found about two-thirds of investors expressing doubts in the ability of corporateboards of directors to provide effective oversight.2

    Many skept