Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

S int Jo chim n Anne P ri h liz be h, l sspor , ou h Alle heny om n holic ommuni y E bih J u ry 4, 0 1 A P yv i Ch ri b Tru O , Holy, C tholi , Apostoli b : ah a a . g A mini tration Center 1 1 McL y Driv Eli th, PA 1 37 Phn 412-7 1- 3 Fx 412-7 1-21 1 E il: hurch uil in s + S int Eu n hurch (StE) Libert W McKeesp rt PA + S int Mich l hurch (StM) McL Drive Eliz beth PA + Qu n f th s ry hurch (Q ) Michi n Avenue Gl ssp rt PA 4 n y 3 , 202 L king F r A F ith C unity Wherever y u re n y ur f ith urney, we wel e y u t in ur unity. Y u y regi ter by lling the F ith C unity Offi e. F ith F r ti n A ult - hil r n - Y uth 1 1 McL y Driv Eli th, PA 1 37 Phn 412-7 4- 88 E il: F ithF r @j chi n nn i itt. r F c k: F ithF r - M ry f r th th lic Sch l 1 40 F wc tt Av . Whit O k, A 1 131 Pre- chool 4, Kinder r en, Fir - Ei hh r de le e c ll he chool office, 41 - 7 - . We e: www. ryofn z re h chool.or Th Pitts ur h th lic is n w nlin . th itts ur hc th lic.w cc st tin .c

Transcript of Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Page 1: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Elizabeth, Glassport, South Allegheny Roman Catholic Community

Established January 4, 2021

A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic


Administration Center

101 McLay Drive

Elizabeth, PA 15037

Phone 412-751-0663

Fax 412-751-2161


Church Buildings


Saint Eugene Church (StE)

3210 Liberty Way

McKeesport, PA 15133


Saint Michael Church (StM)

101 McLay Drive

Elizabeth, PA 15037


Queen of the Rosary Church (QoR)

530 Michigan Avenue

Glassport, PA 15045

January 31, 2021

Looking For A Faith Community? Wherever you are on your faith journey,

we welcome you to join our community. You may register by calling the Faith Community Office.

Faith Formation

Adult - Children - Youth

101 McLay Drive

Elizabeth, PA 15037

Phone 412-754-0886

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: FaithForm-

Mary of Nazareth Catholic School

1640 Fawcett Ave. White Oak, PA 15131

Pre-School 3 & 4, Kindergarten, First - Eighth Grade

please call the school office, 412-672-2360.


The Pittsburgh Catholic is now Online.

Page 2: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

2 Elizabeth, Glassport, South Allegheny Roman Catholic Community�


Baptism of Infants & Children

Baptism is a joyous event in the life of the

church. Baptism is celebrated any Sunday

after Mass. Parents are required to

attend a Pre-Baptism Class.

Previous arrangements are necessary.

Instruction in the Faith - R.C.I.A.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Program is offered for those interested in

the Catholic Faith. For more information,

please contact Fr. Wagner.


St. Eugene Church, Liberty

Tuesday, 7 - 7:30 pm

St. Michael Church, Elizabeth

Saturday, 11-11:30 am

Queen of the Rosary Church, Glassport

Saturday, 1-1:30 pm

St. Michael Church, Elizabeth

Saturday, 3:15-3:45 pm

St. Eugene Church, Liberty

Saturday, 5:15-5:45 pm


The prospective bride and groom are to

make arrangements with the priest or

deacon at least 6 months prior to the

proposed date of the wedding. Diocesan

regulations require all couples to attend

an approved pre-marriage preparation


Anointing of the Sick

the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated

communally on the Second Sunday of the


Ministry to the Sick and Shut In

Homebound members of the Parish

should call the Parish Office to make

arrangements to receive Holy Communion

at home.

Sponsorship Forms

Only registered, practicing, fully-initiated

Catholics are eligible for sponsor

certificates. Please call the Parish Office.

Bulletin Information Deadline

2 weeks in advance of publish date.

[email protected]


Please call or email your new address to

the Parish Office.

Child Abuse Hotline 1-888-808-1235

Mass Intentions For The Week

StE St. Eugene Church, Liberty StM St. Michael Church, Elizabeth

QoR Queen of the Rosary Church, Glassport

January 31 - February 7, 2021

Saturday, 30, Vigil, Fourth Sunday in Ordinal Time

StM 4:00 pm T Mary Jane Speney - W.J. & Cynthia Hezlsorer

StE 6:00 pm M Carmella Picone - Family & Friends

Sunday, 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinal Time

StE 8:00 am M Florence Laychak - Family & Friends

StM 9:00 am T Living & Deceased of the Chiappetta Family - Frank & Bea

QoR 10:30 am M Evelyn Gooch - Frank & Gail Kwolek

StM 12 Noon T Stella Smith - Family & Friends

Living & Deceased of the Parish Family

Monday, February 1, Weekday

QoR 8:30 am Jame Borucki - Family & Friends

Novena - Infant of Prague

StM 9:00 am Deceased of the Shied & Wagner Families – Family

Tuesday, 2, Presentation of the Lord

StM 9:00 am Frank & Mildred Chovan - Mildred & Virgil McClanahan

StE 6:30 pm Christine Sikoski - Family & Friends

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions - 7:00 - 7:30 pm

Wednesday, 3, Blaise, bishop & martyr

QoR 8:30 am Violet Kovtun - Family & Friends

StM 9:00 am Albert & Marlene Ragan – John & Nan

Thursday, 4, Weekday

StE 8:30 am Mary T. Smilth - Family & Friends

StM 9:00 am Ralph J. Farmerie, Jr. - Ralph & Mary Ann Farmerie

Friday, 5, Agatha, virgin & martyr

QoR 8:30 am Jean Todaro - Family & Friends

StM 9:00 am Annette Glaser - Family & Friends

Saturday, 6, Vigil, Fifth Sunday in Ordinal Time

StM 4:00 pm M Emil & Shirley Wargo - 65th Wedding Anniversary - Family

StE 6:00 pm T Annette Glaser - Family & Friends

Sunday, 7, Fifth Sunday in Ordinal Time

StE 8:00 am T Joseph Stipanovic - Family & Friends

StM 9:00 am M Al Lantz - Formica Family

QoR 10:30 am T Ruth Rushe - Family & Friends

StM 12 Noon M Marsha Dubos - Mary Briggs

Living & Deceased of the Parish Family

Low Gluten Hosts available - please see Priest before Mass.

Used Palm

Please bring your used palm from Palm Sunday

to the Gathering Space of our churches.

The palm will be burned and used for the distribution of ashes

on Ash Wednesday. Thank you for your help.

Page 3: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish 3�

4th Sunday in Ordinal Time

January 31, 2021

Most of us are quiet people who

desire to live a good and holy life,

promote the values and mission

of the Gospel as best we can and desire to one day inherit

the surprise of life eternal God promises to us. We are not

trail blazers. We are simple people who want to do the

simple things of life well. But there are others who left a

more profound impact along the way of the paths they

walked. Folks like Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King,

Thomas Merton, Gandhi, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and many

others left lasting impacts and legacies. Like Moses, they

show us by word and deed who God is and what integrity

and a purpose driven life look like. They show us how to

be holy. We need Moses people like these to give us

inspiration, hope and an example of holy living.

We do not need to do what they did or even mirror their

relationship with God. Each one of us is God’s special

creation, with a purpose and soul known only to us. We

need to learn how to open up and bring, without

compromise, our soul-ness to life. We know when

someone is authentic and centered because they always

point to truth, even though they struggle and sin

themselves, and they embody an unspoken timeless

wisdom that just sounds and feels right. Jesus taught with

this same type of authority and it astonished many who

listened. We do not need to move mountains, advance a

cause, write books or become notable. All we have to do is

become credible witnesses of the faith we profess. Moses

people can teach us how to do this.

St. Oscar Romero was an amazing man and a Moses

figure for sure. He saw God in the burning bush and

brought the flame of Gospel faith to the poorest of the

poor, challenging the evils of the society in which he lived.

He was tireless and persistent. He must have gotten very

close to the problem because it cost him his life. He

suspected it would. St. Romero said, When we leave

Mass, we ought to go out the way Moses descended

Mt Sinai: with his face shining, with his heart brave

and strong to face the world’s difficulties. We can learn

from this wisdom. If we allow the power of the Mass to

truly transform us, we will leave that holy encounter

changed. Our face will shine, and we will have courage.

We can then bring what we have received to life’s

challenges. That sounds doable, doesn’t it? Because of

the example of our simple holiness, people will be

amazed. ©LPi

Pastoral Staff

Clergy Team

Reverend Thomas A. Wagner, Pastor

Reverend Miroslaus A. Wojcicki, Senior Parochial Vicar

Deacon Dale J. DiSanto, Permanent Deacon

Deacon Jeffrey P. Formica, Permanent Deacon

Deacon Stephen C. Pikula, Permanent Deacon

Deacon John E. Ragan, Permanent Deacon

Mary of Nazareth Catholic School

Lynda McFarland, Principal, 412-672-2360

Faith Formation - Religious Education

Adult - Children - Youth

Julie Fleckenstein, Facilitator

Amanda Wilt, Co-Children, K-6 Grade

Susan Formica, Youth, Junior & Senior High

Music Ministry Pastoral Secretary

Celeste Cafasso Jan Kunkel

Carol Gioia Amy Megahan

Pamela Whitney

Facilities Business Manager &

Tony Hutskow Safe Environment

Kevin Hopkins Jeannie Premozic

Darla Losteter

Patricia Muic

Advisory Councils

Pastoral Council

Jack Ferko, Facilitator Patty Smith, Co-Facilitator

Zac Allan, Scribe

Glenn Bonczek Vickie Budd Elaine David

Eric Davis Denise DeCapria Anne Laychak

Michael Ksiazek Leah Meek Brian Phillips

Finance Council

Judy Zajicek, Facilitator Patricia Palmer, Co-Facilitator

Barry Bisogni, Scribe

Kay Callear Loretta Dabruzzo Val McCarthy

Sandy Palmer Judy Shriane Donald Similo

We remember . . . In your charity,�

please remember all those who have died,�

especially: all who will die today,�

and those who have no one to pray for them.�

Resting in Paradise.�

Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord.�

February Rosary Intention�

We pray for women who are victims of violence,�

that they may be protected by society�

and have their sufferings considered and heeded.�

Altar Bread & Wine, Altar Flowers, Sanctuary Lamp

St. Eugene: Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory of

Bernard McLaughlin from McLaughlin Family.

Page 4: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

4 Elizabeth, Glassport, South Allegheny Roman Catholic Community�

Safety First

Morning or Evening Mass Snow Cancellations

For everyone’s safety, a delay or cancellation at Elizabeth

Forward or South Allegheny School Districts is our notice of

Safety First.

Mornings or Evenings with a delay or cancellation—There

will be no morning or evening Mass at Saint Eugene

Church. Please listen to the radio or watch TV for delays

or cancellations. Safety first! Be careful!

Initial Offering Envelope

At the end of your December packet you will find

your Initial Offering Envelope. Your donation of

$5 or $10 will help to defray the cost of your

Offertory envelopes throughout the year. Please

place envelope in any collection. Thank You!�

Parishioner Financial Statements

will be mailed prior to January 31, 2021.�

Our records show what the parish received in the

Offertory Contribution Envelopes and Parish Share


Your contribution to the Campaign for the

Church Alive will come under a different mailing.�

Thank you for your sacrificial giving!�

New Envelope Numbers

Beginning with the January Envelope packets,�

All Saints Joachim and Anne Parishioners�

have received a New Envelope Numbers.�

With the combining of the St. Mark, St. Michael,

and Queen of the Rosary census data, it became

necessary to eliminate all duplicate numbers. The

Parish Data System automatically assigned the new


Please make all checks payable to�

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish�

Mailing Offertory Envelopes:�

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish�

101 McLay Drive�

Elizabeth, PA 15037�

New Monthly Envelope

Beginning with the January Envelope packets

the Capital Improvement, Building & Grounds,

Upkeep and the Utility & Energy or Fuel

envelopes will be replaced with a New Monthly


Each Family is asked to contribute $20 to the

Monthly Envelope. These monies will be used to

assist in the upkeep of parish property and help

cover the cost of energy and utilities.�

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish 50/50

In your offertory packet, there is a special envelope�

marked 50/50 Drawing��Donation $5.00.�

Thank You For Your Support!�

You will be enriched in every way�

for your great generosity.�

�2 Corinthians 9:11�� �

Everyday Stewardship � �

Recognize God in Your Ordinary Moments�

Embracing Change in Christ�

It’s officially one month since we popped the

champagne, toasted 2021 and wrote down a list of

resolutions. This is usually the time when we start to

take a good, hard look in the mirror to assess what

we have done � or have not done � with the first

month of this brand�new year.�

New years can be scary, can’t they? Full of

promise, sure, but also full of room for failure. Full

of space for our old baggage, old fears and the

continuation of old mistakes.�

The same can be said of Christ, and the new life he

offers us, if we are brave enough to accept it.

Opportunities like that can be intimidating. In that

moment, we might find ourselves like the man with

the unclean spirit crying out: �

What have you to do with me, Jesus of Nazareth?�

Have you come to destroy us?�

Jesus is a comforter of

the afflicted; he is a

consoling figure, but he

is also a challenging one.

Sometimes we have

grown attached to our

afflictions. The idea of

correcting bad habits or

forming new ones is

frankly terrifying to us.

We have a voice deep

inside who sees Christ

and his invitation to

repentance, and it cries

out in fear:�

I know who you are!�

When we live in the present, disavowing the

baggage of the past or fear of the future, we submit

ourselves to the promise of redemption. Let us be

brave everyday stewards and invite Christ’s healing

power into our lives. We won’t regret it � I’m sure

the demoniac never did.�

� Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi�

Page 5: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish 5�

False Prophets,�

True Prophets�

In Deuteronomy today we

hear that God’s very words

will fill the mouth of a true

prophet, but a false prophet

will, in a manner of

speaking, put mere mortal

words into God’s mouth. In

Mark’s Gospel, we see Jesus teaching and healing as

a true prophet, one filled with the authority of God’s

own voice, the Holy One of God.�

The whole history of our church is filled with both

true and false prophets. But in today’s Gospel we

learn that Jesus’ fame spread because he taught with

authority; he wasn’t an authority because he was

popular or famous. We also learn from him, in his

desert temptation confrontations with Satan, that

anyone can quote scripture, even against God’s

purposes. And today we hear that his authority was

not like that of the scribes, who held the official

positions of religious authority in his day. Our work is

to do our best to discern the true prophets in our midst,

and to be true prophets as well. The psalmist tells us

how to do this: by not hardening our hearts when God

speaks. If we truly listen to God, it will be God’s very

words filling our mouths.�

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.�

Rescue From Bondage�

Uniquely in the Gospel of

Mark, Jesus’ public ministry

begins with a direct

confrontation with an unclean

spirit. Today’s Gospel passage

reflects a recurring theme in

Mark, that Jesus’ coming is part

of a cosmic battle between God

and evil forces. It was

commonly believed that many

spirits were present in the world,

and some sought to control human beings. Mark

asserts that in Jesus, God has come to rescue

humanity, to free us from every form of bondage.�

In today’s passage, the unclean spirit does not

surrender power quietly. After complaints,

convulsions, and screams, the spirit finally departs.

As we may witness in own experience, that which

binds us�fear, injustice, resentment�often departs

only after a mighty struggle. Confronting anything

unclean in our hearts, our institutions, or our society

often involves a long journey toward freedom. May

we sustain our efforts and our trust in God, during

these long struggles.� � � Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.�

Fourth Sunday in Ordinal Time�

Who speaks for God?

How can we determine

which are authentic,

authoritative expressions

of God’s intentions, and

which are false? Today’s

readings explore the

question of authority in

distinct ways. In

Deuteronomy, Moses

prepares the people of Israel for his coming death,

indicating that God will raise up a new prophet to

guide them. Mark describes Jesus as God’s authentic

voice, by the authority of his teaching and the

authority he commands over an unclean spirit. In

both, authority comes directly from God. Authority

comes from an intimate relationship with God and

with God’s people. God’s spokesperson is one who

teaches, protects, and heals the people loved by God.

As always, there is great need today for leaders in

our communities who radically trust God to work

through them. Let us pray that each person who

performs in a role of leadership may speak for God

with an authentic voice.� � Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.�

Prophets In Daily Life�

Moses assures Israel of

God’s continued presence by

promising a new prophet.

Like Moses, the prophet will

be raised up directly by God.

But how to distinguish a true

prophet from a false one?

Many claim to speak for

God. The task is complicated by the fact that often,

true prophets make waves, cause trouble, and disturb

how things are normally done. Many simply don’t

want to hear what God is saying, because it threatens

their privilege, comfort, or sense of identity. �

Like the Israelites in today’s reading, it can be hard

for us to bear the voice of God. For God calls us out

of all the ways we avoid opening our hearts to God

and to others. And so, God raises up surprise

prophets in daily life. These are all the people and

events who summon us to fuller maturity in love and

in faith. We are called upon to always be ready for

the prophetic word that may emerge from God’s

surprises.� � � � � � � Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.�

MORE —Anonymous

Care more than others think necessary.

Trust more than others think wise.

Serve more than others think practical.

Page 6: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

6 Elizabeth, Glassport, South Allegheny Roman Catholic Community�

Feast of Faith: I Confess�

One form of the penitential rite at the beginning of

Mass is the traditional Confiteor, or I confess, a

prayer that was formerly prayed by the priest alone at

the foot of the altar, but which is now prayed by the

entire assembly. The Confiteor is at once personal�

I confess�and communal, prayed aloud, together.

We recognize that sin does not just separate us from

God; sin comes between us and others, isolating us.

We acknowledge that sin has many dimensions,

individual and communal: sins of thought, sins of

speech, sins of action, sins of omission. Sin is not

something that happens to us; sin is something we

do. In the Confiteor, we take responsibility for our

own actions. The repeated insistence on our fault,

with the ritual gesture of striking the breast, an

ancient sign of penitence, is not meant to lower our

self�esteem. Rather, it acknowledges our human

instinct to transfer the blame whenever we can (The

devil made me do it!). This prayer stops us short.

We take responsibility for ourselves, our actions, our

failure to act. Then we cry out to God in those

ancient words, Kyrie, eleison�Lord, have mercy.

For the sinner who repents, there is mercy. This truth

is at the heart of our faith, and it is where the Mass,

our feast of faith, begins.�

�Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.�

Protecting God’s Children

Safe Environment for Children

To take reasonable measures to assure that Church

personnel comply with all required certifications and

background checks for the purpose of providing a safe

environment for children.

Diocesan Database

& Regulations for all Ministries

All parish staff and volunteers including: Faith Formation -

Catechists, Class Aides, R.C.I.A. Team, Youth Ministry;

Liturgical and Music Ministry - Adult Servers, Cantors, Choir,

Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers; Parish Organizations -

Christian Mothers/Women’s Guild, Holy Name Society, Knight’s

of Columbus, Ladies of Charity, Rosary Society; Fund Raising -

Festival, Fish Fry, Fund-Raising Worker, etc. are required by

the USCCB, the Diocese of Pittsburgh and Saints Joachim and

Anne Parish to be cleared in the following ways:

1. Be registered on the Diocesan Data Base.

2. Sign the Code of Pastoral Conduct.

3. Be cleared by the Department of Public Welfare.

4. Be cleared by the Pennsylvania State Police.

5. Attend Protecting God’s Children Seminar.

The Protecting God’s Children Seminar (an online 3 hour

seminar) is a requirement of the National Conference of

Bishops, Diocesan and Parish for all adults 18 years of age or

older who are involved in the public ministry (work) of the


For more information, questions,

or to begin the process of certification,

please call Jeannie, 412-751-0663,

Parish Safe Environment Coordinator.

Marriage Moments by Susan Vogt�

What do Ground Hog Day and Job have in

common? Job spoke, saying: Is not man’s life on

earth a drudgery? (Job 7:1) The Ground Hog story

relates how life seems to repeat itself ad nauseum.

Don’t let your love become a boring drudgery. Wake

up determined to refresh your love.�

Parenting Pointers by Susan Vogt�

While you may still be lamenting some changes

that Covid�19 has brought to your family life, help

your child make a list of advantages that your family

has, for example: food, warmth, safety, a pet,

friends, ability to read...�

A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar�

Today’s gospel reminds us unclean spirits still

haunt our families. These spirits thrive inside our

grudges, punishing silence, impatience and

abruptness. Today Jesus offers you the authority to

cast out these spirits from your life and your family. �

Page 7: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish 7�

Faith Formation�

Adult � Children � Youth�

Religious Education�

101 McLay Drive Elizabeth, PA 15037�

412�754�0886 Email: [email protected]

Facebook: FaithFormation-EGSA

Faith Formation Sessions have begun.

Parents are reminded that children must complete

two consecutive years of formation before receiving

any sacraments (Holy Communion or Confirmation).

If you have any questions or concerns,

please email [email protected]

or call the Faith Formation Office, 412-754-0886

and leave a message.�

Faith, Fellowship, & Food

Adult Education Series for Lent 2021

The Lamb’s Supper with Scott Hahn

Lent Series � February 16 � March 23, 2021�

For this Lent we will be journeying with�

Scott Hahn’s book The Lamb’s Supper.�

We will begin on the Tuesday before�

Ash Wednesday, Tuesday, February 16,�

and will run for 6 weeks�

and conclude on Tuesday, March 23.�

Our Tuesday evenings begin at 6:45 pm�

in Saint Michael � Archangel Hall�

with a light meal, prayer, a video presentation,�

and a small group discussion.�

Donation for materials is $10 per person.�

Please contact Sue at [email protected]

or 412�926�8412 to register, and joins us�

as we learn more about our Catholic Faith.�

For more information or to register,�

please email [email protected]

or call Mrs. Formica, 412�754�0886�

Pre-Baptism Class

� Are you expecting?� Is this your first child?�

Pre�Baptism Class is for expectant parents and

Godparents or anyone who is seeking a Catholic

Baptism for their child.�

Pre�Baptism Class � Deacon Dale DiSanto�

Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 7:00 pm�

St. Michael Meeting Room�

Grandparents are also welcome at these classes.�

Please register by calling the Faith Formation �

Religious Education office, 412�754�0886 or

emailing [email protected].�

Prior to scheduling a Baptism, parents need to

attend the Pre�Baptismal Seminar.�

Bereavement Ministry

This group, led by Deacon Dale DiSanto, is for people

Who have lost a loved one and are experiencing grief.

This is a Support Group, not counseling.

If you need assistance in moving through your grief,

this is an ongoing way to be supported during this difficult

time. The weekly session begins with suggested topics,

open discussion and ends with prayer.

Save the Date ….

Family Fun Night & Car Cruise�

Friday, June 18, 2021�

Sponsored by Youth Ministry

First Holy Communion

Sunday, April 11, 2021


Monday, April 12, 2021

Show the Love

Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor as we love

ourselves, and that can be difficult especially amid this

Covid-19 pandemic. Now through Palm Sunday, we are

asking for different items for different charity groups so

that we can continue to help our neighbors near and far.

Please place your gifts in the Bins at the altar.

Warming Station

Items Needed: Gloves & Underwear (especially

men), Razors & Shaving Cream, Shampoo & Soap,

Toilet Paper, Adult Backpacks, and (for both men &

women) Thermals, Hats & Scarves, Socks

Blessing Bags For The Homeless

Items Needed: Packs of crackers & granola bars,

hard candy, Travel Size toothpaste, lotion, deodorant

& soap, toothbrushes, Chapstick

Thank you for your kindness and support!

Page 8: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Sunday, Jan 31;

4th Sunday in Ordinal Time

Dt 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28

Strengthen the partnership—The

relationship between parishes and schools is long and

intimate—important to note at the start of Catholic Schools

Week. After the first Catholic diocese was established in the

United States in Baltimore, pastors lobbied at once for schools

and religious to staff them. Frontier pastors vowed to build the

school first and the church later. They understood that without

proper religious education, the parish venture would certainly

fail. Today, celebrate this essential partnership with a holy hour,

candlelight prayer vigil, or special project in the parish for young

people and their supporters. What is this? A new teaching

with authority.

Monday, Feb 01; Weekday

Hebrews 11:32-40; Mark 5:1-20

Example is the best education—Each day of Catholic

Schools Week is the celebration of a component of Catholic

education. Today we look at the experience of community.

Through the relationships and interactions of service activities in

the community and class trips to other environs, students get to

practice the values they learn in their Catholic education and

experience what it feels like to be making the world a better

place. Plus they get a chance to observe others in community

service and come to appreciate how they can continue caring

for others their entire lives. Today, be an example of service to

others. Announce to them all that the Lord in his pity has

done for you.

Tuesday, Feb 02; Presentation of the Lord

Malachi 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40

Teach a faith that grows on you—Mary and Joseph bring their

beloved firstborn to the temple at the appointed time, so Jesus

can enter into the covenant with Yahweh that Jews have

revered since Abraham. Not unlike infant Baptism today, it

was—among other things—a powerful ritual of belonging that

put the child on the right path to growing in faith. As we

celebrate Catholic Schools Week—with the focus today being

squarely on the student—may we never forget or neglect the

promise of every young soul, so receptive to our efforts to plant

the seeds of faith. The child grew and became strong, filled

with wisdom.

Wednesday, Feb 03; Blaise, bishop & martyr

Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-15; Mark 6:1-6

One nation, under God—Catholic schools have made a unique

contribution to the nation, and today we can recognize and

celebrate that contribution. At their very best, Catholic schools

train students to grow both as members of the Catholic church

and as productive citizens of the nation. By rendering to

Caesar and to God, Catholic schools in the United States have

managed to achieve that rare combination in world history, the

development of a relatively harmonious church-state

relationship that has endured for centuries. See the NCEA

website for suggestions on how to celebrate the nation during

Catholic Schools Week. Many who heard him were

astonished. They said, Where did this man get all this?

What kind of wisdom has been given him?

Thursday, Feb 04; Weekday

Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24; Mark 6:7-13

Line things up—Catholic schools prepare students to discover

their vocation, so they can grow to use their gifts in service of

church and world. Over the years, our notion of vocation has

broadened significantly. A word that once designated those who

take religious vows or are ordained into ministry is now used

more broadly. No one defined vocation better than essayist and

theologian Carl Frederick Buechner: The place God calls you

to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s

deep hunger meet. Are the two aligned in your life? And if not,

how can you bring them into alignment? Jesus summoned the

Twelve and began to send them out two by two.

Friday, Feb 05; Agatha, virgin & martyr

Hebrews 13:1-8; Mark 6:14-29

Thank those who opened your mind—Where would any of us

be without our teachers? They did everything from helping us

with our three R’s to opening our minds to new ways of seeing

the world. The really great teachers taught us how to learn for

ourselves and thus set us up for a lifetime of discovery and

fulfillment. When was the last time you thanked a teacher?

Today is the day Catholic Schools Week pays special

attention to the faculty, staff, and volunteers that make it

possible for these great schools to function. See the NCEA

website for suggestions on how to give thanks and recognition.

The Lord is my helper, and I will not be afraid.

Saturday, Feb 06; Paul Miki & Companions, martyrs

Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21; Mark 6:30-34

Make faith a family affair We close Catholic Schools Week

by recognizing the central role in Catholic education played by

the family. The Second Vatican Council called the family the

domestic church because it is in the home that faith is first

formed and nurtured. Whether you live alone or with others,

your home can be a sacred space of prayer and spirituality.

Creating sacred space in your home includes prayer and

scripture readings at meal times and before bed; praying the

Rosary; placing a crucifix in a prominent place; and family

traditions based on the liturgical seasons. Look for ways to

recognize the family’s role in Catholic education and also

ways to make your home a domestic church. Have at it! The

Apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all

they had done and taught.

©2019 TrueQuest Communications. All rights reserved.

Reprinted with permission.;

Scripture citations from the New American Bible Revised Edition

Come, let us bow down in worship;

let us kneel before the LORD

who made us. — Psalm 95:6

8 Elizabeth, Glassport, South Allegheny Roman Catholic Community�

Page 9: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish 9�

Time, Talent, and Treasure�

January 24, 2021�

� � � Weekly Offering� � � $10,298�

� � � First Offering� � � � $ 103�

� � � Monthly Offering�� � $ 205�

� � � St. Anthony School� � $ 216�

� � � Religious Education� � $ 90�

� � � Children’s Offering� � $ 45�

2021 Parish Share�� $3,963�

2021 Parish Share to Date�� $4,688�

Thank You For Your Sacrificial Giving!�

Please make all checks payable to�

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish�

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Intention and Memorial Requests

Altar Bread & Wine, Altar Flowers, Sanctuary Lamp

St. Eugene Church:

___ Altar Bread & Wine ___ Sanctuary Lamp

St. Michael Church:

___ Altar Bread & Wine

___ Sanctuary Lamp Chapel ___ Sanctuary Lamp Church

Queen of the Rosary Church:

___ Altar Bread & Wine ___ Sanctuary Lamp

Please Print

___ Intention (Living) ___ Memorial (Deceased)

Date Requested __________________________________

Alternate Date: __________________________________

Please Print __________________________________

Requested by __________________________________

Donation $__________ Phone # _______________________

Please place your request and donation ($15.00) in an envelope

marked Altar Memorials and deposit in the collection

or mail to, Sts. Joachim and Anne Parish,

101 McLay Drive, Elizabeth, PA 15037.

For Altar Flower Memorials please call

the Parish Office, 412-751-0663, to check availability.

Thank you for your kind support!

Serra Catholic High School Placement Test�

Serra Catholic High School Placement Test�

for incoming freshmen will be held on�

Saturday, February 6, 2021�

from 8:45 am � 12:00 pm�

Students must pre�register.�

Walk�ins will not be accepted.�

To register or for more information contact�

Mrs. Lyons at [email protected]

or 412�751�2020 x134.�

Brothers and sisters:

I should like you to be free of anxieties.

—1 Corinthians 7:32-35

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish�

Souper Bowl Soup Drive�

We CAN Impact Our Community...�

Would you consider bringing a can or

two of soup before or on Super Bowl

Sunday, February 7, 2021.�

Please bring your donations to Mass

and leave them in the Sanctuary in front of the altar.�

All donations of soup will be shared with the local

food banks and Meals on Wheels.�

Thank you for your kindness and caring! �

Mary Garden Beautification Project

The Mary Garden Beautification

Project is being inspired by our

parish Youth Group. The Mary

Garden Project is being planned for

the right side of Saint Michael

Church (Bell Tower Side).�

Currently there are a few different

options, (a new Virgin Mary statue,

stone & concrete work, water feature,

various plants & flowers) and your

thoughts and ideas about what should be done

within that space are valuable and important.�

Also anyone with landscape design experience and

who is willing to assist with the planning and

preparation of the layout of the garden would be

greatly appreciated. This will be an extensive

facelift to the church grounds.�

All support, time, talent, and treasure, for the

Mary Garden Project will be greatly appreciated.�

If you have any ideas or suggestions or would like

to volunteer your time, talent, and treasure to this

Mary Garden Project,�

please email the Faith Formation office at�

[email protected]

or call 412�754�0886.�

Please keep the Mary Garden Project�

in your prayers.�

Thank you for your support and prayers.�

Page 10: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

10 Elizabeth, Glassport, South Allegheny Roman Catholic Community�

Patriotic Rosary

Monday Evening�

February 8, 2021 � 7:00 pm�

Saint Michael Church�

Elizabeth, PA�

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament�

Rosary, Patriotic Hymns and Benediction�

There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

with Benediction to conclude the recitation of the


The Patriotic Rosary will be prayed on the Second

Monday of the Month.�

All are invited and most assuredly welcome!�

Mary, Queen of the Rosary, pray for us.�

May God Bless Our Service Personnel

We pray for and remember our Service Men

and Women who are serving on active duty in

the Armed Services, especially: Cpl. Peter A.

Barrante, USMC; Maj. Damian Baskerville,

USAF; Col. Richard Collage, PA NG; Staff Sgt. Nicholas

DeLuca, Army; Ens. David DeMaio, USCG; Capt. Craig

Dolhi, Army; Capt. Anthony Formica, Army; Jacob

Formica, E-4, Army; 2nd Lt. John Formica, Army; SPC

Samuel Formica, Army National Guard; Capt. Markus

Gibson, USMC; 2ndLt. Miles Gibson, USMC; PO2. Mason

Gibson, USN; T/Sgt. Michael Goodman, USAF; Lt. Col.

James Hock, Army; E5 Sgt. Brian Imundo, Army; Sgt. Russ

Langley, Marines; Staff Sgt. Raymond Massung, Jr., USAF;

Sgt. First Class William Nellis, Army; Staff Sgt. Timothy

Oeler, USAF; LTJG. Timothy Ragan, USN; Amn. Stephanie

A. Reichenbach, USAF; PFC David R. Saunders, Army

National Guard; Sgt. Brandon R. Smith, USAF

Pararescueman; Amn. Adam Stitt, USAF; Capt. Andrew

Tkac, Army.

Thank you for your service!

May We Never Forget . . . Freedom is Never Free!

May God Bless Our Health Care Workers

and All First Responders.

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Food Bank Sunday

Third Sunday of the Month�

We accept all non�perishable food

items and paper products to administer

to the needy of our local community.�

Items for your consideration are pasta

and sauces, tuna fish, rice, stews, cereal, canned

fruits & vegetables, coffee & tea, hot chocolate mix,

peanut butter & jelly, sugar, flour, crackers, Jell-O gel-

atin, puddings, powdered milk, cocoa, infant formula

& baby food, juices, facial soap, shampoo, laundry

detergent, diapers, facial tissues, paper towels, toilet

tissue, cleansers, etc.

Please bring your donations to Mass with you and

leave them in the Gathering Space of the Church.

Cash or checks are also welcome.�

Kind deeds change lives, Thank You!�

Coming Soon…Spring Fling TICKET�

Benefits Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Try a chance at winning a total of

$4000.00 in the month of April.

Minimum payout is $100.00.

$10.00 per ticket with 30 chances to win!

Pays out on the 7pm PA Daily Pick 3. No bonus numbers.

If you would like to request a number for the

April Spring Fling ticket, please contact Cathy,

412-980-2918 on or before February 7, 2021.

All requested numbers are on a

first-come, first-serve basis.

Thank You for your support!

Upcoming Events�

Knights of Columbus will meet on Monday,�

February 1, 2021 at 7:30 pm�

in the St. Michael � Archangel Hall.�

Glassport Sons of Italy Spaghetti Dinner�

Sunday, January 31, 2021 � 12 Noon to 6:00 pm�

Homemade Gnocchi or Cheese Ravioli�

with Meatballs, Salad & Dessert�

Take�Out Only 412�673�3915�

Happy 2021! — The start to a new year is a reminder

that our Community Festival is only 8 months away,

August 5th, 6th and 7th.

Please remember that we need your donations for the

Specialty Baskets. They are a big hit with all of our loyal

patrons. They love how our baskets are so packed full with

different themes from baking and kitchen items to

children's toys and games. We create baskets for men's

items, car wash baskets, summer grilling items, tools etc..

For the women we have gardening, candle, crafting, and

decorating items. Please keep us in mind when you are

shopping and remember to drop off any new items (never

been used), at the back of our Gathering Spaces at each

one of our churches. Thank you for your generosity!

We couldn't do it without your help.

Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

Community Festival 2021

is scheduled for

August 5, 6, 7, 2021

Page 11: Saints Joachim and Anne Parish

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