SA Technologies - Business Analytics Services

Business Analytics at Glance

Transcript of SA Technologies - Business Analytics Services

Business Analytics at Glance

Business Analytics : O v e r v i e w

Business analytics is comprised of solutions used

to build analysis models and simulations to create

scenarios, understand realities and predict future

states. Business analytics includes data mining,

predictive analytics, applied analytics and

statistics, and is delivered as an application

suitable for a business user. These analytics

solutions often come with prebuilt industry content

that is targeted at an industry business process

(for example, claims, underwriting or a specific

regulatory requirement)

Business Analytics C o m p r i s e s o f :

Business Intelligence

Big Data Management

Data Warehousing

Enterprise Performance Management

• Business Intelligence (BI) refers to skills,

processes, technologies, applications and practices

used to support decision making.

• Systems that provide directed background data

and reporting tools to support and improve the

decision-making process.

• Business Intelligence is a broad category of

applications and technologies for gathering, storing,

analyzing, and providing access to data to help

clients make better business decisions.

• A system that collects, integrates, analyses and

presents business information to support better

business decision making.

Business Intel l igence (BI)

B e n e fi t s o f

Business Intel l igence

Most Famous

BI Tools in Market

Big data management (BDM) This is where data

management disciplines, tools, and platforms (both

old and new) are applied to the management of big

data (in the base definition or the extended one).

Traditional data and new big data can be quite

different in terms of content, structure, and intended

use, and each category has many variations within it.

To accommodate this diversity, software solutions for

BDM tend to include multiple types of data

management tools and platforms, as well as diverse

user skills and practices.

Big Data Management

Most Popular Big Data Tools in Market

An area of Business Intelligence which

monitors & manages an organization’s

performance according to key performance


A framework for organizing , automating and

analyzing business methodologies, metrics,

processes and systems to drive the overall

performance of the organization. Enterprise

Performance Management is gaining

remarkable importance in today’s world, as

operational managers are compelled to closely

monitor enterprise performance to improve

business profitability rather than expansion.

Enterpr ise Performance Management

EPM Tools in Market

Benefi ts ofB u s i n e s s A n a l y t i c s

Eliminate guesswork

Get faster answers to your business questions

Get key business metrics reports when and where you need them: 

Get insight into customer behavior.

Identify cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.

Almost all managers and executives can use some BA systems, but some find

the tools too complicated to use or they are not trained properly.

Most businesses want a greater percentage of the enterprise to leverage

analytics; most of the challenges related to technology adoption involve

culture, people, and processes related to technology adoption involve culture,

people, and processes.

We provide end-to-end Business Analytics Services, to know more in detail about

us visit

SA Technologies’ B u s i n e s s A n a l y t i c s S e r v i c e s

SA Technologies Inc. has vast experience in sectors like manufacturing, telecommunications, banking and finance, insurance, networking and health services and applies this domain-expertise to build highly efficient operational services for our clients. SAT prominently strives to improve your business by delivering full range of competency in Business Analytics including operational performance, developing and applying business strategies to improve financial reports, defining strategic goals and measure and manage those goals.

SAT understands the value Business Analytics and delivers a top-down framework of potential methodologies and compatibility, full time availability of customer service and deliver performance outcome in a timely manner.

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