safety management system in hydrocarbon industry copy



safety management

Transcript of safety management system in hydrocarbon industry copy

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Why Safety

To protect human life

To protect company property

To protect surrounding environment / community

To enhance corporate image

To efficiently run the business

To enhance productivity

To build up morale & team spirit

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Special Risks Associated withPetroleum Refining

Highly flammable material

High Temperature/Pressure

Modern Technologies use Hydrogen extensively

Corrosive / Reactive

Self Ignition on Leakage from System

Uncontrolled Process Reactions

Loss of Containment/Accidental Releases

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Safety Management

In the early stage of industrialization safety was managed through training and following safe procedures, compliance with rules and regulations, etc.

Next stage witnessed enhanced safety feature through technological upgradation - safe processes, safety features in built in design and prescriptive statutory rules.

Finally safety is managed through systems approach. The ‘Cullen Report’, 1990 on Piper Alpha Disaster stressed the need for formal safety management system.

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Safety Management System

An integrated approach of Management,

Leadership Commitment and Coordinated

Technical Interventions from concept to

commissioning to commercial operations

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Safety Management Systems

EPA Risk Management Programme

API RP 750 : Management of Process Hazards

CMA (Chemical Manufactures Association) Systems

CCPS Guidelines for Technical Management of Chemical

Process Safety

OSHA - Process Safety Management

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Safety Management Systems

Exxon OIMP (Operations Integrity Management Practices)

Caltex PSM (Process Safety Management)

Dupont PSM


ICI Standards

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Elements of S, H & E Management Systems ( Indian Oil)

1. S, H & E Leadership and Commitment

2. Employee Participation

3. Process safety Information

4. Risk Analysis and Management

5. Reliability of Critical System and Devices

6. Facilities Design and Construction

7. Operation and Maintenance Procedure

8. Occupational Health and Hygiene

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Elements of S, H & E Management Systems (Indian Oil) - Contd.

9. Environment Management

10. Personal safety

11. Training

12. Contractors and Business Associates

13. Work Permit System

14. Management of Change

15. Emergency Planning and Response

16. Incident Investigation and Analysis

17. Safety Audits

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1. S, H & E Leadership and Commitment

Corporate safety policy Approved by Board of Directors Periodical updation Made available to all the employees, contractors, business


Establishment of S, H & E Management Systems at all locations

Monitoring of S, H&E Performance Formation of Safety Committees

Management Safety Committee - headed by Unit Head. Meeting once in a quarter

Shop-floor Committee - 50% workmen. Meeting once in a month

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1. S, H & E Leadership and Commitment - Contd.

Promotion of S, H & E Culture Safety Award Scheme Allocation of resources to improve safety, health and environment

performance Personal Protective Equipment - Punishment for non-compliance Surprise checks Safety Promotional activities - display of poster, quiz, safety talk to

contractor workmen etc Assessment of Safety Awareness Level - once in a year

S, H & E Manual Safety Fire Occupational Health Environment Management

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2. Employee Participation

Employees shall be involved in all the elements of S,

H & E Management System

Plant Manager - Overall responsibility

Training Co-ordinator - assess training need, ensure

skill and refresher training

Supervisor - encourage for reporting of potential


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2. Employee Participation - Contd.

Scope of Employee Participation Compliance of S, H&E rules and regulations Follow safe operating practice Involvement in development and updation of operation/maintenance

procedure Inclusion in pre-startup safety review team Involvement in development of training material Imparting training to fellow workers Use of PPE Updation of emergency planning and response procedures Involvement in incident investigation Involvement in safety audit Help in controlling safety and environmental incidences

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3. Process Safety Information

Complete and accurate information about

Process Chemicals

Process Technology

Process Equipment

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3. Process Safety Information - Contd.

Process ChemicalsProcess Chemicals

Physical Properties like vapour pressure, boiling point etc

Fire & Explosion Hazards like flash point, auto-ignition

temperature, explosive limits etc.

Reactive hazards (tendency to react violently)

Health hazard (toxicity)

Corrosive properties

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3. Process Safety Information - Contd.

Process TechnologyProcess Technology

Written down process description

Process chemistry

Safe Operating limits


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3. Process Safety Information - Contd.

Process EquipmentProcess Equipment

Materials of construction

Design Specifications

Electrical classification

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4. Risk Analysis and Management

Risk Analysis - Major components

Hazard Identification

Cause-consequence Analysis

Hazard & Operability Studies (HAZOP)

Quantitative Risk Analysis

Safety Audit Studies

Individual and Societal Risk Assessment

Risk Contour Mapping

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4. Risk Analysis and Management - Contd.

Appropriate review of risk once in three years for existing plants based on Internal/external safety audits HAZOP Study Previous risk assessment Regulatory compliance Accident Investigation Reports

Risk Analysis and assessment of new projects

Utilisation of risk analysis study Compare the estimate against acceptance criteria (Govt. of

India is yet to stipulate. The Netherlands or UK criteria is used) Implement risk reduction measures based on recommendations Development of Emergency Management Plans

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5. Reliability of Critical System and Devices

Safety critical systems and devices to be identified and approved by management to: Prevent serious process accident Mitigate the results of loss of containment

Identification shall be based on: The identified system/device is the final element Consequence of failure is large

Environmental critical systems and devices Prevent release of material that would cause serious environmental impact Mitigate the environmental impact

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5. Reliability of Critical System and Devices - Contd.


Identified systems/devices are periodically tested and undergo maintenance

Procedure for testing and maintenance exists

Testing/maintenance is properly documented and analysed

Temporary deactivation/bypassing facility exists

Approval procedure for bypass/deactivation exists

System exists to communicate operation personnel/others likely to be


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6. Facilities Design and Construction

Initial hazard review for the new projects Plant layout Operating and design condition Basic specifications Operating philosophy control philosophy and redundancy Toxicity and hazard potential of the material involved Quantity of the material in process and storage requirement

Safety review by a specialised group during detailed design stage

HAZOP Study on the final P&I drawings

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6. Facilities Design and Construction - Contd.

Some of the important items for consideration: Automatic valves at key locations in the plant and utility system Automatic deluge sprinkler system in LPG storage/bottling/ pumping

facilities Water spray on hot pumps Arrangement of fire fighting for tall structures Fire protection system and arrangement for draining water used in fire

fighting Water draining facility from LPG storage and location of ROV (shall be

first from the vessel) Access and exit from plant/equipment Earthquake resistant construction Electrical installations based on area classification Gas detection system Compliance of OISD-GDN-192 (Safety Practices during Construction)

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7. Operation and Maintenance Procedure

Comprehensive operating, inspection and maintenance Manuals should be prepared and made available to the concerned personnel. Shall be updated once in a year.

Operating manual shall contain Equipment operation, normal start up and shut downs, emergency

handling procedures

Limits of operating parameters and consequence of crossing the limit

Interlocks and safe shut-down instrument functions & its special


Contains work permit system, equipment hand-over, fire

protection/fighting facilities etc.

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7. Operation and Maintenance Procedure - Contd.

Maintenance manual shall contain Procedure for carrying out preventive maintenance

Procedure for carrying out predictive maintenance

Shut-down/emergency maintenance

Job description

Interface with other functions

Details of major and critical equipment

Details of special maintenance procedures

Testing procedures

Materials specifications

Methods of documentation

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8. Occupational health and Hygiene

Objective Promote health care of the man behind the machine

Early detection of occupational disease

Identify, evaluate and control of hazard at work environment

Occupational health monitoring shall be in line with OISD-


Hazardous substances/operations classified under

Schedule-I of The Factories Act, 1948 shall be identified.

Employees working in these areas forms the target group.

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8. Occupational health and Hygiene - Contd.

Major requirements Pre-employment medical examination

Periodical medical examination - target organs

Biological monitoring

Well person screening of employees above 40 years

Thorough examination of food handlers - skin infection, chest infestation,

worm infestations

Sound level monitoring in high noise areas - once in 6 months

Checking and surveillance of First Aid boxes

Provision of safe drinking water

Proper disposal of Bio-medical waste

Auditing - once in 2 years

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9. Environment Management

Compliance of statutory requirements

Identify sources of water pollution. Reduce generation of

waste water and recycle

Identify sources of atmospheric pollution. Reduce


Adopt cleaner technology

Safe disposal of hazardous wastes

Waste water treatment - compliance with MINAS

Ambient air quality monitoring

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9. Environment Management - Contd.

Compliance of NOC/EC conditions

Documented oil spill response

Development of green belts/tree plantation

Training and awareness to all employees,

family members and local community

Establishment of Quality Management System

- continual improvement

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10. Personal Safety Provide appropriate type of Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE) for protection of Head



Respiratory system




Enforce and ensure correct use

Provide fall protection while working at height

Communicate exceptions/limitations of PPE

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11. Training

Training of new entrants

Training on operating instructions

Emergency response training

Skill of trainers

Training effectiveness

Change of assignment/retraining


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12. Contractors and Business Associates

Constitute large proportion of work-force Engaged in construction, repair and maintenance

jobs in hazardous areas Evaluation of S, H&E Performance of Contractors Trained for safe operation Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Information about potential fire, explosion and

toxic release hazards Contractors are responsible for organising their

work and maintain tools/tackles in such a manner that risk of accident is minimised.

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12. Contractors and Business Associates - Contd.

For project construction jobs, contractors to deploy full

time safety officer

Frequent safety talk to contractor labours to raise their

safety awareness

Contractors to ensure that their employees follow safety

rules of the corporation

Regular safety meeting with the contractors

Ensure that the contractors comply OISD-GDN-192

(Safety Practices during Construction)

Carry out construction safety audit

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13. Work Permit System Duly authorised written permit is a pre-requisite for

carrying out any job in hazardous premises other than by the operating personnel

Formal work permits system as per OISD-STD-105 The system operates on ‘Owner-Incharge’ concept.

Management issue appropriate authority limits - Gas Safety Inspector & Fire Permit Signatory

Permits are printed, serially numbered and colour coded

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Before issuing permit, proper isolation of equipment, gas

test, oxygen deficiency tests to be ensured.

For the jobs to be carried out by the contractors, permits

are issue to the company supervisors.

For critical jobs like dyke cutting approval from higher

level officers are required.

Ensure that after completion of the job, area is cleaned

and the permit is returned to the issuer who also signs

and keeps record for one month.

13. Work Permit System - Contd.

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14. Management of Change

Encure evaluation of potential impact, authorising and control for changes in process technology, equipment, instrumentation and procedures

Proposed changes to be reviewed by related functions/departments

Operating/maintenance personnel are to be trained on changes

Same control to be exercised for temporary as well as permanent changes. Temporary changes should not be permanent by default

Documentation and communication to all concerned

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15. Emergency Planning and Response

Dedicated Fire fighting facilities

Fire tenders/Nursers/Hydrant system/Fire

Water Storage/Pumps/Alarms etc.

Detectors for Early Warning

Well trained fire crew round the clock

Mock drill every month

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15. Emergency Planning and Response - Contd.

Regular running of equipment & tests on facilities Emergency Management Plans

- on site

- off site On site drills once in 6 months Off site drill with Dist. Administration once in a year Mutual aid Agreements with Neighbouring

industries/District Fire Services. Updation of plans - once in 3 years

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16. Incident Investigation and Analysis

Incident reporting

To ascertain cause, recommend remedial measures

to prevent recurrence and document lessons learnt

Investigation by multi disciplinary team

Implementation of recommendations

Near-miss situations

Case studies for in-house training programmes

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17. Safety Audit

To check and affirm System Effectiveness

To be carried out on structured check list by Multi

Disciplinary Teams

Internal Audit - Every Year

External Audit (once in 2/3 years) & Surprise Audit (once

in a year) by OISD

Pre-commissioning safety audit - internal and OISD

Implementation of recommendations

Review - Unit Head/Divisional Director/Board of Directors

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Statutory Compliance

Though not an element of IOC S, H & E Management System,

compliance of following rules are mandatory: The Factories Act, 1987 The Petroleum Rules, 1976 The Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981 The SMPV (U) Amendment Rules, 1999 The Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals

(MSIHC) Rules, 2000 The EP Act, 1986

and other relevant rules like Indian Electricity Act, Boiler Regulations, Central Motor Vehicle Rules etc. to be followed.

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Rating Systems

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International Safety Rating Systems (ISRS)

5 Star Audit - British Safety Council, UK

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Developed by DNV in 1978

20 elements

126 sub elements

650 requirements

10 levels

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ISRS Elements Leadership and administration

Leadership training

Planned inspections and maintenance

Critical task analysis and procedures

Accident/incident investigation

Task Observation

Emergency preparedness

Rules and work permits

Accident/incident analysis

Knowledge and skill training

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ISRS Elements Personal Protective Equipment

Health & Hygiene control

System evaluation

Engineering and change management

Personal communications

Group communications

General promotion

Hiring and placement

Materials and services management

Off-the-job safety

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5 - Star Audit

• Assesses management and staff practices

• Measures safety performance

• Recommends courses of action

• Encourages continuous improvement

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• Detailed examination of the premises

• Identifying all areas of potential risk and loss

• Courses of action suggested to prevent accidents and injuries

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82 key elements are examined in 5 major areas


• Safety Organisation 1510• Management Control Systems 1315• Fire Control Systems 830• Measurement & Control Systems 475• Work Place Implementation 470

TOTAL 4600

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Five Star Grading System

92% - 100% Excellent

85% - 91.9% Very Good

75% - 84.9%

Good60% - 74.9% Average

50% - 59.9% Below Average

Very Low Risk

Low Risk

Acceptable Risk

Unacceptable Risk

Remedial Action Required

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The Sword of Honour

Organisations who achieve a five star grading from their Five Star Audit are invited to apply for the Sword of Honour. Approximately 200 organisations apply for the award and the best 40 are given ‘Sword of Honour’.

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