
THE SAN J FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY; SECT 10 - EDUCATIONAL . . MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ads help to make it. Advertise yoor want*: make -t!»e.m known to tlie public through, a- Call Want Ad.. An icve*tn:ej3t. not aa expetwe. For fnU p«r- ticulirs read Call Want Ads dally. - J. S. DRIiW. cotclilnx aud private cormal; UUrtj nccool course; prepares for college. toncLers* rums, civil service, kclence. mathematics, lan- yiiaget; day, eve. 643 Van New. UINMAVS class In dacclag meets Tuesday even- Ings at California Club ball. Clay et. bet Van Ness and Poik: pnpils receive taeir first lesson in privcte. Phono West CSCS. <\u25a0: DA2CCUCQ-_dftuixdC Hiaman's Juvenile class m<?<>ts Saturday afternoon. California Club hall, j «'!sy bt. l»c». Vau Ness and Polk. Tuoue West •COS. THE LYCEUM, 25»0 Pine tt.—Prepares for uni- versity, law, medical colleges; teachers' ex>; here you can save time and money; eicelL. teach. X:\UINEERING CitiL electrical, mining, mecb., furvrr, assay, cyanide; day, eve.; cst. 1564. Van der Nallen School, Cist and Tel.. Oaklacd. AA—BANJO. GUITAR. VIOLIN, mandoiia lc»- cons; primary and advanced. rianijue-Uuiiru. iSO3 Setter st \u25a0 THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington nr. Flllmcre: tend for cl»- rul«r. A— METEOPOUTAN BUSINESS OolZegeT 025 GOLDEN GATE AY. DU. PH. MENDE. examined biga penool teach- er, teaches German and French. ?83 Fujtou st DR. HIDALGO Spanish-French In 3 months; SpcsiKb correspoodeoce taught 1265 Ellis st I'ROF. T. A. ROBINSON, Indiv. lnstr. math., book keeping, eng., etc.; day, eve. 507 Halght IiJCALD'S Business College, 425 McAllister St., S. F.. and 16th st. Oakland; day and evening. SAN FRANCISCO Business College, now located «t 733 Fillmore near Hayes; day and evening. ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-M-run Dnyiness College. 464 Devisadero St. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU CHINESE EMP. BUREAU— First class cooks only: coamnteed. 770 Clar. Pbone Donc^JtlCA EMPLOYMEXT OFFICES MONEY made dally and Call Want Ads help to make It Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. An Investment not an expense. For full par* tlcolars read Call Want Ads dally. AA—OSCAR HATSUML Japanese-Chinese Emp. Co.. best help; city or country. R. KAWA- SHIMA. prop.. 1513 Geary st West &653. AA Japanese-Chinese emp. office; best help: city or country. 1602 Lapnaa* st : tel. West 1734. STAR emp. office furnishes Japanese. Chinese help. W. Kadota. 1608 Gearjr; teL West 167. JAP Domestic Workers' Assn. moved to Pacific Jep. Chinese Emp. offlce. 1777 Poet; West 8430. A. HORL 174S Sutter; pbone West 2503; best Japanese. Chinese bel? furnished promptly. CHINESE Emp. Office, SO2 Clay st—Best Uelp in the country. Phone Douglas 1563. H. W. HONG. Cbinese employment office. 327 fitli ft.. Or.lcl«n»1: rhone Oak KM3. EMPLOYMEXT WANTED Female MARRIED couple, 30. wife good curse and home- work, man experienced store cierk. deelra po- eitionF; city or country. Address Trustwortliy, box 3636. Call office. COMPETENT eastern woman desl'es to take en- tire oharpe. of up to <la«e manicuring nnd hair dressing parlor. Address MRS. C M. W., 021 Edfly Bt. JAPANESE very yfcung womaa wishes position as schoolfrirl or take care baby in small family. S. MITSITA, 327 Devisadero Et. Phone Park I lOUNG tcarried woman wishes to give services for housework apt., good location. Address MRS. G. W. P.. box 547. Call. 1651 Fillmore. MIDDLEaged, practical nurse. German, hospital trained in confinements; city or country; $15 und fare. Box 16. main postoffice. MOTHER and daughter would take full charge cf rooming bouse: sieady worker; experience; references. Box 4022, Call offlce. COMPETENT woman wants housework and cook- ing; wages $30 to $35 per month. Call at 1 Belcher court near Sancbei st. RELIABLE woman wants position, housework. c-x'.i plain cock. Call or address MRS. BROWN, room 9. 47» 3d st. POSITIONS wanted for nurse; bouse keeper ror rooming house or hotel or la linen room. S. F. H.. 542 Pacific building. THOROUGHLY competent and experienced young lady stenographer wants position; salary $60. Box 5574. Call office. WOMAN with boy 8 years wants poEiUon «s house keeper la country or city. Box 4029, Call office. FIRST CLASS laundress wants Monday and Tuesday work; best reference. Box 3925, Call. COLORED woman would like cooking In private family or apartments. Phone 1129 Franldln. STENOGRAPHER— Young lady expert open to position: salary $60. Bor 3575. Call office. UOrsEWOBK— Good cook and laundress; best reference. Call 382 3d st. near Harrison. WCFIXED nurse wishes to travel with Inva- lid or infant Box 6555, Call office. MES. BERGER'S curtain laundry. 3672 21st *L; lmn«1 work nnlvt Ssc per pair op EMPLOYMEXT WANTED Male WELL educated German-American, 25, with some experience In book keeping and corre- spondence, and good references, wants position with wholesale firm or manufacturing concern. Address b»x 4027, Call offlce. MIDDLEaged, sober man deelres an apprentice- ship on linotype machine: a good band com- P'>!*Hor and Job man; wishes to perfect him- self ou the linotype. Address A. F. 8.. 101S N Ft.. Sacramento. Cal. POSITION wanted, young man over 15 years. mTcantiir and railroad erperience: do book keeping and amounting; Chicago and east ref- rrriH*« eastern and city; any locality. 11. T. 301 Williams building. ACCOUNTANT desires engagements; will open and close, books: auditing and systematizing of corporation accounts; high clabs references as to capabilities, character, etc. Address bux 3624, Call office. CHAUFFEUR, sober And responsible. de«lres work, city or country; 6 years' experience; careful driver and good care taker; very best l>on»onal references.; Address M., IDOS Jack- Kon nt.. city. JAPANESE boy wants to work for dentist: eltf or ctniDtry: understands dental offlce work and cooking; has -exrverience for dental labora- tory work. Box SCS. Call office. 1651 FlUaaor>. MIDDLE AGED, sober, prsetlral man fD&oe) wishes work of any kind or «\u25a0 watrbmaa; work in wholesale bouse or factory preferred OEO. PALL, 2127 California Bt. MECHANICAL draftsman. £6, witli first class reference, of last employer, wants position; would take up work with a contractor and builder. Address box 4028. Call office. KLDERLY man seeks borne Id exchange for services; bandy, sober, well educated; speaks EcgUsh. French. German: business experi- ence. Address box 3653, Call office. SALESMAN, engineer, wishes position a«*"ma- rbinery salesman; can do estimating; under- stands all power plant machinery; beet of ref- erences. Box 3978. Call office. WELL built man. age 27. has been officer In merchant service, would like position as Vatcbman or any work asbore. 11. J.. room 305. Baldwin House. 74 6th" 8t JAPANESE, first class laundry boy. wants posi- tion in family: best references; year's experi- ence. E. HENRY. Japanese mission, 2560 Pine «t rhone West 2197. WANTED Positions for bell or elevator boy, hotel clerk; cbef. will go to the country: stew- ard or ctnre keeper In boteL 8. F. H., 642 Pa* clflc building. WOMEN and girls to work on fruit at our san- itary canning factory; carfare allowed. Sun- lit Fruit company, 4th and Dwight way. West Berkeley. POSITION wanted as hotel carpenter or head Janitor of office building; 12 years' experience; first class dty reference. Box 4017. Call. POSITION by competent stenographer In city: \u25a0 references ; 3 years' experience in railroad service. Address box 39SS, Call office. JAPANESE good laundryman, with many years' experience, wishes position; wages $45 and up. F. MOEOOKA. 121 Halght st YOUNG man. 17. wishes position as bellboy In betel, city or country. Call or write K. LPSAKER." 1576 Turk «t ' ALL around cook and wife would like position In comtry hot*]. Address Cook, Go9^_ San- soSie st. .Sen Francisco. ' - POSITION wanted as city salesman familiar witb paint, oil. - glass and bnUdlss material. Box 4019. Call office. r NICE Japanese boy wants position as waiter or housework in family. I. TAKANO," 1C25 Geary 6t.. city. .- . . \u25a0 HOTELS and c&loons A capable bar tender de- f-int a situation, city or country. ' Box 4021. Call office. : WANTED— A position as cook, with a view to buy:- would consider partnership. Address Box 4012. Call. . JAPANESE rook wants position^ in family In conntry. TANA. 3241 Ellis Bt. S. : Berkeley. JAPANESE laundry man wants jwisiUon In fam- lly. KATO. 1514 O'Farrell. Tel. West 4 852. WANTED Japanese, ; very good laundry man position. TV KANAI. ISI3 Setter Bt , ' POSITION with . real estate concern by younr man. Address box 4024, CaU olnc«. iWaIWBMBMsIniTMMMMM-MllW-wrrilf "liTl_i \u25a0\u25a0"mr liiniHinii \u25a0 m'~ \u25a0 cocStry real estate__ irrigated land --*4 *$75 to $100 fer acre ;. it head of "' famous ' Tnrloek irricatlon ' dTs trie t.: L. W. JEFFEUSON REALr\ 1 ! goccry Bt. S. F., or GEO. W. AUSTIN, 101S Eroadway. Oatland. ' OUK BIG DITCH - train or. grass does weU b«re: «*j* *£&*; very healthful: no malaria: Glenn and Coloaa counties: west side of Sacramento river. Oiir special offer to close out * 1 »S?!S"S« Is $1.50 per acn» p«r »<«-a. Including taxes and Interest on our best JIOO Und: lota i*X exrursloa Saturdiy afternoon. Write _'« °°°*- let. C. 51. WOOSTKU CO.. TO2 Market at. Office cpen Wednesday and Friday evenine* after 7 o'clock. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH $12.000— Business, health, comfort: yoa can ttav<» all tail ir you buy my mountain ranch ja Sonoma co., on Gualala river. This ranch, ccatalnins 1.300 acres, while a delightful teonlc resort, with an exceptionally in- vigorating and healthful climato. Is « splendid business proposition tall «r write and I will tell you why 1 con- sider this the best thing In California for ' the money. E. F. FISK. I People's Express Warehouse. Cor. Adeline and Stuart sts.. Barfcaley. ; ALBERTA. CANADA TUe rranary of the world, harvest now on. bumper crops, good prices, everybody makbu money. Invest In vlrsln land: safe. sure, prof- itable: $10.00 to $13.00 per acre; 10 years to pay for it: reduced rate* on excursion data*: fall Information of » FRANCIS FERBIEK. 13 Geary st. San Francisco. General Agent Canadian Paclflc Railway Ctv'» lands. Agents wanted. - \u25a0 OWN AN ORANGE GROVE Porterville oranss groves are paying $400 to $2,000 per acre annually and have been donut so for years: we ar»> oSerln; tfce finest land in Porterville district In small tracts at $100 per acre: easy terms; we will plant and care for srove ifyoo wish; lt> to 2O acre* will make you independent for life: write, or come ami see v*. j H0BS0N"-MeCOi:MlCK COMPANY. ,J Sl2-Sl4 Balboa bUlg.. Market and 2d at*.. S. F7\ FOR sale or exchange for OalUand or country property, good paying business In growlns sub- , nrb of Oakland: average sales per month, $3,000; price $3,000: also 3 room house. batiJ. pantry, high basement- city water: gas; street work done; lot 40x1(55: fruit, flowers, poultry yards: x.j block from carline. Address box 224^. Call office-, Oakland. * WILLaell big home farai In small farms at low prices and long time: devoted to. oranges, olives, raisins, table grapes, trees: Itawlanii soil; climatic conditions and earning- capacity best known: close in to growing city; $50,000 per month freight export on products: lneore»» $600 for every man. woman and child. Dli. DE WIIT. 232S Blake st. Berkeley. -. EXCURSION / To Hickman Irrigated lands, '$75 to $100 per sere. Saturday. September 19. at S p. m. Round trip to Denalr on Santa Fe $4.70. goo«l for 7 days. Arranso for rate at L. W. JEFF- \u25a0 ERSON REALTY CO.. 41 Market et. S, F.. or GEO. W. AUSTIN, 1013 Broadway. Oakl'd. FARM of 81 acres; 60 acres under cultivation: 20 acres in pasture and timber land; large :1 room dwelling, barn, granary, chicken bonsAn. Including horses, cattle, wagons and all farm- ing Implements; 2*4 miles from Sttno!; prir><» $6,500. Apoly F. W. STROMBESG & SON. 468 11th st.. Oakland. CALIFORNIA land. $1 per acre casb payment, balance purchase SO cents month per acre: close San Francisco: no taxes, no Interest; 5 I acre tracts; level, rich, dear, ready to- plow. Irrigated; perpetual water rights: Immediate possession: particulars, maps, photographs free. STEVINSON COLONY. 1414 Market st. 3. P. IRRIGATED lands from $35 to $100 per aero. Iflooking for a home, come to Merced connty. the richest section of California, when* everything Is raised. For particular* address J. S. MONTGOMERY. Secretary Merced Coun- ty Chamber Commerce. Merced. Cal. . NAPA STOCK FARM Six miles from Napa: elevation 1.000 f?«t; a delightful place for health. Apply to DR. J. STAIiK. 1410 Bth et. Oakland. SPECIALTY FOR APPENDICITIS. ASTHMA. RHEUMATISM. 20 ACRE alfalfa farms, planted. Irrigated./ managed If desired by as for yoa; all ero^s^ credited on yonr contract of purchase: easy: terms of payment Alfalfa Farms Co., 403 Monadnock bldg. MONEY made dally and Call Want Ads help to make. Advertise -your wants; make them known to the public throtigh a Call Want Ad. An investment not an expense. For Cull par- ticulars read Call Want Ada dally. THOUSANDS of chickens— Buy a chick sn farm on the Cotatl ranch near Petaluma; several hundred families already ratals? thousands. Apply to the COTATI CO., 310 California at.. San Francisco, owners of property. $25 casb and $10 monthly willbuy 8. 10 or 13 acres rich, level land In Alameda county; near \u25a0 £. P. and W. P. B. R, OERMANIA LAND CO.. 223 First Nat Bit, bldg.. Oakland. Cal. WHILE lvestigattez California lands see a* about our free land offer; 4,600 acres, plenty of water, ia Tnlare county. 3. F. B. MORS3 DEVELOPMENT CO.. 219 Montgomery. 8. F. GRIDLEY. Biggs and Sunset colonies Choic» fruit alfalfa and oranee irrigated lands, sold on easy terms. For particulars call or address T. F. A. OBERMEYER. 270 Van Neaa ay. 5 and 10 acre homes In Alameda co.. rich, level land with •- railroads. 2 stations on the land: cheap. $25 down and $10 per month. Rlctt Valley Land Company. 546 Market st $7.500— G00d home farm of 84 acres near Berke- ley; 8 acres orchard, 30 acres hay land: house, barn and sheds, etc. Address owner. 3651 Di- reond ay.. Upper Fruitvale. OREGON central military road grant land al- lotments; $200. payable $10 monthly; area; opportunity. ALBS MUBDOCK. 1063 Broad- way. Oakland. - IF you want to know Just what you are baytn? yoa most nee 11. C. WELLS. Sebaatopol. CHU. PROPERTY TO. EXCHANGE FOR sale or exchange— For Oakland. Berkeley. unimproved. 10. .r00m, well bn£t residence; large lot. north of panhandle; terms. Ad- dress Owner. 871 E. 27th st. Oakland; phone - Merrltt Sll9. REALiE^AJ'JB\V J AXTEP . LOT 25 to 40- ' ft. frontaj*. 100 depth; radhw h.iir mile Presidio and JacSson. Leitcn. 71 First st. PROPERTY WANTED WANTED^-Incosie property under $20,000 oa \ $10,000 casb payment; meat stand rigid loves- •* TO lease— Loft 43x127. $125; basement. 60x50. $50; store, ground floor. 20x63. $80; loft 4Sx 85. $30. wIU subdivide. $23 upward. Phona 4306. O. P. DOWNINO A CO*. S3 Mata st FIXAXCIAIi STOCKS and bonds for quick sale: . . 1 Ocean Shore R. It. bond. $1,000. at |700 10 share* Chiapas rubber company at.......550 1,000 shares Foot Metals Mining Co. at.... 30c 100 shares Huobard Elliott copper at $1.75 250 shares - Sacramento Valley Land Company ..(common book value $20) at \u0084SUI Address P. O. box 754. San Jose. CaL MONEY TO LOAN ON" 7~ Bnrllngame Telegraphing Typewriter.' Oak- land Traction,' Key Route bonds and other ac- tive securities: Interest rates reasonable. ROTHSCHILD * CO., ' STOCKS. BONDS, LOANS. Bacon Block. Oakland. Cal. Phone Oakland 378. MARKET STREET BANK. I will pay the highest price for the books oe bonds. KENNEDY. 720 Pacific banding. CALIFORNIA safe deposit accounts. Market st. bank books . and bond* and Ocean Shore bonds froognt D. E. BE3ECKER. 248 Paclfle bids:. ADVICE to those; oValrrag it; Investments, love affairs, ' tallsmanlc majdtc: 50c. - Occult - Law - and Science, box 342.' Richmond city. \u25a0 \u25a0 ABBOTT will sell $1,000 Ocean Shore railroad 5^.- per cent bond for $650. 311 Bush st > -\ CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1051 FlUmore at neac^ Pl»«t. - . . "\u25a0-... '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .- - .... .:. \u25a0>.-. _ .-.-.... \u0084 ," iyVESTMEXTS .. -;~ r _ WHEEL' stock buyers. ealTat offlce. 785 Market : st. \u25a0 rooms N05. « 711-712. and get Information yoa should have befora barlns outside stock.' \u25a0 GOOD opportunity for profitable investment from $1,000; to $.1,000. For . particulars addresi B .H. P. AVERY. 1213 Buchanan st . * FOR 'sale— s2s,oo<T worth ' Tnrlock irrigation bonds;; make offer. D. E-- BESECKER - 24* ' rvirti* hnll'llng. OFFICES ASP STORES TO LET AAA— SUNNY . ofllces. $10 per month'and nm" janitor service. . etc. B. P. OUVBR^k «?*\u25a0« I<H<Montgomery at. **"* CO " NICE room,', suitable for < store or \u25a0>TW aa ITS" * Ist it aear Mission. Lea**. -* w EMPLOYMENT 'WANTED— MaIe— Con. WANTED—First . class Japanese laundryman iwlrbes position In private family; $40 a month and np. T. DOBASHI. ISI3 Surter st.. S. P. I JAPANESE boy wants a position : general house- work; afternoons. IS6I Pine st- '. \u25a0: . \u25a0-\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 POSITION a r. watebman or Janitor. Address FISHER, 778 Lakevlew cv. Al retail cigar talesman: 3 years' experience. Rns 3T>fls. Call office. UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED KNOX. 4-J3 Pine— Suits, l.ens and attachments. Mine chk». cashed: debts collected everywhere. FEMALE HELP VtAKTED STENOGRAPHER— We want to secure the'serv- ices cf a young women who is sufficiently mature and experienced to understand the re- rponsibllity of work: we give decided prefer- ence to those who desire steady employment Requirement : Neat, accurate work promptly \u2666•xecuted. Tbe hours are from 8:30 ;to 12. and from 1 to 5:30; on Saturday closing hour lit 4 o'clock, except during the summer months, when it Is 1 o'clock. Apply ONLY by letter, in own handwriting; state in some detail offlce exptrlenc-e. Address A. SCHILLING & CO., offlce ZU. SE. corner 2d and Folsom sts. ______ | AN assistant, manager for millinery department; must be a. good business woman and a thor- ough knowledge of millinery; state experi- ence and salary expected. Address box BS6, Call offlce. MAID for a lady In the country. $35; parlor maid and waitress, $35. city; German cook- for the city. $40, references; nurse for 1 child, city, references, $35: cook for a private family of 2. city, $40; waitress for private family, coun- try. $35; 30 good housework girls for city and country places, 525 to $35. Call ,at MISS PLUNKETT'S offlce, 1596 Sutter cor. Webster. MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ads help to make it Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. An Investment not an expense. For full par- ticulars read CaU Want Ads dally. COOK that will act as working house keeper for a bachelors mess; place in country; $60; references. See party here this morning at 10 o'clock. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S offlce, 1596 Sutter at « WANTED A wctnan for general housework and cooking; good wages; family of 4: 7 room house. Piedmont Inquire ADOLPH UHL, 717 Market at., second floor, bet. 9 and 10 a. in. WANTED Ladles of refinement and education, pleasant and profitable employment Apply 423 Merchants' exchange. S. F., or 633 Flrat national bank. Oakland. _^ WOMEN and girls to work on fruit at our Sanitary Canning Factory; carfare allowance, fiunllt Fruit Co., 4th and Dwight way, West Berkeley. BRIGHT young woman to train for vacancy In traveling department of local bouse; highest references required. Address box 4044, Call office. WANTED Experienced art woman to take charge of department. Apply HALE BROS., INC.. 11th and Washington sts., Oakland. MILLINERY, hair dressing, taught from A to Z. 1 mo.. $5: afternoons. 3SOA Ist ay.. nr. Clement. Richmond; take Sutter st. car. WANTED First class cook for San Rafael. Ap- plybetween 1 and 3 p. m.. Friday, September 18. at 239S Howard Bt., corner 20th. COOK wanted for boteL $40 and found, city; Mveral cooks wanted, private families, good pay. Room 542. Paclflc building. .. GIRLS wanted in dried fruit parking house: ex- perienced help preferred. Apply ROSDNBERG BROS. & CO.. 269 Brannan st. WANTED Experienced leather goods woman. Apply HALE BROS.. INC., 11th and Wash- ington Bts., Oakland. Al STENOGRAPHER;"mTist be first class; per- manent position. Newton Gum Company, Bat- tery and Broadway. JOHN ARMIJO. registered optician, 419 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. I am making a specialty of reading glasses. WANTED Experienced Fklrt. waist, sleeve and coat hands; also errand girl. J. BAER, 1200 Geary 8t CTRL with knowledge of typewriting for whole- sale bouse; no stenography. P. O. box 367. city. 9 WAITRESSES for first class cafe about to open, city. $30. Call room 542. Paclflc bldg. WANTED Waist, skirt and sleeve trimmers, finishers and helpers. COX. 1940 Vallejo st 10 WAITRESSES, first class places, out of city, $30 and found. Call 542 Pacific building. NEAT eppearicg girl for manicuring parlor. 1C43 Flllmore st. r>et Geary and Posts Bts. WANTED Young ladles to train as nurses; 22 to 35. 019 Brush st.. Oakland. LADY agents everywhere; culck sales, big money. Sl7 Paclflc bldg., 8. F. YOUNG girl for light housework; 3 In family. Apply store, 2272 Market st. - NURSE, young woman, 3 children, $35 and found. Room 542, Paclflc building. WANTED Girl for housework and cooking. 740 Castor st. SOLICITOR wanted, man or woman. 042 Pacific hnllding. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES BARBERS It pays to get the latest; buy one of our Old Glory raeor bones, 2x5 ',4 inches in size, and your troubles in tbe future will be ended. These hones will produce qnickly a very fine, lasting edge; one that will stay. Can be used wet or dry and give the best of satisfaction. Manufactured especially for the barber's requirements and will remain in first class condition for all time. The bone for the 20th century barber; $1 each, or by mail $1.06. DECKELMAN BROS.. INC., 162 Turk st . BARBERS' SUPPLIES. BARKER SANITARY CHAIRS. $5 MONTHLY BARKER PEDESTAL OR PORTABLE VIBRATORS. $5 MONTHLY. We fit np shops with better goods for less money and on easier terms than any one else. SEVERAL BARGAINS IN 2D HAND CHAIRS. JAMES BARKER INC, 94 TURK STREET. BARBER SUPPLIES Barber chair*, workstandft, mirrors, wash- stands, poles, etc., on hand; sold reasonably. Salesroom, 1538 Mason Et.. open at all times. G. A. TROST. Chemist. WANTED First class union barber: young mar- ried man preferred. Apply In person to G. A. KIRKPATRICK. Uillcrest, Junction Mission road and San Jose ay. 6 CHAIR shop near Ferry bldg.: owner has other business; monthlyprofits $200; must sell. CHAS. COLEMAN & CO.. room 204, 830 Market st. 2-3 CHAIR Khops. nicely fitted up; owner Is no barber; will sell at a bargain. CHAS. COLE- MAN &. CO.. room 204, 830 Market st UNEXCELLED for barbers' use: Stelnen's fa- mous and round back razor*. $1.50. S. LYTLE, agent, 1900 Franklin st; phone Fr. 88. FOR sale 3 chair barber shop. 1781 7th gt., Wett Oakland; come, make an offer; cause of selling, have other business. \u25a0 WANTED 1 or chair shop In country: Rlv« full particulars in first letter. Address Barber, 2922 Shattnck ay.. Berkeley. - . \u25a0 \u25a0 FOR sale Tbe Poodle barber shop; good chance for an up to date barber. ,1121 Polk st be* tween Post and Sntter. \u25a0 4 CHAIR shop, 4 years' lease, rent $45; near fu- ture police courts; half cash, half monthly. 454 Kearny Bt $350 Snap; 4 chair barber shop for sate; fine location; selling on account of sickness. 503 3d st . BARBER, first clags. wants position for even- lngs and Snndays. HENRY. 1624 Sntter st LOVETT'S shampoo tray; latest up to date de- vice for barbers' cfee. 72 San Pablo ay. IF yon want to buy or sell a shop or barber chairs see BAUER. 1554 Ellis st WANTED— First class barber- wages $15 per week. P. Q. box SI. Antioch. .>...'. A SNAP * chair barber shop; must sell at once. 746 Laguna st. . \u25a0 WANTED At once, two first class barbers; 320 week. 92 Market sf . WANTED Two good barbers; best wages. PHIL COHEN. 82 East at . WANTED— Good barber for Saturday and Suu- day. 237 4th at w BARBER wanted; 10c shop; steady -Job. 410 6th at. Oakland. \ - BARBER to rent furnished shop. Cor. Dolores _; and Valley sts. WANTED First class barber. 202 Townsend st comer 3d. . - BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday at - 242 4th .st FOUR barbers wanted. \u25a0\u25a0 488 Broadway, near ' Kearny. *t T . ' \u25a0 BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 523 Broadway. #- . :',-- BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 622 Front «t. \u25a0'\u25a0' -\u25a0 . : . -\u25a0 •_• . . -\u25a0'..»-. 2 CHAIR barber, shop for sale. 499 4th st cor. Bryant." '' \u25a0.:\u25a0 \u25a0 ~ '-:'•-.''. ' ' :: BARBER wanted "for Saturday. 1700 Market street. , * . - ' r.\u25a0 ,\u25a0- BARBER wanted. < 442 Buth Bt.' corner .Grant ay. rORTEB wanted at 1777- Geary 'st \u25a0•'-'\u25a0 rim i-na-iiiii in a mtrnrmmmntntimTtiit \u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0 iMHMISW \u25a0- FURNITURE FOR SALE AA— AT ; CAVANAG H'S. 625 MCALLISTER st, a new furniture ! still : at a sacrifice ; . 4,000 yards fine i second ; band carpet - cheap. - i \u25a0 . PARLOR . grand; plano^ s27s; onyx pedestal.' eta- gere, -. pictures, beds. etc. ; going cast. \u25a0 1477 ,Oak-st. . . -..".'\u25a0" \u25a0•'..\u25a0-. \u25a0 .- . FURNITURE. 'good andcbeSp/ at IL - SCUELL- } HAAS'. .403 lltb : St.. Oakiaud. j FOR sale-i-Cbeap; 4: room furniture 'at 521 eth ?nv..*. Richmond district. "\u25a0'-- . '\u25a0'_\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0-'*• IjPHOlsterinjg; ! Upholstering, mn stress makinsr. carpet laylns^A \u25a0 oleHTiing. .Tos.Fecchifi: 2CT2 Sacro.: West 4ttX\. '^— *i:i : ixvalid cHAins SOLD," rented, exchanged; ' inanuCiicturer <Epcics tricycle chair. ISOS.Mkt. tit. Plioiu; lark 2i>4n. -„ '.MANUFACTURING JEWELER C. A.. WAGNER CO.', 2109 Fillmore st nr. Cala. __Wat(jieg. diamonds; watch and .jewelry renrg. JAL-UM-STEIN PRINTING CO.. 514 Turk st. \u25a0 bet. Polk and Larbin. Tel. West 3766. J^^^^JFJBR^AXE— -Mlscellaneou* CASH REGISTERS— Having installed the new . American Hallwood. to our hotel and cafe, we have for sate a new electric 4 drawer model National, cost 1K10; will take $100; payments suit purchaser; would advise. my friends to in- vestigate the methods used \u25a0 by - the National cash register company \u25a0. before buying from them, as my dealings with \u25a0 them \u25a0 were very unsatis- factory. J. -W. SHANAHAN. proprietor St. .George Hotel and Cafe, 1237 Howard St.. San Francisco; St. George Hotel. Sacramento. WE^want your PIPE BUSINESS and will do "everything within reason to get tbe same. . Tue pipe market Is demoralized at this time and prices are away down. All our pipe has new . threads and couplings \u25a0 und is '.dipped in asphalt* paint GET OUR FRICES BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. H. S. WHITE MACHINERY COMPANY, INC., *' > ,:„ Corner 9th and Bryant Sts., '\u25a0- - : San Francisco, Cal. . AAA— .. ;\u25a0 - ~ 7~~~7 ~~~ , ~~ "NOW'S Tin: TIJIE." 1 5Vj foot porcelain en. bathtub, cast iron. 1' 20x30 W. s!nk. ; . 1 80 gal. boiler. 200 pound test. \u25a0 ' .:."-'- : .-- ' $28.75. .\u25a0\u25a0 . ONE WEEK ONLY. . : 330 McAllister, or 1964 Post. St. Post st. .store open Sunday;. 9 to 4. CASH Registers. The AMERICAN HALLWOOD makes tlie WOULD BE MONOPOLY wincn. GUARANTEED BY A MILLION DOLLAR CONCERN. And the BEST and CHEAPEST register made. . PACIFIC COAST CASH REGISTER CO., 1292-94 Market, corner Lar- kln. W. A. KING. Proprietor. :\u25a0----. DON'T buy an unreliable cash register that can not be guaranteed. Buy a "National." Tbe result of 28 years' ' experience In making cash \u25a0 registers; 16,243 merchants in CalUDmla using Nationals, a Prices from $7.50 up. - THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY, 1040 Market st. between Taylor and Jones. CASH REGISTERS . \u25a0 See our large line of slightly nsed Na- tionals. Hall woods placed on trial for 30 days; or sold for $3 cash: $5 per month. N. C. R. SECOND HAND OFFICE. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:'•'-\u25a0 527 Market. : - SECOND HAND PIPE. Do you want good second hand . pips? New threads and couplings. Delivered to railroad or boat free of charge. Prices right. Pacific Pipe Co.. Main and Howard .sts. Tel. Douglas 2233. WALL paper, 2'^c per roll and upward. Good paint. $1 a gallon. White lead. 7c per lb. Building and roofing at greatly reduced price*.- Denatured alcohol. 65c a gallon (133 proof). MERIQAN'S. 1447 Ellis st. Samples mailed. SAFES for sale, new and second hand; vault doors "at - cost .- to close them out;, new safe* $35.00 and up. Bargains, bargains, bargains always at PITTSBURG SAFE COMPANY. 455 Golden Gate aye. Phone Mkt.'32sB. FOR sale 40, per cent less than cost 1 Icehouse In Al condition can be converted to cold stor- age room, 4 nickel plated railings outside and complete railings inside; size 17^x8. *>A. DE- COURTIEUX. Market and 11th Bts.. S? F. « .TENTS, camp furniture, flags, at factory prices; ill. catalogue free. W. A. PLUMMKU. 115- 117 Drummst, S. F.: tel. Kearny 3083. nnd 560-568 Franklin st. Oakland: tel. Oak. 2583. A COMPLETE line of $4 and $8 sample shoes cow, on sale for $2 and $2.50 In ladles', men's and boys' at room 304. Humboldt bank bldg., 755 Market st. \u25a0 SOUTH SIDE- MACHINERY CO., ",j 673-675-600 Howard st. Dealers In new and second band boilers, oil tanks and machinery. - Prices' to suit. - "SUPREME" steel range, almost new; asbestos . lined;;- nickel' plated trimmings; top oven heater; hot water colls; good baker; at a sac- rlflce. 2225 Pine st , MOVING picture films for rent; largest stock In olty; not In the trust: tickets 15c M, carbons 4c. TURNER & DAHNKEN. 1650 Ellis st. FOR \u25a0' sale A good newspaper ronte In a good district Apply to K. T. BOARDMAN, Cir- cnlatlon manager S. F. Call. . AA All sizes standard water pipe, guaranteed good as new; get our prices. Welssbaum Pipe' Works, 133-35-37 11th st SECOND HAND gas range; good as new; also . coal stove; bargain: no .dealers. 819 O'Farrell. ALL $2.50 HATS $1.50 POPULAR PRICE HATTERS, 556 HAVES ST. NEAR LAGUNA. MOVING picture machines, films and supplies. New . York Motion Picture Co.. 1035% Q. G. EDISON AGENCY. Moving picture machines and films. Bargains. GEO. BRECK. 550 Grove at HOISTS— New \u25a0 and \u25a0 2d hand pulleys, shafting, belting. Mclntosh & Wolpmann. 313 Howard. MOVINGpicture machines sold, repaired. 'G. A. METCALF. 356 Wlllard st; phone West 6459. AA— Books .bought KING'S book store. 1718 Market st. above Gough.^ Phone Market 4763. FOR salc-^Flrst class soda water fountain com- plete; in^ running order. ,957 Golden Gate ay. ARK for sale; v substantial, .sound and 'Al condi- tion; will^seir at. sacrifice. Box 3953. Call. D. J. McMASTER Machy. Co.. 1114 - Folsom, dealers In new and second hand machinery. SAFE— I bankers' burglar " proof coin and se- , curitles safe: cheap. 233 California st ARK i hull— New. - 22x34 feet A bargain. ' Apply Ark ' Lotus, - 2709 Harrison: aye.. Alameda. SCHOOL books, - new and second hand. J. H. CAIN. 679 McAllister st. near \u25a0 Googb. ' - KING'S OLD BOOK STORE. 891 Golden Gate ay.-near Octavia. BOOKS BOUGHT. BOOKS and libraries bought. The HOLMES CO.. 1158 Market -gt. Phone Market 656. -. MOVING, picture films for . rent Theater Film s Service C 0. ,. 1035V4 Golden Gate ay. ; SEWING machines at a bargain; must be aold :•, at; once./' 560 ,15th st. \u25a0 Oakland. \u25a0 SAFES New and second hand. The Hermann Safe Co.. 120-130 Folsom st : MISCELLANEOUS WANTS DRESS SUITS. TUXEDOS AND PRINCE AL- BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOLL, TAILOR, 707 GOLDEN GATE AY. PHONE MARKET 4681. CASH FOR v OLD GOLD. SILVER. PRECIOUB stones. A: ENGELHARDT, 22 Montgomery st AA Pays highest \u25a0\u25a0prices for ladles' and gents' •~ cast off clothing." 1218 Turk st Tel. West 9155. A - second hand clothing bought and . sold. rMUSIN,SI29OAEddy at.- cor. Buchanan. WANTED—Second hand lathe, 14 or 16 in.; also , a* sensitive drill press.- 722 N. Cal., Stockton. HOWARD st.v 551, 1 near 1 2d House, 18 rooms, >$40; 1116 Union at. house 3 rooms. $15. CALL" BRANCH OFFICE, 1051 FiUmore st. near Post. \u25a0'• ".'.-'\u25a0 -,-.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1 '\u25a0\u25a0•„\u25a0 MONEY TO LOAN . SALARY LOANS SALARY LOANS . WE TRUST YOU. \u25a0\u25a0'. "YOUR PROMISE IS OUR SECURITY. / ~ -. New ' loan company, - just started, loaning all salaried I people ; on their >\u25a0 plain note ; no mort- gage," no : endorser; ; ".all \u25a0\u25a0 business » strictly con- fidential, '-', whether - you : borrow or; not Your employer ,'never ; knows . . of .\u25a0 any " transactions ' a t our office." pNew system . and . lowest rates -In C . *.\u25a0\u25a0'; WESTERN LOAN CO.. 408 , Call , bldg., S. W. ;, cor.\ 3d , and Market Office hours 8 : 30 to 6 , p.' m. ; < also . Mon., \u25a0 Wed.' and Saturday evenings until-; 8 o'clock. . V. AAA— GET your j bills , paid and owe 'one party - by obtaining a temporary loan on your furni- ture, piano, horse and. vehicle; 'amounts $10 to $200;* no* publicity ' or. delay; : low - rates \u25a0 and ' easy -jwyments." HOUSEHOLD ; LOAN : COM- ' PANY, •.rooms \u25a0 357 and ; 359 i Pacific ; bldg., ; 4tb "-'- and ' Market . \u25a0 Phone > Douglas 3265 ; - also : room '3 iMacdonough , bldg.;'; Oakland. ".: v •\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-- MONEY LOANED. on furniture, pianos and other > Becuritrt ' lowest ; rates ; \u25a0- most \u25a0, favorable terms - In tbe cltyrsee others,: then see ME AND BB CONVINCED ; r I '-WILL' SAVE .YOU » MONEY; 12.25 per week . repays $50 loan and \u25a0 costs. . - - . \u0084 i . :^f. -:*: GEORGE \u25a0 MILLER, ~ ; . \u25a0 -. .. Room: 35.? 3009 ieth % st , i SW. ; cor. ; Mission. ? MONEY made dally and CaU Want Ads help to ; * make \u25a0It -Advertise ' your wants; . make i them \u25a0 .'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'. known - to' the public through a Call Want Ad. -\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : Anf Investment not an expense. For full par- ticulars read i Call Want Ads dally. - : . ;, SALARY | loans— -Ladles - and | gentlemen I without security ; » notes •\u25a0 and \u25a0 commercial >\u25a0 paper bought ' 313 .' Merchants'. 5 ; Exchange ' ; building; ; phone <liDouglss;l4ll.-v;~i;, :j,^.' .":v.-_:j; : -;'_t ; . , ADVANCES •' made 'on * diamonds ' and . Jewelry ; ntn t lowest rates; safe deposit vaults; greatest pos - --,; slble * care , taken.'.' BALDWINjJEWELRY : CO.^ jAVan; Ness i and;Sntter.' v:.v^; '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;->• ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.-", .: ', \u25a0 ;. - : , ' -.. \u25a0 HERMAN: MURPHY,' '-. - . .:•.--' "'„\u25a0- \u25a0;.;v"..-r:>' s46 .st. '.- : "< .. -\u25a0" '. \u25a0 ."First,and : BecoD<l:mtgs.;'egtates,- legacies, etc. MURRAY & READY. ~ Leadtng Employment and Labor Agents. V .WHITE PALACE BUILDING, . <. .11th and; Market «sts., v San - ; Francisco, Phone Market 7 656 and* 657. , . -.. : BRANCHES: ' '- 6th and. Franklin ate., Oakland. V ' «j -Phone; Oakland- 7361.. 2d and "Main" sts.;. and 121 Marchesault st, . Los Angeles, Cal. MURRAY & READY. FOR OKEGON. . KLAMATU FALLS DISTRICT, vi:.;^ vC.N. E. R." R._ C. N." E. U. R." „„\u25a0 . FREE FARE, -oo laborers, teamsters, trackmen,' spikers, bal- last gang 3 .. strappers, heelers; ship this after- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 noon.'..- . - .\u25a0 .- _> >-* - , . . \u25a0 FREE FARE— FREE FARE. * FREE ' FARE "• w"' TEAM.STER.S— LABORERS OCEAN SHORB RAILROAD teamsters and 50 laborers on Ocean Shore railroad, free ; fare. \u25a0:. =-. ;•-, \u0084-\u25a0 - FARE-PAID: ."> SOUTH FOR TEAMSTERS :. -o teamsters for San Luis Obispo county, fare paid; $00 month. . - ».-'.--- FARE PAID AGAIN ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO. \u0084 TUOLUMNE COUNTY laborers for all classes of -work; vrages *i»O to $66 a mouth; see- this Job; 'costs you 51; go tonight v * -STEAM SHOVEL ,> ENGINEER—CRANESMAN < , Engineer, free fare, $150, found. Cranesman, free fare, $90,' found. SLEEP AT OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE mr _ " NEXT DOOR TO ' MURRAY & READY'S GREAT LABOR -OFFICES, 11TH AND MARKET STS. 600 SINGLE ROOMS; SUN AND ELECTRIC _ .LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM. 25 CENTS PER NIGHT; $1.25 PER WEEK, mm ,~ INCDCDING BATH. COFFEE SERVED FREE DAILY JFROM 5 TO "A- M. FREE BARBER SHOP. BOOTBLACK STAND. SHOWER AND FOOT BATHS, /, A"-ORA"-OR AND PATCHING ROOM. BAG- GAGE CHECKED FREE. ALL PAPERS AND "AGAZINES. AND BELLMAN TO- CALL 9-S: WHITE HELP ONLY EMPLOYED. tx-9. CE . AN SHORE LODGING HOUSE. FAC- miw»4 ND ADJOINING OCEAN SHORE TER- « ?Ak,~, R AILROAD DEPOT— IITH AND MARh-EX STS.. SAN FRANCISCO. ' NEVER CLOSES. FARE PAID. AROUND, A ROCK CRUSHER, or , v GO wrr H BOSS TODAY. -5 laborers around a rock crusher; no experi- ence needed. You'll do. Will you go? FARE PAID TODAY. '\u25a0/ BOILER MAKERS. FREE FARE, j . , FREE FARE. 3 steel pipe calkers for big power company, $u.«*o day. . . , \u25a0 CARPENTERS. FREE FARE. .. , free FA RE. fibridge carpenters. S. P. R. R. Co, free fare. $00 month. CARPENTERS. LONG JOB. SAN MATEO COUNTY, .\u25a0.carpenters for San Mateo county. 25c fare. $3.50 day. " _, 4 v BUTCHERS. Butcher. Solano county,- $65 month. Order wagon butcher, close by. $40 found, loung man. $1.50 fare, $40 found. MARRIED HELP. 1 Farmer and wife, close by. $50 found.. Man and wife, take care of summer resort, >><."i and found. ITALIAN GARDENERS. 3 _Itallan vegetable gardeners, Santa Clara, $Jj and found. CRANESMAN. S. P. CO.'S OWN WORK. Cranesman . for S. P.. company's own work, south, free fare, call early today. GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. 2 young men with little experience in plumb- ing. _ * JANITOR Janitor, city apartment house, understand steam heating; $45 and room. SHAKE MAKERS MENDOCINO COUNTY— BOSS HERE 10 shake makers for Mendoclno county, long Job, 600,000 shakes to be cut; see boss here today. " \u0084 MARRIED COUPLE : Porter and chambermaid, city rooming house. $60 and apartments. PORTER AND CLERK Porter and clerk, rooming house. $40 and rm. PILE DRIVER MEN. 8 pile driver men for Butte county; see boss here; $3 day. QUARRY LABORERS, SAN MATEO COUNTY. 15 laborers, new quarry; good place; $02.50 - month. TRESTLE FOREMEN : 3 trestle foremen, R. R: work, free fare. $105. CAN YOU WILL YOUDRIVE A TEAM? ' 10 teamsters, ,Ocean Shore It. R., $60: 20 teamsters. Oregon, free fare. $60. ->.' * teamsters, Oakland, ?2.25; 6 teamsters, city, IS ranch teamsters, $32.50 to $45, found. CO teamsters, scraper- and wagon, city and country, ranches, factories, etc., good wages. ITALIANS 20 Italian laborers,, private B. B. near citx. $30 and found. LUMBER PILERS—MILL HANDS 10 Swedish lumber pliers, $2.50 day. 10 Italian lumber . pliers, $2 day. « mill hands, $1.75 to $2.50 day. 5 boys, box factory. $1.75 day. FOB AN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY. LINEMEN— HELPERS— LABORERS. 10 linemen, some steady, $90 month. 15 helpers and laborers, $60 month. 25 laborers for dam and quarry, $66 month. BIG TUNNEL MINERS—MUCKERS—LABORERS. 10 machine miners, $3.50. 20' muckers, Inside work, $2.50. 25 laborers, outside work, $2. '* \u25a0 - i . ; \u25a0 \u25a0 - % .' \u25a0 WHITE PALACE HOTEL, SPECIAL NOTICE 155 NEW SINGLE ROOMS. INCLUDING BATHS; SUN AND ELECTRIC LIGHT IN EVERY ROOM. $1.50 PER WEEK: CALLAND SEE THEM. 60 SAFE DEPOSIT- BOXES , FREE OF CHARGE TO GUESTS. .""\u25a0OO splendidly furnished rooms, 35c, 50c and 75c per day; free bath with every room; largest hotel offlce and clubrooms on Paclflc coast; fac- ing Van Ness ay. ; baggage checked and stored free of charge; highest grade of white help employed. \u25a0 _. \u25a0 . WHITE PALACE HOTEL— NEVER CLOSED lltli and Market sts., San Francisco. - AUSTRIANS—ITALIANS 10 Italian laborers, San Mateo factory, $2 day. 15 Italian quarry laborers, $2 day. \u25a0 10 Austrian laborers, factory, close 'by, $52 50 25 Austrian or Italian laborers for factory work, your- fare paid, $52.50. ' WE- HAVE 1.141 other miscellaneous places for you. Call and see us and get a daily list free. Work for you all. MURRAY & READY. 11th and Market sts.. San Francisco.' 6th and Franklin. sts.. Oakland. AT COSTIGAN &. CO.. 4 and 6 Fell st. ~~~~ Phone Market 2098. > \u25a0 10 structural Iron workers for large company, call early, go today, $4 day. -- FOR LARGE FACTORY—SHIP SATURDAY 25 \u25a0 laborers general work -' around : warehouse 552.60. _/ 10 laborers, city, board'eo., $1.75 day. '>;" Blacksmith for country -shop. $15 week, found. 2 young men distribute circulars, $1,25 day. .: '•: ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkin. TeL Franklin 42S8— AU around cook, . email , place, $45; dish washer, $25; German or Scandinavian couple for pri- vate country place,' waiting, cooking, etc., $80 found; and a - lot of : others. " : Oakland ' offlce. 957 Franklin at . \u25a0 -•-. WANTED— Laborers and mechanics to know that Edward Rolkin has reduced the rooms at the Denver House, 3d and Howard sts., to Ssc per day, f2 week; hot and cold water every room. WANTED—Experienced window ; trimmers. "for Hale Bros., Inc., Sacramento. Apply super- intendent's offlce 9 to 11 a.m., HALE BROS.. Inc.-,--- , - - .:-.. .- . --. -:,.': -.-\u25a0' \u25a0\u0084 . ; - \u25a0 r;. ; ;^~- MEN and women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; earn $5 to $10 per week while, learning; par- tlculars free. MOLER COLLBGE. < 6 11th st MEN to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; free; spe- cial Inducements to next 10; call early, get par- ticulars. \u25a0 S. ; F. Barber College. . 8 Fell st* ARMIJO, the optical specialist— l prescribe only the .. best glasses; - positively " guarantee - to i fit yon. 419 San Pablo : av.r Oakland. WANTED—Boy. H_'years old, for wrapping de- partment ApplyS.I N.." WOOD & CO., 11th and Washington ats... Oakland. : WA NTED 600 men to occupy rooms, 25c to Ssc per ; night (free. baths) . at the New York, 753 Howard $t bet 3d and 4th. .> '\u25a0.'\u25a0..-" - WANTED— A draper for drapery department Ap- ply HALE fBROS.,- INC.", }11th .'and. Washing- ton sts., Oakland.^ ,' ; --. ; , .... ; \u25a0-..-:\u25a0 CLOTHING| stock . clerk I and assistant I salesman ; references. ALFRED , LILIENFELD r & CO.. 1365 FlUmore ; Bt. ' ' : --:\u25a0',.. .-' " •-.:.:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0-.- ' :; MEN. wanted to ' learn s cigar : making ; small de- posit; steady Job; good. pay., 1341i Kentucky, sf YOUNG man, about 18, residing with parents, l- for position in office. Box 3524,: Ca1l office./ WANTED—Roomers, $1.25 "iWeek; 20c " night . California House." 270 Natoma'. st nr.' 4th. NEWi W'ISTERN; - 1124 Howard st-^lnglo ,' rooms. 15c , per, night ; t hot and : cold . water. ' SHOES repaired ' by '. machinery; I sewed soles 75c; . done iv 10 minutes.. 1106: Fillmore «t'ii-? vV ;.,:. CLEAN men * and \ women i wanted Ito lire . at CIO Eddy Bt; $1 week. 25c night.V . .; :\u25a0 \u25a0.-.:<: \u25a0;.-,\u25a0-:; .-,\u25a0-: STABLEMAN wanted 'who can answer phone and good groom.'... 1351; Folsom Ist." -\u0084i,' r - -. -: BRIGHT; errand boy; wanted ; ' references. •-' Dlnan ; Millinery. 1555 -Van;Ness' ay/ - . .'.'\u25a0\u25a0; ."„ ..r .>: ; BELLBOYS i wanted j at the Bohemian club.'r Post v and . Leavenworth ; ntB.V/~S ; H. - -.-.-,\u25a0 .^v' /\u25a0; ,\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 FIRST s CLASS < upholsterer "Aand -- carpet layer ,3336 Sacramento, at, « f Jl MONEY.TO LOAN— Continued \u25a0MONEY loaned salaried people and others, upon ;. their own names without security: cheapest -.rates; easiest payments; offices In 68 principal cities;, save ,yourself mocey .by gettins our terms first. rTOLMAN. room U7, 757 Market :st.. : S. F.. and room 9. 460 13th st..' Oakland. j ANY amount on real estate, first cr second raort- [" or on any security; no delay; low rate*. 'O, V.". BECKER. 2111 FUlmore near California. MONEY to loan* at low raies uf , interest uu real estate. . HEi:t-.D & LEVITSKY. 407 Pine st. . : ;--.- .... . . A Any amount loaned on diamonds acil .'ewelry; lowest rates. ,Mac«-y Jewelry Co.. 1700 ytg_BQt<> A— LOANS on salaries. lIOMK CREDIT & I>- VEST.MKNT CO.. 52t Paclfle Mdg.. 4th Si Mkt. ANY sum. Ist,.-2d, Kd mort.: interest la estate*. R. McCOLGAN. r.. 214-315. 26 Montgomery »t. Original Uncle Bill (Modern Loon Co.. Inc.). Si Ellis nr. Mfct: 40 yra. In city: tel. Dooc. 333i. . ILLINOIS~~TRi;ST COMPANY loans money on bonseholil goods; al.-o on satarirs. 1516 KJdy. SAI*,\I!Y loans: otLer pmp<»ltloijB. dan Fran- cisco Disconnt Act-ncy. 411 t'aoiac bnliding. ON - rutnitnre. - pianos, etc.: strictly private. \u25a0BECKEK. 2111 FHlmure Kt. near CaliroTnla. MORRELL— Cash l'>aned to salaried nt?n ou note without Indorser. 022 Monadnoct: b!«ri{. ON furaiture and pianos; $15 i^>; no removal; no com. Tremaln. 720 Buchanan near Hayes. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BYRON MAI'ZY gold medal pianos, goics <lowa town in October to our own building. 2-t4-23D Stockton st. Biar reductions In planoi ; now ones $IC7; pianos to rent ?3; no csrtage. 1175 O'Farrell st. near Gougb. .. STATHAM pianos removed to- 2* lltll st. uff .Valencia bet. 21st and 22d; no rent means low ; prices; pianos for rent or on easy payments. KNABE uprlcbt. $275; Stirling, $125; other bar- gains. BOWERS Jfc SON. 52& McAllister sc. near Van Ness ay. . -; NEW pianos to rent. $.'$ per mo. ; installaent.-* JOS/SCHMITZ & CO.. 430 Devlsadero nr. F<-H. ALJIOST given away; storage pianos dirt cheap. Whltehead's Storage. 1564 Market at. S. F. STEINWAY piano, left oa sale; perfect condi- tion; $95; cash or time. -90S Van Ness ay. AN electric Peerless piano for sale at reasonable price. Inquire 931 Magnolia st. Oakland. A GOOD piano for rent at $3 a month. SCOTT CURTAZ PIANO CO.. 560 Hayes st .i.MIMER pianos and others sold for storage. United Storage Co.. 415 Van Ness ay. AT HOUNUNG'S. best bargains in second tend pianos. 1554 Eddy st. near Flllmore. NEW-parlor or church organ wltn 11 stops; mlr- ror; a bargain. 500 Golden Gate ay. STORAGE pianos for almost nothing; make oCer Storage Co.. 415 Van Ness ay. FOR sale Very reasonable, a Knabe baby grand. - Apply at 1027 Devlgadero st. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. ICSI Ffllmore st near Post. ' \u25a0 __^ ALLGEWAHR BROS. CO.. assaying In all Its branches: accuracy guaranteed; send for mall- Ing envelope. . 313 6th st. Oakland. GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought, cash; a*sayini( ~ 50c. Pioneer Assay Co.. 131 Rth »t. nr. Hotrnrrl. CITY REAL t-TATE BETTER THAN A BANK!! That Is What Your Investmnnt Means In the LOEWE TRACT. In the Excelsior District, San Francisco. The lot doesn't "bust up" and nobody goes to jail for mishandling yonr savings. Yoa control that part of It yourself, and before your lot is paid for it retnrns yoa a far greater Interest than anything compounded In a sarin:a institu- tion. Four earlines and 2 school*. Lots 25x100: $10 down, $10 a month. Take Onondaga. Polk. Larkin. Ingieslde, San Mateo or cemeteries car to Mission st. and Rus- sia ay. Come today. Come Snnday. Tract office corner Vienna st. and Russia ay. T. F. A. OBERMETER,\ Agent. 270 Van Ness ay. corner Grove st Tel. Market 3229. Send for descriptive folder "B." :': - \u25a0 BIG CUT. ; .*' f *" : f».250—NEW 7 ROOM RESIDENCE: LARGE LOT; MARINE VIEW: ROYAL FURNACE HEATER: WELL BUILT: MANY LARGE CLOSETS:/ CHOICE WESTERN ADDITION. APPLY CHAMBERLJN & CO.. 2052 BUSH ST. $4.550 3 brand new flats, rent for $60; electric i lights, gas; concrete foundation; strictly mod- Iem; $2,000 casb, bal. without Interest: terms. For Hale Cottages, flats, lots at your own terms by calling on P. EHM. 2-105 16th st. near Bryant RICHMOND DISTRICT $300 cash, balance easy payments, will buy , an elegant 4 room cottage, with high base- . ment and garden: this must sold wlthla a.weer; PRICE $2,075. Apply 319 19th ay. AN ELLIS ST. SNAP . Northeast corner. 37 ft 6 in. by 112 ft 6 In.: convenient to 3 car lines; fall of lot makes It very inexpensive to build flats' or apartment bouse; to force sale price reduced to $6,700. E. N. FRITZ. 1401 Masonic ay. FOR sale $2,400. half cash; near NW. cor. San- chez and Hill sts.: new cottage. 3 large rooms and bath. Apply on premises or to J. ALEX CAMPBELL. 1007 Kohl building. ' BARGAIN Reduced tn make quick sale: 35 foot lot near Golden Gate and Devisadero sts. at $5,500. being only $150 per foot. KANE Jfc CO.. 215 Montgomery st. -. - FOR sale Up to date residence, large lots, one block Iron cars and Golden Gate park. 12th aye. and I st. Sunset district See E. B. Hallett on premises. \u25a0 IF you own a lot we will bnild a cottage; no cash;* 10 years' experience; work guaranteed. New Era Building Company, Inc., 3343 Mis- slon it \u25a0 . SCCOO Real bargain: 2 beautiful new modern flats: 5 and 6 rooms; Panhandle district; swell locality: act qnlck. 2236 Mlslon st. nr. 13th. $1,000 J3OO cash. $15 per month; nice. new. 4 large sunny room cottage la 24th st: Investi- gate this quickly. Box 4025, CaU offlce. FOR sale $0,500; store, flat and cottage; lot 60x 126; rent $95. Address T. CONNOLY. Freder- ick and Stanyan sts. $2.350 Modern cottage. 6 rooms and bath; 1H blocks from carline; $500 down. Call 2539 Mission at . ' - $3,eco New 5 room cottage and basement; near Clayton and Frederick; terms. Box COO. Call. $1.750 Lot. 10th at., overlooking Mission park; cheapest lot In vicinity. Call 2559 Mission st. J. A. ADAMS, surveyor. 325 Bush ' st. Phone Douglas 2104. SAN RAFAEL REAL ESTATE * : •-. BROOKDALE PABK,~~~~~~ ON PETALUMA AT. 10 minutes - from station. .. Handsome, new, \u25a0 6 room bnngalowa For sale on terms. 9100 down and $20 per month. •-_ -:Oak and laurel trees, green grass, fine climate, swell locality.* Large lota, adjoining \u25a0 fine, new houses. $350 each. Write postal \u25a0 for particulars . S. J. NORTON. 4th and A sts.. San Rafael. FOR sale—San Rafael cottage and bam; No. 9 Latham " st- .* - \u25a0 \u25a0 TERMS 1-6 CASH. BALANCE $10 MONTH - -\u25a0-\u25a0• TAMALPAIS ' VALLEY. Acres \u25a0at $250 and \u25a0np within 8 miles of " Sas Francisco and convenient to the electric trains. Beautifully wooded; grand view of mountain ; and' bay; roads and water to every lot; el?c- \u25a0 trie 1 light c and . telephone service assured. - See «\u25a0 this property. It's selling fast Send for U- * \u25a0 lustrated booklet CRANSTON. BELVKL A DWYER, :'\u25a0 573 ; California * st, S. F. Phone -Kearny 4195. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0: --• " BURLINGAME REAL ESTATE / FOR sale on terms A beautiful acre of ground \u25a0- on" a : corner; . streets macadamized. \u25a0 sewer and :. water -and adjacent to a /large number of fine homes: a bargain. ,ED, EDWARDS, REED & : BRADY.- 245 Montgomery st SAN ANSELMO REAL [ESTATE FOR choice 1 suburban homesltes, see San Rafael Heights; sewer, waters wooded: lots 50 ft to 2 y' acres. ATTHO WE: &BTUDLEY.Pan Ansel mo. "HALF MOON -BAY REAL , ESTATE LOTS in all parts; 'any size; adjoining depot and -Ocean boulevard: on easy payment D. DAVID «\u25a0 rO.->lioB Crocker bldg.: tel. 2WO. ; '• SSAX MATEO HEAL ESTATE ELEGANT 10 room and bath residence. 2 blocks ;"-:San Mateo' depot, ' $6,750; ' easy terms. " Box '\u25a03924. Call offlce., - \u25a0 \u25a0^i^^-jSAjvjrJA^^^ 1 RANCHES, ' 2 a. up, . Improved;'\u25a0\u25a0 town I property, T \u25a0\u25a0lots." F.H.j Parker.- 123vPgc. st..- Santa Cms. REDWOOD CITYREAL ESTATE -„ VILLA ; tract," XRedwood 4City: choice ' residence lots; terms. Wllcox &Co., 837 G. G. ar. 1:.;. vFREE. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. / Tel. Market 737. >,•;,,__ ST. GEORGE HOTEL, HOWARD AND BTH SAN FRANCISCO. ALSO 4TH AND . J, SACRAMENTO. :\u25a0„„,;\u25a0 -REFITTED— REMODELED.. NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS. -20c 11 ££. £ IG HT. $1 PER WEEK AND UP. > - BOARD AND ROOMS, $4 PER WEEK AND.CHEAPER. .'„\u25a0•'\u25a0 CLEAN -BEDS, 15c. : READING ROOM. BAGGAGE ROOM. ""•\u25a0•\u25a0 CALL AND: SEE U3. ' WA NTED— Mauagur I and buyer for shoe depart- .. tnent of our San Jose. store; must show a ,sue- ccgsfnl record as a department store buyer and m«naKcr; a'maii wbo isnot too young nor too \u25a0old und of steady habits; reference as to ability .and character must stand strictest .investiga- tion.. Apply superintendent's office. . HALE BROS.. Inc.. Market and Cth sts. ' " \u25a0 ... 100; LABORING MEN To occupy clean sinplo rooms at TIIE MECHAN- ICS'.; HOTEL,< 019 Howard st. between sth and 6th; 15c, 20c, 25c. day.". $1, : $1.50 week; good, i clean meals, 10c tip. SHAW. BROS. r WANTED Good, .reliable; man who can handle horses to work on farm; wagon $30 and board; reach: place take ecrly mornlnr train to St.. Helena, thence by stage to Pope valley. P. H. I OLMLR. . \u25a0 ". -*nV_ : '.'. AGENTS; wanted. everywhere to sell our wonder- ful piano and furniture polish; something new; . quick sales big '.profits; . gentlemen \u25a0or ladies; experience unnecessary. •_• 1458 O'Farrell. MEN -to learn Electricity, Piumbing, ; - Bricklay- . Ing, Plastering and Draughting; day and night school; no booka; positions secured. Call : or write for ' free catalogue. Coyne National Trade - School. '230-240 Bth st. S. F. . : SALESMEN nml SOLTCITOnS WAITED WANTED—High grade salesmen for first class mlning.oll and 1 industrial stocks. Apply.B a. m. to 4 p. m., 423 Merchants' Exchange, S. F., or 033 First National Bank. Oakland. WANTED— 2 , salesmen , who are salesmen: best proposition, anywhere. % Apply 359 Albany Mock. Oakland: references required. AGENTS WAXTED BIG money for agents handling our household necessities; particulars free. U. H. SEW- TON & CO.. Coronado. Cal. MINING Hoists, stationary- and iwrtable en- gines, gns. distillate or crude oil. WESTERN GAS ENOINB CO.. 22 Ist st. - .. \ .'-. , JAPANESE LAUyDRIES JAPANESE laundry, .waists and curtains special- - ty. Asahi Laundry, 1401 Scott J'h West 6295. COLUMBUS LAUNDRY. 1027-37 Powell tt. near Green: tel. Douglas 459: *H worlr gunrnnteod. HORSES, HARNESS AXD WAGOXS MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ad§ help to male It. Advertise your wants; make . them known to the public through' a Call Want Ad. An Investment not an expense. For full par- tlcnlars read. Call Want Ads dally. LADY'S saddle and driving horse, sound and gentle; also stylish folding' trap; will sell horse separately. Can be seen at S. FRAN-' . CIS CARRIAGE CO., 1451 Broadway. . FOR sale Second hand rubber tired runabout, business buggies and express wagons. Nugcnt- Covey wagon Company, 343-349 Valencia st. FOR . sale Wagon shafts, pole and adjustable top; good f&r express or camping. Address owner. 5651 Dlmond ay.. Upper Fruitvale. SECOND HAND wagon for sale. Apply before _o_a^_ip.. 648 Sacramento st. . '.- \u25a0 ' \u25a0 Anderson Transfer and .Storage Co.. mvg.. pkg., shpg.. etc. sth Bt. nr. Mkt., No. 20. Tel. Dgls. J 2177. Country mvg.. trnnks stored 3 dayn free. AA— BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO. Fireproof Warehouse. 18th and Mission. Bts.' Tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. CO. (Inc.)— Moving and storage, cor. 14th and Sanchez sts., ' 1 block from Mar- ket and Flllmore st. cars; phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2316 Flllmore st. : phone West 2C23. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co. Main offlce Eddy and Flllmore. Tel. West 828. SIGNAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.—Bag- gage transferred. 1131 Polk; tel. Franklin 818. \u25a0CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Flllmore st near Post ' FREIGHT FORWARDIXO JUDSON Freight Forwarding Co. Reduced rates j for shipping household goods anywhere west to .everywhere east. : Phone Kearny 2579. 832 Market at. room 101. Columbia bldg. NATIONAL FREIGHT AND TRANSFER CO., 182S Mission nr. 10th; cut rate* to all points; fireproof- warehouse; 'Snovlng vans.- Phone Market 3154. - CARPET CLEANING AXJi carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by S." F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Office 24 Montgomery st; phone Kearny 5852; shop 16th and S. Bruno ay. LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO., 103 O'Farrell ,. Bt; phone Douglass 2071. Dustless cleaning of carpets, rugs, draperies, furniture and bedding, WITHOUT REMOVAL. UPHOLSTERING,- mattress waking, carpets cleaned and laid; window shades; foldlug bed repairs. Towey Furniture Co.. tel. Market 970. BEATING. 100 yds.. $2.50: get all our rates. F. A. RICE CARPET BEATING WORKS. ISOS-7 Harrison st. ur. 14th. Phone Market £62. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send your carpetu to J. SPAULDING & CO., CS9 Golden Gate ay. Telephone Market 643. CLEANING Be: best work cleaning and laying done by QISSLOW, S3OB 22d st. Tel. Mkt.2283. WATTS— Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; renovat. ; laying. 557 Waller. Phone Park 569. CONKLIN BROS., Carpet cleaning and laying. 2400 Geary st corner Baker. Phone West 'i\ ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.—Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOMCO.. 637 Turk st. ' OAL. CARPET CLEANING WORKS, 821 Valencia st Phone Market 2399. LOST—A passbook with the Hlbemia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of CARL BAUMAN, No. 323-593. The finder will please return *to bank. Unless "same is returned within 5 days a new book will be issued to the applicant. - \u25a0 LOST September 15.' lady's black leather hand- bag,- containing : diamond ring,' diamond ; ear- rings, little money.; $50 reward If returned to \u25a0 WILLIAMAY: DAY, Mechanics' Savings Bank, Market and Mason «ts.; \u25a0 \u25a0 LOST— A bankbook on The' Savings and Loan Society in the name of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Lear; check on Vallejo ' bank Inclosed,. Please notify owner, '3879 18th Bt-. LOST On Friday I last, a male brlndle Boston \u25a0 'bull,- wlth-wide splko- cellar. Return and re- ceive , reward. 520 Van Ness . ay. , ;or phone : Market 2868.;. r . . .-\u25a0\u25a0._;\u25a0•;\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 LOST* Sat. Louvre, pair of opera glasses , In brown leather bag. . Please return to MRS.' S. KRAGEN. 239 Page at. and receive reward. LOST— -A : neck fur, : between ' Fulton and Scott .and O'Farrell. Return -to 1478 Ellis st. and . ;="{ receive reward. . \u0084-• \u25a0-.". , \u25a0 '; \u25a0 LOST— At ball grounds. Golden Gate park, purie \u25a0 v containing $13.50. ; Reward. , Return to 3956 " 18th St.-. '. -\u0084.-. \u25a0_ '•-\u0084. , -\u0084 : - V ' - \u25a0\u25a0 .' ;•.•\u25a0..;;\u25a0 LOST—-Small purse with key and money. Finder \u25a0 keep money; return ykey •to 2566 Pine sf : LOST—7 keys attached to keyring." Please return \u25a0toJ.O. PETERSON, 445 Buwh Bt '\u25a0\u25a0!':-'•• \u25a0 ••••:'\u25a0' S MjsmcAJti ' \u25a0:.'\u25a0 ''\u25a0 '''\u25a0\u25a0'_- '\u25a0 -'- ; AA ROBERT G. FULTON, 1 B. A., M. r D., . 616 , 11 th st near, "Washington. . Oakland. > ; 20 years ago I graduated from 2 old leading universities. SINCE then I have TREATED WOMEN'S .AILMENTS EXCLUSIVELY. :; It is ; to your advantage to consult the most success- ful and trustworthy \u25a0 specialist. Advice r free. Fees reasonable. \u25a0Hours 10 a. m.: to 8 p.;m. Phone Oakland 5458 - DR. ROBERT GREENLEAF FULTON, V 616 11th st bet. Washington and Clay, Oakland. LADIES ARE \u25a0 INVITED to i consult, "j free -jof ': charge, - a . regular graduate ? physician "of \25 \u25a0 •, years' experience, \u25a0 whose practice is limited to obstetrics and all female complaints. "- Hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.;>Sundays,. 10 to 12 a.m. : DR. ANQ MRS-O. A. MASON, \u25a0 -.. Rooms. 220 and 221;- 830 Market st* near Ellis. A— MRS., DR. WELLS, reliable ladles' specialist _. f or all ' female complaints; instant relief guar- a nteed; home f before ' and \u25a0 during\u25a0 confinement; \u25a0/ 30 years' practice; relief when all others fail. /..WEBSTER g«. between' Geary; and Post.?: \u25a0: MRS. DR.- SWEET," graduate ' of ' the ; Royal Unl- .. ' \u25a0 versify.* of Berlin; 80 ; yrs. ',- successful practice ; . ; cures \u25a0 all :• ladies' < complaints: no \u25a0 lnstrsy: used. . Tel.r ; Park r._ 2258. i2li 210 \u25a0> Flllmore \u25a0<\u25a0 nr.v. Halght. MBB. DR. WEST— Offices 1293 Golden Gate ay.; ;i /, ladles' a specialist - for . many ; years ; » all ;: cases \3 snccessfnlly « treated ; ?no ; pain; * no ; delay i from i __hontej_lowfeeB:;honni 1 to 3.*7 to 8 p.m. : .V ;'-':'"''\u25a0 IjACB V3PRTAIJVS' I: CLEA'NEb'A VviTi J.l BRIGLIA-; & ' CO.— Lace : curtains cleaned ; ? 4oc ' -pair np. 3424 17th nr. Vnlencla: tel. Mbt.shßt.-| ":l-\- '--'-^ FURNITJPRE*'^WANTEbX_'.i^: ':/- MARK J. LEVY, 1 ' auctioneer, buys: furniture/ 1 car-; ':.:: pet«,*-.*idesks, » mcrchapdise; \u25a0 \u25a0 commlsslojs it ac-* cepted. ; Call 1 1142 ! McAllister. Plione ; Park 1860." ,WE bnj,-t sell or - exch.i all ' kinds ot f urn I ture ana , ; crpts. .Gretn,' lo3l Octavia st/ Phonjß West 3529.*

Transcript of ·...




MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ads help tomake it. Advertise yoor want*: make -t!»e.mknown to tlie public through, a- Call Want Ad..An icve*tn:ej3t. not aa expetwe. For fnU p«r-ticulirs read Call Want Ads dally.

-J. S. DRIiW. cotclilnx aud private cormal; UUrtj

nccool course; prepares for college. toncLers*rums, civilservice, kclence. mathematics, lan-yiiaget; day, eve. 643 Van New.

UINMAVS class Indacclag meets Tuesday even-Ings at California Club ball. Clay et. bet VanNess and Poik: pnpils receive taeir first lessoninprivcte. Phono West CSCS. <\u25a0:

DA2CCUCQ-_dftuixdC Hiaman's Juvenile classm<?<>ts Saturday afternoon. California Club hall, j«'!sy bt. l»c». Vau Ness and Polk. Tuoue West•COS.

THE LYCEUM, 25»0 Pine tt.—Prepares for uni-versity, law, medical colleges; teachers' ex>;here you can save time and money; eicelL. teach.


CitiL electrical, mining, mecb.,furvrr, assay, cyanide; day, eve.; cst. 1564.Van der Nallen School, Cist and Tel.. Oaklacd.

AA—BANJO. GUITAR. VIOLIN, mandoiia lc»-cons; primary and advanced. rianijue-Uuiiru.iSO3 Setter st \u25a0

THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES—2531 Washington nr. Flllmcre: tend for cl»-rul«r.


DU. PH. MENDE. examined biga penool teach-er, teaches German and French. ?83 Fujtou st


Spanish-French In 3 months;SpcsiKb correspoodeoce taught 1265 Ellis st

I'ROF. T. A. ROBINSON, Indiv. lnstr. math.,book keeping, eng., etc.; day, eve. 507 Halght

IiJCALD'S Business College, 425 McAllister St.,S. F.. and 16th st. Oakland; day and evening.

SAN FRANCISCO Business College, now located«t 733 Fillmore near Hayes; day and evening.

ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-M-runDnyiness College. 464 Devisadero St.


only:coamnteed. 770 Clar. Pbone Donc^JtlCA

EMPLOYMEXT OFFICESMONEY made dally and Call Want Ads help to

make It Advertise your wants; make themknown to the public through a Call Want Ad.An Investment not an expense. For full par*tlcolars read Call Want Ads dally.

AA—OSCAR HATSUML Japanese-Chinese Emp.Co.. best help; city or country. R. KAWA-SHIMA. prop.. 1513 Geary st West &653.


Japanese-Chinese emp. office; best help:cityor country. 1602 Lapnaa* st:tel. West 1734.

STAR emp. office furnishes Japanese. Chinesehelp. W. Kadota. 1608 Gearjr; teL West 167.

JAP Domestic Workers' Assn. moved to PacificJep. Chinese Emp. offlce. 1777 Poet; West 8430.

A. HORL 174S Sutter; pbone West 2503; bestJapanese. Chinese bel? furnished promptly.

CHINESE Emp. Office, SO2 Clay st—Best Uelpin the country. Phone Douglas 1563.

H. W. HONG. Cbinese employment office. 327fitli ft.. Or.lcl«n»1: rhone Oak KM3.



MARRIED couple, 30. wife good curse and home-work, man experienced store cierk. deelra po-eitionF; city or country. Address Trustwortliy,box 3636. Call office.

COMPETENT eastern woman desl'es to take en-tire oharpe. of up to <la«e manicuring nndhair dressing parlor. Address MRS. C M. W.,021 Edfly Bt.

JAPANESE very yfcung womaa wishes positionas schoolfrirl or take care baby in small family.S. MITSITA,327 Devisadero Et. Phone Park


lOUNG tcarried woman wishes to give servicesfor housework apt., good location. AddressMRS. G. W. P.. box 547. Call. 1651 Fillmore.

MIDDLEaged, practical nurse. German, hospitaltrained in confinements; city or country; $15und fare. Box 16. main postoffice.

MOTHER and daughter would take full chargecf rooming bouse: sieady worker; experience;references. Box 4022, Call offlce.

COMPETENT woman wants housework and cook-ing; wages $30 to $35 per month. Call at 1Belcher court near Sancbei st.

RELIABLE woman wants position, housework.c-x'.i plain cock. Call or address MRS.BROWN, room 9. 47» 3d st.

POSITIONS wanted for nurse; bouse keeper rorrooming house or hotel or la linen room. S. F.H.. 542 Pacific building.

THOROUGHLY competent and experienced younglady stenographer wants position; salary $60.Box 5574. Call office.

WOMAN with boy 8 years wants poEiUon «shouse keeper la country or city. Box 4029,Call office.

FIRST CLASS laundress wants Monday andTuesday work; best reference. Box 3925, Call.

COLORED woman would like cooking In privatefamily or apartments. Phone 1129 Franldln.

STENOGRAPHER— Young lady expert open toposition:salary $60. Bor 3575. Call office.

UOrsEWOBK— Good cook and laundress; bestreference. Call 382 3d st. near Harrison.

WCFIXED nurse wishes to travel with Inva-lid or infant Box 6555, Call office.

MES. BERGER'S curtain laundry. 3672 21st *L;lmn«1 work nnlvt Ssc per pair op


MaleWELL educated German-American, 25, with

some experience In book keeping and corre-spondence, and good references, wants positionwith wholesale firm or manufacturing concern.Address b»x 4027, Call offlce.

MIDDLEaged, sober man deelres an apprentice-ship on linotype machine: a good band com-P'>!*Hor and Job man; wishes to perfect him-self ou the linotype. Address A. F. 8.. 101SN Ft.. Sacramento. Cal.

POSITION wanted, young man over 15 years.mTcantiir and railroad erperience: do bookkeeping and amounting; Chicago and east ref-rrriH*«eastern and city; any locality. 11. T.301 Williams building.

ACCOUNTANT desires engagements; will openand close, books: auditing and systematizing ofcorporation accounts; high clabs references asto capabilities, character, etc. Address bux3624, Call office.

CHAUFFEUR, sober And responsible. de«lreswork, city or country; 6 years' experience;careful driver and good care taker; very bestl>on»onal references.; Address M., IDOS Jack-Kon nt.. city.

JAPANESE boy wants to work for dentist: eltfor ctniDtry: understands dental offlce work andcooking; has -exrverience for dental labora-tory work. Box SCS. Call office. 1651 FlUaaor>.

MIDDLE AGED, sober, prsetlral man fD&oe)wishes work of any kind or «\u25a0 watrbmaa;work in wholesale bouse or factory preferredOEO. PALL, 2127 California Bt.

MECHANICAL draftsman. £6, witli first classreference, of last employer, wants position;would take up work with a contractor andbuilder. Address box 4028. Call office.

KLDERLY man seeks borne Id exchange forservices; bandy, sober, well educated; speaksEcgUsh. French. German: business experi-ence. Address box 3653, Call office.

SALESMAN, engineer, wishes position a«*"ma-rbinery salesman; can do estimating; under-stands all power plant machinery; beet of ref-erences. Box 3978. Call office.

WELL built man. age 27. has been officer Inmerchant service, would like position asVatcbman or any work asbore. 11. J.. room305. Baldwin House. 74 6th" 8t

JAPANESE, first class laundry boy. wants posi-tion in family: best references; year's experi-ence. E. HENRY. Japanese mission, 2560Pine «t rhone West 2197.


Positions for bell or elevator boy,hotel clerk; cbef. willgo to the country: stew-ard or ctnre keeper In boteL 8. F.H., 642 Pa*clflc building.

WOMEN and girls to work on fruit at our san-itary canning factory; carfare allowed. Sun-lit Fruit company, 4th and Dwight way. WestBerkeley.

POSITION wanted as hotel carpenter or headJanitor of office building;12 years' experience;

• first class dty reference. Box 4017. Call.POSITION by competent stenographer In city:

\u25a0 references ; 3 years' experience in railroadservice. Address box 39SS, Call office.

JAPANESE good laundryman, with many years'experience, wishes position; wages $45 and up.F. MOEOOKA. 121 Halght st

YOUNG man. 17. wishes position as bellboy Inbetel, city or country. Call or write K.LPSAKER." 1576 Turk «t '

ALL around cook and wife would like positionIn com try hot*]. Address Cook, Go9^_ San-soSie st. .Sen Francisco. ' -

POSITION wanted as city salesman familiarwitb paint, oil.

-glass and bnUdlss material.

Box 4019. Call office. rNICE Japanese boy wants position as waiter or

housework in family. I. TAKANO," 1C25Geary 6t.. city. .- . . \u25a0

HOTELS and c&loons—

A capable bar tender de-f-int a situation, city or country. 'Box 4021.Call office. :

WANTED—A position as cook, with a view tobuy:- would consider partnership. Address Box4012. Call. .

JAPANESE rook wants position^ in family Inconntry. TANA. 3241 Ellis Bt. S.:Berkeley.JAPANESE laundry man wants jwisiUon In fam-lly. KATO. 1514 O'Farrell. Tel. West 4852.WANTED

—Japanese, ;very good laundry manposition. TV KANAI.ISI3 Setter Bt , '

POSITION with. real estate concern by younrman. Address box 4024, CaU olnc«.iWaIWBMBMsIniTMMMMM-MllW-wrrilf"liTl_i \u25a0\u25a0"mr

liiniHinii\u25a0 m'~ \u25a0

cocStry real estate__

irrigated land --*4*$75 to $100 fer acre ;.

ithead of"'

famous'Tnrloek irricatlon


dTs triet.:

L. W. JEFFEUSON REALr\ 1!goccry Bt. S. F., or GEO. W. AUSTIN, 101SEroadway. Oatland.



train or. grass does weU b«re: «*j* *£&*;very healthful: no malaria: Glenn and Coloaacounties: west side of Sacramento river.

Oiir special offer to close out *1»S?!S"S«Is $1.50 per acn» p«r »<«-a. Including taxesand Interest on our best JIOO Und: lotai*X

exrursloa Saturdiy afternoon. Write_'« °°°*-

let. C. 51. WOOSTKU CO.. TO2 Market at.Office cpen Wednesday and Friday evenine*after 7 o'clock.

STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH$12.000— Business, health, comfort: yoa can ttav<»

all tail ir you buy my mountain ranch jaSonoma co., on Gualala river. This ranch,

ccatalnins 1.300 acres, while a delightfulteonlc resort, with an exceptionally in-vigorating and healthful climato. Is «splendid business proposition tall «rwrite and Iwill tell you why 1 con-sider this the best thing In California for'the money.

E. F. FISK. IPeople's Express Warehouse.

Cor. Adeline and Stuart sts.. Barfcaley.

; ALBERTA. CANADATUe rranary of the world, harvest now on.

bumper crops, good prices, everybody makbumoney.

Invest In vlrsln land: safe. sure, prof-

itable: $10.00 to $13.00 per acre; 10 years topay for it: reduced rate* on excursion data*:fall Information of

» FRANCIS FERBIEK.13 Geary st. San Francisco.

General Agent Canadian Paclflc Railway Ctv'»• lands. Agents wanted. -\u25a0

OWN AN ORANGE GROVEPorterville oranss groves are paying $400 to

$2,000 per acre annually and have been donutso for years: we ar»> oSerln; tfce finest land inPorterville district In small tracts at $100 peracre: easy terms; we willplant and care forsrove ifyoo wish; lt> to 2O acre* will make youindependent for life: write, or come ami see v*.j

H0BS0N"-MeCOi:MlCK COMPANY. ,JSl2-Sl4 Balboa bUlg.. Market and 2d at*.. S. F7\FOR sale or exchange for OalUand or country

property, good paying business In growlns sub-, nrb of Oakland: average sales per month,

$3,000; price $3,000: also 3 room house. batiJ.pantry, high basement- city water: gas;street work done; lot 40x1(55: fruit, flowers,poultry yards: x.j block from carline. Addressbox 224^. Call office-, Oakland. *

WILLaell big home farai In small farms at lowprices and long time: devoted to. oranges,olives, raisins, table grapes, trees: Itawlaniisoil; climatic conditions and earning- capacitybest known: close in to growing city; $50,000per month freight export on products: lneore»»$600 for every man. woman and child. Dli.DE WIIT. 232S Blake st. Berkeley.

-. EXCURSION /To Hickman Irrigated lands, '$75 to $100 per

sere. Saturday. September 19. at S p. m.Round trip to Denalr on Santa Fe $4.70. goo«lfor 7 days. Arranso for rate at L. W. JEFF- \u25a0

ERSON REALTY CO.. 41 Market et. S, F..or GEO. W. AUSTIN, 1013 Broadway. Oakl'd.

FARM of 81 acres; 60 acres under cultivation:20 acres in pasture and timber land; large :1room dwelling, barn, granary, chicken bonsAn.Including horses, cattle, wagons and all farm-ing Implements; 2*4 miles from Sttno!; prir><»$6,500. Apoly F. W. STROMBESG & SON.468 11th st.. Oakland.

CALIFORNIA land. $1 per acre casb payment,balance purchase SO cents month per acre:close San Francisco: no taxes, no Interest; 5

I acre tracts; level, rich, dear, ready to- plow.Irrigated; perpetual water rights: Immediatepossession: particulars, maps, photographs free.STEVINSON COLONY. 1414 Market st. 3. P.

IRRIGATED lands from $35 to $100 per aero.Iflooking for a home, come to Merced connty.the richest section of California, when*everything Is raised. For particular* addressJ. S. MONTGOMERY. Secretary Merced Coun-ty Chamber o£ Commerce. Merced. Cal. .

NAPA STOCK FARMSix miles from Napa: elevation 1.000 f?«t;

a delightful place for health. Apply to DR.J. STAIiK.1410 Bth et. Oakland.SPECIALTY FOR APPENDICITIS. ASTHMA.


20 ACRE alfalfa farms, planted. Irrigated./managed If desired by as for yoa; all ero^s^credited on yonr contract of purchase: easy:terms of payment Alfalfa Farms Co., 403Monadnock bldg.

MONEY made dally and Call Want Ads help tomake. Advertise -your wants; make themknown to the public throtigh a Call Want Ad.An investment not an expense. For Cull par-ticulars read Call Want Ada dally.

THOUSANDS of chickens— Buy a chick sn farmon the Cotatl ranch near Petaluma; severalhundred families already ratals? thousands.Apply to the COTATICO., 310 California at..San Francisco, owners of property.

$25 casb and $10 monthly willbuy 8. 10 or 13acres rich, level land In Alameda county; near \u25a0

£. P. and W. P. B. R, OERMANIA LANDCO.. 223 First Nat Bit, bldg.. Oakland. Cal.

WHILE lvestigattez California lands see a*about our free land offer; 4,600 acres, plentyof water, ia Tnlare county. 3. F. B. MORS3DEVELOPMENT CO.. 219 Montgomery. 8. F.

GRIDLEY. Biggs and Sunset colonies—

Choic»fruit alfalfa and oranee irrigated lands, soldon easy terms. For particulars call or addressT. F. A. OBERMEYER. 270 Van Neaa ay.

5 and 10 acre homes In Alameda co.. rich, levelland with •- railroads. 2 stations on the land:cheap. $25 down and $10 per month. RlcttValley Land Company. 546 Market st

$7.500— G00d home farm of 84 acres near Berke-ley; 8 acres orchard, 30 acres hay land: house,barn and sheds, etc. Address owner. 3651 Di-reond ay.. Upper Fruitvale.

OREGON central military road grant land al-lotments; $200. payable $10 monthly; • area;opportunity. ALBS MUBDOCK. 1063 Broad-way. Oakland.

-IFyou want to know Just what you are baytn?

yoa most nee 11. C. WELLS. Sebaatopol. CHU.

PROPERTY TO.EXCHANGEFOR sale or exchange— For Oakland. Berkeley.

unimproved. 10..r00m, well bn£t residence;large lot. north of panhandle; terms. Ad-dress Owner. 871 E. 27th st. Oakland; phone-Merrltt Sll9.


'ft. frontaj*. 100 depth; radhw

h.iir mile Presidio and JacSson. Leitcn. 71First st.


WANTED^-Incosie property under $20,000 oa \$10,000 casb payment; meat stand rigid loves- •*

TO lease— Loft 43x127. $125; basement. 60x50.$50; store, ground floor. 20x63. $80; loft 4Sx85. $30. wIU subdivide. $23 upward. Phona4306. O. P. DOWNINO A CO*. S3 Mata st

FIXAXCIAIiSTOCKS and bonds for quick sale: .. 1Ocean Shore R. $1,000. at |700

10 share* Chiapas rubber company at.......5501,000 shares Foot Metals Mining Co. at.... 30c100 shares Huobard Elliott copper at $1.75250 shares

-Sacramento Valley Land Company

..(common book value $20) at \u0084SUIAddress P. O. box 754. San Jose. CaL

MONEY TO LOAN ON" 7~Bnrllngame Telegraphing Typewriter.' Oak-

land Traction,' Key Route bonds and other ac-tive securities: Interest rates reasonable.

ROTHSCHILD * CO.,'STOCKS. BONDS, LOANS.Bacon Block. Oakland. Cal.

Phone Oakland 378.


Iwill pay the highest price for the books oebonds. KENNEDY. 720 Pacific banding.

CALIFORNIA safe deposit accounts. Market books .and bond* and Ocean Shore bondsfroognt D. E. BE3ECKER. 248 Paclfle bids:.

ADVICE to those; oValrrag it;Investments, loveaffairs,

'tallsmanlc majdtc: 50c.

-Occult - Law-

and Science, box 342.' Richmond city. \u25a0 \u25a0

ABBOTT will sell $1,000 Ocean Shore railroad 5^.-per cent bond for $650. 311 Bush st >-\

CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1051 FlUmore at neac^Pl»«t.- . . "\u25a0-... '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .- - .... .:. \u25a0>.-.

_ .-.-.... \u0084 ,"

iyVESTMEXTS .. -;~r _WHEEL' stock buyers. ealTat offlce. 785 Market:st. \u25a0 rooms N05. «711-712. and get Informationyoa should have befora barlns outside stock.' \u25a0

GOOD opportunity for profitable investment from$1,000; to $.1,000. For.particulars addresi B.H. P. AVERY. 1213 Buchanan st . *FOR 'sale— s2s,oo<T worth

'Tnrlock irrigation

—bonds;; make offer. D. E-- BESECKER

-24* 'rvirti*hnll'llng.

OFFICES ASP STORES TO LETAAA—SUNNY.ofllces. $10 per month'and nm"janitor service. .etc. B. P. OUVBR^k «?*\u25a0«I<H<Montgomery at.

**"*CO "

NICE room,', suitable for <store or \u25a0>TW aa ITS"*

Ist it aear Mission. Lea**.-*w


WANTED—First . class Japanese laundrymaniwlrbes position In private family; $40 a month

and np. T. DOBASHI. ISI3 Surter st.. S. P.

IJAPANESE boy wants a position :general house-work; afternoons. IS6I Pine st- '. \u25a0: .\u25a0-\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0

POSITION a r. watebman or Janitor. AddressFISHER, 778 Lakevlew cv.

Al retail cigar talesman: 3 years' experience.Rns 3T>fls. Call office.

UNPAID WAGES COLLECTEDKNOX. 4-J3 Pine— Suits, l.ens and attachments.

Mine chk». cashed: debts collected everywhere.


STENOGRAPHER— We want to secure the'serv-ices cf a young women who is sufficientlymature and experienced to understand the re-rponsibllity of work: we give decided prefer-ence to those who desire steady employmentRequirement :Neat, accurate work promptly\u2666•xecuted. Tbe hours are from 8:30 ;to 12.and from 1 to 5:30; on Saturday closing hourlit 4 o'clock, except during the summer months,

when it Is 1 o'clock. Apply ONLY by letter,in own handwriting; state in some detail offlceexptrlenc-e. Address A. SCHILLING & CO.,offlce ZU. SE. corner 2d and Folsom sts.______


AN assistant, manager for millinery department;must be a. good business woman and a thor-ough knowledge of millinery; state experi-ence and salary expected. Address box BS6,Call offlce.

MAID for a lady In the country. $35; parlor maidand waitress, $35. city; German cook- for thecity. $40, references; nurse for 1 child, city,references, $35: cook for a private family of2. city,$40; waitress for private family, coun-try. $35; 30 good housework girls for city andcountry places, 525 to $35. Call ,at MISSPLUNKETT'S offlce, 1596 Sutter cor. Webster.

MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ads help tomake it Advertise your wants; make themknown to the public through a Call Want Ad.An Investment not an expense. For full par-ticulars read CaU Want Ads dally.

COOK that will act as working house keeperfor a bachelors mess; place in country; $60;references. See party here this morning at 10o'clock. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S offlce,1596 Sutter at «


A wctnan for general housework andcooking; good wages; family of 4: 7 roomhouse. Piedmont Inquire ADOLPH UHL, 717Market at., second floor, bet. 9 and 10 a. in.


Ladles of refinement and education,pleasant and profitable employment Apply423 Merchants' exchange. S. F., or 633 Flratnational bank. Oakland.


WOMEN and girls to work on fruit at ourSanitary Canning Factory; carfare allowance,fiunllt Fruit Co., 4th and Dwight way, WestBerkeley.

BRIGHT young woman to train for vacancy Intraveling department of local bouse; highestreferences required. Address box 4044, Calloffice.


Experienced art woman to takecharge of department. Apply HALE BROS.,INC.. 11th and Washington sts., Oakland.

MILLINERY, hair dressing, taught from A toZ. 1 mo.. $5: afternoons. 3SOA Ist ay.. nr.Clement. Richmond; take Sutter st. car.


First class cook for San Rafael. Ap-plybetween 1and 3 p. m.. Friday, September18. at 239S Howard Bt., corner 20th.

COOK wanted for boteL $40 and found, city;Mveral cooks wanted, private families, goodpay. Room 542. Paclflc building. ..

GIRLS wanted in dried fruit parking house: ex-perienced help preferred. Apply ROSDNBERGBROS. & CO.. 269 Brannan st.


Experienced leather goods woman.Apply HALE BROS.. INC., 11th and Wash-ington Bts., Oakland.

Al STENOGRAPHER;"mTist be first class; per-manent position. Newton Gum Company, Bat-tery and Broadway.

JOHN ARMIJO. registered optician, 419 SanPablo ay.. Oakland. Iam making a specialtyof reading glasses.


Experienced Fklrt. waist, sleeve andcoat hands; also errand girl. J. BAER, 1200Geary 8t

CTRL with knowledge of typewriting for whole-sale bouse; no stenography. P. O. box 367. city.

9 WAITRESSES for first class cafe about toopen, city. $30. Call room 542. Paclflc bldg.

WANTED—Waist, skirt and sleeve trimmers,

finishers and helpers. COX. 1940 Vallejo st

10 WAITRESSES, first class places, out of city,$30 and found. Call 542 Pacific building.

NEAT eppearicg girl for manicuring parlor. 1C43Flllmore st. r>et Geary and Posts Bts.


Young ladles to train as nurses; 22to 35. 019 Brush st.. Oakland.

LADY agents everywhere; culck sales, bigmoney. Sl7 Paclflc bldg., 8. F.

YOUNG girl for light housework; 3 In family.Apply store, 2272 Market st.

-NURSE, young woman, 3 children, $35 and found.

Room 542, Paclflc building.


Girl for housework and cooking. 740Castor st.

SOLICITOR wanted, man or woman. 042 Pacifichnllding.


BARBERS—It pays to get the latest; buy one

of our Old Glory raeor bones, 2x5 ',4 inches insize, and your troubles in tbe future willbeended. These hones will produce qnickly avery fine, lasting edge; one that will stay.Can be used wet or dry and give the best ofsatisfaction. Manufactured especially for thebarber's requirements and will remain in firstclass condition for all time. The bone forthe 20th century barber; $1 each, or by mail$1.06.DECKELMAN BROS.. INC., 162 Turk st .



We fit np shops with better goods for lessmoney and on easier terms than any one else.SEVERAL BARGAINS IN2D HANDCHAIRS.


BARBER SUPPLIESBarber chair*, workstandft, mirrors, wash-

stands, poles, etc., on hand; sold reasonably.Salesroom, 1538 Mason Et.. open at all times.


—First class union barber: young mar-

ried man preferred. Apply In person to G. A.KIRKPATRICK. Uillcrest, Junction Missionroad and San Jose ay.

6 CHAIR shop near Ferry bldg.: owner has otherbusiness; monthlyprofits $200; must sell. CHAS.COLEMAN &CO.. room 204, 830 Market st.

2-3 CHAIR Khops. nicely fitted up; owner Is nobarber; will sell at a bargain. CHAS. COLE-MAN &. CO.. room 204, 830 Market st

UNEXCELLED for barbers' use: Stelnen's fa-mous and round back razor*. $1.50. S. LYTLE,agent, 1900 Franklin st; phone Fr. 88.

FOR sale—

3 chair barber shop. 1781 7th gt.,Wett Oakland; come, make an offer; cause ofselling, have other business. \u25a0


1 or chair shop In country: Rlv«full particulars in first letter. Address Barber,2922 Shattnck ay.. Berkeley.

- . \u25a0 \u25a0

FOR sale—

Tbe Poodle barber shop; good chancefor an up to date barber. ,1121 Polk st be*tween Post and Sntter. \u25a0

4 CHAIR shop, 4 years' lease, rent $45; near fu-ture police courts; half cash, half monthly.454 Kearny Bt


Snap; 4 chair barber shop for sate; finelocation; selling on account of sickness. 5033d st .

BARBER, first clags. wants position for even-lngs and Snndays. HENRY. 1624 Sntter st

LOVETT'S shampoo tray; latest up to date de-vice for barbers' cfee. 72 San Pablo ay.

IF yon want to buy or sell a shop or barberchairs see BAUER. 1554 Ellis st

WANTED—First class barber- wages $15 perweek. P. Q. box SI. Antioch. .>...'.

A SNAP—* chair barber shop; must sell atonce. 746 Laguna st. . \u25a0


At once, two first class barbers; 320week. 92 Market sf .


Two good barbers; best wages. PHILCOHEN. 82 East at .WANTED—Good barber for Saturday and Suu-day. 237 4th at wBARBER wanted; 10c shop; steady -Job. 410

6th at. Oakland. \-

BARBER to rent furnished shop. Cor. Dolores_; and Valley sts. •


First class barber. 202 Townsendst comer 3d. . • -

BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday at-242

FOUR barbers wanted. \u25a0\u25a0 488 Broadway, near'Kearny. *tT. '


BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 523Broadway. • #- • . :',--

BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 622Front «t. \u25a0'\u25a0' -\u25a0 . :. -\u25a0 •_• .. -\u25a0'..»-.

2 CHAIR barber, shop for sale. 499 4th st cor.Bryant."

' '\u25a0.:\u25a0 \u25a0


' '::

BARBER wanted "for Saturday. 1700 Marketstreet. ,

* . - 'r.\u25a0 ,\u25a0-

BARBER wanted. < 442 Buth Bt.'corner .Grant ay.

rORTEB wanted at 1777- Geary 'st \u25a0•'-'\u25a0rim i-na-iiiii in amtrnrmmmntntimTtiit \u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0 iMHMISW


AA—AT;CAVANAGH'S. 625 MCALLISTER st,a new furniture!still:at a sacrifice ;. 4,000 yards

fine isecond ;band carpet-cheap.

- i \u25a0 .PARLOR.grand; plano^ s27s; onyx pedestal.' eta-gere,, beds. etc. ; going cast. \u25a0 1477,Oak-st. . . -..".'\u25a0" \u25a0•'..\u25a0-. \u25a0 .- .FURNITURE. 'good andcbeSp/ at IL


HAAS'. .403 lltb:St.. Oakiaud. jFOR sale-i-Cbeap; 4:room furniture 'at 521 eth?nv..*.Richmond district."\u25a0'-- .

'\u25a0'_\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0-'*• IjPHOlsterinjg;

!Upholstering, mnstress makinsr. carpet laylns^A\u25a0 oleHTiing. .Tos.Fecchifi: 2CT2 Sacro.: West 4ttX\.

'^—*i:i: ixvalidcHAinsSOLD," rented, exchanged;

'inanuCiicturer <Epcics

tricycle chair. ISOS.Mkt. tit. Plioiu;lark 2i>4n.

-„ '.MANUFACTURING JEWELERC. A..WAGNER CO.', 2109 Fillmore st nr. Cala.__Wat(jieg. diamonds; watch and .jewelry renrg.

JAL-UM-STEIN PRINTING CO.. 514 Turk st.\u25a0 bet. Polk and Larbin. Tel. West 3766.

J^^^^JFJBR^AXE— -Mlscellaneou*CASH REGISTERS— Having installed the new. American Hallwood. to our hotel and cafe, wehave for sate a new electric 4 drawer modelNational, cost 1K10; will take $100; payments

suit purchaser; would advise. my friends to in-vestigate the methods used \u25a0 by

-the National

cash register company \u25a0.before buying from them,as my dealings with \u25a0 them \u25a0 were very unsatis-factory. J. -W. SHANAHAN. proprietor St.

.George Hotel and Cafe, 1237 Howard St.. SanFrancisco; St. George Hotel. Sacramento.

WE^want your PIPE BUSINESS and will do"everything within reason to get tbe same.. Tue pipe market Is demoralized at this time

and prices are away down.Allour pipe has new .threads and couplings

\u25a0 und is '.dipped in asphalt* paintGET OUR FRICES BEFORE PLACING

YOUR ORDER.H. S. WHITE MACHINERY COMPANY, INC.,*'> ,:„Corner 9th and Bryant Sts.,

• • '\u25a0--:San Francisco, Cal. .

AAA— .. ;\u25a0- ~



~~"NOW'S Tin: TIJIE."

1 5Vj foot porcelain en. bathtub, cast iron.

1'20x30 W. s!nk. ; .1 80 gal. boiler. 200 pound test.


.:."-'- :.-- ' $28.75. .\u25a0\u25a0 .ONE WEEK ONLY. .

: 330 McAllister, or 1964 Post. St.Post st. .store open Sunday;. 9 to 4.

CASH Registers. The AMERICAN HALLWOODmakes tlie WOULD BE MONOPOLY wincn.GUARANTEED BY A MILLION DOLLARCONCERN. And the BEST and CHEAPESTregister made. . PACIFIC COAST CASHREGISTER CO., 1292-94 Market, corner Lar-kln. W. A. KING. Proprietor. :\u25a0----.

DON'T buy an unreliable cash register that cannot be guaranteed. Buy a "National." Tberesult of 28 years' 'experience In making cash

\u25a0 registers; 16,243 merchants in CalUDmla usingNationals, a Prices from $7.50 up.-

THE NATIONALCASH REGISTER COMPANY,1040 Market st. between Taylor and Jones.


See our large line of slightly nsed Na-tionals. Hallwoods placed on trial for 30 days;or sold for $3 cash: $5 per month.

N. C. R. SECOND HAND OFFICE.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:'•'-\u25a0 527 Market.


SECOND HAND PIPE.Do you want good second hand .pips? New

threads and couplings. Delivered to railroad orboat free of charge. Prices right. Pacific PipeCo.. Main and Howard .sts. Tel. Douglas 2233.WALL paper, 2'^c per roll and upward. Good

paint. $1 a gallon. White lead. 7c per lb.Buildingand roofing at greatly reduced price*.-Denatured alcohol. 65c a gallon (133 proof).MERIQAN'S. 1447 Ellis st. Samples mailed.

SAFES for sale, new and second hand; vaultdoors "at

-cost .- to close them out;, new safe*

$35.00 and up. Bargains, bargains, bargainsalways at PITTSBURG SAFE COMPANY.455 Golden Gate aye. Phone Mkt.'32sB.

FOR sale 40, per cent less than cost—1 Icehouse

In Al condition can be converted to cold stor-age room, 4 nickel plated railings outside andcomplete railings inside; size 17^x8. *>A. DE-COURTIEUX. Market and 11th Bts.. S? F. « •

.TENTS, camp furniture, flags, at factory prices;ill. catalogue free. W. A. PLUMMKU. 115-117 Drummst, S. F.:tel. Kearny 3083. nnd560-568 Franklin st. Oakland: tel. Oak. 2583.

ACOMPLETE line of $4 and $8 sample shoescow,on sale for $2 and $2.50 In ladles', men'sand boys' at room 304. Humboldt bank bldg.,755 Market st. \u25a0

SOUTH SIDE- MACHINERY CO.,",j 673-675-600 Howard st.

Dealers In new and second band boilers, oiltanks and machinery.

-Prices' to suit. -

"SUPREME" steel range, almost new; asbestos. lined;;- nickel' plated trimmings; top ovenheater; hot water colls; good baker; at a sac-rlflce. 2225 Pine st ,

MOVING picture films for rent; largest stock Inolty; not In the trust: tickets 15c M, carbons4c. TURNER & DAHNKEN. 1650 Ellis st.

FOR \u25a0' sale—

A good newspaper ronte In a gooddistrict Apply to K. T. BOARDMAN, Cir-cnlatlon manager S. F. Call. .


All sizes standard water pipe, guaranteedgood as new; get our prices. Welssbaum Pipe'Works, 133-35-37 11th st

SECOND HAND gas range; good as new; also. coal stove; bargain: no .dealers. 819 O'Farrell.ALL $2.50 HATS $1.50 POPULAR PRICE

HATTERS, 556 HAVES ST. NEAR LAGUNA.MOVING picture machines, films and supplies.

New .York Motion Picture Co.. 1035% Q. G.EDISON AGENCY. Moving picture machines and

films. • Bargains. GEO. BRECK. 550 Grove at

HOISTS—New \u25a0 and \u25a0 2d hand pulleys, shafting,belting. Mclntosh & Wolpmann. 313 Howard.

MOVINGpicture machines sold, repaired. 'G. A.METCALF. 356 Wlllard st; phone West 6459.

AA—Books .bought KING'S book store. 1718Market st. above Gough.^ Phone Market 4763.

FOR salc-^Flrst class soda water fountain com-plete; in^ running order. ,957 Golden Gate ay.

ARK for sale; v substantial, .sound and 'Al condi-tion; will^seir at. sacrifice. Box 3953. Call.

D. J. McMASTER Machy. Co.. 1114 - Folsom,dealers In new and second hand machinery.

SAFE—Ibankers' burglar"proof coin and se-, curitles safe: cheap. 233 California st

ARKihull—New.- 22x34 feet A bargain.


Ark 'Lotus, -2709 Harrison: aye.. Alameda.

SCHOOL books, -new and second hand. J. H.CAIN. 679 McAllister st. near \u25a0Googb. ' -

KING'S OLD BOOK STORE. 891 Golden Gateay.-near Octavia. BOOKS BOUGHT.

BOOKS and libraries bought. The HOLMES CO..1158 Market -gt. Phone Market 656. -.

MOVING,picture films Theater Films Service C0. ,. 1035V4 Golden Gate ay. ;

SEWING machines at a bargain; must be aold:•, at;once./' 560 ,15th st. \u25a0 Oakland. \u25a0


New and second hand. The HermannSafe Co.. 120-130 Folsom st





Pays highest \u25a0\u25a0prices for ladles' and gents'•~ cast off clothing."1218 Turk st Tel. West 9155.


second hand clothing bought and. sold. rMUSIN,SI29OAEddy at.- cor. Buchanan.

WANTED—Second hand lathe, 14 or 16 in.; also, a*sensitive drill press.- 722 N. Cal., Stockton.

HOWARD st.v 551,1near 12d—House, 18 rooms,

>$40; 1116 Union at. house 3 rooms. $15.

CALL"BRANCH OFFICE, 1051 FiUmore st. nearPost. \u25a0'• • ".'.-'\u25a0 -,-.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


WE TRUST YOU.\u25a0\u25a0'. "YOUR PROMISE IS OUR SECURITY. / ~-.New 'loan company, - just started, loaning all

salaried Ipeople;on their >\u25a0 plain note; no mort-gage," no:endorser; ;".all \u25a0\u25a0 business » strictly con-fidential, '-', whether - you:borrow or; not Youremployer ,'never;knows ..of .\u25a0 any " transactions '

a tour • office."pNew system .and . lowest rates -InC . *.\u25a0\u25a0'; WESTERN LOAN CO..

408 ,Call , bldg., S.W.;,cor.\ 3d,and MarketOffice hours 8:30 to 6,p.'m.;< also .Mon., \u25a0

Wed.'and Saturday evenings until-;8 o'clock. . V.AAA—GET your jbills,paid and owe 'one party-

by obtaining a temporary loan on your furni-ture, piano, horse and. vehicle; 'amounts $10 to$200;* no* publicity'or. delay;:low

-rates \u25a0 and'

easy -jwyments." HOUSEHOLD;LOAN :COM-'PANY,•.rooms \u25a0 357 and;359 iPacific ;bldg.,;4tb"-'-and 'Market . \u25a0 Phone >Douglas 3265;

-also :room

'3 iMacdonough ,bldg.;';Oakland. ".: v •\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0--•

MONEY LOANED.on furniture, pianos and other>Becuritrt 'lowest ;rates;\u25a0- most \u25a0, favorable • terms-In tbe cltyrsee others,: then see ME AND BBCONVINCED;rI'-WILL'SAVE .YOU»MONEY;12.25 per week.repays $50 loan and \u25a0 costs.. --. \u0084 i.:^f.-:*:GEORGE \u25a0 MILLER, ~

;. \u25a0

-... Room:35.? 3009 • ieth % st,iSW.;cor.;Mission. ?

MONEY made dally and CaU Want Ads help to;*make \u25a0It-Advertise'your • wants; .make ithem \u25a0

.'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'. known - to' the public through a Call Want Ad.-\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:Anf Investment not an expense. For full par-

ticulars readiCall Want Ads dally. -:. ;,

SALARY|loans— -Ladles-

and |gentlemen Iwithoutsecurity ;»notes •\u25a0 and \u25a0 commercial >\u25a0 paper bought'313 .'Merchants'. 5;Exchange ';building; ; phone

<liDouglss;l4ll.-v;~i;,:j,^.'.":v.-_:j;:-;'_t ;. ,ADVANCES •'made 'on

*diamonds 'and.Jewelry ;ntn t

lowest rates; safe deposit vaults; greatest pos-

--,;slble *care ,taken.'.' BALDWINjJEWELRY :CO.^jAVan;Ness iand;Sntter.' v:.v^; '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;->• ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.-", .:', \u25a0 ;.


, '-.. \u25a0 HERMAN:MURPHY,''-.- .

.:•.--' "'„\u25a0- \u25a0;.;v"..-r:>' s46 .st. '.- : "< .. -\u25a0" '. \u25a0

."First,and :BecoD<l:mtgs.;'egtates,- legacies, etc.

MURRAY & READY. ~Leadtng Employment and Labor Agents.

V .WHITE PALACE BUILDING,.<. .11th and; Market «sts., vSan


„Phone Market 7 656 and* 657. , . -..: BRANCHES: ' '-

6th and. Franklin ate., Oakland. V'«j

-Phone; Oakland- 7361..2d and "Main" sts.;. and 121 Marchesault st, .

Los Angeles, Cal.MURRAY & READY.


„„\u25a0 . FREE FARE,-oo laborers, teamsters, trackmen,' spikers, bal-last gang3 .. strappers, heelers; ship this after-

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 noon.'..- . -.\u25a0 .- _> >-*

- ,. .\u25a0 FREE FARE—FREE FARE.




-» teamsters and 50 laborers on Ocean Shorerailroad, •free ;fare.

\u25a0:. =-.;•-,\u0084-\u25a0-

FARE-PAID: .">SOUTH FOR TEAMSTERS :.-o teamsters for San Luis Obispo county, farepaid; $00 month. . -



TUOLUMNE COUNTYlaborers for all classes of -work; vrages

*i»O to $66 a mouth; see- this Job; 'costs you51; go tonight v



Engineer, free fare, $150, found.Cranesman, free fare, $90,' found.








or ,vGO wrrH BOSS TODAY.-5 laborers around a rock crusher; no experi-

ence needed. You'll do. Will you go?FARE PAID TODAY.

'\u25a0/ BOILER MAKERS.FREE FARE, j . , FREE FARE.3 steel pipe calkers for big power company,$u.«*o day. . . , \u25a0

„ CARPENTERS.FREE FARE.. . , free FARE.fibridge carpenters. S. P. R. R. Co, free fare.$00 month.CARPENTERS.

LONG JOB. SAN MATEO COUNTY,.\u25a0.carpenters for San Mateo county. 25c fare.$3.50 day. "

_, 4 v BUTCHERS.Butcher. Solano county,- $65 month.Order wagon butcher, close by. $40 found,loungman. $1.50 fare, $40 found.

MARRIED HELP. 1Farmer and wife, close by. $50 found..Man and wife, take care of summer resort,>><."i and found.

ITALIAN GARDENERS.3 _Itallan vegetable gardeners, Santa Clara,$Jj and found.


Cranesman .for S. P.. company's own work,south, free fare, call early today.

GAS AND ELECTRIC CO.2 young men with little experience in plumb-ing._ *

JANITORJanitor, city apartment house, understandsteam heating; $45 and room.


10 shake makers for Mendoclno county, longJob, 600,000 shakes to be cut; see boss heretoday.


MARRIED COUPLE :Porter and chambermaid, city rooming house.$60 and apartments.

PORTER AND CLERKPorter and clerk, rooming house. $40 and rm.

PILE DRIVER MEN.8 pile driver men for Butte county; see bosshere; $3 day.


15 laborers, new quarry; good place; $02.50-month.

TRESTLE FOREMEN :3 trestle foremen, R. R:work, free fare. $105.


'10 teamsters, ,Ocean Shore It.R., $60:20 teamsters. Oregon, free fare. $60. ->.'* teamsters, Oakland, ?2.25; 6 teamsters, city,

IS ranch teamsters, $32.50 to $45, found.CO teamsters, scraper- and wagon, city andcountry, ranches, factories, etc., good wages.

ITALIANS20 Italian laborers,, private B. B. near citx.• $30 and found.

LUMBER PILERS— MILLHANDS10 Swedish lumber pliers, $2.50 day.10 Italian lumber.pliers, $2 day.« mill hands, $1.75 to $2.50 day.5 boys, box factory. $1.75 day.


LINEMEN—HELPERS— LABORERS.10 linemen, some steady, $90 month.15 helpers and laborers, $60 month.25 laborers for dam and quarry, $66 month.


10 machine miners, $3.50.20' muckers, Inside work, $2.50.25 laborers, outside work, $2.'*


• -i .; \u25a0

\u25a0- % .' \u25a0



60 SAFE DEPOSIT- BOXES, FREE OF CHARGE TO GUESTS..""\u25a0OO splendidly furnished rooms, 35c, 50c and75c per day; free bath with every room; largesthotel offlce and clubrooms on Paclflc coast; fac-ing Van Ness ay.;baggage checked and storedfree of charge; highest grade of white helpemployed. • •


lltliand Market sts., San Francisco.


10 Italian laborers, San Mateo factory, $2 day.15 Italian quarry laborers, $2 day. \u25a0

10 Austrian laborers, factory, close 'by, $52 5025 Austrian or Italian laborers for factorywork, your- fare paid, $52.50. ' •

WE- HAVE1.141 other miscellaneous places for you. Calland see us and get a daily list free. Workfor you all.

MURRAY &READY.11th and Market sts.. San Francisco.'

6th and Franklin.sts.. Oakland.AT COSTIGAN &.CO.. 4 and 6 Fell st.

~~~~Phone Market 2098.> \u25a0

10 structural Iron workers for large company,call early, go today, $4 day.

--FOR LARGE FACTORY—SHIP SATURDAY25 \u25a0 laborers general work -' around : warehouse552.60. _/10 laborers, city, board'eo., $1.75 day. '>;"Blacksmith for country -shop. $15 week, found.2 young men distribute circulars, $1,25 day. .:'•:

ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkin. TeL Franklin 42S8— AUaround cook,. email ,place, • $45; dish washer,$25; German or Scandinavian couple for pri-vate country place,' waiting, cooking, etc., $80found; and a

-lot of:others.


'offlce.957 Franklin at . \u25a0 -•-.

WANTED—Laborers and mechanics to know thatEdward Rolkin has reduced the rooms at theDenver House, 3d and Howard sts., to Ssc perday, f2 week; hot and cold water every room.

WANTED—Experienced window ;trimmers. "forHale Bros., Inc., Sacramento. Apply super-intendent's offlce 9 to 11a.m., HALEBROS..Inc.-,--- ,

- -.:-.. .- .--. -:,.': -.-\u25a0' \u25a0\u0084 .;- \u25a0 r;.;;^~-

MEN and women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks;earn $5 to $10 per week while, learning; par-tlculars free. MOLER COLLBGE. <6 11th st

MEN to learn barber trade in8 weeks; free; spe-cial Inducements to next 10; call early, get par-ticulars. \u25a0 S.;F. Barber College. .8 Fell st*

ARMIJO, the optical specialist—lprescribe onlythe .. best glasses;

-positively "

guarantee - toifityon. 419 San Pablo :av.r Oakland.WANTED—Boy.H_'years old, for wrapping de-partment ApplyS.I N.."WOOD & CO., 11th

and Washington ats... Oakland. :WANTED

—600 men to occupy rooms, 25c to Sscper ;night (free.baths). at the New York, 753

Howard $t bet 3d and 4th. .> '\u25a0.'\u25a0..-"-

WANTED— Adraper for drapery department Ap-ply HALEfBROS.,- INC.",}11th .'and. Washing-ton sts., Oakland.^ ,';--.; • , .... ; \u25a0-..-:\u25a0

CLOTHING|stock . clerkIand assistant Isalesman ;references. ALFRED , LILIENFELDr & CO..1365 FlUmore ;Bt.

' ':--:\u25a0',.. .-'

"•-.:.:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0-.-

': ;

MEN. wanted • to'learn s cigar:making;• small de-

posit; steady Job; good. pay., 1341iKentucky,sfYOUNG man, about 18, residing with parents,l- for position in office. Box 3524,: Ca1l office./WANTED—Roomers, $1.25 "iWeek; 20c "

night.California House." 270 Natoma'. st nr.'4th.NEWiW'ISTERN;

-1124 Howard st-^lnglo

,'rooms. 15c,per, night;thot and :cold.water. '

SHOES repaired'by '. machinery;Isewed soles 75c;. done iv 10 minutes.. 1106: Fillmore «t'ii-?vV;.,:.

CLEAN men*and \ women iwanted CIOEddy Bt; $1 week. 25c night.V . .; :\u25a0 \u25a0.-.:<: \u25a0;.-,\u25a0-:; .-,\u25a0-:

STABLEMAN wanted 'who can answer phone andgood groom.'... 1351; Folsom Ist." -\u0084i,' r-

-. -:BRIGHT;errand •boy;wanted;

'references. •-' Dlnan;Millinery. 1555 -Van;Ness' ay/

- . .'.'\u25a0\u25a0; ."„ ..r .>: ;BELLBOYSiwanted jat the Bohemian club.'r Postv and .Leavenworth ;ntB.V/~S;H.•

- -.-.-,\u25a0 .^v' /\u25a0;, \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0

FIRST s CLASS<upholsterer "Aand--

carpet layer,3336 Sacramento, at, « f Jl


\u25a0MONEY loaned salaried people and others, upon;.their own names without security: cheapest-.rates; easiest payments; offices In 68 principal

cities;, save,yourself mocey .by gettins ourterms first. rTOLMAN. room U7, 757 Market

:st..:S. F.. and room 9. 460 13th st..' Oakland.jANY amount on real estate, first cr second raort-[" or on any security; no delay; lowrate*.

'O, V.". BECKER. 2111 FUlmore near California.MONEY to loan* at low raies uf,interest uu

real estate. . HEi:t-.D & LEVITSKY. 407Pine st. . :;--.- .... . .


Any amount loaned on diamonds acil .'ewelry;lowest rates. ,Mac«-y Jewelry Co.. 1700 ytg_BQt<>

A—LOANS on salaries. lIOMK CREDIT & I>-VEST.MKNT CO.. 52t Paclfle Mdg.. 4th Si Mkt.

ANY sum. Ist,.-2d, Kd mort.: interest la estate*.R. McCOLGAN. r..214-315. 26 Montgomery »t.

Original Uncle Bill (Modern Loon Co.. Inc.). SiEllis nr. Mfct: 40 yra. Incity: tel. Dooc. 333i..

ILLINOIS~~TRi;ST COMPANY loans money onbonseholil goods; al.-o on satarirs. 1516 KJdy.

SAI*,\I!Y loans: otLer pmp<»ltloijB. dan Fran-cisco Disconnt Act-ncy. 411 t'aoiac bnliding.


-pianos, etc.: strictly private.

\u25a0BECKEK. 2111 FHlmure Kt. near CaliroTnla.MORRELL—Cash l'>aned to salaried nt?n ou

note without Indorser. 022 Monadnoct: b!«ri{.

ON furaiture and pianos; $15 i^>; no removal; nocom. Tremaln. 720 Buchanan near Hayes.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSBYRON MAI'ZYgold medal pianos, goics <lowa

town in October to our own building. 2-t4-23DStockton st. Biar reductions In planoi;nowones $IC7; pianos to rent ?3; no csrtage. 1175O'Farrell st. near Gougb. ..

STATHAM pianos removed to- 2* lltll st. uff.Valencia bet. 21st and 22d; no rent means low; prices; pianos for rent or on easy payments.

KNABE uprlcbt. $275; Stirling, $125; other bar-gains. BOWERS Jfc SON. 52& McAllister sc.near Van Ness ay. . -;

NEW pianos to rent. $.'$ per mo.; installaent.-*JOS/SCHMITZ & CO.. 430 Devlsadero nr. F<-H.

ALJIOST given away; storage pianos dirt cheap.Whltehead's Storage. 1564 Market at. S. F.

STEINWAY piano, left oa sale; perfect condi-tion; $95; cash or time. -90S Van Ness ay.

AN electric Peerless piano for sale at reasonableprice. Inquire 931 Magnolia st. Oakland.A GOOD piano for rent at $3 a month.

SCOTT CURTAZ PIANO CO.. 560 Hayes st.i.MIMER pianos and others sold for storage.

United Storage Co.. 415 Van Ness ay.

AT HOUNUNG'S. best bargains in second tendpianos. 1554 Eddy st. near Flllmore.NEW-parlor or church organ wltn 11 stops; mlr-ror; a bargain. 500 Golden Gate ay.

STORAGE pianos for almost nothing; make oCerStorage Co.. 415 Van Ness ay.

FOR sale—

Very reasonable, a Knabe baby grand.-Apply at 1027 Devlgadero st.

CALL BRANCH OFFICE. ICSIFfllmore st nearPost. '


ALLGEWAHR BROS. CO.. assaying In all Itsbranches: accuracy guaranteed; send for mall-Ing envelope. . 313 6th st. Oakland.

GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought, cash; a*sayini(~50c. Pioneer Assay Co.. 131 Rth »t. nr. Hotrnrrl.


BETTER THAN A BANK!!That Is What Your Investmnnt Means In the

LOEWE TRACT.In the Excelsior District, San Francisco.

The lot doesn't "bust up" and nobody goes tojail for mishandling yonr savings. Yoa controlthat part of It yourself, and before your lot ispaid for it retnrns yoa a far greater Interestthan anything compounded In a sarin:a institu-tion.

Four earlines and 2 school*.Lots 25x100: $10 down, $10 a month.Take Onondaga. Polk. Larkin. Ingieslde, San

Mateo or cemeteries car to Mission st. and Rus-sia ay. Come today. Come Snnday. Tract officecorner Vienna st. and Russia ay.

T. F. A. OBERMETER,\ Agent.270 Van Ness ay. corner Grove st

Tel. Market 3229.Send for descriptive folder "B.":':


BIG CUT.;.*'f




3 brand new flats, rent for $60; electricilights, gas; concrete foundation; strictly mod-Iem; $2,000 casb, bal. without Interest: terms.

For Hale—

Cottages, flats, lots at your ownterms by calling on

P. EHM.2-105 16th st. near Bryant

RICHMOND DISTRICT$300 cash, balance easy payments, will buy

, an elegant 4 room cottage, with high base-. ment and garden: this must N» sold wlthlaa.weer; PRICE $2,075. Apply 319 19th ay.

AN ELLIS ST. SNAP.Northeast corner. 37 ft 6 in. by 112 ft 6 In.:convenient to 3 car lines; fall of lot makes Itvery inexpensive to build flats' or apartmentbouse; to force sale price reduced to $6,700.

E. N. FRITZ. 1401 Masonic ay.

FOR sale—

$2,400. half cash; near NW. cor. San-chez and Hillsts.: new cottage. 3 large roomsand bath. Apply on premises or to J. ALEXCAMPBELL. 1007 Kohl building. '


Reduced tn make quick sale: 35 footlot near Golden Gate and Devisadero sts. at$5,500. being only $150 per foot. KANE JfcCO.. 215 Montgomery st. -. -

FOR sale—

Up to date residence, large lots, oneblock Iron cars and Golden Gate park. 12th aye.and Ist. Sunset district See E. B. Halletton premises. • \u25a0

IF you own a lot we willbnild a cottage; nocash;* 10 years' experience; work guaranteed.New Era Building Company, Inc., 3343 Mis-slon it \u25a0 .


Real bargain: 2 beautiful new modernflats: 5 and 6 rooms; Panhandle district; swelllocality: act qnlck. 2236 Mlslon st. nr. 13th.


J3OO cash. $15 per month; nice. new. 4large sunny room cottage la 24th st: Investi-gate this quickly. Box 4025, CaU offlce.

FOR sale—

$0,500; store, flat and cottage; lot 60x126; rent $95. Address T. CONNOLY. Freder-ick and Stanyan sts.


Modern cottage. 6 rooms and bath; 1Hblocks from carline; $500 down. Call 2539Mission at . ' -


New 5 room cottage and basement; nearClayton and Frederick; terms. Box COO. Call.


Lot. 10th at., overlooking Mission park;cheapest lot In vicinity. Call 2559 Mission st.

J. A. ADAMS, surveyor. 325 Bush 'st. PhoneDouglas 2104.



10 minutes-from station... Handsome, new, \u25a0 6 room bnngalowa

For sale on terms.9100 down and $20 per month. •-_

-:Oak and laurel trees, green grass, fine climate,swell locality.* Large lota, adjoining \u25a0 fine, newhouses. $350 each.

Write postal \u25a0 for particulars.S. J. NORTON. 4th and A sts.. San Rafael.

FOR sale— San Rafael cottage and bam; No. 9Latham "

st- .*-



Acres \u25a0at $250 and \u25a0np within 8 miles of"SasFrancisco and convenient to the electric trains.Beautifully wooded; grand view of mountain;and' bay; roads and water to every lot; el?c-

\u25a0 trie1lightcand .telephone service assured.-

See«\u25a0 this property. It's selling fast Send for U-*

\u25a0 lustrated booklet CRANSTON. BELVKL ADWYER,:'\u25a0 573 ;California *st, S. F. Phone

-Kearny 4195. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0: --• "


—A beautiful acre of ground

\u25a0- on" a:corner;. streets macadamized. \u25a0 sewer and:.water -and adjacent to a/large number of fine

homes: a bargain. ,ED,EDWARDS, REED &: BRADY.- 245 Montgomery st

SAN ANSELMO REAL[ESTATEFOR choice 1suburban homesltes, see San Rafael

Heights; sewer, waters wooded: lots 50 ft to 2y' acres. ATTHOWE: &BTUDLEY.Pan Ansel mo.


LOTS inall parts; 'any size; adjoining depot and-Ocean boulevard: on easy payment D. DAVID

«\u25a0 rO.->lioB Crocker bldg.: tel. 2WO. ; '•

SSAX MATEO HEAL ESTATEELEGANT 10 room and bath residence. 2 blocks;"-:San • Mateo' depot,


'easy terms.


'\u25a03924. Call offlce.,-


\u25a0^i^^-jSAjvjrJA^^^1RANCHES, '2 a. up, .Improved; '\u25a0\u25a0 townIproperty,T\u25a0\u25a0lots." F.H.jParker.- 123vPgc. st..- Santa Cms.

REDWOOD CITYREALESTATE -„VILLA;tract," XRedwood 4City: choice 'residence

lots; terms. Wllcox &Co., 837 G. G. ar.

1:.;. vFREE. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE./ Tel. Market 737.






""•\u25a0•\u25a0 CALL AND:SEE U3.'

WANTED—Mauagur Iand buyer for shoe depart-.. tnent of our San Jose. store; must show a ,sue-ccgsfnl record as a department store buyer andm«naKcr; a'maii wbo isnot too young nor too

\u25a0old und of steady habits; reference as to ability.and character must stand strictest .investiga-tion.. Apply superintendent's office.. HALEBROS.. Inc.. Market and Cth sts.


" —\u25a0 ... 100;LABORING MENTo occupy clean sinplo rooms at TIIEMECHAN-ICS'.;HOTEL,< 019 Howard st. between sth and6th; 15c, 20c, 25c. day.". $1, :$1.50 week; good,iclean meals, 10c tip. SHAW. BROS. rWANTED

—Good, .reliable; man who can handle

horses to work on farm; wagon $30 and board;reach: place take ecrly mornlnr train to St..

Helena, thence by stage to Pope valley. P. H.IOLMLR. . \u25a0 ". -*nV_:'.'.

AGENTS;wanted. everywhere to sell our wonder-ful piano and furniture polish; something new;. quick sales big '.profits;.gentlemen \u25a0orladies; experience unnecessary. •_•1458 O'Farrell.

MEN-to learn Electricity, Piumbing,;-Bricklay-. Ing, Plastering and Draughting; day and nightschool; no booka; positions secured. Call:orwrite for 'free catalogue. Coyne •NationalTrade

-School. '230-240 Bth st. S. F. . :

SALESMEN nml SOLTCITOnS WAITEDWANTED—High grade salesmen for first class

mlning.olland 1 industrial stocks. Apply.B a.m. to 4 p. m., 423 Merchants' Exchange, S. F.,or 033 First National Bank. Oakland.

WANTED—2 , salesmen ,who are salesmen: bestproposition, anywhere. % Apply 359 AlbanyMock. Oakland: references required.

AGENTS WAXTEDBIG money for agents handling our household

necessities; particulars free. U. H. SEW-TON & CO.. Coronado. Cal.

MINING Hoists, stationary- and iwrtable en-gines, gns. distillate or crude oil. WESTERNGAS ENOINB CO.. 22 Ist st.

-..\.'-. , JAPANESE LAUyDRIESJAPANESE laundry,.waists and curtains special-- ty. Asahi Laundry, 1401 Scott J'h West 6295.COLUMBUS LAUNDRY. 1027-37 Powell tt. near

Green: tel. Douglas 459: *H worlr gunrnnteod.

HORSES, HARNESS AXD WAGOXSMONEY made dally, and Call Want Ad§ help to

male It. Advertise your wants; make . themknown to the public through' a Call Want Ad.An Investment not an expense. For full par-tlcnlars read. Call Want Ads dally.

LADY'S saddle and driving horse, sound andgentle; also stylish folding' trap; will sellhorse separately. Can be seen at S. FRAN-'.CIS CARRIAGE CO., 1451 Broadway. .

FOR sale—

Second hand rubber tired runabout,business buggies and express wagons. Nugcnt-Covey wagon Company, 343-349 Valencia st.

FOR . sale—

Wagon shafts, pole and adjustabletop; good f&r express or camping. Addressowner. 5651 Dlmond ay.. Upper Fruitvale.

SECOND HAND wagon for sale. Apply before_o_a^_ip.. 648 Sacramento st. . '.- \u25a0


Anderson Transfer and .Storage Co.. mvg.. pkg.,shpg.. etc. sth Mkt., No. 20. Tel. Dgls.

J 2177. Country mvg.. trnnks stored 3 dayn free.AA—BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO.

Fireproof Warehouse.18th and Mission. Bts.' Tel. Market 13.

WILSON BROS. CO. (Inc.)—Moving and storage,cor. 14th and Sanchez sts., '1 block from Mar-ket and Flllmore st. cars; phone Park 271.

A—PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brickwarehouse. 2316 Flllmore st.:phone West 2C23.

PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co.Main offlce Eddy and Flllmore. Tel. West 828.

SIGNAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.—Bag-gage transferred. 1131 Polk; tel. Franklin 818.

\u25a0CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Flllmore st nearPost ' •


JUDSON Freight Forwarding Co.—

Reduced ratesj for shipping household goods anywhere west to.everywhere east. : Phone Kearny 2579. 832Market at. room 101. Columbia bldg.

NATIONAL FREIGHT AND TRANSFER CO.,182S Mission nr. 10th; cut rate* to all points;fireproof- warehouse; 'Snovlng vans.- PhoneMarket 3154.



AXJi carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with-out removal by S." F. COMPRESSED AIRCLEANING CO. Office 24 Montgomery st;phone Kearny 5852; shop 16th and S. Bruno ay.

LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO., 103O'Farrell ,.Bt;phone Douglass 2071. Dustlesscleaning of carpets, rugs, draperies, furnitureand bedding, WITHOUT REMOVAL.

UPHOLSTERING,- mattress waking, carpetscleaned and laid; window shades; foldlug bedrepairs. Towey Furniture Co.. tel. Market 970.

BEATING. 100 yds.. $2.50: get all our rates.F. A. RICE CARPET BEATING WORKS.

ISOS-7 Harrison st. ur. 14th. Phone Market £62.

WHEN you become disgusted with poor worksend your carpetu to J. SPAULDING & CO.,CS9 Golden Gate ay. Telephone Market 643.

CLEANING Be: best work cleaning and layingdone by QISSLOW, S3OB 22d st. Tel. Mkt.2283.

WATTS—Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations;renovat. ;laying. 557 Waller. Phone Park 569.

CONKLIN BROS., Carpet cleaning and laying.2400 Geary st corner Baker. Phone West 'i\

ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.—Advanced meth-ods. GEORGE WALCOMCO.. 637 Turk st.'

OAL. CARPET CLEANING WORKS,821 Valencia st Phone Market 2399.

LOST—A passbook with the Hlbemia Savingsand Loan Society of San Francisco, in thename of CARL BAUMAN,No. 323-593. Thefinder will please return *to bank. Unless "sameis returned within 5 days a new book willbeissued to the applicant. -



September 15.' lady's black leather hand-bag,- containing :diamond ring,' diamond ;ear-rings, little money.; $50 reward Ifreturned to

\u25a0WILLIAMAY:DAY, Mechanics' Savings Bank,Market and Mason «ts.; • • \u25a0 \u25a0

LOST—A bankbook on The' Savings and LoanSociety in the name of Mr. and Mrs. S. B.Lear; check on Vallejo

'bank Inclosed,. Please

notify owner, '3879 18th Bt-.


On FridayIlast, a male brlndle Boston\u25a0 'bull,- wlth-wide splko- cellar. Return and re-

ceive ,reward. 520 •Van Ness .ay.,;or phone:Market 2868.;. r . . • .-\u25a0\u25a0._;\u25a0•;\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084


Sat. Louvre, pair of opera glasses,In brown leather bag.. Please return to MRS.'

S. KRAGEN. 239 Page at. and receive reward.LOST—-A:neck •fur, :between

'Fulton and Scott

.and O'Farrell. Return -to 1478 Ellis st. and .;="{ receive reward. • . \u0084-• \u25a0-.". , \u25a0 '; \u25a0

LOST—At ball grounds. Golden Gate park, purie\u25a0 v containing •$13.50. ;Reward. ,Return to 3956"

18th St.-. '. -\u0084.-. \u25a0_ '•-\u0084. , -\u0084 :- V ' -

\u25a0\u25a0 .' ;•.•\u25a0..;;\u25a0LOST—-Small purse with key and money. Finder

\u25a0 keep money; •return ykey •to 2566 Pine sf :

LOST—7 keys attached to keyring." Please return\u25a0toJ.O. PETERSON, 445 Buwh Bt

'\u25a0\u25a0!':-'•• \u25a0 ••••:'\u25a0' S MjsmcAJti ' \u25a0:.'\u25a0 ''\u25a0 '''\u25a0\u25a0'_- '\u25a0 -'-;AA

—ROBERT G. FULTON,1B. A., M.rD.,. 616 ,11th st near, "Washington. .Oakland. >

; 20 years ago Igraduated from 2 old leadinguniversities. SINCE then Ihave TREATEDWOMEN'S.AILMENTS EXCLUSIVELY.:;Itis

; to your advantage to consult the most success-ful and trustworthy \u25a0 specialist. Advice r free.Fees reasonable. \u25a0Hours 10 a. m.: to 8 p.;m.Phone Oakland 5458 -

DR. ROBERT GREENLEAF FULTON, V616 11th st bet. Washington and Clay, Oakland.

LADIES ARE \u25a0 INVITED to iconsult, "jfree -jof• ': charge,-a.regular graduate ? physician "of \25

\u25a0 •,years' experience, \u25a0 whose practice is limited toobstetrics and all female complaints."- Hours, 9a. m. to 8 p. m.;>Sundays,. 10 to 12 a.m. :

DR. ANQMRS-O. A.MASON,\u25a0 -.. Rooms. 220 and 221;- 830 Market st*near Ellis.A—MRS.,DR. WELLS, reliable ladles' specialist_. for all'female complaints; instant relief guar-a

nteed; home fbefore'

and \u25a0 during \u25a0 confinement;\u25a0/ 30 years' practice; relief when all others fail./..WEBSTER g«. between' Geary; and Post.?: \u25a0:

MRS. DR.- SWEET,"graduate'of

'the ;Royal Unl-.. '\u25a0 versify .*of Berlin;80;yrs. ',- successful practice ;

. ;cures \u25a0 all:• ladies' <complaints: no \u25a0 lnstrsy:used.. Tel.r;Park r._ 2258. i2li 210 \u25a0>Flllmore \u25a0<\u25a0 nr.v.Halght.

MBB. DR. WEST— Offices 1293 Golden Gate ay.;;i /, ladles' a specialist

-for. many;years ;» all;:cases

\3snccessfnlly « treated;?no;pain;*no;delay ifromi__hontej_lowfeeB:;honni 1to 3.*7 to 8 p.m. :

.V ;'-':'"''\u25a0 IjACBV3PRTAIJVS' I:CLEA'NEb'A VviTiJ.lBRIGLIA-;&'CO.—Lace :curtains cleaned ;?4oc

'-pair np. 3424 17th nr. Vnlencla: tel. Mbt.shßt.-|

":l-\- '--'-^FURNITJPRE*'^WANTEbX_'.i^: ':/-

MARK J. LEVY,1'auctioneer, buys:furniture/1car-;

':.:: pet«,*-.*idesks, » •mcrchapdise; \u25a0 \u25a0 commlsslojs itac-*cepted. ;Call11142!McAllister. Plione;Park 1860."

,WE bnj,-tsell or-exch.i all

'kinds ot furnIture •ana,;crpts. .Gretn,' lo3l Octavia st/ Phonjß West 3529.*