Safety and Security SETA Annual Report 2013/14 Portfolio Committee on Higher Education Portfolio...

Safety and Security SETA Safety and Security SETA Annual Report 2013/14 Annual Report 2013/14 Portfolio Committee on Portfolio Committee on Higher Education Higher Education 19 November 2014 19 November 2014 Portfolio Committee 2014 SASSETA - your partner in skills development

Transcript of Safety and Security SETA Annual Report 2013/14 Portfolio Committee on Higher Education Portfolio...

Page 1: Safety and Security SETA Annual Report 2013/14 Portfolio Committee on Higher Education Portfolio Committee on Higher Education 19 November 2014 Portfolio.

Safety and Security SETASafety and Security SETA Annual Report 2013/14Annual Report 2013/14

Portfolio Committee on Higher Portfolio Committee on Higher EducationEducation

19 November 201419 November 2014

Portfolio Committee 2014

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• The 2013/14 Financial Year was a year of mixed results for SASSETA

• The year started with two prior qualifications in the following areas:

• Annual Financial Statements– Discretionary Grants– Payables – Commitments– Admin expenditure


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• Supply Chain Management– Orders procured without sourcing the required

number of quotes– Procurements awarded to suppliers who did not

posses valid tax clearance certificates– Incorrect application of the preference point

system in the competitive biddings processes– Tenders not advertised for a period of at least 21



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• AOPO– Presentation– Consistency– Measurability of the targets/indicators

(SMART principles) – Indicators not verifiable– Achievements not verifiable/supported

Next is a summary of the comparison of the audit over the past two years to 2013/14


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Component 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14

Annual Financial Statements

Qualified• Discretionary Grants;• Payables; and• Commitments

Qualified• Discretionary Grants;• Payables; • Commitments; and• Admin Expenditure


Performance Information: Smart Criteria

Disclaimer• Presentation;• Consistency; and• Measurability (3)• Indicators not Verifiable

Qualified• Presentation;• Consistency; and• Measurability (3)


Performance Information: Reliability of Information

Disclaimer• Accuracy; and•Achievements not verifiable

Disclaimer •Achievements not verifiable


Comparisons / 3 years

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• Organisational environment─ The organisation environment lacked stability─ Several key posts at management level were vacant ─ There were a number of resignations and dismissals─ A number of investigations were also carried out

resulting in disciplinary processes


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• Service delivery environmentWhile the organisation was faced with these

challenges, a number of measures were undertaken to stabilise the environment:– Filling in of vacant positions, in particular the Chief

Financial Officer, Corporate Services, Supply Chain and IT

– Development of a turnaround strategy– An action plan to address audit findings


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• Service delivery environment (continued)

– Appointment of an Internal Audit – Development and implementation of the catch-up

plan to improve on SLA targets


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These resulted in mixed results:─ The audit outcome was positive – unqualified audit─ While improvements were noted in achieving the SLA

and APP targets, some targets were not achieved─ The unqualified audit had some findings which are

being addressed─ Improved delivery on placements and bursaries were



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Please follow presentation from page 24 of the Annual


Portfolio Committee 2014

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3.1 Programme: Skills planning, research and reporting

Purpose of the programme:

To develop a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning to provide reliable information on supply and demand for skills in the Safety and Security sector.

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.1.1 Established a credible institutional mechanism for skills planningA well-researched and updated SSP approved by DHET and other relevant stakeholders

SSP compiled and accepted by all stakeholders and approved by DHET

SSP compiled submitted and approved

None Achieved

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Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.1.2 Established partnerships with universities for labour market research Number of partnerships entered into with Universities for labour market research

Signing of MOUs with Universities

2 MOUs have been entered into with Universities

2 Achieved

Number of commissioned research projects for impact analyses of the learning interventions

2 research impact analyses for NDSD II and III for interventions

2 research impact analyses conducted with University of Zululand

Studies have not yet been completed

Impact studies were conducted but not yet approved by the Board. The universities needed to verify information.

2 Research impact analyses being conducted for Court Interpreters and General Security Officer skills training projects.

3.1 Programme: Skills planning, research and reporting

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Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.1.3 Increase number of employers accessing the mandatory grantsIncrease of Mandatory Grants claimed

1060 (1%)

944 -116 Not Achieved.

The reduction of Mandatory Grants from 50% to 20% impacted negatively on the willingness of employers to submit the WSPs and ATRs. SASSETA will embark on Road Shows to encourage submission

Number of SDFs trained

500 552 +52 Over achieved. There was a lot of interest shown, more than anticipated

3.1 Programme: Skills planning, research and reporting

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7.1.4 Build Capacity within government departments for skills planning and submission of WSPs and ATRs

Number of HRD units capacitated in sector skills plan and submission of WSPs and ATRs

5 5 None Achieved

3.1 Programme: Skills planning, research and reporting

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

Purpose of programme:

Facilitation of the delivery of quality Learning Programmes, especially targeting the scarce and critical skills within the sector.

Identification of skills development provision challenges and addresses to ensure improved access to quality and relevant education and training in the sector including rural areas.

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Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.1 Partnership agreements with universities and public FET Colleges in place by 2015/16 for implementation of SASSETA learning programmes

No. of partnership agreements in place with Universities

3 MoUs with Universities in place

2 -1 Not Achieved 2 Partnerships were entered into with Universities. There were challenges with identifying specific deliverables within timelines. We have approached more public to meet this target and address the Ministerial objectives

No. of partnership agreements in place with Public FET Colleges

3 MoUs with FETs in place

3 MoUs signed

None Achieved

3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

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Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.2 Approval of Universities and FET colleges to offer learning programmes within scope of SASSETA

No. of Universities approved to offer SASSETA learning programmes

2 Universities approved to offer SASSETA learning programmes

- -2 Not Achieved

Capacity issues in ETQA and challenges of engaging institutions make it difficult to reach this target. However, in addressing the capacity the ETQA HOD has been appointed and target will be addressed.

3 Public FETs approved to offer SASSETA learning programmes

- -3 Not Achieved

Capacity issues in ETQA and challenges of engaging institutions make it difficult to reach this target. However, in addressing the capacity the ETQA HOD has been appointed and target will be addressed.

3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.3 Provide Learnerships and Skills Programmes for both employed and unemployed learners focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16

No. of employed learners entering learnerships

1500 1789 +289 Over Achieved

Target was overachieved due to improved partnerships with employers and increased participation

No. of employed learners completing learnerships

750 271 -479 Not achieved.

Target affected by late implementation of projects caused by project advertised late and evaluation process taking longer. This process has now been corrected and streamlined accordingly.

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.3 Provide Learnerships and Skills Programmes for both employed and unemployed learners focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16

No. of employed learners entering skills programmes

4000 2996 -1004 Not achieved.

The initial target was 1090, however the target was increased by DHET by 2920 which makes the target 4000. DHET increased SLA targets based on anticipated increment of Levy payment from 10% to 20% by Employers which was never effected due to revised decision by Cabinet.

No. of employed learners completing skills programmes

2000 990 -1010 Not achieved.

The initial target was 864, however the target was increased by DHET with 1136, which makes the target 2000. DHET increased SLA targets based on anticipated increment of Levy payment from 10% to 20% by Employers which was never effected due to revised decision by Cabinet.

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

No. of unemployed learners entering learnerships

2500 2422 -78 Not achieved.

The initial target was 1200, however the target was increased by DHET with 1300, which makes the target 2500. DHET increased SLA targets based on anticipated increment of Levy payment from 10% to 20% by Employers which was never effected due to revised decision by Cabinet.

No. of unemployed learners completing learnerships

1250 1576 +326 Over Achieved

Projects were implemented late but the execution phase was managed well leading to achieving of the target .

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.3 Provide Learnerships and Skills Programmes for both employed and unemployed learners focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

No. of unemployed learners entering skills programmes

1500 1559 +59 Achieved

Projects were implemented late but the execution phase was managed well leading to over achieving of the target

No. of unemployed learners completing skills programmes

750 974 +224 Over achieved

Projects were implemented late but the execution phase was managed well leading to achieving of the target

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.3 Provide Learnerships and Skills Programmes for both employed and unemployed learners focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.4 Artisans trained and qualified through different learning routes, learnerships, apprenticeships, RPL and NCV (3442)

No. of artisan workers entering through RPL, Learnerships

165 - -165 Not achieved

The completion of artisan was delayed by the legal dispute between Service provider and MERSETA which led to suspension of accreditation. Management has intensified the process of working with FET colleges.

No. of artisans workers completing and successfully completing throughRPL, Learnerships

85 - -85 Not achieved

The completion of artisan was delayed by the legal dispute between Service provider and MERSETA which led to suspension of accreditation. Management has intensified the process of working with FET colleges.

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

No. of unemployed artisans entering through: Learnerships, RPL Apprenticeships NCV

165 432 +267 Over achieved

As a result of changes to the Skills Accord target we were required to increase our intake of artisans

No. of unemployed artisans successfully completing through Learnerships RPL Apprenticeships, NCV

85 - -85 Not achieved

The completion of artisan was delayed by the legal dispute between Service provider and MERSETA which led to suspension of accreditation. Management has intensified the process of working with FET colleges.

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.4 Artisans trained and qualified through different learning routes, learnerships, apprenticeships, RPL and NCV (3442)

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.5 Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16No. of Learners entering WIL:FET

1000 FET: 703 -297 Not achieved This was the first experience and actually implementation was delayed by the planning process which was necessary to make sure this long term intervention went well.

No. of learners entering WIL: Universities

350 - -350 Not achieved This was the first experience and actually implementation was delayed by the planning process which was necessary to make sure this long term intervention went well.

No. of learners successfully completing WIL: FET

500 - -500 Not achievedLearners will complete during 2014/15

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

No. of learners successfully completing WIL: Universities

175 - -500 Not achievedLearners will be completing during 2014/15

No. of learners enrolled for internships programmes

150 177 +27 Over-achievedDue to the implementation of the catch up plan

No. of learners enrolled for workplace experiential learning programmes

150 703 +553 Over-achievedDue to the implementation of the catch up plan

No of learners completing internship programmes

75 37 -38 Not AchievedThis was the first experience and implementation was delayed by the planning process which was necessary to make long sure long term intervention went well.

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.5 Provide Workplace Integrated learning, Internships and workplace experience to youth focussing on scarce and critical skills by 2015/16

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

Indicator Target Actual VarianceComments

7.2.6 Provide Adult Language and Numeracy skills to employed and unemployed learners to enable additional training

No. of learners enrolled in AET programmes

50 26 -24 No achieved

The project for the Department of Justice was not implemented. The number of learners approved was 50

No. of learners successfully complementing AET programmes

25 - -25 Not achieved

No learners were certificated. Programmes still ongoing.

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring (cont.)

Indicator Target Actual VarianceComments

7.2.7 Provide Adult Language and Numeracy skills to employed and unemployed learners to enable additional training

No. of learners in rural areas reached

15000 career guides to learners in rural areas

10304 -4696 Not achieved

The target could not be met as a result of poor attendance of learners. Furthermore SASSETA was unable to roll-out exhibitions due to cost cutting measures.

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.8 Support training needs for Trade Unions, NGOs, CBOs, NLPE, SMME and Cooperatives

No of Trade Unions 4 - -4 Not achieved

The Discretionary Grant rate offered is set to be reviewed as providers find it unattractive

NGOs 4 4 None Achieved

Various NGOs were supported and going forward we are intending to expand support especially in rural areas

CBOs 1 1 None Achieved

The strategy is to expand into the rural areas and in people living with disabilities

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3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

Indicator Target Actual VarianceComments

7.2.8 Support training needs for Trade Unions, NGOs, CBOs, NLPE, SMME and Cooperatives

NLPEs 4 2 -2 Achieved

The strategy is to expand into the rural areas and in people living with disabilities

SMMEs 600 496 -104 Achieved

The strategy is to expand into the rural areas and in people living with disabilities

Cooperatives supported 2 2 None Achieved

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Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.9 Reviewed, aligned and registered QCTO qualification in place by 2015/16 in partnership with employers

No. of qualifications registered with QCTO.

4 qualifications

registered with QCTO

- -4 Not achieved

The process of finalising qualifications proved to be a challenge.

3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

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Indicator Target Actual VarianceComments

7.2.10 Bursary awarded to learners for study on NQF Level 6 and above addressing scarce and critical skills shortages

No of employed learners awarded bursaries entered.

100 60 -40 Not achieved

The target for bursaries was not achieved due to slow learner participation. Some learners only registered after they received the bursary awards

No. of employed learners successfully completing bursaries

50 - -50 Learners still studying

3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

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Indicator Target Actual VarianceComments

7.2.10 Bursary awarded to learners for study on NQF Level 6 and above addressing scarce and critical skills shortages

No. of unemployed learners entering bursaries

250 148 -102 Not achieved

The target for bursaries was not achieved due to slow learner participation. Some learners only registered after they received the bursary awards

No. of unemployed learners successfully completing bursaries

25 - -25 Learners still studying

3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

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Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.11 Flagship programmes incorporating management of HIV/AIDS implemented, targeting learners with disabilities from rural areas, women and youth

No. of learners registered in flagship programmes

210 210 None Achieved

The strategy is to expand into the rural areas to people living with disabilities

No. of learners successfully complementing flagship programmes

105 29 -79 Not achievedProjects still ongoing

No of learners placed as a result of the interventions, 50% of learners being placed

105 - -105 Not achievedPlacement affected by several factors including PSIRA registration, willingness of employers and learners obtaining jobs elsewhere

3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

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Indicator Target Actual Variance Comments

7.2.12 Monitored and evaluated discretionary grants projects

Quarterly reports generated for all projects

Quarterly reports generated for all projects

4 Quarterly Monitoring Reports

- Achieved

3.2 Programme: Skills implementation and Monitoring

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Component 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14

Annual Financial Statements

Qualified• Discretionary Grants;• Payables; and• Commitments

Qualified• Discretionary Grants;• Payables; • Commitments; and• Admin Expenditure


Performance Information: Smart Criteria

Disclaimer• Presentation;• Consistency; and• Measurability (3)• Indicators not Verifiable

Qualified• Presentation;• Consistency; and• Measurability (3)


Performance Information: Reliability of Information

Disclaimer• Accuracy; and•Achievements not verifiable

Disclaimer •Achievements not verifiable


Comparisons / 3 years

Page 36: Safety and Security SETA Annual Report 2013/14 Portfolio Committee on Higher Education Portfolio Committee on Higher Education 19 November 2014 Portfolio.

Auditor’s report by the office of the

Auditor General of South Africa

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Auditor’s report is contained on pages 53 to 55

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“In my opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of SASSETA as at 31 March 2014, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the SA Standards of GRAP and the requirements of the PFMA and SDA.”

Audit Report – Compliance

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Audit Report – Compliance (cont.)

(1) Annual financial statements• The financial statements submitted for auditing were

not prepared in accordance with the prescribed financial reporting framework (GRAP) as required by section 55(1)(a) and (b) of the PFMA.

• Material misstatements of the following were identified and corrected: provisions, payables and commitments

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(2) Internal Audit• Internal audit did not evaluate the effectiveness and

efficiency of controls and did not make recommendations for its enhancement and improvement, as required by treasury regulation 27.2.10.

• The previous Internal Auditors were released and due to the procurement process replaced late in the year resulting in execution of the work also commencing late.

Audit Report – Compliance (cont.)

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(3) Procurement• A construction contract was awarded to contractors

that did not qualify for the contract in accordance with CIDB regulation 17 (Appointment of a supplier not meeting the grading requirements).

Audit Report – Compliance (cont.)

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The above non-compliances are attributable to the following Internal Control Deficiencies:1.Leadership: Lack of stability in the leadership

2.Financial & Performance Management: Lack of adequate reviews throughout the year

3.Governance : Internal Audit not functional during the year under review

Audit Report – Compliance (cont.)

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Annual Financial Statements for the year ended

31 March 2014

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Revenue categories, pg 65 of the AR

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Expenses categories , pg 65 of the AR

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2013/14 2012/13

Total Revenue

Total Expenditure


Net surplus , pg 65 of the AR

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Discretionary reserves , pg 67 of the AR

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PPE R3 423, 1%

Intangible Assets R0, 0%

Trade & Other Receivables R8 002, 3%

Inventory R842, 0%

Cash and Cash Equivalents

R275 139 , 96%

TOTAL ASSETS (R'000):R287 406

Total assets, pg 66 of the AR

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Total liabilities , pg 66 of the AR

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Current assets vs. liabilities

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In 2014/15 and in the medium term we will strive for the following:

Improved WIL placement Opening offices in TVET’s across the countryCommitting to artisan development in the Decade of Artisans Conducting impact assessments so we can measure our impact


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In 2014/15 and in the medium term we will strive for the following:

This will also assist us in the review of the programmes and their relevance Stakeholder relationships remain our primary focus Partnerships are the key driver in all we do and are the bricks and mortar of our organisation


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The organisation, albeit stable, still faces some challenges. The turnaround strategy will address some of the challenges:

Systems for HR and SCM Discretionary grants Improving monitoring and evaluation Increasing research capacity Improving the ICT Governance and environment

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SASSETA 2013/14Annual Report

Thank you

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Portfolio Committee 2014