QJ_±_ srm CDS D BULLETIN OF THE GENERAL SECRETARIATE FOR COMMUNICATIONS OF THE SERVIlE ORDER Edited from: COMUNICAZIONI OSM - Piazza S. Marcello, 5 - 00187 ROMA (Ita/fa) 1989.3 SAINT CLELIA BARBIERI Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother Daughter of the Bolognese Church, glory of the universal Church Le Budrie 1847-1870 Rome. Ap r il 9, 1989. In the patriarchal basilica of St. Peter on Sun-· day morning, April 9, 1989, Pope John Paul II presided at the solemn rite of canonization for the Blessed Clelia Barbieri, foundress of the congre- gation of the Little Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother, which was aggregated to the Servite Order on January 9, 1951. Clelia Barbieri, daughter of Giuseppe Barbieri and Giacinta Nannetti, was born on February 13, 1847 in the small town of Le Budrie near Bologna in Italy. She died at the age of twenty-three on July 13, 1870. The spiritual and apostolic life of Clelia can be summarized in these words: "likeness to Christ and union with him to be strengthened for a share in his self-giving to every brother and sister; com- mitment to live and feel with the Church, in full service of her mission, carried out practically by her and her companions in the effort to be leaven of the parish community; openness to generous and disinterested service of all in need and readi- ness for meeting and speaking with the poor, the humble, children and the sick; youthful ardor which gave to her every action a vitality which was to become a characteristic of her religious fam- ily". From the time she was born she suffered from the extreme poverty of her social situation. Her parents worked as simple laborers and earned just enough to cover the basic essentials. Sickness visited their home often and her father died of cholera when Clelia was only eight. A fatherless child, Clelia learned very early to sew and to spin hemp; but most of all she learned to love God and to live a holy life. One day, still a child, while sewing and spinning, she asked her mother Giacinta: "Mama, how can I become a saint?" Her gentleness and kindness are joined to a wonderful and transparent evangelical simplicity. c==SU=M=M=A=R=Y=O=N=PA=G=E=3===.l ll

Transcript of SAINT CLELIA BARBIERI - · visited...

QJ_±_ srm CDS D


SAINT CLELIA BARBIERI Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother

Daughter of the Bolognese Church, glory of the universal Church

Le Budrie 1847-1870

Rome. Apr il 9, 1989.

In the patriarchal basilica of St. Peter on Sun-· day morning, April 9, 1989, Pope John Paul II presided at the solemn rite of canonization for the Blessed Clelia Barbieri, foundress of the congre­gation of the Little Sisters of the Sorrowful

Mother, which was aggregated to the Servite Order on January 9, 1951.

Clelia Barbieri, daughter of Giuseppe Barbieri and Giacinta Nannetti, was born on February 13, 1847 in the small town of Le Budrie near Bologna in Italy. She died at the age of twenty-three on July 13, 1870.

The spiritual and apostolic life of Clelia can be summarized in these words: "likeness to Christ and union with him to be strengthened for a share in his self-giving to every brother and sister; com­mitment to live and feel with the Church, in full service of her mission, carried out practically by her and her companions in the effort to be leaven of the parish community; openness to generous and disinterested service of all in need and readi­ness for meeting and speaking with the poor, the humble, children and the sick; youthful ardor which gave to her every action a vitality which was to become a characteristic of her religious fam­ily".

From the time she was born she suffered from the extreme poverty of her social situation. Her parents worked as simple laborers and earned just enough to cover the basic essentials. Sickness visited their home often and her father died of cholera when Clelia was only eight.

A fatherless child, Clelia learned very early to sew and to spin hemp; but most of all she learned to love God and to live a holy life . One day, still a child, while sewing and spinning, she asked her mother Giacinta: "Mama, how can I become a saint?"

Her gentleness and kindness are joined to a wonderful and transparent evangelical simplicity.



She often goes to church to pray and studies care­fully her catechism. At the age of fourteen she joins a parish group of catechists who call them­selves "Christian doctrine workers" .

She finds spiritual nourishment in such texts as St. Alphonsus Ligouri's Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ and Riva's Love of God. Her parish priest in Le Budrie, Fr. Gaetano Guidi, is an ex­cellent spiritual director. With his encourage­ment and following her own generous spirit she dedicates herself completely to the service of God and to the well-being of others. Along with a few girls of her own age and who share her thirst for God she gives herself to serving the families of the neighborhood in the most simple ways, careful especially of the needy who are poor and sick.

When she was between eighteen and twenty she had the habit of meeting with a few girlfriends on Sunday evening after Vespers to speak about God. It is in these meetings that little by little the idea of joining together in a common life de­veloped and matured. "We are very poor and be­cause of our poverty we will not be able to be ac­cepted by any religious congregation, so let us join together to live a prayerful life and to dedi­cate outselves to doing good works."

On May 1, 1868 Clelia goes to live with her three companions -Orsola Donati, Teodora Baldi and Vilante Garagnanni- in a small house near the parish. The group lives a common life and takes an active part in the life of the parish, shar­ing in everything: prayer, pastoral activity, suffer­ing and work.

Especially Clelia shares completely in the harshness of the people's lives and works for the human and christian up-lifting of the most aban­doned. Although without education, Clelia is filled with the Lord's Spirit and with the wisdom he gives to the simple and lowly.

Only one text by her has been preserved. It is very simply but very full of spiritual wisdom, a brief letter addressed to Jesus the Spouse which she carried close to her heart as a nuptial seal. The text reads: "My dear Spouse Jesus, I want to write a word and have it always in my mind .... Great God, you see my will, which is to love you .... Lord, open your heart and throw out many flames of love; with them light up my own heart so that I burn with love .. . "

On July 13, 1870, wasted with consumption and only twenty-three years old, she concludes her youthful earthly life. Before dying she tells her companions to stay together and she assures

2 May 1989

them: "Be happy, because I am going to heaven but will be with you always; I will never abandon you ."

On the first anniversary of her death in 1871 her companions hear voice join in their common prayer. It is the realization of the promise made; and it continues still today as a sign of her contin­ual and felt presence.

The remains of Blessed Clelia are gathered in a simple urn in the chapel of the motherhouse in Le Budrie.

Pope Paul VI beatified Clelia Barbieri on Oc­tober 27, 1968.

The religious family founded by Clelia took the name Little Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother on August 7, 1878. It was given to them by the arch­bishop of Bologna, Cardinal Lucio Parrocchi. Since 1934 the congregation has pontifical recog­nition. The General Curia is in Bologna: Via Clo­tilde Tambroni, 13.

John Paul II to the pilgrims from the archdiocese

of Bologna

This canonization exalts the feminine. In difficult times the new saint knew how to profess her faith with courage and per­severance, not letting herself be misguided by flattery or threats.

Clelia is the first saint with this name and she is the youngest foundress of a relig­ious community .. .In the apostolic and cha­ritable activities of Clelia Barbieri and her spiritual family a project of social renewal takes form and outline -alphabetization, classes for workers, life education- in which we have one expression of a widespread concern of the eighteenth century. Every area had men and women leaders in this kind of activity. Among these we have in Italy Capitanio, Gerosa and Verzeri. The~ filled a great need of those limes in which public and private efforts were directed al­most exclusively to concern for men.

With them the feminine dimension comes to life and is active in the historical and social context. They are women who care for other women, young women who go out to help other young women, poor people who give a hand to other poor people.

The upward movement of women to po­sitions of community responsibilities fore­shadows a truly feminine resurgence.

May 1989

There are approximately 250 professed sisters in the 33 communities of the congregation: 30 in Italy, 2 in India (Trichur diocese) and 1 in Tanza­nia (Iringa diocese). The Little Sisters of the Sor­rowfu l Mother, with the evangelical simplicity of


Saint Clelia, carry forward the works of their foundress: catechism, parish work, service on be­half especially of children, the poor, the sick and the elderly.


January 30 - May 3, 1989

Constitutions OSM . The General Council ap­proved for publication the volume "Sussidio aile Costituzioni OSM" by Fr. Faustino Faustini. The volume is a commentary on the constitutional text and is based on the capitular material which came along with the different draughts and on other official documents.

Fr. Faustino 's work up-dates and completes the volume "Genesis and Documentation" of the constitutional text which Fr. Marco Aldrovandi prepared in 1976. (Jan. 30)

1989 General Chapter. The General Council proposes guidelines and practical indications for the General Chapter reports of the provincials and vicar provincials, but this is not meant to condition or impose limits on the content. (Jan. 30)

* The Council examined and approved the norms governing the election of the General Chapter delegate from the communities under the jurisdiction of the General. (April 12)

Communities under the Genera l. The Coun­cil examined the report of the economic com­mission of the Marianum faculty (Dec. 19) with its proposals of realistic and technical solutions for the space problem in the building. Judging the proposals to be unfeasible the Council asked that other solutions be sought for the problem. (Jan. 30)

* Fr. Silvana Maggiani was elected General Chapter delegate from the communities under the jurisdiction of the General. (May 3)

CLIOS. The president of CLIOS, Fr. Ignacio Calabuig, proposed that a fund be established to cover the publication costs of seven texts in 1989. The Council, after examining the proposal, reiterated what was already decided regarding CLIOS publications and gave assurance that money would be available for all publications. The Council also invited the CLIOS to give

priority to the third volume of the Liturgia Ho­rarum OSM and to the Via Matris text.

* The Council approved the request of the president of the CLIOS to change the status from optional to obligatory for the celebration of the memory of St. Clelia Barbieri (Mar. 31)

General Treasurer OSM. The General Coun­cil approved the report on the meeting of the fin­ancial board of the Order presented by Fr. Carlo della Tommasina. The meeting was held at San Marcello in Rome, April 10-15. (April 28)

Canadian Province. The General Council, having examined the request of the Canadian provincial and received the agreement of the or­dinary, declared officially erected the community of Our Lady of the Angels at Bunyuka in the diocese of Butembo-Beni (Zaire). There are four professed and four postulants in the community. (April 12)

* SUMMARY * Saint Clelia Barbieri 1 Acts of the General Council 2 - Convocation of the 1989 General Chapter 4 - Delegates to the 1989 General Chapter 5 Servite Mission 5

UNIFAS Meeting 6 - Witness of Servite Youth Movement 7 Provinces and Vicariates: 8 - Meeting of North American Superiors 8 - Meeting of Northern European Superiors 8 - Formation in Africa 9

In brief from the Servite World 10 Centers of Study OSM 12 Cecilia Eusepi : - 60th anniversary of her death 14 Recent Servite Publications 15 Register of the Order 18

to the request of the Canadian prov­approved the readmission of

to the Order without having to re-the entire novitiate year. 12)

In reply to the request of Coba D'Avila the Council agreed that

his for an indult of exclaustration be for-warded to the in view of his incardina-tion in the of Orlando, Florida (USA). (April 7)

reported to the Council on visit to the Roman province (Fe-4, 1 . (April 12)

The General Council ap­directory changes pro­

at the annual provincial chapter held at , March 28- 31, 1989. (April 28)

The Council authorized the the building of the formation house at Madras, India. The expenses will be met by the province. (Jan 30)

* The Council granted the request of the Venetian province that Alberto Tuccimei be allowed to do his novitiate in the community of Our of Berico. (Feb. 15)

* Council noted that the criteria adopted for the number of delegates to the 1989 General

meant to give recognition to the on the part of all the of the number of friars

In other words, not the only criterion.

* The that the are officially members of the Order. (Mar. 31)

after the

the changes made in at the Chile- Bolivia vicarial

Jan. 16-21, 1989. (May

the deci-9- 12, 1989) and

the outcome of the consultation of the agreed to the

requested suppression of the at the Cross in Viehhausen, Re-


Mexican prov-

peti­Miguel San-

toyo Garcfa for an be sent on to the Holy See, in view of incardinatlon into the diocese of


In of

the Prior General, with a letter April 3, con­voked 209th Elective General Chapter of the Order. It will be held from Tuesday October 3 until Saturday October 28, 1989 at the House of the Divine Master in Ariccia, which is located out­side Rome above lake Via dei Laghi km 11 ).

CASA Di\<11\l MA£STRO Sl._uale 218 k.m ll o

(X}{)40 AR1CCiA (Roma) Td 0619JJ0600 9.13165:1 lJ331654

renewal, the un legislation, (art. All this will be


The provinces, under the immediate

si celebred nel mese di ouobre 1989

in ROMA, wi Colli Albani

the norms of their respectives those established by the General

by the Holy See. The names of the elected delegates will be forwarded to the Secre­

ol the Order.

The chapter is its very nature a significant expression of our fraternal communion, a rich time for the life and future of the Order, an occa­sion for checking out and programming our ser­vice and gospel witness in the Church and the world.

We therefore welcome with joy, thanksgiving and hope this gift from the Lord. And we prayer­fully ask the Spirit to enlighten and assist the friars who will take part in the chapter. May they be granted prudence in judgment, wisdom in dis­cernment, decisiveness in judgement and fore­sight in planning.

The Prior General recommends to all the com­munities the special prayer of the Order which is found in the Vigilia de Domina as a common prayer of all the friars in preparation for the Chapter.


Since the norm stated in article 25·7 of the Constitutions regarding elected Cnapter dele­gates -they are not to be fewer than the ex ufficio delegates- has not yet been concretized, the General with a letter dated February 6, established a special norm (pro hac vice tantum) for the determination of the number of delegates to be elected in conformity with article 258.

The following criteria were set:

-the norm is to be as much as possible faithful to the one at Mahadajonda in 1968;

- an number of delegates from the larger provinces is to be avoided so as to be re­s of an adeguate international repre­senation and of the small jurisdictions;

- the responsibility of jurisdictions with prov­incia! status is to be respected, of the question of numbers, since jurisdictions with vicarial status are an integral part of their respec­tive provinces.

With these criteria in mind the Council opted for the following proposal with regard to dele­gates:

- one delegate for the houses under the Prior General;

- two delegates for each of the thirteen prov­inces;

- a third delegate for each of the four ces with at least seventy (Bologna, USA-East, Canada, Venetian);

- a fourth delegate for the one with more than one hundred friars

- one delegate for the vicariates with more than thrity-five members (Mexico and Chile-Boli­via).

This gives a total of gates, and together with the cio delegates we have a total of jure capitulars.

Furthermore, the General Council norms for the election of delegates for those jurisdictions whose directories do not foresee the election of more than one delegate to the General Chapter.

SERVITE General Secretariat

* Rome: January 1989. The Servite

General Mission Secretariat held its second meeting of the sexennium at San Marcello. The members of the are: Frs. Ramasso, Benedetto Faustino Faustini (MEX) and Robert Wahler

The group studied the Mission Statement of the 1983 General and In what ways it need to be and

They also reviewed the situation of the mis-sions today which is with , ..,,.,,.,,,,,.,

to just a few years ago. Two of the four territories entrusted to the Order juridical status: Acre and Swaziland which are now independent dioceses. is for word about its new bishop and uland will possibly also have

The new foundations of the Order are emerg­ing: Mozambique (1985). the Philippines (1 Uganda (1987) and Zaire (1 988). It was noted that these foundations arose, not out of central programming, but rather from life situ­ations and needs. In each of them there are signs of life and hope, both in terms of missionary presence and in terms of vocations.

Other situations are now well established. India is well and has numerous young men In formation. A student house is being built at Madras and soon the friars will take over again the at Mamallapuram. Lesotho, originally foreseen as a temporary reality, seems destined to greater stability. Fourteen friars live and work in the area. In Transvaal they will have to look into the question of Nigel as the right place for the common novitiate in Africa.

The great work done l:iyvicarial and provincial mission secretaries was also noted.

Among the suggestions for the coming General Chapter there are the following points: support of the Secretariat for the proposal of an African federation; the desire that the Chapter speak about the way to move to other new foun­dations, so as to assure prudent choices and to avoid haphazard siutations caused by lack of foresight into possible future developments.


U IF AS International Meeting of the Servite Fi:un

11 Prophets today at the service of life" .>.

"It's difficult to tell who wasn't there at Ma­donna dell'Arco from December 27 to January 4, 1989 what reaHy took place without impoverishing it all or making it banal.


What made the experience so significant was not so much the content as the atmosphere of friendship among the more than 170 participants. The friendly atmosphere made it so much easier to communicate despite the differences of lan­guage and culture. Both the liturgies and the fes­tive social meetings made room for all the diver­sity present, and there was both joy and surprise at seeing the richness that can come from such differences when there is no pretention to unify it all.

The talks and discussions that followed were interspersed with liturgical celebrations enlivened by the fraternal atmosphere and by the wealth of national traditions finding expression there. There was also time to relax and enjoy songs and dances from all over the world; time too for Nea-

politan folklore in the archaeology and history of Pompey.

It can surely be said. that the meeting was a cel­ebration of Servite fraterntity experienced as praise of God and joy in being with one's brothers and sisters.

The following is a very brief synthesis of the talks given and the dis.cussions that followed:

1. Prophets today.

The prophet's extraordinary task is to pro­claim an enticing God and to call all to discover in their own vocation the fascinating presence of a God in love with human beings and a lover life. This thought was presented by Fr. Ermes Ronchi in his talk "The mission of the man and woman". The prophet, as a man seduced by God, is an expert in solitude, sustained by nothing other than the word of God. He interprets the his­tory of his time but is not a courtesan; he stands far away from the power centers and never tires of rediscovering the "power of the weak".

The speaker, going back to socio-cultural situation of the Order's origins, especially to the time of the encounter between love poetry and sacred poetry, pointed out how "marian service" should be seen as the song of troubadours in love with a beauty that found its home in Mary.

It follows from this that when we speak of "Our Lady" we should do it with very human language and what we write should be comprehensible to

all. We should be in places where there is an ex­

"'u' ... '"·" between the layman and ecclesiastic, be­tween the theological and the artistic. A special "place" is the discourse on love, friendship, eros and

Sr. Theresa H. Sandok (Lad) spoke along the same lines in her talk on "Servants of life". Beauty and art are ways to a knowledge of God and to a meeting with our fellows and creation.

2. Searchers after God.

Fr. Giancarlo Bruni presented a strong remin­der that we are to be searchers after God. Belie­vers, and in community, have to redis­cover the desert, the the coast, the woods, the oasis, the upper room where they will become again careful listeners of the Word of

Witness of the Servite Youth Movement

on the UNIFAS Meeting

For us young people the meeting was a rich, deep, involving experience filled with the wonderful discovery of a multiform re­ality existing in great harmony.

Among the things which most struck us: the family atmosphere, the welcome, the interest for our group, the encoura­ging presence of brothers and sisters who made us feel the hope and trust placed in us.

The variety of the Servite family and the different places Servites come from re­vealed themselves as a living sign of peace and communion. richness of cultural diversity and of the experiences of the others gave rise in us to the strong desire to draw near to the other with won­der admiration for the oneness of re­ligious and human experience.

We found very enriching the reflection on the Servite vocation at the service of life. We felt too the fascination of study and reflection. What most entused us was the d of or wanting to

of God according of the Order's Constitu­

tions. We were delighted to see the values announced incarnated in the lives of all these people. Thank you!

God which nourishes all our life and then sends us back into human society where it an-nounced and lived. Only a pure with the Spirit, a heart in which the munitarian desire for self -affirmation silenced, is able not to waste the Father in friendship and love who reveals himself and his secrets in the Lord. A pure heart is the condition for listening, for the work of to and meditating on the Word, for that of the Word in the company of the mas­ter, the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. And the listen­ing leads to adoration, thanksgiving, praise, cession and action.

3. Searchers afte:r our common

Fr. Clodovis Boff reminded us to be concerned for the welfare of all. Beginning with an analysis of the historical context in which the Seven Founders of the Servite Family lived and of their contribution to the cause of peace and commu­nion in their own times, the reflected on the world of today. It is more and more a uni~ fied world, so it's important to have the doors and windows open. At the same time it's to be well rooted in one's own culture because inter­national communion is not a matter of out particular cultures but rather of sharing in them. We have to grow in the awareness of an authentic and this means .v., ..... ,""

involved in the principal the world: nuclear energy, ecology, human rights. It's necessary to become involved in the of conquering and divisions.

Two great conflicts hold the world crucified. One is mainly ideological (capitalism against com­munism) and the other is tral countries and conflicts have a common world's to freedom oppression; and communion and peace are the concrete content of the process of fruit and goal.

Communion and peace at the bases of each of them there is

justice; the first and elementary form of IS

economic human communion its foundation in the communion of material goods. If the Servites, today, wanl to be at the service of communion and peace they have to them­selves to work for justice, identifying with the poor and fighting for their liberation.


The historical experience of the so-called "real socialism", continued Fr. Clodovis, showed us that a truly human society supposes a whole network of intermediary communities that act as media­tions between individual and Slate; the com­munity of believers has to be the seed of society­communion, prophetic sign and anticipation of the future history, school of consientation and qualified social intervention.

Prof. Ezio Leozappa, treating the discussion The challenge of science: the new problems of bioethics, underlined how the staggering dis­coveries of science and their ever-more wide­ranging use in modern technology poses, today, new questions. We have almost the possibility to show ourselves the moment in which human life springs forth and we have to recognise that this, that goes under the name of "genetic enginering", not denying that it creates great concerns, has en­larged the frontiers of the prevention and therapy of terrible illnesses. It is not easy, therefore, to

Meeting of Major Superiors North America

Berkeley: January 13, 1989

The provincials and socius provincials of the United States met to study the question of co­operation between the two provinces in the areas of formation and marian activities as well as the question of novitiate location in 1989; it will no longer be In Denver.

In a meeting with Fr. Juan Sperman. vicar provincial In Mexico, they spoke about com­munications and exchange of personnel; and together they formulated some suggestions for the coming General Chapter.

In a meeting with the women Servite provin­cials in the States they decided to continue col­laborative efforts in common projects and in the commitment to issues of peace and justice.

8 May 1989

see where therapy ends and manipulation begins. Therefore a positive approach in the face of scientific research and, at the same time, a vigi­lance that the Creator does not disappear from the horizon of this research and because scientific research does not go against man, is needed.

From the work in small groups and from the interventions in the assembly there came forth numerous indications for our pilgrimmage toward the future and a message to the whole Servite family.

(R. Marchionni)

The message, translated in four languages, was sent to all communities. In it, the brothers and sis­ters, Servants of Mary, pledge themselves to pro­mote an authentic culture in life and are confi­dent that some of the initiatives can be better ac­tualised within our Family in the area of promo­tion of womens rights, service to the poor, of com­munion and fraternal collaboration.

Meeting of Major Superiors Northern Europe

Vienna: April 17-20, 1989

The provincials and vicar provincials of Northern Europe met in our priory in Vienna to study the final document of the restructuring commission in preparation for the General Chapter. Two commissions were set up to pre­pare a meeting of Servite students and a meet­ing of their formators . The Church has an an Im­portant role to play in the united Europe of 1992, and this unification is further invitation to the friars to find ways and areas of cooperation despite the differences of nationality and lan­guage.

Fr. Gerard Biron was elected president of the conference for the next three years. Fr. VIncent Coyne was elected vice-president.

May 1989

On April 19 those attending the conference visited the Servites in Hungary. From Vienna they travelled to Pillscaba where Fr. Agoston Csete was waiting for them with local wine and pastries. In the former Servite church in Buda­pest they met Frs. Bonajunkta Vary and Elek P6ka. The director of the church, Fr. Mikolai Ba­lint, was their host for dinner. The church is being restored at the present time and the Ser­vile frescos are again visible. The church also has a choir called "Servita" and represented by a symbol that includes seven lilies.

In Vienna the feast of St. Peregrine is being prepared: the firars with a novena, the shop­keepers with an open market and the baker with "St. Peregrine's buns".

(H. Moons)

Meeting of Provincials and Vicar Provincials

involved in the Servite presence in Africa

1. The Prior General invited the provincials and vicar provincials with African responsi­bilities to a meeting at San Marcello's in Rome on March 7-9, 1989.

The participants included:

- Michel Sincerny, Prior General;

- Hubert Moons, General Secretary for For-mation and Studies;

- Pietro Papini and Luigi De Vittorio, provin­cial and socius provincial from Tuscany; Stefa­no Papini, vicar provincial in Swaziland; and Benedetto Blagioli, representative of the Ugan­dan foundation;

- Luke Stano, socius provincial USA-East, and Robert Kucera, vicar provincial in Zululand;

- Clemente Nadalet, Venetian provincial; Renzo Marcon, provincial delegate in Transvaal;

Paul-Andre Mailhot, Canadian provincial; Gerard Biron, representative of the Zaire foun­dation;

and Honoria Martfn Sanchez, Spanish prov­incial concerned with the foundation in Mozam­bique.

The agenda included: a report from each group on the area involved; outlook for the fu­ture; exchange of views on future orientations and collaboration. At the end of the meeting the following text was approved unanimously:


1/2. It is clear from the reports of the provin­cials and vicars that the Servite presence in­cludes two areas linguistically distinguishable: the Zairian area and the Southern Africa area. Consequently first formation will take place in these two areas. This does not exclude future collaboration between the two areas.

3. There was a positive evaluation of the In­itial stages of first formation as planned by the Canadian provincial council for Zaire. The Uguandan foundation, since it is geographically close, could take part in this program.

4. Because of the difficulties encountered by novices from other countries in getting entry permission into the Republic of South Africa, with consequent upset in the continuity of the formation process, It seems best, for the time being, not to continue with the novitiate at Nigel in Transvaal.

5. Those taking part In the Rome meeting ask that the members of ISAC, in their meeting planned for next June 6 at Ubombo In Zululand, after consulting the ISAC secretariat, express their views on the following proposals, make a decision on them, and then carry them out:

a) establish a common prenovitiate, possibly in 1989, at lngwavuma, since there Is already an established community with qualified personnel for formation;

b) establish for 1990 a common novitiate and postnovitiate community at Roma In Lesotho and see about full-time and part-time collabora­tion for the formation work;

c) approve ad experimentum the ratio forma­tionis prepared by the ISAC secretariat for for­mation.

6. In recognition of the priority status of for­mation work it is necessary that the provincial and vicarial councils and chapters with African responsibilities find friars with the necessary sensitivity and ability for formation work and that they promote the adquate preparation of autocthonous friars for formation work.

7. There is a request for the presence in the African formation communities of formators and other experts OSM from other parts of the Order.

COSMO 3 10


na-Ronzano: overnight march. The night of 20-21 was set for the annual Ser­vite march and this year it went from the Servite Basilica in at nine-thirty in the evening, to the at Ronzano, arriv-

at in the morning after a at the sanctuary of St. Luke. It was in all a

kilometer hike.

r Institute. The appointed of the Institute met for five days,

December 27-31, at the monastery of the en­closed nuns at Montecchio. In a spirit of frater­nity they went about the work of revising the na­tional directory of their Institute. Later in 1989 there will be two meetings, one in central Italy and the other In the south, for the discussion and approval of the directory changes.

Members of the Institute took part in the meeting of the Union of General Superiors and Secular Institute Leaders (UNICISS) in Rome on December 17-18. The of the meeting was

and approval of statutes.

Rome. Fr. Ermanno Toniolo gave a series of talks on "Mary in the Italian Missal" on Vatican radio from May 5 until May 25. talks were

twice a and evening.

29 the Congrega­named Fr. Salvatore

of the Pontifical Theological Fa­for the triennium 1989-1992.

. On December ·12

Fr. was named honorary citizen of il The administrator in

il Monte "is proud to be able to express gratitude and recognition to Fr.

on the twnety-fifth anniversay of his presence among us for his literary, poetic and theological work as well as for his efforts in the area of ecumenism which have done much to better the spiritual atmosphere of our society, and especially of Sotto II Monte which feels ho-

nored to have such an illustrious personality in its midst."

Trent. Fr. Lucio Pinkus directed and coordi­nated a course on therapeutic relationships for health workers. The course was held from De­cember 1988 until May 1989 and was spon­sored by the Catholic Association of Health Workers.


BENBURB (Ireland). A of the Ser-vite Secular Order, Mr. Barney Lavery, and his granddaughter were killed in an auto explosion which occurred 500 meters away from the priory.

* Benburb. The Education minister, Dr. Brian Mawhinney, made a special grant of fif­teen thousand pounds sterling to the youth cen­ter of Benburb for its work of reconciliation among protestants and catholics.

INNSBRUCK this year the ishing house Ger-many) will publish the first printed edition of the Salve Regina of Cajetan M. Vogel OSM (1747-1794). Franz M. Weiss (Tir) prepared the text for

This is the first time that a publisher the work of a Servite musician of the time of

LONDON . Fr. William Me tell us that the Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Christ's and Notre Dame colleges of Woolton, Liverpool, organized an important ecumenical congress with the theme "Mary in christian thought and liturgy" (March 28-April 1, 1 989). Speakers from various con­fessions took part: Baptists, Orthodox, byterians, Lutherans, Anglican and Roman Catholics.

The congress was sponsored by A. Dr. John Newton, moderator of the Free Church Federal

Council; M.A. Derek Warlock, archbishop of Liverpool; and A.A. Daivd, bishop of Liverpool.

Irish Vicariate. The vicarial chapter was held March 12-17 at Benburb. The officials for the coming triennium are: Fr. Colum McDonnell, vicar provincial; Fr. Tim Flynn, socius; Fr. Ber­nard Thorne, Fr. Dermot McNience and Bro. Pa­trick Gethins, councilors.


I [2] Pre - Novices (13) n2 prov.

Lobamba -Swaziland SWA


Matola - Mozambico 3 MOZ

Kampala -Uganda 2 UGA

Bunyuka -Zaire 5 ZA I

Novices (6)

Nigel -Transvaal 4 ZA I

Rom a -Lesotho MOZ

Professed of Temporary Vows (17)

Rom a -Lesotho 3 SWA


4 ZA I

Roma - ltalia TVL


Bruxelles - Belgio 4 ZA I

Professed of Solemns- Vows (2)

Johannesburg-Transvaal TVL

Roma - ltalia ZUL

LOBAMBA (Swaziland). On January 9 the youngest Servite priests from Swaziland and Zululand met to begin a program of on-going formation. In their first meeting they studied the document of the South African priests' council "The priest in South Africa today".

TRANSVAAL Fr. Renzo Marcon has sent clippings from the Catholic weekly The South­ern Cross which cover two American Servites.

* One clipping reports on a talk given by Fr. John Pawlikowski on Pius XII and the holo­caust. He described the silence of Plus XII as a "diplomatic style" aimed at limiting possible ne­gative repercussions.

* The second clipping tells of Fr. Martin Jenco who was held prisoner in lebanon for


nineteen months. In the talk

can government is not liberation of the hostages


ZULULAND. The vicar provincial, Fr. Robert Kucera, taking the lead from his council, has

asked the to 113, 114 and 120 of the Constitutions. These articles deal with prayer in the context of devel-opment. Fr. Kucera asks for for the prayer life of the vicariate.

NORTH HILLSIDE (USA). On March 11 a group of

former Servites a social under the direction of Fr. Paul Cullen.

Canadian Province. The tion team started this year a monthly ongoing formation and for all mem-

bers of the Servite Family. team also sug-gested that Studi Storici publish regularly and in several languages an article on the history of the Order.

* According to the Canadian bulletin mations OSM, had a "missionary were offered by twenty or groups of benefactors, people who offer every year a part of their savings for the formation of the Order's students.

is consulting the friars of the proposal to gather into one comm three now in Denver and the two In Portland.

ship as an expression of the in official and social work on behalf of gentina.



Australian Vicarial ha an 16-20, 1989). The main effort of the capitulars was given to a series of exercises directed by Mrs. Mary Scarfe and aimed at Improving in­terpersonal relationships among the This initiative is of the restructuring process ..

3 12

STUDY of the Servite

The prepared by Fr. Hubert Moons and Giuliano Conte, offers a list of scholastic activities by communities,

and the Order. Nothing is said about formation and vocational communities; these will be trealed another issue.


The Pontifical Theological Faculty Marianum is an academic and scientific institution canoni­cally erected by the Holy See and entrusted to the Servite Order.

On November 30, 1950 Pius XII, acting through the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and raised the theological school of

College to the rank of theo­logical After the five year testing period the same Congregation issued the decree Caelesti

(December 8, 1955) which gave de-to the erection and ap-

On 1, 1971 the term Pontifical was name of the theological faculty Ma­

rianum. This new status included all the rights and duties to pontifical faculties and universities, among which are the right to enroll clerical, religious and students; and to grant them in the name of the Holy See the licentiate and degrees with the recognition of "spe­cialization in , as well as other certifi­cates and

Article 2 of the Marianum's statutes sum­marizes the faculty's multiple aims lhus: to pro­mote especially, in line with the Order's mission in the Church, knowledge and teaching of, as well as pastoral and scientific advancement of, chris-

tian thought on the Mother of God in the context of the mystery of Christ and the Church.

Courses offered:

The faculty organizes the following courses:

* a basic course in leading to the bachelor's degree in sacred theology;

* a graduate course of specialized studies in mariology leading to the licentiate;

* a doctoral course leading to the of doctor in theology with specialization in mariology;

* diploma courses in mariology, religious studies and history and spirituality OSM.

The teaching staff includes: six ordinary pro­fessors, two extraordinary professors, two associ­ate professors and about 40 invited professors. About two-thirds of the teachers are Servites. Fr. Salvatore Meo is president of the faculty.


* The journal Marianum: Ephemerides Mario­logicae is a scientific journal directed to a world­wide audience. Fr. Ignacio Calabuig Adan is the director.

* The series Scripta Pontificiae Facultatis The­ologicae Marianum: Nova series. This is a collec­tion of scientific monographs and includes the acts of the international mariological symposiums organized by the faculty. Fr. Elio Peretto is the di­rector.

"' The Bibliografia Giuseppe Besutti.

* Course notes and the Letter from the President.

Activities: the biennial

edited by Fr.


sium, meetings, courses, other centers of mariological

Study Centers



The International Marian Institute of the Ma­rianists has been incoporated into the Marianum since 1983. It has a department of mariological studies which can grant the licentiate and doctor-

ate in sacred theology with specialization in mari­ology.


The Center is un by the Servites of the Vene­tian province. Its three year course in theology is associated with the Marianum in Rome and can grant a diploma in theology. The center also or­ganizes courses in mariology in the Veneto area. Fr. Francesco Rigobello is the director of the Center.


Tur· , Italy.

The Center is un by the Servites of the Pied­montese province and is associated with the Ma­rianum in Rome. It offers a two year course in mariology which emphasizes the ecumenical and pastoral dimensions. The Center can grant a di­ploma in mariology in the name of the Marianum. It publishes the magazine Regina Martyrum and other works on marian spirituality. Fr. Angelo Gila is the director.



The Institute for Interpreters and Translators I

was established in the academic year 1986-1987. It is run by the Servites of the Bolognese province.

Study Centers in collaboration with other religious


Chicago,AIIinois. /

This theological/tenter was founded by the Franciscans, Passio~ists and Servites of the Eas­tern province. In 1967 the archbishop of Chicago, John Cody, gave official recogniztion to the school. Since 1969 it has been able to grant the degrees Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Theology.

13 COSMO 3



The Milltown lhstitute is various groups of religi~s, among whom Servites of the Irish vicariate. In 1974 the Congregation for Catholic Education gave official recognition to the school and the power to grant degrees. Fr. Pa­trick Carroll is professor of moral theology and coordinator of the basic course in theology.

Saint Augustin s seminary is run by various groups of religio s, among whom the Servites of the Canadian province. It offers pre-university education and is affiliated to Laval University in Quebec. The local Servite community has the provincial library.

Centers of Marian Studies and Culture

Bologna: the "Servile Studies Center" in the priory of Our Lady of the Servites of the Bolog­nese province. Fr. Pacifico Branchesi is the direc­tor.

Chicago: "Gynai Marian Center" at Our Lady of Sorrows priory of the Easter Fr. Walter Brennan is the director.

Chicago: "Servite Documentation Center" at Our Lady of Sorrows Fr.Conrad Born-trager is the director.

Florence: "Servite Center" at the Annunciation priory of the Tuscan Fr. Eugenio Casalini is the director.

Mexico: "Marian Center" at Divine Providence priory of the Mexican vicariate. Fr. Juan is the director.

: "Servile High School" of the Wester Provinj;e of USA

Ayer's C~ "College Notre-Dame des Servites" of the cav/dian province

Bueno~s: Liceo of the vicariate

Coyha1q~ "Liceo San Felipe Benizi" of the Chile-BoliJa vicariate


LasT~: Liceo of the Argentine vicariate

Montev~o: Liceo of the Argentine vicariate

. M_~anase: Secondary school of the Zululand vtcan~te

Santia : "Liceo Santa Teresita" of the Chile­Boliv' vicariate

Tuart Hill· St. Philip Benizi High School" of the Austr · n vicariate

Turvo:j-iCe'o f the Brasilian province

Vicenza: j zior high school at the Mission In­situte of t Venetian province

Voldeft "Oberstufenrealgymnasium" of the Austr~ province

We will be thankful for more information on study centers in which the Order is involved.

Research and Study Collection~.

Bibliotheca Servorum Mediolanensis. Milan .

Bibliotheca Servorum Romandiolae. Servite Studies Center, Bologna.

Bibliotheca Servorum Veneta. Monte Berico, Vicenza.

Bibliotheca toscana dei Servi. Florence.

Liturgy: Libri Liturgici OSM, Mariale Servo­rum, Laudemus viros gloriosos, Communicantes: nova series, De proprio Missarum OSM. Edited by the CLIOS.

Quaderni di Montesenario. Monte Senario, Florence.

Quaderni di ricerca. Ecumenical Study Center John XXIII, St. Egidio priory, Sot to it Monte, Bergamo.

* At the Marianum there is the Centro Edizio­ni Marianum. Fr. Alberto Lappi is administrator and the Center's purpose is the promotion of work done by Servite friars.

Archives and Libraries

Archivio Storico dell'Ordine. Contains the most important documents for any research into the history of the Order. Roma, Marianum.

Archivio deii'Ordine. Has two sections: cur­rent and former. Roma, San Marcello.

14 May 1989

Library of the Pontifical Theological Faculty Marianum. The biggest and richest library of the Order. Has more than 125,000 volumes, including encyclopedias, collections, journals of theological interest, as well as the history of the Order. It also

, has more than 25,000 volumes in the marian li­brary, making it one of the most important marian libraries in the world. Rome, Marianum.

Library of the Annunciation in Florence.

Conventual library of Monte Berico. Vicenza.

Conventual library of Rovato. Documentation on the mendicant orders. Rovato.

Provincial library. Saint Augustin, Quebec.

Servite Study Center. Important for editions going up to the year 1700, for iconography and for Paolo Sarpi. Bologna.

Provincial Library. Maria Luggau.

The Morini Memorial Collection. Documenta­tion centered specialized in the history of the Order. Chicago, Our Lady of Sorrows.


Cecilia Eusepi



NEPI- JUNE 11, 1989


RECENT SER VITE PUBLICATIONS Compiled by Fr. Giuseppe M. Besutti

ABBREVIAZ10NI: Maria Teol. Rip. = Cfr . infra: PEDICO . Maria nella teologia Salve = Salve . Roma, Sisters Servants of Mary- Roma Sussidi = Sussisi Ordine Secolare Servitano. IS.l.l, A cura

del Consiglio Nazionale OSSM . 1987-

ANTONINI, B.M., OSM. Antropologia cristiana e dignita della donna . In 'Consacrazione e servizio', 38(1989) n•3, p.35 -40.

ALDROVANDJ, M.M., OSM. Dinamica delle vocazioni personali . In 'Servitium' , 23(1969) p. 35-56.

AUBERT, R. Halle, vi lle de Saxe sur la Saale, ~ 200 Km au sud de Magdebou~g . 11. Etablissements ecclesiastiques.Re Servites. In 'DictHistGeoEccl", vol. 23(col. 168.

BALDUINI, L. Una tela dei "Sette Santi Fonda tori "Ordine dei Servi di Maria" nella "Raccolta Civica" fdi Tarquinia (a­lim Cornetol. In 'Soc·ieta Tarquiniense di Arte e Storia.' Bollett ·ino dell'anno 1986. Supplmento n. 15 alle "Fonti di Storia Cornetana , p. 205-206.

BARBIERI, R. Aspetti evangelici della vita dei Sette Santi Fondatori pri ma della "chiamata", alla luce della "Lege!!_ dade origine Ordinis" . In 'Sussidi' , ?,p. 54- 72.

OARBIERI, R. I Sette Santi Fon~atori dell'Ordine dei Servi di Santa Maria prima della "chiamata", alla luce della "Legenda de origine Ordinis" . In 'Su6s idi'. 2, p. 38-51.

BARBIERI, R. La spiritualita dell'Ordine Seco lare dei Servi di Maria nella nuova "Regola di vita" e nel nuovo "Rito della Promessa" . In 'Sussidi', l, p. 13-33 .

BARBIERI, R.; DELLA TOMMASINA, C. M., OSM . I Servi di Maria secolari leggono il Documento mariana "Fate quello che vi diri1". In 'S ussidi', ! , p. 34-37 .

BARONTINI , M.P. La formaz i one . 11 Prio re/a e i 1 Consiglio. In •sussidi', 1, p. B4-B9.

BESUTTI, G.M ., OSM. Facciamo il punta sulle apparizioni ma­riane. Che cosa sono, e che che cosa ne pensa la Chi~sa .


Un po' di storia delle apparizioni. Che cosa pensarne noi? Leumann (Torino) Elle Di Ci, 1988.

BESUTT!, G. M., OSM . I sette Santi Fonda tori dell'Ordine dei Servi di Maria. Presentazione di S.E. il card. Silvana Piovanelli arcivescovo di Firenze. Monte Senario, Edizi.<:>_ ni del Convento, 1988.

BIANCHI PROSDOCIM!, S., 1934-1988. Pregh ie re .•• Selezione d~ gli scritti degli anni 1985-1988. lA cura di fra Davide M. Montagna OSMI. Arezzo, Diaconia della Theotokos, 1989.

BOER, L. Anna Katharina, Er:Hog . von Osterreich."'17.!.1566 in Mantua, +3.8.1621 in Innsbruck. In 'Mari ele xikon', I, p. 166-167 .

BOFF, C.M., OSM. Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Theology of Li beration: A Letter to a Young theolog·ical Student. In 'New Blackfriars', 65(1984) p. 458-471.

BOFF, C. M., OSM.'A via da comunhio de bens. A Regrade Santo Agostino comengada na perspectiva da Teologia da Libert! ~io. Petropolis , Vozes, 198il.

BOFF, L., OFM.; BOFF, C. M., OSM. ObservaC"iones de los herm! nos Boffa Ratzinger . In 'Mislon Abierta', 77(1984) p. 485-489.

May 1989

BOFF, C.M., OSM.; LAZARO, R. M. , OSM. : GOMEZ, J.A . La espiri tualidad y los orfgines de los Frailes Si er vo> de Mar1a. Denia, Provincia Espafiola O.S.M., 1989.

BONOM ~ L., OSM. Ricardo di Padre Giovanni Va nnucci . In 'Cor rispondenza', 8(1988) n. 2, p. 25-26.

BRAULT 1 .A.M., OSM . RATH, N.~ •• OSM. La ~ie religieuse. L'un des chemins pour le bonheur . In 'Salve', n• 4(1989) p.29


BRENNAN, W.T., OSM. Mary the Servant of God: An ancient Christian Concrete Principle for Spiritual Growth. In 'Studies in Formative Spirituality. The Journal of go i ng Formation'(Pittsburg, PA), 10(1989) n. 1, p. 67-81.

BRUNI, G.M., OSM. Alla ricerca di Oio. L'Esodo e i suoi si-gnificati. Milano, Edizioni Paoline, 1989.

BRUNI, G.M ., OSM. Rallegrati, Maria. Lectio divina sull'Ave Maria. Milano, Edizioni Paoline , 1987.

CALABUIG ADAN, I.M., O.S .M. 11 Cuore di Maria nell 'attuale l.iturgia Romana. In 'Maria Teol. Rip., p. 115-148.

CALABUIG ADAN, I.M., OSM. I Sette Santi uomini umili e peni tenti. (Nota sulla liturgia del 17 febbrario•). Roma, P. Facolta Teologica Marianum, 1988

CASALIN!, E.M., OSM. Santa Giuliana e il movimento laico-ser vitano ieri e oggi . In 'Sussidi ', 2, p. 11-23.

Celebration des fumirailles let inhumation! du frl!re Gerart' -Marie Leveill~e 11914- 19881, religieux de l'Ordre des Servites. IS.l., s.e., 19881.

cento anni de il "Servo di Maria" (1888-1988) . Fascicolo commemorative . Bologna, !1 Servo di Maria, 1988.

CIMICHELLA, A.-M.; OSM, vesc . La mystique errante du R~

dempteur. Venerable Mere Marie-Celeste Crost•rosa . Saint-Anne-de-Beaupre, Peres Redemptoristes, 1988.

Chiesa di S. Pietro a Maiella dei Servi di Maria. Nap.<:>_ li S. Pietro a Maiella, 1989 .

COLOMBO, G. "Desidero, Madre che tutti ti amino, per me ti chiedo solo di essere dimenticato ... ", In ricordo del P. Bonagiunta M. Manetti dei Servi di ~,aria. !Are~

o?,"Gli amici di P. Bonagiunta" , 1988.

Conferenze sulla dottrina sociale della Chiesa organiza­te dall 'Associazione per la dottrina sociale e dal Ce!!_ tro culturale S. Carlo . Brughero, Tip . Parole Nuove, 1988.

Il convento dell'Annunciata sul Monte Orfano in Rovato. Nel venticinquesimo del ritorno dei frati (1963-1988). Bornato in Franciacorta, Fausto Sardini editore, 1988 .

DA VALLE, G.M., OSM. Fraternita ed Eucarestia: l 'art. 22 della Regola di vita. In 'Sussidi', 2, p. 24-3 7.

DE CANDIDO, L.M., OSM. Me ssico. Paese in movimento e ri gida Costituzione. In "!1 Regno/Attualita " , 33(1988) p. 599-601.

DE CANDIDO, L.M., OSM. Non essere controparte nella Chi~ sa. Nostra intervista con il card. Anasta s io Ballestrf ro. In 'Testimoni' , n• 5 (1980) p. 7-9 .

DEGIDIO, S., OSf\1 . Mary: Model for Today's Disciple. lr• 'Catholic Update', May 1988 .

DEG IDIO , S., OSM.Reconciliation : Sacrament with a Future . Cincinnati, St. Anthony Mssenger Press , 1985.

DELLA TOMMAS INA, C. M., OSM. I 1 Servo di Maria seco 1 are . nella nuova "Regola di vita". In 'Sussid i ' ,J,p.5-12.

Devotion to St. Peregrine compiled by the Daughters of St. Paul . Boston, MA , St. Paul editions, 1986.

Documento che la Commissione postcapitolare per la ristr~t tu razi one presenta al Capitola Generale 1989. Allegat~-­una lettera di presentazione del Presidente P. Reinhold M. Bodner O .S.~ Roma, Curia Generalizia, 1988.


D'U, G. I=O'URSO 13JACINTOAJ.P.I Un ordine si specchia in Maria. In 'Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica', 57(1988) p 373-376.

FABBRI, M.R., OSMRip. Le Serve di Maria Riparatrici, StQ ria e spiritualita. In 'Maria Teol. Rip.', p. 149-164.

FALS!Nl, R., OFM. Maria nel culto della Chiesa. Tra 1 i tur gia e pietl popolare. Milano, Edizioni O.R., 1988. -* Cfr. TON!OLO, E.M., OSM. Maria nella vita dellR,Chif sa dal Concilio ad oggi. Punti acquisiti e problemi a­perti, p. 7-24.- SARTOR, D.M., OSM. Due "appendici" m~ riane nella liturgia rinnovata. La nuova edizione ita­liana del Messale Romano e la recente rracolta di "Me~

se della B.V.M.", p. 134-147.- MAGGIANI, S.M., OSM.PrQ poste rituali peri pellegrinaggi e i santuari, p.l48-l58.

FOSTER, S. M. OSM. A Pillar of Downside: Lord Petre. In 'The Raven', 1988, p. 24-33.

FOSTER, S.M., OSM. The re 1 uctant Shepher: the Epi scopa 1 • Aopointment of Benjamin Petre. In D.A. BELLENGER, ect. '!:opening the Scrolls: Essays in Honour of Godfred An~

truther" (Downside Abbeay, 1987) p. 115-134~

GILA, A.M., OSM. Evoluzione della riparazione mariana nel la tradizione vivente della Chiesa. In 'Maria Teol.Rip~ p. 45-77.

Holy Mass at Somhlolo Stadium by His Holiness Pope John -Paul II. Manzini, Inter Agencies, 1988,

HORAN, G.M., OSM. Blessed is thi; :woman. Against all 'odds.

Mary he hope, So muste we. In 'Religion Teacher's Jou! nal', vol. 22, no 3 (April/May 1988) p. 36-37

HORAN, G.M., OSM. The Catechist and the Marian Year. In 'Catechist', 21 (1987) September, p. 25-26.

HUELS, J.M., OSM. Canon Laws, General Norms. In 'New Ca+ tholic Encyclopedia', vol. XVIII, Supplement 1978-1988 (Washington D.C., The Catholic University of Am! rica, 1989) col. 67-69.

HUELS, H.M., OSM. Canonical Comment on Concerts in Chur­ches. In 'The American Organist', vol, 22, no 11 (No­vember 1988) p. 44-46.

HUELS, J.M., OSM. Canonical Opinions ICan. 647-649, 869, 871, 874, 1934-10351. In 'Roman Rep}ies and CISA Advi sing Opinions' (Washington, Canon Law Society of Ame­rica, 1988) p. 75-79, 81-83, 87-88, 93-95)

HUELS, J.M., OSM. Disputed Questions in the Liturgy Today, Chica9o, Ills., Liturgy Training Publications, 1988,

HUELS, J.M., OSM. Interpreting Canon Law in diverse Cul-ture. In 'The Jurist', 47(1987) p. 249-?93.

HUELS, J.M., OS~L Title Ill: The Most Holy Eucarist {cc. 397-958) ... Canons and Commentary. In 'Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary Commissioned by the Canon Law Society of America, ed. James Coriden, Thomas Green, Donald Heintschel' (New York, Paulist Press,

1985) p. 643-672.

HUELS, J.M., OSM. Too Many Masses? How many Sunday Eucha rists does a Parish need. In 'Catholic Digest', vol. 53, no 2 (December 1988) p. 32-34.

HYPHER , A., OSM. The General ate Archives or the Sisters · Servants of Mary: Personal Account. In 'Catholic At·chi ves 198r. Number 7 The Catholic Archives Society, p. 15-21.

IOANNES PAULUS PP. II. Allocutio in area templ i sanctuarii B. Mariae Virginis a Petra Alba, intra fines dill'cesis Ba~zanensis-Brixinensis, habita. flie 17m. lul ii a. 1988. In '!leta Apostolicae Sedis', 81(1989) p. 44-48.

Life in COITITIUnity. In 'Salve', no 4(1989) p, 41-55.

MAGGI, A.M., OSM. Contribute dell'esegesi contemporanea per una teologia dellla ripat"azione. ln 'Maria Teol. Rip.', p. 7-44.

16 May 1989

MAGGIANI, S.M., OSN. Maria ,elle nuove orazioni del Mess~ le Romano. In 'Testimoni nel mondo', 14(1988) no 1, p. 39-43.

MAGGJANI, S.M., OSM. Uomo e donna, maschile e femminile nella liturgia: un problema di sensibilita linguistica o di sostanza? In 'Rivista di pastorale liturgica', 27 (1989) n° 1, p. 46-60.

Marin Uliar Sabai Punithakalin. Pathinaindana Noortandu Eduka 1. I L' Ordi ne dei Servi di Maria ne l cammi no dei Santi I. A Lourdusamy, C. Joseph Anthony Raj, Gurupa ta Ninaiv Veliudu. lA ricordo della loro ordinazione sa-cerdotalel. Tiruchy, Jegan Matha Priory, 1988.

MASINI, M.M., OSM. 1\scolta la parola. lectio divina per la liturgia domenicale e festiva. Sussidio diretto da Mario Masini. Anno liturgico C, parte 3a. Padova, Edi­zioni Messaggero, 1989.

* A questo volume hanno collaborato anche A.M. SERRA OSM e M.M. PEOICO, OSMRip,

MASINI, M.M., OSM. lniziazione alla "Lectio divina". Teo­logia, metodo, spiritualita, prassi. Padova, Edizioni Messaggero, 1988.

MASINI, M.M., OSM. Luca. l1 vangelo del discep6lo. Brescia Queriniana, 1988.

Mercred) le 5 Octobre 1988: funerailles du frere Jean-Ma~ rie Gervais 11945-19881. IS.l., s.e., 19881.

MONTAGNA; D.M., OSM. Alfabeto della v"ita. Ohrio e crona­che minime dell 'anno mariano. Vicenza, Studio Teologi­co del Servi, 1988.

MONTAGNA, D.M., OSM. La Santa Russia: pubblicazioni del Mi 11 enni o 1088-1987). Schede bi ografi che i 11 ita 1 i a no. In 'La Palestra del Clero', 67{1988} p. 1456-1461.

MONTAGNA, D.M., OSM. La spiritualita dei Servi di santa Maria. In 'Testimoni nel mondo', 14(1988) n° 1, p .. 50-55.

MONTAGNA, D.M., OSM. Tre studi per Santa Maria. Dal Magi­stero Conciliare e dalla pieta della Chiesa aile Sacre Scritture Saggi e letture. Rovato, La Santissima Annu~ ciata, 1988.

MURARO, ~l.M., OSMRi p. In comunione con Maria Madre del Re­dentore. Roma ll dlcembre - Rovigo 29 dicembre 1988 o-re 17. Roma, Curia Generalizia, 1988.

MURARO, M.M., OSMRip. Le Serve di Maria Riparatrici e la Riparazione Mariana. In 'Maria Teol. Rip., p. 165-191.

NEEDLEMAN, J. !.'anima smarrita. Un viaggio alia riscoperta del cuore dell 'esperienza crist-iana. ITraduzione di Lo­renzo M. Bonomi OSM e Andrea r.ndriottol. Uscate-Mila-' no, CENS, 1988.

NICOLA!, O.M., OSM. Come Maria. San Marino, Ed, Santa M~ ria, 1989.

NOBIL~ M. Il posto del laico nella Chiesa e nella famigli a dei Servi. In 'Sussidi', l, p. 48-72.

Nonne interne. Roma, P. Facolta Teologica "Marianum", 1986 1~19891.

PACCHIN, L.M., OSM.l' econom·i a sec on do i vescovi ameri cani. In 'Servi tium', 23(1989) p. 201-206.

Der Paps in S~dtlrol. Dokurnentation und Chronik ~ber die Wallfahrt der Diozese 8ozen-Brixen mit Papst Johannes Paul II. nach Weissenstein, Zusarnmengestellt und henui_ gegeben von Presseamt der Di6zese Bozen-Brixen. Bozen, Verlagsanstalt Atheisa, 1988.

PAVON, G.; CAUZZI, G. La memoria di un tempio: l:i Servi di San Marcil ian IS. Maria dei Servi I ed il Canal-Maravich in Venezia. Venezia, Edizioni Helvetia, 1988.

PAWLIKOWSKI, J. T., OSM. The Holocaust: its Implications for Public Morality. An Account of the Damages Resul ting when Theological Ideas Are transferred into Pur~ ly Anthropological and Political Cancepts. In 'The He:


locaust: The Answer ... " F.H. LITTEL ed. (West Chester, Silvan Publishers, 1988) p. 287-297.

PEDICO, M.M., OSMRip. Aggiornamento bibliografico sui temi "donna~~ e uMaria". In 'Consacrazione e servizio', 38 1!989) no 3, p. 95-!02,

PE~TCO, M.M., OSMRip, Celebrazione comunitaria. Maria "co lei' che ha creduto". Pregare con la Redemptoris Mater-:­In ll messaggero del Cuore di Gesu', 5 maggio 1989 p. 351-353. '

PEDICO, M.M., OSMRip. La devozione mariana nella diocesi di Adria (1946-1958). IEstratto I. Rovigo, Associazio­ne cultarale Minelliana editrice, 1957, p. 289-305.

PEDICO, M.M., OSMRip. L'itinerario spirituale di Maria al la luce della "Redemptoris Mater". In 'Consacrazione­e servizio', 38(1989) gennaio, p. 17-24.

PEDICO, M.M., OSMRip., ed. Maria nella teologia della rip! razione. Settimana di studio (Fatima, 23-26 aprile 1896} Roviqo, Centro Mariano "Beata Vergine Addolorata", ]988,

PEDico; M.M., OSMRip. Serve di Maria Riparatrici. Propo· sta di Lectio divina per la IV domenica di Avvento An· no "C". Cortona, Provincia Religiosa, 1988.

PERETTO, E.M., OSM. Ricerche sul concetto di riparazione nella letteratura biblica e patristica e la sua appli­cazione nell 'ambito teologico. In 'Maria Tel. Rip.' ,p. 79-113.

PERETTO, E.M., OSM. La "Vita di Maria" del P. Alessio M. Planch, D.S.M. (1726-1774). Un contributo alia storia del culto mariana. In P. ACADEMIA MARIANA INTERNAT!O­NAL!S. De culto mariano saeculis XVII-XVIII (Romae, 1987) p. 455-470.

PERRELLA, S.M., OSM. Maria SS. nel Magistero Ecclesiasti­co contemporaneo. Dal Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II alla Lettera Apostolica "Mulieris dignitatem" di Gio­vanni Paolo II. Roma, IAutorel, 1989.

Petite lettre de vie pour les membres des fraternites se-culieres Servite de Marie. Montreal, Secretariat de la Province Servite Canadienne, 1988.

PIGNATAR?, ANNA (Sr. AGNESE), OSMNoc. Emilia Pasqualina Addat1s (1845-1900), fondatrice delle Suore Serve di Marl~ ~ddolorata di Nocera (Salerno). Storia e spiri-tuallta. Roma, Edizioni Marianum, 1989.

PINKUS, L.M., OSM. Vocazione religgiosa: dalla parte del rizoma. In 'Servitium', 23(1989) p. 57-71.

Pontificia Facolta Teologica Marianum. Edizioni Marianum. Listino provvisorio delle pubblicazioni aggiornato al 20 giugno. Roma, Edizioni Marianum, 1988.

4° Corso di Mariologia proposto dai Servi di Maria. Livorno, Parrocchia VII Santi Fondatori, 1988.

Questa non e notte. Poeti per dire, cantare, pregare. A cura di Eugenio Costa e Silvana Maggiani IOSMI. Post­fazione in forma di poesia di David t1aria Turoldo IOSMI Genova, Marietti, 1989. * Composizini poetiche anche di autori OSM: S.M. Anto­nini, A.M. Candido, O.M. Montagna, D.M. Turoldo, G.M. Vasina, S.M. Maggiani.

Regla de san ~~ustfn y Constituciones de las Siervas de Mar(a Reparadora. Roma, is.e.l, 1982 1"19881.

RUPP, Y., OSM.Prayng Our Goodbyes. Notre Dame, Indiana, Ave Maria Press, 1988.

SACCAROO, M. Organi ed organisti a Monte Berico tra Sei-cento e Novecento. Vicenza. Convento dei Servi di Monte Berico, 1988.

Santuario della Madonna di Tirano. Valtellina, Sondrio. Storia, arte. 4.ed. IS.l.l, Edizioni SerYi di Maria, 1988.

*Testa a cura di don L. Varischetti, m" Alfredo Mar­tinelli e p. Eugenio M. Ganassin O.S.M.

17 May 1989

SARTOR, D.M., OSM. La pieta mariana nell'unico cri-stiano. In 'Testimoni nel mondo', 14(1988) no , p. 27-32.

SERRA, A.M., OSM. Aspetti biblici della "adorazione". In 'Rivista liturgica', 68(1981) p. 489-503.

SERRA, A.M., OSM. "Ecco la tua madre". In 'Parolee vita' 32(1987) no 3, p. 211-222.

SERRA, A.M., OSM. The "Magnificat", Hymn of Mary and the People of God. In 'Salve', no 4 (1989) p. 57-110.

SERRA, A.M., OSM. Maria la discepola in ascolto. In 'Te• stimoni nel mondo', 14' 1988) no l, p. 15-20.

SERRA, A.M., OSM. ~leaning and Elements of Communion and·of

Collaboration in the Servite Family, in the Light of some values our Tradition and Spirituality. In 'Salve', no 4(1989) p. 9-27.

Servos de Maria. Que buscas? Slo Paulo 1?1, G;S,C., I s.d. I

I Sette Santi Fondatori dell 'Ordine dei Servi di Maria. Monte Senario, Convento, 1988.

SINCERNY, M.M., O.S.M. Ai fratelli e sorelle della fami­glia servitana. IIncipit: I II 15 gennaio 1888. Data: 22 settembre 1987. Roma, Curia O.S.M., 1987.

Stabat Mater. Bologna, Cappella Musicale Santa Maria del Servi, 1988. - Musicass~tta.

STEGMUltER, 0. Baldi della della Gherardesca, Gerardo, Ser­vit, +1660. In 'Marienlexikon', !, p. 340 ..

Sussiri: spiritualita, fcrmazione. Conferenze tenute ai Convegni Nazionali di Misano Adriatico 1983-1984-1987. IS.l.l, A cura del Consiglio Nazionale OSSM, 1988.

Sussidi: spiritualita, formazione. Conferenze tenute ai Convegni Nazionali di Misano Adriatico 1987 e 1988. IS.l.l, A cura del Consiglio Nazionale OSSM, 1989.

TODESCATO, G.M., OSM. !1 servo di Oio fra Gioacchino Mari a Stevan dell 'Ordine dei Servi di Maria nel qual·anten:=­nio della sua morte. Vicenza, Edizioni Servi di Maria, 1989.

TODDE, M.M., OSM. La vocazione monastica nella letteratu­ra patristica. In 'Servitium', 23(1989) p. 73-86.

TONIOLO, E.M., OSM. Le "lstruzioni" mariane di Elia Minia ti (1669-1714). In 'De cultu mariano saeculis XVll- -XVIII" (Romae, P. Academia Mariana lnternationalis, 1983), vol. V, p. 63-80.

TONIOLO, E.M., OSM. La Madre del Signore. In 'Testimonl nel mondo', 14(1988) no l, p. 10-14.

TONIOLO, E.M., OSM. Maria terra di Dio e cielo dell 'uomo. Veglia mariana per la solennita dell 'Assunzione di Ha­ria al Cielo. (Con testi della liturgia bizantina). Roma, Centro di Cultura Mariana "Hater Ecclesiae",l987.

TUROLDO, D.M., OSM. Di piu e altrove In 'll Regno/Attua: lita', 33(1988) p. 633.

fURBLPO, D.M., OSM. II grande male. Poesie. Milano, Arnol do Mondadori, 1987.

TUROLOOi D.M., OSM. Vergine, dite parliamo lgnari. In 'Te stimoni nel mondo', 14(1988) no 1, p. 44-46

UL!AN!CH, 8. I Sette Fonda tori dell 'Ordine dei Servi. In ' p, ~1ANNS, ed. I Santi dal ~1edioevo ai nostri giorni (Milano, Jaca Book, 1988), vol. II, p. 156-158.

ULLMANN, E. Das Munchener Leonardo-Fragment und der Hoch­altar von SS. Annunziata in Florenz. In 'Bildende Kun~t 36(1988) no 6, p. 242-243.

VALLI, D. D.M. Turoldo: lo scand~lo della speranza. In •Rivista di scienze religiose', 2(1988) p. 363-373.

VALTORTA, M. Der Gottmensch: Leben und Lei den unseres Herrn Jesus Christus. Isola del Liri, Pisani; Hautevil­le (Schweiz), Parvis-Verlag, ls.d.l. 4 v.



January- May 1989

Novices: De Almeida Silvino 15.01 BRA

- De Lima Freitas Gilson 15.01 BRA

De Oliveira Joel 15.01 BRA

- Ferreira Borges Benedito 15.01. BRA

- Ferreira Da Cruz Mauro Sergio 15.01 BRA

- Selau Inacio Evaldo 15.01 BRA

- Tuccimei Alberto 16.02 YEN

Professed of Temporay Vows: - Aguilar Jose Luis 05.01 RPL

- Cracogna Sergio Enrique 05.01 RPL

- De La Torre MeHan Demetrio 05.01 CHB

- Quintallana Vera Juan 05.01 CHB

-Salazar Correa Jairo de Jesus 19.01 CHB

- Diaz-Barriga Arceo Gustavo 17.02 MEX

-Espinosa Hernandez Ignacio R. 17.02 MEX

-Jimenez Delgadillo Rodolfo 17.02 MEX

-Medina Frausto Jose Alejandro 17,02 MEX

- Anlaue Faquira Marcos 19.03 ESP

Professed of Solemn Vows: - Anthony Xavier - Ratchanyadoss - Savariappan - Lechner Joel Diaconate: - Azevedo Aledo Priesthood: - Boulanger Roch - Franco Guerrero Federico Deaths: - Dal Vecchio p. Mario -Naughton p. Vincent - Balasso p. Norberto - Bernardi p. Egidio - Renhas De Pouzet p. Eric -Milani p. Nazzareno - Trummer p. Otto

Departures from the Order:

By expiry of Temporary Vows:

30.04 IND

30.04 IND

30.04 IND

30.04 USE

02.04 BRA

06.02 CAN

04.05 MEX

09.01 YEN

20.01 ENG

27.01 USE

11.02 RPL

17.04 CAN

01.05 YEN

06.05 TIR

-Nunes De Queiroz Jose A. 11.01 BRA

By dispensation of Temporary Vows: -DosSantos Edson Filho 22.05 BRA

Left Order: - Franco Antonio 01.04 ITM

18 May 1989

Veglia di Natale. Natale 1988. Roma, Collegia S. Alessio Falconieri, 1988.

VISENTIN!, M.C., OSMRip. La spiritualitl mariana ripara­trice. In 'Maria Teol. Rip.', p. 193-207.

Visita del Papa Giovanni Paolo II alla Pontificia Facolta Teologica "Marianum". Roma, 10 dicernbre 1988. Rorna, P. Fa co ltl Teo 1 ogi ca Ma ri anum, 1989,

WATSON, M.A. Jesus and Women. liguori, Missouri, Liguo­ri Publications, 1988.

WATSON, M.A., OSM. Mary, Mother for Today's Christian. Liguori, Missouri, Liguori P~blications, 1984.

WATSON, M.A., OSM. Mary'.s Song of Sorrows. In 'Salve', no 4(1989) p. 111-112.

WICK!, J. Barbieri, Clelia, *13.2.1847 in Le Budrie (BolQ gna, + 13.7.1870. In 'Marienlexikon', I, p. 360.

ZUDAIRE, J., OFM.Conv. L'assistente della fraternit~ nella formazione dei Servi di Maria seco1ari• In 'Sus­sidi', I, p. 73-83.


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COSMO 3 - 1989

Director & Editor: Fr. Giuliano M. Conte

English edition translated by Fr. John M. Dowd