Saint Charles Gateways TIGER 3 Application - Complete[1]

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    I. Introduction ..................................................... 1

    II. Project Description .......................................... 3Upgrades to SCAT Physical Stock ................. 5

    Multi-Modal Transportation Center ................ 6

    Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements ............ 7

    Improvements to Fifth Street .......................... 8

    Improvements to First Capitol Drive .............. 9

    III. Project Parties ............................................... 13

    IV. Funds/Cost Breakdown ................................. 14

    Availability/Commitment of Funds .............. 14

    SCAT Operational and Maintenance Costs .. 14

    Multi-Modal Transportation Center

    Operational and Maintenance Costs ............. 15Roadway Operational and Maintenance ....... 15

    V. Primary Selection Criteria ............................. 15

    Long-Term Outcomes ................................... 15

    State of Good Repair .....................................16

    Economic Competitiveness ........................... 17

    Livability ....................................................... 21

    Safety ............................................................ 22

    Environmental Sustainability ........................ 23

    Job Creation/Near-Term Economic Activity 23

    VI. Secondary Selection Criteria ......................... 24

    Partnership .................................................... 24Innovation ..................................................... 24

    Project Readiness .......................................... 25

    Environmental Approvals ............................. 25

    State and Local Planning............................... 25

    Legislative Approvals ................................... 25

    Financial Feasibility ......................................25

    Technical Feasibility ..................................... 25

    VII. Federal Wage Rate Certificate ...................... 26


    St. Charles Financial Commitment Property Acquisition Commitment TIP Commitment Letters of Support Benefit-Cost Analysis NEPA Status Letter Project Schedule

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    I. The City of Saint Charles is a uniquely historicplace, playing a prominent role in the westwardexpansion of the United States. It is the second

    oldest city west of the Mississippi River andoldest city on the Missouri River. Founded in1765, the cultural heritage of St. Charles liveson through its historical museums, festivals,and Historic Main Street, which attracts over amillion visitors a year.

    St. Charles has matured into a significantresidential, institutional and job center. It ishome to more than 60,000 residents andprovides more than 24,000 jobs to the greatermetropolitan St. Louis region.

    This blending of the old and the new requiresmodern transportation infrastructure to providefor the basic requirements of moving people

    and goods. However, the implementation ofthis infrastructure must be sensitive to theunique character that is St. Charles.

    Access into St. Charles has evolved since LouisBlanchette decided to settle at The LittleHills almost 250 years ago. No longer do we

    travel to St. Charles by way of river, horsebackor train. Construction of I-70, the nations firstInterstate freeway, began in St. Charles onAugust 13, 1956; dramatically changing travel

    patterns in the city center.

    I-70 and the automobile culture have created aneed to reestablish Gateways into the CityCenter. The City of St. Charles, along withproject partners at the Missouri Department ofTransportation (MoDOT), St. Josephs

    Hospital, Lindenwood University, Ameristar,and others have been working on acomprehensive transportation/land use plan totransform the Citys connections to I-70. Muchlocal investment has already occurred towardthis goal.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project transformsthe Citys Gateways into vital corridors thatcomplement the areas rich historic and culturalcharacter. It creates a model for sustainable

    transportation solutions and helps to preservean important part of U.S. history.

    If funded through the TIGER 3 program, the

    proposed project will construct criticalinfrastructure required to facilitate the

    realization of this vision.

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    II. The St. Charles Gateways Project is the resultof a year-long planning and design process bythe City of St. Charles, St. Charles County,

    SSM St. Joseph Health Center, LindenwoodUniversity, along with surrounding businessesand residents. This collaboration created ashared vision for gateways leading to the CityCenter. The plan identifies a vision for FifthStreet and First Capitol Drive as more effectiveand efficient multi-modal transportationcorridors with economic developmentopportunities. The plan also develops a visionfor stronger modal connections to the CityCenter including walking, biking, and public

    transportation. The City Center in St. Charlesincludes the County Seat Government Center,City Hall, SSM St. Joseph Health Center, andHistoric St. Charles Main Street. The planenables key implementing agencies andorganizations to move in a common directionand fulfill the vision incrementally andcomprehensively. Planning documents can bedownloaded at:

    ult.aspxThe St. Charles Gateways Project leveragestransportation investments to stimulateeconomic redevelopment in gateways leadingto the the City Center. These gateways are:

    St Charles Area Transit (SCAT) Fifth Street First Capitol Drive

    This goal can be achieved by transformingthese gateways into complete streets and

    enhancing multi-modal access for a morelivable environment that attracts privateinvestment into a redevelopment district.Better connected transportation modes andnodes will create more sustainable access,while a more pedestrian, bicycle, and transitfriendly environment will create more livableneighborhoods.

    If funded, this TIGER 3 Grant will fill the gapin transportation investments required to fulfillthis vision by funding critical improvements to

    link transportation modes and catalyze theredevelopment effort. Project elementsinclude:

    1. Enhance SCATs physical stock including:a. The purchase of two Hybrid busses,b. Improving communications equipment,c. Wrapping all busses with a new

    identifying name and logo, andd. Enhancing bus stops.

    2. Construct a Multi-Modal TransportationCenter at the intersection of Fifth Street andBoones Lick Road. This facility willa. Serve as a hub for the SCAT system,b. House a bicycle station, andc. Host a Visitors/Interpretive center.

    3. Reconstruct Fifth Street between BoonesLick Road and First Capitol Driveincluding:a. Reconstructing all pavement,b. Widening to four lanes,c. Expanding sidewalks and streetscape,d. Adding traffic signals to facilitatepedestrian crossings,e. Restriping 6th Street between First

    Capitol Drive and Boones Lick Roadto accommodate Bicycle Lanes, and

    f. Burying all utilities.4. Reconstruct First Capitol Drive between

    Kingshighway and Riverside Driveincluding:a. Repair/replacing of pavement,b. Expanding sidewalks and streetscape,

    andc. Burying all utilities.

    When brought together, these improvementsconnect transportation modes, facilitate desiredredevelopment, and enhance the community.More details about the proposed improvementsare discussed on the following pages.

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    The St. Charles Area Transit (SCAT) bussystem is operated by the City of St. Charles. Itwas started in the 1970s to provide senior and

    disabled citizens better access to amenities inthe community. In the early years it wasknown as the Golden Age Express. Servicewas opened to all residents in 1992. A separatecommuter line providing connections to theMetrolink light rail system was initiated in2001 when Metro cut service to St. CharlesCounty. SCAT provides the only publictransportation option between St. CharlesCounty and St. Louis County.

    Although it has been in existence for almost 40years, the SCAT system has no permanenthome. It is based out of the ODell SeniorCenter, but will be moving to the Foundry ArtsCenter in November 2011. Moreover, there arevirtually no connections between SCATs localand commuter services, making it difficult forlocal users to access the commuter services.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project constructs a

    local transit hub and much-needed home forSCAT. This, along with other strategic

    investments will enable the City to integrate

    SCATs local and commuter services.

    This TIGER 3 grant application requests thefunding of capital improvements to enhance thephysical stock of the Citys SCAT system. Thepurpose of these improvements are to facilitate

    the Citys ability to better integrate SCAT withthe regional Metro transit system. Thesechanges will make it more convenient for St.Charles residents wishing to use transit toaccess jobs outside of St. Charles County. Itwill also make St. Charles jobs more accessibleto St. Louis regional commuters.

    These changes will result in a modal shift fromautomobile to transit and thus reduce trafficvolumes on the Citys Gateways. Specificcapital improvements include:

    Purchase of two 40 passenger hybrid busses Construction of ten bus shelters Installation of communications equipment

    to allow for smart cards, automated vehiclelocation, and Wi-Fi on six busses

    Wrapping six busses with a new logo Signage replacement at 200 bus stops Upgrading the SCAT maintenance facilityThese upgrades, combined with the

    construction of the proposed Multi-ModalTransportation Center, will allow the City to:

    Coordinate the local and commuter linesand provide opportunities for transfers.

    Provide for direct commuter service toLindenwood University and theCity/County Government Center, betterconnecting these job centers to the region.

    Add a bus and reduce headways on thecommuter route.

    Increase awareness of the system withbetter branding and a more prominentcommunity presence.

    Make the system more convenient to use. Provide shelters at prominent locations to

    protect users (especially seniors) from theelements.

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    The proposed Multi-Modal Transportation andVisitors Center will serve as the hub for theCitys SCAT service. The location is at thesouthern gateway to the City Center, at theintersection of Fifth Street and Boones LickRoad. The Visitors and Interpretive centerwill welcome people to Historic St. Charlesand provide a critical connection with theSCAT system.

    As a hub for SCAT, the center will facilitatethe transfers between the Citys local and

    commuter routes. This site will truly become acrossroads for residents and visitorsusing all modes of travelpedestrians,bicyclists, motorists, and bus riders.

    The center will have flexible office space foruse by SCAT and space for a Visitors andInterpretive Center. It will have publicrestrooms and showers. A shower facility,

    combined with bicycle racks and lockers, iswhat uniquely differentiates this facility asmore than a simple bus station. It trulyprovides a bridge between the local bus rider,the regional bike/bus commuter, and therecreational cyclist.

    The intent is to combine transportation servicesinto one facility as a means of creatingseamless transition between modes (e.g., from

    bicycle to bus transit). Much research aboutthe effectiveness of combining two modes hasbeen done, particularly as it relates to ridershipfor transit. Located less than one mile from theKaty Trail, the hub will become a key amenityfor regional bicycle riders who are riding theKaty or other local routes for exercise as wellas transportation.

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    Fifth Street and First Capitol Drive serve asgateways to the City Center. In their current

    state, neither of these corridors provide thedesired environment for economic growth.There is no common theme and unity betweenthe corridors and the rest of the historicdowntown area. This project will includestreetscape improvements to unify thesegateways with Main Street and downtown.

    Roadside design elements will be used tocreate a more walkable environment.Decorative lighting and street trees will bestrategically placed and all utilities will beburied underground to remove visual clutter.Fifth Streets sidewalks will be reconstructedand widened to six to eight feet, with a six foottree lawn between the sidewalk and roadwaywhere right-of-way allows. Improving thenon-motorized environment along theseroadways will help enhance livability for theneighborhoods and businesses on either side.

    Pedestrian crosswalks will be enhanced toprovide a safe and walkable environment and

    encourage walking. Treatments will make thecrosswalks more visible and will be consistentin character, improving driver compliance ascompared to the treatments in place today.

    Sixth Street will be resurfaced and restripedwith bike lanes between First Capitol Driveand Boones Lick Road. Sixth Street is a wide,quiet residential street, an ideal route for on-street bicycle facilities. This will be a keybicycle connection along the west side of the

    City Center.These improvements, when taken inconjunction with the proposed bicycle stationat the Multi-Modal Transportation Center, willresult in a modal shift from automobile towalking and biking. This will encourage ahealthier lifestyle and also reduce trafficvolumes on the Citys Gateways.

    Vision for Change on Fifth Street

    Vision for Change on First Capital Drive

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    The average Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

    rating for Fifth Street is 46.6. One half of thepavement sections have a PCI below 40 PoorPavement. Two of the sections have PCIratings below 20 Very Poor Pavement.

    Fifth Street will be reconstructed and widenedto four-lanes to accommodate traffic volumesand remove the awkward lane drops. FifthStreet currently carries 16,000 vehicles per day(vpd) with 22,000 vpd expected by 2035.Lanes will be narrowed to 10 feet 9 inches inorder to control traffic speeds and reduce

    pedestrian crossing times. The cross-sectionwill vary between 60-68 feet depending onright-of-way availability.

    The existing mid-block pedestrian traffic signalbetween Tompkins and Pike Streets will berelocated to the Pike Street intersection. Thiswill enhance neighborhood access and result inbetter driver compliance (and thus pedestriansafety), as the signal will be located at anintersection. An additional traffic signal will

    be constructed at McDonough Street toenhance walkability and neighborhood access.These adjustments will slow traffic, create gapsfor vehicles and pedestrians to cross, andenhance access for adjacent neighborhoods.The proposed traffic signal plan will provideprotected pedestrian crossings within one-blockof all side streets in the study corridor.

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    The St. Charles Gateways Project works tofulfill a vision of sustainable, effective and

    efficient, multi-modal Gateways with

    economic development opportunities.

    The St. Charles Gateways ProjectTransforms the City Centers Entrywaysinto Complete Streets. It invests in bicycleand pedestrian facilities to encourage walkingand biking. It expands the Citys transit systemto provide greater opportunities for the use ofpublic transportation. It is a holistic approachin transportation investment that revitalizesland-uses and provides sustainable access toregional job centers, public institutions, andhistorical places. It strengthens livable

    neighborhoods, promotes healthy life styles,and is a catalyst for regional economic growth.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project EnhancesRegional Access to 24,000 Jobs locatedthroughout the City of St. Charles. DowntownSt. Charles is home to several majorinstitutions, and is a center for many high-quality jobs. In fact, St. Josephs HealthCenter, Lindenwood University, St. CharlesCounty and City government centers, and

    Ameristar Casino alone provide nearly 5,500jobs to the regional economy.

    The St. Charles Gateways ProjectStimulates Revitalization of Land-Usesthough transportation investment. Fifth Streetand First Capitol Drive have tremendouspotential for attractive mixed use development.However, the existing character of thesecorridors is not unlike most commercialarterials across the country; uninviting,uninspiring and automobile-oriented.

    These corridors convey automobile traffic fromone point to another, without real regard for theappearance of the public realm oraccommodating pedestrians and bicyclists.

    These Gateway Corridors warrant a characterthat is more befitting of their important rolewithin the St. Charles community.The St. Charles Gateways Project reinvents theFifth Street and First Capitol Drive as compact,walkable, vibrant places that contribute lastingsocial and economic value to St. Charles.Taking cues from the nearby example ofhistoric Main Street, these Gateways areimagined as attractive pedestrian orientedurban districts that extend the unique sense of

    the downtown district throughout the city.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project PromotesAlternative Transportation Choices bystrengthening linkages between transportationmodes. It empowers residents and workers toreduce automobile usage in favor of moresustainable transportation alternatives such asbicycling and transit. It connects local transitto the regional MetroLink light-rail system andenhances local non-motorized connections to

    the regional trail system, allowing for linkedtrips. It provides a, multi-modal solution to thetransportation needs of the areas residents,visitors, and workforce.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project LeveragesOngoing Private Investment. Privateinvestment is continuing in the St. Charles CityCenter. More than $320,000,000 has beeninvested over the past 5 years, with anadditional $425,000,000 of additionalinvestment anticipated within the next 5 years.

    Lindenwood University, founded in 1827, is thesecond-oldest higher-education institution westof the Mississippi River. At nearly 16,000students, it is one of the fastest growinguniversities in the Midwest. Lindenwoodrecently invested more than $35,000,000 toconstruct the J.Scheidegger Center and has

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    committed $40,000,000 to create a UniversityTown Center near its campus on First CapitolDrive.

    St. Joseph Medical Center: Established in

    1885, it has recently invested more than$45,000,000 to update their medical facilitiesand bring better healthcare to their patients.That investment resulted in additions toservices, equipment, physicians and staff.Because of its distance from I-70, improvingaccess to the greater region along Fifth Streetand First Capitol Drive is of critical, and insome cases, lifesaving importance.

    Ameristar Casino and Resort Spa: Ameristar

    Casino was built in 1994, and a full-servicehotel and health spa was added at a cost of$240,000,000 in 2008. This property generatessignificant tax revenue for the city and employsan estimated 1,300 persons.

    Streets of St. Charles: The Streets of St.Charles is a $385,000,000, 1.5 million squarefoot mixed-use development underconstruction on Fifth Street. The project willcreate a town square with amenities forshopping, living, working, dining, andentertaining.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project provides the

    complementary transportation system

    required to leverage further privateinvestment.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project PlugsGaps in Public Investment

    Over the past several years an array of publicagencies has invested in improving the St.Charles Gateways. The St. Charles GatewaysProject complements these investments byplugging gaps in the system.


    Street Interchange with I-70: MoDOTresurfaced the Fifth Street interchange in 2009,adding capacity with additional turning lanes.Before these improvements, the heavy

    westbound I-70 to northbound on Fifth Streettraffic would queue back across the MissouriRiver. These improvements cost $1,100,000and significantly improved the traffic

    operations on Fifth Street and I-70.Fifth Street intersections with First Capitol

    Drive and Jefferson Street: In 2010 the City ofSt. Charles used a Congestion and Air Qualityand Mitigation grant (CMAQ) to completeimprovements on Fifth Street at the intersectionwith First Capitol Drive. Before theseimprovements, this section of Fifth Street hadmajor capacity and queuing problems. TheCity widened Fifth Street to five-lanes andadded sidewalks and streetscape

    improvements. Utility lines were buried toenhance aesthetics.

    These projects left the section of Fifth Streetbetween Boones Lick Road and First CapitolDrive as unimproved. This section of FifthStreet remains a three-lane cross-section withawkward lane merges at the ends of thecorridor. Moreover, the existing roadway ischallenging to negotiate and cross for bicyclistsand pedestrians. Sidewalks are narrow, traffic

    speeds are high, and gaps required to cross theroad are infrequent.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project transformsthe remaining unimproved section of Fifth

    Street into a Complete Street.

    First Capitol Drive Interchange with I-70: In2006, MoDOT spent $18,300,000 toreconstruct the First Capitol Drive interchangeas a single-point urban interchange (SPUI),increasing capacity and solving safety issues.

    First Capitol Drive Intersection with

    Kingshighway: In 2001, MoDOT invested$2,200,000 to reconstruct the First CapitolDrive/Kingshighway intersection. Thisimprovement widened the intersection toaccommodate increased traffic fromLindenwood University.

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    These projects created additional trafficcapacity for automobiles to access the St.Charles City Center via First Capitol Drive, butdid very little to improve access for non-

    motorized users.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project enhances

    the walkability of First Capitol Drive, with a

    major focus on improving non-motorizedconnections from Lindenwood University to

    the St. Charles City Center.

    Trail Connections: The 237 mile Katy TrailState Park follows the right-of-way of theformer Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad. The

    Katy Trail is one of the longest rails-to-trailsprojects in the United States and has beendesignated as an official segment of the Lewisand Clark National Historic Trail and theAmerican Discovery Trail. The Katy Trailruns through the City Center, adjacent toFrontier Park, on the Missouri Riverfront.

    In 2003 MoDOT opened the first phase of theMO364 freeway. The projects Missouri RiverBridge includes a cantilevered multi-use paththat ultimately connects the Katy Trail with the

    regional trail system. This connection providesa dedicated trail connection across the MissouriRiver for commuters and visitors travelingbetween St. Charles and St. Louis Counties.The Great Rivers Greenway District (GRG) isleading the development of a region-widesystem of high-quality greenways, parks, andtrails known as the River Ring. The RiverRing encourages clean air, clean water, healthyforests, connected neighborhoods, andwalkable streets to provide healthier lifestyle.

    GRGs 2011 Master Plan identifies future trailsimprovements in St. Charles.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project leverages

    the ongoing investments in the regional trailsystem by enhancing critical bicycle

    connections and constructing a bicycle hub in

    the St. Charles City Center.

    St. Charles Gateways Builds on Success

    St. Charles is proud of the Citys heritage andexcited about the future. Volunteerism and

    investment are high, as evidenced by the Citywinning two awards from the AAA MidwestTraveler Magazine in August 2011.

    The city was selected as the Best HistoricalSmall Town and the Festival of the Little Hillswas selected as the Best Craft Fair in theMidwest. In addition, three other awards werereceived in the immediate area; AmeristarCasino Resort Spa was voted Best Casino;Boones Colonial Inn was voted MostRomantic B&B; and the Katy Trail was voted

    Best Bike Trail in the Midwest.The St. Charles Gateways Project is focused onextending the Historic Main StreetEnvironment along Fifth Street and FirstCapitol Drive. It is intended to improve theGateways to such that they accomplish morethan just the conveyance of vehicular trafficand instead support land use patterns thatstrengthen the public realm.

    The St. Charles Gateways Project ties together

    significant efforts from a wide range ofgovernments, businesses, and individuals to

    create a coherent and comprehensive multi-modal transportation system that serves the

    community, leverages ongoing private and

    public investment, and encouragessustainable development practices and

    transportation choices.

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    III. The City of St. Charles is the ninth largest cityin the state of Missouri, and the second largestin St. Charles County, with a population of

    65,794 and $98 million appropriation budget in2011. St. Charles has the means to administerthis project independently.

    The City has worked closely with the localcommunity in the development of the St.Charles Gateways Project. Numerous meetingswith the public and coordinating agencies havebeen held. A one-week design charrette washeld in June 2011. The St. Charles LandmarksCommission has been instrumental in the

    architectural design of the Multi-ModalTransportation Center to ensure that thestructure is in keeping with the rich historiccharacter of St. Charles.

    Planning documents can be downloaded at:

    Although the City is the sole financial partnerfor the TIGER 3 Discretionary Grant, there aremany project supporters and non-funding

    partners. SSM St. Josephs Hospital provided all

    funding for the architectural design of thestreetscape and the Multi-ModalTransportation Center. They are a planningpartner with the City and are working onlivability and access improvements for aproposed hospital district.

    The City is working with Metro to improvethe connections between the SCAT andMetro systems.

    The City is in discussions with LindenwoodUniversity to explore ways to implement abus-pass system for students and staff.

    Trailnet and Great Rivers Greenway arepartners for enhancements to the Citysbicycle and pedestrian facilities.

    MoDOT is coordinating with the City onimprovements related to First Capital Drive(also Missouri Route 94) and is fullysupportive of SCAT enhancements that willhelp to relieve congestion on I-70.

    Ameren Missouri will work with the Cityon all utility relocations.

    The City has received unequivocal supportfrom many community leaders, localbusinesses, local institutions, local non-profitagencies, and regional agencies (see Appendixfor support letters).

    Mayor Sally A. Faith

    St. Charles City Convention and Visitors Bureau

    St. Charles City Director of Public Works

    St. Charles City Economic Development

    St. Charles County Economic Development Center

    East West Gateway Council of Governments (EWGCOG)

    Missouri Senate Majority Floor Leader Tom Dempsey


    Great Rivers Greenway


    Lindenwood University

    SSM St. Joseph's Hospital

    Mid-East Area Agency on Aging

    Delta Center for Independent Living

    Ameren Missouri


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    IV. The City of St. Charles is requesting a total of$12,000,000 from the TIGER 3 grant program,

    out of a total project cost of approximately$15,000,000.

    Cost Item CostRoadway






    Multi-ModalTransportation Center


    SCAT CapitalImprovements


    Total Project Cost $15,000,000

    The City of St. Charles has committed to meetthe local matching requirements of $3,000,000to make needed operational changes to theCitys SCAT system, construct a new Multi-Modal Transportation Center, and implementthe long-range plans proposed for the Fifth

    Street and First Capitol corridors. The Mayorand City Council members support the projectand are committed to providing the $3,000,000matching funds. A letter from the Mayor andresolution from the City Council committingthe City to proving the matching funds isincluded in the Appendix.

    The City of St. Charles currently funds theoperations and maintenance of the Citys

    SCAT System at a level of about $300,000 peryear. Revenues from the system areapproximately $15,000 per year. Expandingthe service will increase operational expensesby approximately $260,000 per year. Afinancial analysis was completed to see ifadditional revenues could be gained to helpoff-set some of the additional operational costs.

    The financial analysis shows that the increasedannual costs could be off-set through themethods discussed below. The implementationof all proposed changes will be revenue neutral

    in terms of operations/maintenance.First, the proposed changes will result inincreased ridership. We anticipate a 50%increase in ridership on the local service and a100% increase in ridership on the commuterservice. The increased ridership will comeabout because the service will be much easierto use if transfers are allowed between the localand commuter lines. Moreover, the provisionof direct commuter service to LindenwoodUniversity will open an entirely new market for

    the service. Finally, rebranding will increaseawareness of the service.

    Second, fares will be increased. Currentlyfares are $0.50 for a regular fare and $0.25 forreduced fare (over 62 or with a MedicareCard). Children under 6 ride for free. Fareswill be increased to generally match Metrosfare structure ($2.00 for a regular fare and$1.00 for reduced fare).

    The combination of increased ridership andincreased fares will be expected to increasefare box revenues from $15,000 per year toabout $125,000 per year, an increase of around$110,000 per year.

    The City is in discussions with LindenwoodUniversity to explore setting up a student bus-pass system; similar to Metros U-Passprogram. Metro has arrangements with severallocal Universities in which the Universities paya specified amount per semester for all eligible

    students. In return, students get unlimited useof the Metro System. A partnership withLindenwood University modeled on the Metroprogram would conservatively generaterevenues on the order of $150,000 per year. Asa base measure, Metro generates annualrevenues of about $3,500,000 from theirexisting partnerships with 3 local Universities.

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    Additional recurring costs for energyconsumption, operation, and maintenance ofthe new multi-modal hub have been estimatedbased on averaged costs of existing Cityfacilities. Operation and maintenance needs atthe new facility will be absorbed into the Citysexisting Facilities Maintenance Division, withadditional staff added as required, along withcontracted cleaning services. These funds willbe provided by reallocation from SCAT systemand Convention and Visitors Bureau funds toFacilities Maintenance funds.

    Day-to-day operation of the new multi-modalhub will be performed primarily by the SCATSystem Supervisor whose office will be at thehub. All SCAT drivers will report from thehub and be provided with access to sharedoffice space. Receptionist duties will be sharedwith the Convention and Visitors Bureau,which will also have staff reassigned to thefacility to operate and maintain the Visitors andInterpretive Centers.

    The proposed TIGER 3 funding will have asubstantial benefit by reducing pavementmaintenance and rehabilitation efforts on FifthStreet and First Capitol Drive. Fifth Street iscurrently in poor condition with overlaysrequired every five-six years. Thereconstruction of this pavement will greatlyreduce the need for ongoing maintenance in thefuture. The elimination of costly rehabilitationprovides needed relief to local, regional andstate maintenance funds that would otherwisebe derived from overall Federal Highwayfunding. This project represents infrastructureinvestment that makes financial sense toexecute at this time rather than wait for furtherpavement degradation.

    V. Long-Term Outcomes

    This St. Charles Multi-Modal SustainableTransportation System Improvement projectwill be of long term benefit to the UnitedStates, the state of Missouri, and the St. Louisregion, as well as for City residents and visitorsto the historic downtown.

    Descriptions are provided in the followingpages for the primary selection criteria.

    State of Good Repair Economic Competitiveness Livability Safety Environmental SustainabilityA Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) was generatedfor the proposed project in October 2011,according to the benefit-cost methodologyrecommended by the U.S. DOT in the FederalRegister. This analysis shows a positive BCAof 1.72 to 1. It also shows that most of thebenefit from the project will be derived from

    enhanced economic competitiveness.

    The complete Benefit/Cost Analysis can befound in the Appendix. Market studiescompleted for the project during the planningphases can be downloaded at:

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    Fifth Street: The St. Charles Gateways projectwill fully replace the existing pavement onFifth Street. Fifth Street is currently in poor

    condition with an average Pavement ConditionIndex (PCI) of 44.6. The City was intendingon overlaying the pavement two more timesuntil outside funding (likely through the localMPO, East-West Gateway) could be securedfor full-depth replacement. Overlays must bedone every five to six years currently becauseof the poor PCI. TIGER 3 funding will be usedfor full-depth pavement replacement ofexisting asphalt pavement with concrete. Thiswill eliminate prolonging the replacement,

    excessive maintenance overlays, and furtherexposure to increased oil prices. As describedin the Benefits Costs Analysis (BCA)document, replacement benefits/costs havebeen estimated based on anticipated repairsneeded for the next 40 years based onpavement life. The new pavement section canbe adequately designed for the arterial corridorthat is now Fifth Street, providing an expectedpavement service life of 30-40 years.

    First Capitol Drive: The First Capitolpavement section is maintained by the MissouriDepartment of Transportation (MoDOT) aspart of State Route 94. MoDOT data does nottranslate perfectly to the Citys PCI system, butthe current condition correspondsapproximately to a PCI of 60. This PCI ratingwould require some preventative maintenance,but overall, the original pavement section waswell-designed and is performing acceptably.Ongoing maintenance repairs have been

    estimated based on pavement grinding andlimited joint repairs, but these limited fixes willcontinue to grow over time. The originalpavement was constructed around 1995, givingit an expected service life of 15 to 20 moreyears.

    For this reason, total pavement replacement isnot proposed for First Capitol. Instead, TIGER3 funding will be used for limited individualconcrete slab repairs combined with diamond

    grinding to improve the ridability of thesection. These improvements will substantiallyprolong the full replacement for some time,eliminate the need for costly rehabilitation in15-20 more years, and offset already sparsemaintenance funds within MoDOT.

    Due to the continued increase in oil prices,elimination of costly rehabilitation, andprolonging of pavement life, the proposedTIGER 3 funding is anticipated to have asubstantial benefit to the current pavement

    condition and the anticipated pavement life-cycle of the build-no-build scenario. Itprovides needed relief to Local, Regional andState maintenance funds that will likely bederived from overall Federal Highway funding.This project represents infrastructureinvestment that makes financial sense toexecute at this time rather than wait for furtherdegradation.

    Pavement Condition Reports for both Fifth

    Street and First Capitol Drive are availablefrom the City upon request.

    Other Project Benefits:

    Encourages the utilization of existingroadway and transit infrastructure

    Encourages the utilization of transitinfrastructure via improvements the CitysSCAT system and transportation hub tofacilitate multi-modal journeys.

    Reduces the life-cycle operating costs ofmajor infrastructure components

    Brings currently non-compliant ADAfacilities into compliance with ADAguidelines.

    Will improve reliability of the energydistribution system in St. Charles City byburying all utilities along Fifth Street andFirst Capitol Drive underground.

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    The present value of economiccompetitiveness: $52,519,000

    This St. Charles City Center is a special assetin the region because of its mix of demographicsegments, its combination of private andinstitutional employers and services, and itseclectic blend of historic residential,commercial, and institutional buildings. Butthe Fifth Street and First Capitol Drivecorridors have suffered from a lack of notableinvestment in recent decades. That hasrecently changed, however, with the growth ofLindenwood University, and other commercial

    development proposals near the City Center.

    Supporting these investmentsand thepotential multiplier effects therefromis aresponsibility of the public sector, in this case,in the form of street and streetscapeimprovements to manage anticipated increasesin traffic flow. However, this public supportmust be tempered with careful preservation ofthe historic residential neighborhoods servedby the two roadways. This project is plannedto accomplish both kinds of support.

    The noisy, hot, odorous, and even threateningobstacle to pedestrians and bicyclists createdby the haphazard design of Fifth Street, inparticular, presents a poor first impression ofSt. Charles despite Fifth Streets crucial role asa gateway to the citys business and civic core.By reorienting this main entrance to the city,coupled with similar improvements to FirstCapitol Drive, this core area will attract notonly more residents, visitors, and business

    entrepreneurs, but will encourage more ofthose patrons to interact with existingmerchants. The increased pedestrian trafficalong these central corridors will prompt ahigher utilization of properties in theimmediate area, thus increasing the marketvalue of those properties.

    As the cost of automobile transportationcontinues to rise, reinforcement of alternativemodes of transit between key destinations is acrucial key to the regions success. The project

    creates a badly needed multi-Modaltransportation facility for connections betweenthe center of St. Charles and the rest of theregion. This will encourage residents, workers,and visitors to move easily from one area toanother.

    The opportunity for Fifth Street and FirstCapitol Drive is to leverage the considerableassets of Old St. Charles in order to realizeeconomic growth in the form of the followingthree elements:

    A more prominent downtown district. Increased residential property values. Fuller realization of Fifth Street and First

    Capitol Drives economic potential.

    Fifth Street and First Capitol Drive are thekeys. Presently auto-oriented commercialstrips, these corridors could make better use oftheir connections to walkable, historicneighborhoods, proximity to a historiccommercial district, and adjacency to a

    significant employment district. If thesecorridors are transformed into more invitingplaces - specifically, a main street environmentthat also improves accessibility to DowntownSt. Charles - greater value for the communitywill be unlocked. Such an effort will improvethe image of the entry corridors to downtown,making it a more appealing location for newoffice space. Greater residential propertyvalues are also a likely outcome of improvingthe quality and character of the primary

    gateway into the community. Lastly, higherintensity uses of the land along Fifth Street andFirst Capitol Drivein the form of mixed-usebuildings with residential uses above ground-floor office and retailwill create more valuein the form of property tax receipts for the city.

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    Following are several demographic trends thatare specific to St. Charles County and Old St.Charles. They point to at least two potentialdemographic groups that could provide market

    support for housing in a revitalized main streetenvironment along Fifth Street: young singlesand couples, and seniors.

    Population: St. Charles County is the mostrapidly-growing County in the St. Louisregion. Old St. Charles, on the other hand,is not growing, largely due to a lack of nethousing additions.

    Families: St. Charles County as a wholeattracts a disproportionate share of families.Old St. Charles, on the other hand, appealsto singles and two-person households.

    Age: Presently, Old St. Charles haddisproportionate shares of young people (inthe 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 brackets), as wellas the elderly (75-plus).

    Income: Median household incomes in OldSt. Charles are much loweralmost halfwhat they are in St. Charles County($44,100 compared to $75,800). However,this is partly explained by the shortage oftwo income earning households in Old. St.Charles. Per capita incomes are only 20percent lower.

    The potential highest and best use for bothFifth Street and First Capitol Drive are not asingle use, but rather a variety ofcomplementary uses. Nevertheless, eachcomponent or use must be evaluated separatelyto determine market demand and feasibility,with the understanding that its presence in amixed-use environment will contribute to a

    collective value that is greater than the sum ofeach.

    Office: In the early part of the last decade, St.Charles County, which previously had been abedroom community, became a significantplayer in the office market. From 2000 to 2011,Metro St. Louis added 1.7 million square feet

    of office space annually; St. Charles Countyaccounted for 23 percent of this development.Much of this development occurred at threelocations along the Countys I-64 corridor:

    Progress West, Winghaven, and MissouriResearch Park. In each instance, thesedevelopments achieved annual absorption ratesof 35,000 to 40,000 square feet. These projectseach occurred on greenfield sites where land isrelatively inexpensive. It is likely thatdowntown St. Charles, with its appealing arrayof amenities and existing medical andgovernment office anchors, could realize acomparable velocity of developmentprovided sites are made available. Based on

    regional employment projections and historicaloffice supply data, the St. Louis region is likelyto add 15 million square feet of office spaceover the next ten years.

    Assuming St. Charles County can continue tocapture roughly 23 percent of regional officegrowth; this translates into 3.3 million squarefeet of added office space in the County over10 years. A 10 percent capture of Countygrowth (or a 2.0 to 2.5 percent capture ofregional growth) amounts to approximately

    330,000 square feet of new office space forDowntown St. Charles, Fifth Street, and FirstCapitol Drive. While this figure of 330,000square feet of office space over 10 years isreasonable (again, assuming sites can beassembled), a more conservative assumptionmight be that this amount of space will beabsorbed over 15 years, to account for potentialchallenges to property assembly, changingeconomic cycles, and other known andunknown factors that could affect development


    Residential: A significant amount of real estatedemand for Fifth Street will come from theresidential sector, especially if it is convertedinto a walkable, main street environment.Based on premiums revealed in analysis ofexisting supply, there is an undersupplied

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    market for more compact housing formats (i.e.,townhomes and multifamily units) indistinctive, walkable communities. Capture ofonly a small amount of this demand would

    translate into a significant amount of newdevelopment for Fifth Street. Analysis ofsupply in St. Charles indicates that two projectswith relatively small unit and lot sizesNewTown and Enclave at Montclairsold a largevolume of units over the last decade. In fact, ofdozens of subdivisions surveyed in St. Charles,New Town (a walkable, New Urbanistdevelopment) had the smallest average unitsize and sold more units, annually, than anyother project. Both projects priced at least half

    of their units at or below $225,000a keyprice point for new housing proposed in OldSt. Charles. Between 2004 and 2008, an 1,100square foot townhome product at New Townsold at an average of 25 units per year, at aprice of $145 per square foot.

    These metrics serve as reasonable indicators ofachievable prices and sales velocities fortownhomes and condominiums at Fifth Streetand First Capitol Drive. It is thereforeconcluded that Fifth Street and First Capitol

    Drive could absorb 25 units per year over 10years, with most prices ranging from $200,000to $250,000, or $150 per square foot. To beconservative in estimating future tax revenue,an assumption of 250 units over fifteen years isreasonable.

    Retail: Demand for additional retail spacealong Fifth Street and First Capitol Drive arelimited, since opportunities will generally beconstrained to services provided to adjacent

    neighborhoods. Assuming some population,job, and income growth in the area as a resultof the implementation of the Master Plan,demand for an additional 25,000 square feet ofretail space could be generated. The need forreplacement spacethat is, the construction ofhigher-quality spaces to accommodate existingretail and service office tenants that are

    currently in inferior spacescould have a moresubstantial impact on the developmentlandscape. An estimated 45,000 square feet ofreplacement space could be constructed,

    provided lease rates of $15 per square footcould be offered. This is not typically a leaserate that is sufficiently high to motivatedevelopers and lenders to deliver new product,but use of New Market Tax Credits and mixed-use development strategies would make suchprojects economically viable. As a result, atotal of 70,000 square feet of retail space couldbe built in the corridor over 15 years, of which45,000 square feet would consist ofreplacement space, and 25,000 square feet

    would consist of net new retail space.In order to realize this vision, the St. CharlesGateways Project will:

    Support the optimal utilization andredevelopment of properties located in thecorridors defined by Fifth Street and FirstCapitol Drive for both residential andcommercial purposes by improving access,widening sidewalks for walking andoutdoor retail/dining, and improving

    aesthetics to encourage entrepreneurism. Support efficient and safe use of alternative

    transit modes to support movement withinand between the project corridors, otherdestinations in St. Charles City and County,and the regions light rail network.

    Provide needed transportationinfrastructure support and entice morevisitors to the attractions and institutions ofSt. Charles.

    The City is also working through a major landuse change from traditional methods to aSmart-Code. Although not complete at thistime, this new Smart Code should help futureredevelopment along the corridors and in thedowntown area. The city has been workingwith project stakeholders and citizens todevelop this new Smart-Code since early 2011.

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    This project will:

    Allow better and safer transit, pedestrian,and bicycle access to the attractions andinstitutions of St. Charles.

    Increase the direct use value of the businesscorridors defined and served by Fifth Streetand First Capitol Drive.

    Initiate the creation of a uniquedevelopment area that combines medical,office, and retail expansion with denser,more affordable housing as well as newtransportation options.

    Provide better connectivity to the St. Louisregions bike and trail network.

    Provide accessible transportation choices toall peoples.

    Increase pedestrian and bicycle usagethrough beautification and natural coolingcreated by more trees and the removal ofunsightly utility poles and lines.

    Promote the expansion of pedestrian andbicycle commuting through construction ofthe multi-modal hub and expanded transitservices within the region. This improves

    the overall health of U.S. citizens thatparticipate in these transportation modesand helps to reduce ongoing healthcarecosts

    The project will allow current and futurepopulations within the corridors served by FifthStreet and First Capitol Drive unimpededtransit, pedestrian, and bicycle access to thelarge number and variety of products, services,and attractions in St. Charles. Most of thepositive benefit is expected to be derived from

    increased bicycle usage for both commutingand recreation, even as the number of vehiclestraveling the corridors increases.

    The market analysis completed lookedextensively into the demographics in the Cityof St. Charles. Over the next five years, St.Charles County is expected to capture three-

    fifths of all population growth in the St. Louisregion. However, given current trends, theHistoric Center/Old St. Charles is notanticipated to capture any of this growth

    without improvements to infrastructure, policy,or regulatory changes. This proposed projectwill help provide better circulation and accessfor new, attractive housing opportunities.

    Population demographics are changing eachyear. Seniors, single residents, and smallerfamilies are becoming more common.Therefore, the demand for smaller houses willincrease. More people want city centers,mixed uses, and shorter commutes. In order toaccommodate this new housing phenomenon,

    more walkable neighborhoods are preferred,especially those that provide improvedaccessibility an aging population.

    The demographics of the City of St. Charlesare aging like the rest of the nationspopulation. This project will help providewalkable streets for these citizens and othermodes of transportation. In fact, theseimprovements include making all sidewalksand crosswalks ADA compliant.More walkable streets and a multi-modal

    transportation hub in the downtown CityCenter will foster a more livable corecommunity. The land-use changes beingrecommended will further help promotelivability.

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    The St. Charles Gateways Project includesseveral measures to enhance transportationsafety. Consistent lane alignments, slower

    traffic speeds, traffic light synchronization,dedicated bicycle and pedestrian ways, andhigher transit ridership will reduce accidents.Better consistency in traffic controlapplications (such as pedestrian crossings) willimprove driver expectancy and compliance.

    However, this project is anticipated to increasetraffic volumes due to the economic growth ofthe areas served by the corridors. As a result,there will likely be an increase the number of

    overall accidents. The present configuration ofthe corridors and the existing safety measuresare already at reasonable standards, sosubstantial per-vehicle reductions in accidentsare not expected from the corridorimprovements.

    Although there were no fatalities along eitherFifth Street or First Capitol Drive in the past 4years, these corridors have seen a significantnumber of crashes. Between 2008 and thepresent day there were 190 crashes recordedalong the three-quarter mile study segment ofFifth Street alone. That equates to about onecrash each week, as shown below.

    2008 2009 2010 2011* Total

    48 57 53 32 190*recorded through August 11, 2011

    Rear end crashes were the most common typerecorded. A four-lane Fifth Street will offermore capacity and reduce stop and go traffic

    from congestion. Additional traffic signals willalso provide safer pedestrian crossings. Trafficsignal upgrades will offer significant benefitsto the corridor, including:

    The most vulnerable users of the transportationsystem are pedestrians and bicyclists. Thisproject will place a major focus on pedestrianand bicycle safety. A primary goal of theoverall plan is to change the demographicsalong the corridor to promote bicycling and

    walking. This project will add consistentlymarked cross-walks and signalized crossingsalong these busy streets. In addition, thelandscape zones will offer a safety buffer tomove pedestrians from the edge of theroadway.

    Bicycle lanes will be provided on Sixth Street,serving local riders and also tying togetherother regional routes. This facility will providea safer route to cyclists. Sixth Street is a

    residential street with low traffic speeds andmore open space resulting in significantly lessconflicts between vehicles and bicyclists.

    Proposed Sixth Street Bicycle Corridor

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    The project would improve the system thatpromotes access to and between LindenwoodUniversity, St. Joseph Medical Center,

    downtown businesses, government offices, andthe interstate highway interchanges at FifthStreet and First Capitol Drive, including betterroad, transit, bike, and pedestrian connectivity.Residents and visitors arriving will be moreefficiently directed to the many notabledestinations served by Fifth Street and FirstCapitol Drive. Moreover, revised signalizationwill reduce wait time at traffic lights, thusreducing excessive emissions due to idling andreducing travel times. Specifically, this project


    Improve and protect the environmentthrough sustainable constructiontechnologies and the addition of numeroustrees for their cooling and aestheticbenefits.

    Discourage further urban sprawl in the St.Louis region and reinvest in existing, older,developed areas.

    Protect the environment through thetreatment of storm water runoff in order toreduce harmful pollutants withunderground storm water BMPs.

    Reduce the impacts of upland developmenton the flow and erosion of downstreamstreams and creeks by harvesting stormwater runoff to irrigate street trees.

    Construct a LEED-certifiable Multi-modalTransportation Center.

    Reduce dependence on oil throughpromotion of transit, pedestrian, and

    bicycle modes. Promote the reduction of energy usage by

    the creation of a redevelopment area thatleverages the Citys new Green PointRating System (GPRS).

    Improve traffic flows and reduce idlingtime.

    The St. Louis MSA had an unemployment ratein July 2011 of 8.9 percent, and per capita

    income that was 81 percent of the nationalaverage in 2009. Jobs are badly needed in thearea, and the project will support an estimated29 full time construction jobs in the near term,and 2,400 additional permanent jobs, rampedup over the subsequent decade as the marketresponds to the improved infrastructure andbusiness climate. It is expected that 300 ofthese net new jobs in the subject corridors willbe in the retail sector (adding to existing retailjobs) and 2,100 net new jobs will be in

    professional services, real estate, insurance,finance, and related sectors.

    That said, it is assumed in this analysis thatmost such jobs will not be net new jobs to theU.S. Instead, the assumption is that a greatmany of these jobs could have been locatedelsewhere, but that the anticipatedimprovements in the two transportationcorridors will create a more favorable businessand workplace environment. Net new jobs willincrease at a rate consistent with the mostrecent employment projections through 2018by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, onepercent per year over the present estimate of4,500 in the subject corridors, including thoseat Lindenwood University and St. JosephMedical Center.

    Thus, starting in 2015, the subject area willstart adding net new 45-50 jobs per yearthrough 2024, for a total of 470 net new jobsout of the projected 2,400 anticipated for the

    area. These net new jobs will have annualwages of approximately $40,000 per year in2011 valuesthe average for the St. Louismetropolitan area. This project will attractbusinesses and workers to a presentlyunderutilized set of roadway corridors, thusproviding additional stimulus for economicdevelopment within the region.

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    The St. Charles Gateways Project is the resultof a year-long planning and design process bythe City of St. Charles, St. Charles County,SSM St. Joseph Health Center, andLindenwood University, along withsurrounding businesses and residents.Extensive stakeholder outreach has occurred todevelop a common vision for Gateways intothe St. Charles City Center. The result is aunique partnership amongst several stakeholdergroups.

    Non-Motorized Advocacy Groups:Trailnet and Great Rivers Greenway arepartners for enhancements to the Citysbicycle and pedestrian facilities.

    Institutions: SSM St. Josephs HealthCenter is a planning partner with the Cityon this project. Lindenwood University isengaged with the City to enhancewalkability along First Capitol Drive anddevelop a SCAT bus pass program for theUniversity.

    Advocacy Groups for Aging Citizens:Both the Mid-East Area Agency on Agingand Delta Center for Independent Livingsupport this project because it increasesaccess to services for the aging populationand helps to extend a high quality of life.

    Transit Agencies and Advocacy Groups:Metro and others are supportive of the St.Charles Gateways Project because itenhances transit access and promotes amodal shift to improve access in theunderserved St. Charles market.

    Business Groups: The St. Charles CityConvention and Visitors Bureau, St.Charles City Economic DevelopmentDepartment, and St. Charles CountyEconomic Development Center are insupport of the project as it will provide acatalyst for continued economic growth inthe St. Charles region.

    This TIGER 3 grant application has many

    innovative elements.Land Use Planning: Project elements targetedtoward streetscape, pedestrian, bicycle, andpublic transportation will all work in support ofinnovative ideas and best practices inneighborhood development and encouragingmultiple transportation modes. The streetimprovements implemented by this project willwork in strong support of replacingconventional land-use regulations with theSmart-Code, a form-based land-use code

    currently being developed by the City of St.Charles promoting human-scaled, mixed-usedevelopment for the neighborhoods adjoiningthe project streets.

    Technology: Another component of theproject will include the purchase andinstallation of the communications systemsnecessary to support proposed enhancements tothe SCAT bus system, including smart-cardfare collection, automated vehicle location, and

    wireless internet. The continued introductionof these technologies throughout the nation isan important part of maximizing ridership andcustomer utility of public transportation.

    Multi-Modal Transportation: Additionally,the provision of showers and bicycle lockers atthe multi-modal hub will be substantiallyuseful for connecting bicyclists and publictransportation. Funds to improve Sixth Streetwill introduce designated bicycle infrastructureto St. Charles and the surrounding community,realizing an important link in the Gateway BikePlan published in 2011.

    Environmental Sustainability: The projectwill construct a LEED-certifiable Multi-modalhub and create corridors targeted to leveragethe Citys GPRS code.

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    Project Readiness

    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)criteria for this project will be met with acategorical exclusion (40 CFR 1508.4).

    The City of St. Charles has contracted with SCIto complete the NEPA work required for thisproject. To date, SCI has completed researchand field work to document displacements,wetlands and waterbodies, floodplain impacts,and special/hazardous waste. They havecollected data related to farmland, air quality,noise, cultural resources, 4(f) involvement, andthreatened and endangered species. They have

    coordinated with relevant local and stateagencies

    NEPA services are ongoing for this project,and SCI anticipates completing these serviceswithin the next eight weeks. The categoricalexclusion will be posted on the project websitewhen this work is complete:

    Although the St. Charles Gateways Project isnot identified on the regions currentTransportation Improvement Program (TIP),the East-West Gateway Council ofGovernments (EWGCOG), the MetropolitanPlanning Organization for the St. Louis region,will amend the TIP if the application is selectedto receive funding through the TIGER III

    Discretionary Grant Program. A letter fromEWGCOG is included in the Appendix.

    This TIGER 3 Application is in compliancewith the TIGER 3 Pre-ApplicationStCharlesTgr328975.

    This project does not require any legislativeapprovals, so the project can move forwardimmediately pending funding approval.

    The TIGER 3 grant funds will be matched withlocal non-federal funding from the City of St.

    Charles. A total of $15,000,000 is required tocomplete the proposed project. The requestedTIGER 3 Grant funding of $12,000,000 will bematched by $3,000,000 from the City.Additionally, the project has been determinedto have an overall positive BCA.

    Phase 1 design for this project is complete.The project is proposed to be completed withinright-of-way that is within the Citys control,with the exception of what is required for the

    Multi-modal Transportation Center. The Cityis pursuing negotiations with the sites owners.As the brief schedule below shows, the projectis expected to be completed by April of 2014.However, the City has a Design/Build codewhich could expedite this process. A detailedschedule is provided in the Appendix.

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    Appendix: St.

    Char les Financial Commitment

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    Appendix: Property Acquisition Commitment

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    Appendix: TIP Commitment

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    October 24, 2011

    Mr. Ray LaHoodSecretaryU.S. Department of Transportation

    1200 New Jersey Avenue SEWashington, DC 20590-0001

    Dear Secretary LaHood:

    I strongly support the TIGER III Discretionary Grant application for the Sustainable Gateways

    to St. Charles Historic, Cultural, Entertainment, Employment, and Government City Centerproject submitted by the City of St. Charles. I believe the application will deliver economic,

    mobility, and environmental benefits to the entire St. Louis metropolitan area. The applicationis the product of a collaborative process involving numerous local jurisdictions, organizations,

    and private sector partners and represents a coordinated package of improvements.

    The application fulfills the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER III mission to fundinfrastructure investments that will have a significant impact on positive long-term outcomesfor our metropolitan area and utilize innovative approaches to achieving this regional goal.

    The application takes a multimodal or technological approach to improving the efficiency and

    effectiveness of the regional transportation system, addressing critical regional issues relatedto connectivity, goods movement, travel reliability, and safety. The application outlines aproject that will contribute to the regions economic vitality, environmental sustainability and

    quality of life.

    I am confident that the investments advanced for funding in this application will meet orexceed the goals for the TIGER III program, as well as provide a needed boost to the St. Louis

    region. Although the Sustainable Gateways to St. Charles Historic, Cultural, Entertainment,

    Employment, and Government City Centerproject is not identified on the regions current

    Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the East-West Gateway Council of Governments,the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the St. Louis region, will amend the TIP if the

    application is selected to receive funding through the TIGER III Discretionary Grant Program.

    The Council recognizes the importance of local priorities and the need to implement them.Given the present level of federal and state transportation funds available to the St. Louis

    region, it is unlikely that construction of such an important project will proceed without aninfusion of funds dedicated specifically to the project.


    Ed Hillhouse

    Executive Director

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    Appendix: Letters of Suppor t

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    October 21, 2011

    Mr. Kevin CorwinCity EngineerPublic Works DepartmentCity of St. Charles

    200 North Second StreetSt. Charles, MO 63301

    Dear Kevin:

    Thank you for the opportunity to lend support on behalf of the citys efforts to

    acquire TIGER 3 funds for the Fifth Street corridor upgrade. From a tourismstandpoint, this project enhancement is vital to our future given Fifth Streetrepresents the front door to our Main Street historic district.

    As youre aware, the Greater Saint Charles Convention & Visitors Bureaumanages more than 100 events and festivals on an annual basis. Our visitor basein St. Charles averages over 1M people in any given year. The proposed upgradeto Fifth Street would greatly streamline and improve access for visitors here on

    business as well as tourists to our city.

    First impressions are key regardless of whether people are visiting a destination

    like St. Charles for the first time, or whether theyre simply crossing theBlanchette Bridge from some other part of the greater St. Louis region.

    We take great pride in ensuring we showcase the city and put our best footforward, for our mission is to encourage and foster a positive experience in thehopes people return time and time again.

    This is especially important given Fifth Street is a direct access route to a numberof significant attractions in St. Charles, including:

    . Main Street restaurants, shops, nightlife, hotels/B&Bs

    . First Missouri State Capitol (state historic site)

    . Academy of the Sacred Heart

    . Foundry Art Centre

    . Lewis & Clark Boat House and Nature Center

    . Ameristar Casino Resort Spa

    I welcome the opportunity talk with anyone who might be interested in receivingmore information about how the Fifth Street project will enhance tourism and the

    beautification of St. Charles. Please feel free to share my contact information withanyone whom you deem necessary and helpful going forward.


    Martha LittleInterim Director

    Convention &

    Visitors Bureau





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    Andrew RothschildPresident

    Rodney CrimVice-President

    David SchepersSecretary

    David PickerillTreasurer

    Joseph HillMember at Large

    Jonathan HeitnerEx-Officio

    Ann MackExecutive Director

    Ryan BarrEdward CohenMissy Hammonds ZonaAl GallegosMartin GaltRobert GoltermannCliffHeggsJulian HessLotsie HoltonJohn JenningsSteve JuanBradley MintonKenneth Moore

    Michael NormileSusan PlassmeyerSteven SingerDan WeasCarol Weisman

    October 27, 2011

    Mr. Kevin Corwin

    St Charles City Engineer200 N. 2nd Street

    St Charles, MO 63301

    Re: Tiger 3 grant application

    Dear Mr. Corwin:

    Trailnet enthusiastically supports City of St Charles Tiger 3 grantapplication for Sustainable Greenways to its City Center. As a non-

    profit committed to fostering healthy and active communities

    throughout the St. Louis Region through innovate plans, programs andpolicies that support walking and cycling, Trailnet believes this project

    will be an important step to create greater access to City Center for all

    residents as well as a key hub connecting efficient multi-modal optionsfor visitors. Constructing a multi-modal transportation center at the

    intersection of Boone's Lick and 5th Street would benefit the regional

    trail system and biking community. In addition, Via MoDOT'scantilevered multi-use path across the Missouri River and MDNR's Katy

    Trail, the transportation center would act as a hub to better connect the

    growing trail systems being developed in St. Charles and St. Louis


    There is currently a need for expanded bicycling facilities in St Charles.Trailnet produces hundreds of cycling events involving over ten

    thousand participants throughout the year and is supportive of

    communities investing in facilities that increase usage and safety.

    Studies indicate that the built environment is the biggest indicator to

    health; communities that are built and designed for safe and enjoyablewalking and bicycling foster healthier individuals and a healthier


    Please feel free to contact me at (314) 436-1324 extension 105 if I canprovide any additional information regarding our support for this project.


    Executive Director

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    Providing. Caring. Connecting.

    14535 Manchester RoadManchester, MO 63011-3960(636) 207-0847 phone(636) 207-1329fax

    [email protected]

    October 25, 2011

    Mr. Kevin Corwin

    St. Charles City Engineer

    200 North Second Street

    Saint Charles, MO 63301

    Dear Mr. Corwin:

    As the executive director of Mid-East Area Agency on Aging (MEAAA), I am writing in support of the City of St.

    Charles grant application for Sustainable Gateways to the St. Charles City Center Transportation Investment Generating

    Economic Recovery (TIGER) III grant.

    Mid-East Area Agency on Aging (MEAAA) provides programs and services for seniors age 60+ in partnership with the

    City of St. Charles through a very active senior center. Transportation to needed programs is key to keeping seniors

    active and in their own homes. The current SCAT system has many deficiencies; including, limited hours of

    operation. In addition to this problem a round trip using SCAT can take several hours. A senior wishing to

    travel to a shopping center can expect to travel up to two hours to reach their destination followed by up to an

    hour wait to board the next bus. The senior citizen is then faced with an additional bus ride of up to two hours

    to return home. Improvements to the SCAT system are needed to make travel more attractive and comfortable

    to senior citizens. The improvements that will be made to the SCAT system include: more buses, a

    transportation hub, extending the hours of operation, and improved bus stops. The Sustainable Gateways to the St.

    Charles City Center area would expand transportation connected to the Metro systems as well as providing more

    walkable, livable and sustainable modes of transportation. As the population ages, safe and walkable streets are extremely

    important for seniors who want to remain in the St. Charles area.

    As a representative for seniors in the St. Charles and the greater St. Louis area, I respectfully request that you give serious

    consideration to the City of St. Charles application for the Sustainable Gateways project.


    Mary E. Schaefer

    Executive Director

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    Ameren Boone Trails DivisionSt. Charles DistrictMISSOURI

    Kevin Corwin, P.E., PLSCity EngineerCity of St. Charles, Missouri200 North Second StreetRoom 202St. Charles, MO 63301Dear Kevin,This letter is to demonstrate Ameren Missouri's support for and commitment to the St. Charles' TIGER 3grant application for the Gateways to St. Charles City Center project. Ameren is excited about theopportunity for the City to stimulate substantial revitalization of the City's central business, government,historic, and cultural area.This project involves the undergrounding of Ameren's overhead utilities in the Fifth Street and FirstCapitol corridors. If the project is successfully funded, Ameren will begin the design of an undergroundduct-bank system suitable to meet Ameren's long-term energy distribution needs through thesecorridors. This design and coordination process would begin immediately upon award of the fundingwith the understanding that the City would begin construction of the new duct-bank facilities insummer, 2013. Ameren will install necessary equipment and material once the duct-bank isconstructed. While conversion of existing overhead services to underground will be the responsibility ofthe City, Ameren will work with the City to coordinate this conversion.The scope and budget presented in the application aligns with industry standards for this type ofconstruction. According to Ameren's understanding of the project, the proposed schedule can beaccomplished.Thank you for coordinating these planned improvements to these roadway corridors and Ameren'sutility system. Best of luck with the TIGER 3 application.


    ,tBob Galik P.E.Supervising EngineerBoone Trails DivisionAmeren Missouri

    2100 Bluestone Drive St. Charles, MO 63303

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    Appendix: Benef it-Cost Analysis

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  • 8/3/2019 Saint Charles Gateways TIGER 3 Application - Complete[1]



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  • 8/3/2019 Saint Charles Gateways TIGER 3 Application - Complete[1]



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    Appendix: N EPA Status Letter

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  • 8/3/2019 Saint Charles Gateways TIGER 3 Application - Complete[1]


    Mr. Kevin Corwin 2 October 31, 2011

    City of St. Charles SCI No. 2011-0626

    If you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact me at (618) 206-3025.



    Edwin P. Grimmer, P.E.

    Senior Engineer


    V:\1soils\1NEW\PROJECT FILES\2011 PROJECTS\2011-0626 St. Charles Gateways\110626 Status letter.doc

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    Appendix: Projec t Schedule

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