?S2 THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE, - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qw132/data/2659.pdf ·...

rsra "jzz'uuw! aujrsjgrr epjgEga'ustfTtgycM'Tit'irr.ssMKr. wjz LJVIIiKJ.MVWlVWl'WU THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE, No. 707. THURSDAY, April 10, t8oo. Vol. XIII. LEXINGTON: Printed bt JOHN BRADFORD, (On Main Street) Tw0 Collars per Afaretf, paid Advance. A LIST OF LETTERS "TN the pod-offic- e Lexington,,, which is JL not tat en out within three months, will be returned to tile general poft-oflic- e, as dead letters. Etnathan Andrews; Eliflia Allin, 2; Harmonious Alkier, case of Mr. Ingles ; Wm. Atkins, Garrard' county ; Jacob A-- ftatris. Tohn Bobbs ; Cuthbert Banks TohnM f Boyd Baird & Owens; Wm. Bishop, 2 am ."sc, ... Med". Green & Burges ; John Byrus, care ol ol Mr. Wilkinson, white-smit- h ; Robt. hai Ballintines care of Richd. Biddle j Wm. to Brown ; David Barclay, Care of Mr. now jNi'Nair ; Washington Boid ; John Bat-tufha- ll; form Bea'h; John Borger; Tho-n.'- s C. BrVgs ; Thomas Baker, care of Vir. Parlci ; Hichefon Bell ; George Biltzel,Winchefter; John Bell ; Walter Beall, Bourbon Ftirnace, 3. John Caldwell ; John Clark ; Revd. Valentine Codk, Jeffamine county 5 Tho- mas Carneal ; Sally Cleveland, Clarke county ; John Calhoon ; James M. Camp- bell ; Peter Crumbaugh ; Samuel Creigh ; JohnColther; John Ctirtney; Capt. John Cord Green Clay ; John Hsnry Chrif-tia-n ; Jacob Coons, Montgomen countv; James Crawford, Clarke county : Dennis of Caffet; Robert Caldwell, 2; George Clark, 11. Jean Jacques Bufour ; John Dougher- ty ; Thos. Dozer, Madison county ; Ro- bert Deening ; Revd. Ambrose Dudley ; Robert Denniiton. Ambro se Edition ; Thos. Easton, cats' of James tt gt t " limps Fleming,' care of Mr. Bright James French, Madison county , jolhua i lood, at M'Nair's, 2 ; Peter Follman ; lv, Maddox Fiflier, 2 ; , Jacob Fifhback ; Humphrey Gnibbs ; Samuel Gihfon ; Jo-fep- h of Gray ; Henry Gist, at Dodor War-field- 's ; Reuben Grant; Benjamin Gibbs. William Haynie, Clarke county j.Pol-l- v Humbhrevs ; Tonathan Hutchefon ; Hezekiah Hntchefon ; Obadiah or John Higbee ; HenryHymanj Anne Hamble-to- n, care of Dr7 Brawn ;. Beuj. Harris ; John Hammond; James Henry; Andrew Holmes ; John Hollihgfworth ; Daniel Harrasran : Richard Harding William Johnson, care of Jos. Gray James B. January, 2; Samuel January, 2 ; Gabriel Jone,s ; Michael Jones e urotn- - ?bv 4."'" er; Richard Johnlon ; John Jacklo - 'yl John W. Johnson, 2 ; William Irwiner Robert Irwine. Thomas Iving ; Robert Kirk j Archd. Kincaid, Versailles, ; Matthew Kenne- dy, case of 6eorge Trotter. Jacob Lehre ; William Lifter, tare of Mr. Black ; Thomas Leland, care of Dr Leland; Maj. John Lee, a ; David Lufk; George Lewis. John Mayhee ; George Mouit ; John M'Kinney ; Thomas Montgomery, Slate creek ; Reuben M'Daniel, Montgomery county; David M'Cord ; Rev. Robei t Marlhall ; DavidM'Gee ; Peter Modre ; John Morrifon ; James M'Go. van ; Col. Nathaniel Maffie ; Alexander MacGre-go- t ; Cloner Mixon. William Niblick; Charles North, crlie f A rtA M'TK-ni- , TTrnnric Nwm.ih. near Ipfwich. ff f John Ofburn, Scott county. John Pritchet, Clarke county ; Jame Parker, care of Mr. Clark ; William Poi- nter ; Joseph Perkins, Garrard county ; John Price, Jeffamine county. William Reiling ; Theok. B. Ruffin ; John Rochester ; George Rowland ; Ma- ry Robinfoil ; Capt. John'Robcrts, Mont- gomery county ; Capt. Joseph Richefon. John Slofs, care of Joseph Rodgers, 2 ; John Spangler; James Spillman , Robert Steel ; James H. Stewart, 2 ; Cornelius Sullivan, care of Robert Beatty; John Sterrit, near Georgetown, 2 ; Nathaniel Scples ; Sheriff of Fayette coTinty ; Da- vid Shield; Benj. Stephqnfon," care of Tames H. Stewart ; Mr. Savarv ; David Strong; HeuDen beafcy ; wuiioyoiaau- - en, Boone county ; vv imam amitn, vv ij Stoab Richard Smit rripitp.r : Isaac ; Hatter. Buckier Thrufton, 2 ; Jacob Teafon Tnmpe Twvman. Scott coui.tv; Pat Tatterfjn ; James Twineham, Harnfon county; William Thomas, hatter , Ben- jamin Tur-- r. vyilinm Vawter, wooutiru. MVi. oh a Wagnon, 2 ; ohn Weave, Dr.AV.'iTWarfield; James Ware; D vi 1 Tath. fivette or Woodford ; Ifaa Webb, 2; Jac .h W. Walker, Jellamin-f- y countjt; Gerllnm vvmte. 2; weonjc X' Webb, attorney ; John Wiiliamfon ; William Winters ; Charles Wilkins. James Young ; Robert Young J David Yancy. JUrttN W. riiJ.N i, f ii. April i, i8co. V .HEIxEAS my wile rtie Owfle-h- as wittiouta- - VV nv ) nft ca life able n ted herklt lr.im my led and board, and itappeanogbv l.er bel avioui and threats that (h drips nnt- with ro return to riel dliV acain. rhefe are theitfore to warn M periods iiom truf .. ....... L. .v....& ul u. lt. ,i,6 j r . . .. .1 - I. atenninea not to rompivwin 01 pav alIY ucu3 her contracting I alfoiorewarn ill persons fi o.n bounng or entertaining hei ; and thole indebted me a'e heieby on tlwi to pav onto herany monies or propcit; s Oie conltdtis herfelt not to be my wile She calls iierelf Anns Calf blade. Daniel Owsley. Lincoln, March Sth, i3oo. 3 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. February court of quarter ftiTons, i8oOi William Nelson, complainant, Mark Lacey, Oliver Badger, John Steel, and Jccbnr.ia; Cooper, defendants, IN CHANCERY. THE defending Badger, Steei and not having entered their annraranre agrceablv to law and the rules this court ; and it appearing to the of t court that they are not inhabitants of this commonwealth on the motion of the complainant by his ounfel, it is oidered that the said defend ants do appear here on the second Tues- - fl?V in June next and answer the com plainant's bill and that a copy of N this order be forthwith infsrted In the Ren- - tuckv Gazette, for two months fucceflive and pnhliflied at the door of the court-honf- e of this countv, and affo at the door iome meeting house in the neighbor .1 f .1,. t tat (V..t: IIUUU VI LUC lUWtlUl 1Y1 VLlliLItCIliil. i A copy. Tefte, V M. Harrison, c. M. c. Q. s.' State op kentuckt, a. Pfm DrsTRrcT, Marcli term, lSoo. C John Robert r, ccmplainantt A aiT.inO EV-un- Erird, d.feniant, , In Chancery. HTHE d'fendant not entered liii appear. ance herein iz'eeablv to the aft ol" aftemblv and the rulesof this court, and it appearing to the fatisfaftion of the enn't that he is not an inhabit- - nt-i- rtf fhie ft,so . .. nn flis ... mnhnn rtf . fh(" rrtmnllltlint "" j'."v inui.!--.- - 1... his counsel, it is ordered that the said defendant An nnnpnr hprp on Ihe third dnv of tlie next limb fterm. and anfwei the complainant's bill, and that a copv of this order hi published for two months in the Kenruckv Gazet-- e, and that another copvbapoftcld at fie trontc'ifK)r of thecourt honle in Bourbon, and another posted at the front door of the Pieilivterian meting house in Pans, some Sun- day immediately alter divinS fefvlce. WGtp A Copy. Tele, , L. H. Arnold, D. c. B. D. c. KENTUCKY: ' Ohio county, to a)it.f Fellruarv court of quarter feffions, i8od isiwlac NllGrai, comp'.ninint, agamic t The heirs of John M11 and John Harvjj itfeniant's, In a Caveat. defendants, John Mav's heirs and John UHE hav ng entered their appear- ance herein agreeablv to law, and the roles of this court, and it appearing to the fatisfaftion of the court that they are nnt i habitants of this common1 ueilrh i nn th morion of the enmntainant. it is or- - oered that the fud defendants (Jo appea1' here on trje firftTuCfddy in Jane nextxand answer the com. plainant's caveat that acouvof thisoidei be inferr- ed in the Kentucky Gazette or faeralj, for trfo months futteffivelv, ard published it the door of John Atherton's hone some Sunday immediately aster divine ferv.te, and . Tpy fttup at thedo&r of the court houft m th.s county. ACop7. Tee, Aiuila Field, c. 0. dt LEXINGT0T7 MSTRtCT COURT. February Tern. i8o0.y tihrijlcpher Green ip vd brar', Kane, Complainant,,' acan nft Joseph Frazier and Stmtn lienlon, Defendants) W In Lhancery. THF defendant Kenton, having sailed his appearance herein agreerbie to law, and the rules ol this court, and it appearing to our latisfaftion that he is not an inhabitant of this com- monwealth, in the morion of the compla'unnts by ounfel, it is ordered that the laid Kenton uo hereon the third dav ol our next term, ana the complainants bill; that a copy of tins 111 the Kentucky Gazette or Herald nrding to law, mother pulled at the dooi of the urthoufe for Fayette count,ai u that this order hhfhed m some Sunday mmedinteiY jtter etivine fervSce at the door ot the 1'relDytenan nieetins nouie in Lexington. A Copy. Tcflc, Thos. Bodley, c. L. D. c. AKEN up h the fubferiber, livinc on Clear Creek, one tav ma'O, thirteen and halfhands high, m brand percen ible, some sad- - die spots, twelve years old, appi aifed to ol nut. i ."i ht 1800. i WOODFORD COUNT', March Court of Quarter Seffions, f8oo. James Wason, complainant, against Jane Bowler, Samuel Bah d, James Baird, ad William Baird, and James JW'Bride and Henry M1 Bride, heirs at law of James 3VBride, dec. defendants, IN CHANCERY HpHE defendants Samuel Baird, James 1 Baird, & William Baird; and James M'Bfide and Henry M'Bride, not having entered their appearance and given sec;- - ritv according to act ot anembi) ana ui rules of this court, and it appearing to of the courtTthat tht- are not inhabitant of this state; on motion of the lainphinant by his attorney, it is or- dered, that the said defendants do appear ftiere on the sir ft monday in July next, and 'answer the bill of the complainant; ana order be forthwith d that a copy of this in the Kentucky Gazette so r two months' fuceeflively, and puUifhed at the door of Clear creek meeting house, on some Sunday immediately aster d:jue service, and at the door of the Court house in the town of Vefailles. A copy. Telle, , T.Turpin, Clh : - ALEXANDER. PARKER, r T AS lull: imoorted from Philarlelpliia, arid- open i ea at his Ilore in Lexington, opposite the cotiit hjule. A LAKfeE and ginesal ASSORTMENT of V Goods, Giocenes, tiara v .t e, V'- - Queens, China r d Gl"ss Ware, he Will sell at the moil reduced prices for CASH. Lexington, April ill, 800. VHERfcAS mv jyife lUith, has lest hr bed and do (frewarn all persons from cre- - tfn" her. on my atcount. Mercer county, 27th larch, isoo. it Overton Hams. i FOaEWAR all persons ffom taking an afligrt- - l ment-o- two bonds given by mc to William SteWnrt orie for 2il 10s, to be paid in pork, in .riprembei- - t7QQ : the other for 27I 10s, to be paid in Irtieef, in February or March 1800; as I db not in ftend to, pay Mr.' Stewart another milling until he fcoBT.Srward nd pays tne taxe mac are out on the (till I purchased of him, and the dainajre I have sustained fpr wantof Licenfeto work the said stills. ot4f6 Thos. Berry, March 19, 1800. Clarke county. IHAVE just arrived from Philadelphia very large and general affort-men- t of MERCHANDIZE, In addition to those remaining oh hand. Fromtheterms on which those GOODS yere laid in, they can be sold on as low, lit noion lower leuiib uuu " '" " pprted Into this state. , For stile also, a general assortment of LAW, HISTORY, DIVINITY, and SCHOOL BOOKS. - . WRITING PAPER of the best quality, with WAFERS, QUILLS, SLATES and SLATE PENCILS. , An elegant C 0 AC H E E tvTtTn tlated Harness, also for sale. WILLIAM LEAVT. Lexington, Dec. 27, 1799- - NOTICE TO DEBTORS. THOSE indebted to the fubferiber are more requested to discharge their refpe6tive accounts. Those who neglecT. to comply; with this notice preyi-'pu- s to the 20th of next month, are in- - forrned , that suits will be commenced a- - gatnftth without discrimination. Robert Bart: March 12, iSorj 9maJxrmz& ,aAypiiF-JiJM-uuJl"wxni.- LONDON, December 27. The armistice upon the Rhine is at end. The Archduke refused to accede to it, and notified his refusal on the $th to the French commandant at Manheim. The French, wh"b were inferior in force, im- mediately made difpofulons to retreat, antl evacuated by capitulation Manheim and Neckerau,of wich the Austrians immedi ately tookpofeflion- - In order to divide and divert the attention and forces of the Archduke, General Lecourbe means 3m mediately to enter Suabia from the side of Switzerland. Suwarrow's continuing its march had arrived at Ratilbon, where on the nth he received dispatches from Petersburgh, in consequence of v.hich the troops were ordered to halt. December 28 We received this morning the Paris pa- pers to the 26th iuftant, thite davs later than thole vil ich arrived jelterday. , The toiiiuls andltgiflaiive commillions, contu uing to adopt mealures for giving" immediate atiivit) tothe conftitutionhave pnhliflied the names of the Conservative Senators, the Tribunate and the (xiuncil of State. A rcpoit hasallo-bee- n prefentCfl to the coiTimiffions of Five Hundred, propofirg tb it the Conservative Senate and the Coniuls Ihould enter upon thalr fundtiors on the25th inft. and that as foo"n as the Senate h id complei. d tbe nomina- tion of the members ot the Tribunate and the legislative body, whieh was to be com-pleat- ed on the 26th, the Councils of the Antients ard of Five Hund.ed and the le- gsflative Gommiftions fliould be diffolVedi , This pr' position, together with forne regul.'tions respecting the new Go- vernment was immediately adopted 1 he-l- ft fittirgs of the f oiuicils were on the 2th, when the Ce niuh, and the Se nate m cr iitftalled. The 'iiifortunate per- fons who were so unjultly sentenced to transportation aster the revolution of the 18th Prutulot, have at length engaged the attention of the legiattire, whofelaffa" aft almost has been upon the suggestion of the miiiifter of Police and the Consuls to pass a in virtue of which, the unhappy sufferers who were tranfporteel tb Guiana, and other places will, in all probabilitj , be permitted immediately to return to theircountry. The Co. ftitution is very generally ed ai.d the votes of rejection are but sew. On the Rhine the two armies remain tranquil. The cause of the Archduke's refafal to consent to the armistice, feeros to have been, because it was only a parti al one. 1 he rans papers contain an im- portant address from the Archdofce cef-pe6ti-ng the revolution in Paris, wriichfball be given in our next We (till espeel'.thSe a suspension of asms, extending. frB-tri- e; " Rhine to Switzerland and Italy will take plade. In Italy the Austrians proceed in theij career of victory. Coni is said to. have surrendered by capitulation on the 3dinft. The garrison conlifting of 300 men, are prisoners of War. Iii consequence of this event, the French will probably, unless they are very strongly reinforced, be ob liged to fall back to Nice. An article from Nice, of the 15th, faya the head quarters were e'xpecled there; Moreau has setout to take the command o the army of the Danube. Maflena wad to leave Paris in a sew days, to put him- - self at the head of the army of Italy The Chouaiis have not undertaken any operation of decisive inmportance againffc republicanilm. According to a letter from Angers of the" 21ft, they fent'on the pre- - ceeding evening three deputies, it is said to enter intofa definitive .treaty. IB IRO, September 3 'vision destined to attack the as my of the Grand Seignior, set out from this place abiJut a fortnight ago. It con-fi- ds of 60,000 men, including 6,700 French both infantry and cavalry. The remainder is composed of Arabs, Copts, and yourig Mamelukes, inftrudled by Bu- onaparte in the art of Wan Five hun- dred camels are employed to transport the baggage and small field pieces across the desert which separates Sj ria from Ro-fett- a. The Arabian cavalry were well mounted and equipped, and the whole ar- my is well supplied witti every thing for so long a march This expe- dition is commanded by gen. Legrange. In three months he has destroyed all the revolted Mamelukes, who were lest, and taken their baggage, horses, camels, and prdvifions. The environs of Cairo are at present cleared of all the banditti by whom they were infested. The national infthute continues to employ itfelfon ob- jects of general utility to the country. NEW-YOR- March 14. At a late house last night We ftopt the press, to give-o- ur readers a piece of news rhey have been eagerly looking for, and vhich redounds more to the honor of the intrepid Truxton and his brae crew, than we had even reason to epecl. . The brig Rebecca, Capt. Harding, be- longing to MtllVs. Scott and Seaman, am- - u ?S2 l

Transcript of ?S2 THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE, - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qw132/data/2659.pdf ·...

rsra "jzz'uuw! aujrsjgrrepjgEga'ustfTtgycM'Tit'irr.ssMKr. wjz LJVIIiKJ.MVWlVWl'WU

THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE,No. 707. THURSDAY, April 10, t8oo. Vol. XIII.

LEXINGTON: Printed bt JOHN BRADFORD, (On Main Street) Tw0 Collars per Afaretf, paid Advance.


"TN the pod-offic- e Lexington,,, which isJL not tat en out within three months,will be returned to tile general poft-oflic- e,

as dead letters.

Etnathan Andrews; Eliflia Allin, 2;Harmonious Alkier, case of Mr. Ingles ;

Wm. Atkins, Garrard' county ; Jacob A--

ftatris.Tohn Bobbs ; Cuthbert Banks TohnM f

Boyd Baird & Owens; Wm. Bishop, 2 am."sc,...

Med". Green & Burges ; John Byrus, care ol

ol Mr. Wilkinson, white-smit- h ; Robt. hai

Ballintines care of Richd. Biddle j Wm. to

Brown ; David Barclay, Care of Mr. now

jNi'Nair ; Washington Boid ; John Bat-tufha- ll;

form Bea'h; John Borger; Tho-n.'- s

C. BrVgs ; Thomas Baker, care ofVir. Parlci ; Hichefon Bell ; GeorgeBiltzel,Winchefter; John Bell ; WalterBeall, Bourbon Ftirnace, 3.

John Caldwell ; John Clark ; Revd.Valentine Codk, Jeffamine county 5 Tho-

mas Carneal ; Sally Cleveland, Clarkecounty ; John Calhoon ; James M. Camp-

bell ; Peter Crumbaugh ; Samuel Creigh ;

JohnColther; John Ctirtney; Capt. JohnCord Green Clay ; John Hsnry Chrif-tia-n

; Jacob Coons, Montgomen countv;James Crawford, Clarke county : Dennis

ofCaffet; Robert Caldwell, 2; GeorgeClark, 11.

Jean Jacques Bufour ; John Dougher-

ty ; Thos. Dozer, Madison county ; Ro-

bert Deening ; Revd. Ambrose Dudley ;

Robert Denniiton.Ambro se Edition ; Thos. Easton, cats'

of James tt gt t "limps Fleming,' care of Mr. Bright

James French, Madison county , jolhuai lood, at M'Nair's, 2 ; Peter Follman ; lv,

Maddox Fiflier, 2 ;, Jacob Fifhback ;

Humphrey Gnibbs ; Samuel Gihfon ; Jo-fep- hof

Gray ; Henry Gist, at Dodor War-field- 's

; Reuben Grant; Benjamin Gibbs.William Haynie, Clarke county j.Pol-l- v

Humbhrevs ; Tonathan Hutchefon ;

Hezekiah Hntchefon ; Obadiah or JohnHigbee ; HenryHymanj Anne Hamble-to- n,

care of Dr7 Brawn ;. Beuj. Harris ;

John Hammond; James Henry; AndrewHolmes ; John Hollihgfworth ; DanielHarrasran : Richard Harding

William Johnson, care of Jos. GrayJames B. January, 2; Samuel January, 2 ;

Gabriel Jone,s ; Michael Jones e urotn- -?bv4."'"

er; Richard Johnlon ; John Jacklo - 'ylJohn W. Johnson, 2 ; William IrwinerRobert Irwine.

Thomas Iving ; Robert Kirk j Archd.Kincaid, Versailles, ; Matthew Kenne-

dy, case of 6eorge Trotter.Jacob Lehre ; William Lifter, tare of

Mr. Black ; Thomas Leland, care of DrLeland; Maj. John Lee, a ; David Lufk;George Lewis.

John Mayhee ; George Mouit ; JohnM'Kinney ; Thomas Montgomery, Slatecreek ; Reuben M'Daniel, Montgomerycounty; David M'Cord ; Rev. Robei tMarlhall ; DavidM'Gee ; Peter Modre ;

John Morrifon ; James M'Go. van ; Col.Nathaniel Maffie ; Alexander MacGre-go- t

; Cloner Mixon.William Niblick; Charles North, crlie

f A rtA M'TK-ni- , TTrnnric Nwm.ih.near Ipfwich. ff f

John Ofburn, Scott county.John Pritchet, Clarke county ; Jame

Parker, care of Mr. Clark ; William Poi-

nter ; Joseph Perkins, Garrard county ;

John Price, Jeffamine county.William Reiling ; Theok. B. Ruffin ;

John Rochester ; George Rowland ; Ma-

ry Robinfoil ; Capt. John'Robcrts, Mont-

gomery county ; Capt. Joseph Richefon.John Slofs, care of Joseph Rodgers, 2 ;

John Spangler; James Spillman , RobertSteel ; James H. Stewart, 2 ; CorneliusSullivan, care of Robert Beatty; JohnSterrit, near Georgetown, 2 ; NathanielScples ; Sheriff of Fayette coTinty ; Da-

vid Shield; Benj. Stephqnfon," care ofTames H. Stewart ; Mr. Savarv ; DavidStrong; HeuDen beafcy ; wuiioyoiaau- -

en, Boone county ; vv imam amitn, vv ij

Stoab Richard Smitrripitp.r : Isaac ;

Hatter.Buckier Thrufton, 2 ; Jacob Teafon

Tnmpe Twvman. Scott coui.tv; PatTatterfjn ; James Twineham, Harnfoncounty; William Thomas, hatter , Ben-

jamin Tur-- r.vyilinm Vawter, wooutiru.MVi. oh a Wagnon, 2 ; ohn Weave,

Dr.AV.'iTWarfield; James Ware; D

vi 1 Tath. fivette or Woodford ; IfaaWebb, 2; Jac .h W. Walker, Jellamin-f-


countjt; Gerllnm vvmte. 2; weonjc


Webb, attorney ; John Wiiliamfon ;

William Winters ; Charles Wilkins.James Young ; Robert Young J David

Yancy.JUrttN W. riiJ.N i, f ii.

April i, i8co.

V .HEIxEAS my wile rtie Owfle-h- as wittiouta- -

VV nv ) nft ca life able n ted herklt lr.im my led andboard, and itappeanogbv l.er bel avioui and threatsthat (h drips nnt- with ro return to riel dliV acain.rhefe are theitfore to warn M periods iiom truf

.. .......L. .v....& ul u. lt. ,i,6 j r. . ...1 - I.atenninea not to rompivwin 01 pav alIY ucu3

her contracting I alfoiorewarn ill persons fi o.nbounng or entertaining hei ; and thole indebtedme a'e heieby on tlwi to pav onto

herany monies or propcit; s Oie conltdtis herfeltnot to be my wile She calls iierelf Anns Calf

blade.Daniel Owsley.

Lincoln, March Sth, i3oo. 3

MONTGOMERY COUNTY.February court of quarter ftiTons, i8oOi

William Nelson, complainant,

Mark Lacey, Oliver Badger, John Steel,and Jccbnr.ia; Cooper, defendants,


THE defending Badger, Steei andnot having entered their

annraranre agrceablv to law and the rulesthis court ; and it appearing to the

of t court that they are notinhabitants of this commonwealth onthe motion of the complainant by his

ounfel, it is oidered that the said defendants do appear here on the second Tues- -

fl?V in June next and answer the complainant's bill and that a copy of N thisorder be forthwith infsrted In the Ren- -

tuckv Gazette, for two months fuccefliveand pnhliflied at the door of the court-honf- e

of this countv, and affo at the dooriome meeting house in the neighbor

.1 f .1,. t tat (V..t:IIUUU VI LUC lUWtlUl 1Y1 VLlliLItCIliil. i

A copy. Tefte, VM. Harrison, c. M. c. Q. s.'

State op kentuckt, a.Pfm DrsTRrcT, Marcli term, lSoo. C

John Robert r, ccmplainantt A

aiT.inOEV-un- Erird, d.feniant,

, In Chancery.HTHE d'fendant not entered liii appear.

ance herein iz'eeablv to the aft ol" aftemblvand the rulesof this court, and it appearing to thefatisfaftion of the enn't that he is not an inhabit- -

nt-i- rtf fhie ft,so . ..nn flis... mnhnn rtf. fh(" rrtmnllltlint"" j'."v inui.!--.- - 1...

his counsel, it is ordered that the said defendantAn nnnpnr hprp on Ihe third dnv of tlie next limb

fterm. and anfwei the complainant's bill, and that acopv of this order hi published for two months

in the Kenruckv Gazet-- e, and that anothercopvbapoftcld at fie trontc'ifK)r of thecourt honle inBourbon, and another posted at the front door ofthe Pieilivterian meting house in Pans, some Sun-

day immediately alter divinS fefvlce. WGtpA Copy. Tele, ,

L. H. Arnold, D. c. B. D. c.

KENTUCKY:' Ohio county, to a)it.f

Fellruarv court of quarter feffions, i8odisiwlac NllGrai, comp'.ninint,

agamic tThe heirs of John M11 and John Harvjj itfeniant's,

In a Caveat.defendants, John Mav's heirs and JohnUHE hav ng entered their appear-

ance herein agreeablv to law, and the roles of thiscourt, and it appearing to the fatisfaftion of thecourt that they are nnt i habitants of this common1ueilrh i nn th morion of the enmntainant. it is or- -

oered that the fud defendants (Jo appea1' here ontrje firftTuCfddy in Jane nextxand answer the com.plainant's caveat that acouvof thisoidei be inferr-ed in the Kentucky Gazette or faeralj, for trfomonths futteffivelv, ard published it the door ofJohn Atherton's hone some Sunday immediatelyaster divine ferv.te, and . Tpy fttup at thedo&r ofthe court houft m th.s county.

ACop7. Tee,Aiuila Field, c. 0. dt

LEXINGT0T7 MSTRtCT COURT.February Tern. i8o0.y

tihrijlcpher Green ip vd brar', Kane, Complainant,,'acan nft

Joseph Frazier and Stmtn lienlon, Defendants) W

In Lhancery.

THF defendant Kenton, having sailedhis appearance herein agreerbie to law,

and the rules ol this court, and it appearing to ourlatisfaftion that he is not an inhabitant of this com-

monwealth, in the morion of the compla'unnts by

ounfel, it is ordered that the laid Kenton uo

hereon the third dav ol our next term, anathe complainants bill; that a copy of tins

111 the Kentucky Gazette or Heraldnrding to law, mother pulled at the dooi of the

urthoufe for Fayette count,ai u that this orderhhfhed m some Sunday mmedinteiY jtter etivine

fervSce at the door ot the 1'relDytenan nieetins nouie

in Lexington.A Copy. Tcflc,

Thos. Bodley, c. L. D. c.

AKEN up h the fubferiber, livincon Clear Creek, one tav ma'O, thirteen and

halfhands high, m brand percen ible, some sad- -

die spots, twelve years old, appi aifed to ol

nut. i ."iht 1800. i


March Court of Quarter Seffions, f8oo.

James Wason, complainant,against

Jane Bowler, Samuel Bah d, James Baird,

ad William Baird, and James JW 'Brideand Henry M1 Bride, heirs at law ofJames 3VBride, dec. defendants,

IN CHANCERYHpHE defendants Samuel Baird, James1 Baird, & William Baird; and James

M'Bfide and Henry M'Bride, not havingentered their appearance and given sec;- -

ritv according to act ot anembi) ana uirules of this court, and it appearing to

of the courtTthat tht- are

not inhabitant of this state; on motion ofthe lainphinant by his attorney, it is or-

dered, that the said defendants do appearftiere on the sir ft monday in July next, and'answer the bill of the complainant; ana

order be forthwith dthat a copy of thisin the Kentucky Gazette so r two

months' fuceeflively, and puUifhed at thedoor of Clear creek meeting house, on

some Sunday immediately aster d:jueservice, and at the door of the Court house

in the town of Vefailles.A copy. Telle, ,

T.Turpin, Clh: -

ALEXANDER. PARKER,r T AS lull: imoorted from Philarlelpliia, arid- open

i ea at his Ilore in Lexington, opposite thecotiit hjule. A LAKfeE and ginesal ASSORTMENT of

V Goods, Giocenes, tiara v .t e,

V'- - Queens, China r d Gl"ss Ware,he Will sell at the moil reduced prices for

CASH.Lexington, April ill, 800.

VHERfcAS mv jyife lUith, has lest hr bed and

do (frewarn all persons from cre- -tfn" her. on my atcount. Mercer county, 27thlarch, isoo.

it Overton Hams.

i FOaEWAR all persons ffom taking an afligrt- -

l ment-o- two bonds given by mc to WilliamSteWnrt orie for 2il 10s, to be paid in pork, in.riprembei- - t7QQ : the other for 27I 10s, to be paid in

Irtieef, in February or March 1800; as I db not in

ftend to, pay Mr.' Stewart another milling until he

fcoBT.Srward nd pays tne taxe mac are out on

the (till I purchased of him, and the dainajre I havesustained fpr wantof Licenfeto work the said stills.

ot4f6 Thos. Berry,March 19, 1800. Clarke county.

IHAVE just arrived from Philadelphiavery large and general affort-men- t


In addition to those remaining oh hand.

Fromtheterms on which those GOODSyere laid in, they can be sold on as low,

lit noion lower leuiib uuu " '" "pprted Into this state.

, For stile also, a general assortment ofLAW, HISTORY, DIVINITY,


WRITING PAPER of the best quality,



An elegant

C 0 AC H E EtvTtTn tlated Harness, also for sale.

WILLIAM LEAVT.Lexington, Dec. 27, 1799- -


THOSE indebted to the fubferiber aremore requested to discharge

their refpe6tive accounts. Those whoneglecT. to comply; with this notice preyi-'pu- s

to the 20th of next month, are in- -

forrned ,that suits will be commenced a- -

gatnftth without discrimination.Robert Bart:

March 12, iSorj9maJxrmz& ,aAypiiF-JiJM-uuJl"wxni.-

LONDON, December 27.

The armistice upon the Rhine is at end.

The Archduke refused to accede to it,and notified his refusal on the $th to theFrench commandant at Manheim. TheFrench, wh"b were inferior in force, im-

mediately made difpofulons to retreat, antl

evacuated by capitulation Manheim andNeckerau,of wich the Austrians immedi

ately tookpofeflion- - In order to divide

and divert the attention and forces of theArchduke, General Lecourbe means 3m

mediately to enter Suabia from the side

of Switzerland.Suwarrow's continuing its march

had arrived at Ratilbon, where on the nthhe received dispatches from Petersburgh,

in consequence of v.hich the troops wereordered to halt.

December 28We received this morning the Paris pa-

pers to the 26th iuftant, thite davs laterthan thole vil ich arrived jelterday. ,

The toiiiuls andltgiflaiive commillions,contu uing to adopt mealures for giving"immediate atiivit) tothe conftitutionhavepnhliflied the names of the ConservativeSenators, the Tribunate and the (xiuncilof State. A rcpoit hasallo-bee- n prefentCflto the coiTimiffions of Five Hundred,propofirg tb it the Conservative Senateand the Coniuls Ihould enter upon thalrfundtiors on the25th inft. and that as foo"nas the Senate h id complei. d tbe nomina-tion of the members ot the Tribunate andthe legislative body, whieh was to be com-pleat- ed

on the 26th, the Councils of theAntients ard of Five Hund.ed and the le-

gsflative Gommiftions fliould be diffolVedi ,

This pr' position, together with forneregul.'tions respecting the new Go-

vernment was immediately adopted1 he-l- ft fittirgs of the f oiuicils were onthe 2th, when the Ce niuh, and the Senate m cr iitftalled. The 'iiifortunate per-fons who were so unjultly sentenced totransportation aster the revolution of the18th Prutulot, have at length engagedthe attention of the legiattire, whofelaffa"

aft almost has been upon the suggestionof the miiiifter of Police and the Consulsto pass a in virtue of which, theunhappy sufferers who were tranfporteeltb Guiana, and other places will, in allprobabilitj , be permitted immediately toreturn to theircountry.

The Co. ftitution is very generally ed

ai.d the votes of rejection are butsew.

On the Rhine the two armies remaintranquil. The cause of the Archduke'srefafal to consent to the armistice, feerosto have been, because it was only a partial one. 1 he rans papers contain an im-

portant address from the Archdofce cef-pe6ti-ng

the revolution in Paris, wriichfballbe given in our next We (till espeel'.thSea suspension of asms, extending. frB-tri- e; "

Rhine to Switzerland and Italy will takeplade.

In Italy the Austrians proceed in theijcareer of victory. Coni is said to. havesurrendered by capitulation on the 3dinft.The garrison conlifting of 300 men, areprisoners of War. Iii consequence of thisevent, the French will probably, unlessthey are very strongly reinforced, be obliged to fall back to Nice.

An article from Nice, of the 15th, fayathe head quarters were e'xpecled there;Moreau has setout to take the command o

the army of the Danube. Maflena wadto leave Paris in a sew days, to put him--self at the head of the army of Italy

The Chouaiis have not undertaken anyoperation of decisive inmportance againffc

republicanilm. According to a letter fromAngers of the" 21ft, they fent'on the pre- -

ceeding evening three deputies, it is said

to enter intofa definitive .treaty.

IB IRO, September 3

'vision destined to attack the asmy of the Grand Seignior, set out fromthis place abiJut a fortnight ago. It con-fi- ds

of 60,000 men, including 6,700French both infantry and cavalry. Theremainder is composed of Arabs, Copts,and yourig Mamelukes, inftrudled by Bu-

onaparte in the art of Wan Five hun-

dred camels are employed to transportthe baggage and small field pieces acrossthe desert which separates Sj ria from Ro-fett- a.

The Arabian cavalry were wellmounted and equipped, and the whole ar-

my is well supplied witti every thingfor so long a march This expe-

dition is commanded by gen. Legrange.In three months he has destroyed all therevolted Mamelukes, who were lest, andtaken their baggage, horses, camels, andprdvifions. The environs of Cairo are atpresent cleared of all the banditti bywhom they were infested. The nationalinfthute continues to employ itfelfon ob-

jects of general utility to the country.

NEW-YOR- March 14.At a late house last night We ftopt the

press, to give-o-ur readers a piece of newsrhey have been eagerly looking for, andvhich redounds more to the honor of theintrepid Truxton and his brae crew,than we had even reason to epecl.

. The brig Rebecca, Capt. Harding, be-

longing to MtllVs. Scott and Seaman, am- -


