Sample Dialogs - · she seems to be very much in love ... Congratulations!...

Dialogs Version I Sample

Transcript of Sample Dialogs - · she seems to be very much in love ... Congratulations!...


DialogsVersion I


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Episode 1

Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the dialog.

1. Tom: How do you find Thailand’s educational system?


1) I use Google to search for its information.

2) It cannot keep up with today’s trend and modernity.

3) I found they were really interesting and attractive.

4) I found it in the newspaper sold in SE-ED Book Center.

2. Jack: What’s the weather like in Bangkok now?


1) It’s raining cats and dogs every day.

2) Yes, I like the weather in Bangkok so much.

3) Bangkok is a hot city situated in Thailand.

4) I don’t like Bangkok because of traffic congestion.

3. Timothy: What about taking an English course during our school break?

Tina: Cool!

1) That sounds interesting.

2) I think English is quite difficult.

3) I prefer going to the beach to studying English.

4) An English course will start next semester.

4. Nina: Would it be possible if I borrow you 1,500 baht?

Laura: I need to pay my electricity bill today.

1) Here you are.

2) I’d love to.

3) I’m afraid not.

4) Count me out.



5. Waiter: Are you ready to order your meal, sir?

Peter: Well, this is my first time here, so

1) what kind of food do you fancy eating?

2) would you be away for a moment?

3) do you mind helping me to check-in?

4) could you recommend me anything?

6. Jim: while I am in Paris for my business trip?

Josh: Of course! Just set the date and time for me.

1) Could you do me a favor and hold a meeting

2) Could I offer you my help

3) What can I do for you

4) Do you need my assistance

7. Nurse:

Lisa: I have a bad headache after cramming for my exams.

1) Why are you here?

2) What seems to be the matter?

3) How can I help you, sir?

4) Do you need my help now?

8. Susan: What do you think of Ann’s new boyfriend?

Kate: We had a great time talking to each other.

1) He’s quite optimistic and creative.

2) He seems very boastful and nasty.

3) He has nice brown hair and blue eyes.

4) He is a young politician working in Bangkok.Sample

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9. A man:

Ron: I’m looking for the YAMAHA piano. I’m wondering if I could try this one out.

1) Could you do me a favor, sir?

2) May I help you, sir?

3) Are you fond of music, sir?

4) Don’t you try buying anything, do you?

10. Haggy:

May: It’s funny. As you could see, I couldn’t stop laughing.

1) What are you thinking of a funny movie?

2) What do you think of the movie?

3) Was the movie making you down?

4) How did you find that sad movie?

Episode 2

Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the dialog.

1. Bird: Well, are you really hungry?

Oat: You bet! I’m starving.

1) Let’s go hitting the hay now.

2) The food tastes extremely splendid.

3) I could eat a horse.

4) I had a bowl of noodles.

2. Patcharapa: I think the English exam we took this morning was really easy.

Pakkaramai: I think I did okay this time.

1) I couldn’t agree more.

2) That’s not very likely.

3) Not in the least.

4) Not on your life.Sam



3. Roger: Hugh! How’s it going?

Hugh: , and you?

1) I’m in a rush

2) Good gracious

3) Look alive

4) Can’t complain

4. Lisa: Jane, what a surprise!

Jane: Yeah! I’m so happy to meet you here!

1) We’ve been friends for years.

2) You’ve won the scholarship.

3) I haven’t seen you for ages.

4) We’ve frequently met each other.

5. Arm: We’d better get to the theater early.

Sand: Seating is first come, first served, isn’t it?

1) That’s terrible!

2) That’s a good idea!

3) You’re pulling my leg!

4) Catch me doing that!

6. Kim: I’ve finally decided that I will never get married. I think I can live without

a man.


1) You can say that again.

2) I’m sorry to hear that.

3) You’ve missed the boat.

4) Over my dead body.Sample

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7. Benz: How did you hear about the new campaign?


1) The new campaign is really successful.

2) It’s by word of mouth.

3) It’s with a will.

4) It’s by the book.

8. Jade: How was your trip to Phuket?


1) I was really funny.

2) It will be very interesting, I guess.

3) I thought it was great fun.

4) I went by boat with friends.

9. Mack: Do you mind if I smoke in your car?

Jason: I’m allergic to smoke.

1) No I don’t, please do.

2) Yes, I do. Please don’t.

3) By all means! Please do.

4) Not at all. Please don’t.

10. Norah: Could you show me how to get to King Narai’s Palace?


1) Sure, I am a stranger here as well.

2) By no means! Let me draw you a map.

3) Absolutely yes.

4) I’m afraid not. You look familiar to me.Sample


Episode 3

Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the dialog.

1. Kathy: This year’s final exams were much easier than last year’s.

Tom: I thought they were much more difficult.

1) I can’t help thinking the same!

2) You bet!

3) Dead right!

4) Speak for yourself!

2. Joey: Rocco got rather drunk at the party last night.

Mint: He’s been drinking too much for a long time.

1) That’s not at all surprising.

2) It’s out of the question.

3) Nothing to lose.

4) Just wait and see.

3. Megan: We’d like two single rooms for the first week of December.

A receptionist: The hotel won’t be busy, I suppose.

1) Don’t mention it.

2) That’s not a problem.

3) Never mind.

4) Not really.

4. Nicky: It’s quite hot here.

Noina: Well, I will go and get it for you.

1) I wish I could get drunk.

2) We’d better turn the heater off.

3) Please get him some snacks in the kitchen.

4) I’m dying for a glass of cold water.


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5. White: Fred’s new girlfriend is very beautiful and, ,

she seems to be very much in love with him.

Woody: Really? How fortunate he really is!

1) who cares

2) what’s more

3) what’s for

4) who knows

6. Bee: I’m ashamed to show it to anyone.

Kitty: Don’t you think too much. It’s not too bad.

1) It’s an awful photo.

2) That’s a fabulous picture.

3) What a marvelous photo!

4) This picture seems memorable.

7. Jino:

Noom: That’s not fair. We were here first.

1) The tables we have booked are already available.

2) We failed to book the tickets online.

3) Those people have already been served.

4) The food in the menu was firstly served.

8. Jim: What should we do?

Pat: What about killing time playing a game of cards?

1) We’ve missed the boat.

2) We’re early again.

3) Luckily, we were in time.

4) Finally, we were quite late.Sample


9. Dome: Why did you go to the police station yesterday?

Mark: I went to see Joe. of stealing a woman’s iPhone.

1) He was caught in the act

2) He was going like a bomb

3) He was under the weather

4) He was resting assured

10. Tarn: I’m going to be interviewed for a new job tomorrow morning.


1) Fingers crossed!

2) Fat chance!

3) By heart!

4) Out of luck!

Episode 4

Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the dialog.

1. Jan: The test we just took was so easy!

Sine: Yes, I’m sure I will pass.

1) it was a piece of cake.

2) it was around the clock.

3) it’s a deal.

4) it’s quite puzzling.

2. Yoshi: , where is the nearest bathroom, please?

A woman: It’s over there, next to that white car.

1) Excuse me

2) Guess what

3) Tell me

4) What’s up


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3. Pod: Did you know Jack and Kate were married?

Nick: They are such enemies!

1) Are you pulling my leg?

2) It serves them right.

3) It’s not surprising!

4) That depends.

4. A tourist: Could you tell me the way to Thammasat University, please?


1) No way. Please ask another stranger.

2) I don’t mind. It’s on the way.

3) No, thanks. Good luck.

4) Sorry. I’m a stranger here myself.

5. Toon: I’ve lost my passport. What should I do?


1) Why don’t you call the embassy?

2) Are you kidding? They are important.

3) Serve you right. You should have found it.

4) Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. How clumsy!

6. Helen: Does anyone know how to refill prepaid phone cards?


1) I’d love to. You can also do it by yourself.

2) Yes, let’s ask others then.

3) No, I don’t mind. You should call the operator.

4) Yes, just dial 1175 and follow the instruction.Sample


7. Kwan:

Fon: Yes, of course. Here you are.

1) Could I lend you 100 baht, please?

2) Would you mind borrowing me 100 baht, please?

3) Would you like to borrow me 100 baht, please?

4) Could you lend me 100 baht, please?

8. Kate: Could you do me a favor, please?

Kaew: What is it?

1) Sure, I can be.

2) I’m afraid I can’t.

3) Certainly.

4) Absolutely, please do.

9. Jennifer: How do you find Thai food, John?


1) I am sure you can find it in that restaurant.

2) I think it is rather spicy.

3) Well done! It tastes wonderful.

4) Oh, no! I can’t wait to eat it.

10. Susan: Congratulations! You’ve passed the university admission exam.


1) Congratulations! You’ve deserved it.

2) Thanks! I’m sure you will pass it as well.

3) You’re welcome. Thank you for your help.

4) Really? I believe it must be very difficult.Sample

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Episode 5

Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the dialog.

1. Fiona: Thanks for the nice hat you lent me yesterday.


1) Sounds great!

2) Mind your head!

3) Watch your mouth!

4) No sweat!

2. Winnie: I heard that you have not been well.

Joy: Better now, thank you.

1) Have you been so ill lately?

2) How do you do?

3) How are you feeling today?

4) What happened?

3. A policeman: Excuse me, may I see your driving license, please?

Pink: I haven’t got it with me. I was in a rush to go

to my test. I think I left it home.

1) No problem, sir.

2) Way to go.

3) Oh, dear me.

4) None of your business.Sample


4. Ham: I am so nervous about my exam. I cannot sleep well.

Dan: Oh, come on! Your health is more important.

1) Let your hair down.

2) Let sleeping dogs lie.

3) Let your heart rule your head.

4) Let bygones be bygones.

5. Ken: the DVD I bought for you?

Norah: I was in floods of tears. It was such a sad film.

1) How do you find

2) What did you watch

3) Have you looked at

4) What do you think

6. Luke: I gave you a five-dollar bill for that jacket. Isn’t there any change?

A seller:

1) Of course. Coming soon.

2) No, you can change nothing.

3) Okay, if you want it.

4) I’m terribly sorry. I forgot.

7. Guest: Why is the place so dirty?

Host: I’m sorry. We’ll clean it as soon as possible.

1) It’s not a problem, right?

2) Can you help us clean it?

3) The robot is out of order.

4) The receptionist will inform you later.Sample

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8. Helen: Shall we eat out or do you want me to cook something today?

Robert: It’s up to you.

1) I’d love to.

2) I couldn’t agree less.

3) I really don’t mind.

4) Let me sleep on it.

9. Marshal: Jimmy told me that today’s seminar has been canceled. Is that true?

Lisa: Our boss has the urgent news to inform all of

you in the seminar today.

1) I’m afraid not.

2) You’re right.

3) It depends, I guess.

4) Really? Are you serious?

10. Pinsuda:

Nussara: He’s self-centered. Everyone here avoids arguing with him.

1) How do you understand Michael?

2) How do you go along with Michael?

3) How do you find Michael?

4) How do you think of Michael?



Episode 6

Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the dialog.

1. Mint: The English exam is around the corner. Could you please give me a hand?

Tor: I am fond of tutoring in English.

1) By all means!

2) How come?

3) Never mind!

4) Way to go!

2. John: Excuse me,

Policeman: Yes, fairly well.

1) how’s your English?

2) let’s talk in English, shall we?

3) could you speak English more slowly?

4) do you speak English?

3. Bee: I have an oral test with Dr. Jason at 1 p.m.

Nut: Really? Good luck. See you after school.

1) I wish I could stay away from you.

2) I’ve got to get going.

3) I would like to remind you.

4) I’d like to have a word with you.

4. Mick: Where are you going for holidays, Matt?

Matt: I want to try some raw fish there.

1) I had better finish my final project by holiday.

2) I should accompany my mom to the dentist.

3) I am going to Japan with my family.

4) I will just stay at home.


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5. Yoshida:

Tanaka: Three to nothing. A fat chance of winning!

1) What’s the game about?

2) How many teams are participating?

3) What’s the score now?

4) What do you think of the game?

6. Somluck: telling us how you feel about this upcoming

fight with Mike Tyson?

Bua-Khao: Well, I’m sure I’ll win by a knockout.

1) Could you please

2) Would it be possible

3) Do you mind

4) Why don’t you

7. Noom: I saw you at the movies last night. How did you find it?


1) I found it in today’s newspaper.

2) I find it myself. It’s really funny.

3) It’s quite long, but very exciting.

4) It was at Thana Cineplex, Lopburi.

8. Joey: Why did you come in late this morning?

Jane: I’m sorry. because I left my notebook there.

1) I had to go back home

2) I had to call my brother

3) I need to cancel the presentation

4) I’m going to report it to the officeSample