San Francisco State University · San Francisco State University of IR Institutional Research For a...

San Francisco State University Office of Institutional Research IR How to Create Custom Tables with the SFSU IR Enrolled Students Dashboard The San Francisco State University Office of Institutional Research Enrolled Student Dashboard contains data from 2004 to present. Users can choose from a variety of filters and options to create custom tables. All data comes from the Data Warehouse maintained by the Office of Institutional Analytics. Student demographic fields such as sex, ethnicity and parent education and others are derived from what was self-reported on the admission application. Current term enrollment data such as student level and full/part time are system-generated based on the number of units a student has registered for during that term and has earned in total. Information on the web site of the Office of Institutional Research (IR) may differ from the information reported to by the CSU Chancellor’s Office to federal and state agencies due to differences in reporting guidelines, definitions and dates. The totals here are for campus state-supported enrollment only, so will not caputre enrollments in the College of Extended Learning (see FAQ). If you see any errors or have any questions, please send a note to the Institutional Research email address: [email protected] A printable PDF version of the instructions can be found on the IR webpage So what can you do? Create custom snapshots of the term enrollment, for one term or multiple terms, using a variety of student demographic and other characteristics. Render tables in HTML or download the tables to Excel for custom formatting and analysis. How to make custom tables The default view when the page first loads is headcount enrollment by student level (undergraduate, 2nd/post-bac, and graduates) for the most recent 4 fall terms, along with percentages. For custom tables you can select either full headcount enrollment or FTE. You can also remove the percentages. Unfortunately, due to limitations in the software, percentages can only be calculated for the entire column, not within by-groups. If you want to calculate percent for a different by-group than the entire pool, you’ll need to download the Excel file. At any point you can return to the default view by clicking the ‘Reset’ button. Examples of custom charts are provided below, but there are of course many more possibilities.

Transcript of San Francisco State University · San Francisco State University of IR Institutional Research For a...

Page 1: San Francisco State University · San Francisco State University of IR Institutional Research For a few years summer enrollment was handled by the College of Extended Learning, which

San Francisco State University

Office of Institutional Research IR

How to Create Custom Tables with the SFSU IR Enrolled Students Dashboard

The San Francisco State University Office of Institutional Research Enrolled Student Dashboard contains data from 2004 to present. Users can choose from a variety of filters and options to create custom tables. All data comes from the Data Warehouse maintained by the Office of Institutional Analytics. Student demographic fields such as sex, ethnicity and parent education and others are derived from what was self-reported on the admission application. Current term enrollment data such as student level and full/part time are system-generated based on the number of units a student has registered for during that term and has earned in total. Information on the web site of the Office of Institutional Research (IR) may differ from the information reported to by the CSU Chancellor’s Office to federal and state agencies due to differences in reporting guidelines, definitions and dates.

The totals here are for campus state-supported enrollment only, so will not caputre enrollments in the College of Extended Learning (see FAQ).

If you see any errors or have any questions, please send a note to the Institutional Research email address: [email protected]

A printable PDF version of the instructions can be found on the IR webpage

So what can you do? • Create custom snapshots of the term enrollment, for one term or multiple terms, using

a variety of student demographic and other characteristics.

• Render tables in HTML or download the tables to Excel for custom formatting and analysis.

How to make custom tables

The default view when the page first loads is headcount enrollment by student level (undergraduate, 2nd/post-bac, and graduates) for the most recent 4 fall terms, along with percentages.

For custom tables you can select either full headcount enrollment or FTE. You can also remove the percentages. Unfortunately, due to limitations in the software, percentages can only be calculated for the entire column, not within by-groups. If you want to calculate percent for a different by-group than the entire pool, you’ll need to download the Excel file.

At any point you can return to the default view by clicking the ‘Reset’ button.

Examples of custom charts are provided below, but there are of course many more possibilities.

Page 2: San Francisco State University · San Francisco State University of IR Institutional Research For a few years summer enrollment was handled by the College of Extended Learning, which

San Francisco State University

Office of Institutional Research IR

1) Enrollment (headcount, FTE or both) by college and student level, last 5 Fall semesters • Leave default Term as Fall

• Select the most previous 5 years with fall enrollment

• Leave the ‘Ordered By (#1)’ as is (Student Level)

• Set ‘Ordered By ‘(#2)’ to College

• Set either/both Headcount & FTES to show

At this point the top filter section should look like this (if you’ve selected Headcount):

Look to the right and you will see options for outputting the data:

Choose HML or Excel and click “Go”.

If you’ve chosen HTML output, the table will render below the filters. If you’ve chosen XLSX, the file will download to your computer depending on how you have your browser set up to handle downloads, most likely to the Downloads folder.

If you want to calculate percent for a different by-group than the entire pool, you’ll need to download the Excel file.

2) Fall and Spring enrollment by Ethnicity and Student level, AY 2018-19 • Select Fall and Spring Terms

• Select 2018 & 2019 as years

• Leave the ‘Ordered By (#1)’ as is (Student Level)

• Set ‘Ordered By ‘(#2)’ to Ethnicity or Ethnicity Detail (see Glossary for difference)

• Leave Headcount = Show and change Percent to Hide

At this point the top filter section should look like this:

Look to the right and you will see options for outputting the data:

Choose HML or Excel and click “Go”.

Page 3: San Francisco State University · San Francisco State University of IR Institutional Research For a few years summer enrollment was handled by the College of Extended Learning, which

San Francisco State University

Office of Institutional Research IR

As with example #1, depending on your output choice, the table will render in the browser window or a spreadsheet will download to your computer. If you want to calculate percent for a different by-group than the entire pool, you’ll need to download the Excel file.

3) What number of students (headcount) are new, continuing or returning in terms Fall 2016 to Fall 2018 • Leave default Term as Fall

• Leave the ‘Ordered By (#1)’ as is (Student Level)

• Set ‘Ordered By ‘(#2)’ to Enrollment Type

• Leave Headcount = Show and change Percent to Hide

At this point the top filter section should look like this:

Look to the right and you will see options for outputting the data

Choose HML or Excel and click “Go”.

As with example #1, depending on your output choice, the table will render in the browser window or a spreadsheet will download to your computer. If you want to calculate percent for a different by-group than the entire pool, you’ll need to download the Excel file.

4) Summer enrollment by major & student level, College of Liberal & Creative Arts, 2016 to 2018 • Set Term to Summer

• Select 2016, 2017 & 2018 as years

• Select Liberal and Creative Arts in College" drop-down menu

• Leave the ‘Ordered By (#1)’ as is (Student Level)

• Set ‘Ordered By ‘(#2)’ to Program

• Leave Headcount = Show and change Percent to Hide

At this point the top filter section should look like this:

Look to the right and you will see options for outputting the data

Page 4: San Francisco State University · San Francisco State University of IR Institutional Research For a few years summer enrollment was handled by the College of Extended Learning, which

San Francisco State University

Office of Institutional Research IR

Choose HML or Excel and click “Go”.

As with example #1, depending on your output choice, the table will render in the browser window or a spreadsheet will download to your computer. If you want to calculate percent for a different by-group than the entire pool, you’ll need to download the Excel file.

What other charts would you like to try?

Glossary of Terms, filters and categories:

Report filters:

• Year: Academic year, consisting of Fall, Spring and Summer terms

• Term: Semester unit, Fall, Spring or Summer

• College, Department & Major: SFSU Academic units

• Headcount is total number of students enrolled

• FTE is adjusted student count based on units taken

Report categories (in Ordered by drop-down menus)

• Age: Six categories; 19 & under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-59, 60+

• College & Department: Same as in filter

• Enrollment Type: New (Freshman, Transfer, etc), Continuing (no gap in enrollment from prior terms), Returning (registered again after gap in enrollment), Transitory (Early Start or Step to College)

• Ethnicity: Grouped per the specifications from the US Department of Education. Numbers ahead of abbreviations are due to data warehouse sorting. This grouping includes International students in each ethnicity category.

• Ethnicity Detail: Grouped the same as Ethnicity, except International students are separated out. Some reporting requires this grouping. See FAQ for more detail.

• Feeder school: Type of school (e.g. CA public HS, CA community college, etc.) the applicant attended.

• Full/Part time: Based on total units attempted (registered for at Census). Full-time = 12+ units for undergraduates and 9+ for Graduate students.

• Parent Education: Highest parent education level grouped as First Generation (neither parent has attended any college) and College Experience. If no parent education level was entered on application, value is Unknown.

Page 5: San Francisco State University · San Francisco State University of IR Institutional Research For a few years summer enrollment was handled by the College of Extended Learning, which

San Francisco State University

Office of Institutional Research IR

• Pell Eligible: Proxy for low-income, based on application response to parent income. Set to roughly the level where the student would qualify for a Pell grant.

• Program: Major as declared at census

• Residency: CA Resident or non-resident (combined out-of-state and International).

• Resident Area: Residence at time of application. Geographic regions- For CA divided by county of residence at the time of application.

• Sex: Sex at birth, Male or Female (see FAQ)

• Student level: Undergraduate, 2nd/Post Bac, Graduate, Unknown


Who decided on the Ethnicity groupings?

Though applicants do provide more detailed ethnicity information on the application, we present here the same categories used in most reporting. The categories come from the US Department of Education and follows how ethnicity is collected on other US government forms, including the US Census. As some reporting does require International students to be separate from US domestic students, we offer both the combined groups (Ethnicity) and the separated groups (Ethnicity Detail).

How is CA Resident defined?

For dependent students residency is tied to their parent or guardian’s tax filings, with exemptions for military and other situations. More detailed information is available in the SFSU Bulletin.

How is an International student defined?

Student is not a US Citizen, Permanent Resident, nor has immigrant/refugee status.

Why is Sex limited to Male and Female?

The CSU system only recently began to collect “non-binary” sex on the application. When we have more years for comparison we will add that as a filter.

What’s up with all the missing/unknown in Parent Education before Fall 2013?

Although our enrollment table begins in Fall 2004, our applicant table (the source of the Parent Education field) only goes back to 2007. So the enrollment tables won’t account for any entrants prior to Fall 2007. As new students from 2007 on become a greater proportion of all students, the missing/unknown group will shrink. Probably best to only look at Fall 2014 onward for the best representation of Parent Education status. If you need custom tables, please submit a data request and we’ll use archived data to put something together for you.

Why did summer enrollments drop off so much in 2010 and increase again in 2015?

Page 6: San Francisco State University · San Francisco State University of IR Institutional Research For a few years summer enrollment was handled by the College of Extended Learning, which

San Francisco State University

Office of Institutional Research IR

For a few years summer enrollment was handled by the College of Extended Learning, which operates as an auxiliary, non-state-supported academic unit. The totals here only reflect state-supported enrollment. If you need non-state-supported enrollment numbers, please submit a data request.

Notes: • If you use this data in a report or presentation, please reference the source as: San

Francisco State University Office of Institutional Analytics, Data Warehouse,

• The line graphs below the tables will only display the top-line numbers, not the more detailed demographic variables.

• Dashboard works best in Chrome and IE. We have seen some issues with the radio-button filters not rendering properly in Firefox.

Cheers to our Institutional Analytics colleague Ivan Lee for rebuilding these tables and collaborating with the IR staff to make them as robust as possible for you, the user.