Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1901-11-13 [p 2]. · 2 THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER...

THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 1901 2 411 I FORTY DAYS IN COUNTY JAIL Sentence of Editor of Hearsts Chicago American REPORTER GETS THIRTY DAYS PRINTED ARTICLES OITB- TO JUDOB HAKBCT Chicago Nov 12 On a charge of nenipi Judge Haney today en i1 cod Andrew M Lawrence managing iiitor of Hearsts Chicago American to ry day in t p county jail The stn i nee of I h Canveld who wrote tie hrt ie jeotionable to the court was rvff at hirty day In jail The eater eninst S S rarvalko financial man t j of i he paper and John C Ham nd ussistant rity editor were dis- missed Judgo Hanecy declared that h ra s j ainst Wi P Hearst ma jonty niknohJcr of paper Ho ru C nport cartoonist and Clare HMSIJS also a cartoonist would pend uiiiil su li time as these respondents id b brought into curt by the- n riff Former Governor Altjjeld one for the respondents entered iVrmai exception to the decision This case I may say the rourt re rkerl is not appealable You may IK a bill of exceptions for a writ of er hon I am willing to delay tr of papers on Mr LawreTce- iil M Ianfleld until you have drawn y iir bill Ve do not feel that we have any favors coming from this court Mr Alt eld answered W are much olliged The court room was crowded to the imii whEn Judge read the de ciUn The Offensive Article The article ii the upon Inch the proceeding in contempt A has l was a critJctam of the nits decision on an application for forfeiture of the charter of the pi isht Gas Coke company lidsje rfaxiecy said if the matter pub T lied were allowed go unnoticed by P ccur it pavei the way for other rnd Judiciary if not in i spec voId fall with all knoeiatii government The article tr COUrT declared was net merely an iMack on the people and the court u a threat to every other court shouM therefore not go unpun ih n- A few minutes after the rendering of Thf dcrlFion and the imposition of the r ipr ce s to Lawrence and Canfield- tnjge Dunne upon application issued- it of habeas corpus rs to them re i UJVifible immediately u hen Mssrst Canfield and Lawrence p fared Judge Hanecy this af i ii v n for commitment to the I the Murt announced that lass Mcr a h understood Judge Dunne iKsuti nrit of corpus he ijM ick no action in the matter un i that vrit has been vacated It was Ided however to hold the writ in H eyisce until the commitment papers i ve been made out and the men de into the tfca sheriff r s will probably be do a on Fr ay DEATH OF A CONSUL uher W Osborne Reported to Have Expired in Samoa jhimfton Nov 12 A t a the stite riopartment from riband N Z announces the death Viia Samoa n Oct 25 of Luther n United States onsul gen AM nrs hrrn if New York v i his present post from j lip Thus he was a nrttie of the au it States in the jr nhoni1 days at ths Congo SUIT c a Involving Prop i 1000000- jr la Nov 12 The turn mining 3nit- oh iv title to SloowOOO of mln 1trty n Colorado was rom Rain tf day before Judge Macy i district court Lnited States en Thomas M Patterson leading r for Burns C J Hughta p Ashtofi and xGovernor Thomas Th several oth r Colorado attorneys H i fifty vMnesses arrived early in the div t ak In th trial was caused by i Royle filing a amended peti wwlrh Bums ttor eys set up as new iiliMes th t they were unable to tat one ddlonal time them to prep r a new trial Ay at the fanner rial a number of VtA tlVe wTS ost l throughout the a close watch on CONTEST IS ENDED iia Vavlt Makes Appointments to Collectorships j AVa5hlnirton No 1 The contfst q Kentucky internal revenue i torship was today At h conclusion of a conference bet en- h t fsi nt and 8 naiT Deboc Rep iiratix Boerlnf and Commissioner inurriil Jlevenuc Yrkes the M gif J to appoint E A Cratt to i E Sop us collector of KiftJ Louisville distHct- thn waw confron e George V- rth is detMed ujioi for the col- urphi nf the glith iovtngton dis- i i eed D NT mingore The Ritfi is lu present ooilector and ii HO for r r p intment Qi II Mining Town is Burned Md Nov liThe miiiin- tiv n f lomas W i on the West ViKina iitral PltfrhurR railway was almost ti d out by tIrE which started eary to iy in Gt rsbergr lintel T nty iMisinesa Bouses P iwilingH were consumed The f7aTnoi- cihiTih opera houw r md- Ro iW hotels the til the wt sta- nii several nous belonging t ihc- iv is Coke mpsiny wen de- strovcd Th couieoer has jepipnti all the bor irs at Thomn to I shell r homeleMk Bcoi s of people wftr dni from hcmo in their cloUuf ff o King Shoots Peasants Lonrlor NoV 12 spite af the ra fs ai undetev ed by rat kirt- Kdvanl Prince f Wales anti 3isiineulshl party T nt yesterday the iVrteasontf Windsor park ftjreared to b In pllent health to enjoy the s as h K Two Human Bodies Fount IS V T Nov T maii ers uipo l sorth of C a on whileithe other was in ri of There nr tipir on eitier of the boll the had HH- i c purpose Authorities arc j i 7 j j t to l t the R tins i1 Han t r 4 o the n fore lady I a habe s red custody of j d cable I J 1 t l1peaJtd- rtigll rtiP n op- nCp or I nta- IIh Mr I I i > I i1 1 t 1 h nl 11 was- h ted urt room aM kept the f Kentucky r th f ell I i 1 t w I 11wl 1 n Gflbe C II t It t n I tine in m Y let I i Cured I a I f fJi ton n cIty I t J m t Ii I t t d ltion was T rE ma bEn I 1 vt t i i 4 k I S i vIi A p Ics that t tIE 7 r 0 t I t ct t B r era i 4 t 1 1 I roce4Lng3 a J set IPJ 0 pre t ri S ta- d r and t V t ti toy I itt It 1 F 1 I hc 1r qh J lf flu 0 e the blty was I V 5 t d or > < > > > > > < > < < + > e i A TELEPHONE GHOST Girls Sc fr d Out of Their Wits by Mysterious Woman Visitor I The mystery of a phantom visitor who at intervals for two or three j months past tjas appeared at unearth- ly hours of the night in the Telephone building and terrorized girls by strange antics was partially sored early yesterday morning but the fl lu developed a second mystery is deeper than the first Yesterday morning it wii accidentally discovered that the strange isitor was a woman Who the strange woman is and whpit the purposes of her ghostlike vftftts to the tuilding at such unearthly hOurs of the night are equally puzzling On frequent occasions within the past few months at the hour of the morning when the ghosts are supposed to walk the two night operaMrs have been half out of their wits by the sounds of some one moving around in the building but although numerous effort were made the cause of the sounds could never be discovered On one occasion the visitor almost threw the girls into hysterics by attempting to open the door to the operating room and by rattling it viciously when it was found to be locked One of the operators summoned up courage to open the door but was astounded to find that there was there and no signs of any one in the building On numerous other occasions accord InS to the statement of the operators a strange something has been heard to stalk through the turning the knobs of the doors and shaking them but the ghostly visitor always managed to escape from the building without being seen For several weks rast nothing had en heard of the mysterious until yesterday morning Then a strahpe woman muffled iii big cape w to come up State street walkirg In the shadow of the cr poles and lurriedly enter the the Telephone building operators her waging through th build- ing and tben the nounrls died away A while later the woman appeared at the front and glancing in every dl rcction darted into the shadow of the oles and disappeared down the street Who Is the strange woman and what c n be the purpose nf her mysterious vift to the Telephone building This is the question that is puzzling those who saw her untcs RAilWAY Senion Held by the Beoendy Organised Brotherhood The newly formed Brotherhood Bail way EmployeesIndulged in a social ss sion last evening that was open to ail comers and resulted in a Iafe number- of applications for membership The membership in Salt Lake City has reached the highwater mark of ill Jt a consequence the evening was given over to oratory music song and good ship the e several dred members and their friend di in The principal address v IMf S J H the purpose of the organization was to all classes of railroad together for mutual advantage and to establish a secret of rail whose watch- word should be One for all and for one the attainment of a higher sun dard of morality to assist members in sickness and distress to provide an in turunce department to promote adequate and and to protect its members in the exercise of rights were mentioned as the object of the organization W R god F sang several selections and H A contributed an instruiaenUl- soto The affair wa in obarge w a commltt consisting of W a pronounced ni cess nt Commissioner Edward Dalton of is a Nit Lake visitor Mr and Mm Jackson Jones of Granite are enjoying a visit to Salt LaVe City E J Fisher of Pocatello travel ing auditor of the Oregon Short Line was a Salt arrival yesterday Thron Throncor 01 Oregon a well known old timer in Utah mining develop- ment a Salt Lake visitor E S Bradley night editor of the Omaha World was in city yesterday and left night to oil discoveries near Wyo George T Odell the manager of the j Idaho on business for his company for a few days He left for the north last evening Mr and Mrs H G Cattell of Oorlnne are Salt Lake visitors Mr Cattell te un- derstood to be in the city on btisins in relation to the pil development in Wyoming Samuel F Halverson of Ogden a ro d representative of the Z C M 1 who won the principal last year for the vo time of business he transacted cams in last evening for a bualnes Ta condition of Brig Kt rbeck took a eiious turn late Monday and Is considered critical by the anthorftie at St Marks hospital Mr Ellrbeok un- derwent an operation nin days ago hav- ing one of his kidneys removed Walter J Meeks has broken down in health since the completion of his duties as secretary of the Republican committee Ha is to his home 34 South Fourth Ea street with a well develop ease of typhoid M Shaughnessy is disturbed over the report that Mrs Shaughnessy and he are about to leave for tnt cast and states f t t is incorrect The coto that Salt Lake City s A pod enough place for him and that his wife and himself irt going to spend a pleas ant winter here I Lnwrenr Hanley the veteran actor is at theKerfehMKenna hospital with agxnivrited case utomacE trouble od man came here with the expectation of joining the Xeill company but was He has been at the ten days He Tpects to 10 San Francisco where h has an offer ifter he n s fully lecovcrerl his health W M Jrfhcn tin of XW Yorjj for- merly Kitli the Imperial hotel has as MUm u the ihuics of ri ht clerk t the Knutsforil siuceedinjf Oester Olnrtttod The latter accept a po sjtion with Angel hotel at lx e tes Mr has a large tfrcle Sherman will leave tomorrow New York and on bustaea connected with the John ate He will attend a meeting of te Sherman company to and will some time Ift Washington on busi- ness connected wtth belonclnfc to hie uncle1 He to be away from at least a mouth H M Mn y of chief ch rtr of the Railway Mall Service was In the city yesterday Elk Carnival Cigars An echo of the Elks carnival was heard In Justice Diehls court joster day when Jake Greenewald filed a suit against L WDlttman to collect J185 for several lots of cigars sold to whIle the rush was on in the Germa lllate Greenewald had the concession for selling cigars and in the village and a like concession in connection wUn his lute privilege Oreenewald paid 310 far concession and took in only j 4j hu Jaime QreenewaM declares he is no be intends to what he claims is due him Young Greens Challenge Young Phil formerly of Butte who fought draw the other evning with Pavis has issued n to an lighter IB th state of his weight and The weight is tel pounds and 17 and is to he for fifteen rounds An effort was made to arm nee anther fight between Green and Davis or nrxt KrMay evening but Davis IB tn tf noar ConseQuently lretn ii looking for j j j i 1 r 9 r I 7 I tion that I I scared I I no one visitor us of The dpor ENTERTAI- NS r a tallow ice cBt I eir I ote tis 8ena A Uott c It an Andemoc declared o GIll I J ootle lake Is I laJt t uop Wagon I Machine company ill in I I I vi tt I c I net An of Th ho pilt t r pi t An oSatt Lake fn d and is welt anc- tfaorabh known to the treveling Estate Clt Lke OIr fn e def- endant tob- acCo had hI col- lect Green hallel e ill h H e the a awn door earL hun bdn oltman A and wa 5 Per9riMenaun fever the City pabli I t estate aft v a age a e ¬ ¬ > ¬ < ¬ > ¬ > > < > > i a o i I DENIES THAT H- Er RECEIVED MONEY Judge Noyes Gives More Testi mony in His Defense WHY HE APPOINTED RECEIVER ADMITS THAT HB WAS WITH MINING LAWS San Francisco Nov 12 Jtidge Noyes again took the witness stand in the Nome contempt case today He said that Marshal Vawter had told him that there was 30000 in it If he removed the receiver in one of the mine eases and that Vawter had tried to get him to quiet the matter but it had already been reported to ington by Frost to whom Noyes had the story Witness denied em phatlcally the testimony of witnesses to the effect that he Noyes had and maneuvered tbe grand jury or that names were stricken from the rolls after indictments had been brought The denied that he ever had word with McKenzie about the ap pointment of a receiver before be took action and denied he ever heard until he read testimony In the Dnboae case that McKenzie teams to start fort the mines before he received the appointment He could offer no explanation of the matter On croBsexamination Judge Noyes said that when he issued the first order appointing McKenzie receiver he knew aone of the defendants and that the only plaintiff with whom he was acquainted was Robert Chipps He did not understand that Chipps was associated with McKenzie and stated that the testimony of Chfpps that he said white en route to Nome that he guessed be would have to appoint a receiver was absolutely false Did Not Know jTcKenzies Business Judge Noyec said he did not what business McKenzie went to Nome further than that lie heard he took a pump up there for New York corporation Judge Noyes said he never heard of the cases before Mr Hume presented the papers asking for the appointment of a receiver He acted on the showing made by the attorney for the plaintiffs it being altered that the defendants had worked the mines for a year with- out right Judge Noyes did not con sider his action in issuing the order appointing a receiver serious or drastic as the only additional expense was the receiver Judge Noyes explained that when he signed the order turning over personal property to the receiver he understood it was necessary for the operation of the mines He signed the second order on com- plaint of the plaintiffs and McKenzie and Foreman Comerford set forth that the defendants were Inter fering with the peaceful operation of the mines by refusing to give up the property Judge Noyes admitted his Vmfamll with the mining the time He SaM it was a clie of a new judge in a new coup and working under a new code IN MIDDLE WEST Elknart 1 Nov 12 Early today the Brtstof ostofAce was robbed of 50D in tampa and L2Qt in cash The rob bers put up a fight whe the postof ftc safe was blown open in which Mrs C was scot in the arm and Ray f3haner was shot inthe nose Neither wound is fatal shop and secured heavy tools Two guarded tbe buiding while two worked- on tic Inside The explosion awoke the townspeople and a pitched battle was fought with the above sult The robbers escaped Des Moines Nov 12 The Batik of Plymouth Ia was dynamited last night The safe vault building were badly wrecked Fifteen hundred dollars were secured The robbers es- caped leaving no clue This is the j seventh bank robbery of the kind oc j curring in Iowa within a month Trenton Ky Nov 12 The vault of the bank at this place was blown open with nitroglycerine early today by robbers who secured the postofflce de- posit box containing 300 The robbers failed to force the inner vault and they seared on a handca As officers and several citizen were Investigating the condition of the safe an unexploded charge of nitroglycerine go se- verely injuring to men I PEACEFUL IN CHUM i But PreparationsPor Possible Are in Active Progress London Nov Telegraphing from Hankow Nov 5 correspondent of the Tunes Dr Morrison says The Tee valley i now peaceful and no doubt is entertained court will return to Pekia Trade Is very active here The manufacture of arms and ammunition is proceeding on a great scale at ill the Chinese ar senals There are about 2000 workmen in the Hankow arsenal and 2509 in the arsenal at Shanghai Forty thousand gunstockp were recently imported and are now for OlsOn button Large contracts for the supply of rifles are being negotiated by the resentatives of European arms Work on railway from Hankow to Canton has not yet been begun Recently Shang tbe Teed asked that categorical assurance should be given to government that this con- cession was to an Ameri- can syndicate because the syndicate was American shctiid not become subject as was reported from America to irians who hold threefifths of the orig inal stock ARREST OF IGLESIAS Governor Hunt Tells Why Labor Man is in Custody Washington Nov 12 Hunt of Porto Rico has cameo to the president his report on the arrest of Santiago Iglesias the representative of the Amer lean Federation of Labor whose arrest- OR a charge of conspiracy as be landed tit San Juan a day or two ago was called to President Roosevelts attention Samuel president of the Federation of Labor The report is withheld for a time and no Information it was obtained at House tonight It Is that further details have been requests the president Whether is still in custody or has been released since complaining of his detention is not known Salt Companies Consolidated Akron 0 Nov 12 It is rumored that the National Salt company has absorbed the Colonial Salt company of this city which has one of the largest plants in the country Tbe Colonial company was backed by the Armour and Swift Packing companies who were unable to buy salt from the Na tional company at a satisfactory price and it is believed that the latter has now made terjns with the packers Pensions Granted to The Herald Washington Nov 12 Pensions granted residents of Idaho Increase Ishmael Bragg Mary O Cander Crescent 59 i j t UNFA- MILIAR I told en- gineered eu t I I I I Ja at i I Ii1a r ARE BUSY J teL E Dickel I I The robbers broke Into a I and I I I IIJG War J 1 Y I the e JRr theWhite aa II Special Boise widow l 1 t Wah know- n I rity blaekmith I re Ire a d ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < J BEEF WILL BE HIGHER- But There Will be No Famine According Local Authorities- The story that a great scarcity of beef is threatened emanating from the National Livestock association is not tee sariausly by local stockiitea The sheepmen say that it is spread to create a feeling in favor of the leasing of public lands Cattlemen deny this but they do not feel that there is any immediate occasion for alarm There is not much doubt that beef will be higher SId J C Leary of the National Cattlegrowers association and manager of the Salt Lake stockyards However I do not look for conditions to become aertoua enough to cause a beef famine ft is true that the ranges are growing more constricted and that the supply of fat cattle is not so great this year as it would have been except for toe drouth This has curtailed the supply from the central west but stIR there is a good supply coming in from the usual sources These are supplying the demand fairly well A little later the price for dressed beef is likely to be higher but it win not advance sufficiently in my esti- mation to cause any serious alarm The drouth in the Missouri and Mis- sissippi valleys cut off the that region for western cattle to be fattened and sold on the eastern mar ket The result has been that cattle that otherwise would be shipped to Kansas Nebraska and other states for fattening will be shipped direct to the markets taken secre- tary demand In ai ¬ ¬ Sentenced to be Hanged Jefferson City Mo Nov 12 The sur preme court today sentenced Albert Garth to be hanged In Kansas City and Joshua K Craft to be hanged In Jefferson City both on Dec 20 next Garth is a negro who killed Minnie Woods with whom he had been Craft is a convict in the Missouri peni tentlary who escaped a few years ago and shot to death Herman Spieker who attempted to arrest him Reduce Price of Sugar New York Nov Broth- ers and Howellson Co have reduced all grades of refined sugar ten points The American Sugar Refining company today reduced the price of refined siir gar grades Nos 1 to 16 inclusive ten points Body Cut to Pieces Wash Nov 12 R S Mor ton a well known young man of 31 years was evening on the Tacoma Eastern road Midland and the sawnilil out on the line His body wa on the track this morn Ing badlyvcut to pieces Was at Pamous Brussels Ball London Nov 13 Catherine Jane died yesterday at towns Waterford KM years She was a guest at the famous Brussels ball on the eve of the battle of Waterloo and j was a noted beauty the court of Louis Philippe Ordered to Philippines Omaha Nov 12 Orders have been Issued at the department of the Mis- souri for a squadron of the Eleventh cavalry which is now stationed at Jefferson Barracks Mo to proceed to San Francisco in time to sail for the Philippines Dec 16 Florists Lives Are Short Galveston News it te supposed that the men who work in the mines or tnose whose occupations necessitate the breathing of fames and gases are short- est lived said a prominent physician This is a Mistake and it many to that the highest death rate M found among a class who breathe In the sweetest florists The reason to a simple one The florist lives at once in torrid and the frigid From a greenhouse or nearly MO in the Winter months he must out into one is nearly always below freezing point and zero In summer he has change to encounter too as in the and fall force of without his coat in the hot artificial at j mosphere and tujs increases the PoserPor the Judge Chicago News Pat havi W beets unduly familiar with a found himself enjoying a nights lodging at expense How long have you been In this coun try liked the the next morning Faith an its noferh on to alven months y r honor replied Pat you a trade the judge Sure an its a sailor Ul am an- swered the Irishman Be what say cautioned the Judge I doubt very you ever been to sea in your life exclaimed son of Erin an te it in a wagin yer honors afther thtnkln 01 came over from the ould counthry Singular Dutch Law London Truth The accouchement of the queen of the Netherlands is expected to take place in January If years bad passed with- out Queen giving birth to a child her marriaee dis- solved by tbe Dutch parliament Th constitution of Holland also provides that If the queen has a son she is to abdicate his favor when he reaches the age an arrangement which cannot to produce vexatious family souabbles and tracasserios of alt What a situa tion it would have been at our own court if Queen Victoria had been obliged to abdicate on Nov 9 1SS9 in of the Prince of Wales ITascagnis Long Hair London Truth- A good story is told about Mae ea ni It known that he has been offered and will probably accept an en- ement to a concerts the United States next winter this It seems has let grow he under the Impression that the Americans will not but a longhaired musician Somebody at any rate has him BO case of M Paderewski A Wholesale Affliction Cleveland Plain Dealer Says the Boston Globe John Arm strong Chanler comes to light with a new for This is not evidence that he is insane- If it were we would bave to herd the afflicted ones In our public parks while proper asylums were constructed Schleys Punctuation Cleveland Plain Dealer Admiral Schley improved in punctua tion later on How If he didnt wipe out the Colon when he should have done so h put a full stop to it shortly afterwards- So Delightfully Modern Smart Set Is new rector an agreeable man Indeed he IB real golf and squash owns a naphtha launch and au tommy and he isnt a bit re ligious Excessive Joy Smart Set I the votutiteers are to be coming hOrnEt trots the Philippines Well T should s y replied her brother Thoy are coming in at Georgias Poets Cleveland Plain Dealer TBP am to Infer that you consider my poetry as only fit for the waste basket The I dont go as far that Vhat I 1o sny i tint I am vrry certain that vou will not find a pub- lisher for It this side of Georgia livln 12Arbuckle killed last nd I grandmother ot the Baron Carew t tI c 0 I I zone de- grees hAbit he grows careless and often works r- ai Oam find In the florist the least ill ai OO1 asked fnl oalt A bee in U 1 Upon hair o I e 0 O tran- sport C PoetThen I EditorNo Ill J f p t t s np 4 arew present o Is c Lungaai1 goat stnmahh diseases as ore 0 I much if the p 01 18 I that I l IJPIJI ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < > OIL STRIKE AT FOSSIL Flow of Fifteen Barrels a Day and Land Advances to 1000 Per Acre I Ogden Utah Nov C Word re eefved here arty today that at bout Midnight drillers for the Fossil Oil company encountered oil at a depth of Stt feet after passing through a heavy clay stratum is about three mUss from Fossil Station Wyo on the Oregon Short Line railroad and at 4 a- nt was ten to fifteen barrels a fine OIL This Is the first oil sand and te the second strike ol oil in thu itoUfcU Many California and Texas oil are rushing to the new bate attracted by the fact that the oil tt 3pcrWr illuminant and lubricant- a d wt a cheap fuel product f a Evanston yesterday aft Htto an operator in city tat tbe above referred t maAt on a plateau known as t oBBtaio on land owned by R- S a United States land office at- torney at Jvwnten and at a depth of ortT of CM feet WMther the strikes are identical or not that no small amount of excitement exists for land In the vi etnjty mountain being at WJ an acre when toe was mane andCalif oraia parties were th news to their coast asso- ciates SOLDIERS MAY LEAVE General Merriam Advises Re moval of Portion of Fort Doug was last night ft W18g of fields A tttt J fit Round was 0 Ga a Ics was ad 5 tbi bald ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ las Major Young the post commandant at Fart Douglas has received information past fortyeight hours which leads to belief that orders will be forthcoming at an early date for the of one battery of artillery and company L of the try Where they are to go is at pres- ent a matter of conjecture In all prob the company of infantry will be Stationed at Fort Logan In Denver battery may to the Presidio at San Francisco There are but few posts in the country that are capable of ac1- oommodating battery just at this tinge Major Young looks for orders concern ine the movement every say mendatlon forwarder to the department by General Mersm the departmental commander such a recommendation considerable weight It is re ned as a foregone conclusion that command will leave It is not thought however that the transfer will be made until alter the arrival of the absent members of tbe Eighteenth infantry who are en route the Philippine islands When last heard from a few days ago the transport on which they are was reported at Malta It is now thought to near Gibraltar the post now centers upon the probability of enlargement some tbmg understood to be under tion at Washington Major Moody chief of of Colorado witn headquarters at Denver is now en m an Inspection of the post A significant fact is found in the amount of to the honpltal which the major announces will have to be en- larged and improved if the size of the post is increased His report will be pre- pared on the assumption that such venients are contemplated The major BRAND PERFECTLY SANE Palse Report Circulated Concerning a Salt Lake Mao A letter was received by M Kopp Jn this city yesterday which convOyed the shocking statement that Walter Brand now in Butte had lost Isis reason and was in a most critical condition None of the details were given but his friends surmised that business troubles had caused his breakdown as it is but a short time since Mr Brand failed her in the liquor business Investiga- tion proved the report to be entirety without foundation The Heralds cor- respondent wired last night that Mr Brand was perfectly sane He went to Butte some time ago and was joined there ten days ago by his wife for- merly MISS Jean Shields Mr Brand intends to go into business in Butte New Constitution Ratified Ala Nov new constitution has been ratified by a large It will probably reach 30WO and win not fall below The anti charge fraud in a number- of counties notably of Jefferson Della and Piekens Shelly chairman- of the that he has won fight but rather indi- cates that he not to bave It so recorded He states however that h will the fight to the bitter end All things told the new constitution has heeD adopted and will be the law of Ala- bama New Daughter Arrives Cltty Treasurer Mortis was at his home 3eyd y to welcome a new daughter A3ST OLD 3CA2T Ol1 THE SEA Admiral Lord Berasfard a Hard Man to Shitsa- shiagton pot Admiral Lord Charles Beresfords term of office 4 second tn command of the Mediterranean Garrison re- Moval The expected hegira due to a recom As b 1 u n me ven fMmd the post In fair ca a J I I I II rD C 12The neral a the uah oe aquadtOn comes to I w a th s c r sad- e ome e 3 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ a ne et January wr haul down his flag on the Ramillies and be Admiral Ham met ho fcai exeeediitgiyciever of glee Under ordinary circumstances the authorIties at the adnrtraJty in London would be delighted to get rid of Lord as he has been per nAj Qj at them to get things done connected with the Mediterran- ean squadron complaining of the In suffldency of men guns ammunition- and of the deficiencies and faults of thevarious ships constituting this the crack squadron of the British navy But unfortunately for them Lord Charles on returning to England will at once reenter parliament and take advantage of his prerogatives as a member of the house of commons to repeat there all the complaints that have been contained in his dispatches knowing full well that there will be far more prospect of their being acted upon by the admiralty when they are backed up by public sentiment which 90 tar has always been in thorough sympathy with him In fact one of the reasons why be was given this very desirable command in the Medit erranean some years ago was to close his mouth and to silence him by means of the rule of discipline as long it lasted But now that his term IB coming to an end his lips will once more be unsealed and he may be upon to call admiralty to ac count more fiercely than ever Mr Bryans Pine Example Washington Star The manner in Mr Bryan has borne himself In these days of a national shock and grief is worthy of He from sug- gestions such as might spring to the one so opposite to the late president in 11 his of public nu himself above all an Amer- ican rather than the leader of a faction or a party and his words are the sincere expression of the sorrow or one who null appreciate the worth of the dead despite political antagonism This spirit- on the part of who twice meas- ured himself against William McKinley in the race for the highest serve as a stinging to those few others who have dared to voice their sneers Mr Bryan has won friends by his manly simple tribute to hiss late j and has strengthened the faith f th nation In the anti of the loaders of American thuuglrf j action will b witUe as rel- ied the 110 l refrained was I l goo npss th ills anti i r 3 2 o ne t5uCe C has op- ponent > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = < IN AGRICULTURE Subject is Discussedby Indus CAUSE OF STATE OF AFFAIRS EASTERN tfAKRESRS DO NOT KEEP HP VvTlhH TIMES Washington Nov If The Industrial commission today made public its re view of the evidence taken before the commission on the subjects of agri- culture and agricAdtaral labor Among other subjects discussed Is that of agriculture depresston of which the commission speaks a follows The cause most often assigned for the depression of agriculture in the eastern states Is the increased produc tion due to tbe opening of lands in ad- vance of the natural demand especial- ly through the agency of liberal land laws and grants of land in aid of railroad construction The competition- of the west has been rendered in especial- ly making freight rates relatively low for long The old staple pro ducts having thus become unprofitable- in the east it has been necessary for farmers to change their methods and vary the character of their crops tak- ing up especially the culture of products which are not easily trans- ported long distances Thus truek farming has largely su- perseded growing At- lantic coast but farmers in the north Atlantic states now complain of the severe competition of states further south in this industry and much the same may be said of fruit growing Even so perishable a commodity as milk is transported much longer cbs lances than formerly since the intro ductkm of refrigerator car Conservatism of Farmers Another cause which several wit assign for the unsatisfactory condition of agriculture in pome parts of the country is the conservatism of the farmers their lack of quick ad justment to conditions and lack of effective business planning The farmers as a class have not kept up with the times but have raised the same crops year after year without regard to changes in supply and de- mand This undue conservatism and lack of managing ability among farm I ers Is especially emphasized with refer- ence to the southern states and is given- as an explanation of the exclusive attention to cotton production prevail ing there Another cause assigned for agricul- tural depression In the south is the j scarcity of money th difficulty of borrowing on real estate security and the consequent high rates of interest- It seems possible however to borrow money in the south at somewhat lower rates of interest than formerly The decline in the price of cotton is of course an important element in the de- pression of agriculture in the south The insufficiency of negro labor is assigned as another cause On the other hand it is affirmed that there is too much good and cheap labor in the south A surplus of cheap labor is said to be unfavorable to the success of agriculture because it results in I planting too large an acreage with neglect of personal attention by the planter Against charge that farm era are unduly conservative hi put the counter charge that they turn from one crop to another without sufficient regard to the suitability f the climate and soil or to the conditions of the market Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative cure a cold in ore lay No Cure No PaY Price 25 cents ODE TO THE BEAN Boston Post The Kpw bean crop is a fail ure In many quarters Item Oh Boston Bean of world Let not prestige be forgot In our We hope that thou wilt fail us not Een tho tbe fish crop should be short And confish be no more If thou wilt stay with us Oh Bean The Hub first as of yore What tho the lobsters all die off And empty be the clam tureen If but abide with ua Aa thou heat in the past Oh Bean We love thee each in the week And at our Sunday breakfast too If thou na in our need Oh Boston Beats what shell we do If thou wilt well gladly part With tempting fowl and Thy we most crave Oh Bean The peer of crerjr lashes dish Too Far Away Cleveland Plain Dealer Another minister has been telling his congregation that there will more women men in heaven Thats strange Chicago to supposed to be the very place where would ro information con cerning the better lahd trial Commtsslon severe by the o the railroads too I I I the a 0 Bro tiuIr Tabkt J e r o a e fl 4 policy eeses I inst ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = + + + I is significant that in homes of wealth where pP the very best is demanded Ivory Soap is used in the nursery At the same time J- nJ hundreds of families where economy decides the choice Ivory Soap is selected Thus its purity attracts the rich its economy attracts the poor High quality and low cost is there any better combination E T 1 raT vI e sae as auehn- I FOUGHT GORY BATTLE Sanguinary Row Said to Have Started Over Bruce Johnsons Gambling Game- A row arising over an alleged gam- bling game which hi said to have been I in progress in Bruce Johnsons Com- mercial streeteiub resulted In a bloody fight between Charles Daniel and John Bell two colored men who retired to Plum alley and made desperate efforts- to beat each other into jelly The is alleged flourished revolvers and knives but no signs of these weapons could be found after the tight was over The two men with their faces drip ping with blood were escorted to the police station and locked up on a charge- of fighting According to the statement of Bell he was gambling with a friend in Johnsons place when Daniel staggered up and seized the stakes Daniel then he declared bantered him for a fight I I I men- U ¬ H c TOYS AT WHOLESALE H Y PRICES LARGEST s s STOCK 4- TJ ROCK WEST OF BOTTOM CHICAGO E T Samples Now Open for 5 THE LACE HOUSEJ t Utahs Greatest Store Salt Lake City Utah E w j Inspection 2223O Main- S + H you suffer from any of the weateneasw er- disaaeee caused Ignorance excess or eon YOU ARE THE VERY PERSON WE WANT TO TALK TO We save proved our ill in curing all CHRONIC diseases thousands of voluntary testimonials of home people giving DBBMS and addresses WE CANT PUBLISH OUR CURES IN PRIVATE DISEASES Because it would betray confidence Hence we have MI prove our this class of troubles la another way This is our plan WEAK MEN and invited him into he alley to nave it out The invitation was accepted and a few minutes later the alley the scene of a desperate contest A Chi- nese girl who saw it declares that the two men had revolvers and knives flourished them before they went to fighting with their fists The revolvers and knives could not be found but it was plainly evident from the face of both men that they had used their to good advantage Bell got the best of the fight and was pounding Daniel unmercifully when the police arrived arrested them Bruce Johson when asked about the statement of Bell that he was gam- bling in his place declared that Bell lied Both men he said came to his pace drunk and Bell bet Daniel 50 cents to 10 cents that he could whip hint The money was up in a po- rters hands and the men retired to he alley to settle the bet Johnson de- clares that the betting was the only gambling they did Last Day of X ns Suit Sale Come today Values up to 42260 tot U Q up to IMOO for flOTS Stein Bloch suits AT WALKERS wee and ft put 4S eta ee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CATARRH Bronchitis Ne nla Heart DI ease Dyspepsia Skin Disease Bleed Dkeje Rheumatism MeJri Mervews Diseases Kidney Diseases Complaints In- somnia Pwalysk Ricke4s Scr fala- Coacwmp io in Fir Stages Liver DiMase- sDkease af the Baweli Home Treatment Cures Write for Symptom List Cortjaltatfon Free We Treat and Cure Female Dysentery < We cure you Stat and thee ask a KBASOK eared you MB de- pend upon our word say beak Ia Utaa will endorse it thousands of patients have endorsed TO NOW WE WANT TO CORE YOU with distinct wtderataBdlac that ire will not a FEE until weoure We cure LOST MANHOOD Seminal Weakness San ator- raota Qonofrhoea Syphilis sad all w atas ei of men We absolutely cure it dont cost you a Mnnr Qmsultatiea and Pay When Cured ABLE PEE when you He the de- mand or by t CALL 2 advice FEKE letter Ia preset OR WR1 ¬ 9 a m to 4 p a evenings 7 Vu 8 Saeaays ad Hettdaps t DRS SHORES Expert Specialists ORS LYON BLOCK 5 WsetUsL A Little Money Goes a Great Way sHere and That Back if You Want It We owe you an apology We owe the pants man an apology Yesterday we told of our Working Pants And hi telling of tboae L50 hair line stage said Theyre Cotton Pants Theyre not theyre lliggwt part wool So you see theyre even better than we made them to be Of course theyre coming fast now for Suits and Overcoat Just a little drop in the temperature makes you come for them But if it were not for Gardner valves we venture you flat come so fast for them Weve Suits and Overcoats as low as its safe to go oA nd as good as tailors can make them 9000 Cold snap making you come for other clothes too Underwear for one and such stocks there are for you to choose from values fourth better than you can get elsewhere 60c the garment up to 500 Work out of doors Then you need Gloves Rents a Glove etoek to be proud of and we are proud of it Gloves low as 25e the pair then 50c the pair splendid vfclnee too not as good as the 75c and 100 ones though would be nonsense to say 04 Then af9150weve Buck and Reindeer finish Gloves with riveted and sewed Work out of doors Then Canvas Coats Duck Coats Sweaters ONE f 136436 VfieT9 SHM 4 M GARDNER DAiLY STORE NEWS t i r Jt N2 r i t out i I such tooa i I I ItS t t CoatsLeather i I- tP Ww i Url J i t t 1 PRICE 0 Main St l 0 f i ya i1s c i 4 o- We L I t eS51 4 4- t i3 4 e 4 1 Maine 4 It W rna pea > < < > < > +

Transcript of Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1901-11-13 [p 2]. · 2 THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER...

Page 1: Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1901-11-13 [p 2]. · 2 THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 1901 I 411 FORTY DAYS IN COUNTY JAIL Sentence of Editor of Hearsts Chicago American



Sentence of Editor of HearstsChicago American



Chicago Nov 12 On a charge ofnenipi Judge Haney today en

i1 cod Andrew M Lawrence managingiiitor of Hearsts Chicago American to

r y day in t p county jail The stni nee of I h Canveld who wrote tiehrt ie jeotionable to the court wasrvff at hirty day In jail The eatereninst S S rarvalko financial mant j of i he paper and John C Ham

nd ussistant rity editor were dis-missed Judgo Hanecy declared thath ra s j ainst Wi P Hearst majonty niknohJcr of paper Horu C nport cartoonist and ClareHMSIJS also a cartoonist would penduiiiil su li time as these respondents

id b brought into curt by the-n riff Former Governor Altjjeld one

for the respondents enterediVrmai exception to the decisionThis case I may say the rourt rerkerl is not appealable You may

IK a bill of exceptions for a writ of erhon I am willing to delaytr of papers on Mr LawreTce-iil M Ianfleld until you have drawny iir bill

Ve do not feel that we have anyfavors coming from this court MrAlt eld answered W are mucholliged

The court room was crowded to theimii whEn Judge read the deciUn

The Offensive ArticleThe article ii the uponInch the proceeding in contempt

A has l was a critJctam of thenits decision on an application for

forfeiture of the charter of thepi isht Gas Coke company

lidsje rfaxiecy said if the matter pubT lied were allowed go unnoticed by

P ccur it pavei the way for otherrnd Judiciary if not

in i spec voId fall with allknoeiatii government The articletr COUrT declared was net merely an

iMack on the people and the courtu a threat to every other court

shouM therefore not go unpunih n-

A few minutes after the rendering ofThf dcrlFion and the imposition of the

r ipr ce s to Lawrence and Canfield-tnjge Dunne upon application issued-

it of habeas corpus rs to them rei UJVifible immediately

u hen Mssrst Canfield and Lawrencep fared Judge Hanecy this afi ii v n for commitment to theI the Murt announced that lassMcr a h understood Judge Dunne

iKsuti nrit of corpus heijM ick no action in the matter un

i that vrit has been vacated It wasIded however to hold the writ in

H eyisce until the commitment papersi ve been made out and the men de

into the tfca sheriffr s will probably be do a on Fr ay


uher W Osborne Reported to HaveExpired in Samoa

jhimfton Nov 12 At a the stite riopartment fromriband N Z announces the death

Viia Samoa n Oct 25 of Luthern United States onsul gen

AMnrs hrrn if New York

v i his present post fromj lip Thus he wasa nrttie of the au

it States in thejr nhoni1 days

atths Congo


c a Involving Prop i

1000000-jr la Nov 12 The

turn mining 3nit-oh iv title to SloowOOO of mln

1trty n Colorado was romRain tf day before Judge Macy

i district court Lnited Statesen Thomas M Patterson leading

r for Burns C J Hughtap Ashtofi and xGovernor Thomas

Th several oth r Colorado attorneysH i fifty vMnesses arrived early in the

divt ak In th trial was caused byi Royle filing a amended peti

wwlrh Bums ttor eys set up asnew iiliMes th t they were unable totat one ddlonal time

them to prep r a new trialAy at the fanner rial a number of

VtA tlVe wTS ost l throughout thea close watch on


Vavlt Makes Appointments toCollectorships j

AVa5hlnirton No 1 The contfstq Kentucky internal revenuei torship was today At

h conclusion of a conference bet en-h t fsi nt and 8 naiT Deboc Rep

iiratix Boerlnf and Commissionerinurriil Jlevenuc Yrkes theM gif J to appoint E A Cratt to

i E Sop us collector ofKiftJ Louisville distHct-

thn waw confron e George V-

rth is detMed ujioi for the col-urphi nf the glith iovtngton dis-i i eed D NT mingore The

Ritfi is lu present ooilector andii HO for r r p intment


Mining Town is BurnedMd Nov liThe miiiin-

tiv n f lomas W i on the WestViKina iitral PltfrhurR railway wasalmost ti d out by tIrE which startedeary to iy in Gt rsbergr lintelT nty iMisinesa Bouses PiwilingH were consumed The f7aTnoi-

cihiTih opera houw r md-Ro iW hotels the til the wt sta-

nii several nous belonging t ihc-iv is Coke mpsiny wen de-strovcd Th couieoer hasjepipnti all the bor irs at Thomn to I

shell r homeleMk Bcoi s of peoplewftr dni from hcmo in theircloUuf

ff oKing Shoots Peasants

Lonrlor NoV 12 spite af thera fs ai undetev ed by rat kirt-Kdvanl Prince f Wales anti3isiineulshl party T nt yesterdaythe iVrteasontf Windsor park

ftjreared to b Inpllent health to enjoy the

s a s h K

Two Human Bodies FountIS V T Nov T maiiers uipo l

sorth of Ca on whileithe other was inri of There

nr tipir on eitier of the bollthe had HH-

i c purpose Authorities arc








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Girls Sc fr d Out of Their Witsby Mysterious Woman


I The mystery of a phantom visitorwho at intervals for two or three

j months past tjas appeared at unearth-ly hours of the night in the Telephonebuilding and terrorized girls bystrange antics was partially soredearly yesterday morning but the fl lu

developed a second mysteryis deeper than the first Yesterdaymorning it wii accidentally discoveredthat the strange isitor was a womanWho the strange woman is and whpitthe purposes of her ghostlike vftfttsto the tuilding at such unearthly hOursof the night are equally puzzling

On frequent occasions within thepast few months at the hour of themorning when the ghosts are supposedto walk the two night operaMrs havebeen half out of their wits bythe sounds of some one moving aroundin the building but although numerouseffort were made the cause of the

sounds could never be discovered Onone occasion the visitor almost threwthe girls into hysterics by attemptingto open the door to the operating roomand by rattling it viciously when itwas found to be locked One of theoperators summoned up courage toopen the door but was astounded tofind that there was there andno signs of any one in the buildingOn numerous other occasions accordInS to the statement of the operatorsa strange something has been heardto stalk through the turningthe knobs of the doors and shakingthem but the ghostly visitor alwaysmanaged to escape from the buildingwithout being seen

For several weks rast nothing haden heard of the mysterious

until yesterday morning Then astrahpe woman muffled iii big capew to come up State streetwalkirg In the shadow of the cr polesand lurriedly enter the theTelephone building operators

her waging through th build-ing and tben the nounrls died away Awhile later the woman appeared at thefront and glancing in every dlrcction darted into the shadow of the

oles and disappeared down the streetWho Is the strange woman and what

c n be the purpose nf her mysteriousvift to the Telephone building Thisis the question that is puzzling thosewho saw her untcs

RAilWAYSenion Held by the BeoendyOrganised Brotherhood

The newly formed Brotherhood Bailway EmployeesIndulged in a social sssion last evening that was open to ailcomers and resulted in a Iafe number-of applications for membership Themembership in Salt Lake City hasreached the highwater mark of ill Jta consequence the evening was given overto oratory music song and goodship the e severaldred members and their friend diin The principal address v IMf

S J H thepurpose of the organization was toall classes of railroad togetherfor mutual advantage and to establisha secret of rail whose watch-word should be One for all and forone the attainment of a higher sundard of morality to assist members insickness and distress to provide an inturunce department to promote adequateand and to protectits members in the exercise ofrights were mentioned as the object ofthe organization W R god Fsang several selections and HA contributed an instruiaenUl-soto

The affair wa in obarge w acommltt consisting of W

a pronounced ni cess

nt Commissioner Edward Dalton ofis a Nit Lake visitor

Mr and Mm Jackson Jones of Graniteare enjoying a visit to Salt LaVe City

E J Fisher of Pocatello travel ingauditor of the Oregon Short Line was aSalt arrival yesterday

Thron Throncor 01 Oregon a wellknown old timer in Utah mining develop-ment a Salt Lake visitor

E S Bradley night editor of theOmaha World was in city yesterdayand left night to oildiscoveries near Wyo

George T Odell the manager of the j

Idaho on business for his company for afew days He left for the north lastevening

Mr and Mrs H G Cattell of Oorlnneare Salt Lake visitors Mr Cattell te un-derstood to be in the city on btisinsin relation to the pil development inWyoming

Samuel F Halverson of Ogden a ro drepresentative of the Z C M 1 who wonthe principal last year for the votime of business he transacted cams inlast evening for a bualnes

Ta condition of Brig Kt rbeck tooka eiious turn late Monday and Isconsidered critical by the anthorftie atSt Marks hospital Mr Ellrbeok un-derwent an operation nin days ago hav-ing one of his kidneys removed

Walter J Meeks has broken down inhealth since the completion of his dutiesas secretary of the Republicancommittee Ha is to his home34 South Fourth Ea street with a welldevelop ease of typhoid

M Shaughnessy is disturbedover the report that Mrs Shaughnessyand he are about to leave for tnt castand states f t t is incorrect The coto

that Salt Lake City s A podenough place for him and that his wifeand himself irt going to spend a pleasant winter here I

Lnwrenr Hanley the veteran actor isat theKerfehMKenna hospitalwith agxnivrited case utomacEtrouble od man came here with theexpectation of joining the Xeill companybut was He has been atthe ten days He Tpects to10 San Francisco where h has an offerifter he n s fully lecovcrerl his health

W M Jrfhcn tin of XW Yorjj for-merly Kitli the Imperial hotel has asMUm u the ihuics of ri ht clerk t theKnutsforil siuceedinjf Oester OlnrtttodThe latter accept a posjtion with Angel hotel at lxe tes Mr has a large tfrcle

Sherman will leave tomorrowNew York and on bustaeaconnected with the John ateHe will attend a meeting of te Sherman

company to and willsome time Ift Washington on busi-

ness connected wtth belonclnfcto hie uncle1 He to beaway from at least a mouth

H M Mn y of chief ch rtr ofthe Railway Mall Service was In thecity yesterday

Elk Carnival CigarsAn echo of the Elks carnival was

heard In Justice Diehls court josterday when Jake Greenewald filed a suitagainst L WDlttman to collect J185for several lots of cigars sold to

whIle the rush was on in theGerma lllate Greenewald had theconcession for selling cigars and

in the village anda like concession in connection wUn hislute privilege Oreenewald paid 310far concession and took in onlyj 4j hu Jaime QreenewaM declareshe is no be intends to

what he claims is due him

Young Greens ChallengeYoung Phil formerly of Butte

who fought draw the other evningwith Pavis has issued n toan lighter IB th state of his weight and

The weight is tel pounds and17 and is to he for fifteenrounds An effort was made to arm neeanther fight between Green and Davisor nrxt KrMay evening but Davis IB

tn tf noar ConseQuently lretn iilooking for












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Judge Noyes Gives More Testi

mony in His Defense



San Francisco Nov 12 JtidgeNoyes again took the witness stand inthe Nome contempt case today Hesaid that Marshal Vawter had toldhim that there was 30000 in it If heremoved the receiver in one of themine eases and that Vawter had triedto get him to quiet the matter but ithad already been reported toington by Frost to whom Noyes had

the story Witness denied emphatlcally the testimony of witnessesto the effect that he Noyes had

and maneuvered tbe grandjury or that names were stricken fromthe rolls after indictments had beenbrought

The denied that he ever hadword with McKenzie about the ap

pointment of a receiver before be tookaction and denied he ever heard untilhe read testimony In the Dnboae casethat McKenzie teams tostart fort the mines before he receivedthe appointment He could offer noexplanation of the matter

On croBsexamination Judge Noyessaid that when he issued the first orderappointing McKenzie receiver heknew aone of the defendants and thatthe only plaintiff with whom he wasacquainted was Robert Chipps Hedid not understand that Chipps wasassociated with McKenzie and statedthat the testimony of Chfpps that hesaid white en route to Nome that heguessed be would have to appoint areceiver was absolutely falseDid Not Know jTcKenzies Business

Judge Noyec said he did notwhat business McKenzie went to

Nome further than that lie heard hetook a pump up there for New Yorkcorporation

Judge Noyes said he never heard ofthe cases before Mr Hume presentedthe papers asking for the appointmentof a receiver He acted on the showingmade by the attorney for the plaintiffsit being altered that the defendantshad worked the mines for a year with-out right Judge Noyes did not consider his action in issuing the orderappointing a receiver serious or drasticas the only additional expense was thereceiver

Judge Noyes explained that when hesigned the order turning over personalproperty to the receiver he understoodit was necessary for the operation ofthe mines

He signed the second order on com-plaint of the plaintiffs and McKenzieand Foreman Comerford setforth that the defendants were Interfering with the peaceful operation ofthe mines by refusing to give up theproperty

Judge Noyes admitted his Vmfamllwith the mining thetime He SaM it was a clie of a newjudge in a new coup and working

under a new code


Elknart 1 Nov 12 Early todaythe Brtstof ostofAce was robbed of 50Din tampa and L2Qt in cash The robbers put up a fight whe the postofftc safe was blown open in whichMrs C was scot in the armand Ray f3haner was shot inthe noseNeither wound is fatalshop and secured heavy tools Twoguarded tbe buiding while two worked-on tic Inside The explosion awokethe townspeople and a pitched battlewas fought with the above sult Therobbers escaped

Des Moines Nov 12 The Batik ofPlymouth Ia was dynamited lastnight The safe vault buildingwere badly wrecked Fifteen hundreddollars were secured The robbers es-caped leaving no clue This is the j

seventh bank robbery of the kind oc j

curring in Iowa within a month

Trenton Ky Nov 12 The vault ofthe bank at this place was blown openwith nitroglycerine early today byrobbers who secured the postofflce de-posit box containing 300 The robbersfailed to force the inner vault and theyseared on a handca As officers andseveral citizen were Investigating thecondition of the safe an unexplodedcharge of nitroglycerine go se-verely injuring to men I


But PreparationsPor PossibleAre in Active Progress

London Nov Telegraphing fromHankow Nov 5 correspondentof the Tunes Dr Morrison says

The Tee valley i now peacefuland no doubt is entertainedcourt will return to Pekia Trade Isvery active here The manufacture ofarms and ammunition is proceeding on agreat scale at ill the Chinese arsenals There are about 2000 workmenin the Hankow arsenal and 2509 in thearsenal at Shanghai Forty thousandgunstockp were recently imported andare now for OlsOnbutton Large contracts for the supplyof rifles are being negotiated by theresentatives of European arms Workon railway from Hankow to Cantonhas not yet been begun

Recently Shang tbe Teed asked thatcategorical assurance should be given togovernment that this con-

cession was to an Ameri-can syndicate because the syndicate wasAmerican shctiid not become subject aswas reported from America toirians who hold threefifths of the original stock


Governor Hunt Tells Why Labor Manis in Custody

Washington Nov 12 Hunt ofPorto Rico has cameo to the presidenthis report on the arrest of SantiagoIglesias the representative of the Amerlean Federation of Labor whose arrest-OR a charge of conspiracy as be landedtit San Juan a day or two ago was calledto President Roosevelts attention

Samuel president ofthe Federation of Labor

The report is withheld for a time andno Information it was obtainedat House tonight It Isthat further details have been requests

the president Whether isstill in custody or has been released sincecomplaining of his detention is not known

Salt Companies ConsolidatedAkron 0 Nov 12 It is rumored

that the National Salt company hasabsorbed the Colonial Salt company ofthis city which has one of the largestplants in the country Tbe Colonialcompany was backed by the Armourand Swift Packing companies whowere unable to buy salt from the National company at a satisfactory priceand it is believed that the latter hasnow made terjns with the packers

Pensions Grantedto The Herald

Washington Nov 12 Pensionsgranted residents of Idaho IncreaseIshmael Bragg MaryO Cander Crescent 59













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Boise widow


























But There Will be No Famine

According Local


The story that a great scarcity ofbeef is threatened emanating from theNational Livestock association is not

tee sariausly by local stockiiteaThe sheepmen say that it is spread

to create a feeling in favor ofthe leasing of public lands Cattlemendeny this but they do not feel thatthere is any immediate occasion foralarm

There is not much doubt that beefwill be higher SId J C Leary

of the National Cattlegrowersassociation and manager of the SaltLake stockyards However I do notlook for conditions to become aertouaenough to cause a beef famine ft istrue that the ranges are growing moreconstricted and that the supply offat cattle is not so great this year asit would have been except for toedrouth This has curtailed the supplyfrom the central west but stIR thereis a good supply coming in from theusual sources These are supplyingthe demand fairly well

A little later the price for dressedbeef is likely to be higher but it winnot advance sufficiently in my esti-mation to cause any serious alarm

The drouth in the Missouri and Mis-sissippi valleys cut off thethat region for western cattle to befattened and sold on the eastern market The result has been that cattlethat otherwise would be shipped toKansas Nebraska and other states forfattening will be shipped direct to themarkets



demand In




Sentenced to be HangedJefferson City Mo Nov 12 The surpreme court today sentenced AlbertGarth to be hanged In Kansas City

and Joshua K Craft to be hanged InJefferson City both on Dec 20 nextGarth is a negro who killed MinnieWoods with whom he had beenCraft is a convict in the Missouri penitentlary who escaped a few years agoand shot to death Herman Spiekerwho attempted to arrest him

Reduce Price of SugarNew York Nov Broth-

ers and Howellson Co have reducedall grades of refined sugar ten pointsThe American Sugar Refining companytoday reduced the price of refined siirgar grades Nos 1 to 16 inclusive tenpoints

Body Cut to PiecesWash Nov 12 R S Morton a well known young man of 31years was evening on the

Tacoma Eastern road Midlandand the sawnilil out on the line Hisbody wa on the track this mornIng badlyvcut to pieces

Was at Pamous Brussels BallLondon Nov 13 Catherine Jane

died yesterday attowns Waterford KM years Shewas a guest at the famous Brussels ballon the eve of the battle of Waterloo and jwas a noted beauty the court of LouisPhilippe

Ordered to PhilippinesOmaha Nov 12 Orders have been

Issued at the department of the Mis-souri for a squadron of the Eleventhcavalry which is now stationed atJefferson Barracks Mo to proceed toSan Francisco in time to sail for thePhilippines Dec 16

Florists Lives Are ShortGalveston News

it te supposed that the menwho work in the mines or tnose whoseoccupations necessitate the breathing offames and gases are short-est lived said a prominent physician

This is a Mistake and itmany to that the highest death rateM found among a class who breathe In thesweetest florists The reason to asimple one The florist lives at once in

torrid and the frigid From agreenhouse or nearly MOin the Winter months he mustout into one is nearly always belowfreezing point and zero Insummer he has change to encounter tooas in the and fall force of

without his coat in the hot artificial at jmosphere and tujs increases the

PoserPor the JudgeChicago News

Pat havi W beets unduly familiar witha found himself enjoying anights lodging at expense

How long have you been In this country liked the the next morningFaith an its noferh on to alven

months y r honor replied Patyou a trade the judge

Sure an its a sailor Ul am an-swered the Irishman

Be what say cautionedthe Judge I doubt very you

ever been to sea in your lifeexclaimed son of Erinan te it in a wagin yer honors afther

thtnkln 01 came over from the ouldcounthry

Singular Dutch LawLondon Truth

The accouchement of the queen of theNetherlands is expected to take place inJanuary If years bad passed with-out Queen giving birth to achild her marriaee dis-solved by tbe Dutch parliament Thconstitution of Holland also provides thatIf the queen has a son she is to abdicatehis favor when he reaches the age

an arrangement which cannot toproduce vexatious family souabbles andtracasserios of alt What a situation it would have been at our own courtif Queen Victoria had been obliged toabdicate on Nov 9 1SS9 in of thePrince of Wales

ITascagnis Long HairLondon Truth-

A good story is told about Maeea ni It known that he has beenoffered and will probably accept an en-

ement to a concertsthe United States next winter

this It seems has letgrow he under the Impression thatthe Americans will not but alonghaired musician Somebody at anyrate has him BO

case of M Paderewski

A Wholesale AfflictionCleveland Plain Dealer

Says the Boston Globe John Armstrong Chanler comes to light with a newfor This is not

evidence that he is insane-If it were we would bave to herd theafflicted ones In our public parks whileproper asylums were constructed

Schleys PunctuationCleveland Plain Dealer

Admiral Schley improved in punctuation later on

HowIf he didnt wipe out the Colon when

he should have done so h put a full stopto it shortly afterwards-

So Delightfully ModernSmart Set

Is new rector an agreeable manIndeed he IB real golf andsquash owns a naphtha launch and autommy and he isnt a bit religious

Excessive JoySmart Set

I the votutiteers are tobe coming hOrnEt trots the Philippines

Well T should s y replied herbrother Thoy are coming in

at Georgias PoetsCleveland Plain Dealer

TBP am to Infer that youconsider my poetry as only fit for thewaste basket

The I dont go as farthat Vhat I 1o sny i tint I am vrrycertain that vou will not find a pub-lisher for It this side of Georgia



killed last


Igrandmother ot theBaron Carew


tI c 0




hAbit he grows careless and often works


Oam find In the florist the leastill ai







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o I





PoetThen I

EditorNo Ill









arew present


Is c Lungaai1 goatstnmahh diseases as



much ifthe



















< >


Flow of Fifteen Barrels a Day

and Land Advances to1000 Per Acre

I Ogden Utah Nov C Word reeefved here arty today that at boutMidnight drillers for the FossilOil company encountered oil at a depthof Stt feet after passing through a heavyclay stratum is about threemUss from Fossil Station Wyo on theOregon Short Line railroad and at 4 a-

nt was ten to fifteen barrelsa fine OIL This Is the first oil sandand te the second strike ol oil in thuitoUfcU Many California and Texas oil

are rushing to the newbate attracted by the fact that the oiltt 3pcrWr illuminant and lubricant-a d wt a cheap fuel product

f a Evanston yesterday aftHtto an operator in citytat tbe above referred

t maAt on a plateau known ast oBBtaio on land owned by R-S a United States land office at-

torney at Jvwnten and at a depth ofortT of CM feetWMther the strikes are identical or not

that no small amount ofexcitement exists for land In the vietnjty mountain being

at WJ an acre when toewas mane andCaliforaia parties were

th news to their coast asso-ciates


General Merriam Advises Re

moval of Portion of Fort Doug


last night

ftW18g of


A tttt


fit Round was

0 Ga











Major Young the post commandant atFart Douglas has received information

past fortyeight hours whichleads to belief that orders will beforthcoming at an early date for the

of one battery of artillery andcompany L of thetry Where they are to go is at pres-ent a matter of conjecture In all prob

the company of infantry will beStationed at Fort Logan In Denver

battery may to the Presidio atSan Francisco There are but few postsin the country that are capable of ac1-oommodating battery just at this tingeMajor Young looks for orders concernine the movement every say

mendatlon forwarder to the departmentby General Mersm the departmentalcommander such a recommendation

considerable weight It is rened as a foregone conclusion that

command willleave It is not thought however thatthe transfer will be made until alter thearrival of the absent members of tbeEighteenth infantry who are en route

the Philippine islands Whenlast heard from a few days ago thetransport on which they are wasreported at Malta It is now thought to

near Gibraltarthe post now centers upon

the probability of enlargement sometbmg understood to be undertion at Washington Major Moody chief

of of Coloradowitn headquarters at Denver is now en

m an Inspection of the post Asignificant fact is found in the amount of

to the honpltal which themajor announces will have to be en-

larged and improved if the size of thepost is increased His report will be pre-pared on the assumption that suchvenients are contemplated The major


Palse Report Circulated Concerninga Salt Lake Mao

A letter was received by M Kopp Jnthis city yesterday which convOyed theshocking statement that Walter Brandnow in Butte had lost Isis reason andwas in a most critical condition Noneof the details were given but hisfriends surmised that business troubleshad caused his breakdown as it is buta short time since Mr Brand failedher in the liquor business Investiga-tion proved the report to be entiretywithout foundation The Heralds cor-respondent wired last night that MrBrand was perfectly sane He went toButte some time ago and was joinedthere ten days ago by his wife for-merly MISS Jean Shields Mr Brandintends to go into business in Butte

New Constitution RatifiedAla Nov new

constitution has been ratified by a largeIt will probably reach 30WO

and win not fall below The anticharge fraud in a number-

of counties notably of Jefferson Dellaand Piekens Shelly chairman-of the thathe has won fight but rather indi-cates that he not to bave Itso recorded He states however thath will the fight to the bitter endAll things told the new constitution hasheeD adopted and will be the law of Ala-bama

New Daughter ArrivesCltty Treasurer Mortis was at his

home 3eyd y to welcome a newdaughter


Admiral Lord Berasfard a Hard Manto Shitsa-

shiagton potAdmiral Lord Charles Beresfords

term of office 4 second tn command ofthe Mediterranean



The expected hegira due to a recom



u n

me ven

fMmd the post In fairca a







nerala the



aquadtOn comes to I




















a ne et January wrhaul down his flag on the Ramilliesand be Admiral Hammet ho fcai exeeediitgiyciever ofglee Under ordinary circumstancesthe authorIties at the adnrtraJty inLondon would be delighted to get ridof Lord as he has been pernAj Qj at them to get things done

connected with the Mediterran-ean squadron complaining of the Insuffldency of men guns ammunition-and of the deficiencies and faults ofthevarious ships constituting this thecrack squadron of the British navyBut unfortunately for them LordCharles on returning to England willat once reenter parliament and takeadvantage of his prerogatives as amember of the house of commons torepeat there all the complaints thathave been contained in his dispatchesknowing full well that there will befar more prospect of their being actedupon by the admiralty when they arebacked up by public sentiment which90 tar has always been in thoroughsympathy with him In fact one ofthe reasons why be was given thisvery desirable command in the Mediterranean some years ago was to closehis mouth and to silence him bymeans of the rule of discipline as long

it lasted But now that his term IBcoming to an end his lips will oncemore be unsealed and he may be

upon to call admiralty to account more fiercely than ever

Mr Bryans Pine ExampleWashington Star

The manner in Mr Bryan hasborne himself In these days of anational shock and grief is worthy of

He from sug-gestions such as might spring to the

one so opposite to the latepresident in 11 his of publicnu himself above all an Amer-ican rather than the leader of a factionor a party and his words are the sincereexpression of the sorrow or one whonull appreciate the worth of the deaddespite political antagonism This spirit-on the part of who twice meas-ured himself against William McKinleyin the race for the highestserve as a stinging to those fewothers who have dared to voice theirsneers Mr Bryan has won friends byhis manly simple tribute to hiss late j

and has strengthened the faithf th nation In the anti

of the loaders of American thuuglrf j






rel-ied the





goo npss thillsanti

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Subject is Discussedby Indus



Washington Nov If The Industrialcommission today made public its review of the evidence taken before thecommission on the subjects of agri-culture and agricAdtaral labor Amongother subjects discussed Is that ofagriculture depresston of which thecommission speaks a follows

The cause most often assigned forthe depression of agriculture in theeastern states Is the increased production due to tbe opening of lands in ad-vance of the natural demand especial-ly through the agency of liberal landlaws and grants of land in aid ofrailroad construction The competition-of the west has been rendered



making freight rates relatively lowfor long The old staple products having thus become unprofitable-in the east it has been necessary forfarmers to change their methods andvary the character of their crops tak-ing up especially the culture ofproducts which are not easily trans-ported long distances

Thus truek farming has largely su-perseded growing At-lantic coast but farmers in the northAtlantic states now complain of thesevere competition of states furthersouth in this industry and much thesame may be said of fruit growingEven so perishable a commodity asmilk is transported much longer cbslances than formerly since the introductkm of refrigerator car

Conservatism of FarmersAnother cause which several wit

assign for the unsatisfactorycondition of agriculture in pome partsof the country is the conservatism ofthe farmers their lack of quick adjustment to conditions andlack of effective business planning Thefarmers as a class have not kept upwith the times but have raised thesame crops year after year withoutregard to changes in supply and de-mand This undue conservatism andlack of managing ability among farm I

ers Is especially emphasized with refer-ence to the southern states and is given-as an explanation of the exclusiveattention to cotton production prevailing there

Another cause assigned for agricul-tural depression In the south is the jscarcity of money th difficulty ofborrowing on real estate security andthe consequent high rates of interest-It seems possible however to borrowmoney in the south at somewhat lowerrates of interest than formerly Thedecline in the price of cotton is ofcourse an important element in the de-pression of agriculture in the south

The insufficiency of negro labor isassigned as another cause On the otherhand it is affirmed that there is toomuch good and cheap labor in thesouth A surplus of cheap labor issaid to be unfavorable to the successof agriculture because it results in I

planting too large an acreage withneglect of personal attention by theplanter Against charge that farmera are unduly conservative hi put thecounter charge that they turn fromone crop to another without sufficientregard to the suitability f the climateand soil or to the conditions of themarket

Stops the Coughand Works off the Cold

Laxative curea cold in ore lay No Cure No PaYPrice 25 cents


Boston PostThe Kpw bean crop is a failure In many quarters ItemOh Boston Bean of world

Let not prestige be forgotIn ourWe hope that thou wilt fail us not

Een tho tbe fish crop should be shortAnd confish be no moreIf thou wilt stay with us Oh BeanThe Hub first as of yoreWhat tho the lobsters all die off

And empty be the clam tureenIf but abide with ua

Aa thou heat in the past Oh BeanWe love thee each in the week

And at our Sunday breakfast tooIf thou na in our needOh Boston Beats what shell we do

If thou wilt well gladly partWith tempting fowl andThy we most crave Oh BeanThe peer of crerjr lashes dish

Too Far AwayCleveland Plain Dealer

Another minister has beentelling his congregation that there willmore women men in heavenThats strange Chicago to supposed

to be the very place wherewould ro information concerning the better lahd

trial Commtsslon

severe by the o the railroads





a 0

Bro tiuIr Tabkt

J e


o a e





























is significant that in homes of wealth wherepP the very best is demanded Ivory Soap is

used in the nursery At the same time J-nJ hundreds of families where economy decides

the choice Ivory Soap is selected Thus its purityattracts the rich its economy attracts the poor Highquality and low cost is there any better combination




raT v I e sae as auehn-I


Sanguinary Row Said to HaveStarted Over Bruce Johnsons

Gambling Game-

A row arising over an alleged gam-bling game which hi said to have been I

in progress in Bruce Johnsons Com-

mercial streeteiub resulted In a bloodyfight between Charles Daniel and JohnBell two colored men who retired toPlum alley and made desperate efforts-to beat each other into jelly The

is alleged flourished revolvers andknives but no signs of these weaponscould be found after the tight was overThe two men with their faces dripping with blood were escorted to thepolice station and locked up on a charge-of fighting

According to the statement of Bellhe was gambling with a friend inJohnsons place when Daniel staggeredup and seized the stakes Daniel thenhe declared bantered him for a fight












T Samples Now Open for 5THE LACE HOUSEJ t

Utahs Greatest Store Salt Lake City Utah E



2223O Main-



H you suffer from any of the weateneasw er-

disaaeee caused Ignorance excess or eonYOU ARE THE VERY PERSON WE

WANT TO TALK TOWe save proved our ill in curing all

CHRONIC diseases thousands ofvoluntary testimonials of home people givingDBBMS and addresses


Because it would betray confidence Hence wehave MI prove our this class of troublesla another way This is our plan


and invited him into he alley to naveit out

The invitation was accepted and afew minutes later the alley thescene of a desperate contest A Chi-nese girl who saw it declares that thetwo men had revolvers and knivesflourished them before they went tofighting with their fists The revolversand knives could not be found but itwas plainly evident from the face ofboth men that they had used theirto good advantage Bell got the bestof the fight and was pounding Danielunmercifully when the police arrived

arrested themBruce Johson when asked about the

statement of Bell that he was gam-bling in his place declared that Belllied Both men he said came to hispace drunk and Bell bet Daniel 50

cents to 10 cents that he could whiphint The money was up in a po-rters hands and the men retired to healley to settle the bet Johnson de-clares that the betting was the onlygambling they did

Last Day of X ns Suit SaleCome today Values up to 42260 tot

U Q up to IMOO for flOTS SteinBloch suits













CATARRH Bronchitis Ne nla Heart DI

ease Dyspepsia Skin Disease Bleed DkejeRheumatism MeJri Mervews DiseasesKidney Diseases Complaints In-

somnia Pwalysk Ricke4s Scr fala-

Coacwmp io in Fir Stages Liver DiMase-sDkease af the Baweli

Home Treatment Cures Write forSymptom List Cortjaltatfon Free

We Treat and Cure



We cure you Stat and thee ask a KBASOKeared you MB de-

pend upon our word say beak Ia Utaa willendorse it thousands of patients have endorsedTO NOW WE WANT TO CORE YOU with

distinct wtderataBdlac that ire will nota FEE until weoure We cure LOST

MANHOOD Seminal Weakness San ator-raota Qonofrhoea Syphilis sad all w atas eiof men We absolutely cure itdont cost you a Mnnr Qmsultatiea and

Pay When CuredABLE PEE when you He

the de-mand


by t CALL


advice FEKE letter Ia presetOR WR1


9 a m to 4 p a evenings 7 Vu 8 Saeaays ad Hettdaps t

DRS SHORES Expert SpecialistsORS LYON BLOCK 5 WsetUsL

A Little Money Goes a Great Way sHere and That Back if You Want It

We owe you an apology

We owe the pants man an apology

Yesterday we told of our Working PantsAnd hi telling of tboae L50 hair line stage

said Theyre Cotton Pants Theyre not theyre lliggwt partwool

So you see theyre even better than we made them to beOf course theyre coming fast now for Suits and OvercoatJust a little drop in the temperature makes you come for themBut if it were not for Gardner valves we venture you flat come

so fast for themWeve Suits and Overcoats as low as its safe to go oA nd as

good as tailors can make them 9000Cold snap making you come for other clothes tooUnderwear for one and such stocks there are for you to choose from

values fourth better than you can get elsewhere 60c thegarment up to 500

Work out of doors Then you need Gloves Rents a Glove etoek to beproud of and we are proud of it

Gloves low as 25e the pair then 50c the pair splendid vfclnee toonot as good as the 75c and 100 ones though would be nonsense to say04 Then af9150weve Buck and Reindeer finish Gloves with riveted

and sewedWork out of doors Then Canvas Coats Duck Coats


ONE f 136436VfieT9SHM 4 M


r Jt N2 r



such tooa



t tCoatsLeather


tP Ww i

Url J i tt 1 PRICE 0 Main St l0 f



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