Sage MIP Fund Accounting

Schroeder Consulting Service Presents: Sage MIP Fund Accounting A True Fund Accounting Software 471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007


Fund accounting software

Transcript of Sage MIP Fund Accounting

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Schroeder Consulting Service


Sage MIP Fund AccountingA True Fund Accounting Software

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

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Strengthen, Streamline, and Simplify…

Sage MIP Fund Accounting is the award-winning, financial-management solutionpreferred by nonprofits and governmentagencies for planning and managing budgets,

Sage MIP Fund Accounting

maximizing grants, and producing accuratereports. Unlike commercial accountingsystems, Sage MIP Fund Accountingaddresses specific needs such as tracking andreporting on individual funds from multiplesources and complying with FASB, GASB,and other reporting requirements.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

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With its flexible system setupand built-in reporting, SageMIP Fund Accounting helps

25 Years Strong!

MIP Fund Accounting helpsyour organization master itscritical accounting andadministration tasks. Thisproduct provides more thanaccuracy; it gives the qualityand service that results ingreater accountability, effectivemanagement of funds, andmore time to focus on yourcause.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

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Immediately Increase Productivity

• Complete Financial Management: Streamline daily tasks with an integrated financial management system. Quickly produce accurate, customized reports to comply with government, grant, and internal reporting requirements, and respond to auditor requests.

• Accountability and Stewardship: Demonstrate financial responsibility to satisfy internal and external requirements by producing the reports you need quickly and easily.easily.

• Budgeting, Forecasting, and Planning: Create, plan, and monitor customized budgets for grants, programs, and departments. Calculate forecasted financial position, monitor budgets, and analyze “What if” scenarios to foster smarter decision-making.

• Effective Grant Management: Track and manage multiple grants, including complex restrictions and an unlimited number of project budgets. Monitor spending, track grant details, and forecast expenditures while measuring program effectiveness for grantors to position your organization for gaining future funds.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

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Intuitive for Accountants, Customizable for Organizations

When you open the Sage MIP Fund Accounting system, you’re greeted with the information that is most important to you. You can tailor entry fields,

An intuitive interface and one-click navigation makes the system follow an accountant’s way of thinking. Application tasks and reports are grouped can tailor entry fields,

highlight required fields, save your favorite reports for easy access, create shortcuts to other applications, and perform tasks more efficiently than ever before.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

and reports are grouped by function, including easy-to-understand workflow diagrams and checklists. Customize the system to fit your work habits and your mission—not the other way around.

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Up-to-the Minute Analysis and Reporting

Comply with the critical reporting requirements of auditors, internal management,funding sources, and your board of directors with the flexible, robust report writer.Demonstrate your organization’s financial responsibility by displaying critical datain presentable, easy-to-distribute reports.

Run comprehensive reports. Produce a wide selection of standard reports such asFASB or GASB-compliant, audit-ready financial statements. Easily report on multiplefiscal years in the same report or create reports that cross fiscal years.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

fiscal years in the same report or create reports that cross fiscal years.

•Create your own report templates. You can format unlimited custom reports to yourexact specifications, and write your own dynamic financial statements.•Monitor organizational performance. With financial dashboards, you can slice anddice, drill up, down, and across information to fully analyze trends, budgets, spendingratios, and more.•Share information easily. Visual, graphical representation of financial data makes itsimple for everyone to understand your financials.•Improve stewardship. Easily monitor program-spending ratios and track programefficiency.

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Extensive Budget Controls

Sage MIP Fund Accounting gives you thepower to manage an unlimited number ofbudgets. Easily review budgeted amounts,dollars spent, committed funds, andavailable budget. Produce comparativestatements for your management staff and

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

statements for your management staff andboard of directors illustrating the budgetto actual position for your programs,grants, departments, and other costcenters. Estimate future periods andcalculate forecasted financial position,including analyzing “what-if” scenarios forbetter decision making.

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Self-Balancing, Flexible Chart of Accounts

The table-driven chart of accountsstructure in Sage MIP Fund Accounting isuniquely valuable to nonprofits andgovernments. By customizing your chart ofaccounts, you eliminate the need to

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

accounts, you eliminate the need tomanually enter each possible string ofaccount combinations for every new sourceof funding. This saves time each time youstart a new project. You can record funds,grants, programs, contributors, and morewith an unlimited number of segments.

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Access and Control

Maintain data access with built in options ranging from role-based security to account-level security. You can set securitylimits, allowing specific departments or users, such astemporary employees, to see only the dashboards and datapertinent to their duties. Reduce time spent on pulling reportsfor senior management. Give your board members, directors,and key executives direct access to the financial reporting,graphs, and data they need with the report-only ExecutiveView licensing option.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

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Fully Integrated Human Resource Management

The Human Resource Managementmodule is fully integrated to yourPayroll and GL systems, providingquick and easy reporting, tracking,and full data management. Maintainfederal and state compliance andsecurely efile tax forms. TheEmployee Web Service moduleprovides efficient and automatedtimesheet management andemployee data access—saving youcountless hours of valuableadministrative time.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

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Cash Flow Management

Save valuable time by having complete control over your cash flow, plusmaintain consistency with real-time updates to data with eachtransaction entry. Using Sage MIP Fund Accounting, you can projectyour cash balances and plan the use of funds for future expenses.During budget planning, review past budgets versus actuals to use as afoundation for projecting the future year’s receipts and expenditures.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

foundation for projecting the future year’s receipts and expenditures.Make decisions using real-time data to view current cash balances, andeasily drill down to transaction details to answer questions for in-depthanalysis. As your fiscal year progresses, you can update yourorganization’s projections by comparing budgeted amounts to actualcash accounts. Produce a Statement of Cash Flows quickly and easily todemonstrate the shifts from year to year as cash flow through youraccounts receivable and accounts payable changes over time.

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Fund Tracking and Management

Whether your organization receives grants or makes grants, thegrant management feature lets your organization track the criticaldetails including expenditure detail, applicant data, awards andassociated paperwork. Use Sage MIP Fund Accounting tomaintain comprehensive profiles of all grants, with the ability toattach electronic copies of important documents, and streamline

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

attach electronic copies of important documents, and streamlineadministration processes. You can review allocations of indirector shared costs or investment-related earnings and costs, reporton their impact before posting, and preset complicated allocationparameters to save time and improve consistency. For purchasecommitments and encumbrances, Sage MIP Fund Accountingallows you to easily reserve funds, monitor budget performance,and track purchasing.

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Whether your organization receives grants or makesgrants, the grant management feature lets yourorganization track the critical details includingexpenditure detail, applicant data, awards andassociated paperwork. Use Sage MIP Fund Accountingto maintain comprehensive profiles of all grants, withthe ability to attach electronic copies of important

Fund Tracking and Management

the ability to attach electronic copies of importantdocuments, and streamline administration processes.You can review allocations of indirect or shared costsor investment-related earnings and costs, report ontheir impact before posting, and preset complicatedallocation parameters to save time and improveconsistency. For purchase commitments andencumbrances, Sage MIP Fund Accounting allows youto easily reserve funds, monitor budget performance,and track purchasing.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

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Streamlined Procurement

Sage MIP Fund Accounting provides tight integration between purchasing and accounts payable, electronic requisitions, inventory, and sales orders. You can reserve or check the can reserve or check the availability of inventory, calculatethe cost of goods sold, pay multiple invoices, generate checks, and many other tasks. You can reduce your paper trail and time spent filing by paying vendors electronically and storing digital copies of documentation in a central location.

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

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System-Wide Security

Sage MIP Fund Accounting maintains a strict audit trail for transactions,user actions, and when and where the system was accessed to allow forextensive system auditing. Set permissions at the account level for stronginternal controls and distributed use of the system without compromisingdata integrity. Give managers reporting access to the information thatpertains to their programs and departments, fostering collaboration and

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

pertains to their programs and departments, fostering collaboration andempowerment while protecting critical data. Beyond basic accountingduties, Sage MIP Fund Accounting provides powerful data analysis toolsthat let your team view and share the key financial information required tomake strategic decisions, foster fiscal transparency and accountability, andevaluate program performance.

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This system’s modular structure gives organizations the opportunity to purchase onlythe functional areas they require. As your organization develops, adding specializedmodules can address the needs that come with expansion and growth. And Sage MIPFund Accounting maintains the integrity of existing data any time additional modulesare installed, giving you a solid foundation for financial accountability.

Build Your Own System

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

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Integration with the Applications that Count

Sage Software offers integration between our Sage MIP Fund Accountingproduct and our family of fundraising and human resource solutions. EverySage MIP Fund Accounting module is fully integrated to create a completefinancial management system. The open database architecture of thesystem allows users to access their data and use custom report tools if

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007

system allows users to access their data and use custom report tools ifdesired. Easily integrate your accounting data with your Microsoft Officeapplications, plus take advantage of powerful exporting tools that provideyou with the capability to send formatted reports directly to Excel or to PDFfiles. Sage MIP Fund Accounting users can also take advantage of an arrayof integrated, complementary products from other key vendors servingnonprofits.

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Seamless Integration with Fundraising System Sage FR 50

471 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 200 - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - Phone: (907) 277-5007