Samuel P Caterbone UFO Research June 27 2007

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Samuel P Caterbone UFO Research June 27 2007

Transcript of Samuel P Caterbone UFO Research June 27 2007

  • June 27, 2007 Mike, Steve, Phil:

    Below is the letter I wrote to you regarding Dad and his research. Last night I found declassified documents from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from a document dump that was declassified in the year 2002. These documents support what I have told you on June 10, 2007. These documents shed light into the CIAs research and activities in the study of UFOs. I also found Dads diploma from Lancaster Catholic High School and he graduated with a degree in Scientific Studies. Now remember what Dad wrote to me in 1999. You all draw

    He said:

    November 1, 1999 Stan,

    The two statements I mailed some time ago titled "WHY NEW YORK" no doubt gave you cause to wonder what is this all about. What could be driving this Father of Six Boys who over the years could not be associated with being apart of this Family structure. Being aware of all the psychological malfunction8 I am vulnerable too, what can I say. So I write Not to influence only to state in a simple way what I ' m about. I have good positive direction and am on solid ground in my reasoning to be the way I am. For many years this situation has forced me to live alone and stay alone so I could keep up with it's demands. So I am fortunate being in New York where I can be the way I am in such an environment as New York. All this said, "HOW ALONE AM I"!

    You have heard it often! "IS ANY BODY OUT THERE"! This is my answer for that is the company I keep. Thru direct Audio Communication that sees everything I see, hears everything I hear and knows everything I know and the communication is according. For all it's worth I will state there is no psychological malfunction involved in this Audio Communication. If this be the case, "HOW ALONE AM I"!

    Getting any kind of recognition is something I give up on. From 1991 to 1997 I

    had a active high profile list of many names that I addressed monthly. But without any evidence Truth is Irrelevant. So be it! I am convinced I live a story that is beyond everyone's comprehension. But I do have a good lease and sufficient income for the lifestyle of one of my age in my stay here in New York. In ending a brief summation.

    My starting date for this situation was in 1957. They started this situation in 1943

    while I was in the Navy. A Research Situation with no intention of being identified in this World. If this World knew what I know it would be shocked. Dad Letter to Mike Caterbone of June 10, 2007 Mike,

    Enclosed is a document that was from Dads belongings. In 1991 he had a monthly mailing list that he mailed people from the Scientific and Academic communities his experiences and his research regarding extraterrestrial life. He continued this monthly mailing until 1997. In it he describes his experience and his frustration with getting help and people to believe him.

    Now, if you read the fist seven (7) pages on Telepathic Communications, you can see that someone was remote channeling or telepathically communicating with Dad, and trying to pretend that they were from outer space. I have reached this conclusion after I

  • became telepathic, and today, after looking for my college transcripts, came across these writings, which only confirm and validate my conclusion.

    I believe the U.S. Government or Lancaster County had a problem with something Dad was researching or something he was doing in business and began a campaign to mentally abuse him. You study these writings and transpose mental telepathy for his audio and video transmissions, which is clearly described in the Telepathic Communication Between Two People. You let me know what you think and pass this along to Phil and Steve. I am counting on you to make sure they get a full copy of this document. Stan.

  • The A

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  • Telepathic Communication Between Two People

    Posted by Enoch Tan - Share this article with friends! How do two people become so connected that they are able to communicate

    without being in contact physically, speak to each other through telepathy

    and even feel the same pains?

    The ability to send to and receive from each other thoughts and feelings

    comes from a spiritual connection between the two of you. When two people

    are spiritually close to each other, they areoften able to sense what the other

    is feeling or thinking. Telepathic communication consists of two directions,

    sending and receiving.

    It depends on intention. Whether you have the intent to sense what the

    other person is thinking andfeeling, or for the other person to pick up certain

    thoughts and feelings you are sending. It will be harder for others to sense

    your thoughts if you want to hide yourself from them. You psychically

    put up a shield to prevent them from seeing your intentions. The same is

    also true when others do that.

    It takes someone of a stronger mind and greater clarity of thinking to

    penetrate the psychic shields of others to see what they are thinking.

    When two people are spiritually close, they trust each other and they have

    mutual empathy.

    Empathy is one of the key ingredients of telepathy.

    Telepathy which is of the psychic level of the mind tends to operate beyond

    pure words and linguistics. It takes place in the form of feelings, images and

    desires. You may be able to receive telepathic communication from another

    person in the form of pure words. But usually it comes through a feeling,

    image or desire.

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  • Depending on whether the telepathic message is verbal or nonverbal as well

    as your dominant mental modality, you might receive the message by

    instantly knowing it (Paracognition), hearing it from an inner voice in your

    mind (clairaudience), visualize it (clairvoyance) or feeling it (clairsentience).

    In non-local telepathy which is psychic communication out of sight, you

    might sense an emotion that another person is feeling at that time, or you

    might think of an image that is related to what that person is experiencing,

    or you could sense what that person is intending to do. All these happens

    without you being able to read the body language of the person.

    That psychic message that you get doesnt seem to be just a thought that

    you conjure up in your mind out of pure imagination but it comes with the

    feeling of clarity and inner certainty which is exactly what intuition is made

    up of.

    All things at the psychic level operates through the power of belief. In order

    to send or receive telepathy, you first need to have the belief that you can

    send and receive telepathy, and that it is going to happen. The methods of

    telepathy are induction, visualization and will. emotions, images and desires

    that you receive that prevents you from seeing what really is.

    Being authentic is one of the keys to sending and receiving clear telepathic

    messages. The virtue of honesty and truth is a spiritual law of reality. When

    you have a good telepathic connection with someone, you can read each

    others thoughts easily. So sometimes you do not want the other to know

    something, such as the correct answer to a question. You can use techniques

    of counter-telepathy.

    You can put up a psychic shield by visualizing it and willing that the person

    cant read your mind. Or if you want to, you could mislead the person by

    focusing on an opposite thought or the wrong answer instead. He/she would

    THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP Page 3 of 41 06/10/2007

  • usually pick up the misleading thought and be mislead. This misleading

    thought effect also explains why it is so important to watch our thoughts.

    Sometimes we think certain negative thoughts towards a person when we

    are momentarily angry or upset. The person may pick these thoughts up and

    think that is what we really think about him/her when it isnt our true


    It is alright to think those thoughts for awhile but we must not forget to

    revert to sending our truer positive thoughts of peace, harmony and well

    being in between or afterwards, and to send them with equal or greater

    intensity. Especially to someone we truly love.

    Finally, it is also about love. When you really love someone, Universal Mind

    or God will tell you things about that person, because God is love and love

    connects you to that person spiritually.

    That person can also sense certain emotions, images and desires from you

    through the universal mind. Telepathic connection works best when we dont

    try to force it. When we know it works, it works.

    But when we think it might work, it doesnt work. It is driven more by our

    subconscious beliefs than by conscious effort. The more we try to force it, the

    worse we do.

    The things you tend to send telepathically are the things that you focus on

    most often. If you focus more often on positive things, you will send positive

    emotions, images and desires. If you focus more often on negative things,

    you will send negative emotions, images and desires.

    First induce the emotion, image or desire that you are sending within

    yourself first. Allow yourself to be experiencing it at that moment. Secondly,

    visualize your emotion, image or desire traveling to that person and he/she

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  • picking it up and experiencing it too. Thirdly, will it to happen and be certain

    that it has happened the way you intend it to be. Take note that telepathy

    never fails. The outcome always follows the laws that influence it which

    are the beliefs and attitudes of both parties and the spiritual connection

    between them. What we call failure is merely feedback about what we are


    When a message does not seem to get through or it seems distorted, it is

    simply because of opposing intentions, beliefs, lack of mutual trust. It could

    even be your own interpretation of the Secrets of Mind and Reality -

    Learn Secrets Most People will Never Know about the Mind and Reality!

    Random Articles Neuroscience - Science of Physical Aspect of Mind Collective Consciousness defines Rules of Reality Mystery of Lucifer - Ascension into Supremacy Simplified Work - Making your Best contribution Fluid Reality allows Change of Past and Future Speed Reading the Natural way Role of God, Man and Devil IQ measures only three out of seven types of Intelligence True Reality is Spirit and True Identity is Light Relationship between Masculine and Feminine

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  • Telepathic Communication Between Two People

    1 of 2 6/6/2007 7:00 PM

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    Telepathic Communication Between Two PeoplePosted by Enoch Tan - Share this article with friends!

    How do two people become so connected that they are able to communicate without being in contact physically, speak to each other through telepathy and even feel the same pains? The ability to send to and receive from each other thoughts and feelings comes from a spiritual connection between the two of you. When two people are spiritually close to each other, they are often able to sense what the other is feeling or thinking. Telepathic communication consists of two directions, sending and receiving. It depends on intention. Whether you have the intent to sense what the other person is thinking and feeling, or for the other person to pick up certain thoughts and feelings you are sending. It will be harder for others to sense your thoughts if you want to hide yourself from them. You psychically put up a shield to prevent them from seeing your intentions. The same is also true when others do that. It takes someone of a stronger mind and greater clarity of thinking to penetrate the psychic shieldsof others to see what they are thinking. When two people are spiritually close, they trust each other and they have mutual empathy. Empathy is one of the key ingredients of telepathy. Telepathy which is of the psychic level of the mind tends to operate beyond pure words and linguistics. It takes place in the form of feelings, images and desires. You may be able to receive telepathic communication from another person in the form of pure words. But usually it comes through a feeling, image or desire.

    Depending on whether the telepathic message is verbal or nonverbal as well as your dominantmental modality, you might receive the message by instantly knowing it (Paracognition), hearingit from an inner voice in your mind (clairaudience), visualize it (clairvoyance) or feeling it(clairsentience). In non-local telepathy which is psychic communication out of sight, you might sense an emotion that another person is feeling at that time, or you might think of an image that is related to what thatperson is experiencing, or you could sense what that person is intending to do. All these happens without you being able to read the body language of the person. That psychic message that you get doesnt seem to be just a thought that you conjure up in yourmind out of pure imagination but it comes with the feeling of clarity and inner certainty which is exactly what intuition is made up of. All things at the psychic level operates through the power of belief. In order to send or receive telepathy, you first need to have the belief that you can send and receive telepathy, and that it is going to happen. The methods of telepathy are induction, visualization and will. First induce the emotion, image or desire that you are sending within yourself first. Allow yourself tobe experiencing it at that moment. Secondly, visualize your emotion, image or desire traveling to that person and he/she picking it up and experiencing it too. Thirdly, will it to happen and be certain that it has happened the way you intend it to be. Take note that telepathy never fails. The outcome always follows the laws that influence it which are the beliefs and attitudes of both parties and the spiritual connection between them. What we callfailure is merely feedback about what we are doing. When a message does not seem to get through or it seems distorted, it is simply because of opposing intentions, beliefs, lack of mutual trust. It could even be your own interpretation of the

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  • Telepathic Communication Between Two People

    2 of 2 6/6/2007 7:00 PM

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    emotions, images and desires that you receive that prevents you from seeing what really is. Being authentic is one of the keys to sending and receiving clear telepathic messages. The virtue of honesty and truth is a spiritual law of reality.

    When you have a good telepathic connection with someone, you can read each others thoughtseasily. So sometimes you do not want the other to know something, such as the correct answer to aquestion. You can use techniques of counter-telepathy.

    You can put up a psychic shield by visualizing it and willing that the person cant read your mind. Orif you want to, you could mislead the person by focusing on an opposite thought or the wrong answer instead. He/she would usually pick up the misleading thought and be mislead.

    This misleading thought effect also explains why it is so important to watch our thoughts.Sometimes we think certain negative thoughts towards a person when we are momentarily angry orupset. The person may pick these thoughts up and think that is what we really think about him/herwhen it isnt our true thoughts.

    It is alright to think those thoughts for awhile but we must not forget to revert to sending our truerpositive thoughts of peace, harmony and well being in between or afterwards, and to send them withequal or greater intensity. Especially to someone we truly love.

    Finally, it is also about love. When you really love someone, Universal Mind or God will tell you things about that person, because God is love and love connects you to that person spiritually. That person can also sense certain emotions, images and desires from you through the universal mind.

    Telepathic connection works best when we dont try to force it. When we know it works, it works. But when we think it might work, it doesnt work. It is driven more by our subconscious beliefs thanby conscious effort. The more we try to force it, the worse we do.

    The things you tend to send telepathically are the things that you focus on most often. If you focus more often on positive things, you will send positive emotions, images and desires. If you focus more often on negative things, you will send negative emotions, images and desires.

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  • I i i I

    0 7 - 2 1 - 5 8 X U . m.. V I M 1

    12/11/90 ,M M Y . I O R I


  • March 25,1998

    Dear Stan,

    I: called you this morning to let you know Mom Mom is in St.Ann Nursing home. She was taken there yester- day from St.Joe Hospital. She has been in the hospital about a week because of a touch of bronchatis and now she has difficulty walking. So hopefully she will be in St.Ann only a couple of weeks for theraphy till she can resume walking. Then she will go back to Mary Ann's.

    n,tP& 1 . -

    When the operator said you$ was disconnected, I did'nt know what to think. So I called your Mother who is really concerned, so we talked and she updated me.

    Stan you could be absolutely right about your situation and I am not saying this for any other reason but to let your know how I think. This is the nineties and that all happened ten years ago. Stan is this age of technical and legal sophistication your situation cannot fly. It would take a lot of money up front to get the attention your looking far and even then who knows how it will work out. The papers are full of equal hi-profile cases and look at the money involved leggaly, many thousands and even millions of dollars.

    Stan, the last thing that should happen is losing your house. I can't believe you would let that happen and it should be your only concern to make sure it does'nt. I sure would like to see your get involved with your computer, get a phane connection for your moden and get some good software for the internet. THis is your talent that you shoud not let go to waste. Use this talent to get new income and get back on your feet.

    Stan I am the last one to give anyone any type of advice, but I think what I have said, I can say.

    So Take Care,


  • November 1 , I 999


    The two statements I mailed some time ago titled "WHY NEW YORK" no doubt gave you cause to wonder what is this all about. What could br driving this Father of S i x Boys who over the years could not be associated with being apart of this Family structure. Being aware of all the psychological malfunction8 I am vulnerable to0,what can I s a y . So I write not to influence only to state in a simple way what I ' m about. I have good positive direction an8 am on solid ground in my reasoning to be the way I am. For many many years this situation has forced me to live alone and stay alone so I could keep up with it's demands. So I am fortunate being in New York where I can be the way T am in such an envirernent as New York. All this said, "HOW ALONE AM I" ! You have heard it often! "IS ANY BODY OUT THERE"! This is my answer for that is the company I keep. Thru direct Audio Communication that sees everything I see,hears everything I hear and knows everything I know and the communication is according. For all it's worth I will state there is no psychological malfunction involved in this Audio Communication. If this be the case, "HOW ALONE AM I" ! Getting any kind of recognition is something I give up on. From 1991 to 1997 I had a active high ~ o f i l e list of many names that I addressed monthly. But without any evedence Truth is Irrelevant. Sobeit! I am convinced I live a story that is beyond everyone's comprehension. But I do have a good lease and sufficient income for the lifestyle of one of my age in my stay here in New York. In ending a brief summation. Ry starting date for this situation was in 1957. They started this situation in 1943 while I was in the Navy. A Research Situation with no intention of being identified in this World. If this World knew what I know it would be shocked.


    This is a story you have to - - - - Read and Think

    Read and Think Read and Think Read and Think

  • Stan,

    I don ' t have t h e sliqhtast idea

    of what everyone thinks I'm about so

    would you make a copy for S t e v e , Mike

    and P h i l .



    I am a Claasical Thoretician for Creation, The Universe and God that uses Simplicity as a base. My projections are based on my Experiences that are beyond any Peraonal Experiences in this Wworld.

    I live in 2 Worlds and 75% of my time is i n , t h i e other World and 25% in our own Contemporary World. This reality exists thru the means of Communication.



    1 of 1 10/14/2006 1:56 PM

    Lancaster County Property Assessment Information

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    2005 Assessment OWNE

    39079332000001434MANHEIM PIKE


    525-Snak Bars




    2.06 03-TAXABLE MCDONALDS 984200 3907933

    Residence Information

    Building #

    Location # Location STORY_HEIGHT YEAR_BUILT

    Total SQFT

    Total Unfin SQFT

    Basement Area Bedrooms

    Full Baths

    Half Baths

    # Fire Places Wood

    # Fire Places Gas

    Bsmt Garage Cap

    Bsmt LV Lnth

    Bsmt LV Wdth

    Bsmt Rec Lnth

    Bsmt Rec Wdth

    Main Lv Area

    Uppr Lv Area

    Detached Structure Information (when applicable)Structure # STRUCTURE Measure 1 Measure 2 LINK_ID

    1 042-IMPLMNT-SHED 12 30 178727

    2 027-FENCE-WOOD-4 216 178727

    3 056-PVNG-ASPHALT 50000 178727

    Mobile Home Information (when applicable)Mobile # Location # Location Name Year Built WIDTH LENGTH LINK_ID

    Commercial Section (when applicable)Building# Location # Location Building Type Grnd Floor Area # Stories Year Built LINK_ID

    102 1434 MANHEIM PIKE 205 FAST-FOOD-R 1545 1 2001 178727

    101 1434 MANHEIM PKE 205 FAST-FOOD-R 4327 1 1983 178727

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    2005 Assessment OWNER_A

    39050256000001466MANHEIM PIKE


    540-Retail Services




    253800 3905025600

    Residence Information

    Building #

    Location # Location STORY_HEIGHT YEAR_BUILT

    Total SQFT

    Total Unfin SQFT

    Basement Area Bedrooms

    Full Baths

    Half Baths

    # Fire Places Wood

    # Fire Places Gas

    Bsmt Garage Cap

    Bsmt LV Lnth

    Bsmt LV Wdth

    Bsmt Rec Lnth

    Bsmt Rec Wdth

    Main Lv Area

    Uppr Lv Area

    Detached Structure Information (when applicable)Structure # STRUCTURE Measure 1 Measure 2 LINK_ID

    1 069-STORAGE-SHED 10 10 178718

    2 056-PVNG-ASPHALT 8000 178718

    Mobile Home Information (when applicable)Mobile # Location # Location Name Year Built WIDTH LENGTH LINK_ID

    Commercial Section (when applicable)Building# Location # Location Building Type Grnd Floor Area # Stories Year Built LINK_ID

    201 1470 MANHEIM PKE 400 OFFICE 1560 1 1974 178718

    101 1466 MANHEIM PKE 400 OFFICE 1462 1 1975 178718

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    1 of 1 10/14/2006 1:52 PM

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    2005 Assessment OWNER

    39055800000001460 1464MANHEIM PIKE


    539-Other Vehicle Se




    SUITE 100 0.39 03-TAXABLE

    TUFFY MUFFLERS 195600 39055800

    Residence Information

    Building #

    Location # Location STORY_HEIGHT YEAR_BUILT

    Total SQFT

    Total Unfin SQFT

    Basement Area Bedrooms

    Full Baths

    Half Baths

    # Fire Places Wood

    # Fire Places Gas

    Bsmt Garage Cap

    Bsmt LV Lnth

    Bsmt LV Wdth

    Bsmt Rec Lnth

    Bsmt Rec Wdth

    Main Lv Area

    Uppr Lv Area

    Detached Structure Information (when applicable)Structure # STRUCTURE Measure 1 Measure 2 LINK_ID

    1 056-PVNG-ASPHALT 5700 178719

    Mobile Home Information (when applicable)Mobile # Location # Location Name Year Built WIDTH LENGTH LINK_ID

    Commercial Section (when applicable)Building# Location # Location Building Type Grnd Floor Area # Stories Year Built LINK_ID

    101 1460 MANHEIM PKE 350 COM-GRGE-SV 4000 1 1975 178719

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    1 of 1 10/14/2006 1:54 PM

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    2005 Assessment OWNER_ACCOU

    3903989000000135WHITE OAK DR


    113-Single Fam Dweln


    135 WHITE OAK DR 1.3 03-TAXABLE 199900 3903989000000

    Residence Information

    Building #

    Location # Location STORY_HEIGHT YEAR_BUILT

    Total SQFT

    Total Unfin SQFT

    Basement Area Bedrooms

    Full Baths

    Half Baths

    # Fire Places Wood

    # Fire Places Gas

    Bsmt Garage Cap

    Bsmt LV Lnth

    Bsmt LV Wdth

    Bsmt Rec Lnth

    Bsmt Rec Wdth

    Main Lv Area

    Uppr Lv Area

    1 135 WHITE OAK DR 1.25 1964 1916 0 1533 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1533 383

    View Sketch Codes Sketch for Building Number: 1

    Detached Structure Information (when applicable)Structure # STRUCTURE Measure 1 Measure 2 LINK_ID

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    Commercial Section (when applicable)Building# Location # Location Building Type Grnd Floor Area # Stories Year Built LINK_ID

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    1 of 1 10/14/2006 1:55 PM

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    2005 Assessment OWNER_A

    39023300000001480MANHEIM PIKE

    200-INDUSTRIAL 220-Light INDUST




    PO BOX 3167

    1.5 03-TAXABLE ALUMAX 385700 3902330000

    Residence Information

    Building #

    Location # Location STORY_HEIGHT YEAR_BUILT

    Total SQFT

    Total Unfin SQFT

    Basement Area Bedrooms

    Full Baths

    Half Baths

    # Fire Places Wood

    # Fire Places Gas

    Bsmt Garage Cap

    Bsmt LV Lnth

    Bsmt LV Wdth

    Bsmt Rec Lnth

    Bsmt Rec Wdth

    Main Lv Area

    Uppr Lv Area

    Detached Structure Information (when applicable)Structure # STRUCTURE Measure 1 Measure 2 LINK_ID

    1 074-WATER-TANK 20000 178721

    2 074-WATER-TANK 20000 178721

    3 074-WATER-TANK 20000 178721

    4 074-WATER-TANK 20000 178721

    5 074-WATER-TANK 20000 178721

    Mobile Home Information (when applicable)Mobile # Location # Location Name Year Built WIDTH LENGTH LINK_ID

    Commercial Section (when applicable)Building# Location # Location Building Type Grnd Floor Area # Stories Year Built LINK_ID

    101 1480 MANHEIM PKE 305 INDUST-MFCT 2310 1 1954 178721

    103 1480 MANHEIM PKE 410 MEDICAL-OFF 1710 1 1961 178721

    102 1480 MANHEIM PKE 355 COM-GRGE-ST 2272 1 1961 178721

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    1 of 1 10/14/2006 1:56 PM

    Lancaster County Property Assessment Information

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    Parcel Information

    Account # Location Propery Class Land Use Owner_name Owner_add_1Owner Add2

    Owner Add3

    Taxable Acreage Tax Class


    2005 Assessment OWNE

    39079332000001434MANHEIM PIKE


    525-Snak Bars




    2.06 03-TAXABLE MCDONALDS 984200 3907933

    Residence Information

    Building #

    Location # Location STORY_HEIGHT YEAR_BUILT

    Total SQFT

    Total Unfin SQFT

    Basement Area Bedrooms

    Full Baths

    Half Baths

    # Fire Places Wood

    # Fire Places Gas

    Bsmt Garage Cap

    Bsmt LV Lnth

    Bsmt LV Wdth

    Bsmt Rec Lnth

    Bsmt Rec Wdth

    Main Lv Area

    Uppr Lv Area

    Detached Structure Information (when applicable)Structure # STRUCTURE Measure 1 Measure 2 LINK_ID

    1 042-IMPLMNT-SHED 12 30 178727

    2 027-FENCE-WOOD-4 216 178727

    3 056-PVNG-ASPHALT 50000 178727

    Mobile Home Information (when applicable)Mobile # Location # Location Name Year Built WIDTH LENGTH LINK_ID

    Commercial Section (when applicable)Building# Location # Location Building Type Grnd Floor Area # Stories Year Built LINK_ID

    102 1434 MANHEIM PIKE 205 FAST-FOOD-R 1545 1 2001 178727

    101 1434 MANHEIM PKE 205 FAST-FOOD-R 4327 1 1983 178727

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    1 of 1 10/14/2006 1:48 PM

    Lancaster County Property Assessment Information

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    Parcel Information

    Account # Location Propery Class Land Use Owner_name Owner_add_1 Owner Add2Owner Add3

    Taxable Acreage Tax Class


    2005 Assessment OWNER_A

    39041311000001470MANHEIM PIKE


    501-Comm Vacant Land



    0.25 03-TAXABLE 72300 390413110

    Residence Information

    Building #

    Location # Location STORY_HEIGHT YEAR_BUILT

    Total SQFT

    Total Unfin SQFT

    Basement Area Bedrooms

    Full Baths

    Half Baths

    # Fire Places Wood

    # Fire Places Gas

    Bsmt Garage Cap

    Bsmt LV Lnth

    Bsmt LV Wdth

    Bsmt Rec Lnth

    Bsmt Rec Wdth

    Main Lv Area

    Uppr Lv Area

    Detached Structure Information (when applicable)Structure # STRUCTURE Measure 1 Measure 2 LINK_ID

    1 056-PVNG-ASPHALT 15000 178717

    Mobile Home Information (when applicable)Mobile # Location # Location Name Year Built WIDTH LENGTH LINK_ID

    Commercial Section (when applicable)Building# Location # Location Building Type Grnd Floor Area # Stories Year Built LINK_ID

    101 1470 MANHEIM PKE 400 OFFICE 1560 1 1974 178717

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