SAP Application Management - Blunders to Be Avoided To Effectively Manage Your SAP Applications


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SAP Application Management - Blunders to Be Avoided To Effectively Manage Your SAP Applications.

Transcript of SAP Application Management - Blunders to Be Avoided To Effectively Manage Your SAP Applications

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SAP Application Management - Blunders to Be Avoided

To Effectively Manage Your SAP Applications

In a large, global or complicated business environment, managing SAP applications or SAP

upgrades can be quite a challenging task. Integrated sales, marketing and service

functionality has become imperative for the organizations or enterprises to focus more

effectively on the customer relationships. With the help of SAP application management

services, organizations can easily optimize everything starting from managing accounts,

contacts, customer activity to handle leads and marketing campaigns.

However, many organizations often commit a few mistakes that can ruin their entire SAP

application management venture. Are you planning for SAP upgrade? Do you wish to

leverage from the maximum ROI for your SAP application investment? If yes, then try to

avoid a few mistakes discussed below in this post.

Here are the most common mistakes that companies often commit while implementing SAP

applications within their organization:

Not getting consulting help centered around your industry

Not all the enterprises face the similar challenges or have the similar business priorities.

It becomes crucial for the businesses to assess their technical requirements, skills

requirements and the extent of customization required by them. Never assume that SAP

application management services providers having vast experience will be the right one

for your SAP application management needs & deeds. Always choose service provider

based on their user reviews or references.

Unable to ensure robust and reliable test environment

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Most of the enterprises fail to make sure that their test environments fulfill their

production environments. Therefore, don’t let your users just feed their heads in your

development sandbox and mistake this for testing. Always offer an entire testing

environment that reflects your production environment. Also, try to establish an

effective feedback loop to include user concerns and address bugs.

Unable to kill the custom code

Many organizations daily create objects or functions that are not actually offered by the

SAP. As some of them may not work appropriately with the latest SAP version,

eliminating such custom code has become imperative for the organizations. If you wish

to create custom code, make sure you consider the upgraded version of the SAP in order

to make it smoother process for you. You can ask SAP application management services

providers for the tools to help you evaluate such codes.

Offering one-size-fits-all training to the employees

It is totally a waste of time if you offer training to the experienced users or force novice

or newbie users to understand some specialized information through the training.

Always try to offer a same amount, or type, of the training to the users. You can also

leverage from your internal center of excellence or use virtual SAP events and online

education in order encourage the users.

Not having enough skills assessment

Never assume that employees have upgraded skills they needed. It is must that you

provide some internal training to those in lead roles to avoid major disasters.

There are many organizations that can leverage from their SAP investments due to these

mistakes. Make sure you don’t commit any of such mistakes to get maximum benefit from

your SAP application management services. Looking for professional SAP application

Management Company? Visit for more details.