Safal News 2014


Transcript of Safal News 2014


NEWS ISSUE 7, 2014

Safal News is published by Meropa Communications on behalf of the Safal Group.If you wish to reproduce any part of this publication, please email [email protected].

Safal News is also available electronically at

ContentsIntroduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Getting closer to our customers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Focus on manufacturing and operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Leading the way in roofing solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Valuing our people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Taking responsible corporate citizenship to heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Embracing sustainability for a better tomorrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54



To be Africa’s premier provider of roofing and building solutions.


To provide quality roofing solutions through innovation and best practises, therebymaximising value for all stakeholders.


Safal will strive for the highest standards of ethics, safety, compliance and quality.

Safal will be fair and caring towards employees, customers, shareholders,community, other stakeholders, and the environment.


The largest steel roofingcompany in AfricaThe Safal Group is founded on theproduction and marketing of steelroofing in Eastern and SouthernAfrica. The combined outputs of36 operations in 11 countries inAfrica make it the continent’s largeststeel roof sheeting producer.

Brands that are known andtrusted by millionsThe Safal Group owns many ofAfrica’s most loved and trustedsteel roofing brands. This translatesinto value creation and market share,which is a cornerstone of theGroup’s long term strategy.

Innovation brings world-class products to AfricaThe Safal Group has brought theworld’s most advanced metal coatingtechnology to Africa. To retain itsmarket advantage, the Safal Group isreverse integrated, owning four steel-coating mills which are strategicallysituated in Kenya, Tanzania, Ugandaand South Africa, to provide itsroofing operations with world-classinput coil.

The Safal Group at a glance

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This has been a year of consolidationof our core business lines. We havesought to increase market share byintroducing existing products intonew regions, and offering greatervalue to our consumers withsuperior quality and greater choices inboth the profiles and colour optionson offer.

We have invested further in ourpeople by training at all levels.Through our employees, we striveto create an atmosphere ofbelonging and continuity, and toempower them with skills tosucceed as professionals and asindividuals.

Our metal-coated steel coil, Zincal,has been transformed into thepopular Dumuzas and Simba Dumubrands, offering customers excellentvalue with roofing sheets that lastsubstantially longer than conventionalgalvanised roofing.

We have increased sales of ourcolour-coated roofing sheets usingColorplus pre-painted steel with itslong lasting paint finish, and we haveexpanded manufacturing of ourpopular Versatile, Maxcover andTrimflute roofing sheets used in bothresidential housing, and the fastgrowing commercial and industrialsectors.

We owe our success to ouremployees and our customers,without whom there would be nobusiness. We thank all of you foryour dedication and support. Weare leading the way forward for agreat 2015.

Sarit Shah


2014: The year in reviewAfrica leads the world for growth in 2014 and despite continuing political challenges inthe region, the Safal Group continues to increase its marketing and sales drive to reachout to more and more consumers with new product offerings, and by increasing itsdistribution network.

This has been a year of consolidation ofour core business lines. We have soughtto increase market share by introducingexisting products into new regions, andoffering greater value to our consumerswith superior quality and greaterchoices in both the profiles and colouroptions on offer.


Sarit Shah, Executive Director,Safal Group.

Logistical arrangements for theconference were efficiently handled bySafal Steel in their home city. Theconference was attended by 31representatives from eight countries,with the welcome additionalattendance of Nikunj Shah fromSafintra India, and Paras Shah ofRolled Steel Products in Nigeria.

Sarit Shah, Safal Group ExecutiveDirector, chaired the businesssessions which covered a wide rangeof marketing matters, including areview of group products andbranding alignment.

The Group is investing in increasingits technical expertise to stronglydifferentiate itself from commoditymanufacturers.

New product introductions were alsoa key theme of the event. The Group

is actively expanding its basket ofgoods to offer a ‘total roofingsolution’.

The conference was the platform toformally launch various new Groupbrands including Fixtite Fasteners andCleardek multiwall polycarbonateproducts, and to showcase the rangeof S-5 clamps for all above-roofattachments.

Delegates also had a preview of there-engineered Saflok 700 clip whichwill dramatically enhance theperformance of its premier concealedfix product.

The balmy Durban weather and ahighly productive workingprogramme, were the recipe for a verysuccessful event.

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The Safal Group marketingconference: Fostering teamwork andsynergies across all operationsThe Safal Group marketing conference, held in Durban, South Africa, from 9-10 May 2014,provided delegates with an opportunity to exchange marketing information, share bestpractises, and to learn about technical developments and innovations.

Sarit Shah, Safal Group ExecutiveDirector, chaired the business sessionswhich covered a wide range ofmarketing matters, including a review ofgroup products and branding alignment.


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getting closer to our customers

Sarah Akinyi (pictured left), aCustomer Service Assistant, says thatnew systems and arrangements withregards to flexi-time ensure thatcustomers receive undivided attentionwhenever they visit the company.When the rest of the staff leave forhome at 16h30, the sales officeremains open until the last customerhas left the premises.

There is always a team available toanswer calls and release trucks still onthe premises. Flexi-time has greatlyimproved the customer deskemployees’ work environment, as wellas the staff’s balance between workand their private lives. Sarah says thatshe now spends more time speaking

to customers, clarifying orders andresolving queries, as opposed tochasing production and despatch.

“Our sales planner ensures that wehave feedback for our customers atany time, and that our lead times areachieved,” she says.

“I am in control of my time lines withmy customer so that when they cometo pick up their material, no time iswasted. By the time they arrive, theirmaterial is already in the correctstorage location ready for loading. Itmakes my job a pleasure,” Sarahconcluded.

Customer service at its peak atMabati Rolling MillsPeak standards of customer service are the norm at Mabati Rolling Mills in Kenya where theneeds of clients always take precedence.

Uganda Baati has created an exciting programme toenable the company to get closer to both existing andpotential customers and distributors.

Uganda Baati hosted customer events in Tororo andArua to enhance Uganda Baati’s corporate image, andstrengthen good customer relations. Technical seminarswere also held in Rwanda and Bukavu to achieve a

better understanding of the needs of customers, and tointeract with distributors in these areas.

The turnout and participation at these events attested tothe success of the initiative, believed to be an industryfirst in Uganda.

Uganda Baati strengthens goodcustomer relations


Malawian President visits SafintraMalawi at 2014 International Trade FairThe President of Malawi, His Excellency, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, visited theSafintra Malawi exhibition at the country’s 26th International Trade Fair.

The International Trade Fair is hostedon an annual basis by the MalawiConfederation of Chambers ofCommerce & Industry and theMinistry of Commerce, Trade andIndustry. The fair offers a platform forlocal and foreign companies to exhibittheir products.

It also provides companies anopportunity to interact with existingand prospective customers andexplore new avenues for business.Companies and organisations get thechance to interact with each otherand share experiences on how bestthey can promote bilateral tradingrelationships.

The 10-day fair held at the trade fairgrounds in Blantyre, Malawi, wasopened on 20 June 2014 byPresident Mutharika.

President Arthur Peter Mutharika visitingthe Safintra Malawi exhibition at the26th International Trade Fair in Blantyre.With him are Mr. Lackson Mchawa(Safintra’s Senior Sales Officer),Mr. Bharat Savjani (Director SafintraMalawi), Mr. John D’Souza(Administration Manager) and Mr.Prashanth Kumar Gowda (SafintraMalawi’s Marketing Manager).

The President indicated that he wouldlike to introduce a national subsidyprogramme to provide roofing sheetsand cement to the needy.

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getting closer to our customers

The intention of the new ‘Roof Gallery’showrooms is to reach out tocustomers who are unable to visit theALAF warehouse and to exhibit acomplete selection of colour roofingsheets, roofing tiles and accessories,with the shopping experienceenhanced by the presence of expertadvisors.

In contrast with hardware stores andgeneral merchant shops, the RoofGalleries offer clients an air-conditioned space to relax in andchoose their products at their leisure.

An ALAF sales person is at hand toassist them in understanding theproducts, placing their orders, andcompleting the entire transaction.

ALAF delights customers with new‘Roof Gallery’ showroomsALAF customers now enjoy an enhanced shopping experience, with the opening of twoexclusive showrooms in Arusha and Dar es Salaam.

The official opening of the Arusha Showroom.


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getting closer to our customers

The Tanzanian trade fair hasestablished itself over 37 years as theshop window for products fromTanzania as well as the eastern,central and southern African regions.

This year, under the theme of‘Designer Roofing Tile’, the companylaunched its premium stone-coatedroofing sheet, Lifestile.

Inside the pavilion, Lifestile wasdisplayed along with ALAF’s existingroofing profiles and other buildingmaterial brands including the SimbaChuma steel pipes and sectionsrange, and Steelbend cut and bendranges.

ALAF used this opportunity tointroduce two more new products tothe market, namely the Quikmoversknock-down range of prefabricatedunits (used for offices, temporaryhousing and building site facilities, toname a few), and the customisedZ-purlins under the existing SimbaChuma brand name.

The ALAF pavilion attractedthousands of visitors and thecompany’s exhibition was visited bymany eminent dignitaries.

ALAF launches new products atTanzanian trade fairALAF used the Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair to launch a number ofnew premium products.

The fair is a valuable showcase for Tanzanian businesses that not only exhibit their goods,but also use the fair as a forum to launch new products and services.


The new sales offices in Bloemfontein andWindhoek will complement the six existingSafintra branches in Johannesburg, Durban,Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Polokwane andNelspruit.

In line with its business intention to providelocalised support to its customers whereverthey might be, Safintra launched the salesoffices in Bloemfontein and Windhoek inJuly 2014.

The Bloemfontein office provides sales andtechnical support to its customers in the FreeState and Northern Cape provinces, and has ashowroom area that is used by architects,engineers and contractors as a reference centrefor specification and installation information andexpertise.

The contractor launch of the Bloemfontein officewas well attended by over 40 guests, and asubsequent event will be aimed specifically atarchitects, engineers, quantity surveyors andbuilt environment students.

Earlier in July, the company announced theconclusion of its sales and distributionagreement with Smart Roof Namibia, anestablished company in Windhoek run byrespected Namibian construction personality,Heinz Schulze.

Namibia is a country adjacent to South Africaon its western seafront, and has seen a recentboom in construction activity around Windhoekand adjoining areas of development.

Safintra South Africa launches twonew sales offices in 2014Safintra South Africa launched two new sales offices to expand its footprint in theSouthern African region.

The new branches in Bloemfonteinand Windhoek will complement theexisting Safintra branches in SouthAfrica.

getting closer to our customers

Held in Ndola, a growing and vibrantcity in the Copperbelt Province, thefair has a broad focus which includesmining, commerce, trade andagriculture.

Due to budgetary constraints thecompany scaled-down the size of itsexhibition this year. However, interestremained high and Safintra Zambiareceived 77 enquiries, two of whichtranslated into sales by the end ofthe show.

The six-day show was opened on2 July 2014 by the Zambian Vice-President, Dr. Guy Scott, who touredthe exhibitions and handed out prizesto deserving companies.

The country’s 50th anniversarycelebrations (1964-2014) addeda special flavour to the eventand provided opportunities forparticipants to reflect on the manyachievements and milestonesachieved by the country since theend of the colonial era.

Safintra Zambia showcases products atZambian International Trade ShowThe 2014 Zambian International Trade Show coincided with the country’s 50th anniversaryof its independence.

Safintra Zambia has participated in theshow over the past five years. Last year,the company was awarded the prize for‘Best Exhibitor’.

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The decision to open the new servicecentre was taken in response to anincreased demand for ALAF’sproducts in a region with a populationof more than 2.7 million.

Since its inception in 1960, ALAF hastaken pride in the fact that it offerssuperior quality products compared toits competitors, and with the supportof its consumers, occupies a marketleadership position.

ALAF continues to command acompetitive edge over its rivals inroofing products, steel pipes andaccessories.

The service centre in Mbeya has beenequipped with corrugators and anIndustrial Trough roll-former, with aVersatile roll-former to be addedsoon.

New Mbeya Service Centre opened tomeet demand for ALAF productsALAF has expanded its operations in the south-western part of Tanzania with theopening of a new service centre in the Mbeya region.

The company manufactures a wide-range of products according to international qualitystandards, and continues to set the benchmark in Tanzania for roofing and allied buildingmaterials.

The service centre was initiallylaunched as a finished goods depotfor the western region of Kenya, but in2009 a decision was taken to convertit into a fully-fledged service centre.Versatile, Elegantile and Covermaxroll-formers and other equipmentwere installed, and production andsales started in October 2010.

The centre’s target markets areNyanza, Western Kenya and theNorth Rift Valley. Kisumu city is at thecore of a hub with most major townslocated within a distance of 120km.These are mainly farming and fishingcommunities, but the centreoccasionally supplies orders forexports to South Sudan, Rwanda andBurundi.

The main objective of the servicecentre was to bring MRM goods andservices closer to its customers, in away that had not been done before.Kisumu is achieving this bymanufacturing and offering productsand services at locality, while advisingcustomers on the various solutionsand alternatives available.

The service centre provides value-added services such as roof design,with a full-time design engineer atthe location. The design engineeruses dedicated design software –mostly AppliCad – to provide roof

MRM’s Kisumu Service Centrereputation is built on quality serviceThe Kisumu Service Centre has become a vital hub of Mabati Rolling Mills’ (MRM) businessactivities in Kenya since its official opening in 2010.

Customers often visit the service centres to make enquiries. The sales staff take themthrough the products and services with the objective to upgrade them to high-endproducts. The result is that a major portion of sales to direct customers include specialistproducts such as tile profiles in the company’s unique matt-paint finish, sold under theRoyal brand.

getting closer to our customers

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estimations based on house plansand sketches.

In addition, the sales desk includes ateam of technicians who visitcustomer sites to advise on the bestroofing products to use, and to trainthe Fundis on installation.

The technicians are always availableto attend to customer concernsregarding products and services fromthe service centre or other MabatiRolling Mills facilities. They offertechnical advice on MRM’s productsand introduce the company’s servicesto prospective builders andcustomers, including individual homebuilders, institutions and industrialconcerns.

In addition to roofing sheets,Kisumu offers roofing accessoriessuch as ridges, gutters and flashings.It also provides roofing and nailswith sealing washers and caps inmatching roof colours. Insulation,sky-lighting sheets, foam-fillers andother associated accessories are alsoon offer.

MRM is the country’s onlymanufacturer of roofing sheets andaccessories manufactured usingZincal (steel coated in patentedaluminium-zinc coating technology)and Colorplus, which is a factory pre-painted Zincal offering long lasting,

top quality paint finishes specificallydesigned for the African climate. Thisoffers its customers quality andservice life of sheeting at least fourtimes longer than that of conventionalgalvanised coated steel.

The Kisumu Service Centre is alsoprominently involved in marketingactivities such as trade shows,exhibitions and Fundi training.

The centre’s staff participate in localforums and conferences whererelationships are built and thecompany’s services promoted.

Customers from the diaspora form astrong percentage of the centre’sclient base. These customers usuallymake enquiries via email or phone,and quotations are given andtransactions concluded online.

Speed and quality are vital ingredientsof service delivery. The staff membersat the centre are geared to provideexemplary services in the shortesttime possible.

Same-day service is provided to clientson request, and the impact of the qualityservice is evident in the large number ofreferrals received from both inside andoutside the country.


Mabati Rolling Mills has servicecentres in Kisumu, Mombasa,Thika, Nairobi and Kisii.

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getting closer to our customers


All built-environment professionals in SouthAfrica are required by their industryassociations to attend a number ofsessions each year which are accreditedfor content in order to qualify for CPDpoints. The accreditation looks for contentwhich is relevant, educational and impartial.

The topics of Sustainability and ValueEngineering have dominated the agendafor the last two years, as building investorslook for better performance and longer life,with less maintenance and running costs,and a greater return on investment.

Safintra has become a valued contributorto these sessions, and is building an ever-stronger professional support base due tothe value of its technical know-how andvalue-adding advisory services. Varioussessions have been held around thecountry, in conjunction with regionalprofessional associations.

Safintra South Africa educates built-environment professionalsSafintra South Africa regularly gives educational talks to architects as part of their‘Continuing Professional Development’ (CPD) and ongoing learning programmes.

Professionals are invited to events in all key centres throughout the country.

Safintra Malawirevamps road showsSafintra Malawi’s well-known road shows have been revamped andresumed after a short break. The road shows were introducedthroughout Malawi in 2012 to build Safintra Malawi’s brand in thecountry, and are supported by adverts on prominent radio stations. Inlate 2013, the shows were temporarily put on hold to enable thecompany to asses their impact and to enable rural communities – thetarget of the campaign – to concentrate on their farming activities. Thenewly launched road show has again hit the roads of Malawi, startingfrom the Southern Region Lower Shire Districts of Chikhwawa andNsanje, and is scheduled to expand across the entire country.

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focus on manufacturing and operations

Ethiopian Steel’s growth is largely dueto its ability to offer its customerinnovative products and a greatservice experience. The companygets closer to its customers across allregions in the country through itsservice centres, showrooms andexclusive dealers.

The company is continuously evolvingwith new ideas to offer its customersmore choices in products and service.Over the past two years it has openedtwo new roll-forming service centresand a number of new Roof GalleryShowrooms in order to bring itsproducts closer to prospective clientsand markets.

The roll-forming service centre whichopened in the northern city of Gondar(Amhara region) in 2012, was the firsttime a roll-forming company operatedfrom multiple factories in Ethiopia.

In October 2013, Ethiopian Steelopened a further service centre in thesouthern city of Hawassa, which isthe capital of Southern NationsNationalities and People’s Region(SNNPR).

With the two new service centres,Ethiopian Steel has taken its businessright to its customers in Amhara andSNNPR regions, offering roofingproducts in customised lengths andcolours.

The two new Roof Galleries in AddisAbaba bring the total number ofshowrooms in the capital city to four.

Ethiopian Steel comes of ageEthiopian Steel has grown rapidly to become the leading supplier of quality steelroofing products in the East African nation.

Over the past two years Ethiopian Steel has opened two new roll-forming service centresand a number of new Roof Gallery Showrooms to bring its products closer to prospectiveclients and new markets.


The company also expanded itsshowroom network to the southerntowns of Debrezeit and Hawassa.

With the facility in Bahir Dar, EthiopianSteel now has a total of seven RoofGallery Showrooms spread across thecountry, offering convenience andquality options to customers right ontheir doorstep.

Ethiopian Steel is also proud to offerits customers choices beyondstandard galvanized iron sheets. It isthe country’s leading manufacturerand seller of world-class roofingsheets and accessories manufacturedusing Zincal (steel coated in patentedaluminium-zinc coating technology)and Colorplus, which is factoryprepainted Zincal, offering long-lastingtop quality paint finishes specificallydesigned for the African climate.

Focus on EthiopiaEthiopia is a very large country andEthiopian Steel has had to developinnovative retail models to reach thewider base of customers in marketswhich are not directly serviced byEthiopian Steel. To achieve this, thecompany has appointed exclusivedealers in Adama and Mekelle and willsoon be extending its reach to othermarkets such as Jimma, Dese andDire Dawa.

The per-capita steel consumption ofEthiopia is considerably lower than itsneighbours with a similar economicprofile. Among the reasons are:• Less disposable income resulting in

communal living of families,reducing the number of houses.

• To an expatriate Ethiopian, theconcept of maintaining a house intheir home country is non-existent.

• The standard house design inEthiopia is simple compared to thedesigns in other East Africancountries, making the averageroofing area per house, smaller.

Taking into account these factors,Ethiopian Steel has been innovative inits product offerings, providing achoice of quality roofing to suit everybudget. The company recentlyintroduced an affordable colourroofing in 0.25mm thickness in normalcorrugation and box rib profile.Ethiopian Steel is also introducingMiTek light gauge steel trusses which

are simple to erect, do notcompromise the load bearingcapacity of the roof, and provideflexibility in constructing complex roofdesigns.

Ethiopian Steel has a focusedapproach towards projects and majorcommercial and industrialconstructions, and is able to offer itscustomers complete roofing solutions.These include flashings, crimpedsheets and a wide range of profiles.Products supplied by the companyhave been used in prestigiousprojects like the Tendaho SugarFactory and the Fincha Sugar Factory.

As a responsible corporate citizen,Ethiopian Steel is contributing to thewelfare of the community on a regularbasis. It has made meaningfulcontributions of cash and products tovarious government institutions suchas the Addis Ababa City Bureau ofLabour and Social Affairs, the AkakiKality Sub-City Police Department,the Akaki First Instance Court andthe Gondar City Mayor AdministrationOffice.

Ethiopian Steel continues to realise itsvision of being the premier andpreferred supplier of innovative metalroofing and related building solutions inEthiopia.

The Tendaho Sugar Factory is clad androofed in sheeting from Ethiopian Steel.

focus on manufacturing and operations

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Burundi won independence fromBelgium in 1962, along with Rwanda.Until 2006, there was internal strife inBurundi which has now ended,paving the way for peace in thecountry.

The internal strife inhibited growth,and the country is considered to bethe fifth poorest country in the world,despite having a population of only8.5 million.

With the initiatives taken by thecurrent government, headed by thePresident, H.E. Hon. PierreNkurunziza, the country is opening upfor investment and is poised forgrowth.

Safintra Burundi was started in orderto capitalise on the customer basethat was being serviced by the SafalGroup of companies out of Kenya,Uganda and Tanzania, and to give thecustomers sales support andproducts, right on their doorstep.

The company began operating in May2013 by simply trading, rather thanroll forming.

It sold Dumuzas (metallic finish) andResincot (colour-coated) roofingsheeting, as well as selected longproducts, all sourced from its sistercompanies of Mabati Rolling Mills inKenya and ALAF in Tanzania.

Safintra Burundi makes all theright movesOne of the core objectives of Safintra Burundi is to convert the market from galvanisedsteel to Zincal (aluminium-zinc coated) steel, using the Dumuzas roofing brand to buildimpetus for this material and its many benefits.

Safintra Burundi’s stand at the trade exhibition held in Bujumbura.

In October 2013, the companyinstalled roll-formers for production ofcorrugated and Trimflute sheeting,and in March 2014 it added a roll-former for the manufacture of Versatilesheeting. The customer response wasgood, and many new customers havestarted buying from Safintra Burundi.

The market in Burundi has traditionallybeen dominated by thin gaugeunpainted galvanised sheets.

The core objective of SafintraBurundi is to convert the marketfrom galvanised steel (Gi) to Zincal(aluminium-zinc coated steel). Itwill do so by promoting the use ofthe Dumuzas brand of roofsheeting over and abovecompetitive brands.

Dumuzas has a powerful productbenefit for users, as it is only madefrom aluminium-zinc coated steelwhich has a lifespan four times longerthan galvanised sheeting. The brandis being received positively inBujumbura and upcountry, though alot more is yet to be done.

There is a growing market forResincot colour-coated roof sheeting,which combines the lifespan ofaluminium-zinc coated steel with theprestige attached to a coloured roofsheet. The market for hollow sectionsis also growing.


The market in Burundi hastraditionally been dominatedby thin gauge unpaintedgalvanised sheets.

Inside the Safintra Burundi factory.

After three years of planning, designand construction, Ford MotorCompany announced an investmentof US$1.2 billion in India, with eightnew product ranges to be introducedinto the country by 2015.

The company is in the process ofbuilding a plant with the capacity tosupport this ambitious productionplan.

The plant’s engine shop and TCF arevisually striking and are characterisedby 225,000 square metres of SafzipGalvalume standing seam insulatedroofing.

Safintra Roofing India used Safzip in adouble skin system. To enhance thethermal efficiency of the roof aninsulation panel is installed betweenthe lower lining sheet and the outerSafzip roofing sheet.

In this instance, the bottom liner layerwas a weld mesh which enabled theclient to reduce the cost of theinsulated roofing system.

Safzip roofing sheets were roll-formedin sheets up to 120m long, which isone of the longest roofing sheetlengths ever manufactured in India.

The biggest benefit of using such longlengths is the elimination of leakageand corrosion which is normally foundwhenever roofing sheets are lapped atthe ends.

In addition, the puncture-freeSafzip system results in a roof thatis effectively leak-proof and will lastfor decades.

The added advantage of using theSafzip roofing system is the abilityto have a very flat roof with agradient of only three percent,resulting in a highly cost-effectivestructure.

As such long lengths of sheetingcannot be transported from thefactory to the construction site, theSafzip roll-forming machine was takento the site and sheets were roll-formed exactly as required,considerably increasing the speed ofthe construction.

Instead of following the traditionalmethod of using a ‘ramp’ to pull thesheets to roof level, a platform wascreated, and the Safzip machine wasraised to the roof level allowing thesheets to be rolled directly on tothe roof.

The installation of the roofing sheetswas carried out at a rate of 2,000square metres per day.

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focus on manufacturing and operations

Safintra India breaks records onFord plant constructionSafintra Roofing India made history when it produced 120 metre-long roofing sheets forthe construction of the new Ford plant in Sanand in the Gujarat province.

Instead of following the traditionalmethod of using a ‘ramp’ to pull thesheets to roof level, a platform wascreated and the Safzip machine wasraised to the roof level allowing thesheets to be rolled directly on to theroof.


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focus on manufacturing and operations

Safintra Malawi providedSaflok 700 for the 30,000square metre mega-structure that willaccommodate banks,supermarkets, cinemas,restaurants and variousother shops.

The work of roofing thecomplex was started inAugust 2013 and completedwithin 130 days.

The principal architects,Stauch Vorster ArchitectsSA and Kanjere andAssociates of Malawi,commended SafintraMalawi’s work and envisagethat more projects withSaflok 700 specified roofingwill be expected soon inMalawi.

Saflok 700 used on Malawi’sbiggest mallMalawi’s biggest ever shopping complex, the Gateway Mall in Lilongwe, has been constructedmaking extensive use of Safintra’s Saflok 700 concealed fix roofing system.


Cable Corporation of India,established in 1957, chose Safintrasheeting because it provides along-lasting, maintenance-freeroofing solution with excellentinsulation capabilities.

Safintra India’s unique approach tothis project enabled it to becompleted successfully in terms ofboth aesthetics and quality.

Safintra Roofing used Saflok 700,an angular interlocking trapezoidalrib profile in bare Galvalume of0.47mm thickness, for the outerskin.

Trimflute, a square-fluted roofingsheet made from 0.50mm thickpre-painted Galvalume in a dovewhite colour, was used as sidecladding. To complement theaesthetic features of the plant,plain flashings in the Firebrickcolour were used.

Saflok 700 uses a specialinterlocking clip with overlock forits installation. The Saflok clipshave been developedinternationally over a period of 20years, following substantialresearch and development, andare imported into India underlicense.

The Saflok clip allows the roofingmaterial to expand and contract

with both strength and agility. Italso allows a positive interlockingon all the flutes for the easyalignment of material, and toensure a very secure fix onto theroof, even in high wind conditions.

The Saflok 700 sheets were roll-formed on site, eliminating theneed for any end laps andconsiderably increasing the speedof construction.

The Trimflute sheets were roll-formed in the Safintra factoryand transported to theconstruction site.

A total of 6,446 square metres ofSaflok 700 and 2,483 squaremetres of Trimflute sheet weremanufactured and used for thisproject.

Safintra roofing preferred byIndian cable manufacturerOne of India’s leading manufacturers of power and control cables turned to Safintra Roofing toprovide the roof sheeting for its new plant in the city of Nashik, in the Maharashtra state.

The patented sheet and clip design of Saflok700 has been used worldwide and is availableonly in India from Safintra Roofing India.

focus on manufacturing and operations

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Safintra Angola taps into an emergingmarketAngola is Africa’s second largest oil-producing country and has one of the fastest growingeconomies in the world – with an annual average GDP growth of 11.1 percent.

Swatches of Luanda are covered incrowded slums of dusty, close-packedshacks called ‘Musseque’.

In the distance, the Kilamba KiaxiHousing Development rises up asclustered pods of neat apartmentblocks in eye-catching pastel shades oflight blue, yellow and pink, stretchingfrom horizon to horizon.

This impressive Chinese-built project,inaugurated last year by President JoseEduardo dos Santos, is one of thebiggest in Africa. But only a fraction ofthe thousands of completedapartments are occupied as the pricesare out of reach for most of Angola's18 million people. The majority ofAngola’s inhabitants struggle withpoverty and battle to make ends meetin sub-standard housing, withoutelectricity and water.

High international oil prices and risingoil production has contributed toAngola’s strong economic growth since1998. This accounts for over 50percent of the GDP, over 90 percent ofthe export revenue, and over 80percent of government revenue.

However, Angolans of all classes willtell you the ‘maka’ – problem orstruggle (derived from a Kimbunduword) – of their country, is its hugenatural wealth and the question of howthat wealth is shared.

Angola’s greatest challengeThe dilemma in distribution of oilriches is the country’s greatestchallenge – most of the population liveon US$1,890 per annum. Only a verysmall elite possess enormous wealth.

Despite extensive oil and gasresources, diamonds, hydroelectricpotential and rich agricultural land,Angola remains poor and a third of thepopulation relies on subsistenceagriculture.

The country is still recovering from theAngolan Civil War that plagued the landfrom independence in 1975 until thewar ended in 2002.

Safintra Angola gets in on theground floorLarge-scale rehousing efforts havebeen implemented across Luanda,Angola’s capital city, since 2001. Asredevelopment increases, residents inhigh risk areas are being moved tosocial housing areas elsewhere in thecountry.

Viana, a suburb a few kilometers eastof the capital, is home to SafintraAngola. This makes it a viable choice inmaking headway with the rise of thisnew opportunity; especially Zango, anarea near Viana, which is best knownbecause of its location for newhousing. Approximately 254,000people are housed in over 36,000

Safintra Angola is making inroads in themarket with their superior products inmuch needed profiles.

houses in the Zango area alone, withan estimated cost per house ofUS$50,000. The construction of thesehouses is undertaken by Odebrechtand various other Chinese initiatives.

Currently, the base materials of thesehouses, such as roofing suppliescomprising of coated steel sheeting,are being supplied by Chineseconstruction companies, but SafintraAngola is making inroads in themarket with their superior products inmuch needed profiles.

The Viana area is developing at aremarkable pace with shoppingcentres, industrial parks andresidential complexes beingconstructed.

Safintra Angola is capitalising onthese developments by promoting thesale of insulated sandwich panels,roof sheeting and welding mesh.

These outstanding quality materialsare appreciated by buildingcompanies in the country, andSafintra Angola expects good sales inthe future.

Further expansion in nearby provincesis planned with the opening of servicecentres in areas such as Menongueand Kuito Kuanavale, where there ishuge potential, as the Angolangovernment is keeping up thepressure for development.


The company was honoured in the category of ‘Large Industry – Metal andNon-Metal Products’. The President of the United Republic of Tanzania, HisExcellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, handed the award to Mr. Pankaj Kumar,CEO of ALAF, at a function held in Dar es Salaam. The award isadministered by the Confederation of Tanzanian Industries.

In winning it again in 2013, ALAF was recognised for its services to theTanzanian nation through its provision of quality roofing manufactured usingSafal Group’s patented Zincal coil (coated with a world-class aluminium-zinccoating technology) and Africa’s leading colour coated steel, branded asColorplus. The award was made to ALAF for maintaining the higheststandards of customer service. ALAF is also the only company in itscategory to be ISO certified.

ALAF voted best inTanzaniaALAF has won Tanzania’s prestigious ‘President’s BestManufacturer of the Year’ award for the seventhyear in a row.

His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, handed the award to Mr. Pankaj Kumar,CEO of ALAF, at a function held in Dar es Salaam.

focus on manufacturing and operations

28 Safal News 2014

Safintra Rwanda praised for itscontribution to revenueSafintra Rwanda was recently recognised by the country’s President, Mr. Paul Kagame,for its achievements on tax compliance and contribution to the exchequer.

This is the second year in a row thatSafintra Rwanda received a reward asa ‘Large and Exemplary-compliantTaxpayer’ from the Rwanda RevenueAuthority.

The company commenced itsoperations in October 2008 and has,within five years, established itself asa key player in Rwanda’s industrybecause of its unrelentingcommitment to quality, customerservice and the introduction oftechnically superior products.

The function was attended by keydignitaries of Rwanda, includingPresident Kagame as the guest ofhonour.

Mr. Sandeep Phadnis, Business Head, Safintra Rwanda, having a discussion withthe President, His Excellency, Paul Kagame.

Mr. Sandeep Phadnis receiving theaward from the President, HisExcellency, Paul Kagame.

Safintra Rwanda’s Fundi programmelaunchesSafintra Rwanda has initiated a Fundi contact programme across thecountry. The meetings focus on the building of relationships and educationof Fundis on the key technical aspects of roofing sheets. The companyintends to organise ongoing Fundi meetings.

Three meetings were held at Kayonza, Musanze and Rubavu and wereattended by more than 100 Fundis.


High qualitystandardsawarded toSafintra RwandaproductsThe entire range of roofingsheets produced by SafintraRwanda has been certified bythe Rwanda Bureau ofStandards (RBS) for itsstandards of quality.

All the roofing brands,including Royal Versatile,Versatile, Maxcover,Covermax, Resincot andDumuzas have been certifiedand are approved to use theRBS quality mark.

Safintra Rwanda is thesecond roofing company inRwanda to receive RBScertification, which is anindication of quality assurancein the interest of customers.

MRM’s high-flying ‘Dumuzas’ teamdominates volleyball tournament

MRM’s volleyball and football teamscontinue to keep the company’s flagflying high with scintillatingperformances in local competitions.

Dumuzas, the volleyball team, recentlyparticipated in the Chairman’s Cuptournament at the Voi Stadium, againstthe best teams in the region.

Having played a number of build-upmatches prior to the tournament,Dumuzas was confident about theirform going into the two-day event. Onthe first day, their confidence proved tobe justified when they ‘clobbered’ thehost clubs, Mwaghogho and VoiVeterans, winning in 3-0 straight sets.Later in the day, Dumuzas extendedtheir winning streak by thrashing VoiClub to advance to the final stage ofthe tournament.

The team coach had a sleepless nightstrategising the winning formula inorder to ‘lift the big trophy’.

Shortly after noon on the second day,the team was on the pitch ready toface Mombasa West in the final gameto determine the champion. The twoteams paraded in front of the guests ofhonour who attended the tournament.

The ball was kept flying high and thedelirious home fans enjoyed everysecond of the game. Dumuzas carriedthe day and a frustrated MombasaWest had to eventually concede adefeat by 3-1 sets.

The Chairman of Mabati Rolling Millssports, Mr. Joel, joined the victoriousteam and the fans in their jubilation asDumuzas escorted the trophy home.

On behalf of the sports fraternity atMabati Rolling Mills it is appropriate toacknowledge the continued support ofmanagement and the entire MabatiRolling Mills family for their contributionto the teams’ victories.

With the help of the Safal Group,network MiTek has expanded itstraining of artisans (which hasalready proven its value inKenya) into Tanzania, Uganda,Rwanda, Zambia and SouthSudan.

At the same time, the company’sbusiness in Kenya continues toexpand. As the region’s leadingsupplier of Ultraspan LightGauge Steel Trusses, it hassupplied more than 850,000square metres of light gaugetruss from the MiTek plant at theAthi River in Kenya.

This product has been suppliedto a wide range of constructionprojects including mass housingdevelopments, churches,schools, hospitals, resorts,government buildings, officecomplexes, auditoriums,universities and warehouses.

Among the clients that haveused MiTek products are theKenyan Ministries of Trade andof Energy, Zetech College,Mithani House, the KPLC andKengen mass housing projects,Kenyatta University and GoldenBeach Resorts. The companyhas also completed dome-shaped roofs on the Zetech andEnergy Ministry projects.

Safal MiTek’s investment intraining leads to rapid growthSafal MiTek’s rapid business growth in the East African region can be attributed to itssignificant investment in training, the quality of its roofing products, and the development ofnew products and services to keep the company abreast of trends in the industry.

The long-term plan is to offer at least three training opportunities a year and mostimportantly, involve construction industry consultants who will play a key role to ensureMiTek products feature in project specifications.

30 Safal News 2014

leading the way in roofing solutions

Last year, MiTek introduced a newproduct called Batten aimed at boththe timber and steel roofingindustriesSome of the major advantages ofBatten are:• One product for both longitudinal

runners and cross-bracing (tiledroofs).

• It is light-weight and easy totransport.

• Enlarged side flanges for easier fixing.• It is competitively priced against

timber.• It allows truss spacing to be

increased for optimal design.• It can be supplied in any length.• It can be used with both timber and

steel trusses.

MiTek trains artisans

MiTek’s training initiative for artisans(called ‘Fundis’) is based on theprinciple that the performance of ateam will often depend on how well themembers have been trained anddeveloped. Individuals require ongoingtraining and development to help thembecome more effective, and take onbigger and more significant challenges.In addition, they need help in learningnew skills as the nature of their work –and of the market– changes. SafalMiTek is committed to ensuring that itcreates full awareness of its product inthe market. To achieve this thecompany decided to train newinstallers, as well as key stakeholders in

the construction industry. The aimof the training is to develop theknowledge and skills of installers andincrease their productivity to enableSafal MiTek to achieve its long-termgrowth goals. Until recently, thecompany has limited its training anddevelopment to new Fundis.

The company has now implementedrefresher training for existing Fundis,because on-going training helps themadjust to changing job requirements.It also creates a pool of qualified andavailable people who are ready tostep into new roles, as the marketneeds them.

Among the plans for the near future isto establish a ‘Fundi Club’ where thetrained experts can become involved inleisure activities and team-buildingexercises. This will help the entire teamto improve relationships, shareexperiences and challenges, and lookfor ways to improve on the company’sservice delivery.

The intention is to also introduce areward scheme for the Fundis inareas such as best installations, mostreferrals, and most installations done.This will help to build a strong Fundibase with a sense of belonging. In thefirst quarter of the year MiTek traineda team of 30 installers who representedfive young contractors who have thepotential to market the company’sproducts.

MiTek releases newcutting-edge softwareInvolvement in the design stagecan have tremendous benefits incost reductions as the majorcomponent in a building is thestructure.

With the use of MiTek’s light gaugesteel structure for the roof beingfactored in at the design stage,these costs can be cut down.

By ensuring a lighter load designfor the beams and columns, thiswill help to market MiTek as anoverall cost-saver for any project.

On the software developmentside, MiTek has just released anupgraded version of the well-usedMiTek 20/20. The user-friendlyV5.65 version is the result of morethan 3,000 hours of productdevelopment, and will serve thecustomers better by providing amore accurately calculated Bill ofQuantities.

The company’s engineers have allbeen trained on the new versionwhich will be used in estimating,take-off, drafting and design work,to assist with quoting and designrequirements.


leading the way in roofing solutions

32 Safal News 2014


The idea of pre-fabricatedbuildings is gaining momentum.Instant, functional, comfortableand secure pre-fab buildings, withno mess or stress, are the newalternative to bricks and ‘wetwork’.

An exciting prefab project for anoffice setting was recentlycompleted in Nairobi.

The customer was in urgent needof an office of approximately 300square feet within the compoundof his residence in Sunview Estate,along Mbagathi Way.

The office layout was designedwith three-space partitioning, asolution which Insteel readilyprovided within a period of fourdays. Insteel assembled two unitsof 20ft x 8ft under a common roofand delivered a ready, elegantoffice.

The greatest advantage for thecustomer was that he did not havetime to go for a traditional type ofbrick-mortar construction. Spacewas an additional constraint as hiscourtyard was just the size of thebuilding he needed.

Quikmovers proved to be the logicaland most effective choice.

Quickmovers pre-fabricated conceptgaining mileageWhen you need an ‘instant’ building, think Safintra Quikmovers!

leading the way in roofing solutions

The Saflok concealed fix roof system‘locks down the roof’Today's trend for large span metal roofs is helping drive the concealedfix metal roofing market to new heights.

In concealed fix systems, sheets are fixed to the purlin witha clip system, and are not pierced with any fasteners. Theclips serve two purposes – they circumvent the need forholes in the sheet (which prevents the possibility of leakagethrough the perforation), and they allow the roof to expandand contract in a sliding movement over the clips.

If the sheets were positively fastened through the sheetinto the purlin, the fasteners would take the brunt of theforce of expansion and would tear larger holes in the sheet,or shear off.

Because the sheets can slide over the clips they can berolled in longer lengths, which can thermally expand withoutrestriction. Consider that coated steel expands at a nominal1mm per 1m, and it is apparent that a sheet of a mere 15mwill move by 15mm in heat. For this reason, it is commonbest practice to not install a pierced fix sheet in lengths ofmore than 15m. Over 15m, a pierced fix sheet should beend lapped to allow for thermal cycling.

A concealed fix system allows sheets to be rolled incontinuous lengths up to 120m or more, without end laps.

The lack of end laps not only helps reduce the risk of leaks,but also allows roofs to be used at very low slopes of two tothree degrees.

What defines a concealed fix system?

A major distinguishing characteristic of a concealed fix roofis the profile. One is looking for a high and well defined ribwith a wide, deep pan, to deliver excellent water run off atvery low slope. The height of the rib is important as it alsoprovides structural strength, acting rather like a mini I-beam.

Of equal importance is the design of the clip, as this is the‘anchor’ securing the sheet to the substructure. Thematerial and thickness of the clip helps determine itsinherent strength, which in turn helps to determine the

wind-uplift resistance for a particular roof design in aparticular terrain.

The overall ‘system’ design defines the manner in which theclip locks into the sheet profile. The clip should engageevery rib of the profile to prevent wind cushioning under theunsecured rib and distorting the sheet off the clip.

Generally, the more ribs that are secured with a positiveclasp holding it to the purlin, the stronger the wind upliftresistance. If not positively secured, the ribs should beshaped to provide a strong and stable interlock with the clipat every point.


34 Safal News 2014

A complete system will also offer a high wind-load detailingfor particular terrain categories, or design parameters suchas wide overhangs.

The system must also be able to withstand routine foottraffic and loads imposed by the installation andmaintenance of HVAC units, rooftop photovoltaic (PV)systems and other utilities.

HIGH WIND STANDARD INSTALLATION DETAILING(wind category 2 and coastal wind belt)


In large-span metal roofing applications, concealed fix roofsystems are the only choice. For professionals specifyingthese roofs, engineering performance of the entire roof‘system’ is critical. It will enable specifiers to reliably servethe long-term interests of their clients, and reduce liabilityfor all concerned.

Saflok concealed fix roofing is one of the most widelyspecified systems available in Southern Africa. The preciselyengineered clip, and the dimensional consistency of theSaflok profiled sheet, provide a robust and reliable roofsystem. Over 10-million square metres are installed in SouthAfrica alone – proving its worth for investors and theprofessionals who specified it.


All professionals should demand full technical details of thesystem they intend to specify, and request technical supportthroughout the build process to ensure that the system isbeing correctly installed, according to Safintraspecifications, to qualify for the warranty.

Safintra is proud to offer this service free of charge to all itscustomers throughout Africa. Safintra has eight mobile millsbased in South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya and Zambia, withtwo more on order. The mills also cover adjacent countrieswith ease, providing a seamless service to professionalteams operating across borders.


leading the way in roofing solutions

36 Safal News 2014


Safintra is deeply immersed in this reality, being a part ofthe Safal Group, the largest steel roofing company inAfrica.

The company actively promotes best practice for steelroofing systems, using smarter materials and bettercomponents and systems that have warranted servicelife, delivering investment value for the owner, and costsavings for the occupier.

Safintra’s ‘Innovation Africa’ team works to differentiatethe company from generic manufacturing, with theobjective of ‘Imagineering for Tomorrow’.

The team has launched a basket of best-of-breedcomponents which make up a metal roof system thatdelivers returns for the full occupied life of the building.

• To minimise maintenance costs and ensure durability,Safintra offers fasteners which have a life expectancylonger than that of the roof sheeting they secure.

• For violent weather, Safintra has a new-generation clipfor the respected Saflok 700 concealed fix roofingsystem, designed to ‘lock down’ the roof.

• For energy-efficiency, Safintra has their patented rangeof S-5 clamps for PV attachment, making the roof asource of power without compromising theperformance or warranty of the roof sheeting.

• To increase the performance of insulated roof systems.

Finally, Safintra warrants the integrated roof system for itsthermal and functional performance and its durability.

This is a game changer in the metal roofing industry in Africa,and will catapult Safintra into pole position as one of the mostforward looking roofing conglomerates on the continent.

The Safintra Innovation Team is‘Imagineering for Tomorrow’Rapid urbanisation and development in Africa has catapulted steel to the forefront as a materialof choice, allowing nations to build with greater efficiency, using roofs more effectively to reduceconsumption of scarce energy and water resources, and to provide more efficient buildings thatare durable and appropriate.

New performance requirements for roofing are drivinginnovations in metal roofing products and practises

These last few months have seenmany developments within thedifferent areas of Safal Steel’sbusiness:

• Major sales and marketing effortshave had excellent resultsEfforts were exerted to extend thecustomer base and identify newmarkets. In South Africa, the teamhas managed to secure orders fromevery roll-former within the country.The feedback has been verypositive, referring to ‘good qualitymaterial delivered within expectedtime frames and great backupservice when needed’.

• The introduction of a super-corrosion resistant coated steelthat performs even in aggressivelycorrosive areasThe coating itself is a patentedaluminium-zinc-silicon coating alloythat protects the low carbon steel inextreme environmental conditions.The coating thickness of AZ200indicates that it has an extra thicklayer of 200 grams of coating persquare metre of steel, versus themore common AZ150. The AZ200product is branded as Zincal Ultimaand, if colour coated, is branded asColorplus Ultima.

Innovation sets new standards atSafal SteelSafal Steel’s dedicated team continuously looks at new ways to improve.Whether it is production improvements or product developments, thecompany seeks to keep itself ahead of its competition.

COLORPLUS * Total Solar Reflectance Thermal Emittance Solar Reflectance Index

Sea Spray 65% 0.85 78

Chalk 68% 0.85 81

Savannah 58% 0.85 68

Desert Sand 51% 0.87 58

Sunset Red 34% 0.84 34

Rustic Bark 26% 0.83 24

Rain Forest 30% 0.83 29

Deep Ocean 29% 0.83 28

Rain Cloud 32% 0.83 32

Slate 29% 0.88 30

Thunderstorm 25% 0.84 23

*Colours reproduced may not be completely accurate.*The results reported may have a measurement uncertainty of ±5 units.

leading the way in roofing solutions

38 Safal News 2014

• Thermacolour was launched tointroduce ‘cool’ dark colours to themarketThe world is on a global mission toturn our heads to the ‘green light’ensuring that our impact on ourearth is minimised. In line with thecurrent SANS 10 400 part XA(energy efficiency) legislation in forcein South Africa, Safal Steel and itspaint suppliers have introduced anew paint system for the twodarkest colours in the Colorpluspalette, namely ‘Slate’ and‘Thunderstorm’. This newdevelopment has increased theSolar Reflective Index (SRI) bybetween 8–10 percent allowingprofessionals to specify dark coloursto meet their design and aestheticneeds, yet still enabling them toachieve the optimum Rand-valuefor the building.

• Improved packagingIn response to customers’feedback, improvements weremade to the robustness of our coilpackaging to limit damages to thecoil. Going forward, coils will bepackaged with a Steel InnerDiameter protector, and a newdesign Steel Outer Diameter EdgeTrim.

The Safal Steel packaging team.

Safal Steel and its paint suppliers have introduced a new paint system for the two darkestcolours in the Colorplus palette, namely Slate and Thunderstorm.


Human Resources is responsible fordeveloping a number of programmesto support Group initiatives indeveloping people and enhancingcapacity.

These programmes are critical inensuring that the Group is correctlypositioned in terms of manpowerresourcing and skills, in order tosupport the business strategiesand objectives.

The Group has implemented twoparallel initiatives which will come tofruition in the forthcoming years, anddeepen the competitive edge of theGroup in all core disciplines, with aspecial emphasis on technical skills,marketing and management.

Under the talent managementframework, there will be a strongfocus on identifying high potentialtalent and succession planning for keypositions.

The other facet related to the Groupbecoming an employer of choice isthe perception, both internally andexternally, of what the Safal Groupcorporate brand represents.

Internally, employees must want towork for and enjoy working for theGroup. Externally, people should viewthe Group as a ‘would-like-to-work-for organisation’ whose brand andvalues they would like to be a part of.

To this end, a key initiative goingforward to evaluate employeeengagement is the implementation ofthe ‘Employee Satisfaction Survey’.

The results of these surveys will helpthe Group to understand internalperceptions by employees, andenable action plans to bepromulgated to improve thisperception and image.

The number of long service awardeesspeaks volumes about the loyalty andcommitment of our employees, whichwe are very proud to acknowledge.

Dr. Chris WilsonSafal Group Human ResourcesOfficer

valuing our people

The Safal Group aims to become anemployer of choiceThe calibre of people within an organisation defines its ethos, embodies its culture,ensures competitive advantage and drives its future success.

As embodied in its Vision, Mission andValues, the Safal Group strives tobecome an employer of choice, toattract, retain and develop the best skillsin our industry.

40 Safal News 2014


A number of senior promotions andnew appointments have strengthenedthe ranks of Mabati Rolling Mills.

In addition, members of staff whohave served the company forextended periods are honoured fortheir contributions.


Production Manager at CRM andPickling, has served the companyfor 15 years.

• Jackson Daniel Mtinda Mwalughaa Fitter/Welder, has been with thecompany for 25 years.

• Abdalla Mwanitumba, aMechanical Engineer, has now talliedan amazing 30 years of service.


promoted from Production Engineerto Production Manager, MCL.

• Fredrick Kang'ethe Miako waspromoted from Shift Engineer toProduction Engineer, on 1 May,2014.

NNEEWW AAPPPPOOIINNTTMMEENNTTSS• In our 2014 Trainee Programme,Robert Gaching'a Muiga, agraduate in Mechanical Engineering,joined MRM Mariakani as a TraineeEngineer in the OperationProcessing MCL Department,

• Edmond Onyambu Matoke agraduate in ManufacturingEngineering and Technology, joinedMRM Mariakani as a TraineeEngineer – EHS (QA Department).

• Stephen Kikau Mutia a Diplomaholder in Mechanical Engineering –Plant Option, joined MRM Mariakanias a Technician Trainee in theMechanical Department.

• Silas Okere Oduor who has adiploma in Mechanical Engineering –Plant option, joined MRM Mariakanias a Technician Trainee in ourMechanical Department.

• Mwachiro Dominic Lewa has adiploma in Mechanical Engineering –Plant Option. He joined thecompany as a Trainee Operator inthe Operations Processing – CRMDepartment.

Mabati Rolling Mills builds a mighty team

Abdallah Mwanitumba.

Francis Muthama.

Fredrick Miako.Gabriel Olukwo.

valuing our people

42 Safal News 2014


Name Designation Company Years of service

AAaarrttii TTaannnnaa Cashier Uganda Baati 10Brihan Bekele Sales Representative Ethiopian Steel 10Charles Mureithi Driver Insteel 10Cheryl Steyn Credit Controller Safintra South Africa 10Cornel Omondi Andere Documentation/Logistics Assistant MRM Coils 10Corne van Schalkwyk Stock Controller Safintra South Africa 10Demewoze Metaferia Dispatcher Ethiopian Steel 10Gilbert Otieno Mungaya Dispatch Clerk MRM Roofing 10Gloria Chiliza Office Assistant Safintra South Africa 10Hamis Onga Assistant Accountant ALAF 10Hatanga Frank Production Supervisor Uganda Baati 10Jason Kirimi Kaaria Dispatch Clerk MRM Roofing 10Kimbowa Matia Driver Uganda Baati 10Loyiso Hlohloza Operator Safintra South Africa 10Lucky Mohlatse Phosa Labourer Safintra South Africa 10Mandla Namba Supervisor Safintra South Africa 10Meshack Ghoba Crane Operator Safintra South Africa 10Mzimkhulu Kubashe Supervisor Safintra South Africa 10Nakimuli Solomy Sales Officer Uganda Baati 10Odinga Kadika Machine Operator Uganda Baati 10Peter Mbithi Mukunzi Cook MRM Roofing 10Parihar Jitendra Credit Control Operator Uganda Baati 10Patrick Juma Migot Accounts Assistant MRM Coils 10Robert Muchangi Waweru HR Clerk MRM Roofing 10Sandeep Phadnis Business Head Safintra Rwanda 10Sylvester Kyalo Kithia Driver MRM Roofing 10Vincent Kanyolo Nginda Machine Attendant MRM Coils 10Xavier Ubisse Labourer Safintra South Africa 10

Colin Mario Carneiro Assistant Sales & Marketing Manager MRM Coils 15Elias Delelegn Machine Operator Ethiopian Steel 15Leonard Kivuti Mbogo Sales Officer MRM Roofing 15Mulugeta Melaku Forklift Operator Ethiopian Steel 15Nazeem Moses Branch Manager Safintra South Africa 15Sibusiso Raphael Hlongwane Operator Safintra South Africa 15Solomon Alemayehu Machine Operator Ethiopian Steel 15Sunet Bezuidenhout Financial Accountant Safintra South Africa 15

Albert Mbogha Mwatsahu Shearing Operator MRM Coils 20Azaria Ofumbi Gardener Uganda Baati 20Bernard Ooko Obul Exit Operator (MCL) MRM Coils 20Caroline Gathoni Ngunyi Marketing Promotion Coordinator MRM Roofing 20


Dan On'Gatta Production Engineer Pickling MRM Coils 20Edward Mutembei Nderi Electrician MRM Coils 20Eugina Selengia Payroll Clerk ALAF 20George Arodi Business Head Ethiopian Steel 20George Kovo Mwashigadi Mechanical Supervisor MRM Coils 20Hezron Garama Karisa Operator CRM MRM Coils 20Isaac Gwebu Crane Operator Safintra Africa 20Joseph Mutuku Musunga Driver MRM Roofing 20Michael Muema Kisavi Senior Clerk MRM Roofing 20Mulondo Edward Gardener Uganda Baati 20Nayiga Magdalene Secretary FC Uganda Baati 20Philomena Mwikali Kirunda HR Officer MRM Coils 20Peter Kimando Kilonzi Kaizen and Maintenance Manager MRM Coils 20Raphael Mutuku Kimonyi Stores Clerk MRM Coils 20Rechet Temba Gumede Labourer Safintra South Africa 20Ssenkoma Samson Project Assistant Uganda Baati 20Stephen Bogonko Ndege Exports Manager MRM Roofing 20Thomas Kangethe Ngugi Electrical Supervisor MRM Coils 20

Amos Owino Opiyo Attendant Maintenance II (fitter) MRM Coils 25Dominic Mwendwa Matei Attendant Maintenance II (welder) MRM Coils 25Donald Nzamalu Nguthu Mill Operator MRM Coils 25Flavian Kileva Production Supervisor ALAF 25Gabriel o Oduori Assistant Machine Operator Insteel 25Geoffrey Mwakaba Mwakaya Supervisor-Electrical MRM Coils 25Jumaa omar Kikophe Messenger MRM Coils 25Kovo Mtawa Francis Operator Roll Grinding MRM Coils 25Ngumbao Ngowa Masha Crane Operator CRM/PKL MRM Coils 25Majaliwa Yahya Gardener ALAF 25Mwangare Khamisi Ramtu RGM Supervisor MRM Coils 25Nasim Esmail Elias Admin & Fleet Officer MRM Coils 25Nzomo Mwilu Ndewa Assistant Machine Operator Insteel 25Sebastian Kulwa Electrical Engineer ALAF 25

Adrian G Sigalla HR Manager ALAF 30Ginton N Muriangulo Transfer Clerk Insteel 30Morris Njumwa Kisaka Operator CRM MRM Coils 30Omary Hussein Njiwa CRM – Maintenance ALAF 30Andrew Ndowa Forklift Operator ALAF 35Hatibu Mpungwe Roll Former Operator ALAF 35

Neema Kaduma Secretary ALAF 40

Name Designation Company Years of service

valuing our people


Ntombi MalatalianaHuman Resource ManagerSafintra South AfricaNtombi joined Safintra SouthAfrica in January 2014 and isresponsible for the full HRfunction. She has a degree inHuman Resource Management.She was HR Manager and SeniorHuman Resource Practitioner at Scaw Metals.

Amon AruhoHuman Resource ManagerUganda Baati Amon joined Uganda Baati inMarch 2014. He has 12 years ofexperience in HR practice havingpreviously worked for a cobaltmine/manufacturing plant as HRManager. He is an organisationaldevelopment specialist, trained atthe University of Queensland, Australia and University ofPretoria, South Africa. He has a Master’s degree inPopulation Studies and a Post Graduate degree in HumanResource Management.

Erastus MaingiSales and Technical ManagerSafal MiTekErastus joined the Group inMarch 2014 as Technical SalesSupport Engineer from Matherand Platt Kenya where he workedas the Project Manager. He waspromoted to the position of Salesand Technical Services Manager, Safal MiTek, in July 2014.

He is a Civil Engineer having obtained a Bachelor’s degree inCivil Engineering from Moi University, in 2010.

Juliane BalramFinance ManagerSafal SteelJuliane is a chartered accountant.Before joining Safal Steel in April2014, she was Group Manager –Finance & Accounts, at SumitomoRubber SA. She has a passion forsocio-economic development andupliftment. She is married and has a two-year-old daughter.

Calvin RomboFinance ManagerSafal MiTekCalvin is a Certified PublicAccountant of Kenya (CPA (K)),Certified Public Secretary (CPS), andis currently pursuing an MBA instrategic management. Beforejoining Safal MiTek in April 2014, hewas the Financial Controller at ITW Signode PackagingSystems. He has a strong systems background havingbegun his career as an auditor with Ernst & Young, where hewas involved in development and implementation of controland accounting systems. He is a member of the Institute ofCertified Public Accountants in Kenya.

Julius OchiengHuman Resource ManagerMabati Rolling MillsJulius has 15 years experience in human resourcesmanagement. Prior to joining MRM in May 2014, he was theGroup Head of HR at Civicon Engineering Africa. He has an

44 Safal News 2014

VVIINNCCEENNTT MMUULLEENNGGAA – 11 years of serviceVincent Mulenga is an Office Assistant in the Safintra Zambia sales office in Lusaka. He was bornon 23 May 1973, in Chililabombwe, Zambia. He is married and has two daughters and two sons.Vincent attended Kawabwa Secondary School and attained Grade 10, but he could not completeGrade 12 due to financial constraints. Vincent joined Safintra in June 2003 as a Steel Puller andwas later appointed as Office Assistant. He enjoys serving customers and hopes that one day,after completing Grade 12, he can apply for a sales position with Safintra Zambia as he takesdelight in excellent customer service.


MBA from the University of Nairobiand a Bachelor's degree fromKenyatta University. He is aqualified HR practitioner havingobtained a Higher Diploma inHuman Resources Managementand Executive Diploma inCorporate Governance. He is amember of the Institute of Human Resources Management(IHRM) and Kenya Institute of Management (KIM).

Bihari Lal GoenkaFinance ManagerALAFBihari joined ALAF in May 2014, as Finance Manager for theCoil Segment. He is a Chartered Accountant with over 17years post-qualification experience. His earlier exposure hasbeen with companies such as Dishnet Wireless, Bharti Airteland Tata Steel.

Prem Narayan VermaFinance ManagerALAFPrem joined the ALAF team in May2014 as Finance Manager for theRoofing and Steel Segment. He isa Chartered Accountant with morethan 17 years experience infinancial planning, budgeting, taxation, costing, controlling,project financing, MIS, system development andimplementation in FMCG, manufacturing, engineering/EPCcompanies in the ERP/SAP environment. He was previouslyCFO at Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetables, Jaipur/Paayas MilkProducer Company Limited.

Sandeep AgarwalSupply Chain ManagerALAFSandeep joined ALAF in May 2014as Supply Chain Manager. He is aBachelor of Commerce graduatewith more than 24 yearsexperience in purchase/procurement, internationallogistics, S&OP, demand planning, materials requirementplanning and supply chain planning in various industries.Previous experience includes Serengeti Breweries, TabiscoEnterprises, Shelys Pharmaceuticals, Jindal Texofab andSteel Distributors.

Valentine PikitiHuman Resource ManagerSafintra ZambiaValentine joined Safintra Zambia inMay 2013. He has a long career inthe manufacturing industry. Mostrecently, Valentine worked for theNational Milling Corporation, wherehe was responsible for the development and implementationof strategic HR policies. He earned a Bachelor of Science inMass Media Communication, and a Master of Managementin Human Resource from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa,Oklahoma. Valentine is married and has three children.

Ann WanguiFinance ManagerSafintra BurundiAnn was appointed as Safintra Burundi’s Finance Manager inMay 2014.

William Wambasi EnosLearning Training & Development ManagerMRM CoilsWilliam Wambasi Enos joined MRM Coils in May 2014 as the Learning, Training and Development Manager in the HR department. He has a Bachelor’s degree in SocialStudies and a Post Graduate Diploma in PersonnelManagement. William has over 10 years experience in thefields of employee relations and human resourcesmanagement. Previously, he was at Kenya PetroleumRefineries where he served as the Employee Relations andTraining Manager.

Akshay SahaniIT ManagerALAFAkshay is MCA, Microsoft (MCP,MCSA, MCSE) and Cisco (CCNA)certified with over 17 yearsexperience across various sectors.Prior to joining ALAF in June 2014,he was the General Manager ITwith the Quality Group in Tanzania. His earlier exposure inIndia has been with companies including Ritika, Ravissantand HPL India Limited.

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Mohanty Dipti Prasana (DP Mohanty)Business HeadUganda BaatiMr. Mohanty joined Uganda Baatiin June 2014. He has vastexperience in leadership and is aseasoned guru in the area ofmarketing. He is a field-tested andproven resource with experience across diverse geographiesin India, West Africa and the Middle East in the areas ofleadership, marketing, finance and strategy.

David Rottich RonoSales & Marketing ManagerSafintra BurundiDavid joined Safintra Burundi as Sales and MarketingManager in June 2014.

Ronak SinghviFinance ManagerGainvest AngolaRonak, a Chartered Accountant,joined Gainvest Angola in July2014. Prior to joining Gainvest heworked at Sun and Sand IndustriesAfrica where he held the position ofAccounts and Internal Audit Head.

Mahesh ChavdaBusiness HeadSafintra ZambiaMahesh was appointed asBusiness Head of Safintra Zambiain July 2014. He has a wealth ofexperience in production, sales and marketing of steel roofingproducts, having previously servedas Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer for Uganda Baati and MRM from 2005 to 2013. He joined MorganCeramics as Managing Director in March 2013. Mahesh isan accomplished leader, with a track record of creatinggrowth and ensuring disciplined execution of strategic goalsand delivery of results.

Stephen OliekaHR Segment HeadMabati Rolling MillsStephen holds a Bachelor ofScience degree in Electrical andElectronics Engineering from theUniversity of Nairobi, as well as aPost Graduate Diploma from theInstitute of Human ResourceManagement in Nairobi. He will sooncomplete his MBA in Strategic Management. Stephen joinedMRM in August 2014. He was previously HR Director forMumias Sugar Company in Kenya.

Brian Billy AwuorManagement AccountantMabati Rolling MillsBrian joined MRM Coils in August 2014. He has a Bachelorof Commerce (Accounting) and CPA (K) from the Universityof Nairobi. Brian has over seven years experience in the fieldof finance management. His recent position was at MumiasSugar Company as the Cost & Reporting Accountant.

Bernard NjoguFinance ManagerMabati Rolling Mills Bernard is a Certified PublicAccountant with an MBA from theFree State University in South Africa,and a Master of Science in Logisticsand Supply Chain Management anda Bachelor of Science Degree fromthe University of Nairobi. He joinedMRM Roofing as Finance Managerin September 2014 and previously worked for Unilever andBamburi Cement where he was the Group FinancialController.

Harry NjagiMarketing ManagerMabati Rolling MillsHarry has a Bachelor of ScienceDegree and post-graduatequalifications from the MarketingSociety of Kenya (MSK). He joined MRM Roofing in September2014 and brings with him 17 yearsexperience from Nation Media Group and Oriflame EastAfrica where he was the Sales and Marketing Director.

valuing our people

Rajiv Jagjitrai BaggaSupply Chain ManagerMabati Rolling MillsRajiv Jagjitrai Bagga holds aBachelor of Commerce degreeand a Post Graduate Diploma inSales and Marketing. He hasover 13 years experience in thefields of logistics, supply chainmanagement, commercial operations and procurement inlarge organisations, seven of which have been within theSafal Group. His prior assignment was at ALAF where heserved as the Logistics Manager before he transferred toMRM Coils in April 2014.



Antony GagawalaManager MCL & UtilitiesSafal SteelAntony Gagawala wasProduction Manager MCL atMabati Rolling Mills prior to hisappointment with Safal Steel inFebruary 2014. He brings 13 years of expert knowledge andexperience to Safal Steel. Antony is married and has twosons and three daughters. He enjoys watching movies,rugby and sightseeing. He lives by the motto:’Hard work’.

Hillary KipronoProduction Engineer PKL/ARPMabati Rolling MillsHillary transferred to MRM Coils in February 2014. He wasthe Kaizen Promotion Engineer at Mabati Rolling Mills andhas eight years experience in the PKL/ARP environment.Hillary is married and has two sons. He enjoys movies,football and the outdoors. Hillary lives by the motto: ‘Thebest is yet to come’.

Vyas Jay Prakash Dinker RayService Centre Manager –TororoUganda BaatiJay transferred to Tororo UgandaBaati in March 2014. He willhead the team at UBL – Tororooperations. He previouslyworked in Uganda for SimbaSteel & Aluminium Products – a sister company to UgandaBaati – as a Product Development Manager. He has servedin various positions including Marketing Manager andBranch Manager for Tororo Steel Works at Uganda Baati.

Jayanta ChakravartyHead Sales & MarketingUganda BaatiJayanta Chakvatry has an MBA,a PGD (Marketing Management)from the Birla Institute ofManagement Technology inIndia. He worked in themarketing department of MabatiRolling Mills in Nairobi and Safintra Malawi beforetransferring to Uganda Baati in April 2014.

GEORGE ARODIGeorge joined the Safal Groupin 1994 as the CommercialOfficer for Exports. Hespearheaded the exportslogistics function for MabatiRolling Mills at a challengingtime when the companycommissioned the ContinuousGalvanizing Line. George grewwithin the company ranks ashead of the Exports Department, a position which he helduntil he was promoted to Business Head of Ethiopian Steel, inApril 2011.

Long-serving employees rewarded atSafintra MalawiSafintra Malawi has introduced a reward system to recognise long-serving employees who have been with the company for more than adecade. This is aligned with the company’s values which are to be ‘fairand caring towards its employees’.

The recognition reinforces the principle that all employees must be awareof the value they bring to the company and the Safal Group family.

Seven employees with more than 10 years of service were honoured atthe company’s head office in Blantyre in March 2014. The rewardsincluded roofing material and a cash reward for each recipient.

Luisa Ainomugasho was appointed brandofficer with the mandate to create andshowcase our products in support of thesales team.

The sales division was strengthened withthe appointment of Brenda Wilson whowill add to our efforts to enhance our baseof corporate clientele.

Judith Amwiine joined the HumanResource department as a ManagementTrainee.

Ndahiro Peter is the new Exports Officerto grow UBL’s base in the East AfricanGreat Lakes Region.

Recent appointments at Safal Steel

New appointments atUganda Baati

Front row, from left: Sagrie Govender, Verona Nilchand, Rita Hughes–Bukhosini, Mbali Ngcobo and Sindi Tabete. Back row, from left: Craig Laing, Hillary Sachida,Dash Ishwanthlal, Vinadoh Sewpersadh, Sivi Reddy, Dina Naidu, Eddie Le Roux,Sumesh Mothilal and Nischal Bandu.

valuing our people

Safal Steel appointed MbaliNgcobo as a clinic NursingAssistant. Her appointmenthelps Safal Steel to providehealthcare to our valuableemployees and, in the future, totheir families.

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Luisa Ainomusgasho. Brenda Wilson.

Judith Amwiine. Ndahiro Peter.


taking responsible corporate citizenship to heart

50 Safal News 2014

At the annual Uganda Corporate SocialResponsibility Awards, Uganda Baati wasnamed as first runner-up in the‘Community Involvement andDevelopment’ category and receivedmentions in the sections devoted to ‘FairOperating Practices’ and ‘BestEnvironment Programme’.

Health and WellnessIn the past year the company has madesignificant strides through a number ofhealth initiatives. It offered free cervicalcancer screening and vaccinationservices to female staff, in partnershipwith GlaxoSmithKline and the UgandaWomen's Cancer Health Initiative.Uganda Baati also hosted seminarswhere free family planning education wasgiven to Uganda Baati staff and thesurrounding community.

Uganda Baati has also offered its staff theservice of safe male circumcision during athree day camp at the Chandaria Clinic,where 136 men were circumcised.

Uganda Baati has joined forces withreputable organisations in the healthsector such as The Johns HopkinsUniversity, HIPS, the UgandaManufactures Associations and USAID-STRIDES. Through these partnerships,the organisations are given opportunitiesto conduct training on health issues, tohost health fairs, to implement HIV/AIDSworkplace programmes, and to set upblood donation camps in different areas.

Working together with USAID-STRIDES,Uganda Baati has built and donated ahealth centre and a waiting shelter for thecommunity in the Mpigi District.

The company is involved in a number ofactivities to create awareness andsupport to people living with HIV/AIDS.These activities have include the trainingof 25 peer educators drawn from alldepartments in Uganda Baati, thelaunching of an HIV/AIDS policy with themayor of Nakawa Division, Mr. BenKalumba Sebuliba, and the organisationof a test camp at the Chandaria Clinic,which attracted 210 patients.

The EnvironmentUganda Baati continues to ensure thatmeasures are in place to make itsproduction processes friendly to theenvironment. An effluent treatment planthas been installed to treat wasteaccording to the guidelines established bythe National Environment ManagementAssociation (NEMA). Uganda Baaticommemorates World Environment Dayon June 5 every year, and involves bothemployees and local communities.

EducationWith regards to education initiatives,children from a Uganda Baati sponsoredschool in Mityana can now study withouthindrance from the rain. Uganda Baatialso donated steel sheets to complete alearning centre in the Bududa district.

High praise for Uganda Baati’s socialresponsibility effortsUganda Baati’s corporate social responsibility achievements have been recognised with a number of prestigious awards in the fields of healthcare, the environment and community partnerships.

Steel sheets were donated to alearning centre in the Bududadistrict.

A Uganda Baati school inMityana.

Mr. Bhatnagar, former BusinessHead of Uganda Baati, plants atree in support of WorldEnvironment Day.


MTTI students receive start-up kits toboost their careersTwenty-three students at the Mabati Technical Training Institute (MTTI) have received start-up kitsfrom the Street Families Rehabilitation Trust Fund (SFRTF) enabling them to enter their tradeafter the completion of their studies.

The start-up kits are intended to boost the ‘after-college’ life of studentsand help them to establish their ownenterprises. This is part of a broadernetworking initiative betweeneducational institutions designed toequip Kenyan youths with employableskills.

SFRTF presented the start-up kits tothe 21 girls and two boys at a functionin Mariakani, which was attended bythe Mombasa County Executive forYouth, Gender and Sports, Ms. HazelKoitaba. She encouraged theyoungsters to take the opportunity toimprove their lives for the better.

The recipients of the kits expressedtheir appreciation to the SFRTF and the MTTI.

Mr. Dennis Moriasi, the ProgrammeAdministrator of the SFRTF, noted thatthe project is intended to assist the

youth to bridge difficult situations,especially for those who could end upon the streets.

Among the other officials who attendedthe function were Mr. Ibrahim Kondoand Mr. Kibwana Swaleh of theMombasa County Assembly, MessrsWaruimge Muhindi, Patrick Muriithi andJan Bosire of the SFRTF, Ms. ElvinaMzungu of Children’s Welfare inMombasa County, Mr. Morara Matundaof Mabati Rolling Mills and Mr. HezroneRachillo of Kaluworks AluminiumRolling Mills.

To extend the opportunities offered togirls the MTTI introduced a HairDressing Course at the beginning ofthe year. The response exceededexpectations and 28 girls and two boysenrolled for the course. Most of thestudents are from around the local areaand some of them are sponsored by

the SFRTF. The SFRTF fund alsocollaborated with MTTI to assist streetchildren in Mariakani throughsponsorship of their education. Eightyouths – three boys and two girls –received sponsorships.

Mombasa Women's Association Chairlady, Mrs. Suman Khanji, presents a cheque for Kshs200,000 to the principal of MTTI,Norman D’Souza, as part of the association's sponsorship.

“I am very grateful to the Street FamiliesRehabilitation Trust Fund for thinkingabout us and caring,” said MwanaishaSaidi, one of the recipients. “With thisstart-up kit I will be able to set up my ownbusiness.”

taking responsible corporate citizenship to heart

52 Safal News 2014

Over the past decades, the use of water hasincreased, and in many places water availability isfalling to crisis levels.

More than 80 countries, with 40 percent of theworld’s population, are already facing watershortages. One billion people lack safe drinkingwater and three billion lack sanitation.

Water in numbers

� There are1.2 billion people living in areas withwater scarcity.

� Five hundred million people live in areasapproaching water scarcity.

� The estimated percentage of the world’spopulation that will be living in areas of highwater stress by 2030, is 47 percent.

� Sixty-four billion cubic meters of water isrequired by 80 million people, the number bywhich the global population grows every year.

� Twenty-seven percent of the developing world’s urban population live without access to piped water.

There are opportunities to become involved inwater co-operation and explore key issues,including water diplomacy, trans-boundary watermanagement and financial co-operation.

Mabati Rolling Mills supports ‘Water is Life’The ‘Maji ni Uhai’ – ‘Water is Life’ – initiative is being implemented by the Lions Club of Mombasa Pwani.

Supported by Mabati Rolling Mills, the Premchandbhai Foundation hascontracted two water pans in the semi-arid Mariakani area.

Water is essential for all dimensions of life.

As rapid urbanisation, climate change and growingfood needs put ever increasing pressure on freshwaterresources, we need to draw attention to the benefits ofco-operation in water management.


The Roofing Business Head, Mr. SantoshShridharan, visited the Ayany Primary School todonate the 200 pieces of Dumuzas sheets thatwill be used to roof the classrooms. He wasaccompanied by constituency Member ofParliament, Mr Kenneth Okoth.

The function was also attended by the school’sboard of governors, parents, local leaders,teachers and the pupils who will benefit from thenew roofing.

Speaking at the handover, Mr. Santosh said thecompany’s response to the project is proof thatMabati Rolling Mills takes its role as a responsiblecorporate citizen very seriously.

Education is essential and success is dependenton the provision of the right environment forpupils within which they can be moulded intogood future leaders and entrepreneurs who canultimately make a positive impact on theircommunities.

Mr. Okoth praised the involvement of MabatiRolling Mills and said its support to the Kiberacommunity was a good investment from both abusiness and social perspective.

“Our children have been suffering from exposureto rain, dust and the sun,” said Mr. Okoth. “Thegenerosity displayed by Mabati Rolling Millsbrought an end to the suffering and created apositive learning environment for our pupils.”

Sheltering pupils in Kibera, Nairobi

Mabati Rolling Mills Roofing Business Head, Mr. Santosh Shridharan, at thehandover of roofing to the Ayany Primary School in Nairobi.

Pupils from the Ayany Primary School who are now shielded from the elementsthanks to Mabati Rolling Mills.

Mabati Rolling Mills has come to the aid of the Kibera community in Nairobi through the donationof sheeting to repair the roofing of five classrooms at a local primary school.

embracing sustainability for a better tomorrow

Safintra Zambia turning scrap metal into litter binsA Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of Safintra Zambia has a positive impact on both theenvironment and needy communities in Zambia.

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Lusaka: Image courtesty of Shaun Metcalf.

Schools in Zambia are beingsupported by Safintra through aninnovative programme to turn scrapmetal into litter bins.

Due to the nature of Safintra’sbusiness the factory often has off-cuts that are usually disposed ofover time. Some of these off-cutsare now being made available tocommunity-funded schools tosupport their activities.

The schools provide the skillstraining which enables the studentsto turn scrap metal into litter bins.

The bins are donated to the LusakaCity Council where the localauthority uses them in itsenvironmental drive to keep the cityclean.

Former Safintra Zambia Business Head, Sandeep Kaushik, hands over the litter bins to theMayor of Lusaka, the Honourable Daniel Chitenga, for the environmental drive to keep the city clean.

Mabati Rolling Mills supports World Environment DayMabati Rolling Mills participated in this year’s World Environment Day on 5 June, by hostingspectacular events at both Mariakani and Athi River.

MRM staff join the Machakos Countycommunity at Matuu, in celebrating WorldClean-up Day.

The international theme of the year was‘Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level’ andwas intended to increase awareness onthe need to minimise carbon emissionsinto the atmosphere, which contribute toglobal warming and rising sea levels.

At Athi River, the company donatedseedlings and water refreshments to thevalue of Kshs50,000, which waspresented to the Machakos CountyGovernment and accepted by itsexecutive for Environment, Land andNatural Resources, Mr, Musili. Theseedlings were planted at Matuu.

A high-level Mabati Rolling Mills’ teamalso participated in activities at Magarini,the event venue for the Kilifi County.

In line with the global theme, the Ngomeniarea was chosen because it is adjacent tothe Indian Ocean and vulnerable toflooding caused by wave erosion andrising sea levels.

In the past, the area has experiencedshoreline erosion and damaging sea waveaction caused by extensive land attrition.

The event was marked by a tour of thearea, speeches by dignitaries, treeplanting, entertainment and exhibitionsfrom various organisations such asNEMA, Safaricom.


Dhirubhai Shah, founder and former director of MRM, plants a commemorative treeseedling during the launch of a water pan in Kilifi County.

Fascinating facts about the World ofDifference you could make byrecycling!• To make one tonne of paper, it

takes on average 24 trees. • It takes 70 percent less energy to

recycle paper than it does to makepaper from scratch using rawmaterials.

• Recycled paper is better for airquality, producing 73 percent lesspollution than paper made fromscratch from raw materials.

• You can power a computer for 25 minutes with the energy savedfrom recycling one glass bottle.

• You can light a room with a 60-watt light for three hours, usingthe energy saved from recyclingone plastic bottle.

• You can power a television forthree hours by recycling one tin can.

• Nearly 80 percent of the averagecar can be reused and recycled.

• Nearly 60 percent of all therubbish that ends up in householddustbins could have beenrecycled.

• Around 50 percent of waste in theaverage dustbin could have beenput in a compost heap instead.

• The average dustbin contains theyearly energy potential to power atelevision set for 5,000 hours.

Safal Group is making ‘A world ofdifference’