Santry Informer August 2010

Santry Informer santry • kilmore • Beaumont • whitehall • griffith avenue 15,000 copies delivered monthly August 2010 • Unit 38, Northwood Court, Santry, Dublin 9 • Tel: 01 813 8786 • Email: [email protected] • Web: advertise your Bu siness here to 20,000 homes for e 250 Call 01-813 8786 Airport Authority (DAA) was bun- dling access to Dublin Airport through high-cost facilities, favour- ing high-fare airlines over low-fare competitors, forcing consumers to pay higher prices for flights. The Michael O’Leary-led airline asserts that the T1 users should not have to bear the costs of T2, includ- ing paying for the redundant capac- ity which will result of some air- lines moving to T2. In response, CAR has published a paper reconfirming its position, and questions Ryanair’s rationale in its latest appeal. The DAA has welcomed this decision, claiming that it reflects the wishes of the majority of air- lines, along with business and tour- ism representative bodies. It is hoped that the new terminal will process 15 million passengers per annum and create more than 500 new jobs, when it opens in November. Row threatens T2 November opening AER Lingus has confirmed that it will transfer its operations to the new Terminal 2 (T2) at Dublin Airport and thereby becoming the anchor tenant of the new e609 million facility. The move comes after the Commission onAviation Regulation (CAR) refused to adopt the ruling of the Aviation Appeals Panel (AAP), who upheld a complaint from Ryanair in June, recommend- ing that any passengers using the new facility should pay a different charge to those travelling through the existing Terminal 1, where Ryanair would remain to operate business. Aer Lingus had warned that if the AAP ruling was imposed, it would alter its plans to transfer its operations to the new terminal and jeopardise the proposed opening of the facility in November. Ryanair plans to appeal the deci- sion of CAR and announced that the lawyers for the budget carrier are studying the findings of the Commission. The new terminal would facili- tate Aer Lingus’ full long-haul and short-haul service, including the use of the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facil- ity, which allows all US-bound passengers to complete customs and immigration checks in Dublin, meaning travellers would be cate- gorised as domestic upon arrival in the United States. Ryanair has argued in a submis- sion to CAR, that the Dublin By paul cantwell l Arriving in November? News Feature page 10 Dublin's Shannon Water? Radical proposal to pipe water to Dublin with an eco-park en-route win tickets to see spring awakening at the helix The National Youth Musical Theatre presents this Tony Award winning musical - See Page 22 A peek at the Reek! Mega-hikes for Mega-bites!: In July 14 staff and volunteers of Mega-bites Youth Café in Lucan climbed Croagh Patrick for the event “Mega-Mountain Climb - Conquering Croagh Patrick” to raise much needed funds. Donations can be made to the café online at government sport spending all wrong irish aid making a huge impact in haiti laBour's mary upton - page 3 minister peter power - page 3 20% OFF with this Coupon for AUGUST & SEPTEMBER (TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY)


government sport spending all wrong irish aid making a huge impact in haiti santry • kilmore • Beaumont • whitehall • griffith avenue win tickets to see News Feature page 10 at the helix 15,000 copies delivered monthly laBour's mary upton - page 3 minister peter power - page 3 By paul cantwell August & september Radical proposal to pipe water to Dublin with an eco-park en-route with this Coupon for l Arriving in November? (terms And COnditiOns Apply)

Transcript of Santry Informer August 2010

Page 1: Santry Informer August 2010

Santry Informersantry • kilmore • Beaumont • whitehall • griffith avenue

15,000 copies delivered monthly

August 2010 • Unit 38, Northwood Court, Santry, Dublin 9 • Tel: 01 813 8786 • Email: [email protected] • Web:

advertise your Business here to 20,000 homes for

e250Call 01-813 8786

Airport Authority (DAA) was bun-dling access to Dublin Airport through high-cost facilities, favour-ing high-fare airlines over low-fare competitors, forcing consumers to pay higher prices for flights.

The Michael O’Leary-led airline asserts that the T1 users should not have to bear the costs of T2, includ-ing paying for the redundant capac-ity which will result of some air-lines moving to T2.

In response, CAr has published a paper reconfirming its position, and questions ryanair’s rationale in its latest appeal.

The DAA has welcomed this decision, claiming that it reflects the wishes of the majority of air-lines, along with business and tour-ism representative bodies.

It is hoped that the new terminal will process 15 million passengers per annum and create more than 500 new jobs, when it opens in November.

Row threatens T2 November opening

Aer Lingus has confirmed that it will transfer its operations to the new Terminal 2 (T2) at Dublin Airport and thereby becoming the anchor tenant of the new e609 million facility.

The move comes after the Commission on Aviation regulation (CAr) refused to adopt the ruling of the Aviation Appeals Panel (AAP), who upheld a complaint from ryanair in June, recommend-ing that any passengers using the new facility should pay a different charge to those travelling through the existing Terminal 1, where ryanair would remain to operate business.

Aer Lingus had warned that if the AAP ruling was imposed, it would alter its plans to transfer its operations to the new terminal and jeopardise the proposed opening of the facility in November.

ryanair plans to appeal the deci-sion of CAr and announced that the lawyers for the budget carrier are studying the findings of the Commission.

The new terminal would facili-

tate Aer Lingus’ full long-haul and short-haul service, including the use of the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facil-ity, which allows all US-bound passengers to complete customs and immigration checks in Dublin, meaning travellers would be cate-gorised as domestic upon arrival in the United States.

ryanair has argued in a submis-sion to CAr, that the Dublin

By paul cantwell

l Arriving in November?

News Feature page 10

Dublin's Shannon Water?Radical proposal to pipe water to Dublin with an

eco-park en-route

win tickets to see

spring awakening

at the helixThe National Youth Musical Theatre presents this Tony Award winning

musical - See Page 22

A peek at the Reek!

Mega-hikes for Mega-bites!: In July 14 staff and volunteers of Mega-bites Youth Café in Lucan climbed Croagh Patrick for the event “Mega-Mountain Climb - Conquering Croagh Patrick” to raise much needed funds. Donations can be made to the café online at

government sport spending all wrong

irish aid making a huge impact in haiti

laBour's mary upton - page 3 minister peter power - page 3

20% Off with this Coupon for

August & september(terms And COnditiOns Apply)

Page 2: Santry Informer August 2010

2 The Informer

The Drift

Dublin by

Numbers 134This is the number of times Women's Aid provided support workers to accompany women to court in 2009. According to Women's Aid: "Women making applications for orders un-der the domestic violence legislation experience great stress. The violence being inflicted can be demoralising and humili-ating. Confronting a technical legal court system, which has a language and procedure they may be unfamiliar with, is intimidating."

Dublin Informer

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Page 3: Santry Informer August 2010

The Informer

Comment & Debate3

The recently announced revised National Development Plan has once again shown that when it comes to striking a balance between current and capital spending in sports, the govern-ment has got it all wrong.

earlier this summer the Government published their 'Infrastructure Investment Priorities 2010 - 2016: A Financial Framework', an update of the National Development Plan. Within this plan the Government has promised e370 million for sports capital investment to the year 2016.

That's all well and good, but all relevant research in this area indicates that if we really want to increase participation rates in sports, building brand spanking new sports facilities for individu-al clubs in every city, town and village, will have little or no impact.

There must be a serious ques-tion mark over precisely what return we will get on this invest-ment, but I would be very sur-prised if it made any impression at all at grass roots level.

Research has shown that pro-viding facilities does not increase participation. Research commis-sioned by the Irish Sports Council over a number of years has even gone so far as to call sports fund-ing "regressive" in that it is a transfer of resources to the more well off and more likely to be involved in sport, from the less well off.

The research has shown that the lack of sporting facilities is cited as a reason for non partici-pation in sport by less than 1 per cent of people. More important were costs of participation and issues such as transport, and these are the areas that could well be tackled using state funds.

The Irish Sports Council already has the perfect vehicle in

LAST night hundreds of thousands of haitian families sheltered from torrential rain in shacks made from waste wood and sheets of plastic. This morning, the adults face a long day searching for food for their children amongst the ruins of their country.

I have visited some of the world’s poorest coun-tries in my role as Minister for Overseas Development, but the situation in haiti is the most desperate I have witnessed. It is an almost unique combination of grinding poverty and complete physical devastation.

Aside from the appalling loss of life, some

190,000 houses were destroyed in the earthquake, leaving 1.5m people in need of shelter.

The United Nations and Irish humanitarian agen-cies such as Concern, Trocaire-Caritas and GOAL are using Irish Government funding to bring dig-nity to the lives of the homeless, installing basic amenities such as latrines and water stands.

I visited the inhuman conditions in the Place de la Paix camp, which is home to 20,000 people in the ruins of the national football stadium. Concern has put in place a rudimentary drainage system to carry away storm water. This, along with canvas-walled toilet blocks have helped to prevent the

spread of disease. I also visited the Petionville area of Port au Prince, where Irish Aid is funding World Vision to run child-friendly spaces which are a cross between a play group and a health clinic. These tented areas allow children to play together and to receive basic healthcare and counselling.

having spent a morning in some of Port au Prince’s most desperate camps I was amazed and moved to see how Irish funding has helped to restore some normality to these children’s lives. The centres are clean and bright, the children were painting, drawing, singing and dancing, like chil-dren anywhere in the world.

I was struck in the days immediately following the earthquake by the enormous generosity of the Irish people at a time of economic hardship in con-tributing millions of euro to charities and NGOs working in haiti. The government has also pledged e13 million which, combined with public contri-butions, makes Ireland one of the largest per capita contributors to the relief effort.

having seen at first hand the sheer scale of the devastation, I know just how much this contribu-tion is both necessary and appreciated.

Peter Power TD is Minister for Overseas Development

Government all wrong on sport spending

place for increasing participation in certain socio-economic groups; the Local Sports Partnerships, and these bodies are crying out for a decent level of funding. There are over 30 of LSPs now in situ around the country carrying out very valuable work.

Labour has already made a commitment that in Government we would seek to at least double funding to LSPs, financed by an extension of the betting levy to remote gambling operators.

While certain capital develop-ment, based on a coherent nation-al policy is to be welcomed, the spending of finite resources on improving facilities that may not result in increased participation must raise serious questions.

One can only surmise that the Government does not even bother to study the research that they have commissioned in develop-ing a modern coherent sports policy.

The only other explanation is that they intend to continue with the practice of, in the words of Dr. Jane Suiter, 'Chieftains deliv-ering'. By this she means a boat house here, a club house there, when their success in increasing participation, amongst the non actives groups has been shown to be negligible.

By Mary Upton TDLabour Party

spokesperson on Arts, Sport and Tourism

Irish aid is making a huge impact in Haiti

Page 4: Santry Informer August 2010

Green Scene4 The Informer

Green shoots...Solar revolution from DublinIN one hour the earth receives more energy from the sun than the human race uses in a year so it isn’t surprising that solar energy installation is doubling year on year.

These days we are all familiar not only with the collector systems that provide many of us with hot water but with silicon-based photovoltaic cells which turn the sun’s light into energy – if you think you haven’t seen any check out the parking meters in Merrion Square.

Bringing down the costUnfortunately these systems, which

are very efficient, only work well in direct sunlight and we don’t always get as much of that as we would like in Ireland. And they are expensive.

Bringing down the cost are the second generation cells. These aren’t as effi-cient as the first generation but are much cheaper. They are thinner and can be rolled out in sheets or made into roof tiles. They look more attractive too.

Imitating plantsBut so far the most efficient solar

converters of all are plants. Dublin based Solar Print’s third generation pho-tovoltaic technology uses dye-sensitized solar cells to imitate the way plants pro-duce energy in their leaves in order to make electricity.

The resultant product isn’t as efficient as a silicon cell but it is much, much cheaper to make and it will work even at low light levels and at any angle and it is highly flexible – imagine using your

phone cover to charge your phone for instance, or the paint on your electric car charging the battery.

And unlike many new developments in solar and other technologies which rely on rare materials, Solar Print’s tech-nology uses cheap and eco-friendly nano materials.

Real green jobsAlthough Solar Print is based in

Ireland it is dedicated to producing low cost, high tech solutions that will bring cheap and independent power to those who cannot afford conventional power.

So its great news that the company is recruiting 80 new members of staff in Dublin who will work both in R&D and production to get this cutting edge power source on to the market.

By Kathy Marsh, Sonairte

When is a plan not a plan?When it’s the national Renewable energy Action Plan is the answer to that one. It is a well construct-ed description of how energy is produced in Ireland today, but only four pages of the one hun-dred and sixty five actually deal with the future and even then they describe a possible scenario.

When readers of the Informer make plans I’m sure they first analyse their needs and then work out how they will meet them.

But this doesn’t seem to be how our government works so once again we blunder blindly into the future without knowing where we are trying to go, let alone where we are actually going.

And unlike the readers of this page those who put the plan together don’t know that viable solar energy systems which will work in Irish conditions are just around the corner.

Despite the work of Irish com-panies such as Solar Print they forecast that exactly zero solar

energy will be helping to meet Irish needs by 2020.

Environmentalists deny “sterilising the countryside”When IFA President John Bryan accused environmentalists of sterilising the countryside he was surprised to find the environ-mental lobby supporting the extension of the Agri-environment Scheme to more of Ireland’s farm-ers and agreeing that farmers are the best protectors of the envi-ronment.

On RTe’s World at One Irish environmental network coordi-nator Michael ewing spoke of the importance of farmers and environmentalists working together to protect the country-side and provide Irish consumers with clean air and water.

At the end of the interview John Bryan acknowledged that the criticisms of farmers had come from european city based lobbyists and asked for the sup-port of Irish environmental groups in farmers’ negotiations with the Dept of Agriculture.

heritage week is 21st to 29th August this year so there is no excuse if you can’t find things to do in the last week of the school holidays with a whole week of mostly free events.

On the 21st you can see the life of an 18th Century Dublin child, on the 22nd visit the Heritage Fair at Sonairte in Laytown, with walks, stories, food and farm animals.

On the 25th you can taste Famine Soup in Strokestown while the next day there’s a film about Dublin’s women street traders at Bewley’s Cafe.

The whole thing finishes with a host of events on August 29th from the Ugly Bug Ball at Corlea Trackway to Knit Along Sunday in Leenane.

For full details check out or pick up a leaflet from your library.

Time to check out your local heritage

Page 5: Santry Informer August 2010

When dispensing digital hearing aids i am often asked to advise on the most suitable style as well as recommending a make or model to suit the hearing loss and the lifestyle of the patient.

The choice can be overwhelming especially to a new user as most instruments come in many shapes and sizes. After we have estab-lished that the ear structure itself is normal and that there is a choice then it really comes down to these three choices.

1. instruments that fit all in the ear. These may be very small and discreet and fit way down in the ear canal or little bigger occupying more of the outer ear. We take impressions to custom make these and they are very comfort-able and easy to use. spectacle wearers often prefer them as there is nothing on or behind the ear.

2. Tiny hearing aids that sit on top of the ear. A very thin tube or wire is used to connect the instrument to the ear canal through which the sound is transferred. This style can be very discreet. it is held in the ear with a soft dome and is very comfortable. impressions are not

usually necessary. They can be a little fiddly to put in and care should be taken when putting on or taking off spectacles. There is a wide choice of models and they can be fitted on the same day as the hearing test.

3. Behind the ear hearing aids most people are aware of. They gave comfort to the hard of hearing long before digital technology was thought of and still have a roll to play today. sound is sent through a tube to a custom made mould fitted in the ear. This is some-times necessary for high power. Can have a longer battery life and some users prefer the larger size and security of the ear fitting.

Whatever the choice care must be taken by your hearing care professional to ensure that their patient fully understands how to use and care for the instruments. Aftercare is essential to be sure of this. happy hearing.

Alan Mantell, FISHAA, FSHAA, Reg with Health Professional Council. Alan is managing director of Digital Hearing

Direct and is available for free consultations. Tel. 01 235 1636

Comfort in Hearing

Read your local Informer edition online at our

revamped websiteThe paper opens online the same way it does in your hand

Page 6: Santry Informer August 2010

Garden Growing6 The Informer

Gerry Norton, Living Landescapes, 97 Church Avenue,

Drumcondra, Dublin 9Tel: 087-2462724

or [email protected]

Finally folks, if you need any information on gardening or if you have any tips or suggestions which I can pass on, please send them to me at [email protected].

I would be delighted to quote for any/all of your garden require-ments from set-up organic vege-table plots to restoration of neglected gardens, design, plant-ing and maintenance. No charge for initial visit and I will travel within reason.

eVeRy summer, usually at the start of August, I get a mixture of feelings where the garden is con-cerned. Sadness, because mid-summers day has passed and with it the evenings are starting to get a wee bit shorter though we don’t notice yet.

I also love this time of year because the veg garden gives forth its bounty and you realise that all your hard work, going back over the last 8-10 months is so worthwhile.

You get what you sowA great example of ‘work and

reward’ (when it comes to grow-ing your own vegetables) was my family’s Sunday dinner last weekend. Sunday dinner is one of those rare moment where ‘we’ all sit down together rather than the usual running buffet which tends to be the case for most families these days. We, to explain further are yours truly, my wife, my son and my wife’s sister.

My wife had bought a succu-lent half leg of New Zealand

You're going to reap just what you've sown

TIp OF THE MONTHTowards the end of the month, divide your peren-nial plants by simply putting a spade or a fork through the root ball, this doubles your plants for next year or as a present for your friends and neigh-bours.

lamb for e6.95. With it we had our potatoes, second earlies called ‘Orla’, our ‘Kelvedon Wonder’ peas, and some ‘Boltardy’ beetroot.

Instead of the usual mint sauce, which tends to make the lamb taste too vinegary, we had a gor-geous and easy to make sauce of redcurrent jelly with fresh mint sauce. Put equal parts redcurrent jelly and red wine vinegar on a warm heat to dissolve the jelly, some salt and pepper and chopped fresh mint right at the end. The fresh mint was also from the gar-den.

I reckon the total cost for this meal for four people (excluding some store cupboard items) was e8.50 which included the initial cost to buy the seeds months ago. So folks, if ever anyone needed a reason to ‘grow your own’ this is surely it. And do remember, if you plan on having a go at grow-ing your own next year, it isn’t rocket science!

The best vegetable bookThere are loads of books avail-

able which will give you all the information that you will need to get you going. Without any doubt

the best is the new book from Ireland’s foremost organic grow-er Klaus Laitenberger.

Klaus, formerly head gardener at the Organic Centre in Rossinver, who was also respon-sible for the restoration of the Victorian vegetable and herb gar-den in Lissadell house, Co. Sligo, has put together the definitive guide called ‘Vegetables for the Irish Garden’. Cost is e14.95 and the book is published by The Western Organic Network.

Start planningelsewhere in the garden, now

is a great time to gather seeds. What you think are dead flowers are usually loaded with seeds for

next years growth.The Foxglove ‘Digitalis’ is a

great example. One to look for is a variety called ‘White Dalmation’. The flowers are long gone.

however, if you get your seca-teurs and cut the plant at about eight inches from the ground then give it a good shake on to some brown paper, you will get hun-dreds if not thousands of seeds for next year. The same applies to loads of other perennials.

Don't forget the birds!even though we have tradition-

ally thought that our garden birds don’t need looking after in sum-mer, they do welcome a helping hand because our weather is so mixed up these days. Put out what you would normally pro-vide in the winter plus additional fresh water.

It has been proven by the RSPB and Birdwatch Ireland that birds, especially this years' fledglings thrive and usually get thought the coming winter as a result of being fattened up.

With Gerry Norton

l Shake out those seeds

Page 7: Santry Informer August 2010

Ask for Jane!

Page 8: Santry Informer August 2010

Personal Finance8 The Informer

Andrew Russell is a Qualified Financial Adviser and Managing Director of squaremile Financial Consultants Ltd. he provides financial advice to private sector employees and the self employed. in addition to this he specialises in assisting public sector employees improve their retirement benefits.

Contact:Andrew Russell, Managing Director, squaremile Financial Consultants. T: 087 287 5256 • E: [email protected] • W:

Getting some help with your financial planningWheN it comes to managing your finances the question that you have to ask yourself is should you adopt a DIy approach to planning or are you better off seeking professional help?

In practical terms financial planning is not a difficult process despite what some advisers and brokers will tell you! Some people relish the challenge of managing and growing their own wealth. however, in practice, for a variety of reasons many people pass on the responsibility of growing their wealth to a trusted professional.

If you adopt the DIy approach, in order to make the most of your money you will need to keep the cost of your borrowings down to a bare minimum, and earn the highest possible return on your savings and investments.

you will need to start the best possible pension plan, take out the most appropriate insurance at the lowest possible cost, and not pay over the odds for any financial product or service that you purchase.

Finally, you should ensure that you are not paying any more tax than you have to, and that plans are in place so that the wealth that you

have accumulated can be passed on within your family in the most efficient way possible.

The time and effort involved in searching for and executing the best possible deals is enough to put people off the DIy method. But if you require help then who can you trust to get the best advice?

If you want to discuss your finances with someone face to face you need to ensure that that person is experienced in all financial areas and has the relevant professional qualification (QFA) to offer advice. Ideally that person should be in a position to deal with most or all of the financial product providers. They should be able to analyse your existing position and financial products that you may have, help you identify and establish your financial goals, and advise you on how to reach those goals. This may involve implementing new policies or adjusting existing policies that you may have.

If new products are needed your adviser should search the market for the best possible deal, and if possible negotiate a discount with the provider. They should provide you with full details of the product and

organise the paperwork on your behalf. A top class adviser will only give you advice after taking into account your tax position. They will monitor your needs regularly and organise reviews to ensure that your products are performing or remain adequate for your needs.

I would be delighted to visit you at home on a complimentary basis to review your existing financial and tax arrangements to ensure that you are getting good value for money or to help you start the planning process. To arrange a consultation please contact me on 087 287 5256 or email [email protected].

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Page 9: Santry Informer August 2010
Page 10: Santry Informer August 2010


News Feature10 The Informer

AN innovative water based eco-park with fishing, boating, cycling, water and leisure sports on 500 acres, with a major water storage reservoir, located on a former cut away bog, Garryhinch Bog, Co Offaly is the recommended solution to finding a new water source for the Greater Dublin area.

The project would cost an estimated e540 mil-lion and generate an estimated 1000 construction jobs for three years, in addition to generating ongo-ing sustainable long term jobs in the midlands managing the eco-park activities and a water plant.

Consultants for Dublin City Council, RPS and Veolia Water, have recommended that a total of nine counties, including the four Dublin local authority areas could benefit from the eco-park, with the reservoir water being taken from the River Shannon at Lough Derg during periods of flood and high flows only, when there is more than enough water in the lake for all users.

New water eco-parkIt would be stored at the new water eco-park,

from where it could be used during periods of low flows in the Shannon. The average amount of water from Lough Derg under this proposal is 2% and at present this 2% flows into the Atlantic Ocean every day and is replenished with rain falling on the catchment.

Bord na Móna, owners of Garryhinch Bog, have expressed their commitment to support the project as it is in line with their green energy vision, their Lough Boora Park developments and their plans to create new sustainable jobs in the Midlands. Bord Na Mona has recently received approval for new wind generated energy to supply up to 45,000 homes and this could see this renewable energy source being used to power the midlands eco park.

The Consultants suggest that a 500 acre eco-park would be constructed at Garryhinch Bog that would be along the lines of the well known UK Rutland Water and eco-park in east Anglia. It already

attracts over a million visitors annually and includes water sports, boating, fishing and an internationally renowned bird sanctuary.

“This innovative recommendation is the result of a huge amount of research and consultation with all stakeholders over the last six years and could ben-efit everyone”, says Tom Leahy, executive Manager, Dublin City Council. “The project is needed to provide security of water supplies and to sustain and grow jobs and the economy; particularly to afford growth opportunities to the nationally impor-tant strategic industries relying on water to generate exported products.”

“The midlands would gain a permanent innova-tive water based tourism amenity that would also rehabilitate the existing cutaway bog. It will also provide a large number of jobs, both during con-struction and on-going local jobs in the water treat-ment plant, managing the eco-park and promoting it as a top leisure and tourist amenity.

"The recommendations are innovative and deserve to be fully considered by everyone. For that reason Dublin City Council will meet and talk with all stakeholders and fully brief them on all aspects of the project and potential synergies relating to the project. In particular all those who contributed comments and input over the six years of the study will be briefed on the recommendations of the stud-ies and the deatils."

An environmental Impact Statement process will be undertaken next, before a planning application is made to An Bord Pleanála and further and full statutory public consultation takes place. An Bord Pleanála will make the decision on the project, which will require funding from Government.

A new water source to augment all the existing water sources, will be needed in the Dublin region from 2016. An estimated 1.5 million people living in the midlands and the east of the country, as well as existing and new industries will use the new water supply.

Dublin's Shannon WaterA new water Eco-Park in the midlands drawn from the Shannon could store water for Dublin. The project

promises 1,000 construction jobs for three years as well as a new tourism amenity for the midlands.

THE first significant public water supply to Dublin and Wicklow was the Vartry scheme, constructed in the 1860’s by Dublin Corporation and still in use today.

During the 1940’s the ESB in conjunction with Dublin Corporation, developed a joint venture scheme to provide dams at Poulaphuca and Leixlip on the River Liffey to impound water or power generation and for public water supplies.

The Dublin Region includes Co Dublin, along with significant parts of Counties Wicklow, Meath and Kildare. - approx 1.5 million people in all and 35% of Republic of Ireland’s overall population.

The Dublin Region is supplied with drinking water from one common water supply net-work. Four main water treatment plants pro-vide the vast bulk of drinking water. The com-bined maximum output of these treatment plants is between 540 and 550 million litres a day.

Under normal circumstances the present day average demand in the Dublin region is between 530 and 540 million litres a day. On an average day, there is little or no spare capacity in the system. The fragility of the situ-ation was starkly illustrated in January 2010 when substantial increased leakage caused by heavy frost meant that demands in the region could not be satisfied without severe supply restrictions.

Water leakages in the Dublin region have been reduced from 43% to 29% over the last decade, saving 39 million litres of water a day, due to rehabilitation of old water mains. This will be followed by a sustained rehabilitation programme which has been provided in the new Water Services Investment Programme 2010-2012 funded by Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government. Dublin has 2700km of water mains, of which 700km are over 75 years old and 1300km are over 50 years old.

The state of Dublin's water

Mld = Million Litres per Day

Treatment Plant

l The situation with Dublin's water supply and projections show that water demand will outstrip supply. The figures are in millions of litres per day

l As part of the proposed water scheme a major new water park and storage facility will be built in County Offaly which, it is hoped, can make the scheme more attractive out side the Dublin region.

Page 11: Santry Informer August 2010

l As part of the proposed water scheme a major new water park and storage facility will be built in County Offaly which, it is hoped, can make the scheme more attractive out side the Dublin region.

Page 12: Santry Informer August 2010

All About Dublin (1)12 The Informer

Edited by Zoz

The DMP - rising to the occasionSir Francis Bond Head (1793-1875), nick-named 'Galloping Head' after riding twice across South America, was a veteran of the Battle of Waterloo, one-time Lt. Governor of Upper Canada, and had received his knighthood after demonstrating the military usefulness of the lasso.

He visited ireland in August 1852 and recorded his travels in the rather innocuously titled 'A Fortnight in ireland.' He used his connections to gain official access to the Dublin Metropolitan Police:-

A CANDIDATe for admission must be under 26 years of age, must be able to read and write, and, moreover, must be in height 5 feet 9 inches, with-out his shoes.

The whole force average in height 5 feet 11 inches - the B division, composed of 190 men, are all 6 feet and upwards. Among the constables there is only one old soldier and one lawyer. There is scarcely a Dublin man among them, the Commissioners preferring to enlist country people from all parts of Ireland, without making any inquiry as to their religion.

The conditions upon which they are enlisted are, that they shall not belong to any secret or political society, and that they shall abstain from the expres-

sion of any political or religious opinion in any manner calculated to give offence. The Dublin Metropolitan Police, composed of Catholics and Protestants, picked up from all parts of Ireland, not only among themselves live in perfect amity, but at a moment's notice, at the sound of a rattle or of a whistle, fraternally join together to collar, hand-cuff, and, if absolutely necessary, to fell senseless to the ground, any person or persons who, from religious, political, or any other alleged motives, shall presume to disturb the public peace.

There are 16 station-houses in Dublin, with a clock in each, by the assistance of which, at the same instant, sixteen reliefs are thrown out over a surface of forty-four square miles.

In the police store, within its precincts, I found a number of trophies that had been obtained by the force. Among them was the tricolour flag given by certain Paris ladies of easy political virtue to Mr. Meagher, and captured in the summer of 1848; a black flag, with the harp of Ireland in white; another black flag, tastefully ornamented with the words "Famine and Pestilence;:' pikes of various sorts, for cutting bridles, maiming horses, spitting Protestants, &c, &c.; lastly, a human skull, which, during the State trials in 1848, had been hung on the knocker of Mr. Kemis, the Crown Solicitor, as a reminder.

I also observed a lot of very efficient extra weap-ons, in case the police truncheons should prove insufficient, consisting of swords, ship cutlasses with iron handles, and lastly, as the strongest dose

in the Dublin police pharmacopoeia, short detonat-ing muskets with brown barrels.

From the Castle, the residence of Vice-Royalty, Colonel Brown was good enough to accompany me to the "Old Bishop's Palace," (Kevin St. Garda Station).

On entering the largest of the buildings I found a school for recruits, in which they improve their writing, and also learn by heart a "Catechism," in which is very clearly expounded to them that the duty they owe to their neighbour is to conduct him quietly to the nearest station whenever he is disor-derly - carry him there when he happens to be unable to stand - force him there whenever he resists - and handcuff him whenever he is what is professionally termed "violent."

From the school I proceeded to a room where I found twenty fine, good-looking, powerful country lads, with large, white teeth and clean, ruddy faces, seated with a dinner before them, and with heaps of potatoes which certainly appeared to me altogether enough to choke them. But they were not only learning to eat a good meal, but how to eat it in

clean clothes, with a clean knife and fork, off a clean tablecloth; in short, with a probationary pay of a shilling a day, they were undergoing the agree-able process of being introduced to a new system of life, in which they were not only to display good behaviour, but, to be the cause of good behaviour in others.

here, again, the members of the two religions were intermingled in most happy communion, and, as one large, mealy potato after another disap-peared, it was utterly impossible for the keenest observer even to guess whether they had been devoured before his eyes by a Protestant or by a Catholic; indeed, so easily are these recruits made to harmonise together on this point, that on Friday they, as well as the whole of the Police force, often comfortably dine together on fish; in short, the prejudices which great statesmen fancy to be insu-perable, they readily annihilate by mastication.

The bedrooms were lofty, airy, with floors as clean as women's hands could make them: in fact, it is by the hands of old women, hired by the force, that they are cleaned. After going through several, we came to those in which a hundred men who had been on night-duty were lying, with nearly closed shutters, fast asleep.

On opening these doors and standing for a few seconds at the threshold, I beheld before me, in

This page was researched with the help of

FIrSt haND hIStory

ConTinueD on PAge 14 >>

Page 13: Santry Informer August 2010

A place in the city Howth HarbourFROM the seventeenth century there was a small quay in howth sufficient to facilitate local fish-ermen and the off loading of coals and other cargoes.

Up to the early 1800s, Ringsend was the main Irish embarkation centre for Britain. At this time howth was a sparsely populated fishing village but due to the silt-ing of the River Liffey, many cross channel boats were forced to dock at howth.

In 1807 to facilitate the increased shipping, work started on the construction of howth harbour - two stone piers enclos-ing an area of fifty-two acres.

The piers consisted of large masses of rock quarried from the hill above. The east Pier com-menced in 1807 and the West Pier three years later. In 1818 the lighthouse at the end of the east Pier was added.

Seven hundred men were employed on the major engineer-ing project that took about four years to complete. John Rennie was the engineer in charge of the operation. There was controver-sy over the location of the har-bour with some engineers stating that it would silt up and develop sandbanks. In time, the critics were proved correct.

In 1816 the first steam paddle ships or the 'Mail Packets', com-menced carrying mail and pas-sengers between howth, holyhead and Liverpool. With the introduction of steam, the journey from howth to holyhead was slashed to seven hours.

Two years later the famous bridge builder, Thomas Telford, chose howth as the berth for the mailboat service between Dublin and London. Consequently the Mail Packet service was trans-ferred there from Ringsend. The ongoing problem of silting in howth harbour returned and the service proved unsuccessful.

Take some time out to review your finances

iT is important that we are regu-larly reviewing our personal finances and insurances to en-sure they remain fit for purpose and value for money. There are three main areas where we be-lieve individuals should consider reviewing cover to ensure they are comprehensively insured against the unexpected and are planning for life after working. Life Assurance/Mortgage ProtectionLife Assurance has come down significantly in recent years due to competition in the market. in addition to this individuals who took out life cover through their banks when taking out their mortgage may not have received the most competitive product on the market. it is important to en-sure then when reviewing your cover that you use an advisor who can research all providers on the market to ensure you are getting best value for money. Income Protection/Critical Illnessit is important that you protect your income in the event you lose your capacity to earn due to illness or injury. A recent sur-vey from the irish Cancer soci-ety has highlighted the financial strain put on families when an income earner is affected by cancer. For approx e44 per month (af-ter tax relief) an individual can protect e35,000 of income to age 65. or for as little as e46 per month can insure them-selves for a lump sum of up to e100,000 for 25 years.

PensionsMany individuals have not made sufficient provision for their re-tirement. Also those who have existing pension arrangements may not be aware of the charg-es they are paying. Charges of in excess of 5% of contributions made are not uncommon. For individuals who have recently left employment it is important to be aware of your pension entitlements when leaving. Pension benefits can be transferred into pension ve-hicles in your own name where you can track and review per-formance without having to con-tact your old employer. in these recessionary times it can be possible to save signifi-cant amounts on the costs of the above products without compro-mising on the level of cover. research all market providers and will offer up to a 70% discount on the monthly cost for the first twelve months for protection products and offer low cost pension solu-tions. Why not call us today on 016853813 or go online to for further de-tails * All above based on individual aged 35 with cover to retirement at aged 65. Income Protection is for Class 1 employee and a deferred period of 26 weeks. In all case tax relief as-sumed at 49%. Serious Illness cover is based on a 35 years old male non smoker.

13 The Informer

All About Dublin (2)Immediately construction work

commenced on Kingstown (Dun Laoghaire) harbour. On the com-pletion of the work the Mail Packet service and other mari-time activity was transferred from howth to the south side port. howth was to lose prestige, business and revenue.

In the past three decades howth harbour has evolved into a lively port, offering a combination of fishing and leisure craft. The prestigious howth yacht Club is based at the harbour.

An excerpt from "Dublin's North Coast - Drumcondra, Clontarf, Howth, Malahide", with text by Arthur Flynn, and paintings by Margaret Flynn. By Cottage Publications, €24.95.

Page 14: Santry Informer August 2010

All About Dublin (3)14 The Informer

Edited by Zoz

twilight, under bedclothes, a series of large lumps of men, all appar-ently more or less exhausted by fatigue. here and there a very great eye would open - stare a little - gradually become fishy - and then close. Occasionally a pair would unequally open, until the owner of one set, as if half aghast, actually raised his huge head from his pillow. Not wishing to disturb the poor fellow, I instantly slowly retired back-wards, leaving him to recite to his comrades, that he had dreamt he had distinctly seen "the Colonel" gazing at him, accompanied by an inquisitive stranger, who appeared to be taking his picture.

In a very neat small room I visited a first class sergeant, who, besides possessing a wife and daughter of very pleasing appearance, has a couple of hundred pounds in the savings bank. On his table I observed a large bible, and as the good book, I felt sure, had had somewhat to do with the sum that had been saved.

No married man is admitted into the corps; nor is any member of it afterwards allowed to marry unless he is the possessor of 40/; the first thing, therefore, that Cupid has to teach a Dublin policeman is to put by a sixpence - to repeat the operation sixteen hundred times, and then apply for his license.

At one of the police-stations, in Chancery-lane, a narrow, crooked, old-fashioned street, in olden times the official residence of the Attorney and Solicitor Generals, and other crown lawyers, I visited the lock-up houses, in which I found only one tenant, a respectably dressed man, well known to Col. Brown, who had unfortunately hap-pened to become so intoxicated that he could with difficulty articulate an explanation.

I learned, on inquiry, that drunken men assist not a little in removing from the police any hostile feelings among each other on the score of religion; for as in their madness these delinquents attack Catholics and Protestants with equal violence, the parties assailed are absolutely forced to join together for mutual self-defence, and thus vicious habits and brutality are productive, under Providence, of beneficial results.

DUBLiN in the early 18th century was a small city and the inhabitants knew what was happening around them through obsre-vation and word of mouth. Newspapers were small, four pages or so A4 sized, weekly, and expensive. Some topics were strictly off limits (i.e. criticism of the author-ities) and a breach of the rules closed the paper down. As a result they relied heavily on articles concerning the joys of morality, ancient history, poetry, and humour.

The following snippets come from The Dublin Weekly Journal, printed by James Carson, in Coghill's Court, Dame Street.

On Tuesday at the Bull and Bare Bating on the Strand, they both got loose and hurt several Persons, the Bare seized one Man by the Leg and tore it to pieces. (Jan 1., 1725)

On Friday and Saturday last there fell so prodigious a quantity of Rain in this City, and the parts adjacent, that the Loss cannot be computed. The Streets that received most Damage, were all the Keys, Patricks-Street, (where the Water rose several yards in most of the houses) the Castle yard, Ship-Street, etc. Several horses that grazed near the River, were carried from the Fields and drown'd, as were others in Stables in the City. By the hurricane at Sea, we hear many Ships were lost, and the dead Bodies

of several were taken at Ringsend. (Jan. 8)They still continue to Press Men in this

City for the Sea Service. (Feb. 12)On Thursday last, between 11 and 12 a

Clock at Night, a Sailor from Whitehaven, drinking in a Celler on the Back of the Blind Key, near essex Bridge, Quarreling about the Reckoning, flung himself into the Liffy, and drowned.(Mar. 16)

We hear, that there were great Diversions at the Antient Borough of Swords on easter Monday. And the Populace had several Barrels of Ale, and an Ox Roasted whole, given them by edward Bolten of Brazile, esq. (Apr. 5)

On Munday last at three of the Clock in the Morning, a Fire broke out at the Blew Bell in Smithfield, said to be by the care-lessness of the Maid, who left a Candle burning against a Partition, behind which were several Casks of Brandy, and taking Fire, reduced the whole house, and all the Goods to Ashes. The adjoyning houses suf-fered much, but were preserved from the Fire. (May 21, 1726)

This Morning a Duel was fought on Ormond Key, by Lieutenant Smith of the Granadears of the Lord John Kerrs Regiment and one Kelley, Son to the Brewer of that Name in proper Lane, the Lieutenant Dyed on the spot, and the other is said to be mor-tally Wounded. (May 26)

Advice is hereby given, that there is lately arrived in this City, the Famous Mrs. Cherry, the only Gentlewoman truly Learned in that Occult Science of Tossing of Coffee Grounds; who has with uninterrupted Success for some time past, practised, to the General Satisfaction of her Female Visitants. She is to be heard of at Mrs. C---k's or at Mrs. Q---t's in Aungier street, Dublin. her hours are after prayers are done at St. Peter's Church till Dinner. N.B. She never requires more than one Ounce of Coffee from a single Gentlewoman, and so propor-tionate for a Second or Third Person, but not to exceed that Number. (June 11)

On Wednesday last one Piggott an Attorney of the King's Bench, stood in the Pillory for Forgery; before he received Sentence, he was Ordered to stand upon the Table, before the Court. The Common hangman was ordered first to put on his Gown, and lead him 3 times round the Table, then tear it off and throw it over the bar. (July 2)

Last Saturday one Nowland was try'd for enlisting Men for the Service of the Pretender (James III), the evidence was very clear against him, that he had shipped off 200 Men for that Service, and had 100 more ready the Night he was taken. he was found Guilty, and is to be hang'd, drawn and Quarter'd. (July 2)

The DMP - rising to the occasion>> ConTinueD FRoM PAge 12

News from the past...

Page 15: Santry Informer August 2010

La Jolie Ronde offers a unique, carefully structured and proven language course for children of

3-12 years old. Enrolling now for September!

• learn at any age (3-12 yrs)• trained and insured teachers• small classes per age group • high quality activity books & CDs

Classes take place in primary schools, nurseries & open centres.

We can start new classes if enough interest.

Contact one of our licensees below for dates & times and read our editorial article in this issue.


LocationsLanguageLicenseeTelephone NumberEmailWebsite

Castleknock, Dublin 15SpanishMary Galvin087 267 [email protected]

Castleknock, Dublin 15FrenchSabine Maher087 227 [email protected]

LocationsLanguageLicenseeTelephone NumberEmailWebsite

Dublin 6FrenchClare Siegel087 272 [email protected]

Dublin 14 & Dublin 16Spanish & FrenchAnne Curran01 493 [email protected]

Swords, Co. DublinFrenchGillian Martin086 871 [email protected]

LocationsLanguageLicenseeTelephone NumberEmailWebsite

Celbridge, Co. KildareSpanishLaura Tejero01 504 [email protected]

Lucan, Co. DublinSpanishMaria Jacobs085 706 [email protected]

Blackrock/Mount MerrionSpanish & FrenchChristine Mullock086 811 [email protected]

FounDeD in 1983, La Jolie Ronde offers a unique, carefully structured and proven language course for children of 3-12 years, helping them excel in French and spanish. it has a solid underlying structure that enables children to progress year after year.

La Jolie Ronde method is becoming very popular in ireland with new centres now running throughout Dublin and the country as a whole. The course provides learning in a fun way with children in mind, when they are most receptive and uninhibited.

The books and CDs that accompany the course can be used for practicing at home between lessons and end of term reports are provided so parents are kept informed of progress.

The course given is primarily for children with little or no previous knowledge of spanish

or French. Children with a native speaker parent living in ireland are also attending the classes to reinforce the bilingual environment present at home.

Classes provide an excellent preparation for secondary schools as languages are sadly not yet covered in the

primary school curriculum. With the current economic climate, having a

language is a distinct advantage and will make a great difference in your child’s professional life later on.

Please see our advert in this issue and contact your nearest licensee to see what teaching centres are available in your area.

Classes are run from open centres, primary schools as well as crèches/playschools. Visit our main website at We look forward to hearing from you.

Learning a language at a young age with La Jolie Ronde

Read your local Informer edition

online at our revamped websiteThe paper opens online the same way

it does in your hand

Page 16: Santry Informer August 2010

16 The Informer

Health & BeautyA new way to get an Irish suntanTheRe is a new spray tan on the market that is 100% organic and the good news is its Irish! Many of you would have seen the prod-uct on Dragons Den where one of the dragons invested in the com-pany, which lets face is rare for

the dragons to part with their cash!

Tan Organic is formulated with the inclusion of Aloe Vera (certi-fied Organic), it fills a niche in the market for an anti-ageing professional tanning system,

which hydrates the skin as well as developing a natural looking sun kissed glow.

Consumers are turning to natu-ral organic products as they become more aware of the pos-sible dangers of synthetic chemi-cals in cosmetics. A study by The herb Research Foundation (USA) found that up to 60 per cent of substance applied to skin is absorbed into the bloodstream.

The largest organ of the bodySkin is the largest organ of the

body and if we care about what we eat, we really should care about what we apply onto our skin. Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the combined and cumulative effect of these chemicals and more and more are people are turning to natural or organic alternatives.

It also seems to be opening up and expanding the self tan market too as several new tanning clien-tele groups are emerging to sam-ple this new concept. The ‘Golden Girls’ (The 60 plus that are

tempted by the natural / organic formulation and natural sunk-issed effect) and ‘Virgin Tanners’ (a group that have avoided self tan due to their highly sensitive or chemical free ethics) are beginning to emerge seeking this natural and organic alternative to mass market chemical rich self-tans

So what makes Tan Organic different from the other Spray tans on the Market?

every ingredient is 100% Natural, contains certified organ-ic ingredients, there’s no para-bans, chemical dyes, artificial colours or perfumes. The Anti-Aging/hydrating properties of hyluronic acid (moisture lock-

ing) as well as collagen and elas-tin promote a youthful appear-ance.

With its premium high grade Organic DhA for lasting colour that does not irritate or dry skin, allowing for an even fade. The sunkissed tan reacts according to the natural skin tone for realistic colour without any orange effect. It is non-comedogenic, paraban and animal testing free.

Linda, Senior Therapistrathgar Laser & Beauty Clinic

Beauty this summer

Beauty offers available until 15th September

Try the New Tan Organic for e28 (normally e35)

Microdermabrasion e50 (normally e70) Shellac 2 week Manicure & Pedicure e55

01 4976434

Beauty Therapist (Contract)Required for salon in Rathgar. 20 hours per week.

Must have 2 years experience minimum, speciality waxing and gel nails experience an advantage.

CV's to [email protected]

Page 17: Santry Informer August 2010

Health & BeautyBeauty Ideas With Linda Mullen

of Oceana Health & BeautyPhone: 01-8283901

Call Oceana today for our special for Informer readers on Microdermabrasion and Pigmentation removal. 01 828 3901.

The Informer

AGe spots, liver spots, senile lentigines, or solar lentigines: call them what you will, but age spots are a common problem, and often times people are genetically predisposed to getting age spots.

The most obvious causes are skin damage from either age or exposure to the sun. Age spots most often appear on the hands, face, back, and feet.

Who gets age spots?People from the ages of 40 and

beyond are more susceptible to age spots, and are generally the people looking to get rid of age spots, because around the ages of 40-50 the skin tends to regenerate itself more slowly. Slower regen-eration, with a slowing metabo-lism, causes age spots, wrinkles, scars, fat and other blemishes more often and more noticeably.

Getting rid of age spotsWant to get rid of age spots?

Then you’ll stay out of the sun. That’s right, all the evidence is in and a majority of sun spots are caused by over exposure to the

sun, which damages the skin, leaving it more susceptible to erratic pigmentation. Liver spots caused by over exposure to the sun are a lot like your typical scar, where pigmentation, like scar tissue, builds up to help pro-tect and absorb the sun light.

Of course, staying out of the sun completely isn’t possible, so if you want to prevent sun spots, wear protective clothing or sun-screen. Long sleeve shirts, turtle necks, and long pants or skirts are your best bet for avoiding sun exposure, but sometimes it’s sim-ply too warm outside to wear these things. If that’s the case, then it’s time you found yourself a sunscreen with a high SPF rat-ing that you could imagine your-self wearing every day—you know, something that smells nice or doesn’t smell at all.

Cosmetic skin treatmentsIPL or Laser will permanently

rid your hands and body of sur-

face pigmentation. There is a downtime where spots turn browner – but will slough off within a week or two.

It's more expensive but has rapid results – so well worth the investment. Typically one to four treatments are needed – but be sure to get all suspected age spots looked at by doctor before any treatment to rule out anything else!!!!

Microdermabrasion, is a proc-ess I’ve mentioned in a number of our skin treatment articles.

A highly effective – deep exf-liotation facial is applied to those areas that have been distorted by scars or age spots, pulling the dead skin cells away, allowing new skin cells to take their place. If you are going to get a facial in your life – and want to see results – this is the facial to get.

Page 18: Santry Informer August 2010

17 The Informer

Family Focus

ALL parents love to encourage their children to enjoy nature, play in the park and get busy in the garden, but we worry about the dangers they may face from plants that could be poisonous or hurt them.

That’s why the Informer loves Poisonous Plants by Elizabeth A Dauncey published by Kew, those plant experts in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, London and the Medical Toxicology Information

Service at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, also in London.

In it there’s detailed information about the 130 most poisonous plants in the home, garden and countryside and how to ensure your child remains safe while enjoying the wonders of nature.

Poisonous Plants, A guide for parents and childcare providers by Elizabeth A Dauncey costs £15stg from

What's your poison? If you’re on a tighter budget than before, and have a baby or small child, you might want to read home Made Kids by nicola Baird, published by Vermilion at £10.99stg.

Packed with tons of easy and cheap ideas for how to clothe, transport and entertain your little ones, this is a mine of useful information.

The benefits of preschoolsIF you have a child who will be starting school in September 2011 you might be thinking about sending him to a preschool before the big move up to primary school, but what will he gain from the experience?

At school he is likely to encounter classmates who have attended a preschool, especially since the government eCCe scheme now offers a universal free preschool place for children for one year prior to attending national school.

Attending a preschool means that he will have to get up and go to ‘school’ which involves get-ting dressed, having breakfast, brushing teeth and washing hands, putting on shoes and coat, and getting a bag ready so that you head out the door at the same time every morning. This habit-forming routine is a great help once school starts and you have to do it for real and be on time.

A preschool environment is a child-centred space set up with all the materials children need to learn through play and be crea-

tive. In some cases preschools look like little classrooms with tables and chairs, there are areas where art materials, books, games and puzzles, and toys are kept for children to choose themselves, and also space for children to be physically active. In some pre-schools there may be some writ-ten work which helps with learn-ing how to hold a pencil and other fine motor skills.

Rita Melia National Childcare Policy Advisor for the National Children’s Nurseries Association (NCNA) ( says “Quality early childhood care and education experiences lays important foundations for later learning.

"Children learn to explore, play, communicate, interact and socialise with others. Children’s learning is experiential, through their daily experiences in the childcare setting they also learn to recognise their own learning, through their art work, photo-graphs and learning stories.”

By Lucy Taylor

Jack and Sophie top the name charts

The most popular Irish baby names for 2009 have been named as Jack, Sean, Daniel, Conor and James for boys and Sophie, Ava, emma, Sarah and Grace for girls.

Four of the five boys’ names have been in the most popular list since 1998, but there has been more varia-tion in girls’ names.

First time entries to the top 100 most popular names include Bobby, Shay and Szymon for boys and Layla, Olivia, hollie, Madison, Daisy and emilia for girls

you might argue that playing, painting, singing and dancing can all take place in the home envi-ronment, and undoubtedly they can. however, attending a pre-school also offers an invaluable social experience to a child which will be of enormous benefit once they start school.

In the preschool environment all children are supported to learn good manners such as saying please and thank you, saying

sorry if they have hurt another child, taking turns and taking part in group activities, tidying up after themselves and listening to instructions from the teacher.

As parents you can also aid this process by helping your child to hang up their coat on their peg when you arrive and greeting staff and children in a friendly manner. These skills will help children make a seemless change to the school environment.

Page 19: Santry Informer August 2010

What are the 10 most important questions when you extend or

renovate your home?

Matt BarnesDip. Arch. Arch. MRIAI.Registered Architect.

01 4933244 • 087 2544443email: [email protected]

You can view the questions on and you can request by email your

FREE GUIdE TO dOMESTIC EXTENSIONSThis guide provides professional advice on:

3 What to ask 3 Who to ask 3 When to ask

Page 20: Santry Informer August 2010

Health Issues22 The Informer

Ask the Pharmacist

With Eoin Meanyeoin Meany works as a pharmacist in McCabe's Pharmacy, Ridgewood

Avenue, Swords. If you have a question you would like answered for next issue, please send it by email to

[email protected] or by post to McCabe's Pharmacy, Ridgewood,

Swords, Co. Dublin.

A: Lexapro (escitalopram) is a type of drug called an SSRI and is an effective treatment for relieving depression and prevent-ing it's recurrence. People who have had more than one episode of depression have a high chance of developing the illness again and so it is often recommended that they stay on these medicines indefinately.

Other antidepressants from the same class of drug include Prozac (fluoxetine), Seroxat (paroxet-ine), Cipramil (citalopram) and Lustral (sertraline).

There is no right or wrong

course of action when it comes to taking SSRIs during pregnancy. It is a decision that each woman needs to make in close conjunc-tion with her doctor in order to best balance the risks and bene-fits, both to herself and her baby.

Discuss with the doctorIt is generally accepted that

there is little to no risk to the baby from taking SSRIs in early pregnancy, with the exception of Seroxat which appears to make it more likely that the baby will be born with an abnormal heart. If a woman is taking Seroxat (parox-

Q: I was diagnosed with depression in 2005 and my doctor pre-scribed me Lexapro. I took them for about six months and they were an effective treatment.

However, in late 2006 I became depressed again and this time the doctor prescribed Lexapro once again and recommended that I stay on them indefinitely. I have been taking them since then, as they have worked well for me and cause me practically no side effects.

However, my husband and I want to have a baby but I am con-cerned about the effect the Lexapro may have on the baby. But I'm reluctant to stop taking them as I'm worried about the depression coming back. My doctor tells me that it's ok to take Lexapro right through pregnancy, but I'm still concerned.

etine) and is considering having a baby, it may be prudent to dis-cuss with her doctor the possibil-ity of switching to another anti-depressant.

however, with Lexapro there does not appear to be a signifi-cant problem.

however, if Lexapro is taken in the last trimester of pregnancy, a baby may have some problems soon after birth such as difficulty feeding, jitteriness, rapid breath-ing or a weak cry. These prob-lems, if they occur, will generally only last a short time (i.e. less than 24 hours) and will resolve with no lasting problems.

A balance of risksThese risks must then be bal-

anced with the risks of depres-sion recurring if you stop taking the Lexapro. Depression may lead to poor nutrition, self-harm, alcohol or drug abuse and high levels of stress which can be damaging to both your own health and that of a foetus.

Perhaps you may consider a psychological treatment such as

cognitive behavioural therapy which can itself be an effective treatment for depression.

Whatever option you do decide on should be discussed in depth

with your doctor, ideally before you become pregnant. It is important that you do not stop taking your medication suddenly. Good luck!

Disclaimer: The advice you have been given by the pharmacist should not be regarded as a clinically accurate diagnosis of any disease or a guarantee that a particular medicine is safe for you to take. The advice given is based solely on the limited amount of information provided and so should not be regarded as a substitute for a face to face consultation with a pharmacist, doctor or other health professional who is personally familiar with your medical history.

Using depression tablets during pregnancy

Q: My son is 3 years old and has been prescribed Betnovate cream for eczema. he has had eczema since he was a baby, but it has flared up quite badly lately. I hear that there is a steroid in Betnovate and my friend told me that steroids shouldn't be used in children. What do you think?

A: You are right that Betnovate cream contains a steroid. Children are more sensitive to the side effects of steroids and so we would be much more cautious about using steroid creams in children than in adults. But having said that, it is not necessary to avoid using steroid creams in children altogether.

Eczema is an allergic, inflammatory disease of the skin that causes dryness, redness, swelling and itching of the skin and can cause blistering and oozing of the skin as well.

Steroid creams reduce the inflammatory response of the skin and can cause a dramatic reduction in symptoms of eczema. However, they should only be used for the shortest period pos-sible in children and generally for no more than three weeks at a time. Longer term use can cause growth suppression and irreversible skin thinning. Apply the cream sparingly and exactly in accordance with your doctor's instructions. It should never be used for longer than absolutely necessary.

The most important part of the treatment of eczema is regu-lar moisturising of the skin. Unlike steroid creams, you needn't be afraid of using moisturisers too often or using too much.

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Page 22: Santry Informer August 2010

National Youth Musical Theatre is proud to present the Irish premiere of "Spring Awakening." John Donnelly, who directed the Broadway smash RENT at The Helix and The Olympia in 2009, returns with this groundbreaking new musical. Winner of 8 Tony Awards on Broadway, including Best Musical, Spring Awakening launched the careers of "Glee" stars Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff. The London production won the 2010 West End Musical of the Year - Spring Awakening has thrilled audiences and critics alike all over the world. Set in 1890's Germany, but with a modern feel and a rock sound-track, Spring Awakening is like nothing you've ever seen before. Featuring a cast of some of the most talented young performers in Ireland, you can't afford to miss this spectacular show!

Spring Awakening runs from the 16th to the 25th September 2010 at The Helix, DCU. Tickets on sale now priced at €20 from The Helix box office at (01) 700 7000 or There are a limited number of on-stage seats available for every performance for just €15.

WIN Two Tickets to see Spring Awakening at the Helix!

"This gutsy new musical has a shivery sensual allure unmatched by anything in the

theatre right now." New York Times

"Beautiful, exhilarating and vital, 'Spring Awakening' is a transcendent new musical!"

USA Today

"Freshness, attack and sheer lyrical's a postmodern collision of styles that

works brilliantly." The Independent!

To win two tickets to Spring Awakening at the Helix in September just answer the

following question: How man Tony Awards did

Spring Awakening win? Answers by e-mail only to [email protected]

Closing date for entries 10th September 2010.

BORN, raised and still living in Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary. Liam’s heritage is deeply entwined in music and performing. Indeed, coming from the famous Clancy family, his entire life has revolved around music and theatre.

The youngest son of Joan Clancy-Butler, from an early age he was constantly sur-rounded by the presence of showbiz as his famous uncles toured the world, bringing back tales of their life on the road. Named for his mother’s youngest brother, the world cel-ebrated troubadour Liam Clancy, the younger Liam was inspired to follow down the path of a stage career.

His passion for music is twined with a love of theatre. Beginning in his hometown with the Carrick-on-Suir Musical Society, playing lead roles in numerous shows many of which

garnered him prestigious Association of Irish Musicals awards and nominations, indeed Liam has been nominated 12 times and gone on to win 6 times. He also has received 5 awards in both best singer and best actor capacity in the Waterford International Festival of Light Opera.

As well as starring in musical theatre, his diversity as an actor has seen him take on many dramatic roles in theatre, and again has received awards in theatre including 4 Best Actor awards on the Irish Drama Circuit.

The album If I told you...Stories has been a labour of love for Liam. An eclectic mix of Story Songs, Musical Theatre and Irish Folk songs, produced and arranged by David Hayes (“Riverdance“, “Fame, The Musical“, plus many more), and performed with won-derful panache by Actor/Singer Liam Butler.

Official launch of singer Liam Butler’s

debut CD album, 'If I Told You...Stories'

The Cd is available to download Worldwide at or itunes.

And a physical copy postal service by contacting Liam at [email protected]

Page 23: Santry Informer August 2010

The Informer

Dublin Distractions

Beer GlassesA BUSINESSMAN enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks. After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, then orders the bartender to prepare another double martini.

After he finishes that it, he again peeks inside his shirt pocket and orders the bartender to bring another double martini. The bartender says, "Look, buddy, I'll bring ya' martinis all night long - but you gotta tell me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you order a refill."

The customer replies, "I'm peeking at a photo of my wife. When she starts to look good, I know it's time to go home."

Designated driverONE night, a garda was stalking out a particu-larly rowdy bar for drink drivers.

At closing time, he saw a fellow stumble out of the bar, trip on the curb, and try his keys on five different cars before he found his. Then, sat in the front seat fumbling around with his keys for several minutes. Everyone left the bar and drove off. Finally, he started his engine and began to pull away.

The police officer was waiting for him. He stopped the driver, read him his rights and

administered the Breathalyzer test. The results showed a reading of 0.0. The puzzled officer demanded to know how that could be. The driver replied, "Tonight, I'm the Designated Decoy."

Not long nowA MAN hasn't been feeling well, so he goes to his doctor for a complete check-up. Afterward, the doctor comes out with the results.

"I'm afraid I have some very bad news," the doctor says. "You're dying, and you don't have much time left."

"Oh, that's terrible!" says the man. "How long have I got?"

"Ten," the doctor says sadly. "Ten?" the man asks. "Ten what? Months?

Weeks? What?!" The doctor interrupts, "Nine...".'

Oops!THE new employee stood before the paper shredder looking confused.

"Need some help?" a secretary asked. "Yes," he replied, "how does this thing

work?" "Simple," she said, taking the fat report from his hand and feeding it into the shredder.

"Thanks, but where do the copies come out?"

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Page 24: Santry Informer August 2010

24 The Informer

Santry News

have you got news for us?

Have you got a local news story you would like covered? Email the newsdesk:

[email protected]

Kellogg’s announces 50 jobs for Swords and SantryKeLLOGG’S has announced 50 new ‘high value’ jobs, bringing the workforce in its north Dublin offices to 250 by the end of the year.

Forty-two jobs will be at the company’s european headquarters in Swords, Co Dublin, where the jobs will be in the areas of sales, mar-keting, finance and supply chain positions, while eight of the new staff will be based at the Irish sales team in Santry.

Kellogg's set up its european headquarters in Dublin in 2005, when it began its operations with 80 staff, with a further 30 working for Kellogg Ireland.

"We are able to attract highly skilled professionals in this market and we are confident that we can continue to build our functional teams here to sustain growth across our european business," said Tim Mobsby, the Irish-based president of Kellogg europe.

Petworld comes to SantryPeT WOrLD has announced it will opening a new Store in the Omni Santry. Their new Santry store will stock a wide selection of tradi-tional and exotic pet species including snakes and reptiles, tropical fish, birds, pet rabbits and other small animals. The store also stock a wide selection of pet food and pet accessories. The new store is located on the broad walk in the unit formally occupied by the Golf Works store.

Pet World is part of the Horkan Group, a family owned and run business originally established over 100 years ago by the Horkan Family in Castlebar, Co Mayo, Ireland. The family has been in the Garden centre market for the last 40 years and in the Pet market for the last 15 years. The Group employs over 100 staff in its Petworld and Horkan's Lifestyle & Garden Centre stores. It currently operates out of five locations in Galway, Castlebar, Sligo and Athlone.

santry in Brief...santry’s eoin morgan impresses for england with maiden century

SaNtry native eoin Morgan is making great strides in the world of cricket fol-lowing his performance for england in a recent test match against Pakistan at trent Bridge, Nottingham.

the talented left-handed batsman scored his maiden century on the open-ing day of the test and prompted high praise across the water for his rescue of a troubled england side.

the 23 year old former Ireland interna-tional described it as ‘a massive moment in my career’ and may result with his inclusion on the england side for the

ashes series in australia later this year.“to score a test-match hundred in only

my third game is a great achievement and I'm extremely proud of myself," eoin said.

the test-match game is the pinnacle of cricket, a level at which the Ireland team does not play.

therefore, for talented players like Morgan, and fellow left-handed bats-man ed Joyce before him,

opting to play for england is the most immediate way of furthering their sport-ing careers.