Sail Out Or Perish by Paresh Motiwala Sail Out Or Perish Couple of Questions(and a couple more...

Sail Out Or Peris by Paresh Motiwala
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Transcript of Sail Out Or Perish by Paresh Motiwala Sail Out Or Perish Couple of Questions(and a couple more...

  • Slide 1
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  • Sail Out Or Perish by Paresh Motiwala
  • Slide 3
  • Sail Out Or Perish Couple of Questions(and a couple more after...) Couple of Stories Protocols for Business Networking Seven Deadly Myths of Networking Tools for Networking In Person Networking Marketing Yourself Disclaimers Q&A My Contact Information
  • Slide 4
  • Sail Out Or Perish Couple of Questions-1 A small Poll Why not network? I feel exposed It is a waste of time But, But, I already have a decent steady job I dont give a sh*t I have no time
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Couple of Questions -2 What you do in your spare time? Play video games Watch movies What spare time? Watch TV Go drink with friend
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Small Story 1---a Company goes on cruise
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Small Story 1 --- Get marooned
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Small Story 1--- After a year, The Finance Team
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Small Story 1--- After a year, The Marketing Team
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Small Story 1- After a year, IT staff
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Small Story 2 -- Visit to the zoo
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Protocols for Business Networking Be generally informed Dont be afraid to strike up a conversation Try sitting next to person you dont know in a party Always carry your business card Dont use foul language Dont bad mouth Dont try to sell, try to listen Stay in touch
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Seven Deadly Myths of Networking 1.Networking means meeting as many people as you can 2.Networking means telling people about your business whenever you get a chance 3.Networking should start when you're job- hunting 4.Networking is for schmoozers/brown nosers. 5.Networking is a waste of time 6.Networking is expensive 7.Networking is phony
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Tools Linked In Twitter Facebook Plaxo Hi5 Blogs Forums Google + Orkut Others.
  • Slide 15
  • Sail Out Or Perish In Person Networking Volunteering Community Church/Place of religion Professional groups(ILTA, Developers, SQL...) Chambers of commerce Sports Meeting newer people Your fellow commuters Person sitting next to you at lunch table RENs Sports Old job/college reunions
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Marketing Yourself Late night work: 2 AM Emails Presentations/Tech Talks Share mini successes Corporate Citizenship Water cooler conversations Keep your humor and smile
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Summary: Dont become islands Declare your mini victories Connect and stay connected Always carry your business cards And dont become like these or
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  • Sail Out Or Perish Disclaimers No lawyers were hurt in the making of this presentation All Characters in the small stories are fictitious
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  • Q&A
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  • Sail Out Or Perish My Contact Information Paresh Motiwala for President 2012 [email protected] [email protected] Twitter: @pareshmotiwala My Other Presentations: SQL Server, SQL Server Reporting Services, SQL Server Integration Services, De-Mystifying the Curry, Hinduism, Discrimination in USA, Culture Shock