SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION. IVIILY VMON SEUIKS-VOL. LV.-\O. M(9, IMILY ttE< UKI> SEUIES-VOJU X.\III-.\O. UTS. SACRAMENTO, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1881. DAILY RF.roitn I Vl<>\ series. \OH II \UI-MUltlKI*l. , ..i. TELEGRAPHIC. SPECIAL TO THE BECORD-CNI OX. The Pr. -nli til. ExEctTivE Mansion, Washington, August 6th— S:3oa. m.—The President has passed a pleasant night, sleeping sweetly the greater part of the time without the aid of morphine or any other anodynes. This morning he is cheerful, and all indications promise another favorable day. Pulsj !>2, temperature !'S.4, respiration 18. Signed by Bliss, Barne.", Woodward, Reyburn and Hamilton. T&e Ueated Trrm. New York, August t>:h.— The weather continues unusually hot the hottest of the season. The exodus to seaside resorts is un- precedented. There have been numerous fatal feuuatroke*. PACIFIC COAST. I Hy&terloa* rase or Drowning. Napa, August 6th.— Yesterday afternoon, about half-past 3 o'clock, a man was noticed struggling in the river opposite Stanley's ranch, a tew miles below this city. A boat put out to his assistance, but before it could reach him he sank and was drowned. On the bank of the river, a short distance below where the man was seen, a light-colored Derby hat and a sack coat of light-colored Scotch tweed were found. In the coat cket was found a Western Union Telegraph Com- pany envelope numbered 1!), addressed to J. P. Quelo*, 1048 Howard street, d»ted August 3d, The body has not been recovered. 1 Tenacious of Life. I Portland, August 6tb.— Matt McKay, a longshoreman, while discharging railroad iron from the ship Countam at Derby, was struck on the top of the head by a piece of iron slipping out of the string, crashing the skull and making a hole in hi* head big enough | to put a man's fiat in. Mo has preserved con- sciousness and talks intelligently to the hos- pital physician about his recovery. Iliare- covery is doubtful. A Murj Pronounrcd I'.iN:-." Ticsos (A. T.), August tlih. Don Julian Johnson, .in intelligent citizen of San Mar- cUl, Sooora, cow in the city, states that the story of the aliened capture of Ambrose Lotn- prax, a railroad engineer, by the Apaches, telegraphed from San Francisco, is false from beginning to end. It is a well-known fact that Victorio is dead. Instead of forty, them were but thirteen Indiana in the attackius party. No murders have been committed about lire.*, nor have any Indian been in that locality ; neither could they have reached the Gulf cf California without cross- ing the country of the Meeyo Indian*, who are sworn enemies of the Apaches. The best evidence of the absurdity of Lomprax's statement is that the Indians held him pris- oner for ransom. They will fight for plunder and for scalps, but care nothing for money. KemainK Idcntiflcd-!Hn!lrlou» Mlsrulef. Stockton, August 6tb.—On the 2-">th of June a man was found de&d on a ranch above Locust Ford. An inquest was held, but the remains were not identified, and were imme- diately buried. They have since been ex- humed, and a woman identified them as those of Edward Chalette, her husband. He was a blacksmith from San Francisco. The officials yesterday induced several bnyß, supposed to be implicated in the killing of the China boy G->u, by drowning him in Mormon slouch on Wednesday night, to go before the Police Judge and under oath tell what they knew of the affair. Iceland Sulli- van, aged 15 years, stated that he and James and George Summerville, Eddy Barry and Nelson McGuffick, all under 16 years of age, were the ones that ran the car agaiiut the China boy and knocked him into the water. The case was postponed to allow the boys to ba provided with counsel. No arrests have as yet been made. Probably Fafiillt Injured. Oeoville, AagUßt Oth. George B. Rogers, a prominent citizen and millowner at Moore- town, in thia county, was very seriously, and probably fatally, iujured yesterday by a ny log rolling ovtr him. No particulars are yet received, as the attending physician has not returned. £an I°ranrl«eo Stork Sales. San Francisco. August 6, 1851. JIOKMXH SIHSIOS. ' 15) 0ph1r. :...'..; .......5J 105 0verman..........! 13 390 G'inid L C 4 Ox, 70 .Indian. 80c 5J IVwtJt 8... ; 95 I ID Union ..10 120 C.ilifomii 95c 16'IAlta 3 90 550Saiaj.i 2 40(rr;i 20 iS. Hill 15c TW Con\ir^ia:a l i& 105 ChalleDire 75c 35GChollar 2 20 145 Oc- ldenta! 1 SO 103 Albion 181 ! Satro 15c 3COPctosi 2 So! 50X«ily Wash L1" c 190 O Point 2 15; ICO Andes 1 45 740 Y. Jaket 4 I'C^.ii 125 Scorpion l 40 100 H. and N 2 9003 200 .V. Wells Paig > Stic SCO lin|i! rul lOcj JSK rek» M} 720 Belcher. 310 60 S. Belle. 15 ICO Aria Si 20 1 Prize 15c 75S Nevada 83 SO Day. 260 20 Confidence. it 4flOWales I 05 10 Utah 8j ICONavaJo 75c SO Rulii v Sic 160JacXiion 6Cc lOOKenton 90f! 100 Good haw. 40c 750 Mono 23C 100 Booker 5c do.. 50c assessment. 901 University 5c 1090 Holmes 73c Noonday 1 SOBodie 7j 300 S. Bulwer 10c 200 N. Belle Isle 45c 200 Oro 55c lOOKeldiug 10c 2)0 Bodla T.....2 SC**2 75 ISOBeclitel 143 6C Tiptop M 150Kuwer 2 V 60Silv>r KinK 204. 500 Syndicate 40c PASSENGER LISTS. Omaha, August ir.h.— Left here today, to arrive in Sacramento Angrnt 10th : Horace Davis, San Francisco ; E. H. Sears, Oak- land : J. Roeenburg, New York ; A. T. Vollmer and wife, San Francisco ; A. J. Williams, Stillwater, Minn.; George Wads- worth, Josiah Jewett, Buffalo; Nathan Cra- mer, Cincinnati ; Mrs. Miry Holland, Pitts- burg ; Thomas Crasher, Philadelphia. Also \u25a015 emigrants, to arrive August 13th. Omaha, August 7th.—Passed here to-day, to arrive in Sacramento August 11th : Mrs. C. F. Burns, West Berkeley, Cal. ; Mrs. T. J. lliley, Master Charles Riley, West Oak- land :G. H. Wiiey, Sacramento ; Mrs. O. M. Phelps, Mius Maud Gangmer, St. Louin ; Lula Belir.ont. Ruby Lexington, Ge rye Stewart, Alfred J. Brandensteir, San Fran- cisco; George T. Cram, Charles Chmteuten, St. Louis. Caklin, August 7th. Passed here to-day, to arrive in Sacramento to-morrow : E. D. Goodrich, C. King, J. M. English, George Keicher, New York ; Mrs. W. Mclntosb, Mips F. B. Tnbin, James Maronse, X. Heath and wife, J. N. Merrill, 11. R, Provines, S. D. Brastow, San Francisco ; Mrs. M. IJ. F.'.iss and child, J. Wf-bb, Stockton ; George Barry, Montreal, (Jan.; Captain G. B. Haycook, U. S. A.; Mrs. t=. A. H»yee, Little Blackfoot, Montana ;J. J. Parker, Cantor, Ohio; Frank Brook?, Chicago, 111.: S. W. Gregory and wife, Oakland ;.J. B. Wright, Sacramento; J. Roberts, Princeton, III.; Allen Shaver, Princeton, CV.; S, Rnwdfs wife and 2 children, Tuscarora, Nev.; H. X, Crosby, Ogden, Utah ; 47 emigrant; pas- sengers, iucluding 30 male?, to arrive in Sac- ramento August 9th. Newh.UX. August 7th.—Passed here to- day, to arrive in San Francisco to-morrow : J. E. Thayer, S. Bernstine, A. E. Kennedy, J. Kendall, San Francisco ; M. Dodsworth, Los Angeles ; G. P. Kelley, C. Corwell, J. U. Phillip*, W. Fassett, San Francisco ; C. Coll»r, Ban Fernando ; P. Kidd, S. Glas- brook, San Francisco. A Stbon*; Liohthouse. A strncture which ia expected to be the finest and strongest lighthouse in the world is bow being shipped from the Morris & Tasker iron works in Philadelphia. . It is to be erected in Chesapeake Bay, off Cape Henry. For eighteen months forty men have been at work onit constantly. From the base to the top it measures 155 feet, witha diameter at the base of 30 feet and at the top of 16 feet. There are six stories, above which are the service-room, watch- room, lantern-room, and finally the roof. Its toUl weight is 1,700,000 pounds, 7,000 pounds of bolts alone beiDg used to put it together. The exterior, whioh is octa- gonal in shape, is constructed of cast-iron, while the cylindrical interior is of sheet- iron. The castings of the base and first story are two inches in thickness, and the sheet-iron lining is three-eights of an inch. The staircase, which has ISO steps, goes around the cylinder instead of up a shaft, as in the lighthouses now in exist- ence. The "light-room" is a circular steel frame 12 feet in diameter and 9 feet high. The glass to be used ia now being manufactured in France, and a light oi great powir willbe adopted. We wo glad to notice that the Canadian Rifle Team has won inEngland. This is the nearest that the English havo come to winning anything in their own country for some time. - Kidhet-Wobt will ; cure ' kidney anil liver diseases awl worst cases of piles. STATE AND COAST NEWS. (,'olusa wacts an agricultural fair in October. Aniador county's assessment roll foots tip ts;a94.ii& Boise City has a building boom. There are eight brick buildings in course of erec- tion, including a SI'O.OOO school-hoose. A man by the name of Win. Archibald was drowned in the North Fork of the Clearwater, '.V. T., last week. The body was recovered. The Healdsburg Fla-i gives the experi- ence of the owners of a large alfalfa ranch on the Kussian river. They hare found it more profitable thau grain growing. Population of Solano county, 15. 4 7.') : of Benicia, 1,794 J of Uio Vista, C(k> ; of Vallejo, 5,987 ; of Suisnn and Fairrield, which are contiguous, 07S ; of I hxon, S7G. Andy Snider 'is the name of the new steamboat on ( loose Lake, ami the Lake- view Herald says excursion* ob the lako are talked of as soon as the boat is ready. Hed Bluff is putting in a bid for the lo- cation of the Academy of the Catholic Sisters, which is tobe removed frem Yreka. It looks aa if Ked Hlutl would secure it.— [Chico Enterprise. Railroad surveyors have cantpcd in John Breen'a grove, Sm .In»n, for several days. They have been surveying on the north and south side of the San Benito river. [Hollister Advance. Colonel Chalmers Scott and a party of Southern Pacific Kailroad engineers are making a survey of a line for a railroad from Wadsworth, Nevada, to Mojito, on Hie Southern Pacilic Kailroad. Moat *U\Uie farmers Mr*busy harvesting their erop«o The yield .8 not up to the average, though as good as any of the neighboring counties can boast of. La- borers have no need of being without em- ployment, as there. is plenty of work for everybody. [Caatroville Argus. M'S3 Alice Boston, a Santa Cm damsel of eighteen, thinks nothing of s trimming out a mile and a half into the ocean and back. Next week she is to undertake the tank of swimming from Santa Crux to Soquel, a distance of four miles, in com- pany witha swimmer from San Francisco. We saw a novel eight at the telephone office the other morning, says the Chico BXterpriM. Dr. Stanbury prescribing for H. P. C'owles' child forty miles away. This is a great country. The telephone now in tine working order, and the voice of the person operating can be easily distin- guished. Says the l^oa Angeles Matprtu: A mon- ster scale-bug, which lays m> riads of eggs, has been found on the olive trees in this part of the State. Kntomologista are bu»y investigating their character for the pur- pose of devising a remedy. Wo under- stand that this pest is particularly numer- ous in the olive groves of .Santa Barbara. Dr. Shurtlcff, in an interview, stated iv regard to the reported hog cholera among the swine at the Insane Asylum, that there had been a sort of epizooty among them, but it was subsiding. The first appearance of it was over a week ago, when six or seven died the first day. Others had since died, until there had been a loss of some 30 out of 150 or 200, large and small. The disease has been attended with no symp- toms such as mark cholera in persons. John W. Shuford, of Trinity Center, tells us that a man who bad been herding sheep on Swift Creek left there one day last week to cross the mountains aud haa not been heard from since, although his horse came back into camp the following day with the bridle hung over the horn of the saddle. From the lact that the pistol had been taken from the holster, it is thought the man may have committed suicide. Search was instituted at once but without success at latest accounts. [Weaverville Journal, August 6th. FOOD AND DIVORCE. We ask, ''Arc there any aliments in universal civilized use that do not contain the normal amount of food for the nervona system?'" We reply, "yes"— tlour, starch, sugar. Liebig long ago pointed out that two-thirds of the mineral elements including the gluten and phosphate cells were removed by milling. lie predicted disaster to the human race for demanding an article of tlour that should make up iuto white bread the dark-colored bread being due to the retention of the gluten jells in their normal proportion?. Ma- gendie fed dogs on flour. The)* all died in forty days. He fed others on wheat, and they thrived, etc. Now Hour is largely made up of the parenchymatous starch of the wheat. In being made white it loses three-fourths of peripheral mineral elements that our Creator intended man should get when wheat was eaten. In other words, three-fourths of the nerve food is with- drawn from the most prominent article cf diet used by married couples who seek divorce. We do Dot wish to diatriLe, but we would respectfully say to Dr. Allen that if he could induce the married to give themselves the phosphorus and the nerve food intended for wheat eat- ers, that their nerve centers would be bet- ter nourished Mid ftd. Jn thi3 case, they would perform their life duties better and be less sensitive to outside influences. Aa a hungry man is more impressible (:r.ay we call it nervous ': look for example at a hungry company waiting for a delayed dinner) than a nun well fed, so nerve fed couples could bfar with aud put up with the disagreeabilitits of life. Their temper would be better as their health would be better. Reproduction would ba lees an abnormal and more of a physiological pro- cess. The mother's nerve centers, well fed and sustained, would delight in the agree- able music of the voices and feet of chil- dren. We would have more Cornelias. The function of lactation would be well performed, the children have a better start in the world, and life, be much lesa a burden to the attendants. As the dairymen feed for milk, go may physi- cians feed. For example, a few years ago a Boston lady married and went to Maine to live. Her age was twenty-eight year 3, and her weight US pounds. After a time she was delivered of twins sods. A strong desire was expressed to have tho function of lactation, so that their support should be derived from the mother alone. She was placed on the dairyman's plan and carried it out. After six months the twins had lived on their mother alone one weighed 17 and the other ISpound?, while the mother had gained 10 pounds in weight. There are no signs of divorce in this family, and the twins are perpetual sources of delight all around. As a physi- cian, I believe that more people are gen- erally eroe3, peevish, irritable, ugly, mo- rose, unfeeling, revengeful, because of hungry nerves than is usually believed to be the case. The time to approach for a favor is jnst after a good dinner. On the other hand intoxicated nerves steel the heart to murder and crime. It is not in- tended to wink out of sight natural de- pravity, bot we do believe if the nervous systems of the married were well nourished that mush of the incentive to divorce would be removed. [Dr. Cutter in Food and Health. The Hcgkkcdeh Memorial. ob- ject of . the Hughcnden memorial to Lord BeaconsfieM is to give to the , late Earl's friends and admirers «f all classes an op- portunity to show their devotion to his memory in a substantial form. The east window -is promised, and ,is already in hand. For the rest it is proposed to carry, out the . following works so far a3 funds permit : To fill the live remaining windows in 'the nave with stained glass, for which designs are already prepared, the subjects having been approved by ..< Lord '-\u25a0 Beacons- field. To enlarge the organ in accordarce witha plan which met with the lato Karl's sympathy. To complete the interior deco- ration of the church. To erect a handsome spire and to complete th&peal of bells. Unhealthy -or inactive kiilneya ; cause gravel, Bright's Disease, rhenraatism, aa.l a horde \u25a0of other J serious ami I fatal I disea«r, : which can be predated with HopI Bitters, it taken in tim^>^^^^^^HßnSi THEDAILY RECORD-UNION. Vcredattbcrott Office*! Sacramento as second class matter PUBLISHED BT THE Sacramento Publishing Company. VfH. n. SI ILLS, General Manager. r«l)l lcktloc Office, Third »t., bet. J and flu THE BAH.T OKD-t MO\ \u25a0 Xspabllahed every Sag of the week,Stmdars exospted. Tor one year.. ....$lO 00 Tor six months. 5 00 ' Fortliree months 3 00 Tan copies one rear, to one address 80 00 Subscribers served by Carriers at Twf.sty-Fivx Cikts per week. In all interior cities and town* the paper can be had of the principal Periodical Dealers, Kewnnen and Ajrenta. •",.-\u25a0 ' Advertising Rates la Dally Record-Union. OosSquaie, 1time , „,. ........«1 00 One Square, 2 times. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1 75 Out; Squire, 3 times ......3 50 Inch additional time. , < 60 1Week. 5 Weeks. 1 Month Half Square, Istpace »2 50 $3 50 (5 00 Half Square, 2d page 3 50 6 00 8 00 - Half Square. 3d page 3 00 4 60 00 Half Square, 4th page 3 00 3 00 4 00 One Square, Ist page. 350 600 .TOO One Square, 2<l page 5 00 TOO 10 00 One Square, 3d page 400 6 00 - 800 One Square. 4th page 3 00 4 00 6 00 Star Notices, to follow reading matter, twenty-fire •eats a line for each insertion. Advertisements of Situations Wanted, Houses to Let, Society Meetings, etc., of winlinks OB lbhm, will be Inserted in the Daily KKCOiti>-UxiONas follows: Onetime 25 cento Three time* 50 oents One week 75 cents Se?en word* to constitute a line. ' " THE WEEKLY If OS ;". _;'.'\u25a0 [Published in semi-weekly parts], Zs Istobil on 'Wednesday and .Saturday of each week. oomp-ising Bg3)s Pages ineach issue, or Sixteen Pases each we k, ami is the cheapest ami must dean-able Homo, New* and literary Journal published on the Pseili- ooa t. - . .-\u25a0--\u25a0 Terms, One Year .."...'. $2 50 Semi-Weekly Union Advert Kate*. Half Square, 1 time .". '. .....fl 00 Each additional time... 50 One Square. 1time 2 00 JCaeh additional time 1 00 j BUSINESS CABDS ' r. F. de nnt \ . 51. U. A : C. .Ul JI D. , SURGEONS AND HOMEOPATHIC PHYSl- dans. ;- Oftiee and reside Eighth rtreet, between H and 1. Office hours— to 10 A. m., Ito 3 and 6 to BT. M. $3T Special attention iven to Diseases of Eye and Car. ,' Jel3-4t>2m jr. A. » I VYIX.iIAM. SACRAMENTO BOILER AND IRON WORKS, I street, between Front and Second, Sacra- mento. Manufacturer of Steam Boilers, Sheet lion Work, etc Also, all kinds of Repairing. Chan? nc Portable BoUers from Wood to Straw Burners a Specialty. - -.- .-\u25a0\u25a0.., au<-4ntf DB. LUKE, OFFICE CORNER THIRD AND .1 STREETS, over Boston Drug Store. Office hours : 10 to 12 *\u25a0« , 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. M. aus-iplm Vw? , -.\u25a0 Jon*, him. -_-\u0084, \u25a0 A SSATER AND CHEMIST, No. 317 J STREET, J\: Sacramento, Cal. All A«say« and Chemical Analysis accurately- carried out at short notice and moderate rates. Mining Property Sold aud Gold Purchased. Instructions given in Blow, pine Assay. ing. (Skid tor Circclar.) Oold bought an2-4plin W.I. LIKJt V BBIGC9. M.D. L OCULIST, AURIST AND PHYSICIAN FOR Diseases of the Thioat. Office, 429 J J street corner of Fifth, over Sacramento Bank, Sacracicbto CaL Hours— 9:3o to 12 a. m.; Ito 4 p. M Sundays— 9:30 to 11 a. M.; 1 to i p. m. aul-tf C. U. KBEBS a CO., ~~~ TUPORTERS AND DEALERS INPAINTS, OILS, \u25a0 Glass, Varnishes, Brushes, Wall Paper, Wax Flower Goods and Picture Moldings, Painters' and Artists' Materials. Sole Agents for Averill's Mixed Paints, Building Paper. No. 62« J street, Sacra- mento, Cal. auMptf . JAMES 9Ie«I'IKE, : . . ' MANUFACTURER OF ROAD SCRAPERS, Iron Doors, Jail « ells, Shutters, Railings, Gratings. Housework and Blicksinithing in general No. 620 K street, between * if ih ai.d Sixth, Second- hand Doors tors >le. \u25a0 -. Je22-4ptf VT3SL. CUTTENBEKCEB, TRON \u25a0 ADD BRASS FOUNDER AND MA- JL S chinlst. Front and Nstreet*. Manufacturer of Guttenberjrer's Horse Powers, Patent Ground Roller and Clog Crusher and Barley Mills. All kinds of Hydraulic Pipes. For sale, Three Miller Patent Hay Presses. - Jv3o-4plm 1858. F. FOSTER. 1881. BOOKBINDER, PAPER-RULER AND BLANK- Bo»k Manufacturer, No. 319 Jstreet, between Third and Fourth, Sacramento. jv2o-4p:f 8. CARLS. I. I. CROLT. C4KLE A CBOLT, /CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, ARE PRE- \y pared to do all kinds of work in their line, in city or country. Principal place of business, Sacra- mento. Shop, No. 1114 Second street, between K and L. PodtofHce Box, No. 410, Sacramento. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-: jy!6-4ptf \u25a0 J[ Lil> §TKCTZ. ~~ SUCCESSOR TO FOX & STRUTZ, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Liquors, etc., No. 420 J street, between Fourth and Fifth, Sacramento. Allorders promptly attended to. Jyl4-4plm BEHOVED. CHARLES T. JONES AND ED. M. MARTIN, Attcrneys-at-Law and Notaries Public, have removed their office to No 607 I street, between Sixth and Seventh. 1254p1m 11. F. ROOT. ALEX. XKIL3ON 1. DRISCOI*. BOOT, KEILSOK A CO., ' UNION FOUNDRY-IRON AND BRASS j Founders and Machinists, Front street, be- tween N and O. Castings and Machinery of every description made to order. J v25-4plm W. A. HI«.HS(t\, 81. D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, office, southwest corner of Seventh and J streets, in Bryte's new building, up stairs. Resi- dence, southeast corner of Seventh and N streets, Sacramento. Office hours : Ito 3 and (3 to Br.m. jy2s-4plm ¥. L. BILLINGS A CO.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS in Fine Brandies, Wines and Liquors. Agents for Dr. Jaffe's Celebrated Cinchona Bitters ; also, agents for Litton Springs Seltzer Water, Sonoma county. California. No. 11l Kstreet, between Fourth and Fifth. .\u25a0\u25a0-.. jy-25-lplm 11. II McWILUAHS. HOPE IRON WORKS, FRONT STREET, BE- tween I and J. Machinery of all kinds made M order and repaired. Sole manufacturer of Cat- lisle's Patent Derricks. Lawn Movers Repaired. Jyl4-4pti REMOVAL. DR. NIXON HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO the new building Joining his residence onM street, between Ninth and Tenth, No. 918. Will vuit the Railroad Hospital daily at 9:30 A. m. Office hours— B to 9 a.m.; I to 3 F. M , and evenings jlt-lm lit i nso.v A si', A RCHITECTS, FIFTH STREET, BETWEEN J J^%_' and K, Sacramento ; and Sis Pine street. San Francisco. . jy2B-tf CAPITAL ALE VAILT3, ' NO. 802 J, ' AND * 1005 : THIRD STOEET3 iJ% Hot Lunch daily from 11 a. m. to 1 o'clock p. ». The Best of Wires, Liquors and Cigars. . jyl3-4olin JOHN LONGA.BAUGH. Prop'r. GUOVE L. JOII\SO.\, A TTORSEYATLAW— OFFICE, FIFTH ST., J\_ between I and J. Residence, No. 207 1 street, between Seventh and Eighth. jylo-4plm Vi . B. KNIGHTS, CORNER OF FRONT AND > L STREETS. Highest price for Hides, Sheep Pelts and Tallow. Supplies Butchers with Salt, Paper, latest improved Sausage Machines, Stutters, Lard Presses, etc. Prompt cash returns made for all consign- mente. - - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• ' -\u25a0:"-". Jylg-lptf , ' : C. M. DIXO.\. H. !»., SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office and residence, on Eighth street, between H and 1. ( Office hours- 8 to 9 A. M., and 12 to 2 and (i to Sr. M. Diseases of the tye and Ear a specialty. : \u25a0 - Jel3 4p2m ' T. B. McFABLASD. ATTOIINEY-AY-LAW - OFFICE, SOUTHWEST /\ corner of J and Fourth ttreetd. Residence, H street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. je9-4plin 08. WALLACE A. BBIGCS HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE AND RESI- - deuce to Dr. O. L. Simmons' Building, J street, between Second and Third. Office hours: 8 to9A. M., 11 A. 2P. u.. and 6toB P. u. ml 2-tf DE. HATCH, OFFICE 84 J STREET.— HOURS : 9 = A. M. and 12:30 to 2 F. M. j v23-tf DR. Q. L. SIMMONS. NO. 212 J STREET, BETWEEN SECOND AND Third, Sacramento. \u25a0-.; .. .- -(9 to 10 A. *.} er Offlce Hoars:- 2to4P. M. } jy29-4ptf 7to 8 r M ) ' : CABEIAGES, HA^NESbTeTC CAREIAGES Nevada'* Gran<l Cold Wertnl* for 1878, 1877, 18:8 and 18:9. Ot EVEN GOLD AND SEVEN SILVER MEDALS. k3 100 First Class Premiums for the best work from the Mechanics' Fair, San Francisco, and the different State Fairs held in this State and Nevada. i gar One of my Buggies is worth Six Cheap Eastern Buggies. .- '.. HARRY BERNARD, MANUFACTURER, COR. SIXTHANDL STREETS, BACRAHEXTO. JST I have on Land and for sale at the lowest possible prices, the new style of PONY PHAETONB, the handsomest in the State. Family Carriages, latest patterns. Neatest Open Buirgies in the State. Light Top Buggies. - Heavy Top Buggies for moun- tain use. , Farm re" Carriages. Trotting Wagons and Sulkies, all of my own make. Carnage Paint- ing and Trimming done at the lowest price. None but the most experienced workmen employed. Repairing neatly done, and all work is warranted. Call at the Factory and see for yourself. \u25a0 «ul-4ptf PIKE & YOUNG, CARRIAGE MANUFACTUR- \u25a0-: ___ _ \j ers, corner of Fourth and dj&mf&c. L streets, Sacmmento, have on r&?^ftlN|Ps!j«b^>~ hand the largest assortment ofi2£E_S2iS_2Sj Carriage*, Wagbos and Buggies \u25a0 . found in Sacra- niento, which they will sell at ve wntPS. Jyl3-4p I JOHN T. STOLL'S UirBOVED IIOBBE AMI MILE COLLAB. SHAPED ITO FIT ; THIN .: /gSj*^ thick ::ccks. /MT«W\ ' Home-strap v.'cinnot fpw'f'Ha/rTVi Hame-etrap cannot prees BIS \ \*\ through and make tho top of MS c\\ the neck sore. /•\u2666vl mC' \ It is the most durable /T^J I ti' \u25a0'. neatest collar on the coast. JH re?''" | The hook willkeep the hime-HU 9 t-, If L strap in its proper place. ' txa fC'uf'jr Itv\ ill allow the hanieatrap to Jt-ty be let "in bo the name cannot * >S^W^|s^ pinch the neck. :; \u25a0 \u25a0-; \u25a0-.- .. - .. \u25a0• *1 . 7. [PAT. ran IS, ISSI.] Cost bat very little more than common ir.aeliino- sewed (and by boys stuffed) collars.' '.-\u25a0-. - JOH.I T. HTOLI, Wo. CIA K ttreet, ' Mnnufaclurer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Sid- dlery'and Harness. Address rostofficc Box 54, sic- r*m to 1 Cal.:;^ :; : 1,9-4 U,. SAN rR&NCISOO OABDS. ; ' .... . , === SAN FRANCISCO Business Directory ARTISTS. : \u25a0 House worth—Optician and4>hotosrraphcr, No. 1! Montgomery street. Established in 1851. ARTISTS' MATERIALS, ETC. San borne. Vail ACo.—lmporters and Manufact- urers of Mirrors, Moldings and Frames, Chromos, Engravings, Brackets, Easels, Statuary and Artists' Materials, No. 857 Market street. BUSINESS COLLEGES. Hral<l*s Ituklnexs College (of !>><• Bryant A Stratton Chain of Colleges). K. P. HEALD and F. C. WOODBURY, Proprietors, No. t\ Post stieet, near Kearny, H. P., CaL Terms— 34o per quarter, payable in 30 days. Pacific Ru*lnffi» Collrgr and Telegraphic Institute— (Life Scholarship, for full Business Course, $70). W. E. Chamberlain. Jr., and T. A. Robinson, Pioprletors, No. 3*20 Post street, oppo- site Union Square, S. F., Cal. Send for Circulars. CLOTHIERS, ETC. J. W. f nrmany (successor to Carmany&CrosetU), Dealer in Shirts and Men's Furnishing Goods. Shirts made to order a specialty. No. 25 Kearny street, between Market and Post. DENTISTRY. %?£. T. 11. Frrgußon. D. l>. B.—Operative and Me- chanical Dentiat (graduate of Baltimore College of DenUl Surgery), 31 Keaniy street, near Post. The only place In this Slate where the making and givingof pure gas is made a specialty of from the formula of the Celebrated COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. New York, originators of the use of pis for POSITIVELY Extracting Tetth without pain, is at Nos. 926 and 927 Market street, above Fifth, opposite Mason. DRY GOODS. The White House The oldest Dry Goods House in San Francisco. We import direct from the principal marts in Europe, consequently am sell lower than any other house in the trade. Country orders attended to. J.W.Davidson & Co., Nos. 101 and 103 Keaniy street, San Francisco. Kerne Bros., Nob. 107 to 115 Kearny street, are now holding their regular Semi- Annual Sale. Im- mense reductions in Si k4. Cloaks, Dress Goods, Mourning, Domestic!), Hosiery, Parasols, Laces and Notions. Samples on application. DRUGS, CHEMICALS. JoHlln Gates.— Pioneer Druggist, removed to 722 Montgomery street. Country orders solicited fl LaneleyaK Hlrhaels— Wholesale Druggists, Im porters of pure French, English and German drugc- Northeast corner Front and Pine streets. A. F. Downing A Son— Wholesale Dealers in Druggists' and Proprietary Specialties, No. 1* Second street. Grand Hotel Building. DIAMONDANDWATCH BROKER. I nilc Harris, 221 Kearny St., between Bush and Sutler. Established 1851. \u25a0 - \u25a0 - . T..Y EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. Albert Ly«er A Co.—Publishers " Pacific School and Home Journal ;" monthly ; $2 per year, in advance. voted to Educational interests of the Pacific coast. \u25a0 Official Organ State Departmcn of Public Instruction. No. S3B Market street. EDUCATIONAL. Srliool of Practical, Civil, Mechanical anil Mining Engineering, Surveying, Drawing and As- \u25a0 saying, 21 Post st. A. Van dir NaiUen, Principal. The Berkeley Gymnasium— l Flmt-claaa Academical Institution, affords a Classical, Literary. Scientific or Business Education. For catalogues or particulars, address JOHN F. BUKHIS, Superintendent, Berkeley, Cal. hatr! .11. Men**dctrCer— and Importer cl Hats and Hat Materials. Wholesale and Retail. Northeast corner Montgomery and Bush street;, and 402 Keamy. Herrmann, The IJ.i'llT No. 836 Kearny street, near Pine. The finest hats at the lowest, prices. Factory : No. 17 Balden street. j HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, ETC. Karros ?'. Haw ley A Co. Importers of Hard- . wan and Agricultural Implement*, Nos 301, 303, 305, 307 and 309 Market street, San Francisco. Ciirolnn. Cory A Co. Imrorters of Hardware, Ironand Steel. Agents for the Pittsburg Steel Works, Northwestern Horse Nail Co., and South- inglon Cutlery Co. No«. 120 and 122 Front street, and Nos. 117 and 119 California street. . . Will A Flnck Importing and Manufacturing Cutlers and Bellhangefti, No. 709 Market street. IRON WORKS, BOILER AND MA- CHINERY MAKERS. Sacramento Boiler Works— 214 and 216 Bcale street. J. F. Hall, Practical Boilermaker. Manufactures Marine, Stationary and Portable Boilers, and all kinds of Sheet Iron Works. METALS. STOVES, RANGES, ETC, W. Vf . M,iiiia;:iir A Co.—lmporters of Stoves, Ranges and Sheet Iron, Maibleized Mantels, Grates and Tiles. Manufacturers of Plain, ' Japanned and Stamped Tinware. Nos. 110 112, 114, 116 and 118 Battery street. MILLINERY. The Bandbox- The popular Millinery Establish- ment. B. S. Hirsch &Co., No. 748 Market street. Strict attention to orders from the interior . TEA IMPORTERS. Siegfried A Brainlensteln— 210 California street. P. O. Box 2,163. . RESTAURANTS. Original Italian -Restaurant— No. 619 Clay St., hot. Loidesdorff and Sansome. N. Ghunboni, late Manager of Campi Restaurant, has taken the management. Itwill be run in best Italian style. Swaln'a Family Bakery am] Dining Saloon— No. «S'j Market street. Wedding cakes, ice cream, oysters, jellies, etc., constantly onhand. Families supplied. -_j_ RUBBER AND OIL GOODS. Goodyear Bu»<irr Manufacturers of all I kinds of Rubber Belting, Packing, Hose, Springs, Boots, Clothing, etc. No. 577 and 579 Mai ket street. Davis A KelloSK— Manufacturers of Cape \u25a0 Ann Oiled Clothing, Hats, Covers, etc. Importers and Deale-s in Rubber Boots and Woolen Goods No. 31 California street. The Gutta Prrrlia and Kiiliher Manufact- uring Company— Manufacturers of Rubber Goods :of every description. Patentees of the celebrated "Maltese Cross Brand" Carbolized Hose. Corner First and Market streets. \u25a0 J. W. Taylor, Manager. STATIONERS, PRINTERS, ETC. H. S. Crocker 4 Co.—lmporting and Manufact- uringStationers, Printers and Lithographers, No*. - 215. 217 and 219 Bush street, above Sansome. Cooper'* Book Store— No. 746 Market street j AlTklnds|of Stationery cheap. . Methodist Book l»cpo«Story and National Temperance Publication Society.— Rev. J. B. Hill, i Agent. Agency for Stylographic Fountain Pens ami Stylographic Copying Books. No. 1041 Market street, between Sixth and Seventh. SPRING - MATTRESSES. California Spring Manufacturing Coin- pany, A. S. Warner, President. Noi. 147 and 149 I New Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal., and No. 224 First street, Portland, Oregon. ;\u25a0 Manu- facturers of tile Star Spring Bed Bottom, and all kind* of Bed and Furniture Springs. Also, deal- ers in I Upliolsterers' Tacks, Twine, Webbing, "" Curled Hair, Ticking, Mow, Tow, Excelsior, Bur- laps, Spring Staples, Bed . Lace, Eureka : . Hair. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Vfellman." reek A Co.- Importers and Whole- sale Grocers and Defers in Tobacco and Cigars, - No*. KB to 132 Market, and No. 23 California. . : Taber, Barker A Co.-Importers and Wholesale ; j Grocers, Nos. 10S and 110 California street. - ... \u25a0 SACRAMENTO RECORD-UNION. San Francisco Afficr, No. KMMontgomery ; street.— A. 11. Macdonald Agent. . . ;.;,-\u25a0_ CHlClßfflp SONS' FIA.HOS! No. 839 J 5treet............... Sacrament*. taOMM ' Ho. S3 Sapont street - San Francisco L. K. HAMMER, SOLJt " AGENT ' FOR THE : PACIFIC COAST. , Pianot sold on Installments, If def 'red, %vl ten rent. I Old instruments taken in exchenge f » new. Orders for tuning carefully attended to. ly2o-lplm FRUITS, SEEDS ANDPBODUOE. - A. MOOBKK. '" .'"." \u25a0-\u25a0 8. GKRBOS. 9. «;ecso\ A co., .;;••;; v.-v; GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealers in - Imported and Domestic Fruit.*, Veseta- l>l«s, Xut», Etc., - No. 220 J street, between Second and Third, Sacra- mento. au2-lm D. DEBERNARDI & CO- WHOLBSALH COMMISSION lEALRRB I.V Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Vegetables, Fruit, risk and General tar With the experience of years in this business and every -. facility to prosecute it, iml by the us* the very latest improvements in packages, we respectfully state to the trade, that feeling oui ability to select the best of goods, at prices suitable ; to the present time, we solicit their patronage shall endeavor to merit a preference for all favor* they may be pleased to extend to us. . Respectfully, D. DkBERNARDI & CO. =\u25a0 ' OT With pleasure we notify the public that we are again in the Retail Department of the \ Sacramento Market, No. 308 K street. We shall en- deavor to make this market one of the neatest in the State. Nothing but first class article; will be kept, such as FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, GAME, FISH, etc We will be able to accommodate the largest purchaser as well as the smallest, as we have in connection a large Wholesale Department. Jy26-lm \u25a0 D. DkBERNARDI &CO W. R. STRONG & CO., Wholesale Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP CALIFORNIACKEEN AMI DRIED Mil ITS NUTS, HONEY, SEED And General Merchandise. gST Allorders promptly attended to. Address : W. R. STKONO & CO., : J.vB-lplm Nog. 6. 8 and10 J street, Sacramento. H. T. BBRVf EK A CO.. Commission Merchants and Vf bolesalf DKALKSS I!) GREEN FRUIT, DRIED FRUIT, PRODUCE. Vegetables, Honey, Seeds, Alfalfa Seed, Etc., Kos. 30 and 3/ J Street, Sacramento. JyB-lctf I.VO\ A BUJtlis, _~IOMMISSIONMERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Produce, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, Green and DryFruits, Honey, Beans, etc . ALFALFA SEED. tVPotatoes in car-load lots or teas. Jy23-lptf Nos. £1 and 23 J street. HOTELS AND RESTAUBANTS, GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, CORNER SEVENTH AND K STREETS, SAC- ! \j ramento.— Fii>t-class in every respect. The Largest, Finest and Best- Ventilated Hotel inthe city. RATES— $3, ?2 50 and $2 per day, according to rood. Free Bus to and from the Hotel. J. McNASSEK (late of Denver), aut-4plm Proprietor. THE "WILKINS" HOUSE,' SANTA CRUZ, CAL THE BEST HOTEL INTHE CITY.-LOCATED on Pacific Avenue, only one block from Ex- \u25a0 press, Telegvapn and POftofioai It nearer, the Beacn than any o'her hotel in the city, Street Cars pass the dour i very few minutes for the Beach. . All rooms light and sunny, and wsl vcmi!»U»l. The TABLE is supplied with the BEST that in to be had in the market. Fine PLAY GROUNDS connected with the hotel, conta'ning Swings and Cro»|uet Grounds. Special ratrs male with Parties and Families, by j the Week or Month. *3J" BUS in attendance at all trains and tteaicers j to convey passengers to the hotel, free of Charge. ao2-lm P. V. WILKINB, Proprietor. HOTEL LANGHAM. /CORNER FOURTH AND LSTREETS, SAC&A- men to— Strictly first class, on the European plan. Free coach from Railroad Depot. Fine sample rooms. TERRY & CO , Managers. '• \u25a0 : Connected with the House is a RESTAURANT, conducted STRICTLY FIRsT-CLASS. Open day and night. *. aul-4nlro UNION HOTEL, SECOND AND K STREETS, SACRAMENTO, Cal. Rooms, 50 cent* and SI per day. Special rates by the month. Billiards, choice liquors and cigars. Hot lunch daily from 11 A. M. tilt 2r. M. W. O. ("JOE") BOWERS, aul-jplm \u25a0 Proprietor. STATE HOUSE, Corner Tenth and K Street*, Sacramento. TTT ELDRED, PROPRIETOR— and lodg. lit ing at the most reasonable rates. Bar and billiard rooms attached. Street cars pass the dooi every five minutes. . £g"Froe omnibus to and from the House. jylB-4;'l m HASBIN HOT SULPHUR SPMN&S, (VIA CALHsTOOA^ Lake county, California. rpUESE CELEBRATED SPRINGS ARE NOW M. open. Stages leave Caiißtoga daily, at noon. Stage fare reduced to $3. J)6-tf RICHARD WILLIAMS, Proprietor. MISSISSIPPI KITCHEN. otsti:k ami CHOP \u25a0•818, Third Street, Between J and K, NEXT BOOR TO RECORD-UNION ys)-. Office. Open day and night. J*ViZ& A. J. SKNATZ, Pioprietor. \_J %ig) \u25a0X.U^'-', - Jel9-4plm \u25a0,-. THE COSMOPOLITAN. HOT AND COLD BATHS FOR LADIES & GENTLEMEN. YOSEMITE VALLEY, CALIFOBMA. J. C. SMITH A E. s. ITTEB, Proprietors. jv*-<i'3m . . - . ~~EDW. OADWALAPER. OFFICE, CORNER THIRD AND J STREETS residence, corner Tenth rod N streets, Sacra, tiento, Cal. Notary Public. r United States Commissioner Commissioner of Deeds for the States 'and Terri- tories, and Conveyancer. Deeds, Mortgage!", Wills,*Leases, Contracts, etc., drawn and acknowledged. ' jy!9-tf SWEETS ER & ALSIP, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS Notary ComnalMlonrr of Herein. ' Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. \u25a0' tS' Houses rented and rents collected, "b» Agents for the following Insurance Companies : IMPERIAL .......~.....r./... ."..'. of London !>}NDON . ..... ...... . .". ... r. . ...-; ... .of London NORTHEhN : ... ..... ... . .of London !JUEEN...............................0f Liverpool NORTH BRITISHAKDMERCANTILE { *Kd£lni«ch .f.TNA .. ........ .... .'. .... .. .. ; of Hartford, Conn. As«re*»ti* Capital, mm.; i«,>. ' I KS" No. 47 Fourth street, between J and K, Sac- ramento, corner of the alley \u25a0 Jy-23 lptf -REFRIGERATORS . AXD— ICE CHESTS, I7IOR FAMILIES, HOTELS, GROCERIES, RES- ' tauranta and Saloons. The undi reigned has opened ft lactory at llis and 1130 I Jtrett, on the cirncr of elf th, and Is prepared to furnish Ito- frigci'ator^ and Ice Chests at very rc.-.*>n.ilil<. 1 prices. The-e , Refrigerators have been manufactured in Boston for the p.iit thirty yeira, and give satis- faction in every respect, .-•".:;&C. NEWKLL.;'' ' jUS-lplm ; MECHANICS' STORE. For Advertisement of WEIN- STOCK & LUBIN, see Second Page. It will be changed daily. HALE BEOS. & CO. From the Sixth Day OF THIS MOZNTTBE TO THE TWELFTH I : \u25a0-" * ' SJSBfelßHSßßke^i^^HSßHa^B>^^^^^^^HHMMM^k^H WE EXPECT A BIG WEEK *- AT \u25a0 \u25a0 OSr KALES IH| m JF%O m sb ssssw Grand Central Depot. 1 : \u25a0 . .•-\u25a0-\u25a0 Our Inducements Are Such that we Cannot Fail, OI7R PRICES ARE LITERALLY FORGING A BUSINESS, Anil our experience has taught us that true wisdom teaches men to "Live and Let Live I" Had true wisdom held sway instead of grasping avarice, the firm of HALE BROS, would not in all proba- bility have established a business in Sacramento, but having heard from private and business sources that thousands of dollars were leaving your city for a distant market, HALE BROS, came to the conclusion that something was wrong. They made dilllgent inquiries, and found that the people were paying from 20 to 25 percent, in excess of what they should. Now, Justice denies to any man the right to take from the earnings of Society a dollar more than he gives in exchange. This is HALE BEOS,' keynote, This is the policy they intend to pursue— Simply an exchange, where both the HALES and the PEOPLE are mutually benefited, "^MT'W^'^^'W^r t By our practical work, we shall endeavor to prove that we practice what we teach. Just now there are many reasons why we should SELL GOODS CHEAP ; but W8 think you care but little as to the cause so that you are the gainers by the transaction. This we promise : JL - ft \u25a0 OUR WHOLE BENT THIS WEEK ! '!- = , .1 l!::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!! WIIL BE TO . " |i \t ;.... h SELL THE GdODi. : :E::::EESE:::E::: EE::::::::E::: 1 ' I Almost every advertisement teems with promises, and these promises look well on paper ; but we would advise you to test the matter, for it is only when you have the goods in your hand and the price given to you, that you can in reality form an opinion as to whether goods are cheap. One great reason ef our eagerness to sell is the fact that LARGE COHSISNMENTS ARE EXPECTED DAILY, and we are anxious to clos9 out everything on our fixtures, prior to OPENING OUT NSW STOCK ; therefore we shall spare nothing. HALE BROS, have again used the pruning knife, and visitors to the " GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT" will find that HALE BROS, back up everything they state. All the color that can be given to adver- tising avails nothing if the goods are > not there ; but if .that success depends upon keeping faith with the public, then HALE BROS. are sure to succeed. There is no reason why they should not. They are their own masters ; they are not tied to any particular Housa ; they have, in fact, the whole swing, and are in a position even to force the market. We leave you now to think over what, you have read. . Use your judgment, and PAY A VISIT TO BALE'S GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT, and we shall be pleased and yourselves profited. Yours very truly, HALE BROS. & CO., Grand Central Depot, CORNER OF NINTH AND !( STREET?. WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. AaTertlianionts of fire lines in this department are til— for 25 cents for one time : three timss for 60 Mats or 75 coats per week. WASTED— ONE FIRST-CLASS DRY OOOD3 Man, and one First class Fancy Goods Man. Apply at RED HOUSE. au3- STEAM-PIPE FITTERS -AND—' 31 AC IS XZCXS'ZrS WANTED FOR THEHAWAIIANISLANDS. Apply by lettei, with recommendations, to RISDON IRON WORKS, jygMplOt \u25a0 SAN FRANCISCO. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. WANTED— ALL KINDS HELP, MALE AND Female. \u25a0 Particular attention paid to Fur- nishing Hotels, Private Families and Farmers with Help, free of eharse to employer*. HOUSTON & CO., one door south of Fourth and K streets, Sac- ramento city. ml3-lptf TO LET 0B FOB SALE. AdTertiaements of fire lines in this department are \u25a0serted for 25 rents for o&o time; three times for SO eents or 75 oeots per week. rWY> let— a suite A rooms NEAR THE I State Capitol, consisting of a Handsome Parlor and Bedroom, with folding doors between, on the first floor, with bay window ; well furnished, and suitable for a gentleman and wife or single gentleman. Inquire at No. 914 Nstreet. auC-lw mO LET-VERY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS, 1 nicely furnished, in suites i r single, at No. 710 Kstreet. tau3-lw'l MRS. D.C. KIMBERLY. FOR SALE CHEAP— FULL- lt m in. \u25a0—. b'.owiixl Jersey HULL, twoyears |^^^B old last Muv. Inquire on premises, S?jiiirel Sixteenth and L street*. * » T. Jl jy29 tf J. STOKTS. ¥71011 SALE— HR.ST TEN VOLUMES OF JL* the Encyclopedia Britunnica, bound in calf an.l pcrfec !y new, and will be sold cheap, on account of party fearing fur Europe. The Encycl pedia Bri- t ;iun is conceded to be the most perfect dictionary of art 0 , sneuccs and general literature extant. Ad- drtvs K. K., thisoiScc. Jy9-tf f) —fk/\ ACRES FOtt SALE— CONSIST-JJSR ri mQytXj btget Farming. Fruit, Vine and^?W Garden Lands, in farms and lots of a size to"*" Huit purchasers, tlfU twenty acres upwards, lying f n>m 2} to 5 miles north of Vacaville, Solano county. Apply it Ihehankiurhouse of JAMES L.EKOUSH, eoulliwegt corner of Fourth and J streets, Sacra- nicnto. Je2tf BREWERY FOR SALE. mnE rOB YEARS WF.LL-KNOWNj^Sa JL - . Lnnls Brewery, taK^B Situate.' on oirncr of Sixth and G -<-'\u25a0\u25a0*-' V ; Ti-'^i in the city of Sacramento, is, on account of the death of the proprietor, for sale cheap. Inquire of P. BOHL. .1 street. iy2o-tf IBUSINESSJFOR SALE. j, ,AN SELL BARBEB SHOPS FROM $100 TO 1/ $300; r'«Uurant and oyster saloons from t'ltl, "t-'i; -class bar, $1,500 ; variety store, Sl.COO; country hotels. SI .500 to £3 000; brass foundry and finishing shop ; grain, hay and feed business ; candy store or factor}-. Sub-irrigation latent \u25a0 irhts, rood offer. Partner wanted ina gooi l>i\if/ buslTics* ; grocery store in pood location; also, one to .rent. Inquire of STKOISF.L, 321 J street, broker Generals beadqnarters, Sacramento. Always call th6t« before you bay. j \ 2.5 lptf DESTIBTBY. U. O. THBAILIaILL, D. D. S., £j.»Tj) (Late of Sacramento.] £^^ WsZTs OFFICE AN!) PEXIAL DEPOT: Sixteenth street, K. W. corner of Chestnut, Oakland California. aul-2m >v. !»«»:\u25ba. DF-NTIST.-fI'.F.MOVED TO tjUINN'.<» r'uildinp.torner Fourth and .1 strcets).CaHm Aitiflcial Tectb lerted on all bam. Improved Uquid Nitrous OxiJe Gas, for the Painless Kxtrac- tionofTertu. ; j-J."--tf I»KS. BBKWEK A BOITUnORTH, TTVENTISTB,SOUTHWEST CORNER OF«f*» 1 J Seventh und J streets, in Bryte's newsaHifl buildinc, up otslra. Tocth extracted without pain by tli'iUS' <•! ic:,'ifo»>'d Liquid Nilrons Oxide Gas. )yl6-lplm ' ii. 11. rin:sov. DENTIST. -.16 J STREET, BETWF.EN*gR» \j Four:!.-. Fifth, .Sacrara«Dto Arti-BSKO ficial Teeth inserted on Gold, Vclcanitcandall bases. N trms or Laughing Ha administered for the f>inlcs» extraction cf Tetth. JyH-lm IT. 11. II IKE, D. D. !»., . DENTIST. NO. CO5 J STREET, P.E-^—l i.n. ii >..i'n and seventh,ß jyll-lplm WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELEY J. B. KLr.\E. [lo&e with Waohhorst, and successor to Floberx,) WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, No. 60 J etmt, between Second and CrSs. tolrd. Dealer In Watches, Clock*, Silver- (2-^3* wire, Jewelry, sc Repairing in all ltct£>4&? braachoa a ipodalty. nnder MR. FLOIiKKO. .r- - ];.-S-lplm .4 Q. GRIFFITHS 1 rBHBYN im GRANITE WORKS rr.xuvx cal. &4*Tim}"U rr\HE best VAr.rrrrT ai.t r* i iff rfrtl JL Laiyeet Quarries on thi Pacific Coast. Poliahed Granite MonomenU, Tomb- »vmu and Tablets made to order. \u25a0toata, etc. «ir*nlle Bnlldlnx Stom> ;.q Drewad and P.>lish«id to ord»r dli-in* STAR MILLS AND MALTHOUSE. M;r»oiKG «v lii.«:.«, •VTOb. to, 52 AND 54 fifth st . SACRAMENTO, I^l deal«r» in rmdme and Brewer*' Supplies, ma llfMllUlaua] Malt and all kin.L) of Meals, etc. Oalmeal, Commcal, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour, Buckwheat Flour, etc New Onin Bars for sale iylMpU \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0.\u25a0- UNION *TNSUR-VN'CE COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO Fire and Marlae. CAPITAL, Mb paid 9T&«.tM Loeye pranqnli vlji^cj and paid In void coin CA.''WAI.ADMK i PABSONB, Genera! Agents S>c-an<-nto Div'n, No. 61 J street \u25a0. - \u25a0 yl3-*ptt . CHRIS. WEISEL & CO.. K»%. :JC anil 2'iC; Lutrcrt, Vcnr I !-h(!i, I>UTCnERS AND PORK PACKERS. OT&&, 13 Choio* l : a-, Bacon, Lard, Mcss'JJjt* o I fork, CUt Pork, Pica* Feet, Spare Fibs, f*3p~ \ at !•-\u25a0» ivt market price. Highest prico j«uJ for srraiu fed IlOir*. \u25a0 jylS-4pU

Transcript of SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION. - Library of...



\OH II \UI-MUltlKI*l.,..i.


The Pr. -nli til.

ExEctTivE Mansion, Washington, August6th—S:3oa. m.—The President has passed apleasant night, sleeping sweetly the greaterpart of the time without the aid of morphineor any other anodynes. This morning he ischeerful, and all indications promise anotherfavorable day. Pulsj !>2, temperature !'S.4,respiration 18. Signed by Bliss, Barne.",Woodward, Reyburn and Hamilton.

T&e Ueated Trrm.New York, August t>:h.—The weather

continues unusually hot—

the hottest of theseason. The exodus to seaside resorts is un-precedented. There have been numerousfatal feuuatroke*.


I Hy&terloa* rase or Drowning.Napa, August 6th.— Yesterday afternoon,

about half-past 3 o'clock, a man was noticedstruggling in the river opposite Stanley'sranch, a tew miles below this city. A boatput out to his assistance, but before it couldreach him he sank and was drowned. On thebank of the river, a short distance belowwhere the man was seen, a light-coloredDerby hat and a sack coat of light-coloredScotch tweed were found. In the coat cketwas found a Western Union Telegraph Com-pany envelope numbered 1!), addressed to J.P. Quelo*, 1048 Howard street, d»ted August3d, The body has not been recovered.

1 Tenacious of Life.I Portland, August 6tb.— Matt McKay, alongshoreman, while discharging railroad ironfrom the ship Countam at Derby, was struckon the top of the head by a piece of ironslipping out of the string, crashing the skulland making a hole inhi*head big enough |toput a man's fiat in. Mo has preserved con-sciousness and talks intelligently to the hos-pital physician about his recovery. Iliare-covery is doubtful.

A Murj Pronounrcd I'.iN:-."Ticsos (A.T.), August tlih.—Don Julian

Johnson, .inintelligent citizen of San Mar-cUl, Sooora, cow in the city, states that thestory of the aliened capture of Ambrose Lotn-prax, a railroad engineer, by the Apaches,telegraphed from San Francisco, is false frombeginning to end. It is a well-known factthat Victorio is dead. Instead of forty, themwere but thirteen Indiana in the attackiusparty. No murders have been committedabout lire.*, nor have any Indian been inthat locality ; neither could they havereached the Gulf cf California without cross-ing the country of the Meeyo Indian*, whoare sworn enemies of the Apaches. The bestevidence of the absurdity of Lomprax'sstatement is that the Indians held him pris-oner for ransom. They willfight for plunderand for scalps, but care nothing for money.KemainK Idcntiflcd-!Hn!lrlou» Mlsrulef.

Stockton, August 6tb.—On the 2-">th ofJune a man was found de&d on a ranch aboveLocust Ford. An inquest was held, but theremains were not identified, and were imme-diately buried. They have since been ex-humed, and a woman identified them asthose ofEdward Chalette, her husband. Hewas a blacksmith from San Francisco.

The officials yesterday induced severalbnyß, supposed to be implicated in the killingof the China boy G->u, by drowning him inMormon slouch on Wednesday night, to gobefore the Police Judge and under oath tellwhat they knew of the affair. Iceland Sulli-van, aged 15 years, stated that he and Jamesand George Summerville, Eddy Barry andNelson McGuffick, all under 16 years of age,were the ones that ran the car agaiiut theChina boy and knocked him into the water.The case was postponed to allow the boys toba provided with counsel. No arrests haveas yet been made.

Probably Fafiillt Injured.

Oeoville, AagUßt Oth.—George B.Rogers,

a prominent citizen and millowner at Moore-town, in thia county, was very seriously, andprobably fatally, iujured yesterday by a nylog rolling ovtr him. No particulars are yetreceived, as the attending physician has notreturned.

£an I°ranrl«eo Stork Sales.San Francisco. August 6, 1851.


15) 0ph1r. :...'..; .......5J 105 0verman..........! 13390 G'inid L C 4 Ox, 70 .Indian. 80c5J IVwtJt 8...; 95 IIDUnion ..10

120 C.ilifomii 95c 16'IAlta 390550Saiaj.i 2 40(rr;i 20 iS. Hill 15cTW Con\ir^ia:a li&105 ChalleDire 75c35GChollar 2 20 145 Oc- ldenta! 1 SO103 Albion 181! Satro 15c3COPctosi 2 So! 50X«ily Wash L1" c190 O Point 2 15; ICO Andes 1 45740 Y. Jaket 4 I'C^.ii 125 Scorpion l40100 H. and N 2 9003 200 .V.Wells Paig > SticSCO lin|i!rul lOcj JSK rek» M}720 Belcher. 310 60 S. Belle. 15ICO Aria Si 20 1Prize 15c75S Nevada 83 SO Day. 26020 Confidence. it 4flOWales I0510 Utah 8j ICONavaJo 75cSO Rulii v Sic 160JacXiion 6Cc

lOOKenton 90f! 100 Good haw. 40c750 Mono 23C 100 Booker 5c

do.. 50c assessment. 901 University 5c1090 Holmes 73c Noonday 1

SOBodie 7j 300 S. Bulwer 10c200 N. Belle Isle 45c 200 Oro 55clOOKeldiug 10c 2)0 Bodla T.....2 SC**2 75ISOBeclitel 143 6C Tiptop M150Kuwer 2 V 60Silv>r KinK 204.500 Syndicate 40c


Omaha, August ir.h.—Left here today, toarrive in Sacramento Angrnt 10th :HoraceDavis, San Francisco ; E. H. Sears, Oak-land :J. Roeenburg, New York; A. T.Vollmer and wife, San Francisco ; A. J.Williams, Stillwater, Minn.; George Wads-worth, Josiah Jewett, Buffalo; Nathan Cra-mer, Cincinnati ;Mrs. MiryHolland, Pitts-burg ;Thomas Crasher, Philadelphia. Also\u25a015 emigrants, to arrive August 13th.

Omaha, August 7th.—Passed here to-day,to arrive inSacramento August 11th :Mrs.C. F. Burns, West Berkeley, Cal.;Mrs. T.J. lliley, Master Charles Riley, West Oak-land :G. H. Wiiey, Sacramento ; Mrs. O.M.Phelps, Mius Maud Gangmer, St. Louin;Lula Belir.ont. Ruby Lexington, Ge ryeStewart, Alfred J. Brandensteir, San Fran-cisco; George T. Cram, Charles Chmteuten,St. Louis.

Caklin, August 7th.—Passed here to-day,to arrive in Sacramento to-morrow :E. D.Goodrich, C. King, J. M. English, GeorgeKeicher, New York;Mrs. W. Mclntosb,Mips F. B. Tnbin, James Maronse, X. Heathand wife, J. N. Merrill, 11. R,Provines, S.D. Brastow, San Francisco ; Mrs. M. IJ.F.'.iss and child, J. Wf-bb, Stockton ;GeorgeBarry, Montreal, (Jan.; Captain G. B.Haycook, U.S. A.;Mrs. t=. A. H»yee, LittleBlackfoot, Montana ;J. J. Parker, Cantor,Ohio; Frank Brook?, Chicago, 111.: S. W.Gregory and wife, Oakland ;.J. B. Wright,Sacramento; J. Roberts, Princeton, III.;Allen Shaver, Princeton, CV.; S, Rnwdfswife and 2 children, Tuscarora, Nev.; H.X,Crosby, Ogden, Utah ; 47 emigrant; pas-sengers, iucluding 30 male?, to arrive in Sac-ramento August 9th.

Newh.UX. August 7th.—Passed here to-day, to arrive in San Francisco to-morrow :J. E. Thayer, S. Bernstine, A. E. Kennedy,J. Kendall, San Francisco ;M.Dodsworth,Los Angeles ;G. P. Kelley, C. Corwell, J.U. Phillip*, W. Fassett, San Francisco ;C.Coll»r, Ban Fernando ;P. Kidd, S. Glas-brook, San Francisco.

A Stbon*; Liohthouse.—A strncture

which ia expected to be the finest andstrongest lighthouse in the world is bow

being shipped from the Morris &Taskeriron works in Philadelphia. . It is to beerected in Chesapeake Bay, off CapeHenry. For eighteen months forty menhave been at work onit constantly. Fromthe base to the top it measures 155 feet,witha diameter at the base of 30 feet andat the top of 16 feet. There are six stories,above which are the service-room, watch-room, lantern-room, and finally the roof.Its toUl weight is 1,700,000 pounds, 7,000pounds of bolts alone beiDg used to putittogether. The exterior, whioh is octa-gonal in shape, is constructed of cast-iron,while the cylindrical interior is of sheet-iron. The castings of the base and firststory are two inches in thickness, andthe sheet-iron lining is three-eights of aninch. The staircase, which has ISO steps,goes around the cylinder instead of up ashaft, as in the lighthouses nowin exist-ence. The "light-room" is a circularsteel frame 12 feet in diameter and 9 feethigh. The glass to be used ia now beingmanufactured in France, and a light oigreat powir willbe adopted.

We wo glad to notice that the CanadianRifle Team has won inEngland. This isthe nearest that the English havo come towinning anything in their own country forsome time.-

Kidhet-Wobt will;cure 'kidney anil liverdiseases awl worst cases of piles.


(,'olusa wacts an agricultural fair inOctober.

Aniador county's assessment roll foots tipts;a94.ii&

Boise City has a building boom. Thereare eight brick buildings in course of erec-tion, including a SI'O.OOO school-hoose.

A man by the name of Win. Archibaldwas drowned in the North Fork of theClearwater, '.V. T., last week. The bodywas recovered.

The Healdsburg Fla-i gives the experi-ence of the owners of a large alfalfa ranchon the Kussian river. They hare found itmore profitable thau grain growing.

Population of Solano county, 15. 47.') :of Benicia, 1,794 J of Uio Vista, C(k>; ofVallejo, 5,987 ;of Suisnn and Fairrield,which are contiguous, 07S ;of Ihxon, S7G.

Andy Snider 'is the name of the newsteamboat on ( loose Lake, ami the Lake-view Herald says excursion* ob the lakoare talked of as soon as the boat is ready.

Hed Bluffis putting ina bid for the lo-cation of the Academy of the CatholicSisters, which is tobe removed frem Yreka.Itlooks aa if Ked Hlutl would secure it.—[Chico Enterprise.

Railroad surveyors have cantpcd inJohn Breen'a grove, Sm .In»n, for severaldays. They have been surveying on thenorth and south side of the San Benitoriver.

—[Hollister Advance.

Colonel Chalmers Scott and a party ofSouthern Pacific Kailroad engineers aremaking a survey of a line for a railroadfrom Wadsworth, Nevada, to Mojito, onHie Southern Pacilic Kailroad.

Moat *U\Uie farmers Mr*busy harvestingtheir erop«o The yield .8 not up to theaverage, though as good as any of theneighboring counties can boast of. La-borers have no need of being without em-ployment, as there. is plenty of work foreverybody. —

[Caatroville Argus.M'S3 Alice Boston, a Santa Cm damsel

of eighteen, thinks nothing of s trimmingout a mile and a half into the ocean andback. Next week she is to undertake thetank of swimming from Santa Crux toSoquel, a distance of four miles, in com-pany witha swimmer from San Francisco.

We saw a novel eight at the telephoneoffice the other morning, says the ChicoBXterpriM. Dr. Stanbury prescribing forH. P. C'owles' child forty miles away.This is a great country. The telephone :»now in tine working order, and the voice ofthe person operating can be easily distin-guished.

Says the l^oa Angeles Matprtu: A mon-ster scale-bug, which lays m> riads ofeggs,has been found on the olive trees in thispart of the State. Kntomologista are bu»yinvestigating their character for the pur-pose of devising a remedy. Wo under-stand that this pest is particularly numer-ous in the olive groves of .Santa Barbara.

Dr. Shurtlcff, in an interview, stated ivregard to the reported hog cholera amongthe swine at the Insane Asylum, that therehad been a sort of epizooty among them,but it was subsiding. The firstappearanceof it was over a week ago, when six orseven died the first day. Others had sincedied, until there had been a loss of some30 out of 150 or 200, large and small. Thedisease has been attended withno symp-toms such as mark cholera inpersons.

John W. Shuford, of Trinity Center,tells us that a man who bad been herdingsheep on Swift Creek left there one daylast week to cross the mountains aud haanot been heard from since, although hishorse came back into camp the followingday with the bridle hung over the horn ofthe saddle. From the lact that the pistolhad been taken from the holster, it isthought the man may have committedsuicide. Search was instituted at once butwithout success at latest accounts.[Weaverville Journal, August 6th.

FOOD AND DIVORCE.We ask, ''Arc there any aliments in

universal civilized use that donot containthe normal amount of food for the nervonasystem?'" We reply, "yes"— tlour,starch, sugar. Liebig long ago pointed outthat two-thirds of the mineral elementsincluding the gluten and phosphate cellswere removed by milling. lie predicteddisaster to the human race for demandingan article of tlour that should make upiuto white bread

—the dark-colored breadbeing due to the retention of the glutenjells in their normal proportion?. Ma-gendie fed dogs on flour. The)* all died inforty days. He fed others on wheat, andthey thrived, etc. Now Hour is largelymade up of the parenchymatous starch ofthe wheat. In being made white it losesthree-fourths of peripheral mineral elementsthat our Creator intended man should getwhen wheat was eaten. In other words,three-fourths of the nerve food is with-drawn from the most prominent article cfdiet used by married couples whoseek divorce. We do Dot wish todiatriLe, but we would respectfully sayto Dr. Allen that if he could induce themarried to give themselves the phosphorusand the nerve food intended for wheat eat-ers, that their nerve centers would be bet-ter nourished Mid ftd. Jn thi3 case, theywouldperform their lifeduties better andbe less sensitive to outside influences. Aaa hungry man is more impressible (:r.ay wecall it nervous ': look for example at ahungry company waiting for a delayeddinner) than a nun well fed, so nerve fedcouples could bfar with aud put up withthe disagreeabilitits of life. Their temperwould be better as their health would bebetter. Reproduction would ba lees anabnormal and more of a physiological pro-cess. The mother's nerve centers, wellfedand sustained, would delight in the agree-able music of the voices and feet of chil-dren. We would have more Cornelias.The function of lactation would be wellperformed, the children have a better startin the world, and life, be much lesaa burden to the attendants. As thedairymen feed for milk, go may physi-cians feed. For example, a few yearsago a Boston lady married and went toMaine to live. Her age was twenty-eightyear3, and her weight US pounds. After atime she was delivered of twins sods. Astrong desire was expressed to have thofunction of lactation, so that their supportshould be derived from the mother alone.She was placed on the dairyman's planand carried it out. After six months

—the twins had lived on their mother alone—

one weighed 17 and the other ISpound?,while the mother had gained 10 pounds inweight. There are no signs of divorce inthis family, and the twins are perpetualsources of delight allaround. As a physi-cian, Ibelieve that more people are gen-erally eroe3, peevish, irritable, ugly, mo-rose, unfeeling, revengeful, because ofhungry nerves than is usually believed tobe the case. The time to approach for afavor is jnst after a good dinner. On theother hand intoxicated nerves steel theheart to murder and crime. Itis not in-tended to wink out of sight natural de-pravity, bot we do believe if the nervoussystems of the married were wellnourishedthat mush ofthe incentive todivorce wouldbe removed.

—[Dr. Cutter in Food and


The Hcgkkcdeh Memorial.—

ob-ject of. the Hughcnden memorial to LordBeaconsfieM is to give to the ,late Earl'sfriends and admirers «f all classes an op-portunity to show their devotion to hismemory in a substantial form. The eastwindow -is promised, and ,is already inhand. For the rest it is proposed to carry,out the . following works so far a3 fundspermit :To fillthe live remaining windowsin'the nave with stained glass, for whichdesigns are already prepared, the subjectshaving been approved by..< Lord '-\u25a0 Beacons-field. To enlarge the organ in accordarcewitha plan which met with the lato Karl'ssympathy. To complete the interior deco-ration of the church. To erect a handsomespire and to complete th&peal of bells.

Unhealthy -or inactive kiilneya ;causegravel, Bright's Disease, rhenraatism, aa.l ahorde \u25a0of other J serious ami IfatalIdisea«r, :which can be predated withHopIBitters, ittaken in tim^>^^^^^^HßnSi

THEDAILYRECORD-UNION.Vcredattbcrott Office*!Sacramento as second class matter


Sacramento Publishing Company.VfH.n.SI ILLS,General Manager.

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THE BAH.T OKD-t MO\\u25a0 Xspabllahed every Sag of the week,Stmdars exospted.

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Subscribers served by Carriers at Twf.sty-FivxCikts per week. Inall interior cities and town* thepaper can be had of the principal Periodical Dealers,Kewnnen and Ajrenta. •",.-\u25a0'Advertising Rates la Dally Record-Union.OosSquaie, 1time ,„,. ........«1 00One Square, 2 times. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 175Out; Squire, 3 times ......,« 3 50Inch additional time. , < 60

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THE WEEKLY IfOS;". _;'.'\u25a0 [Published in semi-weekly parts],

Zs Istobilon 'Wednesday and .Saturday of each week.oomp-ising Bg3)s Pages ineach issue, or Sixteen Paseseach we k, ami is the cheapest ami must dean-ableHomo, New* and literary Journal published on thePseili- ooa t.

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dans. ;- Oftiee and reside Eighth rtreet,between Hand 1. Office hours— to 10 A. m., Ito3and 6 to BT. M. $3T Special attention iven toDiseases of Eye and Car. ,' Jel3-4t>2m

jr. A.»IVYIX.iIAM.•

SACRAMENTO BOILER AND IRON WORKS,Istreet, between Front and Second, Sacra-

mento. Manufacturer of Steam Boilers, Sheet lionWork,etc Also, all kinds of Repairing. Chan? ncPortable BoUers from Wood to Straw Burners aSpecialty. - -.- .-\u25a0\u25a0.., • au<-4ntf


OFFICE CORNER THIRD AND .1 STREETS,over Boston Drug Store. Office hours :10 to

12 *\u25a0« ,1to 3 and 7 to 8 p. M. aus-iplm

Vw? ,-.\u25a0 Jon*, him. -_-\u0084,\u25a0 A SSATER AND CHEMIST, No. 317 J STREET,J\: Sacramento, Cal. All A«say« and ChemicalAnalysis accurately- carried out at short notice andmoderate rates. Mining Property Sold aud GoldPurchased. Instructions given in Blow,pine (Skid tor Circclar.) Oold bought an2-4plin


OCULIST, AURIST AND PHYSICIAN FORDiseases of the Thioat. Office, 429J J streetcorner of Fifth, over Sacramento Bank, Sacracicbto

CaL Hours—9:3o to 12 a. m.; Ito4 p. M Sundays—9:30 to 11 a. M.; 1 toip. m. aul-tf

C. U. KBEBS a CO.,~~~

TUPORTERS ANDDEALERS INPAINTS, OILS,\u25a0 Glass, Varnishes, Brushes, Wall Paper, Wax

Flower Goods and Picture Moldings, Painters' andArtists' Materials. Sole Agents for Averill's MixedPaints, Building Paper. No. 62« J street, Sacra-mento, Cal. auMptf

.JAMES 9Ie«I'IKE, : . . '

MANUFACTURER OF ROAD SCRAPERS,Iron Doors, Jail « ells, Shutters, Railings,

Gratings. Housework and Blicksinithing in generalNo. 620 Kstreet, between *ifih ai.d Sixth, Second-hand Doors tors >le. \u25a0 -. Je22-4ptf

VT3SL. CUTTENBEKCEB,TRON \u25a0 ADD BRASS FOUNDER AND MA-JL S chinlst. Front and Nstreet*. Manufacturer ofGuttenberjrer's Horse Powers, Patent Ground Rollerand Clog Crusher and Barley Mills. All kinds ofHydraulic Pipes. For sale, Three MillerPatent HayPresses. -



Bo»k Manufacturer, No. 319 Jstreet, betweenThird and Fourth, Sacramento. jv2o-4p:f


/CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, ARE PRE-\y pared to do all kinds of work in their line, incity or country. Principal place of business, Sacra-mento. Shop, No. 1114 Second street, between Kand L. PodtofHce Box,No. 410, Sacramento.

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-: jy!6-4ptf \u25a0

J[ Lil> §TKCTZ.~~

SUCCESSOR TO FOX & STRUTZ, IMPORTERand Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Liquors,

etc., No. 420 J street, between Fourth and Fifth,Sacramento. Allorders promptly attended to.



CHARLES T. JONES AND ED. M. MARTIN,Attcrneys-at-Law and Notaries Public, have

removed their office to No 607 Istreet, betweenSixth and Seventh. 1254p1m



UNION FOUNDRY-IRON AND BRASSj Founders and Machinists, Front street, be-

tween N and O. Castings and Machinery of everydescription made to order. J v25-4plm

W. A. HI«.HS(t\, 81. D.,

HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIANAND SURGEON,office, southwest corner of Seventh and J

streets, in Bryte's new building, up stairs. Resi-dence, southeast corner of Seventh and N streets,Sacramento. Office hours :Ito3and (3 to Br.m.



IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERSin Fine Brandies, Wines and Liquors. Agents

for Dr. Jaffe's Celebrated Cinchona Bitters ;also,agents for Litton Springs Seltzer Water, Sonomacounty. California. No.11l Kstreet, between Fourthand Fifth. .\u25a0\u25a0-.. jy-25-lplm


HOPE IRON WORKS, FRONT STREET, BE-tween Iand J. Machinery of all kinds made

M order and repaired. Sole manufacturer of Cat-lisle's Patent Derricks. Lawn Movers Repaired.



DR.NIXON HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TOthe new building Joining his residence onM

street, between Ninth and Tenth, No. 918. Willvuit the Railroad Hospital daily at 9:30 A. m. Officehours— Bto 9a.m.;Ito 3 F.M,and evenings jlt-lm


J^%_' and K,Sacramento ;and Sis Pine street. SanFrancisco. . jy2B-tf


1005 :THIRD STOEET3iJ% Hot Lunch daily from 11 a. m. to 1o'clockp. ». The Best of Wires, Liquors and Cigars.. jyl3-4olin JOHN LONGA.BAUGH. Prop'r.


ATTORSEYATLAW—OFFICE, FIFTH ST.,J\_ between Iand J. Residence, No. 207 1street,between Seventh and Eighth. jylo-4plm


CORNER OF FRONT AND > L STREETS.Highest price for Hides, Sheep Pelts and

Tallow. Supplies Butchers with Salt, Paper, latestimproved Sausage Machines, Stutters, Lard Presses,etc. Prompt cash returns made for all consign-mente.

- -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•

'-\u25a0:"-". Jylg-lptf

,':C. M. DIXO.\. H. !».,

SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN.Office and residence, on Eighth street, between

Hand 1. ( Office hours- 8 to9 A. M.,and 12 to 2 and(ito Sr. M. Diseases of the tye and Ear a specialty.:\u25a0

- •

Jel3 4p2m'



/\ corner of J and Fourth ttreetd. Residence, Hstreet, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. je9-4plin


HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE AND RESI--deuce to Dr. O. L. Simmons' Building, J

street, between Second and Third. Office hours: 8to9A. M., 11 A. 2P. u..and 6toBP. u. ml2-tf


OFFICE 84 J STREET.— HOURS:9= A. M.and 12:30 to 2 F.M. jv23-tf


Third, Sacramento. \u25a0-.; ...--(9 to 10 A.*.}

er Offlce Hoars:- 2to4P. M.} jy29-4ptf7to 8 r M ) ' :

CABEIAGES, HA^NESbTeTCCAREIAGESNevada'* Gran<l Cold Wertnl* for 1878, 1877,

18:8 and 18:9.

OtEVEN GOLD AND SEVEN SILVER MEDALS.k3 100 First Class Premiums for the best workfrom the Mechanics' Fair, San Francisco, and thedifferent State Fairs held inthis State and Nevada.igar One of my Buggies is worth Six Cheap

Eastern Buggies. .-'..



JSTIhave on Land and for sale at the lowestpossible prices, the new style of PONYPHAETONB,the handsomest in the State. Family Carriages,latest patterns. Neatest Open Buirgies in the State.Light Top Buggies. - Heavy Top Buggies formoun-tain use. ,Farm re" Carriages. Trotting Wagonsand Sulkies, all of my own make. Carnage Paint-ing and Trimming done at the lowest price. Nonebut the most experienced workmen employed.Repairing neatly done, and all work is warranted.Call at the Factory and see for yourself. \u25a0 «ul-4ptf



\j ers, corner of Fourth and dj&mf&c.Lstreets, Sacmmento, have on r&?^ftlN|Ps!j«b^>~hand the largest assortment ofi2£E_S2iS_2SjCarriage*, Wagbos and Buggies \u25a0 . found in Sacra-niento, which they willsell at ve wntPS. Jyl3-4p


SHAPED ITO FIT;THIN.: /gSj*^ thick ::ccks. /MT«W\

•'Home-strap v.'cinnot fpw'f'Ha/rTViHame-etrap cannot prees BIS \ \*\through and make tho top of MS c\\the neck sore. /•\u2666vl mC' \It is the most durable /T^J Iti'\u25a0'.

neatest collar on the coast. JH re?''"|The hook willkeep the hime-HU 9 t-,IfLstrap in its proper place.

'txa fC'uf'jr

Itv\illallow the hanieatrap to Jt-tybe let "in bo the name cannot

* >S^W^|s^pinch the neck. :; \u25a0 \u25a0-; \u25a0-.- ..-.. \u25a0• • *1 .——


—[PAT.ran IS,ISSI.]

Cost bat very little more than common ir.aeliino-sewed (and by boys stuffed) collars.' '.-\u25a0-.- •

JOH.I T. HTOLI, Wo. CIA K ttreet,'

Mnnufaclurer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Sid-dlery'and Harness. Address rostofficc Box 54, sic-r*m to1 Cal.:;^ :;: 1,9-4 U,.

SAN rR&NCISOO OABDS. ;'.... . ,


Business DirectoryARTISTS. :\u25a0

House worth—Optician and4>hotosrraphcr, No. 1!Montgomery street. Established in1851.

ARTISTS' MATERIALS,ETC.San borne. VailACo.—lmporters and Manufact-

urers of Mirrors, Moldings and Frames, Chromos,Engravings, Brackets, Easels, Statuary andArtists' Materials, No. 857 Market street.

BUSINESS COLLEGES.Hral<l*s Ituklnexs College (of !>><• Bryant A

Stratton Chain of Colleges). K. P. HEALDandF. C. WOODBURY, Proprietors, No. t\ Poststieet, near Kearny, H. P., CaL Terms— 34o perquarter, payable in 30 days.

Pacific Ru*lnffi»Collrgr and TelegraphicInstitute— (Life Scholarship, for full BusinessCourse, $70). W. E. Chamberlain. Jr., and T. A.Robinson, Pioprletors, No. 3*20 Post street, oppo-site Union Square, S. F., Cal. Send forCirculars.

CLOTHIERS, ETC.J. W.fnrmany (successor to Carmany&CrosetU),

Dealer in Shirts and Men's Furnishing Goods.Shirts made to order a specialty. No. 25 Kearnystreet, between Market and Post.

DENTISTRY. %?£.T. 11. Frrgußon. D.l>. B.—Operative and Me-

chanical Dentiat (graduate of Baltimore College ofDenUl Surgery), 31 Keaniy street, near Post.

The only place In this Slate where themaking and givingof pure gas is made a specialtyof from the formula of the Celebrated COLTONDENTAL ASSOCIATION. New York, originatorsof the use of pis for POSITIVELY ExtractingTetth without pain, is at Nos. 926 and 927 Marketstreet, above Fifth, opposite Mason.

DRY GOODS.The White House

—The oldest Dry Goods House

in San Francisco. We import direct from theprincipal marts inEurope, consequently am selllower than any other house in the trade. Countryorders attended to. J.W.Davidson & Co., Nos.101 and 103 Keaniy street, San Francisco.

Kerne Bros., Nob. 107 to 115 Kearny street, arenow holding theirregular Semi- Annual Sale. Im-mense reductions in Si k4. Cloaks, Dress Goods,Mourning, Domestic!), Hosiery, Parasols, Lacesand Notions. Samples on application.

DRUGS, CHEMICALS.JoHlln Gates.— Pioneer Druggist, removed to 722

Montgomery street. Country orders solicited flLaneleyaK Hlrhaels— Wholesale Druggists, Im

porters of pure French, English and German drugc-Northeast corner Front and Pine streets.

A. F. Downing A Son— Wholesale Dealersin Druggists' and Proprietary Specialties, No. 1*Second street. Grand Hotel Building.

DIAMONDANDWATCH BROKER.Inilc Harris, 221 Kearny St., between Bush and

Sutler. Established 1851.\u25a0

-\u25a0 .«

- . T..YEDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS.Albert Ly«er ACo.—Publishers

"Pacific School

and Home Journal ;"monthly ;$2 per year, inadvance. voted to Educational interests of thePacific coast. \u25a0 Official Organ State Departmcn ofPublic Instruction. No. S3B Market street.

EDUCATIONAL.Srliool of Practical, Civil,Mechanical anil

Mining Engineering, Surveying, Drawing and As-\u25a0 saying, 21Post st. A.Van dir NaiUen, Principal.

The Berkeley Gymnasium—lFlmt-claaaAcademical Institution, affords a Classical,Literary. Scientific or Business Education. Forcatalogues or particulars, address JOHN F.BUKHIS, Superintendent, Berkeley, Cal.

hatr!.11. Men**dctrCer— and Importer cl

Hats and Hat Materials. Wholesale and Retail.Northeast corner Montgomery and Bush street;,and 402 Keamy.

Herrmann, The IJ.i'llT—

No.836 Kearny street,near Pine. The finest hats at the lowest, prices.Factory :No. 17 Balden street.

jHARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, ETC.Karros ?'. Haw ley A Co.

—Importers of Hard-. wan and Agricultural Implement*, Nos 301, 303,

305, 307 and 309 Market street, San Francisco.Ciirolnn. Cory A Co.

—Imrorters of Hardware,

Ironand Steel. Agents for the Pittsburg SteelWorks, Northwestern Horse Nail Co., and South-inglonCutlery Co. No«. 120 and 122 Front street,and Nos. 117 and 119 California street. . .

Will A Flnck—

Importing and ManufacturingCutlers and Bellhangefti, No. 709 Market street.


Sacramento Boiler Works— 214 and 216Bcale street. J. F. Hall,Practical Boilermaker.Manufactures Marine, Stationary and PortableBoilers, and all kinds of Sheet Iron Works.

METALS. STOVES, RANGES, ETC,W. Vf. M,iiiia;:iirA Co.—lmporters of Stoves,

Ranges and Sheet Iron, Maibleized Mantels,Grates and Tiles. Manufacturers of Plain,

'Japanned and Stamped Tinware. Nos. 110 112,114, 116 and 118 Battery street.

MILLINERY.The Bandbox- The popular Millinery Establish-

ment. B. S. Hirsch &Co., No. 748 Market street.Strict attention to orders from the interior .

TEA IMPORTERS.Siegfried A Brainlensteln— 210 California

street. P. O. Box2,163. .RESTAURANTS.

Original Italian -Restaurant— No. 619 ClaySt., hot. Loidesdorff and Sansome. N.Ghunboni,late Manager of Campi Restaurant, has taken themanagement. Itwillbe run in best Italian style.

Swaln'a Family Bakery am] DiningSaloon— No. «S'j Market street. Wedding cakes,ice cream, oysters, jellies,etc., constantly onhand.Families supplied. -_j_

RUBBER AND OIL GOODS.Goodyear Bu»<irr Manufacturers of allIkinds of Rubber Belting, Packing, Hose, Springs,

Boots, Clothing, etc. No. 577 and 579 Maiket street.

Davis A KelloSK— Manufacturers ofCape\u25a0 Ann Oiled Clothing, Hats, Covers, etc. Importers

and Deale-s in Rubber Boots and Woolen GoodsNo. 31 California street.

The Gutta Prrrlia and Kiiliher Manufact-uring Company— Manufacturers of Rubber Goods

:of every description. Patentees of the celebrated"Maltese Cross Brand" Carbolized Hose. CornerFirst and Market streets. \u25a0 J. W. Taylor, Manager.

STATIONERS, PRINTERS, ETC.H. S. Crocker 4 Co.—lmporting and Manufact-

uringStationers, Printers and Lithographers, No*.-215. 217 and 219 Bush street, above Sansome.

Cooper'* Book Store—No. 746 Market streetj AlTklnds|of Stationery cheap. .

Methodist Book l»cpo«Story and NationalTemperance Publication Society.— Rev. J. B. Hill,iAgent. Agency for Stylographic Fountain Pens

ami Stylographic Copying Books. No.1041 Marketstreet, between Sixthand Seventh.


California • Spring Manufacturing Coin-pany, A.S. Warner, President. Noi. 147 and 149INew Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal., and

No. 224 First street, Portland, Oregon. ;\u25a0 Manu-facturers of tile Star Spring Bed Bottom, and allkind* of Bed and Furniture Springs. Also, deal-ers inIUpliolsterers' Tacks, Twine, Webbing,""Curled Hair, Ticking, Mow,Tow, Excelsior, Bur-laps, Spring Staples, Bed .Lace, Eureka :.Hair.

WHOLESALE GROCERS.Vfellman."reek A Co.- Importers and Whole-

sale Grocers and Defers in Tobacco and Cigars,-No*.KB to 132 Market, and No. 23 California. . :

Taber, Barker A Co.-Importers and Wholesale;jGrocers, Nos. 10S and 110 California street. - ... \u25a0

SACRAMENTO RECORD-UNION.San Francisco Afficr,No. KMMontgomery;street.— A. 11. Macdonald Agent. . . ;.;,-\u25a0_


No. 839 J 5treet............... Sacrament*.taOMM


Ho. S3 Sapont street- • San Francisco




, Pianot sold on Installments, Ifdef'red, %vl tenrent.IOld instruments taken in exchenge f » new.Orders for tuning carefully attended to. • ly2o-lplm


A. MOOBKK.'".'"." \u25a0-\u25a0 8. GKRBOS.

9. «;ecso\ A co., .;;••;; v.-v;


-Imported and Domestic Fruit.*, Veseta-

l>l«s, Xut», Etc., -No. 220 J street, between Second and Third, Sacra-mento. au2-lm


Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Vegetables,Fruit, risk and General

tar With the experience of years in this businessand every -. facility to prosecute it,imlby the us*the very latest improvements in packages, werespectfully state to the trade, that feeling oui

ability to select the best of goods, at prices suitable;to the present time, wesolicit their patronage

shall endeavor to merit a preference forall favor*they may be pleased to extend to us. .Respectfully,

D. DkBERNARDI & CO. =\u25a0'

OT With pleasure we notify the publicthat we are again in the Retail Department of the

\ Sacramento Market, No. 308 K street. We shall en-deavor to make this market one of the neatest inthe State. Nothing but first class article; will bekept, such as FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY,GAME, FISH, etc We willbe able to accommodatethe largest purchaser as well as the smallest, as wehave in connection a large Wholesale Department.

Jy26-lm \u25a0 D. DkBERNARDI &CO


Wholesale Commission MerchantsAND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP


NUTS, HONEY, SEEDAnd General Merchandise.

gST Allorders promptly attended to. Address :W. R. STKONO & CO., :

J.vB-lplm Nog. 6. 8and10 J street, Sacramento.

H. T. BBRVfEK A CO..Commission Merchants and Vfbolesalf


GREEN FRUIT, DRIED FRUIT, PRODUCE.Vegetables, Honey, Seeds, AlfalfaSeed, Etc.,

Kos. 30 and 3/ J Street, Sacramento.JyB-lctf

I.VO\ A BUJtlis,


Produce, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, Cheese,Poultry, Green and DryFruits, Honey, Beans, etc.

ALFALFA SEED.tVPotatoes in car-load lots or teas.Jy23-lptf Nos. £1 and 23 J street.



CORNER SEVENTH AND K STREETS, SAC- !\jramento.— Fii>t-class in every respect. TheLargest, Finest and Best- Ventilated Hotel inthe city.

RATES— $3, ?2 50 and $2 per day, according torood. Free Bus toand from the Hotel.

J. McNASSEK (late of Denver),aut-4plm Proprietor.


THE BEST HOTEL INTHE CITY.-LOCATEDon Pacific Avenue, only one block from Ex- \u25a0

press, Telegvapn and POftofioai It nearer, theBeacn than any o'her hotel in the city, Street Carspass the dour ivery few minutes for the Beach.. Allrooms lightand sunny, and wsl vcmi!»U»l.

The TABLE is supplied with the BEST that in tobe had in the market.

Fine PLAY GROUNDS connected with the hotel,conta'ning Swings and Cro»|uet Grounds.

Special ratrs male with Parties and Families, by jthe Week or Month.

*3J" BUS in attendance at all trains and tteaicers jto convey passengers to the hotel, free of Charge.

ao2-lm P. V. WILKINB,Proprietor.


men to— Strictly first class, on the European

plan. Free coach from Railroad Depot. Fine sample

rooms. TERRY & CO ,Managers.'•


: Connected with the House is a RESTAURANT,

conducted STRICTLY FIRsT-CLASS. Open day

and night. *. aul-4nlro


SECOND AND K STREETS, SACRAMENTO,Cal. Rooms, 50 cent* and SI per day. Special

rates by the month. Billiards, choice liquors andcigars. Hot lunch daily from 11 A. M. tilt2r.M.

W. O. ("JOE") BOWERS,aul-jplm \u25a0 Proprietor.

STATE HOUSE,Corner Tenth and K Street*, Sacramento.

TTT ELDRED, PROPRIETOR— and lodg.lit ing at the most reasonable rates. Bar and

billiard rooms attached. Street cars pass the dooievery fiveminutes. • . •£g"Froe omnibus to and from the House. jylB-4;'lm


Lake county, California.rpUESE CELEBRATED SPRINGS ARE NOWM. open. Stages leave Caiißtoga daily, at noon.

Stage fare reduced to$3.J)6-tf RICHARD WILLIAMS,Proprietor.

MISSISSIPPI KITCHEN.otsti:k ami CHOP \u25a0•818,

Third Street, Between J and K,

NEXT BOOR TO RECORD-UNION ys)-.Office. Open day and night. J*ViZ&

A. J. SKNATZ, Pioprietor. \_J %ig)\u25a0X.U^'-', - Jel9-4plm \u25a0,-.



J. C. SMITH A E. s. ITTEB, Proprietors.jv*-<i'3m . . - .


OFFICE, CORNER THIRD AND J STREETSresidence, corner Tenth rod N streets, Sacra,

tiento, Cal.Notary Public.

rUnited States CommissionerCommissioner of Deeds for the States 'and Terri-

tories, and Conveyancer.Deeds, Mortgage!", Wills,*Leases, Contracts, etc.,

drawn and acknowledged. ' jy!9-tf


Notary ComnalMlonrr of Herein.' Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission.

\u25a0' tS' Houses rented and rents collected, "b»Agents for the following Insurance Companies :

IMPERIAL .......~.....r./... ."..'. of London!>}NDON ...... ........"....r.....-;... .of LondonNORTHEhN :.............of London!JUEEN...............................0f LiverpoolNORTH BRITISHAKDMERCANTILE {*Kd£lni«ch.f.TNA.......... .... .'.........;of Hartford, Conn.

As«re*»ti* Capital, mm.; i«,>.'

IKS" No. 47 Fourth street, between J and K, Sac-ramento, corner of the alley \u25a0 Jy-23 lptf




I7IOR FAMILIES, HOTELS, GROCERIES, RES-' tauranta and Saloons. The undi reigned hasopened ft lactory at llis and 1130 IJtrett, on thecirncr of elfth, and Is prepared to furnish Ito-frigci'ator^ and Ice Chests at very rc.-.*>n.ilil<.1prices.The-e ,Refrigerators have been manufactured in

Boston for the p.iit thirty yeira, and give satis-faction in every respect, .-•".:;&C. NEWKLL.;''' jUS-lplm ;


For Advertisement of WEIN-STOCK & LUBIN, see SecondPage. Itwillbe changed daily.


From the Sixth DayOF



\u25a0-" * '



AT \u25a0\u25a0

OSr KALES IH|m JF%O m sb ssssw

Grand Central Depot.1:\u25a0 . .•-\u25a0-\u25a0

Our Inducements Are Such that we Cannot Fail,


ARE LITERALLY FORGING A BUSINESS,Anil our experience has taught us that true wisdom teaches men to"Live and Let LiveI" Had true wisdom held sway instead ofgrasping avarice, the firm of HALE BROS, would not in all proba-bilityhave established a business in Sacramento, but having heardfrom private and business sources that thousands of dollars wereleaving your city for a distant market, HALE BROS, came to theconclusion that something was wrong. They made dilllgentinquiries, and found that the people were paying from 20 to 25percent, in excess of what they should. Now, Justice denies toany man the right to take from the earnings of Society a dollarmore than he gives in exchange. This is HALE BEOS,' keynote,This is the policy they intend to pursue— Simply an exchange, whereboth the HALES and the PEOPLE are mutually benefited,


By our practical work, we shall endeavor to prove that we practicewhat we teach. Just now there are many reasons why we shouldSELL GOODS CHEAP ;but W8 think you care but little as to thecause so that you are the gainers by the transaction. This wepromise :

JL - ft\u25a0

OUR WHOLE BENT THIS WEEK !'!- = , • .1l!::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!!

WIIL BE TO . "|i

\t „ ;.... h

SELL THE GdODi.: :E::::EESE:::E::: EE::::::::E::: 1'

IAlmost every advertisement teems with promises, and these

promises look well on paper ;but we would advise you to test thematter, for it is only when you have the goods in your hand and theprice given to you, that you can in reality form an opinion as towhether goods are cheap. One great reason ef our eagerness to sellis the fact that LARGE COHSISNMENTS ARE EXPECTED DAILY, andwe are anxious to clos9 out everything on our fixtures, prior toOPENING OUT NSW STOCK ; therefore we shall spare nothing.HALE BROS, have again used the pruning knife, and visitors to the"

GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT" will find that HALE BROS, back upeverything they state. All the color that can be given to adver-tising avails nothing if the goods are >not there ; but if.thatsuccess depends upon keeping faith with the public, then HALE BROS.are sure to succeed. There is no reason why they should not.They are their own masters ; they are not tied to any particularHousa ; they have, in fact, the whole swing, and are in a positioneven to force the market.

We leave you now to think over what, you have read. . Useyour judgment, and PAY A VISIT TO BALE'S GRAND CENTRALDEPOT, and we shall be pleased and yourselves profited.

Yours very truly,


Grand Central Depot,


WANTED, LOST AND FOUND.AaTertlianionts of fire lines in this department are

til— for 25 cents forone time:three timss for 60Mats or75 coats per week.

WASTED—ONE FIRST-CLASS DRY OOOD3Man, and one First class Fancy Goods Man.

Apply at RED HOUSE. au3-



WANTED FOR THEHAWAIIANISLANDS.Apply by lettei, with recommendations, to



WANTED—ALL KINDS HELP, MALE ANDFemale. \u25a0 Particular attention paid to Fur-

nishing Hotels, Private Families and Farmers withHelp, free of eharse to employer*. HOUSTON &CO., one door south of Fourth and Kstreets, Sac-ramento city. ml3-lptf

TO LET 0B FOB SALE.AdTertiaements of firelines in this department are

\u25a0serted for25 rents for o&o time; three times for SOeents or 75 oeots per week.

rWY> let—a suite A rooms NEAR THEIState Capitol, consisting of a Handsome

Parlor and Bedroom, with folding doors between,on the first floor, with bay window ;well furnished,and suitable for a gentleman and wife or singlegentleman. Inquire at No. 914 Nstreet. auC-lw

mO LET-VERY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS,1 nicely furnished, in suites ir single, at No.

710 Kstreet. tau3-lw'l MRS. D.C. KIMBERLY.

FOR SALE CHEAP— FULL- ltm in. \u25a0—.

b'.owiixl Jersey HULL,twoyears |^^^Bold last Muv. Inquire on premises, S?jiiirelSixteenth and Lstreet*.

* » T. Jljy29 tf J. STOKTS.

¥71011 SALE— HR.ST TEN VOLUMES OFJL* the Encyclopedia Britunnica, bound in calf an.lpcrfec !ynew, and willbe sold cheap, on account ofparty fearing fur Europe. The Encycl pedia Bri-t;iun is conceded to be the most perfect dictionaryof art0,sneuccs and general literature extant. Ad-drtvs K.K., thisoiScc. Jy9-tf

f) —fk/\ ACRES FOtt SALE—CONSIST-JJSRrimQytXj btget Farming. Fruit, Vine and^?WGarden Lands, in farms and lots of a size to"*"Huit purchasers, tlfU twenty acres upwards, lyingfn>m 2}to 5 miles north of Vacaville, Solano county.ApplyitIhehankiurhouse of JAMESL.EKOUSH,eoulliwegt corner of Fourth and J streets, Sacra-nicnto. Je2tf


-. Lnnls Brewery, taK^BSituate.' on oirncr of Sixth and G -<-'\u25a0\u25a0*-' V;Ti-'^iin the city of Sacramento, is, on account of thedeath of the proprietor, for sale cheap. Inquire ofP. BOHL. .1 street. iy2o-tf

IBUSINESSJFOR SALE.j, ,AN SELL BARBEB SHOPS FROM $100 TO1/ $300; r'«Uurant and oyster saloons from

t'ltl,"t-'i; -class bar, $1,500 ;variety store,Sl.COO; country hotels. SI .500 to £3 000; brassfoundry and finishing shop ;grain, hay and feedbusiness ;candy store or factor}-. Sub-irrigationlatent \u25a0 irhts, roodoffer. Partner wanted ina gooil>i\if/buslTics* ;grocery store in pood location;also, one to .rent. Inquire of STKOISF.L, 321 Jstreet, broker Generals beadqnarters, Sacramento.Alwayscall th6t« before you bay. j\ 2.5 lptf


£j.»Tj) (Late of Sacramento.] £^^WsZTs

OFFICE AN!) PEXIAL DEPOT:Sixteenth street, K.W. corner of Chestnut,

Oakland California.aul-2m

>v. !»«»:\u25ba.

DF-NTIST.-fI'.F.MOVED TO tjUINN'.<»r'uildinp.torner Fourth and .1 strcets).CaHm

Aitiflcial Tectb lerted on all bam. ImprovedUquid Nitrous OxiJe Gas, for the Painless Kxtrac-tionofTertu. ; j-J."--tf

I»KS. BBKWEK ABOITUnORTH,TTVENTISTB,SOUTHWEST CORNER OF«f*»1J Seventh und J streets, in Bryte's newsaHiflbuildinc, up otslra. Tocth extracted without painby tli'iUS' <•! ic:,'ifo»>'d LiquidNilrons Oxide Gas.


ii. 11. rin:sov.

DENTIST. -.16 J STREET, BETWF.EN*gR»\j Four:!.-. Fifth,.Sacrara«Dto Arti-BSKOficialTeeth inserted on Gold, Vclcanitcandall bases.N trms or Laughing Ha administered for thef>inlcs» extraction cf Tetth. JyH-lm

IT. 11. IIIKE,D. D. !»., .DENTIST. NO. CO5 J STREET, P.E-^—l

i.n. ii>..i'n and seventh,ßjyll-lplm


[lo&e with Waohhorst, and successor to Floberx,)


No. 60 J etmt, between Second and CrSs.tolrd. Dealer In Watches, Clock*, Silver- (2-^3*wire, Jewelry, sc Repairing in all ltct£>4&?braachoa a ipodalty. nnder MR. FLOIiKKO.

.r-- ];.-S-lplm



im GRANITE WORKSrr.xuvx cal.

&4*Tim}"Urr\HE best VAr.rrrrT*iiffrfrtl JL Laiyeet Quarries on thi

Pacific Coast. Poliahed Granite MonomenU, Tomb-»vmuand Tablets made to order.\u25a0toata, etc. «ir*nlle Bnlldlnx Stom>;.q Drewad and P.>lish«id to ord»r dli-in*


•VTOb. to, 52 AND54 fifthst.SACRAMENTO,I^l deal«r» in rmdme and Brewer*' Supplies,ma llfMllUlaua]Malt and all kin.L)of Meals, etc.Oalmeal, Commcal, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour,Buckwheat Flour, etc New Onin Bars for sale

iylMpU \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0.\u25a0-


Fire and Marlae.CAPITAL,Mb paid 9T&«.tM

Loeye pranqnli vlji^cjand paid Invoid coinCA.''WAI.ADMKiPABSONB,

Genera! Agents S>c-an<-nto Div'n, No. 61J street•\u25a0.

- \u25a0 yl3-*ptt .

CHRIS. WEISEL & CO..K»%. :JC anil 2'iC; Lutrcrt, Vcnr I!-h(!i,

I>UTCnERS AND PORK PACKERS. OT&&,13 Choio* l:a-, Bacon, Lard, Mcss'JJjt*oIfork, CUt Pork, Pica* Feet, Spare Fibs, f*3p~\ at !•-\u25a0» ivt market price. Highest prico j«uJ for

srraiu fed IlOir*. \u25a0 jylS-4pU