Samdam – TON Grants 2014

SAMDAM TON Grant ‘Promote’ 2014


The contests SAMDAM-TON Grants “Promovează” (Promote) In 12 October 2013 at the TOT Training of The Open Network for Community Development we launched the projects contest SAMDAM – TON “Promovează” (Promote).  The deadline was established on 15 February 2014. 16 projects were submitted until the deadline. 10 projects were given the Grant of 300 Euro for their project. The period of implementation was between 15 March - 31 August 2014.

Transcript of Samdam – TON Grants 2014

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SAMDAM – TON Grant ‘Promote’


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SAMDAM – TON Grant 2014 ‘Promote’

• In 12 October 2013 at the TOT Training of The Open Network for Community Development we launched the projects contest SAMDAM – TON “Promovează” (Promote).

• The deadline was established on 15 February 2014.

• 16 projects were submitted until the deadline.

• 10 projects were given the Grant of 300 Euro for their project.

• The period of implementation was between 15 March - 31 August 2014.

The contests SAMDAM-TON Grants “Promovează” (Promote)

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SAMDAM – TON Grant 2014 ‘Promote’

10 projects financed in 2014

No Organisation Project title

1 AGLT Romanian-Belgian past, present and future

2 ADAM Moldovița We give beauty

3 APPE Ciumârna Promotion marathon

4 GLT Constanța Learn to play

5 ADL Cehu Silvaniei INFOCEHU - informative electronic Center

6 GLT Reșița Volunteering, community involvement workshop

7 Grup Informal Tăut Taut village and its realities at the beginning of the third millennium, Quo vadis Taut?!

8 OLF Poienița Promotion of TON through OLF AND OLB models

9 GLT Cumpăna Preventing and combating juvenile delinquency among adolescent students

10 CLD Dumitrești Child smile at Hora Dumitreștilor

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SAMDAM – TON Grant 2014 ‘Promote’

Asociația Grupurilor Locale de Tineret (AGLT) - Local Youth Groups Association

Romanian-Belgian past, present and future

AGLT was originally a Flemish project in Romania. This project has turned into a national organisation that has grown year by year. This year we celebrated 10 years. The aim of the project: To promote AGLT nationwide. The project brings together 14 years of experience in Belgian-Roman youth department collaboration, being carried out in all GLTs (Local Youth Groups) active sites within AGLT community. The target groups are all the GLTs within the AGLT, The Open Network for Community Development Foundation, the communities of the GLTs area, Belgian partners.

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Some of the activities and results of the project: • making a database of all GLTs that work or have

worked in the organization; • project dissemination in all GLTs and gathering of

‘local history’; • making a database of all training conducted in the

organization; • making a database of ‘Belgian histories’; • gathering of impressions of partners, volunteers

and members of the organization.

All of these are published in the 1st volume of ‘Local Youth Groups Association - Achievements and Prospects’ 2000-2013. By achieving this written history of the organization we bring added value for community development by promoting it nationwide.

Asociația Grupurilor Locale de Tineret (AGLT) - Local Youth Groups Association

Romanian-Belgian past, present and future

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Asociaţia de Ajutor Mutual A.D.A.M. Moldoviţa

We Give Beauty

Project ‘We Give Beauty’ (Dăruim frumuseţe) aims to strengthen ties in the local community through active involvement in community activities of more social groups (women, men, young, local authorities, partners).

The target group consists of members of the Local Women's Organizations A.D.A.M. Moldovița.

This project involved 10 members of women organisation, 4 members of the local men organisation, 3 young included within the ‘Game On’ project, the Mayor of Moldoviţa commune, initiative group ‘A village for a village’ Kruibeke, Belgium.

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Asociaţia de Ajutor Mutual A.D.A.M. Moldoviţa

We Give Beauty

Some of the results of the project: • The project “We Give Beauty" OLF Moldovița wants to contribute to better visibility and ensure credibility of A.D.A.M. Moldovița Association in the community. In the project were made 1 roll-up, one flag and 100 prootional leaflets • The project activities lead to the beautifying the front of the A.D.A.M. Moldovița space by planting trees and flowers with the help of intergenerational collaboration. Garden Materials: 20 Thuja seedlings planted, 6 roses, 2 aronia, 10 pots with geraniums, was purchased one electric trimmer, gloves and other gardening tools, 7 rounds with flowers, 25 m of flower beds, 15 solar lamps. • Through the campaign to collect seedlings from community members, the project helped to the development of the spirit of solidarity and promotion of volunteering in the village.

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Asociaţia ‘Proiect Pro Europa’ Ciumârna

Promotion marathon

The aim of the project is to increase the interest for voluntary involvement in community projects and programs of the Association carried at local, regional and national level. The target group was formed by 500 local and regional community members, young and adult, women and men, children and seniors informed and interested/motivated/determined/confident to join our association initiatives in any of the functional groups: GLT 4Kids, OLF and/or OLB Ciumârna.

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Asociaţia ‘Proiect Pro Europa’ Ciumârna

Promotion marathon

Some of the results of the project: The Promotion Marathon had 3 complementary components: Promotion Fair of Asociația ‘Pro Europa Project’ - achievements and prospects - Polyvalent Hall Ciumarna; Volunteer recruitment campaign ‘Involve yourself!’ (Implică-te şi tu!) – Non formal information and recruitment stands at Pasul Ciumârna (La Palma ) and Popasul Forestier Pronoare; Travelling Exhibition - Projects and Programmes for Sustainable Development - in minutes. Five different locations in Suceava County - at A.D.A.M. Moldovița, Bucovina Values - Gura Humorului, Asociaţia Culturală Gura Izvorului – Vatra Moldoviţei, “Ștefan cel Mare“ University Suceava, the Social settlement "Sf. Leontie“Rădăuţi and the TON National Meeting – Constanța.

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GLT "Tineri Mereu" Constanța

Learn to play

The aim of the project is to rais the effort for the personal development of young people through participation in civic activities adapted to the particularities of age.

The project is developed as a national project, approved by the MEC without funding. For 2014, socio-cultural animation courses runed in the project at the national level.

20 schools in the country, benefit the socio-cultural animation courses; each school selected 15 young (older than 14 years students) to participate in these courses; a total of 300 direct beneficiaries were involved in the project. With the Grant money GLT "Tineri Mereu" Constanța purchased a printer used for the preparation of all materials used in the socio-cultural animation courses.

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ADL Cehu Silvaniei

INFOCEHU - informative electronic Center

The aim of the project is to inform the residents of Cehu Silvaniei City about the Authority and civil society activities. Besides the information it has an educational, cultural and multicultural feature. The target groups are: online environment: young people and people who use the internet daily, people who work outside the country, moved to other places, but they had contact with Cehu Silvaniei;

outdoor environment: people in the region surrounding of the town; on paper: institutions, people who don’t have access to the internet, retired people.

Results of the project: • booking the field name and editing electronic

newspaper. has four parts: 1. Front: presentation of the association, city presentation, information

and useful links, news and local ads; 2. A diary page in Romanian language; 3. A diary page in Hungarian; 4. Blogosphere.

• Editing of the local newspaper that has a data base of online information. • The rent of a billboard in the city center, where important information is

posted from the online, press releases etc.

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Grupul Local de Tineret Arcus din Reșița

Volunteering, community involvement workshop

The aim of the project is the development of trainings for youth in 7th and 8th grades from Văliug, training them as active citizens in the community through volunteer activities. The target group was formed by 15th young students from Văliug during 5 days of activities. As a follow up of this project, GLT Arcus will make once a month activities in Văliug community, supporting the group of youngsters trained in this project in future activities.

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SAMDAM – TON Grant 2014 ‘Promote’

Grup Informal Tăut

Taut village and its realities at the beginning of the third millennium, Quo vadis Taut?!

The aim of the project was to establish the Taut Local Development Centre, within which we have (and will continue) conducted socio-cultural activities. We plan to develop projects that can improve, even to change social realities through increased accountability, social integration, the promote and support closeness between generations, involving CLS, OLF, GLT, organizing regular health prevention activities, the greening of the environment and interrelation between generations.

The target group is formed by the Taut villagers.

Some of the results of the project: • Reading the most pleasant "activity" for the mind and soul.

Design theme – workshop. • Greening the neighborhood of Crișul Negru river. • Smoking and its consequences. Prevention, control, self-

education. – outdoor workshop • Visits to nursing homes in the area; Batar, Tinca, Salonta.

"Adopt a Granny“ campaign.

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OLF POIENIȚA, com. Dumitrești, jud. Vrancea

Promotion of TON through OLF AND OLB models

The aim of the project is to conduct information campaigns involving women OLF in Poieniţa headquarters having as guests the ladies from Valea Râmnic: Chiojdeni, Jitia, Vintileasca, and Tâmboieşti villages. We want to offer the opportunity to develop the skills they need to make changes in their own communities. The target group is formed by the women from OLF Poienița and the women from Chiojdeni, Jitia, Vintileasca, Tâmboiești villages. Activities developed in the project: 1. Greening and spring cleaning (customs, methods and

necessity); 2. Tribute to local heroes (sacrifice and recognition) 3. Bridge over generations: Grandparents and grandchildren -


With the support of the Grant we purchased 15 chairs that were used during all the meetings in the project and will be used in the future in the next activities of OLF.

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GLT Cumpăna

Preventing and combating juvenile delinquency among adolescent students

Aim of the project: Preventing and combating juvenile delinquency among students at the threshold of tteenagers of High Technology "Nicolae Dumitrescu" from Cumpăna commune, Constanța County by: • Informing high school students about juvenile

delinquency; • Identify the types of antisocial behavior; • Awareness of the risks and repercussions of their

antisocial behavior by making personal creations (drawings, posters, essays, versification) to induce the idea of rejecting these types and adopt behaviors and positive attitudes;

• Adoption of attitudes and social behaviors, accurate, quantified in the grades obtained at the behavior in 2nd semester (average per class wearing higher with at least 10% compared to the first semester);

• Encouraging creativity and social behavior through incentives for students with a high degree of involvement in the project.

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GLT Cumpăna

Preventing and combating juvenile delinquency among adolescent students

The target group consists of students of 7th and 8th classes that study at Technology High School "Nicolae Dumitrescu" Cumpăna: 87 young students aged 13 to 16 years (four classes). Activities developed in the project: • Action of information about the forms, causes and consequences of juvenile delinquency. • Watching documentaries and some spots to promote delinquency prevention campaign. What can I learn from the negative experiences of others? • Violence in school. What can I do to improve the situation? Case Study - workshop. • Creative Workshop: choose responsible behavior. Students made posters and various literary compositions (essays, slogans, versification).

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CLD Dumitrești

Child smile at Hora Dumitreștilor

Aim of the project: Organization of traditional songs and dances contest. Empower all children from Râmnicul Valley and beyond, to participate in a contest of this kind without fee. Children accustomed to the spirit of competition. Training Râmnicul Valley residents but also local authorities in organizing the event.

The target group was formed by preschools, high school pupils, teachers and inhabitants.

The contest was organised at 1st of June 2014. In the contest competed over 170 children from 4 communities from Râmnicul Valley: Dumitrești, Chiojdeni, Jitia and Vintileasca. Songs and dances presented were delighted souls of those present who rewarded the children with applause.

At the end of the festival award ceremony took place that brought great joy to both children participants and coordinators of bands that have promised to come better prepared the next editions.