Sandtids systemer 2.modul

Sandtids systemer 2.modul el. Henriks 1. forsøg m. Power Point


Sandtids systemer 2.modul. el. Henriks 1. forsøg m. Power Point. Real Time Systems. Specifications -> Task Set Task Specifications Scheduling Fixed Priority Scheduling Dependent tasks Dynamic Priority Scheduling Aperiodic Tasks. Task Specifications. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Sandtids systemer 2.modul

Page 1: Sandtids systemer 2.modul

Sandtids systemer 2.modul


Henriks 1. forsøg m. Power Point

Page 2: Sandtids systemer 2.modul

Real Time Systems

• Specifications -> Task Set

• Task Specifications

• Scheduling

• Fixed Priority Scheduling

• Dependent tasks

• Dynamic Priority Scheduling

• Aperiodic Tasks

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Task Specifications

• A task is a collection of jobs J1,J2,J3,…

• A job is a set of instructions to be executed

• A job is specified in time by: a ready time r, a computation time c and a deadline d

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The job life cycle



Completed C

Scheduled S

Ready r

Computation time c Deadline d


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Task Specifications

• Periodic tasks

• Aperiodic tasks

• Sporadic tasks

• Hard Real Time

• Real Time

• Soft Real Time

• Non Real Time

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Task Specifications






Periodic Task


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Task Specifications



Aperiodic Task



0 < Ti, 0 < c << T , (Ti < c)

T1 T2

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Task Specifications



Sporadic Task



0 < c << Tmin < Ti

T1 T2

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Task Specifications

• Hard Real Time: d <= Tmin (T), (periodic,sporadic)

• Real Time: d > Tmin (T), (periodic, sporadic)

• Soft Real Time: C < d (periodic,aperiodic)

• Non Real Time

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• For periodic and sporadic tasks: {Ti, ci}, ci / Ti = U < 1 (stable),

(U>1, unstable)

• For aperiodic tasks: ri = ci / Ti, U= ri < 1

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• Pre emptive• Non Pre emptive

• Fixed Schedules• Cyclic Schedules• Round Robin• Fixed Priorities• Rate/Deadline

Monotonic• Dynamic Priorities• Earliest Deadline First

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Fixed Schedules

• Ready times need to be known a priori

• Only very light run time load

• Table based

• Less flexible

• Cyclic schedules are fixed schedules

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Cyclic Schedules

• All periods are multiples of dT

• LCM: is the Least Common Multiple

• Schedule is made for [0, dt * LCM]

• If CPU is idle at dT * LCM the schedule may be reused in subsequent intervals.

• Applicable both for Pre emptive and Non Pre Emptive Schedules

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Cyclic Schedules (example)

• T1=2,c1=1,d1=2

• T2=3,c2=3/2,d2=3



1 2 3 4 5 6

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Round Robin

• Time line divided into slots dT• Tasks are granted execution time cyclically.• When a job has executed for dT or is

completed CPU access is passed on.• Non pre emptive if dT is infinite.• Critical instant when grant is just passed on

when job is ready along with jobs from all other tasks

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Round Robin (example)

• T1=2,c1=1,d1=2

• T2=3,c2=3/2,d2=3, dT=1/2

1 2 3




Time 1 2

Test for task 2 Test for task 1

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Fixed Priorities

• Tasks are assigned priorities in order

• A task is ready if its latest job is still not completed

• A task is running if it is ready and it has highest priority among ready tasks.

• Both pre emptive and non preemptive

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Fixed priorities (example)

• T1=2,c1=1,d1=2

• T2=3,c2=3/2,d2=3 , preemptive



1 2 3 4 5 6

Task 2 missed deadline

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Fixed priorities (properties)

• Flexible

• Medium run time demands

• Not optimal

• Typically better then Round Robin

• Well known schedulability criteria

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Fixed Priorities (schedulability)

• Critical Instant Theorem (Liu,Layland) Worst case completion time is when launced along with jobs from all other tasks simultaneously.

• Utilization U < N (2N-1) -> 0.7 < 1 !!• Completion time:

exist t <= di : t => i[t / Tj] cj + ci

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Fixed Priorities (example)• T1=2,c1=1,d1=2

• T2=3,c2=3/2,d2=3 , preemptive




C2=3½ > d2=3 1 2 3



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Priority Order

• Priorities according to importance or time efficiency.

• DMA: d1 < d2 < d3 < .. < dN

• DMA (Deadline Monotonic) / RMA (Rate Monotonic) is optimal when d<=T / d=T

• No general optimal order when d>T

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Dependent tasks

• Inter Process Communication (IPC)

• Critical regions

• Producer Consumer

• Rendezvous

• All introduce dependence

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Critical regions (example)








Priority inversion


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Priority Ceiling

• Priority ceil C(S) of semaphore S is the highest (minimum) priority of all tasks locking S

• Runtime:– if prio < min {C(Si)| Si locked} when attempting a

lock on S then lock and active. – else suspend. Task locking S inherits prio (if lower)

until unlock.

• Whenever a semaphore is unlocked the suspend queue is inspected to see if any task may be resumed.

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Priority Ceiling (assumptions and properties)

• Assumption: Critical regions nicely nested.

• Property: No deadlocks possible

• Property: No task is blocked by lower priority tasks for more than the duration of 1 critical region.

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Critical regions with PC (example)





W(S), suspended


3 -> prio(1)


S(S), 3 -> low prio.

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Fixed Priorities with PC (schedulability)

• Completion time: exist t <= di : t => i[t / Tj] cj + ci + Bi

• Bi is the duration of the longest critical region possibly blocking taui

• Lower priority tasks also block through priority inheritance

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Dynamic priority scheduling

• At every scheduling point considers states of every job.

• Heavy run time load.

• Includes fixed schedules and fixed priorities as special cases – thus stronger

• Earliest Deadline First (EDF) and Least Laxity First (LLF) are special cases.

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Ealiest Deadline First (EDF)

• At every scheduling point runs job with closest deadline.

• Optimal among all schedules.

• U < 1 sufficient for d=T

• No priority according to importance possible.

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EDF (example)

• T1=2,c1=1,d1=2

• T2=3,c2=3/2,d2=3



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d1,1 d2,1 d1,2 d2,2 d1,3

RMA/DMA missed deadline

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Aperiodic tasks

• Low (close to zero) minimum interarrival time Tmin

• May be seen from probabilistic and worst case viewpoints

• Probabilistic viewpoint uses mean inter arrival times T and queueing theory.

• Worst case view uses Tmin. OK if c/Tmin < available CPU fraction.

• Aperiodic server or background task

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Probabilistic viewpoint (queueing)

• Assumes Poisson arrivals and exponential distributed service times. (Approximation.)

• l=1/T : arrival rate, u: service rate.

• Load (utilization) r = l/u

• Mean queue length Q = r / (1-r)

• Mean waiting time W = Q/l = 1 / (u –l) (Littles theorem)

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Worst case v.p.

• Higher priority computation times Ki

• Higher priority utilization Ui

• W.C. Completion time for n jobs of taui: Cn < min{t | t > n ci + Ki + t*Ui} => Cn < (n ci + Ki) / (1-Ui)

• W.C. Waiting Wn = Cn – rn < Cn - (n-1)*Tmin < n (ci / (1-Ui) –Tmin) + Ki / (1-Ui) +Tmin = (ci +Ki ) / (1-Ui) for n=1

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Worst Case V.P.

1 2 3 4 5 6 n

Waiting timeKi / (1- Ui) + Tmin


Ci/(1-Ui) - Tmin

(ci + Ki) / (1- Ui)

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Sporadic Tasks

• Tmin >> c• Typically hard real time (alarm not.) d << Tmin• No queueing.• If aperiodic server T < d << Tmin (high load)• Sporadic server accesible at all times, however

allways Tmin between every use.• Ticket issued at start up time. New ticket at

n*Tmin if used – else old ticket left.• High responsiveness – low load.

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Sporadic Server (example)






r2 r4 r3

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The End