Safran Project System · 12 standard_bars...

System Guide for Safran Project 7.3 1 System Guide FOR Safran Project version 7.3.1 (Last update: October 4 th , 2019)

Transcript of Safran Project System · 12 standard_bars...

Page 1: Safran Project System · 12 standard_bars Symbol configurations. Stores symbol- colors, dates, hatch etc. standard_bars_dev

System Guide for Safran Project 7.3


System Guide


Safran Project version 7.3.1 (Last update: October 4th, 2019)

Page 2: Safran Project System · 12 standard_bars Symbol configurations. Stores symbol- colors, dates, hatch etc. standard_bars_dev

System Guide for Safran Project 7.3


Copyright © 1997-2019 Safran Software Solutions AS. All rights reserved.


The Safran Project Systems Guide is the reference guide to Safran Project tables and definitions. The

guide contains four parts:

A brief introduction on how to access and view tables and field definitions by using the Database

Query feature within Safran Project

Who should read this guide

This guide is written to assist support personnel, application developers and system integrators.

Together with the Safran Enterprise Developers guide and the Safran Details Developer Guide, it

provides a complete reference for application developers and systems integrators.

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System Guide for Safran Project 7.3


Table Overview

A total of more than 150 tables are used to store your Safran Project data.

Table Description

activities All activity network-related data.

activities_save Table used to increase performance when

saving activities

activities_temp Table for temporary storage of activities

during data manipulation.

activity_bars Table for storage of manually created


activity_texts Table to store text field information for the

activities from the userfield set

activity_texts_save Table used to increase performance when

saving activity texts

activity_history NOT IN USE: Used to store complete activity

history by Status Update.

act_impact Activity Information for alternative schedules

act_impact_save Table used to increase performance when

saving alternative schedules

activity_path Stores parameters used to generate path list

for selected activities.

act_risk Stores Ativity uncertainty data, (Min. Most

Likely, Max and Profile)

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System Guide for Safran Project 7.3


act_risk_px Stores seleced PX data to the database

assign_coms Stores assign field commands

available_outline Stores availability defined for outline codes.

available_ref Stores availability defined for reference fields

bar_edit_views Stores info on all views created from the

barchart editor

baseline_a Copies of activities for every Baseline Update

baseline_dibb Storage of plan adjustments at baseline


baseline_log Log of all Baseline Updates

baseline_r Copies of resources for every Baseline Update

bitmap_blobs Reserved for future use

bl_rates Rates at baseline time

bl_res_rates rates/resources at baseline time

calendars All calendar definitions

chg_doc_links Documents linked to changes

chg_sch_impact Schedule impact for changes

code_configuration Stores the field configurations for code set

codeset Stores all code sets

constraints All logic constraints related network data

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contract_items_periodic CPR- data - plan adjustments stored by cut-off

contract_perf_data CPR - data project standards

contract_perf_periodic CPR - data periodic, per cut off

cpr_oc_variances CPR data variance analyses per outline element

cpr_omb300_milestones CPR OMB300 milestones

cpr_omb300_narratives CPR- OMB 300 narratives

cpr_thresholds CPR- Variance Analysis Thresholds

cpr_thresholds_periods CPR - Variance Analysis Periodic

cross_plan_links Futue: Planner SQL ( links between projects)

detail_level_config Not in use

detail_net_config Configuration of Safran Details: Calendars etc.

edit_hist_curtain Stores Editor Histogram curtain information

edit_hist_entries Stored Editor Histogram entries

edit_hist_grids Stores Editor Histogram grid and grid line


edit_hist_groups Stores user defined hatch, color etc. for stack on

values in the Barchart Editor Histogram

edit_hist_views Stores editor histogram View information

enterprise_codes Codes for Enterprise reference fields

enterprise_fields Enterprise fields

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enterprise_values values for enterprise fields

External_ids External interface table

filter_group Stores filter groups

filter_in_group Stores filter in filter groups

filter_list Storage of saved filters

forecast Obsolete

forecast_data Data from performed forecasts

forecast_log Log of performed forecasts

globals Global definitions

globalset Global set definition

group_access Access definitions for user groups.

group_members Members of user groups.

historic_wpn Controls usage of work patterns/calendars to ensure


history_a Activity history data for archived sub-projects

HostId SAP-Safran specific table that is used to map activity

elements in SAP to resources in Safran



Contains the ILAP Configurations for the Network

(Project in ILAP).

ilap_exchange_config Contains the named ILAP Exchenge Configurations

for use in ILAP-export or ILAP-import.

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System Guide for Safran Project 7.3


Impact_log Holds the name /description of the alternative


install_config Installation configuration (security etc.)

level_config Configuration of summary networks

job Details data/not in use

job_constraints Details data /not in use

map_external_fields Userfield mapping for import/export between

Safran Project and Prima Vera

mp_master Network groups

mp_member Networks in (members of) network groups

msp_net_index Stores information from Microsoft Project. Data set

when schedule is published from MsP.

msp_net_index_temp Temporary network and index table for Microsoft

Project schedules published to Safran. ( Currently

not in use)

msp_ufield_mapping S4MsP - userfield mapping

msp_web_reports Stores report details for reports published to SWA (

Safran Web Access)

msp_web_reports_images Store report in JPG and Pdf format for published


net_calc_master Rule sets

net_calcs Rules within the rule sets

networks All network definitions

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outline_codes Future Use: for MSP outline code compatibility

pa_config Used in periodic aggregation window to store

aggregation parameters.

pa_config_filters Used in periodic aggregation window to store all

aggregation filters.

path_details Stores activity ID’s for generated path list for

selected activities

period_plan_r Stores periodic baseline planned earned at resource

level. is used by periodic histograms.

period_status_a Periodic status and planned data for activities.

period_status_r Periodic status and planned data for resources.

periodic_rates Rate record periodic rates

perm_renumbering Used for activity permanent renumbering

planner_subprojects Planner SQl subprojects

prj_comments Sub Project comments

prj_docs Documents linked to Sub Projects

prj_labels Defined f fields for sub projects

prj_pers Sub Project Person register

prj_types Sub Project Types

prj_wbs sub project wbs codes

profile_intv Profile interval definitions related to a profile.

profiles Profile definitions related to a profile set.

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profileset Profile set definitions.

project_config Project configuration data.

project_costcodes Codes for contract performance reports

project_costdata Data by project for contract performance reports

project_costitem_hist Historical data for contract performance reporting

project_costitems Items by wbs/obs codes for contract performance


project_member Filter by project

pt_act_bitmaps Table of pictures to the barchart editor

pt_act_bitmaps_visible Visible pictures to a layout

pt_act_grids Table of grids drawn for an activity to a layout

pt_act_grids_visible Visible grids to a layout

pt_fonts Font definitions to the columns area

pt_links_draw_level Contains information on link/ logic drawing level. Is

a part of the layout

ptavle_collapsed_groups Save of exploded/collapsed group levels

ptavle_curtain Stores curtain definition data

ptavle_curtain_visible Stores info on weather the entries in the

ptavle_curtain table are visible for a view.

ptavle_grids Stores grid-lines created from the Other-tab on the

Grids-window in the barchart editor.

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ptavle_grids_visible Stores info on weather the entries in the

ptavle_grids table are visible for a view.

ptavle_page_breaks Holds page breaks defined for a layout

qty_config Quantity formulas for projects.

rap_act Utility table for production of reports.

rap_act2 Utility table for production of reports.

rap_act3 Utility table for production of reports.

rap_act_load Table used to increase performance when

producing reports

rap_act_psr Utility/temporary table for progress summary report

rap_agg_fields Utility table for production of reports.

rap_oc Temporary table used when grouping on Outline

codes (Progress summary report , Histogram)

rap_resources Utility table for production of reports.

rap_rfield_values Utility table for production of reports.

rate_records Rate record definitions

rate_set Set of complex rates

rep_config All report configurations created by the report

generators and editors.

rep_config_data Report configuration data.

rep_config_fields Report configuration data.

rep_config_group_prop Properties for stacked histograms and spread lines

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rep_config_resources Report configuration data.

rep_groups Report groups.

rep_in_group List of reports to a group.

rep_in_package Reports linked to a report package.

rep_package Report package definition.

rep_package_filters Report Package filters

resource_avail Resource availability for scheduling.

resource_def Resource definitions.

resource_rates Resource rates, links resource definitions and rate


resource_set Holds all resource sets.

resources All resource related network data

resources_temp Utility table for network import

revision_dibb Adjustments to baseline/last revised plan at revision


sequence_log Sequence number log for all tables where sequence

number is used.

sp_document_links Stores information about the link for documents

that have been linked to activitites. (Renamed from

documents links as that name was also used by


standard_bar_texts Stores text information for the symbols. Each

symbol has 6 entries in this table.

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standard_bars Symbol configurations. Stores symbol- colors, dates,

hatch etc.

standard_bars_dev Configurations for deviations on symbols. Created in

the bar/properties window.

std_bars_view_config Symbol visible configurations.

sub_projects Sub project register

subnet_access Access control for sub-nets.

subnet_temp temporary table used by the Editors

subnets Subnet definitions.

subpro_pers_selection Currently not in use

swa_rap_act2 Utility table used for producing reports with Safran

Web Access



Defines the draw order for symbols when there is a

mix of local and inherited symbols in the setup

symbol_set Holds all symbol sets.

temp_bl_agg Utility for Baseline update.

temp_groups Utility table (for level update and reports)

user_access User access definition

user_group User group definition

user_locking Lock control table

userfield_formulas Holds formulas for userfields

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userfield_config Holds field values for userfield defined in


users User definitions

version Version control.

vo_reg Variation order register.

weekref Week reference data for projects.

window_defaults User window configurations.

windows Windows having access restrictions.

wpn_def Calendar definition for calendar sets.

wpn_rest Rest days and holidays definitions for calendars.

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System Guide for Safran Project 7.3


Table Desc Descriptions This chapter provides details on the various Safran Project database tables and field definitions with


Table: activities Primary key: net_id, seq

Field Name Type Description

seq int Internal sequence number for


an varchar (50) Activity Name

du int Duration

pc float Percent Complete

rdu int Remaining duration

wpn int Calendar

tse datetime Target Start early

tsl datetime Target Start Late

tce datetime Target Complete Early

tcl datetime Target Complete Late

acs datetime Actual Start

acf datetime Actual Finsih

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es datetime Early Start

ef datetime Early Finish

ls datetime late Start

lf datetime Late Finish

tf int Total Float

ff int Free Float

des varchar (255) Activity Description

subnet_id int Sub-Networks Id

net_id int Networks Id

r1 int User Field, reference type

r2 int User Field, reference type

r3 int User Field, reference type

r4 int User Field, reference type

r5 int User Field, reference type

r6 int User Field, reference type

r7 int User Field, reference type

r8 int User Field, reference type

r9 int User Field, reference type

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r10 int User Field, reference type

r11 int User Field, reference type

r12 int User Field, reference type

r13 int User Field, reference type

r14 int User Field, reference type

r15 int User Field, reference type

r16 int User Field, reference type

r17 int User Field, reference type

r18 int User Field, reference type

r19 int User Field, reference type

r20 int User Field, reference type

d1 datetime User Field

d2 datetime User Field

d3 datetime User Field

d4 datetime User Field

n1 float User Field

n2 float User Field

n3 float User Field

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n4 float User Field

i1 float User Field

i2 float User Field

i3 float User Field

i4 float User Field

on_target smallint Flag for automatic linear progress

jobflag smallint Flag for “all job packs defined”

current_progress float Current progress

frontline_date datetime Frontline date against baseline

cancelled datetime Cancelled date

d5 datetime User Field

d6 datetime User Field

d7 datetime User Field

d8 datetime User Field

remarks text Remarks

original_qty float Original ( Baseline) Quantity

approved_vo_qty float Approved Variations Quantity

estimated_vo_qty float Quantities for estimated variation

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subcontr_vo_qty float Quantities for subcontracted


internal_vo_qty float Quantities for internal variation


jobpack_est_qty float Jobpack estimated quantities

expended_qty float Actual Expended quantities

esa datetime Early Start Analysed

current_as datetime Current Actual Start

current_af datetime Current Actual Finish



float Current planned progress

base_planned_prog float Baseline planned progress

oes datetime Original early start

oef datetime Original early finish

ols datetime Original late start

olf datetime Original late finish

bes datetime Baseline early start

besa datetime Baseline early start Analysed

bef datetime Baseline early finsih

bls datetime Baseline late start

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blf datetime Baseline late finish

ces datetime Current early start

cesa datetime Current early start actual

cef datetime Current early finish

cls datetime Current late start

clf datetime Current late finsih

original_qty1 float Original ( baseline) quantity1

(summary of qty1 in resources)

csh float Baseline scope (configurable


rsh float Current Scope (configurable


tsh float Total Scope (configurable


curr_frontline_date datetime Frontline date against Current


ess datetime Early start scheduled

efs datetime Early finish scheduled

tfs int Total float scheduled

ffs int Free float scheduled

hammock tinyint Hammock flag

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analyse_opt int Future use

fsd datetime Fixed start date

ffd datetime fixed finish date

manual_prog_flag smallint Is activity manually progress

updated?; 1=yes, 0=No

current_pc float Time%completed, Is related to


rdua int Remainig duration analysed

ctf int Current total float

cff int Current free float

loos tinyint Live plan out of sequence flag,

Computed by live analyses

coos tinyint Current plan out of sequence flag,

computed by current analyses

out_of_sync tinyint Progress out of sync flag. is set to

1 for activity during baselin

update if volume progress and

time progress is not matching for

at least one resource.

d9 datetime Userfield

d10 datetime Userfield

d11 datetime Userfield

d12 datetime Userfield

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d13 datetime Userfield

d14 datetime Userfield

d15 datetime Userfield

d16 datetime Userfield

d17 datetime Userfield

d18 datetime Userfield

d19 datetime Userfield

d20 datetime Userfield

n5 float Userfield

n6 float Userfield

n7 float Userfield

n8 float Userfield

n9 float Userfield

n10 float Userfield

i5 float Userfield

i6 float Userfield

i7 float Userfield

i8 float Userfield

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i9 float Userfield

i10 float Userfield

l1 tinyint Userfield

l2 tinyint Userfield

l3 tinyint Userfield

l4 tinyint Userfield

l5 tinyint Userfield

l6 tinyint Userfield

l7 tinyint Userfield

l8 tinyint Userfield

l9 tinyint Userfield

l10 tinyint Userfield

l11 tinyint Userfield

l12 tinyint Userfield

l13 tinyint Userfield

l14 tinyint Userfield

l15 tinyint Userfield

l16 tinyint Userfield

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l17 tinyint Userfield

l18 tinyint Userfield

l19 tinyint Userfield

l20 tinyint Userfield

r21 int Userfield, reference type

r22 int Userfield, reference type

r23 int Userfield, reference type

r24 int Userfield, reference type

r25 int Userfield, reference type

r26 int Userfield, reference type

r27 int Userfield, reference type

r28 int Userfield, reference type

r29 int Userfield, reference type

r30 int Userfield, reference type

fcdu int Forecast duration

fcesa datetime Forecast plan early start actual

fcef datetime Forecast early finish

resa datetime Revised plan early start actual

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res datetime Revised plan early start

ref datetime revised plan early finsih

rls datetime revised plan late start

rlf datetime revised plan late finish

rev_frontline date datetime Progress frontline for revised plan



float Revised planned progress

fcqty float Forecast qty

dur_fmt number(2) duration format

o1 numeric(8) outline code

o2 numeric(8) outline code

o3 numeric(8) outline code

o4 numeric(8) outline code

o5 numeric(8) outline code

o6 numeric(8) outline code

o7 numeric(8) outline code

o8 numeric(8) outline code

o9 numeric(8) outline code

o10 numeric(8) outline code

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o11 numeric(8) outline code

o12 numeric(8) outline code

o13 numeric(8) outline code

o14 numeric(8) outline code

o15 numeric(8) outline code

o16 numeric(8) outline code

o17 numeric(8) outline code

o18 numeric(8) outline code

o19 numeric(8) outline code

o20 numeric(8) outline code

o21 numeric(8) outline code

o22 numeric(8) outline code

o23 numeric(8) outline code

o24 numeric(8) outline code

o25 numeric(8) outline code

o26 numeric(8) outline code

o27 numeric(8) outline code

o28 numeric(8) outline code

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o29 numeric(8) outline code

o30 numeric(8) outline code

row_no integer Barchart Editor: row numver in

outline view

outline_leve tinyint Barchart Editor: indent level in

outline view

link_summary integer not in use

cpc float computed percent complete

rev_scope float revised scope

r31 int userfield reference type

r32 int userfield reference type

r33 int userfield reference type

r34 int userfield reference type

r35 int userfield reference type

r36 int userfield reference type

r37 int userfield reference type

r38 int userfield reference type

r39 int userfield reference type

r40 int userfield reference type

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r41 int userfield reference type

r42 int userfield reference type

r43 int userfield reference type

r44 int userfield reference type

r45 int userfield reference type

r46 int userfield reference type

r47 int userfield reference type

r48 int userfield reference type

r49 int userfield reference type

r50 int userfield reference type

u1 varchar(10) duration user field

u2 varcharsql(1


duration user field

u3 varchar(10) duration user field

u4 varchar(10) duration user field

u5 varchar (10) duration user field

u6 varchar (10) duration user field

u7 varchar (10) duration user field

u8 varchar (10) duration user field

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u9 varchar (10) duration user field

u10 varchar (10) duration user field

evm_method varchar (2) earned value method

evm_parm varchar (100) Earned Value paramter

min_dur integer Minimum duration, used wih

activity fit option

act_exi tinyint Activity excistence flag

act_fit tinyint Activity duration fit flag

alap tinyint As late as possible constraint flag

external_seq_test int

act_type Smallint Activity type: start milestone,

finish milestone, hammock

look_ahead integer Minimum continuous duration

sort_field int

r51 int userfield reference type

r52 int userfield reference type

r53 int userfield reference type

r54 Int userfield reference type

r55 int userfield reference type

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r56 int userfield reference type

r57 int userfield reference type

r58 int userfield reference type

r59 int userfield reference type

r60 int userfield reference type

d21 datetime Userfield

d22 datetime Userfield

d23 datetime Userfield

d24 datetime Userfield

d25 datetime Userfield

d26 datetime Userfield

d27 datetime Userfield

d28 datetime Userfield

d29 datetime Userfield

d30 datetime Userfield

d31 datetime Userfield

d32 datetime Userfield

d33 datetime Userfield

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d34 datetime Userfield

d35 datetime Userfield

d36 datetime Userfield

d37 datetime Userfield

d38 datetime Userfield

d39 datetime Userfield

d40 datetime Userfield

Current_rdu Int Current remaining duration

Esas Datetime Early Start Actual Scheduled

Table: activities_save Primary key: net_id, seq, proc_id

Field Name Type Description

proc_id int Process id

seq int Internal sequence number for


pc float Percent Complete

rdu int Remaining duration

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hammock int Hammock flag

an varchar (100) Activity Name

des varchar


Activity Description

du int Duration

tse datetime Target Start early

tsl datetime Target Start Late

tce datetime Target Complete Early

tcl datetime Target Complete Late

fsd datetime Fixed start date

ffd datetime fixed finish date

acs datetime Actual Start

acf datetime Actual Finsih

es datetime Early Start

ef datetime Early Finish

ls datetime late Start

lf datetime Late Finish

tf int Total Float

ff int Free Float

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net_id int Networks Id

subnet_id int Sub-Networks Id

d1 datetime User Field

d2 datetime User Field

d3 datetime User Field

d4 datetime User Field

n1 float User Field

n2 float User Field

n3 float User Field

n4 float User Field

n11 float User Field

n12 float User Field

n13 float User Field

n14 float User Field

current_progress float Current progress

frontline_date datetime Frontline date against baseline

d5 datetime User Field

d6 datetime User Field

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d7 datetime User Field

remarks text Remarks

original_qty float Original ( Baseline) Quantity

approved_vo_qty float Approved Variations Quantity

estimated_vo_qty float Quantities for estimated variation

subcontr_vo_qty float Quantities for subcontracted


internal_vo_qty float Quantities for internal variation


jobpack_est_qty float Jobpack estimated quantities

expended_qty float Actual Expended quantities

esa datetime Early Start Analysed



float Current planned progress

base_planned_prog float Baseline planned progress

oes datetime Original early start

oef datetime Original early finish

ols datetime Original late start

olf datetime Original late finish

bes datetime Baseline early start

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besa datetime Baseline early start Analysed

bef datetime Baseline early finsih

bls datetime Baseline late start

blf datetime Baseline late finish

ces datetime Current early start

cef datetime Current early finish

cls datetime Current late start

clf datetime Current late finsih

original_qty1 float Original ( baseline) quantity1

(summary of qty1 in resources)

csh float Baseline scope (configurable


rsh float Current Scope (configurable


tsh float Total Scope (configurable


curr_frontline_date datetime Frontline date against Current


ess datetime Early start scheduled

efs datetime Early finish scheduled

tfs int Total float scheduled

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ffs int Free float scheduled

manual_prog_flag smallint Is activity manually progress

updated?; 1=yes, 0=No

current_pc float Time%completed, Is related to


rdua int Remainig duration analysed

cesa datetime Current early start actual

ctf int Current total float

cff int Current free float

loos tinyint Live plan out of sequence flag,

Computed by live analyses

coos tinyint Current plan out of sequence flag,

computed by current analyses

out_of_sync tinyint Progress out of sync flag. is set to

1 for activity during baselin

update if volume progress and

time progress is not matching for

at least one resource.

d9 datetime Userfield

d10 datetime Userfield

d11 datetime Userfield

d12 datetime Userfield

d13 datetime Userfield

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d14 datetime Userfield

d15 datetime Userfield

d16 datetime Userfield

d17 datetime Userfield

d18 datetime Userfield

d19 datetime Userfield

d20 datetime Userfield

n5 float Userfield

n6 float Userfield

n7 float Userfield

n8 float Userfield

n9 float Userfield

n10 float Userfield

n15 float Userfield

n16 float Userfield

n17 float Userfield

n18 float Userfield

n19 float Userfield

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n20 float Userfield

l1 tinyint Userfield

l2 tinyint Userfield

l3 tinyint Userfield

l4 tinyint Userfield

l5 tinyint Userfield

l6 tinyint Userfield

l7 tinyint Userfield

l8 tinyint Userfield

l9 tinyint Userfield

l10 tinyint Userfield

l11 tinyint Userfield

l12 tinyint Userfield

l13 tinyint Userfield

l14 tinyint Userfield

l15 tinyint Userfield

l16 tinyint Userfield

l17 tinyint Userfield

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l18 tinyint Userfield

l19 tinyint Userfield

l20 tinyint Userfield

fcdu int Forecast duration

fcesa datetime Forecast plan early start actual

fcef datetime Forecast early finish

resa datetime Revised plan early start actual

res datetime Revised plan early start

ref datetime revised plan early finsih

rls datetime revised plan late start

rlf datetime revised plan late finish

rev_frontline date datetime Progress frontline for revised plan



float Revised planned progress

fcqty float Forecast qty

dur_fmt number(2) duration format

row_no integer Barchart Editor: row numver in

outline view

outline_leve tinyint Barchart Editor: indent level in

outline view

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link_summary integer not in use

cpc float computed percent complete

rev_scope float revised scope

u1 varchar(10) duration user field

u2 varcharsql(1


duration user field

u3 varchar(10) duration user field

u4 varchar(10) duration user field

u5 varchar (10) duration user field

u6 varchar (10) duration user field

u7 varchar (10) duration user field

u8 varchar (10) duration user field

u9 varchar (10) duration user field

u10 varchar (10) duration user field

min_dur integer Minimum duration, used wih

activity fit option

act_exi tinyint Activity excistence flag

act_fit tinyint Activity duration fit flag

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alap tinyint As late as possible constraint flag

act_type Smallint Activity type: start milestone,

finish milestone, hammock

look_ahead integer Minimum continuous duration

d21 datetime Userfield

d22 datetime Userfield

d23 datetime Userfield

d24 datetime Userfield

d25 datetime Userfield

d26 datetime Userfield

d27 datetime Userfield

d28 datetime Userfield

d29 datetime Userfield

d30 datetime Userfield

d31 datetime Userfield

d32 datetime Userfield

d33 datetime Userfield

d34 datetime Userfield

d35 datetime Userfield

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d36 datetime Userfield

d37 datetime Userfield

d38 datetime Userfield

d39 datetime Userfield

d40 datetime Userfield

Current_rdu Int Current remaining duration

Esas Datetime Early Start Actual Scheduled

Jobflag Int

On_target int

evm_method varchar (10) earned value method

current_as datetime Current Actual Start

current_af datetime Current Actual Finish

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Table: activity_bars Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

seq int Internal sequence number

an_seq int Activity sequence number

net_id int network ID

standard_id int Style Id

date_from datetime Bar from date

date_until datetime bar until date

extra_text varchar Text for bar

Table: activity_texts Primary key: seq, net_id, field_nr

Field Name Type Description

seq int Internal sequence number for

activity text

net_id int Network ID

field_nr small int Field number for each of the 40

text fields

field_value varchar


Hold the text field value for


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Table: activity_texts_save Primary key: seq, net_id, field_nr, proc_id

Field Name Type Description

Proc_id Int Process id

seq int Internal sequence number for

activity text

net_id int Network ID

field_nr small int Field number for each of the 40

text fields

field_value varchar


Hold the text field value for


Table: activity_history (NOT IN USE from Safran Project v7) Primary key: seq, net_id, cut_off_date

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network ID

cut_off_date datetime Cut-Off date

seq int Internal sequence number for


an varchar


Activity Id

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du int Duration

pc float Percent Complete

rdu int Remaining duration

wpn int Calendar

tse datetime Target start early

tsl datetime Target start late

tce datetime Target complete early

tcl datetime Target comlete late

acs datetime Actual start

acf datetime Actual finsih

es datetime Early start

esa datetime Early start actual

ef datetime Early finsih

ls datetime Late start

lf datetime Late finsih

tf int Total float

ff int Free float

des varchar Description

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f1 varchar


User Field

f2 varchar(


User Field

f3 varchar(25


User Field

f4 varchar(25


User Field

r1 int User Field, Reference type

r2 int User Field, Reference type

r3 int User Field, Reference type

r4 int User Field, Reference type

r5 int User Field, Reference type

r6 int User Field, Reference type

r7 int User Field, Reference type

r8 int User Field, Reference type

r9 int User Field, Reference type

r10 int User Field, Reference type

r11 int User Field, Reference type

r12 int User Field, Reference type

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r13 int User Field, Reference type

r14 int User Field, Reference type

r15 int User Field, Reference type

r16 int User Field, Reference type

r17 int User Field, Reference type

r18 int User Field, Reference type

r19 int User Field, Reference type

r20 int User Field, Reference type

d1 datetime User Field

d2 datetime User Field

d3 datetime User Field

d4 datetime User Field

d5 datetime User Field

d6 datetime User Field

d7 datetime User Field

d8 datetime User Field

n1 float User Field

n2 float User Field

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n3 float User Field

n4 float User Field

i1 int User Field

i2 int User Field

i3 int User Field

i4 int User Field

on_target smallint Flag for automatic linear progress

jobflag smallint Flag for “all jobpacks defined”

cancelled datetime Cancelled date

current_as datetime Current actual start

current_af datetime Current actual finish

current_progress float Current progress

approved_vo_qty float Approved Variations quantity

estimated_vo_qty float Estimate Variations quantity

subcontr_vo_qty float Sub-contracted Variations quantity

internal_vo_qty float Internal variations quantity

ctf int Current total float



float Current planned progress

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base_planned_prog float Baseline planned progress

oes datetime Original early start

oef datetime Original early finish

ols datetime Original late start

olf datetime Original late finsih

bes datetime Baseline early start

besa datetime Baseline early start actual

bef datetime Baseline early finsih

bls datetime Baseline late start

blf datetime Baseline late finish

ces datetime Current early start

cesa datetime Current early start actual

cef datetime Current early finish

cls datetime Current late start

clf datetime Current late finish

csh float Baseline scope

rsh float Current scope

tsh float Total scope

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curr_frontline_date datetime Frontline date against current plan

manual_prog_flag smallint Is activity manually progress

updated:1=Yes, 0=No

current_pc float Time % completed, Is related to

Current progress.

subnet_id int Id of Subnetwork

f5 varchar(25


User field

f6 varchar(50) User field

f7 varchar(50) User field

f8 varchar(50) User field

f9 varchar(50) User field

f10 varchar(50) User field

f11 varchar(50) User field

f12 varchar(50) User field

f13 varchar(50) User field

f14 varchar(50) User field

f15 varchar(50) User field

f16 varchar(50) User field

f17 varchar(50) User field

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f18 varchar(50) User field

f19 varchar(50) User field

f20 varchar(50) User field

d9 datetime User field

d10 datetime User field

d11 datetime User field

d12 datetime User field

d13 datetime User field

d14 datetime User field

d15 datetime User field

d16 datetime User field

d17 datetime User field

d18 datetime User field

d19 datetime User field

d20 datetime User field

n5 float User field

n6 float User field

n7 float User field

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n8 float User field

n9 float User field

n10 float User field

i5 int User field

i6 int User field

i7 int User field

i8 int User field

i9 int User field

i10 int User field

l1 tinyint User field

l2 tinyint User field

l3 tinyint User field

l4 tinyint User field

l5 tinyint User field

l6 tinyint User field

l7 tinyint User field

l8 tinyint User field

l9 tinyint User field

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l10 tinyint User field

l11 tinyint User field

l12 tinyint User field

l13 tinyint User field

l14 tinyint User field

l15 tinyint User field

l16 tinyint User field

l17 tinyint User field

l18 tinyint User field

l19 tinyint User field

l20 tinyint User field

r21 int User field, Reference type

r22 int User field, Reference type

r23 int User field, Reference type

r24 int User field, Reference type

r25 int User field, Reference type

r26 int User field, Reference type

r27 int User field, Reference type

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r28 int User field, Reference type

r29 int User field, Reference type

r30 int User field, Reference type

rev_frontline_date datetime Progress frontline for revised plan



float Revised planned progress

cpc float computed percente complete

rev_scope float revised scope

u1 varchar(10) duration user field

u2 varchar(10) duration user field

u3 varchar(10) duration user field

u4 varchar(10) duration user field

u5 varchar(10) duration user field

u6 varchar(10) duration user field

u7 varchar(10) duration user field

u8 varchar(10) duration user field

u9 varchar(10) duration user field

u10 varchar(10) duration user field

o1 integer outline userfield

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o2 integer outline userfield

o3 integer outline userfield

o4 integer outline userfield

o5 integer outline userfield

o6 integer outline userfield

o7 integer outline userfield

o8 integer outline userfield

o9 integer outline userfield

o10 integer outline userfield

o11 integer outline userfield

o12 integer outline userfield

o13 integer outline userfield

o14 integer outline userfield

o15 integer outline userfield

o16 integer outline userfield

o17 integer outline userfield

o18 integer outline userfield

o19 integer outline userfield

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o20 integer outline userfield

o21 integer outline userfield

o22 integer outline userfield

o23 integer outline userfield

o24 integer outline userfield

o25 integer outline userfield

o26 integer outline userfield

o27 integer outline userfield

o28 integer outline userfield

o28 integer outline userfield

o30 integer outline userfield

Table: act_impact Primary key: net_id, an_seq, set_nr

Field Name Type Description

an_seq int activity sequence number

net_id int Network Id

set_nr int Alternatice schedule set no

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du int alternative duration

dur_fmt tinyint duration format

act_exist tinyint existence option

esa datetime ealy start anlysed

es datetime early start

ef datetime early finish

ls datetime late start

lf datetime late finish

tf integer total float

ff integer free float

wpn integer calendar

frontline_date dateteime frontline date(baseline)

Table: act_impact_save Primary key: net_id, an_seq, set_nr, proc_id

Field Name Type Description

Proc_id Int Process id

an_seq int activity sequence number

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net_id int Network Id

set_nr int Alternatice schedule set no

du int alternative duration

dur_fmt tinyint duration format

act_exist tinyint existence option

esa datetime ealy start anlysed

es datetime early start

ef datetime early finish

ls datetime late start

lf datetime late finish

tf integer total float

ff integer free float

wpn integer calendar

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Table: activity_path Primary key: seq

Field Name Type Description

seq int Internal sequence number

net_id int Network Id

user_name varchar DB user who generated the path

start_act int Sequence number for Start activity

relate_type int Relation type from start activity,

predecessors (1) or successors (2)

generate_date datetime Date for generation of activity path

Table: act_risk Primary key: net_id, an_seq

Field Name Type Description

an_seq int activity Sequence number

net_id int Network Id

maxdu int max duration

mindu int min duration

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defdu int

distribute int distribution profile/function

notes var (2000) notes

crit_ix float criticality index

meandu int analyzed mean duartion

mean start date mean start date

mean finish date mean duration

ees date earliest early start date

les date latest erly start date

eef date earliest earl finish date

lef date lates early finish date

tfmax int total float max value

tfmin int total float min value

du_sens float duration sensitivity

sch_sens float schedule sensitivity

mean_cost float mean cost

std_dev_dur float standard deviation for duration

std_dev_cost float standard deviation for cost

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Table: act_risk_Px Primary key: net_id, an_seq, percentage

Field Name Type Description

an_seq int activity Sequence number

net_id int Network Id

percentage int Selected percentage

du int corresponding du

start_date datetaime activity start date for selected


finish_date datetime activity finish date for selected


Table: assign_coms Primary key: save_name, login_name

Field Name Type Description

save_name varchar (50) assign fields save name

login_name varchar (200) user Id login

field_num numeric(8) field, activity table, internal


exp_1 varchar2(200) expression

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operator integer operator

exp_2 varchar2(200) expression

express_1_start_pos integer start position



integer number of characters

express_2_start_pos integer start position



integer number of characters

wpn integer calendar number

selection_type integer filter/selected rows, all

dur_fmt integer duration format

filter long varchar


filter expression, name

Table:available_outline Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id Integer Network ID, sequence number

field_no Integer outline userfield (1-30)

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oc_level Integer outline level

oc_short varchar (255) short code

avail_from datetime availability from date

avail_until datetime availability until date

avail_qty float quantity available

wpn Integer calendar

Table:available_ref primary key

Field Name Type Description

net_id Integer Network ID, sequence number

field_no Integer Refrence field number (1-30)

ref_seq Integer referenne id

avail_from datetime availability from date

avail_until datetime availability until date

avail_qty float quantity available

wpn Integer calendar

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Table: bar_edit_views Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar (200) User

view_name varchar(50) Barchart Editor View name

timenow text Timenow style

non_work varchar Non - work drawing configuration

link_styles varchar Link style drawing configuration

critical varchar Critical style drawing configuration

filter_name varchar Filter name

sort_express text Sort

fields text Selected fields, order

field_wid text Width of fields

field_align text Allignment

level_properties Varchar(150) Summary draw configuration

year_line varchar Configuratiuon for Timeline 1

month_line varchar Configuratiuon for Timeline 2

week_line varchar Configuratiuon for Timeline 3

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day_line varchar not in use

hour_line varchar not in use

timespan varchar Start/finsih of timeline, timeline


title1 text Print Preview Title

title2 text Print Preview Title

title3 text Print Preview Title

title4 text Print Preview Title

title5 text Print Preview Title

title6 text Print Preview Title

title7 text Print Preview Title

title8 text Print Preview Title

title9 text Print Preview Title

footer1 varchar Print Preview footer

footer2 varchar Print Preview footer

footer3 varchar Print Preview footer

left_bitmap text Bit map reference, full path

right_bitmap text Bit map reference, full path

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text Bit map reference, full path

various varchar Configuration parameters

filter_express text Filter expression

div_page_setup text Page setup parameters

frontline text Frontline drawing configuration

legend_text text Legend text

field_head text Field headers

view_version int Saved version number

field_color varchar2(1000


text color

field_bck_color varchar2(1000


back ground color



long varchar


thousand separator for selected


field_numb_dec long varchar


number of decimals for selected




long varchar


field date format

field_text_wrap long varchar


field tedxt wrap

hist_rep_name varchar (50) editor hsitogram name

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link_styles varchar (50) link style drawing definition

hour_line varchar (50) not used in Safran Project

filter_owner varchart (200) Filter owner

hist_rep_owner varchart (200) Editor Histogram owner

Table: baseline_a Primary key: baseline_id, seq

Field Name Type Description

baseline_id int Baseline ID

seq int Internal sequence number for


an varchar(50) Activity Id

du int Duration

pc float Percent complete

rdu int Remaining duration

wpn int Calendar

tse datetime Target start early

tsl datetime Target start late

tce datetime Target complete early

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tcl datetime Target complete late

acs datetime Actual start

acf datetime actual finsih

es datetime early start

ef datetime early finish

ls datetime late start

lf datetime late finish

tf int total float

ff int free float

des varchar description

subnet_id int Sub network ID

net_id int Network ID

on_target smallint Flag for automatic linear progress

jobflag smallint Flag for “all jobpacks defined”

current_progress float Current progress

cancelled datetime cancelled date

approved_vo_qty float Approved variations quantity

estimated_vo_qty float Estimated Variations quantity

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subcontr_vo_qty float Subcontracted variations quantity

internal_vo_qty float Internal variations quantity

jobpack_est_qty float Jobpack estimated quantity

expended_qty float Actual expended quantitu

csh float Baseline scope

rsh float Current scope

tsh float Total scope

esa datetime Early start analysed

fsd datetime Fixed start date

ffd datetime Fixed finsih date

current_pc float Time % completed, Is related to

current progress

out_of_sync tinyint Progress out of sync flag. is set to 1

for activity during baselin update if

volume progress and time progress

is not matching for at least one


Current_rdu Int Current remaining duration

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Table: baseline_dibb Primary key: seq, baseline_id

Field Name Type Dsecription

seq int Internal sequence number

an_seq int Activity Sequence number

res_seq int Resource sequence number

net_id int Network ID

baseline_id int Baseliine ID

pl_earned_early float Earned at cutoff - prev. planned


pl_earned_late float Earned at cutoff - prev. planned


pl_c_earned_early float Earned cost at cutoff - prev.

planned cost (early)

pl_c_earned_late float Earned cost at cutoff - prev.

planned cost (late)

Table: baseline_log Primary key: baseline_id

Field Name Type Description

baseline_id int Baseline ID

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baseline_rev varchar Baseline revison code

baseline_dato datetime Baseline run date

cut_off datetime Baseline Cut-Off date

description varchar Description

login_name varchar


User log in identification

net_id int Network ID

Plan_type Int Indicate if the baseline dates are

based on Live plan or Scheduled


Table: baseline_r Primary key: baseline_id, seq

Field Name Type Description

baseline_id int Baseline ID

seq int Resource internal sequence

number in table resources

an_seq int Activity internal sequence number

res_seq int Resource internal sequence

number in table resource _defs

qty float Quantity

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dur int Duration

lagr int lag on resource (relative to activity)

type smallint Resource type

profile int (Resource ) Profile ID

vo_seq int variation order sequence number (

If record is a Varition order line)

current_progress float Current progress

actual_qty float Actual expended quantity

qty1 float (Contract) Quantity 1

csh_flag smallint Flag for inclusion of quantities in

csh at activity level

rsh_flag smallint Flag for inclusion of quantities in

rsh at activity level

tsh_flag smallint Flag for inclusion of quantities in

tsh at activity level

wpn int Calendar

net_id int Network ID

earned_job_qty float Earned against job scope (if


cost float Cost Quantity

cost1 float Cost 1(Contract) Cost quantity

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Table: bitmap_blobs Primary key: bpath, btype, bid

Field Name Type Description

bpath varchar (255) path

btype char(1) type

bid int id

bdata long bitmap blob data

thumb image thumbnail image

Table: bl_rates Primary key: baseline_id, rate_seq, seq

Field Name Type Description

baseline_id int Project baseline id

rate_set int rate set

rate_seq int rate sequence number

seq int baseline rate sequence

input_date date input date; baseline rate from date

rate double rate corresponding to input_date

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Table: bl_res_rates Primary key: baseline_id, res_ses, account

Field Name Type Description

baseline_id int Project baseline id

res_seq int resource sequence number

account int account

budget_rate int budget rate for resource

Table: calendars Primary key: cal_id

Field Name Type Description

cal_id int Calenddar ID

cal_name varchar Calendar name

cal_start datetime Calendar start date

cal_finish datetime Calendar finish date

owner varchar Owner (Username)

cal_type varchar Calendar Type, daybased=d,


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Table: chg_doc_links Primary key: net_id, seq, label

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network Id

seq int variation order sequence number

label varchar (255) Document label

doc_path varchar (255) document path

Table: chg_sch_impact Primary key: net_id, vo_seq, an_seq

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network Id

vo_seq int variation order sequence number

an_seq int activity sequence number

est_impact int estimated duartion/schedule


app_impact int approved duration/schedule impact

remarks varchart (



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Table: code_configuration Primary key: id

Field Name Type Description

id int Codeset Id

name varchar Codeset description

owner varchar Owner (Username)

Table: codeset Primary key: config_id, code, rfield_nr

Field Name Type Description

config_id int Codeset ID

code int Internal ID

description varchar (255) Description

short varchar (50) Short code

rfield_nr int Reference field number i network

sort_field int Userdefined sort

Table:constraints Primary key: net_id, pan_seq, san_seq, ntypec

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Field Name Type Description

pan_seq int Seq. number in activity for

preceeding activity.

san_seq int Seq. number in activity for

succeeding activity.

net_id int Network ID

ntypec tinyint Constraint type (FS, SF,FF,SS)

lagc int Lag time on constraint

split_target datetime Constraint target start ( for sub

network and float control)

wpn int Calendar

Table: contract_items_periodic Primary key: project_id, wbs_obs,oc_seq,cut_off_date

Field Name Type Description

cut_off_date dateteime cut off date

bcws_period float budget cost of work scheduled

current period adjustment

bcws_period float budget cost of work performed

current period adjustment

acwp_period float actual cost of work performed

current period adjustment

bcws_cum float budget cost of work scheduled

cumulative adjustment

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bcwp_cum float budget cost of work performed

cumulative adjustement

acwp_cum float actual cost of work performed


bac float budget at completion

eac float estimate at completion

rep_adj_cv float reprogramming adjustement cost


rep_adj_sv float reprogramming adjustement

schedule variance

rep_adj_budget float reprogramming adjustment


unfilled_orders float unfilled orders

project_id int project id

wbs_obs int wbs/obs code element

oc_seq int outline code sequence number

add_replace smallint add_replace

Table: contract_perf_data Primary key: project_id

Field Name Type Description

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evms_acc_date date EVMS acceptance date



date Contract Start Date

Contract_def_date Date Contract Definization date

lre_gate_date date Gate date, last revised estiamate

contract_qty float Contract quantity/deliverables

Contract_qty_r_d float contract quantity R&D

Project_id int (4) Project Id

contract_class int (4) contract classification

lre_option int EAC method (formula)

contractor_name varchar


Contractor name

contractor_addr varchar


Contractor Adress

contractor_city varchar


Contractor city

contractor_state varchar (50) Contractor state

contractor_zip varchar (20) Contractor zip code

contract_name varchar


contractor name

program_number varchar


program number/Id

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client_name varchar


Client name

client_addr varchar


Client name

client_city varchar


contractor city

client_state varchar (50) Client state

Client_zip varchar (20) Client zip code

Contract_no varchar (50) Contract number

contract_type varchar (20) Contract type

program_name varchar


Program name

program_phase varchar


Program name

wbs_code_field varchar (3) wbs code field (outline code)

obs_code_field varchar (3) Obs code field (outline code)

Table: contract_perf_periodic Primary key: project_id, cut_off_date

Field Name Type Description

cut_off_date date Cot off date

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date Contract Completiond date



date estimated completion date

otb_ots_date date Over tareget date

conrep_subm_date date Contract Performance report

sbmission date

share_above float (8) Share above value

share_below float (8) Share below value

negotiated_cost float (8) negotiated cost

est_cost_unpriced float (8) estimated cost of authorized

unpriced work

target_profitt float (8) target fee dollars



float (8) tagret fee percentage

tot_pay_received float (8) total payment received

gen_adm_eac float (8) Project indirects; G&A estimate at


man_res_bac float (8) managment reserve budget at


und_bud_bac float (8) Undistributed budget, budget at


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und_bud_eac float (8) undistributed budget,estimate at


fund_limit float (8) fund limitations

inv_amount_billed float (8) invoice ammounts billed

com_bac float (8) project indirects: Cost of money,

budget at completion

com_eac float (8) project indirects: Cost of money,

estimate at completion

gen_adm_bcws float (8) project indirects: general and

adminstritation: budgeted cost of

work scheduled

gen_adm_bcwp float (8) project indirects: general and

adminstritation: budgeted cost of

work performed

gen_adm_acwp float (8) project indirects: general and

adminstritation: actual cost of

work performed

gen_adm_bac float (8) project indirects: overhead; budget

at completion

overhead_acwp float (8) project indirects: overhead; actual

cost of work performed

overhead_bac float (8) project indirects: overhead; budget

at completion

overhead_eac float (8) project indirects: overhead,

estimate at completion

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com_bcws float (8) project indirects: cost of money,

budgeted cost of work scheduled

com_bcwp float (8) project indirects: cost of money,

budgeted cost of work performed

com_acwp float (8) project indirects: cost of money,

actual cost of work performed

mgm_est_best float (8) managment estimate of at cost at

completion best case

mgm_est_worst float (8) management estimate of cost at

completion worst case

mgm_est_likely float (8) managementt estimate of cost at

completion most likely case

con_budg_base float (8) contract budget base

overhead_bcws float (8) project indirects: overhead;

budgeted cost of work scheduled

overhead_bcwp float (8) project indirects: overhead;

budgeted cost of work performed

target_price float (8) target price

est_price float (8) estimated price

contract_ceiling float (8) contract ceiling

est_contr_ceiling float (8) estimated contr ceiling



float (8) cost of total negotiated changes

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tot_allocated_budg float (8) total allocated budget (TAB)

project_id int (4) project id

conrep_name varchar


contractor representative name

conrep_title varchar (50) contractor representative title

Table: cpr_oc_variances Primary key: net_id, wbs_obs, oc_seq, cut_off_date

Field Name Type Description

cut_off_date date cut off date

net_id int network id

wbs_obs int wbs/obs otline code

oc_seq int outline code seq

threshold_seq int threshold sequence number

cost_var_analysis long var (


narrative/description of cost

variance problem /impact analyses



long var (


narrative/description of schedule

variance problem /impact analyses



long var (


narrative/description of schedule

variance problem /impact analyses



long var (


narrative/description of corrective


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var_flag varchar (10) variance flag/code

Table: cpr_omb300_milestones Primary key: net_id, an_seq, cut_off_date

Field Name Type Description

cut off date date Cut off date

bes date Baseline early start

bef date Baseline early finish

acs date Actual Start

acf date Actual Finsih

planned_cost float (8) Planned Cost

current_progress float (8) Current progress

actual_cost float (8) Actual Cost

net_id int network Id

an_seq int Acticity Sequence number

dur varchar (50) activity duration

funding_agency varchar (50) funding

Table: cpr_omb300_narratives Primary key: net_id, cut_off_date

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Field Name Type Description

cut off date date Cut off date

net_id int Network Id

question_c long varchar


Narrative OMB300 section C

question_d long varchar


Narrative OMB300 section D

question_e long varchar


Narrative OMB300 section E

question_f long varchar


Narrative OMB300 section F

question_g long varchar


Narrative OMB300 section G

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Table: cpr_thresholds Primary key: net_id, seq

Field Name Type Description

bac_min float (8) budget at complete range,

minimum value

bac_max float (8) budget at complet range,

maximum value

cv_per_neg float (8) cost variance, current period,

negative value

cv_per_pos float (8) cost variance, current period,

positive value

cv_per_pct_neg float (8) cost variance, current period

negative percentage

cv_per_pct_pos float (8) cost variance, current period

positive percentage

cv_at_compl_neg float (8) cost variance, at completion,

negative value

cv_at_compl_pos float (8) cost variance, at completion,

positive value



float (8) cost variance, at completion,

negative percentage



float (8) cost variance, at completion,

postive percentage

cv_cum_pct_neg float (8) cost variance, cumulative to date,

negative percentage

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cv_cum_pct_pos float (8) cost variance, cumulative to date,

positive percentage

sv_cum_neg float (8) schedule variance, cumulative to

date, negative value

sv_cum_pos float (8) schedule variance, cumulative to

date, positive value

sv_cum_pct_neg float (8) schedule variance, cumulative to

date, percentage negative value

sv_cum_pct_pos float (8) schedule variance, cumulative to

date, percentage positive

sv_per_neg float (8) schedule variance, current period,

negative value

sv_per_pos float (8) schedule variance, current

period,positive value

sv_per_pct_neg float (8) schedule variance, current period

negative percentage

sv_per_pct_pos float (8) schedule variance, current period

positive percentage

cv_cum_neg float (8) cost variance, cumulative to date,

negative value

cv_cum_pos float (8) cost variance, cumulative to date,

postitive value

net_id int network id

seq int sequence number

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and_or int and/or threshold definition

description varchar (100) Threshold description

Table: cpr_thresholds_periods Primary key: net_id, seq, cut_off_date

Field Name Type Description

cut_off_date date Cut off date

bac_min float (8) budget at complete range,

minimum value

bac_max float (8) budget at complet range,

maximum value

cv_per_neg float (8) cost variance, current period,

negative value

cv_per_pos float (8) cost variance, current period,

positive value

cv_per_pct_neg float (8) cost variance, current period

negative percentage

cv_per_pct_pos float (8) cost variance, current period

positive percentage

cv_at_compl_neg float (8) cost variance, at completion,

negative value

cv_at_compl_pos float (8) cost variance, at completion,

positive value

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float (8) cost variance, at completion,

negative percentage



float (8) cost variance, at completion,

postive percentage

cv_cum_pct_neg float (8) cost variance, cumulative to date,

negative percentage

cv_cum_pct_pos float (8) cost variance, cumulative to date,

positive percentage

sv_cum_neg float (8) schedule variance, cumulative to

date, negative value

sv_cum_pos float (8) schedule variance, cumulative to

date, positive value

sv_cum_pct_neg float (8) schedule variance, cumulative to

date, percentage negative value

sv_cum_pct_pos float (8) schedule variance, cumulative to

date, percentage positive

sv_per_neg float (8) schedule variance, current period,

negative value

sv_per_pos float (8) schedule variance, current

period,positive value

sv_per_pct_neg float (8) schedule variance, current period

negative percentage

sv_per_pct_pos float (8) schedule variance, current period

positive percentage

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cv_cum_neg float (8) cost variance, cumulative to date,

negative value

cv_cum_pos float (8) cost variance, cumulative to date,

postitive value

net_id int network id

seq int sequence number

and_or int and/or threshold definition

description varchar (100) Threshold description

Table: cross_plan_links Primary key: net_id, pan_seq, san_seq, ntypec

Field Name Type Description

split_target date split target date

net_id int network id

pan_seq int precedding activity sequence


san_seq int succeding activity sequence


ntypec int link type

lagc int lag for constraint

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wpnc int calender number/ work pattern


lag_fmt tinyint lag format

pan_db_netid int preceeding activity network -

database stored predecessor

san_db_netid int succeeding activity network -

database stored predecessor

pan_save_type smallint Predecessor task save type : 1 = DB,

2 0 URL, 0 = File-path

san_save_type smallint Succcessor task save type : 1 = DB,

2 0 URL, 0 = File-path

pan_net varchar (200) preceeding activity network -

file/url stored predecessor

san_net varchar (200) succeeding activity network -

file/url stored predecessor

Table: detail_net_config Primary key: net_id

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network ID

table_name varchar Table to link to (jobs table)

cal_id int Calendar set to be used for detail


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resource_needed smallint Whether resources must be

present or not

symbolset int Symbolset to be used for detail

plan appl.

Table: document_links renamed to sp_document_links Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

seq int Sequence number - linked to


net_id int Network Id number

label varchar(20) Link label

doc_path varchar(255) Full document path

Table: edit_hist_curtain Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar(200) login name /user (owner)

hist_name varchar(50) histogram name

start_date date hsitogram start date

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start_date_str varchar(25) histogram start date input

until_date date histogram until date

until_date_str varchar(25) histogram until date input

bck_color integer background color

hatch integer hatch

hatch_color integer hatch color

curtain_text varchar(50) text display

text_pos tinyint text position

repeat tinyint repeat every day

axis tinyint left or right axis

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Table: edit_hist_entries Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

login_name varhar (200) login user name - owner

View_name varchar(50) report name

entry_type tinyint entry type: 1=periodic, 2=

cumulative, 3=table

Entry_id tinyint id

graph_type tinyint histogram, profile, s_curve

data_field Small int main data field no.

from_date_str varchar( 25) from date, inpput

until_date_str varchar (25) until data, input

from_date datetime form date

until_date datetime until date

legend varchar2(50) legend



tinyint display value( value,manpower,


color integer bar coloor

hatch tinyint hatch style

hatch_color integer hatch color

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separation smallint % separation between bars

stack_fields integer stack field no

scope_field Integer scope field o ( hist 100%)

stack_field_level integer stack outline level

include_none tinyint stack: include non

plan_scope tinyint Scope definition from plan set

qty_type tinyint Scope definition from plan set

incl_orig tinyint Scope definition from plan set

incl_appr tinyint Scope definition from plan set

incl_est tinyint Scope definition from plan set

incl_int tinyint Scope definition from plan set

incl_sub tinyint Scope definition from plan set



tinyint sum lines in table when stacking

line_style tinyint line styles

line_thick tinyint line thickness

table_dec tinyint number of decimals in table

table_factor tinyint table display to show value


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hide_table_factor tinyint show table factor

table_bold tinyint font details for table entries

table_italic tinyint font details for table entries

table_underline tinyint font details for table entries

table_font varchar2(50) font details for table entries

table_color integer font details for table entries

table_per_cum tinyint periodic cummulative link

table_link_id tinyint link towards curve/bar

graph_values tinyint show values n top of bar

lim_start_date date computed start date

lim_start_date_str varchar2(25) start date input

lim_finish_date date computed finish date



varchar2(25) finish date input

incl_dir_cost tinyint complex rate flag

inc_oh1 tinyint complex rate flag

inc_oh2 tinyint complex rate flag

inc_oh3 tinyint complex rate flag

inc_oh4 tinyint complex rate flag

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incl_ga tinyint complex rate flag

incl_com tinyint complex rate flag

start_cum integer start cumulative line/curve from

stack_legend int stack legend( Short, Description,

Short+ Description)

entry_name varchar(50) name of entry

stack_spread_line int group type for stacked line graph

and profile

fill_curve int Fill for line graphs and profiles

Table: edit_hist_grids primary key:

Field Name Type Description

login_name varhar (200) log in /user name - owner

View_name varchar(50) layout name

grid_date date date

grid_date_str varchar2(25) date input

grid_pos number(9) text position (%)

grid_text varchar(50) text

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grid_tickness number(9) line thickness

grid_line_style number(9) line style

axis tinyint left or rigt axis

Table: edit_hist_groups Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar


login name - owner

hist_name varchar (50) histogram/report name

group_name long varchar


stack value

color integer stack color

hatch integer stack hatch

hatch_color integer hatch color

entry_id integer link to histogram entry id

drawing_sequence integer sequence

entry_type tinyint entry type

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Table: edit_hist_views Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

login_name varhar (200) login name - owner

View_name varchar(50) histogran name

span tinyint span drop down selection

Span-from date from date

span_until date until date

span_from_str varchar(25) from date input

span_until_str varchar (25 until date input

numb_units tinyint interval ( number)

interval tinyint interval type from drop down


date_format smallint date format selection

l_axis_descr varchar2(50) left axis defintion

l_axis_descr_rotate tinyint left axis defintion

l-axis_grid tinyint left axis defintion

l_axis_factor tinyint left axis defintion

l_axis_factor_txt tinyint left axis defintion

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l_axis_layout tinyint left axis defintion

l_axis_value_mpw tinyint left axis defintion

l_axis_max integer left axis defintion

l_axis_major_tics integer left axis defintion

l_axes_min integer left axis defintion

r_axis_descr varchar2(50) left axis defintion

r_axis_descr_rotate tinyint right axis defintion

r_axis_grid tinyint right axis defintion

r_axis_factor tinyint right axis defintion

r_axis_factor_txt tinyint right axis defintion

r_axis_layout tinyint right axis defintion

r_axis_value_percent tinyint right axis defintion

r_axis_max tinyint right axis defintion

r_axis_major_tics integer right axis defintion

r_axis_min integer right axis defintion

table_heading varchar2(50) table definition

table_grid tinyint table definition

table_visible tinyint table definition

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table_char_size double table definition

include_data tinyint table definition

title1 long varchar


report title definitions

title2 varchar2(2000) report title definitions

title3 varchar2(2000) report title definitions

title4 varchar2(2000) report title definitions

title5 varchar2(2000) report title definitions

title6 varchar2(2000) report title definitions

title7 varchar2(2000) report title definitions

title8 varchar2(2000) report title definitions

title9 varchar2(2000) report title definitions

x_axis_tick_char_size double x-axis definition

x_axis_tick_rotate tinyint x-axis definition

table_rotate tinyint rotate table 90 degrees

l_axis_tick_dec tinyint number of decimals on left

axis thick

r_axis_tick_dec tinyint number of decimals on right

axis thick

x_axis_tick_font varchar(50) x-axis font definition

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x_axis_tick_bold tinyint x-axis font definition

x_axis_tick_italic tinyint x-axis font definition

x_axis_tick_underline tinyint x-axis font definition

x_axis_tick_color integer x-axis font definition

l_axis_tick_font varchar(50) left axis font definition

l_axis_tick_bold tinyint left axis font definition

l_axis_tick_italic tinyint left axis font definition

l_axis_tick_underline tinyint left axis font definition

l_axis_tick_char_size double left axis font definition

l_axis_tick_color integer left axis font definition

l_axis_desc_font varchar(50) left axis font definition

l_axis_descr_bold tinyint left axis font definition

l_axis_descr_italic tinyint left axis font definition



tinyint left axis font definition



double left axis font definition

l_axis_descr_color integer left axis font definition

r_axis_tick_font varchar (50) right axis font definition

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r_axis_tick_bold tinyint right axis font definition

r_axis_tick_italic tinyint right axis font definition

r_axis_tick_underline tinyint right axis font definition

r_axis_tick_char_size double right axis font definition

r_axis_tick_color integer right axis font definition

r_axis_desc_font varchar(50) right axis font definition

r_axis_descr_bold tinyint right axis font definition

r_axis_descr_italic tinyint right axis font definition



tinyint right axis font definition



double right axis font definition

r_axis_descr_color integer right axis font definition

table_title_font varchar(50) table title font definition

table_title_bold tinyint table title font definition

table_title_italic tinyint table title font definition

table_title_underline tinyint table title font definition

table_title_char_size double table title font definition

table_title_color integer table title font definition

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table_head_font varchar(50) table header font definition

table_head_bold tinyint table header font definition

table_head_italic tinyint table header font definition



tinyint table header font definition



double table header font definition

table_head_color integer table header font definition

key_font varchar(50) legend font definition

key_bold tinyint legend font definition

keyitalic tinyint legend font definition

key_underline tinyint legend font definition

key_char_size double legend font definition

key_color integer legend font definition

footer1 long varchar footer text

footer2 long varchar footer text

footer3 longvarchar footer text

left_bitmap longvarchar logo in header area

right_bitmap longvarchar logo in header area

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background_bitmap longvarchar backgroun picture

div_page_setup longvarchar other page setup

legend_text longvarchar legend

filter_name varchar(50) filter name

filter_express longvarchar filter expression

page_field integer page on field

page_oc_level integer page on outline level if

page_field is of type outline


resource_filter longvarchar resource selection

filter_owner varchar (200) filter owner

Table: enterprise_codes Primary key: field_type, field_nr, code

Field Name Type Description

field_type char (1) field type

field_nr int field number

code int code

short varchar (50) short desc

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description varchar



parent_sort int parent sort relationship

Table: enterprise_fields Primary key: field_type, field_nr

Field Name Type Description

field_type char (1) field type

field_nr int field number

label varchar (50) field label

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Table: enterprise_values Primary key: field_type, field_nr, net_id

Field Name Type Description

field_type char (1) field type

field_nr int field number

net_id int Network Id

string_value float text/string values

numb_value float number values

int_value float integer

Table: external_ids Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network Id

seq int Sequence number

app char(3) External application - 3 letter


ext_id_num Int Numerical external key

ext_id_txt varchar (50) Alpfanumerical external key

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file_path varchar


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Table: filter_group Primary key: CLUSTERED (fg_id)

Field Name Type Description

fg_id int filter group iud

fg_name varchar (25) filter group name

Table: filter_in_group Primary key: CLUSTERED (fg_id, fname, fuser, ftype)

Field Name Type Description

fg_id int filter group id

ftype int filter type

fname varchar (50) filter name

fuser varchar


user name

Table: filter_list Primary key: filter_name, owner, filtertype

Field Name Type Description

filter_name varchar Description

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owner varchar


Owner ( user ID)

filter text Expression

filtertype int Report or editor

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Table: forecast Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network ID

cut_off_date datetime Cut off date

seq int Resource sequence number

fc_prog_period float Forecast planned in period

fc_prog_cum float Forecast planned cumulative

fc_total_qty float Forecast total quantity

per_start datetime Start date for period

period_cost float Cost in period

Current_rdu Int Current remaining duration

Table: forecast_log Primary key: cut_off, net_id

Field Name Type Description

fc_date datetime Date forecast was run

cut_off datetime Cut off date

login_name varchar


User ID who performed forecast

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net_id int Network ID

fc_def varchar Scope, plan set

adj_rem_qty tinyint 1= Adjust remaining scope, 0 = Do


adj_rem_dur tinyint 1= Adjust remaining durations, 0 =

Do not

pf_qty_method tinyint Identifies method for adjusting

rem. scope

pf_dur_method tinyint Identifies method for adjusting

rem. dur.

pf_qty float Factor for scope adjustments

pf_dur float Factor for duration adjustments

pf_qty_percent smallint Percentage for productivity factor

calculation, if scope shall be based

on this.

pf_dur_percent smallint Percentage for performance factor

calculation, if rem. dur. shall be

based on this.

adj_group varchar performace grooup by

fc_filter text forecats filter for partly forecast

pf_qty_max float max restriction om forecast qty

pf_dur_max float max restriction on forecast


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Table: globals Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

gsid integer id

gctype char(1) global type (D,T,N)

gcnr tinyint number ( count by type)

label varchar (30) description/label

exp1 varchar (50) global expression

add1 smallint expression 1( part og date and text

expression position or +/-)

add2 smallint expression 2( part og date and text

expression length or value)

Table: globalset Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

gsid integer id

gsname varchar (30) name

owner varchar


owner ( created by)

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Table: group_access Primary key: group_id, object_id, object_type

Field Name Type Description

group_id int Group ID

object_id int Object ID

object_type char Object Type

access_level smallint Access level

Table: group_members Primary key: group_id, login_name

Field Name Type Description

group_id int Group ID

login_name varchar (200) user log in name

Table: historic_wpn Primary key: wpn, cal_id, net_id

Field Name Type Description

wpn int Calendar number

cal_id int Calendar ID

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net_id int network ID

Table: history_a Primary key: net_id, seq

Field Name Type Description

net_id number(9) Network id

seq number(9) internal Sequnce number

an varchar(50) activity Id/activity number

du number(9) duration

wpn number(9) calendar

esa date early start actual

ef date early finish

des varchar2(255) dsecription

r15 number(9) userfield - reference type

current_as date Current Actual Start

current_af date Current Actual Finish

current_progress float Current Progress

approved_vo_qty float Approved Variations Quantities

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float Quantities for estimated Variation


subcontr_vo_qty float Quantities for subcontracted


internal_vo_qty float Quantities for internal variations



float Baseline planned progress

bes date Baseline Early Start

bef date BAseline Early finish

ces date Current Early start

cef date Current Early Finish

csh float Baseline Scope ( configurable


rsh float Current Scope ( configurable


tsh float Total Scope ( configurable




date frontline data against current plan

expended_qty float Actual Expended quantities

r1 number(9) userfield - reference type

r2 number(9) userfield - reference type

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r3 number(9) userfield - reference type

r4 number(9) userfield - reference type

r5 number(9) userfield - reference type

r6 number(9) userfield - reference type

r7 number(9) userfield - reference type

r8 number(9) userfield - reference type

r9 number(9) userfield - reference type

r10 number(9) userfield - reference type

r11 number(9) userfield - reference type

r12 number(9) userfield - reference type

r13 number(9) userfield - reference type

r14 number(9) userfield - reference type

r15 number(9) userfield - reference type

r16 number(9) userfield - reference type

r17 number(9) userfield - reference type

r18 number(9) userfield - reference type

r19 number(9) userfield - reference type

r20 number(9) userfield - reference type

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r21 number(9) userfield - reference type

r22 number(9) userfield - reference type

r23 number(9) userfield - reference type

r24 number(9) userfield - reference type

r25 number(9) userfield - reference type

r26 number(9) userfield - reference type

r27 number(9) userfield - reference type

r28 number(9) userfield - reference type

r29 number(9) userfield - reference type

r30 number(9) userfield - reference type

f1 varchar(255) userfield

f2 varchar(255) userfield

f3 varchar(255) userfield

f4 varchar(255) userfield

f5 varchar(255) userfield

f6 varchar2(50) userfield

f7 varchar2(50) userfield

f8 varchar2(50) userfield

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f9 varchar2(50) userfield

f10 varchar2(50) userfield

f11 varchar2(50) userfield

f12 varchar2(50) userfield

f13 varchar2(50) userfield

f14 varchar2(50) userfield

f15 varchar2(50) userfield

f16 varchar2(50) userfield

f17 varchar2(50) userfield

f18 varchar2(50) userfield

f19 varchar2(50) userfield

f20 varchar2(50) userfield

cancelled_date date cancelled date

Table: Host id Primary key: AppName, KeyType, Net_id, Seq, HostKey

Field Name Type Description

Id int id number

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AppName varchar (100) Application name, currently fixed value SAP

KeyType int Optional index, by default 1

Net_id int Network id

Seq Int Sequence number

HostKey Varchar (300) Key in host system (currently host key from


SafranId int Resource sequence number

Table: ilap_exchange_config Primary key: id,

Field Name Type Description

Id Int Id for named ILAP Exchange Configuration

Owner Varchar (200) Owner of named ILAP Exchange


Name Varchar(100) Display name for named ILAP Exchange


Type Char(1) Exchange type, E=Export, I=Import

Filename Varchar(250) Full filepath for the ILAP Exchange

Configuration File (XML)

Net_id Int Network that named ILAP Exchange

Configuration applies to. Mappings are

against the User Field Set of this Network.

Subnet_id Int Sub-Network that named ILAP Exchange

Configuration applies to. Applies to Import

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Code_configuration_id Int User Field Set that userfield-mappings are

against. Must be the same User Field Set

(of this Network) that was used when


Filter_name_owner Varchar (250) Filter that is to be applied in the


Set_target_early_start Char(1) Set Target Start Early equal to Start Early

for start activities if filter is used (export)

Import_mode Char(1) Import mode: O=OverWrite, U=Update,

A=Append. Exports are set to dummy value


Import_directely Char(1) Import directly without a need for a

manual Save after Read: N=Read and Save

in two steps, Y=Read and then Save directly

Table: ilap_network_configuration Primary key: net_id

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network ID for the network in Safran


Network_guid in A GUID-string representing the Safran

Project Data Installation for one Network.

Table: impact_log Primary key: net_id, set_nr

Field Name Type Description

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net_id int network id

set_nr in alternative schedule set

impact name varchar


name for the alternative schedule


activate tinyint active flag

Table: install_config Primary key: def_id

Field Name Type Description

def_id int Shall be 1.

login_type char Default (N) or extended security (E)

def_group varchar Default group for new users

def_cal integer Calendars et for network defaults

def_pro integer Profile set for network defaults

def_res integer Resource set for network defaults

def_sym integer Symbols set for network defaults

def_ufc integer User field set for network defaults

def_glo integer global set for netwok defaults

def_rat integer rate set for network defaults

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Extra_txt Nvarchar(50) for future functionality

Table: level_config Primary key: result_net_id

Field Name Type Description

result_net_id int Result network ID

result_net_name Varchar(200) result network name

source_net_id int Source Network ID

group_field1 varchar Group field 1

group_field2 varchar Group field 2

group_field3 varchar Group field 3

group_field4 varchar Group field 4

auto_update smallint Flag for automatic update of level

generated network during status

updates/baseline updates.

sum_dates smallint Flag for summary of dates

sum_qtys smallint Flag for summary of quantities

sum_prog smallint Flag for summary of progress on

baseline, current or Total qty

plan_profile smallint not in use

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gen_date datetime Date for generating level etwork

sum_descr int flag forupdate of long descriptions

filter_name varchar2(50) filter name

filter varchar2(320


filter expression

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Table: map_external_fields Primary key: map_id, sp_field_type, sp_field_nr

Field Name Type Description

map_id int mapping Id

sp_field_type char (1) Safran field type

sp_field_nr int Safran field no.

ext_field_label varchar (40) field description, external system

ext_field_use smallint flagg used to determine of field is

to be transferred

ext_field_nr int field no in external system

ext_infotype varchar (10) information type, external system

Status_method Integer Progressing method



Integer Option on how to deal with

Remaining Duration



integer Which cutoff to synchronize the


Table: mp_master Primary key: mp_id

Field Name Type Description

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mp_id int Multi project ID

mp_name varchar Multi project name

mp_description varchar Description

mp_resourceset int Resource set ID

mp_codeset int User fields ID

ava_method int Method for availability calculation

mp_profileset int Profile set ID

mp_symbolset int Symbol set ID

mp_title varchar Title

mp_client varchar Client

mp_company varchar Company

logo1 Varchar(250) Logo reference

logo2 Varchar(250) Logo reference

freetext1 varchar User description

freetext2 varchar User description

freetext3 varchar User description

freetext4 varchar User description

owner varchar (200) Owner ( user Id)

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sch_opt tinyint Scheduling options

sch_max_delay int maximum delay on scheduling

sch_overload_lim int Scheduling overlaod limit

sch_overload_opt tinyint Scheduling overload option

sch_filter text schedule filter expression

sch_sort text schedule sort/order list

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Table: mp_member Primary key: mp_id, net_id

Field Name Type Description

mp_id int Multi project ID

net_id int Network ID

net_no int network internal seq number

Cal_no Int Internal calendar number for the

project group

Profile_no int Internal profile number for the

project group

Table: msp_net_index Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

msp_db varchar (20) database name ( used for Safran

for the Microsoft Project Platform)

msp_proj_id varchar (50) Msp project id (used for Safran for

the Microsoft Project Platform)

msp_server varchar (25) Server (used for Safran for the

Microsoft Project Platform)

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msp_src varchar (255) msp source and path ( used for

Safran for the Microsoft Project


msp_user varchar (200) user name ( used for Safran for the

Microsoft Project Platform)

safran_netid integer safran net_id ( used for Safran for

the Microsoft Project Platform)

trans_setup varchar (100) options setup ( used for Safran for

the Microsoft Project Platform)

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Table: msp_ufield_mapping Primary key: uf_map_uid, safran_field_no

Field Name Type Description

uf_map_uid int internal index

msp_field_no int MS Project userdefined field code

msp_is_enterprise int Is userdefined field entreprise or

not : 1 = enterprise, 0 = ordinary


safran_field_no varchar (10) safran user field. i.e.R1,F1,..etc

Table: msp_web_reports Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

proj_id varchar (50) project id

rep_name varchar (50) report name

rep_category Integer report category or type

proj_type integer project type; single og network


modified_date datetime modified

created_by varchar (200) created by

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description varchar (255) description

Table: msp_web_reports_images Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

proj_id varchar (50) id

rep_name varchar (50) report name

rep_category Integer report category or type

proj_type integer project type; single og network


file_type varchar (10) jpg or pdf

page_no integer report page number

rep_blob long binary page content

Table: net_calc_master Primary key: netcalc_id

Field Name Type Description

netcalc_id int ID of ruleset

netcalc_name varchar Name of ruleset

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owner varchar Owner (user name) of ruleset

Table: net_calcs Primary key: netcalc_id, rule_name

Field Name Type Description

netcalc_id int Ruleset ID

rule_name varchar Name of rule

result_field varchar Column (field) to be updated

condition varchar Possible future use

formula varchar Rule to be executed

Table: networks Primary key: net_id

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network ID

name varchar


Network name

description varchar


network description

ana_date datetime last analysed date

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ana_tnow datetime Time Now for last analysis

user_id int Owner User ID

na_date datetime Analysis invalidated date

user_name varchar


Owner user name

cal_id int Calendar ID

profileset int Profile Set ID

codeset int Codeset/User Field set ID

ana_off smallint Flag for analysis capability

project_id int Project ID

derived_from int Source network if network is a

summary network

stretch tinyint Stretch yes/no

longest_path tinyint Longest path yes/no

float_opt tinyint Float calculation options

dependencies tinyint Dependencies options

progress tinyint Progress options

save_ana_flag tinyint Flag for automatic saving of

analysis results

sch_opt tinyint Scheduling options

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sch_max_delay int Max delay on scheduling

sch_overload_lim int Scheduling oveload limit

sch_overload_opt tinyint Scheduling overload options

calc_id int Rule set ID

save_resource_flag int Flag which tells if resource

analysis results shall be saved to

the database

lock_scope int Flag for preventing updates to


auto_sum_scope int Flag for auto sum of qty from

resources tothe activity fields

tsh, rsh and csh

resource_set int Resource set related to the


symbol_set int Symbol set related to the


os_scope tinyint determines the scope for the On

schedule activities to be

calculated against.

disable_split_targets tinyint Disable/enable Flag for Split


sch_filter text schedule filter expression

sch_sort varchar schedule sort/order list

gsid integer global set

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smallint set mark for progress drop

during import

rate_type tinyint rate tape ( simple /complex


rate_set integer rate set for complex rates

is_template integer Project template

Status_method Integer Progressing method



Integer Option on how to deal with

Remaining Duration

Status_method_intv integer Which cutoff to synchronize the


Table: outline_codes Primary key: config_id, oc_field, seq

Field Name Type Description

config_id numeric(8) codeset id

oc_field numeric(8) Outline Code (1-30)

seq numeric(8) act. sequence number

parent_seq numeric8 seq of outline parent

short varchar2(10


outline code short description

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description varchar2(25


outline code description

Sort_field Integer Sorting field

Table : pa_config Primary key: seq

Field Name Type Description

seq int Unique ID

user_name varchar (200) Login name of user who saved this

save_name varchar Name

source_table varchar Aggregate from table

group_col1 varchar Group by column 1

group_col2 varchar Group by column 2

group_col3 varchar Group by column 3

group_col4 varchar Group by column 4

link_tabs text Join (link) definitions

start_date datetime Start of aggregation

end_date datetime End of aggregation

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interval int Together with intv_type, length of


intv_type int 1 = year, 2 = quarter...6 = days

calendar int Calendar set to be used

wpn varchar (Default) Calendar to be used

profileset int Profileset to be used

profile varchar (Default) profile to use

sum_fields text Definition of sources (column,

from, until...)

target_defs text Definition of target (name etc.)

save_table varchar Name of table to save to

save_overwrite int If last results should be overwritten

save_columns text Name of columns if save

subtit varchar Report Config.

header2 varchar Report Config.

header3 varchar Report Config.

footer_left varchar Report Config.

footer_mid varchar Report Config.

footer_right varchar Report Config.

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extra_data varchar Report Config.

main_title varchar Report Config.

right_header1 varchar Report Config.

right_header2 varchar Report Config.

left_header1 varchar Report Config.

left_header2 varchar Report Config.

graph_start_date datetime Report Config.

graph_end_date datetime Report Config.



int Report Config.



varchar Report Config.

graph_l_axis_grid int Report Config.

graph_l_axis_auto int Report Config.

graph_l_axis_max int Report Config.



int Report Config.



varchar Report Config.

graph_r_axis_grid int Report Config.

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graph_r_axis_auto int Report Config.

graph_r_axis_max int Report Config.



int Report Config.

table_entries text Report Config.

period_entries text Report Config.

cum_entries text Report Config.

Table: pa_config_filters Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

pa_id int ID of saved configuration

filter_type int Filter type

filter text Filter

Table: path_details Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

path_id int Path sequence number

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constraint_act int sequence number for activity

included in the path

Table: period_plan_r Primary key: net_id, cut_off_date, seq, per_start

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network ID

cut_off_date datetime Cutt off date, Period finish

per_start datetime Period start date

seq int resource internal sequence

number in resources

an_seq int Activity Internal Sequence number

res_seq int Resource internal sequence

number in resource_defs

pl_earned_early float Planned earned early

pl_earned_late float Planned earned late

pl_c_earned_early float planned earned cost early

pl_c_earned_late float planned earned cost late



float planned progress cumulative early

pl_prog_cum_late float planned progress cumulative late

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wpn int Calendar

Table: period_status_a Primary key: net_id, cut_off_date, seq

Field name Type Description

net_id int Network ID

cut_off_date datetime Cut off date, period finish date

seq int Internal sequence number for


per_start datetime Period start date

current_as datetime Current Actual start

current_af datetime Current Actual Finsih

current_progress float Current progress cumulative


current_pc float Current progress cumulative (Time)

tf integer total float

ff integer free float

cesa datetime current early start analyzed

ces datetime current early start

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cef datetime currentr early finish

cls datetime current late start

clf datetime current late finish

du integer duration

wpn integer calendar

Rsh Float Current Scope

Tsh Float Total Scope

Cpc Float Calculated % Complete



Float Baseline planned progress

Esa Datetime Early Start Actual

Es Datetime Early Start

Ef Datetime Early Finish

Resa Datetime Revised plan early start actual

Res Datetime Revised plan early start

Ref Datetime Revised plan early finish

Rls Datetime Revised plan late start

Rlf Datetime Revised plan late finish

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Datetime Frontline date against current plan

Current_rdu Int Current remaining duration

Table: period_status_r Primary key: net_id, cut_off_date, seq

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network ID

per_start datetime Period start date

cut_off_date datetime Cut off date, Period finish date

seq int Resource internal sequence

number in resources

an_seq int Activity internal sequence number

res_seq int resource internal sequence

number in resource_defs

qty float Quantity

dur int Duration

lagr int Lag on resources (relative to


type smallint Resource type

profile int Profile ID

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vo_seq int Variation order sequence number

(if record is a variation order line)

current_progress float Current progress cumulative




float Actual expended quantity


jobpack_est_qty float Jobpack estimated quantity

qty1 float Quantity (second)

csh_flag smallint Flag for inclusion in csh on activity


rsh_flag smallint Flag for inclusion in rsh on activity


tsh_flag smallint Flag for inclusion in tsh on activity


wpn int Calendar

earned_job_qty float Earned at job level (in combination

with job card system, or Safran


cost float Cost quantity

cost1 float Contract cost quantity

cost_actual float Actual Expended cost

period_earn float earned qty in last period

period_earn1 float earned qty1 in last period

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period_ecost float earned cost in last period

period_ecost1 float earned cost1 in last period

period_exp float expended qty in last period

period_exc float expended cost in last period

Table: Periodic_rates Primary key: rate_set, rate_seq, seq

Field Name Type Description

input_date date rate from date

rate float rate

rate_set int rate set

rate_seq int rate sequence number

seq int sequece number

Table: Perm_renumbering Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id int network id

field_integer int stores field number used

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next_seq int stores next count for sequence

text_value varchar (50) stores user added text used in

permanent renumbering

Table: Planner_subprojects Primary key: mp_an_seq,mp_net_id

Field Name Type Description

mp_an_seq int master project activity sequence


mp_net_id int master project network id

db_netid int database network id

file_name varchar (200) safran planner file name

path_name varchar (200) safran planner file path

url varchar (200) safran planner url adress

project_name varchar (200) project name

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Table: Prj_comments Primary key: pr_project_id, prj_id

Field Name Type Description

prj_id number(9) key

prj_project_id number(9) project

prj_comment varchar2(2000



Table: Prj_docs Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

prj_id number(9) key

prj_project_id number(9) project

description varchar2(50) description

prj_docname carchar2(255) documnet path/name

Table: Prj_labels Primary key: prj_project_id, field_nr

Field Name Type Description

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prj_project_id number(9) project

field_nr number(9) userfield no

label varchar2(20) user field label

rcol number(9) connected reference field

auto_upd number(1) yes/no update Reference field

Table: Prj_pers Primary key: prj_pid, prj_sign

Field Name Type Description

prj_pid number(9) key - person id

prj_sign char(3) signature

prj_name varchar2(255) name

Table: Prj_types Primary key: prj_type

Field Name Type Description

prj_type varchar2(10) code

prj_typedes varchar2(255) description

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Table: Prj_wbs Primary key: prj_wbs_project, prj_wbsid

Field Name Type Description

prj_wbs_project number(9) project

prj_wbsid number(9) key

prj_wbscode varchar2(16) code

prj_wbs_desc varchar2(255) description

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Table: profile_intv Primary key: profile_id, profileset_id, value_x

Field Name Type Description

profile_id int Profile ID

profileset_id int Profile set ID

value_x Float X-axis value

value_y Float Y-axis value

Table: profiles Primary key: profile_id, profileset_id

Field Name Type Description

profile_id int Profile ID

name varchar Profile name

profileset_id int Profile set ID

Table: profileset Primary key: profileset_id

Field Name Type Description

profileset_id int Profileset ID

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name varchar Name/description

owner varchar (200) Owner user name

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Table: project_config Primary key: project_id

Field Name Type Description

project_id int Unique project ID

project_name varchar project name

project_title varchar Project Title ( for report titles)

main_network int Project Main network

project_start datetime Project start date

project_end datetime Project end date

project_client varchar project client name (for report


logo_bmp Varchar(250) path to company og project logo

(for reports)

client_bmp Varchar(250) Path to client logo (for reports)

owner varchar (200) Owners user ID

cut_off_dow smallint Specifies day of week to be used

for cut-offs

contractor varchar Contractor

freetext1 varchar User field - project text entry (for


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freetext2 varchar User field - project text entry (for


freetext3 varchar User field - project text entry (for


freetext4 varchar User field - project text entry (for


mr_def_field varchar(4) Possible future use

mr_def_value integer Possible future use

ub_def_field varchar(4) Possible future use

ub_def_value integer Possible future use

Hour_cutoffs Varchar


Time for cutoffs

Table: project_members Primary key: project_id, login_name

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar (200) log in name / user ID

project_id integer Filter project id

Table: pt_act_bitmaps Primary key:

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Field Name Type Description

net_id int network id

an_seq int activity sequence number

bitmap varchar path and fine name for bitmab

bitmap_date datetime date

date_field int number for datefield if positioned

against a Safran Project datefield

align int row alignment, above, center,


scale int % scale relative to row height

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Table: pt_act_bitmaps_visible Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id int network ID

view_name varchar (50) layout name

login_name varchar (200) login name /user Id

an_seq int activity seq number

bitmap varchar full path and bitmap file name

bitmap_date datetime date

date_field int number for datefield if positioned

against a Safran Project datefield

Table: pt_act_grids Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id number(9) network ID

an_seq number(9) activity sequence number

grid_date number(9) selected activity date

grid_pos number(9) text position relative to top- (%)

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grid_text() Varchar(50) text on grid date

grid_thickness number(9) line tihickness

grid_line_style number(9) line style

Table: pt_act_grids_visible Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id number(9) network ID

an_seq number(9) activity sequence number

view_name varchar2(25) layout name

login_name varchar (200) login name/user Id

grid_date number(9) grid date

Table: pt_fonts Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar (200) log in name / user ID

view_name varchar(50) layout name

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row_id int values that together with row type

identifies font definitions

row_type varchar activity,s=summary, F=filtered

row_text varchar header/label display text

font_color int font color

font_name varchar font

font_size int font size

font_bold tinyint flag, bold

font_italic tinyint flag, italic

font_underline tinyint flag, underline

filter text filter expression

active tinyint active filter for layout( value =1,0)

font_bck_color numeric(8) back ground color

init_expl_collapse tinyint Layout group/summary appearance

sum_dates tinyint Layout group/summary appearance

sum_numbers tinyint Layout group/summary appearance

frontline_visible tinyint Layout group/summary appearance

final_line_style smallint Layout group/summary appearance

final_line_thick integer Layout group/summary appearance

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sum_span tinyint summary/group bar appearance,

all or as filtered ( 0,1)

filter_name varchar(50) Filtername

filter_owner varchar(200) Filter Owner

sum_refs tinyint Controls if Reference fields are to

be displayed at group level or not

Table:pt_links_draw_level Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar (200) user log_in name

view_name varchar (50 Barchart Editor Layout name

net_id Iiteger Network ID number

pan_seq integer predecessor seq

san_seq integer successor seq

typec integer link type

pan_net integer network for pan

san_net integer network for san

draw_pan integer draw level for pan

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draw_san integer draw level for san

Table: ptavle_collapsed_groups Primary key

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar


user log_in name

view_name varchar2(25) Barchart Editor Layout name

net_id number(9) Network ID number

expression varchar2(9) What is collapsed (coded)

Table: ptavle_curtain Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id numeric(8) Network ID

start_date date start date of curtain

start_date_str varchar2(25) start date <system fields>

until_date date end date of curtain

until_date_str varchar2(25) end date <system fields>

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bck_color numeric(8) bacground color for shading

hatch numeric(8) shading type

hatch_color numeric(8) color of hatch/shading

Table: ptavle_curtain_visible Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id numeric(8) Network ID

view_name varchar(50) Barchart editor Layout name

login_name varchar


user ID/Login

start_date date start date for curtain shading

start_date_str varchar2(25) start date <system fields>

until_date date end date for curtain shading

until_date_str varchar2(25) end date <system fields>

Table: ptavle_grids Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

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net_id int Network ID

grid_date datetime Grid date, Dateline

grid_pos int Text position (0-100%) from top of


grid_text Varchar(50) Text/ dateline description

grid_color int Color

grid_thickness int Line thickness

grid_line_style int Line style

grid_date_str varchar2(25) grid type, if one of set types

Table: ptavle_grids_visible Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network ID

view_name varchar (50) Barchart editor Layout name

grid_date datetime Links to ptavle_grids

login_name varchar


user ID/Login

grid_date_str varchar2(25) grid type, if one of set types

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Table: ptavle_page_breaks Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar(200) user ID/Login

view_name varchar(50) Barchart editor Layout name

net_id number(9) network id

Expression varchar2(25



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Table: qty_config Primary key: project_id, field_name

Field Name Type Description

field_name varchar Field name (csh, rsh, tsh)

field_label varchar label for field

formula varchar Summary formula

baseline_update smallint Flag for update during baseline

status_update smallint Flag for update during status


project_id int Project ID

weight_factor smallint Flag for use as weight factor during


Table: rap_act Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

user_id int User ID

seq int Activity Sequence number

net_id int Network ID

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Table: rap_act_load Primary key: user_id, seq, net_id, extra

Field Name Type Description

user_id int User ID

seq int Activity Sequence number

net_id int Network ID

Extra int

Table: rap_act2 Primary key: user_id, seq

Field Name Type Description

user_id int User Id

seq int Activity sequence number

net_id int Network ID

page varchar Value of page column (or

sectioning col.)

stack varchar Value of stack column (or

sectioning col. 2)

group1 varchar Internal use

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group2 varchar Internal use

date1 datetime Internal use

date2 datetime Internal use

float1 float Internal use

Table: rap_act3 Primary key: user_id, page, stack

Field name Type Description

user_id int User ID

page varchar Value of page column (or

sectioning col.)

stack varchar Value of stack column (or

sectioning col.)

wpn int Calendar

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Table: rap_act_psr Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

user_id numeric(8) User Id

net_id numeric(8) Network ID

seq numeric(8) Activity sequence number

group1 varchar2(50) group values

group2 varchar2(50) group values

group3 varchar2(50) group values

group4 varchar2(50) group values

group5 varchar2(50) group values

group6 varchar2(50) group values

Table: rap_agg_fields Primary key: seq, user_id

Field Name Type Description

seq int resource record ID

user_id int login_name

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res_name char name of resource

page_value char Value of page column (or

sectioning col.)

res_seq int ID of resource

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Table: rap_oc Primary key: seq, user_id

Field Name Type Description

user_id integer process id

group_field integer outline code no (O<n>

oc_seq integer unique key for outline code

group_value integer group value key

codeset integer codeset config_id

Table: rap_resources Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

user_id int User ID

seq int Resource sequence number

Table Rap_rfield_values Primary key: user_id, rfield_nr, code

Field Name Type Description

user_id int User ID

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rfield_nr int Reference field value

code int Internal code value

short varchar Short description

description varchar Description

Table Rate_records Primary key: rate_set, seq

Field Name Type Description

rate_seq int rate set

seq int sequence number

short varchar (50) short name

description varchar 200 description

Table Rate_set Primary key: id

Field Name Type Description

id int rate set id

name varchar (50) name

owner varchar (200) login id of rate set owner

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dir_alias varchar (25) direct rate alias

oh1_alias varchar (25) overhead rate1 alias

oh2_alias varchar (25) overhead rate2 alias

oh3_alias varchar (25) overhead rate3 alias

oh4_alias varchar (25) overhead rate4 alias

ga_alias varchar (25) general and administration rate


com_alias varchar (25) cost of money rate alias

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Table: rep_config Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

rep_id int Report ID

rep_name varchar report name

user_name varchar (200) user name

save_name varchar (50) Name used during save

filter text Filter string

subtit varchar Report subtitle

header2 varchar Report header/subtitle 2

header3 varchar Report header/subtitle 3

footer_left varchar Left footer for report

footer_mid varchar Centre footer for report

footer_right varchar Right footer for report

sort_list varchar report sort list/ sort order

start_date datetime Start date

end_date datetime End date

extra_data Varchar(500) Other config. parameters

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window_name varchar Window name

main_title varchar Main title

remarks varchar Report comment

right_header1 varchar Right subtitle 1

right_header2 varchar Right subtitle2

left_header1 varchar Left subtitle 1

left_header2 varchar left subtitle 2

net_id int network ID

cflag int Report on cost?

logo_bmp varchar Path to logo

clogo_bmp varchar Path to logo

Table: rep_config_data Primary key: rep_id, line_no

Field Name Type Description

rep_id int Report ID

line_no int Line number

data_line varchar Line parameters

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Table: rep_config_fields Primary key: rep_id, field_name

Field Name Type Description

rep_id int Report ID

field_name varchar Field name

field_size int Field /column width

field_header varchar Field/column header

field_nr int Field number (order)

field_type char Field Type

field_label varchar Field label

field2 varchar Field (second column entry)

header2 varchar Field header ( second column


label2 varchar Field label ( second column entry)

bcgcolor int background color

Table:rep_config_group_prop Primary key: rep_id, groupname

Field Name Type Description

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rep_id int Report ID

group_name varchar(255) Display value for group

color int Bar / line color

style int Bar / line hatch / style

line_no numeric(8) Line number

Table: rep_config_resources Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

rep_id int Report ID

res_seq int Resource sequence number

res_type tinyint Resource type (1=qty, 2= Cost)

res_sort smallint Sort field

Table: rep_groups Primary key: group_id

Field Name Type Description

group_id int Report Group ID

group_name Varchar(25) Description

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swa_flag integer Safran Web Access flag

Table: rep_in_group Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

group_id int Report group ID

rep_id int Report ID

Table: rep_in_package Primary key: package_id, rep_id

Field Name Type Description

package_id int Report package ID

rep_id int Report ID

sortnr int Report sort order

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Table: rep_package Primary key: package_id

Field Name Type Description

package_id int Report package ID

package_name varchar Report package name

created_by varchar (200) User Name

autorun smallint Flag for autorun (possible future )

interval smallint Interval for autorun (possible

future )

last_run_date datetime Last run date (possible future )

next_run_date datetime next run date (possible future )

remarks varchar Comments

start_date datetime Start of common report span (If


end_date datetime End of common report span (If


date_option int 1=Report dates, 2=Common dates,

3=Relative dates

st_offs int If relatve dates, number of

days/weeks after set date to start

report span

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end_offs int If relative dates, number of

days/weeks after set date to end

report span

offs_type int If relative dates, whether

st/end_offs should be counted in

days or weeks

offs_date_type int If relative dates, offset date for

calculation of start/end: Today, last

baseline etc.

filter text filter for future use

save_type tinyint save type (use save name or


to_where tinyint output

file_type tinyint psr or pdf file type

filter_option tinyint filter option for future use

path_name varchar(255) save path

def_name varchar(50) standard name

filter_name varchar(30) filter name for future use

filter_opt2 tinyint filter option check

ref_field_iteration varchar (4) reference field for package


one_pdf tinyint flag for creation of one combined

pdf file

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Swa_folder varchar (255) SWA folder path

Table: rep_package_filters Primary key: package_id

Field Name Type Description

package_id int report_package_id

filter_name varchar (50) filter_name

filter_owner varcghar


filter owner

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Table: resourc_avail Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network ID

res_seq int Resource sequence number

avail_from datetime Availability from date

avail_until datetime Availability until date

avail_qty float Quantity available

avail_type int Availability type

wpn int Calendar

Table: resource_def Primary key: seq, net_id

Field Name Type Description

seq int Unique resource sequence number

name varchar (100) Resource code/name

descr varchar Resource description

net_id int Relation to Resource set

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res_type tinyint Resource type (1=qty,2=cost)

cost_rate float Unit cost rate for resource type=1

parent int used for hierarchical structure

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Table: resource_rates Primary key: id

Field Name Type Description

net_id int Network Id

res_seq int resource sequence number

account int cost account

budget_rate int budget rate account

forecast rate int forecats rate record

expended_rate int actual/expended rate record

Table: resource_set Primary key: id

Field Name Type Description

id int Unique resource set sequence


name varchar Resource set name

owner varchar (200) Owner, user Id

Table: resources Primary key: seq, net_id

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Field Name Type Description

seq int Unique sequence number

an_seq int Activity sequence number

res_seq int Resource sequence number

qty float Quantity

dur int Resource duration

lagr int Lag (relative to Activity start)

type smallint Resource type

profile int Resource Profile ID

vo_seq int Variation order sequence number

current_progress float Current progress (Volume)

actual_qty float Actual expended qty

jobpack_est_qty float Jobpack estimated quantity

wpn int Calendar

qty1 float Quantity

csh_flag smallint Flag for inclusion in Csh

rsh_flag smallint Flag for inclusion in Rsh

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tsh_flag smallint Flag for inclusion in Tsh

net_id int Network ID

earned_job_qty float Earned against job (from jobcard

system, Safran details etc.)

esar datetime Early start for resource

efr datetime Early finish for resource

lsr datetime Late start for resource

lfr datetime Late finsih for resource

cost float Cost quantity

cost1 float Contract cost quantity

cost_rate float Cost rate for resource

cost_actual float Actual expended cost quantity



float Planned progress early cumulative

fcqty float Forecast quantity

fclag float Forecast lag

fcdur float Forecast duration

ext_seq number(8) for S4MsP compatibility

Table: revision_dibb Primary key: seq, cut_off, net_id

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Field Name Type Description

seq int ID of resource record

an_seq int ID of activity

res_seq int ID of resource type

net_id int ID of network

cut_off datetime Cut off date

pl_earned_early float Earned scope - planned earned

early, last revision (or baseline)

pl_earned_late float Earned scope - planned earned

late, last revision (or baseline)

pl_c_earned_early float Earned cost - planned earned early,

last revision (or baseline)

pl_c_earned_late float Earned cost - planned earned early,

last revision (or baseline)

Table: sap_activities Primary key: seq, net_id

Field Name Type Description

Seq Integer Sequence number

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Net_id Integer Project id

Sap_crud Tinyint

Sap_netw Bigint

Table: sequence_log Primary key: table_name

Field Name Type Description

table_name varchar Table name

next_id int Next available sequence number

Table: sp_document_links Primary key: seq_net_id, label

Field Name Type Description

seq int Sequence number - linked to


net_id int Network Id number

label varchar(20) Link label

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doc_path varchar(255) Full document path

Table: standard_bar_texts Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

symbol_set int Link to symbol set

style_id int Link to symbol

text_pos tinyint Text position configuration

text_prefix varchar Prefix field or text

text_suffix varchar Suffix field or text

text_field int Text field

text_align tinyint Alignment parameter

text_bold tinyint Text Bold

text_italic tinyint Text Italic

text_underline tinyint Text Underline

text_color int Text Color

text_size int Text size

text_size_factor float Internal use

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text_font varchar Font Name

text_numb_dec int number of decinals

text_thous_sep int use thousand separator

text_date_format int text date format

text_other_format int text formatting

Table: standard_bars Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

style_id int Symbol Id

symbol_set int Symbol set

name varchar Name

include_on tinyint All/filtered/none

date_field_from smallint From date

date_field_until smallint Until date

start_symbol varchar Start symbol

main_bar smallint Bar visible, style

finish_symbol varchar End symbol

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bar_color int Color

bar_hatch int Hatch

bar_hatch_color int Hatch Color

ypos tinyint y-postion (0-100%)

bar_height tinyint Bar height (0-100%)

progress_bar tinyint Progress bar parameter

text_field smallint Not in use

text_align_vert tinyint Not in use

text_align_horz tinyint Not in use

text_relative_to tinyint Not in use

text_font varchar Not in use

text_color int Not in use

text_bold tinyint Not in use

text_italic tinyint Not in use

text_underline tinyint Not in use

text_size int Not in use

filter text Filter

draw_order int Bar/symbol draw order

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delay_units int Delay config for bars

delay_use_wpn tinyint Calendar

bar_frame_color int Bar frame color

text_size_factor float Not in use

text_prefix varchar Not in use

text_suffix varchar Not in use

line_num tinyint Bar drawn on line

necked_bar numeric(1) flag for necked bar

necked_limit numeric(8) limit for necking

bar_frame_style integer line style for bar frame

filter_name varchar(50) Filter name

filter_owner varchar(200) Filter owner

Table: standard_bars_dev Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

object_id int Object Id

net_id int Network ID

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an_seq int Activity Sequence number

start_symbol varchar Start symbol

main_bar smallint Bar visible, bar style

finish_symbol varchar End symbol

bar_color int Color

bar_hatch int Hatch

bar_hatch_color int Hatch color

ypos tinyint Y position (0-100%)

bar_height tinyint Bar height (0-100%)

progress_bar tinyint Progress bar configuration

bar_frame_color int Color of bar frame

style_id int Symbol Id

line_num smallint line, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2

symbol_set int symbol set Id

necked_bar numeric(1) flag for necked type bar

necked_limit numeric(8) limit for necking

bare_frame_style int bare frame line style

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Table: std_bars_view_config Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

style_id int Symbol Id

symbol_set int Symbol set

view_name varchar(50) View name

login_name varchar


Login name / User ID

bar_visible smallint Bar Visible flag

legend_visible smallint Legend visible flag

visible_summary smallint Not in use

visible_summary1 smallint Visible flag for summary 1

visible_summary2 smallint Visible flag for summary 2

visible_summary3 smallint Visible flag for summary 3

visible_summary4 smallint Visible flag for summary 4

visible_summary5 smallint Visible flag for summary 5

visible_summary6 smallint Visible flag for summary 6

visible_summary7 smallint Visible flag

visible_summary8 smallint Visible flag

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visible_summary9 smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag

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smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag



smallint Visible flag

bar_summary1 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed,


bar_summary2 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary3 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary4 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary5 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary6 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary7 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary8 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


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bar_summary9 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary10 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary11 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary12 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary13 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary14 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary15 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary16 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary17 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary18 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary19 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary20 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


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bar_summary21 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary22 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary23 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary24 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


bar_summary25 smallint Bar summary type flag (detailed or


net_id integer network id

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Table: sub_project Primary key: prj_project_id, prj_id

Field Name Type Description

prj_id number(9) key

prj_code varchar2(20) sub project code (id)

prj_des varchar2(25



prj_alias char(8) alternative id

prj_sflag char(1) Future use

prj_vo number(8) Future use

prj_type varchar2(10) sub project type

prj_reg date registered date

prj_ark date archived date

prj_kunde varchar2(30) customer rep.

prj_aop varchar2(30) company rep.

prj_f1 varchar2(30) user field

prj_f2 varchar2(30) user field

prj_f3 varchar2(30) user field

prj_f4 varchar2(30) user field

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prj_project_id number(9) project

prj_intern_nr char(6) Future Use

prj_f5 varchar2(30) user field

prj_f6 varchar2(30) user field

prj_f7 varchar2(30) user field

prj_f8 varchar2(30) user field

prj_f9 varchar2(30) user field

prj_f10 varchar2(25


user field

prj_f11 varchar2(50) user field

prj_f12 varchar2(50) user field

prj_f13 varchar2(50) user field

prj_f14 varchar2(50) user field

prj_f15 varchar2(50) user field

prj_f16 varchar2(50) user field

prj_utm date date

prj_wbsid number(9) wbs

prj_baseline (date) baseline rund date

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Table: subnet_access Primary key: subnet_id, login_name

Field Name Type Description

subnet_id int Subnet ID

login_name varchar (200) User Login name

access_level tinyint Avess level

log_level tinyint Log level

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Table: subnet_temp Primary key: subnet_id, login_name

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar (200) User Login name

seq_orig integer Orginal sequence

seq integer Sequence number

Table: subnets Primary key: subnet_id

Field Name Type Description

subnet_id int Subnet ID

net_id int Network ID

name varchar


Subnet name

description varchar


Subnet description

last_changed datetime Last changed date

user_id int User ID

na_flagg tinyint Flag for not avaialable

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user_name varchar


User log in name

Table: subpro_pers_selection Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

person varchar2(10) name

sign char(3) signatur

Table: swa_rap_act2 Primary key: user_id, seq, net_id

Field Name Type Description

user_id Int

seq Int

net_id Int

page Varchar(255


stack Varchar(255


group1 Varchar(255


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group2 Varchar(255


date1 DateTime

date2 DateTime

float1 Float(53)

Table: symb_inherit_draw_order Primary key: style_id, symbol_set

Field Name Type Description

style_id int ID

symbol_set int symbol set id

draw_order Int symbol draw order/priority number

Table: symbol_set Primary key: id

Field Name Type Description

id int Symbol set ID

name varchar Name

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owner varchar


Owner, user name

inherit_symbolset int id of symbol set to inherit symbols


Table: user_access Primary key: login_name, object_id, object_type

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar


User log in name

object_id int Object Id

object_type char Object type

access_level smallint Access level

Table: user_group Primary key: group_id

Field Name Type Description

group_id int User group ID

name varchar user log in name

Table: user_locking Primary key: process_id, object_type, object_id

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Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar


User log in name

object_id int Object ID

object_type char Object Type

access_level smallint Access level

process_id int Database process ID

locked_time datetime Lock applied time

window varchar Window name

Table: userfield_formulas Primary key: config_id

Field Name Type Description

config_id int User fields set id

field type varchar (2) Field Type

field_nr integer Field number

row_nr integer Rrow number in formula

condition tinyint Include (All,Where, Then where,


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expresion varchar(255) Formula

use_wpn integer Flag for use of calendar in


wpn integer Calendar

dur_fmt integer Duration format

filter_name varchar(100) Filter applied by name

filter_owner varchar(100) Owner of applied filter

filter_express varchar(2000


User defined filter expression

remarks varchar(50) Row formula remarks

Table: userfield_config Primary key: field_nr, field_type, config_id

Field Name Type Description

field_nr int Field number

field_type char (1) Field Type

select_stmnt varchar (255) Select statement

valid_stmnt varchar (255) Validation statement

label varchar(40) Field label

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newflag smallint Possible future

editflag smallint Flag for allowing direct input or


config_id int Codeset ID

Use_codeset integer link to userfield set

oc_levels integer outline levels

summary_opt tinyint summary option/defintion

summary_function tinyint function

activity_opt tinyint activity option/definition

formula varchar (255) userfield formula for computed


formula_filter long varchar


filter for computed values

display tinyint

formula_use_wpn tinyint use calendar checkmark

formula_wpn smallint selected calendar



smallint format for duration

use_field_nr int link to userfield nr

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save_to_db number(2) keep information is you need to

store calculated values to the


Table: users Primary key: login_name

Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar (200) User login name

full_name varchar user full name

Table: version Primary key: version_id

Field Name Type Description

version_id int Version ID

version_number varchar Version number

version_name varchar version name

version_date datetime version date

version_comment varchar Version comments

Table: vo_reg Primary key:

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Field Name Type Description

seq int Unique sequence number

vo_no varchar (50) Variation order number

cli_vo varchar (50) Client variation order number

revision varchar (4) Variation order revision code

description varchar



responsible varchar (16) Responsible person

issue_date datetime Issue date

ok_date datetime Approved date

baseline_id int Included in baseline

remarks varchar



vo_type char (1) Variation order type

net_id int network ID

Table: weekref Primary key: project_id, week_end

Field Name Type Description

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project_id int Project ID

week_start datetime Week start ( day of week)

week_end datetime Week end (day of week9

week_number int Week number

project_week smallint Project week number (counting

from 1)



smallint Flag for Biweekly cut off

month_cutoff_flag smallint Flag for monthly cut off



smallint Flag for progress input

status_run smallint Flag for status run

status_approved smallint Flag for status approved date



datetime Actual start date for status run

activity_history smallint Activity history flag

revision_cut tinyint Whether a revision has been set,

and type.

Table: window_defaults Primary key: login_name, net_id, window_name, field_name

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Field Name Type Description

login_name varchar (200) User log in

net_id int Network ID

window_name varchar Name of window

field_name Varchar(50) Name of field in window

value text Configuration value

Table: windows Primary key: window_id

Field Name Type Description

window_id int Window ID

name varchar Window name

help_id int Obsolete

default_access smallint Default access level

remarks text Window comments

Table: wpn_def Primary key: cal_id, wpn

Field Name Type Description

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hours float Work hours per day

description varchar



cal_id int Calendar ID

wpn int Calendar number

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Table: wpn_rest Primary key:

Field Name Type Description

cal_id int Calendar ID

wpn int Calendar number

rest_from datetime Rest from date/time

rest_until datetime Rest until date/time

day_of_week tinyint Rest day of Week (1 until 7)

rest_from_hrs smallint Rest from hours

rest_until_hrs smallint Rest until hours

seq int Unique sequence number

rest_from_min smallint Rest from minute

rest_until_min smallint Rest until minute

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The Data Model This section provides details on the various tables used by Safran Project and how these tables relate

to each other.

Throughout this section more and more complexity will be added to the structures

The Network The central part of Safran Project is the network. The network, in its simplest form, contains activities

(task) and links (constraints).

Adding Resources to the model Associated with the Activities are the resource requirements, the resources required to complete the

work. The Resource definition table defines available resource types.

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Adding Variation Orders to the model Your resource requirement may be part of your original scope of work or may, as in many instances

be associated with project Variation Orders.

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Starting from the Project View The network is always associated with, and is the essential part in a Project definition.

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Adding the Scope of Work and the week reference tables to the model The Project contains a scope of work and a quantity summary definition. Your Project is also linked to

a Week reference table that defines your weekly, bi-weekly and monthly cut-off dates for reporting

and statusing.

Adding Calendar definitions to the model For time calculation you will associate your network with a Calendar Set. Calendar sets contain an

unlimited number of Calendars, which defines working time, time-of, holidays and rest periods.

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Profile set and Resource Profiles The network may be associated with a resource profile set. The Profile set contains workload profiles

made up of interval definitions.

Resources, Resource definitions The network is also associated with a resource set, having a set of resource type definitions and


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Rate sets and rates Associated with the network is a rate set and rate records that holds your complex rate definitions.

Userfield definitions and codes. The network is connected to a set of userfield definitions, and codes belonging to those definitions.

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Field calculations/Rules You may assign activity field calculations for your Network.

Globals You may define globals and associate the global set with your network.

Sub-projects The Network may be divided into sub-projects.

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Project Groups Networks may be part of one or more project groups.

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Contract Performance data and Government Reporting The government Reporting and Contract performance module support formal contract performance

reporting such as the CRP1-5 report formats, the OMB 300 and NASA 533M formats and contains a

variance and threshold analysis feature. Status and updating.

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Status and Updating Two processes are available for updating and Statusing:


Status Update

You run an initial baseline at the beginning of your project, and thereafter when it is required to reset

your performance measurement target.

Baseline At every baseline -run, a new entry is added to the baseline log and a copy of activities and

constraints are stored. A set of plan value adjustments is saved to the Baseline_dibb table.

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Status Update Normally you will run the Status Update process once a week to track project progress and collate

actual expenditure.

At every run the week reference table is updated and progress data is copied from activities and


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Revision During a plan revision, the definition of the revision is stored in the weekref table. Plan adjustments

are stored in revision_dibb.

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Forecast During a forecast, the definition is saved in forecast_log, and calculated value are saved in


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Access Control Access to objects can be controlled at user or group level. The highest access level is accepted. Access

can be set on objects or on windows. On Objects the default is no access, Windows are by default

fully accessible. Safran Project access control is an addition to the database access control.

Users and Groups Users are registered in Safran Project and added to groups from the system administration module.

User access Two tables hold the access granted for the user and the group.

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Objects Access can be granted for Projects, Networks, Network Groups, Subnetworks, calendars, userfield

sets, profile sets, symbol sets, rule sets, rate sets and windows.

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Reports All report definitions may be saved for later use. Saved report definitions may be used in report

packages, to be run together as a batch job. You may also run reports saved by other users. Report

Definitions may be allocated to report groups, to allow selection from reports set up for a specific

project. You may include a barchart editor layout as a report in a package.

Report definition The report definition is stored in the rep_config table, and selected columns, resources and line/bars

definitions and more are stored in corresponding tables.

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Report Packages. any saved report specifications may be used in Report Package definitions. The report packages

enable you to run a series of reports in one go. In addition, you may add Barchart Editor layouts to

report packages.

Report Groups Reports may be grouped together to make selection easier, and to structure the usage of standard

report specifications per Project, Department, Team etc.

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Summarized models Finally, we will give you the Safran Project data model broken down to 6 areas. The Network, Project,

Access, The Barchart Editor layout and views, Reporting and Activity and History.

The Network model

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Barchart Editor, Layout and View

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Activities and History

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