SAIInterestForm (1)

Interest Forms Name: Major: Year (Fresh, Soph, Jr, Sr): Initiation Date: Estimated GPA: What leadership positions have you or do you hold in SAI and other organizations? What organizations or clubs other than SAI do you participate in? What honors or awards have you been given? What leadership qualities do you posses? What would you bring to SAI if elected as an Executive Board member? Which Executive Board position(s) are you interested in?



Transcript of SAIInterestForm (1)

Page 1: SAIInterestForm (1)

Interest Forms


Year (Fresh, Soph, Jr, Sr):

Initiation Date:

Estimated GPA:

What leadership positions have you or do you hold in SAI and other organizations?

What organizations or clubs other than SAI do you participate in?

What honors or awards have you been given?

What leadership qualities do you posses?

What would you bring to SAI if elected as an Executive Board member?

Which Executive Board position(s) are you interested in?