Sample_MBA_Employee Recession

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    Business Research Lavanya.E (10036022)








    AUSM70 Business Research Proposal


    STUDENT NAME : Lavanya D/O Elavarasan

    STUDENT ID NUMBER : 10036022

    LECTURER : Lakshmi Thambiayya

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    Business Research Lavanya.E (10036022)

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    Business Research Lavanya.E (10036022)

    Declaration of originality

    This is to certify that the work is entirely my own and not of any other person, unless

    explicitly acknowledged (including citation of published and unpublished sources).

    The work has not previously been submitted in any form to the Coventry University

    or to any other institution for assessment for any other purpose.

    Signed _________________________________________________

    Date ___________________________________________________

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    Business Research Lavanya.E (10036022)


    Recession and Innovation are something that is interdependent on each other.

    Recession is the key for innovation in certain fields of business environment. As and

    when the global business or global market develops or changes we need to update

    our business by using our innovative ideas with the previous down turns in the field.

    Each and every failure or downfall makes us to remodel the existing proposal or

    develop a new idea in the field of business. In this research it is more about the

    Singapore economy and the challenges faced during recession. The focus is on the

    employment issues and the difficulties undergone during recession. Unemployment

    is the major concern for any economy since it affects the GDP of the entire country

    which indirectly affects the countries development and growth. In the research we

    will provide the innovative ideas to increase the employment rate in Singapore


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    Business Research Lavanya.E (10036022)

    Word Count

    Number of Pages: 24

    Number of Words: 4777

    - Exclude cover page

    - Exclude Reference list

    - Exclude abstraction

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    Business Research Lavanya.E (10036022)

    Table of Contents

    CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................. 8

    INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 8

    1.1: Study Background ............................................................................................. 8

    1.2: Study Area ......................................................................................................... 8

    1.3: Research Structure .............................................................................................9

    1.4: Aim and Objectives ........................................................................................... 9

    CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................... 11

    LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................... 11

    2.1: Introduction ......................................................................................................11

    2.2: Recession and Unemployment ........................................................................11

    2.3. Need for Innovation ........................................................................................ 12

    2.4. Singapore Economy at Recession .................................................................... 12

    2.5 Innovative ideas to rise the employment rate .................................................. 14

    CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................... 15

    RESEARCH METHODS AND METHODOLOGY ................................................. 153.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 15

    3.2 Research Design ................................................................................................15

    3.3 Data Used .......................................................................................................... 17

    3.4 Data Collection Methodology ........................................................................... 18

    3.5 Sampling Techniques ........................................................................................ 21

    3.6 Research Ethics ................................................................................................. 21

    CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................... 23

    REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 24

    Kyodo 2001, Singapore economy in technical recession, Asian Economic News,

    16th July ..................................................................................................................... 24

    viewed 11th August 2010,.......................................................................................... 24 ... ... .. 24

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    Business Research Lavanya.E (10036022)

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    Business Research Lavanya.E (10036022)



    1.1: Study Background

    The Singapore economy is under a serious problem due to recession in the recent years.

    The GDP growth of the country is falling down sharply because of depression in the

    global market. Now it is slowly recovering from this crisis but gradual increase in

    unemployment rate is the major issue caused due to this recession till date. According to

    the Ministry of Manpower the overall percentage of the unemployment rate in the year

    2007 was 2.1% and for the residents it was 3.0% which was increased 3.3% for the

    overall and 4.8% in 2009. Now currently it is reducing at a slow rate and it is 2.2%

    overall and 3.2% for residents. But still for a developed and small nation like Singapore

    the employment rate is still less compared to other countries in the world. Innovative

    ideas are required for the development of job opportunities in the economy for the

    welfare of the individuals. In this research the innovative ideas to improve the

    employment rate is explained in detail. The purpose of the research is to maintain the

    standard of living and develop the employment standards during recession by innovative


    1.2: Study Area

    Singapore is a beautiful, pleasant and a safe place for any race or any people to live.

    Under the British trading colony Singapore was found in 1918, which joined the

    Malaysian Federation in the year 1963 and it achieved independence in 1965(Central

    Intelligent Agency(CIA) 2010). The land area of this nation is 710.2 km2 with varied

    kinds of folks from different parts of Asia. Economy of Singapore is one of the most

    open and friendly market. It is the corruption-free economy in the world. Export and

    import of goods and services is very Business friendly. Singapore is well known as the

    worlds top logistics hub by the World Bank (Strait Times, 2007). It has a common

    GST system of about 7% for all the goods and services (Channel News Asia, 2007). The

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    government has a system known as GST refund where the foreigners can refund the GST

    paid during their purchase of goods and services. This provides a globalised market

    economy which indirectly increases the income of the country which is used for the

    development and welfare. It maintains a friendly relationship with 175 countries in the

    world (Ministry of foreign affairs 2007). Population of Singapore is around 4.99 million

    in the year 2009 out of which 3.2 million are only the Singaporeans and the permanent

    residents of Singapore the rest are the foreigners from different parts of the world

    (Singapore Statistic 2009). Tourism is one of the most contributing sectors in Singapore.

    Most of the tourist are attracted to the integrated resorts which has gambling and

    recreation centres( Ministry of Trade and Industry 2005).One of the most famous tourist

    attractions is the food festival which occurs in the month of July every year.

    1.3: Research Structure

    The main idea for the research is that is the economic condition of Singapore should not

    be affected due to the reason of down turn and the problem of unemployment. So the

    study concentrates on the enhancement of the nation welfare during the depression. The

    development of the unemployment issue has to be seriously considered because it will

    affect the standard of living and demoralise the life of the citizens. This also affects the

    GDP growth of Singapore. So innovation plays a vital role in the progress and

    standardisation of economic conditions.

    1.4: Aim and Objectives

    Recession is one of major issues all over the world and its causes are very prominent in

    each and every part of the nation. It affects the nations welfare and economic structure.

    It is a day-to-day happening issue which needs prior importance for the development of

    any nation. So in this research we are going to concentrate more on the innovative ideas

    to increases the employment opportunities in the Singapore economy during the period of

    recession. The hypothesis of our research is an explanatory hypothesis

    We are going to research about this scenario with a few objectives like: to brief about the

    effects of recession, to brief about the effects of innovation before and after recession, to

    know about how the Singapore economy got/getting affected during recession, to discuss

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    the unemployment issues occurring during recession in Singapore, to provide the details

    on how the standard of living is affected during recession in Singapore, to brief about the

    demoralisation of social affairs during recession in Singapore, to identify and recommend

    innovative ideas to Singapore government with regards to recession and unemployment,

    to identify and advice the individuals on the steps needed to fight against the recession

    and unemployment in Singapore. We will be discussing on these objectives and provide

    with few recommendations that can be considered for the enrichment of the economy

    during and after recession.

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    2.1: Introduction

    The literature mainly focuses on the problems of recession and unemployment, secondly

    the need for innovation during and after recession in the nation, thirdly the Singapore

    economy getting affected in this situation and finally the innovative ideas that can be

    proven to minimize the unemployment during and after recession in this nation.

    2.2: Recession and Unemployment

    Recession means an economic down fall in the nations market environment. Recession

    has both positive and negative impact on a firm this depends on the firms angle of

    looking at it (Srinivasan, Rangaswamy & Lilien 2010). The global recession has occurred

    during 4 duration period from 1985 till date. Recession is considered as a problem is the

    first view of any firm or business organisation. Economic down turn is the most

    unbearable situation for any homeland in this world. The decline in the economy can be

    identified by the countries expenditure, savings of the government, the export and the

    reserves in the country. The depreciation not only affects the country that faces the

    economic decline but also the countries that are in relation with it in export and import.

    Once recession is being faced the first issue that happens is losing of jobs.

    Unemployment is the ratio of people who are not employed to the total number of people

    who are the working eligibility (International Labour Organisation 1982). Unemployment

    has an adverse effect on the standard of living of the citizens and it affects the life style of

    the people. This issue is very closely examined during this period because when the fall is

    very high the effects of the down fall will be massive. Overcoming such a situation takes

    much of time, which can be used for the welfare and development of the nation.

    Unemployment affects the GDP growth the nation. Since every country is evaluated by

    their GDP standard it plays a vital role for the developed countries especially. Recession

    and unemployment is one for the main and current issues all over the world. In the

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    following sections of the research we will discuss in depth about these issues related to

    Singapore economy.

    2.3. Need for Innovation

    Innovation has the term means it is new, creative and different. Any field need innovation

    in development and improvement of the firm since the technology and the world is

    changing day by day. Innovativeness is more on how the new thought is put into action

    within the budget of the firm or the economy. Creativeness is essential in this competitive

    world in that case the need for innovative ideas goes to heights during recession period of

    an economy. Innovation during recession is just an opportunity to improve the crisis in

    favour of us (Sami Mahroum 2008). These ideas need to be considered and implemented

    to maintain their economic position in the global market. Mainly the need is to develop

    the economic growth, to provide the competitive challenge to the co-companies in our

    area of business or trade. According to Ronald Jonash every company focuses on

    conserving their reserves and investments but the challenging innovators try new and

    they capture the current market which indirectly helps them to shine in the future (2008).

    So the innovation should be improvement in the technology and not in the savings.

    During the period of recession we should be able to focus on the new aspects and make

    ourselves challenging for the future or the period after recession. If we focus on savings

    then the period after recession will be tough to manage so its better to sit back and think

    during the recession period for the improvement in technology and development of the

    firm in the global market.

    2.4. Singapore Economy at Recession

    Recession is like an epidemic for the entire world of industries and government. Till the

    year 1985 from independence Singapore had a drastic growth in the economic GDP rate,

    of up to 10.1% every year suddenly it stuck with recession and the GDP rate fell down to

    -1.7%(Rigg 1988). The recession was recovered by considering 3 main strategies; to

    encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, liberalisation of economy for enterprises and

    finally support self improvement without government interference (Loong 2003). The

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    standard of living, GDP level and the economic conditions was growing high and stable

    but this situation lasted only till 2001, where the 2nd recession banged the Singapore

    economy. 2001 was the period Singapore experienced a technical recession and the

    export sector has fallen down due to the slow-down in the US economy (Kyodo 2001).

    The economy faced enormous number of problems during this recession like trade and

    commerce issues, demoralisation of life, unemployment, drop in standard of living and

    break down in economic structure which all in turn affected the GDP growth of the

    country. Export is the main source of economic growth but it was affected since the

    recession was stuck globally which indirectly forced the other countries to reduce their

    import of goods. But Singapore imports huge amount of goods and services which

    affected the countrys GDP growth. Since the recession was technically based, the

    workers with inefficient technical knowledge lost their jobs which increased

    unemployment rate. The number of abortions has increased because of the unemployment

    rate. According to the Ministry of Health (2010) the fertility rate of the country is

    decreasing from 1.24% in 2003 to 1.09% in 2009. This statistics provides us a brief idea

    about the unemployment rate in Singapore:

    Table 1: Unemployment rate, from 2003 to 2010 (CIA 2010).

    The unemployment was very high during 2001 to 2004 period but it slightly decreased by

    few percentage but there is not drastic change in this situation. This unemployment issue

    has to be minimised, to increase the standard of living and to stabilise the economic


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    2.5 Innovative ideas to rise the employment rate

    The growth in employment rate will be the best and first solution necessary for the

    Singapore economy during and after recession. So far Singapore government has

    provided with so many schemes to improve the employment opportunities like theBOOST, BUILD, PREP-UP, SPUR and YES!. These schemes provided a huge

    amount of money for the small and medium sized enterprises, Tourism sector, On-job

    training for the freshers and re-training for the employees with the new advancements in

    technology and finally provided funds for the younger generation for innovative

    business(Murdoch 2009). The government should try to improvise in the industrial

    structure and manufacturing sector it should encourage in development of companies like

    making small machine parts which are imported for the machinery and exported all over

    the world which in turn reduces the import of goods and services expenses. Government

    should try to encourage new innovative ideas like signing treaties with the certain world

    group to reduce taxes during import of goods in the trade and commerce. As individuals

    we should be technologically very sound and active in the latest trends in the world.

    During recession we should take that as an opportunity to upgrade our technological skill

    and use the period thinking the innovative ideas with the trend. We as individuals should

    make the best use of the government incentives for the development of the economic

    conditions instead of saving it in Banks.

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    3.1 Introduction

    The research is done to know the issues of unemployment during recession and the

    innovation to be done during this period in Singapore. In this section we are going to

    discuss on the research methodology, research design, data going to be used, the ethical

    issues and the trustworthiness of this research proposal. The research topic is the current

    and the day to day occurring issue in the world so it is comes under the Realism research

    strategy. Realism means the reality that is different from our descriptions or perspectives.

    But the research is both social constructive and positivistic since it has the attributes ofboth the research philosophy. The research hypothesis of our proposal is Explanatory

    Hypothesis. We use deductive approach to proceed with our research. For collection of

    data we use Surveys and ethnography techniques. Lets see in detail about each and every

    sub sections in this section of research methodology.

    3.2 Research Design

    Our research proposal hypothesis is an explanatory hypothesis since it explains in detail

    about the causes of recession, the unemployment issues during recession in Singapore and

    the need for innovation in regards to these issues. As we said before we are using both

    constructive and positivistic research philosophy. It is because the research topic is

    objective, humanistic and interpretative. So we can also say that we use both Quantitative

    and Qualitative research paradigm. Quantitative in sense our topic is objective i.e., we

    focus on the research objectives to develop our proposal. Qualitative in sense we interpret

    certain ideas or method to make the employment standards during recession to improve

    and also it is humanistic since it pertains to ideas and views of the public, entrepreneurs,

    social workers and the government. The research approach used for the research proposal

    is deductive approach. This means a specific data obtained from a general theory and this

    leads to the predictions on the research. Deductive is also known as theory-testing or

    top-down approach.

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    Deductive approach undergoes the below shown series of steps to complete the research.

    Figure1: Inductive and Deductive Thinking 2006

    We have chosen deductive approach because:

    The research topic is narrowed down to more specific from a general concept.

    We have got a clear understanding of the problem.

    We are focussing on the particular issues of recession i.e., the unemployment and

    the focus are narrowed to a specific region.

    This approach is time-saving since it uses a little time in solving the problem.

    Research Philosophies used in our proposal are:

    Ontology: Objective and Plural.

    Epistemology: As a researcher I am independent.

    Methodology: Deductive, Understanding and Reliable.

    Research Strategies used in the development of the research proposal are Surveys and

    Ethnography techniques. Survey is research method which involves questionnaires, and

    statistical surveys to get to know the details about the behaviour, views and thoughts

    about the people (Wikipedia, 2010). We use this strategy since our research needs

    statistical datas about the employment rate, recession downfall datas and the

    unemployment statistics. These surveys are conducted to know the effect of recession in

    Singapore from the citizens and the business entrepreneurs. We also have to the

    employment rate from the government perspectives and the steps taken to improve it. We

    also use ethnography strategy in our research which means that a descriptive account of

    social life and culture in a particular social system based on detailed observations of what

    people actually do" (Johnson, 2000). This strategy uses participant observation,

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    interviews, questionnaires and online studies on internet. We are planned to use this

    strategy since we have to know the participants reaction on recession, unemployment

    issue and the innovative ideas provided by us in this research. We have to know about the

    public, government and the entrepreneurs views about the need for innovation during the

    recession. We have to conduct face-to-face or telephony interviews to know about the

    innovative ideas and the steps taken to improve unemployment rate during recession in

    Singapore. We have to know the government reaction for our innovative ideas also so we

    have to have personal interviews with the government officials. Since our research is

    based on the statistics and studies so there is a need for us to use internet information for

    those details.

    In our research proposal we are focussing on a particular section of the world to justify

    our research. So our research is cross-sectional time horizon which means that it is a

    study of an individual or a group of the world (notes). The time zone or the group which

    we are focussing is Singapore. Our research is based on Singapores position during the

    recession and the unemployment issues in this time horizon.

    3.3 Data Used

    Datas are essential requirements for all the researches that are done related to any stream

    or discussion. Data is referred as a cluster of information that characterizes the qualitative

    and quantitative features of a set of variables (Wikipedia, 2010). In research we usually

    use two types of datas they are primary and secondary data.

    Primary Data: These are informations collected from the source directly by

    interviews, surveys and observations (Americas Byways Resource Center, 2010).

    Secondary Data: These are informations collected from the government agencies,

    reports, organizational records and data and published materials like magazines, journals,

    newspapers, etc., (Americas Byways Resource Center, 2010).

    In our research proposal we are using both primary and secondary datas for justification

    of our research hypothesis. We use primary datas since:

    We need to know the issues of recession from the publics side.

    We have to understand the entrepreneurs problems and the employees issues in

    Singapore during recession.

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    We have to understand the standard of living issues during recession in Singapore.

    We need to know the publics reaction, government views and the entrepreneurs

    ideas on the innovative thoughts provided in this research by us.

    We should have a complete knowledge about the economic conditions from the

    government officials.

    To collect all these necessary informations we conduct surveys, face-to-face interviews

    and telephony interviews.

    The secondary datas also play a vital role in the research since:

    We need government statistical datas, reports and informations about the

    employment and unemployment rate in Singapore.

    We need have complete study of the recession occurred in Singapore and about

    the issues faced during it.

    We should know the innovative ideas already implemented to improve the

    recession so that it will be helpful for us to give new and better ideas.

    We should have brief idea on the impact of unemployment issues on the public in


    To collect the above mentioned details we need to read government reports, surveys

    conducted by other organisations, internet datas, journals, magazines and other

    government publications.

    3.4 Data Collection Methodology

    In the previous subsection we discussed about the various datas to be used and a short

    note on how it has to be collected. Let us elaborate on the data collection techniques in

    this subsection. The method of collecting various interests and views according to the test

    hypothesis and the research questions systematically is known as data collection. As

    already discussed for collecting the datas we require surveys and ethnography


    The first and efficient method of collecting data is collection of existing informations.

    There are enormous amount datas available that are analysed or published by scholars,

    journalists, the other researchers or the government organisations. In our research we

    require Singapores employment rate, unemployment rate and the various issues faced by

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    the people in the period of recession these informations are generally available by the

    government reports, articles in journals and magazines, in day to day newspaper, etc.,.

    Hence here we use the method of existing data collection i.e., the secondary datas. Such

    method of data collection has both benefits and drawbacks. Some of the benefits are it is

    quick, easy to collect, cost effective, since they lots of datas available we can find the

    collect reliable datas and it will be useful to cross check with the primary datas

    collected. Some of the challenges are it might not be accurate, available and suitable for

    our research.

    Once we have collected the secondary datas that are useful and helpful for our research

    we move into the collection of primary datas which is more sound then the secondary

    data. Collection of secondary data is the most important and more relevant method for

    any research. In our research we reply peoples views and issue faced by them during the

    recession and the unemployment issues. We have to also know about the governments

    measures and issues during this period in Singapore. Finally we have to know the

    business firms and entrepreneurs thoughts and their position during the recession period.

    To collect all the above informations we use surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephony

    interviews and questionnaires.

    Conducting surveys and questionnaires cannot be done in any haphazard manner. The

    surveys must be conducted in the right with the right group of people necessary for the

    research. The questions prepared for the surveys must not be too long, time consuming,

    offensive, etc. The queries must be clear and straight forward i.e. the participants

    interpretations and as researchers our interpretations must be same or at least similar.

    Misinterpretations might lead to wrong datas which indeed leads to time consuming for

    us as researchers. The questions formed for the collecting the datas in this research

    considers the following features:

    Whether the questions asked can be answered without a second thought in the


    Whether it is easy for all the participants?

    Whether the questions are insensitive and within the bond of ethics?

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    The surveys conducted must be on the right group of people those who have knowledge

    on the topic of research, those who can respond to the questions in the right way i.e. in the

    right perspective.

    Same as surveys interviews are also very important and we should be very careful in

    speaking to people in person or through telephone. The interviews can be used to both the

    literates and the illiterates; it also permits the clearing up questions if the participant is not

    clear with questions; the number response to these questionnaires are more compared to

    that of the written surveys. We can adverse idea about the datas required for the research.

    In our research we are planning to collect facts from the government employees who

    work in the employment sector of Singapore i.e. the Ministry of Manpower. They may

    provide us with the right statics about the employment and unemployment rates and the

    issues faced during recession. Before interviewing we are supposed to get the concerned

    permission from the employees by getting letter from our university to approve for our

    research. We should also interview the public who are affected directly by these recession

    problem and the companies and firms higher officials so that we will get a clear idea

    about the details of the recession problems and issues in Singapore. For the interview as a

    researcher we should be clear on the questions and the explanations which we are

    focussing upon. Since our interviews are going to be personal we have to be well

    prepared to ask the queries and collect datas. We have set the interview such that the

    participants are convenient and free from the official and personal work. We should never

    miss the appointment even to us for interviewing the people. Our questions should never

    be too personal, too offensive or irrelevant to the research. When having a telephone

    interview even though we fix a prior appointment before starting we should make clear

    that they can participant in the interview, they are in a place where there is proper signal

    and even we should be in a location with minimum noise and good network. We should

    be pleasant, soft, calm and kind hearted when taking an interview since they utilise their

    precious time for the purpose of our research.

    These are methodologies we have planned to collect the datas necessary for our research.

    As the norms and ethics of research these methods will be enforced to make the research


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    3.5 Sampling Techniques

    Sampling is the technique for selecting several study components from a defined group of

    population and achieving more accuracy. Practically collecting data from everyone in

    Singapore is not possible due to the time constraint and other factors so we select aspecific group of study unit and draw an overall report from the selected group. This

    cannot be done has we wish the selected people should be in such a way they have

    knowledge about our research topic in general. From a specific group of people we select

    two or three people and depending on their datas provided we need to conclude with a

    proper statistics and evidences to support our research. The sampling technique adopted

    for our research is random sampling and snowball sampling.

    Random sampling is nothing but selecting a specific people in random and with their

    views providing an accurate data. It is a probability based sampling techniques which

    provides statistics and accurate informations. Since we planned to conduct interviews the

    selecting a people randomly can be very useful for completely our research within the

    given time period.

    Snowball sampling is selecting evident datas from existing information to provide an

    overview of the future happenings. This is mainly done when we research about the

    employment, industrial research, etc. It is non-probability based sampling. In our research

    based on the available solutions for recession and unemployment we can provide a better

    solution for the future. Since we have planned to conduct interviews with the government

    officials and higher officials in firms we require this kind of sampling technique to

    support our research.

    3.6 Research Ethics

    Ethics is defined as A framework applying broad ethical principles to the responsible

    conduct of research and to the use of any outcomes resulting from research (University

    of Reading, n.d). There are several reasons for the need of research ethics by Resnik

    (2010) like:

    Promoting the aim of research.

    To promote the values that are required to do a collective work.

    To see whether the researches are liable to the public.

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    To ensures public support for the researchers.

    To promote ethical and social standards.

    There are certain ethical principles that have to be followed by each and every researcher

    like Honesty, Objectivity, Integrity, Carefulness, Openness, Respect for Intellectual

    Property, Confidentiality, Responsible Publication, Responsible Mentoring, Social

    Responsibility, Non- Discrimination, Competence, Legality and Human Subject

    Protection (Shamoo and Resnik, 2009).

    Ethical issues:

    A few ethical issues that are considered and adopted in our research are:

    Principle of Voluntary participation: The participants must be fully aware of the

    procedure and the norms in our research. After knowing all the things if the participants

    accept to take part in the research then such a participation is known as voluntary

    participation (William, 2006). The participants are not forced in our research.

    Principles on Confidentiality: The datas collected from the participants should be

    highly confidential. This states that the information collected are not known directly or

    indirectly to anyone who is not involved in the research. Since in this research has a

    single researcher the datas are maintained confidentially.

    Principle of Anonymity: This stated that the participants are not named or known

    to anyone expect the researcher. Since establishing this principle is very difficult

    generally but still in the research we try providing full guarantee to the participants since

    the research is done by single person.

    We should not change or vary the peoples views for our convenience.

    In our research the ethical issues are reviewed and monitored by the supervisors for

    the research proposal.

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    In our research we have discussed in detail about a current and ever occurring issue in

    any economy in this world, the employment issues and the problems faced during

    recession in Singapore. We have examined about employment issues and the problemscaused due to this issue. We have also put forward few suggestions to the government

    and the individuals. We have discussed the plans that we have decided to implement our

    research to existence. We have spoken about the datas to be collected and the

    methodology. The ethical factors of research are also important and essential factor which

    is discussed in our research. Unemployment is one of the major issues all over the world

    especially during recession. This issue has to be considered as a global issue and the

    needed decisions have to be taken by the government and the public to fight against these


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