SampleA p lite getting started

What can you do with authorPOINT Lite: Convert your PowerPoint file to Flash

Transcript of SampleA p lite getting started

What can you do with authorPOINT

Lite:Convert your

PowerPoint file to Flash

Convert your PowerPoint file to Flash

Import PowerPoint into aPLite

Select single or multiple PowerPoint files to Import

Click on Import Now

Import in ProgressCongratulations! Your Presentations have been successfully converted

You can see Thumbnails for imported Presentations listed here

Slides for the selected Presentation are listed here

Customize your PowerPoint’s converted Flash Presentation

Change Slide Titles

Speaker notes for slides

Presentation Details here

Presenter’s Info from here

Change Audio, Narration and Template Settings from here

Save Presentation after making changesView Imported Presentation

How to Share your PowerPoint’s Flash Presentation

Upload and Share online through authorSTREAM Share as a Web-Link Distribute it via IPOD Embed in blogs Upload as a video on YouTube

Upload through FTP to your own website Burn to CD/DVD and distribute

Share your Presentations through authorSTREAM

Select Presentations which you want to Upload and Share

Start UploadSign in to your authorSTREAM account

Expand to enter the email addresses of your contacts to share PowerPoint with them

Upload to extend your PowerPoint to web and to share it online

Presentations are being uploaded

Presentations uploaded successfully!Click here to watch them on authorSTREAM.

Upload through FTP to your own Website

Output location for the selected presentation, which you want to upload is displayed here

Open this output folder on your desktopindex.html is the launch file for the presentation

Zip the folder and upload it to the FTP Server

Or upload these files individually on FTP Server to share your PowerPoint

Burn on CD/DVD and distribute your Presentation

Burn these files and folders to CD or DVD to distribute the Presentation

Make Index file as the Launch File