San Sebastian College Recoletos Manila - Official...

Official Publication of Administration Volume 13, No. 2, November 2017 - May 2018 San Sebastian College Recoletos, Manila

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Official Publication of Administration Volume 13, No. 2, November 2017-May 2018 San Sebastian College Recoletos, Manila


Challenges Lead to Accomplishments

San Sebastian College-Recoletos in its 77 years has experienced lots of challenges but these did not hinder us to achieve our vision and mission for the institution. Through hard work, we were able to make some progress in some areas and accomplished major projects like the grant for Autonomous Status we received from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

This Autonomous Status gave the school some privileges like allowing us to design our own curricula, offer new programs and put up branches or satellite campuses without having to secure permits, confer honorary degrees, and carry out operations without much interference from CHED.

We were also granted the temporary permit from the Bureau of Immigration to accept foreign students for our Senior High School Program and received communication from CHED for approval of our application for Institutional Development and Innovation Grants (IDIG) .

These and many more add to our laurels and confidence in the academic field. There are also major accomplishments in terms of community service, cultural events, sports and social endeavors, all of which could be read in details on this issue of our Cross Current.

We thank the Lord for the blessings He bestowed us this AY. 2017- 2018.

Bravo Baste!




Volume 13, No. 2

November 2017-May 2018





Contributors Mrs. Mary Grace S. Poblete

Mrs. Liezel A. Vidal

Dr. Cristina L. Tanedo

Mr. Ignacio E. Katapang, II

Mr. Peter Andrew Dumanig

The CROSSCURRENT is an A d m i n i s t r a t i v e publication under the Office of the President with office address at the San Sebastian Building, of San Sebastian College- Recoletos, Recto Ave., Manila. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without the express prior approval of the Office of the President. All comments regarding the content of this publication shall be addressed to the Editors. San Sebastian College-Recoletos

C.M. Recto Ave., Manila, Philippines Tel. Nos: 7348931-39 Fax No: 7348918

SSC-R, Manila November 2017 - May 2018 3

SSC-R Receives Autonomous Status

Rev. Fr. Ferdinand V. Fornilos, OAR, VP for Academic Affairs and Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, OAR, President, received the plaque of recognition from Dr. Patricia Licuanan, Chairperson CHED, for the Autonomous Status of San Sebastian College- Recoletos Manila.

On May 9, 2017, SSC-R Manila was conferred by the Commission on Higher Edu-cation (CHED) the Autonomous Status with validity period for two years from May 9, 2017 to May 31, 2019.

SSC-R was first granted a Deregulated Status by CHED last April 1, 2016 and was awarded last May 16, 2016 and on February 17, 2017, the school, through the Office of

Accreditation Planning and Development (OAPD) under the directorship of Dr. Rodrigo Ponce Jr., received a letter from CHED inviting the school to apply for a possible upgrade to Autonomous Status even before the expiration of the deregulated

status on May 31, 2019.

SSC-R took the challenge and submitted the updated documents to CHED before the deadline on March 20, 2017. After three months, SSC-R received a communication from CHED of its triumph and was granted the autonomous status.

Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, OAR, President and Rev. Fr. Ferdinand V. Fornilos, VP for Academic Affairs (VPAA) with Mr. Arnel Cruz, the Registrar, received the certificate of the grant for Autonomous status from Dr. Patricia Licuanan, chairperson for this grant, during the Awarding Ceremony held at CHED, Diliman, Quezon City last May 18, 2017.

4 November 2017 - May 2018 SSC-R, Manila

MOU’s with the OAR Schools

SSC-R has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) with the University of Negros Occidental –Recoletos (UNO-R) and University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJR) for solid and enduring relation between and among the OAR edu-cational institutions in the Philippines especially in the field of Arts and Sciences, Computer Science and In-formation Technology, Accoun-tancy and Business Admi-nistration, Hospitality Manage-ment and Tourism Manage-ment.

This is in line with the exchange of innovative ini-tiatives and educational co-operation in exploring pos-sibilities for cooperation in the areas of curriculum en-hancement of the college programs; research collabora-

tion; collaboration for quality

assurance enhancement ser-vices; participation and in-vitations to seminars and meetings for academic and student development prog-rams; and sharing of expertise in the areas of administration

and academic programs.

Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, OAR President, Rev. Fr. Ferdinand V. Fornilos, OAR VPAA, were the SSC-R sig-natories while Rev. Fr. Edcel Celiz, OAR, President and Rev. Fr. Don Besana, OAR, VPAA, signed for UNO-R and Rev. Fr. Cristopher C. Maspara, OAR and Rev. Fr. James Bumangabang, OAR signed for USJR.

Other SSC-R delegates who were present in this MOA signing were the College Dean, Dr. Lolita De Guzman, the Director of Accreditation Plan-ning and Development (OAPD), Dr. Rodrigo Ponce Jr. and the Program Chairs namely: Dr. Rachelle Franco (BSBA), Dr. Cristina Caluza (Tourism), Dr. Cristina Tanedo (NatSci &GS) Mr. Ignacio Katapang Jr (Accoun-tancy), Mrs. Maria Teresa Valeroso (HRM) , Mrs. Princess Aileen Zamora (IT) and Mrs. Ma. Antonietta Zoleta (BS Com).

Rev. Fr. Ferdinand V. Fornilos, OAR (L), Rev. Fr. Cristopher C. Maspara, Oar (M) and

Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, OAR (R) signing the MOU between SSC-R and USJR.

Rev. Fr. Don Besana, (L), Rev. Fr. Edcel S. Celiz, (M)) and Rev. Fr. Nemesio D.

Tolentin, (R) sign for SSC-R and UNO-R MOU last November 28, 2017 while Dr.

Lolita De Guzman, Dr. Rodrigo Ponce Jr. and Mrs. Judy Legaspi look on.

SSC-R, Manila November 2017 - May 2018 5

SSC-R Signs International MOA’s Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, President, Rev. Fr. Ferdinand V. Fornilos, VP for Academic Affairs, and the College Dean, Dr. Lolita de Guzman visited Fu-Jen Catholic University and Jin-Wen University of Science and Technology in Taipei, Taiwan last October 22-24, 2017 for MOA signing for exchange of materials in education, research, publi-cation and academic information, research, projects and programs exchange of faculty and research scholars, joint research and meetings for education.

Fr. Tolentin and Jinwen University of Science and Technology President, Mr. Jeou-Shyan-Horng were the signa-tories to the Agreement of

SSC-R Officials Guest Speakers in 2017 Thailand Conference

International Partnership bet-ween the two schools while for Fu-Jen Catholic University, the

signatory was the University’s President Vincent Han–Sun Chiang.

Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, SSC-R President was invited as the guest speaker in the 2017 International Confe-rence on Business Management and Social Sciences (ICBMSS) at Topland Hotel, Phitsanulok, Thai-land, on November 8-10, 2017 together with Dr. Lolita de Guzman, College Dean. Fr. Tolentin talked on “ the Opportunities and Challenges of the Ageing Society in Human Resource Perspective” while Dr. De Guzman discussed ”Oppor-tunities and Challenges of the Ageing Society in the perspective of Management and Marketing”. Fr. Tolentin was also invited to serve as the critic of the presenters in this conference.

The SSC-R representatives composed of (L-R) Dr. Cristina Tanedo, Dr. Lolita De Guzman, Fr. Fornilos, Fr. Tolentin, Dr. Rachel Franco, Dr. Alma Galvez (3rd&2nd from Right) with the Fu-jen University Officials (1st, 4th and 5th from right.

Ms. Eugenia Chantengco (L) and Teacher Aja-Ja Supichaya(R) showing the

certificates to be handed to Fr. Tolentin (M) as the guest speaker and critic of

the study paper presenters in CBMSS.

6 November 2017 - May 2018 SSC-R, Manila

Sebastinians Prepare for PAASCU Level III Re-Accreditation

The PAASCU Resurvey visit to the different SSC-R College Programs on Arts & Sciences, Business Administration, Computer Studies/Information Technology, Hospitality Management, Tourism Management and Accountancy will be on March 1-2, 2018.

In line with this, the school has conducted the following preparations and activities:

1. Kick-off orientation and presen-tation of concerns on PAASCU recommendations to the College PAASCU Self-Survey Team con-ducted last November 23, 2016 at the Seminar Room.

2. A consultative meeting held last March 3, 2017 at the Coffee Shop to gather the concerns of the Self-Survey Area Chairs and Co-Chairs in the implementation of the PAASCU recommendations and to orient them on the process of filling-in the analysis, eva-luation, comments, best features and recommendations of the Self-Survey Form A and timetable.

3. A two-day workshop held last April 19-20, 2017 at the Seminar Room to fully and thoroughly understand the

PAASCU instruments, formu-lation of the accreditation action plan and gathering of documents for Draft 1 of the Self-survey report.

4. Meetings with the PAASCU Self-Survey Executive Committee last June 6, 2017 and June 23, 2017 and with the Exhibit and Documentation Committee com-posed of representatives from the different key offices last July 7, 2017 at the President’s Office Conference Room.

5. Orientations regarding PAASCU re-accreditation to the different programs in all levels conducted to the Grade 11, Grade 12 and college students last June 20, 2017 and June 22, 2017 at the Bulwagang Diego Cera (auditorium) and to the SSC-R Manila employees last June 20, 2017 at the Fr. Domingo Carceller Hall (Little Theater).

6. Physical Plant Ocular Visit last July 25, August 1 and August 17, 2017. This resulted to identification of what offices and rooms must be renovated, facilities to be upgraded and facilities and equipment to be purchased with the corresponding schedules of renovation, upgrading and purchases.

7. Review of the curriculum of all programs with the participation of all the people concerned, the VPAA, Dean, Program Chairs and faculty members of respective areas.

8. A meetingwith the ICT, EDP, and Registrar, College Dean and Program Chairs of CS and IT was conducted last October 9, 2017 at the President’s Conference Room for discussion of proper encoding and consistency of ITE elective. subjects/titles.

Fr. Nemesio Tolentin gives the rationale for the conduct of the Consultative

Meeting which aims to gather the concerns of the Chairs and Co-chairs of the

Self-survey groups

Self-Survey Area Chairs and Co– Chairs listen to Dr. Rodrigo Ponce Jr. , OAPD Direc-

tor, as he gives orientation on the process of accomplishing the varied PAASCU forms

SSC-R, Manila November 2017 - May 2018 7

AOP for AY 2017-2018

The Annual Evaluation and

Gap Analysis of the Annual

Operational Plan for AY 2016-

2017 was conducted by the

different departments last April-

May 2017 while the first Student

Leaders Evaluation and Planning

Seminar-Workshop of the Senior

High School (SHS) and College

Departments was held last May

23, 2017. this was followed by the

plenary presentation of the

Sebastinian Faculty Members Present Study Papers

Religious and Lay Admi-

nistrators pertaining the

evaluation of their respective

offices on June 7, 2017 in

preparation for the Annual

Departmental Operational Plan-

ning for AY 2017-2018

conducted last June 8-9, 2017.

Meanwhile, SSC-R

Canlubang also conducted their

Annual Departmental Planning

last June 1-2, 2017.

Four Sebastinian faculty

members presented their stu-

dy papers in an international

arena, two of which were

presented on the occasion of

the 23rd Asia Pacific Tourism

Association (APTA) Annual

Conference in Busan, South

Korea. The study papers were

on (1) “ Developing of Umb-

rella Rocks of Agno, Panga-

sinan as a Tourist Spot:

Implication to Its Locals and

Local Governance and (2) Socio-

Cultural and Environmental

Impacts of Tourism brought

about by Pililla wind farm to the

local Community of Pililla, Rizal:

a qualitative study” presented

by Miss Mia Fey Esteva and Dr.

Cristina Caluza respectively on

June 18-21, 2017.

The other two study

papers were “Multigenerational

Workforce in Commercial Banks

in the National Capital Region”

by Dr. Alma Galvez and

“Communication Intimacy in

Long Distance Relationship as

Narrated by Women in

Relationship with Seafarer” by

Miss Thea Pamela Pauline Javier

held in Phitsanulok, Thailand

on November 8-10, 2017. Two of the study paper presenters, Mrs. Mia Fey Esteva and Dr. Cristina

Caluza with the 23rd APTA officials.

“A goal with-

out a plan is

just a wish.”

-Antoine de Saint-


8 November 2017 - May 2018 SSC-R, Manila

Lecture - Workshop on Augustinian Values and Pedagogical Principles

The Recoletos Educa-

tional Apostolate in the

Philippines (REAP) in co-

operation with San Sebastian

College Recoletos (SSC-R) ,

Manila conducted the 2-day

Lecture-Workshop on Augus-

tinian Values and Pedagogical

Principles held at the SSC-R

College Main Library on

November 21 and 22, 2017.

Rev. Fr. Romeo Ben A.

Potencio, OAR, the main

speaker, talked on the Life

and Works of St. Augustine,

Theory of Pedagogy of St.

Augustine, Pedagogical Lines

of St. Augustine, The Augus-

tinian Value of Interiority, and

Truth on the first day.

Rev. Fr. Potencio con-

tinued his lecture on the

Augustinian Value of Free-

dom, Friendship, Community,

Justice and Solidarity;

Iconography of the Book and

the Pierced Heart; and St.

Augustine as the Teacher on

the second day of the activity.

Meanwhile, Rev. Fr.

Lauro V. Larlar, OAR, another

speaker, discussed the OAR

History and Charism. Open

forum followed after each talk

on varied topics for both day 1

and 2.

The Lecture- Workshop

started with the Eucharistic

Celebration with Rev. Fr. Julius

Marcos, the REAP President, as

the main celebrant who also

explained the rationale of this

activity after the welcome

address of SSC-R President,

Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin,


Dr. Juliet Baltazar, Junior

High School (JHS) Principal,

introduced the main speaker

Rev. Fr. Ben Potencio talks on the life and works of St. Augustine, Augustinian

Values and Pedagogical Principles.

Rev. Fr. Julius Marcos, OAR, REAP President, the main celebrant in the Eucharistic

Celebration with Rev. Fr. Rouel M. Sia, OAR and Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin,

SSC-R, Manila November 2017 - May 2018 9

while Mrs. Oga Paguia, Grade

School (GS) Principal, intro-

duced the second speaker.

Mrs. Aisa Arlos, Senior

High School (SHS) Principal,

recapitulated the day 1 event

while Mr. Francis Ma. Com-

petente, JHS Faculty, was the

emcee for day 1; Mrs. Ma.

Lourdes Narca, SHS Faculty

and Mrs. Eileen Fernandez, GS

Faculty, served as emcees for

day 2, morning and afternoon


Participants to this

activity were composed of all

the Religious and Lay Adminis-

trators, full-time faculty mem-

bers of GS, JHS, SHS, College

and Non-Teaching Personnel


This activity ended with

the Eucharistic Celebration

with Rev. Fr. Potencio as the

main celebrant.

Fr. Lauro Larlar receives Certificate of Recognition from Fr. Marcos and Fr.

Tolentin for his discussion of the OAR History and Charism

Faculty from SSC-R Canlubang during the workshop

SSC-R Manila Office Personnel and faculty members as they discuss and work on the topic assigned during the


10 November 2017 - May 2018 SSC-R, Manila

SSC-R IDIG Grantee

SSC-R signed last

December 14, 2017 a Memo-

randum of Agreement with the

Commissions on Higher Educa-

tion (CHED) as recipient of the

Seven Million Eleven Thousand

and Three Hundred Forty Pesos

(PhP 7,011,340.00) on Institu-

tional Development and Innova-

tion Grants (IDIG) on Project

Title: Bachelor of Science in

Accountancy (BSA) Borderless


This MOA is in line with

the government mandated law to

promote affordable quality and

relevant higher education that is

accessible to all, covered by RA

10533 and its implementing

rules and regulations to help

ensure a smooth transition to

the K to 12 system by

formulating appropriate strate-

gies and mechanisms and

partnerships between the go-

vernment and other entities,

along with ensuring the long

term viability of Higher

Education Institutions (HEIs)

and the alignment of higher

education with the new cur-

riculum in basic education.

CHED recognizes the need

to provide financial support to

SSC-R as HEI in order to upgrade

its institutional capability and

sustain its development efforts

toward leveraging the oppor-

tunity provided by the K to 12

transition period to upgrade the

Philippine Higher Education


As funding assistance,

80% of the approved budget

will be received by SSC-R upon

signing of the MOA or upon

receipt of the notice to proceed

and the remaining 20% will be

received after 80% completion

of the project and submission

of an accomplishment report

indicating such progress, re-

viewed and endorsed by HEI


The Monitoring and

Evaluation Team will check that

the funds provided shall be

used properly and for the

intended purposes specified.

SSC-R on her part must adhere

to Article VII of the CHED Memo

Order No. 33, series of 2016,

entitled “Guidelines for Ins-

titutional Development and

Innovation Grants under the K to

12 Transition Program”.

The MOA shall take effect

upon the receipt of the first

tranche of funds by SSC-R for the

project implementation, and shall

be in effect for a period of 24


Rev. Fr. Nemesio D.

Tolentin, OAR, SSC-R President

and Dr. Lolita De Guzman, College

Dean signed for SSC-R and Dr.

Patricia B. Licuanan, CHED

Chairperson and Dr. Carol Mark

R. Yee, CHED Program Director

on K to 12 Transition Program

Management Unit signed for


SSC-R, Manila November 2017 - May 2018 11

BSA Programs on Top 36 Slots Nationwide Mr. Ignacio Katapang, Program Chair of Accountancy, reported a recent posting made by the Philippines Universities & Colleges Guide - on the cur-rent performance of different BSA programs offered by different universities and colleges in the Philippines for the past four recent exami-nations considering first timers only.

Based on the report, San Sebastian College Recoletos Manila was within the top 36 schools nationwide. For Metro Manila schools only, San Sebastian College Reco-letos Manila ranks no. 8 and will further advance to number 6 in the overall result for Manila schools only.

Robredo Speaks on Gender Sensitivity

Accountancy students in one of their peer teaching sessions to assist one

another for Board Examinations

The Vice President of the Republic the Philippines Her Excellency Leonora “Leni” Robredo, was the guest speaker in the Semi-nar on “Gender Sensitivity” held at the Bulwagang Diego Cera last December 4, 2017. The Vice President upon her arrival was es-corted to the President’s Office for a courtesy call to the SSC-R President, Rev.Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin with VP for Administration, Rev. Fr. Emeterio D. Bunao and Rev. Fr. Rouel Sia, VP for Finance and other Lay Administra-tors, Mrs. Mary Grace Pob-lete, Mr. Arnel Cruz, and Mrs. Aisa Arlos, SHS Principal.

Her Excellency Leni Robredo receives the certificate of recogni-tion from Rev. Fr. Tolentin as guest speaker on Gender Sensitivity

12 November 2017 - May 2018 SSC-R, Manila

CPA Board Exams

SSC-R Above National Passing Percentage

SSC-R got 61.54 % which is above the National Passing percentage of 30.45%. Out of total 13 examinees with a breakdown of 10 new and three repeaters, a total of eight passed with a breakdown of seven new and one repeater examinees.

SSC-R, Manila November 2017 - May 2018 13

The School Board of SSC-R Manila issued a Board Resolution allowing the SSC-R-IBP Surigao Extension Law School through SIDLAC to enter into a partnerhip with GIZ-COSERAM to give free legal assistance to indigent people of Surigao del Norte and open an account for the legal aid fund from GIZ COSERAM for this project.

SIDLAC is a partnership of SSCR-Surigao City, IBP-Surigao del Norte Legal Assis-tance Program (SIDLAC) and GIZ-COSERAM wherein the latter will, among others, provide for the financial and technical mobilization,and SSC-R as counterpart will extend legal services and rights awareness activities for the identified com-munities and partners particular-ly in the adjacent LGUs of Surigao City within the project year and after project engage-ment.

This Project (SIDLAC) aims to establish a conflict sensitive Legal Aid Program in SSCR Surigao City in accordance with the mandate of the Supreme Court. Further, it aims to integrate a Conflict Sensitive approach to the existing Legal Aid Program of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines-Surigao del Norte Chapter. SIDLAC will render free legal aid services to its community partners, parti-cularly to the indigent, and strengthen the existing Legal Aid program of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines-Surigao del Norte Chapter.


Under this project, SSCR-Surigao City has to administer and integrate the program into the Law/JD curriculum, ensure the sustainability of the program and secure the accreditation of the Legal Aid Program at the Supreme Court while the IBP-SDN shall partner

with SSCR-Surigao City in the implementation of its Legal Aid Program and adopt the CS/ST approach in the delivery of its services, provide volunteer lawyers for the program and support the sustainability of the program thru the Legal Aid Fund.



Law Students

Volunteer lawyers/

IBP Legal Aid Law-


Partner CSOs/



Project Management Structure

This Project Management Structure shows the following functions of the different sectors, viz;

The Executive Committee (ExeCom)shall be headed by the SSC-R School Administrator and shall

have one representative each from theIBP-SDN, law faculty, and law students, and shall perform

the following functions:

Implements the legal aid program (CS-LAP) Ensures that activties are conducted as stated in the WFP Makes operational decisions Networks with other institutions Manages the funds Hires program staff Engages consultants and other service providers Performs other functions as may be assigned by the SSCR-Surigao City and IBP-SDN

Volunteer Lawyers/Legal Aid Lawyers shall:

Supervise the law students Render conflict sensitive legal aid services Facilitate sessions Participate/Act as resource persons during capacity building sessions Handle legal issues referred to them by the program

Law Students shall:

Render conflict sensitive legal aid services Participate/act as resource persons during capacity building sessions Assist supervising lawyers in case management Submit required documentation per manual of operations

Other Partners-which includes Line Agencies, CSOs, IP/ICCs, LGUs shall:

Refer issues/concerns/cases to the program Accommodate interns from the program Participate/act as resource persons during capacity building sessions Invite participants from the program to their activities Provide financial and technical support

14 November 2017 - May 2018 SSC-R, Manila

Psychometricians Board Exams, Sebastinians Reach National Passing Percentage

Out of the total 22 Sebastinians who took the Psychometrician Board Examinations, 11 passed

which comprised the 50% passing percentage which is also the National Passing percentage for October

2017 PBE.

VP President Robredo was then, ushered to Bul-wagang Diego Cera where the Senior High School and Junior High School students , faculty members and some college stu-dents were waiting for her. The Vice President in her talk, emphasized that every-one must avoid committing mistakes against all genders. She added that often-times people do not know that they discriminate people be-cause of genders; as she said “hindi lang natin alam kung gaano kahalaga ang usaping ito, na kahit paulit ulit itong pag usapan ay hindi pa rin maintidi-han”. For her, discrimination on gender is not only happen-ing to women but even to men; she said that men and women must be given equal rights. Af-ter the talk of the VP, open fo-rum followed and the Sebas-tinians are seen prepared for their questions and clarifica-tions. The activity did not end without the photo shoot reach-ing up to the President’s Con-ference Room even during snacks.

Continued from Page 11 Robredo.....

SSC-R, Manila November 2017 - May 2018 15

Institutional Outing and Pilgrimage

The San Sebastian College - Recoletos (SSC-R) Manila Institutional Outing cum Pilgrimage was held last December 8-9, 2017. The activity started with the Eucahristic celeb-ration held at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Basilica, Lipa, Batangas on December 8, 2017

the rest of the day for varied group

games testing the stamina, pro-

wess and teamwork of the six

teams, red, yellow, blue, green, orange and violet.

The following day was the

Awarding Ceremony for the winning individual and groups.

Then, the group proceeded to St.

Thomas of Aquinas Parsih in Sto.

Tomas, Batangas for the Eucha-ristic Celebration.

After an early lunch,

the group proceeded to

Estrella de Mendoza Resort

for the Team Building Activity which lasted for