Safeguarding children in a digital world Embedding an e-safety culture.

Safeguarding children in a digital world Embedding an e-safety culture

Transcript of Safeguarding children in a digital world Embedding an e-safety culture.

Page 1: Safeguarding children in a digital world Embedding an e-safety culture.

Safeguarding children in a digital world Embedding an e-safety culture

Page 2: Safeguarding children in a digital world Embedding an e-safety culture.

This presentation covers:

•e-Safety – what is it?•Risky behaviours – what are they?•The LSCB e-safety approach•Progress so far•Best practice and ongoing challenges!

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What is e-Safety?

•Part of ECM – Staying Safe•Positive behaviours when using new technologies•Day in the life of a child or young person as they access the internet•Recognising the benefits• Identifying the risks

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What is e-Safety?

•Managing the risks•Equipping children & young people with the knowledge and empowerment to keep themselves safe•Equipping all those involved with a duty of care with the knowledge and empowerment to keep themselves AND children & young people safe

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Norton Online Family Report (Jun 10)

17% children have internet access via their mobile phone

23% children access internet outside of the home

On average 62% children worldwide have had a negative online experience

71% would report something suspicious or inappropriate

Statistics . . . .

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“Children and young people need to be empowered to keep themselves safe – this isn’t just about a top-down approach. Children will be children – pushing boundaries and taking risks. At a public swimming pool we have gates, put up signs, have lifeguards and shallow ends, but we also teach children how to swim.”

Dr Tanya Byron

Safer children in a digital world:

The report of the Byron Review

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The national backdrop.........

• Formation of LSCBs in 2006•Byron review commissioned by PM in 2007•UKCCIS formed in 2008

–Summit Dec 2009 – bringing partners together–Strategy & internet safety code Feb 2010

•Ofsted framework and inspections•Pressure for more national direction and focus – Common Core, Working Together consultations

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Behaviours and the risk factors

•Not realising how vital it is to keep personal information private – privacy settings and passwords•Not understanding that a friend online may not be who they say they are•Not appreciating the consequences of their behaviours – leaving a digital footprint

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What risks should we be guarding against?

Content (child as recipient)


• Adverts• Spam• Sponsorship• Personal info


• Violent / hateful content


• Pornographic or unwelcome sexual content


• Bias• Racist• Misleading info or advice

Table developed by the EUKids Online project as and referenced in paragraph 1.3 of the Byron Review.

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What risks should we be guarding against?

Contact (child as participant)


• Tracking• Harvesting personal info


• Being bullied, harassed or stalked


• Meeting strangers• Being groomed


• Self harm• Unwelcome persuasions

Table developed by the EUKids Online project as and referenced in paragraph 1.3 of the Byron Review.

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What risks should we be guarding against?

Conduct (child as actor)


• Illegal downloading• Hacking• Gambling• Financial scams• Terrorism


• Bullying or harassing another


• Creating and uploading inappropriate material


• Providing misleading info or advice

Table developed by the EUKids Online project as and referenced in paragraph 1.3 of the Byron Review.

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Behaviours and the risk factors

•Not being respectful online – cyberbullying •Sexualisation – a groomer’s paradise?•Normalising extreme behaviours – eating disorders, violence, terrorism, extremism•Professionals and practitioners having children in their care as friends on social networking sites

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A model for managing e-safety risks

•Policies, processes, practices• Infrastructure and technology•Education and training•Standards and inspection

•Appoint an e-safety lead & sub-group•Create an e-safety strategy•Conduct an audit•Establish an action plan•Make it happen!!•Report progress and celebrate!

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Becta and the LSCB e-Safety Leads

• ‘Toolkit’ (Safeguarding Children in a Digital World) created by LSCBs in 2007 and launched February 2008• LSCBs challenged early in 2008 by ADCS, Becta and CEOP to create a network of e-Safety Leads•National and regional events during 2008 to inform Leads and their e-safety sub-groups•Ongoing 1:1 support in 2009 and 2010, regional and peer support in some regions

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What progress have the LSCB e-Safety Leads made?

•Response to ADCS e-safety survey:2007-08 29%

2008-09 61%

2009-10 75%

• 80% of LSCBs/Local Authorities attended Becta Safeguarding Conference in Feb 2010• 75% of LSCBs have an e-safety strategy & plan

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What does LSCB e-safety best practice look like?

•Board champion as e-safety lead•Board endorsement and support of e-safety agenda•Strategic sub-group made up of key cross-agency partners owning strategy and action plan•Approval by Board and inclusion in overall LSCB business plan (key indicator for Becta targets and on target at 75% for 2009/10)

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What does LSCB e-safety best practice look like?•Sub-group works at operational level to develop details of action plan and to make it happen!•Prioritisation – small (keen) subsets if required!•Youth involvement – SO IMPORTANT!•Short term milestones, visible outputs•Knowledge of local e-safety issues•Effective partnership between lead and education/ICT e-safety representative

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What are the key challenges?

• Lots of ‘operational’ activity in some LSCBs, but a lack of strategy, and consequentially a lack of Board support and sustainability• Lack of resources (people, time, money) for LSCBs generally•Where to start, so much to do! How about having an action plan, a method of prioritisation, and a way of reporting progress?

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What are the key challenges?

•Maintaining an effective sub-group – how to move from a ‘talking shop’ to all members taking positive actions away from meetings - and doing them!•Great progress within schools but not much else happening across other agencies?•Hard to benchmark, set targets & measure performance•Remembering to celebrate progress!

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What help can LSCB e-Safety Leads give to each other – and Becta?•Actively join in forums•Use resources and give feedback•Create resources and share them•Help each other, locally and regionally•When something works, share it!•Keep e-safety on the LSCB agenda•Keep me in the loop and ask for help if needed!

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Contact…Sue Pickering, e-Safety Consultant

Mobile: 07988 904602 Email: [email protected]

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