Sagittarius 17: An Easter sunrise service

Starling Hunter © 2011 1 Sagittarius 17: An Easter sunrise service The word Easter descends from the Indo-European (IE) root  aus- which means “to shine” and from which descend the words aurora  , East  , E o s  (Greek mythology: the winged goddess of the dawn in ancient mythology; daughter of Hyperion) and eosin  (a red fluorescent dye…used in cosmetics and as a biological stain for studying cell structures). 1  The word s un descends from the IE root  saewel  which means “the sun.” 2 Paronyms include include the words south, southern, solar  , and helium  . The word rise descends from the IE root  er-1 which means “to move, set in motion.” 3 Among its many derivatives are the words original  , orient  , abort(ion)  , hormone  , earnest  , rear  (to care for a child or children during the early stages of life), as well as a r e an d a r t (both of which are conjugates of the verb ‘to be’).  As a verb, serve means "to render habitual obedience to" and it  descends from the Old French servir  (to serve) and the Latin servire  ( t o serve, to be a slave) and the Latin servus  (slave). 4  THEMES: The keyword sunrise is a closed compound comprised of the words s u n an d rise . Another related closed compound sunshine  i s clearly implied given that  aus- , the root of  Easter , means “to shine.” The base of the keyword Easter is, of course, east  . Similarly, one paronym of  rise i s orient  and one of its definitions is “eastern, oriental.” 5  1 Watkins, C. (2000), The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo European Roots, p. 6 2 Watkins, C. (2000), The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo European Roots, p. 72 3 Watkins, C. (2000), The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, P. 23 4 5 

Transcript of Sagittarius 17: An Easter sunrise service

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Sagittarius 17: An Easter sunrise service

The word Easter descends from the

I nd o -E u r o p e a n ( I E ) r o o t   aus- which

means “to shine” and from which

descend the words aurora , E a s t  , Eos  

(Greek mythology: the winged goddess

o f t h e d a w n i n a nc i e nt m y t h o l o g y ;

d a u g h t e r o f H y p e r i o n) a nd e o s i n  (a red

f luorescent dye…used in cosmetics and as a biological sta in for studying

cel l structures) . 1 

The word sun d e s c e nd s f r o m t h e I E r o o t   saewel   which means “the

sun .”2 Pa r o ny m s i nc l u d e i nc l u d e t h e w o r d s s o u t h , s o u t h e r n , s o l a r  , a nd

h e l i u m  .

The word rise descends from the IE root   er-1 which means “to move,

set in motion.” 3 Among i ts many derivat ives are the words original  ,

o r i e nt  , abort( ion)  , hormone , e a r ne s t  , r e a r  (to care for a chi ld or chi ldren

d u r i ng t h e e a r l y s t a g e s o f l i f e ) , a s w e l l a s a re  a nd a rt  (both of which are

conjugates of the verb ‘ to be ’) .  As a verb, serve m e a ns " t o r e nd e r h a bi t u a l o be d i e nc e t o " a nd i t  

d e s c e nd s f r o m t h e O l d Fr e nc h servir   ( t o s e r v e ) a nd t h e La t i n servire   ( to

s e r v e , t o be a s l a v e ) a nd t h e La t i n servus  (slave) . 4 

THEMES: The keyword sunrise i s a c losed compound comprised of the

words sun and rise . A no t h e r r e l a t e d c l o s e d c o m p o u nd —sunshine — i s

c lear ly implied given that   aus- , the root of   Easter , means “to shine .”

The base of the keyword Easter i s , of course, e a s t  . S imi lar ly , one

p a r o ny m o f  rise is o r i e nt  a nd o ne o f i t s d e f i n i t i o ns is “eastern, oriental .” 5 

1 Watkins, C. (2000), The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo European Roots, p. 62 Watkins, C. (2000), The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo European Roots, p. 72

3 Watkins, C. (2000), The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, P. 23



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Two of the four cardinal direct ions are contained here. From the root  

aus- we have the direct ion E a s t  while from saewel we have S o u t h  .

Final ly we might note that the idea of r is ing is twice emphasized.

First there is the word rise contained in the keyword sunrise. Then there

is Easter in which “a Christ ian feast commemo rating the Resurrection of  

Jesus.” The word resurrection is a synonym of   rise  and i t means “the act  

of r ising from the dead or returning to l i fe .”  

Thus in this symbol we have two  DIRECTIONS (East and South) , t wo  

SUNS ( s u ns h i ne a nd s u nr i s e ) , t wo  EASTS ( e a s t a nd o r i e nt ) , a nd t wo  

RISINGS (r ise and resurrect ion) .