Transcript of SAILING PROGRAMME 2021 – 2022

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Front Cover: A start for the Super 30 Division (Photo John Jeremy)Back Cover: Lunacy (Photo John Jeremy)


Cremorne NSW


Telephone: Office (02)99531433 Boatshed (02)99092185Email: [email protected]

SAILING CONTACTSCaptain AliceMurphy 0401946246ExecutiveRacingSecretary CatherineBaker (02)99536597 Email: [email protected] on board the Committee Vessel Telephone 0419625883 VHFRadio Channel73

RACE RESULTSProvisional results will be posted on the Club website

as soon as practicable after the last race of the day.

TENDERSNancy K 0418678690Jack Millard 0418678819

EMERGENCY CONTACTSSydneyHarbourWaterPolice (02)93207499SydneyPortsVesselTrafficService (02)92964999NSWMarineRescue(SouthHead) (02)93375033NSWMarineRescue(TheSpit) (02)99693270

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CONTENTSGeneralSailingInstructionsforSASCEvents 5

ScheduleofEvents Betweenpages24–25

Saturday Pointscore Series 11

Sailing Instructions

SaturdaySpring/SummerPointscore 16

Sunday Pointscore Series 20

SASC Opening Regatta 23

WinterSeries 25

FridayTwilightSeries 26

Idle Hour Trophy Race 28

Club Championship 29

Bob Brown Trophy Race 31

Trophies 33

YachtRegister 40

MarineSafety 42

WharfRules 44

HouseRules 45

LocationofRoundingMarks 46ENTRIES

Entries can be made online

EQUIPMENT AUDITORSTonyBarry(0422403538),PhilipBrown(0418214897)



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GENERAL SAILING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SASC EVENTSThe Instructions published in this section apply to all SASC events except where specifically modified for an event or a series of events elsewhere in this programme.1. RULES1.1 Conduct of RacingThe racing will be governed by:(a) ThecurrentWorldSailing(WS)RacingRulesofSailing(RRS)(2021–2024);(b) ThePrescriptionsandSafetyRegulationsofAustralianSailing(AS)(2021–2024);(c) TheMarineSafety(General)Regulation2016;(d) TheseGeneralSailingInstructions;and(e) AnyspecificSailingInstructionsforaseriesorevent.In theeventofconflictbetween theRRSand theSailingInstructions, theSailingInstructionswill prevail.

1.2 AdvertisingAboatandhercrewshallcomplywithWSRegulation20,AdvertisingCode.1.3 Alternate Penalties for infringing a Rule of Part 2 of the RRS1.3.1 Classic Division“%” Place Penalties (asprovidedinRRSrule64.1and44.3)willapplyforinfringementsofaRule under Part All other DivisionsThe Two-Turns penalty (asprovidedinRule64.1and44.2)willapplyforaninfringementofaRule under Part 2.1.4 Basic Principles and Fundamental RulesAllcompetitorsarerequiredtoobservetheBasicPrinciplesandtheFundamentalRules,assetoutin the Racing Rules of Sailing Part 1. Boats failing to observe the Fundamental Rules may be subject to protest by the committee. The penaltyforbreakingaruleofPart1shallbeadisqualificationthatisnotexcludable(DNE).

2. NOTICES TO COMPETITORSNoticestocompetitorswillbepostedontheofficialclubnoticeboardattheSASCclubhouseby1000 hours on the day of the race. These may contain additional information and may supersede the sailing instructions. Best endeavour will be made to post notices to competitors on the SASC website by 1000 hours on the day of the race.

3. COMMITTEE VESSELThe Committee Vessel will display the SASC Burgee.

4. STARTING LINEBetweentheSignalMastontheCommitteeVesselandanorangeinflatablebuoymarkedSASCin black.

5. FINISHING LINEBetweentheSignalMastontheCommitteeVessel(displayingablueflagwhenonstation)andanorangeinflatablebuoymarkedSASCinblack.Thefinishinglinemustbecrossedinthedirectionfrom the lastmark.TheCommitteevesselwillbeat the starboardendof the line, except forfinishesinTaylorBay,windward-leewardracesandFridayTwilightraces.

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CompetingboatsthatpassthroughtheFinishingLinewhennotfinishingshallbedisqualified.For Shortened courses refer SASC Rule 31 and RRS Rule 32. 6. PROTESTSProtestsmustconformtoRRSRule61.CompletedProtestformsmustbedeliveredtotheSASCSailingOfficenolaterthan1100hoursonthefirstworkingdayfollowingthedayoftheraceprotested.Protestsmaybelodgedinperson,addressedtotheSASCProtestCommittee,1GreenSt.Cremorne,[email protected],HearingswillbeheldonthefollowingTuesdayattheSASCClubhouseat1930orasdirected by the Protest Committee.ItisprudenttoadvisetheCommitteeVesselwhenfinishingofanyintentiontoprotest.

7. SCORING7.1 Scoring System TheLowPointscoringsystem,RRSAppendixA,appliessubjecttothefollowingamendments:7.2 Non-competingA boat scored Did Not Compete (DNC) shall be awarded points equal to the number of pointscore entries in the race plus one point.7.3 Non-starting Aboat scoredDidNotStart (DNS),OnCourseSide (OCS),Retired (RET)shallbeawardedpoints equal to the number of pointscore starters in the race plus one point.7.4 Non-finishingA boat scored Did Not Finish (DNF) shall be awarded points equal to the number of pointscore finishersplusone.point.7.5 DisqualificationBoatswhicharedisqualified(DSQ)shallbeawardedpointsequaltothenumberofpointscorestarters in the race plus two points. 7.6 AbandonmentWhenaraceisabandonedafterthestartandnotre-sailed,boatsthatstartedshallbescoredDNF.BoatsthatdidnotstartwillbescoredDNC.Whenaraceisabandonedbeforethestart,theraceshallbeshownasABNandallboatsenteredshallbeawardedzeropoints.

8. CONTROLTheOrganisingAuthoritywillhavecontrolofallmattersconnectedwithracingandwillfixraceentryfees,determinehandicaps,setcourses,divideboatsindivisionsatitsdiscretionandwilldecide any question which may arise which is not provided for in these regulations. A boat will alwayshavetherightofappealtoAustralianSailing(AS)againstadisqualificationasaresultofa protest.

9. ENTRIESEntries will be made online via the SASC website. Series entries should be submitted by 1200 hours on Friday prior to series commencement. Casual entries for races will be accepted up to 1500hoursonthedayofthetwilightracerequestedorFridaywheretheracerequestedoccursonSaturday,Sundayorapublicholiday.Entryfeeswillnotberefundediftheraceisnotsailed.All entries are subject to the approval of the Organising Authority. Only boats nominated on the entryareallowedtorace,i.e.boatsarenotinterchangeable.

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10. PERSON IN CHARGEAmemberofarecognisedBoatClubaffiliatedwithAustralianSailingwhoisalsoamemberofAS must be in charge of each boat competing in a race conducted by the Club. There must also be a minimum of two persons on a boat competing in a race conducted by the Club.11. ALTERNATIVE HELMSMANChangeofregularhelmsmanmustbenotifiedtotheOrganisingAuthorityatleast24hoursbeforetherace.Aboatmaybedisqualifiedforfailingtonotify.TheOrganisingAuthorityreservestheright to alter the handicap.

12. AMENDMENTS TO SAILING INSTRUCTIONSThe Organising Authority reserves the right to alter the General Sailing Instructions and the Sailing Instructions herein at its discretion. Amendments to Sailing Instructions will be available in writing to all entrants and will be deemed to be incorporated herein from the effective date notified.SeealsoRule2.

13. DRESSThehelmsmanandcrewsofallboatscompetingwillbeattiredsuitably,theminimumrequirementsinthisrespectbeingshortsandshort-sleevedshirt.

14. MOTORSAboatmaybepropelledbymotorortoweduntilitspreparatorysignalforScratchDivisionsor5minutes before the nominated start time for each boat in Handicap Divisions. Onceracing,boatsmaybrieflyusetheirmotors,butonlywhenthereisnootherwaytoavoidagrounding,collision,ortocomplywithSASCGeneralSailingInstruction28(CommercialandDefenceShipping).SuchuseofthemotorshallbedeclaredtotheRaceCommitteeafterfinishing,andmustnotgivetheboatanyadvantage,asperRRS42.3(i).

15. NUMBER OF STARTERS15.1 Special (or Non-Series) RacesUnlessthree(3)boatsstartinaClubrace,itwillbeattheOrganisingAuthority’sdiscretiontocancelthatraceandnoprize,medalortrophywillbeawarded.Unlessfour(4)boatsstart,nosecondprize,medalortrophywillbegiven.Unlesssix(6)boatsstart,nothirdprize,medalortrophy will be given.

15.2 Point Score SeriesUnlessthereareatleastthree(3)startersin70%oftheracesinaClubraceseries,itwillbeattheOrganisingAuthority’sdiscretiontocancelthatseriesandnoprize,medalortrophywillbeawarded.Unlessthereareatleastfour(4)startersin70%oftheracesinaClubraceseries,itwillbeattheOA’sdiscretiontocancelthatseriesandnosecondprize,medalortrophywillbeawarded.Unlessthereareatleastsix(6)startersin70%oftheracesinaClubraceseries,itwillbeattheOA’sdiscretiontocancelthatseriesandnothirdprize,medalortrophywillbeawarded.

16. PRIZESTheCommitteewillawardtheprizessubjecttotheserules,butbeforetheydoso,theownerorhis representative can be required to sign the prescribed declaration that the boat has complied with all Rules and Regulations.

17. CLUB RACING FLAGBoatswhenracingarerequiredtoflytheSASCracingflagatornearthemastheadorfromthebackstay.

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18. SAIL NUMBERS18.1 Boats must sail under the sail number advised on its entry form and shown on the list of entries. Permission to carry a sail displaying a different number to that shown on the list of entries fortheeventmustbeobtainedfromtheOrganisingAuthorityatleasttwohoursbeforethefirstwarning signal of the day. Any permission granted will apply to that race or event only. Boats sailingwithsailscarryingunrecordednumbersmaybedisqualified.18.2 Sail numbers must be black or in a contrasting colour to the sail and are to be displayed on eachsideofthemainsail,spinnakerandoverlappingheadsails.ForSASCA-prefixsailnumbers,theA-prefix is tobecentrally locatedabove thenumerals.Gaff-riggedboats arenot requiredto carry numbers on overlapping headsails. Boats not complying may be disqualified at thediscretion of the starter.19. ALTERATIONS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE Anychangesinhull,engineorpropeller,trim,sparsorsailsmustbenotifiedinwritingtotheOrganising Authority as soon as known and before the race affected by the change. Failure to complywiththisrulewillrendertheboatliabletodisqualification.InallcaseswheretheClubhasnotbeengivenopportunity toadjust thehandicap, theright isreservedtomakesummaryadjustment at any time when the change is brought to the attention of the Committee.

20. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS20.1 Harbour races Category7(ASSpecialRegulationsPart1Section2).AllboatswhichdonothavenavigationlightspermanentlyfittedareadditionallyrequiredtocomplywithASSpecialRegulations3.23.4and3.23.5andcarryportablenavigationlightscapableofbeingattachedtotheboat.AllboatsmusthavelodgedacopyoftheircompletedequipmentauditformwiththeSASCSailingOfficebefore they are eligible to race.

20.2 Lion Island and Bob Brown races Category4(ASSpecialRegulationsPart1Section2).

20.3 Anchors Anchorsaretoberemovedfrombowfittingswhenracing.

21. CARDINAL MARKSCardinal Marks constitute Boundary Marks for all courses and must be passed on the safe side fromthedangerthattheymark(e.g.boatsmustpassontheWestsideofaWestCardinalMark),except the Junction Buoy (sea buoy).

22. SHARK ISLANDBoats shall not sail between the AS Shark Island Mark (SM) and the cardinal mark south of Shark Island in either direction. This area is prohibited and deemed to be a continuing obstruction.

23. GARDEN ISLANDBoats shall not sail within the yellow markers in the vicinity of Garden Island. This area is prohibited and deemed to be a continuing obstruction.

24. MOORINGSBoats shall not sail within mooring areas. These areas are prohibited and deemed to be continuing obstructions. Naval and shipping moorings are excluded from this clause.25. KEEP CLEAR OF THE STARTING LINEBoats not engaged in starting must keep clear of the starting line and other boats starting. After

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thewarningsignalofthefirstdivisiontostart,boatsmustnotcrossthestartlinebeforetheirownsignal.Inahandicapstart,boatsmustkeepclearofthestartlineuntil theirownprepsignal,deemedmade four minutes before their allocated start time.Boatsshallendeavourtonotsailthroughotherclubs’startingorfinishinglines.Boatsnotadheringtotheseinstructionsmay,atthediscretionoftheStarter,bedisqualified.

26. REPORTING TO THE STARTERBoatsintendingtoracearerequiredtoreporttotheRaceOfficialsaboardtheCommitteeVesseland receive acknowledgement. Failure to observe this requirement can result in a boat failing to beclassifiedasastarter.

27. LATE STARTERS Boatsstartingmorethanfive(5)minutesaftertheirstartingsignalmayberecordedasDNC.

28. COMMERCIAL AND DEFENCE SHIPPING28.1 Boats shall not interfere with the Commercial or Defence shipping of the Port.The attention of skippers is drawn to Roads and Maritime Services regulations regarding the rightofwayofvesselsenteringorleavingport,ferriesdisplayingorangediamondsandvesselsengaged in towing. Roads and Maritime Services regulations specify “Priority over Sail – some Commercial Ferries on Sydney Harbour display an orange diamond shape which grants priority of way over sailing vessels. Do not attempt to cross the path of an approaching ferry displaying this signal”.28.2 Boats found to have interfered with commercial shipping may be subject to action by the RaceCommitteeinaccordancewithRRS60.2.28.3 AllboatsmustabidebytrafficdirectionsofRoadsandMaritimeServicesBoatingServiceOfficers.AnyboatdirectedtostoporaltercoursebyRoadsandMaritimeServicesBoatingServiceOfficersasaresultofananticipatedbreachoftheaboverulesincident/collisionorcomplaintshalldo so immediately.28.4 Any boat reported by Roads and Maritime Services as having contravened Roads and MaritimeServicesregulationsshallbedisqualified withoutahearing.(amendsRRS63.1).28.5 The attention of any competitors involved in an accident is drawn to the requirements of RoadsandMaritimeServicesaspublishedonpage42ofthishandbook.Competitors are also required to notify the Sailing Office of any contact incident occurring during racing whether or not it results in a Race Protest or a report to Roads and Maritime Services. The SASC is obliged under the terms of its Aquatic Licence to prepare a report of all contact incidents occurring during racing whether or not damage, injury or an insurance claim results. 29. LATE FINISHERSTheRaceOfficialaboardtheCommitteeVesselmay,attheirsolediscretion,leavethefinishingareaandallocatefinishingtimestoboatsthatarenotyetfinished.

30. BOATS RETIRINGBoatsretiringfromaraceshallnotifytheCommitteeVesselbyhailing,onVHF73orStarter’smobile0419625883.Boats not complying may be scored DNE.

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31. CLASSIFICATION31.1 The Organising Authority reserves the right to reclassify any boat at any time during the season.

31.2AnewhandicapmaybegeneratedifaboatisgrantedredressanditsfinishingtimeisamendedbyaProtestCommittee,.32. SHORTENED COURSEThecoursetobesailedbyallDivisionswillbesignalledbythecorrespondingcodeflag(s).WhentheShortenedCoursesignalisdisplayedwithorbeforetheWarningSignal,boatsshouldproceeddirectly to thefinish lineafter rounding themark indicatedbyanasterisk“*” in the relevantSailing Instructions. A race once started may be shortened as per RRS Rule 32.

33. BOATS COMPETING IN OTHER EVENTSUponwritten application to theOrganisingAuthorityprior to the regatta, a boatwhich startsinitsState,NationalorWorldChampionshipmayreceivepointsforanyracestherebymissed,equaltotheboat’saveragepoints.ThenumberofraceseligiblewillbedeterminedbytheSailingCommittee.Averagepointswillbebasedonpointsinallracesintheseries,includingdiscards,except the race or races in question. Requests for competing in other regattas may be reviewed at the discretion of the Organising Authority.

34. INSURANCES34.1 All owners of boats competing in SASC events must hold adequate current Third Party Property Liability insurance cover and Third Party Personal Liability insurance cover of not less than$10,000,000(tenmilliondollars)foreachseparateincident.Furthermore,allownersaretoensurethattheirboat’sinsurancefulfilsthisrequirementwhilstunderracingconditions.

34.2 Participants are also advised that, although SASC is covered by third party liabilityinsurance,thiscoverDOESNOTextendtoparticipants.Anyparticipantwhoconsidersthattheyhave need for insurance must make their own private arrangements with an insurer. 34.3 Skippers are encouraged to ask crew without an Australian Sailing Number to register for Sail Pass. Details and registration are on the SASC web site. This will provide compliance with RRSRule46andprovidepersonalaccidentinsurance.

35. RRS RULE 55 – TRASHRRSRule55isamendedtoallowforthebanding/tyingofspinnakersforthepurposeofhoisting.

36. RESPONSIBILITY — COVID–19 Restrictions:Asalways,skipperstakeresponsibilityforthehealthandsafetyoftheircrewincludingobservingcurrentGovernmentCOVID–19restrictionsandrecommendations.ForcurrentupdatesontheCOVID–19 pandemic visit andAustralian Sailing’s COVID–

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AND WINDWARD/LEEWARD SERIES)Div.Rep.GuyIrwintel.0438513971

1. ELIGIBILITYThisDivisionisopentofixedkeel,self-rightingmonohullyachtswithCat7SafetythatconformgenerallytotheSuper30criteria(i.e.LightDisplacement–HighPerformance)butsubjecttoperformance ability at the discretion of the Organising Authority. Fixed bowsprits are not included in the determination of overall measurement.The Super 30 Gold Cup will comprise around 20 races generally held every second week. The Sligar Slam Series will be held in conjunction with the Super 30 Gold Cup and will consist of sixwindward/leewardraces,comprisingfourraceswiththeMHYC,andtworacesintheSydneyHarbour Regatta. Entry to the SHR and the windward/leeward series is included in the SASC Super 30 entry fees.

2. POINT SCORINGThis Division will generate an overall Performance Handicap Pointscore and AMS PointScore for the Super 30 Gold Cup series and an overall PHS Pointscore for the Windward.Leeward Series.3. DISCARDSThere will be four discards overall in the Super 30 Gold Cup series but will be reduced to two discardsif14racesorfewerarecompleted.TherewillbeonediscardintheWindward/Leewardseries.

4. HANDICAPPINGPerformance handicappingwill start from a database of previous TCF’s for each boat or anindependently derived TCF for new boats to the series. The ensuing handicaps will be computer generatedonaveragingTCF’sexcept formanualcorrectingobviousanomaliesor inductinganewboat.BoatsracingunderAMSwillbehandicappedwithcurrentmeasurementcertificates.

5. TROPHIESThe following trophies will be awarded

PHS Clark Island Trophy. AMS Modern Boating TrophyPHS Windward/Leeward The Sligar Slam TrophyAround the Islands Race Teapot Trophy.Best performance in SHR Awanui TrophyMost wins in PHS SOR Trophy


6. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP ForqualificationseeClubChampionshiponpage29.

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CRUISER RACER FLEET Div.Rep.HerschelSmithtel.0412234925

1. ELIGIBILITYThisDivisionisopentoself–rightingmonohullyachtsthatconformtoageneraldescriptionofCruiserRacerdesign.Theintentof thisdivisionis todrawtogether thesignificantnumberofthese types of boats that are still actively campaigned on Sydney Harbour so that they can enjoy closer racing against similar boats. The Sheep Station Trophy Series is included in the Mixed Fleet Series.This is an inter-club challenge between SASC andBlues PointYachtClub andconsists of four races.

2. POINTSCORINGThisDivisionwillgenerateaPerformanceHandicapPointscoreforSpring,SummerandOverallSeries.

3. DISCARDSSpringseries–therewillbeonediscard.Summerseries–therewillbeonediscard.Overallseries–therewillbethreediscardswhichmaydifferfromthespringandsummerseries.Discardswillbereducedtotwoif14racesorfewerarecompleted.

4. HANDICAPPINGPerformance Handicapping will start from a database of previous TCFs for each boat. The ensuing handicaps will be computer generated based on averaging TCFs except for correcting obvious anomalies or inducting a new boat.


5.1 Lady Helm Race: A Lady Helm Race will be included as a point score race with a handicap start.

5.2 Cockatoo Island Race: A race rounding islands west of the Harbour Bridge (including Cockatoo Island) will be included as a point score race.

6. TROPHIESThe following trophies may be awarded:

Spring H.S. Lloyd Memorial TrophySummer Ida TrophyOverall Gately Champagne TrophyForward Hand Tingira TrophyLady Helm Beryl Dibben TrophyCockatoo Island Race Codock Trophy


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MIXED FLEET (Short Series)


TheMixedFleetShortSeries isopentoallself-rightingmonohullyachts thatwish torace ina short nine (9) race spinnaker series over spring and summer. Boats entering would generally conformtothedescriptionofCruiserRacer,Super30,Cavalier28orindeedanyandallboatsthat wish to race in a short but competitive series. Note that this series is conducted on Saturdays approximately every2 to 3weeks and,with the exceptionof theClassicDivisions, doesnotconflictwithanyoftheotherSASCSaturdaySeries.

2. POINTSCORING This Division will generate a Performance Handicap Point score for an overall Series.

3. DISCARDS Therewillbeonediscard,reducedtononeiflessthansevenracesarecompleted.

4. HANDICAPPING Performance Handicapping will start from a database of previous TCFs for each yacht. The ensuing handicaps will be computer generated based on averaging TCFs except for correcting obvious anomalies or inducting a new yacht. 5. TROPHIES OverallpointscoreTempestMemorialTrophy.Gold,SilverandBronzeMedalswillbeawardedforPHSseries,subjecttotheGeneralSailingInstructionsRule15.

6. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP ForqualificationseeClubChampionshiponpage29.

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CLASSIC DIVISIONDiv.Rep.DavidSaltertel.0419174723Div.Rep.PeterScotttel.0411222009

1. ELIGIBILITYThis Division is open to monohull yachts of traditional design, long keel or centreboard,irrespective of hull material or rig.

2. POINTSCORINGThe Division will generate Performance Handicap Pointscores for the Spring, Summer,Commodores Cup and Overall series.

3. DISCARDSTherewillbetwodiscardsforSpring(SP),onediscardforSummer(SU),onediscardfortheCommodores Cup (CC) and four discards for the Overall series which may differ from the short seriesdiscards,butwillbereducedtothreeif19racesorfewerarecompleted.

4. HANDICAPPINGPerformance Handicapping will start from a database of previous TCFs for each boat. The ensuing handicaps will be computer generated based on averaging TCFs except for correcting obviousanomaliesorinductinganewboat.Thisdivisionoperatesa“count–down”timestartingsequence.

5. TROPHIESThe following trophies may be awarded:

Overall Pointscore Gretel Trophy John Taylor Cooke Memorial TrophySpring (SP) Pointscore Ranger TrophySummer (SU) Pointscore Vanity TrophyCommodore’sCup(CC) TheCommodore’sCupMost Wins Caress Trophy


6. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPForqualificationseeClubChampionshiponpage29.

7. HANDICAP STARTS – BOATS STARTING EARLYWhenataboat’sstartingtime(inahandicapstartdivision)anypartofherhull,creworequipmentisonthecoursesideofthestartinglinetheRaceCommitteeshallpromptlydisplayflagXwithonesound.Theflagshallbedisplayeduntilallsuchboatsarecompletelyonthepre–startsideofthestartinglineoroneofitsextensions,butnolaterthanfourminutesafterthestartingtime.Ifanyotherboatduetostartwithinthefour-minuteperiodisalsoonthecourseside,theRaceCommitteeshalllowerandthenimmediatelyre–hoistflagXwithonesound.ThisamendsRRS29.1.

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CAVALIER 28 DIVISIONDiv.Rep.CraigMitchelltel.0425232879

1. ELIGIBILITY ThisDivisionisopentomonohull,self–rightingyachtswhichconformtotheclassspecificationsoftheCavalier28OwnersAssociation,aspublishedontheCavalier28website( are responsible to ensure that their boats comply with the class rules. In particular,the dimensions of the No. 1 genoa and the larger spinnaker must comply with the published dimensions. New sails must be stamped or signed by the sailmaker to certify that they comply.

2. POINTSCORINGThis Division will generate an Overall Scratch and Performance Handicap Pointscore. A Summer Series will generate a Scratch and Performance Handicap Pointscore for the Norm Brown Series.

3. DISCARDSThere will be two discards Overall which will be reduced to one discard if fewer than 12 races arecompleted,andonediscardforSummerSerieswhichwillbereducedtonodiscardsiffewerthanfiveracesarecompleted. 4. HANDICAPPINGPerformance Handicapping will start from a database of previous TCFs for each boat. The ensuing handicaps will be computer generated based on averaging TCFs except for correcting obvious anomalies or inducting a new boat.

5. TROPHIESThe following trophies may be awarded: Overall Scratch Series Cavalier Cup Overall Handicap Series Cavalier Bowl Norm Brown Trophies for Summer Short Series (Scratch and Handicap)NoboatmaywinboththeNormBrownandtheCavaliertrophiesinonecategory–scratchorhandicap.Intheeventthatthesameboatwinsbothseriesinthesamecategory,theNormBrownTrophy will be awarded to the second placegetter in the Summer Series. One boat may win both the Scratch and Handicap trophy without restriction.Gold,SilverandBronzemedalsawardedsubjecttoGeneralSailingInstructionsRule15.

6. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPForqualificationseeClubChampionshiponpage29.

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1. RULESEvery boat whose entry is accepted by SASC for any SASC race will sail to the GeneralSailingInstructionsforSASCevents,observingthemodificationsandaddendapublished for the race and division of the event entered.2. TIME LIMITProvidingthatoneboatofadivisionhasfinishedby1630thentheremainingboatsofthatdivisionwillbefinisheduntil1700.Noboatwillbefinishedafter1700.TheRaceOfficialontheCommitteeVesselwillhavesolediscretionastowhentoleavethefinishline.3. STARTING TIMES AND SIGNALSStartingsignalswillbeinaccordancewithRRSRule26,exceptforClassicDivisionboats which are to start when their handicap number changes o the next number.The scheduled time of the warning signal for each division is:

Flag Y: WhenflagYisdisplayedwithonesoundsignalbeforeorwiththewarningsig-nal,competitorsinyachtswithopennon-self-drainingcockpitsandwhicharenotfittedwithsufficientin-builtbuoyancytostayafloatwhilstfloodedshallwearpersonalflota-tiondevices,exceptbrieflywhilechangingoradjustingclothingorpersonalequipment.



1240 Super 30 V

1245 Cavalier 28 Cav 28 Class Flag

1250 Cruiser Racer/Mixed Fleet* K

1255 Classics C

1259 First numeral (0) displayed on numeral board (for one minute).

1300 Indicated numeral changes to (1)

Each subsequent handicap number will be displayed on the numeral board for one minute. Yachts are to start when their handicap number changes to the next number.

*Alternate Saturdays

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COURSE START LINE FINISH LINE A — N & NE Winds West of Clark Island Taylor Bay B — W/NW Heavy Winds West of Shark Island SE of Kurraba Point G — SE Winds Shell Cove West of Clark Island Q — E Winds West of Clark Island West of Shark Island O —S,SW,SSEWinds AtholBight WestofClarkIslandZ — W/NW Light Winds West of Shark Island SE of Kurraba Point

5. COURSESThecoursetobesailedwillbesignalledbytheappropriateflag(s)displayedbeforeorwiththefirstwarningsignalandwillcontinuetobedisplayedthroughoutthestartingsequence.All marks are rounded to starboard unless otherwise indicated. (P) denotes port hand rounding. When the Shortened Course signal is displayed with or before the Warning Signalboatswillproceeddirectlytothefinishlineafterroundingthemarkindicatedbyanasterisk“*”





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A START–BB–SM–A(P)–Goat Is.(P)*–Longnose Point(P)–Cockatoo Is.(P)–Spectacle Is.(P)–Snapper Is.(P)–FINISH

B START– A(P)–Goat Is.(P)–Longnose Point(P)–Cockatoo Is.(P)–Spectacle Is.(P)–Snapper Is.(P)–A–N2(P)*–EC–RB–FINISH

G START–RB–CB–RB–A(P)–Goat Is.(P)*–Longnose Point(P)–Cockatoo Is.(P)–Spectacle Is.(P)–Snapper Is.(P)–A–FINISH

Q START–SM–TB–RB–A(P)–Goat Is.(P)*–Longnose Point(P)–Cockatoo Is.(P)–Spectacle Is.(P)–Snapper Is.(P)–A–FINISH

O START–N2(P)–CB–RB–A(P)–Goat Is.(P)*–Longnose Point(P)–Cockatoo Is.(P)–Spectacle Is.(P)–Snapper Is.(P)–A–FINISH

Z START– A(P)–Goat Is.(P)–Longnose Point(P)–Cockatoo Is.(P)–Spectacle Is.(P)–Snapper Is.(P)– A–N2(P)*–RB–SM–FINISH



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A START–N3(P)–A(P)–GoatIs.(P)*–LongnosePoint(P)–CockatooIs.(P)–SpectacleIs.(P)–SnapperIs.(P)–FINISH

B START–A(P)–GoatIs.(P)*–LongnosePoint(P)–CockatooIs.(P)–SpectacleIs.(P)–SnapperIs.(P)–A–KP(P)–FINISH

G START–N3–A(P)–GoatIs.(P)*–LongnosePoint(P)–CockatooIs.(P)–SpectacleIs.(P)–SnapperIs.(P)–A–FINISH

Q START–SM–A(P)–GoatIs.(P)*–LongnosePoint(P)–CockatooIs.(P)–SpectacleIs.(P)–SnapperIs.(P)–A–FINISH

O START–N2(P)–A(P)–GoatIs.(P)*–LongnosePoint(P)–CockatooIs.(P)–SpectacleIs.(P)–SnapperIs.(P)–A–FINISH

Z START–A(P)–GoatIs.(P)*–LongnosePoint(P)–CockatooIs.(P)–SpectacleIs.(P)–SnapperIs.(P)–A–KP(P)–FINISH



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1. ELIGIBILITYThisDivisionisopentomonohullyachts,whichconformtothegeneraldescriptionofthe Division title. Eligibility will be determined by the Division Representative. This is ano-extrasdivisionsoonlynormalworkingsailsmaybeused.Headsailsmaybepoledout.Thedefinitionofworkingsailsforthisseriesis:sailswhichareusedwhensailingupwindwith the headsail fully hankedor attached to the forestay.The definition ofextras for this series is: sails hoisted for downwind sailing only.2. POINTSCORINGThis Division will generate an Overall Performance Handicap Pointscore.3. DISCARDSTherewillbetwodiscards,reducedtooneiffewerthaneightracesarecompleted.4. HANDICAPPINGPerformance Handicapping will start from a database of previous TCFs for each boat. The ensuing handicaps will be computer generated based on averaging TCFs except for correcting obvious anomalies or inducting a new boat.5. TROPHIESThe following trophies may be awarded:

Overallpointscore CliffGale50th Trophy.Captain Slocum Race Slocum Trophy.

Gold,SilverorBronzemedalsawardedsubjecttoGeneralSailingInstructionsRule15.6. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPForqualificationseeClub Championship on page 29.

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SUNDAY NON–SPINNAKER Div.Rep:ChrisManion,tel.0417814603

1. ELIGIBILITYThis Division is open tomonohull, self–righting yachts with aminimum length offivemetres.This isanoextrasDivisionsoonlynormalworkingsailsmaybeused.Headsails may be poled out. Thedefinitionofworkingsailsforthisseriesis:sailswhichare used when sailing upwind with the headsail fully hanked or attached to the forestay. Thedefinitionofextrasforthisseriesis:sailshoistedfordownwindsailingonly.2. POINTSCORINGThis Division will generate an Overall Performance Handicap Pointscore.3. DISCARDSTherewillbetwodiscards,reducedtooneiffewerthaneightracesarecompleted.4. HANDICAPPINGPerformance Handicapping will start from a database of previous TCFs for each boat. The ensuing handicaps will be computer generated based on averaging TCFs except for correcting obvious anomalies or inducting a new boat.5. TROPHIES

Overall pointscore Phar Lap Film Trophy.Invitation Race The Platypus Trophy

Gold,SilverorBronzemedalsawardedsubjecttoGeneralSailingInstructionsRule15.6. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPForqualificationseeClub Championship on page 29.

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1. RULESEvery boat whose entry is accepted by SASC for any SASC race will sail to the GeneralSailingInstructionsforSASCevents,observingthemodificationsandaddendapublished for the race and division of the event entered.2. STARTING TIMES AND SIGNALSStartingsignalswillbe inaccordancewithRRSRule26.Thescheduled timeof thewarning signal for each division is as follows. There are two warning signals for the Sunday Classic Division. Allocated warning signals/start times will be provided on the list of entries.


A — N Winds West of Clark Island Taylor Bay B — W Winds West of Shark Island SE of Kurraba Point G — SE Winds South of Shell Cove West of Clark Island Q — E Winds West of Clark Island West of Shark Island O — S Winds Athol Bight West of Clark Island Z — SW Winds Athol Bight West of Clark Island


The course flag will be displayed with or before the first warning signal and willcontinue to be displayed throughout the starting sequence. All marks are rounded to starboard unless otherwise indicated. (P) denotes port hand rounding.




1155 Sunday Non–Spinnaker W 1200 Classics — Start 1 L 1205 Classics — Start 2 C

Flag Y: WhenflagYisdisplayedwithonesoundsignalbeforeorwiththewarningsig-nal,competitorsinyachtswithopennon-self-drainingcockpitsandwhicharenotfittedwithsufficientin-builtbuoyancytostayafloatwhilstfloodedshallwearpersonalflota-tiondevices,exceptbrieflywhilechangingoradjustingclothingorpersonalequipment.5. TIME LIMITProvidingthatoneboathasfinishedby1530thentheremainingboatswillbefinisheduntil1600.Noboatwillbefinishedafter1600.

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SASC OPENING REGATTA1. RULESEvery boat whose entry is accepted by SASC for any SASC race will sail to the GeneralSailingInstructionsforSASCevents,observingthemodificationsandaddendapublished for the race and division of the race entered.


Theregattaisopentomonohull,self-rightingyachtswithcurrentSpecialRegulationsCategory7Audit.EntryisfreeofchargeforyachtsenteredinFridayTwilightorSundayPointscore Series. Yachts not entered in an SASC series will be charged a casual race entry fee. Yachts entering the Opening Regatta will be allocated a division. Yachts entered in a Saturday pointscore series will race in their division


Each boat will be allocated an independently derived handicap.


Best start across all divisions The Russ Chapman Trophy

Prizeswillbeawardedtothefirstthreeplacegettersonhandicapforthoseboatsnotentered in anySASC spring/summer series. For entries inSASC series pointscores,a prizewill be awarded to theboat thatwins its divisionby thegreatestmarginonhandicap.


2. TIME LIMITProvidingthatoneboatofadivisionhasfinishedby1715thentheremainingboatsofthatdivisionwillbefinisheduntil1730.Noboatwillbefinishedafter1730.TheRaceOfficialontheCommitteeVesselwillhavesolediscretionastowhentoleavethefinishline.

COURSE START LINE FINISH LINE A — N & NE Winds West of Clark Island Taylor Bay B — W/NW Heavy Winds West of Shark Island SE of Kurraba Point G — SE Winds Shell Cove West of Clark Island Q — E Winds West of Clark Island West of Shark Island O —S,SW,SSEWinds AtholBight WestofClarkIslandZ — W/NW Light Winds West of Shark Island SE of Kurraba Point

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4. COURSESThe course to be sailed will be that for the Division allocated to each yacht entering the Opening Regatta.All marks are to be rounded to starboard unless otherwise indicated.

For course descriptions see the Sailing Instructions for the Saturday Pointscore Series on Pages 16 to 19.

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WINTER SERIESSASCDiv.Rep:ChrisManiontel.0417814603

1. RULESEvery boat whose entry is accepted by SASC for any SASC race will sail to the GeneralSailingInstructionsforSASCevents,observingthemodificationsandaddendapublished for the race and division of the race entered.2. ELIGIBILITYThisseries isopen tomonohull, self–rightingyachtswithaminimumlengthoffivemetres. Boats will enter in divisions based on handicapping requirements.3. POINTSCORINGEach division will attract an Overall Performance Handicap Pointscore. A boat shall dropanyone(1)race,exceptthatiffewerthansixracesarecompleted,noscorewillbe excluded.4. HANDICAPPINGPerformance Handicapping will start from a database of previous TCFs for each boat. The ensuing handicaps will be computer generated based on averaging TCFs except for correcting obvious anomalies or inducting a new boat.5. TROPHIESThe following trophies may be awarded:

Division 1 Spinnaker Currawong Cup Division2Non-spinnaker BryanKirkwoodMemorialTrophyDivision 3 Classic spinnaker Brothers Trophy Division4Classicnon-spinnaker GaleTrophy

Gold,SilverorBronzemedalsawardedsubjecttoGeneralSailingInstructionRule15.6. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPForqualificationseeClub Championship on page 29.

SAILING INSTRUCTIONSSeparate Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions will be issued.

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FRIDAY TWILIGHT SERIESDiv.Rep:RossLittlewood,tel.0414575101

1. RULESEvery boat whose entry is accepted by SASC for any SASC race will sail to the GeneralSailingInstructionsforSASCevents,observingthemodificationsandaddendapublished for the race and division of the race entered.2. ELIGIBILITYBoatsmustbemonohullself-rightingyachtsofminimumlength5metres. 3. ENTRIESCasualentriesmustbereceivedby1500onraceday.4. POINTSCORINGNo pointscores are generated in these events.5. HANDICAPPINGPerformance Handicapping will start from a database of previous TCFs for each boat. The ensuing handicaps will be computer generated based on averaging TCFs except for correcting obvious anomalies or inducting a new boat.6. PRIZES AND TROPHIESPrizesareawardedonthenightforhandicapplacegettersonlyineachDivision.



1740 Division3 C

1745 Division2 R

1750 Division1 T


Most handicap wins The Driscoll Cup

SAILING INSTRUCTIONS1. STARTING TIMES & SIGNALSStartingsignalswillbeinaccordancewithRRSRule26.The scheduled time of the warning signal for each division is as follows:

NOTE: For races 1, 2 and 3 in Spring, and races 20, 21 and 22 in Summer, the first warning signal will be made at 17.25.

Flag Y: WhenflagYisdisplayedwithonesoundsignalbeforeorwiththewarningsig-nal,competitorsinyachtswithopennon-self-drainingcockpitsandwhicharenotfittedwithsufficientin-builtbuoyancytostayafloatwhilstfloodedshallwearpersonalflota-tiondevices,exceptbrieflywhilechangingoradjustingclothingorpersonalequipment.

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2. COURSEAll marks are rounded to starboard unless otherwise indicated. (P) denotes port hand rounding.


ATHOL BIGHT–N3(P)–BB–SM-PP–ATHOL BIGHT3. START AND FINISH LINEThestartandfinishlinewillbebetweentheflaggantryonthecommitteeboatandanorangeinflatablebuoymarkedSASCinblack.The committee boat will be at the starboard end of the line for the start and the port end ofthelineforthefinish(whenviewedfromthelastmarkofthecourse).Whentheraceisshortenedatanymarkofthecourse(inaccordancewithRRSRule32)thefinishlinewill be between the committee boat and the mark.4. NO EXTRASThis is a no extras race so only normal working sails may be used. However headsails may be poled out. Thedefinitionofworkingsailsforthisseriesis:sailswhichareusedwhen sailing upwind with the headsail fully hanked or attached to the forestay. The definitionofextrasforthisseriesis:sailshoistedfordownwindsailingonly.5. TIME LIMIT (ABSOLUTE)Time limit will be 2000 or Sunset whichever is earlier.6. NAVIGATION LIGHTS All boats sailing after sunset must display navigation lights in accordance with Roads and Maritime Services regulations. All boats which do not have navigation lights permanently fitted are additionally required to complywithASSpecialRegulations3.23.4and3.23.5andcarryportablenavigationlightscapableofbeingattachedtotheboat.

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1. RULES Every boat whose entry is accepted for any SASC race will sail to the General Sailing Rules for SASCevents,observingthemodificationsandaddendapublishedfortheraceanddivisionoftherace entered.

2. STARTING TIMES AND SIGNALSBoats are to start when their handicap number drops. The scheduled time of the warning signal is as follows:



1205 Warning Signal V 1209 First numeral (0) displayed for one minute. 1210 Numeral displayed changes to (1)

Each subsequent handicap number will be displayed on the numeral board for one minute. Yachts are to start when their handicap number changes to the next number.


A — N,NE,ENEWinds West of Clark Island West of Clark Island B—NW,W,SWWinds OffPointPiper OffPointPiperC—S,SE,ESEWinds TaylorBay WestofClarkIslandD — Heavy Weather Athol Bight Athol Bight

4. COURSESThecourseflagwillbedisplayedwithorbeforethefirstwarningsignalandwillcontinuetobedisplayed throughout the starting sequence.All marks are rounded to starboard unless otherwise indicated. (P) denotes port hand rounding.


5. TROPHIESThe winner of the Idle Hour Trophy will be announced at the conclusion of the race.Les Ardouin Cannon Trophyisawardedtosecondplace-getter.6. SPINNAKERSSpinnakersarepermitted.Thereisnohandicapadvantagefornon-use.

7. BARBEQUEAllparticipantsareinvitedtoWhitingBeachortheSASCClubhouseforabarbequeandprizegivingfollowingtherace.Thevenuewillbeconfirmedclosetoraceday.

Flag Y: WhenflagYisdisplayedwithonesoundsignalbeforeorwiththewarningsig-nal,competitorsinyachtswithopennon-self-drainingcockpitsandwhicharenotfittedwithsufficientin-builtbuoyancytostayafloatwhilstfloodedshallwearpersonalflota-tiondevices,exceptbrieflywhilechangingoradjustingclothingorpersonalequipment.

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CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPRep.AliceMurphytel.0401946246

1. QUALIFICATIONQualification to enter the Club Championship will be by Gold Medal. Silver andBronzeMedalwinnersmayalsoqualifysubject toGeneralSailingInstructionsRule15.Placegetters inSummerandSpringpointscoreseriesmayalsoqualifysubject toGeneralSailingInstructionRule15.2.2. TROPHIESThe following trophies will be awarded

First Place Kelly CupSecond Place Tara Ipo TrophyThird Place Brooker Trophy

SAILING INSTRUCTIONS1. RULESEvery boat whose entry is accepted for any SASC race will sail to the General Sailing RulesforSASCevents,observingthemodificationsandaddendapublishedfortheraceand division of the race entered.2. STARTING TIMES & SIGNALSStartingsignalswillbeinaccordancewithRRSRule26.The scheduled time of the warning signal is as follows:



1245 T


COURSE START LINE FINISH LINE A — N & NE Winds West of Clark Island Taylor Bay B — W Winds West of Shark Island SE of Kurraba Point G — SE Winds Athol Bight West of Clark Island Q — E Winds West of Clark Island West of Shark Island O—S,SW,SSEWinds AtholBight WestofClarkIslandZ —NW Winds West of Shark Island SE of Kurraba Point

Flag Y: WhenflagYisdisplayedwithonesoundsignalbeforeorwiththewarningsig-nal,competitorsinyachtswithopennon-self-drainingcockpitsandwhicharenotfittedwithsufficientin-builtbuoyancytostayafloatwhilstfloodedshallwearpersonalflota-tiondevices,exceptbrieflywhilechangingoradjustingclothingorpersonalequipment.

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4. COURSESThecourseflagwillbedisplayedwithorbeforethefirstwarningsignalandwillcontinueto be displayed throughout the starting sequence.All marks are rounded to starboard unless otherwise indicated. (P) denotes port hand rounding.



5. TIME LIMITProvidingthatoneboathasfinishedby1630thentheremainingboatswillbefinisheduntil1700.Noboatswillbefinishedafter1700.TheCommitteeVesselmayleavetheFinish Line at the sole discretion of the Starter.

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1. RULESThis event will be governed by:(a) TheWorldSailingRacingRulesofSailing(RRS)2021–2024,exceptthatthe

International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1983 will replace RRSPart2betweenofficialsunsetandsunrise;

(b) ThePrescriptionsandSafetyRegulationsofAustralianSailing(AS)2021–24;(c) TheMarineSafety(General)Regulation2016;(d) TheSASCGeneralSailingInstructions;and(e) These Sailing Instructions for this event.2. ELIGIBILITYNo entry will be accepted unless a current equipment audit certificate to at leastCategory4hasbeenlodgedwiththeSASCaminimumofthree(3)dayspriortotheevent.3. STARTING LINEThe committee vessel will display the SASC Burgee. The starting line will be between theSignalMastontheCommitteevesselandanorangeinflatablebuoymarkedSASCinblack,inthevicinityofWatsonsBay.4. STARTING TIMES & SIGNALSStartingsignalswillbeinaccordancewithRRSRule26.The scheduled time of the warning signal is as follows:

5. FINISHING LINEBetweenferrywharfonSoldier’sPoint(totheSouthofthefinishingboat)andthewhitelightonthefinishingboatinCoaster’sRetreat,Pittwater.Boatsshallcrossthelineinawesterlydirection.ThefinishingboatwillbeflyingalargeSASCburgee.6. RADIO COMMUNICATIONS6.1 RadiocommunicationsforthiseventwillbeconductedonVHFChannel73.Thischannel will be monitored by the committee vessel and all competing vessels must monitorthechanneluntilfinishedoruntiltheyhaveadvisedthecommitteevesselthatthey have retired from the event.



1155 F

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6.2 INTENTION TO RACEAll competing boats shall report their intention to race by calling the start boat Captain AmoraonVHFRadioChannel73beforethestartandadvisingthenumberofpersonson board.6.3 Boats must maintain a listening watch for the duration of the Race on VHF Channel 16.6.4 Schedule timesThere will be no scheduled position reports except that, after rounding Barrenjoey Light, competitors shall contact the finishing boat and advise their position on VHF Channel73.7. TIME LIMITNoboatwillbefinishedafter1900onThursday14April2022.8. RETIREMENTBoatsretiringshallnotifythefinishingboatonstationattheFinishingLineonVHFChannel73orbyphone.Thenameof thefinishingboat andcontactdetailswillbeprovided to competitors prior to the event.9. RESPONSIBILITYAll entrants are reminded that the decision to start or to continue the race is the sole responsibility of the skipper of each boat.10. SOCIALCompetitorsareinvitedtoraftupinCoaster’sRetreatfordinneraftertherace11. TENDER SERVICEAtenderserviceatCoastersRetreatwillbeprovidedbytheClubonFriday15April2022—thecontactnumberis0418678819.12. GOOD FRIDAY BBQAllcompetitorsandSASCmemberswithboatsonPittwaterareinvitedtoaBBQtobeheldashoreatTheBasinat1130Friday,whentheRaceResultswillbeannounced. BYO food and refreshments. Family and friends can reach The Basin via the regular ferry service from Palm Beach.The Basin comes under the control of the National Parks and Wildlife and a fee for use is required. The SASC will pay the Ranger the required fee for those attending from competing boats.

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TROPHIESKELLY CUPA perpetual trophy for competition between the leading yachts from all divisions in the handicap point scores. It was donated by Commodore T.H. Kelly in 1893 as a Championship trophy. However,asthetypesofyachtsbecamemorevariedandnumerous,in1933ArthurStone,averysuccessfulskipper,movedthat“OwingtothediversetypesofboatsintheClubitwasnotpossibletoarriveatahandicapwhichwasfairandequitabletoallstarters”and“thatthreeorfourboatsbeselectedfromeachclassordivisiontoracefortheKellyCup.”(SeeThe Amateursp.65and135)Awarded 2020–21:Tasty Syndicate—AdamBurt,AlChase,TomHogan,AndrewMathers,Adam Turk — Very TastyTHE ANITRA V TROPHYAperpetual trophydonatedbySirGarfieldBarwick tomark the transferwithin theAmateursof Anitra V after his 30 years of ownership. It is to be awarded to the winner of Division B on handicap in the Lion Island Race. Awarded2020–21:PHerscovics—Shine OnTHE AWANUI TROPHY AperpetualtrophydonatedbyHughJacksonasamemorialtohisfather-in-law,A.C.Saxton,whoaccidentallydrownedwhilstsailinghis9-metreyachtofthatname.Thistrophywasoriginallypresented to the silver medal winner in Division 1. It is now awarded to the boat of the Super 30 Division which performs best in the Sydney Harbour Regatta. Awarded2020–21:BruceTavener—Ophir ANNIVERSARY CUP An antique silver cup donated by Ian Kortlang to be awarded to the handicap winner of the Classic Yacht Rally. NotAwarded2020–21BERYL DIBBEN TROPHY ASilverjugonwoodenstanddonatedbyBerylDibbenoriginallyfortheFlagOfficerincommandof the Season Opening Regatta. It is now awarded to the yacht with the best corrected time in the Cruiser Racer Lady Helm race. . Awarded2020–21:BarbaraElliott—LonelyBILL GATELY MEMORIAL TROPHY A perpetual trophy presented by the family of the late W.J. Gately originally awarded to the leading Hood 23 at Christmas in No. 3 Division. It is now awarded to the winner of the Cruiser Racer Division in the Spring series. NotAwarded2020–21BILL LAWLER OFFSHORE TROPHY A perpetual trophy presented by the Lawler family to the winner of the Offshore Division handicappointscore.ItisamemorialtothelateBillLawler,averyactiveclubmember,whowas well known for his ability as a navigator and took part in many international yachting events. Notawarded2020–21BOB BROWN TROPHY A trophy presented by the late A.W. Furse and G. Crichton to the winner of a race to be held at Easter. It is a memorial to Bob Brown who sailed with them and was the victim of a light aircraft crashinsouthernN.S.W.in1957.Awarded2020–21:HerschelSmithandAndrewStuckey—Shambles

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BROOKER TROPHY AtrophydonatedbyDougBrookertotheClubin1996whichwasoriginallywonbyhisfatherracinginaSydneyAmateurs’racein1938.ItisnowawardedtothethirdplacegetterintheClubChampionship race. Awarded2020–21:BruceTavener—OphirBROTHERS TROPHY Thisclubtrophywasoriginallypresentedforanoceanracesailedon15December1934.Theship’sclockandmountingboard,giventotheClubbyMarkRoss,isawardedtothewinnerofthe Winter Classic pointscore. Awarded 2020: David Salter — Mister Christian

BRYAN KIRKWOOD MEMORIAL TROPHY A perpetual trophy donated by Max Miller and the crew of The Hum as a memorial to Bryan Kirkwood, amemberof theAmateurs from1953who raced inThe Hum for four years until hisuntimelydeath in1985.The trophywasoriginallyawarded to thewinnerof thehandicappointscore race held closest to 2 December in the Half Ton Division. It is now awarded to the winner of Division 3 in the Winter Series. Awarded 2020: John Brady — Windshadow

CARESS TROPHY AtrophydonatedbyGrahamNock,ownerofCaress. It is awarded to the Classic Division boat with the most wins in a season. Awarded2020–21:PeterScottandMarkPearse—CherubTHE CAVALIER TROPHIES These are two antique silver items purchased by the Cavalier 28 Owners Association to be presented to winners of the Handicap and Scratch pointscores. Awarded2020–21:CraigMitchell(Cup–Scratch)—Centaurus AndrewMcPherson(Bowl–Handicap)—U2

CENTENARY PLATE Each Skipper who wins the overall handicap point score has their name engraved on the Centenary Plate. The first person to score three timeswins the trophy outright and is then expected todonate thenext plate.This trophy is the successor to the JubileeTrophy, initiated in1922 tocommemoratetheClub’sJubileeandwonoutrightfourtimes.ThefinalwinnerwasR.F.Wilsonwho won in Kaldariin1973anddonatedtheCentenaryPlate.Plateninewaswonin2016–2017by Simon Oliver in Matagi. CENTENARY TROPHY Aperpetual trophy originally awarded to the skipperwho, on handicap,wins by the greatestmarginwithin his division in the race held nearest to Founder’s Day (1October). It is nowawardedforSpringTrophyDaytotheskipperwho,onhandicap,winsbythegreatestmarginina Saturday or Sunday Division race. Awarded2020–21:BillThompson—IsabellaCENTENARY OF FEDERATION TROPHY Thistrophy,donatedbyRobertEvansin1997,istheSainoraMedalwonbyJamesMacIntoshinthefirstSainoraattheFederationRegattain1901.Hisson,grandsonandgreatgrandsonshavecontinued to own yachts and race with the Club. It is awarded to the handicap winner of a Classic yacht division in the Australia Day Regatta. Awarded 2021: Fred Bevis — Warana

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CLARK ISLAND TROPHY This perpetual trophy was donated by Alex Williamson of the yacht Akimbo during his term as DivisionalRepresentativefortheHalfTonDivisionin1994.Itisnowawardedtothewinnerofthe Super 30 Gold Cup Series. Awarded2020–21:BruceTavener—OphirCLIFF GALE MEDAL Thismedal,bearingtheinscription“ClubGoldMedal1928–29‘A’ClasswonbyE.C.GaleinHoana”waswornasabroochbyMissJ.E.Galefor60years.ItwaspresentedtotheClubbyD.W.Galein1995andisawardedtothewinneroftheOpeningDayRegatta.Awarded2020–21:PeterMcCorquodale—Josephine

CLIFF GALE 50th TROPHY AsilvercigaretteboxpresentedtoCliffGaletocommemoratehis50thyearasamemberoftheSASC.ItisnowawardedtothewinneroftheSundayClassicsNon-Spinnakerpointscore.Awarded2020–21:DavidMathlin—SanaCODOCK TROPHY A perpetual trophy donated by Cockatoo Dockyard Pty Ltd in 1990 to commemorate the many links over the years between the dockyard and members of the SASC. It is a model of a long 12-poundercannon, theoriginalofwhichwascast inBirmingham in1797and installedasabollardattheFitzroyDockbyconvictsbetween1846and1857.Itwasawardedtothewinnerofthe overall handicap pointscore in the Half Ton Division. It is now awarded to the yacht with the best corrected time of the Cruiser Racer Fleet in the Cockatoo Island Race. Awarded2020–21:AndrewWyllie—Rapid TransitCOMMODORE’S CUP A perpetual trophy donated by Peter Scott awarded to the winner of the Classic short series. The big cup is to store and cool the champagne and the small cup for drinking it. The small cup was presented at the launching of the Vice Commodore.Awarded2020–21:PeterScott—CherubCURRAWONG CUP A perpetual trophy donated by the crew of FiretelinmemoryofthelatePatrick“Currawong”Lawler and presented to the winner of Division 1 in the Winter Series. Awarded 2020: Anthony Coleman — EuphoriaDAYDREAM SHIELD A perpetual trophy donated by the late Peter Fletcher for competition between MHYC and SASC in inter-club races.Hewasoneof theoriginalDaydreambuilderswho sailedhisboat toFijisingle-handedand,whilstthere,acquiredaturtleshellwhichisnowthecentrepieceofthetrophy.Won by MHYC in 2020

THE DRISCOLL CUP A perpetual trophy donated by the owners of Vivaldi Fore,inmemoryofthelateGeoffDriscoll.It is presented to the boat with the most handicap wins during the twilight season. Awarded2020–21:JohnGriffin—Zara

FIDELIS TROPHY DonatedbyNigelStokeforthewinneroftheClassicRallyConcoursd’Elegance.NotAwarded2020–21

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GALE TROPHY A perpetual trophy donated by the Gale family and presented to the winner of Division 2 in the Winter Series. Awarded 2019: Stephen McGowan — Zin Zin GATELY CHAMPAGNE TROPHY A perpetual trophy now awarded to the winner of the Cruiser Racer Division Overall series. Awarded2020–21:SeanKelly—Lonely GRETEL TROPHY ThisperpetualtrophyisaGoldCuppresentedbythelateSirFrankPackerin1963tothewinneroftheNo.1DivisionpointscoretocommemoratehischallengefortheAmerica’sCup.Hewasan active member of the SASC for many years. It is now awarded to overall winner of the Classic Series. Awarded2020–21:PeterScottandMarkPearse—Cherub H.S. LLOYD MEMORIAL TROPHY A trophy presented by the Lloyd family to the winner of the Cruiser Racer Division point score. It incorporates the many Gold medals he won during his years of active racing with the Club. It is now awarded to the winner of the Cruiser Racer Spring Series. Awarded2020–21:SeanKelly—Lonely IDA TROPHY ThistrophywasoriginallyawardedtoN.Johnsonin1877andwasreturnedtotheClubin1976.ItwasthenawardedtothewinnerofthepointscoreinDivision7.Itisnowawardedtothewinnerof the Cruiser Racer Fleet Summer Series Awarded2020–21:HerschelSmithandAndrewStuckey—Shambles IDLE HOUR TROPHY A perpetual trophy presented by the late A.W. Furse to be awarded to the winner of a picnic race. Awarded2020–21:RobertSkol—Scarlett O’Hara JACK MILLARD TROPHY Awarded by Jack Millard to the yacht adjudged to be the consistently best starter throughout the year,basedonthenumberofstarts.Awarded2020–21:DavidSalter—Mister ChristianJOHN TAYLOR COOKE MEMORIAL TROPHY A trophy presented by the late H.E. Pfeiffer for the winner of the Classic Division pointscore. It has been donated annually by the Pfeiffer family since the 1930s. (See The Amateurs p.131). Awarded2020–21:PeterScottandMarkPearse—CherubJ.O.G. PLATE A perpetual trophy donated by the J.O.G. racing club to the Amateurs in appreciation for help givenbytheClub.Itwasfirstawardedin1963tothewinnerofaracearoundLionIslandandback.Itisnowawardedtothewinnerofthenon-spinnakerdivisionintheWinterSeries.Awarded 2020: D and S McLean — Solveig IIKAROO TROPHY Karoo was a 20 foot open gaff sloop designed in 1930 by the notable Sydney yachtsman and SASCmemberCliffGale.Thetrophy,madebyMarkPearse,isawardedtothehandicapwinneroftheKarooTrophyRace,alongwithabottleofwhiskyAwarded2020–21:DavidMandelberg—Tanami

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LES ARDOUIN CANNON TROPHY AperpetualtrophydonatedbythelateLesArdouin,whowasamemberoftheSASCfrom1978until his death in 1990. It is awarded to the second placegetter of the Idle Hour Race. The carriage oftheCannonisstamped1856WD.Awarded2020–21:Clewless?Syndicate—Clewless? MAGIC DRAGON TROPHY AperpetualtrophypresentedbythelateColinandThirzaBulltoencourageracingintheHalfTonDivision.ItisnowawardedforSummerTrophyDaytotheskipperwho,onhandicap,winsby the greatest margin in a Saturday or Sunday Division race. NotAwarded2020–21MERRINGTON TROPHY A perpetual trophy presented by the Merrington family to the winner of the overall scratch pointscore in the S.80 Division. It is now awarded to the Line Honours winner in the Lion Island Race. Awarded2020–21:RupertHenry—Burning Palms MISCHIEF MEDAL AClubGoldMedalwonbyStanSpaininthe22-footyachtMischief (A2) in 1921. It is awarded for the most outstanding performance in the Classic Division.Awarded2020–21:PeterScottandMarkPearse–CherubMODERN BOATING MAGAZINE TROPHY Firstawardedin1975forthesmallproductionyachtchallenge,itisnowawardedtothewinnerof the Super 30 Gold Cup AMS pointscore. Awarded2020–21:PeterWoodhead—XC3SSMURIEL TROPHY AtrophypresentedbytheVictoriaCoutaBoatfleetinappreciationofthehospitalityoftheSASC.Awarded to the winner of the Annual Couta Boat Race. Awarded 2020: Steve Batten — Swan Bay NORM BROWN TROPHY A trophy purchased by the Cavalier 28 Association and presented to the winner of a short series run within the Cavalier 28 series. Awarded2020–21:AndrewMcPherson—U2 (Scratch) Craig Mitchell — Centaurus (Handicap) PETER GREGORY MEMORIAL TROPHY A perpetual trophy awarded for outstanding seamanship in memory of Peter Gregory. Awarded2020–21:HerschelSmith—ShamblesPHAR LAP FILM TROPHY A perpetual trophy presented by Bill and Roger Gale funded by a fee paid to the yacht Ranger forassistinginthemakingofthefilm.ItisawardedtothewinneroftheSundayNon-spinnakerpointscore. Awarded2020–21:DennisWood—Camilla P.J. WORRALL TROPHY ThistrophywasdonatedbyMr.P.J.Worrallforacontestbetweentheextremelyfast“Payne-Mortlock” racing canoes, designed by two young naval architects.The first competitionwasin1954.In1962itwascontestedbytheThunderbirdsanditisnowawardedtothewinnerofDivision A handicap in the Lion Island Race. Awarded2020–21:GeorgeKetelbey—Zen

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PINCHGUT TROPHY This trophy was donated by Garth and Maggie Stewart and is awarded to the yacht with the most handicap wins in a series. Awarded2020–21:AndrewYork—Reo SpeedwagonPLATYPUS TROPHY Presented by HMAS PlatypustotheInternationalDragonAssociation,thetrophyisahalfmodelof a RANOberon-class submarine and was originally awarded to the winner of the overallhandicap in the Half Ton Division. Now it is awarded to the winner of an Invitation Race in the SundayNon-SpinnakerDivision.Awarded2020–21:AlanHusband—LimelightRANGER HALF MODEL TROPHY A halfmodel carved byCliff Gale as the first step in designingRanger. A perpetual trophy awarded to the winner of the Ranger and Couta Boat Sprint series. Awarded2020–21:DavidBrown—Etrenne

RANGER TROPHY AtrophyconsistingofahalfmodeloftheGalefamily’sRanger(A1),presentedbyGarryFerres.This trophy is awarded to the winner of the Classic Division Spring Series. Awarded2020–21:PeterScottandMarkPearse—CherubRUSS CHAPMAN TROPHY A perpetual trophy in memory of Russ Chapman who was a starter on Captain Amora for many years. It is awarded to the boat with the best start on the Opening Regatta Day. Awarded2020–21:Clewless?Syndicate—Clewless? SHEEP STATION TROPHY A perpetual trophy donated by Chris Winston from the Blues Point Yacht Club for a newly created interclub challenge series of races between BPYC and SASC to promote collaboration and participation on the harbour. It is presented to the club with the least number of points awarded duringthefour-raceseries.Awarded2020–21:SASCTHE SLIGAR SLAM TROPHY A Perpetual trophy in memory of Chris Sligar. It is awarded to the winner of the Super 30 Windward/Leeward Series. Awarded2020–21:BruceTavener—Ophir SLOCUM TROPHY The idea for the Joshua Slocum trophy was conceived by John Ferguson to commemorate the centenaryofthevisitofCaptainSlocumin1896.Johncommissionedtherenownedmarineartistand sculptor,DennisAdams, tomake the trophy in relief bronze representing Slocum’s boatSpray.AwardedtothewinnerofSundayClassicsNon-SpinnakerCaptainSlocumTrophyDay.Awarded2020–21:NigelStoke—FidelisS.O.R. TROPHY A perpetual trophy donated by James Davern for the inauguration of the S.O.R. Division. It is now awarded to the boat with the most wins in the Super 30 Gold Cup series PHS division. Awarded2020–21:AndrewYork—Reo Speedwagon

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TARA IPO TROPHY ThistrophywasdonatedtotheClubbyAlanandRobynNorton-SmithinappreciationoftheuseoftheClub’sfacilitiesduringthefittingoutoftheirferro-cementyachtTara Ipoin1971.Itwasoriginally awarded for a Le Mans start off the beach. It is now awarded to second placegetter in the Club Championship race. Awarded2020–21:MaurieEvans—MalohiTHE TEAPOT TROPHY A trophy to be awarded to the winner of the Super 30 season Marathon race. Awarded2020–21:MarcoTapia—Flying Brandy

TEMPEST MEMORIAL TROPHY AperpetualtrophynamedafterAlfandJohnGale’sTempest and donated by them in memory of theyoungmenAlfhadtrainedinsailingandseamanshipofwhom15werekilledduringWorldWar I. (See The Amateursp.90,121.)ItisnowawardedtotheoverallpointscorewinneroftheMixed Fleet Series. Awarded2020–21:LarkiMissiris—Wild One

TINGIRA TROPHY A perpetual trophy presented by Dr C.H. (Tom) Selby in recognition of the part all crews play in the successful racing performance yachts. It is to be awarded to the nominated forward hand of the winning yacht in the Cruiser Racer Division point score. Awarded2020–21:ChrisKelly—Lonely

VAGABOND MEDAL TROPHY A Club Gold Medal won by Cliff Gale in Vagabond in 1913. The medal was worn as a brooch for 60yearsbyMrsM.J.GalebeforeshepassedittoD.W.Galein1974.HepresentedittotheSASCin1995.ItistobeawardedtothehandicapwinnerinClassicDivision2handicappointscore.Notawarded2020–21

VALIANT TROPHY A perpetual trophy donated by John Crawford (owner of the Ranger Valiant at the time) it is awarded to the most improved skipper in a Classic Division in the Spring/Summer Pointscore. ThetrophyismadefromfloorjoisttimbersfromtheJohnSandsBondedWarehouseBuilding,which was built in the 1880s. Awarded2020–21:DavidBrown—EtrenneVANITY TROPHY The replica of a Ranger transom donated by Sean Langman. It is to be awarded to the winner of Classic Division Summer pointscore. Awarded2020–21:DavidBrown—Etrenne

THE VICTOR TROPHY A perpetual trophy in memory of Vic Dibben and awarded to a volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to the Amateurs Awarded2020–21:MarkPearse—Cherub

VIC DIBBEN TROPHY A trophy awarded to the yacht with the least points for the most starts of point score races in Cruiser Racer Division. Awarded2020–21:SeanKelly—Lonely

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YACHT REGISTERA1 Ranger S & E McKnightA2 Vanity J CrawfordA3 Kilkie A OsborneA4 Cherub M Pearse & P ScottA5 Wind Shadow M & J BradyA6 Serenity I SmithA7 Centaurus C R Mitchell A8 Etrenne D Brown A10 Tula I Resnekov & C CooperA11 Irene R AndersonA12 Ragtime W H GrantA13 Pericles CRozakisA14 Saltair J PennefatherA15 Wathara W LoaderA16 Mister Christian D SalterA17 Isabella B ThompsonA18 Pagan J DeanA19 Maluka S LangmanA20 Zouave R MunnA21 Marai R & L GrayA22 Torquil P McCorquodaleA23 Audrey L Blundell & E La HeiA24 Vivaldi Fore CGriffiths,

MChapman&WO’ReillyA25 Nike S A HuntA26 Celeste R & L EvansA27 Casuarina G DwyerA28 Shamrock R MooreA29 Starlight Express D PrykeA30 Blue Belle G GreenlandA31 Astelot M CruickshankA32 Thursday’s Child J DeanA33 Solveig P LeonardA34 Vivienne Marie P BroganA35 Ciel O BaaschA36 Shoshana J RosenbergA37 Warana F BevisA38 Eventide J MortonA39 Windsong H G NossiterA40 Gumleaf O AldertonA41 Big Fish S LangmanA43 Caprice A PfeifferA44 Morning Light W SodenA45 Athene A GaleA46 Shearwater M ReedA47 Valiant P InchboldA48 Purdey G BrownA50 Don’t Panic! J Bethwaite &

G TurnerA51 6 Pac G TurnerA52 Kirribilli P FloranceA53 Lyn-B M & J Gardner

A54 Emily Truro H SmithA55 Par Avion P Toohey A56 Taylor Maid J SkovA57 Flying Circus P DonnellyA58 Sally F H & M S TalbotA59 Wairangi A DavisA62 Quambi J MacleodA63 Idle Hour M van der HelderA64 Tamaris B C Sproule &

G C SprouleA65 Amber K R ShapterA67 May Be XI P ChapmanA69 Lunacy T MoultA70 Malohi M EvansA71 Free Spirit S FaceA72 Skagerrak R AndersonA73 Lumirata A ZainingerA75 Woodwind B TaylerA77 Synergy N CarneyA82 Lotus IV A J BirdA84 Harlequin C MclellanA88 Sanuk K Woolfe & B SchurrA93 Rhythm’n’Blue D PaskalisA94 Charisma J V LawlerA95 Leander P CollinsA97 Myrmidon R T WelchA100 Hoana M van der WalA101 Delinquent T Hughes &

W EllisA110 Huon Chief J BarnettA111 Ca Va R LamrockA113 The Indefensible HO’NeillA120 Daydream B LangleyA121 Lahara M WarnerA135 Yeromais V J DiacopoulosA140 Ariel PDamp,RForster&

J SamahaA143 Reverie J Barclay & N Berlyn A148 Rambull V DudleyA156 Lolita N G CassimA164 Sticky R HarrisA173 Arinda L GouldA174 Hotspur 2 W HoganA185 Shambles H Smith & J & A StuckeyA188 Kelpie MMaple-BrownA189 Hebe R J & T J WilsonA191 Vagabond I LewisA200 Rana S & P LangmanA250 Surprise J WestacottA379 Red Cloud IClare,MMerven&

T StephensA3788 Hum B Patterson

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Boats with names in bold type are listed in the Australian Register of Historic Vessels.

AUS1 Blue Peter P Girdis AUS4 Wyandot B RiddellAUS79 Flying Brandy M TapiaAUS143 Bermudiana II P JorgensenAUS264 White Pointer G KirkmanAUS655 Panache D ColemanAUS778 Jimmy Wong J BevisAUS6151Clewless? Clewless SyndicateB280 Spindrift B LyonBX43 Bordeaux A Murphy &

P ZehnderC5 Tio Hia E BrownCYC54 Solveig J WhitfeldGV7 Cuttlefish T CousinsHAV032N Sailfish R & L EvansKA8507 Pep L TimmsK19 Jaslia A BrownM242 Motley M van EijkelenborgMH28 Eudoria J SturrockPB03N Willo I & W AnsteePH46 Achilles S WattsR18 Ariel T BrownRYCT1 Weene B StonerS49 Laissez Faire M CahillSM3611 Victory G LuckeW5 Colleen II P J Bevis7 Norn R O Albert7 Barranoa M & L Lorrimer24 Josephine N Rowe37 Sic Em Rex NBiggs,

M Finney & R Waters45 Fidelis N A Stoke49 Jenny Wren N & M Olliffe77 Anitra V P Brown112 Vagrant S Langman139 La Vaudoise P Metraux173 Lorita Maria G Barrell181 Azzura R & J Heard & M

Edwards269 BYO P Bendeich &

M Flockhart343 Antares R Keessen364 Paper Moon D Williams420 Lonely S Kelly514 Kemosabe M Hill780 Maris MTomaszewski&JGreen823 Kazoom L Timms986 Tempus Fugit I Forbes1073 Spinaway IV R Palfreyman1510 Ruthless C Ritchie1612 Zara JGriffin1685 Beowulf S Watts1939 Typhoon S Ryrie2131 Tingari J Jeremy

2578 Sparkle S Prince2591 Second Fling D Walton2604 Ghost Too R Bartlett2678 Karbeethong K Shaw3124 Perla JBrennan,IBienavente-

Molina&JIVelasco-Aruguena3164 Vitamin Sea D Coleman3608 Laissez Faire C E Williams3643 Libellule N & M Olliffe3644 Sorine B Adamson3671 Windermere M Grant3939 Prion C Oh & P Osborne4377 Hot Bubbles 3 CDalrymple-Hay

&CRodowicz4426 5 to 6 M Dare4664 Fagel Grip J Lees4670 Camilla WPrest,PSmith&

D Wood4695 Kupu Gila P Vandervaere4834 Aeolus P Tesoriero5088 Indulgence M&MTomaszewski5719 Double Dutch P Tanner6455 Skylark S Rice & D Grinston6511 Cloud IX A Waugh6814 EZ Street B Dover6869 Tailwind S Russett6874 Thara R Landis6893 Imalizard B Watson7124 As You Do R Littlewood7203 Zest S Bush7206 Samphire C Manion & M Daniel7208 Le Mistral S Anderson8272 Spartacus M van Kerkwijk9407 Molly Frank Hetherton9509 Chilly Bin AWilliamson,AWaterfield

& C Thompson44001 Zing! A Zaininger1049883 Gozzo C Millar Bolero T Rahr Champagne C McLellan Mallana L Ryan Patrick Whittington R White12 N Stormy Weather J Westacott

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Requirements of masters in case of accident involving vessels

(1) The master of a vessel involved in a marine accident involving 2 or more vessels or the death of or injury to any person:(a) must stop the vessel, and(b) must give any necessary assistance that the master is able to give to any person injured or vessel damaged in the accident.(2) The master of a vessel involved in a marine accident, if required to do so by any person having reasonable grounds for so requiring:(a) must produce any marine safety licence required under this Act to be held by the master, and(b) must give particulars of his or her name and place of residence, the name and address of the owner of the vessel, the name of the vessel and any distinguishing number that is, or is required to be, displayed on the vessel by law.(3) The master of a vessel involved in a marine accident, if required so to do by any authorised officer, must give such particulars of the marine accident as the officer requires and the master is able to give.

Note: A failure to comply with the requirements of this section or of any other provision of this Division does not constitute an offence if there was a reasonable excuse for that failure-see section 102.

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SHIP AND FERRY ACTIVATED EXCLUSION ZONESAll competitors must maintain a minimum distance of 500 m from the bowofanyoiltankerorsea-goingcruiseshipand200 m from the bow of anyothersea-goingcommercialvesselorferryoperatinginaccordancewith an approved schedule and no less than 30 m from the sides/stern of any ship or ferry underway.

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1. No boat shall moor on the pontoon in the area reserved for dinghy launching.

2. Nolong-termworkonboatsduringtheweekendorPublicHolidaysshould be carried out while moored to the pontoon. Such work should be carried out while boats are moored fore and aft to the wharf and piles in front of the Clubhouse.

3. Boats moored to the pontoon should ensure bows and sterns do not interfere with the touch and go area at the end of the pontoon and so allow easy access to this area for Club tender and other vessels.

4. Owners/skippers must remain on the club premises while boats are moored to the pontoon and wharf area. No boat attended or otherwise is permitted to remain overnight on the pontoon and only attended boats are permitted to remain overnight while moored to the wharf.

5. Members may use the club dinghy but must return it within a reasonable time to the dinghy shed. Under no circumstances may the club dinghy be left on a mooring.

6. No dinghies may be left on the pontoon.

7. Masts after removal from boats are to be carried to the grassed area southoftheClubhouse.Long-termworkonmastsisnotpermittedon the wharf.

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1. Non-members shall not be allowed on the Club premises unlessintroduced and accompanied by a club member. The member shall remain with the visitor until the latter leaves the Club and shall be responsible for the visitors conduct.

2. No club property may be removed from the Club without the permissionofaFlagOfficer.

3. No visitor is permitted in the Club kitchen.

4. No animals shall be brought in or permitted to remain in the Clubhouse.

5. Children must be under the control of a member and under no circumstances are children permitted on the pontoon without an accompanying adult.

6. Dress for all areas of the club premises shall be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time. Dress should however be neat and a shirt should at all times be worn in the Clubhouse. Hats may notbewornintheClubhouse,exceptbyladies.

7. At night noise levels must be kept to a minimum.

8. Membersandguests,tohaveconsiderationfortheneighbours,aretomake sure that cars are parked clear of driveways at all times and to minimisenoisewhenleaving,particularlyatnight.

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All marks are rounded to starboard unless otherwise indicated. The notation (P) in course description denotes port-hand

rounding.A Fort Denison

BB BeashelMark–ASNSWbuoy,south-westofSow&Pigsreef

CB ChowderBayMark–ASNSWbuoy,north-westofChowderHead

EC YAbuoy,approx.100mwestoftheEasternChannelPileLight

EB EdwardsBeach–ASNSWMark,eastofEdwardsBeach

GH GeorgesHead–ASNSWbuoyoffGeorgesHead

GI GardenIslandMark–SASCWHITE buoy southeast of Garden Island

KP KirribilliPointMark–SASCWHITE buoy east of Kirribilli Point

LB LadyBayMark–ASNSWbuoy,westofLadyBay

ME ManlyEastMark(easternmost)–ASbuoy,westernsideofManlyCove, 400msouth-south-westofManlyWharfMW ManlyWestMark(westernmost)–ASNSWbuoy,100mwest-north-west

of ME

NM NeutralBayMark– SASC ORANGE buoywithSASCflag,southwest of Cremorne Point ferry wharf

NP NeilsonParkMark–ASNSWbuoysouthwestofNeilsenParkBeachN2 NavalBuoyNo.2–Approximately150mNorthWestofClarkeIslandN3 NavalBuoyNo.3–Approximately200mEastNorthEastofClarkeIslandOB ObeliskBayMark–ASNSWbuoyinObeliskBayPP PointPiperMark–ASNSWbuoy,northofPointPiperRB Rose Bay Mark–ASNSWbuoyapproximately200mofftheeasternshore

of Rose Bay in front of the ConventRP RockyPoint–ASNSWbuoy,eastofRockyPointSM SharkMark–ASNSWbuoyapprox.10msoutheastofthesouth

cardinalmarkoffSharkIsland,toberoundedbypassingboththelightnorth of Shark Island and Shark Island to starboard

TB TaylorBayMark–ASNSWbuoyinTaylorBay

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