Sales Technique Training

Sales Technique Training April 2014


Sales Techniques

Transcript of Sales Technique Training

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Sales Technique Training

April 2014

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• A.I.D.A. Technique : Attention, interest, desire, action.

• Retail Selling Process PRE-SALE PREPARATION






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Ask your customers what is important to them.

Find out why your customers do business with you. There are a wide variety of relationship drivers.

For example:

• Quality

• Price

• Product

• Location

• customer service

What service features will keep your customers loyal to you? Find out.

Sales Technique Training

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AIDA describes the steps that a prospective customer goes through before deciding to buy.

This technique is also known as 'Hierarchy of Effects‘.

A - Attention

I - Interest

D - Desire

A - Action

A.I.D.A. Technique

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A.I.D.A. Technique

Simply, something first gets the customer’s attention.

If it's relevant to the customer, they are interested to learn or hear more about it

If the product or service then appears to closely match their needs and/or aspirations, and resources, particularly if it is special, unique, or rare, they begin to desire it.

If they are prompted or stimulated to overcome their natural caution they may then become motivated or susceptible to taking action to buy.

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AIDA Pointers Attention Getting

First impressions counts

The Ambience of the store - Approach to the store

- Façade

- Cleanliness

- Music and Smell

Merchandise set up and display - Visibility of merchandise according to the season (Valentine, Sales Fiesta…)

- Moving space in the store

Visual Merchandising - Merchandise stacking, Density of merchandise

- Window display

Promotion and offers display (ex: Sales Fiesta…)

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You now have maybe 5-15 seconds in which to create some interest.

- Something begins to look interesting for the customer

- You must approach the customer at a suitable time

- You must empathize with and understand his situation and issues, and be able to express yourself in their terms (i.e. talk their language).

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- The sales person needs to be able to identify and agree the prospect's situation, needs, priorities and constraints

- You must build rapport and trust in the prospect's mind for him to buy something from you.

- You must understand 100% your product (specification, options, features, advantages, and benefits), and particularly all relevance and implications for your prospect.

- You must be able to present, explain and convey solutions with credibility and enthusiasm. The key is being able to demonstrate how you and your product will suitably, reliably and sustainably 'match' the prospect's needs identified and agreed, within all constraints.

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• Simply the conversion of potential into actuality, to achieve or move closer to whatever is the aim.

• Sales person must suggest, or encourage agreement to move to complete the sale.

• The better the preceding three stages have been conducted (Attention. Interest, desire), then the less emphasis is required for the action stage

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Retail Selling process








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Pre Sale Preparation What are the preparations before a sale ?

Preparing yourself

- Personal Hygiene

- Appearance

- Dressing

Preparing the Workplace

- Knowledge of your shop - area, floors, products, color codes

- Knowledge of your floor - area, departments, sections

- Knowledge of your section - Product/Brand History, Sizes, Material Knowledge of your inventory system - How/When to order

- Stock Arrangement and Displays - Color Co-ordination, Stacking Procedures

- Cleanliness

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Pre Sale Preparation

Market Awareness

- Trends and Fashions

- New stores opening in the market

- Special features of competing stores

Knowledge of Customers

- Types of customers - indicators of their lifestyles

- Buying motivations for various customers

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Pre Sale Preparations Check-list

- Ensure price & security tags on each item

- Cleanliness of cash counters Flyers and prints are at desired places

- Knowledge of schemes running across the store

- Refresh product knowledge of existing range and acquire the same for new range

- Lighting is in workable condition

- Ensure customer TV experience zone is clean & accessible

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Opening the Sale

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Opening the Sale

The beginning of the actual sales process

• Making the customer feel welcomed and comfortable in the store.

• Opening the sale involves :

Approaching and greeting the customer

• Why to Greet – making your presence felt, making the customer feel important

• When to Greet – after the customer is comfortable in the store, when looking around for help

• Whether to approach or not – leave the customer alone if he/she does not need assistance

• How to greet – Politely, not in a hurried manner, choose the correct language

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Opening the Sale

Listening and understanding the customer needs - No sales pitch directly - You're the expert Never forget that you're the expert in your field, make sure the client knows that they can turn to you for advice. You understand the industry and have the knowledge to provide expert advice and share good practice. What not to do? - Making the impression of hard selling from the onset - Interrupting the customer Always remember higher the number of one to one interactions between the salesperson and the customer, higher is the probability of the customer making a purchase in the store.

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Progressing the Sale

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Progressing the Sale

There are two major aspect of this process :

• Discovering Customer’s needs – In least possible obtrusive manner, how the customer is behaving, customer’s attire and clothes, his choice of color and style, questioning the customer and picking the clues

• Always Remember The art of being a good questioner lies in being a good listener

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Objection Handling

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Objection Handling

By raising an objection, the customer is giving you a chance to convince him about the product or to remove any reservations he might have about acquiring the product.

Reasons for objections

- Some queries about the product, customer is undecided/ apprehensive about making the buying decision

- Even the sales person - his attitude/behavior can cause objection from the customer.

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Objection Handling

Responding to Objections

The following points are needed to be kept in mind while responding to objections :

- Listen carefully to objection

- Remain calm

- Never interrupt

- Restate the objection phrased as a question

- Empathizes with the customer

- Seek the customer’s agreement from your response.

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Closing the Sale

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Closing the Sale

Some sales closing techniques

- The direct close : when the customer is asked directly about his buying decision. Like, “ Shall I pack this up, sir?” “ Shall I make the bill?”

- The assumption close : when the customers body language indicates that he has already made the purchase decision. Example, “how do you wish to pay for this?”

- The limited choice close : giving the customer a limited positive choice to make the buying decision easier, more so when the customer is not able to make up his mind. Like, “which will it be, sir, the 106 split AC or the 87 Ionier split AC?”

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Closing the Sale - The suggestion close : when the buyer requires a gentle push towards the final

purchase decision. For instance, “may I suggest that you go for the Galaxy Pro Duos for work purpose since two sim cards can be inserted ?”.

- The summary close : here the sales person summarizes the benefits of the product and ends with a question. For example, “this dual dock audio is ideal for you small flat because you can wirelessly choose all your best tunes ? Shall I pack this up for you, madam?”

- The isolation stage : when the customer has a wide range of product to choose from, then after assessing the customer needs, the sales person shortlists it to 2-3 most suitable item and then by elimination brings it down to one final choice.

- The urgency or impending close : urge the customer to act immediately rather than putting off the buying decision by offering something special. Like, “sir, the buy two get one free offer is valid only for this week

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Add on Sale

What Suggestion to make

- Suggest Complementary items and accessories.

- Remind customer of special offers or sales

- Suggest additional items that the customer may need or want in order to use the main purchase.

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Post Sale Relationship Building

• The aim is building strong and long term customer relationships that look beyond the sale. Make sure they know that they can contact Dajcom Digital on email or work number. Stress out the DD Customer Care as reference in case needed

[email protected]

• Likewise, make sure all walk-in customers are registered in Log book / and ERP (E-MAILS !) so that we can keep them updated on new promos and schemes.

• Propose to fill in a survey

• Suggestion Box : “your ideas count”

• “thank you for purchasing at Dajcom Digital and see you soon !”

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Thank you