Safe community....Dr. M M Bagali, PhD in Safety Promotion and Post Doctoral in Safe Community



Safe community....Dr. M M Bagali, PhD in Safety Promotion and Post Doctoral in Safe Community

Transcript of Safe community....Dr. M M Bagali, PhD in Safety Promotion and Post Doctoral in Safe Community

Page 1: Safe community....Dr. M M Bagali, PhD in Safety Promotion and Post Doctoral in Safe Community
Page 2: Safe community....Dr. M M Bagali, PhD in Safety Promotion and Post Doctoral in Safe Community

safe community initiatives

Oral Research paper Presentation


& INJURY OF DISABLED Victims: Research Results for Establishing Safe

Community Interventions

Dr M M Bagali, PhD,

PhD in Safety Area,

Professor and Researcher,

Management, Accident Prevention & Social Security area,

Head, Research in Management,

JAIN University,

#319, 17th cross, 25th main,

JP nagar, 6th phase, Bangalore 560 078. India

[email protected]


Accident prevention and Safety Promotion is important for safe community. If all

have to leave happy life, than Safe community should be established.

Professionalization of Industrial Social Work role is immense in such situation.



issues of Social Welfare. The intervention was done at 3 stages: (a) knowing how

they felt immediate after the incidence (post-responses), (b) after few days of

hospitalization (in hospital), and (c) presently after the incidence, i.e. after long

span of time and before joining back to work.

A population of more than 60 employees (Major Disabled Victims) from five

industries involving all the MDI was the focus group. MDI, major disabling injury,

cause much after math difficulties & lead to lot of adjustmental problems for the

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worker(s) at work place, and family living, thus, MDI was of crucial in studying. It

was also felt the need for Professionalization of Industrial Social Work: An Arena

to practice, and how it has to be undertaken.

The results with corresponding value showed a high level of significant relation

between accident, resultant injury and post- trauma psychosocial burden

undergone. Infact, there was high level of significant co-relation between injury,

burden and difficulties undergone, especially for those families with lack of

better economic standing. Psychological disturbance was experienced much

during hospitalization & at home, with high symptoms of irritability, depression,

nightmare, worry and anxiety provoking behaviors. Infact, on sociological area,

there was lot of disturbance in family social relation, daily activity, high level of

helplessness & more dependency.

Since, accident, injury & after-math burden faced is always damaging to the

person (victim), family members and dear ones, there is a greater need for

proper psychosocial rehabilitation program, than financial payments. The pains

experienced are more than any payments done to heal the suffering and cant be

substituted by any monetary support. The role of a separate person, especially, a

person from the background of Rehabilitation is looked for. And, PISW….

Professionalisation of Industrial Social Work role is immense & timely in such

situation, because by virtue of training in psychosocial area by PISW,

psychosocial welfare of affected ones & their families can be taken care off to

greater extent. The research strongly supports the importance of Psychosocial

help rather than financial help in building a healthy winning workplace, thus,

creating an organization to work with. The paper places high standards on the

role that PISW would be rendering for greater Social Welfare of the disabled

victim. If the situation is similar at other Asian- Pacific countries, then the

present paper will be of great help for discussion and finding concrete solutions.

A movement in this direction throughout ASIA will be an apt step by all SOCIAL

WORKERS in joining hands and relieving the sufferings of the disabled working

class and Post trauma Management.

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Curriculum vitae

Dr. M M Bagali, PhD in Safety Promotion and Post Doctoral in Safe Community, is

Full Professor and Researcher, Management, Accident Prevention & Social

Security area, Head, Research in Management, JAIN University, India. Several

empirical papers published in Safety promotion. He has global certification from

Safe Community Society and trained in Accident prevention and safety promotion

areas. He guides PHD level work in the area of Safety promotion and Safe

community interventions. Is actively engaged in Post-doctoral projects

sponsored by Ministry of HRD, Government of India, in safety & accident

prevention. Published number of papers in injury prevention area, presented

papers in Conferences and workshop.

Is active member, Safe Community movement in India, and campaigning for safe
