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Copywriting - Coaching, Training, Automation, Internet Marketing and Niche Marketing Sales Letters 5 High-Converting Sales Letters - Deck 2 Introduction This RESOURCE contains REAL sales letters from REAL internet marketers including a coaching program invite, internet marketing training, automation, dominate your niche and advanced training programs. They are examples of high-converting copy that have been used to increase traffic, lists and sales. When you read these sales letters, you will get some real ideas for how to create spins on what you do, and how to write compelling sales letters; no more writing boring sales copy that does not convert!

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Copywriting - Coaching, Training, Automation, Internet Marketing and Niche Marketing Sales Letters

5 High-Converting Sales Letters - Deck 2


This RESOURCE contains REAL sales letters from REAL internet marketers including a

coaching program invite, internet marketing training, automation, dominate your

niche and advanced training programs. They are examples of high-converting copy that

have been used to increase traffic, lists and sales. When you read these sales letters, you will

get some real ideas for how to create spins on what you do, and how to write compelling sales

letters; no more writing boring sales copy that does not convert!

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We recommend you edit and customize these letters with your program titles, pricing and

payment links (and your name).

Letter #1 (Coaching Program Invite)

Are you frustrated because you are working hard, day and night, on your internet business but aren't

making the money the gurus have promised you???? "The truth is - what you are doing isn't working. You are spinning your wheels. I can change that."

Look, I know that sounds...arrogant.

And direct. And a bit harsh.

But it's the truth.

Here's why:

What you are doing to make money online isn't working.

Because if it were, you would be making real money online, not banging your head against the wall like

you are.

And it's not your fault.

You see, when you first got started online, you were a bit skeptical that you could actually make money

online, right?

But you did a little research, you saw other people doing it, and you thought...well, maybe it's possible.

Then you began to receive some emails, sales letters, and other persuasive materials from long haired,

tattooed up, hung-over from last night college students who were made $100k or more their first

month online.

And you began to think...if that loser can do it, so can I.


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So you bought your first training.

You opened it up.

And the first hour seemed really interesting...like, yeah, I can really do this.

Then you began to take some steps towards building your own business, doing just what long-hair

college kid says to do.

And it just didn't work the way he said it would.

Fast forward until today....

What are your results?

You aren't getting the traffic you need.

No one is buying from your web site.

The truth of the matter is, you don't want to just schlep some product online that no one wants.

What you really want is to help people.

And deep inside, you have a skill waiting to break out and help others.

Maybe you can help people in their relationships.

Or maybe your skill is teaching people to sell.

Or maybe you are really good at helping people do things online....like maybe build a blog or use

facebook, or whatever.

And what you really want deep down inside is to get the word out.

Simply put, you want to help people and get paid for it.

And this is where the breakdown has happened.

Because get rich quick, do this and get a million visitors, bag of tricks, smoke and mirrors marketing

systems don't work to sell anything but...smoke and mirrors.


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And you don't want a smoke and mirrors business, you want a real business, with real people who

really need your help.

I remember when I first got started online.

I had one goal in mind...to make enough money that I didn't have to work for anyone else anymore.

Sound familiar?

That was me.

And I did what you've done.

I bought the books, I studied the trainings, I went to teleseminars.

And I did what they said to do.

I built a website.

Wrote an ebook.

Found a bunch of affiliate products to promote.

Created a squeeze page.

Drove traffic to it.

I worked hard.

And spent money doing it.

And 8 months later, I was up to a whopping $125 per month online!

Not exactly a full time income.

Barely would buy dinner for a nice date.

Something was wrong.

And I thought it was me.


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I thought that is was me because I was doing what other people who claimed to be making big money

were doing.

But I wasn't getting the results.

Then I realized one thing.

I wasn't offering real value.

I was simply trying to sell information.

Trying to make a buck.

Selling more of the same old information others were selling.

Just like you probably are.

And I realized that if I were going to make this work, if I was going to be able to work 100% from home

and not have a boss...something would have to change.

And that's when the switch went off for me.

I realized that instead of trying to sell something to someone...

I needed to find out what people needed...and simply give it to them. Help them with their problems.

And as soon as I began to do that...my income began to grow.

13 months later I had my first $15k month...$15,347 to be exact.

And the key to my success has been in finding out what people need help with and giving them the

help they need.

Here's the thing...I did it and so can you.

I can show you the way.


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And I'm not going to promise you a million bucks the first year, $100k in 90 days, or any other number.

And if anyone else is promising you a certain amount of money if you do things their way...you should

run the other way. Because no one can tell you how many clients are going to sign up.

That would be like me telling a local plumber to sign up with me and I can promise him 100 toilets to

fix in the next 30 days. I can't. Because I don't know how many toilets are going to break in the next 30

days. I don't know if he is going to answer the phone when people call. And I don't know if he is going

to get in his truck and show up on time.

So I can't promise him an income number. And I can't promise it to you either.

And if that's what you are looking for, I am sorry, but I'm just not the right mentor for you. If you prefer

to work with some hyped up, over-promising, shiny-object oriented marketing guru, I'm not that guy.

So...now that I've gotten that off my chest....let's get into the good stuff.

So why aren't you making the kind of money you want to in helping people in your niche?

You need 2 things in place:

1) You need to be able to help people with something. That means you know how to do something

others want to learn. For example, you can teach people to lose weight, you can teach people to

communicate better, you can teach people to cook, you can teach people to sell, you can teach people

to build a blog, you can teach people to write an article, you can teach people how hunt or fish or build


2) You need a real marketing system that converts people with problems into your clients.

The problem is...your marketing system isn't working.

Driving more traffic isn't working.

Trying a new tactic each month isn't working. Hoping people will buy from you isn't working.

Why not?


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I believe the easiest way to do this is to show you a hypothetical example. It is purely hypothetical, but

it could very well be true, and in fact, if you are generating at least $1000 a month in online revenue

right now, the statistics in this example will likely mimic your own in your business.

Let’s assume that you have a website that gets about 1000 new visitors each month. You see a $100

product, and 1% of the people who come to your website buy your product each month, for a total

revenue of $1000 per month (10 sales x $100). Now let’s imagine that it costs you about 30 cents per

visitor to get them to come to your website, so you are investing about $300 in traffic, and let’s also

assume $100 in web operating expenses (your delivery automation, web hosting, and minimal

software). And the cost of the merchant transactions for the sales runs about $50 per month.

So you have $1000 in sales, with about $450 in expenses associated with that revenue, for a net profit

or $550, or 55%.

So far so good.

Now I’d like to make some simple changes to the profit picture. These will be incremental changes,

changes that on their own will not make a huge difference, but when we combine these changes, we

get exponential results.

Now in this example we are going to do this without increasing traffic. Of course, once you have

increased your profit margin, you can increase traffic as much as you want.

But the thing about traffic is that when you double traffic, you double everything. You double costs.

You double your time involvement. You double your support system. In fact, in many cases, people

increase traffic without getting a commensurate increase in profits. And yet traffic is the #1 thing

internet marketers try to increase when they are trying to grow their business.

They buy traffic training packages, spend countless hours and dollars trying to drive more traffic, but

many times, the increased traffic is of lower quality than the initial traffic source, so profit actually goes

down instead of going up!

So let’s make a few changes to the business, not including traffic.

Let’s put some sales page optimization in place and get the conversion rate to go from 1% to 2%.


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Let’s add a subscriber acquisition component, which offers people who don’t take you up on your offer

(the 98% who don’t buy) the option of receiving a free daily e-newsletter from you. (This will be set up

on autopilot so after the initial setup won’t require any daily maintenance). Let’s assume that about

20% of the 980 people who don’t buy initially, become subscribers to your e-newsletter. This is

approximately 196 subscribers, of which 6% will likely convert within 90 days to purchasing your $100

product (it is pretty typical that e-newsletter support of a product will normally triple initial conversion

rates over 90 days).

Let’s crunch these numbers so far.

Upfront: 2% conversion = 20 sales = $2000.

Over 90 days through the follow-up email campaign: 12 sales = $1200.

We now have a total revenue of $3200, a 320% increase in sales with no increase in traffic.

Expenses have gone up slightly, as we have added an advanced autoresponder component at an initial

starting cost of $200 per month, plus the additional 5% merchant fees on the $2200 increase, which is


So now costs are $450 (initial costs) + $200 + $110 = $760 on revenue of $3200, for a net profit of

$2440, and a new profit percentage of 76%.

Contrast this with our initial net profit of $550 and net profit percentage of 55%.

This is a nearly 5 times increase in total net profit with no increase in traffic.

In fact, the only changes we’ve made so far is doubling sales page conversion rate (which is easy to do

with basic optimization methods) and adding a pre-programmed daily newsletter for 90 days.

Like this so far? Ready to take this to the next level?


At this point we have 32 buyers with a $100 purchase.


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Let’s now imagine that we create an advanced training that sells for $500, and that 20% of the initial

buyers take us up on this advanced training (20% is about typical for up-selll conversion rates in this

type of model).

This yields 6 additional sales at $500, which is an added $3000 in revenue.

Let’s now imagine that we create a monthly coaching program that has a monthly fee of $200, and that

20% of your initial buyers enroll in this monthly coaching program (this is also a typical coaching

program conversion rate for existing buyers).

This means that we also gain 6 coaching clients at a monthly fee of $200 per month. Now because this

is a monthly fee, we can look at it in two ways. One way is that each month you have $1200 in revenue

coming in from this month’s sales. Of course next month you will sell an additional $1200 in monthly

payments, making the second month coaching revenue $2400. And so on...by the 4th month you are

at $4800 in monthly revenue. Now over time, people drop out of the coaching program, so income

stabilizes at some point, although over time that number can increase slowly. For this example, let’s

assume the average person stays in the coaching program for an average of 4 months. This allows us

to assume that each new client at $200 per month has a purchase value of $800. This brings the value

of the new coaching clients from this month’s sales to $4800.

Let’s take another look at our profit scenario now.

We have new revenues of $3000 + $4800 = $7800

Our additional costs are approximately 5% of that, or $390.

This brings our total revenue to $11,000 ($3200 + $7800)

And now costs are $760 (prior costs) + $390 = $1150, for a net profit of $9850, and a new profit

percentage of 92%.

Contrast this with our initial net profit of $550 and net profit percentage of 55%.

We have literally increased profit by 17.9 times, with NO increase in traffic.


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To compare this to the commonly accepted method of increase internet sales of increasing traffic, you

would have to increase traffic by 17.9 times in order to generate the same increase in profit with traffic

alone. This means increasing traffic from 1000 visitors per month to 17,900 visitors per month. If you

have been driving traffic for long online, you know how difficult that is!

However, each of the methods I have shared with you here are easy to implement, do not require any

additional traffic, nor a change in your original traffic source, are 100% automatable, meaning that

aside from the initial e-newsletter development, additional product creation, and coaching program

lesson creation, there is no additional long term work involved.

However, even if there were some additional work involved...would it be worth it to increase profit for

$550 per month to $9850 per month with no additional traffic?

Now, I told you earlier that I wasn’t going to promise any level of income increase for you. And I’m not.

I don’t know you, your product, your ability to write emails, your ability to create additional training,

your willingness to create a coaching program, your willingness to implement sales page optimization,

etc. I told you at the beginning of this illustration that it was a hypothetical example. And although

each one of the leverage components (optimizing sales conversion rates, adding a daily e-newsletter,

adding a backend training, and adding a coaching program) is real and the conversion rates are not

only possible, but highly realistic - let me say this. Nearly everyone reading this report will NOT apply

any of the techniques I just shared with you, even though I am going to teach you exactly how to do it.

And because of that, nearly everyone who reads this book will not increase sales or profit by even 1%

as a result of reading this report.

The question is...what about you?

Are you going to fall in the category of most people who will read this report and think to themselves

that this is interesting information, see that it could work, but through procrastination, neglect, apathy,

or any other reason will not implement any of these techniques?

Or are you going to be one of the small percentage of action takers who implement what I teach, and

get the results?

Here is what I am going to do:


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My 31 Days to Profit Coaching Program

Over the next 31 days, I am going to send out one 5-10 page pdf report each and every day, teaching

you a different profit-maximizing technique each day.

At the end of each report will be an action step for you. Exactly what to do and how to do it to get the

best results.

Plus - Unlimited Email Access

Plus, you are going to get unlimited email access to me for 90 days, so that you can ask any questions

about implementing any of the techniques in this new 31 day course.

The choice is up to you.

In this brand new 31 day coaching program, you not only exactly how to do each of the 5 profit

leveraging steps I just shared with you, but an additional 25 profit leveraging techniques. This is a

sampling of what I am going to be teaching you in this revolutionary new training program:

How to Become Unbeatable With Backend Automation

Methods of Increasing Profit Exponentially:

Increase sales page conversion rate

Implement subscriber acquisition

Implement a 90 day daily e-newsletter

Create a backend training at 5 times the price of the initial product

Create a coaching program at a monthly price equal to 2 times the price of the initial product

Implement a monthly membership with a price equal to the price of the initial product

Create an additional backend training at 10 times the price of the initial product


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Create a high level training program at 100 times the price of the initial product

Increase traffic from high quality sources

Increase credibility through writing books and articles

Outsource all tasks that do not require your involvement

Increase subscriber bonds through email

Add an upsell path to every transaction

Partner with non-competing training providers for additional revenue streams

Create an affiliate program for additional sales

Create automated buyer relationship nurturing campaigns

Test everything for incremental improvement

Target the portion of your market that has the highest profit potential

Your Long Term Goals

Get accountability coaching for yourself

Find an angle your competition isn’t and won’t use (concept of hidden backend)

Increase prices

Provide a complementary service

Find out what your customers really want

Add direct mail

Add teleseminars

Add video sales letters

Differentiate Yourself


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Filter your customers and know with whom you don’t want to work

Tell a story

Move them down an emotion trust-path

Psychology of Internet Marketing

Price Anchor for Highest Sales

Learn to sell the dream

Learn to close based on value not time

Sell based on trust not persuasion and hype


Be different - sell the difference

I will also show you some advanced methods of increasing and leveraging high quality sources of


And I will show you exactly how to implement each and every one of these profit leveraging


You will have in your hands the most advanced internet marketing profit-leveraging system on earth,

and I am excited about sharing with you my highest level, advanced techniques for increasing your

profits fast.

I encourage you to choose one profit technique at a time and implement it in your business.

It doesn’t matter which one you choose.

You can start with the first one I teach.

You can start with the one that appears to be the easiest to implement.

It doesn’t matter.


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But the key is that you start, and that you incrementally add additional profit techniques over time.

These profit techniques, although each will incrementally increase profit when used alone, are most

powerful when combined. The exponential effect I have demonstrated is what will take your business

to the next level.

In fact, I submit to you that if you begin today to simply implement one profit technique per month,

your business and your life will be radically different in one year.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Ok, are you ready now? Do you want to see exactly how I have built a solid information and coaching

business that consistently builds trust and make sales?

If so - I suggest you take action TODAY.

The reason for this is that because of the high level of information contained in this coaching program,

I am planning to allow 100 people access to this information in downloadable form.

Once 100 clients are enrolled - I am planning to transform this into a much higher priced course - with

a possible price of $2000 to get access to this.

And truth be told, $2000 would still be a drop in the bucket for someone to learn how to discover the

secrets of profit maximization, wouldn't it?

Let me reveal something to you...each new subscriber to my site is worth approximately $20 in profits.

That's right - each visitor is worth about $20 in profits to me. And I realize that is high...most sites

average a few dollar per subscriber. And frankly the difference between a few dollars per subscriber

and $20 per subscriber, when multiplied by thousands of subscribers...is huge.

In this system you receive everything you need to know to create massive profit in your information or

coaching business, to increase your profits repeatedly and consistently, month after month.


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What would it be worth to you to have a complete internet business where you are doing what you

love, helping other achieve greatness and overcome their challenges - that operates on 100%

autopilot, and produces revenues of $10 - $20 per subscriber or more. Would you like that?

And that is why I believe that when I take this to the next level - and allow this information to be

available only to clients who pay me upwards of $2000 - this will still be a bargain at $2000.

So....why am I going to discount it for you today? I already told you I am offering this system at this

price to the first 100 people to purchase...and that I am going to raise the price after this initial launch.

So why discount it?

There's two big reason: I need testimonials. You see, I have used these profit maximization techniques for years now to create massive profits.. But because I haven't shared all of this material with anyone...no one else has used it like I have. And frankly when I release the $2000 profit maximization coaching program...I need testimonials - and my goal is to have 100 testimonials.

So....the only thing I ask is that if you take advantage of the discounted price today - that within the next 30 days you will send me a testimonial telling me your exact results using my system, and how many new relationships and clients you have created as a result of using my system? Deal?

OK - so instead of $2000 for this life changing information - as long as you are willing to send me a

testimonial after you profit maximize your business - your price today is not:




it is only $37 for a limited time.

Go ahead, get it now: Insert link to pay here

The second reason I am discounting this today is because I want your feedback.


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That's right...some of what I am teaching in this course is material I have personally used in my

business, but have NEVER TAUGHT to my clients.

That means that, unlike what I teach in my established coaching programs, some of this material is

untested with clients.

Of course, that's good for you in a way - because you are going to get to start using some techniques

that I have been using but have never taught before.

But...I may not be as clear about teaching HOW to do something as I am in the rest of my teaching,

because some of this material hasn't gone through the vetting process of...questions.

So...I want your questions. Because when you ask questions about the material, it tells me the material


And when you ask questions, not only will I answer them personally for you, but it will allow me to add

the answers to the training for the future higher priced training.

So...that's why I am willing to discount this so heavily today.

However, I reserve the right to raise the price on this at any time.

So if you want to learn to maximize profit in your business, to possibly increase profit by 5 times, 10

times, maybe even 20-50 times, and you don't want to pay more for this...I suggest you take action

NOW and get in while you can:

Now if you are still reading this...go to that link and buy it now. Why? Because I am only going to allow

this to go to a limited number of people at $37...and right now while you are reading this...others are

buying it.

So...are you going to be left out and are others going to be maximizing profit in your niche...and your

business is going to be left behind, continuing to perform poorly, just as it is right now? Right now

others are buying this system...and once I close this offer...you will be locked out..

Don't be left out - don't allow others to dominate your niche using my profit system...


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take action NOW, buy my system, and beginning using it TODAY to maximize profit in your online


Insert link to pay here

P.S. I have been using these techniques for several years to outfox, outsell, and out dominate my

competition for in my niches online. And these profit maximization techniques are one of the biggest

reasons I get such high subscriber monetization (like I said, I get over $30 per subscriber monetization

rate, with around $10 per visitor on thousands of visitors per month - I don't know of anyone on earth

that gets $10 per visitor on thousands of visitors. Sure, on small buyer subsets, its easy...but on raw

visitors...nope, just doesn't happen.). The reason is that I use some of the most scientifically advanced

profit maximization techniques on earth.

Because of this, I don't have to resort to mailing multiple affiliate offers, begging my subscribers to

please buy in the next mass launch so I can win some contest, or spend thousands of dollars on traffic

just to get more subscribers because I'm not monetizing the ones I have, like perhaps you have tried

and failed with, or perhaps you see others use with minimal profit margins.

One of the real keys to my monetization is the highly responsive profit steps I teach in this course, and

my special conversion methods that literally force profit to go up and up....and until now, I have shared

all of these techniques with NO ONE and once this test charter offer is gone...once again, these secrets

are locked down tight, only to be revealed at higher prices.

Do you want to lose out on the opportunity to maximize profit in your business like I do? If not, I

suggest you order this immediately, because once the test charter offer is removed...the payment link

will be taken down, and if you have missed out...you have missed out. I will make no exceptions, and

the reason is that it is only fair to the fast action takers who are paying to get access - it wouldn't be

fair to them to keep selling this after I've raised the price. So go ahead, get it now while you still can:

Insert link to pay here


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Letter #2 (Invitation to Advanced Training)

"Discover the Secret to Quadrupling Your Online Revenue in 90 Days - 100% Guaranteed"

You - yes, YOU - can Quadruple Your Income in 90 Days Using My Tried-and-True Ideas, Secrets, and Insider Tactics:

From the Desk of (Insert your name and credentials)

Dear Fellow Marketer:

Are you frustrated because you are an advanced marketer, but most of the training out there is geared towards beginners?

Are you looking for advanced training to take your internet business to the next level?

Are you generating subscribers, and they are buying from you, but you need them to buy more?

Do you have a few products, but they aren't converting like they should be?

Or maybe you have an email campaign and products, but you are struggling to get new subscribers and buyers.

But when you go to learn about writing a powerful email campaign or drive more traffic, or sell more products, just about all you can find out there is cheesy beginner-oriented basics.

But you need advanced training.

You are an advanced marketer.And you need to go to the next level.


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You don't need another beginner-level basics program that pretends to make you a millionaire next month.

Instead, you want to supercharge your business, and you want to do it now.

Perhaps your business looks like this:

100 new subscribers a month.

10 emails in your funnel

3 products

$1,000 a month in revenue

Or maybe it looks like this:

500 new subscribers each month

a 30 day email campaign

2 products and a coaching program

$5,000 a month in income

Or possibly it looks like this:

1000 new subscribers each month

a 45 day email campaign

2 products, and coaching program, plus you promote a few affiliate products

$8,000 a month in revenue

Depending on how long you have been in business, each of those scenarios might be "not bad"

Hey, it's better than a 9-5


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And yet, maybe you've been STUCK at that level for months and months.

No matter what you do, you just can't break through to the next level.

Nothing works.

You try this, you try that.

And no change in your income.

You need an accelerated strategy.

You need an advanced strategy.

You need to super-charge your business!

You see, you have a strong foundation in place.

And you don't need any more namby-pamby beginner tactics.

When I work with my clients personally, I dig into their business and find out exactly how it is operating, and I run a checklist of elements that need to be in place in order to move to the next level.

Let's take a sample business here.

You can pretend it is yours.

Just alter the numbers to fit your business.

Let's imagine 1000 new subscribers each month.

10 emails in a campaign.

3 products, a $37 entry product, a $97 upsell, and a $67 a month continuity program.

Now, the client is doing about $6,000 a month in revenue.


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Here's how that conversation might go:

So tell me, where is that revenue coming from, by product?

They might tell me:

I'm doing about 70 $37 sales each month, about 15 $97 sales a month, and I've got about 35 people in my $67 a month continuity program (that's about $6,000 in revenue)

So where are the sales coming from, which part of the email campaign?

They tell me what the email campaign looks like, it's about 8 content - rich emails, and about 8 sales emails.

If they buy the $37, about 20% upgrade to the $97 product (the upsell)

And then the main focus in the email campaign is the monthly continuity, and about 9 new people join each month, and the average retention is 4 months.

Does that sound about like what's going on in your business?

Sure, the numbers might be higher or lower, but the scenario is similar?

So let me ask you this, how would it feel if I could show you a simple way to increase your revenue by 2x? Meaning, in this case, I take this client from $6,000 to $12,000 in a short period of time?

Basically, I take my checklist, and go through and determine which elements could be changed to get this client’s business to increase.

Out of about 20 items on my checklist, I choose about 3 to help the client increase their revenue.

Then once they have made those changes, we come back together and I choose a few more items from my checklist, and we make those changes.

And revenue goes up again.


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So let's get back to our client, and I'll show some changes that can be made.

The first thing I'll do is ask about the email campaign.

What I normally find is that most people have a few content emails and a few sales emails. but the sales emails usually start too late in the campaign, or the campaign is just all-sales up front.

In either case, you lose business.

For example, if all you have is content the first 10 days, you lose a lot of sales. Because when someone joins your list, they have a problem NOW. If they don't have a chance to buy YOUR solution, they will likely buy someone else's. So you must sell to them in aggressively in the first 10 days.

Or someone has all sales emails the first 10 days, and sure, they make some upfront sales, but anyone who is NOT ready to buy RIGHT NOW, they turn off. Cause they never build a relationship.

So I work with my client to get those in line, in balance. When that happens, we might get a 30% increase in upfront sales.

In this case, that would be 21 additional sales at $37, plus about 4 upsells of $97, for about $1140 in additional revenue, right in the first 10 days of their campaign.

Now, for this client, I might suggest creating a second product and marketing it on days 5-15. I find that for each additional product in a campaign, you'll do about 50% additional sales.

Meaning that if you are doing 100 sales a month with one product, with 2 products you'll likely do 150 sales. With a 3rd product, you'll do 175 sales. With a 4th product, you'll do close to 200 sales.

So simply by adding a few products, they can double upfront sales -

In this case, that would take us from 70 sales, to 140 sales - and with upsells doubling as well, that gets us to about $8,000 in upfront revenue.

The thing I might suggest to this client would be to add a weekly teleseminar.


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Now, with 1000 new subscribers coming in each month, you can probably get 100-200 people on a weekly teleseminar.

If you convert 10% of those people to a $97 sale, that is an additional $1000 - $2,000 in revenue per week just from adding a one hour teleseminar each week.

In this case, that's gets us to $8,000 upfront, plus $2,000 in continuity, plus $4,000 in teleseminar revenue, for a total of $14,000.

That more than doubles revenue from $6,000 a month to $14,000 a month.

And this is easy to accomplish in less than 90 days.

The teleseminars can be added immediately.

And one new product added each month, and when you do a new product launch to your list each month for the new product that month, you get a big cash flow boost.

In fact, it's not unheard of to double revenue the first month using the scenario I described above.

So how about you?

Would you like to make these changes in your business?

If so, I have created an advanced internet marketing training program, that teaches you ONLY these advanced techniques.

Enter my Brand New Advanced Internet Marketing Training ProgramThere are 7 Modules:

Module 1: How to Craft a Great Offer (3 videos)

--> The Secret to Crafting an Emotionally Compelling Irresistible Offer


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--> How to Use the Hero's Journey to Create a Legacy Offer

--> How to Determine the Theme of Your New Offer that Compels Prospects to Want to Be a PART of Your Offer

Module 2: How to do a teleseminar from scratch. (2 videos)

--> How to Craft the Opening on Your Winning Teleseminar

--> How to Write the Content Portion of Your Teleseminar

--> How to Transition to the Close of Your Teleseminar

--> How to Close at 10% or Higher on Your Teleseminar

Module 3: Advanced Email Marketing (2 audios)

--> How to Write an Advanced Credibility Campaign That Leads New Prospects to Trust You So That they Will BUY From You

--> How to Write Content Emails, Sales Emails, Interaction Emails, Question Based Emails, and Many More

--> How to Determine the Right Sequence of Emails For Your List that Convert Highest to Your List

Module 4: Automation (4 audios)

--> The step by step method for implementing 100% automation in a 100% automated 45 day email campaign that sells on autopilot


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--> How to Create the Ideal Automated Launch Structure, Tailored to Your Business--> --> Discover the Secret to Improving Conversion Rates Based on the Order in Your Email Campaign

Module 5: How to Create a New Product Each Month (3 audios + 2 pdfs)

--> My Proprietary Matrix System of Thinking Up a New Product Idea Each Month

--> How to Crank Out a New Product Each Month in Less than 5 Hours Per Month

--> How to Create a New Product Each Month Using Simple Interviews

--> How to Create a New Product Each Month Just Using the Content Portion of Your Weekly Teleseminars

Module 6: How to Easily Add a Continuity Program (1 audio)

--> The easiest way to add new content to your continuity program each month

--> How to Hook Clients on Your Continuity Program so they STICK long - term

--> How to 100% automate the delivery of your continuity through your autoresponder instead of a membership site (eliminates login and access customer service tickets)

Module 7: How to Easily Add a Coaching Program to Your Business (3 audios)

--> How to Determine Exactly What to Include In Your Coaching Program


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--> How to Structure Your Coaching Program to Give Your Clients What They Need While Keeping Your Involvement Down to a Minimum

--> How to Deliver Your Coaching Program - Telephone, webinar, email, skype, etc.

Plus 4 Additional Bonus Modules To Take You to the NEXT Level:

Bonus Module 1: How to instill purpose in your business. (3 audios)

You see, when you have a clearly defined purpose, you are able to be crystal clear with your time management priorities. One of the unseen robbers of success online is wasted time, and this module teaches you how to transform your mindset so that you can have the focus to achieve what I described above.

This is 3 audios that will literally change the way you THINK about your business! And as you know, as the mind thinketh, the business follows!

--> How to Determine Your Purpose in Your Business so That You Are Changing Lives Instead of Just Making Money (you will be amazed that when you make this mindset shift to helping others instead of making money, you make MORE money!)

--> How to Get a Clarity of Purpose That Allows You to Focus at a High Level With Attention Training, Meditation, or BioNeuralFeedback or any other boring process like that!

--> How to Focus Relentlessly on Your Goals So That You Accomplish Them Fast!

Bonus Module 2: How to Write a Sales Letter Easily, Using Your Words (1 audio)


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--> My proprietary easy sales letter formula. If you are struggling to write an original sales letter that doesn't take weeks or months to write - just follow this EASY formula

--> How to include emotion in your sales letter so that people FEEL like they want to buy!

--> How to structure your entire sales letter so it leads to SALES

Bonus Module 3: Expert Positioning (3 audios)One of the most important things to increasing your bottom line is simply this: positioning yourself as an expert. Your clients want to buy from a professional. And there are few EASY steps you can take to position yourself as an expert that will sky-rocket your conversions almost immediately.

I teach you how to use these steps in your email campaign, to influence google, and in your sales letters to increase sales FAST

--> How to Get Into Google as An Expert

--> How to Position Yourself Above Your Competitors as a Preferred Expert

--> How to Appear as An Expert to Your List Fast

Bonus Module 4: My Own Personal Product Launch Formula - the one I have used 35-50 times in the last 5 years launching my own products (8 audios)

--> How to Set Up Pre-Sale Frenzy

--> How to Write Your Pre-Launch Emails

--> How to Write Your Launch Emails


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--> How to Write Your Post-Launch Emails

--> How to Use Final Chance Emails (If you aren't using these, you are leaving as much as 50% of your total revenue behind)

With these 7 Modules, plus the 4 Bonus Modules, you are going to become 100% empowered to to take your business from where it is now to where you want it to be.

This is deep, advanced training that will take you to the next level.

There's no fluff.

There's no beginner coddling.

Just the real thing.

So what's the price,(insert your name here)?

Ok, let me say this upfront:

I'm not going to do some mathematical challenge where I add up all the value of all the trainings in this package and come up with $157,987.45 in total value, plus $54,977.77 in bonuses, for a total value of something unreal.

And there are no bonuses.

You don't need bonuses.

You don't need gimmicks.

You need real change in your business and your life.

I've priced it at $397 for my Advanced Internet Marketing Training.


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It's worth every penny - and you will be amazed at how fast you are able to grow your business when you implement these advanced tactics!

Like I said, if you are a beginner who shouldn't even be still reading this letter except for pure enjoyment, then this package is worth nothing to you.

Because if you are making nothing online, then if I show you how to increase that by 20 times, well 20 times nothing is NOTHING

But if you are an advanced marketer with $5,000 a month coming in and you implement just a few of my strategies and get your income to $12,000 a month, that's $7k a month, $84k a year.

What would it be worth to you to invest to get to $84k in additional revenue?

Would it be worth $1,000 to add $84k to your bottom line?

Or if you are an advanced marketer with $25k coming in each month, and you simply double your revenue and get it to $50k by implementing a few of my strategies, that's $25k a month = $300k a year in increase.

Would it be worth $5,000 to make $300k more this year?

Or maybe you are a fellow coach or industry accomplished guru with $100k coming in each month, but you want to learn from me because you are still missing an edge - and maybe you have everything I teach but 2 things in place in your business, so your income only goes up by 50% - or $50k per month = $600k per year.

Would it be worth $10,000 to get an extra $600k a year coming in?

My guess is your answer is yes, it would be worth it.

So you see, this package is worth something different to everyone who is reading this.

So I've decided that instead of putting a price tag on this and charging a high price, $2,000 or $5,000 or whatever -

I've priced it at $397 for my Advanced Internet Marketing Training.

It's worth every penny - and you will be amazed at how fast you are able to grow your business when you implement these advanced tactics!


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By the way, as an advanced marketer you are looking for a P.S., right? Ok, here it is: P.S. either you know this is a good value for you right now. If you don't, I'm not going to try to persuade you. Continue doing things the way you are doing them now, and come back in 3 months if revenues aren't up. Or take the leap, invest $97 today and start studying and changing your life and your business TODAY!

Successful people take action.

Successful people take calculated risks.

Successful people innovate while their competitors flounder.

And your competition might be investing right now.

Or next week.

Do you want your competition to have this training and you don't?

If so, close this page.

If not, if you want to take action and stay ahead of your competition - even get your competition buying FROM you, like my competition buys from me (some of the biggest names in the industry buy from me - and out of respect I won't mention who they are) - then take the little leap and download over 100 hours of top-notch advanced training (no beginner stuff at all) now:

Insert order button (or info) here:


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Letter #3 - (Dominate Your Niche)

"Yes, insert your name, I want Your "Dominate Your Niche" Complete

Internet Business Training Program"Yes, insert your name I want your "Dominate Your Niche" Internet Business Training which includes:Module 1: How to Build a Business That Completely Dominates Your Niche Even in a Highly Competitive Market and Become the #1 Respected Expert in YOUR Market


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--> Have other current experts buying YOUR Training so they can KEEP UP with you even though you are a new-entrant. When you position yourself as the new up-and-coming expert in your market the current experts in your market get scared and they want to know how you are doing it - and they'll buy your training to find out (I've multiple dyed-in-the-wool experts buy MY training just like this) ($1000 value)

--> Step by Step how to become the #1 Guru or Expert in YOUR niche within the next 30 days. This is, frankly speaking, one-of-a-kind incredible training that when you use this process, NO ONE can know you off your post as the #1 go-to expert in your market - and as new experts come along, they build YOU up as the top expert - $1000 value

--> The exact process to get the search engines to show that you are the bona-fide expert in your market. This is an amazingly simple process - and can be done in about 3 minutes a day - and I show you step by step exactly how

-->This is highly powerful training that will revolutionize your business and will position you as the #1 expert in your niche - even if you are a brand new entrant, and of course if you are already established, within 30 days you can release a niche-transforming program in your niche that will revolutionize your niche the way this training of mine is revolutionizing mine!

--> This is 9 hours of intense training which will revolutionize your business and your life - by positioning as the #1 go-to-expert in your niche, high end clients will buy from you because those kind of people ONLY BUY THE BEST and in order to attract them you MUST position yourself as the BEST and then you can charge the highest prices in the industry - $2000 value

Module 2: Complete Coaching Development Training: Step by Step Exactly

how to create and launch a coaching program in your niche - even if you

have NO lessons now, no sales page, nothing - in 30 days or less

I am the inventor of the easiest way on earth to launch a coaching program in less than

30 days conterminously with building an expert level business (I don't mean to brag, or


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be immodest, or anything like that - but there is no other way to accurately state it - I

developed this model in a highly competitive niche - and now others are actively using

it - people like Frank _____, Kevin _____, Eben _____, and many others. And, no I'm NOT

saying I taught any of those people how to be experts. They already were in their own

right. But when I first mentioned this concept to one of those 3 above named, and

then went on to perfect the model - all 3 began using this never-before used model -

coincidence? I think not!) This is my virtual coaching model - and this 17 hour training

teaches you every step of the way, exactly how to do it, step by step.

This includes:

-->The 12 Week Home Seminar Formula: Exactly how to create a 12 week home

seminar that is perfectly crafted so that prospects see that YOU are the right and ONLY

person they should buy from. You will know exactly what your clients want to learn

and how to position it so that they get the highest level of results the faster. This home

seminar formula is critical to being able to charge $4,000 for your coaching - $10,000


--> How to Get Prospects on the Phone for Your Free Consult Conversion Call: I have

and teach a very simple method for getting prospects to raise their hands and say

“yes” I want to talk with you one on one. And when you use this formula, prospects will

be pre-primed to want to do business with you, to enroll in your 12 week home

seminar and invest $4,000 with you fast - $2,000 value

-->Specialized High-Ticket Pricing Training: This is my proven formula where if you just

go through the steps which I give you, you will be able to determine exactly what you

can charge for your coaching, and how to make it worth every penny...for example, it


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will show you how to determine if your coaching program is worth $4k or $8, or $12k,

and how to price it at the highest possible price - - $2,000 value

--> My Personal Formula for Writing Your Conversational-Style Sales Letter That Enrolls

People in Your $4,000 training program: This is the exact scripting of a coaching or high

priced training that sells your training for $4,000, all you have to do is follow the

directions to write your own! - Use this in addition to doing Free Consult Conversion

Calls to Generate Even More Revenue!- - $3,000 value

--> How to Write a Credibility Email Campaign (An Email Campaign That Create

Connection and Trust): Exactly how to write a complete series of emails that builds

credibility and trust so that your prospects will buy from YOU instead of your

competition. People buy based on trust and credibility, not based on fancy schmancy

sales words - $2,000 value

--> How to Get Subscribers and Traffic That Leads to Prospects Psychologically Primed

to Do Business With You: This module includes my proprietary training on driving

traffic with organic methods like seo, content marketing, and article marketing, in

addition to easy paid methods like I personally use - $2,000 value

--> The Exact Scripting for Your Free Consult Conversion Call: This is my exact formula

for the exact free consult conversation that I have scientifically tested and performs

consistently at high levels - and you get my exact instructions for duplicating it in YOUR

niche. - $3,000 value

Module 3a: Complete A-Z Internet Business Training Exactly what the name

implies. Complete.


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--> Over the course of the last 5 years, I have created over 35 topic-specific trainings,

and over 100 hours of intense topic-specific training on topics like list building, solo

ads, ad swaps, article marketing, content marketing, seo, email marketing, sales letter

writing, conversational copywriting, free consult selling, and many many more. In this

training, I pull together the very best of all of those internet-marketing trainings into

one master complete A-Z training program with over 100 hours of hot information!

($2000 value)

Module 3b: Info-Marketing $100k Business Core Training -

--> My own proprietary training that will lead any beginning to a $100k business within

6 months of getting started. This used to be the core training - the first 6 months of my

Platinum Coaching Program which sold for $2000 - however because of the incredible

results people have gotten from that training, I am packaging it - for the first time ever

- into generally-available training like this - over 40 hours of incredible training - ($2000


By the way, by now you've probably realized that this is over 200 hours of incredibly

targeted training. That might feel like it will overwhelm you when you think about it.

But instead, it is designed to be the only internet marketing training you will ever need

to buy. In fact, as I create additional trainings to make this program even more

complete and laser-targeted, I will add them to the download page, and you will have

access to them as they become available.

And instead of trying to consume this information in one sitting - which would be

impossible - I recommend setting aside just one hour a day to learn from me. Then

after that hour, take 1 hour to implement what you learn that day. You will be amazed


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at how quickly your online business comes together. And instead of spending hours

each month hunting for a new training on a new topic from a new person, you simply

go to the master download page in this package, treat it like an internet marketing

library, take out the one hour of the training you need for that day, and study it.

Imagine the time you will save not hunting for new training each week or each month,

it's already there, in your own private internet marketing library! (Insert Payment link)

Letter #4 (Automation)

"Are You Ready to Build a 100% Automated Information Marketing Machine to Generate $100k or More in 2014. . . ?"

From: Insert Your Name Here

To: You IF you want to generate over $100k in 2014 . . .

What IS holding you back from online success, from being able to hit that elusive $100k online in one year goal?

Perhaps you have been working hard, trying to create a product, or maybe you even created a product, but you don't know how to sell it.

Or maybe you have been working feverishly to build a list...but you don't know what to sell your list (and you know that if you don't sell anything, you aren't going to hit $100k, right)?

Or maybe you have a couple of products, but now it is getting really confusing figuring out who needs what, who has already bought product 1, how to write your autoresponder emails so they promote both products, but don't overdo it.

And those sound like simple problems...but you and I both know any one of them can kill your business, and make it seem like you are just wasting your time and your money online, right?

I mean, for all the work you have put in online,you should be making more money, right?

I think you should be!


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And my guess is that one of the problems I mentioned above is what's holding you back.

And the thing is, that's a lot like what held me back online when I first got started.

You see, I think I'm a bit of a smart cookie. Went to school, wrote the papers, got the degrees, had great experience in the corporate world running a $3 million dollar per month sales operation, built several companies from scratch...but when I tried to build an online business...I failed.

I fell flat on my face.

I wrote an ebook just like they say.

I had a website made just like they say.

I drove traffic just like they say.

I made a few sales (yippee!)

But that's it.

Just a few sales.

And you can't feed a family on a few sales.

Sorry. Nope. Grocery store won't take ebooks for payments.

So I tried another angle.

Bought traffic and sent it to affiliate links.

(you know, like traffic flipping)

It worked. Barely. For every $100 in traffic I bought...I did about..$100 in sales.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I subtract $100 in costs from $100 in revenue...I get $0!

And I can't live on...$0!!!


I was DETERMINED to make it online.



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Just like you are.

So I began buying materials to teach me what to do and how to do it.

$97 here. $77 there. $197 somewhere else.

And none of them taught me everything I needed to know.

I studied them and was still stuck.

Ever feel that way?

I did.

Then I discovered a HUGE secret.

This is the ONE thing the gurus just don't want you to know.

Because they don't want everyone doing it.

But I am willing to show you.

First of all - why?

Because I am sick and tired of seeing you stumble around in the dark, trying to figure it out, and literally failing every time.

Because it just isn't fair for you to continue losing money online...when I have the answer.

And I do.

And I have the proof.

Because I have personally used this answer for the last 4 years.

My first year I generated over $100k once I started using this secret.

Each year after I have done over $250k.

And I don't tell you that to brag.

And I don't tell you that to promise you can make the same money.

Because I can't.

Because I don't know how hard you will work (I worked HARD).


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And I don't know if you will only use half my system and try to do the rest on your own because you think your way works better.

Look, I know that might have sounded rude...but I've seen it time and time again.

People buy a system - think they can improve on it before they have made a single penny...and then fail. And then blame the system. And that's just not right, is it?

So I want you to promise me that if I reveal my secrets...you PROMISE to either you use my entire system the way I teach it, and send me a thank you letter or testimonial afterwards...or just don't try my system at all. Fair enough? Promise?

Ok - here it is.

And before I give it to you - let me warn you .

This is going to sound REALLY simple.

Like - why didn't I think of that?

Or like - well that's what I'm already doing (it's not)

And there are a lot of details that frankly if you don't get them right....my system won't work.

Ok - here it is:

Create products people want to buy and sell those products to them sequentially using an autoresponder to automatically sell them the first product when they come onto your list, then sell them the 2nd product as soon as they buy the 1st one, then sell them the 3rd product as soon as they buy the 2nd one...and so on.

Did you know that I have over 95 emails in my basic campaign, not counting all the emails I have in my buyer campaigns and my buyers lists, plus the emails I mail each day for additional revenue?

How many emails do you have in your autoresponder?

Are they sequentially ordered in exactly the right order to get people to buy as quickly as possible after they come on your list?


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Once someone buys the first product, are they automatically placed into another sales campaign that automatically begins sending them an email sequence to build a deeper relationship and start selling the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th products?

Do you have at least 5 products you can sell sequentially?

Look, if you are missing just ONE of the above steps, you are LEAVING MONEY ON THE TABLE!

And that's the purpose of this letter.

Because I want to show you what you are missing...and show you how you can get it all right so that you can earn $100k or MORE this next year online.

The bottom line is, if you don't have multiple products in your campaign, and you aren't automatically sequentially selling those products...you are losing money every single day your system is not correct.

And I want to help you fix the leak so you can start making money on your subscribers instead of just spending money month after month to get traffic and subscribers who never buy anything from you.

So I have created a simple, step by step training program that literally walks you through every step of the way.

For the next 7 weeks, I am going to personally work with you to teach you EXACTLY how to create several products and get them into an automated funnel so that you can start making REAL MONEY in the next month

That's right - I have created a complete step by step training program that includes about 18 hours of detailed instruction upfront, then a weekly lesson module for 7 weeks. Each module comes with precise instructions, exactly what to do and how to do it for the highest level of profit...PLUS a pdf homework assignment of exactly what to do and how to do it to get that part of your business up and running. And you will be held accountable for each step you complete (or don't complete). Because all of these steps are necessary for you to build a $100k business next year.

So here is what you are going to learn:

* How to position yourself in your niche so you are literally perceived as a GURU within 30 days - no matter what your niche


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* My own personal method of determining EXACTLY which products to create and what people will buy from you

* Step by step directions for creating products in as little as 3-5 hours

* My stupid-simple sales letter formula - I even GIVE you a sample sales letter I wrote for a client - that you can EASILY customize for your niche (I even give you exact directions for that, as well) -so you can write your first sales letter - in just 2-3 hours.

* My never-before revealed (except to my highest level Platinum clients who pay upwards of $12k to work with me) automation formula for automating in your autoresponder every selling email you ever send...and how to make sure buyers don't get sent the same email again, and how to queue up multiple products in your sales funnel quickly and easily.

* My own secret formula for creating one product per week for 8 weeks in a row, so that by the end of 2 months you have 8 products in your sales funnel, all 8 automatically being promoted to your list based on how long they have been on your list and what they have already bought.

* How to know if you should REMOVE someone from your email list because they are wasting your time and will probably never buy (did you know I purpose delete as many as 10 - 100 subscribers PER DAY from lists depending on these characteristics?)

* My brand new personal formula for creating more time in your day for the really important things, and dropping loser tasks like a hot potatoe (this is a brand new teaching, never before revealed except to about 30 special clients)

* Additionally, I am going to teach you how to put all of this together, complete with building a list and driving massive traffic - to literally create an automated MACHINE where you literally only have to pour traffic in the front end, and sales come out the backend.

Now, you are going to receive the teachings up front, at the beginning of the course, so you can start learning EVERYTHING immediately. And the pdf homework assignments will come in your inbox each week (and if you get ahead, just let me know, I'll send the next lesson out early :-) )

In addition, you will learn:


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* How to create a product funnel in just one month, complete with 4 products, ranging from $100 on the low end, to $2000 on the high end

* How to Determine Precisely What the market will need in your niche - BEFORE it needs it - so that you can BEAT ALL YOUR COMPETITION to market

* Precisely my exact formula for writing a sales letter from scratch...without any additional sales letter writing classes or training needed

* My own personal never-before-been-revealed outsourcing formula -where I find my workers, how much I pay them, how I keep them motivated and working their hardest

So perhaps you are wondering, is this for me?

First let me say this...this is NOT for you if:

You are NOT willing to work hard to create your automated machine. You see, it is an automated machine, and I teach you exactly what to do and how to do it - but you have to do the beginning work to CREATE your machine.

You are a lazy person

You are not willing to follow directions.

You want someone to hand you a free lunch

If any of the above describes you - this program is NOT for you.

But if you are the kind of person:

who is willing to work hard for 3-6 months while you learn what works and get things set up

who really wants to make $100k per year and won't stop until you get there

who really wants to get my secrets and formulas rather than stumbling around for the next 2-3 years trying to figure it all out on your own...

Then THIS probably is for you.

Of course YOU have to make the decision.

In addition to my step by step system for creating an automated system that works like clockwork, and that is easy to implement - and the exact system for


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automating all of this using simple autoresponder techniques (including some hidden techniques many clients have never seen), you are also going to learn:

1. How to know EXACTLY which products to create in WHICH order to get the most sales the fastest.

2. How to create incredible levels of profit from the buyers on your list (my buy list generates about $15 PER SUBSCRIBER per month).

3. How to know exactly what to say and write so that BEFORE someone gets your sales letter they are READY to buy from you

4. How to correctly manage your time so that you are focusing on the IMPORTANT things rather than the URGENT (this is my own blended system I personally developed after studying many time management and life management experts...and my clients who have been exposed to this have been BLOWN AWAY)

5. How to create the precise balance between building relationship and making sales

6. Learn the BEST way to create multiple products fast...in fact, one of my techniques ensures you will have over 50 hours of teaching content in the first year...while simultaneously submitting over 500 articles to ezinearticles...and you don't write a word!

Ok, are you ready now? Would it change your life if you had a 100% automated system like the one I use to repeatedly make sales to my subscribers...on autopilot even when I am sleeping or on vacation (as you know, I took 18 weeks of vacation last year, this year my family and I spent 9 weeks traveling through Canada and Alaska, spent 5 days in Homer Alaska fishing (my wife caught a 67 pound halibut) in addition to countless days spent skiing and hiking).

If so - I suggest you enroll in my new program TODAY.

Ok, now I know that at this point you are probably used to an entire song and dance about how much my system is worth, and how much I am going to discount it to beg you to sign up.

But I'm not.

Either you see the value in learning to build an autopilot system that makes sales while you sleep or play, that will stop you from losing the $3k - $10k per month that you could be earning if you had this set up in your life...or you don't.


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And frankly if you don't see how you are losing money by NOT having these automated processes in place in your business...you are NOT the kind of person I want to work with.

You see, this isn't like one of those programs where you get a bunch of mp3s to listen to and the guru disappears.

You see - the goal of this program - is NOT just to teach you WHAT and HOW to do the things necessary to build your business..but it is ALSO to take you by the hand and assist you in having a complete business in place by within the next couple of months - so that you can make 2013 your MOST PROFITABLE YEAR ever. How would that feel to you?

So there is going to be no song and dance, no tricky numbers...the price of my 7 week training program, complete with ALL training and access to me...is just $997 for a limited time only.

So NOW is the time for you to decide.

And by the way - I don't personally mind if you choose to decide NO - that's ok with me.

Because this isn't about my coercing you to work with me.

Because frankly if you aren't REALLY EXCITED about learning to earn $10k per month or more - and starting your business with real sales in the next month...and possibly before - I simply don't want to work with you.

And if you're not sure you want to work with me...I don't want you in my program.

Because I'm gonna be answering your emails, and teaching you exactly what to do and how to do it...and I want you to TAKE ACTION on what I teach you, on what I personally do in my business to make big money...and I want to know you are going to take action and do what I teach.

But I don't want you to leave this page undecided.

Because if you leave this page, likely you won't be back.

And that's ok...but know this...I simply want you to make a decision today.

Yes or no, it’s ok with me.

Make a decision for the future of your family.


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How much would it change your family’s life if you were bringing in an extra $3k - $10k per month? What would you do with the extra money?

The question is...do you want to keep losing $3k - $10k per month right now?

Or are you ready to take action and change your life forever?

If you are ready to start working with me...go ahead, make your payment now, you'll have access to the initial training materials as soon as you click the "return to merchant" button and enter your name and email....then in a few days, after you have begun to study the initial materials, we will do our first coaching call...and your business is going to EXPLODE!

To make one payment of $997 $900 today (save $100):

Or, make 4 easy payments of $250 each:

Perhaps you are still on the fence.

Get off. Either decide you don't want to take action and change your life....

or that you are READY to change your life forever....how would your life change if you had an extra $3k - $10k coming in each and every month on autopilot?

Or...think about this...if you choose not to take action today - and you lose this opportunity forever - how much regret will you experience at NOT having taking the chance to work with me personally to build your own information business online?

You see, imagine how your life would be different TODAY if one year ago you had started working with me, imagine the business you could have now.

And the truth of the matter is, if you don't take action today, it is likely that one year from now, you will be looking back wondering what could have happened if we had started working together today.

Anyhow, I don't want to pressure you at all - I want you to work with me only if you want to.

But if you aren't sure...I give you permission to just do it, just take action today and change your life!

Insert Payment link


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Insert Name Here

Letter #5 (Internet Marketing)

"Announcing My Brand New Business ModelDo NOT read this unless you want to learn one of the deepest, darkest secrets of the internet marketing rich and why they are NOT building a simple niche business like

they have been teaching you to do.

Warning: if you read this you will finally *GET* how some people are making LOADS of cash online - and others make NOTHING

From: Insert Name Here

To: You IF you are tired of watching others make big bucks online while you make little


Have you ever thought, “this online business money making thing must be easier than it

seems right now?”


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I mean, really, every week it seems, some 24 year old, wet behind the ears, couldn’t finish

college (or even get in) kid, who has long hair, tattoos, and you wouldn’t let him near your

grown daughter if he offered a $50k deposit to take her to a public place for a date....THIS kid

launches some $37 product on clickbank, with a $97 upsell, gets a few hundred people to

promote it...makes $100k almost overnight - then has 1000 people enrolled in a $37 per

month continuity program that makes him $37,000 each month like clockwork.

And of course, in a couple of months, he launches something else.

Or better yet, he teaches his new blond, bubble-headed ditzy girlfriend, whom he just met

after his windfall, trying to spend his money as fast as it comes in, how to build a business just

like his - and in 3 months she makes $475,987.34 in internet marketing - and launches a $37

product on clickbank to show you how.

Now - in both of these cases, you buy the product, maybe you buy the upsell (and of course in

making the purchase you contribute to this raunchy kid and his girlfriend’s new-found wealth)

- and you read the measly little pdf or watch a few videos - you see him teach something really

simple - and you think - ok, I’ll do that.

And a couple of days later, you are so frustrated with cpanel or autoresponders, or writing

emails, or trying to make a sales letter or whatever, that you decide that is just one more $37

payment you made that didn’t make you a return.

It’s only $37, who cares?

I know, I’ve been there, done that.

So then you think, ok, I gotta stop buying these little measly products - and get some REAL


So you start buying legitimate $97 training programs.

You get it in the mail or download it online.


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There are 12 hours of training.

You dutifully listen to all 12 hours, and you know a whole lot more about the topic than you

knew when you got started.

But you are lost - where to start, now you have so much information you don’t know what to

do with it.

So then you talk with the person who created the training, and you realize that what you really

need is someone to walk you through the process, step by step, hold your hand and show you

how to do it.

So you invest $5000 in a year long coaching program on what to do and how to do it.

And everything goes well the first few weeks, as you start to implement what you are being

taught. And it really feels good to have someone to ask questions of.

And start making some progress.

But after a couple of months you realize that for all the work you are doing, you still aren’t

making money.

You still didn’t make the $475,987.34 the blond bimbo claimed to make her first 3 months


So what gives?

First of all - who HAS made money as you have gone through this journey?

The raunchy 24 year old tatted up kid who can’t finish college (or get in)

The blond bimbo who just met the raunchy 24 year old guy

The guru you paid $5000 to

Who hasn’t made any money?


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Now - there are 2 things you might be thinking right now:

Well, I guess that this shows that the way to make money online is to just sell worthless stuff

with a glitzy sales page and take everybody’s money like they have taken mine


I don’t want to be a sleazeball and sell stuff nobody needs that doesn’t work just to make

money online

Of course, the first is unethical (although a lot of money is made that way online) and the

second is not going to make you any money.

So, wait you say, I want to make money online, but I want to make it helping people.

You are thinking, surely other real people helping real people are making money online, right?

And before I go further - you are right - in each niche there is usually one, two, three people,

maybe a few more, making money teaching people in that niche.

So yes, it is possible.

But let me ask you this, how many people tried to start a business in that niche, trying to do all

the things you’ve been taught for years like build a squeeze page, drive traffic to it, write

emails, build a relationship, and sell to the list, and are NOT one of the 1-3 people in that

niche making money?

1000? 10,000? maybe depending on the niche, 100,000?

And only a few are making money?

Maybe you are one of the “casualties”


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You have built a squeeze page, tried to drive traffic, tried to write emails, tried to create

products and sell them, or tried to sell affiliate products and sell them.

But you still don’t have a business.

And everything I just mentioned is HARD work, right?

So what gives?

The way you are doing it just isn’t working, is it?

By the way, let me say this - that’s how I did it. And I was one of the few people out of 1000 or

10,000 who actually made it.

It was hard work.

I started from scratch in 2006. For 10 months, I wrote 150 articles per month for a total of

1500 articles in 10 months. My fifth month I started paying writers in India and the Philippines

$4 per article to write articles for me. 5 years later, my ezinearticles account has over 24,000

articles in it (do the math on my investment over time)

My first 13 months online, I wrote personally 13 ebooks, created a digital toolkit, and launched

a coaching program.

My 13th month online I made $15,347 in revenue.

And for the last 4 years, I have continued to create and launch products to my list, bought

traffic, paid people to write articles to get me traffic, gotten thousands and thousands of

subscribers, and sold them products and coaching programs.

Each month I make more than most people in the world make in a year.

But I didn’t do it overnight, and I didn’t do it the way 24 year old wonderkid did it, or his blond

bimbo girlfriend did it.


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And the sad thing is - probably 999 other people just like me started in August of 2006 just like

me - and they DIDN’T make it.

That’s right - most people who plod along the way I did - DON’T make it.

It’s not easy.

It requires ultra-laser focus.

Let’s face it.

Most people can’t focus like I do.

Most people can’t work 12 hours without stopping when creating a new product or creating a

new system, like I can.

Most people can’t record a 12 hour series in 3 days, write a sales letter the next day, and sell

50 copies at $97 the next day like I can.

So what gives?

How can you REALLY make money online?

You don’t want to do it the way I did it - hard work for months and months, with a 1 in a 1000

chance of hitting it big like I did.

You don’t want to do it by swindling people by selling them something that won’t work but

because a billion people bought it you make money.

You can’t do it in your favorite passionate niche because let’s face it - your odds are less than 1

in a 1000 that you will succeed (I mean, really how does this sound when you say it to your

wife: “Honey, I am going to spend $5000 and the next year of my life for a 1 in a 1000 chance

that I can quit working my day job and work full time online”?


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That’s not real appealing, is it?

And yet - the way you are doing it, that’s really what’s going on.

So where am I going with this?

First, let me ask you this - what if there WERE a better way?

What if you COULD create a legitimate online business that didn’t have a 1 in a 1000 chance of

succeeding, but instead was GUARANTEED to succeed as long as you did it right?

What if you COULD put yourself in the position of 24 year old raunchy kid with tattoos and no

education - but do it 100% ETHICALLY so that when someone paid you - they got results?

What if you really COULD make money showing others a simple way to improve their lot in life

by following a really simple system that would get them what they want out of life?

What if you could EASILY create a super-simple marketing method for people in your niche,

that all they had to do was plug-and-play in order to make money for themselves?

Would you feel GOOD about taking their $37 payment, because you KNEW that if they did a

little copy and paste, following your SYSTEM exactly, they WOULD make money online?

How would that feel, making money online in such a way that you KNEW you were giving your

buyers value?

If that would feel good to you - if you would like to make a full time income online teaching

others how to build a real online business - read on.

But if you don’t want to make money that way - teaching others how to - and making it super-

simple for them - but instead you are dead-set on trying to sell people your brilliant idea in

your niche - and you would rather build a business from scratch, build a squeeze page, learn

to drive traffic, learn to write emails, create multiple products, write multiple sales letters, and


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work really hard for 5-10 years creating your business - for a 1 in a 1000 chance at success -

do NOT keep reading.

Because this is NOT for you.

Ok, so at this point, now that those people who really want to do it the hard way have stopped

reading - I’ll share with you how so many people ARE making a KILLING online.

And frankly, they don’t want you to know what I am going to share with you here.

You’ve probably suspected it as you have bought their products, and seen their systems.

But you didn’t know how to duplicate it, because it all sounded REALLY complicated to do.

And up until now, it HAS been REALLY complicated to do.

So let me explain how it works.

Let’s go back to 24 year old raunchy, dropout kid.

This is what he does.

He finds a few plr or mrr products that he likes, aren’t sold too much, and have a good sales

page and have good content.

He enrolls his newly - bought products in an affiliate program so that if someone buys them

he makes 30%, and his affiliates make 70%.

So far, so good, right?

You could do that, right?

But this where you get stuck:

Then he hires someone (or does it himself, since even though he’s a college dropout he’s not

as dumb as he looks, he’s really a crack programmer) to program some software so that if


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someone buys his $37 training program, he can let them push a few buttons, and out pops all

the coding necessary for the new buyer to simply send THEIR traffic to a specially-coded

squeeze page that builds subscribers for the new buyer, and puts those new subscribers into

an automated email campaign that automatically sells his affiliate products to them.

Then when YOU buy his program - YOU make 70% of every sale made through the

autoresponder and he makes 30%.

So it really seems like a great deal for you.

And because he has a crack programmer create all the code for him - the whole process only

takes 30 minutes to install so that it works for you (you have heard all those video sales letters

that promise “up and running in 30 minutes - on autopilot” - that’s what many of those are, or

some derivative.

Of course, you still have to drive traffic.

But if the installed sequence makes you enough money, you can.

But we’ll get back to that in a minute.

First let’s run some numbers.

Let’s say 24 year old kid (let’s call him Johnny, instead of continuing to insult his intelligence) -

Johnny sells 100 people on his cool new 30 minute autopilot system (sound familiar?????)

And let’s say these people (let’s call them operators) each take the 30 minutes to set up the

system, and have a fully working squeeze page that puts each new subscriber into the

automated funnel that sends out the sales emails from the products.

And let’s say that each operator gets 100 new subscribers.

And let’s even say that each operator who gets 100 new subscribers invests $100 to get those

subscribers (let’s make this realistic)


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Now, let’s assume each subscriber goes through a 100 email funnel that converts, let’s say

10% of the subscribers into buyers.

So there are 10 buyers.

Let’s assume the product is a $60 product.

And the commission is 70%, so each operator gets paid $42 for each sale.

Multiply that times 10 buyers - so you have $420 in revenue.

Not a bad return on a $100 investment in traffic to get 100 subscribers, but not exactly full

time income either, right?

But let’s shift gears for a second here, and talk about what happens for Johnny, the guy that

sold all these 100 operators the system in the first place.

So Johnny made $3700 ($37 times 100 operators) up front, right?

And he makes 30% of the $60 product price for each sale you (the operator) makes.

So that is $18.

Now, each operator makes 10 sales (remember, that’s how the operators made $420, 10 sales

times $42).

So $18 times 10 sales = $180.

So each time YOU (the operator) makes $420, Johnny makes $180.

Now, Johnny has 100 operators, remember - so let’s do the math - 100 operators times $180 =

$18,000 in revenue.

That’s $18,000 for Johnny compared to $420 for you!!!

Did you get that?


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When YOU buy Johnny’s system for $37 and invest $100 in traffic and make $420 (a net profit

of $320 - $37 for training - so a net, net profit of $283) - and he sells just 99 more people just

like you - Johnny makes $18,000!

Are you seeing this?

So - who’s shoes should you be in - YOURS - who is always buying these little systems that

make you a LITTLE money - or JOHNNY’S - who makes BIG MONEY because he makes 30% of

everything you make?

Now, before I go any further - let me say this - if you don’t like this model - if you want to just

keep on doing what you have been doing, listening to the so-called gurus who are telling you

to just “follow your passion” and the “money will follow” - that’s okay with me - but before you

write this off - let me ask you this - how is following your passion working out for you?

Is it making the money you want to make online?


Well perhaps you are now saying, but I really want to help people, I don’t really care about the

money. Well, if that’s really true, stop trying to sell your stuff. Start giving it all away. Really

help people in your niche. Put all the gurus in your niche out of business. Give everything

away. Stop trying to sell your things, because the money’s not important to you.

But now you are saying, wait, Sean, it’s not that I don’t want to make money - I just want to

make money helping people in MY NICHE.

Ok, so here is what I suggest - STOP trying to make money in YOUR NICHE and instead make

money where the money is. And then take 50% of your new-found money and use it to GIVE

AWAY to EVERY SINGLE person in your niche - EVERYTHING they need to be helped by you.

Did you get that - make money in the money - making arenas online and GIVE YOUR NICHE



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Let me give you a real world example, then I’ll get back to how to monetize what I have been

teaching you.

You know that guy Bill Gates? So he and his wife Melinda have given like $28 BILLION dollars

to help people out in poor countries, help people solve AIDS, etc. $28 BILLION dollars.

That’s a lot of help, right?

But he didn’t MAKE the MONEY solving AIDS. Nope - he made it where the money is. And then

he took a percentage of it to help people.

So if you really want to help people in your niche - stop trying to make a living off the people

in your niche. Instead, make the money where the money is - and then take a percentage of

your money and use it to help your niche?

Get it?

Okay, let’s go back to how the money is REALLY made online.

Let me say it this way - the people who are really making money online are the ones that are

selling lots of stuff to lots of people. And the ones who have lots of people selling their stuff

for them are making a lot more than the people who are just selling their stuff.

And there are just a few niches online where A LOT of the money is made - there are 3 big

ones - weight loss, dating, and make money online.

So if you want to make BIG money online you need to get into one of these BIG MONEY


Now, if you are like me, you don’t want to mess with all the legal requirements of helping

people lose weight. I mean, imagine if someone has a heart attack and dies using your

system? Maybe they lock you up for 25 years?? No thanks, no weight loss for me.

And what about dating?


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Well, a lot of the “dating” stuff is a cover for “learning how to sleep around, cheat on your wife,

get fast sex, etc.”, right? Okay, I’m out - I just don’t want to be involved in that, and I imagine

you don’t either.

So that leaves the make money online niche.

And we’ve already established that almost no one gets rich in ANY NICHE online - including

making money niche - by setting up shop and selling a few products.

They get rich by setting up a system so they can sell THOUSANDS of people each month.

And the easiest way to get thousands of people selling stuff each month is to create a plug - in

automated system that someone just pushes a few buttons to set up, then sends traffic to it,

the traffic buys, and the “Johnny” of the system (you) gets paid a percentage each time anyone

in the system buys something in the system.

Now you are probably thinking, well this is really complicated.

And you are right.

But the truth of the matter is this - the people who are doing this are the ones making the


Look, think about the last affiliate product you promoted. You made, what $200 on a handful

of sales. But the owner of the SYSTEM made $100 per affiliate. Times how many affiliates -

1000, 10,000??? You do the math.

So let me ask you this, if I could show you a really SIMPLE way to set up a system just like this,

just like the pros use, would you use it?

Would you set it up just like I taught you to do, and then would you get as many people as

possible to start using your system?


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Now, please understand - I am not talking about being one of the end users in this system. I

am talking about being the “Johnny” of this system.

Do you want to be the “Johnny” of the system?

Ok, let me say this.

The reason most people don’t become the “Johnny” of the system is this: first, most people

don’t know this system exists. They might think it exists, like you probably have, but you didn’t

know how it works, like you do now.

And second, even if they figure out that this is where the real money is made online - they

wouldn’t have a clue of how to set up their “Johnny” system.

Because when you start thinking about it, you start thinking, well, I don’t know how to

program, and if I hired someone to program this system, I wouldn’t even know what to tell

them to do, I wouldn’t know how to make everything fit together.

Right? I mean, that’s what you are thinking, now, right?

And up until now - that was absolutely correct.

You see, first you have to design the overall system.

Then you have to find all the products that are going to go into the system.

Then you have to code all the pages of each product so that the person selling it gets the


And you have to code it so that someone only has to push a few buttons in some software to

make all the products - 10, 20, 30, or more - all get automatically updated with their seller



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And you have to code it so that you have a way to automatically make squeeze pages and

download pages that are coded with the seller information - and make it all really simple for

someone to do.

And when you think about all of that - and you think of all the other steps that are involved,

you just think, “it’s not worth the trouble”, right?

That’s what I used to think.

But I have discovered a really easy way to build a system like this so that I can be a Johnny in

this system.

And it is really easy to copy what I am going to do, so that you can be your own Johnny.

Would you like that?

Would you like to see behind the scenes EXACTLY how to create the EXACT system others use

to be like Johnny, making thousands of dollars each month on the work of others?

Would you like to learn each step, exactly how it is done, exactly how you can do it yourself?

If so - let me ask you this - if I teach you, will you DO IT? Will you become your own Johnny and

create a life changing income for yourself?

Because if you are not - then don’t take action and sign up to work with me on this. Because if

you aren’t going to act on your knowledge, then there is no good reason for you to pay me to

teach you, is it?

And let me say one more thing - I want to be very clear about this - I am going to be showing

you how to BECOME a Johnny - NOT to just be one of the end players who plug in the software

and make Johnny money.


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Which means that although the system I create, and the system you create by copying what I

do, will be 30 minute simple for your buyers to install, use, and make you money using -

creating the actual system will require WORK. HARD WORK.

However, I have designed this system to operate using the easiest possible methods -

meaning that you won’t have to go out and buy a bunch of software or hire a crack

programmer and pay him $25,000 to create the coding, but instead you will be using common

tools, easily available tools, to do the work - and you can do all the work yourself, you don’t

have to outsource it (of course, if you want to, you can - but you don’t have to).

Ok, are you ready for the details?

First I want to say this - normally when someone like me creates a system like this, they create

it first, they use it and milk it for a year, make a few million off it - THEN they tell others “do

you want to learn how I did it, if so, I will show you how I DID IT”.

The problem with this is that they usually give you the edited version, right? They don’t show

you all the mistakes they made - for 2 reasons, 1) they don’t want you to know they make

mistakes, right? and 2) they probably forgot most of the mistakes anyway, right?

But then what happens is when YOU buy THEIR system and try to follow it - you do the first

step okay, then you get stuck on something - then you ask them to help you, they tell you it’s

$500 an hour for consulting, you say, that’s stupid, so you just give up and go buy some other

system. Same thing happens - and then you are stuck where you are right now.

So I have decided to do something DIFFERENT.

Next week I am going to build a complete automated business from scratch, using the EXACT

method I have explained here.

I am planning to do it in ONE WEEK, although if it takes a few days longer - that’s okay, isn’t it?

And then I am going to launch it.


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And people are going to enroll (pay me to enroll, remember).

And those people are going to use my system and make money.

And I am going to make more because I will make a little bit of each purchase, all the way

through the system.

And if you choose to work with me - I am going to give you 100% access to EVERYTHING I do -

including the exact brainstorming process I use - including my notes, my research, EXACTLY

where I buy the software to make each part of this work (there are several parts that have to

work together) and you are going to watch me as I implement EACH STEP and make each part

work together.

You are literally going to go behind the scenes with me as I build a brand new full time

business 100% from scratch in just one week.

And because you are going to see every step that I do - because I am going use a screen

capture video that will run continuously while I am working and building this - so you get to

see EVERY STEP, even the mistakes - you can simply COPY what I do and build your own


Would you like that?

If so - let’s talk about the price.

I am going to be transparent here.

When my system is completed, I plan to sell the end user at $37. Then there will be a $197

upsell (I haven’t decided what will be in the upsell, I can say this: it will be INCREDIBLE VALUE

and should convert at 33%)

I plan to sell 100 people per month into the system.


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Each person that comes into the system and uses my copy and paste - plug in autopilot

system will make me about $180 or more per person, just like the scenario I gave you earlier.

That is $18,000 per month (100 users times $180 per user)

And I am going to show you EXACTLY every step of the way as I create this entire system from

scratch. In fact, I almost went in earlier today and started doing some of the work - but I said,

no, I’m not going to do that - because I want YOU to be able to see EVERY STEP LIVE as I do it.

So everything I do to create a $18,000 per month income - you can copy.

At the SAME TIME if you want to.

I will even set up a separate paypal account so you can see the payments coming in. I will set

up a separate aweber account so you can see all the lists being created. I will be doing

everything from scratch, the same way you can do it (even though I could just use my old

paypal account and my old aweber account and everything else I already have in place, but I

want you to see this FROM SCRATCH the way you would do it yourself.

So - what would that be worth to you?

To learn how to become a “Johnny” so that YOU are the one making money instead of the one

who just keeps stumbling and bumbling around hoping you will finally luck into the right thing

- when in reality - you will probably NEVER make it doing it the way you have been doing it

because frankly the entire system is against you - the Johnnys are the ones making the money

online, and if you want to make it big - you gotta become a Johnny, right?

Many people might be willing to invest $18,000 one time to learn how to make $18,000 per

month for the rest of their life.

You probably would, too, if you knew that you could do it, right?


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By the way - let me say this clearly - loud and clear - I am NOT guaranteeing you that you will

make $18,000 or even one dollar by enrolling to watch me build a brand new autopilot

business from scratch.

In fact, I can personally guarantee you that if all you did is watch you will NOT make any

money at all.

And I can also say this - what I am going to be showing you is proprietary, which means 2

things: 1) You must agree not to teach ANYONE what I teach you about the system I am going

to create. You can use it to make as much money as you want - but you CANNOT teach

anyone else how to do it.

There are NO REFUNDS. I have been completely upfront about exactly how this system is

going to work.

Most of the time, when I see someone teaching a new system like this they give you a list of all

things you WON’T have to do, like PPC, CPV, CPA, blah, blah, blah, but they never tell you what

they ARE going to teach you. So you are taking a real risk because you have no idea what kind

of system they are going to teach you. But in this case, I have been VERY clear about what

system I am going to create, and what I am going to teach you. And if you have just skimmed

this letter instead of reading the whole thing, I suggest you read it all the way through so you

know what you are going to be learning. So to reiterate, there will be no refunds. It simply

wouldn’t be fair to everyone who pays full price for access, for some schmuck to come along,

study the material, then say, “I’ve decided I don’t want to do this, I want my money back”. You

wouldn’t want that to happen to you, right? And I don’t want that to happen here.

By the way, if you don’t like my terms, please just close this page. Keep doing what you have

been doing. You will keep getting the same results, for sure.


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Because it doesn’t matter to me if you buy into this or not. Because there are plenty of people

who would willingly pay me 5 times MORE than I am going to ask for access - so if you don’t

like my terms - please, just close this page now.

So if you are still reading - I take it you accept my terms.

This backdoor access would easily be worth a one time payment of $18,000 to learn how to

make $18,000 per month on autopilot, once you set things up.

But....I know that $18,000 would require a lot of justification on your part. And of course, you

might be one of those people who learns how to do it but doesn’t take action and actually do

it. And $18,000 would be a lot to invest like that.

So I have decided to make this a no-brainer.

Because I don’t want you to have to think too hard on this, because I am going to start doing

the work and building the system in the next few days, and if you don’t get in fast, you won’t

be able to see what I am doing each day as I am doing it, and frankly, you will get behind very


So...instead of $18,000,

instead of $9,000....

you get complete access to watch every step of the way, as I build this entire system from

scratch, for only one incredibly low price....

Which I am not going to reveal yet...and here's why - because I wanted to make sure you read

this entire page before getting access to the price - (which isn't $9000, that's for sure). In fact,

it's so low you will be able to make a decision fast -

So...I am going to reveal the special price only to those individuals who are serious about

learning how to build a business using my new business model -


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The available spots at the special price are 100% first come first served.

So if you want to get access to the special price - and have a chance to be one of the first

people who can get in at the special price...use this page here: get first come first served early

access pricing here (embed link to sales page here)

Hey, I gotta go now -

I hope you are *IN* -

You see, I really want to see you succeed!

I've done it - and now it's YOUR TURN!

To your success,

Fellow Internet Marketer,

Insert your name