SANTA CLARA CATHOLIC · 9/24/2017  ·...

SANTA CLARA CATHOLIC CHURCH 323 S “E” St., Oxnard, 93030 — (805) 487-3891 September 24, 2017 CALL UPON THE LORD T he very first line of today’s first reading summons us to seek the Lord and to call upon God. This sentiment is echoed in the re- frain for today’s responsorial psalm: “The Lord is near to all who call upon him” (Psalm 145:18a). Saint Paul is the embodi- ment of someone who constantly sought the Lord. In the excerpt we read today from his letter to the Philippians, we find Saint Paul to- ward the end of his life, a life he describes as completely consonant with Christ. He writes, “For to me life is Christ” (Philippians 1:21). To find out what it means to live life completely in accord with Christ we need look no further than today’s Gospel. There we find that God’s love and mercy are immeasurable for all those who seek and call upon the Lord. .. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION A long with the reform of the Roman Canon and the redrafting of an ancient Roman prayer in Eucharistic Prayer II, two addi- tional prayers were an- nounced in 1969. Eucharistic Prayer III is a fresh composition. Like Eucharistic Prayer II, it has no preface of its own, but the presider chooses from a long menu of possible prefaces to become part of the prayer on a particular oc- casion. Also, like Eucharistic Prayer II it has a way to insert the name of the deceased in Masses for the dead such as funerals and memorials. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal views Eucharistic Prayer III as the best substitute for Eucharistic Prayer I on Sundays and feasts. In practice, this prayer is used very often at Sunday Mass, and its texts are familiar to all members of the assembly. In this prayer, notice that the priest extends his hands over the gifts and calls down the Holy Spirit to change them into the Body and Blood of Christ. This call of the Holy Spirit is called the epiclesis, and Eastern Christians consider it to be the consecration. Latin Christians have long considered the “institution narrative” to be the consecration. Partly in response to a deep sensitivity to the East, the reformers took care to structure all our new prayers with a strong epiclesis. The poetry and images of Eucha- ristic Prayer III are fruitful sources of meditation. Why not take a sen- tence or two into your private prayer? Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PÙ®ÝãÝ SÙò®Ä¦ OçÙ Pٮݫ Rev. Marco A. OrƟz, Pastor Rev. Henry Ahorlu, Associate Pastor SçÄù Hʽù MÝÝ Saturday Vigils 5pm & 7pm Spanish 6:30am, 8am, 10am, 12pm Fam. Mass, 5pm Youth Mass & 7pm Spanish W»ù Hʽù MÝÝ Monday-Saturday 8am CÊÄ¥ÝÝ®ÊÄÝ Fridays 6:30pm, Saturdays 3pm, or by appointment AÊÙã®ÊÄ B½ÝÝ SÙÃÄã Every Friday Family Holy Hour 7-8pm C«çÙ« HÊçÙÝ Every day 6am—8pm (closed on certain holidays) AÄÊ®Äã®Ä¦ Ê¥ ã« S®» Parish Office (805) 487-3891 Emergency only (805) 890-5400 Pٮݫ O¥¥® HÊçÙÝ Monica GuƟerrez, Admin. Secretary Monday thru Friday 8am—9pm Saturday 8am-4pm Sunday 8am-2pm Office of Catechism (805) 330-8218 Youth Ministry/ConfirmaƟon Pete Rydberg (805) 487-1988 Santa Clara Elementary School Mrs. DoƩy Massa, Principal 324 S. E Street, Oxnard CA 93030 (805) 483-6935 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Transcript of SANTA CLARA CATHOLIC · 9/24/2017  ·...

Page 1: SANTA CLARA CATHOLIC · 9/24/2017  · SANTA CLARA CATHOLIC CHURCH 323 S “E” St., Oxnard, 93030 — (805) 487-3891


323 S “E” St., Oxnard, 93030 — (805) 487-3891

September 24, 2017


T he very first line of today’s first reading summons us to seek the Lord and to call upon God. This sentiment is echoed in the re-frain for today’s responsorial psalm:

“The Lord is near to all who call upon him” (Psalm 145:18a). Saint Paul is the embodi-ment of someone who constantly sought the Lord. In the excerpt we read today from his letter to the Philippians, we find Saint Paul to-ward the end of his life, a life he describes as completely consonant with Christ. He writes, “For to me life is Christ” (Philippians 1:21). To find out what it means to live life completely in accord with Christ we need look no further than today’s Gospel. There we find that God’s love and mercy are immeasurable for all those who seek and call upon the Lord. .. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


A long with the reform of the Roman Canon and the redrafting of an ancient Roman prayer in Eucharistic Prayer II, two addi-tional prayers were an-

nounced in 1969. Eucharistic Prayer III is a fresh composition. Like Eucharistic Prayer II, it has no preface of its own, but the presider chooses from a long menu of possible prefaces to become part of the prayer on a particular oc-casion. Also, like Eucharistic Prayer II it has a way to insert the name of the deceased in Masses for the dead such as funerals and memorials. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal views Eucharistic Prayer III as the best substitute for Eucharistic Prayer I on Sundays and feasts. In practice, this prayer is used very often at Sunday Mass, and its texts are familiar to all members of the assembly. In this prayer, notice that the priest extends his hands over the gifts and calls down the Holy Spirit to change them into the Body and Blood of Christ. This call of the Holy Spirit is called the epiclesis, and Eastern Christians consider it to be the consecration. Latin Christians have long considered the “institution narrative” to be the consecration. Partly in response to a deep sensitivity to the East, the reformers took care to structure all our new prayers with a strong epiclesis. The poetry and images of Eucha-ristic Prayer III are fruitful sources of meditation. Why not take a sen-tence or two into your private prayer? Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Rev. Marco A. Or z, Pastor Rev. Henry Ahorlu, Associate Pastor


Saturday Vigils 5pm & 7pm Spanish 6:30am, 8am, 10am, 12pm Fam. Mass,

5pm Youth Mass & 7pm Spanish

W H M Monday-Saturday 8am


Fridays 6:30pm, Saturdays 3pm, or by appointment


Every Friday Family Holy Hour 7-8pm

C H Every day 6am—8pm

(closed on certain holidays)

A S Parish Office (805) 487-3891

Emergency only (805) 890-5400

P O H Monica Gu errez, Admin. Secretary

Monday thru Friday 8am—9pm Saturday 8am-4pm Sunday 8am-2pm

Office of Catechism

(805) 330-8218

Youth Ministry/Confirma on Pete Rydberg (805) 487-1988

Santa Clara Elementary School

Mrs. Do y Massa, Principal 324 S. E Street, Oxnard CA 93030

(805) 483-6935

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 2: SANTA CLARA CATHOLIC · 9/24/2017  · SANTA CLARA CATHOLIC CHURCH 323 S “E” St., Oxnard, 93030 — (805) 487-3891

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Turn to the LORD, who is generous in forgiving (Isaiah 55:6-9). Psalm — The Lord is near to all who call upon him (Psalm 145). Second Reading — Live your lives in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:20c-24, 27a). Gospel — The last will be first, and the first will be last (Matthew 20:1-16a).

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Tuesday: Ss. Cosmas and Damian Wednesday:St. Vincent de Paul Thursday: St. Wenceslaus; St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions Friday: Ss. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels; Yom Kippur (Jewish day of atonement) begins at sunset Saturday: St. Jerome


Monday: Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday:Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; Lk 9:1-6 Thursday: Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lk 9:43b-45 Sunday: Ez 18:25-28; Ps 25:4-9; Phil 2:1-11 [1-5]; Mt 21:28-32


T he Commencement Mass for 40 Days for Life will be said at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Fillmore on Sept.

26 at 7:00 PM in the evening. 40 Days for Life for the Fall cam-paign is Nov.5th. Many Ventura parishes join in prayer at Planned Parenthood Monday thru Friday from 7 AM to 7 PM. Please join in praying to Our Lady of Guada-lupe. Let us end abortion by our prayers, sacrifice, and good works. St. Francis Church is located at 1048 W. Ventura Street. Fillmore, CA 93016.


T his Fall a new 12– STEP JOURNEY GROUP will be forming under the direction Jeannie Rosen-burg, Ph.D. We will be using the book the

TWELVE STEPS– A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY as the basis for our class. The book is based on biblical teachings. We will meet on Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:30. Please call Dr. Jeannie Rosenburg to register, 805-985-6024.


O n Thursday, September 28th, 2017, we will have Bible Study and recite the Holy Rosary. Join us and invite your family and friends

along. 6:00pm - Bible Study 7:00pm - Recitation of the Holy Rosary.632 S. D Street, Oxnard, CA.


E veryone is invited to join the Nationwide Ro-sary Rally to Pray for our Nation, for World Peace, Save the Lives of the Unborn Children

and for our personal intentions. “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to call down God’s mercy…” - St. Louis Marie de Montfort. Octo-ber 14, 2017, Saturday @ 12:00 noon in front of Ventura County Government Center on the Corner of Victoria Avenue and Telephone Road.


A ll are invited to walk with Bishop Robert Bar-ron, on October 8th, 2017 2:00pm - 4:00pm as we pray the Holy Rosary to end abortion

at Ventura Planned Parenthood. Join us in this public witness as we Honor the sanctity and dignity of LIFE. 2:00pm Gather at Ventura County Government Cen-ter 800 E. Victoria Ave. near Flag Poles in Quad Ar-ea. Walk begins at 3pm to Planned Parenthood for final prayers, Blessing and Dove release.


Santa Clara Elementary and Parish

41st Annual Carnival October 27, 28, and 29, 2017 Join the Banner Campaign!

Your business name up on a banner signifies your support of our school, parish, and community.

Banner sponsorships from $150 - $1,000.

*Submission deadline is October 18, 2017. More info at:

Santa Clara Elementary School 324 South E Street

Oxnard, CA, 93030 805-483-6935

[email protected]

Page 3: SANTA CLARA CATHOLIC · 9/24/2017  · SANTA CLARA CATHOLIC CHURCH 323 S “E” St., Oxnard, 93030 — (805) 487-3891



FOR PARENTS AND FAMILIES (PT.2) Family prayer flows from everyday life. Sometimes when we think of family prayer, we think that it takes much time, a great deal of work. We might think we have to du-plicate what we do in church. Even though families may use the prayers of the church (Liturgy of the Hours, lectio divina, the ro-sary, etc.), family prayer flows from what is happen-ing in all daily moments. Some ideas to weave pray-er into your daily family life include: When something good happens, stop and pray a one-sentence prayer of thanksgiving. When something is worrying some-one in the family, pause and pray for God's strength. When you hear of someone—or some part of our world—that is experiencing a difficult time, stop for prayer, asking God's care for the people involved, and that you will have the time and sensitivity to help.

Plan a time every day. Even though prayer can (and should) happen throughout the ordinary day, that which is important to us needs designated time. There's only one best time: the best time for your family. For many families, it might be mealtime and/or bedtime, but each family needs to find the best time and reserve that time as much as possible for prayer.

Pray with Scripture. Invite each family member to identify with one of the people in the Scripture pas-sage and/or to place him or herself into the scene (e.g. one of the children who approached Jesus). Share reflections on what they think God wanted them to hear today. Use the format of lectio divina to listen, reflect, and decide how to live this message of God's Word in the world.

Pay attention to the Psalms. Do we pay as much atten-tion to the Responsorial Psalm as to the other three readings at weekend liturgy? They are powerful

prayers of thanks, adoration, intercession, and peti-tion. Each day, pray (or sing) the one-line response from the weekend's psalm. Families might also decide to stop once a day, at a given time, to pray the one line that they have chosen. Whether at work, at school, or at home—scattered throughout their daily activities—all family members are united in prayer at the same time. Mealtimes. Often, families pray our traditional bless-ing prayer; at times, too, other blessings or interces-sory prayers might be used. Pass around a photo of a relative or friend who is sick, each person praying for him or her. Sing a song from Sunday's liturgy. Share the Sign of Peace. Pray Psalms of praise and thanksgiving, such as Ps 63:2-9; 104:13-15; 111; 146:1-2, 5-10; 107:8-9; or Mary's Magnificat, Lk 1:46-55. By Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP. Retrieved from Copyright © 2016, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC.


Y ou are invited to an information night on September 26, 2017 at 7pm, with tours at 6:15pm. Villanova Preparatory School,

12096 North Ventura Ave. Ojai, CA 93023 or call for more information at 805-646-1464.


T he Santa Clara Altar Society luncheon meeting for the month of September is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 11:30

am. at the Parish Center. Members are requested to bring salad toppings or desserts. Parishioners inter-ested in the work of the Altar Society are welcome to attend. Thank you for using the pink envelopes in the pews. Contributions are used for the weekly flower bouquets on the altars and other items in the church.


S anta Clara High School’s homecoming football game will be held on Friday, Sept. 29, 2017 at 7pm. The Saints will

take on Fairmont Prep. There will be a hos-pitality tent for all SCHS alumni before the game. There will also be a display of class floats, a presentation of the homecoming court and a fireworks show at halftime. If you have any questions please contact Roger Ranney at [email protected] or 805-483-9502 ext.147.

P lease join the Legion of Mary celebrate the 100 Year Anniver-sary of Our Lady of Fatima,

Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 2017, Friday at Santa Clara Church. There will be a 7am Rosary and morn-ing prayers at 7:30 am. The Procession of the statue of our Blessed Mother led by the Knights of Columbus and offer-ing of flowers before the 8am Mass. Breakfast will be served by the Knights of Columbus at the Parish Center after the 8am Mass. Let’s venerate our Lady & offer her flowers.


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Dn. Johnny Castorena, retired (Eva †) Dn. Vince Kelch (Anne) Dn. Leo Lacbain (Fe) Dn. Larry Lopez (Lupe) Dn. Michael Holguin (Donna) Dn. Vince Crawford (Marilou) Dn. Fidel Ramirez (Marilou) Dn. Dano Ramos (Maria) Dn. Milt Rosenberg (Jeannie) Dn. Ray Vazquez (Mona)



5:00 PM SAT SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 (VIGIL MASS) Clarice Woodworth -Health & Wellbeing

Andrew Spellman -Deceased Brother Dominic Guillen -Health & Wellbeing

Adolfo Cervantes -Birthday Manuel Amaro Perez -Health & Wellbeing


Julia and Santiago Arceo -Difuntos Jose Franco Gutierrez -Difunto(a)

6:30 AM SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 SUNDAY MASS Elena Pena Madlangsakay -Deceased

Juanita & Isidro Baluyot -Death Anniversary

8:00 AM SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 SUNDAY MASS Josephina Acierto -Death Anniversary

Cristita Corpuz Acierto -Death Anniversary Jean Bridget Ryan-Hunt -Deceased

Justin Adrian Patino -Special Intention Mary Haydon -Deceased


Karen Lynn Herrera -Deceased Josephina Acierto-Death Anniversary

Christina Copuz Acierto -Death Anniversary Danilo Relova -Death Anniversary Czarina Relova-Marcelo -Birthday

Ramon Ruvalcaba -Deceased Pedro Ballesteros -Deceased

12:00 PM SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 SUNDAY MASS Julita C. Fababier -Death Anniversary

Victor Basinal Florendo -Deceased Gloria Almanzar -Birthday

Maya & Adonacion Mejia -Health & Wellbeing Baby Sofia Javier -Health & Wellbeing

Eva Bravo -Deceased Bravo Family -Health & Wellbeing

2:00 PM SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 SUNDAY MASS Teodora Hernandez -Aniversario Difunto(a)

Macario Magaña 3 años -Difunto(a) Alberto Hernandez -Difunto(a)

Jesus Lara (+) -Aniversario Difunto(a)

5:00 PM SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 SUNDAY MASS Manuel Amaro Perez -Health & Wellbeing

Lois Loomis -Birthday

7:00 PM SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 SUNDAY MASS Anna Isabel Aguilar -Cumpleaños Joel y Olga Magana -Por su Salud

Frederico y Maria Podaca -Eterno Descanso Clemencia Garcia -Eterno Descanso

Familia SixtoAntonioSalustia -Acción de Gracias Marcela Lopez -Intención Especial


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Jocelyn & Galvani Ratley -Wedding Anniversary

Manuel Amaro Perez -Health & Wellbeing Justin Adrian Patino -Special Intention


Avelino Rocha III -Death Anniversary Jaimie Salonga -Birthday

Manuel Amaro Perez -Health & Wellbeing

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Vanessa Rivera -Deceased/Birthday

Manuel Amaro Perez -Health & Wellbeing Pierrie Paul -Health & Wellbeing


Manuel Amaro Perez -Health & Wellbeing

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Geronima & Dalmacio Pinca -Deceased

Manuel Amaro Perez -Health & Wellbeing Victoria Vasquez -Special Intention


Rosalina Loya -Birthday Lerma Brothers -Deceased


P lease join us on Wednesdays 8:00am-11:00am & Fridays 3:00pm-3:30pm in front of Planned Parenthood, 5400 Ralston Street

Ventura as we peacefully pray for an end to abor-tion & Conversions. Our Lady of Guadalupe, please pray for us and with us.

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L a primera línea de la lectura de hoy nos or-dena buscar al Señor e invocar a Dios. Escu-chamos el eco de este

sentimiento en el refrán del salmo responsorial del día: “Cerca está el Señor de los que lo invocan” (Salmo 145:18a). San Pablo es la encarnación de alguien que constantemente buscó al Se-ñor. En la cita que leímos hoy de su carta a los filipenses, encontramos a san Pablo hacia el final de su vida, vida que describe como en completa consonancia con Cristo. Escribe: “Porque para mí, la vida es Cris-to” (Filipenses 1:21). Para saber lo que significa vivir una vida de completo acuerdo con Cristo basta mirar el Evangelio de hoy. Allí encontramos que el amor y la misericordia de Dios son inconmensurables para todos los que buscan e invocan al Señor. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.


L as actas de los mártires son documentos de suma importancia en la Iglesia cristiana. En ellas se

encuentra el testi-monio de hombres y mujeres que con su sangre dieron testimonio del evangelio. En esta do c umen ta c i ó n encontramos el testimonio de quienes vieron y presen-ciaron su martirio. Por ejemplo, un soldado dice de los mártires: “Dormían en el suelo. No les vi quejarse en ningún momento y estuvieron todo el tiempo rezando y muy recogidos. . . magníficos, unos santos. . .”. Testimonios como éste eran comunes en los prime-ros siglos del cristianismo cuando en la Roma pagana se perseguía a la Iglesia primitiva. Lamentablemente, este testimonio no viene de hace 17 ó 19 siglos, más bien, viene del siglo pasado, siglo en el cual la per-secución de cristianos se multiplicó por todas partes del mundo produciendo más mártires que ningún otro siglo. El testimonio del soldado fue acerca del primer santo Argentino, Héctor Valdivielso Sáez y compañe-ros, quienes fueron asesinados por los comunistas en

Asturias, España. Él fue uno de los más de 8000 cris-tianos martirizados en España, 30,000 en China, in-contables en Latinoamérica y otros lugares durante el siglo pasado .-Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Primera lectura — Así como el cielo está muy alto por encima de la tierra, así son los caminos y los pensamientos de Dios sobre los nuestros (Isaías 55:6-9). Salmo — El Señor está cerca de todos los que lo llaman (Salmo 145 [144]). Segunda lectura — Cristo se magnificará a través de mí, sea que yo viva o que muera (Filipenses 1:20c-24, 27a). Evangelio — Los últimos serán los primeros y los primeros serán los últimos (Mateo 20:1-16a).

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Esd 1:1-6; Sal 126 (125):1b-6; Lc 8:16-18 Martes: Esd 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 8:19-21 Miércoles:Esd 9:5-9; Tob:13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; Lc 9:1-6 Jueves: Ag 1:1-8; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lc 9:7-9 Viernes: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 o Apo 12:7-12a; Sal 138 (137):1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Sábado: Zac 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lc 9:43b-45 Domingo: Ez 18:25-28; Sal 25 (24):4-9; Fil 2:1-11 [1-5]; Mt 21:28-32

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Martes: Santos Cosme y Damián Miércoles: San Vicente de Paul Jueves: San Wenceslao; San Lorenzo Ruiz y compañeros Viernes: Los Arcángeles Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael; Yom Kipur (festividad judía conocida como Día del Perdón) comienza a la puesta del sol Sábado: San Jerónimo




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Para información sobre quinces, bodas y bautizos visite nuestro sitio web


por la Hermana Janet Schaeffler, OP

H ace algunos años, mi sobrino nieto de seis años murió repentinamente. Unos días antes de la muerte

de Tyler, yo estaba cuidando de él y su hermana recién naci-da. Cuando estaba alimentando a Abby, Tyler se sentó allí, continuando incesan-temente una deliciosa conversación. De repente, dijo: "Sabes, Janet, Dios es parte de cada familia". No estoy muy segura de qué lo hizo decir eso en ese momento. Cada vez que rememoro ese instante, experimento diversas emo-ciones y recuerdos.

Una constatación que sus palabras me gritan es el poder de la oración en la familia: la oración en fa-milia ayuda a hacer tangible la realidad de que nunca estamos solos; que Dios está íntimamente con nosotros, siempre y en todas partes, y de forma úni-ca en la vida familiar. El Concilio Vaticano II restauró la antigua creencia de la "iglesia doméstica", de la iglesia familiar (Lumen Gentium, no. 11). La primera y más importante manera en que la mayoría de las personas experimentan a Dios es dentro de las rela-ciones familiares y los encuentros de la vida cotidi-ana dentro de la familia. La oración es lo que une a la familia: es el poder que posibilita el reconocimien-to de Dios en ella siempre y en todas partes, y la fuerza que la sostiene en el curso de su vida llena de fe en su mundo 24/7.

E l llamado a la santidad es vivido por la mayoría de las personas dentro de su vida familiar cotidiana. La gente es santa al

"entregarse totalmente a la gloria de Dios y al ser-vicio del prójimo" (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, no. 2013). Estas dos maneras de vida están en-trelazadas; la oración, especialmente la oración en familia, lleva a la acción. El papa Francisco afirmó enérgicamente que "se debe rechazar la tentación de una espiritualidad oculta e individualista, que po-co tiene que ver con las exigencias de la caridad… Existe el riesgo de que algunos momentos de oración se conviertan en excusa para no entregar la vida en la misión" (Evangelli Gaudium, no. 262). La vida fa-miliar y la oración en familia —por estar arraigadas en la "desprolijidad" y las alegrías de la vida re-al— siempre conectan a los miembros de la familia con las necesidades de los demás.

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