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" 4,$)15 , I ' "" /; THE:: GO~PEL '¥.6~A~iJ~f.,· -". /. ploinise/ ,v-e;e' easY.'i"n, all thel~ w~rid~t:ings a:hd ,l~:~rd~bips; 'G6d:lis

not· ashamed of.~hem'to'be; called~theil" 'God: EiQcl.,.iii. 6. "tarn,' ".'I." (s,~id·he)t,l~e Go~ ;~of tlly,fa~ll'e~, the Go.d'lofA~rCilha~;th~ God' of,"

• t,; l~a.ac" and '~l1e 'God ,}if Jacwb. ''}In,tqe~e,:i>tepsiiU't~e'tl"ue. child're~'" f' Ail '. h'·' 11" 'I, '/' , .-, ,'. "''''f'''' ,. "'.,i,;,'fT " , ,

( . "It,', j~',; 0 n.: >,rq. .am,wa {.,}'.~~ , \, ,::'. \.I'I'~"', ",:.;",i"r"!,d·t't1·'~'·"i'.jJ,1'~~.j.·-,>i<1,'.!J'~ ""<"; I,

:,1' '.".; H.~')s "t4Q.t a.~ha~ed "o:n~1:$ bWll1'par't,; 'i,o'lbd." ciitl~(l.·'(;tt~h;G;dd.·.;hs,', .. I" i"" 'f~,' 1" "".1> ",,\. I '1'" "II-, I

, d\ l~,cpare ash~me'd~ ~vhelJ they have~1)? ,sl1ita,?Ie e~?te~'ta.:in·m:ntlt'o·give'

,thq,s~, who: have left;?;11 ,oth~rs ,for theln~ 'ai1q~deIifn\1 ';p~tlrely.:1,pon'-t,llcm ;,',fp'~ he, has 'prepare~ fm' ,tf1.~m a :CI,ty> These p~tl'larchs '

" , " ;;i;l~el~i}l ten't~, anc~\Vent,froJntand :t,d lat~d'at Gocl.'s ball;. but;,aFity,(. "j eveR. the New Jerusalem;. heavellltself, was 'prep,ared for them ,.by';' /?', ,their God;'a,ci(Yi,sili~abl~ tt?, his\~ignit'y ;.acity;,the)iI~ejof,whldl,,.. I"~ ,,,ptl th~ ~o,dd ~ouJd not, ha\'~ furmshed them.: "r~e is' 110t}l;stamed ~

- ',' to:be. called hIS \?~ople's Cod,"'whaf:evc'r h<li~d~rjlpst;hey,sU1ted9i'"

his's,akii; for he has er,w'ugb> to m~,ke I)P t,heir JOSIl(i~H" ready for tqem.'He ~ would;.l1ed];oJi"it, a'stail1 D,t;! ,his hqnou'l"'.that, at)yr,of"th:em,shoutd',

,,':R,~!,Jdgei~'~, at~hi~;'llanU;; jfl~e' )lh'o~ld)lot (u!1y }lPSWCr t\1~ trust th~y' ')'.' riMt'i'n 'hI1IE;' if ljti'''dto'not:,grve them a~;goo'd'/Ijayi~iherthan tHe

b . h" I .1 I' I' , "'-"d' cl J:' h' , 'I, , .,(."(."..... est t mg: w He 1 t ley ever wel'c', eme, ,ql', IS sa.q.c.;' \ J 'e'" ", \'"<. ,(, G cl' I ," 1. ]' ,,, , • " I' .. ,". r '" 11' I b':. " , .0. IS t le ue lever S }lortlon IOW' mean soever t 1,en' ) ot", "e.'

: 1Yrhi~te,:,er,\t!leY'\y~rj,t? th~','have lfLnj}or:t'hyil; ~~d; '.".~nd'},WHl (., "he.tp. tbel11 ,a God,'al1d they shaH he to me a people. ' r:fhn. pi\.tparchs

,.~·~~l~\v~;~~~*hlg/}ifc'of 'it in, tt+?\f6i'\Q, w~i'e ~lway'g,,~(lgriHi~ .and! ", I •.~.tra.ng;er.s,: they coulld.11..ev,~r COt~lt...t.hemsel. yes a~hpm.,ej,,:whl!~ .1,11 ,tl~'IWQrld: ,j But wha~vel' they. wa,nteg" ,~hey' h~d ,ac{;~qd. In;Chrts~ for .(. '" JQ~l'~ (i),Jf!. G.eSl:, ~! y: wh<\>, ~r~ e.tin~inp,<m:~)" /.10111 Lr1Jan~>n, for,.

.l~f~1~1I~g tb~, \rg~:l)~ f~t; p-og, ~'~~'~,t:!1111g, <~nd pan~~l)g',foJltche bet,ter" ;.\v?rld, a~~ll~e 'Y~IJr$~lil~S, 'le, :~,i)X)'lfl'.~'Od,'j,byrtJ~I~ g'O~d tp~en? thati the }'eal't' of man WIll ,ne,ver '1 h thIS' cflse loose' Qne rI0'pt' tIlt, It) hasII.jt\l ~,'\ ll"l ~ (, ~I\-',-:l r , - \ ' ~, \' ~1 10 ' " I

"'3;llOtper f~~ter1ed" *,vr.~' ~uitJ~,he ~rEj~elat"worM, tfll it:b~, I}b&Se~s~d;0f '....:~;~~q t?, tlH l,p>l~1> ~·oo,1p. ,It)will. n~'Y,eI;J\~,,\.go; th~}H)1~~ l,he ot?C h3:n,tl,)1~~ of tIl1\~'cil'm;t\l\ l;~ h~5°q., :b8J,le:vmg )101d of yo1 'hl,Q:I,lflst ~ith :' .i~l~, 91thcl;:" He9c~ ~7Ii~yiilg ts:cpFn 9al;~~ t~h~nyi l!g '. "YJ<JCI'~ t,qe .~~r f

",:Y,ltl 'notj)art ~l'\t9 JJlS money, ~ln ftJ~e ~?\l1rtiodpu~:,\\biC~'for tJle,~ill1fl'I ,IS better to Illm thari m0f;ley, IS, mac)c 'O,vel;~to hlm.;i•.fSO'I~,houghlye.;" ~,,(ere r~dl1!::ed to·tl~is"that ..~e .(,t~J'lld not teli.ca~·nal.I:i·att(.'s, ~ale,i " I, \vi'll,Pio fLfter iny. lovers,. t~Jt gLye n~e my breaeJ· and}nYJ water, my'

.' w()d{?and my ,fh\x"mine Qil' and my-drink;" yet ye may',te)l"David's '.. : ~fk'}e', !tJ~'a~' bet'ter 'OllC: " ~r~e:Lord i~ 111v- ioc~. rln(t:~n. y, fQl!tl\f?,SS, an.d ,

I1 ,,, '. 11"'/ ,', ""G cl . hi. h 'r "IL" ,,'; , 'my'~ e ,!y~.rer :': l(1)~ ",0,... i,m,y" stl'eY;\,gt.," }l~, \V,~J,!~l ;'i~i~l, 'itJ~st: ,11ly 'o,

, 'li,u!1kl!'l~",a9d,Jhe' b~n(9t,.\l,IY s~I,v~i.l.t!~~., apd"iJ;lly' Ng,l)i ~?)ycr;I:::';~r;1,I. 'f;~9~1 ;t'~l~~ssl,l~h:aJll~q~ure.'ll1Jhe!Th ¥'N9. PL1t.~;isWlha·n honOl,l.I~~·(;)n • '

f,1.\etri,,;that'Jho~g.\thp, wo"r}d';, ;>h<':5l14 9~llG ~~:t 't.hcirr~1}~I1le. a~.iev:,~h\~e'"syti.a.I~~S "plf,?Se\t .,by th<;m, '~r}(;I,bpt?~~,tl1eJ.r,Hame ,mto }JJ~I\ .1,' I-!~n:­

dreds: of. tl:,nes, ,th~,e'xpfessl0ns, " Ihc;lLol'd,ttn;G:od,,[" Ihei" . L.0,l'd,~'?bl' God{'<· 9c~H,r {':! $,crj,Pt~re,.<appJie~~ to 9i)cY\""1'itllr~spect',I.,;;: (' )<)"his ,people: .):e~,.!,le ,hears :llp ,them name .111' a,is, 'Yhen ~hey"al~~ 'I,

I; ".\ 'tj,qa,d,an,u gOllQ out o,fthe \y(lrld~ fmi~e,.t~e1~stl».lr~"~ ll~l~q' fqUl: ~'I,.. :\~. P -; :;r*_:/ ' t ,- r ~

- I _ <". 4'J.fr:~T,!,·. . I )'-- I• '\ • , • ".'. q' • ~.. l--~ , .t./·;' ,; 'ff" ~ '. .: 0\, ,~_' ~"( t!' ,J.' 1'~ , -.(" ;i:'tlM;..\~/I;I. . 1 .,'" " 0\

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,:~i!:;:,. ' +" , • ":,,T'HE~;.qd&pir,;MAt';At)N1.U'" ,t: :'1-8'7 ",.\,.,pl..... l.w I ",'i I "'J. '.. ",/fi'·!' .. ·· .. ;':·,: ,;,.;,~.", "I' ',{., ,'I, t ,i, 'i"'::;~"'" 1;',_ .. ·.Ir:',,'p'(·." .,,". ,···.'i • ") ':b;:/: am~he:G0~t,of~hrab'am,(an~;',the' God :of Isaac;',~n.d·.t~e Gel)'(!! ?L. 'I

'f..']. .' Jacoht, 90d IS l)ot',J,1)e (!od 'of. t,}~cdead ,'but:o£ the hvmg:",.,:.1 hIs,.is,a \~~m~)J'i,~lll'£,.~hf'lm thA;,~iIlIa~t:".~vhf:l~ t.h~ 'lllO~V/).;,frit,~",abd Ta,'dile~,• t\)mbs~w1f1 not ~~ep the\ memory of the w,.JCked from,ro~tlng.',

)'l'He anows,~"th'ell.l) to',ca:ll h11;i1', tbe'iil: <Mh God':. ",i\n<lTI~d{i1as":," I" "'d ' ,- ,. '1\1'" 1, • 'cl "I -~ G cl';' t \ '"~"f,:"''tnswcI'CC ,!lUliLsa( :,:unto J}lm",'ly, l',.OT ,~n(, 1pY ':' p' , 'Tuey,can '

":Z~':isay thi.~, ,how, litpe,'so~ver ,th§y hay~ in. ~lW \~(),r,ld ~!!i~h ,t:beyc~n;~·(calktheJ.r's.;, ;Why'should they-not call hml'by h)~ own 1l~lDe'? ','toe,

/ ,,"': ,,c?l-r:I:th,ei;;',Odd' is' thel1~me' 'he,'11as',ttil(~h)6hlmi;eJ(-: ;'·lj)i)~a'inlirl\:Il6~-· .,I ;ti'olli')fhi,~·:being' p~e-ag'e? 't9. ~9'fa!Jl.~~by,this:ralllp;<-."716 jrnr,,?rt~; I,.'; ;:;"

i ' C;;:9clall(?\'''P ~h,el~tq,.dep:eAd,~~, 1)10;1 'a~ 'theH:,(;pd'I~M tOlmp,rq,':,e',,'; ,theIr r,clat!pn to l)lm 'for .3Uv.vxncb ..th~y· I}~~tl ; 'Yhpe.v.~1' c11;sts "then;1 ":- oH/cix I'efu:ses to he'l,p .th6~i, G'6cL"will' bevel: J:pllt"ofrb.i~ jJepple" wi,th/;

;"Jlames: <,Withou\ t):1i'l thingslsig[Jifieslby'~hege~ ll\lh)es. ';·If.he iS9atrcd ", ,theit",God,:be, "Y~11 Q~,!l' his, 1~.al~1;~,}h id~~,9t, w~A! ~ealf~Y ;;(af,l~: j rj'~1~7~ ,: ,) "." be a God *9 them, to' all the wtents au~l rur;pose~ of the"coY~r:Ju,.l1t.. '",'",Arid I" wiH'estabUsli my 'C<1V61;a1iV:Uetweeri!'me /unC!, tllee, <irld:;,t11,.~<",

:'s6edjafter tBee 'i~ their generi~\Ollsj fO'\' al}evcr.Ja,~t~'ngic,o~:~~~<tJ"(:>4<b~.a,G:6d ,tt,rito th~:f; 4Pd..to,:~by::s~<ttttft~.ritoee,'" rrh~a(lJ,ok.>)'_" "fo.\' all wluqh·thev need, 'trom' h!l).1,' alf!d are welcome:}'} afiJl of the' "'fu1nells of 'Go,d : ,-Iwhq.te~~r th~ir, 'case i·,f1quil'(:S~I't~C,9c1. ,iriIr b~ an· '

~)1 in all to ·thep~., He~ce, the lq,peclat,i0p ~1~ fait~A' :W·~!(l)),:t:P'Y ;fat!16l.'j,(ft'~, 'al\d"mo~l,~el: fors~,ke ~e,JhEOn, the:,Lorli wllj{di,{e l~,e"u,p:'\; ;' ,~,\),', I

~{.}~' > He WIll own tnmseIf..to,be then' G.od before the world, whoever' '{;f!..1 I dis~w;n th,e,rrl'; .'He; is ~?Htent)~1:~t S'~~l~; C,'l n 'Yi.im by" ib~~Aame~ \:1 1

\ 'as"Nebuchadnezza! chlJ, Dwn.,llt1P:'; apd D,WIUS/ ,c1wP", ,vI. ~6.,: ,He puts' marks of hIS respect and relatIOn to'the\ll II pOll",t,hem befOl'e '. ',' Id" "h 'h"" 'Id' ":"1 '\.,,1 'bl" cl" ,I'll, "'f"h'~he,,'\Vor ,1,sO.tilt t e WOl: rs(l~".l1~ 0 "me ','. to t<l,~ noqce 0 I~',' ',',

0w~lng: tb~m::"13eho1q, 'I iv~i!J' ~iak,el, t~l~'rp" of" the I ~vljag{)gt~~16f. ;',' ,:,Satan~ '(\'vhlCh say they at;~, Jews; anq are. llOt; b,ut do IH~) , '~e!lold,: ,, .!'\v'i'll' \1li1k'e ih,err\ 'to coinc ~nf\ \\'yrship ~~fq,~;~ ~hy' fee,t', \rt,nsl t~ iti1ow' ,,,/

Ifl' ,~ that, 1 h,a,,~ loved ,thee." It tlll:rir' <;m;r,uptioqsnvi)l not SHHel' t.hem, .;:I" r,' " k' I I ,.' t I I ' ,. , ''\ 11" , " " ' "f· ",' 'to' ac now ec ge', so' nla'CII, ye,l ~ lel,!' qOIlSCIl')!lCE:S'SIIa ,not g-ct ft 1'e- .

~~ f' ",.1 '{ "D 'cl' , 'SI' , ;'1 'f" ,1,' I'f 'b .., • I • useu, '"J:c el}ee, ay'l,. pr,ays, ': ,:lew me a, to ~en or g.?P~, t lat i, ey, 'I '~ .whi?!1 I...q,t,~,;r'e nlay ,see and ,~~/'lsha;ped",p<!,c~:lse>f1P,9!LO,;'df has~, ?

-"';! h01rJe!1 me.;·al?d:~~Jl1fo~ted, ~n~. ~ , ,,;' "'".',, .!,. '; ": ., •. ,f l'~' , .l;fe . reckons' 'It:blS (,.,fW!10Ur,to ue, ~heH' ;God,. 9ver,: thQugh, ,rn,ell

It. ,,,',., should be'a;;l~ahled of- them. ",Aceordll1gly we f]nd :llll1f."oan "tbel'Ql,v<, '. hjs gl.ory ::.,~ AlJdl:~.wjl.J'{llaqe s,~J,:at!on,i!1 Zioll fOtIs~'~l~J, ~l) J: g19l'X ;'1 ,.. \

'8;'\( . , 4n~I)~.!;2 ~,O)j,:v.PI., ,2,::>. th,ey :re caped t~e gJor,r :If, Chn;t... ,J;t,~ ...Rh ". gloi'JeS'l::l hIS sjJGmal Hlterest. 'Ir th~t).l;, ,. My 1I1neyard;·, wblCh IS,. ' '1! '0· I '../ " . I"mj'ne,.is ,\;efol'e.o.j(~: ,tuou,,', ,So. pmon,niust haveu thq:usand, ,ancl. ,'/ ",. ~llos~'1;bat k~el} the fruJ,t thereof.t:vp~,llIlSh;e;d."~;,': ;'i:';"~ l .' ,.. " ~

";1. H~sY~Qp1e I}ay~:.efllbrac:-d hi.111 IIl,the;cQvel1aut,' (or t~h~;'J,r aB,; in ';:VpposltlOn,·to the world, anclrrl:1 that 'ls,therclll.; 'whIch 'ShOV,iH a ~ ,

mloule'rlessof sr-i"r~t'iri.tbe[ri'" the ccrtllin:prodlid ct'" his 'own S!1itit': '" .',.It ' I' ;.. -1',; 'I "." • " ." \..1:"' i ,- . " ,,'

,~~I Th~re bet ,map)' thut sax ,~~'9:.'wJIl ShC\Y,.)l!S. '\I'1}'good P, Lo'rd',;'lift thoIJ II p tbe-tight,,of~I:iYCOll1it~i:ml1ce. {lpOn~~.'l ", Whotn halte

~~ ;. r A,:,,>'1"...·,;~, IV .. , ' ·,'1 \ 'U' ,'"

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",,\ ,/,!~ '.' ," C';\ ,,\~ .. '> ':::", ',-{',.,<: "("';I;)::~;':;',;:';:'l./ ';':':~488,1 f:,'~ '.\.;. ' : 'tH~.~dpsPEL;MAq1l.,Z1~~. I ~ I~ r'· ," , . 1'1

, 'j"\ j , ~.'''' • '"'I' ...../~ ii< ~i ~~ I'C,,",;,,,,, ,It' \ ~ I' \ ': \ I~ '~ , _ I"

.'~ in" lle~~~n outJhe~.f;,,~nd,th~re is non,elilil,t'i'l:rt~l'~\Wt,'I.ste~i:l'e,1ie,$i~l~fi, >

thee~'" God saYS-,t" I wiII !}eitlry'God," the,wQrl~l sllys, ' twill ,I~Q ",':'~ ~~y' 9~(~.~:: Nost, ~e.n #l{iq' w~th,JJ:{Wb'f·W\:Q,{rer.~~Il? <tll mr11;~~" ,

rmtllrallv. m'chnf'!~thls..way'. "But~.tT)ese,n'bbleigolils, bew'" ,pa'l(ta],er,;;' 'i,., •• ' , \ ( r ~'t "I ~ ...~' ¥ ,h • .'11'

,of' ',lJt~e ?~,y',i~e nai ~!·errOll.r '-f0.~l~ln,pt,?~ ,t.h,~.\cl,ay- ~e10],;"fGO~~TS !~i'vQI. r.f\~~f\fsmQ; It .,-: a\lc!: honour hIm l-..v bc1,1'~VIJ1g and, em!:1raCl''\o01 11ls rif:fer'," _'

\ • ~ I ~ A.,"'"i' , 11 l,. 1" " 'utJi. Il.~ • I \" r ~ Il'z)" -t' "j ...

'" ,~() th,at wftetl the LiJrd ~ays ij\tbe q.l)sf~€Lt9.,thf ma:l',J,l;,." L~ilLife. ~h:y',,' "'q~d,".,'h~s~.~;oul echoes,,~/aG1} a'zai~l', ~,:~)~elh~9pt.'l a.r~,mine~,tny,.(;;o(j, ,n\y 'eo.l!tfO!1';.f I ,take:, posse~,sio.t?', U.p~~ll t,he ~re4,it, o.~, ~hil:e oJ'I1,l ofl~r,;' ,.,,~I ,~peq~unw ~~ee; 0' lrord \, t~li:19l\Tr:t!Ju 'hIt IN' r~rllgel all,~ ~;ny .l~,q~t~,Qn i'n 1,the·l\1,U& O,f..the >living.?, ".'~hi:ls.:tW is uQt Mhamed.'t()tbe .

, lLd L ," G 1 " " ,- I, ~, " •. , , " ,IC~,~ \-tl'le;tr )O'(~. I ~t ".l"') r'.l; \.:,«;'1;'~ i ", f~\' ' I,,,, f _fl'\i 1~

,. "'. ,. '~'>~eC?3:11s~:tJlyy 'quit ,t~~ WQI~ld'.s ge~~a.il}t:y(or dlVi;!~Jipn~" an~ It:l'~l~t I .'

:. '( 0" " hin~ tor 'an ,?~se~~T.po,:'ti,dh'."to tjl~~l~el~es, .~s. \p~r,efeJ;~,hJl~ Itp ~rr that" ,I,!; , '., t~e '''Y.?r\~ .c~n a~~~o';~,b~hevp1$, h~ .~VIV [~fO!·,lfYi,..hli'l aJ]-su.f1lc1ltpcy,; '}p-(! ,. ."~' ~.' ~' hI~,talthfullless\Im1tl1e:prqm~s,e,l~yl'l~g",all- th.elf' w<{lgh~ U.won t,hern,i' ~ ,• ' I! J'T ',I • I \ 'h' I· f! G rl " I ' h)' 'f b" ",,.' <'; '~.r I. ~,~~g!?~nrr .. !fot ..a~. t;, e".proml~lt,,?~'· t''i'I tn!.o.':lg,~. ~~~l If.le '; .ut ,"

i,'·./:' 'W~}i;~~r~llg('lIIJ ,fil1Jth, 'g,l"yl~lg g1?ty to '~(,),d, l ,~lJq_b':pJ,g (full.\(\,per~1l7Id~d,' ,;'! --:' ~.~~p.t wha~ "lJ~ .ha~~PtOJ;n:I!\e~ ~e was ab!~ .to, l(t;rfqn~h" ,,~4eh ~,tr,~ftt \· ~11.?y'h!;l,y~~:ip.G.<.'d ..el~ ~hey w~H1~.pev;~~;h~:~akethe:~o\~I,q~ for,~lai.n ,. It l~,· ~c~~rdlp:l~~ltt9.e,?,~~asur~of,thl}'~7~le.to( ~ p,ew~(:'rbr\d tq,?~l~:&. . it,."';. ,,~tf, ~~. J~ th~Jr for~"~lrg ..'th~ 'pre,s~.nt ~prld., ~A?d ,~Il~C(e Itt(eythusv- _ .

~ I" \n91~(!JlJf:ably' t~i1st ·h;rn .. fQr t~eu~ all~,he ,u~·:·not (flsha;l1le? ~o I?e eallrq~~)~\I'~lltHeq7'Hfdj1;r i~: ~,v..l: iv, f.~r~, "{')':;:' '1'<'\ !,' \,,'i 'I /'( 4, f '1( :~ 4

14! /, ,1/, '!,'bc:y can.;ta};e up' with nothing"lessr.than;God for t:heir,.por1ti,on, }3.v· ,,' I ',t • ~, ... UI , _ '1 I- "'1 ~:I H " '1..1 \ \' r ).~' J,., ",,1 ,

.:. I ~~id~ the,Y d,~coYY,r ..a I?ec\lli~r eIe~at,jort pf s'pirit,,'th~, !,:ffe,c,t P,~,~!~ilH\~"~ . gtace~ ," Y",a; doubtless, ana ~ cotmt,all 'tl'llngs; !;tut: loss for..t\:l,e ex...

,,·({t1111~ncy'~f.the,k.ri'owllfdge Qf'Chri::lt'~esbs, lriy :Lord:.for7whoq,t I '· l1a;v~i ~}Jffe!"ed.,~l~e:,loss of ,\,IV things'ian;d dC? ,co\'lllf .t.h~l!l bllt.iiu.og,. " ~,­

[e i that f may~,in Chv,ist." rr.fiey,ca~l~lQ,long~r·f~Y,dw,lth)the.,prmilgal:;. , .w./"'c, ;' .., '~~~p ~!J~ .~l\~k~,'?,~ t~~ ~eR-'lpty, .c,refltiQll" . T~~i:r/s(}il,l:sc~y.~,is, / G!Y,e"" jl:'< "Il(e'G'Ot1'Jn ,91?:~!S,t,,,,of el~.e I-?ll?) . AJ~}h~w.orla!; ,nay} ~. ,t~,OU~~Q,C\\\"'l'/• "W().rl'ds,;;!'c.~nr.,o.L~lt up: lps r9.9m: '~,Sp~ tl~c.,:,~~ ~. sea}, ~~'?,n thtn~, j"

" heai;tl,:'asa: sealup:on 1JiHle:ar.~1 ,: f01\),oy:els strong a;, death :nealousy ,· .,;~~ .erl:l~l.~as th,~!?rljtve::" tJll::'·.CO~~:; awco9:ls..of'fi:ry, .w?ich:?athw~qs.t.1~e1'lenl~n,t ~~llle,':, "j~n<d SQ they pre~s f?rw~r,g throlilghJ~l!H)eatlOns, ~

, ~~\d ;;ff}.e" gi'Gates~, d,a~tt~f.· ~tli,i?IJ~.t~~,,~,~rld ..ca.p ,lay ..bef(')l:~) ~bem', -to. : yfl~, hold"hlln as .thetr"portLOn,.and to'co~ne,to the full ,enJO,ymentof. ,,'j

~'J "'hfin> "'<;;'Ma:n'y \\>tJ.t~rs\c~nij§~q!leilcltlove/,nei'thcr' y~t;1-:the;~~ods" .. ' ..:':; / ;~r9'~~Jt' :~.: if 'a,' ll}a,ci c',w,cluld,g~v~ all: t~l:e.",~ ~1 b~ t~!'~6e 9f ll}s'f.h'~,us'e f~l' . .:: .•~,,;. f.

t~.·. '/;I'.f.i.,:.h)v.~,~I~:W.. ~uld .p. tterlx ,be;.·~on,~~qt.ne.4.. '!.'~... 'So'.he.. ~s,p0t"<l:sham~!l'" t? ~~...': :.' .\·c .... "f~h·)i;', ,~aVed tll,>lfJ;;~rJ, hec<):li~ethe~ d1t~s ~~~~.fl.?~/'l,~I~SJr~ tp;~· '!, ') .'h:. '1.. t'~i:':~·l!t.~h~Jr: iWfY C}n~·,w~ll{)\tl\.I1Y,l,l.l:~of fl.:.c\l.~l~~jg\:llS~i;\l ch\l,ra~ter, fl'0W ,'': '" /,L., ' ..• tlicMnen .ofth~: world" P4iL' iii;\f8~.2.r';. ,"They, dare not; t~lteth~',~

',va-y of,i4e'*orld, their sodls"hate)t,as,qeing.opP'0site. to,tb§n{an~-':,YJii's' Qf ,thecfutmvy Mwhi'c.h tbey.'a'~~goi,ng;., Thi:;refor~:,tl;f~y cir.e -;:~1~'n:to.n,fQmlis7\to t,h,e }~orl~"jt.} ~t)"r.a\: a:s, it "is~'i,scpn~?r~ed\tQ'~li;"Y1:P.)9J·tP~ ~~~d,. i/" "." " . , V'I 'i'. ' .I.. ,I,." • ,

(,,~ i.',·:\" ·of."" '! '.. ",'.':' i: . <,"""::;:,,t't,i" .... . .."0' ',.""

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,I.; ",,'7')';' ," ',,'i, , ,,:;'·i(,~~';"" ,j; ',", ,',~,> ~' ;',1 },'~,.." ,,', ~ii', ;~, }:HE, 00SPEt:~~,?~~INE.,',,' )\ I I .,' 48?' , '"

,<;Th:~~ ~ar.n~iHvirk~n,n$l~p;~'1tH?,l,~,O£;(~Q~e,,~~l~h':G0<lt~~~.eL,ohl.i$,,:1',) ~1.I~,slil.:~hQ$,I'l'~5':9!r~~,;~re," P'~~ lEil,O~~(F lrp~ t~~ wc~el~t '~"-il', World{al"~' .; ,li~~'.~l'0t1g1it "X;1hhl'l~:f:the ),\Jqndof<ehe, ~p'\;.{n~n.t(aJi.Jt· ~~ve "? .ng\lt,,:p-efol'e the 'I;bTd. :'lfe ~ouldlbe,ashamyd"t9"be'~alledtbeLr 'G'od;"

'i~~ho make·Hia~:c1ay id'0r.thei~· God~> iI 6flel'-!t,wo'eYid~cesoftbis' ," ! 'i',clisposi~!on:,::",~·,,~~en jt,is.the,~tod,d~,,~nd,h~,~;q.8d:'h~tp~~!.f,,'whj~liJJl~s, ( ,"

I~'he qhJef'T,oorn;:lt1 J;l1erl"s:'b,~,arts ,an,d afflfct1qnS, ",'~:F;or,~hei1e,;yOlir'I """h{'" 'IJ" '" 'I' 'h'''l'''''i'""r«' ,{" "h'" ,Itr~:itstH"e;qs.,(~}Ue,"1V1yliwr" l~a1t," 'e', a,SO', ,j' yOljStpeit'w at ~it.,}Sr"" "I tl 'G' I' ' v 1" _,-I.' Id "li"'h' I", Jlh '" "'" "I' , "d',VIi l~lly,r' '6'cor tle',wor" , WIC .. your",-, e,~u":ts: 0'0 most '~.esq·e'",an "

are mdst, set' up'on~: 'What it is: y,out Ichid~fjQy1Iies"ill, ,in the~ en..'; , '"'joyrm;nt, of -God,i 'o~theiellj6yrpept (jf'tJie\vodd, ~Wl1itber>,youl' ',:(:hle{sor~~w:,a,r,j:~Gs fr~m ~rossv$ ip.J!{e ~v:orld, ~rlfrdrn SiD;fh:lJt ,olf~ods '

'Gbp,;qr from11th6:hitlings lof his: tr:ce ?-'::":VVMi1 th,e heat,t'dth ne\l"et,re~t~~\Gdd;' hutr.brist stHl);ave itsr~sli/i'frllt:I,~~ileat'Ui:'e-;,j.'ol~!lrl~o"yest I" '

,: f'or~i£ at,all :; 'and.' SQt!le.I'lHP1's")i''fe<;>f:.corl1'f6i:tJ:f~st' d~pe.n'ds ,o~hh'~':: '.'"1' f ' 'f' iLL"" , "'Id> 1-, - k 'I "" ,','

:~, ~nll eS,m: ' ~'o~h,s;o 'f,lie P'\es?"nt:W,~T ; "not ,upon,tlj,e'IJav.'1~gpr~ant'- ,,",_;,11l1S ,th~ /av?ur ,'of, 9?d,?I~ smrles or, f,:o~'Vl'Ts.,P.erhaps the; ,rna!!:nnght, find 11-' restpet,wlxt 60d and, the wbrlo, but, no rest tlf t..}je',lleal't~

.. i:P',G.qdaI6,h'c.) H~l'lCe"~~e; "., ~".;; '¥,:,',:::,',:', " -'<:::{ , ,I ;;"" ')'1" "I ,,- ~. ," ,,' h' cl 1'1' J:.' J' 'I"~': ,1',1 ""I 'h " '1"]',/'i 'la~.~Wc l!,~Slli!-"~I!lJpV~},~ e, ~ , ~"1,n'g::~",HW~,:~9I'sal\~,n J e ,~bl~ Y:,fbr Godi,:andi 11 xe~l tb'etr, dc'sl res mi hI'm a'od the ;b:~~ter,wbrld ,'lntent'to he:tjle~ew.h;itev,ertheir jpt 'in tArs ;\vo..:Jd, b~'; 'aqd to enjoiG~dJ, , '

'. iD OJ\\'ist;:a~:tqeir God 'an~P9~ti.oi;, hoWe-vb:rsmall,'theirp.ortiol1ibe 'of tbi~ ,~~'Qr)d'~F:~:oOlL!,b}n~s':',tliey,~,y be",s:~J,:e G9d'is. ,th.e!d~?d; "and he;,~-nll"Q~~l!VH"tll.?u,g.I~; p~i,:r,~~~on,{)fth~,;v,~~~~~sso~~thel~ fal~I1,'"

l:tb~y.b~v~l1IiJch~d:o,!?,:'r!le~~'~t':?,~~1l~'P.~9,l,s;x;o~~eRti\W;t\1k~>lo,C?~'t7;',~:a;stsy':' ~T!le t?:r4,:a?t~~n~IJ;d}up';J,~ru~,a]s~':.>pe"g~t!ier~,t,h'~Q.;'

out~:;\:l:ts ~of J~ra,e:L:.' ,~,e,'er ,do, any ,feak; af,t~~· a ,<{od' lP' C!lfIst,for. :."; ~he~r ~O? HI e~rnest,,~Jlf he first seelq;~he'111; ane} t,h~n t!Je'ys,~~',1lh7re."- ,• );>..n6 satIsfaction fQt' them, to be hach'll the·er:9!a:ture., '-Thus' tHey;,_

fi·&,d they' nepd God. :.<l;ltl"g!:ace' d(;1te\';ljjlle$1',trierl1't~ q!J(;,ose';,h ;I:;~, fbr ~.~.I ' G' cl ""',J ". , ,,'I"" "", " " , ,,"',' I, .'" "', 'j'".. ",'~' ~elI' '0.;' : An'l:Jl.the.r; ~I"€:" not ,1:e'Jftl;te,d" '!.>e'-cause:',thet; 'earne,'not,'t'l t,,~

" " '1;-' '1 . "': .I., . .J., ,- " •. I r 1 \ >~:~" ,"',,; , :Jo ,., 'I' .

•.Go4,Se~ks,;ariu.,nced qtove"t:l~em,.".l.' "il', '.-' >:'1 ',}! ,." Br" '.-,'~' ~'.. ;t'~ / "",,~.'. ..1 ":~'- f·,'.i-~/~".,~, f~-'·;;'I"r,lrl:.i~:"'<:· ::~.;

, 1>,' ,.RELJGI,OU,S,CHARAC1,"ER'.tOF CRO,MW:t;Ll.~ , ·f"," , >,.5. J'l,~~..." . /', • +.:..;: ..,' '. ',\~:: .' ~\I.,' . ,''\,. ~r, ;: r~~ . f,:', ,,.J ..~{. • ,~~~

~ fe,' ,;,: ',' ',' y;, (c;Olltznzt~:cl .!1'(J/YlLP·l,4,f,g./t 1"",<1-1,' '.,i ,. \' ':,

~'I1'f~ i"ep}y lq,;fhe Scotish','min ister,s',~Yl!ig,;[ It).iheyiIUpljl~ st:,d:;tl;~~b, ·to reg-r()t,~Y~ll-f,n:le,n,~f~civiJ!~~I)P,~()Y,IJlel1ts~l8h.ou,I?'~~4~·,P' t,he: 9~lIi,rig

}lQc1 erp;plgyment oJ ,toe, nnn,1str,y:' (he ,asks".''' Al'e,\Y:9~',.troubledihllt <"?\'ist'ilpF~.licbe4}.J!'lpl;eiichi,~lg'b~,i~cliJ~1,*~oi.\lYs)U'r,fl'jj?~tio.\l?., .' "~

. Dbtb "It sc~,ndahze,t}:le l'~fol'!ned kll"kll; ,ami Sco~]a:n.d"tn"par~lCu!fl1"? "is it a:gainst .the,;cqYeBatl,ts"A~i~ay wittit:l!e'e'o;v"~nadt "i,f:~tllis>,qe so'.I 'tl\oug;J)J,t;he' ~6vqna~l\ ~!\cl;~I)cs;t~ c,Q},l,14 ha\\:e,-been':wil1ill!t,f:bl,1a:t"</In'l

",sIW11lpi '~lileakligjQ~d,'. pLtbe: l~a\11e,0,f Chi:,itiu,}i,~f~,ho~;f it,:isnp'<;:d\leml:J)~\of!Gpd sla;pproymg,\noro.f'the kirk's<y@u mentJon;Hlso, much' tbe,:spOllse of, Ch'(ist:., .jiWhel~e"db Y9U' fi~ld. in'~'h-iptur:e, a g,roup'.d'lto .,\Vlflr'r<lpt such Jl,~'assert.ion,i,that flre'\l:l(iHg js'ln.dude4~ i11 your fU!~e<, "

",,' . ,j . ,I.: , .' \ J". -..)"

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4:99,: "I\,:.,,~''FlfIE\G,oSr;EL''MAG.f\ZI'NE,. " "",,',',, \

~i·di:ii'11;p·llgf:ii.an ~PP!'oba(iori frorn,~~,nf,!jaHi 01:d~'r'ib It', a'rld 'InaY· ",' ~'1do.:w.ell~ yet h'e"thiit' hath noe'~.'>bet'ter"Wi'l1'l'a,nt'than that, hath none ' 'l

-'<!-till.'J hOVe I ,he"tlHit a~cer\~I'ed,Jl1'p 'on'Jligh' maygivel his gi.fts to " ",w-born he'pleaJe; a'PJe\.,lfthose 'gifts,: be the SCi!l','of'lnission; l'ic:not'eo:vi~~,$;,tli,cip;g111',EI9f1d, 'and:}1\1edad 'l)rop):lc's¥.;':·''';In?eetl; youhe~l~

;,' I ~Q.I1d.!i.i'gh "the xnistaJ~~;Iof./d1EJ ',~cl1ip~ures'i ',appt'9bafio'n'lis l :, an?'c~ i;>{ : '1:' "',coIiveniency .. ib'l:es,pe6t"'Qf (i~d'er ,.'nOt of ftdCE!ssltyto(g:;ve' fu{iulty' to', preach 'the. G,9spel'. 'your; pretendi')d ,fear, ,leas,~e,nol'!>hpLltd st!er,

in, j~ like .the,man that, ~vo~ldkeep ,all the win~,put of the country',least'men should ,hedJ:ui¥ "It',would b~ found,'ui),l1qjust and un·:wise' jealollsy; to d~fiy;la mp'n the !>libei'ty; !iC'PhtlLpy I1~tul'e",upIOIl,

,/',~' 'a,;;sl,l!ppo~itiQr1ljlelrtiaJ:,ab~se"jt:; (j..rhen: he', JIQ:th '.'a&use,lt',juuge. I';'! '" "ff a: fIJitn 'speaR fOQH~h!y'" y'e '~,nffer 'hJrr; gladly'; b'ec,au~e :f,e a~e, wise ;', 1 ','

,_, . ,if err(m~ouslr,:tl~~; ptl~h 'more app~ars 'by' your'(coriv!ctio~I'; st,op,~': :. ,~l~df ~ man-l~ 'Il~o~th wIth ~o.unqf'YQrd~, tbat ~al!~nC?t he ga.m-sald; '.'

, . If blasphen)o.usly, orto,the,dlstl1rb/ance:ofthep~bhcpeace, let the, '!

~j¥~!i~,agj~tra)~I e,u;p~~i,~,.hin:,;, if;; truly, ,iej,6.ic~:~n)!,:JetP~.th.; , And, l'f, '" ,Y:O;Il,Wllliciatj btlr,Spe,~kI,',r,Wi;l ~,og~~~h,~t, sl,np,e, yve,:c,:al;Jc:,'lnt Sc<,>tJ,().nd; .. ,t·, to proro~e" one anqrhel' to,'lov;e: ~nc' ,g90JJ worksjto, f11th In ,qUI' .

,f,o,rd, Jesus Christ, and h:~pentance froth deid '~orks;-t6 6{mrit.Y and",lov:e towards you"tq pl'ay and ,inofJr'u [01: you ,"a'rid for. tHe 'bi~t~.r" ?---

i",) ,)tetwrns to, <J<'nGI iocI'ed uhry ()-foll!' prqfessi0ns of l\Jve'to ybu ",~f the, ( "'"tl:urh 'ef w,hrc,h!V..e,pCl;v~ mclde pt!\" soleinr/ ar;cl,\~llHnbk a!ppehls lQ th~, , ,

iI!76r(1', ot/t' Goel;' Wbith 'l1e,hatlj' hi::.It'l'daill.1"1J0'h1e.wi-tlless"'t0 i' if these',',. ", 1

"t,hi,ngs' rb~sbal~daloi.l~fto)hekil:k~ ancl~gain'st th~ c'ovcnaot) ~l'52atise':, ,('«oene"bY:Olcn,ot' c-ivil',diUings, ,we, r~joice ip ',them~, riQtw;'th~tapditlg' " .:"whi1:t~o'ij:saY;17.' ':r~ese aye; se,ntimen'tswhich/howe\ler they, may be:

" 'thought tin~tl:li'edwjtll.enthusiastn:, dec\al:e a' mind free'ftom bigt>try~

'_ ~ ,":and ,iil,capabl~ofbei[l'g'dqlud,t~c1by the cant, ,of un£pter:r1fpied s'uc~es'­- :'si(Ht~ ,2),l.detz~'lbl<clu!r~c,rer~ a:n4 ~he po~e.'f· Qf~£n(Jr7l!f: 'liJuJ/ loasing rrl~l~:~,

'/ ,', s£ns,\,'9liveW:hac,F,a 8ufl't,cierft pr~sel'vative in his"ow,~ und~rsta.nd'ing,, I . "),ag:fit1st·'th'~ ~'llinciple{ and 'r;rac~i,Ces ofthese'men 'who' ~ake, iIse 'of', .:

,\:sll~h'lnagitaltern]s," .,'> . ' ,," ',', h .' ,,'

'" Cromw,eWi; fiie~ Op'in,ion,,~onc~:rF1iilg, liberty 'of! cQns'ciense in,niattel',s':ofl'.religron;ev'ince, \ii,s frcedornfro,fn' 9ig~try'.' Nq'bigot ( . ".":p~s,,:ha:d' $erl,S~ .eho,u!il'h:Jt.a:'~l<e~be"pl~~nit:ndj?s},i:.!gh,¥'whi~h\e~,eryl' i"

'l}lall 'het:> to'-Ullbk,alld ,act fql' ,blt'll,s'elf In tnatter.s'pnrely of a ,rehgIOU~'" ":qaturJ ;.'o'r t~:be 'COll\;inced, that 'ilOless.,m~n,lrteelY abq voHll~tarjly ,

, ! _ ch,9se. tpei.r 'religiop,,' th'~y- ar~ rrJere- P'PPpe.t~' and- not r~asona,blei. ' )ri~n ;,,'a~d ,coll,seq'uerHl)' that,they ou.gh~ never 'to bc' (i\e~arr.ed from'. '

\ ading' acc'6rding' to;tlieir,own'clloioe.' T1:it; 'bi!l;ot is alw~ys in the.'" ~hght; i 'e1lery m;n 'o(a',<:ii'fft'n·'ebt"VieWI ,is in' trhe.: w~rotlg,;" heaV'en,i$ his ,,'

, o~'n :l~ol:tjo'n,"~llt lieJl and;~damlla:ttci:n' attend Ithoser\vho,think~nd, ~lct' 0pposite' to ~lim:~OIiYel"\'fas.not>'of this' c3:sl;. "; H~ ahv~ys pro­

"'f~ssep,it,to h~his beliefthat,men had a rlght'to,think ullu,',aetfor." t'.h~,ms'elvp;s.irr m~tt{h's .o,f !~)jgib~,..~nd tltat is}Opgfa,~(!h;y behaved'::',pea:c~aply,~hey;were"fre~~tochssent,:frorn t'le ~aglstl'ate and the

1'" ,,',! ,,:1 ~rlcs,t::,r:~'Ii,:,,'Et\d10~ td!ls':us,!,~,'thG,'liber~y,tha.t:~a:s/.to.'p'eeX:~el'1re~ "it·",'), "") ,"" ,,; " . ! '; ;, '.:~ , ,',"~') • ',:," \: ,'.>~" \

f " "I",' 1'·-",f,~ :....·~f If. I.r

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fh\ ~~':,: ,,-~'~-~r'" ~':\.'/ )' J '\\'; .. ·.~:~:~~~';:3~:?·;~":!":~\ ';, .... .' .'.'!' "'.:' ,. ( , ' .:; THE -:CO,sl'EI;:;~AG'M~.I·J:qE"1f .' ~491,

to te~.d~r; .<;'OIl~~~CtJCes, W~~:~n<'engi'ri~.ih:whicil 'Gi'omw,e1f did,~lOs't; r',

bf.l~~'s 'work/,. ' And ,,%1'. 1,3axte'r 'says,;,j~ :Li?e,rty;·fo'f'~6.nscient'~ h~ I

. I p,i"erend<:J(!' ~o be,.z~gl(}~'iJor.:'~: i:WJ:l:a~ {ollOws,wiJ.1; I think; plainly:.I. k' . ",;.h ;.1 ... 1 ·Cl··' ·l,.' I'" ,> ...• ";', "'n1/l ·e It ;vpr,\(:~ar.tn'lt.. e was ln~ee ;,50.<:1: 1':.1 .J ..••. )·/H' ''·''.,_/.It;~, .

,(,\ Mi ltoll; (I'{ tlle ,f'ollow:ing b~~utjful s{I)illlct." \~hi:d) i r' befi~v~"~~~;'r' l~~'er;or ~i""t~IC~ .~t1,,~i,. th~"W'US~~,.\\:ill,1.:(:)~d; pere \~i~l\~I~'C1Siir~/ a.d(l.t~~~e..

huuself JO '~lm fl;s'~hc p,atrqn'of tins l~lost gfor:a~ls'cau'ser, "';, ; ';, • ~,,' • r l. >t:"1 j; .)," ,f. ,~'~~'J/ ~', ";1",.1 l ~!. ~,;,; '> "..

.~l;qnr\:,?n~ ?~: ,~hi~fppnim, ~hOi\lir,ottg~i a 91~1.i,d,(i'i':r

. ;Not oE. war pnly,hut detractIonsru~e:,.' . ,.', ,~)., , Gujdedb,y fal\h,andmatchless fortitilde,!. ';'.; ';. V

",1;'0 'heatie alle.! 'tl'U~f~t4Yiglorious?\~ar11ast,;p10Ugh'sI't>; ..' " And, on th,,! neck,ofqb,Wllcd foroune proud' _"iP " "\' .

Has! 'rear'd ,God's trpphi.~s, and his' work Plirsuey,,,;. Whilo Dal"wel?' siteO:$ 'with"bfo6dOf'Scots imbrue(,l, " '1- I,

;And'Dllnbhr ~eld re~outi~rs t!lY'pr~ises"Ioud, '(i.! ~ ,(, ." ,Alid ,,'\~orcesterls Jail,reat wreath,," Yet:n')tlch 'rem,Ms ~,'~ To pOI1l,que:r sbllk; ,peaceMrh hcrJVi'lorie·s'..' " I

" . ,No,Jess l-cnow.ll'd··.than \var;,nc\v foe...1 'arjse,","Thieatnihe: to'vlnd'· bur·s0111s \~ithsecu1al,.chams: .,

f:Help ~r: td: savefre.'e eo'nsEieq~e"fro'nl tK~p~(v .,", J 0.<f hireting wdves, ""hpse Gbspbli.ti. lheir 1l1'l\v: .

~ , ,'F' .r r , of 1. , . ,'t" ~

l",t' ;~._, 1.",:( "'~',_ .-,", ,f' ''::'~'" 1'" .,1' ~,,- ,"..,', l", ," ·.~,'l;:'~'

, :., 'CI;(om~ell's':Q,wn:- s~n'tirr;~rits cdn'c~xnihg\ tb'ii/;;~i'tfer!~,vill'; b~li'bb'st' .',j '~now~:fl~91n,th~~ fo1f~wi~g paragraphs' ~it hi~ 8p~ec,Q/~t tl;le' dt~;,qtp- . ~;\tJOll!'~fl.the.- parh,ameil't. 1:11". F6;~4:' \;~1e',,)8 rebuk!tlgJtlwll~;.~O;t1tl~eir;',condjJct, an~1" amon~~oth~r thm~s"s~ys, .:" ~hen,.Y~,\}' ~~re,:e,nter-';>~d.;.llP9l1:, tl?J~I;99yer\nl1'W.n,t ,reweJ,lpg' ",}ntp ')~, ,IJ .Y~Wl .l~:I1-,4 ~PI1e,:,up?n ..t~a,~ fo'Ot ,of Meount., ~o'hav~~1 ma¥ ~urch 'goo~ ,~n~ ~h,Oles,om~w:ro­:vfSLODS, far tl;!e g,ood oLtllC,peQpleof these nOitl()Bs, Jqr'. tbtt ,6~ttlln(J'

',o,f s,ncp. tna~t,ers!ill :tliihgs!bfrdigi'q~, as::~'9uld,.:ba.ve'..'iil)he~d. atlq:gi\\:~.' c(j)u~ltena~ce t,o,a godly, tnipistry ,'anlLyet .you,td hav~ gi:ver-i: a jl!st,1iJj~i'ty tp got)IY:'p;1ftli.ofdiiIe,J:et)~jl1dg'l~lents:~'iripfith~'sam~.f3;ith;, ';''Xi~h tHep:l,' theft you; caU the orth{)do~' m~itlistryid,E;ngli'md:;, ,as;it:,i,g ",'

>' , .' well Im9wn, the ',i;ndependants' are, "apd, 'rI,my.': U!f<:Ie~' ti~~ Iorm:,of '.' ,I . ;, I~bap.tisll},(wha~re' 'sourhi, it! tllefiithj'.bn]y il1'ay:pe~b~p~.b~~iffe'rent,; .

'{in juiLgment:'in,s?m~ Iessermatters,f,yet as!ru,e ,Ghri'stians both:'1~)Ql~ing" at 's~Lv'aljon,onbil'by .faitl~,in the ?1C!.~'d 'o~,Q~ri~t;j ~en'l,pr,9';

. fessmg the feat of' GodJ'ah~Lh,aNJtlK'l:eC(;HlrS~to the name ~f:.God

~S'i;~t{);\~~ ~tr;()ng: t()\yy~'~' il ,~~);"y?u-rAlgb:t.lmv~h~d ppp6rtnJ1!J)Z,~o?hav~':se.ttled.peace ·and'q..t!-iet!le8s'aJP'0~!ptaILp.r.9fessil1g g.?~linyss,.­and ::mlgl1t han~ ,ge~fl(,\~st~ume~tal, ';!f. ~ot tqra;v~;llea1~d{,the "

\ .breaches" y;etto'hav~ kepn~e, g~dlyo(a,IlJI~dglpe,nt~ from ,f,ll.llll\ngl ",: one upon 'al~other, aucfby k~epini tb'em from. heipg ove~-rim by a

·camtr~q~. e;llemy} .reo,\!ler~d.tl1t~m .and. the~e ',r<irt'iol1s..:~0,th'.sec.ure,'happy ,and wel! satisfied'; /. ,: " r" '/ . ,"! ',(. . '. .(- ;, "

,";4re);h.~.s:~ ~o~e, '?F anr.,thin,g';:tewards tQ~8?: ..~~. ,the~~ "~~t.,Y;~h'~,,,." upon t)i!'~,SPllilts ,af ,men. '\. stra.nge It,cll'? .,~otPl~g ;fl~l~atls~:~~~i~~" '

, 'i unless they 'can puLtheIr 'finger ,upon t~~lr. 9re,thr~P!l COn$91r~,eefi,.". , .:to..,Pif)cl1itl~e~,:~!I~re'. ,,;'T~ 'do, this wa.~ ~o patt 'of:i;th~c~pt~~t'w;e,ha? :'/~/lth the cqril.monj,td.v~:sarYj fQrrel}~lb,n ~,~~ n~~, th,~ t~~ng,a~. the

\ \': . ,..},-~ "/ I ),

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L':'"\; ,.~~ ."'>:"~l;~' "~" :,;:, ':~!~:;" . :I~'~'.~'~~;~,'J' . ~~'.',,, ~9.2 " "', " " .,::rH"E. GOS,P.:l'L').'M.'AGJ~,.z,IN.E.. ,'" , . '

:... ' '.f •• -" \\~'~v'\,,: ,"'" ,l:'·'tl,.. ,:''i,'.'.'~'~':.' '. ,} ,~~L (': ':~; • "f" ""I,,

i. : • , ~m~?nt~i~tjl~1 .rO)',<~pt ,:!PiS1tl: ,l>ro ug.flt~}t" f,O ,J.bat,. is:su.~~?t :" Ja~t,."a:n:L,"" "gave l,fI to l,l,Is';by.,'.~a;Y' 'of' r,ffat1n-~lan'cy, .a'll:d>at' J~fiU t pr.oyeo tg,:,bt;:,-, .•;tha:t.,;\\fhfdLwa~rijost,d#I',tiO~u..;;,apd-,wber~)11'~O''1si~.t6d1ihi~, n~.o:i:e'\ . , ,, . \ban:"in 'obtainjng t~at li}dehy.\fro.mtlie;\Yr,aluiY,,0f,~he';l~iil,!".oJ'il~ to i!-11' ,',

~p~dies\ ql" lll'Qtestapt's /~ to w,orshi p<God~:acc~:miing .' to ihei r ' o,Wn, ',~

l;(g.:h,t !CiLHU fC?',.n:~.·.O.1ep.• C~S.l.':'£..,OI',,:w.. an.t ~f .w....1lf.c.'lt.~;:p~a.i~lr1?"O;f. Oqtl'.V;,~th1:e'n... ",f~p,~qk; ~h~rt ,nat!:y.e ,c,9q~tn~~ ,t,o ,see,k tJ;ectr:,~~ll:.~ef<frQml,sWtPger9, ", ; I"

~ I. ,and ~t(} hv~. 111 JlOwhngwiJde~nessf1~ ;," i)-1)~c for wb~ch.also, maqy,~,;, .' ,.~hat~)·ell1~i~ed~~e'te'·\vere· i~p'~'tsdh~~l:,%nfl,o,t\!er.\:,\&e,.~"bu~e,d:, /PWse, , , "I' j .~

i";;~ I.> w~o.W;~~f'l\~oung'~~~ !h~f~/tq,,,;IW,W;:;PJ~oHe~',y+r;I"Y;(~r;t~tlmto lfb.I!H1J;'· _ :f~• .,~" for hJ:>~r~;y'?;f9.r. Q. J~lsr~hbe~:t,y,?;,~hap'D~p' ~h~u1q 'noL5t(, vam,ple,cl ~P9i ;} \ ' '," \', ,

", for theIr cons'c~enc;esl?I,Ha~l9.ot,they:dab,o,p.!:Sd"9u~latdy,u'nder;.the' '",weight':bf persecution's," and was'it 'iit for thc)u':to.'sit heav-Y,up-pn

';'pthers? "'lsit'ihgeiH,\'o'ils td 'itsk ~'li:~;;f't)~ an<l'"110t to -givt'it?~liat , i' _;,'~i·..Qrea#~r'.hy'poctiIlY: :;,iJian'.'fbr' tJ{o~~;:.who,,,,wei'~ ': op"p'tessed -:; bY'i tbe' '\

<t::1' ,. ,~, ',I-. i J '·6 . 1.;.'1 "".l,. '.

?iS90P~' to p'~e9ine .the gre~~!~st ,oB:Pl;~~~,<tl',f, ,th,ew~-e.ly~~,\as s,?O~~.~~I,tben'yoke wll&femoveCl11' con Id wls}fth.;tt they }yho" call for ihhi';'rty;. ':

~. 'E\0~ 'also, !1ad:rlO't't6'o~VClHl£):l1at's.p1('if ,if'i:he. li'q'w:el' \vel·c·!'ll tqeh:(';,,~'tnds:?;~ As .f9r~Pt;Rf~i~e"Rel~,o'p~, bJ~~p~e,ll?~J~,:*U:c);\.\afi.•p~eac,hfs'f-dj7' it

~i?~,,'tne cO)lt<yntious rai!~}1s,."~vi l.:spea,ker'S, wp~s~~k, ~y': ffi1, \y~~·d~.t '\' i~t,d' 90i'r,\ilJ3t/go~~, :maJip.'e,rs';pe!,sdns,<jf" l~ose:~;c:dl~\n~,Il11atlOFls,,·'Pi(l.i'hsl}-· .

'. 11:i~11t· (\',ON tQC qi,vil 'ni,ari:.tstrat~ ,oug,ht:,to,.dteqt \",itlr t,h~m,;\ beoa:usC1."~.Jf these"':~jete'~4':con'~ci'e[~ce" 'yet i ~alkill,g "'(1 j,~t:ll'd.q:ly', and: not 'aG~" t::h{dihg,;b,tit' cQntr~y' to,;the f(}qsr)'cJ; and ·e.vin to,I)atln:al Jj,gbt, )"iJh~y t~:~,i,u91~~d,.9,~\al~" ,:,nd }.~)e.ilJ< si'lJ~ 'be,ipg: ?i~el),,:l\l,d,e~ PJ~e~H}I;,~­J~cts of tJ:ie 'P\aglst~a.te s swot;d,,' wh<\' ought, n'Ot to'I;beant. HI yam. i

'\ :)n. a. spe~~h ~'o\'ilJ~ '::p~i:]i.am,ent; I'A pril'.3;~ \16 5.17,\ -~\1ea,ld;1g;' (;0ncel'ning; t!le 'pro,yisiop' npde f~ttlibertYI~t·,con~i'enct1,in:.the.rHl.!m~lei'et,itiJ1Jll

, ... :.'aI]U· 1\,d,v:i'ce';');le I,tn\ide" use, o£ (hi' foll'owi~g .. 'r'ord:s: ~":As .;to,. tae, ~ ljIj>,~iti7'''b,f ·1'l:1~];l"'l)rofeSI,slng',:g.6dJlne~s" under }heflv,al~ety', of' .formsI j"~fllo~lg~~ .,.u,~," Y~~" ~~v;!t'i4.0nf: ,that, ~\r~Jcb fw..asrmer~r <lor;e 'befo}r.~, •" ',and I 'pl·ay,Gocllt.l~a.yt~l>Qr !~U'up'on,~he p~ople'of God a\,a f~U.Jt'I'~,, I. ",tl1elJ}f,gr ~py, sO,rfi t?~ them" i.f,~hey·do:lI0~ :p.\.f.t..;sucJ:13i\~aln~ ~kl :.w.h~~

.·.,'o/flc~;~,~PG; ~.a~ .t,n~er wa? RU~i;QI)'::<Jjt tlH,n~VS1>l]ce H~lt;-\~.t'~,tl~l~" for' ':'.', , 's:~ch; ,?-i: qa~lio\l ()'~~JltGres~ qf.,the· 'ps~pJe ~?.fJ.tG~(t";,l:,:;r.he~e I ex t1i"lJcts \I~ \,fpllJt";~1v.tnYfl·'i,Q.r.~mw£,lhs \j'l1q'gm,tlnt t s.once!l]lllg) hb~.rt;,y, of' ~OJ,i-

., \&Ci~l;}~e" j::-n~:}':Jl;'j!~e~PRea.~~, h;~w' u;al~ll~', h,~ tt1l1.~(;d'·, ,was tQ:{es.tl'a~~J,." ll\e~l';..frOm"ln.Jun\lg: t;:a.chQ~~r.on'ftccQunt ...of It.; ~n a,word,;they ..

,.'., '•. 8J~ew.th(l,l1tan.,;the,;~l:iristjol'p /!ih~ :pQ}iticia~/( I; Illb~t\add,j' {,6, ' 1'..,;.: '

" '"Sl?h~t,;OIi!v~:"~ W~~tj9~ ~':o/l~ ~9rito~l,ri'a.b,1~to",~is'ptipcink;s,'J;;hougJ~ ,-.;.l}~ d~dar~d·.:bJlt)s~~f ?\n <wdepp~f~~ant,·(1,,5'\.1p~~~~~~:that ,~ect: 'ft,\ow-;.

", ed]Yllapp~a;lle{L f~l' m~l1la'lId ,1'ehgl-0Us!)~~erty m rts;gt~~a:test~la:tItt,lde~) ,',':y~t .ne/·~~nfiil~1',l~~~t" Hsrp;sp~ct o,r:l?is~/av(,),Ui:s..I:to,::thefn;~ Fl~'~p<;d: .. c

d~~:~t.latlt~,detofJu~gtn.ent,:\l1nd ~,one~;veCl~?,~~ ~~'!~,~as v.~r~ pos;. ,s~l:il'e f\?f jWIH!? aonq go()dt~nel1:,t9cldf.er,;-n the,r~ 0PIl1l0PS aboliH'nany~.

'. ;flo,i·6t;;'Bt:lielj;~!o,ri~,:ypt, ,bai:lg':'~qqal\y/wjsel~nd .~pn~~t" ~h~y,~ug.qt., "'cl{u<J;lly,tb be reg~rdCd,. "WqJindJ,MahtRn;I?rl~J'lng'at hIS ItJagul'~-

tKon~ .3~~tej<pr,,~~\hj n,g/avl1!~,,~UQLtrt~ ~n~; C~r!L~nYil?Pll'sulteq"by l)illl ,_ ,.'\',-, . r',," '. ') ~::1·,' 'f':' ".~- ' .).,(,.1~.'· ...,..... ~,

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,; ",'"" THE <;OS:r>.£t, M:N.G'A.'Z'fi.t'tt, \ 4'f)3 ' ,, r, ""}.I l '1\'."\ t . -i!' .. 'lr ~ '".] ," ~ ./)~ 1',1.).. \,

0,1'1, laI~, ll)QJT~t: ~('!llnp'o~~a~c,e. "iJTi~9~e_ ;~~l:f". rrl,l ' rl;t1~?rtetl~ns, ..},lt~le"aHedec.bo lhm,t .bup mt~l11\ilh~(}f,,'the roy<dl"lt1ter,estl 'T1.He eplsq)~' ,,'

" ral,(a,rl~, 1l1any" ~f thCt:ll i ~re 'treated \~ith)·e(l).1~I. favQ uv~a'\\d tegatCl/:' J ' , .'

,tlli~mg,b' theb'Pa;r~~',!'a:;!"S~lCl?;'i~'q,re hint.,:a:' p;1o~deu.I;;0~,~ro~ b~~""i';,~e~'l'~elilt f,oF •.IJ)I;,,'I~~:(nV,nr.i1\"/~hlshop/~f Ej~et,orf;Ja:nd: treatl;"ld ':htlTJ wltf~,., " .'

ff' " " '.J ,", )', ',J'j"I) 'B'" "1\,, ,'f" ,.,1 I; I 'c ,.,. .'r.reatl·0~lhyal~u"r~spect;JlJle~5a>V~(;l; l'" a\'!1l1n S q~,at',·tle·.~(Hiqg'''' '''"I

,;,,',Ihdg,b:ed<~~,l.!and ,rti(t~le" ri'i,l'lL~)IJ1isc.allll1'dne:rl;":/$h'e "i nv'ited; .arcflbtshdp, "i-

',. :'Ushtll,,:~o l~i'ml.au(ll\lse~ hiirl;widl ,~'ub~,,<rivilit.¥.~of<l;yetsiIYgwith '}lin,lall0titt'the1 aClvinc;eipetilt 6fJthe ~~:QteSt~n,td)etigiorJ at,'hornc' <f11d:',;

• \abroad"'~ii1cl ~\'Otl1iS~I\lgi)htm tolD.);.tke;h~lrlla:::lease-:of ,s;Hl:le;:lxu>t:'$,"&r I', .l. I.:~·· .1, • • '." i 1· f., "t " J " , . ..'~.c \.. ' ( .':, I ft ... ,';~i'1the jaqusy.be1'anchnp-,tb <t le ardl'~IJ,;>i1'op'I·.lC :-ol'J'Acm:.'l'l1 h '1 (it~'tWciH;tj'': ','

l?.ne"~~;j,l'h';~rj(!r<;,thifi,death,' o,i:l:ei'~9,~~n-itbib~~W~;~~d\\V,ft~~;:;g?:e~t." .~pqrFll?\lll, yVc"stmuJ'st\'l-l' ..Nbbe:Y;Where ''Pr.,'Sarnard\ to, 'll:}O~Q.lvI10cl 1\a\ldien6,'l, ph?'aehedbis funei·al'se.frx'Joij. ',,;Ik; P~rf~ fl'&rn~'!~vhoill::'lIh<lve . the, !1&o.ve· jI)<li'~ic"ql~.;,s~.ifhl!l'l1'te!:l·€b~mweli's o\'~lcrirg: tbis'.,.'sO,l,~pn'oul/~iple;a:l:,ir:tep)'le\1~ p£"p.s!tCl:1? CQ~r,p~e',;,not 'o~ly ,to 're de~ir~' pr,~d~ll;Ii'C},~g "P!:> .own '!I~\Wm;:l),\u;~)~,)~,~~W~ So&: a,. dC3,Ign ,of pU 111S9,lqg',­ll!>lt.e\"~:re!atl(jl~sl b.y ~:utI~l~ tr~ill~.?a,~~·e~t'e~~e~~ce~. QuI: a~"p~ 'c, •~:l\~ lis't;he" P,r?f.I1Q:'~O'rcoll tnb.l.l.t~~,t~~,,;o';:lhvn~red",'po{~ndg· to'k.~~ds: ~tX: ,It 1S\ t;J0 \p-y(I~~~ly 'hq 'l?a~j:~1il.x,sllcb,; vJ,e~~:. \ He' prob11!;Jl~',tll0;Ught", t

, ,tbat'\,suffiqetllt 'to{/:a "iVory 'hol~olar\lble )jUl~al.-t~ose',"I,w,hailil*p(~ede,J., • 'b}'}, .. "I I' "j'f,I'l' },.. , " h ' . 'hi' ,,1 / '1, n,', . ~'Q,(;',:Wdrt1 'to?) 'ani~ ,t ~'elf,lSe,Ves; I t ley were IHt t ereuY,~J2Jut>It'

as' ¥ci'rY':~lhttl' yo ~1~.a~t\~thbs~l\rb,o;:tt\'e :di~p(js~~';!b ,find~f<i~H'>:J.~tMrh-,.:\¥e,lF~: heharl(),~1:"\.~1astalso} e~~l~lty, ,;huln:ai~~, to ,SY'<;;!l" :'<It> .pr;<;>fessed ,,1<

.0~~,r:110rlS 1~nc5unt~;I1a:~~~fd:,~by\ /t~ll,t ',w,;lnY"'l~~ .'BI'l~a.l1l} ;,'1~~ Jf?,!lU,-EludIe,whO, was a UtntaVI:il.Il; and t{Je, tat'hei"'of the.Engllsh. 'UPltU- .Han~~' in 'his :'WtJlstlll~l'cn,t::int'o' \,,!cily,;qii!~'ano~ed·.;<i"li'Jensiofi 'pi' aI,l "};HJll'letredr cliOwns' a 'yeaj' ;.vhe admitted ,Je'.lemi·ab' W"hi,cefialld •Pet'et' :,-Stern:iy ::ill~()I ..the n,;Hi~ber" of l~if ~l),ap,l~'FJ.srth(),\lghfew: ~:si)'ec~~latep,,more- (lleelyl 6n!,the~ cnds'an\1 6e,sif2.'ns Of",Pljovideilcf?, o~';tilp're but' o.l' '!~he ~hell road';1 all'd J,bh'nl'OM9';¥j6,"thougli'hat.ed/by'the''fashidnlilJIe ",t?c'de~;ia~ticS~rbont,i1'J:uc,d-lt0nstar'I'tJy in liiB,.'(a:voil+:,JI'" .; ;';':; r'. ,.ll;;'f .. ', .r,

" N!51: 'we~e even',:the' ROln\lni~tslthfit heh,we'tl ·wellldestitllte cifi-t./ (Sir Ketie~ni,j)igbjr;;"a m~;;l dr~iHil itjla' plii10sop.h~r.alld~a: oothqlfc',' ':ifJ'~ 'jeH(!\: 'to:·j.lr,f ~edre,t m:y~(FtlLi i·j()e;;"UateG\JP;i'i'is; ,1Y1,~l~'ch\] ;5,; "16:5'~,· . ',"J

·hlt~ the.c f(}llo~v,i'ng ~passag~>s ~",~ !\~~)~ yhli!,S'iltidJ~J~-',tohis'" Hig~IFids~!~l:e-,so great, thant, w~ul~ b'\3:31 crI:!lle m ,me to 1l~~~iLVe',my'~.elfsO 'negh- I. ."

ge-qtly. ~s tb1 giVe cri.use:,for a(ly,>sIJad:oW;,o(the)past,rs,9Spi(~ioh:; <)}- ',<}<td db ar.y:tbi,tlgr tlja:t mig'll't.r.e'quire ,anoxcuse:o'r'a:polog-y:"hiia!<e\it. lIly bJlsJnes~"av'~l'yi ~bC:i'er' tb"!Iav~ an: th,ewoi~l?, take ,n?~ic~ IJ'i:iwIlJghly,I ~~teem my.s~1f pb1lged. to>h~s,H-lghtl~Ss"'\ingjlo~, pussJQnilteI:llll foi' hlsl,crv4cte; a.nd'~ for .hisJ'l.6nol<al1tl.inte~est; .,e:v~u ,to . the '"'exp'osirHi"-6f'rn)('life%'r'thero~:'1T fihbuld ,iihi,nk'n\y h.eare1were'rlot '. .an b6ne~t~ dm-e,'ifth'e':bI6od', llb6~I~ it w,ei'e llotw,arqiedi'w11b' 'Ul:JY' thelea'lt Im.'pui:~~i~ri' u;r~~,my; resp~ctSl ar,~"II,1y:~~tx; t?'~Ns:,{~I)'gh~e's~;,to whoFn.I owe som~ch/l " Mr. l~rynne:mf?rms'us); "-'J~llut$lrKe~hn1 was,"l~d:g~dl\'i)y' Crom'wt}ll at'i'Vhite~all';'that':'hel~lispenged'. ~penal ~,Iawls 'agarostl"Ron')ls'h p~'iest~; 'arid p~ot~c~ed· scve~:ar,'of thadl,'l \,

V \ '11' \\.T XII ' ~ . ,. '1 Y "... . I ", ,I"OIJj.' ••'-,r";'p.. t,' '\' " ... .f. ~ "" ",' 'I'~ I',l :/' ,\

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: ,,>, I. ",., t \ \ \ ".~, \,' ":' , ", \ f,::;. \. '~: I I ( ~:'r, \t. 4'9~'~ : L' '_~~JJ;F" ,C}9Sr.r-L·,~f!A!G:f;:ZIItfEf,l', • ,\" ,\.-

\ , , l ~ , " ' I ' \

. ~aint; Ilm~"':':tJ~eil' fU~~,i:,s t?~ ,1~tile ,orl~i'~ts: nO,W.."j\he'l: 'gospel, U~!r',Il~HU.!;>;lbere4 \f.lth p,~d!1JIG,al"J;,ltefJ !;aqd 1 c~tremO:rv,eg ,'j'],S< t,l~e .gospol J(fP.i, Y•

.> , S,~!1~~~:~p~~1-;;.~he~r,;,d~li,"«eraq~e fi'~r,n: 1i1l~ ~U1:~elfis.;,the .delh~el'~nrle,"(jfi'! ", ,{ialOJ$ .flOW. Ill'!' ,I:, ., '" ',,,,il" ," l'" L) ,I, ,;:' ,', ;' i:I:" ",

;; :, -:,,;'~"·),~nq:.!'t}f tb.e,L.W:~las ~be',ehris~i'~n:s ;'\lle·.qnif~.,,; ,is.tb~ rrihji~lra- ..; ",4, tion."of"1ondflJ11ma:'tiol1',>i&:C. ~1J', wllat d09~ tbe-r;eal ~{,iHerm~oe, bot',,:eell" \' ,\,c, tl~e, L~:v as a coy'enal~('of work \In,d,.as~a l~liI.le:.of li·fe, cbnsi~t\r'~ '.,' ~ ,) -'," :!\n~wer,~Must, I, i\tfpute it to ianoranac'j.fQi' I' \.-v(mld, l10t i~rnl;}\lt(; I '

. I ' [" ~. r f t~ I • 1" \, ('! 1, f .1I, i.t .. tQ a wilful PCii\'ctsion,of, tIle t:r~t1J" t.niJit At N'i\:zar6:ne hail as'ke-d '

if I .' tWil, q.\lestioLl ?~ro ,b;e"v:ery, bl'i'et' pil c:.,slloject.s.oTdi[;ting~l.is.hi:lIg1'Tl i

r·· J .' '1,i,Q,~n~aired' ~~I:olJgh.i·hlst' o,ody,6{ S'~~ir9t,l1r~,; • .It is tl1 the ,hb1191F <xt:;; ,, G~,a. ~s:r~wgi~er'{t,bat tha~ a~tbority,,j~ ~laintain?c,l,amid~t ~Ji,'d.e~~u.lt

" o,Ifmal1 j,~alJd Cp"Jop1;ed. 'wIth the so~~relgnty:.bft.heGdspel ;" It IS ~6

!)ie,1;Jfil~9l;l;I~,qt~lmflla:Q~y~~~s.cr?~s'l tl~?t-~he'J:.ltw, ~i,(,l(,d9l,v~n.ant,~f ~o~rks"" ,,']S~hiI6,]~d.J~y 'Jesus for.mt'; ,<a~d a;lllll'lslsecd. ' Yet my f'lieetl'bill':f.rom " > '

" ~. 'cobdcml:lati;ori'is: I1Qt a: freed0nl' f~bm':oVJig<J:tion,tiQall' 'upfjd]'tl'lts~ ,. ':, '" of e..Q;i;ld...·ll~f,; 'fo): hoa.'te',\til',,~. 'orsb;:n"',;C111:.I:'<}I;tt,e,,':lhr.c)\!lgh,1 g'l;aoe,;" rrly"11, "r ,'1.0 • , .,' -'+ ".~. ~ .' ", '" (t, ., .,',' <"~ .\' ,Jfl" .~V,-'I '" , .~.. 1'-' .; lo' ',I.,'~ ," /' I

" " i' s~n'W,lJ:jlk~.;ca:uSe(lm-1Yi'L6rp t9" die, ;./etnd"h(llFWhp oannot, cdl,se.ni ;to'the<' • ,f' ','_l:';t>':,; ir~"it~,:)eilJ~' :.1llthQr:}t,r, w,hiist?he:"views ;\ii~ ,f~'~eel~\11, 'is:YS~1?a : '.'

"J}ltij~;,I?l(ofI5Y:lll,t"}n"tl}e:".s.C}T0c¥io\8hr~-t,~;\l~d!:ht~!e,~ble::~o).,~~a,~.~, 'or'."Qtb-el's.',I~.,1 ""P"" .. ,""..."tt.. ". ,L, i"",., ,J .:;i ,,' ...,'''.,'. '"~' '. AI",.'· \!F..,,-<io '.r" ,\.',: ',t,-' '1 f· * , ,~': '. .. . ,!. .~((,. • " !.. " ".: ,"

.'~ ,g.rd.-Ir. the L'aw .as:a,'i·ble ~f;.lifc i~ n'at the'min'isttat'i0o~ J(con.: ,, ,p,eQ:)nati'<l,li ..,a'lld'iOfct'lUh;,~ llOt' the}o\lrs~ (:()(l'iJccled':(vit'\1 ib, H.()W',' 'I,'~,~~~rrl~'s, it t,o 'pass" ~~;{~; if :tI~~ lJl~~s~(i~ci~~l~'i'of~htist,~n~lIits:b~~r'-,' ,_mgs, ~~ the ClJn~t)a.ti s' r~Je of hfe, ,thatr,Jls q,-ospd must heeessa't,]~y,

/bj;J, J.h~'~~'~.nis~~at_~o[;,'or.condetlmat~!?b. and,;.t;h,e' C\J111S'C? Is: it h,~~ as!' ;(1(1, . p~5f$Ih>le'for tl\c Go:;p~l to be the sa1nts rule; separa~e frorh a curse, f· / ' »

".' ,.,a~jt pSforith~',kiIlipg,)ett~r ,to~e;stl'ipt,ohtl> e,ofitlcmrring'po:¥f:r,

" al)~,'tl1in' be Gonsitlered a I'llel'cifu-lrod)??·', .... ".,;'1-.1 '" C ',1,"" .'. .'

.,.~, .>~I~~tve;~.,-If th~.La:w\as 'a" rukof.,.Ji'fe'is n6t' the trii~isti~atio'n'iof"1 • ,... -

". cOlH.!enlnatiOll" andl(-tf' CO.ll rse ,basIJ,'riot<t'he :C,I,l\'Sccoriilected:"vieh it,.; ,j,t,"49;GsLr\(~t: ur'ise'f110th' its ,eea$lng(fo.he 'a',l'.ifle 'of life) ,but: rrom':t-h€i" .' "

',,:', , 'glO'l'jou's!sJhemtJ o(saETatiJil1in:i!}i t;h~ Vica~iatis"'stlfferino'~';6r:tHe " '::,~,~', -)~Q.rd ,J€~hs; '\-Yi~O l)ftt1y. py bii'peI'tOl'l'l'i[1l1C~S, ,<;>,11' [Hy h~half;:al-\d '11is;,

'. ~ ,S~j £fEfl'iJJ,g:s ,i tl' ,m'" stead, ise-mal'ate,d: ,b'et.~~cn SIn'~nd €tel'n~IL'p'u,nis)1"'1'" ',,: ." "r' .' <;,., \ ':' I " l! " '''. ,LT,·'.' '."'." I" " .• ".,.:.<, . ''I r,,~;· " , ;, .; " .. " J(.

" ",mc!);t-,f9r me :a~\d"an 'his chosen,. Y'eut \~'liy,"fr()m"tl;lisj\'should-;'N- '\, " N,azar('lne argue M,iftbe-ble$seq Gospel Pt' Chl'is,~,~j,n"aJ.Lit~b~a,l;i~:gj;{ .

,Wil$;)~~1~ . Chr.i1;tiOlIl.'fs ,p'l~eqh \j.fe'?-hi)i~ .', ~Sj \.b\l~ "at '4eg'gi 11 J:r '. of'l:',lthe'I,'(,',, ".' '.<-I ' I,'" ,f" , , cl h' ,'.H cl' ',1,... 1=1"", ' '"

,~l.l~tlOll,·aO'tl 'a' talfl-n,b;: ·jOI'I(rr,ante "t: e, ,r'OlntY·llfl 'er,' UtScussJO,n. P" ." l,"l'" \, . 1·'.'·' >' i" t:i ., b ,'", r ,~, /1.' ,

, I YV.l;~,t(;}}':~r', ee. rh~'~l·ule,of..<! S~i~lt'S .1~f~~ n'J~~8,t.'~~a);~~[',f,e~t on'e,~'~ ,'~;"• tQ/;eo.m~"s~](~rt 7J ql~,rI'Jle,~11,ll?tl~~ Y'I"Sll\J .t)-ja:~ ~lI~'J",spoken: o~, ~~;;~_,r, ,'",\t::aflsgre,b'S],Orl,' 9f'·,tlie;:~~w); ~but lJ~the Gospel was\tqe1'ruJ~, thetl, alf;"

! ; ~1Il "wolltS\"b~ a trlinsgt~ss'ion of· the:'Gospd," '1'~etb~l\we·~t'~\lljJ-',' ,;, ~!iQt.iSecl';SO fo ~htffitieisilri" J'et'itll'e'$Wbl'tl'i of. &od,/'ll\e 'e~peilieriC'e~11of

"~ \ \ ~ -.\.1'\ " "t" I'l ' 1"/ r i'IJ~\\1 ~ .~

,.!' .1ry-J~&/aITd t~eill',lu)f!'est <~ck['ib";", ]'~'GI:~emellts h~fo\~t'4 Yhr,on,e;?~:gnlc,~, ~., \ d,,\(ll(f~!', ':If11thM' thlil",lliaw,J as,'a, rW~e '0f; hfe, ,]S no't" through.> Ithe .

<. : 1?~'G\~"li~t\'9e. '.01:; ehJlifi~,;l,a\1:nilli,stlla:ti~.i't;. bf{,ool~qelD'n;cl:'fidll'.!?-1f; tbe Yillt.~} ".'~,nrtrt 1£i~qty of,Jemb~ah:,"is d.isptayecl 'i'n"the ,cont~n'tled vindicatibl1.;i'of:· .

J.' I .. f~(","~!;~ .' J ,'~ I . " • 1'['# 'u..... J llI':.Jo.l ...., \t:.il~U:::J l • l • •

1'1'1\ " I I ~ I ~ '" , 'r' (. t, } \ • 1, ~ '~j\ -f, j- ~jI " • ,I , "" 'l--, '. I ,r ,I. •

\. ... ;,. ~" ( , ,. , ., ,, " t , \'~;'j

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,49a~ .:, 'JJ', , iI~lE~'S;QgP£L, ill'UG~~n~:r;:. ,',,;"",: ','t J " -, ~ • .4'. ~ .. !" f ! -.., f' \ ~ I, { . \ ~ I ~ ; I ~,J.1oI ...... , "',~•• _

'mted, a.nQ, So. :It''$,m, "'~Ili., to -expect Its cpnyeniloQ'it.;ntf>~ Go~ b.qt:'~ "l'e64,t,ifls.'just ~V~la~ ~~J"ras'lPtJol;~;,~lle go§d;,:SV:(H.l{,wJ',~!l-wl·O'~g,ht, 1.'c}l·';·' ', , 'k' J ,',,' ~ ,.~ h ri' I "I "'d' ~i"l 1'" I', 'h' cl' A '1'(1,...(.tmo·, -';'. 'Ft !!·Ape.,sO,!J1f ~ ,C;1;t.(~~~:' ~.oo: :"\'\tlOr{ ,Ir~l'dl;lg t~)11- an ~'o 'I."

4bahged ·tbc)·eby"and: r9t',tne' infec~ipH .C!f ·n,a<tl1rel.;)~ FOl: (tHe,J-lesff ' "lti~l~~}iJ:~ag~'flln,St ~~~,~ ~.p''irit;\'"'' ,2".JJ a~,e~ ,Q'Q't ~i(i~ ,~li.( r~~~,ti~,e,;ard '1;:0, ~transc~n;iie!'lit! \l~\I~II:.t6~,.~hmtr,as ,~~1)\b'ead of .hJtlll~~SS·~/!~Q!" ll), ttiaf , /~~sense, [rlY,.'saf)~hfi\;a~I,~.n1$1 f;.I l~ ,liQd ,.c.o,n~p)e,ee, ~~;e~~ be:fo~,!:l,llhe g00d, ,~,

. '\Vork,was"wrQp;!"hl;,lfl nl€:, .<:01' Chnst" ~s' P~'H!lP. .sancthQcaflo,n unto,,'\ , 'f,..". ) s, ~~ I. f I .Il ~h 'f 1 I \ I ):t:",. ~.~! I ,,~ ~ '1"" -.<:

tbe f Ohurch "bov tblffro'ou' rihiaSllI'e ,of!,lbe'Fat'h,c"'s w.i11 ':"frl, the' co,.. .' •I • • ..~ '? t ~ j • )D <> '. t' f .... t 11 ;.; t I , I' ;.t: ~" I ~

/" . ~eriant..settlhnent',or gl'ac~\; and as lov:e cb9se the .neaCI'Clnd meA}liers." :"~\llhig,li:'elect;,Qt,'I~ ii~~@n", sQ,,'b~e' a;h;'nQinieJ",a;~d'/>fiHed,\tbe h~~(L uj \ "'" ~ \ \; - ~ " ~.... ,~ ~ f .... I ri't'i ,I;' ','W,' .• ' \' 1' < ,,";.I "

" J ~)tn ,allgra~e 'ol;'"the.;me\'i),q'Cl'S~,I',.:grac,el,giyell us,i'nl<D,~j\istl,J€SUS .,," , bef<,ll;e! the world, 'Licga.l1;" an'd ,all tha,t he possesses:' d, man', il,nd 1

~,;:, I, '~~p:i~t?£ ip th,e'I\9~,,,,i',c,\~ ~q,~·~,:q.~~?P!\~)9.f(~~?ri~l:e(a~jpq:~to;'1:li~,\~s,,~~ad,~;.' .'.;~'f ~p.d·\h~~J~aJld,<". 3, ,n.'~ors n,Ptth,~)m 1l~~ ll~er:tqfJS>Us cau.se of s~re:-,,J

'.' . tIQca~l;.qll:f~·r /8~re I'~ ~ /llln.e~ of :vrt,ue',~n ~hJ\ bto?tl q~ 9hrist ", _I' ," ,fO!~,:t,hY~"t~p~r~tl ~?"w<?~:~;,.'~~:"tOI Ylyaih-~e,,,l1q~",.P~~lf'r ,~~~ $'p0l1~l'1 ~ll~,~-'<,"" , \ftPt1fll}Y' trom.a,!1 ,1Jer'll'l1C~~~Illle.~s, ,she, be!llg ah;eac!y .~,anctl:fi~d'::tn1', C~,!s~, a;:;,,!le~cf;~\nd. ?'!J ~im1~s ,~?ei' ,H.5g,h~Pries~l niedi~t;ot, apd .s~re,ty,;, ,',t" ,. ; '~~lt itfpC.1i o£,the';Ohurco,lierOl\llls'tO, be·~anctMied,fi~tjm and tll1~ough . \: 'I '" ' '~t~J:39,t .<,~Sl 'i\1~, ~sc~t~~,~d i~t~l'ge~~or"i{1Ii! adY9'c~t~; .j",f. It 'd~~s'j1'p.J' .. ': "1;,7

, )I~ )p•.:~q~ ,\,quaJ.j.ty :-ot'<~~le,:~o,~d ,Wi,~~, be?a.~~e ~ha~ ,canliot· gflo~ '" 'J

i, .' " ,~,e.~!'~~YJ* ~l!p '11~llf~~' ot,i~t '. f?\,,1fl tr\a:t, se~~y,!~ 1S, lJer,!e<;t, ~tb?l1ghl ll?f ' '~ ", •. ' "so 111' ItS' dl'in~ee' ,and a~ lLresJ~ets/covellant order the ]JCrSOl1if'Hl ,,, ,!:,.\ \ t '''1/ \ f''l .,. TO I I ,.'. _ T1 • , \ '" ... ~ I ~ • _ r , ~, • .' ' \

,.,PM,:~'fY:. 3;1,1 'b,~ sc~ia',to "s,al)9tif.y,~, tl!~' ,9h\l,rc~,,{~r"tn~ ratl~~r:, ,~a:s _' :', I

',,~o.'il~r ~,t'laf1C:;.lel~t1~'1PY", c,o~'c?i1nt 3tep9}1)}n:~r\t'j.[,1 t~e 'SOJ;i,;of 111s~Jove;.", "j»~;$\\n (,If: yoJ"has' Qone 'It ,mefnor.i!?l1sly, by 'hi~:ow,n: b'b~d, arid, ",tA~, ,Sp~i~' 4oq~ i.~ ,ill~ll.eq\iall); ·.itl~ t,he'merit: of>tl~~t blood; .so".that '"X2~1:;~~~Kc~ ,~UJ,l~i b'e:,S_~11 ",t~ f,l~e;" t~I~e" perfe,<tt ,?efbre,~sh1,.)~,:oi,l(;~. "

\ ~o.mp~efe;,.!lom~,\-~kat, Similar ~o .an e~l.fice wh,lch IS ,fl,rst-lntentlOnaUy , .':·R~r~e~,· ;5ep.o,nttJ~":p:.~r~~ioni1l,ly perfeCt;, and ~~)h~dlr i~lstrum'en!ally, ~.­~~Nl'lte9;(1a~H.\' I~,.\v,p,-url1' ftlrt,t~~.r ·.obscr\:l1.:,~ha:~'~l},,)aInts a;re',saqc,,;;. ",'

, ti'fied in habit inJregeneration"aHke, whcIJ' toe' gOOd,Work is' begUn; " I, ')

bui ~oe80iin..collv'e~·siof\;\vllJch'leaas':mti to 'she~","p"'o~iti~~Jy ,~l~e~'ein, "::.;: ;,:.~ t I \,) .,. r I 4 \ '1 r; ~ I' Y J: "" I . ,t" I "_

,'\\It.does·te.-' ,;~PJ "'''JI'"(1'1: '{,il" 1i1~'e' 'J~, ·':tir Pi 1,\ "!.;i'l'·~,~\;;,,,

~"" ",1st: iJt lies, Yo ,cbnV'e~si~n ,~!Jd'Il'\Pf' hi regehcratib;n:;::f~F a pe{sciQ' 'I,1/ :may .b<:;-,c1ianged" arid' so"san'ctified in~the s~d of life and y,et not, •"..~.~n:~Jt9:a· u,nto :GbA~o uli,t,q, ~'e a!?le'rio:3;~P'~"bl)~"I~~h~,C.!lr,l&tt2, ~l!~f!l;"' ~',J ~se}'I'es'V WltP.OU~ dQub,~Ing, whICh "appcars"'r9 hilv~. b,een the ,case. of

, • 'botl( the' ,:i!?ub1i'can:~[I(fthe, Phil'i ppjan.gaoler JOt a' time~" ancl indeed'- :rege,r:le~·:;,.t;i~I~'life m~~~:'bY1 pr~'Vi~~I~ .to;,Pliriy,~17~ip,n·1~n(:lp~rit,4~1 ~~O,W':1"

le4ge'~fn "Yh,lch,~h,e 'soul t~ 1'u:~~~ IPlv~~~;er'unt?,Q~d,.;" .... ,",,'~ • 2nd. ·I,t's possIble ,01: a' per-sop. to. ~e conY.ert,ed'unto ,~hnst' wl~n~

,~i>lU;~:'ili~tjhgUj~1)iP'~rtkl1~wt~~g~(of.'.'ifll,~~; ,t?i~';w~s/?JY ;Rp.s~ 't6~'~~I',.:6Yhe,for.~, I was,t;CipgHt of tQe,Spl~.1~.wlthi:>?d.1W;If~strum~Vfa~lt:r;"I

, ;' .c.>t.a'9'y" ma~,\or, 'rne~n~, ~~a"t l'~~'l!-s ~ p09r lost sm.n~~), SQ ,1: w,a~ taugtlt, ;':"j~~ .,IF}", gf,ciilt~!.9j~,tr.~s~" bi/the sitln~"yde~~ ',C?rrif~~,t~r"y~,qry fpr m~rc,y- ,

. '~hrough'a' ~avi;d-Ul'~S. 41ood" ~nc.L, t...ap! l~l,ln~, ~t thatr,hme',f hl1.d o~uy" a,1, . '.

1,/ If;: ,r,~(!;,,:,:,;: ,- ", ':.~' ~I",:'I . ",~~ '~ •


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r " .." i"". ." I'lioo . . \, ',,:,' 'l''HEr''GHl.Bp,EI1 .tl\if'A:{;'f\~U~'E~ L'" . "". " ,.. , ,', 'I,'. '. If ,,'c': ',,~t ,")i ,. ..;' ,) " '.. l. '.,". :,A'---.... ~. . I "... ... : "1

, ' SOUI'Si SOl'r(-\W' fOI', sni\ l~ mqre:eVaI).gellCal', Ul1d Of'·;C.(il~~I,~Se mtnrq~, "y,.,VUhg,~(l.t,;tfoy•Chri,~ti'S',)awjhies,' a,re:?np!~e ,:plpalt(re·aJ~Z~t~.,arl,c1.,,~~?,,':', "'I ':'soul< elil.t~rSI1l1to'a,fllrth,eri,.l\cQ; Mc tcllowsh11rf WJt!1:fGJH']sti,1ll hI'::; '8\1'1'..(-" t.'t:ering9~ ,'"ana ..tbl'ough ,the:,. $[~rit,;· ~[~ecpin'~'1sl'more .. cO;lfo~,ti]abl,e'\7o \Chl'ist ,i~l:his; (kat~i ; 'fGr as [u~ cl'ied ·for.sin, .the sQptd:ies Wthe love~~. rq~~irin~:.'I~~~ill\i~'11~'i.~,"db!Mous~r~j.qs ~tnd, qi.?b,~~,:sv~~~t~j atid!as',,the.Spu';~t.;.reh~ar~~~ In;!,: ~l'?an~ </-pd'. rea}~?;es!~llls:,. W{!).~ unch,~ ,thl's.'dUl.",n~o,urns~'vfor))lm -In "olca:r<'!r d hg;ht /a,nd gl:.oelJ:~~rJ~J1ow,[edge ;'l<1(ntf'I h'T!/'l' [' . '["h ..J"" ," , .. !" f" ", "f'" ," .' .'"},tP}le:i lJt.Je j~t\,'t,) ~ll;\~'n\)'~vp .scll;Ie~p~~ '0 ;"'~~Jril'qw,t ..:or '~~'li, ]t"wa~!,l\Ob,hke·,d~I~;",'aS''ie tes~ects'c).eg:I'ee1' fb'i: ,at,/:fir$tl'tliel~cI ]S ,.oftcllla1ded ' .

. t'! l' flIl" J :d" I . 'll" . f'L' "k .' fll'':;;i~ ,t11e'1~~;' 9: ,;c ~ !,a~,~e~' ~r"~1,e"S~~,/Y,~?j~e;·.'j'.~1' ~,\:~'l ';.~~t n~\V:I]~' .j~W$, lr0lI}.ra\·vte,IV·:Qt,r:()bd'~*sovereW\i:1 lb)~e ~t\li CI)]'\tii',S,iment0p<ybs hl~o,dI ill 'tbe~lllIe of elcct~bb';: 'pa~tii.\~far Il'edemptidI:l ,I'u\ld\li' the po\¥er.;of

r r 'd' " I ." ." ~ 'i"',; .. '.,..r . I" ..' 'j< ~" i'.., • '~. ,". .' .'i>'

r;'~' I I'? 18crl1!Ql~ll'utlon~'.', ';":'·::!,!f;:~",·,,\·L.,,'" ,t" ,.:;r'''<~:,f "~'~~7.'"'I:';~'~ ~!;l(,\t,,\o'·jf';'r ';,.'.l .. t~,~ti,:';;;,. , ' .•1 ". "" .. ~' cl " 'd'l)"'" "" .,1"" I' h "'·1~···' ,.,]", I" •• ,'1'1; " "f)l. 4f;m '1'~is ',\tIre. uo' el's:tan' Ing' l.lJOl'E!as.(jl~".!lJ.''If!; ..t; ttle"~'Httfgl'l1(!tR;:~h.l, .....i . ~r.edse~ A~"r.\i:ctitJi:~le" .f0ri;h8~ g'l) t,h~: so lIlt l~ ,r~~ t,j,~<fd:~.ir!, ,the st!e'9':-of:' '

I' tPlt~l 1:11 .:-eg_c:,~ra~I,():~l;!J.thel;~t·J\I,a~:y~st'to" h~ c1t?~'\;)'/ a~ ·~t',l:e?l?e~:t~::tb,e'. ':f~,l'fl'~6b~s'rot lJI'I~, saJI1:er~f6;r. there: ~s' .~OUi1Gl": IrHrtJ'h:'l~l]'s?;~eq.llfr' th:r ,

"', ..' faCl,lIty.,of. the ,~ol1L fol': «ltIll1c~ .foF,want' of' olcare['·d'rgl.t ,t9t~dl'aw . ,'f'. ,li! proeer>9i~bit),I~~,,,. ~6r liI~ g'en0raf;gf~e'r carJlio~~ g~l'Il<3~\·~h'h;e"islit~4~~~y .. ". .' I, ,

'( rof's'ljl)el~stitl,()11'ia!m' med" ~vlllJ;{,brs\i~pj 'of ,It 'Jea!;di-t:;\V~~'~O '\A~'ilth<riie~" ~ ," for/$io'ce then)' have "beard' rn,y"priest shY' ,at', the"f~oh-:.',". Wc!y,f~\~ ,, Hi~~ heitfty,rJ\~~p J~S:r;\:q~f 'm~rcH\11F'iil::~1·1:&O.I,,1, ,i111()~att,~rl:~~i$,,,,,~fh'~v'?

t" ,'hfJ~I'd:!'(I,rn. "p,r~aehupa th~rd' ~)kt~."'f6r :'.11'6b,t:idY ' ~b'till!t,; dlsputel(~tfr~t ".bei"g'~t:~ '1 n~~r tllievvox1d of 'patpre';'\ an~'··'heailty )tbuH'lfS t-irl :wlqf-tl;5;» I

, ' . 1. cl b' .' 0" "('''''' ,. I j ! .. , 'p' , I ', .., 1 L"" '\.:. .3d "ua' e:"'Oi,('.'lvel1 ,·di·';out t i l e!l'elle.l'a:t ori... pr,.(iiew." llit,1<aLttij~I.~j0fjj.t-'I,a.th:t,

.... ·'(/~' '"'(i'I .• {J.~ ,,', ., •. '.....',., '., ..", l' -' ''''''''~''.~. '.. , It. \ .'·",1· ."f,<,",'" ,~.',<,~.t';:, ,. t'."

,:after,· thisj"h'lr1:rSEl'd ;t:d' t~n '.US J'h;1f,t "we'lVt1\l.st", be >li\!ll!tf'ag.ai tjrM~t1 ~~f.:ti~~.

aH ,tha~,~rl,dsd:,h~",dam;hdd'; r\llCl I,c!\<:.t- nOt>'k.no.ily: ~ut}n1'y r;~'d~tba'Oti~m ,\VC,lS, i,jgl~t:()usl'Y1 crcll~nctl ;'wl'th "ln~)cat&.t;ll!'l),:i:i.':vthei]·1' psb1a r ", ,,'. ,I' i'

.IL\,,,, , \" I,· 'l".'\"'lr '0","'''1 "'It· '1.1-",to say,', '!' w: iel'l'llh' r was<' 'mal <:l a"lnelr\ll~~ll' 'of urrilt:, !t'\,C' C l'i (,~\Qlt ;, ":;1(1

, ~ 1 cl ' ., "I h - f 1~' I, ~ ." _11• Q.: .,,'" I" I l' 21 .7 "J' Ga(, al1'" a~lll1. ~l'Itor 0 the: K'l'ng(!O{11 Qt h'eavctr; erje;-',· Jfl.t~l Il~'( €!ei'l •',' ~h~i'e( "Wl,lS( ,t~::~h')<~I', ,:)f;,'6o~-(Ji~!!?n"Q!ir'i.11'g'l:'re(£:':',Wj-lliJtlbtti'~fle,:i!~},~tft ;' ,,(

';l1]do'I1Hmt tvl"ICLt' is tdl the rell'ci'luH"ot I)'atl!lre' and i t!lClre!OI'\;) If'J(jp·~•.J t) 'f-~. 'I b • " ,,' , 6J v,. P9sjti0i:t.:~lt'j fa' soyereign gi'ace; .,'aB·~':: i't" tHe . L'Ot~' ,has~ S.",fepto:. m:Y;" 'r "

J judgl,'nent; and ni'aBy' 1110t'{'. wilh:th0''b,e~OU1' (')f'tf'.utl~·;;,:jt:l,:s0mq\go'crd' -"" 'nleasore;-: %qrtl1y b'ui:· S091&~'ar~ J1iore:I~f.ilf'in,,'ttit?iF'{v0\'S'hip,7ail'€l so' '. ., .' ,the good 'Vcrk perfected ill 'tht; light.bY the Spirit, "~i i, \ "I'U, ,'.

'I ",5th'. .T[le', u n(hds~a]1d illg /aoeS"t I\eit ui~.ty'incre,ise 4p'li'ght. anti tne, I Jllogriient in rectitllde; b~t t:he ~i'1l; i,rfC,;easet;".itJ r'~'ubtn~s'~lon.'~hrito·(I the.'sQvereig;n'ty I'of .Coi!. tF'oi goOtj.1 men 1n !i.enera:\' 'al;~;'pUl'g<1d 'fl'O~

" v", '€:rr~r, !?y,(f.egr<?d;· or !at! lea~t ,[, H/ldrip.so. ,wit~ me'; ancl"')~UI'e,F hip', ,so "'- I , long ,av there is' A.rnlil~iani.{I1:I",:Ba xt~~ianism, ,,0[', ~~ul1erisr)il in it,ht i.', judgll1e}Jt; 'the~e \vil'l be'rcbdtlOll lFi"'pr@'ljOrtionii.\'the:wiJl, as 'i(.'i8'

,." r>~fl),P!i~~lb,Je; foi:,.?~1ig'~ni;~[id the" ~'~1~',};~: s~a~1t1 "i~;, 'ql1~,h~~}:,t eq.rI~FIY ;",~ '.' prt,zerl!?fu!!,Qhrwt(~II~!,fhe Gro/.t11~e S,~~UlOt' ~el co':,sll,~rer,s·l.f'l,weaJ:.ih,.g ;," ,'the C\'Qwn ' of re~lempt}O!l; ~nd th.eref~)l'e as' l'Mq~Rn~"carnes 'On' }li;;' ,.

'~<:in~d;6:ni'"o!,1~g~~:, i~~,'Hi~ so,~I, ,ti~e,.~j~g~o~ ••;:6'f tb~lf~~vit',cJ~da,rIene,s's,Ih "'rOI)Ol'tlon-n1}.~ls~ ,f!ilH'to the ~(rrQund' m'the hd-I~t and"rlo'wcr of,~- , I,. ' t;)". >r,'" l '\ .. o. . l' (i. .; ~

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• ;: '.," \' .1 " ,/l -' ;':- i, . I." :"( 7< : . .,'. "'" , .T·H£ 'G~~PEL .lI,r;\GAZINE. '. "',... ~ tOl'

" ,J, .: ,/ )\._~\"f ,~' ~- • _' ."~ \ _ I .'

the~~ol:y' ~~ost,.~',for~·the''Yeap~ns, ,o~"o,~r'w,ar;fa:re:a~en,pt 'carn,!l', :..but' mighty,,~hrOl)g\1.,gO(J,to t~e "pq.lImg dmyri, ,of; .strong· h·qlds.;".'iY ,:.

aQd"Mtb'~sq~II'isbJ~sse~iw~tha;gre~t<:;r,i,l'~gt~~"o{s.piri~9al k~dw..;i.!..ledge" r~verence IS fO\ln,d to 'ahqund, b.efore, God's.,throne 111 aV,

" ':, furthcrance,'of percGpHon intl) :the doctr'in~s of,,~~scrimil)ation~' for ' ,~/ .;-"as. tl:utI1 js"digesre4,and its fruits a'nd effects kl)o~m, t~~ heart ~e.. , ...f:<;' ""cori1e~ mo'~eJsanc~lti'e~Jor, purjfied il,l oh~'vil;ig;the"sarhe in~he ,j)owcr:"

1;1;·:,,: of the 'Spirit~,aJ:ld, tqe,child of ,,<{'od gri:uv,~ more. pu(,ofh,irilseJfl lind,,;;~ ,rnore 'ihto~(;hristj;~nd'~of colil:se ,ci~t "<'>t' 'ldV~,~i~h~thbl world's Ire':"'"

~Iglo,ni~ ev~rY"sel1se' from "lll\\(ard ~lecesritv'; ,.:rnd~fr~m'·:tl1ci' ~arPe \:,p,rir"ci,ple: Qr doctri~e '<]£ 'n~ce;sity he 'increases ih~' I'ti.s loV~.td th'e,-" ,."

. religion .of the, Cross, an~L'tbat i",kllowle~ge; fOI:;fle.no.w· becotnes'~" t

siyeq, from :ealli'9g :U!ly' mart. mastt;F,in' poiilts~ Of Jait,h ahd"I~q?-:. sCience,:' tf.lrough;havl~lg, afaltl!, C~niiJalld'.G9d ;Of,:hl~ .'ow~' 1tl 3:~)'"su\,>ertJatural di:;tinctf~~ld';.ii)wi;6il:~hb elf( p,ed~l:Jce'by th~'!Sp"i(it; '6.l,1t \,"of ,w'hlcharis~s:ati il.\cr~.as? tl;h:lbite tq ~av:e:lijs ow.nwl~·absbrbed .' ~

iu'the,wiU of'ris c6'v~naot:God in all things.';" ''','' ,~ i"'" ,'," i 6tb. ,The': affections becQme', mO're" filled· ,with· iubstatltial·knhw'.; ,:ledt':cl 'Of the t~uth~~n4 qf its ii~ality;', ~uid'love:'ls lnlJ:d,e:to'abOllnd \ '.

, ill,the.soul atth~tgGO~ ,~rof'1~ ~o~s',Qn,t~~~&~t~' f(),~ ;c;q.r,i,sti3~·~n?Wn .,:F,0~' gr.eaf~r'd~gr.:Yf1:arJ~,:so·ml~st,~hnec,~ssJty, ~te Jpore'~IH~:~,Jr~r,lze~ .lo\that knowle,dge 9r'f:urtl;leran~e of perceptIon HltO)pS Hlvlil~able- ..rjches Jas by.';hini ·,posse~seQ ,in·,a, thl/eefol~ ',sense. I. Underived ..,ri~h\'ls;: 2: Person,al. riches; ,aJl~ SI. Medjitorial riclll~s." J}llet in.. ~ ,.' ,these lienseS be:,i~. truly '~neffa~ly.gt~ri~.uf!;b"~l't-flttracting'iand suul :,' ,{( ;,'~!1~bl~islliJ1~';' th9tlg,h Sbll1~' .qf.t~e Lotd);(~eai:d)ad'ling chiiqren.are" ,,', ', ready ~oi'~~ink.~q~t/the'y'!pV'.~~",'tI~e,J':9,~P,Cl~liis~,'a,v~~t'q~~lJhe n:lo~taod 'best ~t th~lr~nt is~tt19,g loUt~ '\\;'bfl~alas, -al;~lpst aJL theIr, co.nc~,ri1 .w~<; aboat tbelr ~'~~ gafeWlj.~12com1ortsa1'1~not ~hol,lt'Gqd's'glory, ~,' '.and tp<;l.eed /o~ ~}Hi'te. tb~y;,m~urn mOte,after:~~e ray~, aitd wanning, ),,' '.bea,qIs of, the $on,9t,Rlght'eousness than forthe,son hllnself; Qecause c

it isiheir me:ltiniifran:jesandp)mfoitaI,)I~f~~li,;Yg'~/tbat::theyso"muchlo;fe..t1'19. plize,~ a1<!iP~t ;,e:lil:iist in; ,p~rt~'Gl~I'ar ; f~r,);.t11eir;love;isj~?t::';

:ye1'Y steady, when·'t,heJl: cOJUforts~are wlt;bhelq, as.'lf th<.tt,ue,\but th:e ,~~ase' YOll.m~y s60!15ee 'the in~in?erity' o:'ih~ir Jc:,>V6 a'nd teail; for they" ;<

,:, ~ill· not hea,r 9luch rot Ch.n~t" Iiu<;h t1ttJe :cnl19reri b~i ng-' ,Ul1~table "will soon .begin '~?;s~y in tb~,ir he;ut, .when the' m,eans begin It9 fail ,:.r­

" ,them, it is 'n.Q u~eJ,t9 ~,e,1l9, /i~r pt~y ;lio~; he~r? ~or c?l1verse,:for':r,g-a( ';','D?'i ,:o11ifoTt')':~f,l9,,'p~~~,ap:s,Y~~ net~. th},ng y,0~'-"lea1',lis, .t.hi~I"""'~eIJ.J'm~~"go once ,mo~e, an,Cl If.:J ~~d 'not~mg,'I: thmk. I ~h'aH.g~ve".\t up" \h

.; f91' It. app~ars aH}n ,Yflll ;",no\\; by fhls t~~p'.er oflPmd, l~ IS ea,sYJt'P", :'I &~e.' w~a,t th~ir htJ,art' wa~. ~et Upqll" ·for tqet:'~9.0n, ~tIlm,~r-a~tir,us 01(;:

/, ,sa.Lfcy·'lf, theIr mqch; loved {eehl}g~ ~redeliJeCl., t!1Cllt; ,PU,t'ltls~ the. ",'mercY.l?.f st'iG,~~ h7~le,o~e~" th~tJ. t~eiJ;~~avenly'F~,t!i(d wtU ',~\l,~: r'k,a~e,:,;/>,

. ,fllel~1 .~o.tqell>;;ow,I~~;11Urt'..:b~ltd!t.als\wl~h:lhem I,l~ b~t/l;,yVls<:l.o~lt''I'!-Q{t .. ''I

•• Ibv.e; fOf.iPOOr hearts, t!ley know b,u~ ,little oft-hcmselyes nor of.. th~ , c, J

j , ~ord,whic~ ~,ar.;l)e ea~il~seen\by,a. d}sd~r~ipi~ ~pir.~tij,~I, sagicipus~ i ,

VOL. VII.......N~. XII"1 ", r'Z, I,., " .,I ,'.


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t.'li 'll' • - ) ,.--"'-:;;-.1 ,....,

;' ,- P,Q2.'·~ , <.' ".', 'FHE,'-GOsFEj.7l\rAO·A~IN}:~ \ ",'~': ,l' * I \ "\ f ~," f" • I.... • f. \ ,I' , ,'. ,,'I.: •

f~ ,'0 \ I ~ye,,,bef!l-:us~~Fhey\ k!1Q,w;;ver)"J'i~:i1~le. ~'f;;tHei~ Q'\'I1' ~l!J)t;s, ,n.t')l', even :qG;y,};,,~l", 'C,hl'~Sfs W9r~Pf.'ltO. ~hat! tQ\fy)n generl~l ,'do', ,a£telil.'~~l'ey ,hav~ stod~\:i~t,~\ ,\ twi~e s~v:eri I y~arslin .th~I,~iYitJ~llfe., '~bollgh ·tha~'\inl.some Sense in";: )~

,; ,~' / :Ro~n,t of nrogr~?~ ..paYl d~pe.nddlp,o)1 ,a spil'it!lahnrpi~try '; ,alld in- ,\.;\':~'~ ; d~~d .tl1Yr~pirit,~.fi<jlra\mini~t,~J;' (,o)t th~ j5'pirkt'd'o wvell, tdgeth,e'~, and ,b,y,W,: .tp~s\'l' ;l1\t;a'I1,~ 1Jt,1~Y.', p.J~~e~t~y "find", ~hat the.y, a11~, w,?~s,e' than.: they,f ,~~\,~\~ ",' th~ught,,:a,n~ ~.hat P09S.US bett~l: t.h,a.n.t,hey ,~xpeoh;l,a'i or tha!'1 ,they',~i,"r,I ";: ,t., 0Q~~1th?~'!}\t,~eYI,~h,~ul~ evcr,p~ca h111\ tq b'7? aiL!b.ey ;v~r~ ~Qtl"~,<;,~),I,' t:' ," aVl;'q~<,;::~b<i~'ra;s",lI'l Tn.elr.I~.qJ~l't; for,i/al~,~! ~~l~Y h~~~ bften I?,Sl?Il'J-t fell'il':);'; ,

~i ,.' foul)y,\:,I:J~!t!rye)]~s, 9ft~n llfted t)~~m"ij,p" and they haye,o!terl' str~ye~l) ~,:,· ~}Vry"ap!l..fi\'l;~ha$.{)fte~ '~t(lbed: th~m;ba<;~';; ~I'id ,when' t,l1ey:~?'ave" 'c,r,,;

f \ \b~en. in':} da~¥~~e~1! ..,be" ha~{ s1~on~ .,u;ppn ,them? '',Uld ,when :tbey' 'l)a~re;: ~':~. ,~ : . 11.~~n s\1u~.,u.p'~1n ,pqson, thl;o,,?glhthe',ppwer of ,tl\1b!;lh~.f, he ,lms made

: "H?e' pris'2~1, clqo1;S,: fly, op,f,'l);{apl1~ ~Q~~r\,'banqg 1,~p!l~bi~ak,~ ',i~d,lf, ,any.",,,~,:; '/I· .tI,Q:lt; tl1er; ha'yc, s'lhqed,.tl)l'~p,gIi'c ~he,p~\f,el: of te.mptatl~n, and ~~e'" ,""

,~ ~nell}Yrh(tt~!9,rag,ged tbem,m!p tlje very,t!un,geoti 'and, hear'despalr,~:. I

, .'; )"et ,Oll~.' of tb/e, Y,~I'y\.~elly(?f ~p1J~ he ;hat)1 br:b,ught~p~m,.uj~, a'nell they;, ,.," 1,),.4'e>I}~~1 "ll,stra,ired ,t9' sair"::,I-~e: brought, ~e 'U~l \~lso out 'of lill,.~L< I ~ 11O,l"i'.\.bl~ i'p~t",\~ut, ot",th,,: '.n~l'ry, claY':'an1;s<:jt tny.;fel'.t ~pon a' rock", : ' r

{arul; es,ti\b!li;fi~d my gOlDg~;" ,and tholJgh, they :J~ave~been ~ned', " \,, ' .. wi~p;a(;,\j~~~·, n:atn~~' a,~d an, eVil, ~h~hl:t' ,?f"lI~beli~f" y.et,the ~OFd' l~a;~\ :~ ::' '1,

I ~a,iiJ~ 'g(j~d ;~.I~ \Pl'pl~l~e;,\%r .Sll} had) ',tlot· 'gin~ed:, ,the reJg!?, ,over,: ', " \ ,.tbem~ a!id~G9,d's gl;ace /lath heen ~tl'frjoiel'lt. fol' .them', eithe{ tci~ho!d,'

.•the.m.~p~,c!!lifL,tl?eJ!1rup:w.,benlfq~~Il,for,~s':thei~ d~y'lh(eii: strell,gth' • I

',h~~~ ~e~ll,~ \~!j;q\:th~y ~Jx:', t~:~~):l,~:t~, kn~w',I.tlH~) L~rq" ,y~tt~r!, al:~" 0\.,', , ,.~onse,q!JelJc.e..tQ .love .hlm nlOI'B dfd~'\,th.ough~,the:y Ollf:,~ set, filore by'", , . alli(~' 'tvitlt,ii!, them than tl)ey dil',t,u~·on'a:Jife,a,6ove'th'(ln,.'yet nOW! ,( .

· .t~leY.l(Jv~~hiip. ~(;lrt~ fQ~ wbJl,t' ~e.:)s':.it;ii'1?i's p~r.~on ~l)d. ~"0rkfor t~heI'P,,, '"I;

; ,.th~l1',a~,l,pe has:qe~{) ,~'y tL}e~ppm,sm,t~~~m, f0r, t,bey, .ll\'~ ITl0~~: u:r~5m,)",'/: '.1 • th~:,gra~~ 9fld1t~Pll m Imn th,<t\~) ,1elPOll the, ~'l'aG€i,of'c:o,mtnll,d,lpatIPll"'''';' ;"r, ftiom','h,ilTI; 'afld 'so the good' WOl~k goes 6n in an,increase ,bf 9'p'ir.i- I ,\, ~,I '1" 1 V' • ........ • • • '

'tual'understa1l:Ging.1,\,,. 11.,' j" "'. . ,,' ,'r' "", . ';,.,::,..' :7t~'.: ',1:~,e~ ~.r~i.t~,ughJi~,t'o kn@.~v Jl!?ms~l,ve-s, thrq~g'h t,l1e "~Yl,r~,Vs' \ ,

teaclllllg', .kqd,'s~'.Jenounc~l tlieniSyh'rli!~ ,.W'\tl'l,i airl!self:;cOll fitlencei, and..;.I ~:",',tl~err debqit~~edistat,~'is :qJad~ nWJ.e,qIHl:mOlie 14nO\Y'n' u~to th~in I~y~ ." tb,~ ,~pi~'iff,~£or ~tp~~i,aJ'e'~~lig,h.tf(rsee, ~nd feel h~)\v.jr.~plete i\l~y.:ar~'~"

,}\II,tb, ~.Y,l! ;!$,,~~1, ~,l d"L?~9,lS ,lu1?,~v,)~",g,'~. 2h\}y" ',fe~,r~ the~sel ~,es,' ;lla,~l~~tl~\, :,'~,',I~glr}!.::'tfle~Plrjt\$,~e:;~sj!)'j,y,li(j)drpp' an:(~:.ph;c~ t~c~,~, wh0lle'<l?l1 fi(~~ce"Jn:,t~~f'" ~

y' LpI'd ~~US.qH~l\;t hot,h f.or ttine <\n'ylet.ermty,j anU:,the~ cl,O(~0t m~l~ely , .,:,. ~,:-say fbey ;1.re"':3iqners,as the mer.e,;prof,essor' ItHlY,bu.\ the5":teel.·,th~in-'

',,' s~lY~,~,~Jn:f:~ll,~i1~,,\v.98JJY':4ep~iLJ~~I.~.'(ipd,ii9~r'jigl.1F:~Pgrac~ iln'lt'~~eir'f,.' ;~9t;l~~~ "f\~ei~; lj!.\lve~\ ll?q~~ \'I.~ld",mpf;~~iliiJr):'l: ,tl:lcJ~tNig "HV: t!her.ns'd:v!~s,d ~ ra;''jl,· ':~,~Y; '\,t9e1Y'o,n'G.e~~,er,Y}rpt" ~hrough :l:I:}ur~h'er ;acq?!;l,lp;ta~,ce wlth::thel"l:"Al,e.<;fr'tf';l~t:J~ss'Rf ,~~~eLJl Q~I1J~e~,rt ~;,jor ;as:tbe, ~Vttllls .. d{gg.ed, tne, d~o.r(,'~entn~~II.aqp\ll}na~IO)){ illSG0¥~J;@~11"£rl:ie'PlDg thwgsJ.I>easts, a:n~ Ildols,:;1,,1'1 [ '1'''\ "'·"I',.Tl:nr"k' ,"I' "",, ">', '>l",' 'I"oat\le~ "it J,e,J"'O\0~'JV¥j'o." ",'p' l'os:I),e'Ii~:.;im''i'A''';:'\'''' ,: "il ":'/i:./ If ",. 1"",;",:\,,;'I t,'-) ,'-~ ,"'. '" \ t;~O 'r .\ I ~, i. ..~'. - h, ,'r" 1" '" I /,' ~~ , '~", •

, 8'~~i;'i'~0ili~.\r}~rS9I')S J?el;hap~ ~yj¥'85!-y".5£ th ~S' g~JO:p' \'o/~r~ ,o~';s:M{Jti,;ficatlQll be.~dc~. of pr;ogr:f~lv,~·~y.\)}·k 111' the, fa,cultfes of Jthe<':,Ol,1I,

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, !:_, ,I',' ,'~H.!: ·t;o~,"jH.. 'MAG4,'ZIN:E. "\ ~ '.. r ," I 50S ", i ",. " ~/f',l, j'iolr' W\I' j-i l l/,; .' I I" ; \ .. )t..:~\..~ -cl 'l' .),. t4

,1{o,,>c~n.::,it.~gr~8 ~0;, sr:arrdl~~wrt~ ,clect)~l'fatits \~h~';(~~~ 'ip ~h~h;~'~~~ t, /:d!,:fanSYj' ~n~1 W}.~h,~u~h, a~~~he ,d}~r'Jg:,t,lll,~f ,ylJ~ fl:~e" ,I,lot' ~~]fed, .unb(, 'I','! I

. ' ~ ~~~..e1lfv,e,f,)tJ? '!1011(?', I, ans~\~r, tbr-i'~Qr,d c,<rn(lf \t ~s h:s",pl~a~U1~c ~f) ~o~. \", "1!,'li,' tlo, bcgtl! ~pd, fihlS~ the ~go'0d 'W~rl(.l:l 3;}~ot;n'~t'"lh?,llg~,1t~1\lt,1S1~1s.' ';, elit~;wlJj}J;ta~T way of f1~lng~oub for lwa've'n,' the dilier oap,pears to be,'1

'1 " ...., I cl" , I' h , ), ! 1 ' 1,:.1, ' " t' \ '" liS "m\,'le' or Ipat'y 'way; ,nawe y; to-' sow ,t lc~"~ee<.!'" 10 r~g'el,ll~r~ ~on;, "

, cause it to iSptingup in conv~rsi,on, and tqt1n'for j,t to. ~xte'p'a, some,., " w11a,t like the' ~J~!;tard '~ecd, ,u}j,d,.t§,: g\rQ~. !,il!ltet,tb;e ,_~~ea~" f.{:st,~h~: ,",: t, pktd~,. then, the e,a,~,. after that d~e~f~ll.co~·n,'lll,th;.e,ar '.. : "" \:' J ".', < \ "~"",~,I

9tlvA\lOtee:r" ~lay}a:y ': 'J,ho ,tpGll. fs 'the"~.o~~/ lIl~y~~nl,l.*.Hy 'llIeet"" • " '.for b~avyn., as I~ ,respects" mt;,etn~~Sdn fne ',~Rul "lfr6t1J '(I1/a. thto,ltgh" ,;', ""Clii'ist .~ll,.1'he, Spii'it's 'teacbin'g' apd purg'ing? t answer,', tho~e tvho -",. \

']Ja:ve the'CleaVest vie~s of'Jehovah's,love cyna 'discri;lli\i~tjrigl~i\~c~: ' ,1'''';;~'lS '!"I:}vealetf ,in, by, all'd 'i,!-hrp\1Q:'lt: O'lisu~"Cn1'jsY.··by'''th'e' Sp,irit i~,),j~ /' )". :' .ofllce 'BC>;:ver;' for l~uf:h):i'aYe;' t'he kfe~test Il~o\v1eage of~aQcl tr~¥e,!,"'" '; ,!~{unto t!ie<,s'ciul-t),~~rJf:yingTnf,j:~~rtce o'f:~~elFr61y.":Q~Ye, ~~~l al~b(th~,/' ~'<,: :'~~~~;pe,s~,~??'YJedrte:o~,~n4)h,~~I~,e,t'mt~ l,~)r'Uh~ty, ~.f!~, th'~t ?e~i'J;psC1 " "il :,~It J~,,-~Q'; fo'l' ~he,se-a,lje 'n~~"w~~ry, of 'h\rl~g;'!!1eFy}Y",9~ta~~e,~~(,tl:le, ':'i' ),;1,comm~~"t~:9poles,by th~ wai" ,put,rpoor{hear~s,~'t~l~),~!,'e'l w,~a.ry c;4: -.>'i''ISinning agatn~t theIr. h~~t f~lt;.rfd·, and 1tl:i~I'eforei they "J'ong'~q, 'lay, .', '~~

tJ;1e,ir ~taff an~, .sa;~dals by', !'tba~ tbey.. m~Y, ,be "r~~ ,,9~' in' :ar!A ),\V9.pl(y:- ,~,'sav~~ :~I:~!l~,,It}:~.e,y~,~y s,~,~ s,e ~Jo,lt(t'bey:;.I,;? 9),g ,t,?, be/~~il~; ?J~ w,~l~rEfr,:.lIe lS"i~~}l.I~e I)J'!ll,l:~" hIS s,p!w~aL!p:i~'llig.~?t.Y l .~apc~,;,.!Vde~i!;,",S~ql~~ ! "

I, knb~ai Y;;t~n:l.eal IV2:9'~f',Chl:!.st" ~9~1I~~S~,~jflp),i'~{Ia ~,elf, .~,haqo..t,her~k :.,and 1 ,p;i!1s~tlimk,as lbTesp~<;ts splntual'.qjeet'rl,es~ for:.h~aven"il;l tIle,';' "

'(£'1"01 'Gh'" '., t. ,p, ,. ,.1" ,L " u!' r"lw' """"}") , ,"fl~I'" " '1('.'''' .-',-p, y'" dsts ,worK j1'om,.dnw .'t'lttq.ug;,E'~\:Jdrrst; ~ 1~tll'J1CtJ at;e tn~~ , " ,\~" 'mbst "fit',fbt tii~ pl'es611ce;.in, G:lor'y~ b~i:aus'e I~hey ~al;e~,t~e"Uiost'Yike·~,'. ,

h' ~ .';').1- ''', lJ\'(lr~;'l \"r 'i; I,·h.,"-';_,' 1,!.r~" '!".'-,' ~" \ ."",~ ",1\, Ci~ ._" ..~">:, .,: '. ~I.',"" :''''to'' _. lql t~~r~JIJEf ow:..1', ~1: \ .i.v '\ J t:J.;~'1 /1':,.1" ~:~,' ',~:,:, j ,.-, I j ~ ~. ,',j" _. :J.,';" "1 t: ,r ,.'/J.!;':lf //, •

~1'~( , .,F?t, 19~h: :T~e,s~ints ~,\u~t:be~ a"'.,l!plt;no,m,A'n~;·,~(b~~ugr~(ijqris,~,' . "f3~S ,hy cQri1rtlUnlCatlOn~j' .as they t ilow;,,,:ar~l ~n qn;'d"OT/ hllrt,JbrQufT.!;I ,89:':. '

~!'!'l t' .• "1' .",,,",,, "d"'! .,1',1:" "'n'" "/h ']"" ~ J ' 11" t;~il'" ',:f.: 'vere,1g11 ,J:e,~tlYl~~,n, ',,9}~Pt:'l,19r,;~!1:,?1~t ~,' 0 l;~~,sq, np ,. ,,~n s;\aJ,~. see, '. ,

';;., ~)1e"L'Or9';' sq Itl,at:Jli~\y:who;ar~',tb:cmost,sariotlfird '~Yt'hO.s-P'il'it-:; ',I,-,'.}'1'1' ''an(l' in "wh,oII;l. the\ g,ci.ocl· ,WorR j'$ th~ ncm:est',co'lJ,'iplet Cl,' (here il1'~"

, V.1St cif the .s~me"to"ac'cQlrJplish 'in tIle Ja~t<hl0mc¥nt ''0 ';li'fe;, ~~I~ ~jf\ 'I

"lin' iri,~i~t' ,be, PUI'g~(] Icciinplcit~ly '~JUt f»~ ,tpe .$fii:r,l~ in" \.ltJ m~;'ii ,0'( ::Christ's :~I?,Od/, '1)etp,re)}r~ :s~u}, ,~';li~~s {}le. p~~'br gates. ~f '~aNdisJ;, !'" •

N~' "'t!lere,.'shaB ;m. I~GWl~~ ,~,~ltq~.:l,n.to It.~,~PIJ,', ',tll! ng :-tpat ~,efilt~t~l .. (, "<that }19!Y ,Cityt ,~q.d J ",call tl~U!:Y ~}:"th~tyt:;'~'9.J9,~eth, ~~j'~ ;\}efl:t ,tlpt' If',: {tne'l'e sni\ll'notr,~J,or ,'y;ts l,'t:o"~ntel~' therelll, yY!Hh ~,n, my lmrurity~ _ .I <::0flld,'never ~e y,.hofly., 6a]'lpffor ~hisJlr~~s'QI1, 'I.,,:Wh~n 1 'bllve'~}Hl,d ", "great ne'ti:pes~ 'to ,"t)le' Lord in( p,r:a:yer~,~,:ll1lyJ0;~',o~1o~l Va~9t!h];6J:9[! .)yll11t I ~as 11n"lUysclf·has., m\l>de,mx'::~c.:.I/,h~~·~ bler~"f?~'.:;g,r,~ff ,'beyond, e,.XPI'~~~l~n, ~1.I~t I ~<1:m1t:~ c~:rtc,~lve hb\* l,:~o(rld~~f, p?~s,!?l~ ,to. ~ave H~tel~rJ.l.pted,iNY~~!~, ~Jr),'CU]1 Te~(l~.. t0 ~1:r.,~d.Jts, ,baBe/ul·.

" ,poison; 'but thank%,~e, .~~lto.~od:;~hat'~lf~d,of JOt fst'rl~S,~r::~/o[\ ~' ,an upperlandbet~el'\V9rld;'wben.;the ~goQd: 'Wr:rk sl~al,ltb,~ ~llo11.f,.,:c'ompleted, ar\<hthe ,§oul S\Ya'UotY~d' 'up ill-'pertec'd,),li~s~\}vqert ~h.::{;.'~'. .'. " ~i: . .... ; "~~';I.·d'" I', 'f ~"~,I' -,.' ',t .... ' .:' '\.:1:' .'"; .

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Q \' I 1; It"..N '; I ," • r t j ~ , '" 'I I' !..;' It"I ';' \ '. '"1 ," " '~ri'''' '1;'\ .:,);'. I I ~ P ~ " ", • .." ot,/>I.'

, ~''''" ,'I" I TH~ {;~S~,I!,L'UA;GAZINE. ~ ",.}, S05.~ '.J'~I I. l ' } I' • ., ,1\ \ /I \ r. ',I ... ,.. 1. J • < \j ," ~' I ,4 ~,~ ..' 'I" '\ I • 1 <I j

el~c!tl,j:\~t~cY\~e~p. the:;~fJ7C~~/dna s~?je~t~ '~f th~jr e~~~Jas~i~g l~~~"f ",,~rI,.~)l(~lle, covemint ,wl~lch the,1l o~ta'.l~~tJ~, ~mQ~gst· t'l~em ..~.. ~Y ~hlCd", . ;1,

, i l~ ~ was ~kcre~fl tb,;S,~v~/f-9m "afl, s~~' .uQd. f'tse~y ~,,:tb.:,J~nn~m~e.,r,~le, ( • {I,

" :~\ (,>?~P~lW',W~9,;w~re cho~eld~y tVel~';J.f",b,Jr ,HI, ~llI:l~':tj ,p~~9'r~lthe,f<5lqlJ.-. ',. '.' '.~" ~l;\twl'!' 'of the, wqrltJ: . ' r)t~J'!J9\'f;'l A"lb,~.sl\QI)qst ~aO?,e ·,I.nto ~hei wovld, l .., III the f;!ll().~s~ ~ftiII}e,:;tg,te~ab\e,t~ ,t~H>\co.vell~nt:which ,t,oo~.placp , I!.

" ' before al~ nn,le",and he. Itveq aria dlCd'fox 3wners -fol;'the. ung<Jdlj(. :r~~,:;h1:":'- I 4-n~ by;;lfisIJift~ he rl/'lglii~e~!' tp'~:ll,i;+ o.f\Go~; ~n~l.,l~YF~isl,d~~l~f,h~ \,j ".t~it! ' I' ,'1llad~ c~lf},p]e~e~t~~etnent'"f<:r~a:ll~lle S.Ill), Y,ti-lu,s pe,qple:; ~.ng upon , ':1 ,~I :'Ilf'/,r ( the foOtl~g ?t ,hl~ J.~le an!=! ~\ea.tl~~ POOl; li},I'lO,erS .ar.e s~,Yed ..,;:Wtpnpst I!':

, , add nothlllg to tins:" Cbrrstls .rlghteollsness IS our,alone perf,ec~~o!l -:, \\,\ ~ :.~nJ~l~e. ~j~hF o'f~,Gp,lVithe;.bJood~. ~f",P~~is~"is ql;I·.eV,l?rr~~tji*';e,~r~th. ,'J' , '111 i th~ ~,}f;jh~· of G04,.' :.' There '\S ;;t;p 'ey~rl,astll)~! 6uffil.!1!Z.~cj~ 1O'tl,e I

.... blood, ~nd rJght~ousnessof the LQrd Jesus Chnst,. to layla ~Qundif- • " \r. 1tion for a si~tner's: .h~pe ·id ),God: and' ~Whosoe~'er' belieteih.. in ,'t}le,'1

: blo,Qd.,an(hi'~4;t~eous~l~ss of, the"torcl jes'us,;Cb ist,!s:h~lhnot'\~~rii~~l' '~i~*"1l .1)1" I ,f"'-;>!" '1' I."" ,I, \ ,\\•• ',4,' I.V \,' '\ I, , ," I F' r/ I.J\I' 'r~

'but ha'l\e'evurlastmg,1I le,', ,I"'.",~' >,,:,: i'1'~'1' .! ;' :", ,,' '-';'',' ;' '; ,v,~~w my deal: frf€9dl<nejthe;s~~,rio';:,~'e:c~ 11 'oe fud..well estilb.:." ',~;I

' •• ' I' h d' I '1: Id' "f"h ' . "Id'" Iffi' 'f I,../':, 'Id' l~. ~_ .,10 t Ifl !:,n.0~~ e, g~ '0 ,t".e;tral)f.~l~t~bl1S,,~l.\tl' l~t.l,nct"o <;~S 0" ~

, , ;~~' '1\ ': ~h~ eternal :three }I-).t'~I'),ey~rl,as~mg.'<;o'Venapt;'It 9~Il')g"tlil}'Op.gl\na~', I

',r,~ ,"':. ,.of the {~ogpel 'qf, th.e' ~ver-ble~sed;G?ct" . 'Next '0 ),,:hjah;.tH~~\\(Ol'k,11 :~". l ',0 -,which our Lord Jesus.e;hdst' hiktn 'pel;f6i-med', is 0' vas-t·.in~.pm;tance,:r,l'~. , ., ,-his wor'k i~\a!;va:t:4Qn:.weare sa,¥q(l'in' hiin', a~l \;\~ afe,sa.~'ed:by~ :~<,' ~"«" ,hl~' ~i~ft: ~1~.;t!~~i:j\abt!,1I.g':Aal:Vati9ii'~;;.'.XGU ,~R~1:I,\(t·:1~,~~~.. ,fp9ICi4fltqJI::~' ';. ,:. :yp..lgsel~lfor ,s~h:-atl?IJ': .)~.'IS ~h9jJ,¥~:~ltb?lIt.~to'u:/ ~' iI!,l'lIt1.,U.or~ Je.slls',. th /., ,,·hat'h.. been: mane ,stn, tlV1,!; we ,might ',be made,n htdous "10' DUU. '

l~, I V;'.:.,~<{i)h'i~ \s God ',the ,Father'g'ad:'. 'I'Je,tl~ansferted alithe'· sinsJ:of llis:")1:' ,',', "':;:- t~" ,.p~QP'~e, \t,q : thr,,;·p~;·s.9n:, ,~t'c'llii~t -:;~tl'\e ':'tid,rd' ~h'l:iS .'·botel.tj~e,,~il1s of ~'11" " ,r I " 'I'''''J'''' . I "a' \".' hi ,··t'" ,t' L J"i',l," 'd' ,11';') " I , '." '. ,11.S,P~9P ~ VI: ,lJ.~",own~ 1<? .Y ,?,n tl'~, t\ee;,:: tV,e:, Firr. 'e~us\w~s, ~a, e, ,I~ '1", r n,'curse for',us;. he pald'.ll)l om-.t!e4t,s~; he washed ~,i1tr':il1 <'Jl~r'st~ms;

"ll~. bea,le,d,our WOtl'nds \vjtll his stl~;pes; 'and arf'11e, is,'3J\d llath d0qe.~, i~ .s~t'be}qre \I.S in"th;9:j':~ o.r:rf of r~y.~iat1pr'" ~{i4~)t :"' t'h7'?~~.e:(~f.; t~'~"·.Holy ,Ghost'i.tP testlf.~,to, the tl'llth;of,;,i\ll tholS: wn .eh :t'1e d'q,th <iq.,tHe .

.-!'h" I' " Won!. .~n~:.~l:O~~ ,~pd7bYJ the; W'o~d:;"lie't~s~ifI lS &f':p'~ri~t,' unto ','}~">.'&.' '''?';11' bea:ts. "~'~u, 'c~n,' n~~er,ha:e we~tef' eVJ~~n : ~ of.'ypu.'~; Interest.'{j;j~,,:,,\ ~i\ j' .IJl Chl;lst, ,t~ei1;IY\?~1 :,bay~ m ~elle,Ym,g.·l What; YOI~ ·,b·7~1~~~.,:p~~ce,rn-,.'~Ll.P" : r ' ;, i'lg,Je$us, fr~m th~ Word" ,the Holy, Ghost\sets'ho le 0u1o/-6u'r'miu£l: , .

I "b' ,/ '11:" I'D" ,., " ' '~t·· ' ;., -" ",.. , , t JUS It: ecome~ ffuet.tua. ,t~ j'ou. , ' ' 91l,.t you neV{ r ~OqK mto your...,it:: .!:, selffor any tm'qg? "d~>n't,:y:o~'~)'eV:l;r,starld lookine- at! S\I1'? 'if you do" ,

jt","vjll \soOl\n0V,yl~COme :yPu., ',Jf'you'\v6titd;bondi ,} 'Pqd, lQqk, the'n\,.~no.IJ''y:,ai1t1\~t;lti}~eIY o.fl:·e'l~ri,QbjeC'ti~n~~ s\1pjeCt~' ii.':;t ·lo.q~;j;i·fu·[ilY to: I'

" Ohl'~'s~ "~eSl;1s: .~~e m~r~, :r',0Ll ~,n~\,:.~,f Ji'im,,~be WOl'E:~appyy,o.u 'wi1r: ...."he. If''\JP,u. \y'ppid .lIye,'}s becomes the Gospel; youmusll' hye oQ.j'Chr~st.;' ,:if,;y"~u'::W9t.i;lq]iVe,,.in/(cb~0\I~ion\ wlF9.,: the~Qj;~., ').:ou,in4stt~,;

I ~i ve go the 'ttopewent~n4,t,ri~ht~ol,l$11e,~s.Qf t~.e .t: '~d,IJ!~S,US qhTtSt,; lr',, " 1foyol! ~VQI1.~c;l. have, the reA!.\enJoy~)ent.of,peace m {,OllrCOnsCI€lj1ce, i'" 'yqu 'rrlUs;be a~w~y'~ hvil)g ..~~ :th~, beli'ttf of thfsrrno~,t,Wpoi;ta,nt'tr~th,.:t.'

that, the .Iblop~ pI Je,§Uft C!in.sti~tlJ,e ~ SC;ll1,qf-Gqd,,: clednset~"r\om .all· ~.,.!,'. ' ' i r.. ~'i" " I" ';, !I' .'J, ," " ,," 'h:' \,ji':{;':~:<, '. ':lA

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':Lai~o".'No}V my nelghbour< or' brother, t~, "in ,everyre~atjonshi p"atr,Qbjeet'worthy of my i:egard a~cOl;ding to ~h(}reIa~i:onship,'nor,sh'oullf '/" ,\xe;r;,.want'fthe G6spelmetelytb el1f'o,rce this; for 'if we did, Ipve,'.'w,ol1kl b~ the' fulfill)ng '0 of ,the" Gcis:pel,., ~'f'be'6th 'o~ Ga:latiilpS :9 ,and la" ~\"erns much ~f the;same cmupleKio)l,',requirj.ng'.tbat,,,ve~' ,shoutd,' (l,O':g,ood, to aUI1~en: ,t/zl/it !,ur~ly)s not Gos,~et ~The' ;5th\and 6~h cbapters of Epbesij;llJs 'c6nlain many'exhortation,s :a,~Qllg',...... "which/'al'e p'rbbibiti(>t1s in regard ,to(fofni6ation,'uhcteamless?:and, ' I

, coYetousness; and although tme*i~l\e /ex,'llOrtatioti§ to saints; ~vi!Vit be said t,hey llre;1berefol'eGosfjebthese ar,e,th'ings'inwFlicb<ij;'a,'man; ljv'e5 ~s his elein~nt.,I\~t bi;m 'make, ,!batphlfess'ion he;~pleaseg .h~;~{lth i1o~nheri~ahce ,in the ~iJil~lom,of Chr,istand' of'Gdd ; ',(tail'it be ,Gospel 'which proclaims, suol} a. cUI'se? ~gai.lJ; inthe'}atter'"p'ari'oR,(l1e ~3rJ qf C~los~nms,"it ihaid;'aftel' many.exhoj,tittidOS;·(',:11'e'tHat doeth'wrong(' sball'l'eceiv.e for:tb'e WfCltlg; \~hicll, h'e:bath,"p'.Cine~al?~.th~l'e"'~s, t,iO~.fesl?ect.of~ersons:"" s~t'-h' !ti:?S'llage'i~ ex:'pt:essl'v}~ :9£ thy retr'thutrve, J u'StJ~q 6f.t~,e ,LatW, chast1s1l1g' the,r~bl'd!sppol*r ,(fo).' 'tb ,sa~nts,it js e~ide!)t!:Y spo,ke~'j) Jof :t~J'ei,~' Fr901~~dl ~I~vay:s; t~elc(mcI~dJng remark,;,''',for thb'e lS n,91ie~.pect- oil p~rl'

sons,"" shcws that'lhe exhor~atidnsiare not~qspel; for,in ~be co-,v~nai1t of- 'gtace,«rl1'id! the Gospel d'i~plays;;there' is "~n cv:iQ,e'flt re':'~'\spect to'mY'persoU'rriad~'in,the gr~c:tarticle:,oflny 'predes£in:ati:\?'l'lr't~ life, which.is nor shew!1,to.,any "¥4.o~al~e passed bY""~i1~;,Pa§.!<~

sages"quote.,q :OLJt_:~f:'TI~or~y \)eif)g,;,~,pch of/,lh~ '~atne' fntt~re;;:'E'

nl~lst pass':~r~Iii, by, ft)1" t~e s~ke of. b,r~vJt.y: .'" . , " /' ' '.:, , ""'}-, ' The latte~ ,yat't of 't~e, 2flll QuestIon '\'ern<}l~~~ to ,he cOHsldered;',v,iz. '}'ff,bot'; ,Wpat ',are tbeyt'.·'~A\;s~'~"'tliey are (\vbat'Go'd.~swill alwa~ls 'w~~; a~d 'always i\;j'l'll be;) law, a'rld 'I'anl-greatly '~Ilr,:'HYle-dto beofltbod J0hri Briries,qpi,Bioni',~vho' sfiid, ·""f.'or:~yowtn:pahl'.declare I sha]] as sooln believe, dicit non,a' wo~d oftht:'GosfJefiis'lrue'/: ~,as·thaf'b~J!evElri":al~~' ri(;l: obligeCl'to obBehe, tile rlo!v:and"pev.,£chr;·

, i' ."; ""f' ..."" l' ",' .;, 'Jaw oriGdd as. a nile 0 ;'i;:orll'crsat-iol'lr"anc waht:.";'Let the'~la~ 0'1';

will o(Je'hova-h ~Oni::er,l~irrg t~e"co'ndu~t,~f'lii~4rehur~s;'iil all the''reJationsh~p~ i:ri w,bj,ch they stand \6,himlbeJahly"o0nsi'der&'t, theh'bnoul1 hf the law.is ill!)~ ~dipsed b'y:" she'wil~~r fdefh .the'or:oadn'css"of itsi'teH~i~~tn;entsinJIie~OO~J'>,e~,p~ge ;'~lpr~' is. th~, 11~ni!?n'.Y' antP,beauty-' of., the. G6Sr)~I,,'b~e1q?,9~?t~ti Jhe V"Wdlc,a~~9n,~t"the h?ll.~:~~'r.of thlil~w\' "'Tlle Jaw-m 1ts 'tuU Import, aSJstaridmg ,~n\the Hhndof,the gi:e,ar Meal.kfo~',;.r(i'n ,Wh'ose:'he4i!t,' it was in its, t\tl'Jlest~imj)brt a~a"desig[},'9Cford eit,bt)r\a~gel~:o~·I"~'en:haU:a 'b~ihg;):'is,~tl1~ ru:~ ,pf ~o~-'~- ,­duct for hi~ pe,~p~e .. a:nt~ enJolp'~ ~:P0~~: ther,n ;as' 'new, , G:?'yel~aln,t ch,l­dren ofher d:b~H'jS than what 'It r~qUl'red, of AdaJl1111' iFJien, 6r of~ny ~f his, poste~'it,r'in theil," ~~*tbly rel,~~i~)ll' t? 'hi~ ;-;-;~!ldja,s,' tl)e~,i~'bllt one,law·i:J'I'ver, tber~'ls hert b,ne)aw, bywhlCtb he .l'equti'es,ofthe creatures;f his. h:itlnd dut\id, g"i,i'ted'to 'theii-f,sepilrate\stations. '116r hith 'h~'~Solish:etlPailYP}l.rt of: Hi';V'~ b11t 'i110,e \~.h,idt ,were bf. if'tempOl;aty', ''fypidH; cel';'~lo~~~I:,(andJreco2o~'htid~i~t'~~ret\'whi2h '

V"L. VH:--:No. XII., ,',' (-,~.i ' ~/

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~tO', ." ',. ,. T~P;~yOS,pl',~ ~~vAZINE~r, " " ",", '

parts ;:l:S :th~~( ,w~re~\ii6t ;1)indin~' ,11,PO'n";~\d~ni' !fI:im)9~et\ce,! are:y{lj" ':"p~rts<of tl!e law 'of;' w0rl~s'as giveQ/"otp .Ad~,m. ;' out, are special ap~ " ', poi6trrleots. from 'God,lfoY "p~i<tic\l:lar el~d,} ;.: b,lit~~\fhich'that 'Iu:v of"', ','!~'attire, :tmul)d thl}rnto,;opey; sPCi1og\\7od cqplCl to :man tn)ultlply ';(iiHsti'lu~iodl>i,:OJ:din;lric'es;I &\5,- ,of:a;:~t.Yi-)i6it'[ 'alld, cer,errloqi,il'kind ;

yvhen .h€:plebsed., and ,aboli~~ lhen;,:,wh~n fle' .pleased: f6r 'sllsh\,~e:nPtlp'a..rt~of 'the laW bf.lii(lt'llre"st:t:i~t1y s[jca,king/ although tlle,JaIY, !,>'o"f"hat~lr.ecollN enjoj'rIJobF.,<l,icllcoto t,herp; seeirg it I'eqqi:res of !h\3, /",,,~re~ltll~cs~to' 10ve;htm,I.!,'W'il/h, 'alb,tbeil' beartj' an~ to "~de?' w.hatever,he"c~nmands;. 1 snea~ . these,.rcIll..rk~tbjefly n~i~ti~e tp, the Mosaic'. f',; q . ! "j' )'... ,':1 " . r; I ..'. .', _ .. '"'. "', \.' , l.

, <pconomy., j, God',s. WJll:ls If;l'v. '/' /~' ',' "r'. " ,.:/:'" I "':'\ ';srd:. ,Hcn~, i'8;, i,t, to, ~~e,}lcC()i.ll1t,~;,d f?v, that ·om .L01~dpi.m,si¥.ap-~\pe~l:s tdp'reach nl~raIt.ty.,rlOre t11arl I\e\ ~lwel~s Uppl1 tll,O~~ 'doc.tl'ltle~heill, forth';;t'lld p,~'~achyd ,oy t!1e"apostles? . (Panl tnpm:tl.eu\;~r.) "~' A:t1~\V'er;:.:.LlMqrality is n9 'Sc~ipt'l'1re' te:p:tl ;'W~la,t:then' js,to ', J;l~'

''ga~he.red' ifrom ,it?' ',But, as' I ~,Qpp.cjse:. I,nquisit.l;>r', means obed·j~nc~. i . to ;tl'1c~-la\~ 'of God, Lwill, fjrl>(gio IJ,tuhegroun,d>that. pe did., preach'':' 'p~o'r,alityctl)~re't~,~~1}he~~o9trim;cs '0C: ~Tic~, ,~n,d answel::,\Wh.~' he',pid ';' 'I

-SO;, anuliext.I w,lll'CLlqunr~ wh.Cilt~ler It tc:}.lly JJ;lilY, ,b~.S~ld~lth 'p1"d~ \, priety, tL1a:t,h~,did ,pl'e,ach m;or~lity'.mol~e: than ~h~ docfrj'n~~"of ,'~"';gflt~ce';'i'lind so C~>n"d~lde m)ls\l'bJect.~; )iVhy,then; ('on.: rhp, grotmd .~, ",that.1~si;is,d:id ':pre~ch- morality mor~;thal) the;doctrines of grac~;)

,oIdJ.heMo ~o ?+' , i :!:, !>," v' , .,' "', ," I \'j,J ,t~~ A?~\¥~el"'rTViTft'~"B.eca~ls~h:~ wa~'the mi~i8~~~ ,of, fird~~,dsion .. "" /1

"'" ,;iid-I,e~as to the';Je~s"at~o,r"lc,e'Pyol~l~et"JYll'lest,:lttld)kq~g~ on ,tJl.~ '.' .t-. . ,'g'l'pl:1ndl'of~ tha,t",JewIshr~.Iat\.Onshlp,l~e' .often ~ddressed't!)em; hiS /

" , ,p,'ar.a!)lei ar.ematJY:, if riot :Vtost of,tpemspQke\1 to Jew.s,~ami with', , ·ai,~jrect, referen~e.tQ the~\",:recohom.Y; nOl:',can' the p~I:~bl~s in: 'f!.,, - f:vn:l!ie~yl;o!,i'F1st'\l-.r,iees p~arlny:, 0thyl'" int,~r~~ta~ops~, being) int~,~~l~(;l ,r.>

~()" explam the MessIah s' characters." to them as Je~~s '; qnq' .t9;tnelI\';!i'~{suHi ;~~~;ay,;tll:;lLwhil~f" the', l;l,1e~~;'Qbtfln,e~ ';Il)er~,y ,to,'

;,,~kn,~w,1lum \Y~9' wa.-s' ~the ,s?bsta,nc~",?f aH,thefr, J:~w~sbshadows; the., ;!'cst wer-c 'hl!nclecl.'.r'ln .thIs·respect Jesus oftep·'t?okthe ,Jews' q'n

t, .' ,,~hC giroulld; of thri'r' oW,n i,Economy ,enforci'ng 1~0i: only, the la\¥ of, ,r~atu,l'e? as 'conlmpp ~J all A'llam's PClsJcl1ity ;' but the institutions of

,:~/,.~ehQYah,tQ thenr'.,as Jews, as )'~t, being qillding,~ponthe~> n<>,t'>f041d:~y d~al.wd~ them i(J <lllY,othpr,"Ytay<tb',!-l1 'on a lf1g~l f09tin'g',,who, l1ad.n? jn.w;e~~ in,hiS"i;;feci~l fayo~lr.; an~ on, this leg~l 'footing,',

1 ,a\'on~ h.aA.they;a P,~})tnlf)&'flfcON~mt;la~Oe}n tbe ohI la,lId ofea,nalLn';'.' . the I~':'Y, ',,ther,efo.rg, in',its ,sp~rit\l<\l\ requirements bad nqthing to,do, '. . h' l' 7." h .,,, ,I, 1 " t

. )Vlt &tt?el)J. lp t"err ,l;Ia t19.;-Va , ~aP'ilOltiY:'. " , J;" "', " ' ',,_". ,;S~~9n.(~i'- ~'~ c~~M,'t~~t t?}l~~,~,~oy, the 1<1-\'/, b.ui:.t~ fl~lfill. (,f';,;

" .;. ;., Legality was,,'ltt;i{l~,~Y'so.'spea,k ,~tli"e ,otde,r o~ the d~y amorig,~he

,_ ,~Jf1~VS~ ,','Vhcn:rf:iy~~~peared:. not l} ~tri~t'?bed,jync~ to..tb,e;;holy fC'-

, ,.', ,<J,~llremet~ts o£~ IflW, d~u,t:.a 5U1J,$tltilItlng ..In l~S ~tead thel~ :O_liV'~ tradjr,", .,I ;,t~p.n~(; ,.and 'Wh!lst th~'y g-aye;,tlJ:hp q,f p-1,mt,;aqll.e l/:tid,' CllmJllIrI, they,

'." ,:" .:: :; '~:!1WI,eeteCI t~e wei'S'hfil'lr 'matt~r,s P'f1p,Lle{dawJ>~V~1l Justiee~ me~?y", .:; '.~Aiittl(Ltrutn,. w...Wa,s, l~ tQ '~e"lwond_ere,d, ~t t~e;l}, J,h~t"lhe. g~eat'law~I,.. -1<, "\, ,,( ",',.., \' ",~ ", I ',," • ' ",: I, "./',,' 'i.' ',t,,'

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I.' '.... TInt C~$'IYEL 'MAOizIN:E.f; , , 011

giver, in 'his -day,~of h~l~ild~t~h hete't~hgr~!~lhe ciltn~' to':ri,nd~catethe,.'h(i,i19t1r,of. h~\v.,il1 ihf( :ve~t a.r,tiule <If:'r.edeuiptidb. fOl~",hlschbsen .I ,!,fl~/' "jl 1 J", , . f" h ,11' ,,,,,}).. h"'h""]"'",,'l ;1S 10l\' (f;prellCJ'; t le" Feq llltemerits; 0 ' tat, aw', ~V' lC t e,. ~ws , lad

'h.e~l1 ,more tapgbt;, arid. had "m$re;hroken lJhlltl all the" n:atiQns of'~p:p e'(hl',th besides t' 'The tetnp,6'raI salvativtl wbi:ch had :l;>eep ,wrought ,'\dut fIN i'the ,Jews:in'var'ioq~1imis,6'f 6Jq; bfid n~ver,ab'at1;ea'iihe}e:",jqll ircr;nent;; of law, .Ilr,1' were ev~r-'interided's(j to.dd :' 'no m9re:~it.her ..doestfle great'!ialvati<;>o ohheeta-ss' ~'f G,qrist.de$t;r?y' t,hy,a~lthority,'

.qf Ia,w asa,liu~eof 'l~i'gh~eoushl'isstlvel' ibe',cb~os~;l :;:: to;sLl \lpose ,~1ji,ch~' '..would be to mfer tbat'God cou:Id -not redecm-.:llls "chosen, wIthout

:,rel~i}i.llg. the "bounds"of .allidQllYaah~·obliga~i?n. ,.~~~: li;~:~,~' ':T'esti~,C~l.Ii'le' to {yIfill the lawj wh'iJst,h~,digtinguishe~l,be,~\yeen lta6d ~he'tradU!?11S "b~' men's, and the law of-God; inaUjts vari?usr'eqiJjr~men<t~'w.<is'everJest.ls'~de1ight.",i·1 l't'~,,! ,i': '.' '.;,","'; ;,~'i$hr: H~ canieto'rn~gnif:Y' the J~w;:arld ~ake it,ilanorahJe~',,t"), T!1c-:Gospe1,ithat' great' mirrorl;)f ~fl!lth" wa's ~hat great'glassin ,

'~hi(,:b a[l't1l!'l pl'1ffe:etiipllS df ~e!JOV'~h Were Md,ained !o'.be sheW?,t9.'l)ls,;p~pr>,le :" b~r~' the, law ~as sbelvtJ as f\11fi,He4"Qy, I'mmfl:rlueli;i.,butdag ,t;his bury t'l)c·lq\v, alld transform ,the,Gospt-:r' int'('J a ,FuIe' ofo'bedie9<;'e~r~ther,DoeS'. it' not:· iHil'strate" thei'r'lra:~jicilJ Pist~1.1G.t!ionin~dke'ep'thelil:.;forevera'pal·( ('Jestls honot!il'e~,rJite.law u;y pFeach:'iug it~ requirements in ah\;a:y not often dQne ;.he's'helv.ed tlJat-'mor,e:was' c611iaim;~ iI1~he. lavy than ,Bie~pJ~in:l~gi~e?,;;'iBldts~~Il1i, trii'r,f,~:r"

I to .refie.c!:' the b~a!1tlcs and 'r~(Lttire~Mt;>of tjie,hny,' rnore lU:US.~l~l';' .()US]J"than,, ever, sefa~idttthe"'Ia\v/~nd~b~c(jlne ins't:cad tbe,l'ul<:of '

.my ,conduct,:r:lmpopslb'le.,: .In this ,rcspect"Jesys'q~ganp're~£hB'lg

in his' daywheretl1b. Spirit 'il) hi~'ho{y. offid~' ~l~etys .:begi'ils iT:L~ischosen;' ,'12/. in 'Qxjngingmel1,toac!\lDowledgetnent 6f,~heir'i!J.iquity;,.

l' " . by~a;::pre~nt~tionof t!ic\s~a.,nd~r,d,~f;i;~c~ituge :, A:11dJl0W ~oJt!d:,h,e.. :!I.;k<,.,do'.th~s', )f' the borers p'eople'ha:dq6t~mg t01dOr,Wlt:h"the I~w,as the,

.'rule. Q'~ th~ir; {:.Ohcl:G:~t.?'}m'possible., .J~ ~bis,~espect" Jes~sbegan,pr~~~,hlpg ~rl'l:jIS~Lj.Y, ::vq~I:~ .l.he. ~~~n\t ~nf.;I-\l§: h~,~y,oflic~;I~lway';s,,:;;

, begl,tis:ll'i ilvs :chosen ;,'V1Z,1H brmging men ,to,\;ap,;ack~l,owI<;t)gwent}, .Qf their.iniql1ity', 'by a prcscntaJi'ou";oJ; it stand~td'-0fre.c~itud~; "~nd,: ,­

" c?~.ld, he :,dp~bjsn~h~~drd)- pe.?ple. ha~ p~thi.,~g ,to ·1~?'~YN1.,t,he! ,law.,a!; the rule', of their cQnduct? ,".' .(. .... . '.' "." :,'",.. ' '.;.". . '

·:Lastly. I will enquire' whetber' it.real!,Y tila);:be sajd'witl~:!Pl:Q~; (pritity thilt~esu}; (tIff! preac'b, mor,ality UlOl:e,t1wn -the-, docttjiol~s of9ra;c~? ',·'1\n~wer.. .I:/r~~~,.J~sl,l~'n~vef.: did s() \p~~ach ORr ,bhrtJ2h .of'trllth(so as ,to II\ake'lquf\floge upon ~uothel'., -.. ;".\ .... ::,: ..,.):; . 2).ld;-H~ 'preachedthe l~w, bQt)ib,~as tl}'l?rov;e tb~~~G~~j.typf"the) GClspeI, withPl;lt wh,ose: bless\lig1l, nOl}e 'coq.I<:l,ha:~·e ,~ver~been,. ,"a.v,ed ~. '" .', I· r · . ,t" .,~ • j. 1 I' " '.(., ' I' :1.· I •

'" .3rcd, He pre~,~hed>thf-.Go~~e11,PT,eliif'l t}le,IolJo..~~t~?fhim;.\Vqtltd ..have,n,o 'authorrty;fo'r, SO \ domg.' ,If ImmanQelenJoll1ed·,hls'ownprt~<;:~pts on his people., he ah:io,"ahundantly preached\ his. F'ath~r\ .. .'

••A good ,ple,a~ute:~to giye the'ldngdom to'hlspeQpl~:, H~, pr~a~,b~slsdVQreigJlty'in sl~e'ti,a'.w~Ylai,i oH~nd~d;d~e'Je''VsyJbo'hda.rd'him: hep~e~~hb;lthe ~~w"iti sil~,h.a'\'iay as",gave,the_m ~ff~n<:~;:Q;ll~" u~f~ded ,-"

\ '. . " ' r:. \ L I . -, 1',,, 'p t' , I, '.

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'''''-~··_'1-~~t'..,.!hl''-'' :1.,. r '..... ,

',,>'U~', '., ';r'U~ COSJ>EL MAGAZtNE. .• ".' ( ~. , , _ ...\ (" \ er.... 1 ,

" '~~fi~S(.\eq~j.rel1')~rrts, 'as did/hot sait, thelt <;arl:1u1 hearts: and wtliJe,, ~e" at:?c!ared/tpat 'qe,_canle.~ ftll,fJJr ~v~I'Y jot apd tit~Je ,of the 14w/, ~lt pr,f~c~\td .•~ .l(,ert.ai'n q~\9 ,ftnish~d ~alv.atiQQ, ana, ~hewed ,hOw ,he '., 'fas ,tp be a ~lg9t M, Irghteri, t~,e: .G.entilr~ )~~ ;.~eJJ 'W;',d19; ftl?ry of,his"

/, " FfOBMl,.!I~I;as;,J:::, 'll?f ~'o I dJ~r,~~~ !lJ"at;, th~ :Itnms\ier~ t-;f: 91),I"15t.' w(~LlJcl'',~la:ye ,fl,nY,.iI;f,lrra\l,t t9 I?lieaq,b"d.l!~(01l dIP' :!a.w/qr the GO~1P"11; If J$Sl}!I

'. ~qQr,r)ot ,fF~t ~et ,theJP an, ex'alllpJe: I a\Jd havi/~,g, S'Uclil an' ~;X\HTlPiti," ' lhl?\~~qves, thein J,q ):)(;~w;al'e 'hOW'bll'~Y, 'n~gle!-?t ,to"fol1o\v:it,'.~eeifig·,",f',{fS;Il~.)l<\~ \~ound ~hell1 ..t6 foI1Q~~ it bybi~ !)'re<;ep,tive will." 'I ,,'

f'. 'tJ F;Jqm all ;tl~€se}::ohs,i,der~tions, \Vith lUMy ot}icrs ' t,hat, might,'be"" fC "D,1gpt~0f!ei:\:",J.f~eLlUy,self.)'oLind,in consci<H1ce,an,d cHre<;ted by, the,

+" ','1:"'<)!.t;l of God to,;,cOIwJud6.., Ist-; )'!;Iat jhe 'G'oSfJel IS: (pl:oJiMly,i~H:et,§.trlctly· speakiQ:g;)~ revdatioq'of Ooth free <L!}d [jO\rcreigri g'ood'pleasur~ cdllcerning his: chosen: . ~ncl. That the ,e>ithprtatiot1s '

.,vUrch a'J'e\1;,p b,e fOUI)(rl~n ",varlolls parts' 0(, tbe' ~V'<,)rd o,f'/,Gott, ·are .l\>f:l.rF~?,f We l~w, ~f !,GocL ' ~,~d .. "~ha~ pur ,;;Ld d pt:~a.ehed ,b'oth }u\Y~'\'~4t\G95'nel,/ I,J,~I ,thel,r s~par.a~e, relat'lolls, shH k,eepmg, them artatt; '.Q,~j~; a,8;.he({ig, the ,nj]~ qf,;0b~di~I~C~" and the;othef, ~he';gla,d tidings'

:." qf. eyt(17jast\ng g:ace; .<l:n~I':'mailltai:l)ingth.~m\,in tbej1. separate 1.1SeS,,' :,'~, "qpq.;<;ts rl~e,patb it,l' WhICh ~~ are Ol'dCfe,,-e:\:to wa,lk,' am! trlC,othel",as h I

' .A~~e :li&}lt.,l?y: W~!cll,we,' as 'ne\V:bowcp\la.r~~,~'Va1k~in tl:'ie p~ths,of '1", t:J.ghtyotls'ne.~s. AqtLsp l C011!C to, the end .of ~~y letter, ber-pg 1\11'. ,";', "E4,i t dt·, ¥otll"S, for:Xruth's s,ake,', ,: .. :,i:" '(' .. - "

·r '1J:-I.. "," . . . . -• ..,. .t· ,:',: ~'st(m;,1o(~vi 2&,:1:81~:";I' ,; , ' ''. ."", i' :" /',N~71IQ'.

,';', ,;:,;~,~,\",' (",I; i'" :"4 ',: ,", :' ;,"'. ,." ::, ,'V' ""

;~ ,:':1'.' ','!' ',t'. 'To fM, Editor of :t!Ui:fJI8Spil ,Jl:fitga);i11f:., ,", . " _~~ ~L'SlR I, "~ .,,' ":;, <~" I . .'\' ,.' -", "I,' x'" ,.."", "'. "If',', • ",f:;-; n,:J~~,,;t~~ ',f~li.owidg .E,\?i$tJe'l~e,: de,er-Aed' ,y.;oI'tJ'l;t,a plt1C~ir{ y6(;;" eX,eej.'\ • ",,\~~rjt,~iH>I'ipa~ib\li,)t,ii:;,s'cn,t ,ftJJ:

1,.ihStirtio'11'"a'S; Ithj11k:iJ I1lay be,f1,ijre.ly'.i

",' ' I, ca'Ued;1rlt ,'e:Ve~~/tl~ting, le:.t 'far) an those J\;·ho" b:eE-eve:'itYcthe,' doctri 11~' ",vr "'df;':.Ete1'fnatJ:Zn:titJ1t,;,'hllt del-IS t~'{~;'doctrill(~)f"Ete1'liat Jllstijii;a'iiflH.;" -'. sel'lfng/tb,at thlfY"r,f)t.I~t, s,tali(~ or 'fa) I ~ogetr\er,; wno' ,(s ·lhe, authp~ of' • ' /the letfe'r,.,isdlojV\ in glory,jt wW";prcH1e,that .B~d;' tliollgh

/ dead,S,et speake'di. 'The E\listle ,,;'as (Ic1f!l:essed to,"ln'e,wneiton a 'journey, frvm" ,Nottin,g}l~m to, $,hdfield, Wflere the go«cbn'an tnen':>resided, i: I ~1~1 pWlld of its con~ellts, and" beli,evlpg tr§y l~na:y prove

~'!1; ,", '; a ibles~ing ~0, Imll1Y of the''LOl:d'~,;veak' 9i'sCip're~".: 1hav~ SCf)t tr}~m, tOYOll ,S~r"\'vith that view, an{H;/)Q,~ild YOLl iip:pr-'o,,:eth~rcof,l bave

~ev~raF li1bre eetu~U)} a~,"vil~b.l;:e.~,~hic~'/,iri·~Uh1i.~, W9~;,I,W~i'an~ I

t,hen, s~n!!l 9i~e for' lIl~qrtf()n.Xoux's, n~spectfiJlly m /ChJ'ls't:~ I .. ',, ~YeoiJiz.:.NTov,''90'i''~I'''I'''' .. ,' I.:' , ,t"'fF.;LrEZER',~:~·,;. ';', . ,,''''; ", ,~:~ \,\,; 'I, Cl ).~.~ "t:~, ".1..... ,.",;..1):'. r .;.~j:~:t:·1· . !': ',.;~,'I,7.~f ,... ' /j'; .!,

,', IS.' B. TO S. L: ' i "

" " I ,i' . ON ~TEh;A(, .t:VST;F1Cl{Tr,oN:,D'E'AI-n'SdN I"'~., .,. ~ j: ."t ,.' ~ , .,,~. 'le '~';"~'I' '~",J'I' f/ '. ~.

£\.. _,,' , .1 1,/" ", "

~ -YOURS 6t'Nbyeriiber 28th' cillmqo hand, as di&\~ls0',tWt 6f'Decem';.t, bel' ,.7th, :'whiob broirght.n1e.'tb~_sad. tidings ?f a dis*ppoi-ntin~nt", "

whie h I am Vl:'j"Y- s61'l'y rot, 'as I llL~t {lIght nubl~sheq 'youq'm~acnltlg ,"h 'S d' ".',' . \,' ".',', ,ere on ,Ull' a)"I1c~t.. ,r, '" J .' '" ,

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'" ; I-~.~ i . ~':~""4~~~"~~7T:'~~~:·~:~~~:::·

; .'. '. ; .r . . ~ ,( :.. ..,...:\ ~,_ • - _", ~

" ,. "iEa:t".~qs,nEt !M:A;~AZ~~r ,.' ,\~l:ilr"".;

A~-t~' th~'\e~tin.~~~t~Y,~!~~~dife~vaJ.'I~:,i~~~h~'~~lcti,sesme:' of:i':a~/::';altog:ether a,st.~al~ger ~o, ~S'~Y:fJsr),a,tl1l}t writi;Tg? ~~Ic~ 'I h~ve' ' -':

, p\lbll~h~~d 'to tn~, i\'brld I," l~,teqlal~~al1G~dicii,t~9n')~i:;tn~ ~b!lqrd~ty , 'I,:W~iqh t1~',er ye~ el~ten~dinto.o,my rn,il~d; for' ~s .~m,&t'iJi(q,t~01~~l~ ~\,w{)rl~ ~wr~llg:~)t }R }J,s, .~,y P,'ld;\~5~J;?P~t:1~) tl~~" SI!~W:,<:t, T1lU;t~ff;-~S~ll"~'~'C(~l,~,f'~t~'1(~<;'m, t!t!,~ ~~,91'1~:·13ef~~ti..r~:}')~);O,'.~Vr?lrgli~'flJf:hll111:?~d',bel'etfllS ('th~ {d'irrerefjce':@~t\wgfh(JUS~j'tP.J~:A..rrqW ,atm ttft-!,fh"'fF18AtTm'N' ~ ribe f.(),~j~/JS'\tli"12·r~/~$'·{ii·ddb'ri(i1'd$" u~, 'a{(r,th'~')Ia'tfedi' ' ''I.vrrlc' Of. ()'I~tlcH!)ifhil1ni,\':':." :rit!.JliJtifid.\~on'Ih.:·(?hr;;?~ge,\ &:." 'oitj;ls{ate be~f" ,t' "I::>'! I", " , ' ')1 "'b 'o',"',;\-' ,,; ')j,)' ,'ii."'tJ" 'f,\.'fh,·'" ... rH'clh!~ (!I,I,

, ore ,Go~; lli pr~d~):~d'i .iilJ3ab.li,tlpc,a~WIJ. ,pur ll~~r~s ""e,~:?tpe.,~ ~~'IA~.~,or l'e\lew,ed, arfcL;\re ,arc ena?ldtU11el'e~x t? tq~,~i~o~{ r~tlllr:~,:to',h,~s, .. ,,glql'y, and are' UJSdjJ,lutde meet 'tb '~e'\~pal·t~kcr¥,ot'·tb:ejJnneJ;"lf~nce 'ofth~sni'ntsillli!fht.' )J:":',~>:,)"~"",/", 'vi'·.',~,,' " _'; ~i\s to t!:iedoc(;~neOf ';r!/iel;j'ulA):u,stl~C,~t.io.h,{ bifore, Gpd, J ~I~ sur~: U:,pnsed allY Ca;/VlOlsl: should"i;l,eny, wboG:oI<l;t,~n(,1s for, .the 'doetl"l,~e.:pf ,:'Etp'llal ele/)607l;'11d~y,Oil" m~Y:,Jila~e lU1Ylti)1ll1'"who' bolds'\vtth, the.,

, doctttinb of:eterhal Clectz'on.,.c0<l1fess the doctrine of Eteiil.;ai Justi-,

... ,C0~I,O~~,. 6y;,~sl~iq. g (l;i:~ tWW.?l~,~~tl1;r~.~~'Citi.es~!(~~~ .. 'I ..!l~~.L:$.).I~~e.a,~"m.i~." ".1.'') rm,ter came many mdes to 'try t,o'confnte the doctl:lOe ,of' Eternal "

JIi~Iifica,t£oi~; wliicJ'rlJf,l:i.iiide;rtaok to do ~before a 1arg:e':'coni'pdrJY of ' c'IPinisters'and ot'n~rs(, .\.i', , !,!:,""':! '''''"".', ,., if' ,'.. hi','"'i:;'i'P/'I-/'li$,;'·, ;",

i,",.~ .' '.' \0'1 :'/'~, :.t '. :1,. t,. /; '1 "::.' ,- './): ~h,t,\:>,.·,f)'·_'r, '1" ,vVhen h,e llitrpcluced the sUbJect he beg,a:n~thuS':\ivl\1i.~:l'n:l;,\'Ptay,; "

" . ~i\.· do you .hdieve i rl '.'the a~ctdn~: of 'ete-rnai~le.ctton!?"~e;a~s:~~~rM, .~.'\/yes" ~,'d9;"'Carl tli~re ue:a,rly fhlng'laia.to';t'f{~ c1)'a'tg~'1Df;'~Qd'i' -,

.• el~~t? ('Rom:" viii.' 33:) .he r~plie'd.~~l~y:·scri'pt&rall y; )"l'i"';N:o~th~i:'e~ .. I,

,.. cal1'l~Ot j" no\}': Sir" (&a:ld l,)' ';y'r!I you' h~ve'tbe goo'd~ess'ro'p'Oin,t( ,o~:~~o'me,the '~ijfd~ni;e. ?~~wee~~ l~y,tl?t.'~;i~'i\l~ ,ai~'y·'ibio-k'1~j.~:~0' ~f .', .i

"c,:~aI;g.e, and'r?Y: b~tng'Justlfi,~d~, I~~ sa:.\d ,~',T~~l'\:l'ts no :<,bff~tepc~l::l,,~om~of the;c,o~l'lan'y' cou:ld ~lbt ~elp',smlrrn~~ a?I~; r~ld-:h!~ h,e, h~d:1~cki:JQwJedge9 Jhe',doetnne be m.eMt to 9PPOS'e', f~ir If:tI1'e,re 'can he

"nothing {iip to\b~ch~~;gy:o~Go,d\s'elect;,th6n aH66d's er8'ct"Ja~:J'zic/t,' ,must be justified bfjore"hjifn: 1. pro~ed,ed HQ\ve~er a jit~le'fljrth~I',and,t61(1. him there'is..no corldeninqdon to them:'tnat are 'in 'Elhrist;Jesus;' (.Rom.-viii.'};J but;~ti" i'epl1ed, ,,', it:js' to ,them tbat'wal~ llotafter the flesh,but after. the Spirit ;': Jt,herl asl{ecl him Whether it·

'.was rry :u';alki;~g}aj}er th,r~~}Jirit th,atiputiP,e. irito:,c'l'ft:ist?')le .said . I,

'.' No;'? -th~n 1 said', I l11usfbe:iri, bifore fwas bar£) ? flE1 replie'q:le Yes;~'

, then if n;ry' walking after' the Spirif\clid?wt:rpu.t' m.e:ill'to Christ" I

,tben~ was '-'ii:l9h~·ii'i:.J)er()r.t'HI:a,t ,t:imy~, (ev~n'befo,rq tll},e founCJatio:i,\!pf tlleworld,), I n1.ustbe Justified biforr;: G1Jd un'arly, for thel:e ~no, cond,el'Illl;;ttiolil' tq I them that -miC iQ, Cbrist, therefore' all ,that 'ai'eih,'Ohrist must be j'usti'fied:,b'ifo~'e Gaa" and the .latterpar.t' of Horn.

"" viii.• i;'1S no o,bjection 'to 'the 'db,ctl~i i1e in ha'1d.. Her-saw the, d~,~,._trine so de,arly->that he alter)Vards,obeciune a preacher of.'it. '. "

" :(\'Its.B.. .is' Hil.}chas u~ii,aJ adcl-t0l1der's hei"Chrj.stian.re_spect~' to you,"" ancl your's, 1'£t ,W1\ich unites',alSo Your'saffectionateI" ,.),' .

I "Sil.efjieltl D(C.,'~ 18.0:i;:: ,';" S;:B' '\ I d.1 ~'. , t',. ~ ~ 'I r , ,'I ,_ . ( , _':t

.. , ' ~~ J," .~, " '". ".' ' ~\ ';,;" ", . ~5" .'

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";'7;-~~r~~1~'ft.\\'i!:} IH~f.'.'t~.'~' '. .t' :~~':("~-~~TT"'T"~~"';I '~'l; -----".-.~-/ - "."'-.-"'-~ 7"~-;

'. THE:';b~SPE'L,J~AG~'ZIN,~~; "':',~:·,t~/;' ',: "";,1~:"J ,'~" . ,;,-}1,,' • ,~'" ~', 1

.'ON '~HRjSJ'I"'N,'~ lXPER'tE~CE,.': ;'. (:~:,.; : V ''-'1''V 1:) . rn "t '••

~;,< ,;, .~,~..:rI~:~i;r:l."· " ";".:f,' '~"t, ,/'f,:'('~','··'}d',.',:· .... ,,11, ri'i' H·17 "B'·""',:1.S.,), ....I:!( "I',',

."1 • "'/ 1l<,'~·1;·"1~(·+:,~,"'·~~;·i~ . '. f 0 \t1:'·'r'/,,0:~·I· 1', ';\l--: 1-:'1' ,\>' 1) I'." ( .;.MY:(DEAR.FR~F1ND, ", .; "i l ' •.~.,: " , . " .' .

"'. I' kl;i~:E'IvE~ (Y·q·~t..,tp'is.tle:.t~nd:tejqice,. illat ~it 'has (l)l~~seFl' th€LOr~l, . <~t'bleS~ihe·'Wprfl;of,'.tl;ll,ql;.<t(~:9pr.p'f~qiifti.~ ~,6'~t;' rr~~y.~t b'?lb.f~ss;:;~."

'. . "lIOT~<1 f!:P,~ ~l.or~:Yi' Tl}e}<,1!1,gdQJll of G~d dpes .,P!?t .'Cl;9'd, HI :w<?rd, \~, lt~E,Y:~·P?,~Y~.f:'~(iJ .p~rB,~!\;"~, j;b~'Ir9t~ ,bts.,b~~p :'at, W!?~k,}I),Jhy, s<:.~}l:;\

(!~p~1l41~ni~t, ,hr~~vl1J'qe.~'~r de~e.r.tt)J,t;e.,;.bl~tf·~~11J;(P~8f~,st tn~'~~Wbl<;!l,~ol~cern7U~i~r,ee.!.'~'!P~:'? ,~~·~?Jlj:;,.~ b;t9.~:tnq~~4",t;hlsJ Tan,(hsGo~cl::

I W:;Y;'~~i~~~·5pl:i,9,!~,,9.u,t;jthr:J~o~~ s:~;:~~h j}~I\) , ,',"J'. '..'" '.:,.,' , .. ", " As. \Vher! a c1l1lJ seeUl'e,O; hanM ", ,'i'

.. " .f~... '. <. ,··;lhings ~n ih</motber:s bi-e~st.; '.-' ',~' .:-,.. .~ .,( I'W,!, ,. I!',,", f'.·· "11 cl '. h"h' ,.' ,.', ,"....., •

. ' "' ,<~.':',~,~\": .{ ',;, .o~,~;~:~. 1L~" er ~~n~,l:~YS, ~.~tl,lS'~I. ':",";1't, ,11:/; ~;';I.()' "~teqewlllg:'t0bU, anCl:.t:est : •A '1'1., ,""·1 '1"\"'" '1" 'i.:'·j"··"'ij' \" 'h " if I' ,-,' -..".".:.' ,":""'.:','y,,~. "." "i:I1,"'W1I e tlroug }uany a pan1 u·. P!lt,'fi 'I: '1';\'

\':il,~':';~"', t>; ,. (,ffhe· tl'.av:,lil)g: par'en.t speeqs; ','1' ",I" ','.' • I

.'..,'.,'~'.•c:.,i ~,jf,.' vi.), ,~'h,e; ff;a"jr.s$,.bal)e! ,w,ilh,'passiv.e fa,1.tl1 n .'.,. ". "'.'"""1,'",,'1',:'.-< ""1:'1.'" , ll.\,,' ,-,,·rt.t~ "",'f "1"", ' .. I" \ " "'j,,' __', \, "~j"";' ',,'.I

\1': :.' ,il,', i, I:' ,~ •.. :< f~le$-siill.'i\lq,y~, L1r~~eds,',. , . '!t" .,,'.. ;'1,,l , ',I' --. ''', :,.h, ~. -- r t. __,I!) '~F ----.. ,.--, , ' -- --',' j

t,.,. ' y,~S, ,~,' G!e" gaitbers t~e, lal~lbs, ,il~rJ1/,s".a~~lls."-A'g&ill~ ,'~f yrtrq;e.,-. t~on,\~r~;vails she s~al1 'bl'ing" forth,childl'~m!" Andutbe .Lord",ha$i! :'

.p;;~mi~,~Kit~ey,,~ha~'~, 'su<;k'8f ,t,he) ,bl:e~~t pf, S<;in;q.1iU'?I'I, '" ;Ytl shall"be ql?rn~',u,PVn he,r sidys" and, bp d~ndle{1).lpbn,;!irr knees.;:'. !th~'Lord grant y~u may"eJfP~r~9qFe,,tqq/ tr~t~, ~f th~Se,things. I Bray, .

L' God ,that ypu may, be ltv~l'y j~1 your squ,l; m,ly be ),ept t;lose,to the ,,Lord by hUl1?bl.e prayer; 'diligent .i~1/h~. 'use of f.he.',me<j.;n,S of gruC~~I/"'\~lpl"tJl'e', qiljgent'soul sh~ll ble m"IJ~ fat:" Hnd ({oct, 4,h:pig.Jl.ty,g}\f~J '

j/ 'f y:o~.~fage ~o' '.~·oYqw t!~e ,Lord ~ (,l~W 9,!~r,jst whi~i)S~'~'ov~r)~e g,oetb~ I

even .through e'O'll, as w'el,l)as good. repqrt ;' depend UPOl~ it, my dear..~rie1?,9,,, ~f;.Y~~Joll:b~ ..f'7j~,.yqu .. Wp~\t ,.gA P1i.s ,r9,~Fl~ ..y.i~Jjp. t);lt;)!atl~( '",~(t,r<ll)~;~tJql1',". t'~p.ur ~~r~ly,., .Jl~, ~b~" Gos~)~l ofle~uS; Ci~l!\\,J..,. :_~\ri"

":; •,':':,," I~' :Lf~~El~iR~: ," .': ,:.;; ,;, :,'~:;.<"'M"l ,VE.Rv'iDEAR?'DA:uGHll·!Il1Pl",.1 \,.·i) """ ".;-,',. "". .. ,!,'."r'

'I. ' \ " }., I "",- !., ",' "'1 --, '''f \. "IN Ithe *'aith of 'OU1~ Lord Jesus Christ; I rectiiv.ed )(ourl,s;:-:7'was;~ot~ j

ple;rs,ed .a.'l}cj.' abllli'i'!antiy 'satisfiedwithJthe contepts·;,; fb!', nothing'can ~afF~~r:d;I*I,~r~ater,joy, ,tha,!:- to s~e"~ly!.chjld\-~nwalk~:~I}t:;h<f)'trut!1 :. the, Lord/gwe yoq,g.I:ace ~y dearJftrt, that you r,nay addrn

, 'the doctrine, of GQcl QuvSa:\(iour III 'all tlnng.s''7"-I,see, by )io,ur\Le~",.

,lel;'" YQuap::t~'eac~ihf?'in\)tbe 'i~t~P$',QI';, yotlri'fathr:r1{1 ',ilid~ed;;i~'Iithe .steps of aUthe reclee(l)~d.ofltheLor~,"who.payegone'to,glory befQreft,s" I:Iene~ ,live' read,," These,are. th~y, whicb,pll'nG" out;:, o£:,gJ;eat(

",' trih,fcllatj9n,Jttj,d.,havew~shed;tQeir robe!>, 3:bd ,ln~delthe\n.,whjtej.jn, . the bloo<,l of t~e'Lamb ;::hen<te' afy !they. b~fore the,thr,one"andI " s,ing his'pr<!:isq's. day and night in. his.tf.inJple.".:...;.My dear 'gh!;,the .

Lord ~ai'ld:on.e,gl'eat't~lings fqr: y~u, "plltl:i~;}'VjJf s~ew ?~eatet' ~ping~

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, ,,' " ' ~ i,,-I ~';.l'J;?E:iGlf!~J;I'EL;I.MlA9.A~JN.~~ , '

( + ~ " , ''''1' 'J,' '} f"'" ,h<' ~ "',' l, /" ~ ;

I' ~ 21~l'f;;i~ g}ieat~r t?~.~gs,as it ';;~~pe,?,ts,s.iQ~,,~~t~hc?'t~e:w~l;I?,:antl~~~f,,;q~,t!~~~JO\le ~a'nl14~I"a,n,d great'?l' njut:~lgt\qt~I'"th~tl~S,r€sp',e.~tl~g,~)S, i0'y~~

'lgJra,cfC, ll1!3fCy ,'~,p(,)w~'r, ,and faJtllfl\!\leSS ; ,y,~s, tillthJu.1, ~~cl~%t»,;tt 1;I'ltll+;"'rJ;rornise,d, kho ~1s~ w,ill: pe'l:fblttI"5t)l.,h,i:; ;g;oo(l: p1.q!\81\f,l(1; t.~)-)"axtrY:O~I;

for G~cr "Y~rketblall,tllin~s af(e~ ttl~ C?lIl1CW~~ Bl1:?~~' r:fn.~~~,~" I

: D?rd\ ~,ran<ft9a~ ?~SI1S' D;I~Y lj~ '~l1c;.ref}.,~J~ts:ly ,prep!p'l}s;;tP,'.j\'?-l~:so~l;,, 'to tb{(I;nIWh,o, b(:lheve ,he'ls Pl'~~](~l,l?'; '>~ay h,rs .\YV19r~f}?e ,'swe'~t' a,qCJ,

'P.l't~i::~O~~';. ,and £,~~, 'gl:aut ~~iis, ',~~~,:e' :~lqd'to~'~lQrr'?9~~' \TlCl.Y, b,~,~~~Yp~eCl,ou'~,: ~n~; dCS,I,r(}b,~er'! 1;tel,llG;t~1f,'; J £~u ~aye' l,~ .al~ ,w~eIBY~,s"",;- ;,c~uQtr~., ,1Iva ,str~lhg"e l~n,d,;, ~9;t:Jse'gu.e9tlj',f,xou,. ba~lt" m~nY;!lb~r,tl~s, '.'~o figl).t, m,~ny days,qf" ~1l}rkn~~S:qn~'I~?Jlr1>.,qf,(;h~tr"1ss,befqre '}1,~u~;~. .y-,oll.,Mll·pf,t~.p h!lve' ,to/lament, an ·a'bsel1t',J~0,d~/'a,n·.,h,a,r~ .,h~art;,~' ,p,~ax~rl$,ss)li~p~si~ion:;\i. .~I$e~~ ,fr!j.me,',~.. ~olc,\.;a,n~, baryel'l.so~:I,l,&c~ "&Ct,' 4-. tr~.?p' rp,~y qv~rco(r)~f9od"n~o.~v, ~~}1,trI0,lie sI\~~h~,ye!:(:1019~,l,a:I\i "hu;t;" the V,1i!.:oI'Y, ls~shlr", ;-;y,~~, 'Yr-~r~, nat!,sllqP" Qu\ar« m<;lI:e t.h,<~ti '; ,conq'l1er0rs~.iHronlJ'h'him th!l'li 10\<;6d,' even, Jesus~' the-i:ap.taih y of;,p lui ,,' ,i

, , , ). Tt), 1-- , f' '!A' ~~ f '/>' "('IU 1 ( \~ >f. > I'· t

p' j sal-';'atioQ.), ,$ee 'J1OlW. vii}., 3:5.;'&G~;·".'" W,€:'c,?ll~{ler sin" 9~at~,.,helll,:,~ "ancj",cvery;dther enemy; \ slmply\by.. (ooki'tJg"lo Jes~s, . ,our~_,con;:' '.

quedrig Lb'l:~~', '~O'! 'tha:f :ypu l)Ilay~be',eJlilb~yd irio~tp,tha'ri\;~Yer. "oi,'J"eh(~hi~ ~J1~;".~piq~, to; !~Jok,~ ,to'qiin~, ae~ig~t !'~l'hih~~)i.Y~:~~'pj}~~-!~l!Dt' 'aNti .at last reIgn w!tH }'llm, IS ,tHe l hearty 'pl:ayer, df'Y.otit:}~ffecpoffat'e. " ,

'fi).thel' ill the Gospel"of/Jesus dl)l~~st ~ ';' /;1 ,"1\ .\rl:"T).\,.m!....:::r.l.i1It.~,~~";y ,.! ~ ,) , J < \ !, ~ i } ; ~. ~\ "' :"'!t: t t'

r j 1 <~, , ','J ~ '.<J/~;' ,11; '.i, ~I(r'l.;"'"~" ,r~. ~"tf ~\t H'tr-f5JC,tft~/~~ ~! • ( } 'I 1" ,...1- <)it·.. (;{ t ,01".1.

• ~. j '~;' .~I 'I LETI1ERV'r" ~ ,...,t" f; ~\. H .:r:,jr,t ~~h,"1':lj 'pr:t~~:i;l(- ", I,r... ,,';.;' I, 'I I " J' a

,'1rt. ~(',f' :,IJ,l!;,;\f>/ T'~-rft:~ B'~"( '1, ~'I' v~ ...~"n~< IH.l,'{~~r(,\yfil!j;lll'~~~1ri' ( 'I;' ~' "j\~1 I '" ,0 .lj..,·r ~-, • '? I. ~,;I" ,/ ~ ~'f' ~ ," l , .~ ,

'\ ~'''':';!t'!l f"i T".P " • ( -,." '\, I I(( I~ 'I 1~)1 ,\ 1 ;"1' -:Ji)' Hrr.1 ~,,!~.,dYIV:DE'1\R wAUGH,TER . r I I l 10 ~ j I .( l' ) ,,'\! I" ~d" , • ~j4 .,..~ I' I I, ~ [\1 i '~',- <Jtr 1. ~ l '1" ,1.( \,<1 )\t'<!~j\1 'i'ifl I,t~'j,thi

IN' t,be,'fa~~h -of. t,~e~?~~~p~l o>~ 09S~,~qt;\l, J,,~S)l:~ ,0lil~f;i~,<gray,e~',mPff~;,',' ~,l;';n.? ~pe!;Lc,~I,~H:~,;wlth., ~~e~"' J ;a,rll \"~J;.Y',':S9P:Y, yopl ~,~O\i1,4'_li,?~i,~~H~'~'

, .p}lr.t(Lp,H'r~.at ,anY~,h~ng r.;~v~sJ,ed' t~, sp~a~ .,op :,Ep~q}s d:;tY; cvenj!lg,.~, ';1 diQ' n,o~ J·efel'~to·yoll,' 9y,:aQY:Jt;~~a.ns ;, b,u't to}HJ'r;:h'a/s troL1ble,.tl1e,w~tn<' ,

impuden,dind unmt~re,5ti~g,'lette)"s" .I"ca~ aSS\lre you, my,dallght~l;~'; I ' ,

,',I';rya,(!"vo,~ir letter \'~ilh PGculiar 'satj§ta.G,tiol'l, ,and said rtb,1'nyse'lf" while '/' :iei.t~Jng 'i< Sh'~ ,iJ' ',rn~ c,hilqV"p~h~.~~c ',\h'e' strik,ing ~e4tdres,pf tpe, '

..Fathef;: oere;i;tre thtff(mts,tep1',of 1:h~ tlpc,k of ,Cl1ri'st--:.iny chiHhllS ''lV~ I}'" h . f" 'f' ell: \1"" " , .., :pe~n ~V1I1g, ppqn ,~I c,om a,r,ts.;, ra~n~$,,'itl:p ','IC::~ I'ngs,;f0r: s,~ine'thu~',,:PflS,~; she. ha:~ .bee!,! ,qalldled."on"th,e,knee,~ but 'l'O\f\her comf,orts'al:e ':~tled; ~2d the,J~lleqlY ~~ p,oo:: sen'si&1e;,sihner;, ~s\ l~e~:l]litWd tl? l~oPT.Y,'Iflpd p~J'pl~~ y~u,i a,p,,(1 ~~t ?n]y s~., but, mY~!7L~(ldI~g: ~~'rlflY' disfr~gs~d' , I

\/;DY, (:ananfi.tes'\;vl?'~c,11 :~re,,~n(,~h,r liln~. "'fV.P. ~ ;'y'Ou ~l~tl.e t~:?ug~it aJe1t : l,J;I1j?~ths" bac~. tnc~r~: ~were' ~o. !!\a;ny;, e''.'.I1s:"a'nd.,abO~H\aMn;~ tn :you~ "~'t~~ear,t, r,9IJTd,ec~!tf~l ~,t,ld dqsRerat~:~vIF~,t;:'d ~~3:tt, as .you tt3:~eJat"7\Y'l~~~d';'f .you pev~l~,~'~pept~d'Ii,ot?l:e,a,rpt, ~f':fee~Il1,g,:sl~ch vaHl'de~lre's,,'

:, e,:~l :t,ll,~ugl?ts, 1t'l1tfl~i;,'I~r~pe~~ltle~,f ~c'" as DOl':, ,l:rq'qbl5!' Y'~? '. at~d : '., ".constr'hl~l'y.q~,.t<~ !Cry; 9ut;' :1~:'eYf~ed,'W'ret,'ihed':,ct'~,at.r.ret.l~at if :a!ii)~~1, ,;l3e , ,assl.Jl'~d'>;flW'c~,lcl, Y~q'~ll~ s~~ Igre~te~ ~,b?rl:lInanon,~,ye~~ aqd',

fe{i~ tht;m too;;; ,qut be not dl(couraged;: th,ere lSJa fountatr.r, op6D'ed "f~r Sill a.'hd_q~JC~eann'ess'; for the house' of ~avid,and,th'einhabitants' ,;"

" ,",' i; A~i.f;';:" ~"", " ,,,1 .

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5-l6 T,m: GbSP:EL'l'MAGAZiNE,i ..~ili- 'J " ] I.~ -~' ..• ' " I • • .• " 'v..... ;1' .. ... \of erus~ em, tor sm aud uncleanness;:n.:ra:rk, fo'r slJ;fapldcimoleattnes.qO!'~lna y, thee~'e1~nal Spirit pIu nge;us jinhis ~reansiri'g'poufithill,,A.llcn ~

!. r' My:ch(ug!Jt,er,' the work: of "Gcid '.i'n·a:po'$l1" .si'pn'er~isbeartj sl3arld's, "itl:,s.pj:ritq~,~.Iife;, light, 'riiiihteo~\~qe~s,;'peace, ]0,ve~·all(r;'.i6yi li 'rh~

,< ,J"lbJY" Gh0st;:'.-,...t,rr·yours~If.,by:tbese,; 'Cannbt'·,yo!u 'sa:y",~;< On:ce··9&ad'jn~tresp~,~&es,a:\ld"sins3 b'ut no,v'altve U'I)to Go,cr;'thh?iugh Jcs.6se\lri~t:-r':'o,ilQti"bliild, botn0'1',:,J 'can'see ;"s~e;.n:iy~eff'a:!,P00l; 11'<~ec!y'~ejpl~~s sinne,l\and'Ican s~.e ~estis. ~ l?l'ec,i~wfa'l~d'fu}rable Sav~otlr;once stark naked, but now doarhed wltb white liNen;, even thttHgliteblj~rjcss Of J~~lovan'Jes,us;' once atarofF fi~om~G<i'd, by'wic/{ed<,~vdtk:.s,~b1f.ti~ow,·hrijughtI?igh,by the hlo~d QftH~~'amQ".md bro!-lg{lt~.'y~jdke i'n .Gop:'i,tb'r-c),llgh':Jes,lls" 0hristthe? C()rd·, bj"wJl'om I rc­ceiv,ed 'rhe a~C?n,em.ent':y\1~U 'then, '.'yau ,n1<J.,y "~!\;Y 'al,so, with,: the,.JtpustIe :pa~tl~\:,< 13~:,ng' ,conftdent',of' this 'ver'y'(h,ing'; ,that·Jile ,,,he;

.- l,h}h~'Jb~$11flJ.t.b# w~r1~\ jn,:You~ wiJIj),e~f():'\l~,ifup,t~Uhe"dftY of J,:su~, >," Ct~n~,t':',," ~.Ij;m, ,d'earcllllJ,)~oqr affectl()~a,te father,antl un~ortp:y:,

'1"iLI ,lh" , """ "\" ' ,,""" i p "I'~ , ,"I<'l'paS:t:Ol~~ I\"~;;"':'(V "} '," l~ ,.,( .-' ;"', .. f.,~, ' .• '~·~"".--~m. 'j

. ,,:,\t:<':::: ,"i~;IV7.'> '/.! " ':-~~. .' ~\ ,I ", , I" /',', ~'~:~:'~_"i;.Yi',: i ~ ',,, A, ,MIJ?N~GHT"!)TFWVGHT" ',~, I' '

. '1;'w$J,.dook ,st'rikell' ttv~!ve, my,so~l be',ca,lrri,and' ,pt'a, ni,omeptmedit~te o'n 'things around thee'I-all natllre'~hush.,'.a,nc1nmv~rsaJ,·

.I }~ si1el1"c{'j:¥ems to·teigli'7'Fhe nigq:t' was ma~efOrl?f.llf':rrepos.e;, buthow nas graceless man,'perverted It !-Now, Ip th~s tIme of sIlence, r.1

..tu~:besfQrtb the, lnurdertir, thirsl,il?g ,aft~r 'hu'th.an blo'od--JJOW too, i

.' '':t\1~ rob:ber, greedy of his p(ey-\IO"'1' tbe' adQl,tet;ous"o/l'13tches; .trai-:. -' tbrs:to·ihe'ij"' fl~ien~s, deijrivy theiri of lb~11::hon'or~no,yV ,fhe whol,e. ,;:> lJ,ef~'dfvmfl;i1s, tHat !,f)ff~~ so~jety" 2?;~trtit tl~ei,< hell1s~ ~:f~?'~~B:ark! "

dtl'h'~a~' ~!1~ ?p,ck's shrIll ,v9~C;~.;· t~1,1~~?nt~gst~1:nY\,:eln,~nl~ran~~eJ~,~t~~'~, ,"CQWait:al'ce;:(wbosbatnefuly demedl:h~ Mastl';r;) ~,nd.what pa:rtgs h,e''~oWr\,v!)el~','bis' [IJdst"gl;~ciou'sMas.t:el·Jod~'f'niltl:;into'te£r~i4ttlle"

,,~c.rC/wjng.'~,~~h~"cotk':!-::::!:Th,is j$,the t11ij'ror I bf:ti~~; iri?po\tarjt,~foi."r.'\ Te~d"'at~nIClDl~h.ta ~v:Y''':'fls .l'na~~, Bq.l:~ol.d t;h~, Brl.CI~groOln,cornet!~'!

.l...B'o\V solemn IS: the tlhle !.,-At lVhdnJght, \1i henalmdst aH are'};r~T.i~,d ~n ~he ar~lls, bf,s~~'ep,. br., io~ti~l sLti':n,~er;-a{vfll~'~ime !77N.s,t

';' 'after:lVIdnight 'Ch:lst' ~hJX]1 'c0fl)c, ql~~te u~~1'r.ected, h~ke ~he:,~la ...,:'pigiJttb!ef h-'rli'e Bruic~r(jom';~~me,s!;methmksl's~e the 'saInt~'

1 r ,:go ,fQrt~;to ~eet:. b.illli--:::;Vhat'~g!ori~us,~,ig'~it!', ~re'C~h? .0~9~ o,n' ':, 'earth a CI'(ll'Vn 'of tll0rns lbd wear '!-,behold I'aill now, shmmg m' full, :~~ridian~'p'!en~o'~ !.:.2th~\:~an,~s: 'of',ang.el';.~tt!~?d' h,.i3.:G':tl't;ri'l,tli}P11~~t'i' ,. ,,:.:4:o.Wf,!i',t~~ y,z~r~ ~I('y: !~~xpltlhg, th611ght},'b~, ~o,m.~f, ~t~; ,~~v~' /.1,fs 'X, .': frr.9:~q~.·~,,":, ¥e, 'sa ~ nts ,t~J9i,et; ,!'~~~a t .r~~TJ;l.~;' ~f:, !J?v'~' sftin~~. .f?rt11. .'

,tf.~l~;~liiS ma,'~5tlc fase ;:' 'ten,o,ugh to,,~ll a w,oflr:?:f"sa!l}~":~Vlt~ J~r,;',' 'e~sta:h~7,~~'ol1~h ~o r~vl,s,1:I everY)J.9,a'r~ phat )~ve, ~lS' cp\\lflX::l'l~g; ria!~e. ,

. -but' whIlst .lns glonous, >looks, WIth pleasure mfinlte, uplifts his, 1~,i?~le'8 l)~ar~~,'b.urs~~,n~' f~l;th~ 'fr~'?. thel1c'e'wi,tn' gl~a~efil a.c~~~t~~

.1<,luQ 'Hos\ln\1us-' thng, and hall "tnelf Gr.eat ".Redeemer'.s' 'r.re,ar.,'ap-,"proxch"in sOligs ~ivine,t-=H?w dre~dflrl' t,he',r~~e:;'se, 1'" kiI!gs;ca~-;,."tains; men' of; mIght, the ncl\ t,he poor, t~~ bOi~d,. tfie' free, the,

,~ \ .\I~ I ,

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, , .', , ,,,')' ",'i' ,i ','" .-" THE G(),s P.&L'M AGAZI,N,E. ' ," 5,! 1

. ,I, .~" ···-',f~,. "";'" "'" li • .'~; H ',' - .,. ,f ,"I'~"~'-, x'i. '" ,"t : /"

grrqatf the small ;-;-1U ;wh? .are, ~tri1n:g,e,I'.;; ;to 'fils'10v<i.~,';}yljO)ll!!th\ill~hear~~ no graci9us' oil ha,ve,:,e'ep 'l'ec.eiv'd ~ bnt,l.~t:ti'i!l-:N~tiJ:)."t)ls.

.,q~rk~·css,\ sti)l fl,ee/rq,ll.l ~irn,]~t0op"I:QP<e,l' ~o s~oc),Ii> £N3;~llil ;!50.91)~'~9'1-lto l:~cks, and ,h)l~s' tg: hick ~ll~tp fl'on:t,! hIS pres~qQr:/ ;t~~'l~.c,oJ)f~ss

, thw, g,~Jl~ !~w.1Hc,h,y.~~ t,I~~y/rn.~s\t, ,~~llepj)~C1, ,rt1,v~41~,;th~,:~ecr~t,s~9f,a,l! , hea,r~e;,"-'-·I7Idw" ,awful ,IS Irj1t>ir" sltuatH~~!-,.;M 1 ,59tllYJeGQjlst~1ithGughts'so sQJenm !-A!t th~s~ *~JIJ~e.fo(eyer,b~nisred,'Jlf0W',)li?grac'j.ou~'·preserice!':"::"'O<l).,! ' ~nia:d.ftl,l. ~llQ,hg:bt, ,forI 6ver"!hT1\ll'i:1Jfi~tilis ,dl?-Ab! ,no:-Yet this methinks,is (ar too much,t0'bea!r';~ , I

,ye,t.~'i·eater ptll:)!,llm~t' th~n,~,h'i$ they,;,y.ef ~vl!st.I;>,~~~ b-t9!':l v~pge~,.ance of oflt'l!1deCl ¥aJe~ty in !iquj.d,fir~ for ever !~~:h~'n"det 111e:#~k., "my .sq!J'I~1Canst thou to~ ever; bea~ t~~ .';engl\-m~~, o.(;aJio1x, G,q,d: ~n.e;vel:\istirtg ;burning !-t7pr,. Ras thy SaYI~0lH, fOl' thy.\"p~,ap~ ~·#\~tI~kp0Wfl' to tllee, thp.t. thou' art 'a bf,md by ,n)atcl)less. gnic,er,phH::k',a.(ro~ the; ~l.v;ning: ?'"'77~s Jr~i~" t~y;: h~Pp:i,l b,ase ~ ;t,tl'l~n: \e.Ql~y' ,,'I'I,cif ~It~ \~~ea,.te~t;.mpnl}rchs" b~t ~eJOlce)n t~l1S; t~at.~hell·a.lJ ~)~t~fe~~otrif~:rt~,t.aI11,~hQ~:h~s~. a ft.lend 10 h~;v:ep'{-;:;rat:ld th,?~gh '..tl~j, ~~ld:~'l.g\h;~;~.?,W~ ,:~"the,m'ol"Ulng hgh,t, >t,~e Resurrectlon rnom,lf,I~) sOQn"M{I,~l ~QJ"9~-:;:the .

,"pa,~,iiof,j9YS eternal-!...,."With h9pes o,f,tQis; ~e,t~;iillk~:' I''l7I'o~ O~I)

• ,~l~~pli,ri .pe~c;~{c9~:mjtting\':Jo\lhis, elite ,iny.;all, ';il;Qi~ffi~i;Jti~I'f:~j,~ ,Julpess,-t9 keep\it ,tq that D~f!. ,,' . ',' i" ' "1'- ,'I ~~ t', l' " ,ljJ~J,\~

I' n.... ' - , ' "I ,'1 ,[.," ,e." E 'I,"".,I', JX .,,\J'f.~ #:4 • ~ ~1 . "# 111.J' , l·~\l ,f. :!l:~ ~ ... ~ ~~~l'\(,i'

'11~h4. ': . \~C, , j>I'~IJjt'.{>t/'~f"1')·~t·~\~t("I~''i'/'' ~·.r' ") ,.h,' .d.;1~ •• ~,.':)I q.~ "'~It!

! • ,( • • ~ " • ~ j,..1 ,1. '. '/ I " ., U;..f'<~Ji f I'" "'~. ;'''''''' .... '. l'·'o')~<;"'SIN •. j "~'~ "''', ""I"fU;j \

1,;;/ ~I' " ~ '1 , r\~ ,'\'\ '" ,11 /' \l/ '> (I '; ~ l. f'" t-' ~I ·~·~u .. l t'~ •

" W~s,'thel{ that which is good, i,nude death unto m,e'l qofl.,f6rbi~. 'B~t siQ~tha~it, might ap~dr sin,' 'working de~th~in me,Dy';,'ha't whi'ch'is goo<\; bat $i[l ~..>1lne 1

• 'commandment'inight become' elk~edii1g slrtful......:-tRolT\.' vii, f:.h'· !/fJ'~;,q.(; , ~k. ~ :

'L OJ3~~~y,~'\h~'t'it is :'dnly(~;: :&e a~e,i~spireQ~ b)l,:111J,:floiy:8h)6st'"that :'wo"eali'l!llaefst~n(]', si{l':h, 'pass'a:~e's 7as',;the,~ b()\'eT\r'~nl 'Bl;rhlY")CQI~v~t~,~ect ,tl)'e:;apd~~le is:~p,1aking9f ,t~a~',~}1::t,l~~:~,i~,:t,11~,,:~'Qqscfefrce ,/

_winch IS acqQrlJ,pan/ed \'\'c'lth tQrktJQlV,le.llge of,s.alyatlolH<!,ny,the re,- " .~miss~&l; o:f bUT' sips ,i~l: t~'e ,ab~9;v,~ .~hapt.~\·;, 'th~. ,yh6):e be wl1i'ch'G6';f',teacheS hiS OW!l ele<;t,ph!lor,ell,lD lfl~ 91Y1l ((IUl; t'llll1',_ Tpe 1SCrIpt};ll;l~S '-,nf'orll1 us \thil(',:;t~lJ!in~11' are,llead in, trespasses, il-nd'sYlls'by IlatUre';tl~at)ppit'\.Lii.al!.Y'; ,but -.yheil ~~e .$piri't ~~fr~e~~ \~e wql ,co,~vi',n~e '~f'.~~ ~llY, of n~hte'0u~n~ss,\:~,nd ~f JL1dgl}~ent: "~nd, ,.thls w~ ~~~; t,o

, ,ut'1i:l,e~::\t~~~d;lS w,:ouM~ by tpe l,af .being,: apph,ed ~y ~be,~pll:lt to ,, the coilsqence: ~o; ~,~ IS the, Spmt that gmlth )Ifl't; ana I~,he Ifl-JV. bytb{~pjri~ t,hat,giveth 1{n'6\yle?g~ .~f ?ir},.'" ~Tl~is ..~nmded'wnmJi,S'tJt- "eneth"spll'ltually, w}kn the;Spmt I.~ g.lVen, ,from, the, Fp.thrr to'~hel;l-eaa:.sirlper:;"i~ gives feeling,lt~' the con~dj~llce: '(~'It is ftotthe'Spir'ie'

\that.giveth~k.no\vl~(t'ge '01' Si;n, b'\-\t tlle'law W11ic;b is'appli,eQ byd1,..e ,Spirit'p,rQ.Sr9d,il,lg;, (ro~l :~fJ~ '~'*9th\,a;li4 ,tq~' S?Il.:1.' Nq",:' th~' ,~())i-'Ilei~~c,e beilJg',.si~f!1.l" la.yeth,,_~old ',of, th~ law" bemg-, m,ade:s?~~.i~*

',,?f Sl~. ~8,\~he)a~:; S'?l\ th~r8~!1,e, 'la~r" bp~,g,~t~ ~!1'91, S,Ol~s~I,enp~w~~oJl:/dg.n;I~nt' for /the :~!ansgr~ss'Qn)qf t~y,law, ,lmbluec;! ~): th~ fjplfl~ Imt~ ,

Vor". VII.-No. %II.: .,' , 4 ,B,', \, . '<' ',:.~, \,~, ~',:', I' ,\,\' : ., I ;',' .'.;" f:" " "

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':$:i3~ '.: ".. ¥fi:it ClO$I'EL '].1:AsAziNr.:':

the tMt1scl~tice'~ a~l~;the tOll~~r~~q,: nf~\¥I~ejnlf '11;1fj~ t~n~'er of. ~\lf)','" ""e' I,. ". I~ .. ') '" i. ,,~ ( t' er \' ' f

,! i;ly,tIl~'~lf~~pJ~"t~l~,:~pjrit,PJld ~~e'rO\ver',of1tne la~\ TlIe'Si~)b th~\!OtlS'Cl'eI1(~e"eijeave~h( fast1'I~Qldl'bFtb~+rb.w· or' 'sptntuaHy t11e com·~i1'~rHf"'lollt:,~hl'chkiHs;, 'dr in ,the ipostlii; ""'9rds;'siays' :the lijnful~(i) ~'~€'j~H'\~~!)tfl'~~t, i,s'f,iyk,eh, tli~ ,~i)ll\?11indi~1~dtlt.arbl2?' Si'ij :eviv~? '/ryu,'l$dJ~dl;)'afndfthe Ia,w; or 1<5<5l'limandmedt, whkh was or,dallied ,to hfe,

", [1 tOll1fl,fJ!fa bi.1"ufl~td ,cl~a:eh);' ~foif~j~l tal~ihg' o~c.;a~b~/jjy,tl{e, c0It1n';'a',\'~I7'm,ehtfclecei"ed I1'lc\ an'd 'b:(I~ sleW \ne·.~"\Rbrh. 'vii. '9, ID', 11. " Now

"',. thi 'l~\~4b'e'iI'\~!sj)\l'-i(~a}ly re~~j~ed'+;~'td,rbf 'cor;'"eierr~€ " ft' shl":ws dlO; ,I'

edifsct'endHJ.1e'+iwiety''Qf,m1pjraJ 6hedierJce:'thei'@l:ll1to, ~s tO'save 'tilt';: ,.1 /"." '! "'lI 1 .. '1-."" " • , ,

~, ~bal~l\\li(:jI~i'\b<f,(l!SO tharf,it '~:l"ebelves'·us\' .asl\')('lfol'C','W{' t?hought t'o'at \~"e '\.~M~!(p, i>'J{),j1fs,f~fiecl',~b'y·'qti'td~dit:,rile. \uutd' 'the' ljw :~tlt,~h6w tl)(~

,~?~cttI'eI.'M~n.tf~s"C'~~ne::ht?~:~~i:~11'pq\tel~';we'··<l.r~de~'~i\:~~,hi::~alhi'e,;'. it,t(jf;lJiiii.T1d\f~,V\!.ha~;'na~m'e 111 us cann,Qt;glv~ ;''''fo1.·,by''th,eld<:~d,s\?,f

I~~.i, ,.. <ti,H~ :'lai~1. 'r\~~~fl~~M:1ivlflg¥i!;lnal~;Ii'Jje,'Jl1~t)fi,ecr,:"L,-thts' ;W'QU M:s''f~'c 'Cdll:"", .,. "", ,,~'!51~"~l:!h~n61ki'!W}t',;''J}~'IJ "fdcs-t!;tlYS iiJ1l·\its:,w'o·rk.~, sO:that'i-t ~aso',11~ .

~ .. ,';a~fif:'oll¥J~s:l~~tfJ l~!q~n~l.i:i3Qi},il' '{~I!T,v/a!Ulmy'lh6,~dsof:~alI,~atjo,r!f,~bY. that ' I:1fl.~rr}tWtWe tUiHe<t·",,".I' .'ba've'iio.'Mo'p·e\liill'J.'at.eve.r of be.i'H'o·(')·'l1s.t~fiet.i,lh. T

\. r''''''"' ~ .. I '.'.' - .",I:>, '" , J., "'- '1~

, O:W~lien~'rl0j"f,.M lilw1afiy It!Jh.'g;el':; ;'I"an1;;.nti,'iVi,.bec6:II)c naked"a:n'd, ", :kw b ;,;,,,, 0'· l· .., 'F I' ","!If l . 1.;' I Id I' . ';.J cl' "

'..,;,! ~tWP~ '~Atl€bti~G~~~e; !.6,1'.t l~t!''V!ir7'r;r, S,Oll~fl~\~~a .<, 7P~Ii't.I't! ",~,~" ' '. Jk,

, :l,~Jt~~'WW~d fl,nd ~)\ln~d'-)al11. q!:3GOIil?8,(lririlb;:,tP-Yi:P?uth 1~'~Op'J1feac ." .l)efdl'erG~(j-:-Qh! bow dark, ho\;Vbluld 'wad; hswwas'I,dehelved

i" . f#;tll~i~'bich. I'56 in ll~h 'em-bTap'cd"t yfit 'I was ~Q'm\>lch we.dddd ur;to, .'. it;: that I 1)~~S:,cu,t~d th~'h<?lj Ohp,chQf9hri~ illto~tr~l?g~ cities,?e" ~ - f

0,,~(\~~~WlfY'qeflart;d;}l11tf;l,;~~Pt¥. ~1,e);U~W11' ~ .~?, lllu.qh ,~a~J~~;r~J~5!-,lR: 'ttJJJ1IPJ,~~~~~l.d; f8~ .~!!j.~' ,~~~r\Pf. Jb~ ~~m~, ! ~~~ka.;m~J) ~n:(hwo,menIntf>pnson,;!.'Qtl~~' IiQ~Y tlf~s ~lJ;~I:>~nd '0f,mlP<:l(,1~ d~~d,,[~fl.l'11r9, 19~geresnoulled lU~iohun" ';' because'the commandment has kJlled'hlm..-'J.f·.'FI-H.. ''h'' ',".fW;} , \rf't .1".' ll.'h'.. · ,I'll[ ,)~,'" .·.'b' l:r;d'i.'·".'~I.·".d o' {"If"'.!"'l' "i·lI.5 1'lle w.04,uan' WI1lCU'. atj} an' hus ,an )'("IS' ~oun' Y' le' aW \. t:0 ,' ...

. li,1?f h,usuah,q SQ \Ibnll'*sll~ fi{eth; ;,hut'<jf't~e' husbalttf lbe d'ead:,: '.(',.~: ' 'ff~f',.L,!,'..1 l·t ' "!1~, '!(, ~',]' .,. (,', ,kJ~V ...... , I ~j ( "f'~ /'

, ":~le,:~!Jl~~~.e~;ff~~,m'1he,]~*,1of~~r hl!$?a:ni;( !,~~?ill; Yl,1·."~;',,0We,a1'~ ,ri"

,\~t;i~b?tl'l,t~t ~& tl!r J~}r,1 ~Q f\lJ,fiT;t~~ h~~,~ Evc}'.trpap .!~::'!t ~t~te. bf···tftil'e~dei'ae'v~JS ,~6t(iid',to ,lfLllnl, the who'le "law,: ,hUt: thls'fSnQt

v.b~sJBje"'td','do,:hec~ti~g'l)~' ls\hi"Sih;B~rI~\'hi :S{h;;~"jf& 'd1e i:ld,y, .'" ' ..,'Hillti' clptdlriiin)'civer .·a ":hiatl' '}}s:'lohg·~as':f1'~.lliveth":lU~ad~j' as:. ]o'ng' ",'., : ,Js 'he 1i~etli ! 'verse' h tluat"i~~'byJli'$ :w~rk;.i"lfbr the wo'rnan,sha'1teh"'1:" " ,,,I' "'I"'ri" '1' -""t·; 1 { ",,;,', ,,' ,,"'t.

,', ' "off'~~. tl1~ ,Chll~91~, ~11e.ls cO lpare< Il,h, t~·.ay.e.):as ,a ~OI:n,arr ;£I"t,r1\vatII.,,' The w5man 'W'hleh,. hat.h an husband', 'IS bGllllld:by the Jaw to !I,f5r

tt' I" ....) /OI'1't I( i",,,, .. ~, 1./ l' - hC"R~ '''1!i' "l'" \ ,i JrJ 'r' '-'h ,I (,";.jl....lI1 I,,11Hiu:a:nc ,'SO' ong as He' Iv,~t ;' oru. ;\Tll. 2, 1!Jllt jW\v t e Gommttl1u-, ;~ • t .t .'.' 'll)';I • \1'< l,. 1\. ~.~~" i I' ~ ." 11' o\tr..:"i' bd'

~lUellt 'IS' ct:me, ,Sllikl:~vl'ves, it:.ma~es,lts ~ppearance 'IO inY'uUB al'l , " c_

't(,' .,' IT",." r, "1 r , '} / b' 'd Y.J'· ., .' ,,,> ',1 '£ "1" I )r l' ,'.n:'y ~YQnS',; so qa.~, m~'"l~~ llolJ 'ule~ 'H1",my,eyes(aO'tli!e~ mgs. )~~'" :•now s,ee hl'iu' ~s 6Jthy ra'gs,; now she',' tne')w,o)rnan, ,the, chut'ch, that "

j "};r'tl\d el~~t';;v~ss~l,/i'~c(l~t'rom hel: ",;'ci~:~~',,§r>h~~~bit~(}~,\h~~~'pil"it I"

, ~~l~pt!l \j\!~er~st)11 tb~, '~OIpqh ~vlt~ >g,ro.trl,tl?'g~, 1~!lI,~h: l?1,~.lJ:9t ,lb,e ,,~t~etre~/tof tl:e .f~t!1~,t:,~n1 t'?el~9n.; ,~ht" S10t;!:.yI1",~~,S\~'Cl(,; ,~P?Jth~ Icn,~s \'1" ...of,. the wop.laql In travail,' calls Ili th'IS-l.~n~l1age, ", Cb~&,pl)to me,t • \ r {.~~~ ~\T' ~('~tj.11 '/ ... .,r t'~I; >;''?:t!', f~ ;I.' .'" 'I ,~""" f

~"l~:,Y?lt. tha't'~l'e w~~!,y 'al1~, h.e<lVY,hi~~t+;"a, ,q~} ,:\y~}l glY~, Yl;H~,,~~S~;;~ f_

Herem'we-see the womauls'at.fuU liberty to c@me,,<lil1d be maiTJed· ..., ,."::' ...,. i,'1 ;",' " J ",.,'< 't.>~:j"; ", _, .\',\ ...


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" T~riq'9~:PE1t <~'fA~A2;I~X~I; '"i I, ' S: III .I . f. ',~ ':;', I, (,' '~'" • 1-~ J / i. ",' 1/.. .\ ... 'i J ,'; ,.. '..- ,', ~!, :..1

tf) lm9tJill~t. m'ali; even th~ .~;;.n :Ch.I;is.tJ.e'Su~.. I,!Jlel!~;is 'fI~e~;;j;al~vat,jQ". '. 1,

Py ·0Ii~'J.it; /).lot·'Pf:;~b~~r'"h;dd~an~Y'?r: ~Ofl{~",le\a:~~ :a!!~:iti~111!~~of~fd. '~·b.Q~tit,; hot. we mustcot,ne"ln b;y thed<!l6l'.: ,~H· am.the,.9GPr:,~lth . i,.:.;1'f>,1ii:ist; wecO,medn "a't; the door weary. ·wjt,h,.ouri'~in /ftnd, with'thij' .J6ss 'of ourow.l1·.W....Ol.·.l.t.s; bu... t.. ,·if ~\r.l.l..ild he,'. 1.IU.' sb'and•.. '.'b.:e l~Vi~o:.,\.(~..~e'. ')l.ie. ,',,:,',• 1 .. .' . ,- I " ~.', "\' ',1t . 0' I ': ' •

,J1l:arried't,o andth;-.~ ma:1, s~e sha)l,Q.e \:a.l:~~~. an',a.d~,1t~~ss: :b,pfi. ,'h,ev,' ,: .hpsbal~d "be de'ao ;'sJ'l~ 'is fl\~e ftom.that law'that ls'ofwod{s }~so that:, I

f$~,e IS ·\~o ae! qf1re~~';tho~gh., sl~,e ~'e,~n(m:rt;~Joi~'Q?th,,:r.~l·l1oii~rl' -n~P}~;Q .VII. 3. Herem 1'9 the' d'estructlOll I'f ArmllllaTilsm';,'ttleY"prdfess,rd b~~;s11'~Iild, b~ Christ ~Jone,,;'b~t.!th>eYl>fiJ ,~lie,·actqf·I;)f;!!ib:ving.::~s .j~0:. thewiH:pf. inatl ;' thiit'lhe~ha'8 the,;6o.~p~1·offe·r~9Jo'llim;~ indeed;: '. .they ,t'ariit'i.s ·()fIej~.e~ to,at~\~enJ"arld that ~le ii1~Y:.19b\llJeif2f:te;'~fjl.;< ',~',

" '-bl~t , her~ w~ sce.pJallllYi' ,It IS offt:;r~q onl:Ys·~otHos.e .whose;'hush"'IjI(~.""'"\' is" de~'d : \',>4.0 'willis' preseut" wltfipi~., I(~a:itbthe {1postJe),boL1~6W:", '. "tio perfo~~m ;tJh~t; ~r.\;)~ch is)!oo.d ,'If):Qd flot :;"~~d th\~.,aftr~;,~I~~v:a.s\•

. ,brought i:ln(~ I~wrneu t9. Chr(st, ·.The Ammnan doCttJn~lSth~ ,.1. J .. , ',k" b"" . I ,. ," C \,l' "b '{'" cl '. C'h '- ,,'.

. ~""'U treSSt~vo~(,rn ;·ec9>liSeS,lc,prl'lfesses.,.to e 'marrl'ei.to,'. .rls~'~.b"Ci 'h" 1.> 'b' {'I h .' 'b'~' ~". r I • b b""cl'L" 7d\,~oreiJ~'er llUS ,!:I!,c, 't\I.a/t'lsJ . :efo\~e: I~~r10nn,er'. u's arlu'l-1e:A~~",;,P

: I.. th,is' i~ tht;.worn,lui'\vliii:¥ S!li~ist~~il'V;;'~ri adult~r~~s,wo~i1J ;~?r:t~~y:, I.

~;I ,cti\ne not 10 at th~ed?Qr,:,l5ut;c.J,lmpethOV~i'~?m~b'9~h~~''waX,,' ~blChare. ~hiev.(is and~·ob,6eis,. ;yh?iWiU :b(~j ~d·ged~t,th~'l,a$.t ~~¥::~fJ~~:!

"Jaw of,.,6,od. '.,;I~tit .Paul,came. ~tlltl {,~as .marn~d 'to!Qhrlst'wlth~'th~:~

loss o,f hishhspari'<;l; "yean~t p~rinted eye~y thjbg;;·bpf~fJo!i~~s~ .. ,'.;\that he :'hiightJ:Wl~i'OtlristJe'suscJur, 'Lor,d,:' .a,rj,il,,' that ~beeall'se,llgJ,' [found by; experiellRe his,husballd'bh~onI}' been a de'Celvd;:1:iil. bi~/wor'Ks,<atid"fhe "c6n)~,a~am~e~t ~mihifelit~dfbe:' s~'ifi'e !U[il~'1' li.il'n ~'f9,t, .'

,now tbe',lj:usban~.i~ ~folig~(to.~~fil,jh 'openc~urtf~r, itl ~oh~cie;fH~;~t"by the pure J~l~·qf God, a'Hd 'ls"prove~, atpu.,tor,and thelavy!pl'd';/ I1J'()lH,}c'es :the: ..sei~tenc~. of."d,eaUl';,upQn 'llim,::'~n~ he ji~ eX~~9tedf~;'ti~;"i

·~.~?V~ d~69ribe~ ;~;. stw J\'p;p'd <\~?a},,,s~1\ 'ra~,~, m~'~,ed :.w,i,tr- ~l,~:,;~j's,\;b~~,t '~" ;,:::jlWorks,':because he wanted 'to 'chatg,e 'God wlth",thcl Sll1Bi'ought' " 1"'-against h,ims~lf;(' >~~s;t,h~~':~JiiFh\il! ~oo~n!~1,~(~~.a.t~:~:~;~~"b)1j'~~:~";~~i~·God forbld 'I bijt'$in tfl<).~lttnJght,appeaf&l~.,~?rk:ng,deilith;m:me·,'. "

" l1y'th~t:.Wihi'~h .i~fgbbd";, t~il~.Sir:l.'~Y~Hl~CQ~.ma~d,meht JJ!ight.~ecG~~:e'. '.', ~~c~ed~n15'$l~fPlti~;?lll' .~:p. 13. ,,: .' .',, .,'. ) '-\' '",;;r:1J1G Sabull lJ1ust' b~ §'j.aill· 1" .

I' .. j ',' Befox;'e the spirituill f l1'a reigll'" ' 'I:' . .·,/.,,····;,,'.1 ,,',;\'. '1'r \- \'" ,'-.' ,~, .~' ,';' ' _/1,1 ,t" '.' I ,,' ,~,!1'" '.,1.. , .t<: '~,:;,: I rj ". A,· ~:'-'\"f},: ,"

. That;is,'dhr 'ca\"iHil.wotk·s \vhichtJ!le;'Rha:rJs~~~~all'good worKs;,...which is. dIE! hl1~~~l'ld,Jar:J:~:[iQW ,t~e l<i:.w~'?:$r¥~j~Ual~ Qri,t,f~il}lC~i"J.~al';'· 'sold under .Sin', 'ver~e(14.: ll'qw pan ,.acarnal man obey the!spir,llual .'.la~'Jof .,God?' :liis \V'or4s' ~.n·q· c,a.rnal"also';',~11f. illarli;dl€l W.oP:{~il' :th~t .womaoi:w"a~ .b~·llrid ·,by,'.tJhe'law·· to'ner 'h'upbiI'id iUS:: loaguliher .hus- i

·b~nd liyM ;" ana. '!iQ :th~~I~vorirJa~: cl idi'lohey':the' Hu~h~n9J:'a.iiti·,'w~(I' .ver.y ~ealQ:u~ .tr\~'f.lil'~S: hi rp:;a.~}o,:lf.s?ing:t~,e lww,~?fa.tQs·;~er ~1:9sb~ndi'; i; .she Was bJ'a,melesslp her !porah~y:'~~l1t by.tb~ deed.s'of th~ l{1W\sh~. . .could noth~ ·ji.1%it(fied~~tfore')I~ii p!itehts:;.,!~r~,iQI;l~I~e~~*~'thaf) "iqe childre~ 'co\114·,Fjp'ti~;~1)t ,t:p~'Ja;v:ohr~f~'~h~i~,: ~?\I:~rei't!1':be6ap~e .tilf this'" :.QUl' parents ·tl!ansgre'~slbn'f\' And""w.hen:~dl~. ,WOlllaIi '.was:·

1,'.>': \ .,',.:'" ..~',,",::.' ./.. ~: ," ,.I..' :'\ iIJ~~,/?':" ','

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, .,,'_ ". " ".~,' OJ(, ,,' ';,; 'i~ ',11 , !. r ;-~',. ,0 if' ~.,""'~' 11'"'

;, ~2Q: , f;;' i" I ''J1H~;CO~~E't;.:M:APl:\Z!NJ'i., ',"..', ;,'

"s~}~jt~alry\i1lr,0f\1~~~~,~(,tb~,,~:i:~;~'~~~~I~.fi~;~d-~\:~~o~~(ll,Sh,.~,~~~, ,ev-e,r.y:"tli~Jl'g?'he~JS0<'J~relg;\1 ,req~\red(,~ll.,lils 1,~\Y; shedl~d¥tiotl~IDg ~q el!t1l'ti", '~

" 6flthe',fa~0\1~sl'()fJ,JJe:r'~ov:er~lgn, ,because, her: p~r~h~s;l:md traos- .', g;\:~ssed tl1f~; r1g1~t\\va:y. ;',so'that' tlie \V611ta:o'/h?th?,6rJ'Iy' 'to" petitiOll'

),ti~~,;,~t>,v~:~i'g!J li9!~a~~, rnet~~:.sr,b~J: :M~~the ~'p:,ir~~:,~fP9,~~! ~a,ys ,,',~Beji~tes m·,hls:;?ffic~,· to'~li,~ouragjej tf,f~oa:lan ,~Vlt,11 a h,ttle,;IW.Pf I~t

",:,t!,l'Pe~',~to¥eep,1 t:~(~:" \rQWi111.1'r,9?}1~,tter,'~1~Rtl~·, ~~y,:~~;ch~he~ep~s ~!l,.. 'h~r, SOUk ~or"1Re;,parHon .of.,~el;"'~lll" an~l)tl]y the11<l;.rt~O,n :?r b~,r SVI'',~Il)sa~isJ:x~er s?~1:i }r~~ .l;).~. 1~ t,tle; lnstrl,~,rrlent ~l ve,n;tq,bn~~,;u,~'

to :Chnst' aud thls"wereecl'\''e' from,the Fatnel",-, '\~' For:' t'10'man e3:r1, '~ome'to·:be~Sol1,'e.j6.eept ,thl1'Ffthei,,:~hi:cIi 'senttheSon;' draw:11:iin,,""~

"}':he:,taw\vas' Olll; '~~Hool riiaster':to,b,'ing'(us, ta 'Q(11:is~,. so Jb'ilt<l1erdiH,, J, C. ' I' ' Jr ," 'f' I F' h ' , I hi, co • ,j' 1" I "", 'f'" l ",,~\e s~e~ 1,e~iJ.l,ce >0 ,'it,~~;' ,.;at, el}(fllll 1:, ;e,;,'~p,l ~,~~,~t I,ll;: llp~oeee(, ~~, 1; "~I '

'frqm the Father',al~(L the SO\) ,:and :'cad1'of, thqse tW0 ,a"le' ve,1\y.'6od;., ".",w;' \,,?~, t~at'\.Tf~rspp,;,: tl:~e.FatJ;~,I"i:~·G??i' !~e"R1)iqt'i~( G9d,.y~t(nbtit\~9~;," J" '".~bd:r, ·li)u,tor-le.ui':,G0d,; tHe SOI~, 'starrdetlr l~etw~en, (iJe,;;e1,tl'il():~as,

, ";<l,Vle~{iatoG;io-~'e~on,ejl~.ps;t€l,' tile, Fa.tl1cr,;.,as'G,od'jn h.'is perS.9Jr ;" and:,",~.Whe·n ,ve.)}-fa'Ved·(~itfi ,gi \~el:1 'ts! i'o','bclie-y:e th<t!: n.e~di~(f~j'Ol;()n,ri ~iiJs'~

, ,'rtw tci,king,:,that, sens,clov,'guilt'and cOr:Jdeemnatiop, out, of-rOUL- con~.," , , "'~cj~llpes; b'y,the;~.glcacY'qf, his bl&ocl)p~rhg 'aJ)pJied,lttttettd~4 'wit~l

trj,lU',lieCOllGIJei!;gdIYV.e,'of tbeEatlk'r~ sh~d abroaiLinour heuets,' We,\'f~~!,;'j6Yt,:a~d '})1a~~\:h{-ol1ir,:'eon~cierlces}~ver~ISin;'al~t(mi;'3c'('Y 'jlj:i1.",?J,b~ht;l1,e'reI.gne'~I~\, "HI,stead, ,,' oLtthu;"/t,the:, <ton~cH:mee has llb\Zrty, aud:;13~h~e; ',vl~ilstat tIle;sfllue tim;~ \-Ye t66k'llll'Jr{tiirn \v~'bav,e'pi,c~dd~\\, ,~,

":(,1Xi,t,,l,l, op~ Sins; '" ~J;;f~itb 'wpich ~}Jsbn~~~();ul~' w:ith:,a h9)y;;rnQ~,'~n,;"ti:mg-,:overv ~'l~lI,Mhom'i,we lovc','i we, seectba,t \ve,', IJav:e~'WOl1I,Hled,;hlOY~ ," ,we'be11o}-d,!h,1J:1'\ ~g,o~izin,gfllj)OIlr:the;jGross, ,fqi;,:, ris ~lL.hope Is 111 '• ,i)e~Viel) at the,'i'ight haild,of his Fa'JJier'!!'1;terceedjBlfO~us,:?"",,gl;;at ':}'

i~Nl, dr.</--\v,a j;eflr'6f'~0,:,e fI'OlT\: 04r ,eves:nk,e 'tl~is;: this,illde~q Breaks .•" ,'V:-d;6i:l sohh)s o\lr; fro~ElIl h~arts,;a,se'rlseof"h'i?dy'ing love 'f'Clt.,in~the h,'~\'

, .,,{~o}l:l:;r,,:th'~~1fi,I!s .~~,e,s~ulwith a ~lJ,se~f' i~~lIys~:r9'f, .t'<?r,.~i;l H,whil;<;t ,',t'.' "',w~iabhor\ourselves'in)Just' and'asht')s'~' wEj knmv<hacl' he t,JOtbeyr~ 'Ill "1;

, t1lat l;vth'Y"~persoll a ,Gou, "his ,:sacriii.dJ, would have been'no nlore :~i',t~&t) .tl'le'bloo'd.8r a~'hlilr:1)}lthE<':w~~~~~;~y 'G'~A~rji~if~~ted'ili'the't:J~~',,flt')s~, who ~1«:d'Jal)d"suJfered;.~n the-Cross fqi~ Ins oWl}eleGt';'h~reinl;I~;i' ,

, .':~~; s;~e' tpehhtber"s$?~i:ilg ~i~ '~Biri'fi'r;:to 'Oli'j':iSO~lS't'o fail';' us f:O,£\l "fItt,~J~tate:of ,peat!:), SpIrItual <;leatJi, \YhICollild h~,po~ tb,~ H,~!y ~Plpt, '

',""'1' l!." ,',1. " ""G' d 1),'/"" I'd """'j "d ,,' I" h" Ai:,11ot 'uayey'""eell' ve!;,}t, ,0 ,', le' 'C~>U' I;lOt' 1-ave ,-(me' U,- Jut IS "'1--';::i;'l,ljght~i;ltt:?~~r ,j~<lr9if.e7,te1' I-)'~21 t,o.,be :J'1t'y,"fl-ng,;~y,~~'p~L: q'?d),~nd,,', h€r~ '\ve ,s,ee'lh'e",n,hl'ty oLthe,Vatllel',"$Oll, ar,ld;' tne\Spir'i,t, -tnree

", " lidistincfpe'rsoiis; a!1Clvery Gpd,iiJ,that: pei:son,Vf:l~~ll?t rhr.ee God's,, {'but orl~:AWr;igntYI'God' mUB1,fesied 't6, Lis"in :ih,~ee, r~i~solls,;i n' their ,.<1' ~everal ,?ffioes :;': ,,' :'opLy ~n this :>irnple,l'I,a.v, ,~an ')v)J' un~erstal}d, the', , ,1\"

i,';niysbh'y;qf" tHe!uni,t!~,?f'..t?e~:,Tri8ity ;;4et~,~e~ ~'a}·,:wh,~t Iit~e1 \viJ.!1 "J;,ancd/wnte, ot! tplslvls,lon,of f!llth;'.rf:th~y/g·qan,y ~thJhg be)'~lId thlSl;they, ~n(r:;daJken, t~e'hi;UC!~!1J~lst~r:v;}~,b'in'th~jrils,e'!ves'.~i):d otber~, 1

,;a,~9~ n~, ,t,be,m'0t~!,~ ;'1~,,~,~rHI y. ;?~lr,~,:;warr~~,9,I' ~~, ,q?rl~Ii,:,;p;IJ3,~ ~,l the(.,:(;."Il,aw, Isn'ot destroyed frorn"uiJ, J:hit th'atp0o/er Jtil~acllU'our consclenoe*'\

... -;;;.~./,. ,,,", :,~. '" ':t ,I \ h' .;~ '~, ,.' '),<f, r ~.~ I , .."I.... .' ,",!" t ~-.,;. ,,:.~_. ",\~' t''-', ')

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;.;' t- _ ~i" , ". 'i'," r >' 'f: 1"'."~ '; ,,'l];~m}0bsPf!I1'J.!A:'dAZ"I;ihi ' "il,' , " 52f

'I I' I'; . ·,I.J ., ",'.':"'.4';"., :,;':~I\ ~,~r,~, ·'t::'1 _ "'l " ", /~':/'.:". "~_,'

",t~Ct'~'sl,t'and "':c'ond,em,n the 'so,a1, "h~r~~frer ,,'f(')r' ;Ghrist ,came 'not to,;, ', de,~9'0jt,he, l~,w but td';~~tabmh"W,'~hH-l,"tb:;'f~llfil i~,;" tbaV1tl1~\.rigb,te,.~ '

, j.> 'f' 'f"' 'J' . "1 "\'" f 1'1111'1,1 • ",I 'n " ,"', ''''H'' 'cdX, q"\1,n,~9,S 9\ue (t~V:fm!g It?~U.l\ eu ,yIl:J'$ ,;,.~,\'dm,;';I;IH:4, ',i 'e'lnill;ll",fi.'J'I,fep'd of ~he" la~"for,jl&hteQ'4stles~~t<'>,' ~y~ry' ~ 0F1~,Ii~~t:beli~:Yet!i,'~,",t~at' ls,be.11a~ptlt a\'{cty SjD,fDrtti~t'tllI'se'",yhichfhe la\i(rpror'ibund'e4~,";ag:ail:lsU:Sin o',the Icbd\,cien2e'; blit l he,l,di:d ,not ,d'estt;6)'"itl1e,m6~io'IlS:of qjll~ i.n::,~U.l';Jfi,gsb; 'Ol'i('~JI,? Jla\~,"w? h~v~"lcft,,,~':'t\~ti:liil.;~'Rb~)'~OVi',' ,

, hear>s;Jto" cliastl~~, the ill qt,1O DS of' SJli, l:rl~ldjr\~'~U ~tIlI;~:n/'liplte pJ: , J

/u~;'Tes.js~r,ag~inl;~) tl,1e :$r.ir!t\;'f~rw~,e~[i ,.Sinr;ise ~il'9ur;lpb~t~1 ~(" J?ayts~J the law, gyvcs u,s tmtell!t;ence' o~, 'the' samy, tor' by1the law

,1~ the ,.kno~Ic;dl.te',of Sill'; an;aJif'}'"",e dW)lOt sii!) ""N,c;ih the lalf, it- '

~would not ,be ,possible we could' kp'ow that we', vet ,;[)ossessecl Sin.,' ,

~ f .' '1 f' ~ ~ ~ '+ j i ) I ./

1; I- )1.:\' ~ ' 'It. I

J(', ',~,U~! tho~lghr~ye,s(~o, ~j'n~ :y~~" I? ~l:ie Ji'g,ht, of, ~O( ~e, sip na,t <~~,,~<?~.c' Be that IS born 'of 'God Isml:1~th not j" because the 'stll1,g or,death IS

~aken,a'way' l:ly' the sab-ifi~e~q'f"die''bc)'4'.Y''of'bhri;tl;,but'lf bur fl~sh, s;n'neth' after"the sti;lg ~~,( (I~ath' i,s tak~n litvay ifrom the cOI~sci~n'cf~

it ~s· the ":I~(v)Jhat inf'orms H's of'k;' and fr~om al.'qen'se' Qf;-~v!}ic~;) J.e,ory '~frriesf1;y, t'o/'God", ~f~?~l, Wt~' f~~t aDd~J?x,e, !,~at.rye;l~iq sp.h?,ue,

,'the ,corruptIOns <of our ~U1tul hearts, ana, Ke'ep us frdm t§elllg tempt­(E;d'of Satan ~iboye ~h~t 'Ye can b~~r ; fOl;'h,e j~'fi'r~t at ~te~.pt'~I~g,'~~'li'

"",then 'to ace,use us ,of t11e san,lc; he,m"d<'fsius'c,oftne: laW,of.G,,p,d,to,,",'~ccu~~'~'s 'with:; 'I~.i$ tJle','t~oug~ts of .i,' christia'il man\; b~~rt ,which"

, per,pl~;X~~ l?l~ sOiil';jl~,o't ,S09:1U'C~ :~i5) ;6~~,w~r.d<adio~s;'i: f?r!t,be~,;;f~~~""/,',,of ~h~ L()pl 1,~eps)11\t1 fr~rI,l rUnn,l?g, "Y'l,t:h, tl}e, ~~fld ;,tl~~ ~,~Pl1g,Q~s:ll', of hIS heart. coIltuluaily,prompts,!'lwIll,:to, '\elnl.s1o:sof;,tbe'g,~~at~st ' '

_ dye;: Qh t saith ,he, ",~ureJy 'if '~~ was 'a ohri'st~an,' I sho,u:ld'",noliin'l.\'e


l,""\';'n,," IV' s,llch <bhisp~'hernou~ ,irnaginationsL tl'ljk'i5 Sa,,-ianl, S'teVnptatiODS.L;r~· is"')j,~ LJi,-!,j~ v- '. -, ' ..... ~~':;"'I'" ,) ,A,'., ',,'_.1'1'}~\ ,;, ~~'ue the'law"i~ a ,V.'i6ke.~' rnap',S"Ji,'ute pf life, ~':'h~re,b:~,.be,w,)WI be,Ig~;' .' " ':J,li~~eg', ~~d, :Sam~e,d.; ?Uf th,e :rlghte,o?g.>]o~~e tl1e law,'~f ,?()d.aft~rII~}S,;.' . t~.e lnwal:d m~l~: ~rn'&: lDa,v~ej:, couI'~I' "affinn., t~H(t;,,'~ll t'!l~:cda~p~ng

:: hIS study wa,s rn' God'sJaw; and sbT'a~l ~4r.e l,~ a shn$tl,~n:,ls;:?ndJeelS his soul, alive't9',God,/th'e a.e,slre of hi[?'soti:l ,is"tq ,)i,~e;,t,o,the '

\ ,:glory of ,God; and'the lawof,Gbd'ii> th'e,g,19'ryof G0(j 'in,hi~, 0\Vn" ,860," ''., Fr~m t~e'la IV 'of.th~: spirit 'of 'Jifc in9hrist;h!i:\li'na(de;'l'p~"~, ,,' ;, free frain, ire l,alv,,, of ,si'il, a rli:Ccl,t3<I:t!1." ,n.~rn:. vjii:'~11,fJ'he'Ja~,v' jil'

"t~e ve"IiY" na~l~ tc', of, G~d-, ipqre, ,1,lqly ~'~j U&~;' ,an~ ,gO()(~ ,;::Qll~ fi v~,sl,~re'hId WIth Chnst\lfi God; aT\d~w,hen '1I1;C 'lose: ,a, sense,'of ourtll\~es,beIng,

r hid :Wi,th ,Chri:;tln God,' it is ,frith f~dril; otli\views; 'and'o'IH';s~tils at(; .": " ,:' il~ da!l~ness;, <}od" our'~1es.ll,:i$ ,~.ali ve, l!nto ,~h;' ;,theIf,tt1e;J.a,w :inf<:>nrls I,

(/:~""usfof it, wh}ch is., writtln':~ Ron our hb1-{ts,;,('butth~>Sr)ir{r'of,G()d"",\,Ij\~ilJ'cv~'r''~'sethatP?\ver to' keep'the'l:;tw"fFom' dominNH;ihg;'in"ou,1: '''.

:'cQ)lsoi~ncG? f6r iI>rt' \vhs tb'.getithere'wi'th that ip0wer,as ',it had1ollce',,6ar;d~itll 'would, b'e, de~ii~oye~: '~lit tHat is'*9~~{p63sjble :;.;thpi.'lgh ,

" Sllit~ri\will)1'al'r~~50ur)::0:n,s?iil~ces', YQ~ ,;lle, oanhot, de~trc;iy, QUI' fa,tth, ;:,el~tlr~ly,. but ,\ybat.;there ,W1W~be ~ crYll1g'Hl ',th~ ~O\ll {and~houg~,i

, the so~!:Cfi'p~3~,?elieye,h.~'ha'tLl fa~,th?,y~t"~e ~i~th':~~i!h'~bi~l,l~atall\ "c~nnot, ~I,~str:~y; Jje~.a~lse:.,he' ~arl'I,l?,t, brlFlg :*~t~ngmal!, gpJltu,~on '11ls COI1SClCnce"as 'be\:onc~ hao.; fOl;7that IS toreven destNy,el!,*$O .

, '. ", ","::/,i:'./!',.,:~~. ~\!J' /:" ',;" i'.):,' y

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, 5Z~ : ': \ " .,,;Tff.:E ,GOS~J,;:L(M'AG~zn.;i£,. "I ,",1' '~,' ,,'." > ( ':' ,r, ", \ )'. I ',;

t~the CaiHlOt ;<;~W~·.j\1t~·5!<;>ndji}.m~~5\i~t),,')I?ec,auseCl}rl$~was ',~ade ,~~'," ~lR,,for)us,'wl;J.o,,:l<!ne\¥\ no\&~,t), and JOII Sill clJnd'emned~ that:he n\lgltt .""'~d~~, .U8&qit}~SfltanJs 't)l\~Y:; rE?\it:;~NIl'> Ed\tq'l', J~shiill, 'litin t.Qq:<

long:.,a liQe~fdJ,')ibU:1=' Mag,af.in~~:,.t~i~, tn.r.ead is:!lpli.n o;u,t :,b[t,he, txe~slJp~~r;'wb~Hs ~j\7eri ,1\0 '~ne.; iFyou ~ho'1iI1d ,S('(efh fo look it over~, ~tis,.~~,v,~.r}~ hQ~)ldJy~.6n~, hadl,S1 putt'o~ei~er ;'l1~t) h'ol~~.,t}i~' :spJiitga!~~'deF,,\v.'\H,'}e,a.r' '~ltir ,l~}Y IWj'l~~ne~3<.yQur.'s, 9L<l""!'Jrj , /', ,',',\,i'A,Vo,v.,.'·!;§', l~,t[.'~':1 '''~' ,,', ."r" "!" ·""r,· .'IA );:;JT,rLE.,lQNE.

<,~:i ,~,.·,.:t~"~'· ':'4;;,;'; ,. " ,)~," ';,:'i', t'l,j,~':: (':;:. ,,> ,;.;'i,., ~''\:",,-' ,:'.; j ··:I'~~. ,

,;~ ":: ':. ,~To tl:e EditqllJofi the(99SPr:l/M,{/gaz~'ne;; I '

l.. !,,)~r" 1l,t·~\:.)j$tR;-';, \,··:::\'~~ ... i"'''<':' r.":,,' '~":. ,::<',l<';;\l/~'~ l" ~~",: >;;' +, ~·',:~'.~~.}~·~l

" '1"~eq~fesk. tJ~e:/a,\r?Jlr o(}h~,}nsen~R~l::,.qf ~he:JqHbwi'~g l(e,tt~:~,~$. :~' i'I " );h}l1k ,~, .sg~1t<.tln.5 J1,!1, .oP'e..~', ~,:\')\~~~,l.o}t~~ljt,h:;,~g,alt),~r.,tbt;)preachtn,g 5'Q,' '

l,' i ;m,i~$~~~rn,I~~q",',ln tI1J.~;,di.~.Y, ?f,,g,rea,~" .J!,ro,~~s~, 'l,?,~,:\ ",~t,i'\\'~~\b"V a" fq~~lf,l,, ,'::ot;Il)lne•. \o~ll:r; }~l:' .9t,;~aFP'i Qe~~sl.~pe-r~Lby ~.Te.rll1?l),He pr:~acb~?, i-~ltISt.Jves, H'JfllS,.P~t. §,1!);1)2, j\'ofll,J9hri, Jl;YIl. 1.O.P.A}l mm~ are

, ' ~l' ,:,~tl;'iP.r"~hd ~I~\~pl)ari min¥;,.~i~dI, +1'1' g:!O-t'i~Bdti.~'th~§l.'l ~', i"'; ;;;'" '(;z..'at.t,e,1'tS'j.Oct. ~l, 18££"':',, ' Y.9lp;'stT~l¥, ·'!,W. C; Jtll{:

"'.:, ~;;"t'Hi"2~ 'f:,"'l,">-;;i';;" ',: {,., I, .\: .,}>' ,. , ,:,:., "" ~ :i (~.~",~Dt*RIIStR,·. 11 ..:', ,i: .', ',,' , '. ,. '\." .!. ':.' '",,, '

). '~,,' 3':claltti- ,Y~OU~~l par~bTl ,fQ..r:"t~:Clihe}'tt(1 tak-e;~j;n,' addt~s.illg; ,th~s~ !

~': ":f~W' \ine;; ,to, y@t! ~ as"j t. i:, for tbem'u t,11's'sat{~j\i:nd ,fo-r' ~be hOl)bm' .~f" ,\;':.,. ;tb~,l,(!,~,oQ,tru:t'h.;,B~irg j~f9r,W9d;bY;Qllf ,,,,1\10 I(,t~u~t ~'r\b.~s. ~·l\l~.f· .',~\./]~~S tHe! truth, thp.t Mr1.·.J'ay, .prea<;bed th,e .G,qspel of, ·d:I;;Cr:ll1~1 nflt~ .

ing: grape, yvJlell lle\was~ ta~f. (If! St ," Ives,; :I Wf\~,' i{i~!uGeJ't9 att~.nd

~hj~,?'-pOr!lill~""np~ ~sla}cai>.ti~u~,bf!,'l-r~t; but:,;)Wi~h,~l desire~o.h~ar. I"th?~,'1Imfl~litqbZe covwar~t ~ov,e.~f .tih~ .tn,un~Jebov?!.~,>the,"ato.n}ng·~1,<iaqsio.g:bJo.od; pf ,Christ" anrj,r .th,e I'highty· 6p~i}l.ti6:n<9.f; tl:le. .Holy'''

"~l)'~l'itopen~d SJ<f).d_vinclic;at~d~~corqii1g:,..to ~the d.Q(:tri~~l.' ch;.}D}ll':lsi , ..,'il", ~n;;\illi~Il.'.tjl;,vt'"I.@v~ flo~vs, qQ'wn j.r)to~ i:h~ ,hli''ll'ts,d it's'own ,objeets~',hy,.,the power of:i:he SpiJit'in ·thwlilinisb,~ti91'l'oftb~GOSjle1:": {file;"\t~l{t,;, ~it:~·\.iJ()!)I)'~vii.i'l 0;) sweetly. PI"<?tla'in1s Jh~'19\i(~' of ~,~.el~cting '.': ,: j,}

"'«>;Od."la,n(~" tlie 'I\ori~erz~}m;t" g\6i-y' ~bilt re.beupds Jj~9k .tp the.great r, ho.<~~·' .@f(lOve fr.om~'l, ;P~oplflulO pect,i,!;\ary fo.rn'led' ;~o sbe\\\'t?~'tr hi~

t!raj::re{, ~But; how;w:as, l?slH'prise'd 'ar\(1;·grjeved' ..to·bpd, y~q'quif~, '",',. Qrliit,t.lJ~.tI):l~rt 9fYf>UJ'.. iei;t rw':~'i~b GP.fifa-itis,spa~ a pre<tt.ou~ ([l,eCJ~t~·.> ',.tipn of .~t.l\ldamentH). ttuth: surelY, ~l'e.aJ;;.$iX,. the f:!(}Jy Spirit, \'V~d:I"

, ~. i!ls·pi1·ed~it.. m'\1·st l)'~ gricivedat stlch ':a 'sJi-tj-hli c-ast''tipo'riitbis' part 9f' . 'Ill

, ;Y(~n(sll~h:!:!t/~.whi.(:h .fi?' .b~~>lt:~fd},t:y 'ri~a-~f<S, k)1ot\vn:~J\}a~·~cred:,r.~~a-'~l'\,J 't,lO~l-"W~rotl,theGod ,of s~ve~elgFl:,love.hfl.s'{or~edfoe~w'eell\Ihlmself/· f

, im~~~ peb'r11e :Of.:l,li,~ ,el?oite.·' y O? .~v,i'&~l ~fr,; tp ellf,orpel.practio~\: •,x,eVg,loQ.,i}lnd, I "htra.ttl!y 'appro,ye~oh,lt.:,Oowev€r, -I~.Q,a'fl;not but'"re:---"',~

,m~r:l\>~'l;' tb~tJ, ,&pirijt~~l"~b~d ifnce jI.~~h;··IiJo1?e·:he:,'.f~p:q~ted,.!frB~i).~~;<:>pll'ltual pepplq~ ",~n~11~gC'Put pf;.t:li,tHji~t~mt·ptmqple; g.ljVen;Lll;,cpn;' \\.~eq\:lenoe .of,,!f1l '}l nll1i~n t. j,i}t(.}re$f1n. j;~itt' sp.irlt l:iaJ. 'head' of tbcj'church',.... \be.pl;ecepts liVf ',2';; GB'S. iKilJg' al;es,liI(rel5"'ir?t~eao:h~d 'nlost:,9l:'a;erly-;i~9410 :(~e, higjle1tt!a~lv!aI?a~l~~ :wNJ: '·:9~fol\c~d':QI.~ :d{e,:Scri,prufe' ,»:

" ,,{ t' I', '\' .J" • -.',.\7 ' • ~l' . '¥ 1.", i',:

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I ', ,'~' ",f," 1/"'· .,f>:; ~\~' •. ' l.· t" :. l' 1

, tlFlrt" G~~'ftitJJ.,.MAO:A:d,NE., , ' ·52Q /r"'\.rl\'_t~.' ",~,'I_"'l ,_'~I"t",_! ---, i'

g;rOllD,d \:~«6v~~.,an~<lo.\~ej .~l}e~;",r~p~~?:pt'i~l'-,···::I~~'d ·snnCt~r§ii'lg':operq.i:· >'ftlOtl~p,aH br: wr)lth,.mh&t:hJet~\;satHy, 'Pr€c~de .all)sp~pitu~hin!ov'e;'.. ~ ,r' ,

filen't: ):,;'~j-'·r '~~'1 tl~.tH~iJ'l) h;:, 'I Yfr;;.'.~,I ..~"; ~t~;;."+,;r :,~' _~;,: ..",~'L ,.".~, 1I ~~

. 'ThIS;;' I ,~~eli,~ye'; ~~,o.t1>-are l~\Va~~ of;, and'..nlet'~t()re riho~~~htyo~,wOtJld.end~av~ql1r to Hlstruct your "hearers ,1o{,Olthe founqahop,b-:£:all , .sl)'iritu~l ~iertiOr,isJ9 gJ9~if:y ,Go,d. ,~•.~J.l~ A'postl~}~e~et'tlrgesG.od·s •elect,. ,whom"~le addrcsseClM,l l~ls !"P1st1e, fa glonfy God.;. "and;,()h !wb<),t;a sweet argl1;i1~\lt does ..he ,b.tiJ.llg to e'llforc.e sudi oocdienc,e.;.",Fd[ y,e ~r~ n~t' ~Cd~fm~?r. ~'itQ f~1'1:".!~tjN~H~'iI!I1p~}. such;.as,:si.~,:,er

nd gold, q,Ot WIth the preelOus. \.jlpocl! of Chl'lst, as of <£ ·Iarnb WIth.'out Glernisn and \vith~ht ~PQt;', '1 ~n) persuaded ~)lat you are ac""', .,:quainted with the'nahit~ofth'e,~o.u\d~t iit,rn;:tha:t\·I:i!f"c.an'dnl-v be,'moved by in,dncertients p're~i'1nted'\-"il'rl'(!"'as"'t ,is 3;·rrtan s"state, eitherspiritual or nat'~..rra"', i-su'o~'iVil;l-1\;J(l:hi~1nd'lI!bem~nts"t\1~actj'HillV:orderlY'is theM'ork of ;6'e>d\:<!Jri~,t)1~1squ,l ~l'h~:tif.~t·gi,v)es;~ti'irituar>jif~,.~and then; cans .f(~i" l,act.i\ijty,aecljlrdJogl¥;"';'{f: man; ·clQ~'P<1.t.exppct ~o.~ '"gathe~ grapes off'thoa~','!J:am'.s;qr,o,Goq ~~\ftif\'l6t'i But; p.~rh.~ps,Sir; ..you'took,it for gfantetl, 'that· ydl1ll ,c,0ngr<4tat~on; \~ere (inforrin:~d;as ~6.t 'the :tl'llth$ of tM'.!Qd,spe'bn.sU'p,poge;trbey.'!V\~J::e4·WQtddil;,l\lilk,pavebee.n

,rigl1t to hare fol!I(;);w.edl;~~e;~,t~'l?\;~,nf tltli .ArpsbJ~S.ci,S,.td;~loctrire, ~swyll~s,pr~c·ept,?I,3i11d.to:ha'Vel:~1)(m:etl(Qp{theRmmdsl by way of rc-'"I'pembrance, .p-ar.ti-cul~m.yla-sI'YQ;ut)te~ll·soilr{llned'i:a,t·Qr~:: declul'cS the·h$>l)' l:elatibn (~ignac~ I~fil.li tkno{vi tihe:-dbetl·j,lile~ ofrgrace '\lere,irn!iJ!ietl,ig,many things y,ouad1?al1ce~OI?LY,~t!'I!·fir1.'the;a.thB·u~\<\this sufficierit? "Do.es:not a C.d1ntrrissiQ~ to prea:ch,the Gp.sI~el, .~.all for ainope'n,~nd:''­decisive vinc\icatibn oLits/ma;tohlessl ,~rtlihS~j'lHla'stablefouild'a:tibn,'o~ "which to .el1force ,tits", t'l1~ost:,{jOl~. pl'enepts ;;. an(;\, ;,tihrvugh a:tl!int),ent interest in "e.tld:llil$.5:' jh{vd.H:h~e ~nO,vHi, in,m,y, h'e<l:rt, ,by, th~

'H,Q'ly,:Sp,irlt ~ ,'lrlb~v&"'beeqJed;~o I'c',teem,my Ltlnt~··pr'ecepts,cOtl::':f'ce'rnihg all thi/lgb to bi$l!ight~:p.£~itli~'j'cdeemed by 'bjs"mq)~t precious'­bJood with t:e,~el'enC'<l'l:lIilii j:tl)'pJi,bJ0:w,tq,hiS' k,.itlglyA~lth:p\"ity: when' ,~x;hortjnQ' to 'Ch~stiall;du~ies~th~smo.\:ning;\,'v.·,hat·a'/l'l}e t!pporturiit'¥y,ouJmcj.10' set .'foi:th the~'necessity'bf 'the,~ac~'ed:Qffibe an,d"i'od ";eli~.\rg" 'of the Ho}?!:Spirit ,qf':"bhd~q.n;~li€~ h7eart, if~. 'pr;d~r to ,the-}i,gllt"pe'I'fbrlI'~nCe",'qf tlH:ltn.;Q'su0h: .$fnptl,n:ah.pl·eachmg. ",,~u1d, tend to; .,cut do\<tflj)rid~, 'A.ll,d .eru:olu·ag-e t~le)lea,rt~,,~f;',G9fs ,~e~;r)e:wg(},'i'

"i.~p,ew thE;lr',o\f;n ~hillt:lles~oeBs,. 'atld: 4~pend ,alone 'lo~:'h;;rn wJ~o.:'.. 'Yorketh in t;he~AO ~ill'lalld clo•. of·h~s'€lIVO ,gopd' 'plcas~lfE~;.J am .rp'ers!l~ded t?a'tl;Y~ll beltteve..(~:6d' ;!)a:s~)\ea:Hy" ,c~osen' <1" peppleh.d'o\'e':', .

,i the found~tlqn. otthe ",odd'lll;, \Vhomhe,\v~JI be,\f;ore~qr.'glonfied,:;that Chris~'s.~1f)9d .was \s~e.d,,:t?,:redeem'!ihe, C~l~I~C,~n?ossitrvely,

. 'and her albne.;· 3:11(}' that ,trre,Splbtaoco'fchng1y lH~d.ue 'ttn)e wdi'ks'fflec,t!u<t lly ,on .'th~se beio'£ed :~·re(!eemecl. ~~~le;; ~nd:~on~ielse~ , Old·"

!\Slr"if YOl~:ltnew:things,happy ~re.. you,if yq~ p'reac~ ~hem ; "truth:;<need, ~10 veil," ~~ ..j~e,:e.r' !9ve1y ani:!: .n;t,ay wit? sii,fetYlib.eif>,re<!-cpe4; ~tt,

al1 .. -tlme<l, anCld/.l,)lll places.; 1.~h~re>Js\ a'§,weet, yarl.ety ')n> tlJuth-;toFJhder~Jt,~\~r:):le<!,r; J.pray:G-od,.{l£ it:he.(hm:wiJJ,) that ,ypur.,g~veq "

.' ,a~iliH€!> may be denlted. to his honour ~y:.the. mirtistratipn qf.'..tru~b\l' 'l~,. J . ;.: "' ;.'. i. ~. \"'\.., ,,' _. ::"",. I .\':;l· J




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