Sammi Form990

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  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    Form90Department f he TreasurylnternalRevenue ervice

    Return ofUndersection501(c),

    ) The organization ay

    OrganizationExemptFrom IncomeTax527 or 4947(d 1) of the InternalRevenueCode (except black lungbenefit rust or private oundation)have o use a copyof this return o satisfy tate requrrements

    For the 2 00 9 ca 3 n d a r a n dCheckfapplicable:AddresshangeNamehangelnitialeturnTerminationAmendedeturnAppl ationendlng

    I Tax-exempt statulJ Website: ) N

    Pleaseuse RSlabel rprintor

    type.Se e

    C Namr;forganization SAVANNAHMOBILITY MANAGEMENT, NC.D Employer denti f icat ion um

    3 0 - 0 4 7 8 3 3 8oino usinesssNurnerand treetorP. 0 boxf mailsnot eliveredostreetddress)5302 FREDERI CKST . , SUI TE 2OO

    Room/suite E T el ep ho neumber9 L 2 - 6 0 4 -6 0 6 3Jpeurilrlnstruc-tions.

    Cityor own, tateor country,SAVA}TNAH cA 31405 h I

    and ZIP 4

    FIG Gro s se c e p ts g 7 4 8 , 8

    H(a) ls his groupeturnoraffll tes? Ye s XH(b) Are l ali rates rnc ded, Ye slf No attach st (seenstruct


    eA 3141-1-4s47(a)(1or

    F Name and ad,lress of Drincioalofficer:IqIARC IIRIDAY7 LONG STREET I,A}IESAVA}I}IAH

    , , X so r ( . ) ( 6 ) { ( i nse r t no . )/a 52 7K Type l X Corporation; Trust Association Other L Ye a ro f fo rma to n ,0 0 8 M State f eoal omicileK Type f organlzation:P


    art1 Brief ly escribehe orgernizatton'sission r mostsignif icantct ivit ies:

    To provide olrersight an d guidance and to administer re limplgqentat ion of a systgp to improwe transportatron ind r s t r r c t o f ! h e C i t y o f S a w a n n a h . G e o r g i a

    2 Check hi sbo x if he organizationiscontinuedtsoperationsr disposed f more han2t3 Number f vot inqmemb,ersf he qoverninq od y PartVl, ine1a)

    "t.a tu.raitrgthe downtow

    % of its net assets.

    ro i the

    l -14 Number f ndependentot ingmembers f hegoverning od y PartVl, ine1b )5 Totalnumber f employeesPartV, l ine2a )6 Totalnumber f volunteersestimatef necessaryl7a Total ross nrelatedusinessevenuero mPartVll l ,column C) , ine12b Ne tunrelatedusinessaxablencome romForm990-T, ine34


    1 137a7b


    8 Cont r ibut ionsndgrants Par t l l l , ine h)9 Program erviceevenuePartVll l , in e2g )10 lnvestmentncome PartVll l ,column A) , ines3, 4, an d7d )11 Other evenuePar t l l l , o lumnA), ines , 6d,Bc ,9c ,10c , nd1 ' le )12 Total revenue add l in)s l 1 1 Par tVl l l n (A) . ine12

    Prior ear Current ear3 4 9 , L 2 4 74 8 73 7 4

    3 4 9 4 9 8 7 4 8 . 8


    13 Grants ndsimilar mounts aid Part X, column A) , ines1-3)14 Benefits aid o or or membersPart X, column A) , in e4)15 Salaries, ther ompent;at ion,mployee enefitsPart X,column A) , ines -10)16 aProfessionalundraisin6tee s Part X, column A) , ine11e)

    b Total undraisingxpensesPart X, column D) , in e25 ) )17 Other xpensesPart ). ,column A) , ines11a-1 d,11f-24f)18 Tota l xpenses .dd in , : s 3-17 must qua lPar t X ,co lumnA) , ine 5)19 Revenuees sexpenses'.ubtractin e 18from ine12

    4 0 , 2

    462 886 6 7 2 ,4 6 2 , 8 8 6 7 L 2 , 4- r - 1 3 . 3 8 8 3 6 . 3o


    Totalassets PartX, in e16 )Total iabil i t iesPartX, ine26 )Ne tassets r undbalances. ubtractin e2'1 rom ine20


    Beqinninqf Current ear Endof Year3 6 4 6 t L 6 3 6 . 2L 6 4 9 9 2 4 0 5 . 9L99 6L9 2 3 0 , 3BlockSignHere

    Under penaltiesof pt:r jury, declare that I have examined this return, ncluding accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledgeand belief, t is true, rlorrect, an d complete. Declarationof preparer (other ha n officer) s based on all informati on of which preparer has any knowledge.

    t*",rre "t *, ;

    ) Type"r pr.t l-"r" ". d tf bPaidPreparer'sUseOnly

    :;"Ii:::"EIN >Phonen o .


    9L2-354-29Ye sav he RSdiscusshis eturn ith he preparer hownabove? se e nstruct ions)

    Firm's am e oryoursif self-employed),address, ndZIP+ 4 )

    Canady, Richbourg, lfoodward, LLP5302 Freder ick St. Suite 200Savannah. GA 31405-4823Fo r PrivacyAct and Papenivork eductionAct Notice, ee he separate nstruct ions.DAA rorm 90 l

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    Form99 0 SAVAI{NAH MOBILITY }IANAGEMENT, INC. 3 0 - 0 4 7 8 3 3 8Part ll of ServiceAccom ments1 Brieflyescribehe rganization'sission:To provide oversight and guidance and to administerimplementition of a system to improve transportationd is t r i c t o f the C i t y o f SavannahrGeorg ia :re]-atedin the funding for thedowntown

    Did heorganizationndertake nysignif icantrogram ervices uring heyearwhichwerenot isted nth epriorForm99 0or 990-EZ?lf "Yes," escribehesene wservices n Schedule . $qo,Did heorganizationease onducting,r makesignif icanthangesn how t conducts, nyprogram #

    -$m fi pr *services? &rt? Y Cl &- -F

    lf "Yes," escribehese hanges n Schedule .ry f n f! f- $Describehe exempt urpose chievementsor eachof heorganization'shree argest rogram ervices y expenses.

    Section 01 c)(3) nd 50 1 c)(4) rganzations nd sectio a9a7@)(1)rusls e req red o repo t he amou t of g a tsandallocationso others,he otalexpenses, nd revenue,f any, or eachprogram ervice eported.

    Yes X

    Yes X

    4a (Code ) (Expenses inc lud ingrants f $f.fanaged and marketed the downto-wn Savannah transportationsystg4r including the free shutt lerRiver Street streetcai, ind water ferry systqp.Operated the free DOT Shutt le,fnst i l led signage to faci l iate movgment of people aroundthe c i t y .

    ) (Revenue

    4b (Code. ) (Expenses inc ludingrants f $ ) (Revenue

    4c (Code ) (Expenses including rants f $ ) (Revenue$

    4d Other rogram ervices.Describen Schedule .)(Expenses includinqrants f $ ) (Revenue f4e Totalprogram ervice xpenses rorm 90

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    uiredSchedulrorm go zoogrSAVAI{NAH MOBILITY MANAGEMENT.INC. 30-0478338 Pa

    Part V Gheckllstot Requlredscneoules1 ts heorganizationescribedn section 01(c)(3) r 4947(a)(1)otherha na privateoundation)?f "Yes,"

    complete chedule2 ls heorganizationequiredo complete chedule , Schedule f Contributors? ff i m*"' 3iili."":i:i:,TH,l"H::;;ii:::::iJi::i$'::T"T:J;;nl'"'""sonbehaff r opposton''#ffc4 Section501(cX3) rganizations. id heorganizationngage n obbying ct ivit ies?f "Yes," omplete

    Schedule , Part l5 Section501(cXa),501(c)(5),nd 501(c)(6) rganizations.s th eorganizationubjectto hesection 033(e)

    notice nd eport ingequirementnd proxy ax ? f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part l l6 Did he organizationaintain nydonoradvisedundsor anysimilarundsor accounts heredonors av e

    th e ight o provide dvice n he distr ibut ionr nvestmentf amountsn such undsor accounts?f "Yes,"complete chedule . Part

    7 Did heorganizationeceive r holda conservatronasement,ncluding asementso preserve pe nspace,th eenvironment,istorican dareas, r historic tructures?f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part l .

    B Did he organizationaintain ollect ionsf worksof art,historicalreasures,r other imilar ssets?f "Yes,"complete chedule , Part l lg Did heorganizationeport n amount n PartX, ine21; serve s a custodianor amounts ot isted n PartX; or provide redit ounseling,eb tmanagement,redit epair, r debtnegotiat ionervices?f "Yes,"complete chedule ,Part V

    10 Did heorganization,irect ly r hrough related rganization,ol dassetsn erm,permanent,rquasi-endowments?f "Yes," omplete chedule , PartV1 ' l l s t h e o r g a n i z a ti o n ' s a n s w e r t oa n y o f t h e f o l l o wi n g q u e s t i o n s " Ye s " ? l fo , com p le t eSchedu leD , Par t s \ ,

    V l l ,V l l l . X.orX as appl icab leo D i d t h e o r g a n i z at i o n r e p o r t a n a mo u n t f o r l a n d ,b u i l d i n g s , a n d e q ui p m e n t i n P a r tX ,i n e l 0 ? l f Yes , "com p le t e

    Schedule , PartVl .o Did heorganizationeport n amount or nvestments-otherecurit iesn PartX, in e12 that s 5% or more

    of ts otalassets eportedn PartX, in e16 ? f "Yes," omplete chedule , PartVl lo D i d t h e o r g a n i za t i o n r e p o r t a n am o u n t f o r i n v es t m e n t s - p ro g r a m r e l a t e d i nP a r t X ,i n e l 3 t h a t i s 5 % o r m o r e

    of ts otalassets eportedn PartX, ine 16 ?lf "Yes," omplete chedule , PartVll l .o Did heorganizationeport n amount or otherassets elatedn PartX, ine15 that s 5% or moreof ts otalassets

    reportedn PartX, ine16 ? f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part X.o Did he organizationeport n amount or other iab il i t iesn PartX, ine25? f "Yes," omplete chedule , PartX.o Did he organization'separate r consolidatedinancial tatementsor he axyear nclude footnoteha taddresses

    th eorganization'siabil i tyor uncertainax posit ions nderFI N48 ? f "Yes," omplete chedule , PartX.12 Did heorganizationbtain eparate,ndependentuditedinancial tatementsor he axyear? f "Yes," omplete

    Schedule Par ts l .X l l .andXl l l .

    Yestr 1234b



    91 01 1 x

    1 212A Wastheorqan izat ion inc luded inconso l idated, independentaud i tedf inanc ia lta tements for thetaxyear? Yes I No

    1 3f "Yes " comoletinoSchedule D. Parts Xl, Xl l . and Xll l is optional 12 4 x

    13 ls heoroan izat ionschool escr ibedn sec t ion 70(b) (1) (AXi i )?f "Yes , " omple te chedule14 a Did he organizationaintain n off ice, mployees, r agenls utside f heUnited tates?

    b D i d t h e o r g a n i z a ti o n h a v e a g g r e g at e r e v e n u e s o r ex p e n s e s o fo r e t h a n $ l 0 , 0 00 f r o m g r a n t ma k i n g , f u n d r ai s i n g ,business,ndprogram ervice ctivit iesutsidehe UnitedStates?f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part

    15 Did he organizationeport n Part X, column A) , in e3, more han$5,000 f grants r assistanceo anyorganizationr entityocated utsidehe UnitedStates?f "Yes," omplele chedule , Part l

    16 Di d he organizationeport n Part X,column A) , in e3, more ha n$5,000 f aggregate rants r assistanceto ndividualsocated utsidehe UnitedStates?f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part l l17 Did heorganizationeport totalof more han$15,000 f expensesor professionalundraisingervices

    on Part X,column A) , ines6and 11e? f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part18 Did heorganizationeportmore han$15,000otalof undraisingvent ross ncome nd contributionsn

    PartVll l , ines1c an dBa ? f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part l19 Did heorganizationeportmore han$15,000 f gross ncome romgaming ctivit iesn PartVll l , ine9a ?

    lf "Yes." omplete chedule , Part l l20 Did he orqanizationperale ne or morehospitals?f "Yes," omplete chedule .

    14 a14b1 51 61 71 81 920rorm 90

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    #ffidryb Did heorganizationnvest nyproceeds f ax-exemptondsbeyond temporaryeriod xception?c Did heorganizationaintain n escrow ccount ther hana refunding scrow t any imeduring he year

    to defease ny ax-exemPtonds?d Di d he organizationct as an "onbehalf f issuer or bonds utstandingt any imeduring he year?

    25 a Section501(cX3) nd 501(c)(4) rganizations. id he organizationngage n an excess enefitransactionwitha disqualif iederson uring he yeat? f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part

    b ls he organizationware hat t engagedn an excess enefitransaction itha disqualif iedersonn aprioryear, nd hat he ransactionas no tbeen eported n anyof he organization'sriorForms 90or99O-EZ?f "Yes," omplete chedule . Part

    26 Was a loan o or bya current r ormer f f icer, irector,rustee, eyemployee, ighly ompensatedmployee, rdisqualif iederson utstandings of the end of he organization'sax year? f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part l27 Did heorganizationrovide grantor otherassistanceo an off icer, irector,rustee, eyemployee,

    substantialontributor,r a grant elect ion ommittee ember, r o a person elatedo suchan ndividual?lf "Yes." omplete chedule . Part l l

    28 Was he organizationparty o a businessransaction i thone of he ollowing art ies seeSchedulePart V nstruct ionsor applicableil ing hresholds,ondit ions,nd exceptions).

    a A current r ormer ff icer, irector,rustee, r keyemployee?f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part Vb A familymember f a current r ormer f f icer, irector,rustee, r keyemployee?f "Yes," omplete

    Schedule , Part Vc An entity fwhich current r ormer f f icer, irector,rustee, r keyemployee f he organizationora

    familymember) as an off icer, irector,rustee, r direct r ndrrectwner? f "Yes," omplete chedule ,Part V

    29 Did heorganizationeceivemore han$25,000n non-cash ontributions?f "Yes," omplete cheduleM30 Did heorganizationeceive ontributionsf art,historicalreasures,r other imilar ssels, r qualif ied

    conservationontributions?f "Yes," omplete cheduleM31 Di d he organizationiquidate,erminate, r dissolve ndceaseoperations?f "Yes," omplete chedule ,

    Part32 Did heorganizationell, xchange, ispose f, or ransfermore ha n25 %of ls netassets?f "Yes," omplete

    Schedule , Part l33 Did heorganizationwn 100%of an entity isregardeds separaterom heorganizationnderRegulat ions

    sections 01 7701-2 nd301.7701-3?f "Yes," omplete chedule , Part34 Wa s he organizationelatedo any ax-exemptr axable nt ity?f "Yes," omplete chedule , Parts . ,

    l l l , V ,andV, ine135 ls any elated rganizationcontrolledntitywithinhemeaning f section 12(b)(13)?f "Yes," omplete

    Schedule PartV l ine236 Section501(cX3) rganizations. id he organization akeany ransferso an exempt on-charitableelated

    organization?f "Yes," omplete chedule , PartV, ine2 .37 Did heorganizationonductmore han5% of tsactivit ieshrough n entityha t s nota related rganization

    an d ha t s reated sa partnershipor ederal ncome axpurposes?f "Yes," omplete chedule ,PartVl

    38 Did he organizationomplete chedule an dprovide xplanationsn Schedule for PartVl , ines11 and

    Form99 0 SAVANNAIT MOBILITY MANAGEMENT I N C . 3 0 - 0 4 7 8 3 3 8Part V klist of hedulescontinued21 Di d he organizationeportmore han$5,000 f grants ndotherassistanceo governmentsnd organtzatlons

    in heUnited tates n Part X,column A) , ine1? f "Yes," omplete chedule, Parts and l l22 Did heorganizationeportmore ha n$5,000 f grants nd otherassistanceo ndividualsn he

    United tateson Part x, column A) , ine2? f "Yes," omplete chedule, Parts and l l l23 Did he organizationnswer Yes" o PartVll, Section , ine3, 4, or 5 about ompensationf he

    organization'surrent nd ormer f f icers, irectors,rustees, eyemployees,nd highest ompensatedemployees?f "Yes." omplete chedule

    Z4 a Di d he organizationav ea tax-exempton d ssuewithan outstandingrincipal mount f more ha n$100,000 s of he as tda yof heyear, ha twas ssued fterDecember 1 2002? f "Yes," nswer ines24b hrough 4d and omplete chedule . f "No," o to line25


    '19?Note.All Form990 ilers re equiredo rorm99 0

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    Form99 0 SAVA}iINAH MOBILITY I'IANAGEMENT I N C . 3 0 - 0 4 7 8 3 3 8PartV R IRSFil inqsand Tax ComEnter henumber eportedn Box3 of Form 1096,AnnualSummary ndTransmittalfU S. Informationeturns. nter 0- f no tapplicableEnter he number f FormsW-2G ncludedn ine1a .Enter 0- f notapplicable

    'l a

    bc Did heorganizationomply i thbackupwithholdingules or reportableaymentso vendors nd eportable

    gaming gambling) inningso prizewinners?2a Enter henumber f employeeseported n FormW-3,Transmittalf Wagean dTax

    Statements,i led or he calendar earendingwithor within heyearcovered y hi s eturnlf at east ne s reported n ine2a ,did he organizationi le all equiredederal mploymentax returns?

    10 a




    3aNote. f he sumof ines1a and2a sgreaterha n250,yo uma ybe requiredo e{ile his eturn seer*instructions) H=$ ry fl f*.f*3a Did heorganizationave nrelatedusinessrossncomef$1,000rmore uringhe "r|. ouffiSf, d.[ gr trt h i s re tu rn? , *dygEr l f i $

    b lf "Yes," as t i leda Form990-T or hisyear? f "No," rovide n explanationn Schedule4 a A t a n y t i m e du r i n g t h e c a l e n d ar y e a r , d i d t h e or g a n i z a t i o n h a ve a n i n t e r e s t i n ,o r a s i g n a t u r e o ro t h e r a u t h o r i ty

    over, f inancial ccountn a foreign ountrysuch s a bankaccount, ecurit iesccount, r otherf inancialaccount )?

    b l f "Yes." nter he nameof he oreign ountrySe e he nstruct ionsor exceptionsnd il ing equirementsor Form D F 90-22.1, eport f Foreign an kan dFinancial ccounts.

    5a Was he organizationparty o a prohibitedax shelterransactiont any im eduring he axyear?b Di dany axable arty otify he organizationha t t was or s a party o a prohibitedaxshelterransaction?c lf "Yes,"o in e5a or 5b,di d he organizationile Form8886-T,DisclosureyTax-Exempt ntityRegarding

    ProhibitedaxShelter ransaction?6a Does he organizationav eannual ross eceiptsha tar enormally reaterha n$100,000, nd did he

    organizationolicit nycontributionsha twerenot ax deductible?b lf "Yes," id heorganizationnclude it hevery olicitat ionn express tatementha tsuchcontributionsr

    gif tswerenot axdeductible?7 Organizationshat may receive eductible ontributions ndersection170(c).

    a Did he organizationeceive paymentn excess f $7 5madepart ly s a contributionnd part lyor goodsan dservices rovidedo he Payor?

    b l f "Yes," id he organizationotify he donorof thevalueof hegoodsor services rovided?c Did heorganizationell, xchange, r otherwise ispose f angible ersonal ropertyorwhich t was

    requiredo fi leFormB2B2?d lf "Yes,"ndicatehe number f FormsB2B2iledduring heyear L-Zqe Did heorganization,uring he year, eceive ny unds, irect ly r ndirect ly,o pa ypremtums n a personal

    benefit ontract?f Did he organization,uring heyear,pa ypremiums, irect ly r ndirect ly,n a personal enefit ontract?g Foral lcontributionsf qualif iedntellectualroperty, id he organizationil eFormBB99 s required?h Forcontributionsf cars,boats, irplanes,nd other ehicles, id he organizationil ea Form1098-C s

    required?I Sponsoring rganizationsmaintaining onor advised unds and section509(a)(3)upport ing

    organizations. id hesupport ingrganization,r a donoradvisedun dmaintainedy a sponsoringorganization,av eexcess usiness oldings t any imeduring heyeat?

    9 Sponsoring rganizations aintaining onoradvised unds.a Did heorganizationak eany axable istr ibut ionsnder ect ion 966?b Did heorganizationak ea distr ibut iono a donor, onoradvisor, r relaled erson?

    10 Section501(cX7) rganizations. nter:a lnit iat ionee san dcapital ontributionsncluded n PartVll l , ine12 .b Gross eceipts,ncluded n Form990,PartVll l , ine12, orpublic seof club acil i t ies

    11 Section501(c)(12)rganizations. nter:a Gross ncomero mmembers r shareholderb Gross ncomero mother ources Do not netamounts ue or paid o other ources gainst

    amounts ue or receivedrom hem.)12a

    bSection4947(aXl) on-exempt haritable rusts. s the organizationil ingForm99 0 n ieuof Form1041?


    lf "Yes." nter heamount f t interesteceived r accrued urin o he 12b rorm 90

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    99 0 sAvAlrNAH MOBTLTTY MAN4GE!EN!,__rNC- 3 0 - 0 4 7 8 3 3 8PartVl e to ines through bbelow' ndfora "No" esponseo ineBa,Bb,or 10bbelow, escribehecircumstances,rocesses,r changesnSchedule .See nstructionsSectionA. Governi1a Enter henumber f vot ingmembers f thegoverning od y

    b Enter he number f votingmembersha tar e ndependent2 Di dan yoff icer, irector,rustee, r ke yemployee av ea family elat ionshipr a businesselat ionshipit h

    an yother f f icer, irector,rustee, r ke yemployee?3 Did he organizationelegate ontrol ve rmanagement ut ies ustomarilyerformed yor under hedirect

    supervisionf off icers, irectors r rustees, r ke yemployeeso a managementompany r otherperson?4 Did he organizationak ean ysignif icanthangeso its organizationalocumentsince he priorForm990 was iledr5 Did heorganizationecome ware uring heyearof a material iversion f heorganization'sssets?6 Does he organizationavemembers r stockholders?7a Does heorganizationavemembers, tockholders,r otherpersons ho mayelecton eor moremembers

    of hegoverning ody?b Ar ean ydecisions f he governing odysubjecto approval y members, tockholders,r otherpersons?

    8 Did heorganizationontemporaneouslyocumenthe meetings eldorwrit ten ctions ndertakenuringth eyearby he ollowing:

    a Th egovernrngody?b Each ommittee it hauthorityo ac ton behalf f he governing ody?

    9 ls herean yoff icer, irector,rustee, r ke yemployeeisted nPartVll, Section , who cannot e reachedat heorqanization's address?f "Yes," ressesn ScheduleSectionB. PoliciesThisSectionB requestsnformationboutpolicies ot equired y he Internal

    nd AF-f, 1 1a

    Yes10 a Does heorganizationave ocal hapters, ranches, r aff i l iates?

    b lf "Yes," oes heorganizationav ewrit ten olicies nd proceduresoverninghe activit iesf suchchapters,aff i l iates,nd brancheso ensure heiroperations re consistent ith hoseof he organization?

    11 Has he organizationrovided copyof hisForm990 o allmembers f tsgoverning odybefore il ing heform?

    11a Describen Schedule th eprocess,f any,usedby heorganizationo reviewhi sForm990.12 a Does heorganizationav ea writ ten onfl ict f interest olicy?f "No," o o line13

    b Ar eoff icers, irectors r rustees, nd ke yemployeesequiredo disclose nnuallynterestshatcouldgiverise o confl icts?

    c Does heorganizationegularly ndconsistently onitor ndenforce ompliance ith hepolicy?f "Yes,"describen Schedule how his s done

    13 Does he organizationav ea writ ten hist leblowerolicy?.14 Does he organizalionav ea writ ten ocumentetention nddestruct ionolicy?,l 5 Di d he processor determiningompensationf he ollowing ersonsnclude review nd approval y

    independentersons,omparabil ityata,and contemporaneousubstantiat ionf he deliberat lonnd decision?a Th eorganization'sEO ,Executive irector, r op managementff icialb Other f f icers r ke yemployees f theorganization

    lf "Yes"o in e15 aor 15b,describehe processn Schedule . (See nstruct ions16 a Did heorganizationnvest n,contributessets o, or part icipaten a oint enture r similar rrangement

    witha taxable ntity uring he year?b lf "Yes," as heorganizationdopted writ ten olicy r procedureequiringhe organizationo evaluateit spart icipationn oint enture rrangementsnderapplicableederal ax aw ,an d aken teps o safeguard

    th eoroanization'sxempt tatuswith especto sucharrangements?

    1 0 a1 0 b1 112a

    12b12c1 31 4

    1 5 a1 5 b

    1 6a

    1 6bSectionG. Disclos17 List he stateswithwhicha copyof hi sForm99 0 s requiredo be iled GA1B Section 10 4 equires n organizationo make tsForms1023 or 1024ifapplicable),990,nd 990-T 501(c)(3)snly)

    availableor publicnspection.ndicate owyo umake heseavailable. heck ll ha tapply.Ow nwebsite Another's ebsite X Upon equest

    1g Describen Schedule whether an d f so,how), he organization akes tsgoverning ocuments,onfl ict f nterestpolicy, nd inancial tatementsvailableo th epublic

    20 State hename, hysical ddress, nd elephone umber f thepersonwh opossesseshe books ndrecords f heorganization: MICHAE_L CAIIADY

    SAVANNAH5302 FREDERICK ST,cA 31410 9L2-3s4-29

    rorm 90

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    Form eo 200e)SAVANNAH Mjo:BfLITY- M]${AGEJeENT INCj . 30-0,4.79338 : PasPart Vll cotp" es ' Highest CompensatedEmplovees.and IndependentContractorss""tionA. officers, tctoE, Trustees,evEmplovees,ndHiqhestompensatedmplovees1a completehi s able or al lpersons equiredo be isted. eport ompensationor he calendar ea rendingwithor within heorganization'saxyear'Us eSchedule -2 f addit ionalpace s needed'

    o Listal lof he organization'surrentoff icers, irectors,rusteeswhetherndividualsr organizations),egardlessf amounto f c o m p e n s at i o n E n t e r - O - in c o l u m n s ( D ) ,( E ) , a n d ( F ) i fn o c o m p e n s a ti o n w a s p a i d '

    o Listal lof he organrzation'surrentke yemployees. ee nstruct ionsor definit ionf "keyemployeeo List he organizat|on,sivecurrenthighest ompensatedmp|oyeesotherha nan off icer, trector,rustee' r ke vemsf{$ee).-^

    w h o r e c e i v e d r e po r t a b r e c o m pe n s a t i o n ( B o x 5o fo rm w-2and / o rBoxTo f Fo rm logg -M lsc )f m o r e t h a n r ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ - ' & E S ' l i r * sorsanat n ndnve,atedrganat ns l:-::"'^^" -:::::::- ::::"" -" :::. :::Hf(fl f""'to Listal lof he organization'sormeroff icers, ey employees,nd highest ompensatedmployees no recelveo or e narr E$100,000 f reportableompensationro m he organizationnd an y elated rganizations'

    o L is ta l l f theorgan izat ion 's formerd i rec torsor t rus teesthat rece ived, in thecapac i tyasaformerd i rec toror trus teeofth eorganization,or e ha n$10,000 f reportableompensationrom he organizationnd an y elated rganizationsListoersonsn he ollowrngrder:ndividualrustees r directors;nst itut ionalrustees; ff icers;eyemployees; ighestcompensatedmployees;nd ormer uc hpersonsX Check hi sbo x f he organizationid no t

    (A )Name ndT i t le



    currentofficer director, r rustee ( F )Estimatedamountofo ther

    compensat ionfrom th eorganrza t tonan d relatedorganrza trons

    ( E )Reportablecompensatlon

    from relatedorgan iza t ions(w-2 l1099- l \ ,1 lsc)

    (D )Reportablecompensationfromtheorgan iza t ion(w-2 l1099-Mlsc)

    rorm 90

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    (A)Name ndTitle

    1b TotalTotalnumber f ndividualsincluding ut not imitedo those isted bove)who eceived ore han$'100,000n

    (F )Estimatedamount fothercompensationfrom heorganrzatlonand elatedorganizations


    compensatronfromth e

    u r g d i l r z d l r u r I(w-2l1099-t\4rsc)

    (E )F a ^ ^ d . h l a

    compensatronfrom relatedorganrzatrons(W-211099-l\il lSC)

    (B)Averagehours erweek Q Io 5- o< @o lo 33

    ! olN6"o

    t ion rom heDid heorganizationis tany ormer officer, irector r rustee, eyemployee, r highest ompensatedemployee n in e1a ? f "Yes," omplete chedule fo rsuch ndividualFo ran y ndividualisted n ine 1a ,is he sum of reportableompensationnd other ompensationro mthe organizationnd elated rganizationsreaterha n$150,000?f "Yes," omplete chedule for suchindividualDi dan ypersonisted n ine1 receive r accrue ompensationro man yun elated rganizationorservlces to the Schedule for suchperson

    SectionB. I Contractors1 Completehis able oryour iv ehighest ompensatedndependentontractorsha t eceived ore han$100,000 fion rom he orqanrzation

    t',tameno lt]essaooress

    Totalnumber f ndependentontractorsincluding ut not imitedo those isted bove)wh oreceivedmore han 100,000n nsatronrom he t ion rorm 90

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    SAVA}INAH MOBILITY IIANAGEMENTRevenueIN C 3 0 - 0 4 7 8 3 3 8

    (D )Revenueexcludedro m aunder ect ion5 1 2 , 1 3 , r5 1o





    rAFr74 8 . 7 8 ] ,1a Federatedampaigns

    b Membershipue sc Fundraisingventsd Related rganizationse Governmentgrantscontributions)f Al lother ontribuiions,i fts, rants,

    an dsimilar mounts ot ncludedboveg Noncashontrutionsncludedn ines a-1f: $h Totaf.Add ines1a-1f .

    74 8 7 8 L

    2abcdef Al l other program service revenue

    Total.Ad d ines a-2f3 Investmentncome includingividends,nterest, ndother imilar mounts)4 lncomerom nvestmentf tax-exempton dproceeds5 Rovalt ies

    GrossRentsLess: ental xps.Rentalnc . r (loss)Ne t entalncome r (loss)Grossmountro msales l assetsLess:osl rolherbasis sales xpsGain or ( loss)Ne tgainor (loss)Grossncomerom undraisingvents(notncludingofcontributionseportedn ine c).Se e ar tV, ine 8 a

    b Less. irect xpenses bNet ncome r (loss) rom t Net ncome r (loss) ro m undraisingvents

    9a Grossncomeom amingctivities.See artV, ine 9

    b Less: irect xpensesc Net ncome r (loss) ro mgaming ctjvl l lee

    10a Gross ales f nventory,es sreturns ndallowances ab Less: ostof goods ol d bc Net ncome r (loss)ro msales f i

    e Total.Add ines11a-11d'12 Total Revenue.See nstructions .norm 90


  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    Form eO200er SAVAIiINAHMOBILITY MANAGEMENT, INC. 30-0478338 PaPart X Statementof FunctionalExpensesSection501(cX3) nd 501(c)(4) rganizationsmust completeall columns'All other organizationsmust complete olumn A)but are no t required o completecolumns B), C),an d (D).Do not include amounts reported on l ines 6b , (D )Fundrais igexpensesBb.9b.and 10bof PartV l l . .


    Grantsnd ther ssistanceogovernmentsndorganizationsn heU. SSe e ar tV, ine 1Grants ndother ssistanceo ndividualsnthe U S SeePart V,l ine22Grants nd other ssistanceo governments,organizations,nd ndividualsutsideheU.S SeePar t V , ines 5and16Benefits ai d o or or membersCompensationf current f f icers, ireclors,trustees, nd ke yemployeesCompensationot ncludedbove,odisqualifiedpersonsasdefinednder ection958(f)(1))ndpersonsescribednsection95B(c)(3)(B)Other alaries ndwagesPensionlan ontributronsincludeection01(k)and ection03(b)mployerontributions)Other mployee enefitsPayrollaxesFees orservicesnon-employees).ManagementLega IAccountingLobbyingProfessionalundraisingervices.eePartV, ine17Investment anagementee sOtherAdvert isingnd promotionOfficeexpenseInformationechnologyRoyalt iesOccupancyTravelPayments f ravel r entertainmentxpensesfo ran y ederal, tate, r ocalpublic ff icialsConferences,onventions,nd meetingsInterestPaymentso aff i l iatesDepreciat ion,eplet ion,nd amort jzat ionInsura ceOther xpenses.temize xpenses otcovered bove. Expensesroupedogetherand abeledmiscellaneous aynotexceed5%of total xpenses hownon line25 below.)



    All other expensesTotalunctional Addines1Jointcosts.Check ere if followingSO P9B-2.Completehis ineonly f heorganizationeportedn column B) ointcostsfroma combined ducationalampaiqn nd


    1 01' l


    1 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 92021222324



    (A )Total expenses

    3 6 , 8 9 3 3 6 . 8 9 3

    6 1 8 4 0 6 1 8 4 0

    2 2 , 7 0 9

    5 1 1 7 5 4 5] - ] - 7542 3 . 5 2 5 2 3 . 5 2 52 0 . 0 0 0 2 0 . 0 0 0

    ' t t 2 , 468 7 t 2 4 6 8

    fundraisinoolicitat ion rorm99 0

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    PartX Balance(A )

    Be g in n in g f y e a r(B )

    En dof year



    Cash-non-interestearingSavings nd emporary ash nvestmentsPledges ndgrants eceivable,etAccountseceivable.etReceivablesro mcurrenl nd ormer ff icers, irectors,rustees, eyemployees,nd highest ompensatedmployees. omplete art l ofScheduleReceivablesro motherdisqualif iedersons asdefined nder ection4958(l)(1))nd persons escribedn section 958(c)(3)(B) omptetePart l of ScheduleNotes nd oans ecervable,etlnventoriesor saleor usePrepaid xpenses nd deferred harges


    ] -23 ,343 I g t , 72

    2 3 9 , 8 7 8 4 5 4 3 5

    ifip. 5r s 6o


    10a Land, u i ld ings ,ndequipment :ost rother asis.Complete artVl of ScheduleO I tO ab Less accumulated epreciation L]11!_11 Investments-publiclytradedecurit ies

    L , 7 3 7 1 , 3 9 0 1 0 c t , 09 41 1

    12 Investments-otherecurit ies. eePart V, in e1113 Part V, ine1114 Intangiblessets15 Other ssets. ee Part V, ine1116 Totalassets.Add ines1 throuqh 5 mustequal ine34 )

    1 21 31 41 5364 .6L]^ 1 6 6 3 6 . 2


    17 Accounts ayable nd accrued xpenses1B Grants ayable19 Deferredevenue20 Tax-exemptond iabil i t ies21 Escrow r custodial ccountiabil i tyComplete art V of Schedule22 Payableso current nd ormer f f icers, irectors,rustees, ey

    employees,ighesl ompensatedmployees, nddisqualif iedpersons. omplete art l of Schedule

    23 Securedmortgagesnd notes ayableo unrelatedhirdpart ies24 Unsecured otes nd oanspayableo unrelatedhirdpart ies25 Other iabil i t ies.omplete artX of Schedule26 Total iabil i t ies. dd ines17 hrouqh 5

    1 - , 8 7 5 ' t7 L 7 2 , 31 B1 9202 1

    2223241 6 3 . 1 1 7 25 2 3 3 . 5t 6 4 , 9 9 2 26 4 0 s ,9v,o()sr!(D


    Organizationshat ollowSFAS117,check here) X an dcomplete ines27 hrough 29,and ines33 and 34.

    27 Unrestricted et assets28 Temporarilyestricted et assels29 Permanentlyestricted etassets

    Organizationshat do not follow SFAS117,check here)and complete ines30 through 34.

    30 Capital tock r rust r incipal, r current unds31 Paid-in r capital urplus, r and,building, r equipmentun d32 Retained arnings, ndowment, ccumulatedncome, r other unds33 Totalne tassets r undbalances34 Total iabil i t iesnd netassets/fundalances

    1 _ 9 9 . 6 1 9 27 230 32829

    3031321 9 9 . 6 L 9 33 2 3 0 . 33 5 4 . 6 1 1 34 6 3 6 . 2

    rorm s_ otzoogt SAVAIiINAH MOBILITY MANAGEMENT, INC. 30-04?8338 paSh

    rorm99 0 1

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    FormeO200s) AVIINNAH MOBILITY MANAGEMENT, INC. 30-0478338 paPartXl FinancialStatementsancl nYe s

    1 Accounting ethod sed o preparehe Form990: Cash X Accrual Otherlf he organizationhangedtsmethod f accountingro ma prior ea ror checkedOther," xplainnSchedule .

    2a Were heorganization'sinancial tatementsompiled r reviewed y an ndependentccountant?b Were heorganization'sinancial tatements udited y an ndependentccountant?c lf "Yes"o ine2a or 2b,does heorganizationavea commilleeha tassumesesponsibil i tyor oversight f

    ;TJ:ffiXl;llJllj.1l?.THlffi;,:.::"::::H::::i::"::T,lj;["JSchedule. &d lf "Yes"o ine2a or 2b,checka boxbelow o ndicate hetherhe inancial tatementsor he yearwereissued n a consolidatedasis, eparate asis, r both.

    Separate asis Consolidatedasis Both onsolidatednd separate asis3a As a resull f a federal ward,wa s he organizationequiredo undergo n audit r audits s set orth n

    theS ing le ud i t c tandOMBCircu lar -133?b l f " Y e s , " d i d th e o r g a n i z a t i o n un d e r g o t h e r e q u i re d a u d i t o r a u d i t s? l f t h e o r g a n i za t i o n d i d n o t u n d e rg o l h e

    reouired udit r audits. xplain hv n Schedule anddescribe nvsteos aken o underqo uchaudits.

    2a x2b2c

    3a3brorm99 0

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    SCHEDULE(Form990)Department of the Treasurylnternal Revenue SeruiceNameof the organization


    SupplementalFinancialStatements) Complete f the organization nswered Yes," o Form 990,Par t V , ine6,7,B ,9 , 10,11,or 12.

    ) Attach o Form990. >Se eseparate nstruct ions.

    Ol\ ,4B o 1545-0200Employerdentifcat ion umber3 0 - 0 4 7 8 3 3 8Part or Accounts.Complete f

    (b ) Fundsand o theraccounts12345

    Totalnumber l endof yearAggregate ontributionso (during ear)Aggregate rantsro m during ear)Aggregatealue t endof yearDi d he organizationnform l ldonors nd donoradvisorsnwrit ingha t he assets eld n donoradvisedfundsare he organization'sroperty,ubject o theorganization'sxclusiveegal ontrol? Yes6 Did he organizationnform l lgrantees, onors, nddonoradvisorsn writ inghatgrant unds an beusedonly orcharitableurposes nd not or he benefit f hedonoror donor dvisor, r or an yotherpurpose onferrinqmpermissrblerivate enefit? ts 5Part l Conservation asements. ompletef heorq;nizationnsweredVea';tb o

    1 Purpose(s)f conservationasemenls eldby heorganizationcheck ll hatapply)Preservationf and orpublic se e.9., ecreationr pleasure)Protect ionf natural abitatPreservalion f openspace

    Preservationf an historicallymportantan dareaPreservationf cert if ied istoric tructure

    2 Completeines a hrough d f heorganizationel da qualif ied onservalionontributionn he ormof a conservationeasement n he as tdavof he axvear.abcd


    Tolalnumber f conservationasemenlsTotalacreageestrictedy conservationasementsNumber f conservationasements n a cerlif ied istoric tructurencludedn (a )Number f conservationasementsncludedn (c )acquired ftetBl17106Number f conservalionasements odif ied,ransferred,eleased, xt inguished,the axable ea r _ *Number f states hereproperty ubjecto conservationasements ocated>

    or erminatedy he organizationuring45 Does he organizationav ea writ ten olicy egardinghe periodic onitoring,nspectron,andling f

    violat ions,ndenforcementf he conservationasementst holds?Staff ndvolunteer ours evotedo monitoring,nspectrng,nd enforcing onservationasementsuring he year

    7 Amount f expensesncurredn monitoring,nspecting,nd enforcingonservationasements uring heyear> s _ _Doeseachconservationasementeported n ine2(d)above at isfyhe requirementsf section170(hX4XB)( i )nd ec t ion 70(h) (4) (BXi i )?In PartXlV, escribe owtheorganizationeports onservationasementsn ts evenue ndexpense tatement,ndbalance heet, nd nclude,f applicable,he extof th e ootnoteo he organization'sinancial tatementshatdescribesth eorganization'sccountingor conservationasements.



    (a ) Donoradvised unds

    at heEnd f heTa x

    Part l l Organizationsaintaining ollectionsf Art,Historical reasures,r OtherSimilar ssets.Completef heorganizationnsweredYes"o Form990,Part V, i neB.1 a l f he organizationlected, s permitted nderSFAS 116, no t o reportn ts evenue tatement nd balance heetworksofart,historicalreasures,r other imilar ssets eld orpublic xhibit ion,ducation.r researchn urtherancef public ervice,

    provide,n PartXlV, he extof he ootnoteo its inancial tatementsha tdescribeshese tems.lf he organizationlected, s permitted nderSFAS116, o reportn ts evenue tatement nd balance heetworksof art,historicalreasures,r other imilar ssets eld orpublic xhibit ion,ducation,r researchn urtherancef public ervice,providehe ollowing mounts elat ingo these lems:(i ) Revenuesncludedn Form990,PartVll l , ine > $(ii) Assets ncludedn Form990,Part > $lf heorganizationeceived r heldworksof art,historicalreasures,r other imrlar ssetsor inancial ain,providehefollow,ngmounts equiredo be reported nderSFAS116 elat ingo these tems.Revenuesncludedn Form990.PartVll l . ine1Assets ncludedn Form990,PartX $b

    For PrivacyAc t an d Papenivork eductionAct Notice, ee he Instruct ionsor Form99 0DAA Schedule (Form 90)

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    Schedute(Form eo) 00e SAVAIINAH MOBILITY MANAGnMENT, INC. 30-0478338 paPart l l Organizationsaintaining ollectionsf Art,Historicalreasures,r OtherSimilar ssets continue3 Using heorganization'scquisit ion,ccession,nd other ecords, heck nyof he ollowingha tar ea signif icantseof i tscollect iontems check ll hatapply).abc


    Public xhibit ionScholarlyesearch

    d Loanor exchange rogramse Other

    Preservationor uture enerationsProvide descript ionf he organization'sollect ionsnd explain owtheyfurthertherganization'sxempt urposenPartXlV.Duringheyear, id he organizationolicit r receive onations f art,historicalreasures,r other imilarassels o be sold o raise unds atherha n o be maintained s partof he organization'sollect ion? YesPart V Escrow and CustodialArrangements.Complete f the organization nswered Yes" o Form 990, PartlV, ine9, or reported n amounton Form990,PartX, l ine2'1.

    1a ls theorgan izat ionanagent , trus tee,cus tod ianorotherin termediary forcont r rbut iong.g l .o therassetsnotYe sncluded n Form990,PartX? $ H # gr Ld ,. . . .b | f , . Y e s ' , ' e x p | a i n t h e a r r a n g e m e n t i n P a r t X | V a n d c o m p | e t e t h e f o | | o w i n g t a b | e ' e " d r y s { f " p

    v | 1 c IBeginn inga lanced Addi t ionsur ingheyear | 1d Le Dis t r ibu t ionsur ingheyear I t " If End ing a lance | 1 f I

    2a D id heorgan izat ionnc lude n amount n Form 90,PartX , l ine21?b lf "Yes." xplainhe arranqementn PartXlV.

    YesPartV Endowmentunds.1a Beginning f yearbalanceb Contributionsc Net nvestmentarnings.ains,

    an o ossesd Grants r scholarshipse Other xpendituresor acil i t ies

    an oprogramsf Administrat ivexpenses.g En dof yearbalance

    e i f o answeredYes"o Form990 Part V(e ) Four years b




    Provideheeslimated ercentagef he yearend balance el dasBoard esignatedrquasi-endowment %PermanentndowmentTermendowmentAre here ndowmentundsnot n hepossession f he organizationhatar eheldan dadministeredor heu t 9 d i l r z d u v r r u y .( i ) unre la tedorgan izat ions(ii) related rganizations

    b lf "Yes" o 3a(ii), re he elaled rganizationsisted s required n Schedule ?4 Describen PartXIV he ntended se sof the orqanization'sndowmentunds.PartVl lnvestments-Land. uild

    Descriptionof investment

    1a Landb Bui ld ingsc Leaseholdlmprovementsd Equipmente Other

    SeeForm990 PartX l ine 10(d ) Bookva lue


    (b ) Costor otherbasis othe0

    ScheduleD (Form990)Total.Ad d ines1a hr o mustequalForm990,PartX, column B) , ine10(c)

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    Scheclrrle Form so)2oos $AVANN4E-I'1QBILITY MANAGPartVll lnvestments-Otherecurit ies.eeForm 90,PartX, ine12.(a ) Description of secunty or category

    (includingname of securi ty)Financial erivat ivesClosely-heldquitynterestsOther

    Total. must qualForm990,PartX. col. B) in e12

    (c ) l\,4ethod f valuationCost or end-of-year market value

    Part Vlll Investments ram Related.See Form990.PartX. l ine13(a ) Descriptionof investment type

    Total. Column b)mustequalForm990,PartX, col l i ne 3

    (c ) l\.4ethod f valuatronCost or end-o f year marketva lue

    Part X Other ssets. eeForm990.PartX. ine15.(a ) Descriptron

    mustequalForm990,PartX, col. B) in e15.)PartX OtherLiabi l i t ies. ee Form 990, PartX. l ine25.

    ( b) Book va lue

    (a ) Description of liabilityFederalncome axesROOM TAX DUE TO OTHER ORGANIZATIONSP _ CITY STREETCAR FARE

    Total. Columnb)must qual or m 90 ,Part ,co l (B ) ine 5

    2 L 3 5 782 0 , 0 0 0

    233 , s782. FIN 8Footnote.nPart lV , rovidehe ext f he ootnoteo heorqanization'sinancialtatementshat eoortsheanization'siabil itvoruncertainaxDAA

    ScheduleD (Form990)s under IN48

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    Scheduie (Form eo) 00s SAVAIINAH MOBILITY I4ANAGEIENT' INC. 3 0 - 0 4 78 3 3 8Part Xl Reconciliation f e in Net Assets rom Form990 o AuditedFinancialStatements1 Total evenueForm 90 ,PartVll l ,column A) ' ine 12 )2 TotalexpensesForm 90 ,Part X,column A) , in e25 )3 Excess r (deficit)or heyear Subtractine2 from ine14 Netunrealizedains losses) n nvestments5 Donated ervices nd us eof acil i t ies6 Investmentxpenses7 PriorperiodadjustmenlsB Other Describen PartXlV.)9 Totaladjustmentsnet). dd ines through

    10 Excess r r oerauditedinancial tatements. ombineines and9

    flffiffiSrfPartXl l Reconci l iat ion f Revenue er AuditedFinancialStatementsWith Revenue Return1 Total evenue, ains, nd other upport er auditedinancial tatemenls2 Amountsnc ludedn ine1 butnoton Form 90,Par tV l l l , ine12a Ne tunrealizedains n nvestmentsb Donated ervices ndus eof acil i t iesc Recoveriesf prior eargrantsd Other Describen PartXI Ve Add ines a hrough d

    3 Subtractine2e rom in e14 Amountsnc ludedn Form 90,Par tV l l l , ine12,butnoton ine :a lnvestmentxpenses ot ncluded n Form990,PartVll l , ine7bb Other Describen PartXlV.)c Add ines a an d4b

    5 T an d4c. (ThismustequalForm990,Parl . ine12Part Xlll Reconciliation f Ex AuditedFinancialStatementsWith E Return1 Total xpenses nd osses er auditedinancial tatements2 Amounlsncluded n in e1 bu tno ton Form990,Part X, ine25a Donated ervices nd useof facil i t iesb Prior ea radjustmentsc Other ossesd Other Describen PartXI Ve Add ines a hrough d .3 Subtractine2e rom ine1

    4 Amountsncluded n Form990,Part X, ine25 ,bu t no ton ine1:a Investmentxpenses ot ncluded n Form990,PartVll l , ine7bb Other Describen PartXlV.)c Add ines a an d4b

    5 Total 4c . Th ismust al Form990 l ine 18PartXIV SupplementalnformationCompletehi spart o providehe descript ionsequiredor Part l, ines , 5, and9; Part l l , ines1a an d4, Part V, ines 1ban d2b :PartV, ine4: PartX, ine2, PartXl, ineB; PartXll, ines d an d4b ;and PartXll l , ines d and 4b .Alsocompletethispart o provide nyaddit ionalnformation

    ScheduleD (Form990

  • 8/14/2019 Sammi Form990


    SCHEDULE(Form990)Department of the Treasurylnternal Revenue SeruiceName of the organization


    Line 11A - Org:anization' s processWAS PROVIDED TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS

    Employer denti f icat ion umber3 0 - 0 4 7 8 3 3 8to Review Form 990FOR REVTEWPRIOR TO

    OM B No. 1545-0Supplementalnformat iono Form990Complete o provide nformation or responses o specif icquestionsonForm 990 or to provideany addit ional nformation.) Attach to Form 990.


    200Open o Pub

    Fory1 990 { Part YI , LineG-overning documents are

    19 - Governing Documentsar e availal^']-e fo r public

    D isc losure Exp lana t ioninspect ion upon reguest
