SanGuoSha Base Plus Expansion

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Transcript of SanGuoSha Base Plus Expansion

  • 7/30/2019 SanGuoSha Base Plus Expansion


    English Inserts for Sleeved Sanguosha Cards (Base Set)Card width 62mmCharacter text height 22mmItem text height 32mm

    Base Items, Tools, and Equipment:

    Eight Trigrams ( )Once equipped, a player can first draw a cardin any situation in which he could play aDodge. If the card drawn is a red-suitedcard, it has the effect of a Dodge. The drawncard is discarded. Otherwise he can still play aDod e.

    Eight Trigrams ( )Once equipped, a player can first draw a cardin any situation in which he could play aDodge. If the card drawn is a red-suitedcard, it has the effect of a Dodge. The drawncard is discarded. Otherwise he can still play aDod e.

    Ren Wang Shield All black suited Kill cards have no effect onyou. This also encompasses cards thatsubstitute for the Kill card, such as when"Serpent Halberd " is equipped and any 2cards are used as Kill.

    10,000 Arrows All other players must play a Dodge or loseone health.

    Barbarians All other players must play a Kill or lose onehealth.

    Barbarians All other players must play a Kill or lose onehealth.

    Barbarians All other players must play a Kill or lose onehealth.

    Duel Play this card on another player, who mustplay a Kill card or lose one health. Playersthen continue to alternate playing Kill cardsuntil one player does not and loses onehealth.

    Duel Play this card on another player, who mustplay a Kill card or lose one health. Playersthen continue to alternate playing Kill cardsuntil one player does not and loses onehealth.

    Duel Play this card on another player, who mustplay a Kill card or lose one health. Playersthen continue to alternate playing Kill cardsuntil one player does not and loses onehealth.

    Lightning Play in front of yourself. In your next turn,draw a card during Resolution Phase and ifthe card is a 2-9 of Spades, lose three healthand discard the Lightning. Otherwise, give thecard to the next player, who repeats processon his turn.

    Lightning Play in front of yourself. In your next turn,draw a card during Resolution Phase and ifthe card is a 2-9 of Spades, lose three healthand discard the Lightning. Otherwise, give thecard to the next player, who repeats process

    Jail Play in front of another player, who next turnmust draw a Hearts-suited card in theResolution Phase or lose their Play Phase(but can still draw and discard). The Jail cardis then discarded.


    Play in front of another player, who next turnmust draw a Hearts-suited card in theResolution Phase or lose their Play Phase(but can still draw and discard). The Jail cardis then discarded.


    Play in front of another player, who next turnmust draw a Hearts-suited card in theResolution Phase or lose their Play Phase(but can still draw and discard). The Jail cardis then discarded.

    Dismantle Force another player to discard one card inhand or equipped item (attacker chooses).

    Dismantle )Force another player to discard one card inhand or equipped item (attacker chooses).

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    Dismantle Force another player to discard one card inhand or equipped item (attacker chooses).

    Dismantle Force another player to discard one card inhand or equipped item (attacker chooses).

    Dismantle Force another player to discard one card inhand or equipped item (attacker chooses).

    Dismantle Force another player to discard one card inhand or equipped item (attacker chooses).

    Steal Draw one card from another players hand orequipped item within range 1.

    Steal Draw one card from another players hand orequipped item within range 1.

    Steal Draw one card from another players hand orequipped item within range 1.

    Steal Draw one card from another players hand orequipped item within range 1.

    Steal Draw one card from another players hand orequipped item within range 1.

    Truce ( )Each player gains one health (up to maximumhealth).

    Borrow Weapon Ask another player who has a weaponequipped to use a Kill card againstsomeone within their range whom youdesignate. If they refuse, you take theirweapon.

    Borrow Weapon Ask another player who has a weaponequipped to use a Kill card againstsomeone within their range whom youdesignate. If they refuse, you take theirweapon.

    Draw 2 Draw two cards from draw pile.

    Draw 2 Draw two cards from draw pile.

    Draw 2 Draw two cards from draw pile.

    Draw 2 Draw two cards from draw pile.

    Harvest Draw and expose a number of cards equal tothe remaining number of players. Starting withthe player who played the card andproceeding in turn, each player takes one of

    Negate Play at any time to cancel effect of any ActionCard. If played against a card that affectsseveral players (e.g. 10,000 Arrows) thiscard cancels the effect only on that player.

    Negate Play at any time to cancel effect of any ActionCard. If played against a card that affectsseveral players (e.g. 10,000 Arrows) thiscard cancels the effect only on that player.

    Negate Play at any time to cancel effect of any ActionCard. If played against a card that affectsseveral players (e.g. 10,000 Arrows) thiscard cancels the effect only on that player.

    Negate Play at any time to cancel effect of any ActionCard. If played against a card that affects

    several players (e.g. 10,000 Arrows) thiscard cancels the effect only on that player.

    Harvest Draw and expose a number of cards equal tothe remaining number of players. Starting with

    the player who played the card andproceeding in turn, each player takes one ofthe exposed cards.

    Zhuge Crossbow )May play more than 1 Kill card per turn.


    Zhuge Crossbow May play more than 1 Kill card per turn.


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    Blue Steel Blade Nullifies effect of Shield and Eight Trigram.

    2Twin Swords

    When used with a Kill card to wound a

    character of the opposite sex, the target mustchoose either to discard a card or to allowattacker to take a card from the draw pile.

    Famous Sword 2Player may play a Kill against a target toforce discard of 2 cards from the targets handor equipped items instead of taking one health(attacker chooses). The target may play aDodge card to cancel this.

    Rock Cleaving Axe When a target has avoided the players Killby playing a Dodge or successfully usedEight Trigram, you may discard two cardsand force the target to lose one health.

    Serpent SpearYou may choose 2 cards from your hand toact as a Kill card. This is still subjectto 1 Kill per turn.

    3Green Dragon Crescent Blade When a target has avoided the players Killby playing a Dodge or successfully usedEight Trigram, you may use a second Killto try again.

    Heaven Scorcher Halberd If a Kill card is played was the last card inhand, you may attack up to threeplayers in range simultaneously.

    4Unicorn Bow If you successfully attack a target, the targetmust also discard an equipped horse (attackerchooses).


    Base Characters:

    Lu Meng If no Kill card played in a turn (including inDuel) then do not need to discard in discardphase and no hand limit for that turn.

    Zhou Yu Can draw three cards in Draw Phase. Onceper turn, can select a target to guess the suitof a random card in your hand (chosen by the

    target). If the target guesses wrong, target

    Gan Ning Can use any black-suited card as Dismantle.

    Ruler Sun Quan Once on your turn, can exchange any numberof cards in hand for new cards from the drawpile. As the Ruler, can ask any Wu player in togive you a card in their turn.

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    Lu Xun Not affected by Jail or Steal Sheep. If atany time no cards in hand, draw a card (If lastcard damages Sima Yi ( ), then drawbefore he draws from your hand).

    Huang Gai Can sacrifice one health to draw 2 cards.

    Da Qiao (F)

    Can use any diamond-suited card as a Jailcard. When the target of a Kill card (not ina Duel), can discard one card and transfer theKill to another player within your range.

    Sun Shang Xiang (F)

    Draw 2 cards whenever an equipped item islost (can be caused by self). Can choose todiscard two cards to add one health toyourself and another male player.

    Zhen Ji (F) After conducting other resolutions, can drawcards as part of the Resolution Phaseuntil a red card is drawn, placing all blackcards in hand. Can also use any black-suited

    Zhang Liao May draw one card each from 2 playershands rather than from the draw pile.

    Xiahou Dun If anyone plays a card to reduce your health,the attacker must draw a card. If the card isnot Hearts-suited, then the attacker must lose

    one health or discard two cards.

    Ruler Cao Cao Receive any card(s) played that result in lossof health to you (In a Duel, only Duel card). Asthe Ruler, can at any time request a player

    from Wei play a Dodge card on your behalf.

    Sima Yi If an opponent reduces your health, can pick arandom card from attackers hand. Afteranyone (including self) has revealed a card inthe Resolution Phase, can play a card from

    Xu Zhu If you choose to draw only one card during theDraw Phase, a successful play of a Kill card(not including in Duel) deals two damage.

    Guo Jia Take all resolution cards (flipped from thedraw deck) in your own turn in hand. Alsotakes two cards from the draw pile every timeyou lose one health, and may give those two

    Guan Yu Can use any red-suited card as a Kill card.

    Zhao Yun Can play a Kill card as a Dodge card andvice versa.

    Ma Chao Play as if equipped with a -1 horse. Afterplaying a Kill card, flip over a card from thedraw deck and if it is red-suited, then thetarget is forced to lose one health.

    Ruler Liu Bei For every two cards given to any otherplayer(s), recover one health. As Ruler, youcan ask any player from Shu () to play aKill card on your behalf.

    Zhuge Liang Can examine and then reorder the top fivecards of the draw pile before drawing. Ifyou have no cards, Kill cards (including inDuels) have no effect.

    Huang Yue Ying (F) After playing an Action Card, immediatelydraw a card. If card played damages Sima Yi,

    then take card first and Sima Yi then draws acard. May use any Action Card without range

    Zhang Fei Can play any number of Kill cards in oneturn.

    Diao Chan (F) At the end of the discard phase, draw onecard. Once during your turn, you maydiscard a card and force two male charactersto have duel and designate who goes first.

    Lu Bu When you play a Kill card, the target mustplay two Dodge cards to avoid. If usingEight Trigram card, must resolve twicesuccessfully. When playing Duel, the target

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    Hua Tuo Can use any red-suited card as a Peachcard to save another characters life. Onceduring your turn, can discard any card as aPeach card.

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    Young Zh G Ling When no armor is equipped, Young Zhu GeLiang will always have the protection of the"Eight Trigrams" by default.

    All on-hand cards with a red suit can be used

    " " '

    Png Tng On-hand Clubs card can be used as "IronShackles". On-hand Clubs card can bediscarded & redrawn. Once per game, whenhe dies, he resurrects himself by discarding all

    Hung Zhng "Kill" cards cannot be evaded by "Dodge" if:- On-hand cards of the target player is lessthan or equal to your attacking range or,- On-hand cards of the target player is more

    Wi Yn Whenever he causes damage to any playerwithin range of 1, he regains 1 unit of healthfor every 1 unit of damage caused.

    Mng Hu "Barbarians" has no effect. If he is not at fullhealth, he can choose to give up the drawingphase and, instead, flip X cards (X = health).Of these X cards, Meng Huo will regain 1 unitof health for every Hearts card. The Heartscards will be discarded while the remainingcards that were flipped will be kept into his


    Zh Rng (F) "Barbarians" has no effect on Zhu Rong.When any other player uses "Barbarians", ZhuRong will acquire the "Barbarians" card thatwas used.Whenever Zhu Rong's "Kill" successfullydamages the target player, she can choose to"Points Duel" with that same target player. If

    she wins the Points Duel, she takes 1 card(on-hand or equipped) away from the targetand keep.

    F Zhng Whenever any other player regains yourhealth by 1, that player can draw 1 card.Every instance that other players dealdamage to you, that player must give you anon-hand card of the Hearts suit, or lose 1health.In your action phase, you can give 1 on-handcard with the suit of Hearts to any otherplayer, then take any 1 card from that playerand immediately give it to another player oryourself. Limited to one use per turn.

    M S In your action phase, if your number of on-hand cards exceeds your maximum healthunits, you can view the top 3 cards of thedeck. Of these 3, display any number of cardsthat are of the heart suit, and then keep themin your hand. Replace the remainder of the 3cards (if any) in any order back on the top ofthe deck. Limited to once per turn.The player that kills you must discard all his orher cards (both on-hand and equipped)immediately.

    X Sh With the exception of Time-delayed tool cards,all other tool cards used by you have no effecton all other players. Similar tool cards used byall other players have no effect on you.In the action phase, you can discard up to 3cards, then allow 1 other player of your choiceto draw an equal number of cards from thedeck. If you discard no less than 3 cards ofsimilar type (basic, tool card, equipment card),you regain 1 unit of health. Limited to once perturn.

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    Din Wi During the action phase of your turn, you caninflict 1 unit of damage to any player withinyour attacking range by either 1 of these 2actions:-Reducing 1 unit of your own health, or-Discarding 1 Weapon card (can be on-handor currently equipped)Limited to one use per turn.

    Xn Y In the action phase, you can choose to "PointsDuel" with another character with more healththan you. If you win, that player will cause 1unit to damage to another player withinattacking range of your choice. If you lose,that player will cause 1 unit of damage to you.Note that the victim who suffers the damagecannot use "Dodge". Usage is limited to onceper turn.Every 1 unit of damage that Xun Yu suffers,he can allow any player of his choice(including himself) to replenish as many cards


    Co Rn After the discard phase of your turn, you candraw an additional 3 cards from the deck. Bydoing so, you will skip your next turn.

    Xihu Yun He can use either or both of the followingoptions listed below. When any of the optionsbelow are activated, it is equivalent to usingan "Kill" card on any player (no distancelimitations).-Skip his judgement phase as well as hisdrawing phase (no judgement and no drawingof 2 cards from the deck)

    -Skip his action phase as well as discard onee ui ment card horse armor or wea on .

    Ruler - Co PCao Pi can immediately take possession of allthe cards (both on-hand and equipped) of anyplayer that dies.Everytime Cao Pi suffers damage to hishealth, he can force any other player to drawX number of cards. X being the units of healthhe has loss. By doing so, this player will haveto lose his/her next turn.

    As a Ruler, whenever any other WeiCharacter makes a judgement, if the

    judgement card that takes effect is the suit ofClubs or Spades, that character can choose tolet Cao Pi draw 1 card from the deck.

    X Hung During the action phase, Xu Huang canchoose to use any of his Basic Cards (such as"Kill" and "Wine") or Equipment Cards with thesuit of Clubs or Spades as ""RationsDepleted"". His range for "Rations Depleted" isextended to distance of 2.

    Co ZhWhen other players discard or flip judgementcards with Clubs into the discard pile, you cantake possession of these cards.When your character card is facing up, youcan choose to flip over your character cardand this will be considered as having used"Wine" (under reasonable situations only).When you suffer damage while your charactercard is facing down, you can choose to flipover your character card such that is faces up

    Y Jn When you have no armor equipped, black-suited "Kill" cards have no effect on you.

    Zhng Chn Hu All damage caused by you is viewed as "lossof health". (Character abilities or card abilities

    that are activated when damage is "causedby" or "received" will not activate).With the exception of the discard phase,whenever your number of on-hand cards isless than the number of units of health lossthus far, you can immediately draw from thedeck till your on-hand cards equal number of

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    Ti Sh CDuring the action phase, Tai Shi Ci canconduct Points Duel with any other character.Limited to one use per turn.If he wins thePoints Duel, he possesses these abilities untilthe end of the turn:-Tai Shi Ci will have unlimited range,-He can use 1 additional "Kill" card in that turn,-Each "Kill" can target 1 additional character.If he loses the Points Duel - Tai Shi Ci cannotuse "Kill" for that turn.

    Xio Qio (F) Whenever Xiao Qiao receives any damage,she can choose to pass the damage on to anyother player by discarding an on-hand cardthat has a suit of Hearts. The victim thatreceives the damage gets to draw X numberof cards from the deck, X being the totalamount of health loss (measured from thecharacter's maximum health level) after thedeflection. Xiao Qiao is left unscathed oncethe damage is passed to another player.

    All cards with a suit of Spades will ALWAYSbe regarded as the suit of Hearts as long as it


    Zhu Ti When Zhou Tai's health reaches zero (brink ofdeath), one playing card must be flipped fromthe deck and placed on his character card.Zhou Tai is not considered dead at this pointand the game continues. Whenever he losesan additional unit of health from here on, anadditional card will be further added on top ofhis character card. As long as none of these

    cards have the same "number" (ie: from ace toking), Zhou Tai will remain alive. Wheneverthere is a card or more placed on hischaracter card, he will always be consideredas bein on the "brink of death".

    Sn Jin In the beginning of every turn, Sun Jian cancarry out either of the options listed below if heis no longer at maximum health (X representsthe number of units of health Sun Jian has lostthus far). Pick one other player to carry outone of the following options:-Draw X cards, then discard 1 card or,-Draw 1 card, then discard X cards.

    Limited to one use per turn.

    L S In the drawing phase, Lu Su can choose todraw 2 more cards (total of 4 cards). If he hasmore than 5 on-hand cards as a result, hemust give half of his on-hand cards (roundeddown to a whole number) to the player withthe least amount of on-hand cards (excludinghimself).During his action phase, he can choose toforce 2 players (other than himself) toexchange their entire set of

    on-hand cards by discarding X number ofcards, X being the difference between thenumber of on-hand cards between these 2la ers. Limited to one use er turn.

    Lng Tng Whenever a card is removed from yourequipped items area, you can carry out either1 of the following 2 options:-Viewed as having used an "Kill" on any player(this "Kill" will not be considered in calculatingthe number of "Kill" card used per turn) or,-Cause 1 unit of damage to a player withinphysical range of 1.

    W Gu Ti (F) In the action phase, you can choose 2 playersto exchange all of their equipped cards. Thedifference in the number of equipped cardsbetween the 2 players must not be more thanX, where X is the amount of health you havelost thus far. Limited to once per turn.When a player is at the brink of death, youcan display one of the on-hand cards of thatplayer. If that card is not a basic card, theplayer will discard that card and regain 1 unit

    X Shng Whenever your "Kill" causes damage, you canforce your victim to draw X cards from thedeck (X being the number of health units thevictim currently has. X has a maximum of 5),after which the victim must flip his or hercharacter card over.

    Yun Sho During the action phase, Yuan Shao canchoose to discard any 2 on-hand cards withthe same suit as "10,000 Arrows".

    At any time in the game, Yuan Shao's limit foron-hand cards at the end of his turn increasesby 2 for every Neutral character (other than

    Png D Pang De will always have a -1 distanceadvantage (default "-1 horse" equipped).Whenever Pang De's "Kill" is evaded by"Dodge", he can forcefully discard one of theopponents cards (on-hand or equipped). Notethat Pang De selects the card for discarding

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    Yn Ling & Wn Chu During the drawing phase, Yan Liang & WenChou can choose to forfeit the drawing phaseand opt for a judgement card to be flipped.Unlike usual judgement cards, this particular

    judgement card can be kept by the player.Note the color of the suit (black or red) of this

    judgement card. For the rest of their actionphase, they can choose to use any on-handcard with a different color from this judgementcard as "Duel".

    Zhng Jio Whenever Zhang Jiao uses a "Dodge" card,he can target any player to make a judgement.If the judgement card is of the "spades" suit,the target player suffers 2 units of lightningattribute damage.Zhang Jiao can exchange the judgement cardof any player before it takes effect with any ofhis Spades or Clubs suit cards (on-hand orequipped). Note that the cards are exchanged,meaning Zhang Jiao can retrieve the original

    judgement card back into his hand.As a Ruler, all Neutral characters can giveZhang Jiao one "Dodge" or "Lightning" cardduring their individual turns.

    Y JWhenever Yu Ji uses a Basic Card or Non-Time-Delay Tool cards, he can verbalize theintended card but play a card faced down onthe table. If nobody doubts the authenticity ofthe card, the card takes the effect asverbalized. If there is (are) any player(s) that

    doubt the authenticity of the card, the cardmust be flipped over to expose the trueidentity of the card.- If the card is real, every player thatexpressed doubted will lose 1 unit of health.- If the card is a fake, every player thatexpressed doubt gets to draw 1 card from thedeck.Regardless whether the card is real or fake,the card is rendered useless as long as it hasbeen flipped over UNLESS the card is bothreal and has a suit of "hearts", in which casethe card still is effective.

    Ruler - Dng Zhu Dong Zhuo can use any of his on-hand cardswith a suit of Spades as "Wine".When Dong Zhuo uses "Kill" on a femalecharacter and vice versa, the target characterneeds to use 2 "Dodge" cards to successfullyevade the attack.

    At the end of every turn (after discarding hisexcess on-hand cards), if Dong Zhuo's healthis not the least or amongst the least, he mustlose 1 unit of health or reduce his maximumhealth by 1 unit.

    As a Ruler, When other Neutral characterscause any damage to other players, DongZhuo can flip a judgement card. If the

    judgement card is the suit of Spades, DongZhuo will regain 1 unit of health.

    Ji X During Jia Xu's turn, with the exception of

    himself, only characters who are on the brinkof death (health equals zero or less) can use"Peach".During his action phase, Jia Xu can forceevery player, other than himself, to use an"Kill" on another player at the least distanceaway. If a player is unable to do so (no "Kill"cards to use or attack range cannot reach anyplayer), the player will lose 1 unit of health.Recipients of the "Kill" need to use "Dodge" toevade. This ability will proceed in successionstarting from the player after Jia Xu.Jia Xu cannot become the target of tool cards

    Go Shn During the action phase, you can Points Duel

    with another player.If you win, you possess the following abilitiesuntil your turn ends.- Disregard any distance between you andthat player- Disregard any equipped armor of that player.- You can use as many "Kill" cards as youwish on that player.If you lose, you cannot use any "Kill" cards forthe remainder of this turn. Limited to one useper turn.

    All your "Wine" cards must be regarded as"Kill" cards.

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    Chn Gng During the action phase, you can give anequipment card or an "Kill" card to any otherplayer (the recipient). The recipient must thenchoose between 1 of 2 options.1. This action would be viewed as havingused an ATTACK on another player of yourchoice within the recipient's attacking range.2. Draw a card from the deck.Limited to one use per turn.Whenever you receive damage during anotherplayer's turn, any "Kill" or Tool cards (exceptTime-delayed tool cards) have no effect onyou until that turn ends.

    Iron Shackles To shackle: Pick 2 players to be shackled.Have these 2 players place their charactercards from portrait to landscape orientation.To unshackle: Pick 2 players that havealready been shackled.Have these 2 playersrevert their character cards back to the portrait

    orientation.To use Re-draw: Toss this card into thediscard pile and redraw another card from thedeck. No players will be shackled in doing so.Note that RE-DRAW is not considered "using"this tool card, therefore Huang Yue cannotdraw an additional card (2 cards) whenexecuting Re-draw.

    Iron Shackles To shackle: Pick 2 players to be shackled.Have these 2 players place their charactercards from portrait to landscape orientation.To unshackle: Pick 2 players that havealready been shackled.Have these 2 playersrevert their character cards back to the portrait

    orientation.To use Re-draw: Toss this card into thediscard pile and redraw another card from thedeck. No players will be shackled in doing so.Note that RE-DRAW is not considered "using"this tool card, therefore Huang Yue cannotdraw an additional card (2 cards) whenexecuting Re-draw.

    Iron Shackles To shackle: Pick 2 players to be shackled.Have these 2 players place their charactercards from portrait to landscape orientation.To unshackle: Pick 2 players that havealready been shackled.Have these 2 playersrevert their character cards back to the portrait

    orientation.To use Re-draw: Toss this card into thediscard pile and redraw another card from thedeck. No players will be shackled in doing so.Note that RE-DRAW is not considered "using"this tool card, therefore Huang Yue cannotdraw an additional card (2 cards) when

    Iron Shackles To shackle: Pick 2 players to be shackled.Have these 2 players place their charactercards from portrait to landscape orientation.To unshackle: Pick 2 players that havealready been shackled.Have these 2 playersrevert their character cards back to the portrait

    orientation.To use Re-draw: Toss this card into thediscard pile and redraw another card from thedeck. No players will be shackled in doing so.Note that RE-DRAW is not considered "using"this tool card, therefore Huang Yue cannotdraw an additional card (2 cards) when

    Blaze When used, the victim shows any card fromhis/her hand and take a note of the suite. Youthen discard 1 card of the same suite to inflict1 fire damage.

    Blaze When used, the victim shows any card fromhis/her hand and take a note of the suite. Youthen discard 1 card of the same suite to inflict1 fire damage.


    When used, the victim shows any card fromhis/her hand and take a note of the suite. Youthen discard 1 card of the same suite to inflict1 fire damage.


    When used, the victim shows any card fromhis/her hand and take a note of the suite. Youthen discard 1 card of the same suite to inflict1 fire damage.

    Blaze When used, the victim shows any card fromhis/her hand and take a note of the suite. Youthen discard 1 card of the same suite to inflict1 fire damage.

    Blaze When used, the victim shows any card fromhis/her hand and take a note of the suite. Youthen discard 1 card of the same suite to inflict1 fire damage.

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    Acedia When used, the victim will have to draw aHearts card before starting his/her drawphase. If he/she fails, he/she cannot doanything except to draw his/her 2 cards for

    Acedia When used, the victim will have to draw aHearts card before starting his/her drawphase. If he/she fails, he/she cannot doanything except to draw his/her 2 cards for


    When used, the victim will have to draw aHearts card before starting his/her drawphase. If he/she fails, he/she cannot doanything except to draw his/her 2 cards for


    When used, the victim will have to draw aHearts card before starting his/her drawphase. If he/she fails, he/she cannot doanything except to draw his/her 2 cards for

    Lightning Play in front of yourself. In your next turn,draw a card during Resolution Phase and ifthe card is a 2-9 of Spades, lose three healthand discard the Lightning. Otherwise, give thecard to the next player, who repeats processon his turn.If the player struck by lightning isShackled with another player, that player willalso suffer 3 lightning damage.

    Lightning Play in front of yourself. In your next turn,draw a card during Resolution Phase and ifthe card is a 2-9 of Spades, lose three healthand discard the Lightning. Otherwise, give thecard to the next player, who repeats processon his turn.If the player struck by lightning isShackled with another player, that player willalso suffer 3 lightning damage.


    Play in front of yourself. In your next turn,draw a card during Resolution Phase and ifthe card is a 2-9 of Spades, lose three healthand discard the Lightning. Otherwise, give thecard to the next player, who repeats processon his turn.If the player struck by lightning isShackled with another player, that player willalso suffer 3 lightning damage.


    Play in front of yourself. In your next turn,draw a card during Resolution Phase and ifthe card is a 2-9 of Spades, lose three healthand discard the Lightning. Otherwise, give thecard to the next player, who repeats processon his turn.If the player struck by lightning isShackled with another player, that player willalso suffer 3 lightning damage.

    Rations Depleted When used (Range of 1), the victim will haveto draw a Clubs card before starting his/herdraw phase. If he/she fails, he/she cannotdraw any cards in any phases that turn.

    Rations Depleted When used (Range of 1), the victim will haveto draw a Clubs card before starting his/herdraw phase. If he/she fails, he/she cannotdraw any cards in any phases that turn.

    Rations Depleted When used (Range of 1), the victim will haveto draw a Clubs card before starting his/herdraw phase. If he/she fails, he/she cannotdraw any cards in any phases that turn.

    Rations Depleted When used (Range of 1), the victim will haveto draw a Clubs card before starting his/herdraw phase. If he/she fails, he/she cannotdraw any cards in any phases that turn.

    Frost Blade When your Kill causes damage to yourtarget, you can choose to prevent thatdamage by discarding any 2 cards of yourchoice from him or her.


    Frost Blade When your Kill causes damage to yourtarget, you can choose to prevent thatdamage by discarding any 2 cards of yourchoice from him or her.


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    Frost Blade When your Kill causes damage to yourtarget, you can choose to prevent thatdamage by discarding any 2 cards of yourchoice from him or her.


    Frost Blade When your Kill causes damage to yourtarget, you can choose to prevent thatdamage by discarding any 2 cards of yourchoice from him or her.

    2Feathered Fan If you successfully attack a target, the targetmust also discard an equipped horse (attackerchooses).


    Feathered Fan If you successfully attack a target, the targetmust also discard an equipped horse (attackerchooses).


    Feathered Fan If you successfully attack a target, the targetmust also discard an equipped horse (attackerchooses).


    Feathered Fan If you successfully attack a target, the targetmust also discard an equipped horse (attackerchooses).


    Ancient Scimitar When your Kill causes damage to yourvictim, the damage is increased by an

    additional 1 unit if he or she does not haveany cards on hand.


    Ancient Scimitar When your Kill causes damage to yourvictim, the damage is increased by an

    additional 1 unit if he or she does not haveany cards on hand.


    Ancient Scimitar When your Kill causes damage to yourvictim, the damage is increased by anadditional 1 unit if he or she does not haveany cards on hand.


    Ancient Scimitar When your Kill causes damage to yourvictim, the damage is increased by anadditional 1 unit if he or she does not haveany cards on hand.

    2Silver Lion Helmet Limits all damage received to only 1 unit ofdamage. Heals 1 unit of health when this isun-equipped. This can happen when youchoose to equip another armor or it is thesub ect of Dismantle or Steal.

    Silver Lion Helmet Limits all damage received to only 1 unit ofdamage. Heals 1 unit of health when this isun-equipped. This can happen when youchoose to equip another armor or it is thesub ect of Dismantle or Steal.

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    Silver Lion Helmet Limits all damage received to only 1 unit ofdamage. Heals 1 unit of health when this isun-equipped. This can happen when youchoose to equip another armor or it is thesub ect of Dismantle or Steal.

    Silver Lion Helmet Limits all damage received to only 1 unit ofdamage. Heals 1 unit of health when this isun-equipped. This can happen when youchoose to equip another armor or it is thesub ect of Dismantle or Steal.

    Ren Wang Shield

    All black suited Kill cards have no effect onyou. This also encompasses cards thatsubstitute for the Kill card, such as when"Serpent Spear " is equipped and any 2 cards

    Ren Wang Shield

    All black suited Kill cards have no effect onyou. This also encompasses cards thatsubstitute for the Kill card, such as when"Serpent Halberd " is equipped and any 2

    Ren Wang Shield All black suited Kill cards have no effect onyou. This also encompasses cards thatsubstitute for the Kill card, such as whenSerpent Spear is equipped and any 2 cards

    Ren Wang Shield All black suited Kill cards have no effect onyou. This also encompasses cards thatsubstitute for the Kill card, such as whenSerpent Spear is equipped and any 2 cards

    Rattan ArmorBarbarians, 10,000 Arrows, and normalKill has no effect on you. Fire attributedamage against you is increased by 1.Rattan Armor has no defense against any

    Rattan ArmorBarbarians, 10,000 Arrows, and normalKill has no effect on you. Fire attributedamage against you is increased by 1. Rattan

    Armor has no defense against any form of

    Rattan ArmorBarbarians, 10,000 Arrows, and normalKill has no effect on you. Fire attributedamage against you is increased by 1.Rattan Armor has no defense against any

    Rattan ArmorBarbarians, 10,000 Arrows, and normalKill has no effect on you. Fire attributedamage against you is increased by 1. Rattan

    Armor has no defense against any form of

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    Demi-God Zhuge Liang

    At the very beginning of the game, when theinitial 4 cards are being distributed amongst allplayers, Zhuge Liang will be given a total of 11cards. He then picks 4 out of these 11 to behis starting hand, while the remaining cardsare placed face down elsewhere (out of thegame area). These extra cards will be referredto as "Stars". During his turn, right after thedrawing phase, he can interchange anynumber of his on-hand cards with an identicalnumber of his Stars.

    At the end of Zhuge Liang's turn, he candiscard 1 of his "Stars" and select 1 targetplayer. From then until Zhuge Liang's nextturn, this target player will suffer 1 additionalunit of damage for all fire attribute damage.

    At the end of Zhuge Liang's turn, he candiscard X number of "Stars" and select Xnumber of target players.

    From then until Zhuge Liang's next turn, thesetarget players will be protected from alldamage except Lightning attribute damage.

    Demi-God Lu Bu

    At the beginning of the game, Lu Bu gets 2"Rage " tokens. Every 1 unit of damage hecauses or suffers, he receives 1 Rage token.

    Every time Lu Bu uses a tool card (with theexception of Time-delay Tool Cards), Lu Bumust discard 1 Rage token or lose 1 unit ofhealth.

    During the action phase, Lu Bu can discard 2Rage tokens and select 1 target player. Forthe rest of Lu Bu's turn, the target player's

    Armor becomes ineffective. In addition, Lu Buacquires his "Without Equal" ability.(When youplay a Kill card, the target must play twoDodge cards to avoid. If using EightTrigram card, must resolve twicesuccessfully. When playing Duel, the targetmust play 2 Kills per round.)

    During the action phase, Lu Bu can discard 6Rage tokens. Every player (except himself)

    will:(Carried out in order from 1 to 3)1. Receive 1 unit of damage2. Discard all equipped cards3. Discard 4 on-hand cards

    After this is done, Lu Bu must flip his character

    Demi-God Guan Yu

    Every Hearts suited card will be regarded as"Kill". When Guan Yu uses one of theseHearts suited cards, the Kill has no rangelimitations.

    For every 1 unit of damage that any player

    that causes Guan Yu, that player will receive 1"Nightmare" token.

    When Guan Yu dies, the player with the mostnumber of Nightmare tokens must flip a

    judgement card. Unless the judgement card is"Peach" or "Truce", that player diesimmediately.

    Demi-God Lu Meng

    During the drawing phase, Lu Meng canchoose to carry out the following action toreplace the drawing of cards:

    Flip over 5 cards from the top of the deck andtake 1 card of each suit. Discard the


    During the action phase, Lu Meng can view allthe on-hand cards of 1 player. He can thenpick 1 card with a suit of Hearts from thisplayer's on-hand cards and display it for everyplayer to see. After doing so, Lu Meng canchose to either discard this Hearts card or

    Demi-God Cao Cao

    For every 1 unit of damage that Cao Caoreceives, he can draw one card from everycharacter in play (equipped cards, on-handcards, or pending judgement cards). Afterdoing so, he must flip his character card.

    When other characters consider their distancefrom Cao Cao, he will always have additional+1 distance away (equipped +1 horse bydefault).

    Demi-God Zhou Yu

    In the discard phase, when Zhou Yu discards2 or more on-hand cards, he can choose toforce all players (including himself) to regain 1unit of health or lose 1 unit of health.

    During the action phase, Zhou Yu can select 1to 3 players and distribute a total of 3 units offire attribute damage between them. If heallocates 2 units or more of damage to any ofthe players, he needs to discard 1 card ofeach suit (4 cards in total) and lose 3 units ofhealth.