S THERE A SANT AI Goodfello~ COlDlDittee Police and...

l!!f1!!I"lfl!1O!1O!1O!1~_ I WE PRINT IT AS WE GET ~ ;;J IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR i ~ I!j FAVOR - ADVER"j[SING I HAS NO RELAIION TO I OUR POLICY _ r'r,)Ii'~ffi1JiilliilJiHIi>Ii>,"li>Ii>Ii'li'iiOfi'li>@Ji!!,"j By Mati $200 per year, Smgle Cop,es 5 Cent. I , ~ I , , , I 'f. 'f. 'f. >;. 'f. '" 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. " 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f '!HE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND mE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONALDISTRICT OLDHAM,yubltsher GROSSE POT'UI: MTCHIGA.N, TLfSD,,'t mCLMBLR 21 1937 LB THE GROSSE POINTE P IlINTING CO, pubh.he •• PHO!I& LENOX 1162 ~JiIDiil~.~ IL 12-No 18 - I We Extend Greetings! It .!l" th great pleasure that we ex. tend our Sll cere \\ l~hell and those of our d. hertb"rs that eacr and every (ne Ir the bound:> of Grosse POlOte late it hot! tlful (,.11b mus amI tnat ~anta Cl tl, ~ hbera lit he dt:.tnbu. 01 of 1115 WUl;"~ tLl each and e\ ery home m Grosse Pomte '\t 111.'> t mc of tI e ~ed. a lHcm01. ble {ge old OCCd~on IS co nmemorated ma fittt 19 rallne v.. th (1 nstlan wor <,11 1- and 0' ul gl\ ll1g On tIll:> d.l,Y he G o:>:>ePomte LionS Club a "ort!) orga11lzatlOn of local bu<,neSSll1en do late the r ser\1('es to the com fit 11t 111 the g... rl en 19 ot funds to care for tlost: who are, hrough c 1 cutnstances 0\ er ,,,,hlch they d.ve 110 control must be pro'dded for rim ng the lourse of the year Many Id.1Ulhes a1 e deeply g ateful to he~e men for their sple ld d C0111mU1l1tJ !>p fit and tre r f.,eneros ty wlllt.h has I)ro'\l dcd SUCCOIto llldlgcnts of thiS "lrea fOI almost a decade \\ e comme1d hese mdn'lC.luals for the r benevLlent efforts and extend to eve~, one our g"ectll1gs for Joy vn arth ane peace and good WIll to all vVhether a largt. 'ium or a .,mall one contl1buted to the GIO;')"t Pomt€' Goodfello \f, \' hC' arE' todT\ sf'll 16 papeI'S on the streets 0: Grosse P01l1te In ,1'1.. ("Ir eIghti) 1.nnual Goodfellow papf'r sale Fr0ltt 6 a '" to 12 n0011 toe Gooefelloll s( Made up of the members of the (TIosse Pomte T lOflS n 1b the- OffICab a ld the polIce and fi.Iemen of of the varIott'S Gros::.e P01l1te \ I1hges and tl-Ie CIty of Grosse Pomte \\111 collect money to 'lelp 'Some de-:tltute f"mII) Fverv man l ,\ om,1n and child shot Id C'onslder It a dub a u ple;ts- ure to extend SOfTIe1.1d to the mo~t \,\orth) of all cause~ that of hl"lp1l1l! thoc;,e Ie,,') fort wate It ,,11ould he '1 source at e},.tleme happI- ness to 1.110\\ tha t 1 1H 1~11 '10m tonil 1 1 )tltl J11 S(111e cbIld 01 gIO\\11-UP WIll he glven food clothe::. co1.1 medIC1.1 Cd1e and othel neCC:,5lties that throngh some fa llt ha'" been (emed tilell Don't get thf' Idea that a'1\ of the mone\ collected I::. used by the seUers for anv otner p lrpo," than toat of help1l1g to allevla.(e dIstressed famIlIes th rtlg 1 'out the e-ntlre yLaI The1 e al e no e},.ecu~ bve expenses connectN] WIth the ulsbt I S1l1g oJ: thIS fund All the "ork IS done 'oluntanlv 1l1d fleeh lhe ?\e!g11bOlhood Club of Gl0sse Pomte has compIetl" ('la gr of th", Jl:,bm"emcnt OnlY throngh \our heN!l("s,; genetoslt, of tod tV 111cl\ the Good fclIo" s hope to t1.ke c ne of t1H' 111111Y requests that '\\ III pour mto the Glosse Pomte J IOns (;oQ(Letlo\\ FLl1C headquclI tf'rs dUllng the comIng 3 ear B\, our contnbtt t OIlS\ au \\ 111help m1l1ImILe the pas. sIbI1ItV of some mdIvlrlual bemp" left destitute m thIS (.ommumty The Goodfello" s thank, ou for) our co operatIOn and support In asslstl11g thtl111l1 putt 11g tllS d rve over dIe top G\ PluVldIllg for emergencIes clUlll1g' th{' conung )eu This Is Your Local Newspaper--Read It Address "Not a Kid Without a Toy for Christmas" Amount I nrlosed I want to belong to the 1937 TOY CLUB I beheve m the above slog-an Dr lnd Mrs Arthur B McGr.,.", of Lakeland avenue a"e glVlng a l\ew Year s Eve party for their daughter Sarah Edna who 1:> returnmg from M1SS \Valkel s ScrooI After a buifet :.upper the guests are gomg to the PrIncefon Tnangle Show at Orchestra Hall and followmg the show they WIll return to the McGraw s home for dancmg Name rhe GOODFELLOWS ED!! 10, of the Grosse Pomte Reuev. Ileemll to be a goO<!. nunlber m whIch to urge all Grosse Pomters to read It thoroughly lt lS the most praett a1 and. convement medIUm for lmpartlng informatIOn of I1noortant.e to resldents and 15 used by 211 local gO\ ernmental UllltS for the pubhshng and dJssemn atlOn of legal Items Loc"" ordl11ances and legI<;latlOl1 15 produced In detaIl 111 Its columns as 1re many twportant messages Through ItS pages w111 be four d timely Item regard111g SOCial school and churcl notes nev. s of the vanous local clubs and other orga11lZatlOl1S Keep up \\ tl Jonl "vents legIslatlOll and new~ read TH"- REVI"- W Police and Firemen Join Lions Club Members As Goodfellows Today Fill ont above and mal! 111 wIth) our donatIOn to I HE TOY CLUB 15224 E Jefferson Ave, Grosse Pomt. Park, ~1!ct, L .. 15121 Kerdle\ al Ave 8320 East McNichols DetrOIt 15213 Kercheval Ave 2117 D111("Bank B1dg DetrOIt 15115 East Jefterson Ave 15212 ChdrlevOlx Ave 227 Iron St DetrOit 15029 Ea.!lt Jefferson A, e 15307 East Jefferson Ave 802 \1':aJestlc Bldg Detrol 15115 E Jefferson Ave !60 Kerby Rd 14309 Ea<:.t Jefter:>ol A'\Ie ..JetrOit bU5 East Jeffcrllon AH 6650 Kercheval Ave DetrOIt 15115 Ea<;t Jefferson Ave 17449 Ea!>t Jeffcrson Ave 2670 Chalmers Ave DetrOit ~ elghbo1 hood Club \It Clemens 15231 Kercheval Ave 15224 East Teffrrson Ave 1421 Lafayette Blclg DetroIt Jefierson and Phlhp Georgia A\ e Detroit 14,;,03East Jefterson Ave DetrOIt ) 01 Barlum To" er DetrOIt 17101 Kercl eval Ave 15129 Kert.he\al Ave 100 GratIOt Avc D"'trOlt Hl,rper Ave Detl Olt 11214 Ea~t Jefiersol1 .'\ye DetrJlt 5140 \It Ell ott DetrOIt Grosse POInte Detrol CharlevOIX and LakepoJrte 14R27 l<ast refferson Ave DetrOIt 16915 Fa'i't: Jefferson Ave b115 East Jeffelson Ave 11500 East Jefterson Ave 15100 \iack Ave Gro!>se PoInte I arms 214? Buh! Bldg Detro!t D7J7 Ed.st McNIchols Road Detr€llt 14229 Last Jeffer"on Ave, DetrOIt 52,;,0Yor1.shlre DetrOit L79 Rivard Blvd 1 J 30 1. Jefferson Detlott 1,+6.;1Las" efferso\ -<\ve DetrOit D" er and Cleaner \fodem Tool and DIe Co Hairdresser Barrett s ServIce Attorney Clerk Grosse Pomte Ford s ChIropractor ;,upen lsor Gro~.se Po ute 10\\'l1S11p Stelling Coal Co Judge Gwsse Pomte TO\vrsh.tp Ba1 ker Grosse Pomte Bank \fortlclan Social Worker (xolf Ranmler Golf Club " J Gntch Bldg Corp Henk G1.rsh.a Co WmterhalteJ. & Glaser Ba'1ker I ngram Iron Works Del1ttst Pubhs~er regal Couner Korte Service Baker Pathologlst Pnllter Shoes 1 utz I ange Lumber Co Grosse Pom~e Country Club Detrolter SocJaler TurnverpJn Club ) each:. Drugs Surgeon Grosse P.:Jmte Hardware r<lerk Grosse Pomte TOWllsJUp Scotland railors Co Wa} ne County Road Commisslonel Erulor Gro!:>se POlllte ReVIew :enterprIse Tool and Gear Corp TIl1i s Cafe Judge Uerk Groslle POinte 10\\'nslulJ \fa luiac+uers Agent S" eltzer s CreamelY \T111age Fngmeer ll~tlrance <:;",,11 k Constructlon C Toepel Hardware Co \Iu lClan \f ed cal OffIce Grossl' Pomtc Dental ';urgeon Gnfflth W dde MERRY CHRISTMAS Goodf ello~ COlDlDittee Reading from Ipft to right they are: Juhu. Berns, Past Pres,dent; Norhert Denk, Chair- msn of the Committee; Jack Gagnon, President, and Alfred Garska, Past Pres,dent. Roster of Grosse Pointe Lions m1ttef' meets monthly and care- AYLI7\G L-Lorne ALDRIDE J -Jack BA"iT!\ /VI -B<11 BARRETT A J -RoIly BER~S J -Jules BER1\S W -Waldo BEAuPRE W -Buss BROW~ELL 0 D-Doc DE\K '\ -]>,orb DeHA YhS L -LOUIS DeB~EKE V-VIC DeBAEKE W -Bli DESA]>,TIS J -Jerr} ELWORTHY G-Geo GAG'\O'\ J -Jack G~ICB "-Art GARSKA " J -~I GLASER H-Hugo BOSKI, G J W 1\l>RA\1 G-Geo TAXT[ME.R T-Doc kORTE N -1\els KORTE L \\ -Larry kAMISCHKE R-Rudy kFR'iTF'\ DR W-Doc KR"SS E-Ed KAHN P-Phll LUD\\ IG \I, -Bill LAVr;, L-LY1n MFTC "LF D -Dal LEACH V -Vrnce '\FI\1\!,,'N A J-Doc ~AGEL J -Jtles 'JI(,HTI" G <\LE C-Chas o COl\1\OR A P-Pat o BRTE~ 11 J -Mike OLDHAM L-Lee 'ROEFKE 0 -Otto PISCOPI"iK I< -Tiny oCH\\ UK "RT W -Walt 5CHVIEIK"Rf C-Car! ';WIF'T C -Clarence ';WE.ITZER r-hed S\1ITH \I-Smltty SUTTON J JR-Jack 5W!\K ED JR -Ted "OEPI:L j< -Fred tully analyLes all expeudlture, WIRWILLS V -\ ece WARnBl\ B H-Doc The welfare work IS cond.lctea \VATl\..T'\S \V J -Doc by expenenced socJaI workers of I W \DE C-Chas I the NelghbOlhood Club of Grosse I Pomte which act .. as a c1ealIng' (Contmued on Back Pl!ll.~ Do you know what happens to the money collected from the Grosse Pomte LIOns Goodfellow New<paper Sale? ThIS drIve which IS conducted annnally by the Grosse Pomte LIOns Club IS for the purpose of ImmeclIate re- hef for the less fortunates Food c10thmg optical servIce hospItal care doctor bills mIlk for bab"s and 1111der-nounshed chIldren are only a few of the many Items paid for from the money collected dur- mg thI'S sale The fund IS under the dIrect ,upcn ISIOn of the LIOns Club executn e commIttee ThIS com "FORGOTTEN" (Orig111allV prInted September 21 1897 111 fhe New Yo'k Sun) 'Ve take pleasUl e In ans\\ crme,' at once and thJS promlPently .c-am.1J;ttttY-t"Ca~~" ,;,,-exV'1"t''S~ af~ "Same 'tIme our gTt!at"- !" ... I( 'f?!: i'f 'hfication ihat its faithful author IS numbeled among the frIend. The Sun; Dear j< dltor-I am 8 Hars old SOll\e of my httle frIen.!s say there IS no ;,an\a Clam Papa sa) s HIf yOH see It In The SI.1n It'S so" Pl-ea~e tell me the- trut l 1 IS there a ":lanta Claus' Vllg1l11a 0 ifanlon Vlrgplla your ltWe frIends are wrong fhey have been aflected the skepticIsm of a .keptlcal age They do not beheve except r see Ti1ey th.tnk that nothmg can wll}<:h IS not comprenensible by r 1 ttfe mmd<:, All ml11ds Virginia ther they be men s or ohlldren s httle In thIS great umyerse of ) fl1an IS a mt.re Insect an ant m llltellect as compared WIt!' the ndless worIc. about h1m as measured the tntellJgence capable of graspmg wholt of truth and knowledge es Vlrgmla there I!>a Santa Claus eXIsts as certamly as love and gen tv and devotIOn eXIst and you w that they abound and gwe to r lJfe It" hIghest beauty and JOY )J how dreary would be the world let e wa,., no Santa Calus I It would IS drea-ry as there were no VI". dJ1S There would be no chlld hke 1 then no poetr~ no romance to e tolerable thIS eXistence We lId have no enjoyment ex-cept IP e and Slg!hj: The eternal hgh+ I which ohl1dhood fills the world Id be extll1gUl~hed ot belle"e m Santa Claus I You ht tl.ll well not beheve III fames 1 mIght get j our papa to hIre men atcl-} 111 all the chimneys on ChrIst F\C to catch Santa Calus but I 1 they dld not see Santa Claus mg dQ\.\n what would that pro've? ody <;ec<ISanta Claus but hat 15 )Ign that thert. b no Santa Claus most real thmgs III the world are e that neither chddren nor men ca 1 DId you eve1 see fau'les dancmg he Ia\\n? Of course not butthats )roof that they <1.1 e not there No (Contrnued on Back Page) , S THERE A SANT AI CLAUS? I HRISTMAS w,ll be a happv day this year for at least 1 500 POOl children and 01 phans because of the eXistence of THE. TOY CLUB Lltil, red bags are bulgmg with toys and Irly, readv to be loaded mto patrol wagons trucks and automo- os that ",ll dellver them to their respective llttle owners, who are )efully "''''Ung an an"Hr to their letters to Santa Claus 1he other dav "e ran across this edItorIal whIch appeared m e Ne" York Sun forty vears ago In It you wtll sense the true nt of th,. holy sea.on of ChrIstmas and m It you WIll learn the als that e,lst m human hearts that make possIble the SLccess of a Ie chantable orgamzatlOn l1ke 1HE TOY CLUB

Transcript of S THERE A SANT AI Goodfello~ COlDlDittee Police and...

Page 1: S THERE A SANT AI Goodfello~ COlDlDittee Police and ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · Pomt€' Goodfello \f, \' hC' arE' todT\ sf'll 16 papeI'S on the streets

l!!f1!!I"lfl!1O!1O!1O!1~_IWE PRINT IT AS WE GET ~;;J IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR i~



By Mati $200 per year, Smgle Cop,es 5 Cent.



'f. 'f. 'f. >;. 'f. '" 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. " 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f. 'f



P IlINTING CO, pubh.he ••



IL 12-No 18


We ExtendGreetings!

It .!l" th great pleasure that we ex.tend our Sll cere \\ l~hell and those ofour d. hertb"rs that eacr and every(ne Ir the bound:> of Grosse POlOtelate it hot! tlful (,.11b mus amI tnat~anta Cl tl, ~ hbera lit he dt:.tnbu.

01 of 1115 WUl;"~ tLl each and e\ eryhome m Grosse Pomte

'\t 111.'> t mc of tI e ~ed. a lHcm01.

ble {ge old OCCd~on IS co nmemoratedm a fittt 19 rallne v.. th (1 nstlan wor<,11 1- and 0' ul gl\ ll1g

On tIll:> d.l,Y he G o:>:>ePomte LionSClub a "ort!) orga11lzatlOn of localbu<,neSSll1en do late the r ser\1('es tothe com fit 11t 111 the g...rl en 19 otfunds to care for tlost: who are,hrough c 1cutnstances 0\ er ,,,,hlch theyd.ve 110 control must be pro'dded for

rim ng the lourse of the yearMany Id.1Ulhes a1e deeply g ateful to

he~e men for their sple ld d C0111mU1l1tJ!>pfit and tre r f.,eneros ty wlllt.h hasI)ro'\l dcd SUCCOIto llldlgcnts of thiS"lrea fOI almost a decade

\\ e comme1d hese mdn'lC.luals forthe r benevLlent efforts and extend toeve~, one our g"ectll1gs for Joy vnarth ane peace and good WIll to all

vVhether a largt. 'ium or a .,mall one contl1buted to the GIO;')"tPomt€' Goodfello \f, \' hC' arE' todT\ sf'll 16 papeI'S on the streets 0:Grosse P01l1te In ,1'1.. ("Ir eIghti) 1.nnual Goodfellow papf'r sale Fr0ltt6 a '" to 12 n0011 toe Gooefelloll s( Made up of the members of the(TIosse Pomte T lOflS n 1b the- OffICab a ld the polIce and fi.Iemen ofof the varIott'S Gros::.e P01l1te \ I1hges and tl-Ie CIty of Grosse Pomte\\111 collect money to 'lelp 'Some de-:tltute f"mII)

Fverv manl ,\ om,1n and child shot Id C'onslder It a dub a u ple;ts-ure to extend SOfTIe1.1d to the mo~t \,\orth) of all cause~ that ofhl"lp1l1l! thoc;,e Ie,,') fort wate It ,,11ould he '1 source at e},.tleme happI-ness to 1.110\\ tha t11H 1~11 '10m tonil 11)tltl J11 S(111e cbIld 01 gIO\\11-UP

WIll he glven food clothe::. co1.1 medIC1.1 Cd1e and othel neCC:,5ltiesthat throngh some fa llt ha'" been (emed tilell

Don't get thf' Idea that a'1\ of the mone\ collected I::. used bythe seUers for anv otner p lrpo," than toat of help1l1g to allevla.(edIstressed famIlIes th rtlg1'out the e-ntlre yLaI The1 e al e no e},.ecu~bve expenses connectN] WIth the ulsbt I S1l1g oJ: thIS fund All the"ork IS done 'oluntanlv 1l1d fleeh lhe ?\e!g11bOlhood Club ofGl0sse Pomte has compIetl" ('la gr of th", Jl:,bm"emcnt

OnlY throngh \our heN!l("s,; genetoslt, of tod tV 111cl\ the GoodfclIo" s hope to t1.ke c ne of t1H' 111111Y requests that '\\ III pour mtothe Glosse Pomte J IOns (;oQ(Letlo\\ FLl1C headquclI tf'rs dUllng thecomIng 3 ear B\, our contnbttt OIlS\ au \\ 111help m1l1ImILe the pas.sIbI1ItV of some mdIvlrlual bemp" left destitute m thIS (.ommumty

The Goodfello" s thank, ou for) our co operatIOn and supportIn asslstl11g thtl111l1 putt 11g tllS d rve over dIe top G\ PluVldIllg foremergencIes clUlll1g' th{' conung ) e u

This Is Your LocalNewspaper--Read It


"Not a Kid Without a Toy for Christmas"

Amount I nrlosed

I want to belong to the 1937 TOY CLUB

I beheve m the above slog-an

Dr lnd Mrs Arthur B McGr.,.", ofLakeland avenue a"e glVlng a l\ewYear s Eve party for their daughterSarah Edna who 1:> returnmg fromM1SS \Valkel s ScrooI After a buifet:.upper the guests are gomg to thePrIncefon Tnangle Show at OrchestraHall and followmg the show they WIllreturn to the McGraw s home fordancmg


rhe GOODFELLOWS ED!! 10, ofthe Grosse Pomte Reuev. Ileemll to bea goO<!. nunlber m whIch to urge allGrosse Pomters to read It thoroughlylt lS the most praett a1 and. convementmedIUm for lmpartlng informatIOn ofI1noortant.e to resldents and 15 used by211 local gO\ ernmental UllltS for thepubhshng and dJssemn atlOn of legalItems Loc"" ordl11ances and legI<;latlOl115 produced In detaIl 111 Its columns as1re many twportant messages ThroughItS pages w111 be four d timely Itemregard111g SOCial school and churclnotes nev. s of the vanous local clubsand other orga11lZatlOl1S Keep up \\ tlJonl "vents legIslatlOll and new~ readTH"- REVI"- W

Police and Firemen JoinLions Club Members

As Goodfellows Today

Fill ont above and mal! 111 wIth) our donatIOn to I HETOY CLUB 15224 E Jefferson Ave, Grosse Pomt. Park,~1!ct,

L ..

15121 Kerdle\ al Ave8320 East McNichols DetrOIt15213 Kercheval Ave2117 D 111("Bank B1dg DetrOIt15115 East Jefterson Ave

15212 ChdrlevOlx Ave227 Iron St DetrOit15029 Ea.!lt Jefferson A, e15307 East Jefferson Ave802 \1':aJestlc Bldg Detrol15115 E Jefferson Ave!60 Kerby Rd14309 Ea<:.t Jefter:>ol A'\Ie ..JetrOitbU5 East Jeffcrllon AH6650 Kercheval Ave DetrOIt15115 Ea<;t Jefferson Ave17449 Ea!>t Jeffcrson Ave2670 Chalmers Ave DetrOit~ elghbo1 hood Club\It Clemens15231 Kercheval Ave15224 East Teffrrson Ave1421 Lafayette Blclg DetroItJefierson and PhlhpGeorgia A\ e Detroit14,;,03East Jefterson Ave DetrOIt) 01 Barlum To" er DetrOIt17101 Kercl eval Ave15129 Kert.he\al Ave

100 GratIOt Avc D"'trOltHl,rper Ave Detl Olt11214 Ea~t Jefiersol1 .'\ye DetrJlt5140 \It Ell ott DetrOItGrosse POInteDetrolCharlevOIX and LakepoJrte14R27 l<ast refferson Ave DetrOIt16915 Fa'i't: Jefferson Aveb115 East Jeffelson Ave11500 East Jefterson Ave

15100 \iack AveGro!>se PoInte I arms214? Buh! Bldg Detro!tD7J7 Ed.st McNIchols Road Detr€llt14229 Last Jeffer"on Ave, DetrOIt52,;,0Yor1.shlre DetrOitL79 Rivard Blvd1J3 0 1. Jefferson Detlott1,+6.;1Las" efferso\ -<\ve DetrOit

D" er and Cleaner\fodem Tool and DIe CoHairdresserBarrett s ServIceAttorneyClerk Grosse PomteFord sChIropractor;,upen lsor Gro~.se Po ute 10\\'l1S11pStelling Coal CoJudge Gwsse Pomte TO\vrsh.tpBa1 ker Grosse Pomte Bank\fortlclanSocial Worker(xolf Ranmler Golf Club" J Gntch Bldg CorpHenk G1.rsh.a CoWmterhalteJ. & GlaserBa'1kerIngram Iron WorksDel1ttstPubhs~er regal CounerKorte ServiceBakerPathologlstPnllterShoes1 utz I ange Lumber CoGrosse Pom~e Country ClubDetrolter SocJaler TurnverpJn Club) each:. DrugsSurgeonGrosse P.:Jmte Hardwarer<lerk Grosse Pomte TOWllsJUpScotland railors CoWa} ne County Road CommisslonelErulor Gro!:>se POlllte ReVIew:enterprIse Tool and Gear CorpTIl1i s CafeJudgeUerk Groslle POinte 10\\'nslulJ\fa luiac+uers AgentS" eltzer s CreamelY\T111age Fngmeerll~tlrance<:;",,11 k Constructlon CToepel Hardware Co\Iu lClan\f ed cal OffIce Grossl' PomtcDental ';urgeonGnfflth W dde


Goodfello~ COlDlDittee

Reading from Ipft to right they are: Juhu. Berns, Past Pres,dent; Norhert Denk, Chair-msn of the Committee; Jack Gagnon, President, and Alfred Garska, Past Pres,dent.

Roster of Grosse Pointe Lions

m1ttef' meets monthly and care-

AYLI7\G L-LorneALDRIDE J -JackBA"iT!\ /VI -B<11BARRETT A J -RoIlyBER~S J -JulesBER1\S W -WaldoBEAuPRE W -BussBROW~ELL 0 D-DocDE\K '\ -]>,orbDeHA YhS L -LOUIS

DeB~EKE V-VICDeBAEKE W -BliDESA]>,TIS J -Jerr}ELWORTHY G-GeoGAG'\O'\ J -JackG~ICB "-ArtGARSKA " J -~IGLASER H-HugoBOSKI, G J W1\l>RA\1 G-GeoTAXT[ME.R T-DockORTE N -1\elsKORTE L \\ -LarrykAMISCHKE R-RudykFR'iTF'\ DR W-DocKR"SS E-EdKAHN P-PhllLUD\\ IG \I, -BillLAVr;, L-LY1nMFTC "LF D -DalLEACH V -Vrnce'\FI\1\!,,'N A J-Doc~AGEL J -Jtles'JI(,HTI" G <\LE C-Chaso COl\1\OR A P-Pato BRTE~ 11 J -MikeOLDHAM L-Lee'ROEFKE 0 -OttoPISCOPI"iK I< -TinyoCH\\ UK "RT W -Walt5CHVIEIK"Rf C-Car!';WIF'T C -Clarence';WE.ITZER r-hedS\1ITH \I-SmlttySUTTON J JR-Jack5W!\K ED JR -Ted"OEPI:L j< -Fred

tully analyLes all expeudlture, WIRWILLS V -\ eceWARnBl\ B H-Doc

The welfare work IS cond.lctea \VATl\..T'\S \V J -Docby expenenced socJaI workers of IW \DE C-Chas

Ithe NelghbOlhood Club of Grosse IPomte which act .. as a c1ealIng'

(Contmued on Back Pl!ll.~

Do you know what happens tothe money collected from theGrosse Pomte LIOns GoodfellowNew<paper Sale? ThIS drIvewhich IS conducted annnally bythe Grosse Pomte LIOns Club ISfor the purpose of ImmeclIate re-hef for the less fortunates Foodc10thmg optical servIce hospItalcare doctor bills mIlk for bab"sand 1111der-nounshed chIldren areonly a few of the many Items paidfor from the money collected dur-mg thI'S sale

The fund IS under the dIrect,upcn ISIOn of the LIOns Clubexecutn e commIttee ThIS com


(Orig111allV prInted September 21 1897 111 fhe New Yo'k Sun)'Ve take pleasUl e In ans\\ crme,' at once and thJS promlPently.c-am.1J;ttttY-t"Ca~~" ,;,,-exV'1"t''S~ af~ "Same 'tIme our gTt!at"-!" ... I( 'f?!: i'f

'hfication ihat its faithful author IS numbeled among the frIend.The Sun;

Dear j< dltor-I am 8 Hars oldSOll\e of my httle frIen.!s say there IS no ;,an\a ClamPapa sa) s HIf yOH see It In The SI.1nIt'S so"Pl-ea~e tell me the- trutl1 IS there a ":lanta Claus'

Vllg1l11a 0 ifanlon

Vlrgplla your ltWe frIends are wrong fhey have been aflectedthe skepticIsm of a .keptlcal age They do not beheve exceptr see Ti1ey th.tnk that nothmg canwll}<:h IS not comprenensible byr 1 ttfe mmd<:, All ml11ds Virginiather they be men s or ohlldren shttle In thIS great umyerse of

) fl1an IS a mt.re Insect an ant mllltellect as compared WIt!' the

ndless worIc. about h1m as measuredthe tntellJgence capable of graspmgwholt of truth and knowledgees Vlrgmla there I!>a Santa ClauseXIsts as certamly as love and gentv and devotIOn eXIst and you

w that they abound and gwe tor lJfe It" hIghest beauty and JOY) J how dreary would be the worldlet e wa,., no Santa Calus I It wouldIS drea-ry as 1£ there were no VI".dJ1S There would be no chlld hke1 then no poetr~ no romance toe tolerable thIS eXistence WelId have no enjoyment ex-cept IP

e and Slg!hj: The eternal hgh+I which ohl1dhood fills the worldId be extll1gUl~hedot belle"e m Santa Claus I Youht tl.ll well not beheve III fames 1

mIght get j our papa to hIre menatcl-} 111 all the chimneys on ChrIstF\C to catch Santa Calus but

I 1 they dld not see Santa Clausmg dQ\.\n what would that pro've?ody <;ec<ISanta Claus but hat 15

)Ign that thert. b no Santa Clausmost real thmgs III the world are

e that neither chddren nor men ca 1DId you eve1 see fau'les dancmg

he Ia\\n? Of course not butthats)roof that they <1.1 e not there No

(Contrnued on Back Page)


CLAUS?IHRISTMAS w,ll be a happv day this year for at least 1 500

POOl children and 01phans because of the eXistence of THE.TOY CLUB Lltil, red bags are bulgmg with toys and

Irly, readv to be loaded mto patrol wagons trucks and automo-os that ",ll dellver them to their respective llttle owners, who are)efully "''''Ung an an"Hr to their letters to Santa Claus

1he other dav "e ran across this edItorIal whIch appeared me Ne" York Sun forty vears ago In It you wtll sense the truent of th,. holy sea.on of ChrIstmas and m It you WIll learn theals that e,lst m human hearts that make possIble the SLccess of aIe chantable orgamzatlOn l1ke 1HE TOY CLUB

Page 2: S THERE A SANT AI Goodfello~ COlDlDittee Police and ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · Pomt€' Goodfello \f, \' hC' arE' todT\ sf'll 16 papeI'S on the streets




On Stanalard RedCrown Gasoline






!hursdav, Decl'mbe.r 1/$




Cleaned &:Preued

lb. 17c17c

ForStuRin .. , Ib


Plcnu~cutno Shank, 1&



Cut Eram fancy youn ..stl:'el' beef, lb•

Fancy Decorated,l'acked In a box,excellent .lft for Xmas, lb

rancy Home Dreesed

WJtJr a goldeJl yellowcolor In the ~h..pe 01 •butter ball, lh

Nightingale has never sold atieeoncl vade Ham, lb

Whole or Shaftk Hal'

SpecialThis week only

Save 2c Per Gallon

Windmill Pointe"Cleaners.,. TailorsServmg Gl"osse POlnt, ./ReslClents SInce 1925 I

Cleanmg, Pressing and Altering on Ladles' & M ..n's GarmenI

cW. call for an4 LII=n()"" ':116\ ~Dehver-Phone L ~ -......U£I!-

All Garments I.tlsured Against FIre and Theft

14931 Jefferson Ave. ti~~l


13000 E Warren at Dicker .. ," LE. 23$




NIghtingale S..lls Good Vl"'alRnsonable Alway.



Top Qu .•..b..t.•y. .

It doe.n't co,t any more to buy home dressed Poultry at NIBhhns.le'.

'.....N IGHTIN'GALE '5



Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Specials


Original Main Store: 14525 MACK AVENUE



Cooper Bros.

Rel1d',,_130S 8ucldnrh ....TU 2.1717

Best Gt"ad~.of


GEESE, lb.

ThiS Store Will be op~n Wednesaay, Thursday and FrIday lor tbe COD'Yenlence of ou.r eu~totners to 9 P M




Korte Beauty Shoppe14~40Mack at Wayburn

NIagara 7178


Lenox 5885

Poultry DressingIt Improvt"s the flavor of the fowl



Smoked Hams


Fresh ground pork 01' veal, lb.

Shot' at NI~hthntale-'s olnd b. sti'i-e of Quality

Center cut shced ham, lb.

•Choice center cuts of Rib Vea! or Lamb ~hops, lb.

Lean Pork LOin Roast, rib end, 4.lb average, lb.,



•Strictly fresh home made Park Sausage, country style, lb.





Wrapped In J.f~Jb cellophane pkC's

Pure Lard in I.lb. carton_, lb.

Nightingale Personally Se!Pd. HiS Own Meat.-----------------------N;JGHTINGALE'S LEAN SUCAR CURED




• * *

EdWin R Stroh Jr, son or Mr andl Mr.') Jolm S Sweeney and her/ Wllham George Hoyt, son of II\frs I:dlHn R Stroh of Beverly road daught("r, Mary Margaret of Provencal Mrs Jesse Edwa"d Ho-yt, of ~WIlham ML. key, son of Mr and Mfs load, have returned from a t",o weeks "oad has returned from a twol;Claude E Mulkey, of Lakeshore road stay In Bo-ston and New York stay In Cahforma* * • and DavId A Cooltdge, son of Mr a'1d ;;;:;;;:;::;;:;

Mrs MartIn Mower left Sa'"urday \In. Frank W Coohdge, of [{ensmg- ~~Ji!!m!fiiJJG-Jiiilli!fl!1~~mll!.lillll!!ll!!lt!IJafter a short VISIt WIth Mrs John W ton road ~ •Staley of H..rvard road for he< home ( Best Wishes for a I

1n Cambndge ~as~ • I MERRY CHRISTMASMr and \{rs Edward S Evans of I

Three Mde dnve and theIr son RQlb ("onllu}t our HaIr Styhst lor a new cOI«urtjert ,,,11 hold open house Ohmtmas th. hol"lays. Imght from e un~d;O ~cJock LAPREEN :f~~Y

Hamilton Herbert daU81l1ter of \11" ~and Mrs "'" llham H Herbert, of Bev 9SS W.sl.,inl'tOfl Rc1 TU. 2..~erly road was presented to SOcIety MISS DOROTHY BUDDS, MIl". J

Wedn"day, Docember 15, at a tea by ~~JW~Jt\!li!1JiilJWO..l"JI!fI!!lI!fl!!1"'l!!1l!!1D!1l!!1l!!1l!!1l!!1Il!Jl!!1l!!1l!!1Il!Jl!!1I!!1Il!Jl!!1l!!1ll!Jl!!Ill!Ill!Jll!JoJIll!J~her grandmother, Mn W,lham P ~fiilfiillJllliilfiilfiillJll_liilfiilfiillJllfiilfiillli!iilfiilli1lfiilfiilfiilr"llIlfiilli\lr"lJllliilfiilfiilfiilfiil"li'fiilliilfiillJllfiilllilfiilfiilfiilfiilfiilfiil~Ham,lton also of Beverly road ~ I

Mr and \frs * J:hn* r, Falhng Jr A~~~~ C~:~~Y i I ~hr~. ~ha~s,sD A Y S PEe I A L:1

of Three Ml1e DrIve, WIll cntel tam at H d T] 12 Ch kId t 'Ia breakfast on Sunday December 26 ~49;:~ jeffe::::JA:~e8 J:(re:cse rear ax e an ransmlUlon 1m honor of Mr and Mrs Andrew G at Wayburn 3 An' tIres, water battery-clean andLo","e of Knox'IHe Tenn who are 111 G Mlc.hel, Mgr LE 307/1 tighten bllttel"y clilbleDetrOit for the holtdays --J ~ -4 Vacuum Inlllde of ear

That evemng Mr and \Irs Robert 'l @i 5 Change od, Standard 011 Company',best,S qbC Wllhams of Harvar<l road vull be Ad FOR ONLY

hosts Rt a supper In honor at the ILovves Mrs Robert G Kales of Clov Ierly road, enter tamed Mrs Lowe at aluncheon Monday noon In her home• • •

Ms Wallace Wnght and her daugl~ter, Flora of London England whohave been the guests of Mrs \Vnght saunt Mrs Be::,sle BeWIck of McKl11ley Place left for theIr horne on Thursday

lMr and Mrs Edward H Jewett IIof Oxford road and Mr and M-rsHenry B Joy, Jr of Provencal roadWIll go to New York to bid bon voyageto Mrs Harry M Jewett of Lakeshoreroad and Mrs Henry B Joy of Lake'<hore road when they saIl January 5on The Franconta for a tnp around the""GrId

• • •Three Pomte 00, S \\0 ere found among

the Detro-tt studf!.nts that arnvedfhtlrsday frOl11 the Fountam ValleySchool 111 Colorad'O Sprmgs, Col were




• • •

• * •



15124Mack Ave. ~ TU.2.1750"-

Don't Forget Your

\1" rand Mrs Owen R Skelton ofRldge road and. theIr daughters Joyceand Fdna Frances, left last week tospend the Chnstmas holIdays In Ber ..muda

James V Oxtoby Jr who attendsWashmgton at d ]eflerson College 111

\Va~Jungton Fa. returned yesterdayto 'lpend the holtdays WIth hIS parentsMr and Mrs James V Oxtoby, orParker Ave

Mrs De WItt has returned to herhotne In COIpus ChrIstl, Tex after asOjourn of ~everal weeks "'lth 1fr and'Irs CeCIl H Hobbs of 'LlUversltyPlace

TIm Bradley, son of Mr and 1{rsF X Bradley of RIdge road returnedto spend the holIdays With hili: parentslast FrIday after a long Siege of "tudymg at the Vntverslty of Notre Dame

•••Lenora Myers, daughter of Mr and

I Mrs Henry T Myers of LakelandAve, arrIVed In town Saturday for theChrutmas holIdays from Bn-n Ma\\r(ollege, 1n Bryn Mawr Pa BettyWelborne, of Leesburg, Va, one of

,ll!JoJIll!J"-ll!Ji!!II!lI<!Ji!lli!!II!lIll!Jll!J~Ji!!Il'~~rmro. ..



15300 Kercheval Ave. ~at Beaconsfield ~

Tu 2.3547 Carl M Dell, Prop ~r["!li!J<!Ii'rn!lI!fOffi!JoIoIi!lli!!II!lIi!!II!lIi!lli!!II!lIi!!IiilffiIIi!Jll!fl!!ll!foi!,]l--------------------


~ ~

•S' ~i eason s i; G. wI reet1ngs II FROM !~ ~i ~I CROWN Ii Cleaners & Dyers II 15323 E. Jefferson at Nottingham i<I ~

I Niagara 6200 IlllJl!!1l!1!l!ii!li!1J~.I_i!Ii!1Ji!lli!!II!lIi!1Ji!Ii!1Jll!JI!!Ii!1JrWlI!f~

NI 3753

Electric Motor ;Repair

DUNCAN &: I\o!cNICOL14821 CharlevOIX at Wayhurn

NIghts, Sun «Hobday.

TR %.8066




Drapes CleanedIndividual, E:X:clusive Work

RUSSELLCURTAIN CLEANERS14727 Kercheval at Ashland

Lenox 8275




In connechGn withFOX CRErJ<; BARBER SHOP

14714 E Jefferson Aveat Maru:!hque Lenox 1474

Open Thurs and Frl Evemn,qf

THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW-----------------------


Felix Fra'lcoisBEAUTY~AL<lN





An electriCratite IS thegilt 01gtfts ••• somethmg everywom.an wants and hoPessome day to own. A n elect~nge 'smore thanJust another stove: It combmes SIXGIFTS m one,1The gift of kItchen free.. electnc range Prectous min ..dam Anelectncrangebrings erals and im?ortant foodextra hQurs oflelsure to do the values are sealed .In ••• notthings you enJoy most You botled away tn e~cess watercan put your whole meal m and poured down the Stnkthe cleetnc oven and go out S The gIft of comforta.blefor the, afternoon A TimerClock (avaIlableataman add!.. cookIng In hot summertlonal cost) turns the oven on weather, an electnc rangeand off at the proper tune doea not rat.Se the tempera ..When you come home your ture of the kitchendinner 18 waibng, perfectly 6 The gtft of modernnesscooked-pipmg hot and ready Electrtc stoves lnstalled tenfor the table years ago still look as good as2 The gIft of eIf!anlmsss An the day they were msta11ed

An electrIC range Wtll oftenelectncran~ecookswlthpure beautIfy the enbre kitchenheat from a glow1DgWlre-heat as clean aa sunl1ght. Electnc cookmg 18 the finestYou can keep your kitchen coo1Q.ngthat money can buy-bnght and sparkhng, W1thless and pr1Ces -are now so moder-frequent redecorating and ate that you can purchase anpractically no scourmg of electriC range for about theutenS11s cost of an average stove of3 The gIft of better meals comparable size and featuresYOU'll I1ke the deltc1QUSn.t.. Th.1s ChrIstmas, choose theural flavor of meats and vege.. gIft that wll1 serve the ennretables cooked to melting famlly. a new, modern,tenqerness.zntherrownJulces sparkhng ELECTRIC RANGEl

See the new electrtc ranges4 The gUt 01healthful cook. on dIsplay at departmentIJ:J.A The waterless cooktng stores, electrlcaJ dealers andmethod is at lts best on an at all Detro1t EdiSon offices

Mr$ Henna.n F KoestlIl1 IS haldmgher ;..nnual New Year s E\e party ather home on BerkshIre load l!1 honorof her daughter, GlOlla

Fashlonable COlffure DeSignersPunch &- Judy Th ..atl'~ BIdg

OgilVIE' Siste.n Crone POinte Repre.entah.,..,.


l1IMli'Affi1~n!J'ii'Iffit~ffiJrnlliiI/iiI.ffiIrrilr George M McMIllan, of Kensmgton her classmates, ,,\111 arnve December~ ~ road has as hIS hohday gue:.t, hIS 26 to VISIt her

~ mother, Mrs Wl1ham L Barnes of Mary M}ers, who g'-oes to Stuarttl Atlanta, Ga Mr Mc\fJl1an wJlI be Hall In Bo"ton, returned Fn.day IrttID@ host on Ghnstmas Eve at hIS annual her school~ open houseg • • •Il'

* • * ~ Helen Moore who attends tne WardMrs Charles B DuCharme alld her ~ Belmont School m 'N'ashv111e Tenn

daughter, Isabel of Umverslty place, ~ arnved FrIday to spend the holidaysreturned early last week from a month S IwIth hu pal ents Mr and Mrs G \\tstay m Tryon, N C Jerome C Du~ -...... Moore of Lakepo1l1te roadCharme returned Saturday fot hI.. • • *ChrIstmas vacatIon ~ Mr and \Irs Frank \{eler-s are leav ..

------------- ~-~==~~~~...,..~...,..=_- mg December Z6 to spend the wUlterFor Job Println. of tho B.tt ... Kln4 @ OTTO H. LANGE In Fort Lacderdale Fla They were

.. U The Rm~~~_ ~I Uphobterlng _ Drapes Ientertamed last week by Mr and MrsC =if 15114 Kercheval Ave Carl D Macpherson of Belkshlre road

A. J. K R E T S H j LE 7339 r at a dlllner party 10<" 12 guestsHOME SERVICE "-JiIDi'lffi!lillilJ;;1Ii;j"_fiill!llr"'i'fiilfiilfiillFilli'f'';;1 •••

FURNACE REPAIR •••••••••••• -r \ir and \Irs Frank T Nelson ofPLUMBING. TINNING. ROOFING CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Ken"ood road have as their houseN,ve ,.our Furnace Cleaned NOW r t \1 M P M D 11 f

SERVICE AND REPAIRS Ria $50. h • $35fl gues rs anon C ouga 0egu I" " pus up permanen Newark '\ Jun. M.ck at A.hland Nt trOI Shampoo 6ngerwave, manIcure $1 flQ * • *Other perm'lnenb to $100(1


15309 Mack at Beaconsfield NI 7535UpdalrsMCidern EqUIpped


E.~i.hed In Cros,., P.nnte Since 1931




COAL &: SUPPLY CO.2619 Conner Ave

LENOX 3467

r.I~ImI!lJi!IiilF<lJi!liilJi!!Ji\l.1OIMi!ld!liJf .. I!!@I_~~

Best Wishes for


Page 3: S THERE A SANT AI Goodfello~ COlDlDittee Police and ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · Pomt€' Goodfello \f, \' hC' arE' todT\ sf'll 16 papeI'S on the streets




and enjoy





Bohemian BEER



Rooms for Rent

Storm Windows$1.19 and up

\Ir a 1(1 \IIS IJdl11lton D Jamcs ofRl"ard Bh d ,\ ere hosts at a dltll"'rlast Scltl1rday I 10 lor of \Ir and \Irs\Jarcus B R c1 aids of HuboJl I, Ill,and \fr an(l \lrs John \V Cd e<;pleTr of "1 g Lake


---The Harper Method ~h';p-

Phone TV 2 3778 Est 18SS'Shampoomg scalp treatmentmllrcel water and fingerwavmg,

factal mal"sage manicuring,SC'llp trE'atments fo .. ml"'n

15319 E Jefferson at Nottingham

We Measurp and Install

Damman HardwareHaves and Outer Drive


Review LinersFOR SALE

---- __ -_0 _HELOISE LORENZOTeacher of Piano


Adult BeginnersPhone Nt 9846-------------

Superior Beauty Servicer- opular Permanents at Popular PrIc.e.Featuring Famous Machmeless Wave.Newest Fashtons Finest Method.Combining QualIty With Low Price.

KORTE BEAUTY SHOPPE14940 MACK at Wayburn Nt 717'

C'\.'\TAR\ BIRD.:,-Home ral<;ed elg t(Yooel <;1l1ger~ ra)e lllce C lTlstm2!!o

qlfb 1"('aso aUe aJ~o females 4"24Hereford 01 ".. II aeln er "d 7183

RE ) C()CXt. R :, an e1 puppies perh'Sreed rellistu ed make fine pe 0;

\fnrra\ 3:J!8 1149 Beacou::.field Av('

rT-IIl 0 S AT TO'IOBILF And \"agOl1['oud condIt on lC"I"onable \la..gdT1Sb2

T 4. (hPOJ\ 1 F 979 ~Ol1t 1 of Jefferson-T a"C'e r00n t" heds t clothPl')

closets CaP I UlOX (SS7

\VILI A~ Y rye"scn VIItness1I1g the car\-\hc I t.T1::.hed 1Oto parked FOI d

('oupe 01 ]ef{t-f'>on 'tJear BIShop r'1ddla<:t fnundav betwee 1 1 30 p m ani) 30 p !'1 please COl11mUI1cate Tuxe I"2 16'4

Cash and Carr}


by the \Vorr en s \10aern Dance Club 11n theIr Ion e eJl1 fourall1e rOdd"''''''' ***

\frs Ed"a"d A Vogt and son AI \lrs Jdl1 ts \ hcm d .. of Rulgehert are spendlllg the hohda S 11 road 1a" I d lr lcd lome aittl a shortTampa FlOrida "ta, 1 '-t 101 ,th hel blother rn.

* '" * la" ald sstcr \Ir and \lls CartelH.ut 1 Henkel rcturned home ThUl" Sloan ?

day from the Garland School 111B( s * * *tot:! to soerod the vacatton '" th 1er \Irs rd\\ I J Randall of '\ottl g.parent Ml ald \1rs Fdward Ht:.11 ham road celebrated her) rtl day an.kel ot Berh.3hlre rOdd l1lV( ..rSetry ld.st rJ lr"dav ev<'11 ng

."'* "' ••

(----1Page T\

Mr and Mrs \Vllham J Scnpps\\ ere host~ Sunday 1t a cocktaIl pdrty

",n Garments in before 10 a. m. Fridavwill be lIelivered Friday.


1\1any thouSRnd. oE men have found vacuum treat.ment the an.wer to hall' troubles The "XERVACmachinE' stImulates and ald. the growth of hairand develops healthy hall' anc scalp condition byincreaSIng the effiCIency of the clrculahon of bloodIn the deep tISsues of the scalp


GROSSE POINTE BARBER SHOP15065 Kf'rcheval at Wayburn

DON'T FORGETOne of the Most Important Items

for Christmas

Delivered Slightly Higher

Jakimec Beauty SalonLENOX 9230

99D-BeaC'olu.field cor E JeffC!lrson

We spf'C'lah:ze In Ladles' Hall'cuthngand NEW COlfful'e Styles


Your Clothes ,

$Men's 3-pc. Suits

Ladies' Plain Drt>sses

Frank Moran 1035 Bishop roadVblh.un 0 KWI nel 17~OS EdSt feff('rson and Yol nda Laske 87 Beaurreloarl m0ved up to the second round ofceb<lte~ In the annual cOfl1pethol forhe Skmrer Medal The seeond round

IS now be ng held WIth further el mmahOlls ~et for January

* * •Vlrgml Hoelzle and \fary Jane

Mueller of Grosse POll1te WIll tctkt.pitrt In the th rel 2nnual Utrlstmasdance prolSr ....m to be gIven at the Unversltiy of \11chlgan on Deecmb('1 14

IMPERIALCleaners&. DyersMack at Nottingham TU. 2-3000

4~~'5!IiID'mmt[ilrBl~liilrr'i'ilJi\lliilfiJlFJ]iilliilrrUr!!!f"" rQ@[email protected]!f1iIffiJrrlIl~ -@ "I Brouke's Market ~.~ "~ NOW OFFERS ~" @ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.~ FREE Delivery Service ~~ ~'@ QUALITY MEATS and POUL TRY ~i: Awrey's Bakeries Lipson DelIcatessen i!:; Candler's Quahty Dairy SltoPfles Hayman's GrOc.elie!. @

~ --------------- "~ ~~ FRESH FRUITS AND VF.GETABLES ~

~ Call NT. 0202 16414 E Warrpn, near Outer DrIve ~~ ~IUIlMl!!Jl!!Jl!!J!!!Jr:!Jl!!Jl!!Jl!!J!!!Jl!!Jl!!Jt!!1l!!Jl!!Jl!!JL.Jl!!ll!!Jl!!l£!!Jr:Ql!!! l!!f[llrt:Uc!ll!!!t INJ~J~!YIN [lIllIJt!L~t!lll:1l!!J~i!!1t!!J~!!!Jt!d[illIml:!!r~

Franct"5 M Neff, 641 Neff Road, GrouePOinte

2"3808'iTATF OF MICHIGAN County of

\Va1 ne ss-At R sessIOn of the ProbateCourt for selld County of Wa). ne held<. t the Probate Court Room III the CIty

f DetrOIt on the fourteenth ~ay ofDecembel In the year one thousandl1lne hundred and thIrty -seven Pres(.n Edw l.rd COmI'1alld Judge of Pro,Jf\ te ...

In the \-fatter of the Estate ofLEONARD J "IEFF Deceased Frances M" Neff Admllllstratn.. of "aIdestate havmg rei dered to thIS Courtrer ftJal admml:)tratlOn account andfled therew th a petltlOn praymg thatthe reSIdue of saId estate be assIgnedto the persons entitled theI eta

It IS 01dered '1 hat the twenty fifthday of January next at ten a clock mthe forenoon at saId Court Room beap.uoll1ted fer examull11g and allC"\vlOg"aId accO'In" and hearmg said petItion

And It 1S further Ordered That aropy of thIS ol"der be published three"ucceSSlve weeks prevIous to saId tuneof hearmg 111the Grosse Pomte Re\lev. a newspaper prmted and CIreulatmg 1UsaId County of Wayne

EDWARD CO\1\1ANDJudge of Probate

Legal Notice

(>\. true copy)RAYMOND HAFELI •Deputy Prorate RegIster

James Melton onDetroit ExpositionProgram in January

James Melton -:.talwart young Arnerl('an tenor, whose V')lce IS known tolmIllons by vay of the radw ...ta~e and~cn'en w111 be hC1.rd from the stage ofthe 4tl-J Anpua' Dertr01t atd \flch1ganEXposItIOn, January 21 30 at Convent on Halt

Melton has had a bnlhant and SWift

rIse to fame wlthm a comparatlvely...lOrt space of time But a few yearsback he \'\as the bnght star of the Um'e-r It} of FlorIda Glee Club 'VI I']Q wasworkIng 1115way through college bypl ..wmg the saxophone at odd moments111 orchestras It ",as 'While In collegeti"at ~lS e}"traodmanly fine tenor vo C'efir.t tttrac+ed senous attentIon holess personage than the UmversItyPresIdent A A 11,1urphree recogmzedt lud enCQiuraged Melton to adopt a Imu lCd} career At one time, famous ~ciS top tener of the Revelers quartet,\hl(.h cO'Unts ItS aumlrers 111 Furope a~wel as Amenca \felton has also dIStmgU13hed hImself a" a solo drtlst onmany Impor tant raCilO hr un, fromthe"e su("ce~se$ It was on y a step tolhe concert platform and finally mo"mg plC'tures In thIS latter field he"1lade a specta(.ular debut 10 Warnpf sfilm 'Stars Ovet' Broadway' and' SlOgIfe a lave ".:.;ong•

\tfelton won hIS first professlOnalhearmg when he earne to 1\ ew Yorkl v smgmg for Erno Rappe then mUS1~ral dIrector of the ROAl Theatre I'odaY both he and Rappe are among themo t popular artists on the alr and 1ll1he mUSIcal world

M elton IS Georgia born and has theryhVslque of a football hero and In af1~lIt on 10 hIS remarkal:)le ,alee a charmmg stage and ~creen presence

Funds Needed inTuberculosis Fight

E senbal now as t,.ver before IS ~hecont111ued loyal support of every perSallvho 1as received 19J7 tuuerculoslSChr stma~ seals SInce ThanksgIVIngDa" Dr Bruce H Do 19las preSidentwf 'he \hchI'lar TuberculOSIS Associa11011,d(.-dared thl~ week \Vlth pa"tprogre~s 111dlC<=tlngthat tuberculo:)ISeventually can be stamped rut the needfor Chnstmds seal funds 15 urgent, DrDouglas pOInted out Everyone wa"lrged to use as manv of the decoratIvehealth seals as pOSSIble on hohday let+ers ard packages

I Thro\\1l1g o\.,t a new challenge tubenulosls la':>tvear claimed more than.. 000 MIchIgan lnes In \hclugan asvell as m a nu:mber of other statesuberculoslS mortalty rates temporar\ly

1ave been checked People throughout~he st ...te however, reahze that thIS~hallenge can be met as In the p1."twItn tuberc \105 s Chw,tmas seal fund::>r Dong a:, saId

One of the gi ed.test of CHrtstmaseal dccompllshmeuts has been to lower

the death rate mort than fitty pe cent\\ lthm thlr~y years of effort, , hef)oInted Ollt 'ThIS lemarI ..able reduct on of dtaths from the White Plague1as been a dIrect outgrowth of publIcnterest t1 rough tile generous purchaseeach vear of the t ny health stamp~(11stnbuted by the MIchigan Tubercu-10SI~ASSOCiation' Dr Douglas saId

Throu~h health educatIon an 1mportant pi1ase of the MIchIgan Tuber('UIO,IS ASSOCIhons pt eventlve prollra'1l MIchIgan people rave been gIvenkno,,,le-dl{c about modern weapons tot ghl tt.berculosls It has been demontra+ed to them t~lat tuberculOSIS b

pI eventable and CUIable People everywhere know t~at the assurance ofChr1stmas seals IS protechon from the--{augen of the WhIte Plague'~3









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Joy Lee daughter of Mrs Helen Joy

j Lee ot 'Vu ter Haven!' Fla and :t'-.ewYorl~ arrived Sunday to spena. Chrxstmas wIth her grandmother Mrs HenryB Joy, of Lakeshore road ChrIstmasday Jov 5 mothe" 15 mtroducll1g herdaughter to SOCle'ty at a tea dance at.........~i E1 ••••••••• ••• _ • the Grosse ramte Club \

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bemg will "be added 'Unto you. tOO

Then it must appear that to let outto demonstrate an extravaganthome, a prosperous business, alar,.income, an automobile, or a. SWlh-lng 011 well merely because youwant them from the standpoint otmaterial possessions, invite& defeatat the outset.

The reoogl1itlon that diVine Prin.- ciple embraces man as God s idea

w1ll carry with it that which Is "ee.essary for your welI~being at alltimes and in every place God andHis ideas are never separated Now.just as you understand God as Lifeand demonstrate that His life i.your Ute that understanding of in...finite Life WIll support you in thetime of most imminent. danger Ial1l sure a personal experience maybe helpful in ampUfying at thispomt

Some years ago before I becamea Christian Selentl,t, I was a'ked tointroduce & Christian Science lec-turer He spake at length upon Godas Life, Truth and Love, and saidthat it man st all times knew GOdas In1lnite Life that knowledgewould de,troy death I thoughtabout this statement and began toaccept it as a. fact Later I traveledone hundred and t1.fty mIles to h.arthe same lecturer In the course otthat lecture he said, in substance,There is one infinita Llfe. that Llfeis God. HiB Ufe is your 11fe, andthere Is no death At that time Icould not accept, or tollow, all whichhe presented But the logic of hisexplanation of God as the one inn.nite Llfe Impr,ssed my thought tothe degree that I recognized the truthof his statements, and .since then,many times in my experIence, I J1,avehad occasion to prove that God isinfinite Life I recall one instanceot such proof

While en route by bus from onelecture engagement to fill another,we encountered a tornado The buswas directly in the path of thestorm I was 'itting immediately be-hind the driver and I observed ..large brick SChOOl building Uftedfrom its foundation and hurled dl--reatly m our course .J telt th" buslifted from the highway I1l, thatmoment of human need the realiza ..tion that there was one infiniteLife, God, and that His life was mylife pre~vect me, and I was laved:from the destructive elements of thattornada Three hours later I re-gained consciousness in a hospitalI was uninjured and went on myway as usual and fUlftlled my en ..gagement There Is "ot the slight-est doubt regarding the cause ot xnypreservation My understlntUng anddemonstration was not such sa toprevent the tornado, nor to save allof the others in the bus, but I~ was.uftlcient to save me at that time andunder those circumstances God. wasa present help in time ot need

Many instances might be cited inthe work of Je,u, to aIllplify hisproot of lite abundant in hIS earthlyexperience In all of his ministryhe met and solved the daily prob-lems before him by the same unfail-Ing rule, Whether it applied to sup-plying wine for a. feast, multiplyincthe loaves and tl.shes or raising theWidows son and Lazarus from thedead

In the ralSlng of LazarW!lfrOIDthedead Jesus command to take ..waythe stone was met by the assertionthat he hath been dead four days,"implYing that the dissolution ot thebody had already begun .nd there ..tore he could not be raised

The precise manner by WhichJesus raised Lazarus is not reeo~edHowever, the fact is stated that heprayed the Father, anel Lazaruscame torth from the grave Is it notlogical, then, to conclUde that Jesusknew how to pray and that heraJ.!ledLazarus through prayer?

Throurhout his entire m111lstryJesus 'Was preparing himself for hISfl.nal l'1ctory over death He healedthe sick, raised thQ widow s son andthe daughter of Jalrus The"e mar ..velous works wele accomplished in..stantly Lazarus had lain in thegra.ve tour days yet the same prayer... Ised him as it had ralsad others

Jesus was going up the hill toward.Calvary, preparing himself tor hisVictory over death and the IfavaWhich WOUld soon be before himThe raising of Lazarus Was one ofthe lut pubUo acm before the cruoJ-tlxion of Jesus And I believe we arejustitl.ed in concluding th ..t his over ..oomlng of the mortsl mind belief oflite In the bOdy in the raising ofthe body of Lazarus after It hadbeen in the grave four days was aninspiration and a pr.of to him thatthe Father would hear his prayer Inhis :final demonstration of liteeternal

To the Christian Scientist, JesusIs the Way-shower, and we are eu-deavoring to follow in hfJ footstepsJust When we shan gain the sam.eunderstanding and do all of theworks that he did, cannot be stated,however man Uvea in the same un1..verse and under the same skies asdid Jesus Man lives and has hisbeing by reason of the same spir ..itual laws of God, and these lawsare for his use now the same &Ithey have always been Salvationand Ufe abundant are to be hadjust where you are today

The light of spiritual under$"tand._ing which came to John that "noware we the Bons of God," can corneto us through Christian Science andwe can, now and here, begin to ex ..perience the harmony stated by .Mr.Eddy (Science and H'alth, p 598)j One moment ot divine consciOUs..ness, or the spiritual understandingof Life and Love, Is a foretaste ofetenuty This exalted view, obtainedand retained When the Science otbeing Is under,tood, would bridgeover with life cIlscemed SPlrltua!l;vthe interval of death, and UlaDwould be In the full oonselousne.ssof his immortality and etarnal har.m.ony wh~re sin, sickness, and deathare unltnown."'

mortal error which say you can bea faIlure in business, or that youcan lose your business to yourcompetitor

An inSIght into your business maybe gathered from Jesus' inquU'y ofhis parents, Wist ye not that Imust be about my Father s bUSi-ness? HIS busmess was that athis Father Your business is to beabout the demonstratIon of thethings of Spirit and your sure re ..ward in SUch a course is VOUchedforby Solomon Seest thou a man d1l1~gent In his business? he shall standbefore kings

You may argue that money is anessential to busmess success, andthat yOUlack an adequate supplYlltoproperly carryon your business orprofessional actIVIty You are afraidof your creditors You are afraid ofthe bank You are afraid of yourcompetitors hence, in due time, thelegitimate channels of your businessar~ closed through fear, and Job sexperience The thing which I f

greatly feared is COmeupon me, andthat which I was afraId of IS comeunto me becomes your experience

It is clear that fear worry, uncer-tainty_the turbUlent boning in mor-tal consclOusness-wilI clog the Ie-gitunate channels of trade and Wlllhamper business success It is alsotrue that the consistent endeavor todiscern and demonstrate the spirit-ual reality w1ll clear the channels ottrade and keep them open for har ..monious results By correct spiritualthinking you are about your Father sbU8iness

It is accepted in the businessworld that money is essential tocommercial success What is money?It is not the intrinsic value of thecoin but What it represents Thatsense of value sU8tains businessMoney signifies power but money aspower does not constitute businessAll of the coin or bUllion in theworld confined in vaUlts, w1ll neverpromote business success Powermust be applied intelligently andspecifically at a right time and In ..right place and manner Hence,When we comprehend power 1ntelU-gently and .speciftcally applied at arIght time a right place and in ..right undertakmg we have the mor~tal mind analysis of business

God, Mmd is omnipotent,\ allpower MInd. is omniscience allknowledge truth intelligence God,Mind is omll1presence :fllls all place,all space and so forth Hence, asyoU demonstrate the presence of di-vme Mind, you have at your com ..mand at al1 times, and in all places,all of the resources of infinite power,truth knowledge and inteIJ1genceThis clears the way of all erroneousdepOSIts and your sense of buslnesai' definitely e,tabllshed upon a spir-itual basis, and it will be harroOni.ously expressed in a right form

Let us assume that many timesdally you become conscious ot thefact that your business is a goodone that you are relying upon thepOwer truth knowledge and lnteIIi-gence of infinite Mind and that youexpress these attributes in your busi ..ness now Can it be assumed for amoment that such right thinkingwill not allow the law of harmoniousaction to operate? The recognitionof the fact that there is a spU'itualIs.w sustaining and Supporting everyright Mea is a treatment in itselfHence if you would exprpss and en-joy the frUits of good business makea contmual practice of being aboutyour Father S business It will payyou increasingly large dividends

But you may argue 'I haven ttime to do all this I have to waiton trade I am at the bank: all day_t am an 1nstructor in the publicschools ' And so the arguments andthe excuses continue Surely youcan be as alert and as active men-tally as the boy and his sister atschool It was noted that on theplayground When this: boy steppedto the bat he audibly declaredsomething Inquiry as to What he hadsaid brought forth the informationfrom the physical director that itwas some foolish religiOUScreed thathe muttered Upon ascertaining justWhat he said it was learned that hedeclared each time God is mystrength" The director reluctantlyadmitted that this boy was the bestplayer in the school The little sJ.s ..ter I1kewise When called upon tostand betore her teacher and herclass to recite stood SIlently tor &moment and then lnteIIigently re ..cited her portion of the daily lessonThe teacher of this child did notdesignate her action as the declara-tion ot some foolish religiouscreed but adVised that she alwaysfollow the same course The childaftlrmed God is my intelligence"ThIS teacher commenting on thesechildren, said, 'They are from &Christian Science home and theymake their religion work ' This boyand girl were at the head ot theirclasses and in organized play wererecognized as superior in that schoolCan there be any dOUbt as to Whythey were at the head ot classes, orsuperior at play? They allowed thelaw to operate They relied upon itfor right results They were famil1arWIth God and His law through theirreI1gIoUS teaching in a ChristianScience Sunday School and throughdally consecrated HVIng at homeThe success of their undertakIng wasassured for it was entirely embracedWIthIn the law Which they declaredand Upon wHich they reHed

It WIll be helpfUl in your businessaffairs to heed the advice of Solo-mon j Trust in the Lord 'With aUthme heart and lean not unto thineown understandmg In all thy waysacknowledge him and he shall di ..rect thy paths

Proving' Life AbundantIf you wIII make a careful analy ..

sis of your thmkftlg YOUwill soonbecome convinced that the majorportIon of your time 1&occupIed Withthat which has to do with the pres ..ervatIon of material liVing such as amagnificent home, prosperous busi-ness or profession sufDcient Income-in fact that which appeals to, orgratifies the desire ot the phySicalsenses-and you may ask Will Chria:_Uan Seience help me to secure thesematerial things?

Let there be no misunderstandingChrIstian Science w1Il enable YOUtounderstand Life, spIrituality, and toprove this spirItual discernment Itsfirst demand upon you. is •Seek yefirst the kingdom of Gpd and thenWhatever is necessary to your well ..

flection of Love Hence in all hisways, man does acknowledge Himana is at peace In the true sense hecomprehends and relies on God ashis Father~Mother This View ofGod, man, and the unIverse anmhi-lates the old aQcepted theory that allexistence is at the mercy of chanceor fate, and that God s creation is aereat mass of destructIble stuffhurled out into space and aIIowed todrift on toward destruction andwithout restraint

Our UniverseMuch interest is manifest today

by our material SCientists regardmgthe expanding UDIverse They areengaged in seeking to penetrate thevast expanse called space They seekto determine the compositlOn and theposition of other bodies WIth refer-ence to our planet They assume tomeasure incomprehensible distam:esin light years to determine how longit has taken the light of bodies farremoved in space, to reach theearth

They have reduced masses of mat ..ter to atoms Atoms have been di ..vided into electrons and now elec-trons have been bombarded andblasted-almost away The materialscient.ist tells us that all matter-SUbstance is the same made up ofelectrons identical in character butarranged in difi'ering forms Theyphotograph that which they callstar dust by means of the great

telescopes and they assure us thatthe SUbstance of thIS dust mil-hons of lIght years from our planet,is identical WIth the turf beneathour feet They assert as a fact thatthe universe is expandmg and isbeing re-created How do they ar ..rive at their conclusions? How dothey make their measurements? Inall of this research they are deal1ngWith light They never once gIveheed to or are concerned With,darkness To them and their workdarkness does not eXist\ These con-clusions are beliefs based upon theso-called laws at material SCIence

As the materIal SCIentIst is nowseeking to investigate de.fine andexplain his sense of an expandinguniverse' so years ago Mrs Eddydiscerned the real character of crea ..tion to be spiritual and wrote (SCI"ence and Health p 507) Creationis ever appearing and must evercontinue to appear from the natureof its ineXhaustible source Also(ibid, P 209), Mind, supreme overall its formations and gOVerningthem all, is the central sun of itsown systems of ideas the hfe andlight of all its own vast creation,and m&l1 is tributary to divineMind' Hence, is it not apparentthat SUbstance, the basis of the uni-verse, was revealed to Mrs Eddy inits true I1ght and character, and isit not true that this understandingmust be gained by the stUdent otChristian Science and must be thefoundation for his practice andhealing work.? She declares (zbid,P 468) There is no lIfe truth in~telI1genee nor SUbstance in matterAU I, in1lnlte Mind and its lnlIniteman1!estation for God is All-lD~all 'She not only reveals the nature andcharacter of SUbstance, she also re-veals the nature and character ofIts counterfeit matter as mortalerror and the unreal and tem~poral' How very true then thatman embraced in the one infiniteMind and refiecting all the actiVItiesof that MInd is healthy happy andcomplete How logical and true It isthat mortal error being untrue andtemporal and haVing no law to sup-port its claim to reality is destroyedthrough the recognItion of truesUbsta.nce

An instance ot physical healingknown to me may be helpfUl inthis connection A deeply religiouswoman became atDicted With arheumatic disorder which left heran Invalid Medical means had failedher and for many years she wasconfined to her bed A relative amember of the same religious faIthhad been healed in Christian Sci-ence and presented it to her

The usual arguments followedHow oould God hesl her if He didnot know she was SIck? How couldit be argued that her afiUction wasunreal? How could she be healedwithout some form of materialtreatment? She was a BIble stUdent,and in her years of invalidism hadread and stUdied the Bible withother religious works Her:first in-terest in Christian Science camethrough reading The Life of MaryBaker Eddy' by Sibyl Wilbur Manyerroneous opinions were removedHowever she could not see why awoman should wrIte a Key to theScriptures so she read Unity ofGood by Mrs Eddy Finally, sheturned to Science and Health, andaccepted it as a Key to the Scrip ..tures' There she :found her everyargument answered She acceptedGod in His nature as Infinite Mind,Life Truth Love Principle Hence,her invaI1dism was but an errone-ous belief expressed through hermaterial body She had an abIdingfaith that she would be healed Indue tIme she discovered the splrit-ual tact that faIth is the SUbstanceof things hoped for, the eVidence ofthings not seen

Her healing developed and pro~gressed as an understandmg of spIr ..itual reallty and substance unfoldedin her thinking She left her bedfOf a wheel chair and later left thechair and walked Thus her abidingfaIth was realiZed in her healingThIS atfUetion and iuvaI1dism neverreturned, and she spent many usefulyears in the stUdy and practice otChristian Science

The Business WorldThe q\Jestion is asked many times

'Can I apply Christian Science tomy pusiqess affairs') The simplestanswer is to ask yourself anotherquestion ~Why not?' You have ex..perienced physical heaI1ng Youha.ve appI1ed Christian Science asthe law of God in many ways andhave found healmg and rehef Youhave had moments of clear visionthat' now I am the child of God'so why Dot apply the same law inaI130ur ways? You have a right tobe engaged in a. good business andto enjoy the returns therefrom

It is necessary as a first essentialto determine What is business Isbusine'ls the barter and exchange atmatter') If so, then it is subject tothe beliefs and so..called laws of



Christ Jesus announced to SInningand SUffering humanity, If a mankeep my saying he shall never seedeath" His statement is the declara~tion of a fundamental law of abun ..dant life and is a constructive an-swer to the question Are sin, dis-ease, and death real?' (Chrr.stianScience Quarterly Lesson-SermonsUbject)

Perhaps no statement ot the docwtrine of ChrIstIan Science is lessunderstood and arouses more opposi-tion than the announcement thatSIll disease and death are umealThere is nothing that Will help youmore in your struggle with theenigma of eXistence than a discern-ment of their unreality and an ac-tive and a constant effort to banishthem from your consciousness asany part of your fundamental beinlZ'

Truth UniversalThere is a truth about everyone

and a truth regarding everythingYou may not discern that truth orwe may nat fUlly agree as to Whatthat truth is Our ignorance of it,or our failure to agree, does not inthe least change the truth as toindividuals or things Through theaPi!'llcation of this truth every mor ..tal Who IS bred of his sinful careerhas the right and the capacity tostop sinning and to give proof ofhis reformatIon by acts of righteous-ness and rectitUde He can be healedof sin by his refusal to be a sin ..nef If his motive is right and histhought is transformed the evidenceof his reformation will be apparentSolomon s experience in human af ..fairs impelled him to write For as[a man] thinketh in his heart, sois he

In the account of the 'ScientificTranslation af Mortal Mind' (Sci ..ence and Health, p 115), it is veryplainly brought to the attention ofthe stUdent that the Fll'st Degree'is •depravity , which includes all ofthe ev.il bellefs of the physical senseseVIdenced through mortal mindPassions and appetites, fear hatred,sin sickness dIsease, death, are theunrealitIes Which are Ilot includedin and are no part ot the law otTruth, hence, in the Second De-gree," these evil bellefs disappear,

""and the moral status is ~eacheci,which .is expressed in humanity,honesty, taith, hope, meekness, tem-perance The final transformatIonis reached in the 'Third DegreeWhen spirItual understanding is at-ta.ined and reality is revealed andexpressed in wisdom, pUrity, love,health hollness Thus it is ob-served that the carnal mind has notincreased in Wisdom and in spirit ..ual understanding but wisdom andspiritual understanding supplantand decrease the beliets of this so..called mind until it disappears

In the Christian SCIence te2ttbook,Mrs Eddy aay, (ibid. P 116), 'Inthe third degree mortal mind dis ..appears, and man as God s imageappears In this stage of progressspiritual understanding supplantsmortal human beliefs Spirit.is dis-cerned to be God, and spiritual manas His image is the real man ex-pressing spiritual power, love health,and hOliness

Supreme PowerThere 1s one supreme Cause or

power recognized by many mUlionsof people regardless of creed Therear~ many names for this supremecause but the one most univer,sallyaccepted by Christendom 18the termGod'Mrs Eddy has used certain names

for God which she has set forth inher textbook that we may getclearer and better views of Him Shewrit" (p 4S5) , Question -Whatis God.? .An.twer -God is incorpo..real divine supreme infinite :Mind,Spirit SouI. Principle, Life, Truth,Love'

She clearly discerned that .sinceGod eXIsts separate and apart trommatter He has no connection withor knowledge of matter, His crea ..tion necessarily ltl-ust partake of Hisnature and character It must bespiritual and not material She sawthat man including the universe,must partake of His spiritual na ..ture hence is expressed as His di-VIne idea and not as a material,dying accumulation of matter Thisacceptance rejects all the Bo-calledbeliefs at sin sickness, envy hatemalice lust and death as attachedto matter and establishes the sclen ..tiftc fact that, as GQd Is Mind aUof His ideas are held firmly and se~curely together in unity by His lawThus she has gIven to us the reve ..lation of God aa dIvine Principle,Whose law of good operates contin ..uany and supremely and is avaIl-able in the affairs of men This SpU'''itual law uniting all right ideasfirmly and indissolubly with God di ..Vine Mind was evidenced by Jesus'saying Before Abraham was, Iam 'and I and my .Father are one'

ChrIstian Science aftlrms that GOd.is 't'ruth, Life and Love and theseterms express the nature essence,and Wholeness of Deity' (ibid. p465) Hence the recognition af Godas Truth aftlrms the Whole law ofthat Which is true regarding any-thing The recognition ot God asLife allows to operate within con ..sciousness the law of life, actiVIty,realIty and at once destroys thatwhich claims to be a law of deathThis law of life becomes the law ofdestruction el1minatlo~ and ann1hi ..lation of everything in human con ..sciousness that is not good, hencenot of God How glorious and grati-fying to perceive that God is inn...nite Love and that all of His ideaseXist now and forever here andhereafter at the standpoint ot thatlaw which annihilates hate envy,malice jealousy revenge self-pity,self ..wlII selt-justification A recog ..nition at 'the naturt' essence, andwholeness of Deity" allows to oper-ate the divme law at' Lo"e It an ..swers tOf mankmd the question putto Jesus by the lawyer, • Wha.t shaIII do to inherit eternal lite? And itbrings strongly into view the factthat eternal life is not a state offuture attainment but is a presentdiscernIble reaIlty and is gainedthrough lovmg God supremely andthy nelghbour as thySelf"

Thus it is seen that God and Hisideas are coeXistent, and man 15everin touch with God s tender care andcompassion SUbJect only to His lawof immutable right and jUstice Be~cause God is revealed to be Loveman Is revealed also to be the re-

in all of his practice Hence we mayrightly conclude that he knew thelaw, the right way and he appliedthe law with definite and rightresults

In her writings Mrs Eddy has re~minded her readers (The FirstChurch of ChrlSt ScientIst andMISCellany p 232) The rIght waywins the rIght of way even the wayof Truth and Love whereby all ourdebts ape paid mankind blessed andGod glor1f1ed The right way, thenfrom the teachmg ot Christian Sci~enee is to do as ChrIst Jesus dld-apply the divme law of Life Truth,and Love in every phase of humanexperIence

The question may anse DoesGod s law operate now? To illuswtrate Niagara Falls one of thebeautifUl sights of nature, Is ad~mired by thousands who observe itsmajesty and grandeur Thousands oftons of water, obedient to the so~called law of gravitation have foran estimated period of twenty-fivethousand yefLrsbeen taIlIng one hun-dred and .finy feet into the NiagaraGorge At certam mtervals in thepast no water has :flowed over theprecipice-ice jams and severe coldhave intervened The cataract hasbeen stilled Has gravitation abatedat this spot? Has it become frozenand Inactive from the ice and cold?A very convmcing answer might behad by dropping at that same spota block of ice over the precipice, itwould at once respond to the forcecalled graVIty and it would be drawnto the gorge below The force hasnot abated in the least The icejam and other conditions prevemthe observatIon of its operation

So long as the ice jam remainssecure from the penetratmg warmthof the sun s light and heat so longwill thlS so-called force of natureseem to be in abeyance at the gorgeThe darkness of the night will notremove the obstruction It requiresthe direct rays ot the sun to meltthe ice WIth the melting a smallstream Courses toward the falls Itincreases in SlZeand in due time thejam IS gone Tons of water are againfaUing as usual The phySical sensesare coglllZant of the effects but theso~cal1ed law or force has not beenaltered or changed in the least,

It only reqUires the warm and di..rect rays of the sun upon the ob-struction to melt and remove it andto make the so~calIed torce or lawof graVitation, apparent In thesame way the fundamental law ofGod is ever ope,ratlve and applica ..ble to every human experience eventhough to the frightened humansenses it may seem to be inactiveand obscure This result howeveris but the obstruction Which, ex-pressed through tear, dlShonesty,hate envy and so forth obscuresthe continuous operation at the lawfrom the vision of mankind ThedlScernment of one ray ot truth isthe beginning of the transformatIonwhich most effectively allows thelaw to operate in YOur case and dIS-solves and removes every obstacleWhich seems to hamper and to 1m..pede yOur progress

Mrs Eddy reveals in her textbook,thIS spiritual law af God as the lawof LIfe and its healing effects mani-fest on the human body thus (Sci.ence and Health p 162) •ChristianS(nence brmgs to the body the sun ..lIght of Truth which invigorates andpurifies Christian Science acts asan alterative neutralIzing error withTruth It changes the secretions, ex-pels humors dissolves tumors re-laxes rigid muscles restores cariousbores to soundness Tne effect ofthis SCience is to stir the humanmind to a change ot baae on whichit may YIeld to the harmony of thediVine Mind'

Service to MankindIt is fundamental that the law ot

Life cannot inclUde therein a law ofsin sickness, and d.eath These con ..dltions are abnormal, unreal, andhave no power to bind mankind tosickness and distress because God.dId not make them hence, they arenot inclUded in His law

When abnormal and unreal condi ..tions are presented to you you havethe right and the capacity to invokeGod s law in defense of Your inaUen ..able right to be healthy and happyA noted surgeon once said 'Many aperson has looked up at the surgeon skn1te and. has declared I m God sChild' and has been healed' Thereason for the healings is n~ -amystery it is a. fact sunply stated.'I am God schild ' is the truthabout man It is a treatment thatexcludes any so~cal1ed power insJckness and death You can makethe statement I am God schild"Bnd every time you make it, youare diSpUting the testimony of thematerial senses The fear which hasheld you so tightly is beginning torelax and your body beglDs to re~spond and to resume its normalconditions

In this connection Chnstlan Sci ..ence is rendering to humanity animportant service in the destructionof fear made manlfest in innumer ..able ways and by establIshing inconsciousness a positIve knowledgethat the material body manifestsonly what mortal mind beheves Youdo not have to be afraid of climateand of catching cold You do notneed to have fear of food nor of theeffects of overwork It you do notenjoy eIght or more hours ot sleepyou can know that you do not liveby sleep alone These unnatural andunreal fears are the erroneous be..lIefs of the human mind and areinfiicted upon mortals not throughthe operation of any law but in op..position thereto

Jesus said I am come that theymight have Ute and that they mighthave it more abundantly , He camenot to acknowledge any sQwocaIledlawof sin sibkness and death but todestroy aU eVIl through the under ..standing of God slaw

Mortal EXistence-An Enigma.In her textbook Mrs Eddy says

ibid p 70) •Mortal eXistence is anenIgma Every day is a mystery Thetestimony of the corporeal sensescannot inform us What is real andwhat is delUSIve but the revelatIonsof Ohristian Science unlock thetreasures of Truth Humanity isignorantly struggling with thisenigma The question raIsed by JobIf a man die, shall he !lve again?'

has not been answered to the satis~fachon of the ma,sses by materialSCIence material medicine, br SCho-lastic theology.

A Lectureon

Christian ScienceEnlltled

Christian Science. The Lawof LIfe Ahundant

byludge FrederIck CHIli, C S,

of Lo' Angele,. Cahformaliblllb.er of Ihe Board of Leelure~hlp ofTh. Mothu Chul'Ilh Th" Flrlt Chul'Ilh ofChrist SClenhat ill BOlton Mauachusetll

P'I-'l'e Four

Lecture on Christian Science by Judge Frederick C. Hill,C.Under the Auspices of Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Detroit, at Third Church Edifice, Seward Ave. at Second Blvd. on Monday Evening, December 13, 1937

A survey of human affairs willhnpress the thmk.ing indIVidual thatIIcbess and suffering all of themisery incident to sin and de-pravity, are not in conformIty withthe doctrine of salvatIon affirmed byOhrist Jesus the prophet of Gahlee,Who centuries ago taught a simpledoctrine of repentance and an ac~ceptance of the fact that the king~clom of heaven is at hand

Many religious organizatIOns teachTarious theories of salvation andtt!H,UYdi:tfering views of the kingdomof heaven It may be someWhatcontusing to accept the old~tuneadm.Onition to belIeve on the LordJesus Christ in order to experIencethe salvation WhICh he taught Nowto thO!e Who are seekmg salvatIonand. Who observe the radicaIIy dif-fering opil11ons and practices ofthose who profess to be his follow..ers, it is quite natural for such onesto ask, • What am I to believe ')

Jesus said I am the way thetruth and the hfe no man comethunto the I"ather but by me Itshould be toe endeavor of every ind.ividual to promote and to preservehis highest understandmg of lifeTo this end mankind has establishedVarIOUScodes of human laws and hasdeclared that every mdividual shaUbe secure In hIS person and in thepreservation of hIS property It wiIlbe admItted that individuals maypossess mUch earthly goods and maybe quite secure under the terms otthe human sense of the law of theland, and not be- i,emonstratmg theway, the truth and the hfe ' re-ferred to by ChrIst Jesus The ques ..tion for us to consider IS DoesChristian Science show us the wayto a higher sense of life abundant?

Pointing the WayAbout the middle of the nme ..

teenth century human thought wasactive in endeavoring to break manyof the limitations which seemed tobe the handicap to materIal progressThe electric telegraph and the tele ..phone were the Immediate resultsEarlier in the century It was con-ceived that a submarine cable mightbe constructed and two contInentsconnected thereby In 1866 this be-came an establIshed fact Europeand America were hnked by the firstIJUbmarine cable

The Discoverer and FOunder

In the year 1866 Mary BakerEddy, a kind InteII1gent New Eng-land woman made the dIscovery ofthe divine laws of Life Truth andLove She observed that just in pro-:portion as she understood and in~terpreted the law of man s bemg tothe daily afi'airs of her human ex-perience her thought was ele atedand tranSformed and that thistransformation was expressed in theenjoyment of a better sense ofhealth, happiness and contentment.

Because of her love for humanityIIhe desired to share her dIScovery.and in 1875 she Published her book,"Scfence and Health With Key tothe Scriptures' In 1879 she organ-Ized a church, 'a church designedto commemorate the words andworks of our Master which shOUldre1nstate primitive Christianity andIt1 lost element of heaI1ng (Man-ual, p 17) In 1908 she establIshedan international daily newspaperwhich from the standpoint of cleanjournalism is regarded by many asthe highest standard in the news ..paper world

Between the age of fiftY-four andeighty-seven years Mrs Eddy gaveto the world a great book a greatchurch and a great new1ipaper Iam sure you WIll readIly agree thatthese major achievements are suffi-cient evidence to sustain our claunthat Mrs Eddy was a great bene-tactor to humanity

In her textbook SCIence andHealth WIth Key to the Scriptures 'she says (p 268) In the materialworld, thought has brought to llghtWith great rapidIty many usefulwonders WIth like actiVIty havethought s swift pimons been rIsingtowards the realm of the real tothe spIritual cause of those lowerthingS Which give ImpUlse to inquiryBelief in a materIal baSIS from.WhICh may be deduced all ratIonal_ity, is slOWlyYIelding to the idea ofa metaphysical baSIS looking awayfrom mattf:r to MInd as the causeof every effect '

R.eferring to her revelatlOn shelays (ibtd p 107) In the year 1866,I discovered the ChrIst Science or-diVine laws of LIfe Truth and Love,&nd named my discovery ChristianScience' She had discovered the lawwhich Christ Jesus taught and prac ..ticed-the law which he applied inhealing disease the law WhICh gavesight to the blmd the law whichloosed the dumb tongue the lawwhich cleansed the lepers the lawwhich raised Lazarus and othersfrom the dead He knew the law ofGod, but he left no wrItings nordefinite rules with hIS followers

Mrs Eddy s discovery and herwritings have given to mankind '"definite system whereby they mayprove In Christian SCIence the truthot Jesus saying I am the way"

Divine La.w Operatlve

Law is generally recogmzed anddefined as a governing rUle of con_duct or action prescribed and en-torced by a supveme governingauthority

The law of God is applicable toevery human experience In fact-your understandmg recognition andthe declaratIon that Gods law op_erates is a Christllin Science treat_ment i;hat will bring healing to youCI!!'1S! J~us .ecured right results



Page 5: S THERE A SANT AI Goodfello~ COlDlDittee Police and ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · Pomt€' Goodfello \f, \' hC' arE' todT\ sf'll 16 papeI'S on the streets


Shoe Dealers PlanUnique Contest atJanuary Convention

Last Wednescay SIXof Groso:;e l'otnteHl~h SC1.00; .,tuden s anQ the GJr1!'5elect Gl"'O"IP appeared at FordsollHIgh School In the first of a serIes ofexcharge ao;,se'11bhes w1.lch <ife bemgcondu ted b.> tre Border CttIes League

Blil lAJd"lg, IOB( V",lham ;,locum.HA, Ind Allen Codke lIB presentedthe play 1" e MedIcme Man JohnCh'l.11dIer 11B st>eech I student, vasnaster of ceremomes Joan Reutter.llA plaYfd a plano sol-o Dlek HuntM,OB, "'<lp<la.nced SelectIons wet e sangby the GJrls' Select Group

Th<> purpose otf these exchange as ..<'fwbhes 1$ to stImulate good Will, goodftehng and good sportsmansh1p be-tWt.en "'he scltools near Deholt

Fordson H1gh ;,d1001 waf present all(,xcnange as~embl) on March 8 Mt.ClctJlers WJll be here on \Iay 3 ;\r-"'angements have 11m 1)~eI1cnmpleted ae) et '\lth other schools f01 exchang'f'S

High School Notes

hew standards of fenu11l11e beautyWill bc ~et In t1 e selechon of theIrQueen b) tne \f1c1l1gan Shoe DealersAssoclatlon at the <.-1111ual~tate con.ventton, Whl'Ch WIll be held January9':"'11 at the Hotel ~tat1er In DetrOit

The UnIque contest planned for thecon mg meetu1g ,,111 upset all prece-dents of the traeuhonal compet1t~onsheld for years at preVIOUS regJOnal andnatIonal o:;hoeconHntlons

Eeill. ve It Ot ttot mothers \Hll beoffered an opportunIty to compete WJththe r daughters for queenly honorsthIS COmITJ.g year The quest mIl notbe for 1. 'Cu1oerella '\, ho,e pedale:htterrllhes (.an be crorv.ded mto a paIrof underscJzed shppers but rather, thegds ""lU Vie on a basl~ of posture andcarnage Sroe size WIlt enter only asa factor where Improperly fJtted shoesmterfere WJth graceful posture

'Too muc!'" stress has been placed onhe tiny fOUl B feet m the past', saId

a conventIon spoke[)man who IS In

("harge of thiS Uluque contest FourB feet h ..ve theIr place on the run\\ayaurll1g the st)le 3110W when e",hlbltIngsJiU1ple shoes became all women s~ample shoe:, are made on thiS partH"u~Iar sIze but the ",earers or these Slzesdo not Iepresent the true avengeA.merlcan foot Most ",omen are shodIn shoes fro 11 sIzes (j to 8

'The fairy tale of the C111derella'who met her Prmce Charmmg' becauseof he'!" da111ty ieet has perverted thefern nine uea of pedal beauty Thosewho believe tihat the lower extrenutIesmust appear pohte no matter how theyhurt v.hrn crowded mto underSIzed~hp?elS, are not av.are a£ the or gm ofthe anClent Chmese ('ustotft of bmdmgwomen could not run away from theIrthe feet ThIS done so that the ChmesehUSIbando;

- Our a m, ~ald the l.onVe'1hOl1 slJokes ..m,m, - 15 to pro" e to the world thatwomau can be 1t'ore beautIful andattractIve '" hen shod In shoes thatreally fit the1r feet, regardless of sIze'

Page Five-

Mt. Olive LutheranChurch

Crosse POl1lte ~ sWImmmg team wonltS first meet 0: t 1e ..eason last FrtdayIII Its ov.n pool agam'tt the HJghlandPa k Polar Bcar:t the Blue Devtlstook f'rst WIth 43 110mts whlle the P(.JarBe ...rs scond 41 p-omts

Oliver of Gl0sse POll1te broke thepool record 10 tl-r.e ndlvJduaJ medley!("lay

If' he d1vmg C:rreultch ot Gros ..ePOlllte took first and Stotle "f GrossePOIPte t00k se"ond

The 180 yard medley 1elay team con-stmg of Oltver, Bramard and TaIc~t

of Grosse Pomte took firstThe Blue Devl1s to:)k five filSts They

were 111 the 220 yard free style tOO.\ m"! free sh Ie l20 mdn Idual medleyIf'la) ClVnil ard the 180 yard med eyI ela)

The Gros:oc Pomtf' High School l1h-rary has Just receJved a volume of JohnJ m"s AJdubon s The BIrds of Arner ..lea TIle arrIval ot thIS book WhICh 1!Jndouibtedly the book of the seasonnd probably tnat of the year '"'111 lit.

t"'rt"st lTIdllV student", espf'clally thosen bIology classes1hIS Macmtllall edItIOn of The BIrd!

A AmerIca conta1l1s all of the platesof Auduhon s unexcelled pa11ltmgs ofbIrds first pu.bhshed 111 the celebratedele )lunt foho a~ v.ell as 65 that first

d.v-ueared 111 the octavo ed~hon ThISPUl01IC<l.tJ-onnarks thl. first tlme 1U theentury SP1ce tre pla.es were first pub.

1 shed th ..t Ihe~e pdl11tmg ha\e b'"'envatla.ble at a price \"Ithm reach of the

avP'rage pur eFxceot m very rare JI1.,tances Audu ..

bor pa1f'~ed hIS on cs from lae Hu'Jamtmgs have the unusual ment o{)elrg at once reahshc and docoratne

• The Ltttle WI-lite' Church Arountlhe rornel I Rae nor avenue (I mcoln

roid) at Mack avellJue F EStern,pastor,4425 Radnor avenue Teleph{)nf,'N"lagala J023

\H DIn e cordIal!) m'ltes :> ou to ltaClmstma-. ~&\lC(,S 1£ ~ou ha\e nothurch home and extends to ~ou thegreL.tlllgs for a blessed ChrIstmas

Chnstmas E"e serVlces at 'l p mChrlstm<ls Day serVJces, Saturday, at

10 4S a m'inndav serVIces at 10 45 a mSunday school at ? 30 a ...








2 pts 29c24 oz bot 8eI-Ib pkg 15e

3 pb.gs 10c2 pkgs 15c


pkg I1c5 for 23c3 fa. 10e5 for 23e

2 tall cans 25c2 1ge cans 35c2 1ge cans 31c2 1ge cans 31c

2 med cans 25c2 Ige cans 2ge

large Ctj,l1 19c2 flat cam 19c

2 3 oz bats 15c15 oz bot 27c


Funeral DirectorOffice and Chapel

958 East Grand Blvd

Tel. PLaza 0222



For Job Prlnbng of the Better Kindcall the R•• lewJ Lenox 116Z.




Chocolates 5-lb hox89cPillsbury Flour 5 Ib bag 23eGold Medal Flour 5-lb bag 23cB.sqUlck large pkg 27cVelvet Flollr 5 lb bag 29cSunnyfield Flour 5 lb bag IScSoftasilk Flour pkg 25cSwansdown Cake Flour pkg 23cRumford Baking Pdr. 12 oz can 21eCalumet Baking Pdr. I lb can 21rBakpI's Chocolate 8 oz 17eRajah Coc,p,\nut I lb pkg 19cnaker's Cocoanut pkg 9.Confe~lIoner>sSugar 3 I-Ib pkgs 22cBlack Pepper 2 OL pkg 5cDia Crystal Salt 2 pkgs 13cImit. Vanilla Extract 3-oz bot 5cExtracts Van. Lem. Or. AI. 1 OL bot 9cBell's Poult. Seasonmg pkp 10.Encore Olive Oil 8 OL bot 27cCrisco, Spry 3-lb can 49••Oleomargarine IblOcQUEEN ANNE

Mince Meat2pkg.17c

,A&P Grape JuiceGinger Ale, Yukon ClubCampfire MarshmallowsCracker JackPop Corn, Sure Po I'

•Candy Bars bo," of 24Chewing Gum box of 24Saltpd Pellnuts, 12-oz.R. G. Dun Cigars, BabyCremo CigarsWhite Owl Cigars4.&P Fruit Cocktailnel Monte PeachesIona Pe\'ochesIona PearsCherrips, Reel,SourA&P PlumsCrushpd PineappleSliced PineapplpRed Mara. Cherr.esRed Mara. Cherries


Ib 23clb 21elb 23elb l7elb 17e

2 lbs 35clb 10c

2 lbs 25c2 lbs 25e

lb 10e2 lbs 59c

10 23cI-Ib pb.g 15c

pkg 12c2 cans 25e2 pkgs 17c

lb 43elb 43c

2 pkgs 25c2-10 pkg 25c4-lb pkg 31e

Z4\i Ibbag

Chickens ror StewIng

Pork Loin ~:..~ndGEESE Fan<y f ... h


HAMS SWift's Prem or Ar StarWhole. or strmg half _







Brazil NutsPecan Nuts4lmondsFilbertsMixed NutsWalnutsHard Mixed CandyCream Drops100% Fliled CandyChocolate DropsFruit CakesR&R Plum PuddmgCalimyrna FIgsMmce Meat, None SuchCranberry SaucePeels, 3 ounceGlazed CherrIesGlazed PmeappleDromedarv DatesPitted DatesRaislDsXMAS WRAPPED

Cigarettes ctn $1.15

Rokar Coffee 2 Ibs 43cMaxwell House Coffee lo 25cBeechnut Coffee 2 1bs 53cDel Monte Coffee lb 240Salada Tea Black, B. L. 0-lb pkg 35cPure Preserves Ann Page 2 lb Jar 33cSalad Dressmg Ann Page 'It Jar 29cPeanut Butter 2-Ib Jar 25cPlain Olives, 4%-oz 2 bats 21eStuffpd OlIves 6%-oz bot 29cHeinz Ketch••p, large 2 bats 35eVIctoria Mustard pt Jar 6,Ketchup, large bottle 3 for 25cCrllb Mpat, Sliver Fan 2 cans 33cWet Shrimp 2 tall cans 35cLan,!:'s Pickles, Rebsh 2 Jars 19cBond's Pickles 24 oz Jar 19cHeinz Cucumber PIckles large Jar 21eFancy Store Cheese lb 21eWhite House Milk 3 ta.l cans 19cKaro Syrup Blue Label 5-lb can 2geIONA




TI....slt PH;run Turk ..ys are plump and perfectly formed Every one has been rcr"ded FANCY-the lugh sfrating a turk~y ca,n recetVflJ only because we bought 3uch tremendou. quantitIes, are we able to offer sue.quahb for so httle t


Speed has a deCIded effect on the Istant ally faste! than the car m front l'PIellts 29 feet wlde are madequate forcar 5 posItron on ~he pavement As the On pavement.:. only 18 feet WIde, the deme traffIC rnvolvmg trucks but are~peed ncreases drIvers tend to travel last \\hee1s of the passmg vehlcle are rea.'101 ably satIsfactory for the lIghtlyfarther away from the. ngrht edge of the often dnven on the shoulder tra\ eleJ roads With few truck" androad A car passlllg another car gotng In ~ener iI, It was found that roads d I f 22 f t t 1m the samf' jrectlLn reqUires more 18 feet wlde ale too narrow elther for that a road Vvl t1 0 ee IS en lreyroad w1dth than one pa~Sll g from the IMs:ocnger cars alone or for mIxed p..s- adequate for the two lane movementt-POSltt dlrechon for It must travel sub <;el ger car and truck traffic, that pave of modern run,ed traffIc'


TURKEYSOne QualityOne Price

Roasting Chickens •Ducklings LongIsland

Beef Roast Be" .huckFresh Ham ~::~eh:JfPork Sausage. • Ib 19c OYSTERS~~~!:Ik

antL ~ ClM- ]JuL '1Aimmin '4;' •........ -"'- "" ..... "'" ... ~


2 :::: 15c Fruit Cake 2 lb. 59c COFFEEA&P

PumpkinJona P~.as) Com 4 med ca11E~ 2QcGreen GIant Peas 2 med cans 29cTomatoes, solid pack 4 med cans 25cGolden Bant. Corn 3 med cans 25cDel Maiz Niblets 2 cans 23c(,ut Wax Beans ,2 med cans 23clona String Beans 4 med cans 29cCampbell's Tom. Soup 4 cans 25cA~P Fancy Sift Peas 2 med cans 2geDel Monte Tomatoes 2 med cans 25clona Beets 3 med cans 25cA&P Sauerkraut 2 large cans 15cCampbell's Beans 2 I lb cans 15cIona Pork & Beans 4 1 Ib cans 22cGr. No. Beans SunE. 12-oz. 2 pkgs 17cGr Split Peas Sunf 12-oz. 2 pkgs 13cL""1aBean. Sunf. 12-oz. 2 pkgs 1geSunnyfield Lentlis 12-oz. 2 pkgs 17cSunnyfield Barley 16-oz. 2 pkgs 17cSunnyfipld Tap.oca 16-oz. pkg 10cSultana RIce 12-oz. • pkg 5cA&P JUMBO ~A"IDWICH

BREAD 3 Ioave. 2ScButt~r, fresh roll lb J6cEll'gs, everyone guaranteed 2 doz 43cPh.la. Cream Cheese 3 pkgs 25cArgo Corn Starch i lb pb.g 8cM.chigan Sugar 25 lb bag $133\'Vbellhes pkg 10cPost Toaslies 2 large pkgs 1geRolled Oats 5-lb bag 19cMother'. Oats large pkg 1geRajah Vmegar qt bot IOeNorthern TIssue 4 rolls 1geScott T,ssue 4 rolls 25cPaper Towels 3 •all, 25cSoap Chips 5 lb pkg 28eL.u'<,Ivory Fl.kes large pkg 21cFels Naptha Soap 6 bars 25cPalmc1ive Soap 4 cakes 21eLu'<, Lifpbuoy Soap 3 cakes 17eCamay Soap 4 cakes 21cOld Dutch Cleanser can 7eKitchen Matches 6 bo,es 25cLARGE RIPE



I\~~"""f"~$o ~j..w~"~«N~"';".........::::"" ""'".....

com e111ence;"of moderfl vehIcles pas"lllg In the same and OpposIte dIrecIOns <;peed" were recorded and road

measurements were takenThe cameram ..l1 found that despite

the Jitters of bad'seat drivers motorl<,ts u;,ual) JUO\' ample c1eara'1ce whenpa~smg' otbl:l \eh c1es fhe a\er;lgeclear1,u"e o~ passenger cars overtak ng [1lllW!!ill!!f~~~~d.ud p:'issmg otrer passenger cars ranges reI

from 38 feet on 18 foot Wide hlgmvays I Leon D Caseto 49 feet on 22 foot surface~ •


lSecretary of State


NEW Offlc,alBICYCLES i Grosse Pointe Off.ce



Grosse Pointe Motor & BIke ShopII Maryland and Mack1423 Lakepomte NI 9471 i?! Albert E. Truske, Mgr.

A. C VerbruggE' l~rtIDt'lJ~~pJJQ!Jl!!I~l!!m..~l"@l1IDl!!f~~Wl!


•2 IbO'. 23c

stalk 5c

qt. 15clb. 6c

4 lbs 19c

2 for 23c2 d"z. 29c2 peck 37e4 for 19c5 lbs. 19c

• hd 7c6 lbs•• 19c..2 lbs. 5c







fA t•• I cordmg to Rlchal d Harf~t general

S C Ive In • ,.nanager to H'e Automobtle Club ofident Prevention M"hlgan

-- The U S Bureau of Public Roads,~ld camera \'>,ho~e principal Mr Harfst sald, 'used such a cameran to plcture notables In un~ mount~d on a bracket Just out!>!(e the

ures, has been enlIsted 111 driver S wlrdow to studJ Vlldths ofgamst traffIC aCCIdent:. ac- hIghway tn relatton 10 the s.lfety and




Grapefruit Juice 2 med. cans 19cGrapefruit Juice 2 giant cans 45cLemon Juice 2 cans 21cOrange Juice ""~ 2 cans 19cOrange Juice giant can 33cPrune Juice 312-02. cans 19cPineapple Juice giant can 27cSauerkraut Juice 4 med. cans 29cCamp. Tom. Juice 320-02 cans 23cCamp. Tom. Juice 2 giant cans 37cIona Tomato Juice 3 ml"d.cans 22cTomato Juice SunRay 2 giant cans 37cIona Tomato Juice 2 giant cans 31tApricot l\iectar 3 cans 25cApricot Nectar .~ < giant can 29cPear Nectar 3 cans 25c




UARE DEAl.aners & DyersI~ Charlevoix Ave

LENOX 4225II' and Delivery ServIce~orne Ayling, Prop~liilliilJii1Ii<@li!J01Jiil_JNfil~J


arge Size, Doz .••

,PPLES Mich Jonathan

~UTABAGA FancvWaxed

:russel Sprouts •IRAPES Cabf Emperor •

:ananas Golden Ripe

rAM S Genuine Puerta Rican

lead Lettuce Jumbo.

lolly Wreath'angerines Extra large

.otatoes Mich. U S. No.1

irapefruit Extra large

Page 6: S THERE A SANT AI Goodfello~ COlDlDittee Police and ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · Pomt€' Goodfello \f, \' hC' arE' todT\ sf'll 16 papeI'S on the streets


For Him



For Mother

15117 Kercheval Ave.


Pipe. 25c; $3.Shaving Sets 50c, $1.5Tobacco. (Xmas wrap~)Engli.h Low Shaving

Bowl t7,!~o!Ii!l!j!J",'iiIJi!!j"


- - f- -- - • --1

<,.. ...... ~ ~ ...... ,,~,:ui~~~

Mack at the Seven Mile Road

For Her

The Home of Fine Food., Drink. and Entertainmen


N For OurB.g

OW New Year's EveJAMBOREECover Charge $2.60 \

For Father

C'ompacts 50c, $3.50Perfume. 50c and up

Toilet Set., etcManicure Set., etc.

Fine Selection of Gift.!Ili!liII1i!Il'.l'!fiij~ii!Ji!J.m!r;11ii1Ii\lJW~


(Roll with Bell Center)

(Call us early for your deliveries of Ice Cream)

(Oldest estahlished Pharmacy in Grosse Pointe Park)

Licensed State Liquor Dealer


Christmas Special Ice Cream

Fast Delivery Service

TUXEDO 2-3333

A handsome variety of Gifts to suit every taste and every budg~tFor everybody on your Gift list. Make your gift shopping a pleasure hy shoppin~ at Leach's .•• where service prevails. Use your telephone. Call us-Tu. 2.3333-we deliver.

Gift Toilet SetsSmoking Tobacco, lb. 69cPerfumesTobacco Pouch 50c

Carton. Cigarette. 33c, $1 39 Manicure SetsBox Cigar. SOc, $5.041 Atomizers


Complete Assortment Do~estic and Imported Wines

lhlktttK 1', ftealih-GWrngIntenSIve talkIng IS one of the

Most health .. gIvmg pastimes AFrench lung speclallst pomts outthat many human Ills result fromweakness or deterlorat on of the1un g s. Talkmg, he declares,ttrengthens these delIcate organa.



1 More People Us~Lihrary Facilities

Lenox 4190





15105 Kercheval Ave ~at Maryland ILENOX 1466 ~

~o!fo!fl!!Jli!li!!J!lrtl!f __ Iiilii1Ili!lI!!lI!!J1i!1i!!li':!!

To All Taxpayers ofGrosse Pointe


)014 (..h~Jmers

Page Six




~2flr"um Mellw:tla2 dot Waddtttt\fll

fJ.'hestatue, of Abraham Lmcoln Inthe LIncoln MemorIal at Washmg-ton, by Damel Chester F'rench, 1S

Changl11g SOCial and e.conomtc cond1 a seated figure upon an oblongtlOIlS l1a\e made the people mOle pedestal about ten feet hIgh, SlX~n.hbraly mmded Increasmg the demands feet wide and seventeen feet from.

front to back The statue Itselt ISfor booh.~and other serVIces of hbrarle, nmeteen feet hlgh, from the top ofm the state Mrs Grace S McClure I tlle phnth to the '0- '" the head REVIEW LINERS GET RESULTSexercIsed a I..ecn mterest 1n unproved • B K' ~

h I h d Fol' Job Pnnbnl' of the elt.r In.hbarary sel VIces W Ich 1as a Its Th R. L 1162. tresu1tmg mfluence on the peo1Jle call. evJew, enoz SEE US FOR.

I beheve peoole find tney have a ~PiIjii1~Jiil---"i!-.mffi!frilli.\!.J1J./i'ilffiiJmimi:ill'fJRlIiilIfi1'ii1liilliilrrill XMAS TREESnew concephon of theIr place 1n the ~ ~

"orld' the s'ate ltbranan says 'Years ~ • ~~! ..,~I All Select Balsam and Spruceago ltoranes served only as a eontr1~ ~ _!. + ~ + ~ + oJ...... Mar land and Kerchevalbtlling agcncy to the masses "ho strug- ~ r+fM, rmn ~ 19371 y Jgled for knowledge, but today the It ~ ,-,,: ! n n'" ~banes are lormed mto a creahve Ul1lt i...; +- + ~ t fij~~!i!!.JiiljliJliil.JiilJGmilJiill'f!milJfim!lfiilI!lL~ffi!liilJi'ilfii!Jiil.JiimilfrilJ1ilJ'iil~

~~I:~~e;:, oi:~te:~:~~:h~e~~::r::~:t I. · t ~I!i (jTIHE IpDEAL TiI WE EXTEND OUR BEST WISHES FORm our social and economic plannmg @ + I;j A MERRY CHRISTMAS

fhe war 111 the Onent the revolt In ~ + ... +"pain and foreign affair; m general @ ~ and a HAPPY NEW YEARhave created an unusual aemand for ~ + t ~

i1Jiil-~r,IJii!rr;JOIIi1lIi1lIi1l~ -books and mformatlOn pertammg to the ~ + ' Iill TO OUR VAST CIRCLE OF'@SUbJectathandThepeopletOdayareliffiMiniature Reproduction. ~ GROSSE POINTE FRIENDSl Best Wishes for a &.! de~ly I1terested In ootamtng facts f Ou d. '"

1'aJ 0 tstan mg i1jMERRY CHRISTMAS rega"dlng almost .ny "tuallon, accord- ~ GREETINGS 'aJ

and a lllg to the hhrarlan@WORK S ~_~.The MAYFAIPROSPEROUS NEW YEAR state hbrarIan, revealed thIS week after @' JEROME A. I;jcompletmg a survey of lIbrary serVH:e-s ~

Punch & Judy ~ rendered throughout the state I DE SANTIS f ART I @[2j "People al e more eager to learn that' ~ i 0 ~

THEATRE Iever before,' Mrs McClure says 'ThIS ~ Undertaker ~applIes to aOOits as well a.s chIldren ~ @.

17939 Kercheval Ave ~ LibrarieS are for<ed to prepare f9r un- ~ 2670 CHALMERS ~ Shadowgraph. - Silhouettes ~~, Du.ch 'hIe - Gypsy abd F 001 ,~NIagara 3898 usual demands for materIal In th-ese ~ '2l ~

....., Il!:!It!!I~~t!!ID:!f;yjt!!f~JW1IlJW.Ioilll!!~ days of changed educatIonal methods ~ LE. 5036 '2l ~.. where text book 15not as promInent In F2j i1 SEE THEM ~

"'6Jli!,1i!Il'JiiIJi11J011i''''JiIJli!Jiillii!f,JffilJiOJli!)ii1'@Ii1ljii!frm>Ili!lii!ffilffi!Iii!ffilffi!__ JiiIJi11Ii!r;;IIi1lIi1l~the class room as It was years ago ' .11!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I000000IlllOlro!fliilii1lli!l_"'Ij!f'!ljJJi,rgO!JOlJ~ at the !51~ Tne great masses of people who n-ever I'lFilJm!~ff'm~Jii!J~Jr1ffi!ffi!ffilfIi1JiilliiIJijJJijJI5!@ffi1fii!frilf'iilfiilr: ~

~ hefore so"ght "ut mform~tlOn In h- I ~lWARREN STUDIO ~~ brarles are now rea1Jzmg for the first ~ ~ 16711 E. Warren at Yorkshire ~

ItIme that lIbrary serVIce 15 one of ~ ~ Phone Tuxedo 2..2540 121government's first functIOns In MICh1~ @ "2! I Tn!J~l1!IMl!!ll!!l!l1fl!!l~l!!Jl!!la!lo!Il!!.rI:!!1I!lfl!!l~ll!Il!!rl!::Jc!fl!!l~.rl!!.l£I[!!!aui~Jmm!.'mJmJlWi2f~

OJ gan Mrs McClure pomted Ol>t The i Ii ~~"" "'"'\'lc"" ,..,.. '"'-"""'-"'- ..... ".,~ <v---"""'--"""'---i iZJ statp as well as local governmental = -i:j ~ : I:;."""'cr' ?:;frafif:Jl'" It ~l'J:JIlf.~Korte Grosse POI'nte Servl'ce IUnIts ouch as CltICSand counties, have ~ ~ ,

iJ mOl KerchevaIat S1. Clair th;I~~~cta~:~~e~~~~l~;t,;: ~:~~~~ i im A S is" 0P ATrID' • has InspIred the use of genealogl<:al ; "il

; /Niagara 0163 Lawrence W. Korte, Prop. lecord, m the state lIhrary People of ~i1S 3 7 'F_O ~OUI I",," r/J1!Bl!!Ib!J~I!!JI!lJi!!,f~~Jiib~..Ji1trmn!!JfWi!!f6l~-m!~l!! MIchIgan are rapIdly becomtng more ~ .itJ

----- ~.-----.- ------- ltke those of New England stateo; whoii!J-jJilJil.!iYfO!lli!Jli!rYffi!Jli!Iii!r"lii1frilJ~Iii!Ii1lJiilIi1lIi1lIi1lr;;Ir;;Il have h,gh regard for such records 1

1IDec. 21.22 CHRISTMAS Dec. 23.24 ThIS demand uoon the hbrams ",ll m- TUB' 2a"OOr44reRtO&td,sService~~~ 1t=L()W~12~ti()W ~:;:se as time PO"", Mrs MeClure ~

• People a"e better mformed todayBeautiful Flower., Plant. and Pottery than ever' before ThIS adds to their I 'iI

California Balsam Christmas Trees deSire to seek Informalion th..t Willhelp Tire and Battery Service ~~

Imake them better and more useful ~Wreaths and Roping 15317E J ff~ cItIzens The lIbraries herem play their i .e erson 1I~KIN ~':I~FofALQ~~ERS f!l Ml and Ms John Hombrook and i Willard Batteries 'i!l

~ thetr daughter, Hanna, formerly of ~ ~14522 E. Jefferso" Lenox, 0901 ~ East J efi ... on "enue, have moved to ; General Tire. ~,

J!'l1!!lll!ll!!llilll!lIj1lIO'~liilii1Ili!lo!fl!!ll!!lOllOlJlilJi!rii!rI!!l'1Iii1fi!fIilll!lI"'l"'filll_ll!l.JIilJi!J~~ Iroquo1s avenue 11!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!I1!!It!lrl'!JOJj<_I!!I.

!l!I!_W"~ll!!l!!J!!l!!J!!l!!I!!l'lI!Iflll!l!l!!Jl!J!!I!!l'!l!J!!l!I!!J!!l!!J!!l!!J!!l!!J!!l!!l!!l!!I!!I!W!l"lli!J!J!J!!l!!l!J!!l!I!!l!I!!l!l!1 • !!W!I!l!!W!W!W!W!OO!!W!W!W!W!W!W!W!I!!I! __ !OO!!W!W_!OO!!OO!II~ iTiliililijjjJjiJiJiifiliililiililiiTiIil. II .JliTiIiililiifiJiifiIiiJiTiililiiIiTiir.lii'iJiililiiTi1iiTi1iiIi1iiTi'iilGliiliTiir.liililiiIiTiitilililiiTll'iili1'iilifn1i1iiliJiililiiTiJiiJiJiiTi1iiTiTiiTiTiililiiTil'iililij1jfnlil'iiliTirijijimiiOOiililiiJiJi~

:-I:~I• '1= = ~


mi.iti I Box Chocolates!1( \25c to $5.00

I~Creams, Nuts, hard centersSchafft's, Cectle's••= = Lowney's, ete.•

~ 11!!l1!!l1!!l1!!l1!!l~g-I!!II!!I~~~ll!lO~

itij TOYS~I \,~ 1'1 _JIilJi!Ili!li!!I.Ji!)i!!Jli!!l!!lii1,,"'JOI"0m Christmas TreeIi': Decorationsj I~ Gift Wrappings








=;lect taxes at the' following places:\\

~ January 3,1938 Lochmoor Village, Municipal Hall,;i ' Mack Ave. Between Vernier and Anita.


January Ii~A;3~e~b~sRo~tnte Farms, Municipal 11

11I .,I.Taxes are payable anytime from Dec. 10 to Jan. 10, II~ wi~hqut penalty, at Municipal Building, Grosse ~IPOInte Park, 15115 E~st Jefferson--A!ter Jan. 10th to IIMarch Ist,'a penalty of4 per cent will be added. II ADOLPH L. DAMMAN, E Lea£h [)fua CV.E TownshipTr~asurer I, L~EPOINTE AT CHARLEVOIX

1!l!!l!I!L!!J!ll!!l!!W!I!!l!!l!I!!l!I!!I!!l!!l!I!!l!I!!.!J!!l!I!!I!l!_!l!I!!l!I!!I!!l!!I!!I!!l!I!!l!I!!l!I!""'-"'.I.I'!l!I!!l!I!lI!Ifll!l!!l'iIIlllllL!l!!l!I!!W!l!I!!OO!!l!I!!l!I!!I!l!!W_"",-,"",-,!I!!l!!l!I!!I!l!!l!I!!I!!l!!l!I!!OO!!OO!!I!!l!!I!!I!' I M81ll!!11ll!!1Il!!!1m_ ... b.......liliijiliiliJiiTiIiiJiJii1iliiTiIiililiiTiliiTiliiTi'1iiTiliiJiIiiiiJiiJiTiifiJiiIiliiTiIiiliIiiliTiiIiIiililiili1i, •• lililiiTiTil • II a.iTiIil. II lililiiJiliiOOl.iIiliiIiTii1'iIiiiiliifiliililiililiiJifiiTi1ii1iliiJiJiililiililiiliIiiliTiililiiIiTiiTiliiJiTj.! ~~.!!l~~~~~~~ _ _ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _,



Page 7: S THERE A SANT AI Goodfello~ COlDlDittee Police and ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · Pomt€' Goodfello \f, \' hC' arE' todT\ sf'll 16 papeI'S on the streets




Nt 1565

Page Seven

NI. 0152


-FlD~st Quality Meats

Ortolf & Verbrugge




898 St. Clair Ave.

HOSIERYLong wearing-because they fit so pertectlythat ther .. is no strain at any pOInt. From thesheerest chdfon to serVice weIghts Stockingsthat will give real satisfaction






A. C. J. Electric Co.


~~rnl~IIWJP'H,I 1/111/18. ''!!J_OJIl!JIl!JIl!JIl!JIl!JIl!JIl!JIl!J'!!Jll!Jl!!Jtillc.f_l!!rll!Joi:~

liIlllElRl,lRl,1l:' (CmrlRl,!l~'l1'lMUI.@ Best Wishes for IE~J7 A Merry Christmas



14801 E. Jefferson AveLenox I717 I


Select ModelsSmartly Designed


IJ~~MOOWOOe~~~~oo~~~~~~~~~~WMM~fr~ CHRISTMASI GREETINGS. - •

IiHenk-Garska Co.


fll~ 15224 E Jefferson Ave.~ Lenox 4554~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Nt 2154



Ybuthfulness is the keynote in the new fashions in frocks, with fabricsand gay color harmony designed to lend youth and beauty to the figure.It's a breath. takIng collection moderately priced.

Formals were never lovelier than thisseason. The graceful slim waistline,and many other charming achieve-ments of thE'designer's art.

G. Sanford KnuffFornler Mgr Hynes &: Murphy's

Grosse POinte Branch17000 Kercheval Ave.

at Notre Dame

Open Evenings Until Christmas

Village Woman's Shop17016Kercheval Ave. at Notre Dame



PrescYlphons FIlled Dehvery Servu:e

Many Have TaCIt RelIgionMany have a taCIt rehglOn whIch

they may not confess Its founda~tIon 1$ good WIll toward the humanrace

group annually awalds Alpha Chi keysto c.atr'pu" leaders at thIS dance


Beyer Candy StoreTOYS. CIGARS • CANDY


~.T110U irom the Juntor department

are MarVIn Weaver Shlrley Burkal1Robert King J\<>ncy Beard, Teddy\{u"'llfvrd CynthIa Vossler MurIel ParueJ1, Da\ld Allen Mary Amazeen R\.ls..ell K'lrn Robert l..1ffm \iI'S ,stanley\Veaver teacher

GIrL froIT' the JUlllor depallment Inhe a Jgel ",horus are Dorothy Dunn

\fargaret and Pauline Dorman Bevuly Brl,."Iwnell Glona Burkall andtleanor and Nenolr ~eff Dr \1 Luth~or ("an up teacher

The boys from thf'" IntermedIate de;Jartme<Jt who w111 dramatlze Comenon y Heart are Lloyd HamenHenry Roe:.c11 Mason Weaver, EdHamala.lllen Ross Herron Russell HIlllac1 \VlIson Thorlas Stuck JohnHanle) Rebert \r trp-hy Hugh andBruce Merhlenbat.hei \iarvlll FrankA.rthur Brownell Charles Gelhaar Orrln Flgley Rlchard McFarland aDd'- has o\mazaeen i\1r Henry Ste111barti"ac~crThe pa~ean~ wlil be gn en by the

Young People s class \irs R S Johnson teacher and by the Adult classianght by tfl John Fatnhardt ThosetakI'l.p' part ........reaCiers I:hzabeth Holma,! H.al'rlet Gelhaar The <:hepherds

and WIse men wdl be \Vl1ham Cal"up10hn ~arnhardt Call and WIlhamCruse Mrs Stanley Weaver Will repesent Mar 1 and Mr G C Mehlen-

t)j\cher wl1l represent Joseph SarahHenderson ,,111 represent the alll{el

There Will be the lighted ChT1~tn a~tree and the dI~trIbuhol1 of gifts to alll"1ernbers of 1M school

At 11.a n Dr Canup the pastorWJll preach on '\ Rich Gift for a Poor\Vorltt' You and your tamlly are cor~(hally mv ted to help to put Chnst Intohe Chllstm~s sea~on Mrs Albert h.

Vo"sler 111be at the plano


.. _--- .....----~--I !IiI!


SpeetahZlnl' 1ft Grou. POinte

I PropeJ;tl ••15308 Kercheval INIagara 8310_d 0 ~_

By MARY JANE STOETZELMr and Mrs Edgar B FhntJ of

Manderson roau, WIll spend Ohnst-mas: With Mrs FlInt s parents Mr ~ndMrs H L SpItler of Cleveland

•• *'3l"ven Groslle P01l1tr reSIdents fig

ured m new$- of the week at the ll1lver'SIty of DetrOIt as debates fraterllltyaffaIrs, and \\ omen s League partlelic.1almed attel1t10rl

Jeanne \forr1S daughter of Mr andMrs WI11nm Morns 1415 GraytonGro-He Pomte, a JunIor In the collegeof Commerce and Fmance was J'lamedo chaIrman of the orchestra commIt ..

4t'e [or the Women s League dance January 21

Henry ~ Peacock son of H W'Peacock, 1262 \Vhlttler Robert J Pfef~fer son of Mr and Mrs ClarencenfeHe! 832 Grand MaraiS and RobertT Wh1tt) , 1221 KensIngton are committee memben of the fourth annl1al

'If <\s!)embh Ball sponsored by AlpnaChI gepera1 Sot al fratermty The

~;;•I R. A.



NI. 8220




Christmas -Page~ntat Grosse Pointe

Lutheran ChurchThe world III wondetful ,tc.rv, t~e :Net ..

-IWlt) w 1Ibe draruattzed in \er.,e rC1d ..

lfig' <:Oi1g and pantom me at 'he Groh<:ePomte Lutllcran Church, WO"~hlPngill the ",udltonum of the RichardSchool Kercheval av~ntle artd McKmley road, St nday morning Dec~mbet26 .tt 9 4S 0'doC'k

Thol>e from the Begmnerll ~nd Prim-"lry Departments who wIll take part arf"l)onald Taylor, ClaIre Weavet BeverlyBurkall, Warren Herron, MarJorie Nt"l<;on Lary FIgley, Margaret WeaverJackie Taylor, Vv es'ey Frank MaryErIck l<loren<:e Harrow, Carroll Vas"..ler David Carr Barbara WrightPhylhs Frank Burt Hagermc.n, MaryDupn Robe ..t HIll, Margaret H01l0Vl3YRobert Elnck J 011\1 Amazeen1 Lorall (' 'Jorman JO~lO Hendren, Alft~d

H:.trro", Phvlhlll Cobb, Mrs Bern.trdW Cr ..o;e and Mrs E Nelson, teach ..

A Complete Selectionof Blooming Plants

Foliage andCut Flower.


$% 85 te $30.00


a L =================-

MARKET15225 Kercheval Ave.

at Beaconsfield

We Deliver

Gifts for Men

Fresh home dressedChlckcnsJ lb..

All Steak Hamburger Ib

Kent'. Sha'Vlftg Brush.Todet ShaVIng SetsRemington Rand ElectriC Shayer '-------- .....JEau de CologneFountain Pen.

City Wide Delivery Service


Say Lovely Things withGifts of Perfume




l'k Sausage, lh,


711 Claulc lau cte Cololn.$1.25,$4 3!

95.,$500 I95. to $UI


CHRISTMAS SPECIALShome dressed 3ScfS, 1&

~~~~~~ION 4H ~~~:ON BEEF

- ~ ---,'------/~--~ __ c_~ -~

j I~ason'sGreetings

----.,,"---"'-, New and Unusual TableI Greens ~d Wreaths Decorations Designedfor yo r,letide qeeoration. Especially for the~ Holideys


1453~ffel!"son~ard !Blvd

----------, Most recent c;-reabo.ns by old r-----------,king, Schl&parelh $27;0 maders and enchanting new Blue Gra.. -ElIzabeth Ardenomptu, Lelong $1500-$2500 fragrance. by experts of f• .Juol' $3 75..$30flUlege:, LeGallIon $500 $150(1 and many others glft~wortby and Shanghai, Lenthenc $5.00..$25 8G.h Cancan-Caron $7 OO~$20'OO delIghtful Indllcret, LeloJiI' .$200-$60 OU

-. d. R... ,n •• c.ron Gl"ft Compacts Joy, J.an Pat.u "$18 00.$3Ue$8 00..$1400..$3000 Mome.!lt Supreme, Jean Patou

Frou Cardenaa, Mary Unusually smart and richly de" $5.00~$23"lull $~00, $1000, $18or .llned compacts that find a plaell' Colony, Jean Patouers of Devonshire-Mary In every woman's heart and D~ $7.50-$1400-$2s.o0nhtll $600-$10no A 'WIdeulectlon to choose fron: Presence, Hauln.ant $1000....16 tieIe Veni:-GuerlaJn and priced from $100 to $-1500. .EmeraDO, Coty $100-$' 00

$1000-$2000 I t d P t't S~eet Brl&r, L~'A1"da.pabon, Lonthe... mpor eel $100.$200-$3.56

$3500.$6000 Point Compacts Swedi.h While Carnati.n, Retad, Lentherlc $4 OO~$.zz,Sll Imported peht pOint compacb Tflnoen $I OO.$ZZ.s&-- ...J and cigarette cales Rich dealJ'n... ... -, ,'

heautlfuJly made $400 to $3000

~THUR L. PASELK, FloristPunch & Judy Theatre Bldg.

ly combmation gIft sets by Helena Rubmstein, Elizabeth Arden, Dorothy Gray, Marie• Luxurious cosmetic fitted b..auty cases for travel .... week.end, $5.00 to $1500. Gift..d with luxury from these famous houses always thrill and please.

Elizabeth Arden Evening Bags $nip to $75.00Rubinstein Evening Bags $15.00 to $21.50Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass Cologne $2.00 to $10.00Rubinstein Town and Country Cologne $4.25 to $5.00

;CtlETTLER'SGifts of Glamour


----------. To •• rve you wen at Chr"tma, KENT HAIR BRUSHEStfer's Candy_A Chrl.tma, tun" I. our deSire and purpose No hrulh can quit. compare WltL.

$125 and $'" a pound At our ,tore. you Will find mer- h t I' f KiN t • I'IIU er qua It,. 0 ent2~lbI 3..11. and S..lh. bo¥~. chanchse of quahty and value A_________ -! $hort .hoPPlng Vilit will conVIDCe $350 to $5000you '--- J



Page 8: S THERE A SANT AI Goodfello~ COlDlDittee Police and ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · Pomt€' Goodfello \f, \' hC' arE' todT\ sf'll 16 papeI'S on the streets

for a


FOR LADIWaffle IronsToastersElectrical Apphanc".Vacuum Cleaners

Many useful ite

GunsGolf SetsKnivpsWatchesToolsMany useful and inex


beat!... .....g the... lba aThe seatmg arrange e

bassadors at publIc funchcordmg to pre"Cedenc~tthe length of serVIce- av th

- -


H. Buckeridge &Plumbmg and Heat,"

15108 Kercheval Av1Lenox Z3ZZ


See the STAR and a complete new ltne

of Gruen Watches at our Siore NOW

~~{,>'t'*: ~a.J. t=f)VSTf

2 STORES TO SERVE YOUJeweler • Optometrist. Optician

Repairs on Glasse& While You Wait



DIAMOND ART GLASS STUDlt)Kercheval Ave at Fisc"er Leilo


Eastsld~'a Most Comple~eHardware

16915 E. Jefferson Ave.NI. 44Z0

Julius Nagel, ManagerSuitable GIfts for Every Member

of the Famdy

13928E. JeffersonLenox S548 ,,'"


Nov£lties to bring joy toheart of any girl

For Girls

Visit Grosse Pointe's

• You'll have to see these extipng new GRUENSTAR watches-created by Gruen to match thechann of the mumtable Shella Banjett - before ypucan really appreciare theIr unusJaJ beauty And"charm" IS the word that WIllflaJ, !Dto your nundthe moment you set eyes on these damty, anstocraticnew watches A vanety of models, prIced to meetthe reqUIrementsof your budget.


BicyclesVelocipedesSkatesBuddy L. TrainsLionel Electric TrainsSledsHundreds of Toys and other

suitable GIfts

Grosse Pointe G\~~Hardware

\A.. V,nce, of the k'lrst Prerb)terlanChurc1 read the marr agf &'l..fVICe at3 30 0 clock 111 the presence Qtf~thelr 1m

mediate faITlly


Best Wishes for

Merry Christmasand a

Happy New Year

Cleaners & DyersMack at Nottingham


Anne Floren~e :McDonald Sl.gter OtDr D Fraser McDonald, of Blrnungham, was marned to Wilham A CMiller, II~ son of Mr and Mr-s RBoyer Mlller, of Pro\encal road, TuesdaYt De.cember 14, tn". the McDonald shome on Aspen road 'Dhe Rev JRS~~h

Dq You Know?'(ContInued from Page \One)

house fpr the pI eventIo11 of duphcatlOn of aId After a thoroughmveshgatlOn the cases are turnedover to the proper authontlcsBecause of the pride and mterestof the members of the Club morethan comrron care 1<; used 1U theexpendIture of the money, <:octhat the gl eatest amount of goodIS accomphsned ;;lth the fundsaVallable

Although a few Chnstmas baskets are gwen out the Club doe'not ,\ Ish to carryon an extenSlVe basket program 1hey conSIder It more adVIsable to continuea welfare program throughoutthe }car and render ImmedIaterehef to those famlhes m dls-trc&sed ctrcumsta~ces Dunngthe summer mO'1ths approxImately.100 chIldren are sent to camp

The membershIp of the LlOn,Club l~ made up of busmess exec-Itttve and professional membel Sof tohe val10US mUUlCIpalItIes 111

the TownshIp None of the mon.vcollected IS used for expenses oroperatlOn of the Club The entIreamount of the returns IS used entlrely for rehef work

Norbert Denk, chairman of theGoodfellow dnve, says that "Allthose who WIsh to gIve furtrermoney for thIS worthy cause maladdress their checks to the secre-tary of the LIOns Club"

and the

wish". the 1:'eaders of the

Grosse Pointe Review

A Merry Christmas

Happiest New Year

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Alger, Jr.

Is There a Santa Claus?(ContIOued from Page One)

lx>oy can conceIVe or Imagme all thewonders there are un.seen and unseeal:lle In the world

You tear apart the babys rattle ao<l,:,ee what makes the nOlse lUslde, bu"there IS a veIl covC\t'mg the unseenworld whlcr not the strongest mannor even the u111terd strength of all thestrongest men +hat ever hved could tearapart Onl)'r falth fancy, poetry loveromance can push Nlde that curtammd vIew and picture the superna1beauty and glory beyond Is It all real;lAh 'Vlrg ma, In aU thIS world there ISnot! 109 else real and abld111g

No Santa ClaU!~1 Thank God' hehves and he hves forever A th6usartd) ears from now, Vlrglma, llay, tentURes ten thousand years from now hew1fl cont1l1ue to make g1ad t1ie heartof ehl1dhood

I e+al1er or ""holesaler ,.t 1::> called llu~e

nd occupancy or busmess mtet'nlP~hen tnsurance If a manufacturer ra~to ('urtau 01 cease operattons becattsf>of nablhty to gf't matf'fldl or powerur to <-hlP hll> finished product on acrOUllt at fire damagml{ the property ofl)s ~uppher or purch ...ser he should1 avf' contlllgent use and occupanc)'nsurancc If Jperatlons must cont11'lue

regar i1e;)<; of cost extra expense 01'

can ract rst..ra'1ce should be carr edLoss of ptofit~ all ~tock of filllsred:o.eao;onal goods destro) ed by fire whIle1 pOS"CS!>10110"" manufactUl er may b'"

Insured by neat 5 ( f profits insuranceA landlord should carr) rtnt dud/or

ren al \alue msur",nt.c to protect hlm~elf fr m loss of rents and/or rental

,alue (If tl e property IS occupied byh mself( for the penod of bme thep o'1prty s ref <irrcd untentable Dy fire

A tenant ho dmg a favorable lease.:.hOlla be p otected WIth leasehold tn

tJrance fer the difference between themarket rental vall.le and the rent an<1ental expenses reqUited by the- lease

dS the fire clause in the lease per:Huts t~e landlord to cancel the teasen eve'1t fire destro) ~ Zi 50 or (5 per-cent of the buddmg The necesllltyfor lea.:.el'old 1Usurance 1lr1ses whe.n theground value h..s mcreased because oflocatll n or when the value of the buIldllig has been Increased because of ad ..Q.1ttQnS,new fronts atf' condltlonIngeqmpment, and so forth, made or m-'ltal1l"d by the tenant

_1i'J"Jii!Ii!Jii!li'li'li'illii'Ii'I","'Ii'i'Ii''i'li'illli'fiillillfiilfiilfiilli'li'li'li'fiilli'Jl1IiiIli'li'li'fiilfiilfiilfiilfiilfiilfiilfiill~I SEASON'S GRJ::ETINGS ~

I from Grosse Pointe's New II --ROBBINS - ~I SELECT HAMBURGERS ~ol "'-Iiil BUTTER FRIED @j


~ Kercheval and Marylnnd '!Jn ~~ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ~J =lclJo!1o!1clJo!1!!JclJclJi!!JI'Jo!1O!1o!1o!1;Ui!!rclJli!fo!1;UIi!fU!I~IOL;r~liiJro!ll!!f.J;Uo!1i!Jrll!l;;Jl!1I!!il!!lo!1i!Jr__ ti!IO!I!!fl!!fo!1i!li!fO!lli!

~i.Ji!ro!relr.Ji!l.li!Jli!ffil.rr;m_1i!Ji'IOffil 'i!re!1


Wishing You @

I~ ~A Merry Christmas I

j;) end a @~ I~ Happy New Year ~i Pointe Royale Casino i• 15301 E. Jefferson at Beaconsfield I~clJo!1clJclJo!1~clJo!Il!!fo!lclJclJclJo!1o!1clJo!1o!1clJclJ~o!1o!1clJclJ~lI!l.~l!!fo!l;;J~o!I~~o!1o!1o!1~O!IO!IclJ"'o!1l1!lU!I~l!!f~


'lsse-t.,There are varIOUS k1l1ds of loss of

use mt.urance For the manufactu"er

TU 2.2«0


17037 Kerch ... J A....

Phon... I'll. &500-&501


pen~es and 'the Joss ~£ thetr net pr~fJts.An lUveshgatlon by the R G Dun &

Company of the credit history of onehundred merchants- and manufacturer ....over a perlod of several years before'lld aft er each had a fire ~howed that43 per Cf"l1t did not resume busmes".tfter the firt. and that the credit ratm~of 11 per cent WR<: lmpair-ed If all atthese firms had carried loss of usensurance contlUumg e"Cpenses would

not hi\ve leeched them of their hqUI(l




1611'l:}Maek Avenue15222 E. Jeffer&OD Ave

15229 Kercheval Avenue

344 Rivard Blvd.17215 Mack AVeDu,e


1010 LAFAYETTE BLDG.Phon!! CAdilloc 0466

Pa e 1;!~




This Space Reservedfor KROGERS


In 1-1s au oblOgraphy The I)tory Ot

My Llfe I Luc en C:llvln v\ arncr thr::founder of "Varner Brothers Companycor"'et manufacturers state::. Soon< ftel t1115 c'11argeme 1t was tompletf'dOn '3eptembcr 6, 1902 tre nam factorytook fire ane. "'os completely destroyed" '" * Most of the direct loss was covcreel by Insurance but SIX months b 1<:,1

nes~ \ as lost and the expenses ran onJust the same Los~ of u"'e Insurance"QLld have ndem 1 fied Warnf'T BrothelS Camnan, for their contlnU1T'g e-e


