Sam and Mi - Book I

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Transcript of Sam and Mi - Book I

  • 8/6/2019 Sam and Mi - Book I


    Sam and Mi

    Chapter 1

    Its my last year in high school and Im hoping my high school life would turn for the better, but as soon as class started it made a turn for the worst, I ended up in the sameclass with the school bully Sam, whats worse is that were seatmates. During class Icouldnt concentrate, I was uneasy, shaking, afraid and yet attracted, weird, how did a girllike her become a bully? Looking closely at her she seems like a nice girl but suddenlyshe hit me. . .

    Sam: WHY THE HELL YOU STARING AT ME?!Mi: I. . .I. . .uhSam: Fuck! Speak up!

    And she hits me again and again. We ended up at the principals office and well whilewaiting for the secretary to call us she sort of threatened me.

    Sam: You ass Im gonna break you apart after class, so you better prepare yourself.

    Oh my god, is she really a girl?? But looking closely at her eyes, she looks like she wantsto cry but shes holding it back, hmmm. The secretary asks us to enter the office and assoon as we do I cried, I cried so hard like a 2 year old who dropped my candy, why did Ido that? Simply because I wanted to cry for Sam, I even started rolling on the floor, it wasworth it since I made her giggle, well the principals face also was priceless its probablythe first time she saw a senior student act like that. During lunch break I headed to thefootball field to watch my friends play, when suddenly Sam asked if she could play butfrom my point of view she bullied her way into the game, since she was there I decided togo back to the room as I walked away I got hit by the soccer ball on the face really hard, Isaw it flying at me but why the hell didnt I dodge it? This day is turning real bad and Istill have to deal with Sam after school, a plan then enters my genius mind, instead of

    going back to the room from the infirmary I decided to go home. While walking I passed by the arcade and decided to play for a while before going home, I was having a greattime at the fighting game I was beating the player on the other side so bad, I tried to look at whos playing and upon seeing who it was chills went down my spine. Its her, I was

    playing against Sam the whole time, oh god do you hate me? I sneaked out of the arcadeslowly, when I bumped into someone,

    Sam: So you ditched school to play here? Seems like you forgot about our date? Oh andIll have to pay you back for every cent I wasted trying to beat you.

    She drags me out of the arcade and takes me to the back alley.

    Sam: Are you ready retard?

    Mi: wait! Wait! Just a sec! Im sorry for staring all right? And for trying to escape, butdont you think this is a bit unfair? How could I fight back when youre a girl?

    That last statement would make things turn out even worse.


    And she viciously attacks me. I woke up hours later only to find myself in a girls room,holy crap! This room hopefully doesnt belong to one I think it does.

    Sam: Good youre awake sissy.

    Oh god kill me now.

    Mi: What am I doing here? Is this your room?

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    Sam: You were so weak that I knocked you out with one kick, and then I panicked so I brought you here.Mi: oh. . .i see. . .thank you.Sam: Youre thanking me?? What the hell is wrong with you??Mi: Well cause you couldve just left me there but instead you took me somewhere safe.Sam: Dont get too comfortable idiot, youre gonna be in a lot more trouble once you

    step out of this room.Mi: Wha? What do you mean?

    Well I found out why when I met her dad, it seems that I was the first guy to ever stepinside this house, and inside her room, her dad asks me to come to their dojo and wellasks me to spar with him.

    Mi: Uhm. . .e. .excuse me sir but I dont think this is necessary.Mr. Copeland: This is a family tradition so we cant do anything but to follow it.Mi: Please sir Im not really sure about. . .Mr. Copeland: Get ready!

    And he attacks me, oh hell better just take it and end this.

    Mr Copeland: Wow, youre a great fighter.

    What the hell?? I didnt even do anything.

    Mi: Uhm what do you mean sir?Mr. Copeland: You see it takes courage to attack someone, but someone needs an evengreater courage to take an attack.Mi: And what does that mean exactly?Mr. Copeland: It means I allow you to be with my daughter.Mi: What?! No sir! Things arent like that between me and your daughter.Sam: Dad its getting late he needs to go home.Mr. Copeland: Right, well come back tomorrow so we could talk more.Mi: Uhm o. . .k. . .i guess?Sam: Youre with me now so youll have to stay by my side forever.Mi: Are you serious??Sam: Oh yes I am serious and that was an order, so you have to stay with me forever or.Mi: Or?? What??Sam: Its late go home.

    Well what the heck did I just get myself into?? Oh man! This is horse shit!! My crappylife will now be crazy, I think I might need to move to a new school and place, I need tosave myself from all of this and get as far away from here as possible, in the middle of methinking and talking to myself while walking home, my phone rings. Unknown caller??Who could it be?

    Mi: Hello, Mi here, whos this?Sam: Chicken shit, its me Sam, dont even think of going anywhere or quitting school,Ill hunt you down and when I find you Im going to kill you then drag you out of hell tokill you again. Bye.

    Oh what the hell is she psychic? How the hell did she get my number? I receive amessage from Sam and well.

    Yes, I am psychic and I got your number while you were passed out.

    HOLY SHIIIIIIIIT!!!! What have I gotten myself into?

    Chapter 2

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    I got home to my peaceful apartment, well Ive been living alone after I got into highschool, my mom passed away when I was in 5 th grade and my dad is busy with his newfamily and I dont want to be a burden to them, besides I visit them every Christmas

    break, my step mom is nice and so is my little brother, but I just dont feel like hangingaround them, seeing them as one big happy family brings back memories of my mom so Idecided to stay at an apartment which my uncle owns and well its free so its great. After

    eating dinner I decided to go up the roof and look at the stars and well my dad used to tellme that all the people we love that are in heaven watch over us and looking up at the starsmakes us feel like we are looking at them and they are looking back at us. I look at thestars now but I dont feel anything like that, it just makes me wish that my moms stillalive and that me, dad and her are together all the time. It suddenly started raining, so Iwent back to my apartment and called it a day. I woke up the next day only to find that itwas still raining and its good news for me cause, Im not going to school, well I dontreally like to go out when its raining besides whatever happens I can surely catch up inclass since Im smart, well probably too smart. I decided to go back to sleep, but someonesuddenly bangs on my door, who the heck could this be so early in the morning?

    Sam: Open up chicken shit!!

    Holy crap what a day wrecker. I open the door and *BOOM* she kicks me.

    Sam: Whos the day wrecker you piece of trash?!

    I forgot she was psychic, ouch my back, my stomach.

    Sam: Sorry about your mom, I didnt know you had a rough time.Mi: What youre feeling sorry for me now? I dont need you pity, Im doing fine, Imhappy with my life so you can have your pity. I dont need it.Sam: Why you insensitive little twerp! Youre gonna get it real bad now.

    Ooopsie, pissed of the wrong person. She ended up dragging me to school all bruised, butsomehow Im happy. During math class Sam fell asleep and so when she was called onshe couldnt answer and the teacher was embarrassing her and then she had thatexpression again, shes holding back her tears, so what I did was I farted so loud it goteveryones attention, and I said Uhm it was me., everyone laughed and so it got the

    pressure off of Sam, but it made her laugh too. I dont know what it is but seeing her havethat expression makes me want to defend her, makes me want to cheer her up, After school she asked me if I could help her out with some of our homework, well sort of forced me to help her with it. We went to her house and well her dad was really happy tosee me he treats me like his own son, really weird and freaky. After helping her andteaching her she took me to her mom, well it was an altar and well we were the same, we

    both had lost our mother, but I envied her cause her dad didnt remarry and their familystill has the presence of her mom, they asked me to stay for dinner, it was quite a surpriseto know that Sam knows how to cook, while she was cooking her dad was entertainingme we were talking about a lot of stuff, her dad is quite the blabber mouth, amazing howopen he is to me and how at ease he is. During dinner Sam and her dad were having agood time, it brought me back to how mom and were before and how I loved watchingthem, no matter how delicious the food Sam made was I didnt feel like eating a lot I justwanted to go home already.

    Sam: Hey! Weakling hows the food?Mi: uh. . .what?Sam: Oh not able to answer right away huh?

    Oh god Im gonna get it.

    Sam: Its that good?? Ohh Im such an awesome cook.

    What the heck? That was unexpected, for a moment there I thought I was gonna get hit bya plate. After dinner I went home, and while walking I suddenly started crying, all those

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    happy memories with my mom and dad got me, how I wish that things were different,how I wish my family was still with me, it starts to rain hard. I got to my apartment allwet and broke down on the door right after going in, the memories of my childhoodflooding my head, my moms warm smile, how my parents would hold my hands whenwe walk, how mom and dad treasured each other and me, everything was flashing back,my cries overshadowed by the raindrops my screams covered by thunder, now Im all

    alone and my dad has a new family while I have no one but myself. I have lived in thisapartment for 4 years now but only now have I felt how empty it is, how cold it gets whenit rains, how dark it is without turning on the lights and how pathetic I really am. I dontfeel like going to school tomorrow or the next day or the day after that, I just want to bealone, I just want to forget about all the things about my family.

    Chapter 3

    Lying on the floor with my still wet clothes, looking up at the ceiling everything seems so big right now, I feel so small. I look at my palms and see which one of these lines are thereason my life is like this, then it hits me like lightning, I rushed to my room grabbedsome scissors and started cutting my hair. Thats when Sam came banging on the door and yelled and kept on yelling, so I opened the door and when she saw me her face

    became really weird, her eyes were suddenly real big and glittery, and she gave me acreepy smile.

    Mi: Whats wrong? Why are you here? Its already late.Sam: I. . .Ahh. . .hmm. . .Mi: What?Sam: I. . .Ahh. . .Mi: Hello?! Sam? What is it that youre trying to say?Sam: Uhh. . .Ahem. . .right, I was worried about you so I came, so are you ok?Mi: Yup, Im ok now, I know now what I have to do.Sam: What do you mean?Mi: Whats the matter cant read my mind?

    She went in and well we had hot choco, and talked, talked a lot, really I hope we couldalways be like this, and shes not always hitting me, forcing me to do things, but still Ilike her this way, she could be bossy, demanding and hot headed but I think Im in lovewith her, in love with every little thing about her and I want to know her more, I want to

    be closer to her, I want to know everything about her. Looking at her eyes I dont knowwhat or who Id be from now on if ever Im separated with her.

    Sam: Hey! Give me your phone.

    And there she goes being all bossy again.

    Mi: Here you go.Sam: Hello, dad Im sleeping over here at Mis, but I guess it wont be just for tonight.Bye.

    What the heck did she just say??

    Mi: Hey, hey, hey, you cant just decide on something like that, you need to ask me first!Sam: Why?! You got a problem with me staying here??Mi: Well its not right for two senior high students to live in the same place, speciallywith you being a girl, I mean what would people say??Sam: Well I dont see anything wrong with it, and there isnt anything you could doabout it.

    Oh man! How the heck am I supposed to deal with this?

    Sam: Simple, just think of it as a start for when we get married.Mi: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?!

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    Sam: Jesus! Dont yell at me you moron! Why? Are you planning on marrying someoneelse??Mi: Whats with you? And this marriage stuff??Sam: Answer the damn question! Are you planning on marrying someone else?!Mi: Marriage still isnt on my mind right now, and youre acting weird.

    She kicks me and hits me.

    Sam: You didnt answer the damn question! You chicken shit! Moron!

    And her cursing is really nerve wrecking ear torture. Id be sleeping on the couch as longas shes here and I cant freaking do all the things that I love doing, listening to loudmusic, eating a lot of junk foods, watching t.v. non-stop, dvd marathons and sleeping in.

    Sam: Hey, Im using your clothes.

    And off she goes to my closet and grabs whatever she wants to wear, oh dear. . .this isgonna be a pain indeed, but somehow Im glad, glad that I wont be alone anymore. Samtakes a shower and while shes in the bathroom, Im fixing her bed, my bed I mean, while

    I was finishing up she suddenly asks me how my mom passed away.

    Mi: She was involved in a traffic accident, her car smashed against someone elses, our driver died on the spot but people were able to rush my mom to the hospital, but when Igot there I was already too late.Sam: That traffic incident, there was a woman beside your mom at the hospital. My momwas going to pick me up at school but she never came, I waited for her but she never came, then dad picked me up and told me what happened, my mom lost control of the car,it was September 4, 2004.Mi: It was my birthday. . .we were supposed to go away that weekend, I was so excited togo home, I never thought things would end up like that.Sam: Funny how we both lost our mother at the same accident.Mi: Yeah, so how come your dad didnt remarry? You against it or something?Sam: No, he just doesnt want any other woman besides my mom, hes pretty faithful,while my mom wasnt.Mi: Why?Sam: She was cheating on my dad, despite how great of a husband and a father my dadwas, she still cheated on him.Mi: Oh I see well at least you have your dad.Sam: Dont you have a father?Mi: I do but I hate him now, he remarried after I graduated from junior high, thats why Ileft and lived in this apartment.Sam: If you were against him remarrying then you shouldve told him!Mi: Whats the point in telling him? Surely he wouldnt want my opinion, besides hes anadult he should know what the consequences of his actions would be.Sam: Of course he would! He would surely value his own sons opinion more thananyone elses!Mi: You would never understand me.Sam: Then make me understand you! Im here! Ill listen! I wont shut you out! So dontshut me out. . .

    Ahh! What the heck! Im not going to continue with this conversation!

    Mi: Hey! Uhm do you want to go out of the bathroom now cause I need to go poop.Sam: What the?! Hold it in for a couple more minutes!Mi: I cant! I gotta go now!

    Chapter 4

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    After I finished taking a dump, she asked if we could like buy some ice cream from theconvenience store and watch a couple of movies once we get back to the apartment, I saidsure and asked her what shes gonna wear outside.

    Sam: Just this? Why?Mi: Are you insane?? Youre going out with just those clothes??

    Sam: What the hell is wrong with what Im wearing?!Mi: Well nothing. . .Its just that, no, nevermind. . .Just use my jacket and my cap.Sam: Youre weird.

    As she puts on the jacket, she was looking really gorgeous and when she put on the capits as if she was illuminated. What the heck is happening? Shes not wearing anythinggreat and beautiful but shes stunningly radiant, its freaking weird in a good way. So wegot out of the apartment and walk to the convenience store which was only a few metersaway, but I cant seem to take my eyes off of her, we arrived at the convenience store andthe owner Mr. Fern was surprised to see me with a girl.

    Mr. Fern: Well now this is a big surprise Mi, so whos that pretty lady with you?Mi: Oh hey there Mr. Fern, uhm well shes my cousin and shes gonna be staying with

    me for a while.

    Then I nervously laugh.

    Sam: Cousin?? Mi?? Youre such a kidder! Introduce me properly now.(If you dontwant me to beat you up right here and now.)Mi: Right! I was just kidding, Mr. Fern this is Sam Copeland, shes my. .Sam: His fianc.Mr. Fern: Really? Your engaged Mi? When did this happen?

    Well just now and Im really surprised to be engaged at such an early age, At least thatswhat I wanted to say but instead ended up saying.

    Mi: Oh its been like a couple of months now, sorry if I wasnt able to tell you before.Mr. Fern: Goodness! Well as a gift Ill give you a discount for today.Mi: Oh my! You dont have to do that.Mr. Fern: No, no, no, its not a big deal Mi.Sam: Thank you sir.Mr. Fern: Youre one lucky guy Mi to have such a nice and beautiful girl like her, so you

    better treat her well and respect her.

    Hmpf! As if shes nice!

    Mi: Of course I will, since Im soo lucky to have her.

    I give her a hug and sarcastically laugh. Ive got no idea Id be in trouble later. Once wegot back to the apartment.

    Sam: So Im your cousin huh?! And youre surprised to be engaged at such an earlyage?! Oh and lets not forget that great statement Hmpf! As if shes nice! and your sarcastic laugh, so let me just ask you Mi. . .HOW WOULD YOU WANT TO GO TOHELL?!

    She hits me in the face, and I drop to the floor while she keeps on hitting and kicking me, but somehow Im happy, wait let me change that, IM REALLY FREAKING HAPPY!!!!When Sam was finished and calmed down we sat and watched a movie while eating icecream, just for you to know we are watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Idont know why she picked this movie, so anyway she was sitting really close to me and Iheard like a sobbing sound, I thought it was from the movie but when I looked beside me,it was her crying. I asked her whats wrong and she looked at me with teary puppy dogeyes and said.

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    Sam: The movie is getting to me. . .

    I wanted to laugh really hard but I just anchored my arm around her and smiled. She alsohugs me but she uses my shirt to wipe her tears, oh man, but right now this moment Imreally sure of what I want to do for the rest of my life, its to spend it with her. We watch

    another movie well she wanted to, so this time its a horror flick, Nightmare on ElmStreet, oh yeah! Now this is my kind of movie, she was now hugging me really tight, Iwas surprised to see her feminine side tonight, first how she cried and got sentimental,now how shes frightened, I guess if not for her bossy boyish side shed be like the

    perfect girl, Im lucky to be with her. Half way through the movie I suddenly felt likeshes sleeping, so I checked and well she is, she fell asleep. I didnt want to wake her upso I carried her to bed, and after placing her on it and tucking her in, she asks me not togo cause shes scared, so I place my pillows on the floor and say that Ill be sleeping onthe floor so she shouldnt be scared. She suddenly asks me to hold her hand, what thehell?? Well I held her hand and its the first time I ever held a girls hand, so I wasamazed at how soft and warm it is, this certainly feels nice, then suddenly it felt as if myarm would snap, she was turning to the side and she was now gripping my hand real tightand she doesnt seem to want to let go I was now up and trying to get my hand but instead

    I was forced on the bed with her and well Im now in awkward position since shescuddling me like a teddy bear and Im so being suffocated but I dont want to wake her upsince she looks so peaceful. Im gonna bear with this until morning, darn and weve gotschool tomorrow Id definitely be sleeping in class.

    Chapter 5

    I wasnt able to get any sleep since Sam was moving around too much and she wasclinging to my arm so tight, she even used me as a teddy bear and hugged me real tight,so tight I barely could breathe, when the alarm went off I woke her up and she wassurprised she was hugging me, it didnt turn out well for me she kicked me so hard andshe didnt even let me explain, while we were walking to school I was half asleep, whenwe got to school everyone was staring at us, but it was nothing to Sam cause once sheglared at them everyone completely ignored us. We got to the room and it was still early Isat down and went to sleep but it seems Sam wouldnt let me, she wakes me up and tellsme to buy her a drink. On the corridor everything and everyone was really blurry, my

    body suddenly felt so heavy the next thing I knew everything went all black. When Icame to, I was at the infirmary and Sam was on the side of the bed sleeping, I didnt wantto wake her up so I placed her on the bed and I asked the nurse what happened.

    Nurse: You fainted at the corridor, everyone panicked and quickly brought you here,when she heard about it she rushed here and asked where you are and she never left your side, youre a real lucky guy to have such a girl.Mi: I know maam, thats why Im really glad shes with me, and I hope things will staylike this forever.Nurse: But you know nothing lasts forever and youre both still young so dont get tooattached to each other, you never know what the future will bring.

    Hearing that was saddening, but I didnt care, things might end up differently in the future but one thing Im sure will never change is my feelings for her. I decided to watch her asshe slept, she mustve been so worried about me, I held her hand.

    Mi: I promise you Sam, my feelings will never change, and I will never go until you tellme to, but please dont ever tell me to go away.

    She suddenly wakes up and looks at me, hugs me real tight and whispers to me.

    Sam: You weakling! Dont you ever make me worry like that again! I thought. . .Ithought you werent going to wake up ever. . .

    She started crying. So I held her tight and told her.

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    Mi: Shhhh. . .stop crying, you know I wont ever leave you, who would you push aroundif go right? Cmon lets go home.Sam: Before we go home since its Friday, lets go to the mall first theres something Iwant to buy.Mi: Youre the boss.

    When we got there we went straight to this shop full of girls clothing, I was surprised, Inever thought she would buy girly clothes since she was boyish.

    Sam: Wait there, Im going to try out something and when I come out you tell me how Ilook in it, be honest! Got it?!Mi: Ok, ok, I will.

    Whats taking her so long?

    Mi: Hey, Sam you ok??Sam: Sorry for the wait, here!

    The way she looked in the dress cant be put in words, I didnt know what to say, I justwanted to look at her.

    Sam: HEY!!!Mi: . . .Sam: How do I look?!Mi: uh. . .uhm. . .you. . .Sam: What?? Dont you like it?Mi: No, its not that, you just look great, really great.Sam: Really?? I do?Mi: Yeah, you do.Sam: Great!! Cause guess what?!Mi: What?Sam: I asked your dad and mine if we could all have dinner tonight, and they both saidyes! Theyll be waiting for us at Julys.Mi: Really. . .so is my dads family coming?Sam: Yes, of course they are.Mi: I see. . .Sam: Isnt it great that our parents will meet?Mi: Yeah. . .its great. . .Uhm Sam since were here and its still quite early, I want to buysomething as well, if its alright with you. . .Sam: Sure, lets go.

    We went to the Apple store, and I asked the clerk an for an iPod touch, I bought it andwent out, next we went to the Samsung store, I asked for a phone that a little kid would beable to use easily, they gave me one and I paid for it, last stop is the Watch store, I askedfor a wrist watch that would look good on a business man, they gave me one that looksgood enough, so I took it, and asked Sam what time were supposed to be at Julys.

    Sam: 8, so uhm whats with those things that you bought?Mi: Oh well these are gifts since I missed my brothers birthday and my parentsanniversary. . .today is the first time Ill see them again after a couple of months. . .Sam: Dont you ever go home?Mi: The apartment is my home now. . .anyway we should go to Julys.Sam: NO! First tell me why!Mi: What do you mean why?Sam: Why dont you ever spend time with your family?!Mi: I told you before my dad remarried and I dont want to be a burden to his new family.. .our family is over now. . .he has a new family. . .Sam: What a stupid excuse!! No matter what happens youre still a part of their family!!Mi: No. . .Im not. . .

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    Sam: Ill let this go for now Mi, but after dinner is over well talk about this at your apartment ok?!Mi: Sure. . .whatever you say. . .

    Chapter 6

    We headed to Julys for dinner, while walking I could see it in Sams face that shes madat me, so I tried to change her mood by telling a joke but she didnt even want to listen tome, guess shes really pissed but she shouldnt be right? I mean whats the big deal if Idont see or talk to my dad, hes got a new family now so why would I matter. When wegot to Julys everyone was already there, we greeted them and I introduced Sam to myDad and his family, once we sat down I gave them their presents and apologized for not

    being able to come to my step brothers birthday and their anniversary.

    Mi: Hope youll like my gifts, I sort of bought at the last minute since I didnt know well be having dinner together tonight.Stepmom: Thank you for these Mi, you must be really busy with school, thank you for having time for dinner tonight.

    Well as expected from my step mom, always nice but shes trying too hard. Sam faces meand gives me the look, what did I do to deserve it? Well it was time to order, and well Iwasnt really in the mood to eat cause of the company, I just ordered salad and well Samthen suddenly kicks my foot and coughs, meaning I have to eat, to hell with this I gotirritated so I ordered a lot. Our dads were talking when Sam suddenly asked me why Imnot talking to my dad and so it got everyones attention, I didnt know what the heck Imsupposed to say or do in this kind of situation, what the hell is Sams problem?

    Mi: Oh right forgot! Thanks for reminding me Sam, hey dad howve you been? Lookingat you seems that youre ok. Hows the company? Well looking at your face seems likethings are going well.Dad: Well son.Mi: Oh hey dad like your suit, its really classy and you look good in it. Ohh foods here.

    So there I talked to him, happy now Sam? But the way she looked at me told me that Id best be prepared for the worst when we get to the apartment, but who cares? I certainlydont, I hate seeing my dad and his new family, and I dont care what Sam thinks of meright now, I figured if she gets to see me at my worst attitude then shell surely wouldntwant to arrange another thing like this again. While eating my step mom asked Sam.

    Stepmom: How long have you two been together Sam?Sam: Well weve been together for only a couple of days.Stepmom: I see, and hows Mi treating you?Sam: Hes a real pain.

    After hearing that my dad laughed.

    Dad: I guess were not the only ones who thinks he is.

    So Im a pain huh? Who cares what you think of me, Im almost done eating anyway andthis crap will be over soon. They talked and talked about tons of things, I never reallylistened to them, well they all seem to be getting along, good for them, just another reasonfor me feel sick and want to leave, but I cant since shes here and she probably wouldknow the moment I would want to go since she could read minds, and shes speciallyfond of reading mine. This is one of those of moments wherein I get to have flashbacks of mom and dad and my childhood, how I wish things ended differently, but its no use Ihave to live with what I have now but thats not a bad thing since Ive got Sam, speakingof her, she suddenly pops an unbelievable and totally ridiculous question.

    Sam: Mr. Faize, can Mi and I visit your home this weekend?Dad: Sure thing, our house is always open for you.

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    First she asks me to go to dinner with them, now were going there for the weekend??What the hell is up with her?! Ok calm down, things wouldnt go bad.

    Stepmom: But sweetheart arent we going to our lake house this weekend?Dad: Oh right, you two could come along.

    Sam: Sure, wed love to!

    Things wouldnt go bad. . .right. . .of all the places. . .the lake house. . .the place filledwith tons of beautiful memories. . .great going Sam. . .better think of something quickly,since I so dont want to go to the lake house, and then it hit me.

    Mi: Sorry we wont be able to make it this weekend, weve got to practice for a play,remember Sam?Sam: What play?Mi: I knew you forgot, the play for the school fest?? Remember now?Sam: OH! Right!Mi: So guess well have to postpone the weekend trip to the lake house.

    Oh yeah! Im so clever I even surprise myself sometimes. Well while having dessert our dads stepped out to talk in private, while Sam and my step mom talked, my brother comes up to me and asks me.

    Brother: big brother, why dont you ever come home?Mi: Well cause Im busy with school.Brother: Dads busy with work but he still comes home.Mi: Well you see dad owns the company so hes still got time to come home and hes gothis own driver and schedule.Brother: We could ask the driver to pick you up as well.Mi: My schools pretty far so itd be a drag if I came home.Brother: Then at least come home every once in a while big brother.

    Whats with this kid? Cant he understand I dont like coming home? *sigh* he should just shut up and sit down like a good boy. Well we finished up finally and bade farewell, Iwas so relieved that was finally over, only one thing left to worry about now, Sam.

    Chapter 7

    On the way home I tried talking to Sam since she was awfully quiet.

    Mi: Dinner was sort of awful haha.Sam: Oh?! You noticed?!

    Okso she is pissed.

    Sam: I dont really get you Mi, so your dad remarried? So what? Shouldnt you be happyfor him that hes moving on with his life?! And you should do the same! The things thathappened in the past cant be changed! No matter how hard it could be we must move on!

    Not for only ourselves but for the person that we lostso they could go and rest withoutworrying about us

    Everything she said was like echoing inside my head, shes right but in my view shewasnt, how could she know how I feel? How could she know how painful it is for me?


    I just ranI was so angrymy life is okIm sadIm alonebut this is my choiceIdont care how pitiful I lookIm going to live like thisI can live on my ownWhen I

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    got to the apartment one thing is clear to me I need to get away from everyone, Im goingto leave this town,I dont need to be hereI dont want to be here. I finished packingmy things and got out of the apartment, as I was walking on the street something wasdifferent my feet suddenly got heavy, nearing the train station I got this feeling thatsomeones holding me back, someone doesnt want me to go, but I still decided to go. Onthe train there were only a couple of passengers and to make things worse the ones on the

    seat right next to mine is a family, they looked really happy. It reminded me of how wewere before, going on the train mom would be pointing to the scenery outside and dadwould gently smile as he looks at it and at mom. Tears then ran down my cheeks, I wantto cry even harder and scream my lungs out but I held back, instead I just stared at thehappy family and then smiled. A couple of hours later I fell asleep. I was woken up by theconductor and told me that it was the last station and I need to get off. I got off the train,

    but I didnt know what the heck Im supposed to do here in this place. Since it was late Ichecked in at the hotel and tried to think of something and soon since I dont ever want togo back to that place. I took a shower then lay down for a while but when I came to it wasalready morning. Getting up I thought well maybe I should check the town for some jobsthen a place to stay and well school obviously. Walking around, It seems that this place isnothing like the city, people were welcoming and nice and the air is fresh, asked aroundfor some stores or places that are offering jobs, but too bad they werent any. Tired and

    exhausted I went to the grocery store to buy milk and something to eat, after paying for itI went to the park and sat down to rest and eat. While I was eating an old man approachedme and asked if I was new in town.

    Mi: Yes sir, I arrived last night.Old man: Ohh I see. So then what brings a city boy like you to this place ehh?Mi: I dont want to talk about it sir.Old man: Ohh it must be serious ehh? Well I hear you were lookin for a job?Mi: Yes sir I am.Old man: Well I can give you one.Mi: Really sir?Old man: There lemme look at that smile again.

    Hes a weird yet kind old man, he gives off this warm feeling and it seems like I knowhim, its like Ive seen him before.

    Old man: Though the pay isnt good it has wonderful benefits.Mi: I dont mind sir. Uhm what kind of benefits?Old man: Ha! You remind me of someone lad, well Im gunna have to ask you to live inmy farm with me and ocourse youll be eating there too. So whaddaya say lad?Mi: Sounds good to me sir.Old man: aww shucks lad stop it with the sir, call me gramps. Since from now on wed

    be like family.Mi: Ok gramps.

    This is nice, at first I thought things will be hard but I guess this place would be my homenow, and this old man will be my family. We arrive at his farm and well I was shocked tosee a huge piece of land that stretches so far as to the horizon.

    Gramps: All that you see and all that you cant is all mine lad. Well ours now, so for your first task Id like you to build a fence to mark our land ehh.Mi: Just a question gramps, how would I know if itd be yours or not anymore?Gramps: Hahah aint that right? Well I guess yall just have to feel the land lad.

    Chapter 8

    What the? Feel the land? Is he serious? Hows that possible? I guess for now Id better mark front fence first. I started marking the ground and well I look once more at his

    property and Im really puzzled by what he meant and how should I put a fence to thishuge land. In the middle of these thoughts I suddenly remember Sam, I wonder whatshes doing right now, is she thinking of me? Or did her life return to the way it was

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    before? Anyway Im not important, she could live her life without me and well no onewould miss me anyway. When night came gramps asked me to come in and that resumemy work tomorrow morning.

    Gramps: Hope youll like what I cooked lad.Mi: No worries gramps, Im not picky when it comes to food.

    Gramps: aww shucks lad, you truly resemble someone hahah. Anyway lets dig in!

    As we ate gramps was telling me all sorts of things about his life but I noticed he never mentioned a thing about him having a family. So even though its impolite I asked him.

    Mi: So gramps didnt you have any family?Gramps: Well lad, I did. . .

    Gramps went quiet for a bit then continued on.

    Gramps: I once had a beautiful wife and a wonderful son, and you remind me of him alot, you both have that certain flare about you, except you have kind eyes much kinder eyes than him lad.

    Mi: Really gramps? So uhm what happened to him?Gramps: Well you see my wife came from a very rich family and she was well schooledas well, and am nuthin but a humble farmer, one day she got sick and I didnt haveenough money to send her to the hospital, so I begged her father to help me.Mi: Did he help you gramps?Gramps: Well yeah he did, but. . .Mi: What happened gramps?Gramps: He took them away, sayin I wont be able to give them a good life here in mefarm.Mi: Sorry gramps. . .Gramps: Nah! What you apologizing for lad? Hahah. They were better off there in thatmansion than here in me old house, and from the news Id be hearin here seems that myson is now a famous business man and hes doin really well for himself, he be doin hisold man here proud.Mi: Really gramps?Gramps: Well heck yeah lad! Yah see I never went to no school and I dont be able toread much, to hear about me son doin better than his old man is something Im really

    proud of.Mi: Didnt he come back to see you again gramps?Gramps: Well I recon he dont want to know about his old man being a farmer, but I didvisit him once and I got to see my grandson as well and me beautiful daughter in law.Mi: So gramps what did he say to you?Gramps: Well he gave me a couple o bucks since I pretended I was a beggar hahah.Mi: Gramps! Whyd you do that?Gramps: Well I was ashamed of me self lad, I didnt want to embarrass me son sayingIm his father, since Im just a farmer.Mi: Cmon gramps. . .being a farmer isnt that bad! I mean if there were no farmerswhod give us wheat? Corn? And everything that requires a farmers hand? Besidesgramps youre his father Im sure hed want to see you and talk to you, hed want to bewith you.Gramps: Ergh. . .i guess youre right lad, anyhow Ive got me a picture here of mefamily want to have a look?Mi: Sure gramps! Id love to look at it.

    Chapter 9

    Gramps hands me a picture book and its really thick. I opened it and I was shocked atwhat I saw, they were just newspaper clippings. So this is his son, and his wife. Wait! Ilooked closely and read the articles.

    Gramps: Whats wrong lad? You seem to be bothered.

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    Mi: Gramps this person. . .this man. . .is your son?Gramps: Hahah. You mustve known me son back in the city, hes pretty famous after all.Mi: Whats your name gramps?Gramps: Huh? Whats this all of a sudden lad?Mi: I just want to know gramps.

    Gramps: Well Im Hector Buffalo.Mi: Buffalo?Gramps: Yeah lad, Whats the matter?Mi: But this guys surname. . .Gramps: I know lad. . .me wife re-married and me son took in that mans surname.

    Tears suddenly went bursting out of my eyes and I couldnt stop them.

    Gramps: What be the matter lad??

    I stood up and hugged gramps. While crying I screamed at the top of my lungs.

    Mi: Grandpa!!

    I hugged gramps so tight. Maybe I was meant to go this place, things didnt happenaccidentally. There was a reason why Im here at this town in this barn why this old manapproached me, why I felt that warm feeling from him, why he seemed so familiar. The

    person I saw back then when I was a kid, the old beggar that was crying, the old beggar Igave ice cream to. He was my real grandfather.

    Gramps: What are you sayin now lad?Mi: Im your son Eriks son. . .Gramps: No. . .Mi: Dont you remember me gramps? That day at the park after dad gave you money youwalked away with teary eyes smiling at us, then I saw you sitting under a tree crying. Igave you. . .Gramps: Ice cream. . .Mi: You remember?

    Gramps started crying and then hugged me, he was hugging me real tight and he wassaying a lot of sentimental things. It made me cry as well I hugged him tight and we bothcried our eyes out. Now I know I need to help my gramps and my dad meet and knowabout each other, but that would mean I need to talk to my dad. Is there another way of getting them to meet without me asking dad directly? After our crying gramps and I wentout and lay down on the grass staring up at the stars, sharing stories of our lives and well Itold him a lot about dad and how he was as a father and about my mom too, I left out thedetails about my moms death and dad remarrying I wouldnt want to ruin the moodwere in. Gramps suddenly said something that dad told me.

    Gramps: You know grandson, them stars up there are the ones who left us in this world,they continue to live on as them bright lights and as we stare up at them they stare back atus.Mi: You know Gramps. . .You are my dads father hahah.

    Chapter 10

    That morning as I was setting up the fence gramps was watching me with a fond look inhis face, it made me really happy seeing my grandfather smiling at me. It was a reallygreat feeling, I felt as though mom and dad were beside him looking at me smiling as wellas I was about to finish I looked back at gramps and asked how does the fence I builtlook.

    Gramps: Its perfect grandson! Cmon Ive got something to teach you.Mi: But gramps I havent finished with the fences yet.

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    still young, he even said that they met here accidentally since grandma got lost andwandered off here.

    Gramps: She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, it was quite the scene hahah.She was all in her cute dress all scared and dont got a single clue where she is, but shewas really something.

    Mi: So what did you do gramps?Gramps: Well I first asked where shes headed to, and what is it shes doin here on this

    place. Then she started cryin all o sudden. So I had to comfort her and told her that she be alright Ima be takin her home.Mi: Wow, so from then on you started hanging out?Gramps: Nope.Mi: Huh? Why?Gramps: Well you see shes really a famous girl in our days and not to mention her family, and Im just the son of a farmer, heck, I dont even know how to read back thenhahah.Mi: So howd you two get together then?Gramps: Fate grandson, Fate made a way for us.Mi: Fate??

    Gramps: It was a silent night and well I was just walkin round town when I heardsomeone cry out for help. When I got to where the cry came from I saw her beingharassed by some drunks, so I got my courage up and helped her out, hahah them drunkswas no match for this farm boy.Mi: Ohh so you were her knight in shining armor.Gramps: Yep! She said the same exact thing back then. From then on we hang out all thetime, I taught her how to fish, how to climb a tree, all sorts of stuff and she taught me toread, write and a lot of things she learned in school. People would usually make fun of her for hanging out with me. There was this one time when I was asked by me pops to

    buy him some booze and people in town made fun of me since I got nothing to wear for shoes so I was just bare footed, you need to know we was poor and my pops great as hewas couldnt afford to send me to no school and buy me fancy things to wear but life likethat, I wasnt ashamed of it.Mi: Well gramps, if It was me back in those days Id be really proud of who I am, Iwouldnt care about what people would say.Gramps: Hahah well I guess you got that from your father. You see, I loved my pops butas a kid well I sure also would want at least slippers, but pops had to pay for the seedsand well we was about just a couple of bucks short to buy me them slippers, pops wasreally disappointed in himself he asked me to buy him booze instead, pops never said itout loud but he was sorry for not being a better father to me, but he loved me, I meant theworld to him and he meant the world to me, so when people started to make fun of me

    being barefooted and all, one of pops friend rushed to the farm and told him what wasgoin on in town, pops rushed to town and beat up a lot of people and in all the ruckussomeone shot pops when he died nobody but his friends came to the funeral, I was justthirteen that time and I had to live on and make sure this place, our farm would survive,that was when your grandmother came in and said something I would never forget.

    You can make it Hector, Ill be right here with you all the way.

    Mi: Ohh thats really sweet gramps.Gramps: And she never did leave me, I was the only one foolish enough not to be able tofight for her.Mi: Cmon gramps, Im sure grandma understood you, she knew what you did was for her best.Gramps: I am really sorry Arlene.Mi: You know what gramps, grandma never forgot about you.Gramps: How could you say so?Mi: She never stopped loving you though she showed it through her garden, she never asked anyone else to care for her plants and now I think I know why.

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    Gramps cries for a moment. It was silent but I know deep inside him he was really in pain.

    Gramps: So what about you grandson?Mi: What about me?Gramps: Is there a special girl in your life?

    Mi: There is someone. . .Gramps: Well cmon spit it out.Mi: Her name is Samantha Copeland. . .and for me shes the most beautiful girl in theworld.Gramps: So where is she?Mi: Well shes back in the city. . .we sort of had an argument and thats when I ended uphere.Gramps: Just an advice as your grandfather and as a man, Dont make small arguments areason for you two to go separate ways.

    What gramps said really got me, what if because of what I did we might not end uptogether? What if she finds someone else? I dont think I could live my life seeing her with someone else.

    Chapter 12

    That morning I asked gramps if I could make a phone call in town, he said yes and heasked if he could go with me to town, so we drove to town and while driving he suddenlyasks me how long Im going to stay here with him.

    Mi: Gramps Im thinking of living here with you permanently.

    Gramps just smiles and whistles while looking at the sky. When we got to town grampssaid he will be at the grocery store to buy a few things, we agreed to meet up at the truck.I went to the phone booth and as I was dialing I saw someone really familiar, was I justdreaming or something? I stare little more to make it out and when she turned around Iwas sure. I dropped the phone and ran to her as quickly as I can.

    Mi: Sam!!

    I hugged her so tight that I dont ever want to let her go, people around us were staringand some are smiling and others are clapping. After I let go of her I was surprised. Itwasnt her, I was so ashamed and so I apologized and left. I went back to the phone boothand gave Sam a call. She didnt answer any of my calls, disappointed I went back to thetruck. Maybe she was just busy today. Ill try again tomorrow after I finish with the work at the farm. Gramps came with a few stuff, he asked me what happened with the call.

    Mi: Well she seems to be busy today gramps.Gramps: Whod be busy during Sunday?

    Well what gramps said was true, maybe shes still mad at me. Hopefully it wouldnt meanshe doesnt want me anymore. I mean its been just a couple of days and surely her anger would pass. When we got to the farm gramps asked me to feed the animals and fix upsome of the things that needed repairs and he reminded me of the fence. I went to work and I finished most of them up before dinner the only thing left unfinished is the fence.During dinner I asked gramps how would I know which land is ours so that I could mark it.

    Gramps: Well its easy since this is your land too, just listen to your heart and you willknow.

    It wasnt the answer that I was looking for but I wonder what does he really mean? Canthe heart really tell whats mine and not? This is the first time Ive been here how would I

    be able to tell? This is really hard. It was about ten oclock and I still couldnt sleep I

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    checked if gramps was still awake but seems like hes already in dream land after all its aSunday he needs to rest to prepare for Monday. I on the other hand cant sleep my head isfilled with thoughts of Sam. I decided to go downstairs to drink a glass of milk but when Isaw the gramps guitar I decided to play.

    Mi: Blues huh. . .what the heck. . .lets give it a try.

    Playing with all my heart and thinking of Sam, all the things that we did and the things Iwant to do with her when I see her again. All of these I poured into the guitar, without meknowing gramps was woken up by the sound that I was making.

    Gramps: You must really love her grandson.Mi: Oh! Gramps! Sorry I didnt mean to wake you.Gramps: Its alright. That was the sweetest tune I ever heard of, are you sure you justlearned playing guitar from me?Mi: Really? Yes gramps, I really had no interest in musical instruments before.Gramps: The way you played was like someone who was playing the guitar his wholelife.Mi: Really? I didnt think that my playing was that good.

    Gramps: Trust me grandson you were good, No, You were great.

    He asked me to play something again and well I did and afterwards he said its time for usto sleep, since we have tons to do tomorrow. He is right not to mention I dont know howto start with the rest of the fence. We went up to our rooms but I still couldnt sleep. Icant get Sam out of my mind, every time I try to close my eyes her face suddenly popsinto my head and I cant help but to open my eyes wishing shed be here in front of me,smiling, laughing and getting mad, yelling at me but the more I close my eyes and openthem again I only realize more and more that shes not here and I might never see her again. Without realizing it I doze off to sleep. Thinking of her and wishing that tomorrowmight be the same as before Id be back in my apartment and shed be banging on thedoor to wake me up so that we could go to school together, but a part of me doesnt wantto go back, The part of me that has fallen in love with the life here on the farm, the partthat wants to stay at a peaceful and happy place.

    Chapter 13

    Its Monday and gramps wakes me up to eat breakfast. Thinking to myself, its been threedays already since I got here and I wonder what Sams doing right now, is she also eating

    breakfast at this moment? Is she getting ready to go to school? Is she thinking of me?With all these thoughts of her I wonder would I be able to do anything right today?

    Gramps: You know when youre lost in thought of someone, all you could do is work.Mi: What do you mean gramps?Gramps: You have to keep yourself busy so that you wont be thinking too much.

    Gramps sure says the most meaningful things, I guess its based from his experience after all he had to endure something worse than what Im going through now. I made sure I atea lot so that I would have enough energy to work myself to the bones so that I might notthink of Sam. After breakfast I washed the plates then headed out to feed the animals andmilk the cows, collect the eggs, clean the pigpen, check the plants for rotting crops and if they are ready to harvest. Then I headed to start marking the land to start the fence, but asI was walking around I started thinking of what gramps told me about my heart will knowwhat belongs to me. Closing my eyes I try to listen to my heart, then feeling mysurroundings. I slowly open them and it hits me suddenly, I know where to put the fence.I began marking with enthusiasm even singing while marking. I was in the middle of marking when gramps called me in for lunch, after stopping I felt my stomach rumble.

    Mi: Im hungry?

    The smell of food then fills me and I hurry towards gramps house.

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    Gramps: Hows everything going?Mi: Things are going great gramps! Hahah.Gramps: Sounds like youre havin fun out there.Mi: Well yeah I am hahah.

    I quickly sit at the table but before I start to eat.

    Gramps: Whoa! Hold your horses there hahah. Go wash those hands first Mi.Mi: Oh! Right. Sorry gramps.

    While were eating gramps asked me what I think of the life here in the farm.

    Mi: Well, its hard here but Im having a lot of fun, and how do I put it. When Imworking here its like nothing else matters to me. My mind is all clear.Gramps: I see. So hows your fence going?Mi: Youll see gramps.Gramps: Hahah cant wait to see it.Mi: Oh by the way gramps can I go to town for a while after the work here is done.

    Gramps: Of course hahah.Mi: Thanks gramps. Well off to finish the fence.Gramps: Hey! You should rest first! Hahah that kids sure got a lot of my blood.

    Marking and marking it was almost dark when I finished marking. Although I markedquite the distance cause from where Im standing at right now I could barely see grampshouse. I walked towards the house and while walking I was looking at the clothes that Imwearing and my shoes then my hands. All this time I was living alone and I never got thisdirty my hands never got tired like this but Im having fun, Im enjoying myself eventhough Im tired and dirty. My dad missed all this? I wonder if he would last a day here inthe farm or even an hour, speaking of which I havent talked to him about grandpa yet.Then it hit me, if I could ask Sam to bring dad here it would be great not only would Samnot be mad at me anymore but dad will also be able to be with grandpa. I would be able totalk to Sam also and ask her if she would want to stay with me here. When I got togramps house he was sitting on the chair outside waiting for me.

    Gramps: Well, well, I say you be looking more like a farm boy now hahah.Mi: Were you waiting long gramps?Gramps: Not that long. Cmon lets have dinner, Im sure you bellys rumblin like crazy

    by now hahah.

    Life like this isnt that bad, in fact its great, greater than life back at dads mansion, or life back at the apartment, if Sam was here itd be perfect. Dinner was the same as alwaysand really fun, I dont think Id ever get bored of life here in the farm with gramps.

    Chapter 14

    I headed off to town after a few conversations with gramps the road was dark and theonly light on the road was the ones from the trucks headlights and from the moon andstars. I cant believe this place is growing on me and Ive only been here for a couple of days only, how much more if Id been staying here as long as gramps. When I got to thetown I parked the truck near the train station since the phone booth was near there as well.I was really hoping that this time Sam would pick it up. The first attempt was a failure,she didnt answer but I tried again and it was the same. A couple of times I tried all theoutcomes were the same, it was almost midnight now and gramps is probably worriedabout me. One last time if she doesnt answer it Ill try again tomorrow. Her phoneringing and my chest pounding at the same time it was the fourth ring and I thought shewouldnt answer I was about to hung up when she picked up.

    Sam: Hello? Who is this? Youve been calling since yesterday.Mi: Its me Sam.

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    Sam: Mi?!Mi: Yes.Sam: You asshole! Where the hell are you?! Do you know how worried Ive been? Ithought I lost you forever. . .you idiot. . .Mi: Sorry Sam. . .I didnt know what I was doing but I guess it was all fate. . .Sam: What do you mean? Comeback home Mi. . .Comeback home to me. . .

    Mi: Sam I will but right now there is something I want you to do for me. . .Sam: What is it?Mi: I need you to bring my dad here to where I am. . .You two take the train to the laststation Ill be waiting there. . .bring him tomorrow. . .please Sam bring him here. . .Sam: But what about your mom? Your brother? What if they want to come along too?Mi: Its Ok Sam. You can bring them and your father too. There is someone I want youall to meet.Sam: Ok Mi. How are you? Have you been eating well?Mi: Im doing great Sam. Dont worry.Sam: Im going to beat you so bad if youre not in good shape you hear?Mi: Ok Sam, you do that. Dont forget tomorrow Sam.Sam: Ok Mi.Mi: And there Is one more thing I have to tell you.

    Sam: What is it?Mi: I love you Sam.Sam: Idiot! Whats the point in saying that over the phone!Mi: Hahah well at least I said it before its too late right?Sam: You idiot. I love you too.Mi: See you tomorrow Sam.Sam: Yes. See you tomorrow Mikhail.

    With our conversation I felt as though a huge weight has been lifted up from myshoulders. Just hearing her voice made me happy, so happy that I cant wait for tomorrow. Driving back to the farm I was really in a state of pure happiness. When I gotthere gramps was sitting on his chair outside his house.

    Gramps: That look on your face says it all hahah.Mi: Sorry Im late grandpa.Gramps: Why are you apologizing for being late? Its ok. Tell me howd it go?Mi: It went great! Hahahah.Gramps: Hahah good to hear. Lets get some sleep Im waking you up early tomorrowok?Mi: Ok gramps. Wait, why do you need to wake me up early?Gramps: There something Im going to tell you hahah.

    What could gramps need to tell me? Why so early? I didnt think about it too much sinceI was way too excited to see Sam and what would dads reaction be if he knew of grandpa. As I lay on my bed I take a deep breath and slowly exhale. Tomorrow is goingto be a great day and I wish nothing would go wrong.

    Chapter 15

    The morning that I was waiting for came and I got up really early, I even got up beforegramps or so I thought. He was already downstairs making breakfast and was surprised tosee me up so early.

    Gramps : Whoa! Seems like yer excited hahah. Cmon lets have breakfast first.

    Eating breakfast gramps asked me how far have I marked for the fences.

    Mi: Well Ive marked really far, so far that you wouldnt be able to see your houseanymore gramps.Gramps: Ohh then thats quite the distance. That would explain why your shoes wereworn out hahah.

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    Mi: Well yeah, you know gramps Ive never walked that far before, I never even got tiredlike this before but somehow Im not really tired.Gramps: Thats because you love what youre doin and no matter how tiring it is youonly see the fun out of it.

    We started walking after breakfast and resting a bit.

    Gramps: You know, there is a secret to the fence here.Mi: Really?Gramps: When my pops first asked me to do it I never really thought about it much butwhen my pops died it was something I really treasured the most.Mi: So did you do it then?Gramps: What? When my pops died? No.Mi: Huh? Why?Gramps: Because I wanted his fence to remain, that way a piece of him would still behere on our land.Mi: So what happened to it?Gramps: I tore it down.Mi: Why?

    Gramps: Well when I lost your gandma and your dad, the blow was too much I couldntsleep or eat for weeks. Then I stumbled upon a letter underneath my pops bed. It was aletter for me, it said.

    To my beloved son Hector, Im sorry for not being able to give you all the fancy thingsin life but I love you with all my heart, to be honest were not poor all these land herethat you see as far as the town border is ours, now yours. If youre reading this then Im

    probably gone I hope I left you with the fondest memories. Many people have come to buyour land but I didnt want to sell it. Mainly because this is the only memory I have of your mother. Remember about the fence I asked you to make? If you have made it then youalready know the secret that is the last thing Im going to teach you my son. I will alwayslove you and know that you are the best thing that happened to me and your mother.

    Mi: Then you made the fence after reading the letter?Gramps: Yep, since I wanted to clear my mind and just work seeing as it is the last thingmy pops wanted to teach I wanted to learn it.Mi: How far was the fence you built gramps?Gramps: Well I made the fence up to almost the border to the next town.Mi: What?!Gramps: Hahahah surprised you didnt it?Mi: Then what is the secret gramps?Gramps: Before that, look at how far you have marked for your fence. Look at it closely,look at the surroundings did you notice them while you were marking?Mi: Nope, I was just busy marking.Gramps: That was the lesson. To do something you have to put all your attention to it. Inlife you have to concentrate on one thing that you want to do and ignore all the thingsaround you until you finish what you set out to do.Mi: I see.Gramps: But thats not all, you see distance? Thats how big the burden you are carryingand it is my hope that someday youll be able to carry even bigger burdens and not break down. Never falter Mi, always be true to your heart even if it leads to sorrow never allowit to bring you down. Just stay happy.Mi: Thank you gramps. I will never forget all the things you taught me. So uhm how bigis your land really?Gramps: Well after I finished building the fence I had to make sure I never went out of the boundaries or I might get in trouble, so I headed to the mayors office and asked aboutthe land owned by my family.Mi: And well?Gramps: I didnt even touch half of what we own hahah.Mi: Oh my then youre quite rich gramps.Gramps: Well its not just mine. Its yours as well and your fathers too.

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    Mi: So my great grandfather never sold a single piece of his land? Even though you werereally in a tight spot?Gramps: Well you see grandson, my pops taught me one very important thing, moneywould be here now but might not be here again tomorrow. This land meant more to himthan money since it has the memories of my mother, and I didnt sell it because of thesame reasons. You see you can take all the money in the world and still want more but the

    memories you have created would always be the same.Mi: I dont understand gramps.Gramps: One day you will understand it Mi.

    Just staying here for a few days and I already learned so much from my grandfather whonever even finished school and never even went to school, I guess who you are as a

    person and the values you have can only be taught by the people who truly care for you,and some of them are already inside you from the moment you are born to the day thatyou die. While walking we were still talking about a lot of things about his childhood andabout his parents, how their life was and how they made it through each day with hardwork and just smiles from each other while eating and sharing stories. It made me realizethat I have been wrong all this time, Sam was right if I truly didnt want dad to remarrythen I shouldve have told him, and I should also have given my step mom a chance, I

    never even talked to her for more than a couple of minutes. I guess God wanted me tocome here and meet my grandfather to know about life and what Ive been missing on.

    Now I must let my grandfather meet his son and just let them speak. If Im correct thensurely he wouldnt pass up this chance to finally talk to his father.

    Chapter 16

    While we were walking I then tell gramps that Ive got a surprise for him in town.

    Gramps: What could it be?Mi: Well that girl I told you about remember?Gramps: Ohh Samantha Copeland. Why?Mi: Shes coming here today and I want you to meet her.Gramps: Hahah heck if Id known wed be havin a visitor Id have picked better clothesto wear.Mi: Well weve still got time, so go and pick the clothes you want to wear gramps.Gramps: Well ok. Id better look sharp and all hahah.

    Well you do have to look sharp gramps youre meeting your son after all. I hope this isthanks enough for letting me see you and be with you, for being a pain in your butt. Thisis all I can do for you gramps. Im sure up in heaven grandma and mom are happy thatthis day finally came. Gramps came out wearing a suit and even a hat as well.

    Mi: Well you are looking sharp today Mr. Hector Buffalo hahah.Gramps: Well now arent you lucky Im your gramps?Mi: Im the luckiest kid in the world gramps.

    While driving gramps was talking about how his first date with grandma went, they wentto the lake and she surprised grandma by bringing in some of his friends and theyserenaded her with songs of course he was the one singing and playing guitar as well. Henever forgot how grandma smiled that night and of course it was also where they firstkissed. When we got there we waited patiently at the train station. A few hours later therethey are, Sam quickly saw me and waved, she is surely a sight for sore eyes and there heis the person that I wanted to come the most. Well they brought quite a lot of things.

    Mi: Cmon gramps allow me to introduce you.Gramps: Is that man who I think it is?Mi: Yes gramps, thats your son.

    Tears fell from his eyes as his son walked towards him, and there was a smile on his facethat was never there before when we were together.

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    Mi: Dad, Mom, Sam, Mr. Copeland, Henry. I would like you all to meet my grandfather Mr. Hector Buffalo.

    Everyone was speechless and puzzled except for one person he looked closely intogramps eyes, slowly approached him then touched his hand and his face.

    Dad: Father?

    After saying that tears ran down dads eyes and he hugged gramps. My stepmom alsocried at the sight of the two. Gramps hugged his son for the first again after decades of

    being apart. They were crying at the joy of finally being together again. I took the chanceto talk to Sam.

    Mi: Thank you Sam.Sam: So this was your plan huh idiot?Mi: Well yeah, I figured since I met him wouldnt it be better if he could meet his son.Sam: I guess youre not a total dick Mi.Mi: Well its all thanks to a very irritating yet special girl. Who taught me that the way I

    was living my life was wrong, but dont get too high and mighty since fate played a much bigger part in it hahah.Sam: Is that so?

    Then as usual she hits me in the face real hard, and everyone laughs.

    Gramps: Looks like youve got quite the fighter there huh Mi?

    Chapter 17

    Well after the teary and painful hellos I placed all their things in the back of the truck and since its the first time gramps saw dad and the others he decided to ride in the back with them, Sam rode in the front with me and well it was quite the surprise for them toknow that I know how to drive now.

    Sam: Youve changed Mi.Mi: Huh? What do you mean?Sam: Youre at peace now, you even got more manlier now.Mi: Really? So does that mean youre in-love with me more now?Sam: Ha! Yeah right! Dont get so full of yourself you weakling.Mi: Hahah theres the Sam I know. By the way Sam, Im thinking of staying here withgramps permanently.Sam: Really? Why?Mi: I fell in love with this place it seems like no matter what storm may come I can faceit with a big smile here.Sam: I see. Youve found your place then.Mi: Id be happy if youd stay here with me too Sam.Sam: Im not too sure Mi. These past days Ive been thinking too.Mi: Ohh so what were you thinking of?Sam: I think its time for me to grow up. After we graduate I think Im going to medschool and become a doctor. I want to be help those who are sick.Mi: I. . .see. . .Sam: Please understand Mi. Its not that I dont want to be with you Its just that like youIve also found something I want to do.

    That hurt a lot but its great that she also made her own decision for her future and itseven better than mine. Although it hurts like hell inside since I was really expecting wed

    be here together forever I guess It was just too good to be true.

    Mi: I understand Sam and Im really happy that you have made a decision for your future. I wish you all the best.

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    We arrive at the farm and everyone was surprised to hear from gramps how big his landwas. He even bragged about how big of a help I was these past few days to him. Howmuch I was able to help him here in the farm. He doesnt know that it was him who reallyhelped me. I carried off their belongings to their rooms, while they were all busy chattingdownstairs. Ive gotten quite stronger now, I didnt even break a sweat carrying all those

    things up and down the stairs. When I finished I joined them and we all started chatting.

    Gramps: So how come you never told me about your father remarrying Mi?Mi: Well. . .Sam: You see Mr. Buffalo he was against his father remarrying. Right Mi?Gramps: Is that true Mi?

    Everyone stares at me and waits for my answer with great curiosity and as usual its allthanks to Sam.

    Mi: Well to be honest. . .Yes, I was against it. . .Its just that I loved my mom too muchthat I hated the thought of her being replaced by someone else. . .Dad: Is this the reason why you suddenly became distant?

    Gramps: What do you mean distant?Dad: Well after my marriage with Lisa, Mi never seemed to want to talk to me or anyoneelse. He always kept himself busy with school work and when I asked his teachers howhe is doing in school it seems hes not even going to school regularly.Gramps: How were his grades?Dad: Well Mi has always been smart whether he tried or not so his grades never wentdown.Sam: Thats true. . .Hes among the top in our school and the only reason he isnt number is because of his attitude with the teachers and he always skips class and rarely goes toschool.Gramps: I see. You mustve been devastated by the loss of your mother and your dadremarrying made it worse.

    You got it gramps, and so I was the topic however I didnt think dad would be checkingup on me and how Im doing in school but whats even more intriguing is that Samactually knows about me even before we became close.

    Stepmom: Im sorry Mi. I didnt want to replace your mom. I just wanted to be with youfather and you, I want to make you both happy even though I know you both want Helento come back.Mi: What do you mean?Stepmom: I knew I could never replace your mom as a person, a wife and a mother butall I can do is to make sure that you and your father are happy with me, but I failed. Ever since I came into your lives things have gone bad for you both.Dad: Dont say that Lisa.Mi: No. . .Im the one who should be apologizing here mom. . .I acted selfishly andidiotic. . .I shouldve talked with dad first and gave you a chance instead I just shut bothof you out and eventually a distanced myself from everyone else. . .But all that haschanged thanks to Sam and gramps. . .They both made me realize my wrongs and howlucky I am with what I have in my life and for that I will be forever thankful. . .Gramps: You see son? Your son has become a wonderful person.Dad: Yes father, Im proud of what he has become.Mr. Copeland: My I was never wrong about this boy, I knew it the moment I saw hiseyes he has great kindness inside of him.Sam: He is my fianc after all.

    Well the things that I have run from all this time I was able to face them finally, I couldfinally breathe without any worries. There is only one more thing thats in my chest rightnow, I want to stop Sam but I know itd be best if she would pursue her goal to become adoctor and I dont want her to give it up but I also want to be with her forever here in this

    place. Im confused with what I want to do and what I need to do.

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    Chapter 18

    During dinner we were all finally able to have normal conversations, I was able to talk todad and my stepmom without sarcasm and we were all having a great time. Sam thenlooks at me and smiles then uses her eyes to point outside. It seems she wants to go

    outside with me.

    Mi: Everyone please excuse Sam and me, we are just going out for a walk.Gramps: Hahah go. Im sure you two have a lot to talk about.Henry: Can I come big brother?Stepmom: No dear, let your big brother have some time with big sister Sam.Gramps: Come here Henry, sit on my lap hahah.

    My stepmom smiles at me and for the first time I smiled back at her.

    Mi: This is nice dont you think?Sam: Idiot. . .I told you its nice to have dinner with your family.Mi: Well you were right Sam. Sorry If I was such a dick before.

    Sam: Its cool youve learned your lesson. If not I can go knock some sense into you.Mi: That wont be necessary Sam.Sam: So this is where youve been these past few days.Mi: Yup, and as I said Ill be staying here from now on.Sam: Have you told your parents about it?Mi: Im going to tell them tomorrow. Do you like the place?Sam: Hmmmm. . .It is kinda nice I guess.Mi: I dont think youd fit here though.Sam: Huh? Whyd you say that?Mi: Well this isnt a place for someone who wants to become a doctor.Sam: Hahah who knows?Mi: Its only been a couple of days but it feels like its been years since we were together like this.Sam: Oooh someones getting mellow dramatic.Mi: So what made you decide to become a doctor?Sam: Well when you ran-off I was worried sick and even called your dad. We searchedfor you every day.Mi: I see. . .So uhm why didnt you pick up the first time I called?Sam: I was scared. . .Mi: Huh? Scared of what?Sam: What if the one who called suddenly says you are in the hospital and in bad shapeor worse dead. . .Mi: Right. . .Whyd you answer the call that time then?Sam: Cause no matter what I want to know and if you were in bad shape I want to bethere to be with you. . .Mi: Thank you Sam. Is that why you want to become a doctor?Sam: Yeah, I want to be able to help you if ever youd be sick or in a bad state.Mi: Lets sit for a while.

    As we sit and look at the surroundings, she starts to cry.

    Sam: You big idiot! You told me you wont ever leave me then you go run off likethat. . .Do you know how hard I searched for you? How hard you made me cry each nightyou were away? Dont you know how much I love you?Mi: Im sorry Sam. . .I wont ever run off like that again. . .I wont make you worryagain. . .I wont make you cry again. . .

    I hold her tight and make her feel that Im here now and I wont ever go away from her again. I love this girl so much. Its only been a couple of days but weve already beenthrough so much and Im sure well be through so much more in the future but if were

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    together Im sure we will make it through it all. After she has stopped crying I wipedaway her tears and said.

    Mi: I love you Samantha Copeland, I will keep on loving you until the day I die.Sam: I love you too Mikhail Faize, I would gladly welcome your love and give you allmy love until the day I die.

    Mi: Ohh uhmm one more thing Sam. I wont be using Faize anymore as my surname. Iwill be using my grandfathers last name from now on, so its Mikhail Buffalo from nowon.Sam: you love ruining the mood dont you? Truly an idiot.

    We both stand up and laugh, I hold her hand and we walk back to gramps house. With allthe things we talked about I never got the chance to ask if she would want to reconsider her decision and just stay with me here. Theres still tomorrow anyway and besides Imready if she doesnt want to stay here, Im going to wait for her to finish med school thenIll ask her to marry me. Hopefully she hasnt found any other man by that time yet.

    Chapter 19

    When we got back it seems that only the guys are awake still and having a drink.

    Sam: Dad! Youre drinking?!Mr. Copeland: Oh cmon Sam just a few bottles.Sam: No dad! You know you cant handle alcohol. Cmon lets go to bed.Mr. Copeland: Whaddya mean? I can still drink.Sam: Yeah right dad. Youre drunk already. Mi help me take him upstairs.Mi: Sure.Gramps: Come back down right away after you take Mr. Copeland upstairs.Mi: Yes gramps.

    I carried Mr. Copeland up to their room upstairs and boy does he reek of booze. Imsurprised how at ease he is with my family, Mr. Copeland sure is something.

    Mi: Are you going to be ok Sam?Sam: Ohh. . .Yes dont worry Im used to take taking care of dad when hes drunk. Youshould hurry downstairs.Mi: Ok Sam. Goodnight.Sam: Goodnight.

    When I got down it seems like gramps and dad were still not finished telling their storiesafter all its the first time they got together again. I approached them quickly andapologized for being late.

    Gramps: What? Nonsense. Youre just in time hahah.Dad: Come on, have a seat Mi.Gramps: I told your father about you wanting to stay here but you also have to tell himyourself if its what you truly want.Mi: Dad, I really want to stay here with gramps but dont worry Id still come and visityou in the city every once in a while.Dad: Well looks like you came to love it here.Mi: Yes dad, Its true life here isnt as easy but Its fun here.Dad: Dont worry about visiting us cause well be the ones dropping by from time totime. I too want to spend time with my father and of course my son.Gramps: Wait what made you think Im staying here any longer? Hahah. Now that Mishere I think Id go to the city with my son after all weve got a lot of catching up to do.Dad: But what about Mi? Can he manage on his own here?Gramps: You worry too much about your son, hes a strong and smart kid he canmanage. Let this be his time to grow on his own besides this farm is his now.Mi: What do you mean gramps?Gramps: Tomorrow Im going to town and transfer everything to you hahah.

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    Dad: Are you sure about this father?Gramps: hahah ocourse Im sure. Hell make one heck of a farmer hahah.Mi: Dad, I want to stop using the Faize family name. I want to use gramps family name.Will it be ok dad?Dad: You really did some growing up in your short time here. Its not a problem son youcan use Buffalo as your family name.

    The three of us talked and laughed all night and as I glanced at the stars I felt as thoughmom and grandma were looking down on us watching us from the stars. I know they lovewhat theyre seeing right now. This place is where Ill be staying from now on, too badgramps wont be here with me but he said they will drop by from time to time so that Iwont be lonely here and dad said hell arrange things so that I would have a phone hereand he would bring all my things here. He also offered to repair gramps house but Ideclined his offer saying Ill fix it myself slowly. He was very pleased to see that living asimple life here away from the city is what I wanted, something he never thought hecould do, yet his son could and with a big smile in his face and his heart. Only one morething to deal with now, I want to tell this to Sam and ask her once more if she wouldchange her mind and stay here with me. Dad and gramps both got drunk so I had to takethem both to their rooms I carried gramps first to his room then went back for dad. While

    I was carrying him he said a few words.

    Dad: Helen, can you see our son? Hes become a better man than his father. Im really proud of him.

    And then something weird happened, maybe it was just my imagination but Im sure Iheard my moms voice saying.

    Helen: Im very proud of you Mikhail. Dont ever change. I love you. Im alwayswatching over you.

    Chapter 20

    The next day gramps decided we should head to the lake since its a clear sunny day anditd be great down on the lake at this season. Everyone was really excited so they allhoped in the truck and we headed for the lake. When we got there we were stunned by thewonderful scenery. Sam suddenly pulls me and heads toward the lake, seeing this I triedto regain my balance then I carried her and jumped in the water. Everyone laughed and noone laughed harder than the two of us. We suddenly stared into each others eyes and for a moment it was like everything is standing still. I was about to ask her if she would wantto reconsider living here with me but I was interrupted when she suddenly dove down and

    pulled my legs. Under water I was surprised with what she suddenly did. . .she kissed meon the lips for a real long time. After our kiss she swam away smiling, I chased after her and she got to the bank first when I caught her, my stepmom told us to get out of our wetclothes. She asked Sam to come with her and change, and so I changed behind the truck.I then went over to the others to join in their fishing and their conversation.

    Mi: Hey uhm. . .Can I join in?Mr. Copeland: Well sure you can Mi.Gramps: How was the water?Mi: Huh? What do you mean?Gramps: Hahah was it cold or warm or whatever was it?Mr. Copeland: Seems like Mi wasnt minding the water hahah.Dad: Hahah isnt it great to be young?Mi: You guys. The water was fine.Gramps: Is it really the water?Mi: What else could it be?

    They were all laughing at something I dont really get, grown-ups are really hard tounderstand. While we were talking Sam calls me and as I look towards her, she radiates inwhat shes wearing and the light plus the scenery makes her even more beautiful. I try to

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    imprint how she looks right now in my heart and my memory, I dont ever want to forgethow she looks right in this moment. As she walks towards me I feel my heart beat reallyfast, and I dont know what to say to her.

    Sam: Yo! Weakling! How do I look?Mi: You. . .

    Sam: What the?! Of course me!Mi: You look amazing. . .Gramps: Why dont you come sit here beside Mi?Sam: Thank you Mr. Buffalo.Gramps: Aww shucks aint no need to be polite Sam. Call me gramps.Sam: Ok then gramps.

    She sits beside me and my heart beats even faster, I cant even breathe properly, thisnever happened before. As I look at her I cant help but stare at her and as I looked at her lips our kiss underwater suddenly pops into my head. The image of her as she kissed megets stuck in my head and I didnt know what to do, in the end I jumped into the water without thinking. It was embarrassing.

    Sam: Hahah. You idiot! What the hell are you doing??Mi: Uhm. . .Nothing?Sam: Hahah. What a loser!

    After that embarrassing moment well I was able to calm down a bit and go back tonormal, my heartbeat slow down and Im breathing naturally. Looking at Sam laughingso hard made me think, if ever she wouldnt stay here with me then at the very least Icould still be with her for the rest of the school year, so I decided I wont move here inthe farm until I graduate. Its still a whole school year I get to spend with her and whoknows maybe she could change her mind maybe she wont but it would all be ok, even if this will be our last school year together and she heads to med school for college. I willwait for her here in this place, patiently until she finishes what she must do for her futureand hopefully after all that, I will ask her to marry me. Though at the back of my headIm still thinking that what if she wont ever come back here to me after med school?Should I go to her? Or should I let her be. . .It was almost time to go back to the farm andthere is still something I want to make sure of before we go back. While they were

    packing our stuff up I asked Sam if maybe we could talk for a bit before we go back.

    Sam: So what is it you want to talk about?Mi: Im not really sure about how I should say this. . .Sam: Cmon! Just spit it out already!Mi: I. . .want you to stay here with Sam but Ive done some thinking. . .Sam: I know. . .Youre going back to school and youre planning on spending this lastyear with me. . .Cause you think that it might be the last time that wed be together. . .Mi: You know you should really stop reading my mind.Sam: I cant.Mi: And why is that?Sam: I love reading your mind. . .Especially when youre thoughts are about me. . .

    This girl really says the weirdest things sometimes and yet they are the things that get tome.

    Sam: I know about your plans Mi. I want you to just stop thinking too much and justhave fun. Ill always be here so dont work your head up too much. Youd get old tooquick if you think too much!

    Well I guess shes right, Ill just have to let things flow naturally and just go with it, shellalways be here with me. . .I should have faith in what she says and just stop thinking. . .

    Chapter 21

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    Arriving back at the farm after a wonderful day at the lake, it seems that gramps stillhasnt had enough of bonding time with dad and asked him for a walk. Mr. Copeland thenvolunteers to make dinner and Sam helps him out. This is the time for me to have a talk with my stepmom and finally patch things up between us, I should start accepting that sheis my mom now.

    Mi: Uhmm. . .mom. . .do you mind if we talk?Stepmom: Ohh! Absolutely not! Come here. What is it that you want to talk about? Is itsomething about Sam?Mi: No. . .its actually about us. . .Stepmom: Ok. . .Mi: I want to tell here and now that I never liked you ever since the day I first met youwhen dad introduced us.Stepmom: I see.Mi: I have always been keeping a sharp watch on you. . .and. . .Im sorry. . .I judged you

    before I even knew who you really are. . .before I thought you were just acting nice butwhen I look closely at it now. . .you really are nice. . .Im lucky that you married my dad.

    She then holds my hand and smiles gently at me. Her face was somewhat similar to my

    moms and I felt the warmness in her, the same warmth that I feel from my mom.

    Mom: Its ok Mi. Im glad that you can accept me now.Mi: Sorry it took so long before I could finally call you my mom. . .Mom: Its fine son.Mi: To think Ive got myself a really young mom. Hahah.Mom: Hahah.

    We talked a bit more and even shared jokes, shes nothing like my mom, shes nothinglike an adult, its like Im talking to an older sister. . .and its nice. She is just in her mid-twentys after all. Mr. Copeland then tells us that dinner is ready and asks me to go calldad and gramps.

    Mi: Ok Mr. Copeland.Mr. Copeland: Please call me dad. Hahah.Sam: Dad! Youre acting like a fool again.Mi: Henry! Want to come?Henry: Can I really?Mi: Of course! Cmon! Ill race you hahah!

    The two of us ran off to fetch dad and gramps but as we get to the barn Henry stops andtells me that hes tired. I give him a piggy back ride and as we were walking.

    Henry: Do you think I can become like you when I grow up big brother?Mi: Yeah! Im sure you would but you know Im hoping that you become even better than me.Henry: Is that possible? Dad was always saying that you are a genius.Mi: Nah. Im not a genius! Im just me.Henry: But I also think you are! Youre really good at everything and your grades dontdrop even if you dont study. I am not like you.Mi: Well, thats because Im me and youre you Henry. Were not the same, its true Imight be good at some things but Im sure there are things youre good at too. Justremember to always give it your best in what you do and everything will be just fine.Henry: Really big brother?Mi: Yup! Really really!

    When we got to where dad and gramps are Henry asks that he be the one to call them, so I put him down and he runs off to them. Surely Henry will become someone better thanme. The four of us walk back to gramps house dad was holding Henrys hand and hisother arm was on my shoulders.

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    Dad: Im really lucky to have to wonderful sons, right father?Gramps: Hahah indeed, and Im lucky for having you three.

    Sam and mom have just finished preparing the table when we got there and Mr. Copelandwas really proud of his cooking and well when we saw the food. We were shocked at howelegant they looked even though they were just your everyday food but the presentation

    was top class. Well it was during dinner that Sam tells us that her father Mr. Copelandwas world class chef before he married her mom. She said that her dad cooked his wayinto her moms heart.

    Sam: Thats why you have to learn how to cook like my dad or even better than him Mi.Gramps: Hahah. Speaking of that, I would sure want to taste your cooking too Mi.Dad: Same here son.Mom: I wonder how it would taste.Gramps: Ok! For tomorrow itd be Mi whos cooking.Sam: Great idea gramps!Henry: Yay! Big brothers cooking!Mom: Were all looking forward to tomorrow.Mi: Aww does it really have to be tomorrow?

    Gramps: Why? What be the matter?Mi: Its just that. . .Youd be expecting something better than what Mr. Copeland

    prepared since you saw and tasted this wonderfully presented and really delicious food.Itd be tough to beat.Mr. Copeland: Dont worry! I can teach you Mi.Mi: Thanks Mr. Copeland but I guess Id rather do it on my own. That way I can cook myway into all your hearts hahah.Sam: Dont be so full of yourself small fry.

    Sam sure has a way of bursting my bubble but somehow I want to cook for themtomorrow since I havent cooked for them yet and I want to surprise them all, Cant waitto see their faces once they taste the food that I prepared.

    Chapter 22

    That night before going to sleep I was thinking of what to cook for tomorrow, wentdownstairs to drink water and it seems that there was someone out on the balcony. Slowlyand quietly I walk over to the balcony to see who i