Sahara Brief

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  • 8/12/2019 Sahara Brief










    Regal commissioner in the western coast of Africa, Captain Tenientede Influencia

    Official edition.



    Cart of San Jernimo, 13 and Atocha 67.


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    Presented/displayed this directive Center by D. Emilio Bonelli, regal

    Commissioner of the western coast of Africa, a geographic, commercial

    and agricultural study of the region included from the Bojador to Cabo

    Blanco, which contains data and the news whose knowledge matters in

    great way to our producers and can doubtlessly contribute to the

    development of the commercial relations between Spain and that one

    part of the African territory, this Main directorate has decided that it

    becomes a distance of 500 units of the referred work and maps that

    accompany, whose amount will be paid at the expense of chapter 12, artto him, 2. of the effective budget.

    Quo I communicate to V.S. for its knowledge and other effects.

    God keeps to and. S. many years. Madrid 25 of February of 1887. - The

    Chief of a main directorate, BENIGN QUIROGA. - Mr. Ordenador of

    payments by obligations of this Ministry.

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    The way to completely modify radically the political and social aspect

    that today presents/displays the African continent, remote of the

    progress that the civilization prints to our time, and where are numerousmemories of the events more transcendental than it registers the history

    of the humanity, is not easy to anticipate nor can be locked in a picture of

    fixed rules while the distrust, protected by the religious fanaticism that

    dominates in the Muslim followers, opposes so formidable obstacles to

    the study of the different races that populate those extensive regions.

    The development, every more flourishing day, of the European industry

    and the commerce, imposes the necessity to solve with pressure, and theknowledge indispensable for the best guarantee of success, the diverse

    problems posed by the international diplomacy with respect to the

    colonization, dominion and probable future of this vastsima region of

    the globe, inhabited by a considerable number ele million souls

    submissive the iron yoke of the ignorance and the barbarism. The

    solution of so important questions offers, nevertheless, difficulties of

    diverse nature that they justify, partly, the lack of decision of thegovernments to undertake companies that have the privilege to provoke

    distrusts of other nations, to demand expensive sacrifices and that

    generally have in their principles all the characters with the adventures

    with the Average Age.

    He is doubtless that the commerce, with its powerful means, will save, in

    some regions, the barrier, apparently insurmountable, that those people

    try to oppose to all idea of progress, because its exaggerated mistrustimagines it like in opposition to the religion and to its independence; in

    other parts it will be precise to go to the Armed Forces, capably directed,

    to contain cough wild instincts of the natives. Where traditional hatreds

    of race have been origin of bloody retaliation, only one capable policy

    will be able to vanish exaggerations of the past and marking new map

    courses to the passions that dominate to the sectarians of the Prophet

    where the Muslim religion reigns; but always it will exert major

    influences and decisive superiority in the inhabitants of that vast

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    continent that owns the perfect knowledge of its language and customs,

    prints to its conduct the equitable energy that as much it seduces to the

    races pressed by despotic tyrannies and undergoes with resignation the

    indispensable sacrifices and deprivations until obtaining the affection

    and the dominion of so displeased towns.

    To size, then, that comes near the unextendable term in which is to

    undergo complete transformation the general aspect of the African

    continent, conquering to the rational life multitude of beings who are

    shaken in impure chaos of abjections, and whose existence 110 is

    conceived without diminution of the cultured towns; as these events

    receive the failure of history with indispensable slowness to so largecompany, major is the necessity to know the conditions of that one

    country, and greater to have of guarding incessantly by certain interests

    that, according to inescapable laws and as a result of our geographic

    situation, keep Straits connects with the future reserved to the Iberian


    Not is necessary to back down to times distant neither to escudriar

    kindly influence that has exerted in different periods from our historyraces dominating across of Straits to justify part decisive that our mother

    country must to take in complications that can arise, that indispensably

    has to arise, in the northern region of Africa. In that extensive region,

    that we could well limit in the opposite borders or of Algeria and the

    Senegal, one is, not only the future of Spain, but also the greater danger

    to the independence of our ground, according to the phrase of an

    informed geographer and historian, fortunately generalized enough. All

    Spanish who spends some moments to the study of the international

    questions, to the foreign policy that corresponds to our mother country,

    caresses these ideals like fundamental objective axiomatic truth and of

    legitimate aspirations for the defense of our territory and development of

    the multiple sources of wealth which they hoard our ground and the

    special conditions of our race.

    In this concept it would seem unnecessary to increase in price the

    importance that locks up whatever happens in the deranged empire of

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    considerations on the sahrica region submissive the protectorate of

    Spain. Nevertheless, the privileged position that enjoys in the Ocean that

    one archipelago, their influence as stopping point in long navigations

    and the development of interests which they would be created if a naval

    base of first order got to form, also depend on the increase of commercial

    relations with the African coast, from the limits ele the jurisdiction of

    sultn of Morocco to the gulf of Guinea. To the Eastern department of

    these islands, in which those of Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and

    Lanzarote are included/understood, it corresponds the main center of

    supplying of the colonization in Africa and would have to be the barn of

    that immense sahrica region, rather more colonized with. what it is

    created generally, but where the cereal harvests are not enough in theyears of drought for the consumption of the population. Of the canary

    archipelago, to sum up, they have to leave all class indispensable aid to

    the factories that in the African coast settle down.

    After these light digresiones, that during this work have to obtain ampler

    development, we will resume the preliminary study of the African coast.

    The region that includes/understands the coast, of the Sahara, from endador Boxwood to White end, has been theater, of horrible crimes. Figure

    like one of the regions where the greater antipathy to the European race

    takes shelter, where the rancor of the passions produces more terrible

    consequences, where the traditional fanaticism and hatreds to the

    Christians have major root, where the savagery of its inhabitants has

    truly repugnant characters, and is distinguished, in short, by the series of

    shipwrecks happened in that one coast and the iniquitous undergone

    treatments therefore displeased since it has been needed to look for a

    refuge in the beach to get rid of an inevitable death if he remained taken

    root to the last rest of his boats, destroyed by invincible elements.

    Some exaggeration will be able to exist in these appreciations, in its

    majority, however, founded on the repeated upsettings of the sectarians

    of Mahoma; but it agrees to analyze the causes origin of so many crimes

    and misfortunes before judging the present conditions of that one


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    The operation of the banks of fishing grounds, calls from remote canary-

    African times, constitutes the main element of life of the population of

    that one archipelago, where the accommodated class less of the society

    makes a great consumption of salty fish and toasted maize gofio-flour. -

    To this industry they dedicate thirty and so many pailebot, of twenty-

    five to seventy tons, with a crew of thousand five hundred men. Even

    though rarely they came near to the beach, before declaring the Spanish

    protectorate in the sahrico coast, is doubtless that to these fishing sailors

    corresponds great part of responsibility by the rancor arraigadsimo that

    exists between canaries and natives of the desert. Instead of to try an

    intelligence, that so beneficial had been for the Moors of the coast and

    the crew of the fishing ships, a situation of ambushes, ambushes hasstayed violent, full and perfidias, until on both sides producing the

    reconcentrado hatred and the greatest distrust: in resemblance been, only

    after some time, when the memory of cruel retaliation disappears and

    antagonisms are exiled that never had to exist, can obtain the Pacific

    dominion and the reestablishment of sincere harmony, so indispensable

    for the commercial increase in that one region.

    The difficulties that are to expire until reaching this result do not keep

    proportion with the magnitude and the importance from this company.

    It is necessary to assure for the future of Spain, without doing without

    the Canary Islands, great commercial currents and the operation of you

    banks of fishing grounds; it is precise to establish bows of close union

    between the wild tribes of the desert and the commercial establishments

    that are constructed in the coast, fusing them in our civilization and our

    customs; to attract the wealth elements that lock up that one countryvastsimo to the most favorable points of the coast for the creation of

    good ports, and to take root between the commercial believers, that do

    not know all principle of authority and boast of a brutal independence,

    habits that become general easily in all region where the Muslim element

    reigns, that is distinguished by its speculative spirit.

    These intentions, caressed by whatever take care of the subjects of Africa,

    and that forms in forward edge between the national ideals, they will notfind, surely, fast solution without confronting the risks and

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    tenebrosidades of a company considered by some like surrounded in the

    uncertainty of the adventure, y' without the sacrifices that the

    colonization imposes at our time ele a country, with so different systems

    to which they used our ancestors to the discovery of America. But all

    these difficulties, risks and slips, will be put ont the edge easily if to

    intelligence at first accompanies the energy, the perseverancia in the

    sacrifices, the prestige acquired already between the natives and the

    accumulation of the elements necessary to secure an aim of vastsimos


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    Geographic description from Bojador end to Cabo Blanco.

    Examining navigation charts of the western coast of Africa, and

    observing the denomination of the ends, bays, embosomed the more

    remarkable roads either of the coast, is a quite embarrassing confusion

    between the official technicality, so to speak, and the names that the

    canary fishermen have given to diverse points of the coast, like true

    practitioners of her. The hydrographic letters that have major authority,

    to be formed with iodines collected the national and foreign data fromthe first recognitions practiced by different scientific commissions, lack

    many not known important points officially; and so that this study is

    more complete, I consider advisable to add to the data already published

    those that we have obtained on the march or in the inspection of the


    We will also try to review, in this description of the African coast that

    includes the protectorate of Spain, the sites more frequented by the swift-sailing ships that cross those seas, because of his knowledge, even

    though he is incomplete, could obtain benefits for the commerce, once

    assayed the advantages that offers to the provisional facilities, refuge or

    halting points of the boats against the weathers.

    Cabo Bojador.

    Form this one small projection, in the main directorate of the coast, the

    northern limit of the dominions of Spain in that one region, and is to 27

    50 ' 17 North latitude and 8 ' length, according to the meridian of San


    This point, known by the canary practitioners with the name of the

    Prchele, determines an extensive road, open to all the winds, and,

    therefore, of very little shelter for the ships of any class and great

    difficulties for the disembarkation, because in an extension of 3

    kilometers that includes the cove, a small beach only exists, it does not

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    exempt of terrible stumbling blocks, to berth the boats. Since all that one

    coast is very fought by the great tides of the Northwest, the waves beat

    with impetuous violence the steep rocks that serve as valladar to the

    imposing masses of water which they threaten to destroy whatever find

    in his gigantic march.

    The most salient end to the North of this cove is called False confused

    Bajador end for being during long time by some navigators with the true

    end; she is quite low and of sandy ground in his majority, which

    facilitates the disembarkation in contadsimas occasions that allow it to

    the sea. The remaining part of the cove has major elevation in the coast,

    because it reaches heights of 30 and 35 meters, very escarped, madebristle of formidable stumbling blocks and where it is impossible to

    approach with no class of boats,

    During six days we remained in an occasion cast anchor in the road of

    Bojador end without being able to disembark, seeing us forced to leave

    the anchorage leaving an anchor and 30 meters of chain, in order to

    avoid an imminent disaster, dice the magnitude of the waves, that

    threatened to break within our boat.

    This brief review of the road of Bojador end will be sufficient, in my

    opinion, to put of relief the difficulties whereupon it has to encounter a

    commercial installation while the construction of ports, whose cost has to

    be very considerable, does not modify the conditions of security and

    gives guarantees of disembarkation in the majority of the days of the

    year. Inconvenient, or perhaps worse analogs, offer all the coast to the

    North of Bojador end until the limits of the territory where it reaches thesovereigntyof sultn of Morocco.

    The Bumbalda.

    Fortunately for the commerce and operation of the sahrica region, the

    part of the African coast submissive the protectorate of Spain reunites

    very estimable advantages. Sailing in the direction of UNDER., and

    separated of the coast so. only one mile, because the bottom is great andvery clean, is, to 22 miles of end Bojador, a small cove with excellent

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    shelter, that can easily replace to previous by its good beach and easy

    wharf, indicated in navigation charts with the name of the well-known

    Bumbalda and also by

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    deaths until the point of which the crew, who formed of 37 men when

    leaving the port of Las Palmas, was reduced to nine individuals, in her

    majority estenuados by the fatigue and so desconsoladora situation. The

    most horrible panic seized of those poor devils, and considering the

    overcome one too slow until gaining some port of the islands, decided to

    attack the ship in the coast to leave that one helmet that, with difficulty,

    maintained to them on the waves, and where the death had made

    devastating prey. In this way they tried to reach its salvation, by

    laborious that was, between the muslmicas followers of the desert.

    As soon as the natives who lived in Good Garden saw embarrancado in

    the beach pailebot canary, they went on board, eager to take advantageof whichever that one shipwreck offered to its instincts predatory,

    inficionando itself terribly of the disease that was to depopulate those

    feracious fields coa relation to the others of the Sahara.

    By the conditions of the life of the Muslim, its little cleaning and absolute

    ignorance of the hygienic rules, the believing rage, ntrelos, have always

    originated imposing disasters, and in this case it makes sure that nor one

    at least of the natives who resided in Good Garden canary fishermansurvived to the 30 days of the shipwreck of pailebot.

    This history, heard to refer to the same natural ones, has all the

    characters of probability and it is transmitted between the natives of

    parents to children, without a doubt to conserve indelible and in all their

    purity the aversion or fear to the cove where they are there buried

    whatever they lived.

    Cabo Lebn (or They weigh).

    It is this road, well-known also by Restinga of the Stone, another position

    where the fishing ships are lodged, but of little shelter.

    The disembarkation is easy by the small cove that forms the stone, of

    where has origin its second names.

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    The environs present/display that so frequent vegetation in the desert,

    but has not been well some in the verified excursions, nor seems to be

    relying to the information of the natives.

    Elbow end.

    Before arriving to this end small projections exist that the practitioners

    designate with the name of the Battlements, being well-known also the

    Elbow end by puna of the Cotobelo or Nose of San Pedro.

    This position, that offers a good shelter with winds of the first quadrant,

    presents/displays however great contrariedades for the commercial

    installation, because spending considerable sums in the construction of awharf the support could only be assured communications with the

    colony in all time, previous and indispensable condition of the operation

    in that one region.

    Angra to horse.

    The great bend formed by the Sud part of the end or Elbow end, and the

    projections from where Monte either Roque of the Deception is

    controlled, has been called cove of Angra to horse or of the Yuncas, that

    does not offer great security to the ships nor owns easy wharf, except in

    calm times, in spite of being brackish water in abundance very next to

    the coast.

    The fish appears in truly amazing amounts in this bend, that's why very

    it is frequented by the canary ships, unique boats that, so to speak, cross

    those waters. This point of the coast is in addition remarkable by several

    happened marine wrecks in the first third to the present century,

    according to affirm the inhabitants of the environs.

    Peninsula of Gold River.

    The advantages that the situation of this peninsula presents/displays,

    outstanding of the continent to way of sentry advanced in the Ocean,

    were the main cause of being designated for the first commercial

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    establishment Or factory erected in all the African coast of the coast of

    the Sahara, where Spain exerts the protectorate.

    On the other hand, the fear that inspires the inhabitants of certain

    regions of Africa imposed the necessity to choose a position for theestablishment of any class of European colony where the defense offered

    more advantages, the precautions could give to major security guarantee

    and the monitoring would be exerted more easily and with better results.

    All these objects it seemed natural would concur in a land language of

    little width, and, therefore, of easy dominion; but we do not have to

    never do without the character of the natives, of its excessive pride,

    incomparable pride and of the moral force that is lost indicating certaindistrusts that satisfy their foolish aspirations of power or supremacy on

    another any race that does not militate in the Muslim followers. And as

    the commerce is not obtained but from the harmony of relations between

    both town, and of the progressive increase of communications, necessary

    it is to agree upon that the average defensives put in practice in that one

    region have to harmonize themselves with the indispensable conditions

    to the commercial development of the colony that settles down there.

    The peninsula of Gold River, together with the continent by a sandy

    isthmus and of malsimo transit, affects a really singular form. Of the

    main directorate of the coast a land language of 37 kilometers in length

    by 2 to 5 of width follows, in its greater part, lifting only 6 meters on the

    level of the sea, except in several datum points with diverse names. One

    is, therefore, to a level rather lower than the remaining coast, and

    embraces an extensive one laughs of 22 miles in length by 5 of width,

    navigable in his two third parts, with 24 meters basic maximum and 8

    minimums in the main channel.

    As everything laughs of some consideration, it has the disadvantage of

    the bar, to which we do not grant great importance, because only with

    temporary forts of the West, fortunately very little frequent the waves

    acquire frightful proportions; but this is not an obstacle for navigation,

    because the channel either greater channel has in the bar six meters and

    average basic in low tide, and, therefore, sufficient to boats of great

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    tonnage, however, the bottom, very irregular laughs of it, will make

    navigation quite difficult until perfectly buoying the channel the more

    next to the peninsula of Gold River, or the one that happens licking the

    coast almost of the continent.

    The outer port, whose anchorage is very uncomfortable, but surely while

    the alseos winds reign, can be disastrous and of difficult disembarkation

    with winds of the Southwest. It laughs inside it have the ships completes

    security with all the times, because solely the flow and ebb tide of the

    tides, that get to reach three miles of current per hour, helped by the

    constant breeze, raise some very continuous surge, but only annoying to

    the small boats or boats of candle.

    Incidentally we have said it laughs that it of Gold River offers two

    navigable channels, and to complete their description, being also

    mentioned the low ones that guards in low tide, well-known with the

    names of the Careenage, Small and Great Galeoto, and indicating the

    other stumbling blocks that are to find the ships for navigation, would be

    necessary-to go to a study of soundings, unfortunately limited until now,

    to one reduced part it laughs of it and only usable when it can connectwith the other points as it bases of his hydrographic knowledge. The

    practiced drillings the direction of the channel next to the peninsula of

    Gold River is known, and the low ones, some of great extension, that

    laughs it has it until the Herne island, formed of mud, seaweed or sand

    dragged by the current.

    The bottom laughs of it presents/displays one vastsima embosomed,

    that in low tide is almost in the open in a space of 10 kilometers,surrounded by infinite precipices formed by successive loosenings of the

    land, but by no side signal is discovered remotely some that it indicates,

    nor, the existence of a river, as it appears in all the navigation charts and

    seems to come off itself the name given from old times to this part of the

    coast of the Sahara.

    Of which it is deduced that the origin of the name of River of Gold given

    to this peninsula is completely imaginary or fantastic, to lack river some

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    and not to be in its environs, nor to long distances, that precious

    fundamental and constant objective metal of the insatiable human greed.

    And I have to increase in price the necessity to make public these data, in

    order that the squeamish characters, paying attention to theattractiveness of the name of this peninsula, do not squander sacrifices

    based on erroneous calculations and that they also result in loss of

    prestige than as much it matters to conserve and to develop in the

    interests of our commerce.

    The Herne island is at heart located of this laughs, surrounded by

    marshy land and in communication with the continent, in low tide,

    because the beach immediate to the isthmus is open pie in about 2kilometers. It has the mentioned island thirteen small hills of quite

    irregular conical form, in ascending steps, direction UNDER. to NE, from

    3 meters to the 40 next that measure of the highest height, than one is in

    the first third of line NE. to UNDER, that they determine, being its width

    or space that occupies of a little kilometer.

    The natives call to the Herne island Trok-whose translation is equivalent

    to the step or way-by being almost on the isthmus of entrance to the

    peninsula, and is very well-known in all the desert because in his

    environs they take shelter millares of crustaceans (amdjun), that

    transport to Ualata, Timbuct and Benigram, for the sale by gold, ivory

    and slaves.

    The peninsula of Oro River, well-known by the people of the Sahara

    with the name of Dajala-is-Saharia (incoming of the desert), is extremely

    level and with little vegetation. The great and small Arciprs and the end

    Nose, that includes/understands near 30 kilometers of the peninsula

    from the Durnford end, are remarkable elevations only in] to invariable

    plain of this position. Once exceeded the western and penetrated end in

    the outer port, is a beautiful beach, with excessive abundance of sand

    and in a level rather lower than the general ground of the peninsula;

    after crossed the bar, all the inner coast is of rock and conchuela, difficult

    by some sites, but always reasonable by its little elevation, that usuallydoes not exceed 5 meters.

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    To about 23 kilometers of the Durnford end is a land with greater

    vegetation, cultivated field of wild flowers in the spring, more colonizing

    with gacelas and where a fresh water well exists, whose conditions

    would be very appreciable if some cleaning were observed.

    Doubtful origin must be granted to this well, truly providential to help

    the first works of the colony that settles down there. Some natives

    confess that she was constructed by Christians, and does not seem

    ventured to give credit to this report, because the work who reveal

    themselves there is not work of those natural ones. It is precise to

    suppose that this well has been done by the shipwrecked wretches who

    so terrible luck have experimented in those inhospitable beaches fromremote times. He confirms this hypothesis, in addition, the fact that the

    circular form of the well finishes to the three meters of depth, in which

    the water is acquired easily and disappeared the strong rock land to mix

    itself with sandy part that the liquid element has been undermining

    slowly until producing a cave of some extension, where at present

    corrupted matters are accumulated, giving to the water a stinking scent

    and little hygienic conditions, except for the natives of the Sahara, whose

    physical organization, formed by means in which they live, allows all

    class them of abuses without remarkable alteration in her health.

    The amount of water that can be obtained from this well is very

    considerable. Having needed to provide with water the existing colony

    in Gold River, it was precise to come to the possible most scrupulous

    cleaning, and that one occurred by finished to eleven in the morning,

    when still they were small residues of the springs of the walls of the well.

    Closely together of the one of afternoon the water extraction began and

    to six they had been obtained more than 2000 liters.

    To eight kilometers of the described well it finishes, the terreas not hard

    or of rock to become great sand dunes, very moving and extremely it

    bothers for the march, constituting this space the isthmus of the


    As one advances towards the continent, that rises majestic on that onesandy ground, in some sites lower than the level of the sea, the width of

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    the isthmus falls of a progressive way, until being reduced to a little

    average meter and in high water.

    Before arriving at the continent a relatively enormous stone, of 16 meters

    of height and 22 of extension, together with the peninsula by narrowsand language is in the coast of the Ocean that is covered in the great

    tides. This stone appears in the maps with the Mount name of the

    Deception and fishermen know the canary it by Roque Cabrn, having

    deserved these denominations by the aspect that presents/displays view

    from the sea and that appears completely like isolated of the continent.

    In their environs several marine wrecks have happened. Some of the

    natives who populate the peninsula with Oro River still remember theshipwreck of a birk-boat American-according to all the indications

    happened in the small cove that forms to the shelter of Monte Decepcin,

    whose shipwreck they assure those believers who were saved the eight

    crew who came to his I embroider and that, embarked in a fishing ship,

    returned d land of Christians. But I consider useless to add that all

    whatever the sea threw to the beach, or the Moors could gather on board

    going and to I swim in thecalm days, was distributed and profiteer bythose sectarians of the Prophet, with great contentment and row,

    according to the satisfaction whereupon they even rememberthismarine


    The established Spanish factory in Gold River is next located to 12

    kilometers of the Durnford end and on the coast it laughs of it. In the

    election it has presided over the idea to obtain next and safe anchorage,

    harmonizing this condition with the advantages that the site reports forthe construction of the jetty wharf, as useful as indispensable to the

    commerce that is developed there. Despite this study, the ships will not

    be able to never approach to smaller distance of 5oo metersof the beach.

    Well-known the position where a building serves already I gave birth to

    indicate the dominion of Spain and to maintain with relative honor its

    pavilion, is very necessary to describe the coast of opposite, whose

    conditions have to take advantage when the commerce acquires truedevelopment, to demand it .as the same natives.

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    Few exigencies will be more just. The great advantage offers that one

    coast of which the ships can cast anchor very many next of earth and

    with the same shelter. Channel is enough greater, but prisoner requires

    study to recognize well steps that he has by the bar and stumbling blocks

    of the navigation laugh within it, which it will not be able to be used

    without these recognitions practice, in order not to jeopardize the

    numerous boats in the low ones which they would find in his march. The

    obstacle, at first sight considerable, of its greater elevation

    presents/displays this coast of the continent, than it oscillates between

    40 and 50 meters, the great inclination of his slopes, and the abundance

    of stony land, because it is advisable neither possible to take advantage

    of the spaces sand, where it will be the more difficult to form ways orinclines of ascent for the operations of load and unloading of the ships.

    Overcome these disadvantages, that only represent major work and

    wastes of some quantity, the results would soon compensate the

    sacrifices of the installation of a factory or commercial center. The

    distance is lessen in two days that are to cross the natives to arrive to our

    market, e! land is more susceptible of culture, the grass are more

    abundant and, therefore, they can maintain the camels while the natives

    remain in the factory, the cattle that acquires itself will have more safe

    grass during the time which they impose the communications, true

    disadvantage of all project of colonization, bases of the commerce on the

    Sahara and difficult solution by the expenses that originate.

    In order to complete these ideas it would agree to determine the point of

    the coast of the included continent to the beautiful one laughs of Gold,

    where a commercial nucleus with all the buildings indispensable to the

    transactions and to the necessary system of defense had to settle down

    for the security of the colony; but also it would be exposed to detrimental

    errors to advance judgments without the previous knowledge of the

    steps that to the boats laughs offers it, because these appreciations must

    harmonize with the exigencies of navigation and the advantages of the

    land for commercial facilities.

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    of the Northwest, that come to finish in enormous water mountains in

    this inhospitable point of the sahrica coast.

    Both shipwrecks happened in this bay and the bitterness that isolation

    with the coast represents for the navigators, from fear of the natives andthe impossibility to put to sea with winds of the third quadrant, without

    crossing the imposing waves that form to the entrance of the bay, totally

    justify the name of bay of the Hardships that has deserved of the coastal


    Bay of Corey or Corveiro.

    The disadvantages that concur in the cove already described of SanCiprin, serve to make the advantages estimable of the bay as Corey,

    very frequented by pailebotes of the fishing, considers that it as excellent

    port of refuge against the weathers of outside, because in his reduced

    cove they enjoy complete security, they have an excellent anchorage and

    they can be dedicated with relative calmness to the salt meat operations

    and packs of the fish gathered during the day.

    This bay also reunites the advantage of being able to form a wharfwithout great sacrifices, because he is completely safe from the forts

    brisotes, the movement of the sea is very smooth and its anchorage

    rather cleaner than the one of Curvature. Like in this one, the beach is

    generally steep, but it has several points of easy disembarkation, and the

    environs of the coast reveal nondespicable conditions for the vegetation,

    the sand is-enough little and exist great probabilities of finding water

    potable to very short distance.

    In our concept, this point must be object of lengthy recognitions perhaps,

    because it was necessary to take advantage of his conditions, and to even

    improve them to little cost, to form the last establishment that to the Sud

    of the sahrica coast represents the Spanish commerce, if of the result of

    the opened diplomatic negotiations with France indisputable one is not

    known our unreasonable and right to occupy the bay of the Galgo.

    White Cabo.

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    After the bay of Corveiro, the coast does not offer salient point nor of

    shelter some until the false and true White end, located to 20 47' 55

    North latitude and 10' length, according to the meridian of San

    Fernando, having to consider east point like the limit of our dominions

    in the western coast of the Sahara.

    The situation of this most important point, under the different aspects

    political, commercial and fishing, cannot be defined so that it facilitates

    his understanding without describing the two denominated bays of the

    West and the Galgo, by the special form that the extensive one affects

    and sandy language that has received the name of White end.

    Always sailing to 2 miles of the coast, a projection is discovered firstly,that the False White end has been called from remote times, and

    overcome this end an extensive bay is warned, that finishes later in the

    end of the earth language indicated with the name of White end.

    Between these two projections is a well-known bay by the bay of the

    West, and next in its center a rock of 14 meters of altitude above sea level

    exists, of flat surface, measuring a linear extension of 90 meters in length

    by 60 of thickness. This rock, that seems placed by the Providence for thefirst works of installation, with all the tempting defensive conditions, is

    united to the continent by a narrow sand isthmus and forms a small

    cove, where the movement of the waves is almost imperceptible and

    whose sand bottom offers a comfortable wharf.

    Pailebotes canary, dedicated to the fishing in those seas, casts anchor of

    ordinary in the bay of the West, while they do not appear in the look

    indications of weathers or winds of the Southwest. In this case they lookfor shelter in the beautiful and incomparable bay of the Galgo, once

    exceeded the end of White end, whose bay, going into in direction

    Northeastern in an extension of 20 miles, present/display diverse and

    very excellent anchorages, known with the name of Tired end, port of

    the Rest, the Ostrich, etc., protected of all time and with superb positions

    for the easy construction of a wharf, indispensable requirement of the

    commercial establishments that are based on that one African coast.

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    The position of White end, by its relative proximity to the centers more

    colonizing with the Sahara, offers major future to the European

    commerce; but the sacrifices that impose will be also more considerable.

    The great distance that separates to White end of the Canary Islands,

    center, in our opinion, of general supplying of the colonies of Africa, and

    3a potable water deficiency nterin not practices works in order to find

    this precious one and indispensable element for the life of the man, is the

    contrariedades majors that are urgent to remedy before establishing a

    factory. The increase of communications seems to be unique the average

    one to guarantee the existence to which they settle down there; but these

    communications cannot trust to the candle ships. The crew of pailebotes

    that goes to the fishing of White end calculates overcome in the twentyor twenty-five days, exception done of the extraordinary chances. As

    they sail just by a compass, whose indications do not deserve whole

    security by their bad conditions, when undertaking the return begin to

    put the prow to the West the Northwest, in order to obtain the major

    result of brisotes or tradewinds that reign generally in that one coast.

    After the six days, most bold they give first embroidered to gain the

    coast and to recognize the true situation in which they are. In this waythey are able to dominate to the Parchel, fighting with the wind and the

    currents, always opposite, soon to go in demand of the Eastern

    department of the Canary Islands.

    Aside from these two contrariedades, whose importance hardly can be

    exaggerated, it is necessary to also consider that all the peninsula of

    White end forms an immense sandy ground, of escassima vegetation

    and laborious transit.

    Ever since one disembarks appears in view of the observer a great sand

    seeded hill extension, in the form of cones, that the wind, anxious and

    wicked what geniecillo, destroys and returns to construct there where a

    small obstacle exists that stops moving sands.

    Before this perspective, truly incomparable, in view of a as barren field

    as detrimental for all attempt of the colonization, most optimistic one

    feels dominated by a spirit of sadness or melancholy. Silos winds would

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    not be so constant, would even be usable east land; but then one would

    trip over the disadvantage of the temperature, that of the 22 to 25

    centigrades, happens quickly to the 40, once the beneficent influence of

    the breeze stops.

    It is precise to go into, to look for the bottom of the bay to found the

    commercial establishments next to the land of culture and to the sites

    where it will be easier to find water potable. He is indispensable in

    addition to resolutely confront the sacrifices that this imposes to give to

    major guarantee of success to the factory that settles down in the Sud

    limit of our protectorate and whose position tries to dispute our

    neighbors to us of beyond the Pyrenean one.

    Islands of Arguin.

    They do not form these islands, nor the great banks surround that them,

    in the demarcation that includes the protectorate of Spain; but having be

    object of erroneous appreciations, too much disclosed unfortunately, we

    considered necessary to make a slight description of its conditions and

    situation to move away all reckless project in future companies.

    After the bay of the Galgo are those most dangerous banks of Argun,

    that measure more than 40 miles of extension and that 110 still have been

    perfectly defined nor recognized by the infinite obstacles that

    present/display until for the smallest boats.

    The unique news that of these banks are had and whose exactitude

    deserves major guarantee, are those that some provide, very counted,

    practical canaries; then although several channels have been knownwhen the islands of Argun were occupied by European colonists, the sea

    currents have radically modified the situation of the low ones, making so

    far navigation without exposing itself to fatal consequences impossible.

    A fast glance by the map that accompanies to these descriptive notes will

    be enough to form exact concept of the position that occupy these

    renowned islands and of the difficulties that surround to their

    occupation. Aside from these disadvantages, nondespicable, it is precise

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    to add that their hygienic conditions are quite unfavorablein opposition

    of whatever happens in the remaining coast already described.

    The fear to the natives has been the cause of which the Portuguese firstly,

    and soon Dutch and the French, would settle down themselves in thepast century and principles of the present one in the famous island of

    Argun, in whose environs the imposing shipwreck of the Mduse took

    place, of imperishable memory in pomp the marine ones by the

    terrorficas scenes to which it gave rise that one human hecatomb. But

    easily it is included/understood that the establishments before

    mentioned intended the operation of the riqusimos banks of fishing

    grounds, without the dangers that offered the deal with the natural onesof the country, because it is evident that the formation of markets and

    commercial centers is obtained isolating themselves of the producing

    forces and demonstrating a distrust that cannot be harmonized with the

    mercantile operations.

    Of here the importance that has been wanted to give to the island of

    Argun, considered, in our concept, like the most detrimental position,

    free of advantages and overwhelmed with all sort of disadvantages.

    Of the three small barren islands that determine this point only the one

    of means it offers guarantees for a solid construction, and, indeed, have

    been being there still formidable ruins of old buildings, because they

    must his foundation to the first occupants, the Portuguese, for more than

    two hundred years; also are two guns in complete abandonment, many

    excavations and a well of brackish water that soon used European

    Colonizing Dutch and the French, or the natives who have inhabited thisisland when they counted on boats or boats, acquired in some shipwreck

    of which she registers the history of that one coast.

    The sterility of the done sacrifices to conserve this island from remote

    times perhaps, since their abundant banks of fishing grounds were

    discovered, confirms and justifies the detrimental thing that it had been

    to extend our protectorate until occupying a possession that they have

    left the French since the beginning of the century, and the little

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    communicated by the natives, by those who one has been able to inspire

    a confidence and affection superior to the hopes conceived by most

    optimistic, and the propaganda realized with great advantages for the

    prestige of Spain, it is come off that the region whose limits we have

    indicated not only it locks up a numerous population, but also elements

    and products for considerable a commercial movement.

    After the territory of His and Uad-Nun, with a development whose limit

    is not easy to determine and that it is clear like border region, but

    feudataria of sultn of the Maghreb, are several nuclei of inhabitants,

    scattered according to the conditions imposed by the fight that to each

    other maintain and put under nominally to sherifff whose importancealways keeps proportion with the number of subjects placed

    conditionally to its orders.

    In the territory of Tekna, more the North of Bojador end, these small

    groupings, whose political denomination begin it is almost impossible to

    establish, given the irregularity or, better still, the deficiency of fixed

    principleson which they are based, and that in last term is solved for the

    natives in the precision to live in complete slavery on more hard andundergoing the most incredible humiliations.

    The factory that an English retailer has settled down in Juby end, fights,

    for its existence and development, with the division of forces between

    the caciques of the country, the antagonistic spirit that among them

    exists and the little security who enjoy the same natives, by ways and

    paths, when leading its merchandize. Reason by which the commercial

    operations are made very hardly, because where some to the propertydoes not exist respect it disappears, consequently logical, the interest by

    the acquisition.

    In the interval of end Juby or Tarfaya - as 11a- to this position the

    natives - Bojador end is enough, inhabit many Muslim families of

    different origin, who, besides other small caciques, recognize by superior

    commander to sherifff call Mohammed-the-IDA, which is tributary as

    well of the Ulad-Hosein, and the Beiruk, so that their people cancommunicate, with relative security, with Uad-Nun, Tarudant and

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    Morocco, without this garantit gives to pay to them, in all the transits

    where population groupings exist, the tithe of whatever lead, by sale and

    buys, with others gabelas that consume the merchandize and annihilate

    the producing forces of the infatuados ones sectarians of the Prophet.

    As one advances towards the South, the groupings of huts or jaimas

    belong to other completely independent tribes. From end Bojador to end

    White, and in extension of 500 kilometers to interior, finds Ulad-Delim,

    Ulad-Tsederari, Ulad- Amar, Ulad-el-Lab, Ulad-Sid-Siyed, Ulad-

    Arosiyin, Ulad-Erguibats, Ulad-Sid-Mobammed, Ulad-Salem, Ulad-el-

    Gazal and Ulad-Vas, that dominates the important region of the Adrar

    with another small kbilas, whose smaller number of inhabitants reducesto the importance of sus' conditions, even though deserve special study

    by the advantageous situation which they occupy and the facilities that

    can offer to the commercial currents that settle down there.

    The absolute lack of rivers, precipices either streams, because these last

    ones only form when rains are very abundant and serve to nourish great

    lagoons, and the relative shortage of propitious lands to a flourishing

    vegetation, forces to the natives to choose sites for its flowing travelingvillages where they are to proximity, fresh or brackish water wells, in

    order to take care of to the needs of the life.

    As also the water appears with a frightful shortage in great passages, the

    populations almost impossible in squared spaces of 3o and 40 leguas,

    seeing itself forced the travellers to replace the water by she-camel milk

    to also extinguish to the thirst, providing it to the horses and muas that

    they use in his marches.

    Fortunately the great plains where the vegetation is almost null and in

    which will lack water while artesian wells are not constructed, are

    relatively little, given the amplitude of that one region. The great oases

    abound, of steep land, with long mountain ranges, in whose valleys the

    waters take shelter, forming lagoons of considerable extension, with

    vegetal land of excellent conditions; and in the proximity of these points

    the inhabitants of the desert for the care of great flocks of cattle re-concentrate themselves that throughout finds sufficient grass by the

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    whatever does not offer strong resistance to its overwhelming race. In

    that great earth language, so important for the commerce with the

    interior, the nature has scrimped of such way its gifts, that agriculture

    will never find seat, and only by force of great sacrifices will be able to

    obtain the necessary water for the inhabitants of the mercantile

    establishments and the floating population that all commercial

    movement demands. And, without it obstructs of the laborious

    impression that one region produces, we cannot completely consider

    vacated it nor sterile for the mission reserved to the cultured towns in

    the African continent.

    When describing concientiously, with the terrible sensation that alwaysproduces the lacking reality of fine clothes that conceal its non-uniform

    details, moves to us, in first term, the eagerness to separate all

    enthusiastic and false concept, of always sensible consequences, and

    mainly the necessity to provide to the difficulties and sacrifices of all sort

    that impose the Colonizing companies, with any class which they are

    considered, that directs their efforts to the commercial conquest, and,

    therefore, pacific, with the Muslim, dominating race of most of the center

    of Africa.

    In this concept it is not only enough to know the conditions of the coast

    nor the little population that is there, but we needed to extend our

    operational range to the interior, by where they are had to form the true

    commercial routes, for whose object we will review next the trips of

    propaganda and exploration practiced and the obtained results that

    allow to trust the complete success the more of the ideals that Spain

    caresses with respect to the future of so vast continent.

    Trips to the interior.

    He is doubtless that the means practitioner to more assure the

    commercial operation the Sahara, to root our dominion between the

    inhabitants of the desert, to secure indispensable the moral influence on

    all fanatical race, to form a true commercial propaganda between those

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    followers of the Prophet and to obtain a detailed description of all the

    geographic, climatologic and social conditions of so vast region, obtain

    solely by the continuous rubbing with the natives and the meticulous

    recognition of the land.

    But the Muslim, in his deal with the European, always demonstrates to a

    distrust or only justifiable distrust by his love to the independence that

    enjoys and the attachment to its traditions, accepted like faith dogma,

    and that considers in imminent danger from the moment at which a

    civilized nation develops its legitimate influence by regions whose

    inhabitants only know the rules Mahoma, remarkably corrected,

    weakened of the character that imprimiera its founder and increased tothem by its sectarians.

    The believers of the desert do not form an exception of this general rule,

    and perhaps they are victims of majors preoccupations by its greater

    distance of the cultured towns and because the defense of its home is

    protected solely by its most special conditions for the war of small

    games, because perhaps race does not exist some that can surpass to

    them in sobriety, energy, self-denial and loosening of the life when thereligious laws protest because they are governed.

    The constant fight between different tribes and the great distance

    separates that them of the mercantile or producing centers impose to

    them, however, the necessity to seek and to protect the creation of a

    commercial port that responds to all exigencies and avoids the infinite

    damages that at present them irroga the lack of relatively guaranteed


    To this cause the satisfaction must be attributed whereupon our

    exploratory assignment was received, the declaration of the protectorate

    Spanish in that one coast and the origin of the promises of observance

    and decided support to the authority of Spain done by diverse chejes and

    characterized people more between the natives, but letting glimpse

    certain exigencies that patentizan the arrogance and indomitable

    character of that race that so shining pages registers in the history of the

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    humanity and whose state of degradation, or physical and intellectual

    misery, is not comparable with the one of any town.

    In the impossibility to obtain the exact and complete news of the interior

    of the Sahara, by references or conversations with the natives, the firstauthority of Shingueti tried to convince to me, in a conference that with

    him maintained in Gold River, of the facility whereupon all the

    difficulties could be put ont the edge that needed to win until securing

    the creation of a good port, insurance of the success of our company,

    because it would soon get to persuade to me of the advantages that these

    works would report by an apparently very simple procedure. With

    reasonings, that if they did not reveal an illustration superior, they letglimpse with clarity a practical sense unfortunately little generalized

    enough, sherifff Brahim-el-Marrakshi, demonstrated to

    include/understand the just doubts and hesitations that were to slow

    down the construction of a small town in the peninsula of Gold River,

    with their corresponding branch station or in the coast of opposite and

    with all the elements necessary to absorb the commerce of that one

    region, whose limits very difficult and would be ventured to determine

    in these first moments. And in order to avoid all sort of difficulties, it

    proposed to accompany with numerous friendly, being taken the escort

    and cavalries to me that could need to cross many hundreds of

    kilometers, to know the centers where the commerce can find more

    incentives, the regions where the cattle is more abundant, the susceptible

    territories of good culture, populations as important as To tie, Shingueti,

    Uadan, Ualatay until Timbuct and Benigran, if it showed interest in it,

    consequently it would form a very approximate calculation of theinhabitants whereupon each tribe and of the probable consumption

    counts that they would represent the diverse population centers that

    visited for the commerce and the Spanish industry. With similar

    procedure it could deduce of a indubitable way if the sacrifices that

    impose the construction of a commercial port and the propaganda

    necessary to implant and to root the transactions would be in proportion

    of the advantages that in nondistant term had backs water to obtain.

    According to them they assured, the payments very soon would be

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    compensated by the products that the commercial movement that was

    developed there, under a direction intelligent and vigorous would reach,

    from whose supposed they left to demand, once secured this interesting

    accumulation of knowledge that ensured the success of all the later

    works, the fast creation of our establishments, without omitting no class

    of expenses until equipping them with all the means and elements

    indispensable for the commerce, in order to obtain major prestige and

    confidence in the indigenous element, main base of the mercantile


    Surely nobody will be able to not know the great results that these works

    had reported to the dominion of Spain in that one vastsima Africanregion. But this excursion, that so many studies had to include, would

    produce disastrous consequences by for want of resources to realize it; to

    appear to the natives in the middle of its homes, being revealed a

    poverty almost greater than hers, extremely had to be detrimental to the

    prestige of Spain, causes of great disrepute and reason so that, raised

    those fanatizadas imaginations by the feeling of the superiority of its race

    on all the others that populate our planet, they committed upsettings of

    all sort, doing more difficult the civilizadora company that Spain has

    taken to its position.

    It was precise to look for by other average analogous results. although in

    smaller scale, to circumscribe our operational range to the elements

    whereupon we could arrange, v with this object comision to the Moor

    rifeo that was to my orders, Mohammed-el-Madani, soldier of the

    section of gunners of the Rif, so that, accompanied by the Jameida

    sheriff, of great it influences in the country, pertaining to the tribe of

    Ulad-Vas, and in who I have the most complete confidence with respect

    to its interest and enthusiasm by Spain, they would cross a considerable

    part of the desert, would give the greater possible development to the

    commercial domination that it is tried there to establish and picked up

    all the data indispensable for the study and knowledge of that one

    region, like preliminary works that would be to complement themselves

    in nondistant day.

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    First trip.

    The 13 of September of 1885, finished the preparations of the march,

    undertook their trip the Jameida sheriff and the Madani, taking only two

    camels, food for about ten days and gifts of escassima importance.

    The Jameida sheriff was tenaciously against to take to major amount of

    provisions, because in the way they would find in abundance in jaimas

    or huts of his friendly and their family. In this way it tried to

    demonstrate the great interest that deserved the propaganda to him that

    realized with this trip in favor of the progresses for a true and beneficial

    commercial colonization.

    Once passed the isthmus of the peninsula of Gold River, whose

    description already we know, they walked only about 10 kilometers by

    land of very little vegetation, choosing bushes where to spend the night,

    without shelter of no species nor defense against the wild animal of

    different class that teem by those environs.

    To following day, before the sun appeared in the horizon, they left so

    little hospitable shelter to reach famous well Tishekten distant about 43kilometers, where they could be provided with excellent fresh water,

    rather more good of the one than it uses the reduced colony of River of

    Gold, and in whose environs1]inhabits 27 families of the tribe of, with greatflocks of wool cattle and joist, good number of camels and regular grass,

    In this day they followed a direction almost constant of THAT., finding

    little sandy land and some passages cultivable.

    Bu-Love received with noticeable samples of displeasure the presence ofthe Madani, to that they supposed commissioner by the Christians to

    meet the authors the murders whereupon it was stained of Spanish

    blood the Dajala-ET-Saharia ground, peninsula of Gold River. It was

    precise that the Jameida sheriff prevailed in so serious situation to

    desires of those treasonous at the same time as timorous sectarians of

    Mahoma, and would threaten terrible retaliation if they did not leave the

    1 To this tribe belongs the natives who in the morning of the 9 of March of 1885 undertook to the Spaniards

    who were in Gold River, assassinating to you see and robbing whatever to them they owned.

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    although in the evening they twisted completely to the Sud, in a two

    passage of leguas. Land crossed in this day is very level, of floor resistant

    sometimes, but more generally of sand moving, heat did of all point

    unbearable, because rays of sun dismissed so intense fire that until the

    natural ones of that one burning ground they tried to take to place

    setting all the body, even face, with linen cloth blue used in his dresses,

    because only thus they avoided the continuous and progressive irritation

    that produces the excessive heat on the skin, despite being accustomed to

    the rigors of the climate.

    The Jaud is located between two hills, whose peak altitude can calculate

    in 50 meters. Valley forms enough pleasant, because it breaks themonotony of the land surrounds that it in a great extension, has potable

    water in sufficient amount to maintain a number respectable of people,

    but in spite of this advantage and of its vegetation, although something

    little, it was completely uninhabited when they arrived there, to spend

    the night and to provide themselves with water, our expeditionary ones.

    To 35 kilometers, next, of the Jaud, is Ifernan, in an almost constant

    direction of the Southeast; and in their environs the trees abound, in theirmajority without thorns., of little elevation and resistance. The aspect of a

    forest low and clear, in land of little undulations and very stony has that

    one site.

    In the following day they twisted something to the Sud more to go in

    search of a brackish water well, to give to drink to the camels and to

    prepare themselves to the most laborious march of two days by land

    very level, free of vegetation and water of no class.

    He would be tedious to especially enumerate the sufferings that these

    marches caused, to the Madani, that crossed that one region for the first

    time; but all the obstacles expired with great animosity and

    perseverancia, arriving our expeditionary ones to Tenuaka, where they

    rested a day to acquire new forces, of which so needed were.

    In Tenuaka a great valley formed by two hills exists that follow the

    direction almost constant of E. to Or.; in their slopes the trees abound

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    with the same class already mentioned, and at heart is a white layer and

    crystalline of rock salt, very consistent, whose thickness assures is quite

    deep. It seems unnecessary to add that in Tenuaka nor in its environs is

    potable water, that's why Jameida and the Madani broke the march to

    the dawn of the following day, in the same Southeastern direction, to

    spend the night in Teris, that only is about 40 kilometers of Tenuaka, and

    to rest of the difficulties undergone in the three last days and of the

    suffocating heat that reigns at this time of the year in all that one region.

    Teris can be considered like a relatively considerable and productive

    oasis. A leafy valley, very abundant in grass forms this position among

    others, distinguishing itself brackish plants a grass that the natives callskaf and that is very appreciated of the cattle. In huts of thistles, weeds

    and trunks of trees, or of fabric of esparto and palm-although the

    number of these huts are enough minor-inhabit fifty families of the tribes

    of Ulad-Delim and Ulad-Azuz, who own great flocks of wool cattle and

    joist, and a considerable number of camels.

    Our travellers rested a day in Teris, referring to those inhabitants the

    advantageous projects that Spain when implanting sheltered its flag inthe coast of so vast region, and once vanished all the distrusts that the

    presence of a Christian in Muslim territory always instills between the

    sectarians of the Prophet, moved away of the contact with the cultured

    towns, went in search of a well with excellent fresh water that, following

    the direction Southeastern, is to 3o kilometers. There they found 5o

    indigenous with more than 1,000 camels, to give them to drink and to

    make storing of water.

    This considerable number of camels does not have to surprise to which

    they do not know the sort of life that becomes in the Sahara, and, as a

    rule, in all the Africa, that conserves, by rare exception, the customs of

    his first settlers. The desert of Sahara would be uninhabitable, and also

    unapproachable during many lustrums or centuries, without the

    powerful assistance that the camel renders in order to cross enormous

    distances and to put in communication . great separated tribes by

    completely sterile considerable spaces, with escassima water and put

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    under of ordinary to high temperatures. The camel is not used

    exclusively for the transport of trading travellers with its merchandize,

    but their females maintain with milk to great number of believers who

    dominate that one region; of his woolly hair they make special weaves

    whereupon they cover the head; its meat serves as food and is very

    coveted by the natives, and of the skin they form pampanillas-

    taparrabos-of the people who take undresses theremaining part of their

    body, or use this skin in other multiple services imposed by the

    necessity. For these reasons the young of as useful as resistant animal

    constitutes one of 'the more lucrative traffics of the natives of the desert,

    despite being hisappraised quite reasonable in relation to the importance

    of its services.

    From the well already mentioned the expeditionary ones followed their

    march, inclining more to the Sud, and in a day they crossed the Djuad

    mount, whose greater height is of 150 meters, which very several

    prolonged branches are come off, and in its elevated part more it has an

    enormous stone, to cap way, whose cause is known him with the name

    of Guetaia or Bu-Guetaia, extending this denomination to all that one

    region in an extensive radius.

    To the following day, after brief march, they were to spend the night

    next in a meeting of huts known with the name of the tribe of Guetaia

    and inhabited by 3o families.

    From Guetaia to Bulariaj-point excessively windy-they used two little

    days, which makes suppose a distance at least of 70 kilometers. The land

    crossed in this passage has grass in abundance and is quite resistantfinding several tracks of horses, and descrying, although at a distance,

    many gacelas, antelopes, gamos and corzos, that are persecuted with

    extreme cruelty by the vixens, jackals and wolves.

    The majority of the inhabitants of Bulariaj, whose number 110 will

    exceed 15o, belongs to the tribe of the Ulad-Demisats, mixed with some

    of the one of Ulad-Delim, and owns great flocks of black wool cattle and

    cattle joist in quite greater amount and of excellent class.

  • 8/12/2019 Sahara Brief


  • 8/12/2019 Sahara Brief


    ships in the ports of the Senegal. Also several well-off retailers have their

    residence in Daya Lanquiya who cross great distances to take the traffic

    to Timbuct, Morocco and French possessions, offering all the greater

    support to the Spanish domination in that one coast if the sacrifices for

    the establishment of the port were not scrimped that meets all the

    conditions indispensable as guarantee for the commerce.

    The environs of Daya Lanquiya are quite fertile and leafy. The

    abundance of grass favors the support of great flocks of sheep, goats,

    some horses, asses and camels, these last ones in excessive number.

    Short-distance, in the direction of the Sud, another lagoon, the whose

    environs exists they populate the Ulad- el-Lab, Arosiyin, Ulad-Guilan,Eznail, that owns much cattle; Ahel-el-Mami, also proprietors of cattle

    and wool target, and the Trarza. To about 4 kilometers to the North they

    inhabit the Ulad-the-Gazal-children of the gacelas-dedicated ones

    exclusively to the promotion of the cattle, being able to next calculate the

    population of this region in 14,000 souls, that live, in its majority, in huts

    of weeds and thistles, or of linen cloth of palm with mud plinth.

    Three days remained the travellers in this region, finding outmeticulously to everybody the commercial projects that Spain shelters,

    advantages of our dominion and facilities that would find in the

    transactions, being welcomed these new ones with demonstrations of

    sincere enthusiasm, and indicating great confidence in our behavior.