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Cost people^ >ple wliohave tiseptte Fowa^l ad it. fop iil .•filers fiU^clproiajiH, Msta ERA \ 0®$ji NIGHT, TI ance e Greatestjofifi Drains .• Theodore Kfemtr^ ded on the life 8ff!$r! motis Bfdflfe 8f$E£; 1* reduced Witft -'J-scs v and Start!! Effects^ OUV T l t l E T O LU|* GREAT PIT] TRAGEDY, Advance m,Bp ON SALE AT S«l 1 -•» .•! ! E. t»-u!nolc»- 1FP*S S A L E O N &&B&km >-••-«. FranEUn coniiiar* KfflSv W >.<•?. plainufl, vs. ASSmi^ : .' <iu &it-<-uiion tssoed oct ot thetm * "> i.r:ty of FranftllD . £ ] 3 StktS Of. ,«• dlrwted and deUvereftSKS&jitlf .ods aD^tfiw-Tiiasta of Allan .4!. In -o up..a ao<j laSen sli tft? litllt, U„ JiD^. :<*•.. .r has aineet w^&S*' f,.i,..srio^ Jf-scrited tads'taij "Wi ta.. rjpusw for sate' Wlri sell -W _, •.-- -..-. < MCM-I- .rer'csSMs fe LC. rr.uidoorof use court bouas.hu* Ulnn-. F>TUI SIS) CoaatS^JSfeWYfflCltSfl « u.te-r. 1*17. at 1 0 o ' c t a c p t t U » C " vt,a prupt-ny is disaffietMttfcL ra.t .r parcel of land rtMate Jft igftf l f. >'«oi.< of FraafcDi!,ami SUttfof • ; s n. * a and itaHngulatie***jfcifc ata OJ f .^ i» m township, ataf.,<- H-V 'jutte sonSKreatassSr'* -I am- : D said satxitrastoa lietoh ».- u. Mi-tuiei t^msr t>jMlc01£&£9d\. •-.:r.-=,.. ii.-'Qg.Uie.aoaas-iljMja&ciiri is and a? ilnks Wf toe.'sc ~" ~ uth one decree .east * f said smta»Sfii« 191-_ •>•- - m e norraeais corner j* I •...: »u'»li?is!oa fiCSBp^f £S8t . .. . . :.«• !u* ^.otinaed along t&ei . : '.'. a.-re *. w bole' distail® £S -f d--.j ,«as*»i3 now <^, ,fbritfssriy to-' -""•" •*»• Jesrrea S « j t ' i 2 ^ f tt>S 0 . -iwl lac.! and Of l3Il4^iSSWfta» » - • Albert Andre* 1» £&s»l •-..ntalMDg«i:*BKl3rM«< -< Excepiinjjr awt 'res** -. arr. » C •.;,« unsi gaj e ffiei^Pf 03&f r.a^ • -.. - - . James E aw &iS~ > ,,,££ -<1 ' .»: -^r . - w e ^r paresioflanSaii* a ..f w^t?i.'te, ana traanded asii v.: '-.ae .D ibf vresttxmxssltsxSSflM' <ji ;o. iv«?Bstup 3, Great Tact-. fr. i! :h».<...:tba-eKS'cb?iSr Of » M " 1 "ms nortti »oe degreei/aresi- " a:j suijdjvisjoDr: tbecce ess* ml subdwfetfca to land ta said i wi- ^ •>'Qveyed' to MicfiaeJ qracer 3* <MK". •B and tcs bouods of land * • • * •» JEET to !acd leased; to EtanteaMiy IBs moreT '«B; tbscce--««T^K«iSe ahl Piatt, lot one chain and 3 Vtto$ - alpps lfte'U.und» r <i; < fi^J 53 (01^ ;lnol^-. ".^ iia.L^ x -.• cr jfess* ^" iof.tt- a:. .- 1.,. r ~ : psee»JsSie__- "'• r -" '--'• ^ 17 6M£0scw«*-i >•• « • •*•••• rrom^suJtf I*» *y - ' ••-- ' -Snvgiea. CT-«ff -lartisaa Aprti JftJ - « ; . l Deeds, f^ 6 " 1 *"* ^ •-.^^a'i-ansxstms \ «--.:u«i cuHjef'-SndJW*. .-•adicg vresi Ji em*; j •' • -' >>' Q«B cfiaa* «JX U"*? •• - leededitc. Bjroo C* 1 ** . • , .•: i /-r.-4-," ) f rana. . _. ..:..->., of JJEVJ.»jfo»te jn u j '-'« "•'•acty-'cf Franlt'iisiJiJ •« «-" '-•!:« a.isafj; 6f ^ttMi»*H : • . Crfeat'TreiitdfSi^oi*, '-:..';» pirth't o a t t e nc-ns »i>«* : ^•.: if> ( -Ji;iicS'Cft3tn.ti«Borl&«- -1 - ' .-.ir.nirij' ftsiife esse erj » j - ^ •• * a- -. r./.,,/ )Ei:'a-snJ>ai»W<>o tt*"; '"•'ti fiaraHei *Stft tbe "J* - ' •"-•'m.t3o.?d(»liiK tBtaopa «*J- •.- i-.ta, :»33K!* ttt* rJ»lB« , W « ; -..-..• w.-si rxiono* o f »I>1 s " ™ ' -•'.'•.*• >'-.-.• iii;* 2/itb day of Aag»» •"hj-jiir 6fyr»»tlln Coon* =< < <•<<«« « «e €«•«««% E nieiit' fs lafifjgt! an* ITE HOUSE a national repata*io» , •S S C H O O K r training fc. - ^ ad T< . Kwroil ""'fliij.EWl.> \ V.'; iViMtJST 33j 1907. ,,, .jMffiKMU. COUOBA W wtniivantaiMoii .?J§jrt>ifiri^ 03. tniinsawptftHteltSott. Hobbsdied at his homela M.mdav, Aug. litb,-aged v. >pars. r a© is^s boro_ ia ;.", an a prep&«e4 for college at a lemy in M^lQUe- He UlSQ , ;-.":n thiscoanty,, "Wfeeutbe : . t ,,kp oat Mr* Hofafcs was ft Middlgliajgr" College—wbfcb . .11 ferred apott hiro tfes degree 1 gave up tfea comjletloa of •>ebterthaanay. Habecatoe f the, BStb Kegfrneut, and ili. feaihg sa called by bis he war.- ffitajor Holibs too^t a the Albany &aw Scftoo! s «i4 New Ed war:! |;E3lenbii>«; I'tia.sin '< t'l£-r- ;i I't&cpti^-- [jdjutai.: peiTed |.tw?. 5' 1 |3fler'a a |(Jfflll.a Iiten : .^ittil in New fork city for tise Ipraci ..*• of his profession; Of late years [to a.s>-, iabea-|n tjnsinesa !&.?& b#a ^is Isoa a. j James III. Glffat4—tfis Jaitetf ot jwtom iad also been a teacher in Frank- BB wunty, at^iranaio Lakej wfiife pttt' 11c his stadies at Middlebary thirty ar-or so agor 3La1ter!y SJajat HObto fcasl not engaged actively^iri piac!tics6 $ lezi't- pt to act as counsel to hi3 firm. He jked as" a steosg lawyer, apd less ily reapeoted In tfee iprofessxoo. : - ilajor Hobbs was. a Republican in itics. and for yeara was probably the st influential man in his party in t^jgg county; cot becacss ba «iia"ao lentiy equipped In ttts aits oif t i e 3 litical worker o3p"jnana^;ep. -«a t b a i bi»". (jear pertsepearojrwi^l^ of Ittdjpeiaerj* bod regard for decency aj?d riglit taado views wsr^ted r i»fi&- ^OB copcar^ oce of o t & m Int t % o . ' He «i* lor bears a member of tbffl Kings county Re- publican commit toe'and of the TSepnb- licao >tate committee. B e was also tot , long period a delegate to every Bepab- |ican ^!ate eonventioa, aad was a!way?: 1 foremost worker in 0very reform,flitwer oent in Brooklyn. . -.•• ". ~ * Persooaliy Major Hobbs^waa geDial, an Dteresting companion, and loyal and' belpful in his friendships. He «ras a oasm f the late Hon, Albert Hbbbaiof jlolui.-. <and had tD3h$ ''friends- and ad- Birsr^ m Malone and elsewhere in tbia oonty. , • \, • . Mrs Hobbs an3 a son snrvive htm -i r-+ Local Itcmg. Ha* tf you seen the Oriental window at Capron s drug store ? Runions, tlw ptjiotogrgnber, will be at h»a studio xq.prusalori Aug. 2lit and 22,1, A change otproKranime to-tij»¥ AYcd- nesdayi at the m»r,TbMt». A <MI treat ©ame^hatqh last Thursday consisted of wit» swUfcrtbeforestUo4 and,M»Ji Co.at Tupper hoik*, l Attention is direated t<> the •adterli-*- went et StcKeozi* ^ Sieb, the well known «o«rchants of North Bangor, - ^^Jft^taaHia, a driver.for tne F^re- paugb-&>ellseir{r«3. fell/from one of tbe areas trains one mite east of Watertown on Friday taat and- was run o w and aiiled, t . • CyriUBLDupree^ tne ^elMcno«o con- tpswsto* and buiidefc' of .tlalone, baa the acceptability attd distinc contract frotn tbe l^wtett^el*ad Co. 1 for - • - - ' tbeereotion -of-anotht*-) bouse tin taw* renee street,, I f- •. ^Beie»t the fittla dangbter of Anson ^zen, wbowsaioittred by falling from a» ttea at Mottnlain Vie# recently* baa been taken to the- KoyalYietoria Bespital ai Montreal for treatment. Mra. Oziaa BoyM of Malone, teas tn-. Jttted Sand3y evening by falling tbrougb a trap amt in bar pantry. She landed^n tpa pelllor- bottom-and sustained rather serious bruises and sprains. The door bad been left open acelrjent&liy. ^Salter Meigs, who recently sold "his residence on Prosjseet street to C. I« Oapron, will hereafter reside in New fork, bat will eom& tttTopper Lake dur- ing the«unarner. Etohas been busy witb lumber interests there during the past summer. JErMkB.Sqmmerfeld, of Fort Ooving- tfla, ttjoan,75yfeajta of age, who ^offeredi astroke-of paralyala while driving to ifa- Wni recently, baa recovered saffiloieatly ft? accompany bis sister, Mra. Jaoje$ <J. Ckrrlgan, to her honio in Sap8ritw» Wis., whera fee will reside. ' **!- impiueeting Ko\«ir^n Prds«ais at Brashton. Tk,„ ite i-nual earopmeetiog of St. Law r ace iustrictof the Methodist Epi&Bopal fearch opangd at Brushton on Togsday l^jug and continues througb Wednes*' E$" Adjust 28th. ""'4". feature of this r's meefin^ is -ffcel «*«Jj|8K&tie »t* in charge' of Milton S. Beee, the bester evangeist, wbo conducted A nccessfnl series of mecjtinga hstJH * few nters ago. He ia, conduoting two srvices a day. Anptong other noted ikers on the programme^*re:— Dr Robert Forbesj first asafBtant secre- ary far the board of home missions and tjarrh extension, Philadelphia, Ra.? Sr. Frederick H. Wright, late of Bknne* |taiy. secretary -'of tho ateSon plan for he fureign board, Ne# York cife; Dr. ?arJ Piatt, editor of fhe Obristian fte* bnblic. Philadelpbiai Pa»4 ""Blrs. B. A; [itchcock, formerly of Folfe Institute, od Mrs. Hilda atT Nasmytb, shneirtn* ndent of the industrial home of: fittle ek. '. ! As a whole the services planned for hb year are of unusual excellence and a great religions awakening is in progress, Maging is in o^rge of Rev. John. jag^. who has organized1 *" |arge chorus fchoir Male chWrs a»e in charge of Bev^ J. F. Day and D."% Eo|-«on. Preparations for the great gathering, *rr •'. 'as become a not»ble one in Jibe elig .«life of this northern section, ave be^n in progress throughout tho Bmmer. Presiding Elder Charles C ^'uwnsfii.i has labored arduously in plan- ag ar. I arranging for the servicea. ipp,i Bpi>- ai. 1 satisfactory and the groro Is pow a ity of tents. Tue services are peld as u^ual in the tabernaOle. For the Veterans' Reunion at Ogden» bnrg;Ang.'lffird the'BatlaHd EEaiNatf *Ul make special low ratiea ficom stations M«- tono west, tickets good going on regular tt|i88. Setittrai»gi*^MCial trata wilt letveOgdeoahnrgati i0:3ft B, m for Ma> lone and intermediate stations. lOtaBtate- tax commissioners rnet the supervisors and assessors of the various to>ns of Franklin county Friday at the: coQrt house in Maloqe for the purijoae of reviewing their wiork and adjuating future assessments. Ifhey spoke S very copiplimentary terms concerning the= methods adopted by the Malone aa^essors. Cbverho? Hughes', public engagements, fojt the nejtt th*eo••©» font weelis wfcre as- Eoancad at Albany on Monday. Among them are appointmeijita to mokeaddressea a** connty tauw in Washington, TJewig, jaaware MM f altpn eoontiea, »tj the State fair at Syracusin, and at the Grand sMray encarnpment Co be held at Saratoga i3n«ng8Sep€.Mti&. •'' .'. • ' forest flfesi have bees, eauainj? trouble and damage^ in the| viqirji|y of ^upper Bithop Gabrtels OfBctptea. R.gh; i^verend Bishop Gabriels, of Og- ansbur,.-. ijiessed the new anney of St. oseph '< r>uline Academy at SiOO Pi M, Th u r -a ay afternoon. There were pres- it tw-:- ^ priests from the nearest par- and as many more sent their re- ts, f r owing to the feast of tiie day tnay a id not leave,their polishes in oietoiarrive here, for the Oeremohy. A iajU-r et- other visitors were present: <1 vi,ited evt^ry part of the .vast bdild- whioB Will m ke sacb an ideal board- Pi hool. It i3 equipped with all the; improvements' and conveniences, Jicates the jno3t sanitary precau- and care in fostering tfte educa- welfare of the papila. : -'•-','' ceremony ended by a benediction in npei snpg by;^ie,clergy. A dairity * aa afteTwardsserved in the-youog i ining hal} of tbeanoe^ al>-- &n_! ,:i |lor,- tl.jca thr :. iii-. Eiske. The fires starlted a few days'ago on the timber tracts «<t. the lolernaiional Paper Company and the Brooklyn Cooper- age Company hear ^Kipper Lake and tho fire fighters from tuete two corporations were assisted by the <ire apparatus Owned by the Mohawk & Malone railroad.. . _ TWSonday Jlohorjl GonfereneOitohe hold at the summer sfhool at Cliff Haven, Sept. 3rd and 4tb^ 8h|>uld be largely at- tenJdigdi. Tfaesnbjectitto hedisettssed«?e of generaHnterest;aijid attract very gen- . attention,. Tbe*«TOnewtopioajhonlil it discussion; "The Mission Sunday jSehool'* and ^Bel^taus Ih§truction jo Defective Children." Franois O, Kelley,, president of 'lOhnrch Extension," *ill be one of the speakers. •. ,„• ' , Everyone if wadintf V The, Toymakers " now and it will ^be" given at the Opera House on Wedl. Septi 4, 1907, for one evening only, in * new fcomio opera full of good songs.- ^ S h e JToHitaesI'' wiO bring their scenery aifidcoetumes! and will give an amusing enltertainment. Cbas. Felton Pidgin' who wrlate «_QuinOy Adams Sawyer," tho beet Wew England story eve* written, wrote this clever he# book and opera and it is fulll of mirth and mel- ody that keeps an audience in a perfect g^fe of laughter. - OT»loae Vonnsr : People to Wed. Th© marriage of Kim Theresa Kennedy to John J. Slattery, bioth of Malone, has been announced, to ti ike place at St. Jo- seph's church on Wednesday,. August 2Sthi at nine o'clook; A, M. M. Bi Mon- aghan wiU act as best mala sad! Miss Anna Carlisle as bridesmaid, and the ceremony wiU ha pcrijormed byiEevr^Dan-; iel SuLivan, assistant pastor of &% Jo- Tschurch. .... ,-":•,.. i' :, . , • Kennedy Is obi of Malonei, well knoiwn and highly estiaemed young ladies, who has gained an' enriabie r^puta- ___„ __- Mon as a teacher in this public schools of ient>atthe camp grounds are .Malone, and^ |3admka'dandi^pe«fed by all who have the pleasure of her acquain- tance. She ia the youngest daughter of Mrs; Ann Kennedy, ittr. Slattery \s the son of Mr. and Mre. James Slatteryj, and is a young man who' its highly regarded by all. Hebas been; engaged in the hop trade for the past few years, and has met with flattering succesa in that basinesa, After a brief wedding trip the young people will take up their, residence on Brown etreei in this rdlage* With fl» many friends of the young couple the PiiXAbicii unites. i£ extebding best, Wishes for their future happiness. Vlloo mi S^xttl Bre^d Want and gentlemen's mixed es. ana gentlemen s mixeu -1-9- »too was played on the gtjlf coarse afternoon for two silver caps pre- > Robert Filming* Mrs. Willjam •••• won the ladles'-cap arid James ; ed the gentlemen/a. .The; scores :' jllqwa:^- v W and ;Jlr. J, Breed—100. i mtjng4?nr and-'afr*~ Flana,i?an.^ MaKwy.and.Mr, Barry— H i ' \:; irus and Dr» W i & w b a — l l & VaniieiLasd Mr* Bobihsoa—-lU. -:! a--Viey. and -Sfc, JjEaaaey—rtlS. i'uriagan and Mr. W. 0t. Bre*sl«~ I bulr IFruia. SE:~. : |LA [a. . | Ca TP'i Mrs JI.-- M'sV Mrv U.~ Bis Af^r-tr.f. rhatch-a_very delightful aop- I'^'^a-^Rerved'at the club aousafby the [la ;> S; . •-.: •,. - , ':]., i men 'a handicap matchlori Moa- >v. Smith won the first prizwcop , "*'».a F.vre of : 75 T Artbur McClary win- ' Cte K-tiit''letioiid prizs, " : -;.. Vetpr*n»OTeet on Friday.' On Friday of this, weeh.occurs the an- nual reunion of the St. Iaawrencfe, County Veterans' Assaoiation, The meeting'Is to be held at Ogdensbarg, and elaborate pre- parations have been made to make the meeting one of morp'thao ordinary inter est, > Among those who are to he present are "Gen. Frederick D. Grant, -Corporal Tanlter, Stated. A. R. Commander Swift, JGtingressman Malby dild Senator W. T. O'Neil- Co, It, of Matone. has acoepted an invitation to be present, and take part in the military reception to the distin» gai3bed visitors, and o^ing to the fact tJJit,Senator O'Neil is !to be tb^B, it & :hopi»dthat a large numbor of themembere of the company will be able to attend-'Tho mond trip rate firm* t]a!«>pe wtij fce^l.SO^ Ibut to make possible the attendance of the po. K ; boys, friendsi'of Ybe: coinpany hase-takan dp a collection, and so hearty baa beeO-fch» response that enqagh tnofiey baa been raiseil t« redece tTte ctst to the ; members to ft. CO for the tound ^rip. rjstpt, Bailai'd laanxloita to make a credit- able §ho:W in g T arid a ti ye ho- can: are urged to don tbeix tmiforin and go. i ^ '"*< i' '• • -<i,.i.n i n . . . -,.,, BaUdBlll * Boxncr; So Be Lcrt ft. If your boafdfcijl bother* $oa r leave it, teewii to have been the policy of a smooth youth who dropped Into town a few week*"ago' with -suave' manner, a good voice and a reputation a? a miastrei Binger. The Smith llmm became Ws residence a* «oott as He arrived. He claimed to ha»e traveled with Wllnon'd minaftete, an* was engaged m a singer at one.of t i e five-cent theatres. A few days ago he decided to leave town, and, not wishing to be. burdened with a board bill ot three weeks, he jast left it with Land- lord Smith and "moved on," If the latter overtakes htm he'll probably "ring a different tune." I.analz and Chandler Ke-BIecied. At the meeting of the Franklin County : g r a n s ' Association at Bruahton last *&k. B-..J. ahtanfeSjQ* Malone, was re- p*teet>d commander and L. P, Chandler, ; **5lalotiev secretary. The other officer* j '^e;asSQdifttion were also K> elected. « e encampment this year v w a mtm- i 0 «bleon», The programme included a I *mm tot of speaker* and mwiotana ^abasbeeriyghiy commended by the v *teraasjmd visitors. %varoor Hughes will makTan official !«"toPi ne Plains, BW Keltaj Mllte, on w »dnesday, Sept. 4th, and ln«pect the .US? 00,B Wn « *• Third Brigmda, *Woh goea into camp there Aug. Slat. A Hick Crate Commercial School. The Boohecter Business Institute is highly gratified by its l*rne enrollment of students, and still more so by the kind of young people who compose i;g classes. The managers have acsumed that superior advantages and facilities would attract young peopto of superior attainments and ability. The constant and increasing de- mand upon the school for graduates to fill positions requiring the highest quali- fications would seem to justify the assumption. i , » * K. u. SklasMr Umm »««»•• Mr*ks. a B. Skinner, the weU-knowa insar- ance man, wbo suffered a' stroks of par- alysis soma mootha ago and who has been in a serious condition at his heme, ia this village since then, sustained a second stroke on Tnssday mornin«. As wo goto press this (Wednesday) moraing M. nes fa an useonsotoas ooadUion. FeMoiittl. Joseph Irfvy tiasgon«tu-K«»* York, on a business trip, frs*. J. H. Mansman, et F^nnsylvaiiJ!*, i« the guest of Dr. C< W» Coll int. Mm Sadie Elchey U spendiog iter vaca* tiou wtth friends at Tupoer take. Mm Anna Foy fa the gawfc of her bro- ther, Ceorga Foy, at Saranao Lake. Mrs. Ord»»y, of Malone, Is ridting Mr, and Mrs, M. P. Merrtofc at Fort Ooring- ton. Kev» A. P. Qouthey, the "'oyrtonBeyan- geltst,'' baa been vfeiting in Chateaugay recently, 0 . J. HakiashaRs, been entertaining, -'fata fatter* Or. G, B. HaHa?, of Norwood, for o, few day?, Mrs. Sl'.w B-oMri ard ^trs- - Bapbaul '-St, Mary ate vfciting friends and relatives in SpringBeld, Mass, . i Mi* Father Taylor, of Bryb Mawr .0«1* lege, is the goeskofbet aunt, Mrs. Geo. Hawkins, in Malone. « Mrs. Bwlgbt - DiOkinaon ;ahd grahd- daagbter, MfeaMariOQ Wamgr, spent last Friday in 02d*en3burg. ; JohnB,Goff and family, of Albany, are guests of hfa parents, Mr. and Mrs. F SiOofffoJ a fortnight. . - _ Um. Ells B. Caaeh, otYonketa, lis the gnestof her daughter, Mrs. Cfeo, A. Has- tings, on Morton street. ~~"\ ' • M>a. Albert Wilson, and children; Of Malone, are spending^ worker ten daya at Clinton Mill* and tioinity. - Mr, ^warA McCarthy, or Potsdam, is spending somd time in lown, ttgi gneat of his daughter; Mrs. Prank Jabaut. George J&ytle, of topeka, Kansas, Is tho gheat of his;<Q4n, Amo3,-ta Ifelong, and JFelatfvea in Bangor for a few days. I* M. Irving and Chas, Sallinger «rq In Now yprjt, gtirchasing fall ond wfotet: goods for the Greeno & Austin store, MiS3 Beatrico Crosby:, "of thb Hudson Biser Telephone offlco, ia spending her vacation iMtfontreal, visiting friends? The Misses Mamie Barnes and; Abfele Snotv, of WorcestOr t Mssa., are guests of Misses BeEsie Bewd w*y andI«t Taylor George Kelley. o? St, Ifegis Saits, wiho has been viBiting friends in Malone for the jpst four weelLvhaff returned honiiBr Mra. T. G« Cajss, and daqghter, Helen, formerly of Mafonei, new of •'Porta Etco> aire spending a vacaOoo wilfh old friend^ here."' -,'- ,.'• tetB.li. & Hastings and daughter, Ar- iomeiof Hermon, have been guesta of. Mr, ahd Mrg* K^iph SBasttoga fpr a few ; days*.. -..'•" . " - • . • ' • . -'' •: Francis Cantwell and his guest, Tnom- as Blaljoman. have. be|n enjoying o trip throughrtho Adirondaota oh borse- bsck,. . ' -., - ' - .*,,-'-, .. Mrs. W* W, Currier and daughter, Annie, of Yonkera, are spending a vaca- tion in Mttlonejirenfewing blot acqaaln- tahoesr, .«*"'• •...-';"''- - M ' . '' -': Mi$. Peter ToWn and daughter, Eltea, and Miss Oarrfo McCabe sro, viaithig at Clayton and Watertown for a few days* : '• ^ . ".'. ' : ' . ' . .• Dean K. Page, of theimperial Theater,- has accepted a position in Batavia, bia home town, and has gone there to as- sume his new duties. '|lto_AgneB-Ed««^'-6fi'^e>l^iB»^ P. Q., and Miss; Laura "Walsh, of Ormstown, P. <J., are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Walsh, on, Washington street. , . ;-; • IBs. AHcerF. Stevens, of Washington, D,0,;Mfe..H.O; MoOliirjrftnd Miss Ella McCliary„of ChicaKO,ara"gnesl8 of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. HoClary. Mia ^loienoo O'Seilj daDghterof. San., atOr William T.O'Neil, of ^ B e g i a Falls, has been the guest of Postmaster O'Neil and family for a few days, ,.-.-•• Yance Cheney, formerly intbeshipping department of Andrus-Bobinson Co., Ua^ lone, has gone to McCollums to accept a position with O. A*' McAtthur. '' •.; Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Wright and son, H. J.-'Wrifebs, Jr.» of SyraBOsfi i r * ^peading, sffeWdays with Mr. and Mm. % H. Kfe- sane,"at Camp Margaret, at Mountain VieWi- '' .... •••'•'- .. -'*• '-' ' A B, Orogtt, of Now York,: a; farmer Franklin county boy, has arrived in? Ma? lone for a fortnight's vacation a n d i s - a guest at ths home of Mr. and Mrs. G. P, :Btohey.V ,•• - ' Mrs. Maud French Eoglcsby and eon, of Bnriington,-V*,,- have been gnesta of. iii,. and Mrs. G 18. Hale and family, air Ma- ione and Lake Titus for the past few weeks. - ; ^ •' - - - Mrs, Fred Dorty. of Ottawa, 0n|., who has been visiting Mrs. Peter Martfn and' Mrs,, Fred Degon, on Park street, hast re- turned home, accompanied by Mrs. Martin and daughter, Edna. •. . Wilbur Carpenter, of New York, a for* mer Franklin Academy boy* fa fipending bis vacation with relatives in this section. Be hda a good position with a wholesale shoe bouse in tho metropolis, y My. and Jfrs. Bob0r!bC. Taylor are en- tertaining Sir. and Mrs. Jobn Graham and daughter, of Boston, Mass.;; Miss. Hannah Mc^ar|hy. of Itbaca, N. Y.j, and Miss Virginia I*afioe, of Ticonderogai: Hermon^Whipple, of Claveland, Ghio» spent a few day$ in town last week, tits gnest of his patents, Mr. and I n . W. W* e, Before returning «crCleyeland, he oxoects to take a trip to New IKorkand Boston, on bnsinesSj. George; Gray, of New York city, who has been spending two weeks in town, the guest of ( bia parents, '-"Mr, and Mrs. Henry Gray', returned to the city on'Iast Monday evening, where he holds a posi- tion as clerk la the Seymour Hotwe. E. F. MeEoeany.of pittefield, Mass,,* formw Matona hoy^ is spending a week'* vacation in town, visiting relatives and renewing old acquaintances. Mr, MoEa* eany has prospered since leaving Matone, and is now proprietor of the PittsneTd Cornice Works, MisuEnama Jtean Hawkins, of Albany, who has been spending her vacation with ber mother, Mrs. George Hawkins, in Malone, and withtriend» In this vic- inity, returns to her work as olassiaer in the State Library at Albany, on Aug. 28th. James W. Cady, a former Bangor boy, now of Fort Smith, Arkansas, is East for a vacation, and is the guest of his uncle, C. W. Cady, of Malone. lir. Cady has an extensive real estate and insuraaos bus- iness in Fort Smith and Oklahoma, Ha is another Franklin county boy who has succeeded splendidly in the West. Mr. and Mrs, M. G. Magcdre and Mrs, W. B. Donovan returned on Thursday last from a trip which Inolnded a two days' visit with Bsv. M. E. Fogarty, at Saokstts Harbor, from there they wsht to Clayton, and than took a sail down the St. Lawrence, stopping at Alexandria Bay and Ogdsasbarg, leaving ths latter plans Tuesday morning aad going down the rapids to Montreal. They report a Tsry pleasant trip.; Mr. n a d i r s . W m P. EsrJeitre spend- ing % few daya in Now York and vic- inity. Attorney George Moore has return., d from * fortnight's vacation at Hopkins Tutor. Mr, aad Mrs, J. LL King and daughter, Vidian, ate t'njoyiog a trip up the S.*gue- nay River fn Canada, W, A . Bice has gone to Buckingham, P„ Q-, where he hm a position with the, MoXtaren tumher Co. Frank Bigelow and bia cousin, Miss Harriet Taylor, hats* been at Lawrence* riile, visiting frfendsv Mm, Mary Corbetfc and daughters, of 'LongBf&ochjN. J., ate gttesta at. the homo of E, % Fletcher. WOIIard Ames, of tho Farmer*Bank, fa enjoying his vacation, visiting friends in Canada and Vennonf» Ben. Badtey and sister, Gertrude, left thia (Wednesday) tnornfngfor afew daya -owing at FcasarlBP/oloti,. Miss Nellie Msnson, a bookkeepoir for the> Andrus-Bobinson Co., has gone to B4ngotforAWeek'*vaoatfo8. . [ Miss Annabel Smallman gate a. din- ner party ton dozen ffiends at her •. homo oa Elm etreet Tuesday evening. | J, M. Bradsbftw^and Bt. B, Reddj- speht afewrdaya'at Moupbdb "Plow the past week, guests at the Hinds camp. | r Frank Berry, of Brooklyoi is the{ gueat of $i$ parents, M#, and Mrs, JploraiSe Berryi on Fort Cov&gton: street, | ^ DP, and MW. George P. Lyman, of Now York, arrived in Saranao last Wednesday fo.spaad^her^ofthaaniramBT, '•'-'"- r Tom Hamilton, p'f Donaldson'a shoo store,-isipehdihg hda vioatloa at Fort Covington and on the St. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs, W, B. Philllpsand child, of Boeton, are gnest* at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. P# a Phillips, on Park streeiW. Mr, and Mrs. if. ArTetranlt- have been visiting at the home of M. M. Tetrault, his brother, at Concord, Vt., iat^h, few dayB. ' " , " ' ;'', ' * - Afteranabsenoeof 17 years, A* M^ Sherwin, of Syracuse, lis revisiting Ma- loneand is the guest of bia parents, Mr; and Mrs. A» S* Sherwin^ Madame Marguerite, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Wm. Bobarge, leaves for N e # York Friday morning, where sfie will ptirohaso 4h«r haw* idesa in millinery for her fall opening. - »,. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lyman and Wo, who havp been ' spending a fortnight's vacation In Malono, leave th!a morning for thsir howfe to New York, BtoppioK a day enroutetovisitatSsranaoLake. Apartyofyoungmelicompoeedof Wm. 0. Desnoyore; Geo. F, Desnoyera^ Edw. E. Deshoyers and E. .Farant went to Cbamplain lact Sunday for on outing Thoy were entertained by A. F*. Besnoy- era, of that plioe. *: , ' - Malone Girl Married. On Tuesday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. M. L. Beach on Fort Gov ington street, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Jessies, to Hiram Met- calf, of Haverhill, Mass, The < w m w y was performed in th* r reseto ot rela- tive a-ntt % f^it latiwate friends, by Bev. Xt« o, Penney, pastor of the Baptist ehuroh. It was followed by a reception, to which a large namber of invitations ware issued, The color scheme of decorations in the earibe and library was, green and white. Xiwy consisted of asparagtts,-and pink and white *weetpftiS. The dining room was in pink ana white, decorated with sweet peae. Woodbine, naitartiaxra and golden glow were in evidence in other rooms. The wedding- party consisted of John N, Beaeh, of Ludlow, Yt., brother of the bride, groomsman, Mrs. John N. Beach, matron of honor, and Mfee Gertrude Beach,, sister of the bride,, maid of honor, and Dorothy Shufelt, ring bearer, Bessie Vaughan presided at the piano. Following the reception, Mr* and Mrs. Metcatf left for a short wedding trip, after which they will reside in Haver- hill, where th* groom is connected Trfth a large shoe manufactory. Mrs. Metcalf is well known in Malone, is a graduate of the Malone Training Class and bag taught successfully in the public schools of Malone. , Last Thursday evening the Farther Lights Mtsiionary Saclety, of the. Baptist church, gave a tin shower for the bride at the Some of Dr. and Mrs. Coleman, on Park street. Burlington Savings lank, INCORPORATED 1847. Had Jtity t % 1907,25,357 Depositors Total Assets %U t 493 t 7pLBl This bank has always paid highest rata of Interest allowed byts w. which at the present time isay. per annum, Alt taxes in the State are paid by the bank on de- posits of 13,000 oriess, -Bepoeits can be made or withdrawn by mail. Money loaned on lege! security at iQwestrates. * , OFFICKBS, , CHABLSSP. SMITH, President, .' 1BEXKT ISBEE?IE, Vice-President, W+ TV'ABD, Treasurer, K. 0* ISHAn, Asit, Treasurer. TEBPSTltfiS, . - C. P. SRITH, WILLARD CB&BE, BENBVGREEIfE, jr. I,. BABSTOW, HENBlWEtlS, P . W . WABO, . A. O. WmTTEnQBE,F. W. PEBBf, Flamea Devour Mill Property» At an early hour last Friday morning" the. lumber mill of C. li. Turner, at Bryant's Siding, south of Mountain View, waa totally destroyed by fke, together with a large quantity of lumber in the on the siding. The Are is supposed to have been^et by a spark f rem a locomo-. tive ot from tho mill engine. Once started, a stiff breeze fanned the flames in their destructive fury. In addition to the milt and the lumber, practically all tho mill maohinery was destroyed, entail- ing a heavy loss.' The mill and mas cbinery were valued at $3,000 or f4,000- and were covered by insurance. The lumber owned partly by Mr, Turner and partly by Cardinal ft Gouthier, who leased the mill, woe partially covered by in- surance. ., Saturday the smouldering embers of the fire atthe mill started a fire - in Car* dinal & Goutbier's lumber yard, endan- gering about $8,000 worth of logs. Aid was summoned from Malone to fight the fire, and thesteamer was'sent in charge of M. G. Maguire and M. L..Beaoh. foe mill hands were completely ; exhausted fighting the fire when the apparatus ar- rived. A stream of water was pat on the burning timber and after several hours the fire was put out completely, With both 8re3 the conflagration has proven a destructive one. \ . ! •. ' -." 38!lf«. Fraalc Mason Dead ; : , At an early hour last Saturday morn- Mrs. Philina Mason, wife of Frank Mason, of Malone, passed away at her home on Frances street. Death came after long Weeks of suffering with an incurable disease. She was 58 years of age. .. Mrs, Mason was a native of Burke, where she. lived until a young woman, Her maiden name was Philina Thayer, and she was a daughter of Smith Thayer, of that place. In 1878 she married Frank Mason and came with him to Malone' aomenineyearaago. ,.: • • ' She, was promtaent in church work and was an honored member of the Baptist church of Malone. Her deeds of kindness and gentle, well-ordered life made her beloved by every one. Throughout her long iltaessehe bore her euflerihgs with a patience indicative of her noble char- acter. Tho funeral was held from the Mason home on Monday, afternoon, Rev. R. O. Penney, pastor of the Baptist choroh, officiating. ''.''".. She Is survived by her husband, Frabk- Mason, junior member of the lirm of Eldredge. & Mason, OOe son, Ernest, of Malone, a sister, Mrs. Frank Boby, of Malone, aCd one brother^ L. W. Ihayer, ofBnrke. V De*U> of Daniel SoSiMu Danlet Duffin, of Tonapah, Nevada, who was reported last week as critically illatthoJaomcof hiscou3in,JohnDuffln, to Malone, died there On Thursday even- ing of last week, after a long illness, aged El years. The. -remaina were taken to SinehlnhrooavP. Q., the Wrthplace Of the deceased, for burial. - Mr. PufBn camo East last spring in the hope that a change, of climate would provftheneflolalj but tho change proved of but little benefit," and he grade " raQed untU death released him from suffering. *" . - Ho t3 enrvtvbd by his wife and; one daughter, of Tonapab, but owing to ill- ness Mrs. Duffin was unable to come to the aide of her dying husband. Three sisters. Boss, of Chateaugay; Kate, a trained nurse, of New York city; and Mrs. Mary Leyden, wife of Dr. Leyden, of Hartford, Conn., and three' brothers, Eugene, of New York; and James and John, of MoxiooaurrlVer $be.. relatives have the sympathy of many friends^m their bereavemehfe ,- . •»• ;--, t -<f>-, .- ,-• - : ' Aceasea of Settlf Barn Aflre. ., Saturday afternoon a barn belonging to Mrs. Edward Nason, situated near Lake Titus, was destroyed byfire,together with three tens of hay. the property of Capt. E. J. Hstnnix, of Malone, and a buggy •fid cutter, James Allard r a farm laborer, 85 years old, who formerly stayed at Mrs. Nascm'a-and who a addicted to drink, Was accused of setting the building aSre. A warrant was sworn out for hi* arrest, bat he had departed to parts unknown. Allard ia said to have been drunk Sun- day and became disorderly about the! plaoe with a result that be was ordered J from the house by Mrs, Nason, He went, angry aid swearing vengeance.' Ho was «eeU to remove some of his bi*a tools and belongings from the barn and soon after the building wasfoundinflames, Allard was at the Are and was accused there of setting it, but he first denied it and later said another man had set it. Before a warrant was sworn out, however, be had : made : -hl3'eeoapa,'--,,'•. .-: .. •"_*•'•, ~ ^ i,est SSOoVt Maleie. ;'""-' Friday morning a man named Leonard Ames, claiming his residenoe to be in New York pity, got off the Rutland train going west, went mto the tioket office here and bought a mileage book. ]le got on the train again and soon after missed his Docket book and $300 in cash. •: . He is said to have taken hie money out while on the train to count it aiid have some in readiness with which to!buy«toe mileage during the train's brief stop at Malone. when the money was missed the car-was carefully searched and the Rutland depot and train shed: a t Malone as well, but no trace of the money was found. „ ; - -, • '- "' ' PcHghtca Ittalono Andloncfc. . At the Co. K band benefit concert at the opera house on Tuesday, J. A. LeBarge, a former Malone bpyi who baa become a musician of national reputation, delighted an audience Of Malone musio lovers. HOralded asaman of "artlstio versatility"he more than sustained Ida reputation. With equal skill and ease he played on banjo^violin and mandolin,, and, with a varied repertoire, made a hit with each. In character impersonations he appeared Jo good advantage. - He was ably assisted by Miss Marjorie Page, of Batavia, as soprano. Miss Marion Wright,- of„Maloae,. as violinist, Mbs Minnie Flanagan, of Malone, as pianist and Master C. F, Tanner, of Cutleton, 1?, Y>, as cornetiBt. WHAT DO YOI OF THAT 5a and i|6.00 JSn- wor^ted ptoits to be closed %i$ week at $3.98 HOME OF GOOI> CLOTHES Wed to'pajr* This (Wednesday) afternoon at three o'clock occurs the tnarrtageof Miss Mabel A Fertls, of Malone, to Edward Q. A*ery,of New Britain, Conn, The wed- dinjj will occur at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. O. O. Ferri», on Web8terBtre«i,andwilibe a quiet om, attended only by a few relatives. Bev, M.O.Sill, of Centenary M* E. church, will ofllsiate, FollawiBg the ceremony, the couple wiU leave for Ogdensburg on a trip to the Thousand islands, and on Saturday wilrgo to their future liome In New Britain. Mr, Avary is a member of the firm of Avery & Son, wholesale milk dealers, and iaa young man of splendid business ability andpromlse. Tne bride Is a grad uateof Franklin Academy and the Ma- lone training olaw and since graduation hm taught successfully, She is promi- nent in church circles here. The wed- ding announcement baa called forth the congratulations of many friends of the couple. . -. „.,. i. ..*.—_—~-~— ©0* A WHtlos; »t Mountain VJ«w* Oil and water will not mix, but water and a Standard Oil representative did at Mountain View the other day. J. C. Finnigaa, of Malone, entrusted his gener- ous weight to the frailty of a canoe and was oapsised. His empty canoe was found later by friend*, who were alarmed and believed that Mr. Finnigan had been drowned. A search was instituted and the genial salesman was found in a se- oluded spot drying bis clothes after swim- ming ashore in record breaking time. Korth L a w r e n c e B a n D i e d a t Staloae. H. J. Dewey, a w * U k n o w n merchant ot North Lawrence, who oame here for treatment for pernicious anaemia some weeks ago, died at ths Franklin House Saturday night, aged 57 yeara. While being treated here Mr, Dewey lost hit house and store in the recent fire at North Lawrence and this calamity is said to have hastened his death. . He is survived by his wife, who was with him ia Malone. His remaina were taken to SoothvlUe for interment. T. T. Battriok has lights ia his book store. eleotrto replacing the Pare White Lead ia pure |>igtnen|-^ simply metallic lead " And it is more than purc^ pigment—it is pure \ Paint Compositions that are only farilj> White Lead are ottif. partly faint, Tlio Jiamc above and the trade mark below guarantee absolutely Pore White Lead made by. the Old Butch Process. JRar safe tv tint ctus 4*al*rs - S»* ««r.*»« iook, "A TaV* on V*iatt" which n*w valuable itUwr- m»tkinoB.ib«p(iiist»uy«ct- K4TIONAI, i e * » €0»U»AMP Itt WiUisM Suwt. N#* Vxk Star CJieatre iRalone, Reioyork. The newest and finest Motion Pictures and Illustrated Song Theatre in Northern New York. Always presenting the best that can be secured. Out of town guests are cordially invited to visit the STAB while wafting for trains. ' —¥Entire change of program every two days. <= Excellent musio al ways a feature. 5c ADMISSION ete'«t n^«i We Suppose -m% ^ Fo» vffi expect to get.«*„ '; - ^ooddeaA of jeuidry goodness hen for yimr money. Wehavetasked 1FWtobelieve that you. -will, and so you will. ' We want to deal iiber~ . . ally vrith every custom- er. We vxmt to give '..•'.-.. b%agenerousvalues,and . ask no more for Gi/em than is absolutely nec- essary. Wehaveinade this about the best store in the country at which to exchange your mon- ey for JEWELRY, WATCBESiCLQOKS, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Novelties, etc. 55* Reliable JoW€*er^aa4 Optlcianj " , HAI.ONE, N. Y. i^*Eyea Tested Free by Our Optical Specialist. Ones are the sunshine of every home. Those having children should always be particular where they get medicines, when sick- ness comes. Many*'' '-i-v - 'OHIO* might have been saved whenjit was sick, had the medicine been of best quality and been prepared rightly. G A P B O N , the Drug- gist, in Malone, sells only the best of medicines, and they,are pre- pared in a right way, too,! and. when given, quick results folli after the chfld is first ow Dnr^ iet and ExpeitTtuss Fitter, » 2S & Main St ? , BIALQNE, U, Y. f&r f our 4i»aer ta-day, 4^iything else in tne line of seasonable fruit OT vegetables will foundfiresnat Nortli Bansor. ' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Eldfed have gone to Ampersand Pond for the remainder of Mr. and*Mrs. Frank ChUde, of Burke, were to town last weelt, guests of Caleb and Alien Childs. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Estabrooka, of Constable, visited Mr, and Mrs. F. W. McEeorie last weak. F, S. Steenberge and family Were the guests of friends at Massena over Sunday. John Bombard and Bertha Vivlamore were united in marriage at North Law- rence last week. Miss Gladys Rich and Miss Laura Lee spent last week at Malone, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hyde. Mrs. Buby Patnoe departed Monday morning for Canton, N. Y., where she has accepted a position in a hotel. , Mrs. Flora Roach, who has been visit- ing her children in the West during the past few weeks, returned to her home last week. .- , - , - - W. A. McLennan, oar popular under- taker, is enjoying a well earned vacation. Miss Clara Meade, of Iowa, is the guest for a few days pf her cousin. Mis. Renben Hirwood. Mrs. Henry Crinklaw and little daughters, Blanch' and Gertrude, spent a few days with friends at North Law- rence this week. Miss Richardson, of Bombay, is the guest of Martha Harrington, of this vil- lage, - Rev. and Mrs. Middteton were called to Watertown last week by the serious 01- ness of Mrs. Middleton'a aunt. Miss Bertha Baxter, of Holyoke, Mass., is spending a three weeks' vacation in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ella Smith. Fredus Wilcox and wife, of Reynolds- ton, ,N. Y., are spending a few days call- ing on old friends in town. We are always pleased to greet them. ' John Ordway. of Hartford, Conn., is calling on friends and relatives in town for a few days. George Lytle, of Topeka, Kansas, is in town for a few days, renewing old acquaintances. Be says that many changes are noticeable both in the build- ings and the people in Bangor. Camp meeting opens this week and many of our townspeople are making plans to attend. . Miss Maude Wright, of Chicago, m., is spending a few weeks, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Wright. ' / William Cutts, of Burlington, Vt„ spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Childs. Miss Mary Hogan, of West Bangor, visited G. W. Rich and family last? Fri- day. Harry Hinman, of Hudson, Mass., a former Bangor boy, was looking up old friends and acquaintances last week. He is now engaged in the clothing busi- ness at Hudson. James Cady, another of Bangor's boys, was a caller in town last week. Mr. Cady is now engaged in the real estate business at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and has made his mark in the world. Amos Lytle, who travels for J. O. Bal- lard & Co., of Malone, was a visitor in town recently. SOBJBB. Hop Gossip. A few weekB ago Oregon's hop crop for 1907 was estimated at 175,000 bales, but the Wall Street Journal says that now, in the opinion of the majority of the most prominent and conservative hop dealers in New York city, all'estimates of a bumper hop Crop for Oregon for 1907 have been greatly inflated, and it is not thought that the total yield will approach 140,000 bales. The New York Tribune of Aug. 18th says: Trading is almost at a standstill, there-being few, if any, transactions In 1906 hops, and it is too early for the new crop. Picking in some of the early yards of New York State will begin next week, but the regular late crop will be a week or ten days later than usual, owing to the backward season. The coast conditions continue favorable, though not many wires received, owing to the telegraph strike. English reports unchanged and an average crop expected. Advioes from the continent are exceedingly favor- able and Quotations have shown a decided decline for the 1907 crop. We t ote: State, 1906, choice, per pound cents; do medium to prime, 13@14o. The hop season hereabouts resembles politics In being backward this year. Local commission men say that the Crop is smaller than usual, but of good quality and, practically untouched by vermin. Growers have been offered 15 cents a pound, but are holding back for more. A lot was contracted for at Borne re- cently at 14& cents.—Utica Herald-Dis- patch. - i . -' - » » » - -, -, Cbarcli mad 8oeletjr Notices. The ladies of St. Joseph's Church will hold a lawn social on Arsenal Green on Friday evening of this week. All are cordially invited to attend. The regular morning and evening services at the Baptist church, which have been discontinued through August, during Mr. Penney's vacation, will be re- sumed on Sunday, Sept. 1st, Another open air service will be held at Morgan's, at Mountain View, on Sunday next at 11 A. M. Eev. B. C. Penney, of Malone, win preach. '. Rev. C. E. Woodley, of Norwood, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church next Sunday morning. Rev. U. Watson MacMillan, pastor ot the Haxelwood Presbyterian church of Pittsburg, Pa., who preached at the Con- gregational church last Sunday, will oc- cupy the pulpit there again next Sunday. , '., il - .'|,,ii « , , - About 170; excursionists from Beau- harnoia visited Mountain View last Sun- day. A band accompanied the excursion. ',- ,, i. . .. '.. -».'• »'. ..; , ' ''. Subscribe for the PAIIADIUM—$1. Hundreds of people yearly go through painful* operations needlessly, because they never tried Man Zan Pile Remedy. It Is put up in such a form that it can be appbed right Where the trouble lies. It relieves the pain and inflammation. It is for any form of piles. Price 50 cents. Sold by Hyde Drug Co. i. » » » . - - ' - - - - Summer coughs and colds yield at once, to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains honey and tar hut no Opiates. Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers, Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Sold by Hyde Drug Co trutnnrkrurinrinjirunrutstruv, Squirrels . *. tttkit :aia ff flit#r*r r tmUtm tupplg ti priwUtomt (,r tit Umg iDlmlcr minti» *** HitmUi tkt tkrlftf ktuUBtl: V* **»f fill HHittt* t****Wlft tmll{tt» MrfriiJSm lekitk wt an nlltt$ *t rtmnrnmUt rrlttt. XV f rr» » full Iff t ftmnl mtrtttniut tttmtl timtt. C*U *»rf t*i nrftieti hf*njnrei»il»t ttumhtf, 3/tmrttT tmitft. McMmzie & Stieh, *?. t"fS %ork. That we bid for your Laundry work only ontherneritsof ourhaadictaft. Try our heat repeBtag way <rf ironing shirts, ool- larsandOttflk S6 yes«'experience gwar- antees «ood work, FOKTTJKE'S f HALOlf» 8TEAK ULTJNDBT ftAlVOHB BfABKBT PBICRS. Prfeet psld produoar*—QaoUttoiu for TuewUj) Bauer, choice creamer*, large tub*.... " usorted Bitot . " " ben prlBtsto< " dairy. PoUtoejftew) Boss .. Bar. baled Hay, (ooea,new Hay, aM. •et*, ness Mew ittiessi. foil cream Porx, are. * * 4 n s j Teal, dressed. vacatiOD lie Is KOBaK CASTOR IA Hi IW Y« IMI M^ft INKU . OataariMat,' Your attention is invited ow line of KOUAKS and Kodak Supplies. As usual w« have a lai^e assortnient of Jewelry^ Watchea, Clocks, Silver- ware and Cut Glass. Repairing and Engraving done by experts. •w - Us '•}•'£. >k- - "Ift •m *• --.t-*v . k. - *•* .--'I^r- .-".-^rfe* -'«. •:tm r ^-i •I s " .IS - . K-=-| '|T-«.' tl '.V- it si ¥ ti ^feS'-^** •-.sSSgS mmm.

Transcript of s WHAT DO YOI OF THAT - NYS Historic...

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: .' <iu &it-<-uiion tssoed o c t o t thetm * "> i.r:ty of FranftllD . £ ]3 StktS Of. ,«• dlrwted and deUvereftSKS&jitlf .ods aD^tfiw-Tiiasta of Allan .4!. In -o up..a ao<j laSen s l i tft? l i t l l t , U„

JiD . :<*•.. .r has aineet w^&S*' f,.i,..srio^ Jf-scrited tads'taij "Wi ta.. rjpusw for sate' Wlri sell -W _, •.-- - . .- . < MCM-I- .rer'csSMs fe LC. rr.uidoorof use court bouas.hu* Ulnn-. F>TUI SIS) CoaatS^JSfeWYfflCltSfl « u.te-r. 1*17. at 1 0 o ' c t a c p t t U » C "

vt,a prupt-ny is disaffietMttfcL ra.t .r parcel of land rtMate Jft igftf l f. >'«oi.< of FraafcDi!,ami SUttfof • ; s n. • * a and itaHngulatie*** jfcifc ata

OJ f . ^ i» m township, ataf . ,<-

H-V • • ' j u t t e sonSKreatassSr'* • -I am- : D said satxitrastoa lietoh ».- u. Mi-tuiei t^msr t>jMlc01£&£9d\. •- .:r.-=, . . ii.-'Qg.Uie.aoaas-iljMja&ciiri

is and a? ilnks Wf toe.'sc ~" ~ uth one decree .east *

• f said smta»Sfii« 1 9 1 - _ • •>•- - me norraeais corner j * I

•...: »u'»li?is!oa fiCSBp^f £S8t . .. . .:.«• !u* ^.otinaed along t&ei . : '.'. a.-re *. w bole' distail® £S -f d--.j ,«as*»i3 now < , ,fbritfssriy to-'

-""•" •*»• Jesrrea S « j t ' i 2 ^ f tt>S 0 . - i w l lac.! and Of l3Il4^iSSWfta»

• » - • Albert Andre* 1» £&s»l •-..ntalMDg«i:*BKl3rM«<

-< Excepiinjjr a w t 'res** -. arr. » C •.;,« unsi gaje ffiei^Pf 03&f r.a • -.. - - . James E aw &iS~ > ,,,££ -<1 ' .»: -^r . -we ^r pares io f lanSai i* a ..f w^t?i.'te, ana traanded a s i i

v.: '-.ae .D ibf vresttxmxssltsxSSflM' <ji ;o. iv«?Bstup 3, Great T a c t - . fr. i! :h».<...:tba-eKS'cb?iSr Of » M " 1 "ms nortti »oe degreei/aresi- " a:j suijdjvisjoDr: tbecce ess* ml subdwfetfca to land ta said i w i - ^ •>'Qveyed' to MicfiaeJ qracer 3* <MK". •B and tcs bouods of land * • • * •» JEET to !acd leased; to E t a n t e a M i y IBs moreT ' « B ; tbscce--««T^K«iSe ahl Piatt, lot one chain and 3 Vtto$ - alpps lfte'U.und» r <i; < f i ^ J 53 (01^ ;lnol^-. ".^ iia.L^ x -.• cr jfess* " iof . t t - a:. . - 1.,. r ~: psee»JsSie__-"'• r -" '--'• ^ 17 6M£0scw«*-i >•• « • •*•••• rrom^suJtf I*» * y

- ' ••-- ' -Snvgiea. CT-«ff • -lartisaa Aprti J f t J

- « ; . l Deeds, f^6"1*"*

• ^ •-.^^a'i-ansxstms \

«--.:u«i cuHjef'-SndJW*. .-•adicg vresi Ji em*; j

•' • -' •• >>' Q«B cfiaa* «JX U"*? •• - • • • leededitc. Bjroo C*1**

. • , .•:i/-r.-4-,")f rana. . _ . ..:..->., of JJEVJ.»jfo»te jn u j

• '-'« "•'•acty-'cf Franlt'iisiJiJ •« «-" '-•!:« a.isafj; 6f ^ttMi»*H :

— • . C r f e a t ' T r e i i t d f S i ^ o i * ,

'-:..';» pirth't o a t t e nc-ns »i>«* : ^ • . : if>(-Ji;iicS'Cft3tn.ti«Borl&«--1

- ' .-.ir.nirij' ftsiife esse erj » j - ^ •• * a- -. r./.,,/ )Ei:'a-snJ>ai»W<>o t t * " ;

'"•'ti fiaraHei *Stft tbe "J* - ' •"-•'m.t3o.?d(»liiK tBtaopa «*J-•.- i - . ta , :»33K!* ttt* rJ»lB« , W

« ; -..-..• w.-si rxiono* of »I>1 s " ™ '

-•'.'•.*• >'-.-.• iii;* 2/itb day of Aag»»

•"hj-jiir 6fyr»»tl ln Coon*

=< < <•<<«« « « e € « • « « « %


nieiit' fs lafifjgt! a n *


a n a t i o n a l r e p a t a * i o » ,

•S S C H O O K

r t r a i n i n g fc. - ^ ad T<

. Kwroi l

""'fliij.EWl.> \ V.'; iViMtJST 33j 1907.

,,, .jMffiKMU. COUOBA W wtniivantaiMoii

.?J§jrt>ifiri 03. tniinsawptftHteltSott.

Hobbsdied at his homela M.mdav, Aug. l i tb,-aged

v. >pars. r a© is^s boro_ ia ;.", an a prep&«e4 for college at • a l e m y i n M^lQUe- H e UlSQ

, ;-.":n thiscoanty,, "Wfeeutbe :.t,,kp oat Mr* Hofafcs was ft • Middlgliajgr" College—wbfcb . .11 ferred apott hiro tfes degree 1 gave up tfea comjletloa of

•>ebterthaanay. Habecatoe f the, BStb Kegfrneut, and


feaihg sa called by bis

he war.- ffitajor Holibs too^t a the Albany &aw Scftoo! s«i4


Ed war:!


I'tia.sin '< t'l£-r- ;i




|.tw?. 5'1

|3fler'a a


Iiten : .^ittil in New f o r k city for tise Ipraci ..*• of his profession; Of late years [to a.s>-, iabea-|n tjnsinesa !&.?& b # a ^is Isoa a. j James III. Glffat4—tfis Jaitetf ot jwtom iad also been a teacher in Frank-

BB wunty, at^iranaio Lakej wfiife pttt' 11c his stadies at Middlebary thirty ar-or so agor 3La1ter!y SJajat HObto

fcasl not engaged actively^iri piac!tics6$

lezi't- pt to act as counsel to hi3 firm. He jked as" a steosg lawyer, apd less

ily reapeoted In tfee iprofessxoo. :-ilajor Hobbs was. a Republican i n itics. and for yeara was probably the st influential man in his party in

t^jgg county; cot becacss ba «iia"ao lentiy equipped In ttts aits oif t i e

3 litical worker o3p"jnana ;ep. -«a tbai bi»". (jear pertsepearojrwi^l^ o f Ittdjpeiaerj* bod regard for decency aj?d riglit taado

views wsr^tedri»fi&- ^ O B copcar^ oce of o t&m Int t % o . ' He « i * lor

bears a member of tbffl Kings county Re­publican commit toe'and of the TSepnb-licao >tate committee. B e was also tot , long period a delegate to every Bepab-

|ican ^!ate eonventioa, aad was a!way?: 1 foremost worker in 0very reform,flitwer oent in B r o o k l y n . . -.•• ". ~ *

Persooaliy Major Hobbs waa geDial, an Dteresting companion, and loyal and'

belpful in his friendships. He «ras a oasm f the late Hon, Albert Hbbbaiof jlolui.-. <and had tD3h$ ''friends- and ad-Birsr m Malone and elsewhere in tbia oonty. , • \, • . Mrs Hobbs an3 a son snrvive htm

- i r-+

Local Itcmg. Ha*tf you seen the Oriental window at

Capron s drug store ?

Runions, tlw ptjiotogrgnber, will be at h»a studio xq.prusalori Aug. 2lit and 22,1,

A change otproKranime to-tij»¥ AYcd-nesdayi at the m»r,TbMt». A <MI treat

©ame^hatqh last Thursday consisted of wit»

s w U f c r t b e f o r e s t U o 4 and,M»Ji Co.at Tupper hoik*, l

• Attention is direated t<> the •adterli-*-went et StcKeozi* ^ Sieb, the well known «o«rchants of North Bangor, -

^^Jft^taaHia, a driver.for tne F^re-paugb-&>ellseir{r«3. fell/from one of tbe areas trains one mite east of Watertown on Friday taat and- was run o w and aiiled, t . •

CyriUBLDupree^ tne ^elMcno«o con-tpswsto* and buiidefc' of .tlalone, baa the

acceptability attd dist inc contract frotn tbe l^wtett^el*ad Co.1 for — - • - - ' tbeereotion -of-anotht*-) bouse tin taw*

renee street,, I f- •. ^Beie»t the fittla dangbter of Anson ^ z e n , wbowsaioittred by falling from a» t tea at Mottnlain Vie# recently* baa been taken to the- KoyalYietoria Bespital ai Montreal for treatment.

Mra. Oziaa BoyM of Malone, teas tn-. Jttted Sand3y evening by falling tbrougb a trap amt in bar pantry. She landed^n tpa pelllor- bottom-and sustained rather serious bruises and sprains. The door bad been left open acelrjent&liy.

^Salter Meigs, who recently sold "his residence on Prosjseet street to C. I« Oapron, will hereafter reside i n New fork, bat will eom& tttTopper Lake dur­ing the«unarner. Etohas been busy witb lumber interests there during the past summer.

JErMkB.Sqmmerfeld, of Fort Ooving-tfla, ttjoan,75yfeajta of age, who offeredi astroke-of paralyala while driving to ifa-Wni recently, baa recovered saffiloieatly ft? accompany bis sister, Mra. Jaoje$ <J. Ckrrlgan, to her honio in Sap8ritw» Wis., whera fee will reside. '

**!-impiuee t ing Ko\«ir^n

P r d s « a i s a t B r a s h t o n .

Tk,„ ite i-nual earopmeetiog of St. Lawr

ace iustrictof the Methodist Epi&Bopal fearch opangd at Brushton on Togsday l ^ j u g and continues througb Wednes*' E$" Adjust 28th. ""'4". feature o f this

r's meefin^ is -ffcel «*«Jj|8K&tie » t * in charge' of Milton S. Beee, the

bester evangeist, wbo conducted A nccessfnl series of mecjtinga hstJH * few

nters ago. He ia, conduoting two srvices a day. Anptong other noted

ikers on the programme^*re:— Dr Robert Forbesj first asafBtant secre-

ary far the board of home missions and tjarrh extension, Philadelphia, Ra.? Sr . Frederick H. Wright, late of Bknne*

|taiy. secretary -'of tho ateSon plan for he fureign board, N e # York cife; Dr. ?arJ Piatt, editor of f h e Obristian fte*

bnblic. Philadelpbiai Pa»4 ""Blrs. B. A; [itchcock, formerly of Folfe Institute, od Mrs. Hilda atT Nasmytb, shneirtn* ndent of the industrial home of: f i tt le ek. '. !

As a whole the services planned for hb year are of unusual excellence and a

great religions awakening is in progress, Maging is in o ^ r g e of Rev. John.

jag^. who has organized1 *" |arge chorus fchoir Male chWrs a»e in charge of Bev J. F. Day and D."% Eo|-«on.

Preparations for the great gathering, *rr •'. 'as become a not»ble one in Jibe elig .«life of this northern section, ave be n in progress throughout tho Bmmer. Presiding Elder Charles C 'uwnsfii.i has labored arduously in plan-ag ar. I arranging for the servicea.


Bpi>- ai. 1 satisfactory and the groro Is pow a ity of tents. Tue services are peld as u^ual in the tabernaOle.

For the Veterans' Reunion at Ogden» bnrg;Ang.'lffird the'BatlaHd EEaiNatf *Ul make special low ratiea ficom stations M«-tono west, tickets good going on regular tt | i88. Setittrai»gi*^MCial trata wilt letveOgdeoahnrgati i0:3ft B, m for Ma> lone and intermediate stations.

lOtaBtate- tax commissioners rnet the supervisors and assessors of the various to>ns of Franklin county Friday at the: coQrt house in Maloqe for the purijoae of reviewing their wiork and adjuating future assessments. Ifhey spoke S very copiplimentary terms concerning the= methods adopted by the Malone aa^essors.

Cbverho? Hughes', public engagements, fojt the nejtt th*eo••©» font weelis wfcre as-Eoancad at Albany on Monday. Among them are appointmeijita to mokeaddressea a** connty tauw in Washington, TJewig,

jaaware MM f altpn eoontiea, »tj the State fair at Syracusin, and at the Grand sMray encarnpment Co be held at Saratoga i3n«ng8Sep€.Mti&. •'' .'. • ' forest flfesi have bees, eauainj? trouble and damage^ in the| viqirji|y of ^upper

B i t h o p G a b r t e l s O f B c t p t e a .

R.gh; i^verend Bishop Gabriels, of Og-ansbur,.-. ijiessed the new anney of St. oseph '< r>uline Academy at SiOO Pi M,

Th u r -a ay afternoon. There were pres-it tw-:- ^ priests from the nearest par-

and as many more sent their re­ts, f r owing to the feast of tiie day

tnay a id not leave,their polishes in oietoiarrive here, for the Oeremohy. A iajU-r et- other visitors were present: <1 vi,ited evt ry part of the .vast bdild-

whioB Will m ke sacb an ideal board-Pi hool. It i3 equipped with all the;

improvements' and conveniences, Jicates the jno3t sanitary precau-and care in fostering tfte educa-welfare of the papila. : -'•-','' ceremony ended by a benediction in npei snpg by;^ie,clergy. A dairity * aa afteTwardsserved in the-youog

i ining hal} of tbeanoe^

al>--&n_! ,:i



thr :. i i i - .

Eiske. The fires starlted a few days'ago on the timber tracts «<t. the lolernaiional Paper Company and the Brooklyn Cooper-age Company hear Kipper Lake and tho fire fighters from tuete two corporations were assisted by the <ire apparatus Owned by the Mohawk & Malone railroad.. . _

T W S o n d a y Jlohorjl GonfereneOitohe hold at the summer sfhool at Cliff Haven, Sept. 3rd and 4tb^ 8h|>uld be largely at-tenJdigdi. Tfaesnbjectitto hedisettssed«?e of generaHnterest;aijid attract very gen-

. attention,. Tbe*« TO newtopioajhonlil it discussion; "The Mission Sunday

jSehool'* and ^Bel^taus Ih§truction jo Defective Children." Franois O, Kelley,, president of 'lOhnrch Extension," *i l l be one of the speakers. •. ,„• ' ,

Everyone if wadintf V The, Toymakers " now and it will ^be" given at the Opera House on Wedl. Septi 4, 1907, for one evening only, in * new fcomio opera full of good songs.- ^ S h e JToHitaesI'' wiO bring their scenery aifidcoetumes! and will give an amusing enltertainment. Cbas. Felton Pidgin' who wrlate «_QuinOy Adams Sawyer," tho beet Wew England story eve* written, wrote this clever h e # book and opera and it is fulll of mirth and mel­ody that keeps an audience in a perfect g^fe of laughter.

- OT»loae Vonnsr : People to Wed.

Th© marriage of Kim Theresa Kennedy to John J. Slattery, bioth of Malone, has been announced, to ti ike place at St. Jo­seph's church on Wednesday,. August 2Sthi at nine o'clook; A, M. M. Bi Mon-aghan wiU act as best mala sad! Miss Anna Carlisle as bridesmaid, and the ceremony wiU ha pcrijormed byiEevr^Dan-; iel SuLivan, assistant pastor of &% Jo-

Tschurch. .... ,-":•,.. i' :, . , • Kennedy Is obi of Malonei, well

knoiwn and highly estiaemed young ladies, who has gained an' enriabie r^puta-

___„ __- Mon as a teacher in this public schools of ient>atthe camp grounds are .Malone, and |3admka'dandi^pe«fed by

all who have the pleasure of her acquain­tance. She ia the youngest daughter of Mrs; Ann Kennedy, ittr. Slattery \s the son of Mr. and Mre. James Slatteryj, and is a young man who' its highly regarded by all. Hebas been; engaged in the hop trade for the past few years, and has met with flattering succesa in that basinesa,

After a brief wedding trip the young people will take up their, residence on Brown etreei in this rdlage* With fl» many friends of the young couple the PiiXAbicii unites. i£ extebding best, Wishes for their future happiness.

V l l o o m i S^xttl Bre^d Want

and gentlemen's mixed es. ana gentlemen s mixeu -1-9-»too was played on the gtjlf coarse afternoon for two silver caps pre-> Robert Filming* Mrs. Willjam

•••• won the ladles'-cap arid James •;ed the gentlemen/a. .The; scores :' j l lqwa:^-

v • W and ;Jlr. J , Breed—100. i mtjng4?nr and-'afr*~ Flana,i?an.^

MaKwy.and.Mr, Barry— H i ' \:; irus and Dr» W i & w b a — l l & • VaniieiLasd Mr* Bobihsoa—-lU.

-:! a--Viey. and -Sfc, JjEaaaey—rtlS. i'uriagan and Mr. W. 0t. Bre*sl«~

I bulr IFruia.

SE:~. : | L A [a. . |CaTP'i


JI.--M'sV Mrv U.~ Bis

Af r-tr.f. rhatch-a_very delightful aop-I'^'^a-^Rerved'at the club aousafby the [la ;>S; . •-.: •,. - , ':] . ,

i men 'a handicap matchlori Moa->v. Smith won the first prizwcop

, "*'».a F.vre of :75T Artbur McClary win-' CteK-tiit''letioiid prizs, " :

-;.. Vetpr*n»OTeet on Friday.'

On Friday of this, weeh.occurs the an-nual reunion of the St. Iaawrencfe, County Veterans' Assaoiation, The meeting'Is to be held at Ogdensbarg, and elaborate pre­parations have been made to make the meeting one of morp'thao ordinary inter est, > Among those who are to he present are "Gen. Frederick D. Grant, -Corporal Tanlter, Stated. A. R. Commander Swift, JGtingressman Malby dild Senator W. T. O'Neil- Co, It , of Matone. has acoepted an invitation to be present, and take part in the military reception to the distin» gai3bed visitors, and o^ing to the fact tJJit,Senator O'Neil is !to be tb^B, it & :hopi»dthat a large numbor of themembere of the company will be able to attend-'Tho mond trip rate firm* t]a!«>pe wtij fce^l.SO^ Ibut to make possible the attendance of the po. K; boys, friendsi'of Ybe: coinpany hase-takan dp a collection, and so hearty baa beeO-fch» response that enqagh tnofiey baa been raiseil t « redece tTte ctst to the

; members to ft. CO for the tound ^rip. rjstpt, Bailai'd laanxloita to make a credit­able §ho:W in gT arid a ti ye ho- can: are urged to don tbeix tmiforin and go.

i ^ '"*< i' '• • -<i,.i.n i n . . . - , . , ,

B a U d B l l l * B o x n c r ; S o B e L c r t f t .

If your boafdfcijl bother* $oar leave it, teewii to have been the policy of a smooth youth who dropped Into town a few week*"ago' with -suave' manner, a good voice and a reputation a? a miastrei Binger. The Smith llmm became Ws residence a* «oott as He arrived. He claimed to ha»e traveled with Wllnon'd minaftete, an* was engaged m a singer at one.of t i e five-cent theatres. A few days ago he decided to leave town, and, not wishing to be. burdened with a board bill ot three weeks, he jast left it with Land­lord Smith and "moved on," If the latter overtakes htm he'll probably "ring a different tune."

I .analz a n d C h a n d l e r K e - B I e c i e d .

At the meeting of the Franklin County : g r a n s ' Association at Bruahton last *&k. B-..J. ahtanfeSjQ* Malone, was re-

p*teet>d commander and L. P, Chandler, ; **5lalotiev secretary. The other officer* j '^e;asSQdifttion were also K> elected.

« e encampment this year v w a mtm-i0«bleon», The programme included a I *mm tot of speaker* and mwiotana ^abasbeeriyghiy commended by the v*teraasjmd visitors.

%varoor Hughes will makTan official ! « " t o P i n e Plains, BW Keltaj Mllte, on w»dnesday, Sept. 4th, and ln«pect the

.US? 0 0 , B P» W n « *• Third Brigmda, *Woh goea into camp there Aug. Slat.

A Hick Crate Commercial School.

The Boohecter Business Institute is highly gratified by its l*rne enrollment of students, and still more so by the kind of young people who compose i;g classes. The managers have acsumed that superior advantages and facilities would attract young peopto of superior attainments and ability. The constant and increasing de­mand upon the school for graduates to fill positions requiring the highest quali­fications would seem to justify the assumption.

i , » • * • •

K. u. SklasMr Umm »««»• • Mr*ks.

a B. Skinner, the weU-knowa insar-ance man, wbo suffered a' stroks of par­alysis soma mootha ago and who has been in a serious condition at his heme, ia this village since then, sustained a second stroke on Tnssday mornin«. As wo go to press this (Wednesday) moraing M. nes fa an useonsotoas ooadUion.

FeMoii t t l .

Joseph Irfvy tiasgon«tu-K«»* York, on a business trip,

frs*. J. H. Mansman, et F^nnsylvaiiJ!*, i« the guest of Dr. C< W» Coll int.

Mm Sadie Elchey U spendiog iter vaca* tiou wtth friends at Tupoer take.

Mm Anna Foy fa the gawfc of her bro­ther, Ceorga Foy, at Saranao Lake.

Mrs. Ord»»y, of Malone, Is ridting Mr, and Mrs, M. P. Merrtofc at Fort Ooring-ton.

Kev» A . P. Qouthey, the "'oyrtonBeyan-geltst,'' baa been vfeiting in Chateaugay recently,

0 . J. HakiashaRs, been entertaining, -'fata fatter* Or. G, B. HaHa?, of Norwood, for o, few day?,

Mrs. Sl'.w B-oMri ard ^trs-- Bapbaul '-St, Mary ate vfciting friends and relatives in SpringBeld, Mass, . i

M i * Father Taylor, of Bryb Mawr .0«1* lege, i s the goeskofbet aunt, Mrs. Geo. Hawkins, in Malone. «

Mrs. Bwlgbt - DiOkinaon ;ahd grahd-daagbter, MfeaMariOQ Wamgr, spent last Friday in 02d*en3burg. ;

JohnB,Goff and family, of Albany, are guests of hfa parents, Mr. and Mrs. F SiOofffoJ a fortnight. . • - _

Um. Ells B. Caaeh, otYonketa, lis the gnestof her daughter, Mrs. Cfeo, A. Has­tings, on Morton street. ~~"\ ' •

M>a. Albert Wilson, and children; Of Malone, are spending^ worker ten daya at Clinton Mill* and tioinity. -

Mr, ^ w a r A McCarthy, or Potsdam, is spending somd time in lown, ttgi gneat of his daughter; Mrs. Prank Jabaut.

George J&ytle, of topeka, Kansas, Is tho gheat of his;<Q4n, Amo3,-ta Ifelong, and JFelatfvea in Bangor for a few days.

I* M. Irving and Chas, Sallinger «rq In Now yprjt, gtirchasing fall ond wfotet: goods for the Greeno & Austin store,

MiS3 Beatrico Crosby:, "of thb Hudson Biser Telephone offlco, ia spending her vacation iMtfontreal, visiting friends?

The Misses Mamie Barnes and; Abfele Snotv, of WorcestOrt Mssa., are guests of Misses BeEsie Bewd w*y andI«t Taylor

George Kelley. o? St, Ifegis Saits, wiho has been viBiting friends in Malone for the jpst four weelLvhaff returned honiiBr

Mra. T. G« Cajss, and daqghter, • Helen, formerly of Mafonei, new of •'Porta Etco> aire spending a vacaOoo wilfh old friend^ here."' • -,'- ,.'•

tetB.li. & Hastings and daughter, Ar-iomeiof Hermon, have been guesta of. Mr, ahd Mrg* K iph SBasttoga fpr a few ; days* . . -..'•" . " - • . • ' • . -'' •:

Francis Cantwell and his guest, Tnom-as Blaljoman. have. be|n enjoying o trip throughrtho Adirondaota oh borse-bsck,. . ' -., - ' - .* , , - ' - ,

.. Mrs. W* W, Currier and daughter, Annie, of Yonkera, are spending a vaca­tion in Mttlonejirenfewing blot acqaaln-tahoesr, .«*"'• •...-';"''- • -M' . '' -':

Mi$. Peter ToWn and daughter, Eltea, and Miss Oarrfo McCabe sro, viaithig

at Clayton and Watertown for a few days* : '• ^ . ".'. • ' : ' . ' . .•

Dean K. Page, of theimperial Theater,-has accepted a position in Batavia, bia home town, and has gone there to as­sume his new duties.

'|lto_AgneB-Ed««^'-6fi'^e>l^iB»^ P. Q., and Miss; Laura "Walsh, of Ormstown, P. <J., are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Walsh, on, Washington street. , . ;-; •

IBs . AHcerF. Stevens, of Washington, D,0,;Mfe..H.O; MoOliirjrftnd Miss Ella McCliary„of ChicaKO,ara"gnesl8 of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. HoClary.

Mia ^loienoo O'Seilj daDghterof. San., atOr William T.O'Neil, of B e g i a Falls, has been the guest of Postmaster O'Neil and family for a few days, , . - . - • •

Yance Cheney, formerly intbeshipping department of Andrus-Bobinson Co., Ua^ lone, has gone to McCollums to accept a position with O. A*' McAtthur. ' ' •.;

Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Wright and son, H. J.-'Wrifebs, Jr.» of SyraBOsfi i r * ^peading, sffeWdays with Mr. and Mm. % H. Kfe-sane,"at Camp Margaret, at Mountain VieWi- ' ' . . . . • • • ' • ' - .. -'*• '-'

' A B, Orogtt, of Now York,: a; farmer Franklin county boy, has arrived in? Ma? lone for a fortnight's vacation a n d i s - a guest at ths home of Mr. and Mrs. G. P, :Btohey.V ,•• - '

Mrs. Maud French Eoglcsby and eon, of Bnriington,-V*,,- have been gnesta of. iii,. and Mrs. G 18. Hale and family, air Ma-ione and Lake Titus for the past few weeks. - ; ^ •' - - -

Mrs, Fred Dorty. of Ottawa, 0 n | . , who has been visiting Mrs. Peter Martfn and' Mrs,, Fred Degon, on Park street, hast re­turned home, accompanied by Mrs. Martin and daughter, Edna. •. .

Wilbur Carpenter, of New York, a for* mer Franklin Academy boy* fa fipending bis vacation with relatives in this section. Be hda a good position with a wholesale shoe bouse in tho metropolis, y

My. and Jfrs. Bob0r!bC. Taylor are en­tertaining Sir. and Mrs. Jobn Graham and daughter, of Boston, Mass.;; Miss. Hannah Mc^ar|hy. of Itbaca, N. Y.j, and Miss Virginia I*afioe, of Ticonderogai:

Hermon^Whipple, of Claveland, Ghio» spent a few day$ in town last week, tits gnest of his patents, Mr. and I n . W. W*

e, Before returning «crCleyeland, he oxoects to take a trip to New IKorkand Boston, on bnsinesSj.

George; Gray, of New York city, who has been spending two weeks in town, the guest of (bia parents, '-"Mr, and • Mrs. Henry Gray', returned to the city on'Iast Monday evening, where he holds a posi­tion as clerk la the Seymour Hotwe.

E. F. MeEoeany.of pittefield, Mass,,* formw Matona hoy^ is spending a week'* vacation in town, visiting relatives and renewing old acquaintances. Mr, MoEa* eany has prospered since leaving Matone, and is now proprietor of the PittsneTd Cornice Works,

MisuEnama Jtean Hawkins, of Albany, who has been spending her vacation with ber mother, Mrs. George Hawkins, in Malone, and withtriend» In this vic­inity, returns to her work as olassiaer in the State Library at Albany, on Aug. 28th.

James W. Cady, a former Bangor boy, now of Fort Smith, Arkansas, is East for a vacation, and is the guest of his uncle, C. W. Cady, of Malone. lir. Cady has an extensive real estate and insuraaos bus­iness in Fort Smith and Oklahoma, Ha is another Franklin county boy who has succeeded splendidly in the West.

Mr. and Mrs, M. G. Magcdre and Mrs, W. B. Donovan returned on Thursday last from a trip which Inolnded a two days' visit with Bsv. M. E. Fogarty, at Saokstts Harbor, from there they wsht to Clayton, and than took a sail down the St. Lawrence, stopping at Alexandria Bay and Ogdsasbarg, leaving ths latter plans Tuesday morning aad going down the rapids to Montreal. They report a Tsry pleasant trip.;

Mr. n a d i r s . W m P. EsrJeitre spend­ing % few daya in Now York and vic­inity.

Attorney George Moore has return., d from * fortnight's vacation at Hopkins Tutor.

Mr, aad Mrs, J. LL King and daughter, Vidian, ate t'njoyiog a trip up the S.*gue-nay River fn Canada,

W, A . Bice has gone to Buckingham, P„ Q-, where he hm a position with the, MoXtaren tumher Co.

Frank Bigelow and bia cousin, Miss Harriet Taylor, hats* been at Lawrence* riile, visiting frfendsv

Mm, Mary Corbetfc and daughters, of 'LongBf&ochjN. J . , ate gttesta at. the homo of E, % Fletcher.

WOIIard Ames, of tho Farmer*Bank, fa enjoying his vacation, visiting friends in Canada and Vennonf»

Ben. Badtey and sister, Gertrude, left thia (Wednesday) tnornfngfor a few daya -owing at FcasarlBP/oloti,. •

Miss Nellie Msnson, a bookkeepoir for the> Andrus-Bobinson Co., has gone to B4ngotforAWeek'*vaoatfo8. . [

Miss Annabel Smallman g a t e a. din-ner party ton dozen ffiends a t her •. homo oa Elm etreet Tuesday evening. |

J , M. Bradsbftw^and Bt. B, Reddj- speht afewrdaya'at Moupbdb "Plow the past week, guests a t the Hinds camp. | r

Frank Berry, of Brooklyoi is the{ gueat of $i$ parents, M#, and Mrs, JploraiSe Berryi on Fort Cov&gton: street, | ^

DP, and M W . George P. Lyman, of Now York, arrived in Saranao last Wednesday fo.spaad^her^ofthaaniramBT, '•'-'"- r

Tom Hamilton, p'f Donaldson'a shoo store,-isipehdihg hda vioatloa at Fort Covington and on the St. Lawrence.

Mr. and Mrs, W , B. Philllpsand child, of Boeton, are gnest* at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. P# a Phillips, on Park streeiW.

Mr, and Mrs. if. ArTetranlt- have been visiting at the home of M. M. Tetrault, his brother, at Concord, Vt., iat^h, f ew dayB. ' " , " ' ;'', ' * -

Afteranabsenoeof 17 years, A* M^ Sherwin, of Syracuse, lis revisiting Ma­loneand is the guest of bia parents, Mr; and Mrs. A» S* Sherwin^

Madame Marguerite, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Wm. Bobarge, leaves for N e # York Friday morning, where sfie will ptirohaso 4h«r haw* idesa in millinery for her fall opening. - »,.

Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lyman and Wo, who havp been ' spending a fortnight's vacation In Malono, leave th!a morning for thsir howfe to New York, BtoppioK a day enroutetovisitatSsranaoLake.

Apartyofyoungmelicompoeedof Wm. 0. Desnoyore; Geo. F, Desnoyera^ Edw. E. Deshoyers and E. .Farant went to Cbamplain lact Sunday for on outing Thoy were entertained by A. F*. Besnoy-era, of that plioe. *: , ' -

M a l o n e Gir l M a r r i e d .

On Tuesday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. M. L. Beach on Fort Gov ington street, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Jessies, to Hiram Met-calf, of Haverhill, Mass, The < w m w y was performed in th* r rese to ot rela­t i v e a-ntt % f^it latiwate friends, by Bev. Xt« o , Penney, pastor of the Baptist ehuroh. It was followed by a reception, to which a large namber of invitations ware issued,

The color scheme of decorations in the earibe and library was, green and white. Xiwy consisted of asparagtts,-and pink and white *weetpftiS. The dining room was in pink ana white, decorated with sweet peae. Woodbine, naitartiaxra and golden glow were in evidence in other rooms.

The wedding- party consisted of John N, Beaeh, of Ludlow, Yt., brother of the bride, groomsman, Mrs. John N. Beach, matron of honor, and Mfee Gertrude Beach,, sister of the bride,, maid of honor, and Dorothy Shufelt, ring bearer, Bessie Vaughan presided a t the piano.

Following the reception, Mr* and Mrs. Metcatf left for a short wedding trip, after which they will reside in Haver­hill, where t h * groom is connected Trfth a large shoe manufactory. Mrs. Metcalf is well known in Malone, is a graduate of the Malone Training Class and bag taught successfully in the public schools of Malone. ,

Last Thursday evening the Farther Lights Mtsiionary Saclety, of the. Baptist church, gave a tin shower for the bride at the Some of Dr. and Mrs. Coleman, on Park street.

Burlington Savings lank, INCORPORATED 1847.

Had Jtity t% 1907,25,357 Depositors Total Assets %Ut493t7pLBl

This bank has always paid highest rata of Interest allowed byts w.

which at the present time i s a y .

per annum, Alt taxes in the State are paid by the bank on de­posits of 13,000 oriess, -Bepoeits can be made or withdrawn by mail. Money loaned on lege! security a t iQwestrates. * ,

OFFICKBS, , CHABLSSP. SMITH, President, .' 1BEXKT ISBEE?IE, Vice-President, *« W+ TV'ABD, Treasurer, K. 0* ISHAn, Asit, Treasurer.

TEBPSTltfiS, . -C. P . S R I T H , W I L L A R D C B & B E , B E N B V G R E E I f E , jr. I , . B A B S T O W , H E N B l W E t l S , P . W . W A B O , . A . O . W m T T E n Q B E , F . W . P E B B f ,

Flamea Devour Mill Property» At an early hour last Friday morning"

the. lumber mill of C. li. Turner, at Bryant's Siding, south of Mountain View, waa totally destroyed by fke, together with a large quantity of lumber in the

on the siding. The Are is supposed to have been^et by a spark f rem a locomo-. tive o t from tho mill engine. Once started, a stiff breeze fanned the flames in their destructive fury. In addition to the milt and the lumber, practically all tho mill maohinery was destroyed, entail­ing a heavy loss.' The mill and mas cbinery were valued at $3,000 or f4,000-and were covered by insurance. The lumber owned partly by Mr, Turner and partly by Cardinal ft Gouthier, who leased the mill, woe partially covered by in­surance. .,

Saturday the smouldering embers of the fire a t the mill started a fire-in Car* dinal & Goutbier's lumber yard, endan­gering about $8,000 worth of logs. Aid was summoned from Malone to fight the fire, and thesteamer was'sent in charge of M. G. Maguire and M. L..Beaoh. f o e mill hands were completely ; exhausted fighting the fire when the apparatus ar­rived. A stream of water was pat on the burning timber and after several hours the fire was put out completely, With both 8re3 the conflagration has proven a destructive one. \ . !

•. ' -." 38!lf«. Fraalc Mason Dead ;:,

At an early hour last Saturday morn-Mrs. Philina Mason, wife of Frank Mason, of Malone, passed away at her home on Frances street. Death came after long Weeks of suffering with an incurable disease. She was 58 years of age. . .

Mrs, Mason was a native of Burke, where she. lived until a young woman, Her maiden name was Philina Thayer, and she was a daughter of Smith Thayer, of that place. In 1878 she married Frank Mason and came with him to Malone' aomenineyearaago. , . : • • ' She, was promtaent in church work and was an honored member of the Baptist church of Malone. Her deeds of kindness and gentle, well-ordered life made her beloved by every one. Throughout her long iltaessehe bore her euflerihgs with a patience indicative of her noble char­acter.

Tho funeral was held from the Mason home on Monday, afternoon, Rev. R. O. Penney, pastor of the Baptist choroh, officiating. ' ' . ' ' " . .

She Is survived by her husband, Frabk-Mason, junior member of the lirm of Eldredge. & Mason, OOe son, Ernest, of Malone, a sister, Mrs. Frank Boby, of Malone, aCd one brother^ L. W. I h a y e r , ofBnrke.

V De*U> of Daniel SoSiMu

Danlet Duffin, of Tonapah, Nevada, who was reported last week as critically illatthoJaomcof hiscou3in,JohnDuffln, to Malone, died there On Thursday even­ing of last week, after a long illness, aged El years. The. -remaina were taken to SinehlnhrooavP. Q., the Wrthplace Of the deceased, for burial. -

Mr. PufBn camo East last spring in the hope that a change, of climate would provftheneflolalj but tho change proved of but little benefit," and he grade " raQed untU death released him from suffering. *" . -

Ho t3 enrvtvbd by his wife and; one daughter, of Tonapab, but owing to ill-ness Mrs. Duffin was unable to come to the aide of her dying husband. Three sisters. Boss, of Chateaugay; Kate, a trained nurse, of New York city; and Mrs. Mary Leyden, wife of Dr. Leyden, of Hartford, Conn., and three' brothers, Eugene, of New York; and James and John, of MoxiooaurrlVer

$be.. relatives have the sympathy of many friends^m their bereavemehfe ,- • . •»• ;--,t-<f>-, .- ,-• -

:' Aceasea of Settlf Barn Aflre. ., Saturday afternoon a barn belonging to

Mrs. Edward Nason, situated near Lake Titus, was destroyed by fire, together with three tens of hay. the property of Capt. E. J. Hstnnix, of Malone, and a buggy •fid cutter, James Allardra farm laborer, 85 years old, who formerly stayed at Mrs. Nascm'a-and who a addicted to drink, Was accused of setting the building aSre. A warrant was sworn out for hi* arrest, bat he had departed to parts unknown.

Allard ia said to have been drunk Sun­day and became disorderly about the! plaoe with a result that be was ordered J from the house by Mrs, Nason, • He went, angry aid swearing vengeance.' Ho was «eeU to remove some of his bi*a tools and belongings from the barn and soon after the building wasfoundinflames, Allard was at the Are and was accused there of setting it, but he first denied i t and later said another man had set it. Before a warrant was sworn out, however, be had :made:-hl3'eeoapa,'--,,'•. .-: .. •"_*•'•,

~ ^ i ,est SSOoVt Male i e . ;'""-'

Friday morning a man named Leonard Ames, claiming his residenoe to be in New York pity, got off the Rutland train going west, went mto the tioket office here and bought a mileage book. ] le got on the train again and soon after missed his Docket book and $300 in cash. •:

. He is said to have taken hie money out while o n the train to count it aiid have some in readiness with which to!buy«toe mileage during the train's brief stop at Malone. when the money was missed the car-was carefully searched and the Rutland depot and train shed: a t Malone as well, but no trace of the money was found. „ ; - -, • '- "'

' PcHghtca Ittalono Andloncfc.

. At the Co. K band benefit concert at the opera house on Tuesday, J . A. LeBarge, a former Malone bpyi who baa become a musician of national reputation, delighted an audience Of Malone musio lovers. HOralded a s a m a n of "artlstio versatility"he more than sustained Ida reputation. With equal skill and ease he played o n banjo^violin and mandolin,, and, with a varied repertoire, made a hit with each. In character impersonations he appeared Jo good advantage. -

He was ably assisted by Miss Marjorie Page, of Batavia, as soprano. Miss Marion Wright,- of„Maloae,. as violinist, Mbs Minnie Flanagan, of Malone, as pianist and Master C. F, Tanner, of Cutleton, 1?, Y>, as cornetiBt.


5a and i|6.00 JSn-wor^ted ptoits to be

closed %i$ week at



t » Wed to'pajr* This (Wednesday) afternoon at three

o'clock occurs the tnarrtageof Miss Mabel A Fertls, of Malone, to Edward Q. A*ery,of New Britain, Conn, The wed-dinjj will occur at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. O. O. Ferri», on Web8terBtre«i,andwilibe a quiet om, attended only by a few relatives. Bev, M.O.Sill, of Centenary M* E. church, will ofllsiate,

FollawiBg the ceremony, the couple wiU leave for Ogdensburg on a trip to the Thousand islands, and on Saturday wilrgo to their future liome In New Britain.

Mr, Avary is a member of the firm of Avery & Son, wholesale milk dealers, and iaa young man of splendid business ability andpromlse. Tne bride Is a grad uateof Franklin Academy and the Ma­lone training olaw and since graduation hm taught successfully, She is promi­nent in church circles here. The wed­ding announcement baa called forth the congratulations of many friends of the couple.

. - . „.,. i. . . * . — _ — ~ - ~ —

©0* A WHtlos; »t Mountain VJ«w* Oil and water will not mix, but water

and a Standard Oil representative did at Mountain View the other day. J. C. Finnigaa, of Malone, entrusted his gener­ous weight to the frailty of a canoe and was oapsised. His empty canoe was found later by friend*, who were alarmed and believed that Mr. Finnigan had been drowned. A search was instituted and the genial salesman was found in a se-oluded spot drying bis clothes after swim­ming ashore in record breaking time.

K o r t h L a w r e n c e B a n D i e d a t S t a l o a e .

H . J . D e w e y , a w*U k n o w n m e r c h a n t ot North Lawrence, who oame here for treatment for pernicious anaemia some weeks ago, died at ths Franklin House Saturday night, aged 57 yeara. While being treated here Mr, Dewey lost hit house and store in the recent fire at North Lawrence and this calamity is said to have hastened his death. .

He is survived by his wife, who was with him ia Malone. His remaina were taken to SoothvlUe for interment.

T. T. Battriok has lights ia his book store.

eleotrto replacing the

Pare White Lead ia pure |>igtnen|-^ simply metallic lead " And it is more than purc^ pigment—it is pure \

Paint Compositions that are only farilj> White Lead are ottif. partly faint, Tlio Jiamc above and the trade mark below guarantee absolutely Pore White Lead made by. the Old Butch Process.

JRar safe tv tint ctus 4*al*rs - S » * « « r . * » « i o o k , "A TaV*

on V*iatt" which n * w valuable itUwr-m»tkinoB.ib«p(iiist»uy«ct-

K4TIONAI, i e * » €0»U»AMP I t t WiUisM Suwt . N#* V x k

Star CJieatre iRalone, Reioyork.

The newest and finest Motion Pictures and Illustrated Song Theatre in Northern New York.

Always presenting the best that can be secured.

Out of town guests are cordially invited to visit the STAB while wafting for trains. '

—¥— Entire change of program every two

days. <=

Excellent musio al ways a feature. •

5c ADMISSION ete'«t n ^ « i

We Suppose-m% ^ Fo» vffi expect to get.«*„

'; - ^ooddeaA of jeuidry goodness hen for yimr

money. Wehavetasked 1FW to believe that you.

-will, and so you will. ' We want to deal iiber~ . .

ally vrith every custom­er. We vxmt to give '..•'.-..


. ask no more for Gi/em than is absolutely nec­

essary. Wehaveinade this about the best store

in the country at which to exchange your mon-


SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Novelties, etc.


Reliable JoW€*er^aa4 Optlcianj " , HAI.ONE, N. Y. i *Eyea Tested Free by Our Optical Specialist.

Ones are the sunshine of every home. Those having children should always be particular where they get medicines, when sick­ness comes. Many*'' ' - i - v -

'OHIO* might have been saved whenjit was sick, had the medicine been of best quality and been prepared rightly. G A P B O N , the Drug­gist, in Malone, sells only the best of medicines, and they,are pre­pared in a right way, too,! and. when given, quick results folli after the chfld is first


D n r ^ iet and ExpeitTtuss Fitter, » 2S & Main St?, BIALQNE, U, Y.

f&r f our 4i»aer ta-day, 4^iything else in tne line of seasonable fruit OT vegetables will found firesn at

Nort l i B a n s o r .

' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Eldfed have gone to Ampersand Pond for the remainder of

Mr. and*Mrs. Frank ChUde, of Burke, were to town last weelt, guests of Caleb and Alien Childs.

Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Estabrooka, of Constable, visited Mr, and Mrs. F. W. McEeorie last weak.

F, S. Steenberge and family Were the guests of friends at Massena over Sunday.

John Bombard and Bertha Vivlamore were united in marriage at North Law­rence last week.

Miss Gladys Rich and Miss Laura Lee spent last week at Malone, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hyde.

Mrs. Buby Patnoe departed Monday morning for Canton, N. Y., where she has accepted a position in a hotel. , Mrs. Flora Roach, who has been visit­

ing her children in the West during the past few weeks, returned to her home last week. .- , - , - -

W. A. McLennan, oar popular under­taker, is enjoying a well earned vacation.

Miss Clara Meade, of Iowa, is the guest for a few days pf her cousin. Mis. Renben Hirwood.

Mrs. Henry Crinklaw and little daughters, Blanch' and Gertrude, spent a few days with friends at North Law­rence this week.

Miss Richardson, of Bombay, is the guest of Martha Harrington, of this vil­lage, -

Rev. and Mrs. Middteton were called to Watertown last week by the serious 01-ness of Mrs. Middleton'a aunt.

Miss Bertha Baxter, of Holyoke, Mass., is spending a three weeks' vacation in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ella Smith.

Fredus Wilcox and wife, of Reynolds-ton, ,N. Y., are spending a few days call­ing on old friends in town. We are always pleased to greet them. ' John Ordway. of Hartford, Conn., is calling on friends and relatives in town for a few days.

George Lytle, of Topeka, Kansas, is in town for a few days, renewing old acquaintances. Be says that many changes are noticeable both in the build­ings and the people in Bangor.

Camp meeting opens this week and many of our townspeople are making plans to attend.

. Miss Maude Wright, of Chicago, m. , is spending a few weeks, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Wright. ' • / •

William Cutts, of Burlington, Vt„ spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Childs.

Miss Mary Hogan, of West Bangor, visited G. W. Rich and family last? Fri­day.

Harry Hinman, of Hudson, Mass., a former Bangor boy, was looking up old friends and acquaintances last week. He is now engaged in the clothing busi­ness at Hudson.

James Cady, another of Bangor's boys, was a caller in town last week. Mr. Cady is now engaged in the real estate business at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and has made his mark in the world.

Amos Lytle, who travels for J. O. Bal­lard & Co., of Malone, was a visitor in town recently. SOBJBB.

H o p G o s s i p .

A few weekB ago Oregon's hop crop for 1907 was estimated at 175,000 bales, but the Wall Street Journal says that now, in the opinion of the majority of the most prominent and conservative hop dealers in New York city, all'estimates of a bumper hop Crop for Oregon for 1907 have been greatly inflated, and it is not thought that the total yield will approach 140,000 bales.

The New York Tribune of Aug. 18th says: Trading is almost at a standstill, there-being few, if any, transactions In 1906 hops, and it is too early for the new crop. Picking in some of the early yards of New York State will begin next week, but the regular late crop will be a week or ten days later than usual, owing to the backward season. The coast conditions continue favorable, though not many wires received, owing to the telegraph strike. English reports unchanged and an average crop expected. Advioes from the continent are exceedingly favor­able and Quotations have shown a decided decline for the 1907 crop. We

tote: State, 1906, choice, per pound cents; do medium to prime, 13@14o.

The hop season hereabouts resembles politics In being backward this year. Local commission men say that the Crop is smaller than usual, but of good quality and, practically untouched by vermin. Growers have been offered 15 cents a pound, but are holding back for more. A lot was contracted for at Borne re­cently at 14& cents.—Utica Herald-Dis­patch.

- i . - ' - — » » • » - - , -,

Cbarcli mad 8oeletjr Notices.

The ladies of St. Joseph's Church will hold a lawn social on Arsenal Green on Friday evening of this week. All are cordially invited to attend.

The regular morning and evening services at the Baptist church, which have been discontinued through August, during Mr. Penney's vacation, will be re­sumed on Sunday, Sept. 1st,

Another open air service will be held at Morgan's, at Mountain View, on Sunday next at 11 A. M. Eev. B. C. Penney, of Malone, win preach. ' .

Rev. C. E. Woodley, of Norwood, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church next Sunday morning.

Rev. U. Watson MacMillan, pastor ot the Haxelwood Presbyterian church of Pittsburg, Pa., who preached at the Con­gregational church last Sunday, will oc­cupy the pulpit there again next Sunday.

, '., il - .'|,,ii • • • « , , -

About 170; excursionists from Beau-harnoia visited Mountain View last Sun­day. A band accompanied the excursion.

',- ,, i. . . . '.. -» . ' • » ' . ..; , ' ''.

Subscribe for the PAIIADIUM—$1.

Hundreds of people yearly go through painful* operations needlessly, because they never tried Man Zan Pile Remedy. It Is put up in such a form that it can be appbed right Where the trouble lies. It relieves the pain and inflammation. It is for any form of piles. Price 50 cents. Sold by Hyde Drug Co.

i . » » » . • - - ' - — — - - -

Summer coughs and colds yield at once, to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains honey and tar hut no Opiates. Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers, Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Sold by Hyde Drug Co


Squirrels . *. tttkit :aia ff flit#r*rr tmUtm tupplg ti priwUtomt (,r tit Umg iDlmlcr

minti» *** HitmUi tkt tkrlftf ktuUBtl:

V* **»f fill HHittt* t****Wlft tmll{tt» MrfriiJSm lekitk wt an nlltt$ *t rtmnrnmUt rrlttt.

XV f rr» » full Iff t ftmnl mtrtttniut tttmtl timtt. C*U *»rf t*i nrftieti hf*njnrei»il»t ttumhtf,

3/tmrttT tmitft.

McMmzie & Stieh, *?. t"fS %ork.

That we bid for your Laundry work only ontherneritsof ourhaadictaft. Try our heat repeBtag way <rf ironing shirts, ool-larsandOttflk S6 yes«'experience gwar-antees «ood work,




Prfeet psld produoar*—QaoUttoiu for TuewUj)

Bauer, choice creamer*, large tub*.... " usorted Bitot .

" " b e n prlBts to < " dairy.

PoUtoejftew) Boss .. Bar. baled Hay, (ooea,new Hay, aM. • e t* , n e s s Mew ittiessi. foil cream Porx, are .

* * 4 n s j Teal, dressed .

vacatiOD l i e Is



• OataariMat,'

Your attention is invited t©

ow line of KOUAKS and

Kodak Supplies.

As usual w« have a lai^e

assortnient of Jewelry^

Watchea, Clocks, Silver­

ware and Cut Glass.

Repairing and Engraving

done by experts.

•w - U s



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