SAICM Implementation a Country Paper J.H.Y. Katima Member of the National SAICM Secretariat.

SAICM Implementation a Country Paper J.H.Y. Katima Member of the National SAICM Secretariat

Transcript of SAICM Implementation a Country Paper J.H.Y. Katima Member of the National SAICM Secretariat.

Page 1: SAICM Implementation a Country Paper J.H.Y. Katima Member of the National SAICM Secretariat.

SAICM Implementationa

Country Paper

J.H.Y. Katima

Member of the National SAICM Secretariat

Page 2: SAICM Implementation a Country Paper J.H.Y. Katima Member of the National SAICM Secretariat.


Umbrella Project Pilot Project to Strengthen Governance,

Civil Society Participation and Partnerships within an Integrated National Chemicals and Waste Management Programme

Supported by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

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Objectives1. To improve by 50% generation, access and dissemination of

information related to chemicals management (based on NIP Document baseline of 2002);

2. To raise awareness on sound management of chemicals and wastes;

3. To enhance protection of human health and the environment;4. To improve capacity of sound management of

chemicals;5. To improve regulatory regime of chemicals

management; and6. To strengthen coordination of chemicals

management and stakeholder participation.

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Pilot Project Implementation Plan

Year 1 (2007): a) Project planning and initiation: Establish Project management infrastructure; Review and agree on project objectives; Conduct national inception workshop; Sign Memorandum of Understanding with UNITAR;b) Development of a national programmatic framework for

sound chemicals and waste management and SAICM implementation: National SAICM capacity self-assessment done; Inter-ministerial co-ordination mechanism developed; Stakeholder involvement policy developed; Information exchange mechanism and website

developed; National programme on chemicals and waste management and SAICM implementation developed.

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Pilot Project Implementation Plan

c) National Forum (Priority Setting Workshop) Receive and deliberate on the capacity self assessment; Receive and deliberate on inter-ministerial coordination; Receive and deliberate on stakeholder participation Receive and deliberate on information exchange

mechanism; Agree on the two partnership project; Set national priorities for SAICM implementation (up to

2020 target date)

d) Implementing two partnership projectse) Final project reporting

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Project management Structure

Project planning Phase The project is coordinated by Government

Chemist Laboratory Agency - Secretariat (GCLA is the SAICM focal point)

Project Steering Committee (Membership – key ministries, Governments’ Functional Departments, NGOs, the Private Sector, Academia) – Oversee the project implementation

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Project management Structure

Secretariat Responsible for day to day operation of

the project (GCLA, DoE, NEMC, MAFC, AGENDA, CREFT)

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Development of a National Programmatic Framework for Sound Chemicals and Waste Management and SAICM Implementation

Capacity Self For Sound management of Chemicals in Tanzania has been completed

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Results from Capacity Self Assessment

The Capacity Self Assessment is an activity conducted as an initial step towards preparing a national SAICM implementation plan;

 The study acquires baseline data with a focus to identify activities that address national needs and priorities;

Assessment was on two Components: Governance and Assessment of Capacities for Important Chemicals Management Issues

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Results from Capacity Self Assessment To catalyze a process of collaboration between

government and stakeholders towards understanding and identifying priority needs for SAICM implementation;

To facilitate identification of action in government and within stakeholder groups which collectively contribute to SAICM implementation;

To identify selected areas where partnership projects between government and stakeholder groups, or between various stakeholder groups, may be feasible; and

To set stage for preparation of a SAICM Implementation Plan which is linked to, as appropriate, an integrated national programme for sound chemicals management.

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Results from Capacity Self Assessment

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Results from Capacity Self Assessment - Findings Priorities: Information Generation and Dissemination Protection of human health and environment important Risk assessment Implementation of GHS Exposure assessment Epidemiology and monitoring Promotion of general chemical safety Promotion of chemical safety at work places Proper management of obsolete pesticides Safe handling and use of pesticides

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Results from Capacity Self Assessment - Findings

1. There is considerable strength, especially in the legislation and has greatly contributed to the promotion of sound management of chemicals;

2. Many of the stakeholder institutions had programmes related to chemicals management, but resources allocation was inadequate. A few key Ministries set aside annual budgets for chemicals management activities, but these were limited to few specific issues;

3. The existing infrastructure has some provisions for the involvement of Private Sector and Civil Society in chemicals management e.g. in technical committees under various sectoral legislation; 

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Results from Capacity Self Assessment - Findings

4. The roles of Private Sector and Civil Society participation in chemicals management, planning and decision making processes such as setting priorities decision making is not clearly specified and is generally at low level;

5. There are some successful initiatives have been taken by stakeholders in chemicals management over the past five years;

6. The low level of initiatives taken was attributed to the low awareness, competing priorities, and limited resources to facilitate these initiatives;

7. There is no formal mechanism for coordinating Chemical management initiatives;

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Results from Capacity Self Assessment - Findings

8. Education and awareness campaigns were the main activities carried out by stakeholders. However, stakeholders reported to have limited involvement in government activities including development and reviews of Legislation on chemicals;

9. The Civil Society and Private Sector have inadequate resources, awareness and knowledge for chemicals management;

10. At the institutional level, chemical management is not considered a priority in significant most of key stakeholders institutions (no resources set aside);

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Results from Capacity Self Assessment - Findings

11. The existing national development policies and strategies do not specifically include chemicals management as a national priority;

12. Several institutions have conducted projects on chemicals management in the past five years. Some of the projects were for awareness raising to communities on safe use and handling of pesticides (mainly funded by international organizations);

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Governance Assessment - Findings

Analysis of governance focused on: formal and informal actors involved in

decision making and implementing decisions i.e. govt., industries, NGOs, research institutes, finance institutions etc

formal and informal structures in for implementing decisions such as inter-ministerial coordination, govt. & non govt. committees, legislations, policies, etc

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Governance Assessment - Findings

Areas Assessed Integrating chemicals mgt into national dev. Priorities Sound institutional and programmatic national

framework (long term national commitment to chemicals mgt)

Effective project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation

Enforcement of existing legislation and regulations related to chemicals management

Private sector and civil society participation in chemicals management

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Governance Assessment - Findings

Roles of private sector/civil society in of chemicals mgt not specified in existing infrastructure

No specific policy to chemicals mgt No comprehensive formal coordination for

all stakeholders in place resource is available but capacity in terms

of equipment, finances are inadequate

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Governance Assessment - Findings

Education and awareness campaigns found to main activity undertaken by stakeholders

Private sector/civil society have inadequate resources, awareness and knowledge for chemicals mgt

No mechanism to promote partnerships between Private sector and civil society

Chemicals mgt not a priority to most stakeholders

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Partnership Projects - Findings

Projects activities have been broken down into tasks and the tasks clustered into two partnership projects, these are:Project 1: Awareness raising;Project 2: Enhance protection of human

life and the environment. There is of course a need for Capacity

Building Activities; these will be implemented administratively during the project duration and beyond;

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Partnership Projects - Findings Project 1: Awareness raising Activitiesa) Develop mechanisms e.g. database to share and disseminate

information that can be used to reduce uncertainty in risk assessment and encourage the development of mechanism for responding to requests from stakeholders affected by chemical accidents (CREFT,GCLA,AGENDA,….);

b) Develop and implement information, education and communication packages on the sound management of chemicals, targeting key stakeholders including waste handlers and recyclers (CPE, GCLA, AGENDA, ………);

c) Support research on BAT/BEP in waste management resulting in increased waste minimisation, diversion and recovery and reduced chemical hazards for health and the environment (CPE, GCLA, AGENDA,……..);

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Partnership Projects - Findings Project 1: Awareness raising Activitiesd) Strengthen chemical-safety-related information dissemination

among social partners and through public media at national and international levels (GCLA, NEMC,…….);

e) Make information on workplace chemicals from intergovernmental organizations readily and conveniently available at no charge to employers, employees and Governments (OSHA, GCLA, AGENDA, CREFT,…..);

f) Develop guidance materials to assist in the preparation of initial national assessments of children’s environmental health and the identification of priority concerns; develop and implement action plans to address those priority concerns (OSHA, GCLA, AGENDA, CREFT,…..)

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Partnership Projects - Findings Project 1: Awareness raising Activitiesg) Undertake training (that will inform, educate and

protect) programmes for enhancing sound management of chemicals and preventing the exposure of waste handlers and recyclers, scavengers and the public to hazardous chemicals and waste (GCLA, AGENDA, CFEFT, NEMC,…..);

h) Undertake awareness-raising and preventive measures campaigns in order to promote safe use and handling of chemicals (GCLA. OSHA, CREFT,ENVIROCARE, ……).

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Partnership Projects - Findings Project 2: Enhance protection of human life and the

environment Activitiesa) Develop and establish integrated national systems

compatible with international systems to prevent accidents and for emergency preparedness and response to all accidents and natural disasters involving chemicals (PRIME MINISTER, GCLA, NEMC, OSHA, CREFT,……);

b) Strengthen national inspection systems to maximize chemical safety and minimize hazards (GCLA, NEMC, OSHA, TPRI, CREFT,…..);

c) Promote applications of BAT/BEP including the use of alternatives that pose less risk that will prevent and minimize hazardous waste generation (GCLA, NEMC, OSHA, TCCIA, AGENDA,…..);

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Partnership Projects - Findings Project 2: Enhance protection of human life and the

environment Activitiesd) Develop national and local capacities to monitor, assess and

mitigate chemical impacts of dumps, landfills and other waste management facilities on human health and the environment (NEMC, GCLA, CREFT,…..);

e) Eliminate workplace hazards posed by chemicals through simple, practical methods, in particular Chemical control banding and Stress the importance of Workers’ right to know in all sectors (formal and informal) (GCLA, NEMC, OSHA,….).

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Parallel SAICM Implementation – NGOs SAICM AWARENESS WORKSHOP by AGENDAa) One day national workshop to raise awareness of ASP

(T) Network on the SAICM, and its relevance to ASP (19th July 2007 in Dar es Salaam) (17 participants)

b) Training of NGO/CSOs, agricultural extension staff and district council officers on the implementation of chemical conventions and SAICM in Tanzania (February 2008) (13 participants)

c) Northern Zone Training - conducted in Moshi from 11-13 Feb 2008 drew 15 participants from Kilimanjaro and Tanga Regions

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Parallel SAICM Implementation – NGOs SAICM AWARENESS WORKSHOPd) Southern Highlands Zone Training - Training held from

27-29 Feb 2008 with 15 participants, of which 6 were from NGOs/CSOs and 9 from government institutions

e) Western Zone Training - Training was conducted 7th – 9th May 2008. Participants came from Tabora, Kigoma and Kagera regions. They included a total of 11 representatives from 6 CSOs/CBOs and 5 extension offices.

f) Farmers Training in Ng’anda Njombe 18-21 June 2008 (Southern Highland zone) Involved 24 participants: 22 farmers and 2 extension staff from four villages:

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UNITAR is acknowledged for the financial and technical support

URT is acknowledged for co-financing this project and providing logistical support from the national level to district level

To all stakeholders who took part and continue to take part in this project.

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