Sakura Taisen - Disc 1

2/10/13 GameFAQs: Sakura Taisen (DC) Disc 1 Translation Guide by Lando 1/121 Sakura Taisen: Disc 1 Translation Guide by Lando Last Updated: 19981228 | View/Download Original File Hosted by Return to Sakura Taisen (DC) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. - Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars) - Disc 1 The Unofficial "Translation FAQ" by Lando/MRA. Script (c) MRA 1998. Sakura Taisen (c) Sega Enterprises, LTD. 1996 (c) RED 1996 This translation faq contains some Japanese text in Shift-JIS format. First of all, I just want to apologize for this translation; I was either too literal, I didn't know half the words and they weren't available in any dictionary I have, or I knew the words but could not make sense of the sentence in which they were used. Still other lines of text simply cannot be translated effectively. At any rate, I hope the general ideas - and perhaps a little more - in this story have been carried across to the general English-speaking public comprised of those interested in unspoiled Japanese entertainment. I must iterate that I have no formal schooling in Japanese, just an avid interest. Second, I would like to apologize for the general ugliness of this faq. I am currently doing one for Sakura Taisen 2 as well; that faq looks much better. Also, if anyone wishes to reformat this faq to make it look neater, or if anyone has corrections, additional information, questions, or other general comments, please feel free to e-mail me and let me know. This faq may be found at the following locations: <> - primary location <> <> Check out Red's webpage at <>. Lando <[email protected]> File listing: - SakuraTaisenDisc1.txt - this faq. - SakuraTaisenDisc2.txt - faq for the second disc. - SakuTai0.gif - the mech information window (during battle scenes) more or less translated. Update Information: 98.12.28 - Fixed the names of the Russian food Maria makes in her mini-game. Thanks goes to Catherine Liu for the information. 98.11.3 - Well, everything has been finished for quite some time now, but I never got around to mentioning it. Converted to txt format. 98.4.12 - Episodes 4 - 5 finished, added more info on people, changed romanization of Kohran's name to match the one on the back of the Sakura Taisen Columns game case 98.3.26 - Episodes 1 - 3 more or less complete, episode 4 just begun, character stats, opening theme (untranslated as of yet, sorry), and mech info window gif included Episode 1


Disc 1 of Sakura Taisen otherwise known as Sakura Wars. Applies to both the saturn and dreamcast versions.

Transcript of Sakura Taisen - Disc 1

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    R - Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars) - Disc 1The Unofficial "Translation FAQ" by Lando/MRA. Script (c) MRA 1998.Sakura Taisen (c) Sega Enterprises, LTD. 1996 (c) RED 1996

    This translation faq contains some Japanese text in Shift-JIS format.

    First of all, I just want to apologize for this translation; I was either too literal, I didn't know half the words and they weren't available in any dictionary I have, or I knew the words but could not make sense of the sentence in which they were used. Still other lines of text simply cannot be translated effectively. At any rate, I hope the general ideas - and perhaps a little more - in this story have been carried across to the general English-speaking public comprised of those interested in unspoiled Japanese entertainment. I must iterate that I have no formal schooling inJapanese, just an avid interest.

    Second, I would like to apologize for the general ugliness of this faq.I am currently doing one for Sakura Taisen 2 as well; that faq looks muchbetter. Also, if anyone wishes to reformat this faq to make it lookneater, or if anyone has corrections, additional information, questions,or other general comments, please feel free to e-mail me and let me know.

    This faq may be found at the following locations: - primary location

    Check out Red's webpage at .


    File listing:- SakuraTaisenDisc1.txt - this faq.- SakuraTaisenDisc2.txt - faq for the second disc.- SakuTai0.gif - the mech information window (during battle scenes) more or less translated.

    Update Information:98.12.28 - Fixed the names of the Russian food Maria makes in her mini-game.Thanks goes to Catherine Liu for the information.98.11.3 - Well, everything has been finished for quite some time now, butI never got around to mentioning it. Converted to txt format.98.4.12 - Episodes 4 - 5 finished, added more info on people, changed romanization of Kohran's name to match the one on the back of the Sakura Taisen Columns game case98.3.26 - Episodes 1 - 3 more or less complete, episode 4 just begun, character stats, opening theme (untranslated as of yet, sorry), and mech info window gif included

    S Episode 1

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    Z [ z _ ? The Teito (Imperial) Hana Kagekidan

    Imperial Navy Ensign Oogami Ichirou-dono:This is a decree of your honorable transfer to a special duty as company leader of a lower corps - the TeikokuKagekidan KoumaGeigeki Corps Hana-division. Furthermore, your true duty is the defense of Teito; it is a duty that must remain in secrecy. Proceed to Ueno Park to join the corps. Imperial Land Army Lieutenant General Yoneda Ikki

    Teito literally means "the Imperial Capital," but I prefer Teito as it is much shorter. Dono (H ) is a formal title which I believe (although I am unsure) indicates deference. "Sir" might be a close translation. It is commonly used by people speaking ye olde Japanese such as Ranma ?'s Sagurakure Sasuke and Tengai Makyou IV's Zengo.

    Sensei: ......Oogami Ichirou-kun. In order to defend Japan, you will join the TeikokuKagekidan Hana-division.Oogami: Yes sir! Oogami Ichirou, prepared to do my best until my bones are crushed into dust! (this may be a bit wrong...)Sensei: Um...... nice reply.Due to the secretive nature of the Kagekidan army, the government forbids me to discuss it here.If you wish to know about the TeikokuKagekidan in detail, you should ask the general controlling secretary Lieutenant General Yoneda.Now then, head for Ueno Park. I've sent my recommendation of you to their commander; now I need you to comply with my expectations.Oogami: Understood! Oogami Ichirou, now heading for Ueno Park!Sensei: The sanctity of Teito is in your hands. Never give up.Oogami: Yes sir!

    Oogami: Ah, what nice weather! And Ueno's sakura (cherry blossoms) are in full bloom, too.Now then...... where am I supposed to be admitted......? I guess I'll try walking around some more.Now that I think about it...... I believe that just before there had been some monster making noise in this Ueno Park......But the monster was cut down with one slash from a young girl or something..............................They said a person from the TeikokuKagekidan would come to meet me, but when do you suppose they're going to show up?What's that? That girl over there............!She's coming this way......Girl: ......Excuse me......Are you Ensign Oogami Ichirou?Oogami: Ye- yes. As for myself, I am Oogami, but......Um...... please excuse my rudeness, but who might you be?Girl: I'm Shinguuji Sakura.I have been sent from Lieutenant General Yoneda to lead an Ensign Oogami to receive his new duty.Oogami: Lieutenant General Yoneda?(I was told someone would come to welcome me, but...... I never expected it to be a woman......)Uh, um...... Are you a member of the TeikokuKagekidan!?

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    Sakura: Yes!TeikokuKagekidan - Hana-division, Shinguuji Sakura.Pleased to meet you.Oogami: Ah...... as for myself, I am Imperial Navy Ensign Oogami Ichirou.But...... a young woman such as you a member...... honestly speaking, I was surprised.Sakura: You can not rely on me?Oogami: Ah, n-, no...... it's nothing like that......(......only in a secret corps, if there are female members like this, won't it seem a bit odd......?)Sakura: ......Now then, let's head for the Great Imperial Playhouse.Oogami: Eh, it's a...... playhouse!?

    At this point you will be prompted to make a choice within a matter of seconds. Throughout the game you will be prompted several times. Since I can't possibly cover every possible option, you'll have to bear with me for now and make the choices listed or read on ahead. Before each option is a '+' and/or '-' next to an abbreviation for each main character's name (Sa = Sakura, Su = Sumire, M = Maria, I = Iris, Ko = Kohran, Ka = Kanna) denoting whether the character's mood will become positive and/or negative, respectively, during the course of that option.

    (2nd choice Sa+)Oogami: Anyway, I would like to know a little about you.- (at this point you will hear a tone. Consider this an indicator of the character's mood - you will hear it for various characters. When you hear this particular tone, the mood increases, i.e. becomes more positive. You will hear a different tone for when the opposite happens. The mood of each girl will determine which one you ultimately end up with - you can find out the order of preference as well as each girl's current mood by choosing the second option at any eyecatch.)Sakura: About me......?My name is Shinguuji Sakura. I've just come from Sendai. I'm the newest member of the Imperial Players.As of yet I'm always running into trouble with all the Imperial Players.Still, I intend to give my all to protect Teito with my life.Oogami: I see - you have a splendid heart. Hearing those words has put me at ease. That is the member of the secret corps.......Thereupon, is there a secret weapon of the TeikokuKagekidan as well?Sakura: It is difficult to run the "Koubu ( - translates to something like 'light warrior')." But we new members shall do our best together.Oogami: (Koubu? Ah...... so that is the name of the secret weapon. Now what might it be?)Sakura: Now then, Lieutenant General Yoneda is waiting! Let's go!Oogami: Ye- yes! Let us do so.

    Oogami: This is the Great Imperial Playhouse that was built last year...... in the middle of Ginza......Such a large building......Certainly, no one would notice that the home base of a secret military force is located inside a playhouse like this......Sakura: Oogami-san, this is the first time you've seen it, isn't it? Well then, let's enter the front lobby.

    Oogami: Wow...... a magnificent entrance hall. But not having a guard seems careless......Besides that, it seems quiet.

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    Sakura: Because today is the Yoru no Bu...... (Literally means something like 'night portion' - I think this means that the plays are performed at night, from what I could discern from the poster included with the game; thus there would not be many customers in the building during the day.)Oogami: (Yoru no Bu? ......Nighttime practice?)Sakura: But before long we'll be open again; soon customers will flood back inside here.Girl: Kyaha? Oniichan, are you Sakura-san's boyfriend?( l l y | } )(Oniichan literally means "big brother." For those of you who haven't noticed yet, in Japan, the youth will often call people older than them or people who are doing a job (up to young adults) oniichan or oneechan ("big sister") and ojichan ("uncle") or obachan ("aunt") (for anyone older), substituting ~san or, if they're feeling particularly reverent, ~sama for ~chan as desired, despite the fact that they are not related. It is simply a part of the culture. Similarly, musume (literally, "daughter") is used to simply mean "girl" when directly modified by some description as in such cases as Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume - "All-purpose Cultural Cat Girl" and TeiGeki Sannin Musume - "The three girls of the Imperial Theatre" (specifically, Kasumi, Yuri, and Tsubaki).)Oogami: Eh!?(Wha......what's with this kid!?)Sakura: Iris! You mustn't ridicule adults.This is Ensign Oogami Ichirou, just transferred to the TeikokuKagekidan.Oogami: Ah...... I'm Imperial Navy Ensign Oogami Ichirou.Iris: I'm Iris of the TeikokuKagekidan, Hana-division.And this bear is Jean-Paul, Iris's most important friend. You'll be nice to him, right?Oogami: (This kid...... is a member of a secret military force?)Iris: Hey, Sakura.......Sakura: What's up?Iris: This oniichan has the strength of spirit too...... He'll be fighting in a Koubu, won't he?Sakura: Yes.Iris: Iris...... hates war......Sakura: Don't worry, Iris. Now then, why don't we go to your room, and I'll read you a Mother Goose book.Iris: Mm.Sakura: Ah, Ensign Oogami. Lieutenant General Yoneda is waiting for you in the manager's office.Now then, if you will excuse me.Oogami: Wh...... who in the world was that kid?Sakura-kun went with her too...... damn.Oh well. I'll just have to go meet Lieutenant General Yoneda myself......

    Woman's voice: Somebody! Lend me a hand for a moment!Oogami: ......Who? Just now, a voice came from the direction of the cafeteria......

    Oogami: (Uwah! ......Wh- what a bold outift!)Woman: Ah! You there!Oogami: ......D- do you mean me?Woman: Who else is there? Lose the dumb face and get over here!Oogami: Ye- yes'm......Woman: Do you think you could pick up the fork I dropped there and replace it with a new one?

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    (2nd choice out of 'why should I do it' and 'certainly' Su+)Oogami: Certainly. Here you go......Woman: Thank you. By the way, I am this place's Top Star, Kanzaki Sumire.Before I was aware, Maria-san became the leader of the singing/acting group - what do you think of that?Honestly, that old man Yoneda! He has no eyes to see people!Oogami: (Right......)......As for myself, I am Imperial Navy Ensign Oogami Ichirou, just transferred to the Japan TeikokuKagekidan.I want to make a request towards Lieutenant General Yoneda about the agency but..................!Sumire: Ah, what shall I do! Please forgive my rudeness. Hohohohoho......Let's just leave what I said just now about Yoneda-san a secret, okay? (Chu!)Oogami: Uwaah! What are you doing all of a sudden!?!Sumire: Now then, there's no need to be shy. It was just a little bit, but...... It wasn't anything, and I must be going.Oogami: Uh, um...... which way leads to Lieutenant General Yoneda!?Sumire: Aah, Yoneda-san is in the manager's office. Anything will do, sincerely. Just now, there is no need for any other words!Is that understood, Ensign Ogawa?Oogami: ......It's Oogami.Sumire: Whatever. Please go now!!Oogami: Ye- yes'm......

    Oogami: ......This must be the TeikokuKagekidan chief Lieutenant General Yoneda's room......Lieutenant General Yoneda Ikki...... an active participant in Japan-Russia war...... What kind of person might he be?Woman: Who might you be?Oogami: Ah......Forgive me. As for myself, I am Imperial Navy Ensign Oogami Ichirou.I would like to see Lieutenant General Yoneda......Woman: You're the Ensign Oogami transferred to the Teigeki.Nice to meet you. I'm Maria Tachibana.Oogami: Maria Tachibana-san......(At this point you can move the cursor around; it will change accordingly with the corresponding action to the on-screen location. The cursors should be self-explanatory.)On Maria's hair: Oogami: (I believe this color's called platinum blond.)On Maria's eye: Oogami: (What lovely green eyes...)On Maria's face: Oogami: (A foreigner......? But just now, she was speaking Japanese.)On Maria's mouth: Maria: Lieutenant General Yoneda is in the manager's office. I have training now, so...Oogami: She seemed a bit rigid. But at least finally I've met someone who seems to be a member of the army.But, this training or whatever......? Is she practicing something?Well, finally I can see Lieutenant General Yoneda.Voice: Yes, come on in.Oogami: Excuse me!!Today at 12:00, Imperial Navy Ensign Oogami Ichirou transferred to the TeikokuKagekidan.Just now, arrived!(Remember, Yoneda is a bit drunk, so this isn't too accurate a translation.)

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    Yoneda: Aa, I've heard about you. Now then, there's no need for formality.First off, this is the Great Imperial Playhouse. Don't go around talking like you're in the army.Oogami: (Wh...... what's with this drunken old man!?)(Th......this can't be...... him......!?)Yoneda: Well, would you like a drink?(1st choice)Oogami: ......Um...... Are you really...... Lieutenant General Yoneda......?Yoneda: Hey! What do you mean by that!?You won't earn any medals if you can't distinguish people! I am the Land Army Commander, Yoneda Ikki!Idiot!Oogami: Fo- forgive me!Yoneda: Right! If you understand, then that's good. Now then, I'll tell you your first duty!Get changed and go to the reception desk! Heh, in that military uniform you're pretty conspicuous, you know.It's because we're a secret corps.Oogami: I see...... On duty in disguise. It's excellent, this secret corps!Understood! Oogami Ichirou, now preparing for duty!Yoneda: I thought I told you we don't need the formality! Go already!Oogami: Yes sir!

    Sakura: Ah, Oogami-san......Iris: Ah...... found you.Oogami: Sakura-kun and...... Iris, was it? What's going on right now?Iris: Look, Sakura. This is why Iris said, "We'd better run!"Sakura: ......Iris, weren't you the one who said, "Let's go check out the situation!?"Iris: Sakura, you were the one who said, "Let's go, let's go!"Oogami: (......I see - it seems these two were eavesdropping.)(2nd option:)Anyway...... do you think you could show me where the reception desk is?It's my first duty here. I need to get to the reception desk right away......Sakura: Right, I'll lead the way. Right then, Oogami-san. Let's go.Iris: No way! Oniichan is going with Iris! Let's go, Oniichan!(3rd option out of "go with Sakura", "go with Iris", and "go with both of them" Sa+ I+)Oogami: Now, don't fight, you two. Let's all go together. ........How does that sound?Iris: ......Mm.Sakura: Forgive me, Iris. I wasn't being very adult.Iris: Oh, that's all right. If everyone is going together, then Iris is happy.Oogami: Hahaha, this is a flower in both hands. Now then, please lead the way.Sakura: Oogami-san, this is the reception desk.Oogami: I see. You really helped me out leading me here.Iris: Oniichan, the Hasami is in the desk! Well, Sakura, let's go!Sakura: Yes, Iris. Oogami-san, we have training now, so...... please excuse us.Oogami: Ah...... wait a second, you two......

    (2nd option)This... Hasami? How do you use that?Iris: Eeh, Oniichan, you don't know how to use the Hasami? Kyahahaha,

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    interesting.If you hold it in your hand and cut with it, you can cut anything.Sakura: Ah......Iris. We have to go to training now......Iris: True. Well, Oniichan, bye-bye!Oogami: ......I wanted to find out what I should use the Hasami for, that was all......(3rd option Sa+ I+)Oogami: Good luck with your training, you two! ......Not that I know what kind of training you're talking about.Iris: Thanks, oniichan. Come see us afterwards!Sakura: Well then, Oogami-san, good luck with your ticket clipping job!Oogami: (......ticket clipping?)Sakura: Ah...... Iris. We'd better get to training......Iris: You're right. Well, oniichan, bye-bye!Oogami: ......They're gone.

    Woman: Hey, Oniisan. How long are you going to make us wait? Hurry and clip my ticket!Man: Today Sumire-chan has the lead role in "Evening of the Tsubaki (Camellia) Princess." Hurry up!Oogami: Wh- what's with these people? I'm not in charge of tickets.Woman: But on your uniform it says you're in charge of cutting tickets. And you've got the Hasami, haven't you?Oogami: Ee!? Can it be...... that this is my secret duty.......In charge of cutting tickets!? Th- that's insane!Woman: Hey, ticket cutting-oniisan! Hurry and cut my ticket!Oogami: Y- yes'm. Umm...... where do I put the Hasami?Rather irate-looking man: What, niisan, you the new guy? Man, you're wasting time.Oogami: Y- yes sir! Please hold on just a second!(......So my duty wasn't company leader of a secret corps?)Customers! As for myself, I may be clipping tickets now, but in actuality, I am......(2nd option of "leader of the TeikokuKagekidan" and "just in charge of clipping tickets")Oogami: (No! The TeikokuKagekidan Hana-division is a secret corps...... its name cannot be revealed!)......As for myself, I may be clipping tickets now, but in actuality, I am...... in charge of clipping tickets after all.Woman: Oniisan, are you all right!? Ah! Look at the time! The Hana-division's performance is starting!Oogami: (She said "Hana-division"...... How can this ordinary person know the name of the secret corps......)Man: Uh, um......Oogami: Ah, excuse me. Hasami, Hasami. ......Yes, here you go.Man: Um...... Do you happen to like Kanzaki Sumire-san?(1st option)Oogami: Yeah, although I haven't talked to her much yet, she is the type I like.Man: Eh! You've received the opportunity to talk with Sumire-san?! I'm jealous......Oh yeah! Um...... Could you give this letter to Sumire-san?Just tell her it's from a huge fan of hers. Please.Oogami: Y- yes sir...... understood.(Hm, this letter...... what's going on?)(At this point, you'll see your inventory which can be accessed by pressing the start button. The left option at the bottom takes you to the option

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    menu; the right exits from the inventory.)Boy: Hey! Ticket-clipping oniichan, I gotta ticket!Oogami: Y- yes. Um...... Where do I put the Hasami in children's tickets?Boy: Aah, oniichan, you're new here! You don't know where to clip the ticket!

    (1st option)Oogami: Here, young man. Your ticket.Boy: Good luck with your new job!Oogami: (Wh- what's with this conceited kid!?)

    (2nd option)Oniichan, do you think it's all right to treat your customers like that!?Oogami: (This brat...... hurry up and get out of here!)

    ......This seems a bit odd. Where is the secret duty in this ticket-clipping job!?......Right. When I've finished this I'll try listening to what the other members have to say. Maybe they know something.If they don't know anything, I'll have to ask Lieutenant General Yoneda!(ticket clipping: the job is usually referred to in the story as "mogiri" -

    - which I later found out (about episode 6) seems to mean something equivalent to "breaking off." Thus I would assume Oogami's full duty includes punching the tickets, I assume (requiring the hasami - I had guessed this, but I wasn't sure), followed by tearing off the stubs.)

    ......Now then. Where should I go first?Girl: Hello? Excuse me.Oogami: Y- yes. What is it?Girl: Will you be with us starting today? Nice to meet you! I'd like to speak with you.I'm Takamura Tsubaki ( ' ). I'm always working at the shop here.Oogami: Tsubaki-san, is it?Tsubaki: I've got a complete set of bromides of the group members. Come anytime and visit!Oogami: Hmm...... The shop girl is quite an energetic girl.Now then, where shall I go?

    (You will now be able to move in the playhouse. First, head to the desk in the lobby marked ' ? - it's Tsubaki's shop.)

    Tsubaki: Ah, Oogami-san. Welcome! Are you looking for something?On Tsubaki's mouth: Oogami: (Right. She should be able to tell me something about the theatre's true purpose.)Tsubaki-kun. I'd just like to ask you something about this theatre......Tsubaki: Eh? This theatre? If it's information you're looking for, leave it to me!The theatre's full name is the Great Imperial Playhouse (R = - DaiTeikokuGekijou). However, everyone simply calls it "TeiGeki."Every month, various new things come out! This month the play is "Evening of the Tsubaki Princess."My name is Tsubaki as well, you know? That's why I'm a bit happy!(While we're on the subject of Tsubaki's name, "tsubaki" happens to be the Japanese (i.e. original) name for "camellia," a Japanese ornamental greenhouse shrub (C. Japonica) with glossy leaves and roselike flowers (or

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    the flower itself). It's called "camellia" thanks to some Moravian Jesuit missionary to the Far East named Georg Josef Kamel back in the 18th century.)Oogami: (This isn't exactly what I had hoped to find out......)Guess where: Tsubaki: H- hey, Oogami-san! What are you looking at? Hey, stop!On the desk: Tsubaki: Are you going to buy a bromide? Thank you very much!(for those of you wondering, a bromide is like a trading card, only bigger, and only one comes in a package as far as I have seen.)On the upper left bromide: Tsubaki: Ah, Oogami-san! Bromides are extremely popular items. Soon they'll all be gone.That's why I'm sorry to say I can only sell you one bromide.Oogami: Hmm...... by the way, who are in these bromides?Tsubaki: That's a bromide of Sakura-san. It's 50-sen. (a sen is .01 yen.)Oogami: Wh....... what!?(How.......can bromides of members of a secret military force...... be sold?(Isn't this...... like shining a bright light on one's true self!?)Tsubaki: Oogami-san...... what's wrong?Oogami: It's...... nothing.(For now, maybe I'll buy one and see.)Tsubaki: Are you buying this? Thank you very much!Sakura-san's a new member, and her bromide's selling like crazy!Oogami: (It's really Sakura-san...... A member of the secret corps...... Is this okay?)(But...... it's a cute bromide, so I think I'll take it.)Leaving: Oogami: Well, good luck with your job.Tsubaki: Was this useful? Thanks again!Oogami: ......I've got to get somewhere else.

    (next, the room in the lower-left corner of the building)Oogami: (Ah......Someone's here.)Girl: Ah, good afternoon. You're Oogami-san, right? I'm Sakakibara Yuri ($

    q , { )!I do the theatre's office work. Nice to meet you!Oogami: Same here, nice to meet you.Other girl: Nice to meet you, Oogami-san. I'm Fuji'i Kasumi ( W e ). I take and divide the theatre's office work.Oogami: Pleased to meet you.on Yuri's mouth: Yuri: Oogami-san, I deal with the conditions of the theatre. If a problem arises, just ask me!on Kasumi's mouth: Kasumi: Yes yes, Oogami-san. Our manager Yoneda has ordered that no one be admitted down the basement stairs. Take care not to go into the basement, Oogami-san.Leaving: Oogami: Well, I'd better be going. Good luck with your work.Yuri: Please come again, okay?Oogami: ......I've got to go somewhere else.

    In the hallway:Oogami: (Hm....... Someone from behind......)Uwaaa!? Wh- who's covering my eyes!?Voice: Who, indeed?

    (2nd option Sa+)Oogami: That voice...... is it Sakura-kun?Voice: Haha...... you got me.Oogami: ......It was you, Sakura-kun. Ha, you startled me.You sure came upon me unexpectedly.

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    Sakura: Haha...... Sorry.......But, you remembered my voice...... I'm so happy.

    (Time ran out... Sa+)Oogami: ......Um......Voice: What...... You don't know, Oogami-san?Oogami: What, it was Sakura-kun. You surprised me.Sorry...... You startled me so suddenly....... I had no idea who it was.Sakura: It's all right. I'm sorry for startling you.Moreover...... being startled at the touch...... it's very much like Oogami-san.

    Oogami: Eh............?Sakura: Ah............ I- I'm sorry. I've just said something very strange......W- well...... I'd better go......Oogami: Ah......Sakura-kun! Wait a second! I have something I want to ask!Sakura: What is it?(1st option)Oogami: Sakura-kun. Can you tell me about the TeikokuKagekidan?Sakura: ......!Oogami: This place is just a theatre. As for the hidden military force - TeikokuKagekidan - where in the world is it!?Sakura: W- well.............I'm sorry......I'm looking for Sumire-san...... so you'll have to excuse me.Oogami: Ah, please wait! Sakura-kun!!......She's gone.What happened....... It seemed she was running away..............I'd better go somewhere else.(3rd option asks Sakura if she has a boyfriend. She'll tell you she doesn't. This is a good choice if you are trying to win Sakura...... Sa+)

    (2nd option)Oogami: Sakura-kun, where are you going?Sakura: It's almost time for the actual play, so I'm looking for Sumire-san.I think she's probably somewhere upstairs...... well then, please excuse me.Oogami: ......Hmm. I forgot to ask her about the TeikokuKagekidan.......Oh well. I'd better go too.

    (In the makeup room)Oogami: (Ah...... Iris is here.)Iris: O- oniichan! About earlier - thanks!Oogami: Ah. Thank you for helping me earlier, Iris.......By the way, Iris? I have something I want to ask you......Iris: What?(2nd option I+)Oogami: I'd just thought I'd like to know about you.Iris: About Iris? Yeah, okay! Heh heh, I'm a bit embarrassed.Before I used to live in France.But a scout from Japan came, so now I live here.Oogami: I see......Thank you, Iris. Now I know a little more about you.Iris: Yeah. Next time tell me about yourself, oniichan!on Iris's eyes: Oogami: (What pretty blue eyes......)on Iris's hair: Oogami: (What pretty golden hair......)on Iris's bear: Iris: Oniichan, do you remember his name?(3rd option out of "Jon Paul", "Jean Pa", and "Jean-Paul" I+)

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    Oogami: Oh, I remember now. It must be Jean-Paul.Iris: Oh, thank you! Oniichan, you remembered!Oogami: Naturally. Iris's very important friend.Iris: Thank you, oniichan...... Iris is very happy.(But remember, Iris's name is not Lolita, so don't get any ideas.)On Iris's mouth: Oogami: Do you know where everyone else is?Iris: Sumire is on the second floor. Sakura just went to look for her.Maria said she was going to the stage.Yoneda-ojichan's...... in his room, I think.Oogami: I see. Thanks.leaving: Oogami: See you, Iris.Iris: Yeah! Bye-bye, oniichan!Oogami: ......I'd best go somewhere else.

    (At the stage)Oogami: Aah, Maria. What are you doing here?Maria: ......Ensign, more importantly, what business do you have at this place?on her mouth: Maria: ........Do you have some business with me?(1st option)Oogami: Maria, please tell me. I was transferred here to be company leader of a secret corps.Maria: ......Yes. I've heard this from Manager Yoneda.Oogami: ......But so far, the only job I've had is clipping tickets. What's the meaning of this?Please tell me! Where is my job in the TeikokuKagekidan!?Maria: ......Please forgive me, but I don't have the authority to answer that question.If you want to know directly about that point, please ask Manager Yoneda.Oogami: Maria............

    (in the audience)Oogami: These are the theatre's audience seats...... What a magnificent structure............There's no one here to talk to. .......I'll have to go somewhere else.

    (upstairs, in the library)Oogami: This...... must be the library. Hmm...... Perhaps this is the map room.Sakura: Sumire-saan...... Ah, Oogami-san.Oogami: Hey, Sakura-kun. You haven't found Sumire-kun?Sakura: Not yet...... Where on earth could Sumire-san be......?Well, Oogami-san...... I'm in a hurry, so you'll have to excuse me.Oogami: Sakura-kun seems to be in a rush............Well, I might as well go somewhere else.

    (in the salon - lower left)Oogami: (Ah! There's Sumire-kun!)Sumire: Ahh, Ensign Ogata. What is it?Oogami: ............It's Oogami.Sumire: Ahh, I'm sorry. I see. From now on I'll simply call you Ensign.on Sumire's mouth (best not to incur her wrath): Sumire: I'm just having some tea before the play starts...... I don't like to have all this tension.By the way, Ensign...... was there something you wanted?(3rd option Su+)Oogami: Earlier when I was clipping tickets, I guy calling himself a "huge fan" gave me this letter to give to you.

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    So, I thought I'd better give it to you. Here you go.Sumire: Well...... This is expressly for me......?Thank you very much, Ensign.Now, I wonder who could have sent this......Ensign, you're quite an aware person. From now I can be at ease.Oogami: I- I see......Wait, that's odd......If you're a member of a secret military corps, why would you be receiving fan letters?Sumire: Ahh. No matter what I do they never fail to find me.Oogami: R- right......Sakura: Sumire-saan! ......Ah, Oogami-san's here too?Oogami: Sakura-kun......Sakura: Sumire-san. It's almost time for the play. Please come down to get ready.Sumire: My apologies. I just wanted to stop in here for a bit.Oh yes...... Ensign. This time is it all right if I ask you a question?Oogami: Eh...... me?Sumire: Yes. Ensign, me or Sakura-san - which type do you prefer?Sakura: ............!Sumire: Well, Ensign. Will you answer?(no answer)Oogami: Which type...... I can't............Sumire: ......Hmph! You're too soft!Sakura: That's not it, Sumire-san. Oogami-san simply doesn't want to create a scene.Sumire: ......Seems more like he can't make up his mind......Well, this time I'll forgive you. ......Well then, please excuse me.Sakura: See you, Oogami-san. I must be going as well.Oogami: Ah, I see.Sakura: Oogami-san......I...... guess it's bad luck...... I feel so ambivalent.......Well, please excuse me.Oogami: Sakura-kun......Doesn't seem like I can get any more information. I'll try going to the manager's room and asking Manager Yoneda directly.

    (finally, at the manager's office)Oogami: Right. By seeing Lieutenant General Yoneda directly, I'll be able to get some kind of explanation.Yoneda: Ah, hello...... hello......Oogami: ......He's on the phone.Yoneda: Aah, he came......earlier. Well, checking out the circumstances some more......But, Hanakoji-san...... this secret corps is...... difficult.Driving women on the battlefield we can't watch over them. With Imperial troops...... it's embarassing.But right now, only those girls can pilot the Koubu.Therefore, I will allow those girls to protect our freedom.That young one can use it quite well......Well, soon someone will be in here to issue a complaint, it seems. Well, I'll talk to you again......Oogami: ......The phone call seems to have ended.Excuse me! Oogami, coming in!Yoneda: Oh, Oogami. That uniform suits you, doesn't it!Well? Are you accustomed to your ticket-clipping job?(1st option)

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    Oogami: That's what I'd like an explanation about, please! As for myself, I never heard anything about clipping theatre tickets!Moreover, all the troops are female. This Iris or whatever is just a small child!As for myself I was sent here to be company leader of the secret corps - TeikokuKagekidan. Somewhere I must have heard wrong!In this TeikokuKagekidan...... just what am I supposed to do as company leader!?No, even before that...... is this place supposed to be the TeikokuKagekidan!? It's no more than a theatre!!Yoneda: Ah? Oogami, is there some kind of misunderstanding?Look well at the frame above my head!Oogami: Teikoku...... Kagekidan......?

    (Okay, here is something that doesn't work well in English. The kanji used for the TeikokuKagekidan up to this point had been _ ? - which translates to something like "the Imperial Splendor Army." The sign above Lieutenant General Yoneda's head at this point says S = which is read the same way in Japanese but means something like "the Imperial Musical Drama (Opera) Group." As you may know, there are something like 2000 kanji in use today in Japan, so obviously many of them will have the same readings, albeit different meanings. This kind of pun is done a lot and doesn't lend itself well to English without being accompanied by lengthy explanations like this one. Incidentally, the sign above his head is read right to left, even though it appears to be written horizontally - you could, however, argue that it is written vertically in five columns, and thus must be read from right to left.)

    What!? Musical Drama Group? Not Splendor Army?Yoneda: No, it's the Musical Drama Group.Oogami: But...... As for myself, I thought I was going to be transferred into the secret corps called the Imperial Splendor Army......Yoneda: Oh, and the Musical Drama Group is a "Secret Stage." Haahhahaha!(Here it is again. The "secret corps/military force" mentioned earlier is read Himitsu Butai and written M . However, butai means "stage" when

    it is written Q . Thus, another pun.)You didn't know this national organization generates income through the stage?Oogami: Gagaaaaan! Th......that's...... insane!!Yoneda: Hahaha! Come, cool your head a bit.

    Oogami: No...... no......The secret corps...... was just a drama group............This must be some kind of awful dream......Sakura: Oogami-san. What's going on at this place?Oogami: Sakura-kun............Sakura: Your complexion is awful...... Oogami-san. Why don't you get some rest?Perhaps, if it's all right...... maybe I could...... lead you to your room?(1st option)Oogami: ......Please do. My head is so confused......Sakura: Hold it, Oogami-san...... are you really okay......?Right now it would be quite good if you were to get some rest in your room. Well then, let's go.Oogami: Thank you for accompanying me. I'm sorry you had to burden yourself with me......

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    Sakura: Oh no, it's no trouble at all...... Because, I............Oogami: .............?Sakura: it's nothing. W- well, I...... The stage is waiting, so......(1st option)Oogami: Maybe, if there's still time, you could possibly stop inside my room? I'd like to talk with you a bit more......Sakura: ......I'm sorry. Soon, the play will begin......I would like to talk with you as well, but...... I'm sorry.Oogami: I see...... it's too bad, but if the stage is waiting for you, it can't be helped......Well, good luck on stage. And thanks for seeing me to my room.Sakura: Yes! Well, please excuse me.Oogami: ........................ Now then, a little sleep......Sakura: Oogami-san......Oogami: ......Ah, Sakura-kun. What's wrong?Sakura: W- well............Please get well, Oogami-san! That gloomy face doesn't suit you.I............When we first met at Ueno Park...... you were so full of life..................I'm sorry. I've said something I shouldn't have. ......Please excuse me.Oogami: ......Forgive me, Sakura-kun.But, here...... the stage your perform on is here. There is nothing here but a job only you can do.But, my job...... a job protecting Teito, was never here.

    Oogami: I had such happiness when it was decided that I would be transferred to the TeikokuKagekidan.After graduating from the military academy, I would take the great role of company leader. My heart danced......The position itself made no difference. Being able to have a job defending peace...... that made me genuinely happy.But......the TeikokuKagekidan I was transferred to............ was nothing but an all-female musical drama group!My job protecting peace...... what has become of it?

    (Eyecatch - save here (first option), check out stats of the girls (second option), continue story (third option) - kind of like a commercial break.)

    Oogami: (......Night has completely fallen.)(I want to sleep, but...... I'm not accustomed to this bed, so I can't quite get any rest......)(It's already 12 o'clock......)................(........! At this late an hour...... who in the world could it be?)Sakura: Oogami-san...... It's Sakura......Oogami: Sakura-kun? Hold on a moment. I'm opening the door now.(What could it be at this time of night......?)Yaa, Sakura-kun. How was the stage?Sakura: Yes, it was a big success.Oogami: By the way...... what's going on at this time of night?Sakura: Um, Oogami-san......The truth is that you are supposed to be the playhouse's night watchman......Manager Yoneda said so......Oogami: Night...... watchman?Sakura: Yes...... Forgive me for being so abrupt, but...... please.

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    (1st option)Oogami: Right, let's do it!I'm having trouble sleeping anyway. It'll be good to move around.Sakura: I'm glad...... You're taking this on in good spirit.Well, let's go.

    (2nd option)Oogami: Oh well. Ticket-clipping boy by day, watchman by night.Sakura: Don't grumble, Oogami-san. I'll be with you too.

    Oogami: Eh! Sakura-kun, you're coming with me?Sakura: Right! Because, you don't know the inside of the theatre yet, right?So, I'll go with you!Oogami: Thank you. Well then, lead the way.Sakura: No, thank you. Well then, let's be off!

    (head to the terrace - - in the lower right)Oogami: Ah? Sakura-kun's...... gone?What, Sakura-kun...... There you are......Sakura: Oogami-san............... please look outside from here.Oogami: Wow...... Ginza at night.Sakura: I think......the city's lights are really amazing.Oogami: Why's that......?Sakura: Each light shines beautifully to show something so lovely.And with other lights they show beautiful night scenery such as this.When I am on stage, I want to shine too, like those lights in the city.Oogami: ................Sakura: And like a city light shining on a person walking along on the street below..............I want to become a strong warm light.........I'm sorry, Oogami-san. I'm taking up all your time when you're supposed to be on patrol......Well, let's continue the patrol.

    (at the salon in the lower left)Sakura: This is the Salon. The Hana-division often gathers together here.Oogami: It looks like a good place for everyone to relax.Sakura: Yes, that is true. We like to come here and drink tea......The watchman's job is not yet done....... let us go.

    (at the library in the upper left)Oogami: Ah, Maria.Maria: Ensign and Sakura....... What are you doing here at a time like this?Sakura: Night watch duty. But Maria-san, what are you doing at a time like this?Maria: I came to return a book I had borrowed.Sakura: Oh, what did you borrow?Maria: Crime and Punishment ( Y t T )......(2nd option)Oogami: Crime and Punishment, you say......that must be Dostoevski.Maria: Right. Ensign, you are quite knowledgable, yes?Sakura: Oogami-san, you're amazing! I admire you!Maria: Well then, please excuse me.Ensign, Sakura. Good luck on patrol. Well, good night.Sakura: Oogami-san. Let's continue the patrol.

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    (empty room next to Oogami's)Oogami: This room....... Whose could this be?Sakura: Well........the truth is, I don't really know.But I don't have the key, so we won't be able to investigate.Oogami: Ah, well. Let's go.

    (at the hall in the lower right)Sakura: This is the hall. The second floor seating entrance is here. The wind blows through here.Oogami: Along with that, that's quite a large chandelier.......Sakura: But Sumire-san said it's nothing important.Oogami: That sounds like something Sumire-kun would say................Nothing seems unusual here, so we'd better go somewhere else.

    (downstairs)Sakura: Iris!Oogami: What's wrong, Iris!? At this time of night.......Iris: Oniichan....... Sakura........Sakura: What's wrong, Iris? Go on, please tell us.Iris: Um........ Jean-Paul's missing........I think I looked everywhere I might have left him behind......Sniff.......Right now he's no doubt all alone. Sniff........Poor Jean-Paul........Oogami: Iris................Sakura: Don't worry, Iris. Tomorrow, when the lights are on, we'll find him right away.Go on, it's really late. Go back to your room for today.Iris: Sniff................okay........I will........................Sakura: It'd be all right if I knew which rooms she had been in during the day, but...............Oogami-san. Let's go.

    (In the dressing room or greenroom ( 5 ))Oogami: So this is the dressing room......Sakura: Ah! Oogami-san!! Over there is Iris's Jean-Paul!(on Jean-Paul)Oogami: There's no mistake. It's Iris's Jean-Paul.Sakura: Oh, good...... Let's deliver it at once.

    (At Iris's room)Oogami: This...... is Iris's room.Sakura: In Iris's room there are lots of stuffed animals.(after knocking)Sakura: Iris...... It's Sakura. Please open up.Iris: Oniichan...... Sakura...... sniff............Oogami: Here, Iris. It's Jean-Paul. It seems you forgot him in the dressing room.Iris: Ah! Jean-Paul!!Sakura: You mustn't leave your special friend behind.Iris: Oniichan...... Sakura...... Thank you so much!Sakura: Well, it's already very late, so...... good night.Iris: Yeah! Good night!Oogami: ......I'm glad. Now Iris can rest at ease.Sakura: Yes. I'm really glad we found it.Well, shall we continue the night watch?

    (eventually, during your exploration, Sakura will say:)

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    Sakura: Oh, my! It's that time already?Oogami-san. Most of the night has already passed.Don't you think this is enough patrolling for today?(2nd option)Oogami: Well, I'll accompany you back to your room. There are many various things I have seen and done today.Sakura: ........Are you sure?Oogami: Of course. Now then, let's go.

    (back at Sakura's room)Sakura: Thank you so much for specially accompanying me to my room.Oogami: No no, it was nothing. Well, good night.Sakura: Tomorrow, if I can see you again, Oogami-san....... I would be happy.Oogami: ........Eh?Sakura: N- no, it's nothing. Well........ good night.Oogami: ........Now then, I'd better return to my room as well.

    Oogami: Well well........ 12 o'clock has already passed.It is truly late now........ I had better get some sleep for today.

    Oogami: Fuaa........morning........Certainly........ today will be a day off from the play. I'll be free from ticket-clipping.Now then....... what shall I do?(1st option - go to the stage)Since it's a day off, I'll head to the stage with a clear head.I'll check out how everybody in the Hana-division works.

    (3rd option - go the front desk)Oogami: Yeah...... there's still time, so I think I'll go see the front desk......(in the salon)Oogami: Ah......! Sumire-kun is here.Right...... I think I'll hear what Sumire-kun has to say.Sumire: Ahh, ensign. Good morning.Oogami: Yaa, good morning. Today is a day of rest?Sumire: So you say, but...... starting now, I have practice on stage.I am scheduled to practice the dance with Sakura-san once more.Oogami: ......Sounds like fun. I'm jealous.Sumire: ......The truth is, I really don't like practice.But it would not fit for a mistake to happen to the star......Well then, I must be proceeding to the stage...... please excuse me.Oogami: ......Practice, huh.......I want a job too. I can't bear not being able to do anything.(in the hall)Iris: Ah, oniichan!Oogami: Yaa, Iris.Iris: Hey, oniichan. Let's all go to the next flower viewing.Oogami: Sounds good. Yesterday the cherry blossoms in Ueno Park were in full bloom, too.Iris: Yeah...... but, Iris is more happy being able to go with oniichan than seeing flowers.Oogami: Is that so? ......Thank you.Iris: This is called the "Drum from Flowers (? [ )," right? (or something)Oogami: Iris...... That's called the "Dumpling from Flowers (? [ )."

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    (I think)Iris: ......Ehehe, I see.......Well, Iris is going! Bye-bye, oniichan!(at the desk)Oogami: ......This is...... the place where I work now......Maria: ......Ensign. What are you doing in this place?Oogami: Ya, yaa, Maria............Maria: ........................Ensign. You're not dissatisfied with your job here, are you?(2nd option)Oogami: I'm not dissatisfied, but...... I was sent here to be company commander of the TeikokuKagekidan.Yet the job I do is punching tickets...... I don't know what's what.Maria: Ensign...... I understand how you feel. However......I know. A world where pleasure does not exist...... a world fighting in order to stay alive......I don't want this Teito to become a city where smiles have vanished.Therefore, greeting the customers into this theatre...... I feel it is a great happiness.Oogami: ........................Maria: Well then, I have practice, so I must be going. Excuse me.Ensign. If you have time, please come to the stage later. We'll be practicing.Oogami: ......I'll try going to the stage. I guess I'll see everyone's rehearsal.

    Sakura: When you come to this point, turn around........ with your hands raised over your head........Sumire: Sakura-san! You've got the footwork all wrong!Oogami: Oh........They're working hard.It's showy even in the back of the stage, when you have rehearsal these days........Sumire: Uwaa!Oogami: Wh- what is it!?Sakura: Ahh! I'm sorry!Sumire: Sakura-san! Don't you know it's rude to trample on the edges of a person's kimono?Sakura: I'm sorry.Sumire: Honestly, I can't stand how rural she is - and rude. Well, shall we take it once more from the beginning?Sakura: Ha! Sorry!Sumire: Brat!Sakura-san! If you won't understand my words perhaps you'll understand my hand!

    (1st option)Oogami: You two! Stop this fighting!!Sumire: En- Ensign!?Sakura: O- Oogami-san!! Look out!Oogami: Guwaa!!Sakura: Kya, Oogami-san!! I'm sorry!Sumire: En- Ensign........ Why is Ensign here........Oogami: You two........ Stop this fighting.I don't know much about the stage, and I don't want to interfere with your practice.But........ in a drama group, isn't teamwork an important thing? So........ let's stop this fighting.Sumire: Ensign................

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    Iris: Oniichan................Maria: ............................Sakura: I see........ Forgive me, Oogami-san.Oogami: ........If you understand, then it's all right. Well, I'll just be going then........Sakura: Ah........Oogami-san!

    Sakura: Oogami-san! Please wait!Oogami: Oogami-san.Oogami: Sakura-kun................Sakura: Will you listen........ to something I have to say?(1st option)Oogami: All right. What is it?Sakura: Before you came here, Oogami-san, Manager Yoneda said this.The leader of the Hana-divison cannot be a mere soldier. No, allowing that cannot be........We cannot repeat the battle in which human life was sacrificed for victory's sake........Therefore........ the person serving as leader of the Hana-division - the Hana-division........ this theatre........And living here - if he is not a person who can love all these things, it will not be, he said........That's why Manager Yoneda had you put to work clipping tickets, Oogami-san.Oogami: ................So that was it.Sakura: Oogami-san. I have a request.This theatre....... and we, the Hana-division........ please, come to like them!And........ be our leader, and please fight together with us!Oogami: Fight........ Fight, you say........ Against who........?Sakura: W- well................................!Oogami: Wh- what's this alarm!?Sakura: Oogami-san, we're moving out!Oogami: Moving out!? Wh- what do you mean!?Sakura: The Imperial Splendor Army - TeikokuKagekidan - Hana-division, moving out! Now, let's go!

    Maria: TeikokuKagekidan - Hana-division, all members assembled!Yoneda: Hm, well done!Oogami: Ma- Manager Yoneda........ and everyone........ wh- what is this!?Yoneda: Oogami, the Musical Drama Group is asleep. The Imperial Splendor Army has returned to its true duty!........I apologize for misleading you.But I was testing to see whether you were worthy of the position of company leader of our secret corps.Oogami: Wh- what in the world is this place?Yoneda: This is the TeikokuKagekidan's central base. ........The underground briefing room.Oogami: Manager Yoneda! The Splendor Army....... the Splendor Army was really here!?Yoneda: Naturally........ The Musical Drama Group is a false pretense for the world.Well then, we'll have to make introductions again. The girls will now become your subordinate members of the TeikokuKagekidan - Hana-division.Sakura: Oogami-san........ If you are with us, I know we can fight to the limits of our strength!

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    As new members of the TeikokuKagekidan, let's do our best!Iris: Oniichan, do your best with Iris!Sumire: Ensign, that battle uniform...... suits you quite well.(the preceding line may differ depending on circumstances - I haven't quite determined yet.)Maria: Ensign. I haven't yet acknowledged you as company leader.When you show your way of thinking, and that it is possible for you to have understanding in your heart........ then I will call you leader.Oogami: ........Understood. Everyone, I'm counting on you!Chief Yoneda. Who is our enemy?Yoneda: You may have heard many rumors.An mysterious organization threating Teito what uses an army of machines called the "MaSouKiHei" (or something like that - translates roughly to the "Evil Machine Operating Army" or something).Its name........ is the Kuronosukai.Oogami: Kuronosukai........?Iris: Sakura took care of the MaSouKiHei in Ueno Park on the day she first came to Tokyo!Sakura: Iris! That was supposed to be a secret!Oogami: What? So....... the young girl who killed the monster was Sakura-kun?Yoneda: Yes. However, against these MaSouKiHei enemies, you will be at the limits of your abilities.......Well then. We have a powerful weapon as well. Let's head for the underground hangar.

    Oogami: Wh........what's this!?Yoneda: The TeikokuKagekidan's proud secret weapon........ the RyoushiKatchuu (spirit child armored suit) - "Koubu!"Oogami: Ryoushi........Katchuu?Yoneda: Yes........ Mechanical armored suits that only those who have the strong soul power can work, so to speak.The ones provided with that strength are this Hana-division........ and you.........Now your Koubu is the white one. Go on and get in it.The Kuronosukai's point of emergence is in front of here, in Ueno Park. Now, head for the bullet train to that place!Oogami: Yes sir!Iris: Iris doesn't have a Koubu yet, so I'm keeping watch at home.......Oniichan, do your best!Oogami: ........I see they literally are armored suits........ Right! With this we can move!Sakura: ........Oogami-san, give the order to move out! Let's protect Ueno Park from the hands of the Kuronosukai!(1st option)Oogami: TeikokuKagekidan - Hana-division, attack! Objective point, Ueno Park!Maria: Understood!Sumire: Koubu, initiated!Sakura: TeikokuKagekidan, attack!


    (The first battle)Miroku: Hahaha...... Chaos, terror, government overthrow...... What pleasure.Setsuna: Teito now belongs to us, the Kuronosukai!Rasetsu: We shall show them our power by building a mountain of corpses. Don't you agree, Satan-dono?

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    Satan: (laughing)Sakura: That's as far as you go!Miroku: What?Rasetsu: You!Satan: ............TeikokuKagekidan: TeikokuKagekidan, sanjou!("Sanjou" is the famous battle cry, literally meaning "to go up." It's usually translated as something like "GO!")Miroku: TeikokuKagekidan, you say? How foolish!Satan: Interesting...... I'll take it from here......Setsuna: Hm...... We'll leave it to you.Satan: Show me the extent of your true power!Sakura: We will not forgive those who threaten the sanctity of Teito!Sumire: Now then, come at us from wherever you may be!Maria: Ensign Oogami, those are the Kuronosukai.Now then, please listen carefully as explain the control and operation of the Koubu.(1st option - explanation)First, Sakura, you will go.By the means Sakura has now demonstrated, you choose a point to move to from inside the range of possible moves.Sakura, attack!Sakura: Yes ma'am!Maria: As shown, from inside the range of possible attack locations, you decide on a target and attack.You can perform two actions at one time. Now that movement ( - idou) and

    attack ( ? - kougeki) are completed, the turn has ended.Next is my turn.When Ki'ai (D ) is at maximum, a Hissatsu ( | ) - Certain Kill - attack can be performed.(Ki'ai means something like "spirit meeting," i.e., you are "at one" with your spirit or something.)Hissatsu attacks are powerful, but when used, Ki'ai will become zero.Ki'ai can be gained by resting (k ) as shown. Also, when damage is received, it will rise.Sumire: (Laughing)...... Ensign. Now you will see a true hit.This is one of my many nobly magnificent, beautiful skills...... now, please watch.Maria: Wait, Sumire. Restore (x - kaifuku) Sakura's mech.Sumire: Honestly...... It is my turn to come out now, yet it is for this country girl's sake.Sakura: Well, excuse me for being a country girl!Maria: The Koubu is equipped with a function for restoring (x - kaifuku) the lost endurance.Not only one's own mech, but friends' Koubu as well can be restored.But there is a restriction on the number of times it can be used, so be careful. Also, defend ( - bougyo) may be used to reduce damage from enemy attacks to a trifling amount.Defending is effective until one's next turn.In battle, two actions are possible at one time, but only one can be peformed from the same hierarchy of commands.Normal ( - tsuujou) attack and hissatsu ( | ) attack are both in the

    same attack ( ? ) hierarchy, so both cannot be performed continuously.

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    Rest (k - tame), defend ( - bougyo), and restore (x - kaifuku) are

    all part of the same defense/protection ( - bou'ei) hierarchy, so two of them can not be performed continuously.Since there is freedom of sequence of actions, one may perfrom movement first and then attack or attack first and then movement.Now then, from this point on you will command us.First, we shall destroy all the wakiji ( - lower troops) of our enemy, the MaSouKiHei.

    (Here is the list of commands as they appear from left to right:) - movement

    P u R movement

    - offense

    | ~ o a p certain kill

    p R d R normal

    - defense

    x W P [ restore

    R Z defend

    k rest (recovers D )

    - info

    i R l consultation; repeat of the current battle strategy.

    . map

    Q d R R information - move the cursor to any character and an info box will pop up (see accompanying GIF)= - end

    ? A k P Y end turn(Note:The following command is specific to Oogami only.) - special

    W | R - takes hits for other players - similar to the "cover" command in FFIV (II US) - select an ally to defend for up to eight hits. Good for winning a girl to your favor!!

    At one point during the battle, Sakura will call Oogami.Sakura: Fighting at this place gives you complicated feelings, doesn't it?(2nd option)Oogami: It's the place we first met, isn't it?Sakura: (Laughing)...... Yes. Fighting together at the place where we first met...... It must be fate.

    (after all lower troops are defeated)Satan: (Laughing)...... You are quite good, aren't you?I will now take you on personally.

    (after victory)Satan: Kagekidan! We shall finish this some other time!Oogami: He escaped......... But, the sanctity of Teito has been defended!! All right, all members return home!!Sakura: Wait, Oogami-san. The Hana-division victory curtain call is not yet!Oogami: Wh- what's that?Sakura: All together!

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    TeikokuKagekidan: q z E o (Shouri no poozu...... kime! literally translates to something like "victory pose...... decided" or something like that which doesn't sound right in English, so......)


    Oogami: ......The battle is over, and now it is the Ueno Park o-Hanami (flower viewing). The cherry blossoms at night are not bad.......But, Manager Yoneda. Why the absolute secrecy about the Kuronosukai?Yoneda: Oi oi, Oogami-san. If we don't, it would be a calamity......We must be thinking about them, but even though they are evil, we must fight in secrecy!(screwed up again)Oogami: I see. That is truly the secret corps.Sakura: Thank you for your help.Oogami: Ah. Thank you too, Sakura-kun.Sakura: Because you were with us, Oogami-san, we were saved.From this point on, you'll be with us, right, Oogami-san?Oogami: Leave it to me!Maria: The battle with them has just begun! Don't float too much......Oogami: U- understood.Iris: Iris...... has really come to like Oniichan.If you were Iris's boyfriend, you'd better not be floating. (i.e., unfaithful - and that is the pun ha ha ha.)Oogami: Hahaha, thanks.Sumire: (drunken rambling that I can't make out.)Ahh......There seems to be a good looking guy right here - hic - (bleh)Oogami: (How much has she been drinking?)Sumire: (Laughing)...... Ensiiign, let's drink some more...Yoneda: Yes, drink, drink up, drink up! Oogami! Tomorrow your mogiri job is waiting for you!Oogami: Eeh?

    x 6 - Scenes from next episode

    Oogami-san is a former Navy Ensign. But suddenly, before Oogami-san's eyes, the Chinese genius girl Ri Kohran appears, along with a mysterious beautiful woman! Next time on Sakura Wars: Episode 2 - "The Enemy's Name is Kuronosukai."+ c q w z k !! (Taishou-Sakura ni Rouman no Arashi!! - "A storm of romance in Taishou cherry blossoms!!"?)What will you do, Oogami-san?

    And I'll give you lots more fan service next time, too! (oops, wrong series...)


    S Episode 2

    . z { v The Enemy's Name is Kuronosukai

    Tenkai: Come...... Kuronosu Shiten'ou......(Shi = death, Ten = = heaven, Ou + = king; thus the possible

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    translations are too numerous to bother with.)

    Miroku: Kurenai no Miroku is now here!Setsuna: Aoki Setsuna is here!Rasetsu: Hakugin no Rasetsu!Satan: Kuroki Satan.All four: We are the Kuronosu Shiten'ou! We have arrived here for Tenkai's command!

    Miroku: The Shiten'ou have assembled here......Setsuna: Might you have business with us......?Tenkai: Fools! What is the meaning of that!?Setsuna: Well...... we encountered an interference in the form of a mysterious corps known as the TeikokuKagekidan......Tenkai: Your excuses are useless!Rasetsu: Please forgive us, Tenkai-sama......Satan: But...... they do quite well.Tenkai: Silence! Satan! We are normally without opposition!We must destroy Teito to create a world bound to my will! This will be the "RokuHaSeiKoumaJin!" (Six Destroying Star Descending Evil Positions?)(okay, that was wrong)To achieve completion, Teito must be completely destroyed! The first target is Shiba Park!Miroku: Yes sir!Tenkai: Wait - for this journey I will accompany you...... It seems this too is my fight.Wouldn't you agree, Satan?Satan: Yes......

    Satan: Hmph...... That will be your death, old man......

    Oogami: Huh...... It's that time already. The tickets are prepared.But...... I wonder if I've been completely made the ticket-clipping boy.(Either Sumire or Iris will appear here depending on which ever likes you better.)Sumire: Ensign, keep up the good work.

    (V a - Otsukaresama - literally something like "your fatigue." This is one of those ambiguous expressions like gokurou and shitsurei shimasu which have all been used so many times that they are taken for granted and their original meanings half ignored. Basically otsukaresama (both the o- and -sama are honorifics, by the way) is saying "(because of (what you have done) for me/for my hunble benefit/for the greater good of all humankind), you are/must be exhausted(, so thank you/I'm sorry)." In Japanese such expressions imply giving thanks or begging forgiveness (both of which are related concepts between which whatever line had originally existed now exists only as a blurry smear) and, as it appears to me, since they have been used for so many generations, and since thanks/begging pardon is such a crucial niche of Japanese culture firmly cemented in the Japanese mindset, the actual words "thank you" or "forgive the insufferable misdeeds I have done against you" need not be explicitly stated (yet again reinforcing the fact that effectively being able to imply and infer is an essential key to mastering Japanese - and yet it has been shown time and time again that in Japanese emotions and experiences can be expressed far more descriptively and effectively than possible in English without great struggle - but I digress). In fact, the word arigatou, literally meaning something like "difficult-being" is merely idiomatic and bears no reference to any type of

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    thanking. Yet it appears here that Sumire has just shown up and therefore wouldn't exactly be aware of anything he had recently done for her - or the TeiGeki's - benefit, and as such would have no real reason to ask forgiveness for exhausting him so. Therefore one can reasonably (I think) assume that otsukaresama is, here, at least, a polite form of greeting.)

    Oogami: Hey, Sumire-kun. What's up?Sumire: Today, a new member shall be coming.As it was nearing time to be on stage, I wanted to see what the situation was, but...... it seems that the person hasn't arrived yet.(1st option)Oogami: What's the name of the person who's coming?Sumire: Her name is Ri Kohran. But she is called "Kohran" by everyone.(although it seems to me that Chinese is usually romanized with l's instead of r's - but that's a moot point.)Oogami: Ri...... Kohran?Sumire: Yes. This girl was born in China...... but she speaks in the Kansai dialect.(which, sadly, is completely lost in translation, which is awful since it makes up so much of Kohran's character...)Oogami: Hmm......Sumire: Ah, it's that time already...... I have to be on stage, so please excuse me.Oogami: I see...... A new member of TeikokuKagekidan is coming......But she's already been here before...... what kind of person might she be?

    Oogami: Wh- what was that incredible noise!?(cue funky Chinese music)Kohran: Cough, cough...... Um...... Is this the Great Imperial Playhouse?Oogami: Y-...... Yes......Kohran: Cough......Aaah - My "Steam Bike" is totaled......Oogami: Uh...... um......(1st option Ko+)Oogami: ......Are you all right? And, um...... by the way, who are you?Kohran: My name is Ri Kohran. I've been transferred today from the TeiGeki Hana-Yashiki-Division to the Ginza Home Base.Now I'll be doing my best to help here. How do you do!By the way, who are you?(I apologize again for not being able to accurately represent the Kansai dialect in English.)Oogami: Imperial Navy Ensign Oogami Ichirou.I'm the TeikokuKagekidan's...... well, let's say, apprentice company commander.Kohran: Ho, our superior, huh......(formally, now)Just now transferred from the Hana-Yashiki Division to Ginza Home Base, Ri Kohran!(I have this urge to add 'sir!' to the end of that...)Please direct me to His Excellency Lieutenant General Yoneda!(1st option)Oogami: Well then, allow me to lead the way. Please come with me.Kohran: You're so kind, Ensign Oogami......Oogami: Ah, but your bike......Kohran: No problem! I've always got tools for just such an occasion!I'll have it cleaned up in no time!('cho-choi-no-chooi' sounds like 'chotto' run wild - I'm guessing that's what it means...)

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    (At Tsubaki-chan's desk)Kohran: Ah! My bromide! Hyaa, how embarrassing.(on Tsubaki-chan's face)Tsubaki: What is it, Oogami-san?Kohran: Are you staring because Tsubaki's so cute?(well... yes, actually...)Tsubaki: Stop! Kohran-san. Please don't tease!(talking to Tsubaki-chan)Tsubaki: Kohran-san, it's been a while!Kohran: Tsubaki-han, you seem healthy. I'll be helping out again. See you around.(...and Tsubaki-chan returns the greeting. -Han appears to be Kansai dialect for san.)(talking yet again)Tsubaki: Kohran-san, it seems you've come by bike, but, why didn't you come by the Imperial Train?Kohran: The Imperial Railway is too crowded. The weather's nice today, and it's not that far from Asakusa.Tsubaki: Well then, I'll take care of moving your bike. Good luck on stage!(choosing Kohran's bromide)Tsubaki: You'll buy a bromide? Thank you very much!That's Kohran-san's bromide. That'll be 50 sen.The customers have their share too, so please do with only one for now.Kohran: Oh no, ensign-han. Stop it - it's embarassing.(taking the bromide Ko+)Tsubaki: You'll buy it? Thank you very much!- Kohran's bromide. Her crimson-colored face in the evening sun is lovely......Kohran: You're eccentric too, ensign-han. What are you going to do with my bromide?Oogami: Well, since I went through all this trouble I thought I'd buy it to remember you.Kohran: ......Sounds good, ensign-han. This has been a good memory for me too.(blah blah leave now)

    (Head for the manager's office. Kohran will stop you in the dining room.)Kohran: Are you a Koubu pilot too?You must have the proper superiority, truly.By the way, ensign-han. Have you already fought with the Kuronosukai?How'd it feel?(2nd option)Oogami: ......It was a bit difficult, I guess.Kohran: Heh, you're honest, aren't you, Ensign? That's not a thing you can say often.Well, now that I'm here you've got nothing to worry about. You can be at ease.(This last sentence is actually the translation of an idiomatic phrase that literally means "like boarding a big ship.").By the way, it seems that the Kuronosukai's goal is the overthrow of the Tokugawa government.Quite an undertaking.

    (If you stop to see Kasumi and Yuri along the way, you can learn that Yuri and Kohran used to be classmates together (I think). Anyway, at the manager's office......)

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    Oogami: Kohran, this is the Manager's Office.Kohran: It's been quite a while since I last saw Manager Yoneda......Sakura: Oogami-saan!Oogami: Hm? This voice......Ah, Sakura-kun. Are you going to start the play now?Sakura: Yeah. Right now I'm performing with Maria-san.(on Sakura's outfit): This time I'm playing a city girl.Oogami-san, this outfit...... what do you think?(1st option)Oogami: It looks quite good on you. It's very lovely.Sakura: Really? ......Thank you very much.Kohran: Really! It's very cute!Sakura: ......Ah, Oogami-san? Who is that there?Kohran: Nice to meet you! I'm Ri Kohran.I've just been transferred from the Hana-Yashiki Division. How do you do!Sakura: I'm Shinguuji Sakura. I'm still new here, but it's nice to meet you.Oogami: Since you are both members of the same Hana-Division, become good friends.Sakura: Yes!......Well, the stage is waiting for me, so...... Oogami-san, Kohran-san, please excuse me.Kohran: Aa, no no! There's no need to call me "Kohran-san.""Kohran" is fine.Sakura: ......Really? Well......Kohran, see you.Kohran: Sakura-han. Now there's someone with good feelings.Ensign-han, are you good friends with Sakura-han?(1st option)Oogami: Yes, we're good friends. Since we're both new members, we can relate to each other.Kohran: Hmm, I see.......Oh yeah. Is it okay for me to call you "Oogami-han" instead of Ensign-han?(1st option)Oogami: Ah, sure thing.Kohran: Oh, goody. I don't call Yoneda-han "Lieutenant General" either......I really love the Teigeki - Hana-Division.Oh, Oogami-han, hadn't I better go inside? The manager is waiting for me, no doubt.Oogami: Yes. Right, let's go in.(knock)Yoneda: Come on in.Oogami: It's Oogami, coming in.Kohran: Ri Kohran, just now returned.Yoneda: Oh, Kohran! It's good to have you back. You still have a lingering affection for the Hana-Yashiki, yes?Kohran: No, as long as I've got my machines, anywhere is fine.Moreover, your company commander is so gentle......Yoneda: Ho, Oogami...... You've got quite the fast hands! Sakura'll be jealous.Oogami: Li- Lieutenant General Yoneda!!Yoneda: Daaahahaha! Well, if you please.Once you've given Maria a detailed explanation, please escort Kohran to her room.Once that's done, you need to help out at the office work desk.Oogami: ......Understood.Kohran: Well, Oogami-han, let's go.

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    Maria: Aah, Kohran! I see you're back from the Hana-Yashiki.Kohran: Aah, Maria-han! I see you're still playing all the male parts!(OHH!! Cut you DOWN!! Oh, excuse me...)Oogami-han was leading me to my room just now.Maria: I see. Ensign, good work.(on Maria's outfit)Kohran: It suits you, Maria-han. What costume is this?Maria: It is the costume of a French military officer called "Ondore." (this could be the wrong romanization, as it is direct romanization of a French name represented in katakana.)(talking to Maria)Maria: Ensign, keep up the good work.I am busy with stage preparations, so...... you're a big help.(1st option Ma+ Ko+)Oogami: As the company commander, it's completely natural. I was merely escorting someone to her room; it's nothing.Maria: No, that kind of thing keeps me from losing my mind.Kohran: It's true, Oogami-han. You helped me out big time, too.Maria: ......Well, Kohran, I'm terribly sorry, but the play is beginning.When you're ready, come down with us. I'm going on ahead.Kohran: Ah, it's that time already! I've got to get ready for the play!Oogami: You've just arrived today and you're going to be in the play?Kohran: No need to worry. I'm a member of the Hana-Division. I'm used to it!Besides, this time I've only got a few lines in the play. It's nothing!Hey, Oogami-han. Thanks for accompanying me. See you afterwards!Oogami: Kohran...... at any rate, the Hana-Division has just been strengthened.Iris: Oniichaan!Oogami: Hm......? That voice......Iris: Oniichan! Wasn't that Kohran you were with just now?Oogami: Ah, yes. I was showing her to her room.Iris: Yaay! Kohran's come back!Oniichan, do you get along well with Kohran?(1st option I+)Oogami: Yes, we get along fine. She's quite an interesting person.Iris: Oh, good! Iris too gets along well with Kohran.Ah, oh yeah. Oniichan, Yoneda-no-ojichan said you're supposed to help out at the office work desk.Well, Iris is going! Oniichan, bye-bye!Oogami: Now that she mentions it, he did say that. No choice, I'd better go down.

    Yuri: Ah, Oogami-san.Oogami: Yeah, I've come to help. What should I do?Kasumi: Yes, well the truth is, we'd like you to sort out these slips......Oogami: No problem. Just leave that to me.Yuri: Great! Now we can go back with our hearts at ease.Oogami: ......Eh?Kasumi: We're going early today. The manager told us to leave it to Oogami-san......Oogami: Wh- what......!Yuri: Well then, Oogami-san...... See youu...Oogami: Ho- hold on!But......not only ticket-clipping, but I've been made to do paper-sorting as well......Am I...... really the company commander of the TeikokuKagekidan?

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    Lately, I haven't had much self-confidence......


    Oogami: I'm exhausted today...... I never thought they'd put me to work sorting papers......Because of that I wasn't able to go see the play......Well...... seems it's time already for me to go on patrol.(knocking)Oogami: Hm? Who could it be at this time of night?(1st option)Oogami: Yes, I'm opening the door.Kohran: It's Kohran. Pardon the intrusion, Oogam-han.Oogami: Hey, Kohran......Kohran: What's wrong? You have the face of death.Did you eat something bad?Oogami: No...... that's not it. I'm just a bit exhausted from today's work.Kohran: ......You okay? If I'm being a nuisance......Oogami: No, it's all right. Anyway, what did you want at this time of night?Kohran: Hmm? By the way, Oogami-han, did you happen to see my first play?(1st option)Oogami: ......I'm sorry. I was so busy with my job I couldn't see it.Kohran: Oh, man...... it was my first play and everything.Ah well. There's another performance tomorrow, so you can watch it next time.Oogami: Yes, I will. By the way, what was it you wanted this late at night?Kohran: Oh yeah, I almost forgot.Oogami-han, do you have any more business today?(1st option)Oogami: ......Not especially.Kohran: Oh, good. Oogami-han, would you like to have some fun with me?Oogami: Ha- have some fun...... what!?Kohran: Well, what are you doing? Hey, I'll be waiting in my room!Oogami: Ah...... She's gone.Hmm...... What should I do......?(1st option - stay awake)......I won't be able to sleep without knowing what Kohran was talking about.Right. I'll go on my night watch and head to Kohran's room.(Kohran's room is the left-most of the three in the middle.)Oogami: From today on, this room is Kohran's room.(knock)Kohran: ......Yes. Is that Oogami-han?Oogami: Yes. Is it all right to open the door?Kohran: Thanks, Oogami-han, for getting here so fast.Come on, enter.Oogami: Uwaa...... When did all your stuff get here......Kohran: Yesterday I had it moved here.(on Kohran's hair)Oogami: Kohran, what does your hair look like when you undo the pigtails?Kohran: Heheh, you're looking at them? Oogami-han.You should come see these pigtails tomorrow when I'm on stage.(umm... lower down...)Oogami: (Still, the outline of her body stands out well in this outfit. You can distinctly see the form of her breasts......)(N- No, Oogami! What are you thinking!?)(on her mouth)Oogami: By- by the way...... What's this "fun" you were talking about?

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    Kohran: Oh yes, I'd nearly forgotten. Oogami-han, would you like to play Hanafuda with me?Oogami: Ha- Hanafuda? The "fun" you mentioned is Hanafuda?Kohran: Yup. I play the "Koi-Koi" version. It's lots of fun!If you don't know the rules, I'll teach you. What do you think, Oogami-han?(2nd option)Oogami: Well then, please teach me the rules. I don't know how to play.Kohran: It's really easy! Oogami-han, I'll teach you the rules of the game.After I give the explanation, it's the real contest! I won't go easy on you!

    Kohran: I'm going to explain how to play.Playing Hanafuda with Oogami-han in my room...... I feel kind of shy.Well, whether we win or lose, let's have fun!Umm...... now that the screen is organized, let me explain.First, we both receive eight cards. This is the Tefuda ( { - cards in hand).In the middle there are eight cards lined up face up.This is called the Bafuda ( { ). These are the cards that you and I work with.Now, let's see if I can remember the real rules to this game!If you look at your Tefuda, you will see that some cards are glowing green.In the center there are cards in the same series as these.You have to look carefully to see the subtle differences in the artwork, but if the flowers in the picture are the same, then it's okay!You can then take a pair of cards from your Tefuda and the Bafuda in the same series.Now then, why don't you try taking a Bafuda?Use the directional button or the mouse cursor to choose the card you want to take.Decide on an enlarged, selected card by pressing a button.(let's assume you chose a green-border card.)Yossha! You've taken a card in the same series.Next, take one card from the pile here. At this point, you see if you can make a pair with the Bafuda......(if you did)Profit, profit! Again, you can take the cards.You can see the taken cards at the lower right of the screen.Now your turn is over. It's my turn.I too make a pair with a card from my Tefuda and one from the Bafuda -Now I take the pair already in the middle.After you just repeat this in turn. Simple, right?......What's this? Oogami-han, this time you have no card to take!When this happens, just drop any card you don't need.Please choose whatever card you think you don't need.Once it's selected, press a button to choose it.Now then, after a while you'll get the hang of it.Oh? You did a Yaku ( )!Oogami-han, you've collected three cards with the same blue tanzaku drawing on them.With "Blue-Tan" you can do a Yaku. It's worth six points.If you can do enough Yaku to get your opponent's score to this point, you win. Simple, right?Now you've got one win. But you can add to your Yaku score.Incidentally, the mon ( ) is an ancient unit of money.Once you've performed a Yaku, a menu will appear. You'll see it soon.All of your Yaku points make 12! Oogami-han, you should be very much

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    overjoyed.Now then, since you've made a Blue-Tan you've got at least one win.But, if you want, you can continue the contest.Now, you have here cards with a deer ( - shika) and a butterfly ( - chou).(if you don't, then just bear with me.)If you had a boar ( - inoshishi) as well, the three would make a set......

    With the "InoShikaChou ( )," you can make another Yaku! That's another six mon.Six mon plus six mon makes a total of 12 mon. This is your big chance! What will you do?If you want to stop now with your win, you can choose "Yaameta ( ~ k)"......but if you want to keep going, choose "Koi-Koi (_ P _ P )."(Let's say you chose Koi-Koi.)You've chosen "Koi-Koi." Let the contest continue!Let's just forget about the Blue-Tan's six mon for now.Now, let's continue. From now on I'll let you try thinking for yourself.(If you get a boar)Oh! You got the InoShikaChou! Now...... what will you do?(if you pick Koi-Koi again)Oogami-han, you have a strong will! Good, the contest continues!(if Kohran gets good stuff)Yossha! Now I've got a Yaku.Now I'm going to stop by not picking Koi-Koi. That's game.Too bad, but all the Yaku you've made up to now are dead.But if you're aiming for the one-shot big one through the Koi-Koi, timing is important.The contest is the luck of timing. Who knows if you'll win next time?Well then, finally it's time for the real contest! This time I won't go easy on you!

    [ k Flower and TempestHey Oogami-han, it's the Hanafuda contest! It's a 3-round contest! If you don't get Yaku yet, pick "Explain Yaku."(The three options are, from top to bottom, "begin", "demonstration mode", and "explain Yaku.")

    (after... whew!)(if you win)Kohran: Oogami-han, you're quite skilled at Hanafuda! I have been defeated.Oogami: Nah, it was just by chance that I had good luck.Kohran: Mm, luck is the true strength. But I had self-confidence.

    (if you lose)Kohran: Sorry, Oogami-han. I was just really on a roll there.We'll have another game again sometime. Until then, keep your Hanafuda hand ready!Oogami: Yeah, well, just you watch. Next time we play I won't lose!Kohran: Ahahaha, yes, such cockiness.

    Ah, it's this time already? I'm sorry for keeping you so long, Oogami-han.Oogami: It's all right, I had fun.Kohran: Really? Then that's great. Really, I...... was a little worried.Oogami: Eh?Kohran: Being transferred to the Ginza Home Base...... I thought all of a

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    sudden, everyone would have......(sorry, missed that last bit...) P Y v | v t R [ o r ] W o r vOogami: ......Kohran......Kohran: ......But, now I can rest easy. Everyone at the Hana-Division has welcomed me so warmly............I'm tired, and since it's this late, I'll see you later, company commander-han......Oogami: Kohran......Kohran: Oogami-han, see you later!Oogami: Same here.Kohran: Well, there's somewhere I'd like to go, so please excuse me.Good night, Oogami-han.Oogami: ......Well then, I should be getting back to my patrol job.

    (on the terrace, lower right)Oogami: Oh, it's Maria.Maria: What is it, Ensign, at this hour?(1st option)Oogami: I'm on patrol. At least, that's my job.Maria: I see. Thank you for your efforts.You really help us, Ensign.Oogami: Eh...... what's that?Maria: While you are doing this job for us, Ensign, everyone can devote themselves to the stage with their hearts at ease.Oogami: ......Receiving those words makes me happy.Maria: Well then, please excuse me, Ensign. Please continue to patrol the theatre for us.Oogami: ......Yes.......Now then, I must continue the patrol.

    (downstairs, at the stage)Oogami: (Sakura-kun...... At this time of night you are rehearsing alone?)Sakura: From here, run accordingly...... umm...... the next line is......Oogami: (Hm, it's like a dream, Sakura-kun. Hearing your voice here...)

    (bottom floor, below the basement)Kohran: What's that? If it isn't Oogami-han. What are you doing here?Oogami: I'm in the middle of patrolling the theatre. But Kohran, what are you doing here at a time like this?Kohran: I just thought I'd come see my cute Koubu!Oogami: Cute......?Kohran: Yup. I remember the love I had for my well-made mecha.At any rate, the facilities here are better than I remember, Oogami-han. I worked hard in the Hana-Yashiki, but......Oogami: Did the Hana-Yashiki have facilities as amazing as these?Kohran: Heheh, they were secret, but their secret facilities and technological power are rumors of the orient. (?)What's more, I have such dear memories of the times spent making the Koubu.Oogami: ......Eh!? You made the Koubu?Kohran: No, no! We merely constructed them. The designs were made a long, long time ago.Oogami: So who made them then?Kohran: I don't know...... But, I sure would have liked to meet that person. They are truly the work of a genius!Oogami: Wow......

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    Kohran: To begin with...... In the "Soul Child Armored Suit" ( ) design stage......Oogami: (Uh-oh...... Looks like this is going to be a long story.)(3rd option)Oogami: ......Kohran. If it's all right, could you tell me a little about yourself?Kohran: ......Eh? About me?Oogami: Yes, for example...... why you have become a member of the Kagekidan, or......Kohran: ..................I had been living in China up to this point.The vice-controller-han...... came to Japan to meet with the head of the Hana-Yashiki Division.That vice-controller-han sent Maria-han, Iris, and the others as scouts all over the world.Oogami: Wow...... I never knew. I see.Kohran: Well, that's my story. ......Oogami-han. I'm going back. See you.Oogami: Same here, Kohran.Kohran: I just want to stay here and gaze at the Koubu a little longer.Oogami: I see. Well then, I've got to get back to patrol.Kohran: You look tired. Good luck on patrol.

    (in the basement, in the weight room)Oogami: Ah...... Sumire-kun! That swimsuit......Sumire: Aah, Ensign. What business do you have at a time like this?(on her... uh... swimsuit)Sumire: Ensign, this swimsuit...... What do you think of it?(2nd option)Oogami: It's quite a different design. It's very stiff around the swimsuit's edges.Sumire: Aah, Ensign, you do have eyes with which to see. Your opinion makes me happy.(on her mouth)Oogami: I'm on patrol, but...... is this special training?Sumire: Special training? Hm...... That kind of thing wasn't quite what I had in mind.Oogami: Well, what are you doing here?Sumire: Tha- that is...... it's just...... a little diversion of mine!Ensign, I'm just going to take a swim now. 32 mines are floating in there too.Oogami: Mines? Hey...... will you be okay if you use those?Sumire: They're fake mines in the storehouse used for above-ground drills.But, if you touch one it'll still explode. I'll believe they're called oxygen explosives.Oogami: Eeh...... But still, isn't it too dangerous?Sumire: Aah! But I find the thrill of it interesting...... Won't you swim with me, Ensign?

    (1st option)Oogami: I have to be on patrol...... It's a pain, but - I'm sorry.Sumire: So you are refusing my invitation?Fine! Enjoy yourself on patrol!Oogami: Ah...... She's gone. ......Ah, well. I must continue my patrol.

    (2nd option)Oogami: All right, let's swim! The mines aren't moving, after all.Sumire: Good reply! After all, it wouldn't do not to be a gentleman!

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    I'll go on ahead...... you come after you've changed.Oogami: Hey, shouldn't you do preparatory exercises before swimming?Sumire: Aah! I'm not a child, you know? Such a thing is unnecessary!

    Oogami: Just now...... was that Sumire-kun's scream!?Sumire: En- Ensign!!Oogami: Su- Sumire-kun!!(1st option)Oogami: Wait! I'm coming!

    Z z - Teito's Flying Fish (?)Ho- hold on Oogami-san! I'll drown if you don't save me quickly!(Two options - "begin" and "demonstration mode." The window in the lower right gives the following control explanation:- Control pad: move left or right- A: swim- B: swim- C: sleep - I mean, swim)Sumire: Someone, save me! Quickly, someone, someone, save me! I'll drown! Over here! Please! Save me! Someone! Quickly! Someone! Save me! (ad nauseum...)(afterwards)Sumire: Thank you for saving me, Ensign.(you did save her, didn't you?)I...... how can I say this......(1st option)Oogami: Are you all right? You should probably rest for today. Shall I show you to your room?Sumire: No...... I'll be fine.I, too, have my pride.It would b