Sample literature review

SAMPLE LITERATURE REVIEW Mgmt 430 MMMS 530 Research Paper on a Selected Aspect of Management This review has been made available with permission for learning purposes only. Do not quote. [email protected] Literature review Counting what Counts - Key Performance Indicators for Adult and Community Education Introduction How do you evaluate organisations if they do not measure what they do? This is the question faced by voluntary Adult and Community Education (ACE) organisations 1 . In order to “justify public expenditure”, education policy has become “increasingly driven by the need to measure outcomes” (Brindley, 2001, 138). In ACE providers, two major factors conspire to make the use of evaluation troublesome. The outcomes of ACE fall into two broad areas. Educational outcomes, such as the ability to speak English can be measured through extant tests 2 . But for some social outcomes, specific tests do not exist. Jackson offers an Australian perspective on Adult Migrant Education Programmes (AMEP), stating that 1 A group of education providers wholly or partly funded by the Tertiary Education Commission working in five ‘priority’ areas: targeting learners whose initial learning was not successful, raising foundation skills, encouraging lifelong learning, strengthening communities by meeting identified community learning needs, and strengthening social cohesion 2 The communicative competence test is one basis for measurement here (Savignon, 2000) SAMPLE LITERATURE REVIEW MGMT 430.MMMS 530 2006


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Mgmt 430 MMMS 530 Research Paper on a Selected Aspect of Management

This review has been made available with permission for learning

purposes only. Do not quote. [email protected]

Literature review

Counting what Counts - Key Performance Indicators for Adult and

Community Education


How do you evaluate organisations if they do not measure what they do?

This is the question faced by voluntary Adult and Community Education

(ACE) organisations1.

In order to “justify public expenditure”, education policy has become

“increasingly driven by the need to measure outcomes” (Brindley, 2001,

138). In ACE providers, two major factors conspire to make the use of

evaluation troublesome. The outcomes of ACE fall into two broad areas.

Educational outcomes, such as the ability to speak English can be

measured through extant tests2. But for some social outcomes, specific

tests do not exist. Jackson offers an Australian perspective on Adult

Migrant Education Programmes (AMEP), stating that “non-content

outcomes… [are] rarely a matter of serious debate, the recording of such

outcomes… [is] even viewed with suspicion” (1994, p. 59). Improved civic

engagement (for example the knowledge of how to access services such

as taking one’s children to the doctor) has repercussions in society and in

the next generation which ACE providers do not measure.

1 A group of education providers wholly or partly funded by the Tertiary Education Commission working in five ‘priority’ areas: targeting learners whose initial learning was not successful, raising foundation skills, encouraging lifelong learning, strengthening communities by meeting identified community learning needs, and strengthening social cohesion2 The communicative competence test is one basis for measurement here (Savignon, 2000)


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The already difficult challenge of developing the capability (suitable

processes, trained workforce) to measure these complex results is

exacerbated by the second factor. Volunteering. Many New Zealand

organisations facilitate willingness in communities to help their co-citizens

for no pay. This is made possible by a shared belief in the benefits of the

work (Zappalá, 2000, Derby 2001). So can the expense and voluntary time

of developing and implementing complicated evaluation procedures be

justified, in the context of low-budget3, high-value-added4 activities such

as voluntary community education?

What are the requirements of a set of key performance indicators (KPIs)

that meet the needs of voluntary ACE?

This paper will survey management and education management literature

for the characteristics of a set of KPIs suitable for voluntary ACE. This

paper does not attempt to recommend specific KPIs for ACE; rather it

unpacks the philosophical underpinnings of why KPIs have evolved and

why different KPIs are chosen in organisations. The movement towards

more balanced measures in management (Kaplan and Norton, 1992,

1996a, 1996b) is argued to be of increasingly more interest to the ACE

sector, although many specific evaluation tools are still inapplicable to the

case of volunteering. The service industry will warrant attention, as it

stands considerably closer in core business to education than industrial

models do. The Balanced Scorecard (ibid) already in use in some school

settings will also be reviewed.

This paper will argue that KPIs for voluntary ACE must strike the correct

balance between measuring financial and other management, and

evaluating outcomes for learners. I will propose that a set of KPIs must

focus on quality, not as a ‘determinant of outcomes’ (Ballantine and

Brignall 1994), but as an outcome in itself. The measures chosen should

be simple, and have an impact on members of the organisation suitable to 3 The entire ACE funding pool for New Zealand is $24.9million annually4 For a full discussion of the value added by volunteering, see the VAVA (Value Added by Voluntary Agencies) Report 2004, Price Waterhouse Coopers


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the realities of voluntary bodies. The work uncovers questions for further


The case for balanced measures in management

From the industrial age on, the way organisations rated performance was

to consult the bookkeeper. The bottom line summarised achievement

(Kaplan and Norton, 1992). As long as this was the case, theories of

management provided little possibility for cross application to measuring

in providers of ACE.

During the 19th century however, the ‘cooperative movement’ and ‘guild

socialism’ (Bonner, 1961) were forces not specifically driven by

organisational management practices, but that encapsulated ideas giving

rise to such organisations as the Workers Education Association, founded

in New Zealand in 1915 and still providing voluntary ACE today (The WEA,


But fundamental changes occurred.

Technology started developing at a rate that necessitated more and

ongoing investment into equipment. Globalisation required industries to

be more adaptable. Growing environmental concerns became the problem

of business, increasing pressure on corporations. Even customers had

changed (Neely, 1998).

So companies adapted. One reaction was to become ‘learning

organisations’ (Kochan and Useem, 1992). They created corporate

missions that had a specific focus on the customer (Kaplan and Norton,

1992). Top-down management was challenged by a call for ‘a much

greater participation in the management of enterprises by all the

workforce’ (Heywood, 1989, p. xii). In the name of sustainability, many

started conducting social audits that regarded their societal and

environmental outcomes of their operations.


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The financials were no longer enough. Their ‘documented inadequacies’

included their ‘backward-looking focus’ and their ‘inability to reflect …

value-creating activities’ (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, p. 73). For

corporations to remain competitive, looking at the monthly balance sheet

no longer provided incentives for the necessary investments in

technology, community, environment or innovation (Neely, 1998). The

stage was set for a more balanced style of evaluation to enter, increasing

the possibility of cross application in broader contexts.

Can management tools help education questions?

Strategic management tools sprang up in response to the new needs.

Wang Corporation’s ‘SMART’ model (Strategic Measurement and Analysis

Reporting Technique) shapes a company’s strategies into a pyramid, and

then translates them into actions for each member of the organisation

(Lynch and Cross, 1991). This signalled that the success of an organisation

requires the involvement and good performance of all the staff (ibid). This

is in line with a customer (learner) –focus more suitable to our case.

Its areas of measurement however, have a strong production orientation

that would not be applicable to voluntary ACE. It was designed with the

production industry in mind, and its assumption of countable outputs is

not immediately transferable to softer outcomes.

After an overview of similar strategic measuring tools in industry

(Fitzgerald et al., 1991, Brown, 1996), it became apparent that the

priorities of industry make their models inapplicable for our purposes. With

its stronger people orientation, answers were next sought in the service


The service industry

In organisations where individual consumer acquisition and retention are

central to success, the inadequacies of financial measures were further

exaggerated (Fitzgerald et al., 1991), suggesting potential cross

application to our question.


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In light of the service industry’s requirements, Warwick University created

the Results/Determinants matrix (Ballantine and Brignall 1994). This

distinguishes between measuring outcomes and measuring what

determines the outcomes. These two categories break down into six

‘dimensions’. Notably in its case however, ‘quality of service’ is defined as

determining results in financial and competitive arenas. Its assumption

that quality of service is not an output in itself, but a determinant of

competitive and financial results restricts its suitability only to profit-

oriented companies. It would not offer appropriate solutions for not-for-

profit organisations, where service provision is the major outcome.

A model is needed that focuses on quality. The EFQM (European

Foundation for Quality Management) model also distinguishes between

‘results’ and ‘enablers’ but includes ‘society’ in the results and ‘leadership’

as an enabler. This answers our previous question but throws up another.

Where the Results/Determinants matrix has six, EFQM has nine areas in

which to select and set several measures each. The time spent collecting

data in order to achieve meaningful information in all these evaluations

will make it complicated ‘beyond probable pay-off’ (Neely and Adams,

2000). This view was substantiated by Worthen, Sanders and Fitzpatrick:

One can hardly oppose using objectives and assessing their

attainment, but the use of dozens, or even hundreds of

objectives for each area of endeavour… amount[s] to a

monopolization of staff time and skills for a relatively small

payoff. (1997, p. 90)

The Higher Education Quality Council in London issued an even stronger

warning against over-evaluation; that ‘Constant external review potentially

diminishes quality” (1995, p. 29).

In order to increase the probability of finding a simpler and more

appropriate tool, techniques already in practice in the education setting

were sought.


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What they do at schools

Schools are a group of organisations that have always focused on

outcomes other than financial. Educational institutions have long known

that ‘the real test of good teaching is its effect on students’ (Higher

Education Quality Council, 1995, p. 100). For these organisations, rating

performance has never consisted of financial measures alone, and has

usually been approximated to student achievement (Education Review

Office, 2003) as seen on standardised and other tests.

On comparison with the contemporary management tools already

outlined, just measuring (approximated) outcomes does not represent a

balanced set of measures. A school with incredibly successful students

could still be inefficient if for example, it is mismanaging monies or staff.

Measurements need to encompass both outcome and process indicators,

and such tools are indeed used by education organisations.

The Balanced Scorecard

The Balanced Scorecard has been applied, initially by private teaching

institutions (e.g. Berlitz Language Services Worldwide in 2000, personal

experience) more closely connected with the business sector and later by

members of state-run systems (for example Charlotte-Mecklenburg

schools, 2005). Pioneered by Kaplan and Norton in the early nineties

(Kaplan and Norton, 1992) in a corporate context, it was later proposed for

schools by Somerset (Somerset, 1998) and others. It balances financial

evaluation with three other ‘perspectives’; customer (or learner), internal

processes and (organisational) learning and growth.

Although originally developed for the business sector, its advocates see

‘no reason why it shouldn’t be used for charities or public sector

organisations’ (Bourne and Bourne, 2000, p.17). Its purported advantages

over traditional systems are seen in three major areas. The first is its

simplicity (as already outlined), followed by its applications to

organisational communication and finally its ability to influence behaviour

(Somerset, 1998).


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To assess their appropriateness to our question, the latter two areas will

look briefly to some psychology literature.

The Balanced Scorecard and communication

Somerset asserted that ‘building a performance measurement system is

not about control; it is about communication’ (Somerset, 1998, p.2). If

high-level strategy is ‘decompose[d]’ into measures for actions at local

levels (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, p.75), each member of an organisation is

informed about how to contribute to achieving the overall mission.

Literature on communication however alerts us that being informed is not

equivalent to successful communication. To ensure that the message has

been understood would require communication in more than one direction,

and include mechanisms such as ‘perception checking’ and ‘feedback’

(Gundykunst, 1994).

An ACE organisation with a mission to provide English support to migrants

might inform a volunteer English tutor that his number of visits to the

English resource library is being tracked in an attempt to measure overall

performance. Without two-way communication about why this is

happening, there are risks of deterring the volunteer, making his voluntary

experience less satisfactory or in fact pressuring him to do more than he is


The Balanced Scorecard and behaviour

When setting up measures, managers are warned of the strong effects the

process will have on the behaviour of employees (Kaplan and Norton,

1992). Some traditional measurement systems “specify the particular

actions they want employees to take and then measure to see whether

the employees have in fact taken those actions. In that way, the systems

try to control behaviour” (ibid, p.79).

Within power relations however, (such as between a target setter and the

worker charged to achieve the target) behaviour can better be influenced

through ‘competent authority’ than this form of ‘coercive authority’

(Wrong, 1995). Under Wrong’s model, the employee’s behaviour is best


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influenced out of a belief in the authority’s superior competence (in this

case, to interpret strategy and set measures for actions accordingly).

Under the Balanced Scorecard regime, targets are not set to dictate

actions, but to influence behaviour seen to achieve the corporate vision

simply by ‘focusing attention on key areas’ (Bourne and Bourne, 2000,

p.10). Some organisations will find the choice of competent authority

preferable to coercive authority favouring the Balanced Scorecard for this

reason. But the concept of setting targets in order to influence behaviour

is fundamentally problematic in our case. It suggests that measures taken

will evaluate progress against goals and influence behaviour towards

achieving the vision of the organisation, rather than unobtrusively trying

to gain a picture of actual achievement and value produced by the


Our case necessitates avoiding interference in the work of volunteers,

rather than influencing their behaviour towards more or different kinds of

work. The KPIs that reflect ‘actual’ work done (as opposed to measures

that aim to inspire achieving the vision and drive performance) must be as

simple and easy to measure as possible, and not adversely influence

volunteer behaviour.

A distinction arises between evaluation that aims to reflect status quo, and

measurement as an ‘instrument to pursue goals’ (Worthen et al, 1997,

p.22). While the Balanced Scorecard may be a useful tool for ACE

organisations in working towards their missions, it will not provide KPIs to

indicate the current value of their work.

Management, education, and back again

The waves of change in organisational management have both informed

and been informed by education literature. In his important work

‘Learning, Adaptability and Change, The Challenge for Education and

Industry’ (1989), John Heywood applies the cognitive theory of how

children learn, to create lessons for organisations in being more adaptable.

He then relates his theories on learning organisations back to the school

setting with recommendations for educationalists. His work is a strong


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example of how management and education thinking have grown towards

each other: schools have an increasing emphasis on effective

management while organisations try to learn.

Conclusions and further research

The applications of various performance measurement systems to

voluntary ACE seem reasonable efforts to satisfy public demands for

accountability of funds. However, research on the adaptations necessary

to fit the requirements of the sector in question is still required, and

research into measuring non-educational outcomes is also needed.


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