Samson’s Foxes published by Rev. A.J. Tomlinson in...

a llrQ U A II In FOIf' " I QS#1Wf • ", _ Mit'" 10"" 0. l.Q .. t .U" ' l U ,,,'0 ._. !tOU "O H -ll BROUGHT FRUIT. SOliE I,Ii HII IID 'FD FOlD. hI .-",. MA" s..AIL ' UII Fu r" H.1t . " OUI- i1 U ,h ll l lf S. AAIl "" , , .....u 1: ",,,,, OIJT fU ..I A(.OUII AIL r ff . tl CS , ,, .T OFr( wO. "''' 0 SIi AU en r r HC" If//TO r HE ,II itE. VOL . J. CULBERSON. N. C. AUGUST, 20, lOO t. NO. J)n nu t flO rge t tlla " lif.. Illlo)' l.,c the ,ml)' Ulloic ,r u u r lIt·j g:lllJc,r cn' r Y.lLl r 3'' lIr :u: t iu hs :In : l5 l' rc :o.l t llciilr cehim , like S<J II.l:W )' to UI." rc:o. d.- I'he l' ad ti ·. JESUS. "Go f.. th o:QO IlVeT.<io1U a pro:ciou.l soul, a nd fUll' In<" aM fue 1M tr et li.. n uf Ibe $1:houl :>ni1 0.· pha n Day by day alld .-en by w<:f:k "' 0: huo: bC'en dep<K;ling 1l'fC'J' iu'" cugu " "I", n II.i, Ii:'u t "e,,"i ra nd "0'" 10 " '0:feo:l lha, it II " '1011 nigh I. den D. nd .h ,WI>! ru dy 10 .. eigh an ch " . and 1ll0VO: " lit Inlu Ihe "(i 'e a\ Cl<;o:. n'· "f "'illlling ""Ill . sud the hlu a' tho:,,",.}lIilding$. As. 10' 0: Ilrv« o:ded In the seevlee tho: $p;.it made me knew tlI"1 .. e 111.< 1 f.. und f. ,'or wilh t iud aud h"uprev :>. iJo:d, tll:u WeW"'e actualy t elldy Iv ",d"n auch ". :>. "d mo,'O:O\1 t• \I e ll ill •• bill ill.l ud (if 1UI 1dnit f" r 11iV /ley all had iJcCIl vllr 0:11.1.,. ... , we reu- uereu Iv \.IUCI !'. ltyvl.' uf " IVIl'1:: Ilnd 1"':> i..C' , Ilnd a.,'-ed !l im fv. " 'j"d .. 1UIV lI'" tbe W"""b ltccurd"'K w hi-VCd ect ...ill " 'ile l' failll b Ul:lde .... lI: bl ..r,d lIlId the Oll Oll'Cf i. lilC"aly al b "/lu. I tic Spi . il p" "" dcd C\' tty hu rl and 611o:d lbc: <\oOOJ.' , IlDIi i:""c ... ' l"' " ' Ic: "", . 1dl ...... u •• f ;a,. .. 1 ...d, tllib .. u nClillfnlt lhal ti c ...... p.,... .....t ",,,10 ' 'II f (.. ,th, F,it h '""-"<lu ln' K tbe Ibn .fe .... 1 lb tbuPl;h lhc y :a'e." ·l q" ''' c»:I¥:O: ''CO dl:'Cpc '" w .,. I.. e .. cry bean , .....t all 1""" "",.. o: .,,:,,- ..r •• UI - u' '' l,""m ,,, 1Il 1" l-ud . "" C""I 110 .1 D1l1<;h .. f the Il_ n. g,otlun IlOWi.. fu tb b I" loc:I" .<k: "1:"1 II) Ihe vf Uo;;t. II .. ..Illy ""hilI<: t...... 'K b n, k d a Ad Ihulletl \II 'Uh Ii" .t'e a" d '1A<I nv 11 ,10 '10 '" d>u ' b nll...",J lind 1 III"",. ... I.t I ntal." . "11. lue h :anti I.. b&vo: tbe tollikdl"t: "'''''' "' ....0:...... U"" IIIO:. "" " . ...... -0: that "', "' h i tIC .oL.., Iv u.. ct Ille by Ihe li.\;I'" OCI. 1 call hi "C"" ",,t everl :,>t ew;lrJ <of Ih",t )"" 11 lie :an" I"a... e "I.."e)" ..... Ite wa y dln: ... t. j J .. ,ll knu..· .. 'lie,,,a ..inglo:pellnr i, luCUIUO: Cr ...lI. h ilI I h" ,·o: .... .l ee,," "" '1'U I" ".y ' .. 11, "li d ","y Ih" l'''IL.. f L ...... . Iv .... .,'1.. 1 ... ,11 u" " """"' o".t " " llle .I..)'. I . .. ... a "r "l il ... o " ld II<:10 Iia\'e one of G..d , f;lil hrlll yullv .h allle .. r 1H.:61l'" ul a " ,I""rallle la" ..' e <Ill " ," pari ...I Co: ll.,1w,,'ur.. vvd fv. u1d! " l lWl !'cr · tho: mH ....l(e J::i vclI me ..' I wa iled u.:ll et Ib", ,,... f )'v u" Il allc1"K..h.: bC'fur e.- l ThU "..b.yll .. ,rnlnit r\ 1IJ:: I. r llilll b helll!!: . tle "ltlllellcd ... 1 ..·... e. Ih' dill' .. r .... t .JOCci al """ 'C1'. ..y tie:>. . me nd. m... .. ""Iy "I"ul)' . ' . it - I di,l oKot flilly c"onpn ho:nd Ih.. I..n we tv I""'" 1I1 ' .oJ nvl h"", I. le ,....,. I"... 1lI00an ini: "r lhe lIllIl _g o: ulllil in Iho: lu • ., .. llIle ..1I lov<J.. ww.J . mcell" l: &I nne by 0110: the tr ll t h !' were anC.oI· 1 t:alie the .. ;adVIce .... ... 11>&1 c:r.p«t glc "" an .' b. nded Oil' I.. Ihe C:OIl'plI ny "f wor k. .. I Ih i,,!!:. C .u 1.ouJ. . 0:". l al bo: .rC'd In Ihe I. IIc: . ... 'm. I c:all 11. ,ven ",tw read r thi• • TIM: w--. • "" ,,:,,1 ' 1. 11<: ...... wbere W be f.•uh fll'''' y.. J."&fl .,.... .. ·Itb ...e II .... bC'lni lo,a<\C' d . .... p .... toll<! II, m... uen""ud ...... sl_" "C IlUl... f... ghl. alld • • 'h o: wO: 'i: hl dn-I'tr I ..\\ i lbvu l f.. nb Il h U11 ....-. 1J1c w plea".. II plull)l; o:d In(., Ibe ,", 1C'r •• nlll II WlI$ 6Ue" l,;",..t " 16 i", . ,""",,, capal;1ly, ..'hen il .... rudy 10 . weigh . nch or ,.,d A il ....t into ... iduccan .. itb it . cargo. 11ue i fe:atil" bulk an,1 . 'o:ij!hl • f Iho: bC' inx hC'lo... ,ho: su,r",co: .. f Ib" ."1 "'. Ihe " ." .ce g"lesand Sl .... ,"'. ,.. 1<1001 I'K.-et it.. '="U' -l: ,,.. inlpcd o: a" ", ,,,,,h 11' .. .. 1,110"the ..... "" '"e"" il lu I"'f lillhly III"'ft Ih o: 11I rC;.cc "f Ib" wain . API,lk "l i"u , W" have I,« n !". ring u .n'' ""0:,)' 'r hur",b y f". Illure f .... r, " My lil lie ehikhe u, earrow nnt All thnse \\"ho hev e r.o IlOpl ' j Nor ,rrieve Illy IO"i"J:' tender- heart With ullheli"f, or , lflUh t. I t is t1l«)ulol'l , love I deal wilh ;rnll, TbrOllfCh I talO ,k th" child j Anti if )'OlU tru" t wit h he.n t ..lneerc I' ll 1tH'p you .:k :';tM;" •·Oh. 1,, 1 '(" me wuh II perf ect he·.t t . 1 Au d un Ill ) ' p"r f.-el wil'; Alit! I'()tJll un more 10 p," t. And love flitch lull . 1'1... 11 vou "au u lI<I,·t:\ l un <! it 1111, Anti ;;.e Ill )' Wh ld ,,1U I"" ; [calf] (I,\W Ih :tl. 101 ·" t II I1Hl lt thnt Thllt tot lk rhe c11 ild from ,\,(111. " W. I} , W ,:G IIA\\'. " Re membe r th at you r Beilmillg loss hi our ete rna l Wli,,; S memo')' of litt le And that on caln ry. crOSOI J essie, inrautd lluJth I 1'h6 Savior broke de e t ha c1Ulillll j of A lind 0 11 r PIl, I now call I,car you 611Yt h: 111III II \Vnh ro... , wh o depened I h i \\ e would lI ot lillI'#!.YOll hurt', life July 111 , 190 1. Fo r .ICl!lIl1loVI'1i uer more rhan we, Are o ne yellr ten And H I' will Lril.1r ue there," lIl vu t h",an J o nc d ll.Y . J I I. ...... - ..... 11. J ESSIE· J. HERPARENTS. ill zmo R. UHr. "Y "nr etuy \Vitl l us has bee u eo brie f 'Ti l IUlrtl to ;:i,'e ynu up; Yet J cilu s l)e 1l. 11I our ,:,ricr P llrtlik e" lIf e ver y IiUI" [10\'(",) \\ 'c knew li e ,Ipalll wi th li S thrung-Il 1\ 111.1 hou llJ I6Sll wistlnme. W 'j Ami Irmlli llg Hlln throug h iall w" H is I"H'e ill lak ing you ." [prov e] "}o'llrl 'wC!I!,It:!ar parents, 11.11 , ad ieu! AnJ .11 th in gs th e re belcw ; 1u J"" 3' a rllli J a lii se vure , Anll Mfe fUn"l'er lIIvre, It ylill ec uhl ollly eee me now, A il th ro ug h Ui i'l (.'(.oll r(,,; 1 fl.\·. )' oll 'd be o· ..r l.'Q lIle with j Oj ... lIl 'Ow To shou" illsh!ad Qf cr)".'· "Oh! if .v()\ , co"ld but Co)I lIe am) "iew Uur lovillll: Loro., (W II086 Iland .. a nd fee t. were l, ier Ct'd A.5 "" 'ril e ll ill Hi s wvN ,) [lilt )"uuj You 'J love Him i · tillitc.lJ lIIurtl . Tl ulIl "',It )'''11 th uIIght JOu (."ll llIJ ; AnJ tru st H iillo l't! to I.llillJC l' uu O'e r Problltlnn s IhM lIJ rOAd ." "Fa rewell! lie",,. lil ll e 'dllr lilig child ; Til t! LUf.1 is calling you, .\1lI1 1111"'" we nHlS" be T n 11.11 th." Fie may ,In. U l" ami .lao Bil l. ah l'llyr r. He Sinn· . to ltrillg 118 ill thu tla,. 'l'o His c h ; rtl ll i rest;'

Transcript of Samson’s Foxes published by Rev. A.J. Tomlinson in...

Page 1: Samson’s Foxes published by Rev. A.J. Tomlinson in · ••S.\~i ~O~8 l'0XE~• go\'erne35. 11:,1\' Ii:l\ C send books

a llrQ U A IO~U II I n FOIf' " I QS#1Wf• • ", _Mit'" 10"" 0. l.Q .. t . U " ' l U ,,,'0 ._. !tOU"OH -ll BROUGHT rOlJ~rtt FRUIT. SOliE I,Ii HII IID 'FD FOlD.hI .-",. MA" s..AIL ' UII Fu r " H.1t . " OUI- i1 U ,h ll l lf S. AAIl "" , , .....u 1:",,,,,,OIJT fU ~S ..I A(.OUII AIL r ff . tl CS , ,, .T OFr( wO. "''' 0 SIi AU

en r r HC" If//TO r HE ,II itE.


J)n nu t flOrge t tlla " lif.. Illlo)'l.,c t he , m l) ' Ulloic ,r u u r lIt·j g:ll lJc,r cn' r

n::td~ Y.lLlr Word .~ , 3''' lIr :u: t iu hs :In :

l5l' rc t! ~ ~ r llciilr cehim , like S<J I I.l:W )'

I ' ugc~ to UI."rc:o.d .- I'he l' ad ti ·.


"Go Deeper.~ '

f..~ th o:QOIlVeT.<io1Ua pro:ciou.l soul, and fUll'In<"aM fue 1M tr et li..n uf Ibe $1:houl :>ni10. ·pha n boII-e~

Day by day alld .-en by w<:f:k "' 0: huo:bC'en dep<K;ling 1l'fC'J'iu'" cugu " "I", n II.i,Ii:'u t "e,,"i ra nd "0'" 10 dD..~ " '0:feo:l lha, itII " '1011nigh I. den D.nd .h ,WI>!ru dy 10 .. eig han ch " . and 1ll0VO:" l it In lu Ihe "(i 'e a\ Cl<;o:.n ' ·"f " 'illlling ""Ill . sud the hlu a' u~eliun .,J

tho:,,",.}lIilding$.As. 10'0: Ilrv« o:ded In the seevlee tho: $p; . it

ma de me kn ew tlI"1 .. e 1111.<1 f..und f. ,'or wilht iud aud h"uprev :>.iJo:d, tll:u We W"' e actualyt elldy Iv ",d"n auch ". :>."d mo,'O:O\1t•

\I e ll ill yr~ye •• bill ill.l ud (if 1UI1dnitf" r 11iV/ley all had iJcCIl vllr 0:11.1.,.... , we reu­uereu Iv \.IUCI!'. ltyvl.' uf th,nk~ " IVIl'1::Ilnd1"':>i..C', Ilnd a.,'-ed !l im fv. " 'j"d .. 1UIV lI'" tbeW"""b ltccurd"'K w hi-VCd ect ...ill " 'ile l' failllb Ul:lde ....lI:bl ..r,d lIlId the OllOll'Cf i. lilC"aly alb"/lu.

I tic Spi . il p" "" dcd C\' tty hu rl and 611o:dlbc: <\oOOJ.', IlDIi i:""c ... ' l"' " ' Ic:"", . 1dl ......u ••f~I'~ ;a,. .. 1 ... d , tllib .. u nClillfnlt lhal ti c...... p.,... .....t ",,,10 ' 'II f ( .. ,th, Ii ll lle hl~ah ! F,it h'""-"<lu ln' K tbe lh"'¥~ Ibn .fe ....1 lb tbuPl;hlhc y :a'e."

·l q" ''' c»:I ¥:O: ' 'COdl:'Cpc'" w.,.~ljo:,l I..e ..cry bean , .....t all 1""" "",..o:.,,:,,- ..r •• UI ­u' '' l,""m ,,, 1Il1" l-ud .

"" C""I 110.1 D1l1<;h .. f the Il_ n. g,otlunIlOWi .. fu tb b I" loc:I" .<k: "1:"1 II) Ihe Ii.~tvf Uo;;t . II .. ..• Illy ""hilI<: t...... 'K b n, k d a AdIhulletl \II'Uh Ii" .t'e a" d '1A<Inv 11,10'10'"d>u ' b nll...",J lind 1 III"",. ...I.t I ntal." . "11.lue h :anti arta"O:~IUO:llb I.. b&vo:tbe tollikdl"t:"'''''' "' .....0:...... U"" IIIO:. "" " . ......-0: that " ', "' h itIC .oL.., Iv u.. ct Ille t" ,,~ by Ihe li.\;I'" OCI.

1 call hi "C"" ",,t ever l :,>tew;lrJ <",t )"" 11 lie ~",,: :an" I"a...e Il l~ "I.."e)" ..... I tewa y dln: ...t.

j J .., ll knu..· ..'lie,,,a ..inglo:pell nr i, luCUIUO:Cr...lI. h ilI I h" ,·o: ;/, Il ll~, "r....~e .l ee,," "" '1'U I"".y ' ..111,"lid ","y f;lil ll '~ "" Ih" l' '' I L..f L .......• 1 ,wa rJ~ Iv ......,'1..1 ...,11 u" " """"' o".t " " llle"lIdl:~lu,"t .I..)'.

I . .. ... a "r "l il ...o " ld II<:10 Iia\'e one of G..d ,f;lil hrlll ~" . Vltl,b yullv .h allle ..r ,",,, u:art:&>.M:~1H.:61l'" ul a " ,I""rallle la" ..' e <Ill " ," pari ...IJ il~ Co:ll.,1w,,'ur ..e.~ vvd fv. u1d! " l lWl !'cr ·

WA~ tho:mH ....l(e J::ivclI me ..' I wa iled ~"",dcU u.:ll et Ib", ,,... f )'v u" I l allc1"K..h . :bC'fur e.- l ThU"..b.yll .. ,rnlnit r\ 1IJ::I. r llilll b helll!!: . tle "ltlllellcd ... 1 ..·... e.Ih' dill' ..r ....t .JOCcial ~kly """'C1'. ~Ia ..y tie:>.. me nd. m... .. ""I y " I"ul )' . ' . it ­

~ I di,l oKot flilly c"onpn ho:nd Ih.. I..n we tv I""'" 1I1' .oJ nvl h"", I. le ,....,. I"...1lI00anini: "r lhe lIllIl_g o: ulllil in Iho: lu • ., .. llIle ..1I lov<J..ww.J .

mcell" l: &I nne by 0110:the tr ll t h!' were anC.oI· 1 t:alie the .. ;adVIce .... ... 11>&1c:r.p«t glc ""ol~ an .' b . nd ed Oil' I.. Ihe C:OIl'plIny " f wor k... I Ih i,,!!:. C. u 1.ouJ..0:". l al bo:.rC'd In Ihe I. . ... 'm. I c:all 11. ,ven cbri~n ",tw read r thi •• TIM: pu:~ I"e w--. • "" ,,:,,1' 1. 11<:...... wbere Wbe f.•uh fll'''' y..~. J."&fl. ,.... ~l.&,.d ..·Itb ...eII ~'.... bC'lni lo,a<\C'd . ....I~ p....~nl::ef1l toll<! II, m... uen""ud ...... sl_" "C IlUl...f... ghl. alld • • 'h o: wO:'i: hl 1Il'~, dn-I'tr I ..\\i lbvu l f..nb Il h U11....-. 1J1cw plea"..II plull)l;o:d In(., Ibe ,", 1C'r•• nlll II WlI$ 6Ue" l,;",..t "16 i", . ,""",,, capal;1ly, ..'he n il .... ~ rudy 10 .weigh . nch or ,.,d A il ....t i n to ... iducc a n.. itb it . cargo.

11ue i fe:atil" bu lk an,1 . 'o:ij!hl • f Iho:v~~il

bC'inx hC'lo... ,ho: su, r",co: ..f Ib" ."1 " '. Ihe" ." .ce g"lesand Sl....'''~ ,"'. ,..1<1 001 I'K.-et it..'="U' -l: ,,.. inlpcd o: i.~ J" " l:re~. a" ", ,,,,,h .~

11'.. .. 1,110" the ....."" '"e"" il lu I"'f lillhly III"'ftIho: 11IrC;.cc " f Ib" wain .

API,lk "l i"u , W" have I,« n !" . r ing u . n'' ""0:,)' 'r hur",b y f". Illure t h~u ~ f ....r,

" My lil lie e hikhe u, earrow nntAll th nse \\"ho heve r.o IlOpl ' j

N or ,rr ieve Illy IO"i"J:' tender- heartW i th ull heli" f, or , lflUh t.

I t is t1l«)ulol'l, love I deal wilh ;rnll,Tb rOllfCh l uv~ I talO,k th" c hild j

Anti if )'OlU t ru" t wit h he.n t ..lneercI' ll 1tH'p you .:k :';tM;"

•·Oh. 1,, 1'(" me wuh II perf ect he·.t t .

1 Au d un Ill ) ' p"r f.-el wil' ;Alit! I'()tJll w~' lI llleel un m ore 10 p, " t.

And love flitch Ollt\· ~ lull .1'1...11 vou "au u lI<I,·t:\ l un <! it 1111,

Anti ;;.ee Ill )' Wh ld ,,1U I"" ; [calf](I,\W Ih :tl. Ih l"l)u~h 101·" t II I1Hl lt thnt

Thllt tot lk rhe c11ild from ,\,(111."W . I} , W ,:G IIA\\'.

" Re membe r that you r Beilmillg losshi our ete rna l Wli,,;

S memo')' o f litt le And t ha t on cal n ry. J.,1oOO~' crOSOIJ essie, inrautd lluJth I 1'h6 Sa vior brok e de etha c1UlilllljI ~r of Arth~r lind 0 11r PIl, I now call I,car you 611Yth: 111III II \Vnh ro... ,who depened I h i ~ \ \ e would lI ot lillI'#!.YOll hurt',life J uly 111, 190 1. Fo r .ICl!lIl1loVI'1iuer more rhan we,

Are o ne yell r ten And H I' will Lri l.1rue there,"lIl vu t h",anJ onc dll.Y .

J I I.......- .....





ill zmoR.UHr.

"Y "nr etuy \Vitl l us has bee u eo brie f'Ti l IUlrtl to ;:i,'e ynu up;

Yet J cilu s l)e 1l.11Iour ,:,ricrP llrtlik e" lIf e ver y IiUI" [10\'(",)

\\ 'c knew li e ,Ipalll wi th li S thrung-Il1\111.1hou llJ I6Sll wistlnme. W ' j

A mi Irmlli llg H lln throug h iall w"

H is I"H'e ill lak ing you ." [prov e]

"}o'llrl'w C!I!,It:!ar parents, 11.11, ad ieu!AnJ .11 th ings th e re belcw ;

1u J"" 3' arllli J alii se vure ,Anll M fe fUn" l'e r lII v r e,

It ylill ec uhl oll ly eee me now,A il th ro ug h Ui i'l (.'(.ollr(,,; 1 fl.\·.

)'oll 'd be o· ..r l.'QlIle with j Oj ... lIl 'Ow

T o shou" illsh!ad Qfcr)".'·

" Oh! if .v()\ , co" ld but Co)I lIe am) " iewUur t.t~J lovillll: Loro.,

(W II086 Iland .. and fee t. were l, ier Ct'dA.5 ""'ril e ll ill Hi s wvN ,) [li lt )"uuj

You 'J love Him i · tillitc.lJ lIIurtl .Tl ulIl "',It )'''11 th uIIght JOu (."llllIJ ;

AnJ tru st H iil lo l't! to I.llillJC l' uu O'e rProblltlnn s IhM lIJ rOAd ."

"Fa rewell! lie",,. lil ll e 'dllr lilig child ;Til t! LUf.1 is calling yo u,

.\1lI1 1111"'" we nHlS" be nll'ull til~d

Tn 11.11th." Fie may ,In.U l",;v~ ami .lao f~k l-~ ~"'IlY,

Bil l. ah l'llyr r. r~rl~ I~.

He Sinn· . to ltri llg 118 ill thu tla,.'l'o His c h ; rtl ll i res t ;'

Page 2: Samson’s Foxes published by Rev. A.J. Tomlinson in · ••S.\~i ~O~8 l'0XE~• go\'erne35. 11:,1\' Ii:l\ C send books

•• S .\ ~ i ~O~8 l'0X E~•

go\'er ne35.11:,1\' Ii:l\ C

se nd boo ks and t rncts exelusi ­vely s uch will be thu ukfull yreceived and greatl y nppreciat .eel.

\ 't ' l l t i ll llShe i ~ l o be 0 11I'

1' 1':1,\' t h:lt. il-!l ('

theseth is paper nrul erectmu ch need ed bu ildin gs.

\\ ' C'wi:lh In {,X PI'(,ll~ nllr s ill ­

cnrc t h;lIlkfu llll's" I tl !!Ullle U1\'

IW ll w l1 i'r if'lld f',\:nl, us 11 p,'lel•.age of lI i c~ 8ta titillcry I'CCClILly ,


PO "i LHl ll K D :-.IO }o;T lU ,Y. " .

TIy A . J, 'fO:ML1 ~~ON:

Subecrrptic n, 10 re llts per yu r.

Ado";'!;•• AJI OIJf1l1 l'lllll i(' l\f, id l :!S 10S>'. ~f5GI":S' F(\XE~.

Cll lhl,ll'!'nl', !\ , C,

"' ;(' hrl" o on 11IH1 d ~ ;111 thl'n ,\' r;lilh \~'I - ;lr C,stcppi ng ouL go~p(' 1 IMpCI"",\\ "t' Cll ll ll~i.' fllr il

tlll In;,\\"tcr nlll l'y III ou r t'x pe l'- ti lile to eo :uc , Th ose \\ hu whshiCIICl' M:l we pl 'OCONl to publi sh to senll lilcr alu l'e will pl "' ll ~ (,

l' Arr rr

" .\ I,\' (1,,(1 8h.111 !'npp ly :111you r li e't ' ll ;ICClll ' d ill g III I i i:"r iohcol i ll g ill!'.)' by L'llr ist J c3us- Pi.lUI.

11\" fili l h Ah "ilh:u n when heWl1 ~' c1d l\,,[ nh\~,)'I '(1 ilh ol \\ ' I'llt

put ljllt I.:lltJwiuo whith o!' hewon!.

1:\· fai th WI" huve obtainer lSf'llf~. d i... he:; ;.1Ilt! ulile r IIL"l,tlt'tlfu rllitul'.!,

Bv fnith mother Tatem senttwo '(10 11111'8 to use :\8 expensedf placing the T1:lI 11C , . ~ 1t Zion" I and Ill y wife and thr eeabov e th~ door of u build ing child ren a re now liv ing in ournot yet erected. now cottage alone, nfter ~wo

. . . uml one hal f yr flr s ll f expe nen-'1han k God JV l'1\ f ilth tha t co other wise.

is to be mude !!ighl, by Oct. 1,by n school house standin g Til the ye ar 1899 we disp o ­where. is now, to be see n only ~1 of most of our belongi ngsg rass :'111\ 1 t rees. :II U] Clune to ?\ . C. S lept 011the

-,,========-=====I fl oor JIIilny night s. before we:: ny fuith we sec hundreds could get fu ruiture, g t)110F.1I 1~ rert u .he 1_ o lf.r~., C"ll" "on , N C, ~ . f " II ' I d

If!CODdd '''. m'''''' 'J,, ..,,6._ , 0 ( 0 ;11'8 COIIIl,} ruto our ran 5 through lI U11lY hurdships I tru st~~============ l t h liS enabling us to meet every gr acefully , had ethers in our

bill wit h the ensh. luunc with us incessantl y unti lla subs ta nce of things hoped Bv fai t h men anrl women of recently we lire hav ing 1.1 kind

for Gorf will t l' lI15L their meaua in of vacation In thi s line.

R 1 f f t b Ii OUl' han ds feu-sufc iu veat mcn t W . will ex pect others in 0111'.cSIl ts rom Pf'l' ec U C( I. ~n..

uud e xpect to receive cood i n- horne artuin however thf' fi n"tencc. ..... .....terc er 0 11 th eir in vestm ent in of Oct. when chi ld ren will u r-

Tho i t elde rs ob tai nerl !!'(\O(I th e world to come. r ive to att end school ; lI HI whenrr'p .;r t yet they l'oocivc(l nu l " we will ve rv m uch ueed u II(>\\'

- -- the "m il ; !! , __ "~I..;:, n,)~rn \ I h....": (> "',OU1' ~ \~)~'W:J."'+f" uou 1l8t l'ap ld ly 111CT t:II!!JI1g lIS CUllkst o\, c II:; \ 10 'l imo {Iii :;1" \' U

T hE'\' with ou t, us shou ld not, dc.u' frie nds become intere sted we now use will nut be sufflt-i-b.. U1 i.I ~le perf ect. i n the cl rculn ti ou of " :S;'lII l ~U ll 'S eu:. then.

T hr ou r h f;l l th the worlds Foxes.' \\ ' e <Ire pleased to be spentwe re framed bj" the word ur \ \ ' 0 I.ind l,\"a-k -ou r C;H:;1I1tl ! 1"11' l ~ tJ (;I lIl ',Y II" God il ~l d t hoGod, friend s who (; 0 111111)\' C8 I II flCll<! benefit tlf these pUll r chlldre u.

Thr ouz h fai th ouI' school ~ l g mll llC')', t'bl '~('I ll d. 1', 0 , , .\1, °1, rn E CO X VE XT Iox,

h , ~ " , . I n s te ad o f !I ~ 111 I"PITI .ter«. 'm "l~ IS eroete.I nnu paid (UI' I it i l i f I I' - 'I" L I ' II ' Ibv Oct. 1 19J 1. etter us I. IS I I e ll t o r 1I'J I I ' re ore \\ ' 1 illS our 1.\1In l1;1

" uee th e bills her e, .-\ 1511 we C;.l J1 couv eut iou will be heIII hereGive ~rl'l :i :d nrten tinu t il ;n '· not usc () ll ll;;HIIl stamps . the til st. week of Oe.:t,

tioles else w!aon}. l'cg;\I'lliug this W e will e xpect JJ I'O E nds ofventu re of faith Some (,T 0111' fri ends h 11\"0 Rogersvi lle ,\ 10 " uur [u-iuter,

been wl'ili n!; to know the tu \)0 her-e with his f;Hllily :lIIt:reason fur t.!ll' pec ul iar- name pr inl i llg' pi ll li t by tbnt t i;ne." :3 il lll !!II U' S F\ IXC.i " ( , ll' (l U I' \\ I I be b- e hlp e t 1ell til :I 10 to]):1pO:I', PC:!l'ba p$ itt ;1 l: lt (,l" i ~ :.Hl e !let o llt " ::;aI H5\) 1l':; Fvxes" wilh­we will g i \'e OUt' eXpCl'iellUO in Ullt err ul'S in ty pe,{lti:olo1 11 11 1l t~ 1' whjj:h hod u~ \' (' l' \' A :; it i ~ , I; I'U, R uh is SlOllefiull-Iy t. accep t th is n1lme: (T re~ tly pre!5$t'tl with other dll ,

t ies that hI.' is U I I ; l b l~ tIl g ivotlw pl'Vpr~r ti lnc ;lntl ellre top l·illLillg-'1Ul' p ; l p f' l' ,

W e .ds lI e:" jJl.'i:l, :; i81l'1' :\ n ll al\. irlwell ul' t he Lmilling- home1..lblll· Iowa tv be;l L th e C,II1-

Page 3: Samson’s Foxes published by Rev. A.J. Tomlinson in · ••S.\~i ~O~8 l'0XE~• go\'erne35. 11:,1\' Ii:l\ C send books

•BA ~rso~s FOXE S. o.


SJ'El,:UI. " t~QU t:...;'r ,~

Wll fee l~d of rhe S()iril In gn Nt~ wilh "\l.r "'"ld'R K . "rIo: . hil ls f". llln,.

I ,. "' tti ,,!: CWllf'\l eU e1 C W e m\l."!~ I ecd itl Ihi. "'ar in <.>I'd",I... Ita....

) Ibe h",,1 hu!be read y (vr..,., hy 0<:1.1 - 1901 .

We do not expect 10 lu ch In a 1I«u.-""lhat;. ecveeed "" Ih tle:br, " e (.. lIy UI~ct

Cud I " ' '' lIpl)' II.' ,,' ilb suffid cn t m... ". to d,, ·(•• y .1I UP<:II""S lI)' lb al li", ,,.

Whi le ..·e do ""t n.;k p..ople f", Ihel r m· ... •e}', " d l h" . d" "'e <l"si,,, II "-tC('pl n-,'h" 1I.. ly:O;piri t J irect•• )''' 1w"",i. lI Iv an)' tha ' if ril l<'rs, " f the " :,aIUWnS 1-'0.1"," fa", ilr ,"'....\ltd ev".yone d"fini'Clly rc a)', an d 1I.. ' tOIMI. IIn,1,,,,, lIy fed re~ l>',n",hl e { ,r on" hoi!..10 . ea ch ..~ by Oc t. I, ""hkh " oD.ld Ill' a \'I;rysmall a"' vllnl (, or e"\'h one . Ih,,"' ....iIl be nOoc:c....j" n k r lJilIs I" be l>re,,,nted Ih ar ,,'e ClDnot merl.

Ik.lde~ the b..ildi nl:s "' e ""ry m\ peed alug" coull ~Cv\'e a nd a ""'g-_ w" h" ...... nlya Iomall ull litv. e r,,..\1.«: in ... f new c<,Ilag"a ..d .h lle W<l d" I " 'i>h Iu e••mrl ain ,,( thaI" 'hicb t; ,,,1 gi"e:o< " r"e l thaI Ih" lim e i~

near .. he " we >IIo.,(d bav " a bell" r aflU lar ­ge r ~I,,""

1'he WlIJ:!,n i ~ need..d for the: hauling v(Jllmhcf• •10111;, ......... 1 "'c.

w. ...i. h e" "y chr i.l ian ...ho te~,l , lhisI " ..,ek Ih" t..", ls will in Ihi. III:U: .. . a I d"; " ,I,y .,,, 1 d ehllil<:ly p,ay " i lh us fur th...,.." ece g";ti,,. ,

O lil' corn is i ll g'Il" tl ("onditi c ll'lI lt l i ~ tluillg Ilic el",.

1 ,l _~i rt e"e ' y "n.. whn will d fjnhcl )' lr ll.tGud r r une du ll '" or ~u rn. 10 "ri l" " '" nl" nee, /':;";"1( a llw "" 1 y"" Dr.. 1fC'1.....t,,~ G·,J(' If. -U ", ,, C:ln JNIh .i. h u e .om e in th.. :)"I' ol ""~IIn.~ ,n ~ ..." . ......

I .m not ..~I. i.:" ,hi, . " a (11...11:'" il ill onlyIn ill'I 'i,e (ailh . Ihal l'\ h"r~ .-edna vu' ltuutl"'"rL~ may ho:eo rlJo'rai""d '0 d" hkc ...Ise.

lJu r (tie:n,l, and co .. o, e~ in lhe Yin... " ',,( II,,, I.. rd . 1,,1 ....< ~h..... " II. fa; lh I.,. ·_ r....·. 101. a "d b:lvll Ill... ..1>.,,·1 "",, '" rrll t\... ( r,1. dieR,I"" "" d \I."" by Ill" fi"' t d.,l' " f 0<.,a "d...."' y hill I'a;o.l, and t l'e orph" n h" ...... .....,11" nth" ...."y.

l.t t u. 1111"""n e more I' cn,cnd " ... elf"" inpr:lY"" ("hh and ......l<~ nUll ~(''' h",.. m\tchean he " " " " hy 'h e " "" ,,n) cOI" ''' 'lli ,m which"" " " I l V Ih" tin;l "'I!ek ill Oel . 1901.

0 "e ,1"I13r ~t nt in f .r el. ven _"Io-er i,.liull"In th; ~ l' ap t r " ill I~ a l'l" itl • II Il,is ~1 1<"(:;n l

"If'UI wIllen I f"e l " 'ill h" ' ra"' I",,,,,d i" .oa ~nn,1 ~"t«U. O. gl"I)': how lhe ~pir'1w""",...< ..." hin .. I " rll .... wh ich Iusu re - IIleo f Il is P"':'l. ~(".nd al .... ' ..·e:1,,( 1M... ,,"I lire.~""" .Io::>r rCllt,k r, :11,,1« ie.I<!- , I "1 ng;\l n,

I", ,rue I " ,; ,.... I....t . I'", : !,rlI "," and lie" ill ..h\l.II<la ll Iy Lie- ~ V\l. . ..d ,"a ke }VUah!o$' " Jl.

" 1:\1.1, hi" I oay. II " " 'I,I,,h JI".-orlh _pati n.:ly'fl"' tri ..g ly _hall r""I' al,." >par' ngly ; :>"d he.hat ·.,Ih 1>u\l.'lUf\l.')I' ~ha ll reap a ......buau i-fwl ..

,:I-: ,y "'." accu, d". g u he I'lIrpo"Clh in',i. henr' , '" 1..1 hi,,, a iv,, ; n. ~ l: , ,,.I/i:' '' l: ,'• •, r,,( "e ce~.i t y ; f", l.Oytj1"",,, 11"c l "" , 1..1..:..·..r."

" Antl l ." cl i. ahlt>lUUlnk. ~Il Jt f' ~e Dt~'v ,,, 1

1" \\',,r,1y"": Ihal r e, ah. "l' h"",,~ nil , ' l1lic.' '' '' C)' 1Iln lllhlni:~. II' ,!,Y 1I1"' unJ '" ,,' ·c.y g ...~ 1..." ,I.:."_ 2 ":u' . ,,6- K

HEAlH m s OF


TB ~ OE.-\R

~"' .. .... walkin,; I"" i1rcc:b .. j ib ~,lI y. \/.11­Ihi ..~, n.l: w rl ... nor nly I\li:ht>o\11.1. q ll('~""na·.1.1" ,,-..d ates. ....s ,...... h" I"C:llIonl " f the-ehabilli, I :lIU not ....i1hn ll: lu Uc,wtll" 10\11 ..i{ e.N"'h ini: hili lOli er y wukl wmeof.-:h pni.... .'"

SNr ted.

! feci Ihnt God is ple:u ed 10 h ave me ~ lj r

" I! Y\Jllr Ihlt., mind , by wa)' or r.,,,,e ,,,l.., r·..J.:c. ,n r,,~an.l tv Ih., J. II. M,I"b"l, "'ur ~

y a m"" a: Ih" " WOlIllwn .. bilJo" a l CIII1xr",,"~. C. wher., I b b h ttle V"V<", "::.:r.~n,.

t"Qxe. '· is 1'\I*,h~bed.

l.oudha. bid III"' " me a deep fn ling ,,(thenec lJ " f ,b ....IkUV" IUld ...a,l " we k.." ... Ibeyate " ·,,, Ih y. a nt! I 11Iu...l Sily I" the il •.ry ISfwI. Ih ..1 I b:... e ....H . lie., .. ., ng~""d In <I"ilia: • ......uill . "y _yo Ihal b. ..u.ghl as ...ueh,. '. 1 J"y h . my .....111. a:. 10""C" ,,,e:h' u,<:.. hl1c:\InJ1L I"&, :'&1".1VU ) l<g fur I h~ d.,ar 1"'''1' 1.,.

ti "'" sti ll k" .,ps "''' pra y l,,!: a"J .. ",ki ngh. th" ir iU1<:r¢.oI, ....hl ~lI I U.. i.~,l1y and wuu•"al j" y.

N..w Ihe )' nee..! mo ney \" lJ\lil,l " ~chuol

h" " .e and "r l' h",o. h"m e ; ,h,,)' IIllh t b," 'e i"llll..! I h' c! . un: ,' i. ti vtJ. " 'ill f". 11" 11'h' h:J.V..iI, A" d ~m,

!" \>w dell . reader s. wi I you fll!\L:e a "pecialvra) " . I" l.OuJ ,,1."'111 , b,s ",alt"" ;u ,d 10:'"''th" m" hat IT.e n vly 1'I"i'inail. )''' \1.10 gr,,,,.. ",11,1"a..e <Iv,,;urn IJI ........

" 'In c "' h ,l:-, hu,.ille_ ' ~'il'li, e~ ha' le ."I'''q f,,;or ", .Ill e "Ol" lIh ' l:Iu.e d 10

obe" I .ud u, I ",,, ,,'d P" I Ue<:<!lu U1~l.:e tbL'a. ,Pea l. "'nd Ihey " "III.J ha.." h ....J Ih" 1I11I1<1i ni:~"I' u" 1!oi J.

L"l 111"pk :all ",i lh ron ca ' nn tly. plnd .. itl,y",. iten';) . I: ;"e heed I" II", ... ·I, e " f lOud. I I"....ill h .l j} ) ,,\1.Iv I:;" e , "'''<:I. """" )u\llh, nl.y"" t ;Ul1tul.

K"", ,,n,ber Ihe . id"," mi t" . a n,1 h" .... , h","":1> <;>... " .. " "deJ ,,( J"''' .' ' ,....I h"r n" blo:a~'ti~ r"""n l ,,'" 10 th" 11r~-.:i"\I .' hll,le.

y "" ,hat na ve llntl lo ' ....rc, .l:ive O. Give1or" 1)' !\"d il .. ,II I." \I.. "u l" 'h " lil " .y ..( wi ,IIUU'h' " Ole" ~Il lel l "lI e' e Ihi . "...o..l1l1fhl"" ""­"II I . h 'p.

ti "d c.,,, sav e ma ny a !"'Or Iatbe r nn,lII' "lh "r Ihr ,,"j; h Ill""" whu III" 11;(, .. (1 ill II" ,.I' ,,"' e .

l' ma lly. G ,,d hle:~ 10\1." nd h"l l' )"0 \1.II;)d"Ii i . w,ll. ami I 1'.....1l.Outl l" ''' :lI." yv.. (ed lb,'I,"'~ H. Ih"l sh,,11"ccu"' I·I:'" Y ,h ,. apl"'.l!. '

U" l ' U" t .. tiuJ , and .....",,, ~" ccl d"y b~'ea"d hi e we:. hall ~e the ·· I....,Id ..f 1'1.." , •• 'a ,,,1 Ill """,, II",,,,, I,;v,.I UM'd~ I" help .Ttfl trUfj" KoJlt. A.IIU t!:Cuss .

The al ....·" iJ wohl" larUy CI>IIlrib ..,f'd I~

Ihi. ,I"" . " illl"d . t;"'1 W."" MOflk r ' D I•n:t l. wtw h... "" en .....,d " f t; ,.d ", allY lillIe,,, hcll'lh in hV\l.b ,,( ,, ~tr"\I., i. y. ""h'"h "" ' }nU":h "" cuu., al: ed IP in Ill•." ,if" u( faith.

:;l 'e Ila. "'''1 IJ~ "ea r "n e hUll.I", ,1,j"lI ar_ i""''' II''y It' inl"" ·" l' . " ,,,,,, """ we,,, le,110 ""Ill", ,,n,,e ,Id, wurlo; ,,, ',, ~"n r~ nl::0...... M.1I:..d v' hiug, bed \li" J:'a lld lUa u)' "l ) ,~ < It., , ' ul Itol il;k~

W" H" 1;1",11" 1I0lt the hlt>__in!li Go..1 jI~, ,, rin l: ,ulv II", . u" l "II ,",\~ . " "I) 1 h. r (..u hfu lt ,,,~ ,.

W.. "·,,1IJ<!1.'Tl:.'11)'..nj!»· a n.....,illl: " 'ilb 110d"a r II......I," r. a no.l" ill t b d ly " " '~~"'IC h"I" . " •n~ llw" :-oh" f .d . :-lIe , a " ",...1 Ib, 1::1,


in one

T h e Refiner ' s F I r e .

El even s ubscriptionscl ub for vue dollur,

" Het hut hnth pi ty upon th eP ' IUI: IClluc t]U llllO the Lvrd."

m ea ns s ufficien t to pay hertruusportation b.ythat t ime.

Br o J 3111CS J:I. Overs treet ofl ..iul e H ickm an Ky. h usbandof our heroic and faithf ul schoolteacher has come to JUInhiswi fe in the work her e.

H e S' l.YS he burn ed nil the TOb ridges behind him 80 therewill be no cnt iccmcn te for hisre tu rn. H e audh ia good wifenrc spend ing their tim e now int he distribu rion of litcra tu !ebibles school books etc .

Bro. w nhrow & Bro. l\JcG I'Il\Vare spe nd ing acme timeill e vangelistic work .

Dou't fai l to sub scribe furIlS..I Ill SOIl ' g Foxes."

J ' H ... I b) .. f1lr~'II,.. o l_ ,,- lo1.d "'LA. H . .. .. "' _ to,. lboo """ __ or ••

I.W e ......... II . lIenl i,h a "hl l>fl......A" H~ ~,ood " ADd _ ....

II" .n 11. h"" ".,.. 11"" "". Itl IWl.. I ,h. le.t .An~ H ' .u1'h<o..- . ....d ·

T.. II,..~I e tl 1.... 1"- ]0,.,,,.Iv 10. ". ":> ~ , .. "h." oI . pr .... \l.tll<»d.

So II . I. id (101•• " Id. I" ' h.oob I1~". 6, ••'11><>'.... 11>," ..'.....1" "" I<lIU'" " lOla,.."

A h' U " _l e"", 1 ,m.d , ,b lI~d 11..1 ..... 11.,\ . i ' ..,.1I&II" "d _..,ila "'~",

"" II Ih"I Old .r"or b~i.l" .r . "d , "' .., . bd . h l.II.., 0'" "I va " ·..f .. ,'IJ ..II", w ith , " ...

w" ....w hll' II' " Hr - I"" Iha ~h_, ,,r'. h."d,Ar" 1 '111"...1"" ".1 with IIn.lio". (... ...

" ", ("" ROI,I "" .." I '''''It..r lelIC' . 1......A. i, ..lIn ~·d . ~tlr.... bu,· .

"l '.. .., wn, o·e. ' h lu ... ' bu' ..,., .. b,. " ..W" ... loolt ..I l""' lf.t. ... lo..e.

C. " _ , bln~ ,Ira' h plou_ 1I;' 1o,'ill • • " .Ttl """k "a. _I' . poJ,, ?

A h: DO. tn" U e ... ... oj" .. ' ,he " . ..... 1 ,lrou.1110 bl~ ... "", ,,,,, I c:;Ja.

So ~I ••• 1'.' Ihe. " .,,, . a •• ' d ,' . I "y...\\ i<ll . Iu,.U>..oC, _ ..

" , d I l ia aoId dl.l _ , b" _ . he a l............. ... .... N Iv ~.. i' 10".' • •

A W iSt! Deci s Ion ,

7I1:l{l u I IT yol.."g man uf " '"a hh nnd~.~ia. I' ,~i llu " , h\lt wi' lll 'ad lUI,tub ' ",,,c IIllyaA,, 1l II YUllu,: ..."",a ll ' v I", h, ~ ""I'".

)I ~r n".w ". "~" ~ h ar l' and tl"""'''tl; ..\'<.,,,u y I h.I\''' 'l ""lili " . }'U" ...i. h ,n II,,, "'oma n..." " iii 10 be yvu r " 'ife, I I",,) ~ nol n~ lu Ih:U,h \l.t th "re Are halil s I do nul ha ve, lind I cnn·n,,1 acc"!,t a h uau and " '00 hu Ihe m. I d l) not.m .'1I' . " "f ,.\'...... n" . In h lj: e in ... I a m, . ~. ~.. .I ... 1 ,1. a ' . '1", ·,,1 " ': .I.l~ ' ill "II"

Page 4: Samson’s Foxes published by Rev. A.J. Tomlinson in · ••S.\~i ~O~8 l'0XE~• go\'erne35. 11:,1\' Ii:l\ C send books

•4. S:\:-'ISON'S FOXE · .


Ql7D Si )r\ GS- -O F- -

LOVBl JOYaDdGladnBss,

I f I could hcur prll,\'i n!l ror me int be I l e :r. ~ room . I ""rllllcl no t ftlllr a.mutton Ore.n~lIlil'Il, Y.·t t he llilltll l,cem" kes no riilf,' rell\ 'e: li e ill I'rllJi llg(t,r me - R uthe r f" r.!.

We eee ('ompi 1iul: II hook " f 3 00"Old Time Songs" Ihll\ 1 ·~ltd...lSt t.~ hl<llr t:>uf 111l_ \\ 1,. , j l' J ill the It" 'e••f t he Il ulJ ~ IKrlt Mild th e prlliiWof al" vic'l{ Lo rd, IIml rt ' lw h O;'Ii tlu t \ 0 theSolidof 11..\ ljiu/II'r li\;' lll "llUth i• .,. 11. 1111I" d ill ",,, muICII brea st, wl,il,;l. w... -x­l"' I ' ~ t -vhn ve (l" llIp ltl l ~, I Io}' JUII hi t.

\ \ ' .t Itr .· n " )' 'I UX' ,,",; I " )t tlt I II \ '111·1'l,;f , ItI., N. C. wll"re WI' ca ll ente r rhefitild " f IlIttt l" with our hTt~u I I ..,r ll thereIIml ttl th ,,\ clld we lU~ ke illI IHlvl\lI,·tlp r iL"tI of 01101)' H'i('c" t~ VII uur S'oII,IClklt .k (the ' '-'loI"ul. r JI'Ill,;I' will I~ :!5I;" " bi), !Iud C\'c r} ' ce"t will !.>.. aJ.lplid~

II l ilt:: lUll/Ill wl,i"' l is t tl pa)' I rllll ~ _

porI a1ill" d i ll : II' -os..r lot .p1;clf II" ,I fallOil)'lo;,'ca)' !'t·lllh,r 'Jf ::>atlllll" II'1l }o'ox ..~

ghoul ll $I' lld ill : 5 CO;'IIl 11r.)r Il lig " ""~

htlOk, 1" .1."...11' 11... 011~ h., WtI), IV." U •c,'"," III t ill'" ){rllut Iilliti e (" r eh., n).:'l.t.

MtI.\· th,· a.." n l hlt..~ ." .t' '1 ' f'l:.'aU.'r "i't hlll plllJt!r Ilid UpC\I t h• lectin 10 th il!~ uot.l w"rk .

I f )" '11htl\'e a",.,,, ,,, "0 1,1t illl+'~mJl"

t hlt: J Ou w"lIld lik~ t.. 1111\'" ill 11,jlJNIl"I" t:.. lte ",lillil u f IIIUon: I'tlllli it 10us at (lUi · .

A ,I.!r" all or ,leTll for Ih is U.,ok Il~

J M i. H· .EADS.ROller-ville Mo .

PE T ANIMALS. an imals will come where th e,'•are not afraid of being hur t .

I t hag someti mes been nr eu- Th u red sq uir rel can he coax. Br w. D. ML'GUW.... O Uf h!lMed for is prupertmna l toed that th e keeping of pot ani - ed to come from hi s hole and oar love for God.male is one way to develop the eat corn from the band of a T he more GOfl.lik e 'life become, t he

humane instinct s of people in human being. and birds of all mureualr ed wewill u,u'e fur eiu and)U\ 'C for t he si nner.

ge nera l. Li ke other pr actices, kinds are eas ily tamed in thehowe ver , th is one is z ood on ly same W3Y. One who has once A f;lul l. finde r i~ never flf't'p l)" sp iro

~ it ual, K.! fa u ltftndi ng ill dctr imel1talwhen it is not ab used, as it fre enj oyed the deligh t of winning to spi rit.u:aIiI.J .

q uentl y is. Wh en one eona id- t ho confidence oft hc wood-folk O ne or tl. e J!"reat cllt nh!tt acle ll 10e rs th e num ber of miser abl e will nev er ag ai n wish to keep th e prng rells of Ch ris t ia nity. If nutI I th e gr~:l.tcst. is <:01.1 cr it ic isms anditt C beast s yearl y t rapped , an)' of th em in a c age. f:l.uh ...fiml ingil :l.mul1g chrl~ ti tl lill.

Cl\)tuI'OOand bred in cage. for T he auim nl which is bred P erf ect II)\'e hi th e be llt enrldotcth o amu sement of mankind . it for th e purp 0!i!e of dcmeatiea- fur II ruu l ~. li ll , lillg d i"'positil)n. Ch :' ri_

StlCIIl 3 1\ 3 if SI,)1I16 better met h- tion , lik e the lap-d og, th e P er - t .l' (L. tn~) e hnl l uever the lUultit ud tlor !li1l8.- l'uu lt s ,0,1of umuaement migh t be de- siun eat, the whit e mouse, orvised . th e canary, is usual y infe r ior

Ot' course. there a re people in inteligeuce to th e wild ani­who make friends.and ccm pan- mul, for the \'er y g(.KX1reasonions of thei r pete . und alth oug h th at it does not need AS m uch.nobodv CUll b s absolut ely eel'. brains to befed, petted und p utt:~i ll ::OOULnnimul psyc hology, to sleep as to g et ones hvin g if!it 11\:1\' be that th e do.r horse th e mid st of a thr ong Of CIlCIll -. e' ~

or bl rd d 'r ives :111 am ount of lee. T her e a re two WII ) !:!, bow.pleasur e fr otu con tact with the ever. ill which th e keep ing ofs uperio r 1I11nd which more the e anim als can be mad et han repays th e 1085of freed om I'cilly beniflcial to children uudIII the ease Ill' 1\ highly bred adult s: one making <''\II U­

d ,.g , II' euddle-horse it is ulmost puninns of them, rleveh'ping 1111certain that thi s is 80. "BuL the iut elig ence they huve, lint!t hese ure in thoruiiun-ity when the other is by chuusillg pete ofth o whole numb er nf thuue ati- II Sort whose iut eligenee ie ttl.outed :ll Ji 1l18b is considered . ready conaide ru ble. Chi ld ren

I u th e ti l'at place, it is CCl' t - ~h t;u l d be ellcou nlgC'd to benillly c l'ueh.)' 10 ta ke tl wil l i killd to thei l' pet sllu d to mak ('CrL'al..ul'e out Ill' ils Iltltul"lll CIl\-i- fricllds wilh them alill thi s CUll·

1', '111(' 111 :tIll! !l !tIL'C i t i ll a cu"e nuLbe liHue ulliess th e re is ill-ow h t-I'u it ~11 1 !all\' e litt le exer_ te ligelloo un the other sid e . Ifcillt", 110 IlI:t t un .1 L'OlIIp.lIIiVIIlSbip the C\lll\fl.lrt ll ll () well bei IIg of i111:lIltlufteu IIUl:luilitbl e food. It alllll111 li~ s llulieol it will beguudi.i ell ti n~ l.'" pl)~s i b le fur pt"lIple for th e 1I11l:stcr uS wdl tI ! th eli \· in~ i ll :1 C(lu lll r y tUWIl III' pe t .fllr a ltr ui:!IIl g t'IIC l'lal,\' wur k8

village til hlllle gq ui'ne l;; bil'tls in th;tL W:tYI bUL Cl.ll ll1l1r willnlld uliler wiltl thillga without compe l mus L p~I I , le 1I.1lld lllilill t he ' le;ls l i, llt'! 'fe l'illg with th :t l 11Ilt hi llg Ilf t.he kind is u~u ·

, hei .. fn-edolll, i f tbt'.'" chuse 10 1111)' llllllC.lI Se ;l li ttl e I),ltience :\Jost wi ld . ( N"' '' :- lh " thu T,?m li n~1t j . "ot r"_I)On·, ." f"r Ille :.l>.... : :.. ud ". ) :.~. II . £:t,b .)