Sara Gray Studio Product




Transcript of Sara Gray Studio Product

Page 1: Sara Gray  Studio Product



Page 2: Sara Gray  Studio Product


Seen: February 10, 2014 9:54am Place: Shea Building Doing: Walking to my Management class Importance: This lettering turns into a fun font that grabs your attention. The blue and red on top of the white paper makes it stand out even more. I would call it san serif but it does have tails that blow your mind. The font under it is broadway which is my favorite.

Page 3: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 11,2014 3:30pm Place: Richey Street Baptist Church Doing: Eating a snack before work Importance: I saw the lettering and thought it very fun and festive and hip to Louisiana. The letters are block letters that are orange. It is san serif and the Y is my all time favorite letter of any font. The lettering is also not lined up which we discussed in class is just called fun.

Page 4: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: Thursday Jan 30th 2:20pm Place: My home, Bridal Magazine Doing: Planning my wedding Importance: The lettering in very renaissance. The F in particular is very well done with all the different letters to it. I would call this serif, because I do see a little something at the ends of each letter. The typeface goes with the picture very well and it all ties together.

Page 5: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: Thursday Jan 30th 11:25am Place: Business Building Wall Doing: Walking to Marketing Class Importance: The colors are what grabbed my attention initially. The letters are like block letters and the dots really add a spice to it. The letters are san serif and all capitalized. The font is the same throughout the entire flier and all of the letters have a bit of a slant to it.

Page 6: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 14th at 1:23pm Place: The Ensemble Theatre Doing: Working and eating a snack Importance: There are three different fonts on this one bag of chips. The main one you focus on is the Lays sign. The reason why I included this picture is because of those long tails coming from the Y and the L. I love the way that they almost connect. The lettering has a cursive feel but is not cursive. San serif for sure. The barbecue sign is thin lettering and very easyu for people to tell the flavor.

Page 7: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 13th at 8:30pm Place: My home Doing: Getting out of shower Importance: Its difficult to see but the Coconut Coast lettering is very thin cursive with a beach feel to it. The bottle also has bubble pictures running through it. It is san serif letters. The rest of the writing on the bottle is a different font and very easy to read.

Page 8: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: Saturday February 1st 2:06pm Place: Friends House Bridal magazine Doing: Planning my wedding Importance: I love the way madam is written. It gives you the dots and its clear that this is a female DJ services. That’s not typical but so smart to advertise to Brides to Be. All the letters are capital and I like the way The D in DJ is cut and so is the J. Favorite saying “Takes a bride to know one.”

Page 9: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: Febraury 13th 8:32pm Place: My home Doing: Chugging the rest of the bottle Importance: The Ozarka lettering is interesting because of the tails that hang out. They were smart to put the white over the red, its clear what the name of the water is. The letters are san serif and very bold. My favorite part is the curve on the O.

Page 10: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 4th at 3:06pm Place: My car Doing: Gathering materials for Portfolio Importance: This is the program for a show I was in here at University of Houston Downtown. I am drawn to the Smokey Joe’s Cafe lettering at the top. It’s half cursive, half print which I enjoy. You get the feel of a 70’s cafe. My favorit letter is the F in cafe, it so different. San serif lettering with a slant.

Page 11: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 5th at 7:20am Place: My home Doing: Brushing my kids teeth Importance: Of course the colors draw you in first because its made for kids. I like the lettering was neat because it looks like it was drawn with a crayon. The stars all over it are neat. The Crest is written in block letters, san serif.

Page 12: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 12 at 10:30am Place: UHD Doing: Looking for a caterer. Importance: I love what they have done to the A’s in Aquarium. Its like they added a triangle to the middle. The letters are block and bold and capitalized. It does give you an ocean feel. Its san serif. The A’s look like Tee Pee’s.

Page 13: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: Febraury 6 at 4:30pm Place: Bley Middle School Doing: Searching for food before teaching Importance: I finally found serif lettering. All of the letters are capitalized and thin. The green does give it the backyard feel. The word catering is written differently, it looks like it was written on a chalkboard. Also serif writing on the website.

Page 14: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: Febraury 6 at 6pm Place: Parents House Doing: Planning my wedding Importance: Chocalate in cursive is what drew me to this add because it was so classy. Some places that sell chocalate do not have chocalate feel. This one does. The chocalate covered strawberry looks so good. The add switches from cursive to print all throughout it.

Page 15: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 9 at 7pm Place: Friends house Doing: Group project Importance: Chocalate number 2 I do not agree with. It does not seem like a chocalate company. They do candy bars and things. The top lettering is the beautiful cursive and the bottom are serif letters with clear feet and typing in a circle is neat as well. Also do not like the way that some lettering is upside down.

Page 16: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 7 11:30pm Place: My home Doing: Searching photographers Importance: When I went to the bridal extravaganza this sign caught my attention and I went over to see what it was all about. Its actually a guy who does photos for weddings and encourages people to never get married without him. The lettering is big bold capitals, san serif. The classy letters underneath look neat as well . Love the tails coming off of the W and the M.

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Seen : Febraury 12th at noon Place: School Doing: What else? Wedding planning Importance: I became very excited when I saw this add. Not just because it was a destination wedding add but it was serif letters. I feel like I have been having trouble finding this. Capital thin letters with nice serifs. The picture behind it is beautiful and helps you imagine your wedsing overseas.

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Seen: February 10th at 9:30am Place: UHD Doing: Searching food Importance: My all time favorite food is mexican. So when I saw this big fiesta sign I almost lost my mind. Fiesta lettering is yellow, bright and cursive. I thought it was awesome because I had never seen cursive with serifs on it. Usually it doesnt happen that way.

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Seen: February 10th at 5:49pm Place: Mother’s Job Doing: Looking for dresses Importance: Serif letters again! Hard to find this so excites me when I do spot it. Letters are very fancy and modern. It all matches the dress. Serifs are only put on the title of the company, they made it special. All the rest of the text is normal.

Page 20: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 7 at 3:23am Place: Home Doing: looking for typefaces Importance: This is san serif letters all capitalized and thin. The shadow behind it I do enjoy and It does for some reason give me a Italy feel. The Q in banquet at the bottom of the page is so pretty. I love when something extra is added to the tail of a letter to make it more classy.

Page 21: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 14 at 4:30pm Place: Ensemble Houston Doing: Just working and saw it Importance: The way the connected this add is amazing. I love the lines going all through it. Looks like the cross bar from A follows through the entire first name. The L’s in the second line are cool too. San serif letters with a twist.

Page 22: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 9 at 7:30am Place: Home Doing: Opening my eyes Importance: The Q! I get really excited when a company does one letter different to give you a feel of what they are all about. The Q looks like a record spinning and they are an entertainment company so it really works. San serif letters and cursive in the word style. Also the descender on the Y is thin and fades out. Really like that.

Page 23: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 3rd at 4:38pm Place: Friends house Doing: Wedding stuff Importance: I love the way country or Texas lettering looks. Its a serif font that I cannot get enough of. The details that they put in the finials are amazing. It’s like they make the letters thicker than what they actually are. All the letters are capital.

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Seen: February 12th at 2:30am Place: Parents House Doing: Looking for neat transportation Imporatnace: I believe this add was well done because trolley’s and trains are fit for kids and the colors indicate that as well. Looks like an ariel or helvetica font, san serif. All letters are capitals and they give you a picture of the trolley you could rent to transport the wedding party and guest to the reception. Nice!

Page 25: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 2nd at 4:23pm Place: School Doing: Schoolwork Importance: This font is beautiful. That classy print is not really done often. Usually when you see classy writing its cursive, but this is not. Its print that connects. The descenders are doing the most coming way lower that the line of typing pulling your attention even more. San serif.

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Seen: February 4th at 6:45pm Place: Cheer Mom’s house Doing: Making bows Importance: This is a san serif font that looks like it was drawn with something that can peel off. There are little dents in the letters making you think of things you recycle. The Green event center in a venue that runs off of the suns energy instaed of electricity. Its for the environment friendly bride. Not me, I be hot!

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Page 28: Sara Gray  Studio Product

Seen: February 5th at 1:30pm Place: School Doing: Looking for interesting fonts Importance: This add is all about vintage furniture and accesories and the font really works. Its cursive with the descenders once again being this and connecting to the next letter making it cursive. Love the extra added to the V and the R. The lettering under it is just normal san serif (ariel).

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Seen: February 6th at 5:30pm Place: Richey Street Baptist Doing: Looking at venues Importance: This lettering again is very classy cursive. The descenders are very nice and the colors work well with one another. I do have to admit it doesn’t give me a ranch feeling. I feel like the letters should have been the Texas lettering we discussed earlier. San Serif.

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Seen: February 15 at noon Place: Parents house Doing: Browsing internet Importance: I love once again when a letter is done differntly to give you a great feel of the company and what they are about. The dot on the I really lets you know that its all about photography. The letters are thin and lond and looks very futuristic. San serif.

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Seen: February 15th at 1:30pm Place: Church Doing: Nothing Importance: I love this crazy font. It reminds me of how I write on a regular basis. Its of course cursive with the beautiful desenders. San serif again.