Sample Pillars - LHA



Sample pillars

Transcript of Sample Pillars - LHA

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TASK 01: Offer A Warm Welcome/Smile ..................................................................................................... 2

TASK 02: Make Every Moment And Final Impression Memorable .............................................................. 3

TASK 03: Saying "I Do Not Know" Is Not An Option/Own Each Guest Request/Deliver Timely Service ..... 5

TASK 04: Be An Ambassador ...................................................................................................................... 8

TASK 05: Think Quality Everyday ................................................................................................................ 9

TASK 06: Communicate Professionally/Practice Phone Ettiquette ............................................................ 10

TASK 07: Project Perfect Grooming At All Times ...................................................................................... 12

TASK 08: Demonstrate Teamwork With Internal Customers ..................................................................... 14

TASK 09: Protect Our Physical Assets/Provide An Immaculate, Safe Environment .................................. 16

TASK 10: Provide Clear Directions ............................................................................................................ 18

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TASK 01: Offer A Warm Welcome/Smile

PROCEDURE STANDARD Acknowledge all guests (internal-external)

enthusiastically approaching within 10 feet. Provide a warm greeting, offering both a salutation and assistance. Use guest name when known. Example: Good Morning/Afternoon/ Evening Mr. _____, How may I assist you? 1) If a guest approaches while you are busy

with administrative or other work not involving a guest, stop what you are doing and assist the guest, never ignore him/her.

2) If you are busy on the telephone or assisting another guest, excuse yourself to the party and introduce the guest you will be with him/her momentarily. Example: Good Morning/Afternoon/ Evening, I will be with you momentarily.

3) Assist any guest before helping employees.

Personalize your service to each guest: 1) Identify type of guest in front of you and

possible needs. 2) Ask for and use guest's name whenever

possible. 3) Offer your name.

Example: Mr. _____, My name is _______, If I may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask. Have a great day.

4) Ask non-threatening questions whenever appropriate.

Practice a sincere smile and use eye contact

when communicating with a guest.

Smile with your eyes and your mouth.

Always speak first & last.

Always practice “Thank you, you are welcome and please” in any interaction.

All guests will be politely and courteously greeted with a smile.

Guest names will be used as much as possible.

Guest should not be acknowledged by first

name, instead addressed by title and surname (Mr., Mrs., Dr.)

Guest is never ignored.

Eye contact should be established with all

approaching guests.

All guests will be attended to before employees.

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TASK 02: Make Every Moment And Final Impression Memorable

PROCEDURE STANDARD Understand the promises already made to each

guest and the importance of keeping those promises.

Back our promises up timely actions.

Maintain a guest history with the following

examples of how will this be accomplished: 1) Preferred table 2) Preferred Food/Beverage 3) Allergies 4) Preferred room 5) Preferred time for room cleaning 6) Favorite newspaper 7) 8) 9)

Listen carefully to every request by:

1) Keeping eye contact 2) Not allowing interruptions 3) Nodding to acknowledge understanding

Understand the impact of guest perception

during service. 1) Be aware of body language. 2) Ask questions to clarify.

Personalize the interaction by utilizing the guest

name three times during the interaction. 1) During the greeting

Example: Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Mr. _____

2) In the middle of the conversation Example: Mr. ______, We can certainly do that for you.

3) During the goodbye Example: Thank you Mr. ____, Have a great day.

4) Acknowledge their answer Example: You are welcome

All promises made by advertisement, other departments or individuals are identified and fulfilled to ensure guest satisfaction.

Every guest history is updated as soon as

possible for future references by other staff members.

All guests are thanked and invited back.

Customer service is perceived positively by


All hospitality words/phrases are practiced during every interaction.

Guest name use must be sincere not forced or


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TASK 02: Make Every Moment And Final Impression Memorable

PROCEDURE STANDARD Always exercise the three most important

points during the guest departure: 1) Thank them for the support

Example: Thank you Mr. ____ for staying with us.

2) Wish them well in the future Example: Safe travels

3) Invite them to come back Example: I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.

4) Acknowledge their answer Example: You are welcome

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TASK 03: Saying "I Do Not Know" Is Not An Option/Own Each Guest Request/ Deliver Timely Service

PROCEDURE STANDARD Avoid saying “I do not know”.

Example: “That is a good question; Allow me a moment to find out the information” If you can not satisfy a request, offer an alternative. Example: “We are unable to refund your money, but we can replace the product at no charge”

Get back to the guest with the correct

information within the committed timeframe. If the guest is not able to wait, request a location where he/she could be contacted. Example: Mr. ___, It will take me 15 minutes to find the information for you. Would you like to wait or how would you prefer I contact you? Acknowledge their answer Example: Thank you


1) Happily take the guest’s request (own each request). Example: Mr. ______, I will be happy to help you with that

2) Listen carefully for the instructions. Eye contact, no interruptions, nodding.

3) Provide an accurate & realistic time for the request to be achieve. Example: Mr. _____, We will deliver the extra pillows in 15 minutes or less.

4) Provide a second and a third option if the original request can not be satisfied.

5) Assure them, It will be done. Example: Mr. _____, I will personally make sure your request is expedited accurately.

6) Fulfill each request quickly, show a sense of urgency.

7) Communicate the request to the appropriate person/dept when necessary.

Never say “NO” options and alternatives are offered every time.

All guests will be contacted with an answer or an

update within 15 minutes.

All promised times for delivery requests are kept or the guest is advised it the request will require additional time.

All guest requests are followed up on to ensure


Sincerity will be displayed through the tone of voice when communicating with a guest.

All complaints addressed & handled in a timely

and effective matter.

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TASK 03: Saying "I Do Not Know" Is Not An Option/Own Each Guest Request/ Deliver Timely Service

PROCEDURE STANDARD 8) Follow up on every request to ensure

satisfaction if a third person must be involved. Example: Mr. ______, I have been informed that your pillows were just delivered. Is there anything else I may help you with this afternoon?

9) Understand how much each guest request is worth to the Company, Department & Staff.

Control the speed, tone and volume of your

voice when speaking to a guest.

Project a sincere tone of voice.


a) Stop what you are doing if you are not assisting another guest. If assisting another guest, acknowledge the guest with the complaint and indicate you will be with the guest momentarily.

b) Make eye contact; switch off all other thoughts

c) Do not interrupt d) Do not smile (only time) e) Do not agree/disagree f) Do not blame others g) Listen carefully h) Take notes

2) Thank the guest a) For bringing the situation to your

attention 3) Apologize

a) Do not admit any wrong doing 4) Agree on a course of action

a) Do not ask “What would you like?” b) Do not offer things for free c) Do not make promises you can not


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TASK 03: Saying "I Do Not Know" Is Not An Option/Own Each Guest Request/ Deliver Timely Service


a) Keep your promise 6) Report To Supervisor

a) Keep him/her informed 7) Follow Up

a) With department you passed it on to b) With the customer

Think before you speak and turn every

answer into a positive response.

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TASK 06: Communicate Professionally/ Practice Phone Etiquette


Practice positive non verbal, verbal, inflections and impressions. 1) Smile 2) Maintain eye contact 3) Maintain proper posture 4) Practice open gesture 5) Maintain a professional appearance

Actively listen to the guest needs and keep

him/her informed in a language the guest can understand.

Utilize proper grammar and avoid slang or

terms such as, “OK, no problem, sure, hello”.

Write notes, ask specific questions, and repeat the information back when communicating with a guest.

Keep eye contact and exercise professional

body language.

Stop what you are doing every time a guest approaches and focus on communication.

Avoid terminology and industry jargon.


ANSWERING A CALL 1) When answering outside calls, Operator

will say: Example: "Good Morning/Afternoon/ Evening Hotel/Department, This is _________, How may I assist you?”

2) Acknowledge the guest’s answer. Example: Certainly

3) Exit outside calls with proper closing: Example: "Thank you Mr. ____, Have a great day."

Proper salutation and closing used with guest.

Phone answered within 3 rings.

Always use proper phone etiquette.

All calls placed on hold according to volume

coming through switchboard.

Always use guest name.

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TASK 06: Communicate Professionally/ Practice Phone Etiquette

PROCEDURE STANDARD a) Caller has asked for an individual

guest: Example: "I will connect you with guest name. Thank you, have a great day.”

4) If the caller has requested some assistance or information without specifying a department, from information given to you, determine the department: Example: "I will connect you with department name/manager’s name, who will be happy to assist you. Have a great day.

5) Acknowledge the guest’s answer. Example: You are welcome.


1) When it is necessary to place in-house calls on hold: Example: “Good Morning/Afternoon/ Evening Hotel/Department, This is ____, How may I assist you?”

2) Acknowledge the guest’s answer. Example: Certainly, May I place you on hold for a moment please?

3) Acknowledge answer. Example: Thank you

4) When checking back with caller: Example: Thank you Mr. ___ for holding. How may I assist you?”

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Offer a Warm Welcome/Smile



Q. How would it make you feel if you were staying in a hotel and

the employees did not smile or greet you when you passed by them?

Q. What would be your impression of that person? Q. What would be your impression of that hotel?


This is one of the Pillars™ Standards that we need to follow in order to make our guests feel welcome while staying or visiting the Hotel.

T (of task)



Today we will cover how to “Offer a Warm Welcome/Smile”. I will demonstrate and explain each step involved in this. I will be asking you questions as we go along and feel free to ask me questions at any time during our discussion. Afterwards, we will role play specific examples and situations for applying this core value standard in our department.


By the end of this session, you will be able to offer a warm welcome/smile according to standards of the Hotel.

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TASK 01: Offer A Warm Welcome/Smile


Acknowledge all guests (internal-external) enthusiastically approaching within 10 feet. Provide a warm greeting, offering both a salutation and assistance. Use guest name when known. Example: Good Morning/Afternoon/ Evening Mr. _____, How may I assist you?

Q. What should you do if you are busy with some work and a guest approaches you?

1) If a guest approaches while you are busy with administrative or other work not involving a guest, stop what you are doing and assist the guest, never ignore him/her.

Q. What should you do if you are on the phone

and a guest approaches you? 2) If you are busy on the telephone or assisting

another guest, excuse yourself to the party and introduce the guest you will be with him/her momentarily. Example: Good Morning/Afternoon/ Evening, I will be with you momentarily.

3) Assist any guest before helping employees. Personalize your service to each guest: Q. What are some ways you can personalize

your service to each guest? 1) Identify type of guest in front of you and

possible needs. 2) Ask for and use guest's name whenever

possible. 3) Offer your name.

Example: Mr. _____, My name is _______, If I may be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to ask. Have a great day.

4) Ask non-threatening questions whenever appropriate.

Q. How should all guests be greeted? All guests will be politely and courteously

greeted with a smile. Q. Where should we be looking when greeting

the guest? Eye contact should be established with all

approaching guests. Q. Why must we make eye contact with the

guests? Q. What should we use if we know it? Guest names will be used as much as possible. Guest should not be acknowledged by first

name, instead addressed by title and surname (Mr., Mrs., Dr.)

Guest is never ignored. All guests will be attended to before employees.

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TASK 01: Offer A Warm Welcome/Smile


Practice a sincere smile and use eye contact

when communicating with a guest. Q. Who should speak first in a conversation?

Why? Q. Who should speak last in a conversation?

Why? Always speak first & last. Always practice “Thank you, you are welcome

and please” in any interaction.

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TRAINING SESSION PLAN Offer a Warm Welcome/Smile

CONSOLIDATION We have now reviewed the steps involved in "Offer a Warm Welcome/Smile" Do you have any questions?

Q: How should we greet our guests? Q: What should we do if we are busy doing work and a guest walks up? Q: What should we use during the greeting if we know the guest? Q: Where should we be looking when talking to a guest? Q: Who should speak first in a conversation? Why? Q: Who should speak last in a conversation? Why?


1. Have the trainee role play as if they are assisting a guest on the phone (Have another employee be the guest on the phone).

2. Trainer approaches the front desk pretending to be a guest looking for assistance. 3. Monitor the following: a) Initial greeting while Trainee is on the phone with another guest. b) Greeting of guest after Trainee gets off the phone


Our next Pillars™ Standard to be trained is Problem Resolution.